
676 Thorax 1994;49:676-683 Characterisation of an oxidative response inhibitor produced by Streptococcus pneumoniae Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.7.676 on 1 July 1994. Downloaded from

F E Perry, C J Elson, T J Mitchell, P W Andrew, J R Catterall

Abstract hospital' with an overall mortality of 5_13%,2 Background - Pneumonia caused by whilst meningitis caused by Str pneumoniae with Streptococcus pneumo- carries a mortality of 30%.' Furthermore, the niae is still a major clinical problem. worldwide increase in penicillin resistance and contribute to the multiple antibiotic resistance among pneumo- killing of these by polymorpho- cocci,7 and the limited use of pneumococcal nuclear leucocytes (PMNs). Defence vaccine,8 suggest that pneumococcal infection mechanisms of Str pneumoniae which may cause increasing morbidity and mortality counter reactive oxygen species are char- in future years. acterised. In the host's defence against Str pneumoniae Methods - PMNs were stimulated with killing by has a key role.9'0 The phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) in the mechanism of killing is incompletely under- presence and absence of Str pneumoniae stood, but there is evidence that, as with the and supernatants from them, and super- killing of many other microorganisms,"-"3 the oxide (02 ) production was measured by release of oxygen species by phagocytes is the reduction of ferricytochrome c. important. For example, Str pneumoniae is Results - Streptococcus pneumoniae, but killed by reactive oxygen species;'415 poly- not Klebsiella pneumoniae or Staphylo- morphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) incubated coccus aureus, inhibited PMA stimulated anaerobically have a diminished capacity to kill production by PMNs. Washed Str pneumoniae," and Str pneumoniae can PMNs which had been preincubated with stimulate PMNs to release superoxide under Str pneumoniae autolysis phase super- certain conditions.'718 Recent studies in our natants also exhibited depressed H202 laboratories, however, have shown that Str production in response to PMA. The inhi- pneumoniae in suspension are able to interfere bitory activity was not attributable to with the oxidative burst of PMNs.19 They non-specific cytotoxicity as assessed by inhibit both spontaneous superoxide produc- http://thorax.bmj.com/ release ofthe cytoplasmic enzyme lactate tion by PMNs and the respiratory burst stimu- dehydrogenase, nor did the supernatants lated by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). inhibit PMA stimulated degranulation of The effect is associated with no change in PMNs. Fractionation of the autolysis viability of the PMNs (assessed by trypan blue phase supernatants revealed inhibitory exclusion), and is evident within 15 minutes of activity in both the fractions greater than adding the organism. The inhibitory activity is and less than 10 kD. Like pneumolysin the exhibited by intact organisms in the logarith-

