’s Stealth War against America 3.97 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/23/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

Background Briefing –China’s Stealth War against America, the World, and You!

China is waging a stealth war against America and the world, yet many do not understand the long-term implications. It has gone beyond kinetic warfare and into monetary policy, trade policy, and industrial policy.

This briefing provides a quick overview of how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is waging their economic war around the world and their continued plans to use 5G to control the information economy. Also, we will review some of the efforts the Trump administration is taking to slow down China’s assault.

Unfortunately, there are still many on Wall Street and within Washington who view China as an economic partner that America needs rather than an adversary that is truly working against our interest, free markets, and liberty.

We are in an economic war, and what we see as a marketplace, China views as the battlespace. Your Mission: To understand what you can do to stop the economic war China is waging against your money, your livelihood, your way of life is critical.

“The Chinese Communist Party really is what it sounds like. It’s communist. It’s a Marxist/Leninist regime bent on control…using predatory or parasitic economic activity and policies to actually undermine democracies.” – Brig. Gen. Robert Spalding (ret)

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Ep. 3-97 (OSINT) Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing with highlights. This includes quotes and summaries of conversations in the Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman featuring Brigadier General Robert Spalding. General Spalding holds doctorates in mathematics and economics and served as the senior director for strategic planning at the National Security Council. He brings recent insight from the White House regarding exactly what we’re facing, what we need to do, and how co-opted our nation has become. America’s “elite” have been compromised by China, whether it’s 5G, academia, Hollywood, or the business community. He is author of the powerful book, Stealth War, How China Took Over While America’s Elites Slept.

“They create this drain of wealth to China to enable them to provide jobs for the Chinese people. This allows the CCP to continue to stay in charge, but also allows them to develop the kind of technology for an I.T.-based digital totalitarian society. They monitor everything that you do and score you based on the quality of citizen you are, based on what the Chinese Communist Party finds desirable in its citizens. It’s really about enslaving an entire population of 1.4 billion people, using the technology that America created.” –General Robert Spalding

Stealth war and the Indoctrination of the Chinese People. Guess who is next?

“When I lived there from 2002-2004 as a young Air Force major, I was a student at one of the universities in Shanghai and I got to meet so many of the people. They told me, ‘you know, democracy is not for China, it’s not for the Chinese people.’” –General Robert Spalding

Yet, look at and , the same people and the success they have had in a free market. Hong Kong – operating as promised with one country, two systems. It has energy and capitalism and freedom and liberty. Now China is taking that away early instead of what was promised as a 2047 transition.

• The Hong Kong people thought that they were going to remain autonomous, maintain their democracy and maintain their independence. • The media didn’t talk about this, but they announced in December of 2019 that they were going to essentially crush the freedoms of the people of Hong Kong, just like they did for the people of the mainland after the Tiananmen massacre. page 2 China’s Stealth War against America 3.97 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/23/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

“The citizens of China are good people who have been indoctrinated and lied to for years.” –Kevin Freeman

China has consistently lied to their people, and now they are lying about COVID-19 • Look at how they’ve been using the distraction of the coronavirus to systematically destroy the freedoms of Hong Kong. • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has declared that Hong Kong is no longer sufficiently autonomous for special recognition. • This will fundamentally alter the economic relationship with China going forward as a way to punish the Chinese Communist Party for what they’ve done.

“The Chinese Communist Party has unleashed this virus, COVID-19, the CCP virus, or whatever you want to call it. And they lied to their people about that, too. It is that complete. Almost mind control.” –Kevin Freeman

“If you read articles from people that have come out of China and gone through this deep programing, they understand that everything that they’ve been taught since the time that they were in kindergarten all the way up through university is essentially a lie. It really demonstrates how powerful the system, the digital control that they’ve built over their entire population. There’s two cameras for every person. They monitor everything that you do on the smartphone and then they turn that around and use it to really control the type of person that you are.” –General Robert Spalding

