Federal Register/Vol. 82, No. 165/Monday, August 28, 2017
40806 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 165 / Monday, August 28, 2017 / Notices The last notification was filed with NETHERLANDS; Sarpal Consultancy, Company, Seattle, WA; Brighthouse the Department on May 2, 2017. A Chigwell, UNITED KINGDOM; Agile Networks, East Syracuse, NY; Canoe notice was published in the Federal Fractal Grid, Inc., Medway, MA; Neural Ventures, Englewood, CO; Cisco Register pursuant to Section 6(b) of the Technologies, Petersfield, UNITED Systems, San Jose, CA; ClickSoftware, Act on June 7, 2017 (82 FR 26514). KINGDOM; Suomen Erillisverkot Oy, Inc., Burlington, MA; Cloud Strategy Espoo, FINLAND; CenturyLink, Inc., Patricia A. Brink, Partners LLC, Scotts Valley, CA; Coeos Monroe, LA; Windstream Assurances, Paris, FRANCE; Converge Director of Civil Enforcement, Antitrust Communications, Little Rock, AR; Division. ICT Solutions Inc., Pasig City, Civity, Zeist, NETHERLANDS; de PHILIPPINES; Coraltree Systems Ltd., [FR Doc. 2017–18179 Filed 8–25–17; 8:45 am] Brenni Executive Consulting Services, Fareham, UNITED KINGDOM; Core BILLING CODE P Adelaide, AUSTRALIA; KPMG Information Consult, Jegenstorf, Australia, Sydney, AUSTRALIA; Tata SWITZERLAND; Creating Waves AS, Communications Ltd., Mumbai, INDIA; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Kongsberg, NORWAY; Cubika S.A., TEAM COTE D’AZUR, Nice, FRANCE; Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA; Defence Antitrust Division Inabox Group Limited, Sydney, Science and Technology Laboratory, AUSTRALIA; PT Telekomunikasi Salisbury, UNITED KINGDOM; Dorado Notice Pursuant to the National Selular, Jakarta, INDONESIA; Cognitro
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