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Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-29-1915 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 03-29-1915 The veE ning Herald, Inc.

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week from today il tayi thote mas- ODE we have any luok TURKEY sacred at XTnim the Big Smoke may iah wra only have blown away. Eeftto mt MEMBER ASSOCIATED PBESS mini r.rrnzi v ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY, MARCH. 29, 1915. Vol. Kit. M. J, von . no. s.



THE F--4 THE WRECKER TOGETHER ENGAGEMENT TURKS DECLHRE IT TURKISH GOVERNMENT SAYS Navy Department Today An- Miis Tanzer Declares She was Slow Forming of Great Five Hundred Reported IS DOT Killed STORM REPORTED IT nounces that Effort will be Honestly Mistaken in Belief Union Not of Politioal Na- in First Effort to Capture MURE Made to Salvage Boat and that J. W. Osborne Smashed ture but of Understanding Ma tamoras from Car ransa Recover the Bodies. Her Heart. and Mutual Helpfulness. Troops. mil mm IS ALL FICTION URII1 SUPPOSED SUBMARINE TAKES BACX EVERYTHING PAYS VISIT TO NEW GOVERNMENT MOVES TO ATTACK PROVES OLD ANCHOR IN FORMER TESTIMONY ARGENTINE WARSHIP PROTECT THE BORDER WaahMiloa, M m ii H Tha Turk- piiiiail until frplrmbrr. whin thr nf hit., Naval Officers at Honolulu To Accompaniment of Sobs Notable Occasion Today When Washington has Fteah Report ish itmrrnmrnt drnlra that bnr MlltKll fur lirln. Thr mat rmt Inna. Lrvn nit) dlanrdira ut I'rumiah, I'rr- - annuun ri Inat yrar, hrn thr Tmk-la- Sure They Have Approxi- and Tears, Plaintiff in $50.-00- Chief Executive is Guest of of Dangerous Situation in Defenders of Dardanelles Aj-se- rt ala Anibnaaitdnr Mnrarnih I'm "vrrutont al.rnaatrd Ihr rnlil- - atuntlimidr ,'iblrd IBM atati d'par'-maa- l IMlSUOMi wutibi hnvr takrn frn.n thn mate Location of Vessel and Breach of Promise Suit Honor at Luncheon by Ar- Mexico City and Possible Losses of Allied Fleet tmliiy arand rtahaf hail that 'hr rtilaamnury rnllrtira thr rxrinitlnn Sweeping is Resumed. Backs Up. gentine Ambassador. so Severe Th?y are Unable an Infnrmrd him mi thr Mtaiklth of a frmn Turklah auirrtalnn thr. ra- Evacuation by Zapata ripiirt miidi to him by thr Tuikiah il,,, .1 it an wild Ambua-ludii- r Srrrtt JK.- - -- Man-I- t March : New Vnrk. h Mlaa liar , Md.. to Come Back. aar ofllcr. Murarnthtin. who haa i.'nnfrr-rr- d Waahlnatun. Thr lal Mn nnnHills. llrownavllle. Trxsa. March St. hMM any f aubmur-- Tanarr. MlMMMf whu fllrd a C" ul, M llaull. Hn rrtuiy unnnun nl that with thr hrada ( thr IMMMMoM, )iaM that thr ' Ihr I't. ni at was nn - might he Ollfl milt W. a. Iii Thrrr fighting at Malamoras lira iMUVCtMM hi thr Tarkib n rt'imrti'd thut lha MMMUm Inr trw atta haa nrrti dantaci aaulnat MMM tun. i.o In hla linnm on Ik.iH'I aiiandnnnl b t hi nai ilrmrttni n' obrnr, fnrinrr diatrlrt ut- - Hi. Xrui-nlli- t.aitli lop Mon in, today up lu this aflrmoon. Hrpurts PERFECT WEATHER SAID i ri'im in nfTn ii'ia imilKii adaratlotml lata, tot il. inljuatrd,'' fur thr HIM und tndiiv A 'tin Hrirrtary Hlu(. d turnry uf Nrw Ynrk, wi'itt un thr arm Ita-- tlun art) from both sides Initltntlnna In Turk bad tin 11 mat- - at Iruat. by tin ilriarllnrnt. tialui. in. r indicated thai thn lawyer luday wlta-- TO BE TRUE CONDITION Hear Admiral Mimrr, nf a new in thr ufflrr "raiihlly it i im, a day bailie between Villa besiegers and Honolulu naval n.n 'nl I nited Htatra Diatrln Atlur.try m. will luji-lli- i r thr tin ilia. illaw Ihe garrison would not be tu rporl Ihr Fim' Imatbin nf the MHrahiill and tnok bark rvrrythlna is llH-- Iiiim- MMM 'Pa "it lo-- .arrania Damaged French and English an ikrn Imat and Ihr driith at whlrh aha - ml rrrrntly IdrntlfylnK iiaburnr tin i is i,. i. ami tltai H will be a renewed before tomorrow. GERMANSUBMARtN E ahr lira, that thr navy drimrlinrn' aa thi man whu i uurtrd hrr tttidrr thr iiilmi mil uf poltir ill lies, tail nf Colonel Jose Florae, of the Mata-ntnra- a Warships Said to Have been Today s War mm ralimiitr thr prnbnlillily nf an I nan f i diver t latmrne. iiimIi und iiiiilual ln li-- garrleoB, ami mi need todm tb'i dMembark-e- d v.ihiiik ihr hull und rrruvrrlha thr j Itrfnrr Murahnll would take hrr I'arranaa rrntfonrmeMi Ordered Out of Greek - It Ports t.odn o hf ntiiiiiundrr ami Ml, hi. prrpari'd a waiver of al Ihe mouth of thr In Urnnde No udvlira un thr dlaaatrr havr Immunity tu Khr from the transport (Mxaea yaatrrdey on Pain of Internment. Summary fur hrr rln. atllxru Anna p. .lis, Md.. Man h I'rral-den- t CAMPAIGN GETS MMa to thr drnurtmrnt MM Friday wna wit-- i and thai they were egpecled to reach hrr numr. ami hrr alunaturr a nlaht neaaed by hrr naw roumal, Harold A, MMMM rtriratury Daniels and Maiamoras today. Other i'arranaa 1. nil. .11 M.n. h .'H. ill 40 Nu furthrr rrpnrta ramr tn thr KplelberK Thru ah, ant duwn In thr party nf uldra Induy wen thr guraia reinforcements of 1.400 men und fif- u. i ip in. llussian again lai'iiiiant siiliiiiaiiiH' wurrhata navy day. j o teen pieces of artillery under i4aj drpurtttient dorlna thr MM af Aaelatunt Illatrli t Attorney of the Argrnllnr am.iaaaiiilm Itmii-ul- flensral knot king ii ol Iinm- mhSad MM ' tu iIh re- Ceear l.npex de I .urn were reported thr Mat iaN TWO MORE DIG WtM Admiral Muurr hna madr a Wiiud and briinn tu tell her atnry. It 8. Naou, al a, lunchruti nn bnord by binlibunli m bnit iisi raaaahi uimii tin M the port ui thr ImMMM thr hu'l. a an aaid ahr wuuld be at II all afler- - the new Argrnllnr battleahip Mureno. coming towards Malamoras from iM Turkish furls mi the Ih.aphoi us, llHM' III llH matl'ta will be to south The Villa come from hoard of Inquiry urdrrnl nuun. Aa the yacht Maydnwrr. bringing tha forcea but with vi hat auccaM la nut yet ain ut tin' in nuii lalaa. Mm .i Ik the weat. thr Thla thr M ma Turner, m I'lirdlnir to her president a part, nvared the Muranu, leHhilcl) Known. Ag In I hr lirllt-.l- i ataMMV HH i Officially mutt lalnla "' tiamil uurar. lawyar, almply mad a itnat.ike In the baltleahlps uand played the .star there are aaid to ba III Unnr Turkl-- h najaall. tlM- r. 11 km STEAMERS af the the iiii luiiiliia 'a I 1, i - larurr hli'lil f y k latin s V. nil us dl- HpMiigled llunnrr. At thr Inat atrttl ta Villa prisoners In Malamoraa. II el baManetta, the oni la the M'lil In laittiini. ua, tii'M'-iHH'i- i aawi Ihr IIMI Ml: sVtKKI'IN't; WOTTOM vrr OahaMI, In. admirer. No it. the prealdrnt a dag was run up ana them wounded. In addition to IM u.onolmioua rel nation ol the nil tin' taMM ui miii li pahV. Villa wmindei-- j in Hrowosvlll anoth- . n.HMOH rae to dame rrror, Un firing a presidential nli-- haSMt ol mil iMixr for har Mori in. briiun tin 'inn- sweepcia ol ridnildi iWtli a I er are be h V.-a- .-la r aaid the tlrm nf Sladr Mladr. tweat-i-un- guna. Itt aaid lo distributed - -- Mnnolulu. T II Mtirt-- l"i aid aulute of .illica an- inntlnul-i- their MM id Mliv I'lir hWMMl nann r among mm-he- gear flfunde i...- I ,,n.., I thr l.iwyrra whn had rrproartilrd her. Mor- the Rio -- 1 Biitish Steamer Falaba. in kiaa it., mioini The president was met on the .mil that In weullte: mull' r,i, viiiiin nnu in tin aajmah - wn-- , border un the MeKtcan side. I'oloael m F-- . wrn- In nu liituliitd Ad- 111 11 Malaa aubmarlnr l have rr in eno by Ambassador Nann, Itrar Mill prevent a reeiiinpibih of the Itatiiii'l rti'W ill m XV Flo roe sold the Villa luaaaa were htr Sent th? i Frlrnda of Jntiira flahurne rlulm 11 ii'Kt iii Her ..a- - MMtS, African Trade N nu ii d nwrrplini the u ran Hour with miral Martin, president of the Ar- ilinnii in, Ihwt hna hern made the vlntlm of a - killed and mure then son wounded a i...... i ,, able,. H., nn k br and Cap- fur haa brrn y gentine natal commission 1,11101,1 Inn MM, wli" lid Bottom with all Crew ronvplrm-- to dlatrrdti him und etc- - Villa ofnreis erfmitled HU0 tnauaUtoa. ..Intra to aaaajH lha w t li aa tin- laraMma ril'nrtril Including .'