inhibitory activity was heat sensitive. mic phase of growth and is released on autoly- on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. However, both a parent and pneumolysin sis. Inhibition is dependent on both the dose negative mutant Str pneumoniae, and and viability of the bacteria and was demon- autolysis phase supernatants from them, strated for two different serotypes which are inhibited PMN superoxide production. among the major causative organisms of ser- Department of ious . Given the cen- Pathology and Antisera to pneumolysin failed to pneumococcal Microbiology, abrogate the inhibitory effect of intact tral role of phagocytes in the host's defence University of Bristol Str pneumoniae or autolysis phase against Str pneumoniae, and the importance of F E Perry supernatants from types 1 or 14 Strpneu- reactive oxygen species in the killing of bac- C J Elson moniae. teria by phagocytes, this inhibitory activity Department of Conclusions - The inhibitory effect of Str may be an important defence mechanism of Immunology and pneumoniae on the respiratory burst of Str pneumoniae. Department of was to Microbiology, PMNs is not shared by two other com- The purpose of the current work (1) University of mon lung . The existence of a determine whether the inhibitory activity was Leicester novel inhibitor of the PMN respiratory specific to Str pneumoniae and to the respira- T J Mitchell burst, distinct from pneumolysin, has tory burst, and (2) to characterise the activity P W Andrew been demonstrated. The inhibitor is further. Since pneumolysin (a toxin released Respiratory specific for the respiratory burst and is on autolysis of Str pneumoniae) also has been Department, Bristol in the of shown to inhibit the respiratory burst of Royal Infirmary, active both logarithmic phase Bristol BS2 8HW growth and during autolysis. PMNs,20 we were particularly interested to J R Catterall determine whether the inhibitory activity that could be accounted for Reprint requests to: (Thorax 1994;49:676-683) we have observed by Dr J R Catterall. pneumolysin. Two approaches were taken: the Received 23 March 1993 Despite antibiotics, infections caused by ability of a pneumolysin negative strain of Str Returned to authors to cause a to inhibit the respiratory burst was 13 August 1993 Streptococcus pneumoniae continue pneumoniae Revised version received high morbidity and mortality. Pneumococcal investigated and the effect of antipneumolysin 16 March 1994 serum on the of Str pneumo- Accepted for publication pneumonia, for example, is the most common inhibitory activity 21 March 1994 form of community acquired pneumonia in niae was assessed. Characterisation of an oxidative response inhibitor produced by Streptococcus pneumoniae 677 Methods with 10 kD cut off membranes at 110 g for STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE three hours. The > 10 kD material retained in Encapsulated types 1 and 14 Str pneumoniae the filter cup was resuspended to the original were obtained from patients with bacteraemic volume in Todd-Hewitt broth. pneumococcal pneumonia. The pneumolysin Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.7.676 on 1 July 1994. Downloaded from negative Str pneumoniae was a mutant of sero- type 2 which had been constructed previously POLYMORPHONUCLEAR LEUCOCYTES by disrupting the gene encoding pneumolysin Peripheral blood was collected from healthy by insertion-duplication mutagenesis.2' The volunteers attending the outpatients depart- bacteria were stored in 1 ml aliquots at - 70°C. ment (mainly for elective surgery) at Bristol Before use, thawed Str pneumoniae was grown Royal Infirmary. Blood was obtained by vene- in Todd-Hewitt broth with 10% (v/v) new puncture and collected in 3-8% (w/v) sodium born calf serum for 3-4 hours so that the citrate. In each experiment blood from one organisms were in the logarithmic phase of donor was used. PMNs were isolated by dex- growth (log phase organisms). The bacteria tran sedimentation followed by centrifugation were collected by centrifugation at 2200g for through Percoll (Sigma) using a modification 10 minutes, washed twice, resuspended in of the method of Dooley et al.23 The cells phosphate buffered saline (PBS), and adjusted obtained were washed and resuspended in to 10 x 107/ml. The total bacterial count was PBS with 4% citrate at 4 x 106/ml. Ethical determined with a Helber chamber and the approval for obtaining blood from healthy viable count assessed by serial dilution and volunteers was provided by the ethical com- plating onto blood agar, using the method of mittee of the Bristol and Weston Health Miles and Misra.22 In some experiments Str Authority. pneumoniae was used which had been grown for 18-24 hours, by which time the organisms had undergone autolysis (autolysis phase). REAGENTS Ferricytochrome c (type III), superoxide dis- mutase (SOD, type I, 300 U/mg protein), KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE AND phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), phenol STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS red, horseradish , cytochalasin b Clinical isolates of K pneumoniae and Staph (1 mg/ml in DMSO) and Triton X-100 were aureus were obtained from the Bacteriology obtained from Sigma (Poole, Dorset, UK). Laboratory, Bristol Royal Infirmary. They The PMA was dissolved in DMSO at 1 mg/ml were stored and prepared as for Str pneumo- and stored in 10 jl aliquots at - 20°C. The niae, using nutrient broth as the culture cytochrome c and SOD were dissolved in PBS

medium. citrate, either made fresh on the day of the http://thorax.bmj.com/ experiment or stored at - 20°C.

