United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,266,154 B2 Gundrum (45) Date of Patent: Sep
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US007266154B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,266,154 B2 Gundrum (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 4, 2007 (54) DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE INDUCTION FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS NEUTRALIZING TRANSFORMER NETWORK FR 2697392 4/1994 JP 62126721 A 6/1987 (75) Inventor: Russell E. Gundrum, Kingwood, TX SU 1363-491 12/1987 US ( ) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: The southwestern Bell Telephone Co" Wayback machine, archived web pageisncmfgcom, http://web. San Amomo, TX (Us) archive.org/web/20010211012502/sncmfg.com/telecom/ * _ _ _ _ _ noiseiprotection/intinfo.htrnl (Feb. 11, 2001).* ( ) Nonce: subleqw any dlsclalmeri the term of thls Wayback machine, archived web pageisncmfgcom, http://web. Pawnt 15 extended or adlusted under 35 archive.org/web/20010214224442/sncmfg.com/telecom/ U.S.C. 154(b) by 902 days. noiseiprotection/tenhtml (Feb. 14, 2001).* SNC INT’s, The low-frequency interference solution (article) 4 (21) Appl. No.: 10/143,130 pages. Induction neutralizing transformer can reduce power line distur (22) Filed: May 10, 2002 bances. Reprint from TELEPHONY, Sep. 8, 1980. 4 pages. (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) Us 2003/0210747 A1 Nov. 13, 2003 Primary ExamineriDavid B- Lugo (74) Attorney, Agent, or F irmiToler Schaifer LLP (51) Int. Cl. H04B 3/00 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT (52) US. Cl. .................................................... .. 375/258 (58) Field of Classi?cation Search .............. .. 375/257, Adigital Subscriber line (DSL) induction-neutralizing trans 375/258; 336/15’ 221 former (INT) (28) for use in a DSL INT network (10) is See application ?le for Complete Search history provided. The DSL INT (28) includes a core (72) and a coil (74) that is electrically coupled to and wound around the (56) References Cited core (72). The coil (74) includes approximately 100-200 feet Us‘ PATENT DOCUMENTS of approximately 24-gauge wire. The core (72) and coil (74) add longitudinal inductance to a telecommunication line and 3,920,925 A 11/1975 Lindow reduce induced voltage levels at a non-digital subscriber line 3,932,713 A 1/ 1976 Fleuchaus et a1~ frequency on the telecommunication line. The DSL INT 4,118,603 A * 10/1978 Kumhyf network (10), containing at least one DSL INT (28), and a i EakktGII """"""""""" " 379/395 method of routing DSL communication signals within the , , in e a . - 6,266,395 B1 7/2001 Liu et a1‘ DSL INT network (10), are also provlded. 6,556,661 B1 * 4/2003 Ingalsbe et al. ....... .. 379/2204 2002/0101851 A1 * 8/2002 Blake et al. .............. .. 370/352 17 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets W533 L 34 3 39 /4 REMOTE _ TEN DSL rs?l’ TEN 24 CUSTOMER TERMINAL A1 : “*1 INTMS Tnfb'l'g" j; '“a‘ 1 TERMINALMa 3/ 24 as g; 3395 35 39 //4 [/5 33' k l \ ' “CUSTOMER REMOTE '39 36 30 30\ TERMlNALMb TERMINAL A2 24 .35 35 1 3’ l4 '2 3/ a, F: 39)I 39 J2 ‘- TERNHNALAZaCUSTOMER REMOTE 24 g; 35- 35 24 39 CUSTOMER TERMINAL % TERMINAL 51 3/” 1mm 32 51a 39 1 [/6 ,Z? - REMOTE Z4 TERMINALBz “ . 3/ 5, J6“ Z4 /4 TERMINAL 0%J2 _ 52a US 7,266,154 B2 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS IEEE Guide for the Implementation of Inductive Coordination Mitigation Techniques and Application, Pub. by the Institute of Inductive Coordination Low Voltage Neutralizing Transformers, Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Jun. 1, 1992, 6 pgs. Bell System Practices, AT&T Standard, Section 873-505-107, Issue Russ Gundrum, abc of the telephone, vol. 14. 1, May 1975. Multipair induction neutralizing transformers (INTs), Chapter 9, 9 Russ Gundrum, Power Protectioniis Wire obsolete? (article) 3 PgS~ pages. SNC HDR,Harmonic Drainage Reactor, 2 pgs. Russ Gundrum, Power Protection, (article) 3 pages. Induction Neutralizing Transformers (INTs) (article) 4 pgs. Russ Gundrum, Get “RID” of glitches, (article) 4 pages. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Sep. 4,2007 Sheet 4 M4 US 7,266,154 B2 Route DSL Communication Signals between a Background Network and Remote Terminals iv Route the DSL Communication Signals between Central Offices and //02 DSL Circuits + Receive an Excitation Current /' /04 + Supply a First Low Impedance /'/06 Path to Ground Supply a Second Low impedance _//05 Path to Ground Add Longitudinal inductance to a Telecommunication Line ///0 + Receive and Transmit the DSL Communication Signals to and from Customer Terminals FIG. 4 US 7,266,l54 B2 1 2 DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE INDUCTION the operation of the primary-line protector. The surge NEUTRALIZING TRANSFORMER induced voltages can cause damage to sensitive electronic NETWORK components in the DSLAM equipment, such as a line card and the DSL modern equipment, rendering the service TECHNICAL FIELD inoperable. Also, impulse noise spikes can occur that can reduce the effective speed of the data transmission. The present invention relates generally to data