“What I’m trying to do is raise awareness. That’s really what the book Stealth War is about, understanding that competition has really gone beyond geography. It’s gone beyond ships and tanks and bombs and planes and all of those weapons that we think of as national security. It’s really gone into monetary policy. It’s gone into trade policy. It’s gone into industrial policy,

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and the day-to-day things that we do as a part of national security. The Chinese Communist Party figured out that they could harness globalization and the Internet to both undermine our democracy and our economy and really gain a competitive advantage in geopolitics.” –General Robert Spalding

2. China is winning the economic war using the Parasite Approach:

“The unfortunate thing is, is we see this pattern over and over with China, where they suck you in, they talk about the economic benefits they’re going to bring and so forth, and then they bait and switch on you. We’ve definitely seen that with the Belt and Road Initiative.” –Kevin Freeman

A. China’s Belt and Road Initiative • The Chinese Communist Party has actually been able to infiltrate the World Bank. • The World Bank is supposed to be for those developing economies that need, below market funding to build infrastructure. • China has secured the ability to get over a billion dollars each year out of the World Bank at very low interest rates, and then turn around through the Belt and Road Initiative, to loan that money to countries at much higher rates. And, they gain control and influence through those loans. • China is essentially profiting on a system that was designed to help emerging market economies. • This Belt and Road Initiative is about dominating the emerging market economies, forcing them to accept China’s terms and really to become a tributary state of the Chinese Communist Party.

“Isn’t this design kind of a parasite approach? It’s a parasite approach, where the CCP gets in the middle and sucks up all the good stuff and then takes control from the rest of it. That’s scary. But this is a nation that’s violated human rights repeatedly. There are things like the one-child policy where there were forced abortions. I guess now it’s a two-child policy. Then there’s the organ harvesting page 4 China’s Stealth War against America 3.97 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/23/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

that they’ve done, the social credit scores that you’ve talked about. I mean, this is not a nation that really shows that it loves its people. It is a state that wants to have total control.” –Kevin Freeman

3. A few CCP elites control the masses in China.

• China has a population of 1.4 billion. There are about 80 million party members. But in reality, about 200 people control the entire system. • This control is really to benefit themselves. They have properties in New York City and assets all around the world.

“Most of the leaders are billionaires in their own right. So, basically not only are they predatory on democracies, predatory on emerging market economies, but the party itself is predatory over its own people. So, it provides jobs for the Chinese people in order to be able to skim off the top and really take that money for themselves. It’s really a really horrendous system and we’ve enabled it.” –General Robert Spalding

“They’re using our technology, things that we developed that they’ve either purchased or stolen by intellectual property theft or forced technology transfer. Come to China and you can sell your products in a great big market and then they’ve stolen the technology and used it to control their people.” –Kevin Freeman

4. China plans to use Huawei to dominate the global 5G platform and you. Huawei is really about a program to dominate the global information space. China wants to become the Saudi Arabia of data and the way that they do that is to build the most infrastructure around the world.

A. A look at how China got to where they are today, and what their 5G strategy really is: • In democracies around the world, the telecom industry has essentially become bankrupt as Silicon Valley tech companies determined how to leverage information and data. • Silicon Valley tech companies were able to profit off the smartphone and 4G in a way that AT&T and Verizon could not. page 5 China’s Stealth War against America 3.97 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/23/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

• What China did was essentially take earnings from their version of the tech companies like Alibaba and Tencent and use that profit to subsidize the build out of 5G networks. • Today, when you go around the world, if 5G is being built, it’s being built by Huawei and its really part of a national strategy on the part of China and the Chinese Communist Party to dominate the flow of data. • They want to have a river of everybody’s data flowing into China because they know that it drives artificial intelligence. He who owns the data owns the world.

B. Huawei dominates the world where China controls 5G and information. A brief look at Huawei, dominated network would look like. What would that mean for an average American, both in the short term and long term? (See episode 2:57 for more on 5G and how we can respond.)

Remember, who controls the information, will likely control society. Do you want that in the hands of a communist regime or in a country that believes in personal liberty?