.nil tin' iiiImiiii r af Hmtaat innfl-MM- peel will In- into about killed Nuviil iilhri mitnea diuwu - an MMM fur Ihe lull in lha tin- - MjHb tin- Aguilla Sinks Today. nltli'lala reltrrate thrlr gurata at the h'h h i.i uddl- In ualr ni hi ally F-- the Thr Thr rrpurt of Amerluan fonsul thMMM lit thai the 4 la Inveatlaalluii , .mil thut since Mm it iia- - ha- - wminil-t- thrlr lhrnr tloa . the prealdrnt and Hocrelgry ol tin Mm, lai'ii i M Analatuht Inalrlei Atturnry XViind, Jraa Jolioaon at Malamoras that no 1 acuther i onilnio i have baaH siibntrrar.l MMM the harbor v i i iraysun, Cap. loilai - l, ilium din ml whu i ann front the to i itiiria m .1 in shuts were find Into America ter mi asropteMe Thr' hilar thrlr npinlnn rxaniina OMM kuihI that Turkish MMaahWM tttmu Iw a Injnri'il BEPI.Y TO ORDER IN room ut une Mia tain Aloort tl. XYlnterhaltei apparently refers lo Ihe tact M-r- a aeen o'clock aaid Turner mor) Mm flying ovat tfea war- lwrarl, nu th rrpnrta nf fuel nil Wiirtshitugh, M. - rfasltSll h riMaMjmal ami IhaM Id-- 1 tMMtod that her mt la aMMMMMJ Hand, r D. Frtlrrl' " that there was no intention of shuvt- ship. oi the ciiem. in ami iiimut COUNCIL COMPLETED oil Ihr MffMM nl Ihr aril, nil thr 1111111.111.1, the Argentina imilllliiti - MthtfM Inry Ju a XX' us n.t ni with thr an,, waa luuiisellor of Ing in Ihe direction of Brownsville Ilti' ni 'I i to- li a. uf air luiblilra rlalnji tn thr sacre-tar- 'iin ni'H uftanala in I'tiitii an huneal tnlatukr. HgMMI t'arlos Acuna. drat The rifle bullets falling here Satur- RevMwlM miasm n muni activity Mirfa. i ami ulau nn ihr reruvery of a Ituybuud. mil- PuInihI Iiiin li'il tu uwp ititlitlim. Mis XX'nuil that ahr tr t'olonri Kduardu day wi re spent The authorities here in Main m u out oi claloM 'Actual Sending of Note to pirn ot hMM wrk luuuaht tip by u laiirt told tht in hIiIi Ii tin- Idi'-hm- -. ari- anl In aware of laal itary iittachr. and Kduardu Jlaiedn. an mw'silguling alleged firing from opt Hha frmn the log Navajo. Thla piece hrr intatakr that the t'tiliniia "it this era i tu haw lii'Hiy aday XX'htle waa M Al ihe luncheon Ambassador Nuon Xnierli an aide during the bmtle tnfli'tiil British Government will be uf lir.-i'- haa Identlded b thr Thin ahr alttlna the of Uuasiuii waraiup tiu.r n null- HUM'S, I'll, arm propoard a toast tu the ptraidani in li Hill Ull. f-- Ihr uint'r nf DltUad Htatea OMMMM rtatuidiiy. ed in damage to i ull naval aathaMiMa aa imm thr licrmnn llmt 'i iininiitti'ii, in lliih. Delayed Until President's MgMM liouKhlun uwulHng the algninK the folluwlng words'. lilted Htiitea troopers received a Halts ami that 'In- i in have MMM Il waa dlarovrrrd yralrrday ihat sin. ii, ti-- s I'm I list I'ri aaaMl Ian nf her bund, ahr said. I laburnc ' time "It is pel ha pa the drst time thai nrt that mrmhera of party of la n .mpellcii matartaUi tu oi to Ihr ubjacl which MMl MMMMlM had iirr. utii, aMMBad Mt amaaMi Return Waihiugton. In ami ahr auw him "under a atrnna piraidiitt of ihe I'nlled HtatM ot twelve Mexicans at a bend in I In Itm th-i- i Inn, httlna in un tin turn nf thr iimimnenie. in 1 Mad MaashaM ahr foot on a piece of for- were sniping from Qtftnan submurtnea hm hMM ,' ran waa nut III, Inat aiibtnuri'ir. hahf- fur the Ural time. When America ads lirunilr near line hum burn 111. I It battleship MM lltlllol lau' III. ill MM UMdfcm, Man HI In p, m l bill iilll reunited bet errur. Mlaa Tiinoer wild, eign soli, i like this lb" Vmerlca.t side. They forced this ii nil thn ttnglmh ami In-- h , an all'hor tin' Ull. IMltll! ll,l H. in. I rum tlu Ian, n her ttral intptilar wua tn lull t 'ureMM apilnga irmn thr Industrial capacity part y tin river front, but re-- i ii i" Iran oasts and thr luu't- FhI.hi, I n I I 11 In lint Hmi I hi ability of this graat country. net a use I" il mm PMMgMd - 11 m, ml iiilmli all 'ni. Nlnllrr llotiailtnii. ,n riiutuioit and made nu urreals thr Tti i.i distress In tin Bristol ' sult-- . (MM - Hull i hits ' " iri i lo t Irmn iIuIiih an and ahr Hem i- I cnuld md tlnd any inurr weapons in party ihanMl ma ba am ol thu trte Hint tlii' Mttaawa I'allii lin- MM MMM eiilrd no the ' up h a told whrtt ahe went i nir .mil gratifying occasion than the Kliaor.du. seruntl lima uf thalr raid. htmM iii. Mum mini hrr bmthrr. fletnrul rrnopbi PUEBLO BANK WITH In t Hprll-- I one drink your prrsonal ' waa MMMW 111 llH' innili 11I holm Hrr "tin thru told prt'ei'iit to 'o in "iiimand ut Malamoras, whu m tng what is u feel- Saturday, brought I'.laii.l ii mi 11. il 1,1 tin- .11 Murili . Trann-- brra. happiness, und woundi d has been t. Ill I K I KNM1 I OHM MM i hHIi.'C .01 my purpose uf my mix link. oaMMaMa llttdt MMMM initial ut Mm MfhM ll'do tu Mr. latmrne uppeuretl at the ing lieoplr und a to brow navl lie. He was shot Pi i xx aay muy the ilea DAM M.I l MMIM in i I. Iii tin- MBaM "I 'In- skua iiM'r UMM 1 ti t in III II Hard In Ihr ut Miirshall this afternunn. ovorameat, to that the hips but Is expected tg recover. j 11 t Wall get flga bound our two Mut ta li Hn to Prtjaidaa smvIm, n urdar in ttoltnctl aautnat DIG "Von in Ih M If) to which htive alwas Fifteen flat cars bearing artillery llrrll't, h )Viti mm tin' iiiinah DEPOSITS I i grow strung-r- r k Ma) Mile i News. nil ml ft-- . oinim-- QafMUtM) i If a IhMHa bMh M la get tnnney out outtiiirs tog, thn .lul fm thi' rrlirwal of the Villa att.o Thi Oiersraa .iRiiny uiih MMtNu iiuin in ami from r . I siru-igr- they tiala) Hi. nut tin- following IMfaMd aa) a thai In- UafMBM would, it wua belli-'- id here uf a lawyer." OMMMM aaid. "Il inn unit until ronatilute Upon .Xliitilllioraa algmetl n AOlrri I on In- -- In MM MCaOMOgly glad Miss the cxpr-sal- of the uiust perfect weat of Mala lulm mutton Inn, In i n received lalli'il In un ,1- mil nuiili null a await Ihr return uf I'rrai dour. ana about alxty miles , I " i i . Tu liar r la iniikliig thla atatrtnent. terim Hnnu Iru inialilp yrntrrday were not expected from niilaniliioii to tin ill. lin Mvluatm ui lafaalrj ami tiiut li ni Hi ti from Vint, ipolla SHUTS DOORS moras . a begin thu Mri-e- u ha- - n .l mm, null', vir- "The great thin limit maea uf The praoideni lespunded bitedy. dellier their freight In time to criiintni adiamMg in Thr huwrvrr, - kl-t- la paopla hrlrtk m- -i garrt- tin da. united h Iah 11 laMMMMMa 111 MM tually cuiiipleletl, thla thtit tin who dwelling on Mad rrlatiuns biimbtirdment of the "arransa thai Freit ami itn uiiiM'lli'il tin hna brrn Thr - thr , think of Ihr I'rr- t it warMlp which pui 'In daioalhl adnt tu MMWhm ihadr iitn-ii- luiti to i li t titan. that ri Kiirdiiu thnii niter irauH. ItiK I" wr, n In ii ill iHe'rn und piin befnrr Turaihi night at Ihr iiii I - I 1 um u tin ' ulr. bin think uf rxpreaa- hi. a.' butc pm Mil Inn t .Min flint ii' in - in 1 MM - mmM Mm Ihr ill all nil inn ol thr Militant I'nrido I'olo March :;i The aotialMi tin A.miilim Itipul'll. and rnl In st M ami m family If I had neen grow In ar The ships one lowed in HMI tin I In a iii Ii un tin- I'lll. a I' Fryr n tin I'rlna Bllal Mi ri .inttlr National bunk t Inaed Ita hMM tnii Ihr huiie thut Hit', might ordinary mult " : Malta " IiM'r MMM Ion,. MM put In I'rlodrlrh haa mil brrn flnlahrd, dooia Mra today, follow Mi thr in tin bualneaa litatrad alrnnaet in ihr future Ill I M i Hit KXIKMT OF Till-- lnwyar thing been 1(1 ! MMM oddHlonaJ infocmMloa ntiu u b) C. C. thla wnu.d nine presldi-ii- t the Ol Xltll OlIIH Mini miiiiina nf run MMMM yeara an Wht'r the ufler -- - a I uvrr ttir Inr two ur and XVaahlnglua. h Tt.i MOIt I s M In Mm tit i 'i' d t.' complMa tin dm r thr i r. n am r lancheon waa pluvim: golf on the .Man Tin' rMiiigian iMakm ni laufht' ' body me. II XI I It R1 111 vs a rvri Mini an, lonketl at of field artillery lair lonni MMMHg 111 ai ia lu.i ii- - n ' ituya ago, attd almr IMM M mi. al ,i' adeiiii gru'inda