PREPARATION OF CULTURE SUPERNATANTS The supernatant from the first centrifugation SUPEROXIDE DETECTION of the bacterial culture was retained for use in The amount of superoxide (02-) released by some experiments. As appropriate to the ex- PMNs either spontaneously or in response to periment, the supernatants were treated in the PMA or Str pneumoniae was measured by the ways. following microassay of Pick and Mizel24 which uses on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. SOD inhibitable reduction of ferricytochrome c. The reaction mixture (100 VI) consisted of Filtration 160 jmol/l cytochrome c, 1 x 105 PMNs, and Sterilisation of bacterial culture supernatants the appropriate stimulus (Str pneumoniae or was achieved by filtration through a 022pm 1 pg/ml PMA), with or without 300 U/ml filter (Millipore). SOD. Six or eight replicates of each condition were set up in vertical rows of a 96-well flat bottomed tissue culture plate (Nunc, Den- Heat treatment mark). The plate was covered and placed in a Culture supernatants were heat treated by humidified incubator gassed with 95% air and incubation in a water bath at 60°C for 30 5% carbon dioxide for 90 minutes. The plate minutes. was then read on a Multiskan MCC/340 plate reader (Titertek) fitted with a 550 nm wave- length interference filter. The amount of Dialysis superoxide produced per well was calculated Dialysis of supernatants (3-5 ml) was carried from the formula24: out in Visking tubing with a molecular weight cut off of 10 kD against 500 ml Todd-Hewitt broth overnight at 4°C and again for four hours nmoles 02- per well at room temperature with a magnetic stirrer _ (absorbance at 550 nm x 100) against 500 ml fresh Todd-Hewitt broth. 6 51

Fractionation DETECTION Culture supernatants were separated into high Hydrogen peroxide production by PMNs was and low molecular weight fractions by centri- measured by hydrogen peroxide dependent fugation in Millipore Ultrafree-MC filters reduction of phenol red by horseradish peroxi- 678 Perry, Elson, Mitchell, Andrew, Catterall

dase. Phenol red solution was prepared using Doubling dilutions of recombinant pneumoly- 4-64 ml Hank's balanced salt solution + 4% sin, Str pneumoniae culture, or autolysis super- (w/v) bovine serum albumin: 0-09 ml 28 mmol/l natants were prepared and incubated with or

phenol red: 0 07 ml 12 mg/ml horseradish per- without 1:100 antipneumolysin serum for one Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.7.676 on 1 July 1994. Downloaded from oxidase. Phenol red solution, 0 5 ml, was com- hour at room temperature. Fresh sheep red bined with 106 PMNs and PMA in replicate blood cells (2% v/v) were added and the plate wells of a 24-well plate (final volume 1 ml). incubated for 30 minutes at 37°C. The plate was The mixtures were incubated for 30 minutes at then centrifuged for two minutes at 1lOg and 37°C and the reaction terminated by the addi- 50 gl of the supernatant was transferred to a 96- tion of 0-01 ml IN NaOH. The plates were well flat bottomed plate. Absorbance was read centrifuged at 110 g for five minutes to remove at 550 nm and the values obtained expressed as the PMNs and the supernatants transferred to a percentage of total haemolysis measured in 1 ml cuvettes. The absorbance of the solutions sheep red blood cells lysed with distilled water. was measured at 610 nm and the data con- The pH of autolysis supernatants was adjusted verted to nanomoles of hydrogen peroxide by to 7-0-7-2 for use in the haemolysis assays since means of a standard curve which was estab- preliminary experiments had shown that non- lished for each experiment. pH adjusted supernatants which were 5-3-6-4 had some lytic activity when mixed 1:1 with DEGRANULATION ASSAY sheep red blood cells (27-8% (6-3%) haemo- = degranulation was measured by lysis, n 10), which in only five samples was assaying for the azurophil enzyme myeloper- partially reduced by antipneumolysin oxidase. were pretreated with rabbit serum (17-8% (4-8%) haemolysis) and which was lost (2-7% (2 1%) haemolysis, cytochalasin b (20 pg/ml) for 10 minutes at room temperature, then incubated (at 106/ml), n = 10) when the supernatants were first diluted with an equal volume of PBS to give the same either alone or with PMA (1 gg/ml), or Str pneumoniae autolysis phase supernatants (final concentration as used in the superoxide assay. concentration 1/4 v/v), or both, for 60 minutes These results suggested that the haemolysis at 37°C. activity in the PMN caused by non-pH adjusted supernatants was supernatants was measured using an adap- due to their acidity. tation of the method of Suzuki et al15 utilising 3,3',5,5' tetramethyl benzidine (TMB). Tripli- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS cate aliquots (150 VI) of the supernatant to be Each experiment had either six or eight repli- assayed were added to the assay substrate cates per condition. For comparisons between (20 mmol/l TMB (50 ptl), 0 03% hydrogen experiments the mean value of the replicates peroxide (v/v, 20 VIl), 0 01 mmol/I sodium acet- was used. Results are expressed as the mean http://thorax.bmj.com/ ate buffer pH 5 2 (50 pl) and 150 pl PBS) and (SD) of the combined experiments. Unless incubated for exactly five minutes. The reac- otherwise stated, the paired t test was used to tion was terminated by placing the reagents on assess differences between means, p < 0 05 ice. PBS, 1 ml, was added and the absorbance being considered significant. at 655 nm measured against a substrate blank in a Shimadzu spectrophotometer. Enzyme release was expressed as a percentage of the Results