The World with 5G In the short term, of course, there would be a proliferation of these devices around the smart city:

“Rather than using your smartphone in a lot of cases, you will be able to gesture or say something walking around the city, say you want an Uber to pick you up. You don’t have to open your smartphone and open an app on it. You can just say Uber and a camera in the city will do facial recognition on your face. It will read your lips and send you a car. Now, that sounds very convenient, right?” –General Spalding

The Problem: • All of that data now goes to China and so they’re able to watch everything you do over time. • They know what your vulnerabilities are. • Imagine knowing everything about somebody, who they associate with, all the business transactions that they do, etc. and then being able to use that.

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• Most Americans will say “I don’t have anything to do with China. This shouldn’t affect me.” But think about what it really means long term. At some point, China might want you to do something for them and they would have leverage to make you do it. Maybe even tell you how to vote or what to “like” on Facebook.

Case Study – How communists leverage and use information to their benefit and control.

Getting an American Employee fired: “There is Roy Jones, a guy that I talk about in my book, Stealth War, mid-level employee at the Marriott Corporation working in social media. Roy likes a tweet about Tibet, doesn’t know about the Chinese Communist Party, doesn’t know about the politics of Tibet. Of course, the tourism bureau in Shanghai finds out. The Communist Party calls up Marriott Corporation and says, ‘fire Roy Jones and apologize.’ Three days later, Marriott does. So, this power of monitoring and controlling and censoring speech is what they’re going after and they’re going after economic dominance. They’ll be enabled to do that by having all of this data on us.”

Stealing data from the African National Congress: China Huawei built the African National Congress headquarters. Every night at 2 a.m., the Huawei servers would do a dump of all the data from the African National headquarters to China. That went on, for almost a dozen years or so before they found out.

If you’re a Chinese national operating abroad and the government says that they want something, you’re obligated to get it for them. In fact, it’s proactive in its nature. In other words, they tell you that if you find things that are important to China, you must send it back because it’s your requirement as a Chinese citizen.

This is the kind of things that those companies that work for China and the Chinese Communist Party do. They’re actually essentially arms of the state. This is what they use it for. It’s not just economic dominance. It’s national dominance across all elements of society.

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“At first all this technology sounds fun, or convenient, or lower cost. Then you find the real cost. It is national strategy from the Chinese Communist Party to dominate the flow of data. They want to have a river of everybody’s data flowing into China because they know that it drives artificial intelligence and control.” –Kevin Freeman

5. Actions are being taken in the White House, but still there are those resisting. It is important to understand the real threat and what the 2020 election really means.

• The first quarter of 2018 the government released a very aggressive strategy to go after what the Chinese Communist Party has been doing in America. This was the first quarter after General Spalding authored a strategy (in December 2017). • We have CFIUS reform, which really prevents foreign investment in U.S. companies that are important to us. o You know, that can be technology companies. o It can also be hotels which allow them to get access to Wi-Fi and monitor what you’re doing. • There’s been a change in legislation during the Trump administration. The Department of Justice and the FBI have started to crack down on not only Chinese nationals that are conducting espionage in the , but also American scientists that are both working for the Department Defense and the People’s Liberation Army. There’s a whole host of activities underway. The state department is looking at visa applications coming into the country.

CNN highlighted some of the major initiatives moving forward:


• “In 2018, the State Department issued new time restrictions on visas for Chinese graduate students in fields such as aviation, robotics and advanced manufacturing, which are considered sensitive to national security, scaling back the period students could stay from as long as five years to just one.