with Dr. batteries - would winked." nrib-re- i Tin i ni to An- ta tin, Ituir waa were by Mcretcry iiarnami l.otidoi. .Mat h -- ". ill II I' in timi vhMMM lunr Imm rrMib hud K"lii lloaal MMl aMlMMM auid In have 'tlruyaiin, Merretury iniulrU tn in -- Mayflower In II f f III drll proceed from Fort Nam Houamn. itriitri mrraaiiniiilaai at Peirograd MM ut i ii nil iMMa, iti 11,11 lint iiapuiia iiiio.iui tin to It it'dttK ". rr thr li Ire uf thr sprit tin ,1'Uilrm. md witnraa a in In- h-- l.lmidii t em lul. Trx.te. to Brownsville. telegraphs Hint t RuaMg t in s KttaV the aural uf honor ul lull' alilution Tin hank la tupllallxril nt of I'udrts. Thr president planneC dan Antonio, hr Itiisalan. mi in mmMmM h 2 K thr m I lodjai Springfield, III. Man vtaan-liiKtu- ti Texas, rrglment of Infautry till- been n tit on ml Ii) In U 11 th,re fm lha AMaMtlM 2niilittti. and its luet alatrmrtit MM to leave on Mayflower fur and Haiti' haa unil Ni Inr 11. is hum Ima. eMUng fm niiaerv-iinc- e the or- - . h. i"ii ihe "i to- - camp at TMaa City, Tegna. was ol ii I'M-r- 1111 1 Rmbaaaador, in KomnM uuii, dapoalta id I1.I1I.ISS. al aln.u o'clock there inliliinni nioilct labium units This niialilrralili' ninti'mi'iil fli XV uf the arm lul crnlrnnlul be In feadlnese to pr.a inlilitioii to tin flaat ix ih IU'mmI in I. on. III Mil. MMMMM ba. hMM MMal nurd tin nrw Argrntllu buttle It waa rrpurird i nlay Ihnl R. morruta murntng dered t" nil b nf nf Abraham UncMM M tnirdrr tl I a It .1 rhlp MoM ti". prrat-i- thr iltath at a niomriil'a millee lu Ihe linn In collate! nf lour e.u! noil MMMS hmMM SlalMfhtat of llotiat'in, Texaa. ' line-ernn- anil I IrtlM that April K.. wua laa..' today by r was or- - laid down in Ituaaiali yards 111 IMS, Ullllli-l- l in uf Un MMMMMM Nitiiuniil. win. town The iroop mmrmrat tin' IttaMMM bail .ui. - I m lunnsi- Hum ' aid I i n lilt h uiiiplcliun at London, March M Id p. m i In- - way io with lunda tn DMM Tin MHM dltnta driril on rei omllieiidatlon of MllJ"' "In mri' neuritis thu iaaMa m tin aauoaialn ilaliilnu ruriiln . i rluga be plui il Sew i. Mrinhrrs of I tn.-.- Klili-- pate I owner that al half MMl "" Vnrk. Munh nt. stun in charge of th" uning ot tin. wur. It ulau I'MMtlah fotrti 111 Thr Oam 'oiupunv MM up Bhl iiirstiomibr Inuna Ihat ilnieiiil suim ni tin ptlhttl Hint thill i be k rgchange dt iiP d imi Mice 111' up- - - o hi RMar lim ol airuini'ra of whu h the all butldlltka lirgea alir I'oidei troops. lildr aim' bar 'III Isluli ot four tin- inn ibiiii ii, - haMMMMMd MM hiiir bOM inndi'. unit thut s hange aM Falabu Was In- - tin ,l.i In fittingly itiai'lll'll In thr ot,. i..d.i,t not tu ini the eg' A dispatch tu Ihe state department lit a lani tm in mi- -' Britteh MMaMMj tii imiiiiii iiriim from thr ntlr. all'inlimril bunk probi'd. would be iiopiiird ih a n at Itoola. lood Friday. s renreii i tatai aggaMg ihM MM) nottM md bo MM unll ul Mafia but ihr win. iniihi at ipparantly III aoun when thr villa tunes - I. h al lust by sink- - yeelerday at 3 p m inry MrprMsl to laara mihi. with tin as- MNpa id tin- althd llrct 1II1I not thrlr Hit's ihr Mittnmuras I ;l HO niati-riH- it thr wear I. : A nutnin-a- left dead and I7 wnundrd ami nistah ol thr allies In and alli'init in i'iiti-- tin dMlM Tan Waablngtoii. March l i on Held, after a light man, tiuxaia had aaaa ahUj to cont I 11111 Ii hMUtwMtai iluinaai'il tit bank MM ih i loot liaru. of lha huraea "n thr Miit i p m -- and nan ulata timai' draadaoughu 'rin IMMrhma RMMhM iwovad tu Mtftt London, h II i II MaroMIIM NatlMMl bunk M NMh ALL thai lasted four hnurs oi yaMardai PERJURY ADDED TO THE Th. Iioomw were glveo a lira' four itmuiii tvM'hr lMOh uun BMMltMd sit .,,.11'U linn a , in I Thr rrpori that thr a ftrt thr bang'i MmM M MMM i i J la 11:. in 'I . -- Initial! no, Klilub.i had liren a eight killed and wounded aat'h Thr aix'ntid dti lalnli Itilt lu 11 I'm 'a I ' Ii llii'i an had puaard raaotuUog asking tRt it ii by a aobnwurltae waa Ii .in I'rugreeu aanl urder ana 14'laofcara iMh tu 1,1 I 1. un i anil bi- mt autik romptrotlei of the riMMMCI t" alep Itei.mts Man i br- - wua m..nitalned tinder re. In ilri dm k. aonflrmad odai Tin FahtM waa in IH polls nn thr alt nation iirr being there 1 VOX t - arm in bMloM yaoterday uff Mil l ob i a uf-w- pealed assurances of pmlei Hon uf life i.i Kill k -- ihi tint ggMMtd ut thi collipl l!l Iialx I ui- - ib n 11I a trlil MM OTHER CHARGES NOW PENDING by i MlM. I III MH Mil II IqMMVM in Inbt mi tin- MMl "f flee mill tin alia lob Ihe cxamim-- i ml proprrtt urratixa auinurt- aMMkM un in 1 MMM baMM Hrrlln, Mar h Mv Wlrah Mulh Wnbs Thr uaa of llfr prnh-i- i n li, IllltU Mailt I'lll- - renmta tthMRh M Sayvilla. I The nf II lll'Hs. y wua haavj thr irinrtaa - - -- - Chi or BtMMhdti ui avaaaftad rr- i XX ill In- llabtina laaiii'd ffOM hi udiiiiii The Miiaha bft Llvari duaday XI! Ill l'XIi'l xir M rtHMoi I a rl bat bus i, i 1 1 H tin linliiy ti'latra iiinnna othai ihlnua huiii'iI in lot Ho MM MM ol All ti with II the PMMN '" hriice tu but he I. 'i.i-- i, M RMClTI i'iIi TTN'al tn hull at llu- de- - linn natural Von K4m k Ibi' oin- - iurl ul MMMMN and with u CIW o HH. red the order anil promptly started IN TERREHAOTE ELECTION CASES Washington. Msrrh It.- - War - MM nf taar In n MM Mt maadar aim lad tin- ranioui flafaMUl tlir Her of II, I atati that "lift Ihi ut lull sprrtl ahniil Thr liner wua p, .tin,, nt offlclals feel ihut Amercn Italy - 11111I .1 . iHw. rnah ni" Krani i' In thr nirli days a liiiiitiui aiibmarlM qppaa rod II a fual i i a ft and fm half an hour Hn forces ulrrad. at Mrnwnai This ful-al- i during t In- .'t Inii. iiwn alllh'ly aininili'd h) W'hMtMd Hill t' M a alalia) I ho i haar wua kept up hrlme Ihr allli are I'uipb lo protect thai town - t,. U- - I tin- Mexican fac- aliraiuii't in' ahllr inapvi'tlttg advaaoa by thrill Mini It Alter a lolrltt 'Hal pi, pan hel IIh boats but III. aMfSMtlMd hl'l "llii elltd Idi.inaptdis. Hid.. March II. W registration k. had been voted the dghtlng 'letween of hla army. Tin- UondltloM It: mid be u tor 11 atop. de-M- ol In pre in aa Halle, con at Matannira. across the Hi" ItoaltltlUa MltlMM hr Frt i b K iln- - n the that lot, litis dune Int lam lluveru. witnraa fur the twice in t. tions ia a aMa pcdii the near engine The piiserhgri and crrw wrrr i MM, , i. i Orends nf iha Sanaral daaaHaad whoM rir nt iitalitadi Thr OarmaM struck sion the tfndant Fred in the Terra lend rd the llmt rrconts show faotori ohtalaad in a hra mmimm loom giM'n rive minutes to Masta, ami M liuutr ib It n Irand trial, waa held 1. nl.' auid the a 'bra,, had i IN At Brownsville Colonel illmkhmn faoltni mnat squadmn of Ihe Third aislry Thr aliilHtncnl aioa. "i un haa but mi in athar Thn f the Fiilitha'a life bnat" IhoUgb this tints wits cerv brief, In ihe ledeml at. mil Jure on the tin ted at Imi twctit. gotrrntiieiit haa a ' a tin- - MmM flggd u gun UlMOO und liaitery l iivimun troiipa huM Mtnmad Taar, hand the Flrlt it mad .irogreaa at wen swamped Main pet it. iH.itil ol wen isanrdtal tMari the charge "f perltiry Induy after hr hid wtttiessea. J iidar Anderson machine lltn-aia- I Nearhg. uflttl, airnaa thr front in uthat pniiita.'' tie rear wire Ihroen Into the sen MhnHM tirnl liit tnrprdu The pro MMMMd Hn. thrrr was mi repeating Uavern'a bund at I of Ihe Sixth field artillery. anil-ma- l . , of iii iihraai nf Tiiint. aad Uthaa HOD wiiin h siiiigglrd whip Ihr t Jr. Hlr alrtn k Ihr l alliliu In tin eft" an 'ar aa hr knew in tin pMMRMM M I ; ill-.