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S E ^ Cems A/Nd^Lm G. 0. P. CONCENTRATES on COMING AVBBAOB DAILS OOUHILATIOM ' THE WEATHER ter the Meirtk Nevember, ISM Fofciast of U. S. Weather 1 READY D i a l 5 3 2 1 For QuaUtjr Barttard C onraa^^aral CsdtU wlU bold For 5,783 Sooia Ught anew bopiaaii late tbetrjre^lar practice drill tomor- Do Your Gift Shopping w et the Aedit tonight or Wednooday; not ameh pw^lght at 7 o'clock. Important F or WDiYER Free Delivery RANGE el OfreoletloBB ehango to temperatnie. luaineaa will be transacted and all MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM members are urged to be present. on. T V & e g a l . Any member who has not received (CUeelBed Adverttsmg oa Pege IS.) a notice from the njijor Is asked to WELDON At Hale’s For (hiahty VOL. LV„ NO. 66. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1985. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEMTIT get In touch with Sergeant Adam­ Dial 4129 son at once. DRUG CO. John Mather Chapter Order of CAMPBBU And Economy DeMblay will give the DeMolay de­ Children Brings Gold To H Duce gree to nine candidates tonight at Read The Herald Ad?i Service Station the Masonic 'Temple. Men’s Handkerchiefs G. 0 . P. CONCENTRATES ITALY ADMITS DEFEAT Antacid Powder Initialed Linen Handkerchiefs, O C ^ For sour, acid stomach. Re­ STORM lief from Indigestion, belching, ON COMING^AMPAIGN Initialed Linen Handkerchiefs, Q C ^ IN EAST AFRICA BAHLE nausea, gas, etc. Results guaranteed. SASH ARTHUR DRUG STORE and Plain Linen Handkerchiefs, O C ^ Rome AnnoancemeDt Ac Initialed Cotton Handker- Ohio Convention City French Deputies Back First Since Start of War STORM chiefs, 6 fo r ................................ O a / C TODAY’S WINNERS Boys’ Linen Handkerchiefs, 1 C Leaders Appeal to Anti-i Preparing for Parley Laval in Peace Moves Which Admitted a Retreat; Reg, No. A-L 381 DOORS each ........................................... 1 9 C Reg, No. C-A 241 New Deal D em oc^ts. Cleveland Dec. 17. (AP)—<(>tral committee has been seeking to Paris, Doc. 17.—The Chamber of.fcwlll follow only the policy 1 out- Big Ethiopian Offenshre b Reg. No. C-J 537 SAVE YOU Ladies’ Linen Ohio Republicans, heartened by ' keep Ohio from becoming a battle­ Deputies, by a vote of 306 to 252, lined thia morning. If you consider award of the 1936 national conven­ ground for delegates for various assured Premier Laval today of its it dangerous, do not wait until Dec. Now Under Way. Reg. No. B-W 581 By ASSOCIATED PRESS. presidential possibilities. MONEY tion to Cleveland, jiredlcted victory confidence in his program to settle 27.” A Hoover plan for relief of the The winning of the convention the Itaio-Ethioplan war. Laval told the deputies today he Reg. No. M-G 151 HANDKERCHIEFS in next year's elections today. You will save In fuel alone theli nation’s Ilia was tossed into the climaxed months of labor by civic The vote of confidence came after and British Foreign Secretary Sir BlTLLmNt Beg. No. B-K 730 Ladles' Linen Handkerchiefs, political Cauldron today as the Re­ At the same time a struggle to organizations to secure a parade of Samuel Hoare agreed on their pro­ cost to say nothing of the In­ FOR BOYS and GIRLS reserve hotel rooms for next June the premier had dared the Chamber creased comfort of your borne aacb ........................................ lOc publican party—Its convention city events in celebration of Cleveland's A big red apple for teacher? Not in Italy, these days! Those Italian to overthrow his government, de­ posals for settlement of the Itaio- Asmara Eritrea, Dee. 17^ Reg. No. G-H 280 followed the party’s decision to come Centenary next summer. (AP)—Reporta of figbtl^ altag this winter. Nancy Green Ladles’ Cambric Linen Hand­ picked—concentrated on defeat of here. children are filing by a deak in a government bureau, bringing gold or- claring he refused "to go to Geneva Ethioplan war as a “last effort” to Reg. No. X-B 353 kerchiefs, e a ch ...................... 12ic The American Legion national namenta and utenails as donations from their families to the Fascist under humllltating conditions." prevent war in Europe. the Borthen froat today ladl- Prices are reasonable! , For In­ the New Deal In 1936. EM. D. Seboor, Republican state convention, the National Air races, government to help carry on the African war. The deputies voted on the Pre­ Application of an oll-eoal-lron- eated EtUoplaa forooa was* stance 2-llght Storm Sash Cblldren’a Linen 1 The former president, vigorously chairman, said “Ohio Republicans and the Socialist Nationalist conven­ swooplag deara oa ItaHaa oat- Reg. No, B-F 347 5 0 c each Handkerchiefs, each JlUC never felt more confident of winning mier’s demand that interpellations steel embargo against Italy—on ad­ Mystery Stories 15c attacking the administration's relief tion already have been booked, and of the government on Its plan In ditional war penalty, dlecusslon of posts la test skirmishes preitaa- Reg. No. P-H 614 3’ 4” X 4' 3H”................ fi.eo ea. setup in a St. Louts speech last than they do now. The convention city leaders are working to secure Inary to a bums attack. 2’ 6" X 4’ 7'A”....... ........2.00 ea. handling the Italo-Ethloplan situa­ which the Anglo-Frencb peace plan Ladies’ Fine Quality Hand Made night, advanced a plan to confine will stimulate them to even greater the Townsend Plan convention. A INSTRUCTS Interrupted—threatened, Laval said, It waa appareat from the 5 Gallons of Franklin Storm Door with 1 Ilgbt of glass public works projects to those enthusiasm and have a major influ­ Great Lakes Ehcpositlon will run ail NURSE SUSPECTED tion be postponed until Dec. 27. tare ot the llghtlag. that Om 2’ 8" X 6' 9 "..........................*4.60 Football Stories 5 0 c each Linen “which meet the needs of the na­ ence on Ohio’s vote in the national summer. CIG. SMOKERS Laval had called for a showdown to "lead to war.” Ethloplaaa wen aeadlng tee- tion." All other relief would go elections. The very presence of so after be had made a lengthy de­ In a spirited defense of hiZ action ward highly mobile, bat eloaely Gas FREEI Then there's a combination screen Eight downtown hotels, reported fense of his reasons far assisting in In advancing the peace proposals as and storm door at I6JI0 for the back to state and local authorities. many leaders and the fact so many receiving flics of telegrams today If You Wish To Avoid Nicotine ocauiected, advaace goardo. Every Day A Winner At HANDKERCHIEFS Opinion on the Hoover address was of us will be able to attend will do seeking promises that rooms be set IN FOUR DEATHS the formulation of tho now famous a basis for seitlemer.t denounced by 2’ 8" X 6' 9” size that’s very popu­ Puff Weakly and Leave a Franco-Brltlah plan for peace be­ critics as a reward to Italy for Us lar. White and colored. With Ap- divided In Washington. much to consolidate our strength." aside during the Republican ses­ Rome, Dee. 17. — (AP) -> Hid Children’s Classics 5 0 c and $1 To Senator Thomas (D.. Okla.) Ohio's delegation will be an un- sions. However, allotment of hotel Long Stub—Other Hints. tween Italy and Ethiopia. declared aggression on Ethiopia, FRANKLIN penzel and applique finest needle He told the deputies he hod fol­ the Premier declared: > loog-waited general battle la Nortik. Let us help jro<i get ready for a rt each the speech was a bid for the party's Instructed group. The State Cen- space will be made by a committee. cold weather. There's plenty ol nomination when the delegates meet Washington, Dec. 17.—(AP) Confesses to KiOiiig One of lowed the British lead In a “lost ef­ "Article XVI of the League em Ethiopia, toward which the GAS STATION It coming I Children of Other Lands and at Cleveland June 9. —With the aid of robot cigaret fort" to prevent war In Europe and (tovenant (providing for sanetiona) Italian and Ethiopian ormiaa haea To Senator Schall (R„ Minn.) the asked that the Chamber postpone could have engaged ua In war. Be­ boon maneuvering for weako, ap­ Comer of Center and Adams Stories 5 0 c e a c h fiend, the government today lieve mi, that I weighed the mean­ Streets Hoover plan was "a good lijca.’' passed along to tobacco smok­ Her Patients After Ten discussion of the plan until the peared to ba under way today with In the capital, where the Republi­ ers some handy hints on how to League of Nations had acted on It. ing of my acta.” ' 3 5 0 ^ can national committee selected HINTS AT BREAK SOON puff. Hour Qniz. He Buggeated the discussion be Dec. ‘Tt la up to Geneva and others to tha tint engagament a vietoty (up Illustrated Stories For Children Cleveland yesterday, the O. O. P. If a cigaret smoker wishes to 27. do what they see fit,” tha Premier tha Ethiopians. Xmas leaders sought to attract antl-New get the minimum amoimt of Socialists, hewever, called for a asserted, throwing the issue to tha The Italian govsmmsnt anaeaaaad The Funny Noise Deal Democrata over to their side. nicotine, he should use moist dlacusalon Dec.-SO. League of Nations Onmell which today that Italian troopa had In a special election today In IN MILNE KIDNAPING cigarets, puff weakly, and leave Woonsocket, R. T., Dec. 17.— 'At Geneva,” Laval declared, ‘T considers the proposals tomorrow. tired before on attack of ahoot $,000 Greeting Cards Michigan's Third Congressional Dis­ (AP)—Deaths of former patients of Ethiopians on the northern froat Cinder a long stub.
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