FEBRUARY, 1934 A.—Yes
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By Mary Perkins You kin chase de clouds away And have sunshine every day Whistlin' Mistuh Red Bird in a tree Keeps a you and me He's as happy as can be Whistlin' Care won't ever bother you An' you lose all trubbl too 4 1 Whistlin' While you're gettin' your row hoed Or am reapin' what you sowed You can lighten up your load Whistlin' An' de whistlers, bye and bye May be angels in de sky Flyin' all aroun' up high Whistlin' . ?" • `...44/#44Wovbr • Vol. XV CND FEBRUARY 1934 No. 2 -- e_rermilm_mmlWiaw4r;c1--_.1Ew- m-17-L-47Emm*.r2ff&mi k--em- &PM(i-tr-meeprmi Important Message To Trainmen By E. R. DYE, Operating Superintendent CCIDENTS for November and could entirely dispense with all rules. We December, 1933 show an alarm. have any number of men in the service, ing increase. We had more acci- conductors, motormen and operators, dents91 during those two months than in whom it would be perfectly safe to turn any other two months for the past two loose with no other instruction than to and one-half years. Every Division has operate their cars safely. Unfortunately, had its share in this increase. The suppo- however, the man who persists in violat- sition might be that our new men, and we ing rules must be governed by some fixed have had quite a number during the past rule and after the rule is made then all few months, are responsible for this in- men must be governed by that rule. Every crease, but in checking up on the situation rule in our Rule Book is a result of some it has been found that this is not so. The experience the Company has had at some older men in the service are showing an previous time. Trainmen are responsible increase in their accidents. for the rules in our Rule Book, and any There has been, during the past two man who is so careless and disloyal that months, an average of one car collision he will deliberately disobey rules, has no every three days, and in practically every one but himself to blame if he loses his accident of this sort investigation has dis- job. closed the fact that one or more rules have Now, a word to the new men. There had to be violated in order to produce a comes a period in the career of every new car collision. No organization, whether man—usually after his first two or three large or small, can operate without some months' service—when he becomes over- system of discipline, and any system of confident. The novelty of the job has discipline is a success only insofar as it begun to wear off. He does not have to functions as a corrective measure. Our stop and think before making each move. system of discipline has saved more men's His work becomes more or less automatic jobs than it has ever taken away from and it is during this period, especially in them. the case of the motorman or operator, that In the case of the recent collision of he begins to pile up accidents. He begins cars at Manchester and Vermont Ave- to take chances, depending upon his ex- nues, which involved a motorman of ten pertness to stop his car, or, in the case of years' experience, I am satisfied that if we a conductor, he begins to take chances on had been fortunate enough to have been giving bells before passengers are safely able to check up on some dangerous prac- on or off his car. He takes many chances tices in which this man no doubt was in- and wins; finally he takes a chance and dulging, this motorman would never loses—then comes the accident. There is have had this car collision. Possibly a no question but that our increase in acci- caution or a few demerits for violations dents during the past few months can be for indulgence in bad practices would attributed more to the disregard of our have saved this man's job for him, and in trainmen for our rules than to any one addition would have saved the car col- thing. We cannot afford to slack up in lision and the attendant injuries to pas- the enforcement of our rules or in the as- sengers and damage to Company prop- sessment of our discipline, unless we are erty. content to waste our revenues by satisfy- It would be an ideal condition if we ing accident claims. • • • Loreepewtrvmeme---", --- Published Monthly for the Employes of the Los Angeles Railway Number Two Volume Fifteen February, Nineteen Thirty - four JANET C. McNEILL - - Publicity Manager and Editor School Ticket only on the Western District lines. Information on Interchange Tickets 18. Q.