- ",.Illplol ot ' be tip Ihe river, are two siUadrotis -- i i . .1, I. l M alulr, XddlllunHl II llaiatW iirlantiris me .nihil about "fining, glM loom and a lenifn xploaloll Which he afvad aa i i" lion lrk. .In. imi .hn is Hie Twelfth - ISMM i I -t Hal-le- . by "A it: I'M. 11 aitark on thr railroad Halt lltn- ili'ti- - I" il iin told In MMM fottoVMd. The ship aetilni down and inn .1 Stutea H- 'i t Attorney i ii. ci ..i ighl not ManaiMM ttuiips rottld he sent train from Hi III AM" frmn Wlraallanlii Knvno, 11 a pnlnt Klial Uoula Murili Tha rued, no sSslgfa h i a A fishing buut'' Sgnd vrty qMrhhf' RSMM oi thr life- made Hp n Ura iftrr Hnrril. and lotturr iiiembe. ol ihe etal leg Fort Sain Houston at sin dan , hue i t a. . I ' in-- riiviinaki. in tioa n." Italian aiii'eriimi'nl "tit tnl llpieui,d on lite si in ami satetl til boats were amushed ami "f who was thr lirmncratn election "rk un ilefendantn. I.nlltled today t ii, or Fort Mcintosh at arsdu. '.. p.t luirara, Willi deitlrra bin II,MS lot thr paaaengrra .md mm people wrrr in Ihe MMM lu the pre, in. i in whl h Morrian't Morrlamt said he utieralrd .he lever Major General PucMon. command- H - I I waa ItMMad A 1111111011- t - .ii-- ,. th- - reported today III At II MM l III lit aplant Hat, u thr Intel wua whin a trawlet rem bed the sc'M u"d eiied i.- - lor, hiol tuiniiieied hi the toting machine only hn ha ing norder forcea. I Held (. IN IN I III HI si rontrart for I horaaa ahwod) Ma pic had up dead Right oiMt Mm rrseiird In uf llMM, llill'sfei i not Ilia leailtnuliy. hlmaelf tnied. alihough w number of thtu tieneral X'lIM haa sixteen Win-lra- hern Hint -- i'Iii ihnuaauil I - large I'aiiL M.iiih ill. tilled r wrrr recovered. Thr survlvora mm .In in later lu a ileal oi i AgoUM Dnver sllhed further thut Morrl- ernmeul witnesses trsitrted hs una and a number ul machine London, I Ml B, in i Tht r'lrm h war huraea Mva Mn slinipril uniti'i lha landed ai RJIIfordhavea. II wen Mahad p hi agotMi tisiiing ami hud nut worked thr lever ol the Worked Ihe le'er all day. guna. while ihe Carranaa furies havr I . .. . tlfhoa lattay mil a 11 I'. .11 on Ihr aaa oalratti Tin gurvivori relate that the liner buut Thrrr "I tin pet Bona rescued voting machine He a leu tented tha Xtneaeliiik teatitird that he made !.., Id .. md Hun or mure nalitina nl ralrrdav whlill min Thus fm mi aaa hon., huvi lieen mm Mvaniy MiMi gouthwes him sustained injuries b lirrmait he knew that inm "tie fiarnea mil out ihr body ul a nuiuuer oi apple- - inachIM gun Heneral Fuoston "At r'livara, ihi- - Darmana at ahlpprd tl Ion 1., tin RUMMMM I MShgVM when the MhMBgtM "P ,.hinptir gnd MM of Ihe engine muni mt Ihe registration looks hud been tlioie fur irgialt it nt drilled that addru thsl neither faction had artill- ' Iriitlilril Iii ti'Niiiti tin- I"" In Ilia, ni i.i pealed Rhi aii-- lu the MfdnlM "' -- I It ,.( l In I ll t w i n killed I at thai forty. one it in unit tn rver alhird the alanature. ery yeeterd.i' The arrival of tin TWO THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, K. M., MONDAY, MARCH, jg. 1915. Dont Kll (o fee SBf JLC ,Jn&&ral FIND IT HARD TO Wright's Trading Pott MR WISE SAYS: Oh of the Show Place of the CH. Third and Ray Uo'd avenue. Compare prices oa tlcnnmc Indian SPORTS did you ever tumble to the fact Handicraft. BELIEVE THEY that when yer talkin to the other feller about biteness and look him Navajo Rugs and Curios MOST PAY in the eye that he's lookin right back at you? Order Your BOXING SCHOOL FOR nppre- - Did you ever tumble to the fact rtn i if BLOOD THINKS THAT Easter Suit Householders Amazed to Dis- that the first thins; he'll get his Now CUBANS NOW IN cover City was in Earnest in glimmers on is yer tie? Announcement that Clean- Say, accordin to that your BUSINESS WILL We Are Prepared to Get Out nnd that two IP. an had been wound- It up Wouldn't be Free. ed Ho ghatsa had) been flrad mm On Time FULL SWING tie is your headliner. What? ICTtltory. American he aatd. on peo- Pacific di- Iteluclance ihe port of Ihe The roast Hed t'roes MPROVE OUR SPECIAL $20.00 SUIT. ple Well I grot on to that t'other day rector, J. Ot'onnor, haa to believe that the rlty waa In Chrlee ben earnest It ordered to CI Pago. Tesne. (a take 18 A WUMUfiK when announced that the and I oast my peeper aron' fer a Descendants of the Bull Fight- householders would psy for the clean- charge of tha relief work along the Tailor-Mad- e up good mess of ties. border. Mad nuraee. ordered Onr Suits thla aprlng themselves manifested Croaa itself o ers Being Fine Points of the today when the annual attack ROSEN-WALD'- yesterday to rtr.iw nrvtttr rare for Member of the Re- wont cost any more than I went down here to this big store they call S wounded, Prominent was begun on illeys and back arils the reported their arrival ready-mad- e Great American Man cent Legislature Says Reac- the and will Ring by scavenger crewa. an' found the best lookin ties I ever seed, and The clean-u- p wagons started their h give more satisfaction. Game. say was only 50 75c to. stir Hrvan aald today thai tion Hat Come in Regula- i. Minds In the Fourth ward. It was they and I just sailed right ard frog Oeneral Oaraa In All Work Made in Our Own found that for the most part the peo- in an' bought a whole half dozen, and now feel City give Im- - I kin that lie would tion of the Railroads. Havana, ple had preparrd for the coming of lonsldarattnn to the focal Shop Cults. March i The wagons, just as good as the other feller, an' look em all in the task of educating the especially us the wiiaona n la the capital the Cuban people go- to nn understanding beyond Ihe first allei and toward Vega, one of boxing Is now town, y Fred O. Illood of La. under full headway. Iloxers are the northwest of but many of R. S. of the moat e mefti bars of the householders to It They hold their shape too. they got this new clip ftet I.T 'xalhrrlng here frem all parte of the seemed find ITT CITY recant New Mexl-.-- Mure and a the hard tn believe thul they actually system "III Tlir !! I'tilted Rtatee and bouts are schrd-- i on. Washington. i Dispatch promlnant Meadow bualneaa man. were expected pa having Marel la. uled for every night of this week. lo for their ea received In dipl muttc quarters waa In Albuiiuerqi arte rd ay for a Pugilists debris carted away. stay, a of all claaaea are In training ROSENWALO'S hare todny from dlplomatiata In brief return home from Around training camps So Mayor lloatrlght. to whom the Mcgiru City II New Mexico. Mr. t her. the aald waft underatood visit to aoathern Ill WrT I.MItM fjfjigejpg negro youths slate of affairs was reported by the with Blood believes the remainder of i of spend .ill day there thai Gaaeral Obreiron 11 aparrlng. many of them clavert) wagon hoaa, made formal announce- aae an Important nu'lneaa re- t returning; to the will itSeveral Cuban fighters are to have ment again u afternoon that the ware vival not only in New Mexlcu ut 1 :.oi i nIvcs. ftcoeaj ata forcaa jtry-ou.- s this week. Ity treasury is nut strong enough this ! a boat to evacuate throughout the country, and he bases year lo shoulder the expense of col Hogs Iteceipts llll head, murki i ground pop- CHANGE OF ARBOR Weulthler Cubans nre purchasing higher top. IK IS; Nothing of that meti- - his ballet on the that a expensive rlngalde lecxtnn as In other years. House bulk. M.TSO has come aa to regula- boxea for ihe tinned, however, in todlt) K offlrlat ular reaction Johnsnn-Wlllar- championship fight holders renters or owners must pay corporations. The - advices to tha aUte department The tion of the lallroad next Monday. Hundred or women the scavengers themselves There la a Markets Sheep llecclpla soon head niur- Intent Oen- - Having In mind certain legislation special rale, ranging from lo cents for H firm offlrlal ndvlree wrre that purpose Plan to attend, making the right a so- eral Oaraa, at the head f the govern, nought for personal ends, fur DAY DATE TO BE a pm ill load lo II fur a wagonloud. uy people cial function rivaling the opera. Vies aa-s- u of grand stand play and will ilays ntent In bo city, had given It take Iwo or three tor tf ttlllllllfllMIU Vloiiev Mar rt. ranees that he waa making honestly mlstakeu In their vlewa aa the wagons to finish in the loiirlh to