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• In October 2019, the State Department began requiring Chinese diplomats posted in the US to report all their meetings with state and local officials, as well as visits to educational and research institutions.” • Because of China’s actions in Hong Kong, President Trump signed an Executive Order that shall be the policy of the United States to suspend or eliminate different and preferential treatment for Hong Kong to the extent permitted by law and in the national security, foreign policy, and economic interest of the United States. • President Trump called out China for “espionage to steal our industrial secrets,” announced steps to protect American investors from Chinese financial practices, and accused Beijing of “unlawfully claiming territory in the Pacific Ocean” and protecting our freedom of navigation. • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a Thursday interview with Fox News that Trump would make “a series of announcements” on China “in the coming days” and suggested that visa restrictions on Chinese graduate students and researchers could be among them. • “The White House issued a presidential proclamation suspending US entry for graduate and postgraduate students and researchers from China that takes effect at noon on Monday and remains in effect until it is terminated by the President.” o Authorities in the People’s Republic of China “use some Chinese students, mostly post graduate students and post-doctorate researchers, to operate as non-traditional collectors of intellectual property,” the proclamation said. These students “are at high risk of being exploited or co-opted by the PRC authorities and provide particular cause for concern.” o Letting those students enter the US “to study or conduct research in the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States,” the proclamation announced.

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GREAT NEWS! General Spalding agrees to help the Economic War Room/NSIC equip financial advisors to better understand the geopolitical economic positions in the world to preserve our republic!

“I can think of nothing better to do with my time than to lend all of the things that I’ve learned over the last 6 or 7 years focusing on this topic. It’s not just investing, but understanding industrial policy and trade policy and kind of the way that we need to think about how geopolitics and NGO economics work to enhance our position in the world and ultimately preserve our republic.” –General Robert Spalding

Why you should care? → China is waging an economic war against the US. Finally we have an administration that recognizes it and is taking action.

→ China is stealing from us with a goal to win the Economic War by 2029.

→ China gave us COVID-19 and kept information about the virus secret.

→ There are many in Washington and Wall Street that are enticed by perceived China profits over Liberty.

→ Vice President Biden has given China everything they wanted. What would a President Biden do?

→ President Trump’s administration is moving with authority and executive orders that can be executed. There is a deep state that will happily overturn these in a different administration unless you take a stand for economic liberty.

→ The US is in danger of being a second-tier player with 5G and losing the 5G standards platform race to China.

→ In an information economy, your data is not confined to your cellphone or computer device. It’s gone into the world around you. All these cameras are already watching everything you do. Now, imagine that all that is aggregated to control your life. page 10 China’s Stealth War against America 3.97 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/23/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

In the Economic War Room®, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot solely rely on the government or the president to solve America’s problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back and create a voice for economic liberty. [The small ships are based on Churchill’s Operation Dynamo that rescued the British Expeditionary Forces in the Miracle of Dunkirk].

Action Steps:

1. We need to win the Economic War and Information Economy as it relates to 5G. Read General Spalding’s other briefings on China in Battle Plans 2.57 and 2.52 2. Support the Administration’s stand against China’s theft and threats. Ensure your representatives are up to speed and voting to keep America’s national security and economic infrastructure secure. 3. Read the book Stealth War to better understand what is really happening in this economic war: https://www.amazon.com/Stealth-War-China-While-Americas/ dp/0593084349 4. Learn more about how to weaponize your money. Let’s keep America exceptional with our giving, spending, and investing. Nominate your financial advisor for Economic War Room® training at https://www.economicwarroom.com/advisor. 5. Call your financial advisor and make the point that you want them to help you weaponize your money to save America.

6. HELP ALL AMERICANS WAKE UP to the weaponization of money and be part of saving America. Send this battle plan to friends and your financial advisor and ask them to sign up for our weekly battle plan updates at www.economicwarroom.com. Be sure to catch the data and footnotes below for more documentation. We want you to have access to key information to make intelligent decisions. 7. Invest your money wisely.

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We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what you can do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals:

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√ Do this now! Have a financial action plan based on multiple geopolitical scenarios developed now. Advanced preparation is key. Trying to figure what to do when an economic event happens is usually too late.

√ Talk with your financial advisor as it relates to your savings/investments. Ensure your advisor understand the potential impact economic/geo-political scenarios could have on your portfolio. LOOK FOR ECONOMIC WAR ROOM’S ADVISOR AND INVESTOR ONLINE TRAINING COURSES COMING SOON.