maximum releasable. This was determined by OXIDATIVE RESPONSES OF PMNS TO DIFFERENT on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. lysing PMNs with 0-05% Triton X-100 for RESPIRATORY PATHOGENS two minutes. The results of incubating PMNs with either washed log phase Str pneumoniae (type 1), LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE ASSAY Klebsiella pneumoniae, or Staphylococcus aureus Release of the cytoplasmic enzyme lactate at a PMN:bacteria ratio of 1:20 in the presence dehydrogenase (LDH) was used as a marker of of 10% pooled human serum are shown in death. The amount of LDH in the super- fig 1. Streptococcus pneumoniae reduced the natants of PMNs (106/ml) incubated either amount of spontaneous superoxide detected as alone, with Str pneumoniae autolysis phase previously reported.19 By contrast, in each of supernatants (final concentration 1/4 v/v), or five experiments both K pneumoniae and Staph with 0-05% Triton X-100 for 90 minutes at aurens stimulated release of superoxide. It 370C was assayed using a standard kit (Sigma). should be noted that the experiments with Str Spectrophotometric absorbance data were pneumoniae were performed at different times converted to Berga-Broida (BB) units of LDH from those with the other organisms, account- activity by means of a standard curve. ing for the difference in spontaneous super- oxide release. Further experiments were set up to determine whether K pneumoniae and Staph PNEUMOLYSIN AND ANTIPNEUMOLYSIN SERUM aureus are able to inhibit PMA stimulated Recombinant pneumolysin, 62' normal rabbit superoxide production. The results are pre- serum, and antipneumolysin rabbit serum sented in fig 2 and show that, in sharp contrast were prepared as described elsewhere.27 to Str pneumoniae, neither K pneumoniae nor Staph aureus interfered with the respiratory SHEEP RED BLOOD CELL HAEMOLYSIS ASSAY burst of PMNs. In order to measure the amount of pneumolysin present in Str pneumoniae log phase cultures SPECIFICITY OF THE INHIBITOR and autolysis phase supematants, an adaptation We have previously shown that the inhibitory of the method of Steinfort et all8 was used. activity of Str pneumoniae is not the result of Characterisation of an oxidative response inhibitor produced by Streptococcus pneumoniae 679