railroads, Mr. Illood expressed the New Vork stis k Market. Ml w Vork. March IS. Mercantile to bring food tha ward. .1 - into belief that the people from aotlve New York. March .' Another in per. ' pes- cent. rlty and waa maintaining good order. CONSIDERED aenatlonal advance in loa rtor silver, Later the itrltlah ambassador, Sir support are now llaed up aquarely STATE SHOWS LIVE disc. anti-railro- ABANDON HOPE FOR Steel, which rose over fourteen pggwtl Mexicnn dollars. Sic. Cecil uprlng-lltc- agalnat such leglaiatlon rlaitad Hecretsry 10 won wiue gains in spe- Onvernmen' bonds, steady. Bryan to inquire what arrangements, and he looks for decidedly beneficial CAPTURE OF THE if. other reaulta to follow. cialties, were the chief features of Hollroad lit rids, strong. if any. had been made for tha protec- STROUD today a several years past." aald Mr. BANDIT BAND market. Time bums, firmer: 10 days. '." r tion of foraar ra If Zapata forcaa "Fur Commercial Club and Mayor INTEREST IN I 'lose again evacuated the Mexican capital Blood, "there haa been a united ef- 111 per cent: 10 days, 2 i ff I per paaa Tree-Plantin- g Amalgamated Copper, tj. cent, six months per cent and the force entered. fort on tha part of tha public to Will Put Off ittroud, ohla., March 21. Hoaa as 3113 catarnia the American Sugar Helloing, IDIH. money, per laws supposedly In the Intereat of that huve been searching for the rob- Atchison. SSll. Cull steady, high, i ' haa Bee if Mass Meeting Decide i 1 IIWIM.HH NfflW TO Qt people. "Kagulate the railroads, TRACK bers who held up two Stroud bonks Chlno Copper. cent; low, per cent. lullnK rule. boon the cry. Meemingly every man MEET re- Jv '.' per i en' VIOLATION , Against Good Friday. Saturday and fled with 15.000. N'orthern WmoUie, 1WTRIIJTV elected to congreaa or iegisla-turee- In:.', Loe Angelea. Cat., etale turned today, having spent a fruit- Heading. 14 7 March St. It Oral duty to Harry Chandler, aaaiatani general has tunsldered less day trying lo pick up the trail of Honthern Pal ifn sT Mrln! Murkrl. hie conatltuenta to Introduce a. bill to S manager f ' uon gtb the bandits, which was lost at sun- . 2.-T- ln. tha Lua Angelea Tunes regulate some corporation. In doing aa lo the dale for the I'nlon I'm lib lit:, New Vork. March dull and owner eervance day Is to oe taken down Sunday Members of the posse St live-to- of extensive estates in considers-ti- n of Arbor Many High Schools to Parti I'nlted ties steel, and nominal, lots, lis 10. thla they do not take Into u lit. ' Mexico, filed a motion today In the They at a general meeting emeu tor to- believe the in'.bers .ire now eali I Tilled Slates Steel, pld In i'hiii -- r. firm, electrolytic. 1 . g 2 both side of the queetlon. - diet t morrow night i cipate in Athletic Contests the hills of Ihe thuige nation Hap '. 1 I .'.0 . I'nlted States ru couit to uaah and other iy I'realdent Cushma istinu, i noni- an believe that the railroads Ihe s of caplurini them has been ubun-done- indictment charging him with are robbing eeaaM oi Commercial club. Cutholi Under Auspices f lib auo Hoard of I rude Inal having violated corporations tie and Fplacopallons asked the of Univer- No the neutrality of the and therefore the; must be curbed; have that Chicago. March 21. Wheat scored lion. slradv northern, lit I'nlted Mtatee by alleged day be changed front tlood Friday, a 2:. 1 It; No I. NT entering an they do not maae allowance for tha sity Next Month. u aeuhstanli i iidvunce today, lurid lv fit OossM.'iO. "iwplracy to which the cannot endorse for lumber 9mm Murtv I I U.7.-.- 1 1 :'.".; 2. throw an armed expe- great good corporations are do- date as a result of the s urcily of ofiei southern No dition into Lower three any secular observance. chandler. Mnrch - The 7SW 11.3ft California. ing in In which they Ok, Ings The opening. which varied til. the cummunite largest posse that so far has pur.-ue-d At upper. Waller K. Ilowker, manager of a perate. The thuuaands of man. wo- Whatever sentiment Is shown ut to A more lively Interest und wider from He of) to up. was followed Loudon Spot ItS Itt; lal-ter'- Ihe band which robbed two nunkn at fly Ig 117"; ranch owned by Chandler: the a men and children being supported by morrow night's meeting will govern Participation than has ever been the by a rise ail around The close was futures, Id Spol tin. father-in-la- - Stroud Huturdny left here today to futures, Ills. Oeneral Harrleoii these corporations are lost sight of In the Arbor day date. case before will mark the annual in- strong at I "c to I tjgg net advance llll Antlnioti). I71r ftpaj slmbt-es- t round up the robbers In the hill oils, and a number of other the general scramble to "regulate" "I. personollv. bine not the terscholuetb track meet here next Corn climbed wllh wheat. After it. y southeast of Stroud The fugitives Amerlrana, Joined in motion, aomethlng. rail- objection to puling the Arbor day month under the auspices of Ihe opt lllllg .1 shade lower lo ' ' l e .the The fact that the are afoot .md it is believed they which aet forth that no evidence observance oft to some day next of Nt w Mesico Xewspopt l led higher the market made a aenerul Lead and tnjgtte. of roads In New Mexico are supporting have been able lo travel verv fur. an offenae had been ahown. J.OOli 000 wees, said President Ciiahman today, mention of Ihe trui k meet is frequent gain to about te above Saturtpi New Vork March - Lead. llrm. and that men and at least 2". cltlien; Offerers suy one of the eaJedMa nee Z. even if the allegation contained in that they pay annually $ taxes "but It will be for the majority ut the and corillul and almost all of the night s level Thi cbau was firm at It Itj bid London. VII 2 s Id. Spel v ei raBtvred s NTpp Vunn. cowboy the Indictment aere true, they were they building up cities, meeting tomorrow night to decide lurger loans of the stale, loose win' h o! I ' ' lo I l net lor, nominal. London, 10s that are and picture actor, who Is SM 'i IS' ill not sufficient to constitute an offenae thriving little all over tha what to do in the marter of the elate maintain high school courses, will lie and motion I'll iraderH were tne otilv gajlafa of Hi Louis. March ." la id firm. a, loans myself. I It oe lo killed John Mcllroy. a lea tew United mater. state: that they are usslsltng in, ex- For think would rather repraaialed by teams or parta of he oats. FirinnesM uf other grain had II lot, Spelii 1. weuk. It.lftO city marshal at Coney, Kan on r in the interest of a more successful teams. .i de .di d balllsh i tfe. on ileal-ers- . The indictment alleged ploiting (arming, atock raising, and v I I :t .um olhcl chandlet g bee put oft" ember J. A rew ard .if supplied fund to a all manner of enterprises does not to the event The university has and gave the market a decided Ualtaaar Avllea. wll more arranged for the was offered tor hi capture. former governor of Lower seem to count In their favor, wheu tile awhile It give s a little entertainment of all participating lift. Itiill.i nm Sbjgjg, California, time in whb'h lo orranxe for setting Iletirv Starr ami laniis Kstes. the to nuance a new revolt there. The "regulute the railroads'' Idea striken aihletes. so thai expense of the con- Higher prices for touts n nded to K.iusas CHV. March 2 lluil.i. trees and for selling hem out to UM two vvoiitideil robbers in Jail at Chan- money waa paid the . The Idea that the rail- w.ll be I,, steadv provisions inaniery. first. aye j sec- through Oeneral B. countc advantage. testants iciluieil lallroad dler, both will recover, it is Itelleved. 