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Shareable Quote: “China has a population of 1.4 billion, there’s about 80 million party members. But in reality, about 200 people control the entire system.” –Brig. Gen. Robert Spalding III

*DISCLAIMER: The Economic War Room® and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. In cases where guests or others may discuss investment ideas, these should not be viewed or construed as advice. The sole purpose is education and information. And, viewers should realize that in any case past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC suggests, offers, or guarantees any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment even if discussed on the show or any show-affiliated materials or websites. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make independent decisions regarding information, investments, or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on economicwarroom.com website or on the show, or any related materials, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment advisor.

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The EWR Collection Deck – From Kevin Freeman (List of resources and external links for more information)

Quick Access Links About Brig. General Robert Spalding III China Lied and People Died (COVID-19) CCP War on the Chinese People China is Waging Unrestricted Warfare Against America and the World The Belt and Road Trap Huawei and the 5G Threat Two Case Studies Trump vs. Biden on China

[ ] - Must Read/Watch

Where to Access Economic War Room

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Our XOTV Channel https://xotv.me/channels/233-economic-war-room

Link to all Battle Plans https://www.economicwarroom.com/battleplans

About Brig. General Robert Spalding III [ ] Air Force Bio https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/999629/brigadier-general-robert-s-spalding-iii/

[ ] Hudson Institute Bio https://www.hudson.org/experts/1265-robert-spalding

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[ ] Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept https://www.amazon.com/Stealth-War-China-While-Americas/dp/0593084349/ref=tmm_hrd_ swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8

Chinese military will eventually break up Hong Kong protests, Hudson Institute’s Robert Spalding https://www.cnbc.com/video/2019/08/13/hong-kong-protests-trade-war-market-volatility-squawk-box- panel.html

Ret. General Robert Spalding: Moon Landing Couldn’t Happen in Today’s Deindustrialized America; ‘We’ve Lost It All’ to China https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2019/07/20/ret-general-robert-spalding-moon-landing-couldnt- happen-todays-deindustrialized-america-weve-lost-all-china/

Exclusive — Ret. Gen. Robert Spalding: China’s Goal Is to ‘Bankrupt’ and ‘Distract’ U.S. with ‘Endless’ Middle East Wars https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2019/06/23/robert-spalding-china-bankrupts-america-endless-wars- mideast/

China’s Secret Invasion of the US | General Robert Spalding | Trump China | China Uncensored https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHgqPaqUt80

Gen. Robert Spalding: On the Hong Kong Protest, US-China Trade War & ‘Parasitic’ China Economy https://youtu.be/lFBBiHyTjZk

Black Swans and Stealth War Mark US–China Relations, Expert Says https://theepochtimes.com/black-swans-and-stealth-war-mark-us-china-relations-says-expert_3240895.html

Rob Spalding: Trump’s ‘Real Challenge’ Is China Using ‘Corporate America as Proxies to Fight Their War’ https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2020/02/15/rob-spalding-trumps-real-challenge-is-china-using- corporate-america-as-proxies-to-fight-their-war/

Rob Spalding: China Silenced Its Critics by Buying Off America’s Elites https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2019/10/14/rob-spalding-china-silenced-its-critics-buying-off-americas- elites/

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Retired Air Force General: Foreign Countries Have Infected US Protests, so They’re Fair Game for the US Military https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/national-security/2020/june/retired-air-force-general-foreign-countries- have-infected-us-protests-so-theyre-fair-game-for-the-us-military

China Lied and People Died (COVID-19) First-hand account of Chinese COVID-19 censorship underscores just how much our media failed us https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/first-hand-account-of-chinese-covid-19-censorship- underscores-just-how-much-our-media-failed-us

[ ] China’s Second Wave of Coronavirus Censorship Is Here https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/07/07/china-virus-censorship-death/

Former MI6 chief claims coronavirus came from Wuhan lab – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR2C7gkd_4E

