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Dear Friends, Drs בס''דבס"ד Founded by Rabbi Yosef Oziel zt”l WEEKLY BULLETIN פרשת כי תצא PARASHAT KI TEZE 14TH OF ELUL 5778 – AUGUST 25TH 2018 SHABBAT SCHEDULE Please Reserve your seats for the High WEEKLY SCHEDULE Mincha 6:15pm Holidays at SUNDAY Shir Hashirim: 6:35pm With the Yamim Noraim around the Selihot 6:45am Candle Lighting: 7:29pm corner, everyone should be receiving an Shaharit: 7:40am Shaharit: 8:30am envelope with all information concerning Youth Minyan: 9:00am Minha 6:10pm Membership, Schedules, Kapparot etc. Followed by Arvit & Zeman Keriat Shema 9:34am nd Please update your mailing addresses Teenager program 2 Zeman Keriat Shema 10:10am ASAP in order to receive it. Anyone Daf Yomi 5:40pm MONDAY TO FRIDAY Shiur: 6:30pm wishing to complete a registration form for Selihot 5:30am Avot Ubanim 6:30pm Membership can do so in the Bet Shaharit 6:20am Minha: 7:05pm Hakenesset or via our Website. Hodu Approx: 6:30am Followed by Seudat Shelishit & Shiur in Spanish 5:30pm Arvit This Week’s Bulletin has been Kindly Minha: 6:10pm by ,שלמה בן יעקב ז''ל Shabbat Ends: 8:29pm Sponsored Leiluy Nishmat Followed By Arbit & Shiurim Rabbenu Tam 8:59pm his Dear Family. th Synagogue: 310 - 95 Street, Surfside, FL 33154 Mailing Address: 1108 Kane Concourse, Suite 227, Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154 Tel: (305) 867-6024 E-mail: [email protected] | [email protected] בס''ד בס''ד (TORAH TEASERS (AISH 1. The first law in this parsha involves a "yefat to'ar" (beautiful woman) who is captured in war. Who is the only woman in the Torah specifically described as "yefat to'ar"? 2. Which part of the body is mentioned in this parsha, and nowhere else in the Torah? 3. In this parsha, what part of a house is mentioned? 4. Where else is a roof mentioned in the Torah - but having nothing to do with a house 5. Shatnez is a garment containing wool & linen (flax). Where else in the Torah are those two fabrics mentioned in the same verse? 6. Where in this parsha is a garment (simlah) mentioned? (5 answers) 7. Where in this parsha do bread and water appear in the same verse? 8. Which law in this parsha involves a shovel? 9. Which law in this parsha involves a dog? Which other law in the Torah involves a dog? 10. Which two of the six "zechirot" - the events we are required to remember (found in most prayer books after the morning service) - are mentioned in this parsha? 11. Which two laws in this parsha involve forgetting? 12. Where in this parsha is the number 40 found? Answers 1) In parshat Vayetze, Rachel is described as "yefat to'ar" - "a beautiful woman" (Genesis 29:17). 2) The non-Jewish woman captured in war must let her fingernails grow to make her look displeasing to her captor (Deut. 21:12). Fingernails are not mentioned elsewhere in the Torah. 3) This parsha mentions a roof - regarding the obligation to build a fence around the roof of one's house (Deut. 22:8). 4) The "roof" of the Golden Altar is referred to in both parshat Tetzaveh (Exodus 30:3) and parshat Vayakhel (Exodus 37:26). 5) In parshat Tazria, wool and linen are mentioned as the two fabrics that can constitute tzara'at on clothing (Leviticus 13:47). 6) (1) The captured woman must remove "the garments she is wearing when captured" (Deut. 21:13). (2) A garment is an example of a lost object that must be returned to its rightful owner (22:3). (3) A man is prohibited to wear a "woman's garment" (22:5). (4) When a newly-married woman is accused of adultery, the Torah uses the expression "spread out the garment," meaning that the matter should be fully investigated (22:17 with Rashi). (5) A creditor must return the collateral of a poor debtor if it is needed at night- e.g. "the garment he sleeps in" (24:13). 7) Amonite and Moabite men may not marry Jewish women. This is because these nations did not greet the Jews with bread and water when the Jews left Egypt (Deut. 23:5). 8) In addition to his weapons, a soldier who goes out to war must carry a small shovel (for Bashroom purposes) (Deut. 23:14). 9) A sheep that was traded for a dog (mechir kelev) may not be brought as an offering (Deut. 23:19). In parshat Mishpatim, the Torah states that torn flesh (basar trefa) must not be eaten, but rather thrown to the dogs (Exodus 22:30). 10) We are to remember what Hashem did to Miriam when the Jews left Egypt (Deut. 24:19). We must remember what Amalek did to the Jews when they left Egypt (25:17). 11) A bundle that is forgotten in the field must be left for the poor. We are commanded not to forget what Amalek did to the Jews when they left Egypt (Deut. 25:19). 