27't It J Vlljoen. Is enemy of country beet fare, u ggsj onds. Mile.; pm king. 17S- a Boer war veteran, road the the for which special and one. I nilersbi f Itrown said tadjnl cios'ng prion Mayor llouirlght assured me that - hi-- v 'handler asserted that the paymenta through which it operates ami is nut third rale has been seemed. The gejg Wheat May ItmSi. July, tl Lags, first. IT'jc. oiids, 17c. an- he would be latum! I) the decision that Iheer no doubt that Louis w.,t niuil). in m settle-"- vitally couerned In Its welfare is towns, an Lag Vsjgjaa run-t- a - Poultry, hens. I't'fcc; good faith reached at tomorrow's meeting, and larxer such Ksl sj was in of the robners. liela- lie. toiodcre. "' at taxes due on the ranch prop- other error the BwaMa Indulges in. re. Kosvv.ll. ate., will have full on iym - Muy. ; j aei Jul. riMic. luikevs lie. en- If It is decided to name unolher du tlves of F.sle iiiaiiit.unei! he was erty gaj at ap- The facts are. more than ..r.v one learns, with i ntrlea in every ev. ' tats May, 17 Me; July, dthat the time Avllea for the Ihe mayor III st. 'innocent Uvei.iudet in ihe bank ISaV parently waa a terprise, the railroad is benefited or while nearly every other I'ork May. 117 July 1 7 I . regularly accredited Issue proclamation In accord- when tin robbery occurred Itp'W n . i Injured by hard times or good tunes. another In Mil). Mexican government tn ance change.'' town the state will be represented said Ksle- - when overtaken hud a Lard Un .lulv. tin The rraeona for this are obvious: the with the The full schedule ot events lbs Kibs May. "J July, IIS.SS. iTiiM rnn inniiin meell-i- everv und sack of from the bunk II" holdings being so inn. b Tomorrow 's Is for silver taken OIVIWOK M VVTtVKM railroads' dat of the meeting are to lie an- und il was on the around ns greater any other one business body Interested In the plun to plant s'lillcii'd t lib ago NiiHk. ii to tiik than Not only men, nounced thla week when he well. IJti runAinmb, Douglas. kkkt n:t: they sr- - to a greater extent interested shude treaa. all but Chicago, Man h Hoi: Hi Alia.. March It. Colonel tt women who get to Starr told William TiUlim.iu. for- II C. M. In the development of the coUBiD .an the mee'inv ceipu 30.001). market sltong, la O'l'onner. colnmiin.lln Ikr It Is especially mer deputy States murshal. through uhlch thy run. are urged lo .ittend. I'nlted above Saturday's iiveragt. nulk. 117;, Inl Mates army's border paitol in desired lo have ihe women present, as today that the robberv followed a SORE, TIRED FEET Arlaona New Mexico, manipulations of New X heavy. M.4eS.ITtg; pigs ami haa warned "The the their in the Arhn, day PERSONALS. liitl-- meet gUJJ on a road between ia:.. Ooih i I ll.ilMl .i0. of he Soi i.i ractiona agalnat listen. Hock Island and Frisco are observance will be valuable and val- htmerlf anil Kslcs and five men In a responsible largely present Cuttle Iteceipts ll.ouo head; inur violation of the Naco agreement for for he ued. c ured w. it--' n The suggestion M peace ilong the border, made with feeling agalnat railroads. That there rhey ket unsettled; native Meets. IlillO'o Oond bye hois feet, burning feel, swol rob n bunk was made and Simud lea feet, feet, sou feet, Hrlgadler Hugh L. should be laws to govern railroads Warden II M Malign of enJni western.;.u, oaieoa, nwealj lling llrad tncnil Xcott. Jehu tbe banks were ted ; :,u . . rnier of ataff of the army. It became everyone admits The presidents am1 state penitential y Is down from Santa I iiiKi in f agree Sheep He. . ipl lo id I Haul bvc , urns, callouses, bunions anil known here todav other high offtclala o.i this Fe for a few daya' visit in friends. Hu-lnii- iil In '. congress llnrlid SSiHk ket steady: sheep. No The exact form of colonel O'Con- point. liut that and tha MODIFICATION OF hg Postal Telegruph ompuii) is M.irlin Ti:in. March :tt Mis IT.lft9l.lf ktmbs raw stalls. 17 ;.ii'.i '.i v. more snoe nor's no'lee to Colonel I' Cnl-l- . state leglsiaiurea have the right to advised the Chines, telegi.ipli Ho- titrhl Kllaa that Kate Wrlaoiioskl. polue oiv. nese, the Carranaa commander, and deprive them of aufflclent revenue to udiniiilsliaiioii gaWaajgsjgg thai from to the she killed no inure limp authorities l.lve-lt- ft div- I ing villi pain or Oovaawar ojac Mayiorena. who la a operate and pay a reasonable April kaV for lelegr.iph ami caMa her husband, burned his iiodv aid hunsHs II) k. . City. Mari h Hogs Ira rhaj up your Villa purtlaan. la not known. idend aeema to ma l be unfair. That BAN purpoafM ihe ity of canton iii aa buried his bones in naal boles Kansas It QUARANTINE BoCelpU: 0011 ItMl they are entitled to the same fair known as Hhameen Charted bones were found laal oiahi It. head: marital li lo in agony. In o. lower; heavy, "Tlw i magiral, treatment that other nusineas. Is The Loyal Oedjaji ,,f Moose a In the post holes to which the police bulk. ill hold SS arts r i li t olf. my Judgment an it" onirovertlble a w ent II ti 1.7.'.. .g btistaess meeting Tuesdav elilng - l.lll.t fact. I believe the kyaterical tend- 'utile Receipts lo.uuo head mar-ke- t "TIZ" draws out M in b lath. All members are re- - Mrs WrhjoMgai, who is under M nil the poisnnnus ency to unfair treatment of railroads WAITS ACTION rest, aogag steudy 10 towel. ptlMM led lUesteu to be present us matters of haekad har nun with iimk l. 1st which for the past fen years la more than gSagfl steers. !v2.'itt s.lii; western steers eu. ions en The she miHdi - importance w.ll be truns.i. teil wound i .Mi ; , un Ho- feet, any other the reaeoi. the cause of IH ,( ,:, alves I1.0UH lo .1 pud Alfredo (egrets of Abtmedo was not considered dangerous l "TlZ" - the present stagnation in business. Shee. Iteceipts SHOO bead, mar- ae and for- today on a charge alMUl' gi-- t There seems to be u de led let up on ot ket strong lo Its higher, lam ha, your fiail Board of doaMgaa Me was lie:. ' 'Cattle This State Indicted by Ihe DR. W00LSEY TO '1 I.'. veurllngs I ' 'I" misery. Alt how ciimfnrtalile vour feet law part of both tha national and state grand Jtuy He gave outi governments on the idea to down the Will Meet Next Week, bond. SPEAK AT (eel. (let a St cent In of "TIZ" now at and Haggard, . gfwtal UNIVERSITY corporations. 1 consider it a very Jerrr wh Ml leg 1 Denver I Iti-ti- any druggist or department store. Ikm't In a game heallhv sign of the times and hope to Other Meetings and Procla- baseball lasl week, bos been ASSEMBLY TOMORROW lienver, Mlirell It. I'altll lle-- suffer Have good pet. glad feet, feet to a dis-- aae an Increase in bun - next year. ftund hove vaffeead from eipls lillOII; mil I ket low. oeef tlllt lever Well never hurt, never get. mations Necessary. loc.iteil kneei aa well .', 7 ' A c ii, lie i. rtill l'iofioor Woolsey announced Steele, 4l 2 cows llll. I heifers tire.. year's foot unfurt guaranteed onfined Hie fafiaaaaaav Manager must lo house. with regret thla afternoon thut I,. noif sun kers ami feeders, or nionev r. funded llresnaliun have h" he might he gsaaa Chicago Cubs playing preltv fast ball There will lie a meeting of the Cat- The son of a well known business not aula tu hia tle January board In hla city next nan. u member of the Kplw opal cupelled address ut the univer- this spring whan thev an take three sity Ip slralglit from the AUileiics. ev.n wees to consider the modification ol church. Is in bad odoi among the ItlarrWW mornuig. He abgsnt the recent stringent foot parishioners He .mealed llmbtirgor news, he said, which though Maker and Collins ore inighi all The from Manager Mack's lineup iuaratitlne. In accordance with an un. cheese on ihtee ol Ihe seals at the for his departure from derstandlng entered into at a confer- - service or ."inula v week, and nearly Ihe city this evening. ance net ween vecrlnnt laBa and other broke the service up. woman got Outdoor Organ Let Hardud want au your t i tha do representatives of Sew Mexico Col- - some of the cheese on and t ilk n 01 urn tn work. her dress for Hit table if It la o four baking. orado. Texas and Arhtoua at Hun Fran- - he small Joker is in purluularlv Saw line tif ihe notable aasemblv