Coverup of the Century–The Truth the CCP Concealed From the World https://www.theepochtimes.com/programming-alert-new-documentary-about-the-coverup-of-the- century-to-premiere_3402285.html

Pentagon warns China is exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to wage ‘economic warfare’ on the US https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/16/politics/pentagon-china-economic-warfare/index.html

[ ] Biological Weapons the Focus of China’s Military Research in the Last 20 Years https://japan-forward.com/biological-weapons-the-focus-of-chinas-military-research-in-the-last-20- years/

China Admits It Ordered Labs To Destroy Virus Samples, Possibly Setting World Back Months https://www.westernjournal.com/china-admits-ordered-labs-destroy-virus-samples-possibly-setting- world-back-months/

China destroyed lab evidence, ‘Five Eyes’ Intel report states https://freepressers.com/articles/china-destroyed-lab-evidence-according-to-five-eyes-intel-report

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DHS report: China hid virus’ severity to hoard supplies https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/ nation/2020/05/03/dhs-report-china-hid-virus-severity-hoard-supplies/QmH5G3OA9uSfBgCH3v530L/ story.html

[ ] Why is the Virus Smiling? https://globaleconomicwarfare.com/2020/03/why-is-the-virus-smiling/

CCP War on the Chinese People [ ] Fearing a reign of terror, Hong Kong families are preparing to flee https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/Fearing-a-reign-of-terror-Hong-Kong-families- are-15340198.php

Hong Kong’s Last British Leader: China’s Agenda ‘Orwellian’ https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/06/05/world/asia/ap-as-britain-hong-kong-patten.html

Pelosi: Hong Kong Security Bill Is ‘Brazen Move’ by China https://theepochtimes.com/pelosi-hong-kong- security-bill-is-a-brazen-move-for-china_3368603.html

FBI describes China’s chilling threat to dissenters in USA https://freepressers.com/articles/fbi-on-china-s-threat-to-dissenters-in-usa-come-home-or-die

Churches in China Reopen After COVID, But They’re Not Singing ‘Amazing Grace.’ https://pjmedia.com/culture/tyler-o-neil/2020/07/06/china-forces-churches-to-preach-patriotism-sing- national-anthem-before-reopening-from-covid-lockdown-n610365

[ ] Report: China forcing sterilization, abortion on Muslim women https://freepressers.com/articles/report-china-forcing-sterilization-abortion-on-muslim-women

[ ] Uighur Exiles Push for Court Case Accusing China of Genocide https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/06/world/asia/china-xinjiang-uighur-court.html

Inside China’s Horrifying Child-Killing Policy https://www.thedailybeast.com/one-child-nation-inside-chinas-horrifying-child-killing-policy

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China killing prisoners and harvesting their organs for transplants https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/786329/china-organ-harvesting-london-tribunal--gong

U.S. Imposes Sanctions on 11 Chinese Companies Over Human Rights https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/20/business/economy/china-sanctions-uighurs-labor.html

Chinese ambassador confronted on live television with Uighur prisoner footage https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/chinese-ambassador-confronted-on-live-television-with-uighur- prisoner-footage-20200720-p55dij.html

China is Waging Unrestricted Warfare Against America and the World A company half-owned by the Chinese government has been planting ‘back doors’ in the tax software American companies need to do business in China since 2018, researchers say https://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-aisino-us-cybersecurity-trustwave-2020-7

Our greatest challenge is not Covid-19, but the new Cold War with China https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/07/08/greatest-challenge-not-covid-19-new-cold-war-china/

Xi Jinping: The Chinese Hitler leading PRC to disaster https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/xi-jinping-the-chinese-hitler-leading-prc-to-disaster/1889179

FBI chief slams Chinese cyberattacks on U.S., calls it ‘one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history’ https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/07/fbi-chief-slams-chinese-cyberattacks-against-us-hudson-institute. html

[ ] FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000 counterintelligence cases are related to China https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-director-wray-says-half-of-bureaus-5000-counterintelligence- cases-are-related-to-china