2.0 r- To assess whether Str pneumoniae autolysis p < 0.01 p < 0-05 p<0.05 phase supernatants inhibited or affected other Inhibition Stimulation Stimulation PMN functions their effect on PMN degranu- lation was investigated. The results are shown in table 1 and demonstrate that the superna- Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.7.676 on 1 July 1994. Downloaded from 1.5 H tants did not inhibit PMA stimulated myelo- peroxidase release but, rather, significantly 0 enhanced it. This finding raised the possibility C I that the supernatants were stimulating PMN zE I degranulation. PMNs incubated with autolysis 0 1.0 H a) phase supernatants, however, did not release 'a x significantly more myeloperoxidase than PMNs incubated alone. cn 0.5; I I INHIBITION OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE PRODUCTION BY STR PNEUMONIAE To reinforce the conclusion that Str pneumo- niae inhibited the respiratory burst of PMNs, 0 ~~n the release of a second product, hydrogen PMNs PMNs + PMNs PMNs + PMNs PMNs + peroxide, was measured. PMN suspensions alone Str alone K pneumoniae alone Staph were preincubated with either Todd-Hewitt pneumoniae broth or pH adjusted (pH 7-2) autolysis phase Figure I Oxidative response ofpolymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) t,o log phase supernatants (at a volume:volume ratio of 1) Str pneumoniae, K pneumoniae, and Staph aureus in the presence of 10% pooled for one hour at 37°C and washed twice in PBS human serum. Results are mean (SD) offive experiments. before stimulation with PMA. After 30 minutes hydrogen peroxide production was measured. PMNs preincubated with autolysis 6 phase supernatants generated significantly less p < 0.01 NS NS hydrogen peroxide in response to PMA than control PMNs preincubated with Todd-Hew- 5 itt broth: PMNs + Todd-Hewitt broth 28-59 - (2- 11) nmol hydrogen peroxide/30 minutes, T T PMNs + autolysis phase supernatant 17 02 E 4 T T (8 02) nmol hydrogen peroxide/30 minutes, 0 n= 3, p < 0 05. The viability of the PMNs in http://thorax.bmj.com/ these experiments was 96-98% as judged by E trypan blue exclusion. c 3 a)0 CHARACTERISATION OF THE RESPIRATORY BURST 0. 2 INHIBITOR PRODUCED BY STR PNEUMONIAE to We have previously reported'9 that the inhibi- tory activity of Str pneumoniae is associated on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. with washed organisms in the logarithmic phase of growth and is not released into the log phase supernatant, but that it is released into the culture supernatant during autolysis. As a PMA PMA + PMA PMA + PMA PMA + first step in characterising the inhibitory activ- Str K pneumoniae Staph ity its heat sensitivity was investigated. In four pneumoniae aureus experiments autolysis phase supernatants Figure 2 Effect of log phase Str pneumoniae, K pneumoniae, and Staph aureus on heated for 30 minutes at 60°C lost their ability phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulateci superoxide production by to inhibit PMA stimulated superoxide produc- polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs). Restults are mean (SD) offive experiments. tion: PMNs + PMA + Todd-Hewitt broth (control) 4-52 (0-64) nmol 02-/10 PMNs/90 minutes, PMNs + PMA + untreated autolysis supernatant 1 51 (1 *11) nmol 02 -/105 PMNs/ 90 minutes (p < 001), PMNs + PMA + heat non-specifi c toxicity towards PMNs as treated autolysis supernatant 4-33 (0 89) nmol assessed b5y trypan blue exclusion.'9 As an 02-/1O5 PMNs/90 minutes. Filtered superna- additional itest of PMN viability, the more tants from the autolysis phase of growth were sensitive mlethod of lactate dehydrogenase re- then dialysed (exclusion pore size 10 000 mo- lease was ennployed. PMNs incubated with Str lecular weight) and their ability to inhibit pneumoniae autolysis phase supernatants PMA stimulated superoxide compared with released no more lactate dehydrogenase than that of non-dialysed supernatants. In four ex- PMNs incubated alone: PMNs alone, 418 (92) periments the amount of superoxide detected BB units LIDH/90 minutes; PMNs + autolysis was as follows: (a) PMNs + PMA 4 71 (0-43); phase super *natant, 402 (83) BB units LDH/90 (b) PMNs + PMA + autolysis supernatant 3 21 minutes; lyssed PMNs (total LDH), 1220 (115) (049); (c) PMNs + PMA+ dialysed super- BB units LIDH/90 minutes, n =7. natant 3-82 (0-34) nmol 02-/105 PMNs/90 680 Perry, Elson, Mitchell, Andrew, Catterall Table 1 Effect of Streptococcus pneumoniae autolysis phase supernatants on the minutes. Thus, whilst dialysis significantly degranulation response ofpolymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) reduced the inhibitory activity of the superna- Myeloperoxidase released tant (p < 005, c v b), dialysed supernatants n (% of total) p