events is' it lost week Hecreiur, Lmwood odor with her. of Ihe university year occurs tOIUOr-ro- i. i fear it will be wasted. Our of ihe New Mexb o hoard vv.iaut the a. .a iiiiik win. i lr T s Woolaa 'read la ao toothaume that none la nnfereiiie. Ihtniti Thrower, on Trial. professor . ut i. i.e. of intei national ever left uneaten. On the contrary, Hi 'ore the effect of the proposed' New York, March i'l. Frank law at Vale will spe.ia on 'Some In CLEAN teriiutioniil Prublatavg ig of Diego can be It will be Aharon Urowi out San Exposition m jiy housekeepers have found they modification fell and Carmine Carbolic went necessary tor tne came iiounit, ot 'ne on trial in tne ,,.i conn here t" the I'leseiit Kuropean Conilli i ft. lould haa used more. Try a loaf or Tour states to meet ami puss s day nn the Tiarse of making u bomb Woolsi s poslilun and the subject to two and you II see for yourself. COAL to their tesiectlve and placing it la si Patrick's cathe. who h be will speak make this ad- - Then it will be necessary to dial, in the morning or Muni, .', dresa of the vary greatest interest, li wait fur formal pi at lamatlon on the when 7u" worshipers were at Ihelr probable that Ihe input II. of the This wonderful instruments pre- pun of lie executives, and these for- devotions In the edifice Indications assembly fOtHJI be taxed. PIONEER BAKERY is our specialty Dp, mal acta must all he accomplished were tin. I mile time would be loat Woolsey will speak in ROwtf sented by John D. Spreckels to facts before the proposed modift .In selecting ihe jury hall, and ihe general public Is In- 207 Sooth First Street goes in force. vited In fad. the town folks arc San Diego, is a marvelous mu- II g aspect ad In Ihoas win. regard! Tlm II lMttMtnrt. nine. i iiv university officio is to m modiaoallog to Aztec Fuel Co. the us falll. that S'e Vork Manb ." Hntrv K. lend. The unlversltv would like sical medium and is Ihe M Ihe bail us regard Thaw was taken before .Supreme gee Itodcv hall pinked with alone in the 1 1 i M' 151. 'to four iaieH iifterled will be in .lii.tne llllur lo.lav fns the in llOgiOt of I'r HOOgsa feet ahoiii April It.I As has Iteen hearlnu en the se. noil . ,i ,.f ,.. presence, us well as for the note- - world as an organ standing in proc- - worthy ( of said pending me meetings und corpus aoiighi b his allorneys. i'ro-nrle- f ami Hmel) hur.o iei tho III - Is to Lawyers illiiaiiiins ine l"..l in in nn liiedlhHS Were in. i. ousel for address he make ami the open. are. njpadJtgjglonal mlly rest as lhe batH sides .on. ui r.d in it request m men are espei 'Cleanliness is next to Godlintss' have the heatiug postpoiird to April urged to attend TWO HOMERS IN GAME n Tin- - lecture will begin at 10 Concerts are given daily in the Plaza on the Exposi- o i lock and every arrangement has That's Out Motto in Making ALL-STAR- S Ihe u tion groundsf People travel to Europe to see less WON BY M.I II LA l.lll M TO THI been mude for toiufort ol bust The tUtO-b-ui line will give SMrrroM, t hi a m w imwil notable things, and yet it is HUT AWAY FROM M $35 - beginning at The All HI a r h vesterday afternoon London Mai b (J IS p. m.ln special service It . o'clock, so everyone be as- ili the Hi. Mag Messengers bl The llrlllsh steamer guilla w Ihut will ALBUQUERQUE that is the Santa Fe excursion is sunk . "Sunshine Butter" the score of t to S. A home run wo .by it Herman subuiu.ien llu. uiorning sured of a itili k ami ..inf. liable trip the unlveralt) for months. stored by each side It.. inert, for the J oft Itishop Reek, Her otva of jj lo and from fare three -- In I H EVERY POUND GUARANTEED All Stars and Sam hen for ihe Mea- - W .- ,iv ei Additioniil interest hi tvent aengers. Meyere. Apndiica uod lent by the fuel that Miss Claude A- P. J. JOHNSON, ALBUQUERQUE Oreenleuf were batteries for the All- - Read lbright will sing CREAMERY Xtnra. while Munches and Narvlli the Evening Herald's Agent. afere lutltcrles foi Hie Meaaeugers. Want Ads. They get results. TRY A HERALD WANT AD THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N. M MOMDAT, MABOH, 2ft. lftll.

. . I nation it!" or Ihe aelen-- a or giving ana Mailing glova punlahmenl. With 3C hoc youth and power ranged again! ex-- i Today's . ri.n - and aklll, tie hut tie Ig likely New Mexico News lo davalop into a. ronlaat In which ring atralagy w ill aqual brula atrenglh and courage. of live stock, except outgoing the only Johnaon'a ring aaaala are wall ient ahlpmanta. ABOUT atx2fcv known tun uncertainty clnuda Wllkard'a ' mmm m M. RD. MARION IMES how-t-t line i NTs i it ui w w waiM. SPORTS proapect. In hi ahort parlod of act- wiau "It was tha first time a halier waa ive glove battling never farad n ha haa aver put on Kansas, and tha cuttle-me- itself is the one ex- an opponent of powar, aklll and didn't Ilka It at ftrsl." K. I. nagro W Ir. perience nf Johnaon. The Smith, In charge of tha local dial rid no phvalcul weakling even at Ihe age LEADING FIGHT that's it Kldorado, Kim... --aid. 'But whan runnin' . - Wil- of Hum mlii yeara and whll- the? did' understand tha aarlouani li! rd ndvnntaga hill IOHNSQN-WILLA- RD tntiat ha accorded the of tha situation I navar saw a people down BUTTLE II a here la likely that the champion Join so hsartlly In a movamaat tn pro. offensive and tiefenlve xklll In hoth TD PROTECT THE tact great laduatry or tha hoxing clinching nullify tha ratti and will Ihia state. I now know what tha Kansas In g conalderahla aviant. In the cloa-in- g spirit means. I saw it bristle up and 0 WITHOU T PARALLEL IN rounda of tha haltlo It la prohahln want to light, but navar Inalng Ha lhal endurance and courage will plav RANGE STATES haad. They gaa things quickly out an Important part. here and wa wltneaaed Ine graataat Wlllard haa anown hoth theae qual-ilie- a on tha part of tha peogla About tha only Maa Haifa to HISTORY OF THE PRIZE RING hut up lo Ihe prearnt time haa I avar aaw. I andsrataad now why not hean noted for nggreaalveneaa or Kanaaa la always doing things that la the case that aavar dad Rlv e lioxlna Hhlllty. Whether he can ralae - ttcsn-s- nd tnayba Man Who Conducted Succm- count. - that waa tha fault of to opportunity will be damon-atmte- d a ... .!..,. the ..! A tT- ei; 1 . . " ill vain ' tha tobacco. Try VELVET, Tha In Ihe supreme lea! at Havana - infectedI"' is drift, aa corn. New York. March 29. The histori iui i inir "RUi Atjauia'. streums such Smoothest Smoking, Tobacco. Ha Jgjid ring no parallel of next Monday. The ruture drawing Ihe ii" offer X X lowering Sheep Scabies in New Mex- - irr!lofrrmruio'roi the" .1regm.'.h"u?.i In the wood mellowDeaa nsakca sasrry Ihc uHlllr fin- ihc world heavy weigh liainioliltlp pnwera of a new chnmptnn, iHTtarllllt many or predecaaaora' papa fbe rWaraa. ISc Una 5c ahuitipionehip in whhh Jai k Johnson Hour. I nder QMMgtggrj far above hla ioo in Responsible Post. raka up tha drlfta along (ha creaka and - a glamor to nnttle whl-- h in. I Willurd will next II add the the and river and furn It.'' Je. rniuir -- lundny at Huvunn, Cuba. His mm nsiHsniMa ISSt Al xn promoter have had In mind alnce Dr. Marlon imes, stationed at k- ili-- y I'.m- fought picinli r ml- - of Orleans, m.. Jim Cornell kno - liegun the preliminary arrange- hng charge of fight for tin ago FORCES OF GOVERNMENT Wlrhllu. who Ihe MM lima ince Dip itrlv da n the 4 -- d nut John I. Hulllvaa, II ment some month rtlng mad In Kansas In stamp out millionth century lull through a rounds' a- Thai the match making wa not M0B0LIZE FOR BATTLE the disease, warns tha ncier - Hi. long lint of champion from January la, lis! At J i, kaon- without lla delaya and upaela Is ahoWn 'cstltemen of the state against par- -' hoc .Initio.. Flag lo Jlni MMa huie IWO villa, pi.. Jim Ooraati knocked ff the fact that If the puglliai meat mltAlna visitor on tha pramlssa and lighters - in nptirllnn 4 out riiail-- s Mil hall ehamaMa - heditled next Moadui. exactly alx Thoroughly Alive to Import ' "urloally Man driving of nn- r nf ' seekers are W I ill nil and Johnson arm In oi mitntha will have elapsed since the over the slate vaccine and Yt I ' ' pro- ance of Protecting Range I In- roped nrtna. irrh iiaoii day Jack I'mley and the other other "dope'' for rattle, claiming II la upon Hi. humpioriN moter of the lilg bout decided a preveatatlve of tha cattle plague. NEWS NOTES FROM ALL OVER "f of modern times i Every Resource of Bureau I Coraatt, Jeffrie nd Jnhnoii all kno, MM nut J. loraa t. 