Communist China won’t change — until its people and the West demand it https://thehill.com/opinion/international/506040-communist-china-wont-change-until-its-people-and- the-west-demand-it

Communist China won’t change — until its people and the West demand it https://thehill.com/opinion/international/506040-communist-china-wont-change-until-its-people-and- the-west-demand-it

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[ ] Communist China’s Silent War Against America https://www.theepochtimes.com/communist-chinas-silent-war-against-america_3412704.html

[ ] This is Unrestricted Warfare Whether We Admit It or Not https://globaleconomicwarfare.com/2015/06/this-is-unrestricted-warfare-whether-we-admit-it-or-not/

[ ] China’s Three Warfares Goes Further Than Anyone Can Imagine https://globaleconomicwarfare.com/2014/05/chinas-three-warfares-goes-further-than-anyone-can- imagine/

[ ] Chinese General Calls for Attack on American Finances https://globaleconomicwarfare.com/2016/02/chinese-general-calls-for-attack-on-american-finances/

The Belt and Road Trap [ ] When Chinese Investment is Unrestricted Warfare https://globaleconomicwarfare.com/2018/05/when-chinese-investment-is-unrestricted-warfare/

China aims to control ports and shipping lanes in Europe and the Arctic https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/china-aims-to-control-ports-and- shipping-lanes-in-europe-and-the-arctic

[ ] More Countries May Fall Into China’s Debt Trap With COVID-19 https://theepochtimes.com/more-countries-may-fall-into-chinas-debt-trap-with-covid-19_3363066.html

Chinese offer Solomon Islands a loan 70 times larger than its GDP https://freepressers.com/articles/chinese-offer-solomon-islands-a-loan-70-times-larger-than-its-gdp

Visualizing How Chinese Financing Is Fueling Megaprojects Around The World https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/visualizing-how-chinese-financing-fueling-megaprojects-around- world

China’s loans to other countries are causing ‘hidden’ debt. That may be a problem https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/12/chinas-loans-causing-hidden-debt-risk-to-economies.html

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Huawei and the 5G Threat OPSEC: Why this retired one-star says service members should trash their Chinese Huawei smartphones https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2019/07/17/why-this-retired-one-star-says-service- members-should-trash-their-huawei-smartphones/

Retired general warns against letting China dominate 5G networks https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-china-5g-networks-20190104-story.html

US General: Drones donated to U.S. police by Chinese company ‘sending data back’ to China https://wjla.com/features/7-on-your-side/general-robert-spalding-drones-china

[ ] Gen. Robert Spalding: On the US China Trade Deal, Taiwan Election & the Huawei 5G Threat https://youtu.be/VzYVUgBpQ68

Former senior defense official says TikTok’s time should be up in the US https://wjla.com/features/7-on-your-side/former-senior-defense-official-says-tiktoks-time-should-be- up-in-the-us

If Your Denials Are Genuine, Why China Would You Risk a Trade and Currency War? https://globaleconomicwarfare.com/2019/08/if-your-denials-are-genuine-why-china-would-you-risk-a- trade-and-currency-war/

[ ] Chinese PLA-Controlled Company Admits to Hacking, Further Proves Economic Warfare Threat https://globaleconomicwarfare.com/2012/06/chinese-pla-controlled-company-admits-to-hacking-further- proves-economic-warfare-threat/

[ ] Huawei Risk Tracker https://huawei.rwradvisory.com/

Two Case Studies [ ] China-Africa Relations Face An ‘Unprecedented Rupture’ https://supchina.com/2020/04/13/china-africa-relations-face-an-unprecedented-rupture-2/

New Report Reveals China’s Massive Surveillance Build-Up in Africa https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/05/new-report-reveals-chinas-massive-surveillance-build-up-in- africa/ page 20 China’s Stealth War against America 3.97 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/23/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

China Building, Bugging Government Offices in African Nations, Report Says https://theepochtimes.com/how-china-is-building-and-bugging-government-offices-in-african- nations_3362871.html

