BARBARA SHERWOOD LOLLAR, F.R.S.C. CURRICULUM VITAE A. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION 22 Russell St. Department of Earth Sciences University of Toronto Toronto, Ont. M5S 3B1 Tel: (416) 978-0770 Fax: (416) 978-3938 email:
[email protected] Citizenship: Canadian Languages: English, French 2. DEGREES 1985: B.A. (Honours - Geological Sciences) Summa cum laude Harvard University 1990: Ph.D. (Earth Sciences) University of Waterloo THESES: Sherwood Lollar, B., 1990. Origins and Implications of Methane in the Crystalline Environment - the Canadian and Fennoscandian Shields, Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 402 p. Sherwood, B.A., 1985. Phosphorus in Foraminiferal Sediments from North Atlantic Ridge Cores, Bachelor's thesis, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 51 p. 3. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2010 to present University Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences and Director, Stable Isotope Laboratory Canada Research Chair in Isotopes of the Earth and Environment 2001-2010 Professor, Dept. of Geology and Director, Stable Isotope Laboratory 1996-2001 Associate Professor, Dept. of Geology and Director, Stable Isotope Laboratory 1996 Awarded Tenure 1995 Appointed to the Graduate Faculty - School of Graduate Studies 1992-1996 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geology and Director, Stable Isotope Laboratory University of Toronto 1990-92 NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, U.K. SCOPUS h index = 35. Jan. 2, 2014. As per Advanced Search under AUTHOR-NAME (Lollar, B.S.) or AUTHOR-NAME (Sherwood Lollar, B.) 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Director of the Stable Isotope Laboratory, and faculty member in Department of Geology (now Earth Sciences) since 1992, B.