still possessed significant inhibitory activity Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.7.676 on 1 July 1994. Downloaded from PMNs+PMA 7 27 5% (18.2%) (p < 0 05, c v a). This result suggests that there PMNs + PMA + supernatant 6400% (170%) 005 PMNs alone 6 177% (1 7%) is a fraction of molecular weight > 10 kD with PMNs + supernatant 3 0% (2 4%) NS inhibitory activity and possibly another with < 10 PMN = polymorphonuclear leucocyte; PMA = phorbol myristate acetate. molecular weight kD. Since hydrogen peroxide produced by Str pneumoniae can reoxidise cytochrome c and thus interfere with the inhibition assay,'929 experiments were set up to determine whether the inhibitory activ- ity of the fractions was sensitive to . The amount of catalase used (50 pg/ml) was that previously shown to completely block reoxidation of reduced cytochrome c by Str 4 A pneumoniae.'6 In the four experiments catalase did not reduce the inhibitory activity of the T supernatant: 3 10 (0 35) (NS v b) or the dia- T lysed supernatant: 415 (017) (NS v c). To determine whether inhibitory activity was pre- 3 C T sent in the low as well as the high molecular E T weight fractions, autolysis phase supernatants 0 were separated through a 10 kD filter and both Z 0 fractions assessed for inhibitory activity. The E results were as follows: (i) PMNs + PMA 4 42 2 (0 55); (ii) PMNs+PMA+unfractionated 'a x supernatant 3 03 (0.41) (p <001 v i); (iii) 0 PMNs + PMA + > 10 kD fraction 4 01 (0 26) 0. I (p<005 v i); (iv) PMNs+PMA+ <1OkD (j? fraction 3 20 (0 49) (p < 001 v i) nmol 02 - /105 PMNs/90 minutes, n= 8, all experiments per- formed in the presence of 50 gg/ml catalase. These findings confirm the presence of inhibi- tory activity in both fractions. http://thorax.bmj.com/ o PMA alone PMA + PMA + PMA PMA + PMA + parent Str ply- Str parent Str ply - Str pneumoniae pneumoniae pneumoniae pneumoniae ROLE OF PNEUMOLYSIN IN THE INHIBITION OF No catalase + catalase THE RESPIRATORY BURST OF PMNS BY STR PNEUMONIAE To assess the role of pneumolysin in the inhi- bition two approaches were undertaken. 6 r B Firstly, the ability of a laboratory mutated strain of Str pneumoniae, which lacks a func- on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tional pneumolysin gene, to inhibit the respir- 5 atory burst was investigated. Secondly, the T T effect of antipneumolysin serum on the inhibi- tory activity of type 1 and type 14 Str pneumo- o2EC 4 niae was measured. 0

0._ T T E T C 3 T Ability ofpneumolysin-negative Str ~0 pneumoniae to inhibit the respiratory x burst of PMNs 0 o of a) 2 _ The ability log phase pneumolysin negative 0. Str pneumoniae and autolysis phase superna- tants to inhibit PMA atimulated superoxide production by PMNs is illustrated in fig 3A. 1 As can be seen, both parent and pneumolysin negative log phase Str pneumoniae significantly inhibited superoxide production by PMNs. 0 The same result was obtained in the presence PMA alone PMA + PMA + PMA PMA + PMA + and absence of catalase. The degree of inhibi- parent ply- parent ply - supernatant supernataint supernatant supernatant tion between the mutant and parent strain was No catalase + catalase not significantly different. Supernatants from autolysis phase cultures of both parent and Figure 3 Inhibition of polymorphonuclear le,ucocyte (PMN) phorbol myristate pneumolysin negative Str pneumoniae caused acetate (PMA ) -stimulated superoxide produtction by (A) log phase parent and significant inhibition of the PMN respiratory pneumolysin-negative (ply-) Str pneumoniae (n=3) and (B) parent and pneumolysin negative Str pneumoniae autolysis phase supernatants (n = 4). burst (fig 3B) and the same result was obtained *p < 0O05, **p < 001 v PMA alone. in the presence of catalase. Again the dif- Characterisation of an oxidative response inhibitor produced by Streptococcus pneumoniae 681