[ ] Concern About Chinese Media Grows in Africa https://theepochtimes.com/concern-about-chinese-media-growth-in-africa_2966476.html

US Can Help Africa Escape China’s ‘Debt Trap,’ Former Mr. Africa Says https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-can-help-africa-escape-chinas-debt-trap-says-former-mr- africa_2968517.html

After China Got Mad, Marriott Fired a Social Media Manager for Liking a Tweet About Tibet https://gizmodo.com/after-china-got-mad-marriott-fired-a-social-media-mana-1823500225

China asked Marriott to shut down its website. The company complied. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2018/01/18/china-demanded-marriott-change-its- website-the-company-complied/

Marriott Employee Roy Jones Hit ‘Like.’ Then China Got Mad https://www.wsj.com/articles/marriott-employee-roy-jones-hit-like-then-china-got-mad-1520094910

Analysis: The Long Arm Of China And Free Speech https://www.npr.org/2019/10/09/768373843/analysis-the-long-arm-of-china-and-free-speech

Trump vs. Biden on China Trump administration has put together ‘war plan’ to ‘take down’ CCP: Steve Bannon https://in.news.yahoo.com/trump-administration-put-together-war-014948066.html

[ ] C’mon Man; Why is Biden So Wrong About China? https://globaleconomicwarfare.com/2019/06/cmon-man-why-is-biden-so-wrong-about-china/

[ ] The President is Right on China, but Is Wall Street Trying to Undermine Him? https://globaleconomicwarfare.com/2020/06/the-president-is-right-on-china-but-is-wall-street-trying- to-undermine-him/

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Trump announces unprecedented action against China https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/29/politics/trump-china-announcement/index.html

Remarks by President Trump on Actions Against China https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-actions-china/

The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/presidents-executive-order-hong-kong-normalization/

Trump signs bill holding China accountable for ‘oppressive actions’ in Hong Kong https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-signs-bill-holding-china-accountable-for-oppressive-actions- in-hong-kong-2020-07-14

[ ] Remarks by President Trump in Press Conference https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-press-conference-071420/

Why Won’t US Politicians Talk About Chinese Authoritarianism? https://townhall.com/columnists/jonahgoldberg/2019/06/26/why-wont-us-politicians-talk-about-chinese- authoritarianism-n2548959

[ ] Joe Biden Would Provide ‘Less Heated Criticism’ Of Oppressive China, Says His Own Pick For Chinese Ambassador https://thenationalpulse.com/politics/biden-less-heated-criticism-of-china-says-baucus/

Joe Biden’s Love for Beijing Knows No Bounds | Opinion https://www.newsweek.com/joe-bidens-love-beijing-knows-no-bounds-opinion-1518652

Report: Joe Biden Quotes Communist Mass Murderer Mao Zedong During Fundraiser https://www.westernjournal.com/report-joe-biden-quotes-communist-mass-murderer-mao-zedong- fundraiser/

Trump retweets Biden speech calling for ‘beyond close ties’ with China https://nypost.com/2020/06/04/trump-retweets-biden-speech-calling-for-close-ties-with-china/

[ ] What We Know About Hunter Biden’s Dealings in China https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-we-know-about-hunter-bidens-dealings-in-china-11570181403 page 22 China’s Stealth War against America 3.97 CLEARED FOR RELEASE 07/23/2020 [Economic Battle PlanTM points: 93)

Analyst: Biden’s comments on China ‘inexplicable, absolutely incorrect’ https://thehill.com/hilltv/442351-analyst-biden-china-comments-inexplicable-absolutely-incorrect

[ ] Biden on China: “They’re not competition for us” https://www.axios.com/biden-china-threat-us-5f0e3fa4-4869-4038-aa0d-d3164e63f3fc.html

EXCLUSIVE: Congress Is Trying to Expand A Visa Loophole Allowing Chinese Communist Party Members To Obtain U.S. Citizenship https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/china-visa-loophole-threatens-america-first/

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