-Is this complete ticket By DAN HEALY, Chief Instructor good on the L. A. Ry. lines? A.-No. I have endeavored in the following this complete ticket, at the four 19. Q.-What part of it is good? questions and answers to supplement points mentioned above, if further A.-The contract, and then the regular instructions on the inter- transfer is requested? only when validated "L. A. M. C. Co." change of ten cent tickets which went A.-A full transfer. 20. Q.-Has this ticket spaces for into effect February 1, 1934, by an- 8. Q.-Is this complete ticket validating on the L. A. Ry. lines? ticipating questions that may be good to Los Angeles Motor Coach A.-Yes. asked you by passengers and ques- Company lines at connections in P. 21. Q.-What other P. E. Ry. com- tions that may arise in your own E. Ry. Zones 2 or 3-Hollywood? plete ticket is good directly to the L. mind. A.-Yes. A. Ry. lines? 9. Q.-What will the L. A. M. C. A.-Form JT-6. 1. Q.-On and after Feb. 1, 1934, Co. line do with this complete ticket 22. Q.-What is the color of this is direct transfer allowed to the Pa- if further transfer is desired? ticket? cific Electric Railway local lines? A.-Detach coupon and vali- A.-Brown. on L. A. Ry. lines? date contract "L. A. M. C. Co." 23. Q.-In which P. E. Ry. Zones is A.-Yes. At any point where 10. Q.-Is this ticket contract good it issued? the Los Angeles Railway Inner Zone on L. A. Ry. cars then? A.-Zones 1 and 2, and in Zone rail or coach lines intersect the P. E. A.-Yes - at a n y connection 3 on Watts, So. Pasadena or Sierra Ry. local lines. within the L. A. Ry. Inner Zone. Vista lines. 2. Q.-What are the P. E. Ry. lo- 11. Q.-What will the first (1st) 24. Q.-If punched "Zone 3" is it cal lines? L. A. Ry. conductor do with this tick- good complete at L. A. Ry. connec- A.-Lines on Venice Blvd., Hill et contract if further transfer is de- tions within the P. E. Ry. No. 1 In- St., Sunset Blvd., Hollywood Blvd. sired? ner Zone? and Santa Monica Blvd.,-from the A.-Validate "L. A. Ry. 1st A.-No. Subway Terminal and, also, the South Ride." 25. Q.-Is it good on the P. E. Ry. Pasadena, Watts and Sierra Vista 12. Q.-What will the second (2nd) in their No. 1 Zone? lines on Main St., and the Edendale conductor do? A.-Yes. line on 6th St. A.-Validate "L. A. Ry. 2nd 26. Q.-W here is this complete 3. Q.-What P. E. Ry. local lines Ride." ticket punched "Zone 3" good on L. operate through the P. E. Station at 13. Q.-With both 1st and 2nd ride A. Ry. lines? 6th and Main St.? spaces punched, is this ticket good A.-Only at L. A. Ry. connec- A.-Sierra Vista local. This line for another ride on L. A. Ry cars? tions within the P. E. Ry. Zones 3 comes south on San Pedro St. from A.-Yes-to Shuttles only. or 2. Aliso St. and through the P. E. Sta- 14. Q.-When does the time expire 27. Q.-If punched "Zone 2" where tion-then north on Main St. on this ticket contract? is it good on L. A. Ry.? 4. Q.-What ticket form will be is- A.-Thirty (30) minutes after A.-In P. E. Ry. Zones 2 or 1 sued in Zone 3-Hollywood by the P. time punched. or 3. E. Ry.? 15. Q.-Is this ticket contract good 28. Q.-If punched "Zone 1" where A.-JT-3. back on the P. E. Ry. when validated is it good on L. A. Ry.? 5. Q.-What is the color of this either "L. A. M. C. Co." or "L. A. Ry. A.-In P. E. Ry. Zones 1 or 2. ticket? Co."? 29. Q.-When this complete ticket A.-Light green. A.-No. is received at a proper transfer point 6. Q.-At which four points only 16. Q.-Is this the only form of P. what is to be done with it? is this complete ticket to be accepted E. Ry. ticket for which a full transfer A.-Detach the coupon and vali- on L. A. Ry. lines? is issued on L. A. Ry. lines? date "L. A. Ry. 1st Ride"-2nd con- A.-Santa Monica & Western- A.-Yes. ductor will validate "L. A. Ry. 2nd Line "S"; Santa Monica & Virgil- Ride" and the contract will still be Q.-For what reason would the Line "L"; Virgil & Fountain-Line 17.