ference between the extent of inhibition caused Ten autolysis supernatants (pH adjusted to by the parent and mutant strains was not 7T07-2) had very little lytic activity (2 2% significant. (2-9%) haemolysis). Inhibition assays: log phase type 1 and type Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.7.676 on 1 July 1994. Downloaded from 14 Str pneumoniae were incubated at room Effect of antipneumolysin serum on the ability temperature for one hour either alone, with of Str pneumoniae to inhibit the respiratory 1:100 normal rabbit serum or with 1:100 anti- burst of PMNs pneumolysin rabbit serum. The results are Haemolytic assays: before examining the abil- summarised in table 2. It can be seen that in ity of antipneumolysin rabbit serum to reduce the absence or presence of catalase neither the inhibitory effect of Str pneumoniae on normal rabbit serum nor antipneumolysin rab- PMA stimulated PMN superoxide production bit serum abrogated the inhibitory effect of log it was necessary to determine the ability of the phase types 1 or 14 Str pneumoniae. antipneumolysin serum to neutralise pneumo- Table 3 shows the results of similar experi- lysin. The latter was tested by exploiting the ments with autolysis phase supernatants. ability of pneumolysin to lyse sheep red blood Again, neither normal rabbit serum nor anti- cells. Purified pneumolysin lysed sheep red pneumolysin rabbit serum had any effect on blood cells at concentrations at or above the inhibition. 0-3ng/ml; antipneumolysin serum at 1:100 protected sheep red blood cells up to 5 ng/ml pneumolysin. Discussion Additional experiments were set up to deter- We have previously reported that Str pneumo- mine whether intact log phase Str pneumoniae niae inhibits the respiratory burst of PMNs.'9 and autolysis phase supematants produced The results presented here show that this pneumolysin as judged by their capacity to ability is not shared by two other common lung lyse sheep red blood cells. In three experi- pathogens, K pneumoniae and Staph aureus. In ments log phase type 1 Str pneumoniae caused contrast to Str pneumoniae, these organisms only slight haemolysis and neither normal rab- stimulated PMNs to release superoxide. Since bit serum nor antipneumolysin serum were reactive oxygen species can cause tissue protective (Str pneumoniae alone 8 5% (1 1%), damage,30 including lung injury,3' this obser- Str pneumoniae+normal rabbit serum 799% vation may help to explain why pneumococcal (1 3%), Str pneumoniae+ antipneumolysin pneumonia is characterised by a lack of resid- rabbit serum 6-5% (1-9%) haemolysis). In two ual lung damage,32 whereas tissue necrosis and/ of three experiments type 14 Str pneumoniae or lung fibrosis are frequently observed in showed substantial haemolytic activity (66 4% pneumonias caused by K pneumoniae and http://thorax.bmj.com/ and 87-3% haemolysis respectively). Normal Staph aureus.3233 rabbit serum partially protected the sheep red These results also indicate that the inhibi- blood cells (28 1% and 19 9% haemolysis with tory activity of Str pneumoniae is specific for normal rabbit serum present) and antipneu- the oxidative response and is not attributable molysin rabbit serum protected further (8 0% to a non-specific toxic factor. Autolysis phase and 8-3% haemolysis). The third type 14 supernatants which inhibited the respiratory sample had only a small lytic effect (9 3%); burst did not kill PMNs as assessed by LDH however, both normal rabbit serum and release - confirming our previous observations on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. antipneumolysin rabbit serum completely using trypan blue exclusion - nor did they blocked haemolysis (0%). inhibit the degranulation response of PMNs.

Table 2 Effect of normal rabbit serum (NRS) and antipneumolysin serum (PnIS) on the ability of log phase Streptococcus pneumoniae (S pn) to inhibit phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-stimulated superoxide production by polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) (nmol 02-/10O PMNs/90 minutes) PMA alone PMA + S pn PMA+Spn+NRS PMA + S pn + PnIS Type 1 No catalase 3-16 1 57 1 59 1-57 +50 pg/ml catalase 3-13 2-65 2-77 2-91 Type 14 No catalase 3-16 1 70 1-57 1-52 +50pg/ml catalase 3-13 2-59 2-91 2-69 Results are the mean of two experiments for each serotype.