12) Certain crimes are punished with 40 lashes (Deut. 25:3). [The Talmud explains that only 39 lashes are actually given (Makot 22a).] We would like to remind our Kahal Kadosh to please Donate wholeheartedly towards our Beautiful Kehila. Anyone interested in donating for any occasion, Avot Ubanim $120, Kiddush $350, Seudat Shelishit $275, Weekly Bulletin $150, Weekly Breakfast $150, Weekly Learning $500, & Monthly Learning $2000, Please contact the Rabbi. Thanking you in advance for your generous support. Tizke Lemitzvot! If anyone would like to contact the Rabbi, please feel free to call/text 786-879-4951, or email [email protected]. Men Refuah Shelema List Women • Yosef Zvi Ben Sara Yosefia, • Isaac Ben Mesoda, • Simja Bat Esther, • Sara Ledicia Bat Mesoda, • Aviv Ben Luba Miriam, • Haim Ben Marcelle, • Mesoda Bat Esther, • Alegria Simha Bat Esther, • Mordechai Ben Brucha • Yizhak Ben Simja • Rachel Bat Sarah, • Naomie Bat Rarel Adda, Malka Shmalo, • Reuben Ben Eta, • Evelyn Bat Solita, • Malka Bat Joyce Simja, • Yizhak Abraham Ben Sheli, • Michael Ben Aliza, • Nina Bat Rachel, • Sivan Simha Bat Yehudit, • Yosef Yizhak Ben Sara Hana, • Eliel Moshe Ben Sarah • Gitel Rina Bat Yael, • Nikita Nechama Shimona • Yehudah Leon Ben Mesoda, Bat Hava, • Salomon Benarroch Ben • Miriam Bat Sofy, • Mordechai Ben Miriam, Alia • Rahma Bat Simha • Natalie Rachel Bat Nancy, • Meir Raymond Ben Hamsa • Mordechai Ben Mercedes • Esther Bat Mazal • Malka Bat Dina בס''ד בס''ד Community Announcements (It is YOUR Community, make the most of it!) Miscellaneous Announcements: • This Week’s Congregational Kiddush has been Kindly Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs Shimon Cohen in memory of his Dear Father Shelomo Cohen Bar Shimon z”l. Tihye Nishmato Tzerura Bitzror Hahayim Amen. • This Week’s Congregational Kiddush has been Kindly Sponsored by The Elbase & Saadoun Families in memory of his Dear Grandmother Yvonne Emuna Bat Rida Guedj z”l. Tihye Nishmata Tzerura Bitzror Hahayim Amen. • The Kiddush Club Initiative. Anyone interested donating a Kiddush Please kindly contact the Rabbi. Tizke Lemizvot! • This Week’s Seudat Shelishit has been Kindly Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Andre Zonana in memory of his th Dear Father Menahem Zonana Bar Simha z”l the 14 of Elul. Tihye Nishmato Tzerura Bitzror Hahayim Amen. • This Week’s Breakfast is still available for Sponsorship! • Anyone interested in sponsoring Breakfast for this week or on any day please contact the Rabbi. • If anyone is interested in creating a weekly class in your house or an individual class with the Rabbi, please do not hesitate to contact the Rabbi. • We are trying to update our Congregant’s contact information. We would like to start sending texts about different Events and Shiurim. We would also like to start emailing the weekly bulletin. We would like to start a list of Nahalot/Azkarot/Yahrzeits. We would also like to make a Refuah Shelema list. Please send your contact information to the Rabbi at [email protected] • Please feel free to contact any of the board members either in person, or via email with suggestions or comments. Our email addresses are: board member’s first name Important Message!!! Eruv Update: Surfside: The Eruv in Surfside now includes the walking paths along the beach. Pushing strollers and carrying is permitted on the paths, but not beyond the path or onto the beach. Bal Harbour: The Eruv in Bal Harbour included the inner (western) walking path only. The pier at Haulover Cut is not included. • Due to the recent reorganization of seats in the Bet Hakenesset, We are happy to announce the NEW possibility of purchasing seats in the Bet Hakenesset. For more information, please contact the Board. • Before hanging up anything anywhere in the Bet Hakenesset, please seek authorization from the Rabbi. This includes flyers etc. • Please be advised that prior to bringing any food or drinks for any occasion, you must first seek the authorization from the Rabbi. Special Announcements • We are pleased to announce that Ness 26 is part of the Amazon Charity Program, which would allow our community to collect 0.5% of all the orders made by any of you on In order to register you need to log on and select Ness 26, Inc as the Charitable Organization you want to support, and from then shop on instead of It won’t cost anything more, and is an easy way to contribute to our budget needs. • Anyone wishing to receive the Daily Halacha by the Rabbi please send a whatsapp message to Simon Chocron 786-351- 1573 • With the Yamim Noraim around the corner, everyone should be receiving an envelope with all information concerning Membership, Schedules, Kapparot etc.
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