transmis Historically, AC induction problems have come from the sion systems, and more particularly, to an apparatus and long loops serving customers at the ends of an exchange area method of routing digital subscriber line communication boundary, Which are the most distant customer terminal signals Within a digital subscriber line induction neutraliZing locations Within local calling areas from a central of?ce. transformer network. These loops are not only predominantly exposed to unbal anced, single phase poWer lines, but the areas they serve are BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION in suburban/rural environments that are less “built-up”, and additional shielding bene?ts are not available as in urban Demand for high-speed data transmission is ever increas areas. ing. Internet access, electronic commerce, Internet protocol Neutralizing transformers Were originally designed for telephony, and videoconferencing are telecommunications use in open Wire telephony netWorks. Large oil-?lled neu examples driving such a demand. traliZing transformers have been used on Wire-line facilities Digital subscriber line (DSL) technology provides high entering poWer substations and in generating plants to speed data transmission over a so-called “last mile” of “local 20 suppress high-induced alternating current (AC) voltages and loop” of a telephone netWork via copper tWisted Wire pair ground potential rise (GPR). Smaller dry-type neutraliZing cable betWeen residential and small business sites and transformers, knoWn as induction neutraliZing transformers telephone company central o?ices and remote terminals. (INTs), have been used to reduce voice-frequency noise and There are various types of DSL such as asymmetric DSL, induced AC voltages from 350-600 volts on Wire-line voice high bit-rate DSL, single-line DSL, very-high-data-rate 25 grade and digital carrier telecommunications circuits. DSL, integrated services digital netWork DSL, and rate adaptive DSL having various transmission rates, sWitched HoWever, the voice-grade INTs are typically made With circuit characteristics, and other knoWn operation character up to 500 feet of 26 gauge Category 3 cable, Which not only reduces the available transmission overhead margins Which istics. These are collectively referred to as XDSL technolo limits their application on DSL applications, but also gies. 30 increases the probability of crosstalk coupling interference In a simpli?ed general vieW, a DSL system may be on adjacent DSL circuits. As the length of a copper pair is considered as a pair of communicating modems, one of Which is located at a home or office computer, and the other extended, the signal poWer decreases in intensity, thereby, limiting the alloWable distance betWeen a customer terminal of Which is located at a netWork control site, typically at a and a central of?ce or remote terminal. Also, the higher the telephone company central o?ice or a remote terminal. The 35 frequency application, as With DSL, the more noticeable the central of?ce or remote terminal modem is connected to diminution in signal poWer. The use of a voice-grade INT some type of network, usually referred to as a backbone reduces signal poWer approximately 2.3 dB at loWer DSL netWork, Which is in communication With other communi cation paths by Way of routers or digital subscriber line frequencies. Digital-grade INTs are typically Wound With up to 200 access multiplexers (DSLAMs). Through DSLAMs the 40 backbone netWork is able to communicate With dedicated feet of 24 gauge Category 3 cable, and are built With a screen information sources and With the Internet. As a result, (shield) to separate tWo directions of T1 carrier transmis information accessible to the backbone netWork may be sions, to prevent crosstalk interference. Digital grade INTs communicated betWeen the central of?ce or remote terminal exhibit a loWer signal poWer loss over voice-grade INTs, but as With voice-grade INTs they are large, heavy, and expen modem and a customer site modem. 45 DSL applications may be served from central of?ce and sive units because of the 350-600 volt design criteria. The remote terminal locations by up to 12,000 feet of copper costs involved in manufacturing and implementing both tWisted Wire pair cable that may exist betWeen the DSLAM digital-grade INTs and voice-grade INTs is high. The screen equipment at a central of?ce or remote terminal and a DSL is a signi?cant added cost and is not required in DSL modem at a customer site. HoWever, cable from a remote 50 applications. terminal is typically exposed to a more hostile electrical An additional impairment With high-speed DSL transmis environment that can cause service reliability problems. sion speeds is crosstalk interference betWeen adjacent cir These problems become highly prevalent in areas of high cuits. The crosstalk can be minimized by using non-adjacent earth resisitivity, Which is usually in soil equal to or greater pairs Within a binder group. HoWever, the non-adjacent pairs than 500 meter ohms. 55 become tightly Wound together for several hundred feet in Additionally, although mo st telecommunication netWorks an INT.