Vol. 47 • No. 4 September 2020 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Research Competition Winner: Humming and Singing While Playing Interview with Derek Bermel Nicolas Bacri’s Ophelia’s Tears The Quarter-Tone MARIAM ADAM Extended Clarinet & BERGINALD RASH THE CLARINETISTS OF CHINEKE! TO DESIGN OUR NEW CLARINET MOUTHPIECE WE HAD TO GO TO MILAN “I am so happy to play the Chedeville Umbra because it is so sweet, dark, so full of colors like when you listen to Pavarotti. You have absolutely all kind of harmonics, you don’t have to force or push, and the vibration of the reed, the mouthpiece, the material, it’s connected with my heart.” Milan Rericha – International Soloist, Co-founder RZ Clarinets The New Chedeville Umbra Clarinet Mouthpiece Our new Umbra Bb Clarinet Mouthpiece creates a beautiful dark sound full of rich colors. Darker in sound color than our Elite model, it also has less resistance, a combination that is seldom found in a clarinet mouthpiece. Because it doesn’t add resistance, you will have no limits in dynamics, colors or articulation. Each mouthpiece is handcrafted at our factory in Savannah Georgia Life Without Limits through a combination of new world technology and old world craftsmanship, and to the highest standards of excellence. Chedeville.com President’sThe EDITOR Rachel Yoder
[email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dear ICA Members, Jessica Harrie
[email protected] hope everyone is remaining safe and healthy during the EDITORIAL BOARD COVID-19 pandemic. Although the pandemic has changed Mitchell Estrin, Heike Fricke, Denise Gainey, our lives in ways we could not have imagined just a short Jessica Harrie, Rachel Yoder time ago, inspiring musical and technological creativity is keeping us all connected.