Table 3 Effect of normal rabbit serum (NRS) and antipneumolysin serum (PnIS) on the ability of autolysis phase supernatants to inhibit phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-stimulated superoxide production by polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) (nmol 02 /1O PMNs/90 minutes) PMA alone PMA + supernatant PMA + supernatant + NRS PMA + supernatant + PnIS No catalase 3-85 (0-38) 2-48 (0-43) 2 61 (0-47) 2-70 (0-47) + 50 pg/ml catalase 4 09 (0-81) 3-04 (0-88) 3-00 (0-77) 3-10 (0-71) Results are mean (SD) of four experiments (two using type 1 and two using type 14 Str pneumoniae). The inhibitions caused by the supernatants under the different conditions are not significantly different from each other (analysis of variance). 682 Perry, Elson, Mitchell, Andrew, Catterall Rather, the supernatants appeared synergisti- autolysis phase supernatants were inhibitory cally to enhance PMA stimulated myeloperox- despite the fact that they lacked haemolytic idase release. It is possible that the enhanced activity. A lack of haemolytic activity in itself myeloperoxidase release is a consequence of suggests the absence of active pneumolysin. the oxidative response inhibitor since myelo- Such an outcome was not unexpected in the Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.49.7.676 on 1 July 1994. Downloaded from peroxidase is known to be inactivated by reac- case of the autolysis phase supernatants tive oxygen species."4 because those used here were obtained from Previous attempts'9 to determine how Str 18-24 hour cultures and were acidic (pH 5 3- pneumoniae interferes with the PMN respira- 6 4), and it is known that pneumolysin activity tory burst showed that, although the organism declines with prolonged Str pneumoniae cul- produces SOD, the amounts are insufficient to ture (beyond 16 hours) due to increasing account for the interference observed. Thus, acidity.28 Finally, in confirmation of the con- the interference is not due to a scavenging clusion that the inhibitor described here is effect of SOD. Here it was shown that washed distinct from pneumolysin, antipneumolysin PMNs which had been preincubated with serum failed to abrogate the inhibitory effect of autolysis phase supernatants exhibited dimin- either log phase organisms or autolysis phase ished production of hydrogen peroxide upon supernatants from Str pneumoniae despite its stimulation with PMA. This result also ren- efficacy in neutralising pneumolysin in haemo- ders it unlikely that the interference is due to lytic assays. scavenging, but rather that it results from It has been shown that pneumolysin inhibits inhibition of the respiratory burst. Again this oxidative responses.20 Our results suggest that effect could not be attributed to death of the the new inhibitor described here also contri- PMNs as they retained their viability as butes to the overall inhibitory effect of Str judged by trypan blue exclusion. The above pneumoniae on the respiratory burst. More- results also show that the inhibitory effects are over, since pneumolysin is inactivated by the demonstrable using different assays for mea- respiratory burst,'35 the inhibitor, by interfer- suring the respiratory burst. ing with this process, may potentiate the activ- The ability of Str pneumoniae to inhibit the ity of pneumolysin. respiratory burst of PMNs may constitute a Our finding of haemolytic activity in log major counter defence of the microorganism phase type 14 Str pneumoniae was surprising and help to explain its pathogenicity. We since extracellular pneumolysin activity has therefore sought to characterise the inhibitory not previously been reported for log phase factor further. The results indicate that the organisms. This may suggest that, although activity is heat sensitive but that it is not not released, pneumolysin is exposed on log inactivated by acidic conditions. Experiments phase type 14 Str pneumoniae. Alternatively, it using dialysed supernatants indicated that a is possible that the activity derives from a http://thorax.bmj.com/ fraction of molecular weight > 10 kD con- minority of organisms undergoing autolysis tained inhibitory activity. The loss of some within the population and not from log phase activity on dialysis suggested the possibility of organisms themselves. an additional low molecular weight inhibitor In conclusion, these results demonstrate which is insensitive to catalase. Experiments that Str pneumoniae produces a substance using filtered supernatants, in which both the other than pneumolysin which inhibits the fractions > 10 kD and < 10 kD were retained, respiratory burst of PMNs. This substance is

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