'n gat tiring Johnaon' signature lo tha Thesa men should not tie allowed on a of agreement. The lilg cham- Mr. ' passe f the nix foot murk while Mnlll-Mi- rouadi ortlrlee of Animal Industry Being the premise of cattlemen, imea SUNSHINE !i. I w :i At torn Ulgnd. In THE STATE shsrkcv and KHmnmmons were June pion was Frame a! that time and says. V. V.. .1 Jeffrie knot ked wag com- MM .la. t'urley entrusted with 'he Used. I are fiom MM lo three he balua maa4a, negro "Vlalllag and eurlaaily seakera Whm the negro tnlc sal iioii tniaaiaiMaaa mission to go ftml the Texas the most pre aieni cuuaas of the nMm ,,vemlier I, Al L'aag -- n Mi hi challenger slcp UHo the ring l9 and set lire his endorsement the sprea of the sMaaaaa," Doctur Imes V. Jefffle won froui lea hud been signed bv Dr. imea, of tgat federal T week's newspaper Indicate April ".. Wlllard wll lower nix feel lland. iirtlt which Marion said. J halknger, u or prevlousli. Thi industry, t LA-- Arbor duy wll he observed of oil in paying iiiinnlllles has been Lata ln he In the while Johnson Thoina fharke, Wlllard day two bureuu of animal all known An Oat lo t lo U II. thsl proven air ryndlcaie promoled luiiit hi aVidou-- rn In New more generally vll five a in, hen lie-- I which Ihe here, where he mutle Doctor Imea Is the moat egperlenred Memo stand and hair At Mm Kran- - prom- log Mill. In weight these HahleiH latl If, MJ hud picked Wlllard as the most lers during hi succesful four icsr' man In Ihe eervlce of the government (hnn ever before In Hortalea the ptaro, OaL, J. J. MMai knoi-k- ising or the while heavyweights to fight to stsinp out stable from the 'orialea I'tllHies comnnnv will fur- - Prises amounting' to lilt have are also far ahaVg the ring .iveraae . regarding the dlease. He ha wen i I HMMajMRooa, , hal- - la It Iieen offered In an all season corn I nut lion take the title Iron-- Johnson, and thai New Mexico sheep range, now In In- nlah trees for public planting and of ihe heavy might i'Ihm. Wlllaid ai lively In chnrge other alatea j growing , In the t'ottnnwond poiindR lenger. lound. allll believe lhal the Kunsu will leading h' tight or Ihe giohlltsed In outbreak In former i ttliiitiied to line several street. ,iiii will welch close lo Hi which - fected und Aiigul 14. At Sun Ki in- i iMi.r government, to prote t t ulraady district near Lake Arthur, Chaves w ill give him tin an milage or uiioui proi e the forces nl the years wa engaged in Ihe work of ,iir.., has a tree planting I j, I. JeffrfB knt ked Curley at Prance, range west southwest campaign way will cul county. twenty pound Jnhnmn In Ihe Il arrived Pan. Ihe of the und eradication. He Is Ihe "major gen- under which iiifr ; out J J, i lialleigei, only rind I a numner limbing and ixllnii which will nrtietl. early In Nni ember la that loin invuslon by (he foot und tnoulh eral" In command of the big army minate on Arbor duy and a i mi ml gone Ig baMMM, K:ig-lan- d of (owns will engage in organ- The Titcumcari New announces I on hi em play an Important part Johnson had disease. of worker at the border of the fron- other July J. IMS J, J. JelTlle. There t'urley found him and The Kuusn t'lly Time ' of thl ised community tree planting. The ihe payment of I a per ceM of their 11- 1- region preveni the spreud of buttle. - tier lo losssg to depositors In the defunct having prei loualy announced after a good deal or pcrauiialnn uc- vustly Impnrtnn'. work: the disease ihe big ranges governor'a proclamation will lie Vim .1 .llm the nl - into dur- Jeffrie, iloll.ith hi retirement, otlti ig'ed a rel- eeded In e, nrlng the i hainplon' All Hie resources ul Ihe i nmmiind In the schools. Plrst fltate bank of Tuctimcsri. ring ilmeii, la the "Infected putiire ure considered ing paat Icrn Johnson i t lleno. Ne and dei lured i o isi-n- l signature. The moment karaag of of the week. The paper ngm-- and oi the anliunl industrj dungerous for from three to live - i man who held the tlile. Mgl w con- - i growers Alnmogordo doubt whether Ii will be poa- cicr lla Halt ih.iitniliiii hen the Johnson lgned his name to the the rnlted Hlaies department of months," Dr. I'. (1. Houck. one of the I'm of snd ! flr!e tclghcd pound ami tnod ano-ke- run- - slhle lo effect any saving for 'J" inner d out Jink Moot. IJ trait, whit h tlpulaled thai the are being centered In Ihe of animal indus- vlcinitv met in the rooms of the further 111 feel one a id a In. In light - ' ihiefa of Ihe bureau deposit half 'he poaadja, should lie scheduled lor wanly middle m, enirul west to prevent Kan- I'ommcrclal duo slnlurday nri. fn.m the wrecked bank j try In Waahlnaton. who aa in H Inn allow Johnson la nix leet one half fortv-tlk- which was aalabllshed by T H Kriiruury it. It At Uoa i.. f rmniil. iurlci 't ed tha spread ol Ihe sas Wednesday and Thurediiy. aald. r.ftrrnoon und perfs'led an tlfero Bn h tall ami c.ilshs it 21.1 Aiiaele. CMii Tummy lltirria wot la.. oon to Johnwiii, uhlch aas half of to the big ranges of Coanty Kmit arasjfMg' anwa Mtlna south, the president and wrecker of -- dlseiie 'utile Thut la In case of dry pastures. rnhatg, in onditlon: Jim t'otlieit round M lie f(,r Industry the First Mate nana ai I --ax ('ruce. Ironi Martin Hurt. It tli" amount to allowed him (he west und aoulhiteat. The lat oi t 'ul lie are scnttered nil over (he big The fruit growing In tero ral-- d pounds at hi be and a 7 Mim-li- li Mai In'. At I. o , ti aiding und training expviise. Thl the live infected herd in Kunsus county hss assumed considerable Im- rungeg. If II ever geig out there It a1 -i i MM Inch tall Kllxalmnm i r Itepreaenting himself aa buyer C'ul. Tommy Hum won fiom iillirui'l oeuring ine nine oi .or,i-tie- whs slaughtered und buried u week would tie hard to determine which port ii nee. one and h of an Inch for Joycel'rtiltl company of Carls- Ja-- k 111111011. .'a round. Ial. assure Johnson thu' hi ago and there hag ir no outbreak are the infected herda. they would be ihe shorter ami fought al a mint 170 I. Ml puul bad and Koawell, whoc he for- July 4. lo;- - Al t'olma. I'al.. end o the purse. ISn.Onn shull suite Thul tnuae the gmernmcni over such a liirgc area. The tiitnrd of trustee of the New for lioiind. Sullivan tood f!e leet e n ked -- Hill lu ring scattered merly clerked at Chrlabad atore. Tommi Hum kno, in io him lore he enter the anil uaenl feel optimistic Therg Is a lot feeding there Mexico reform school at Hprlnger M the ind one-hai- r Indie, and fought al little D. W. obtalaed Mrge Hiiuire. oik round. that In addition Johnson Is lo re elvc "If the disease ever are out In the pasture tha advertising for a tract of land which Herhardl l.i'. pound: Toiii Hhurkey wn Hm Syd- ine-hal- fault big Iie.emlier is. Al f of the net amount re elved gets u hold on the big cattle range, in- on biajus drafts on the lflt yaef round. la to be purchuaed for use as ap . feet nine niche, and fou .in In- - MM ney, Jai-- he m Pecos valley mercantile house In AiitrHliii. Joh'iaoii. from moving picture lo tuken good night," one of the officials who The department never had such a dustrial tract to be farmed by In- 'hou at rloae lo an pound. -- . He waa Ihe in- i, inii'd i. won from Tom ail In litest ia directing the big light ugnlnsl the on It H waa arrested at strain thrown us hn for the mates of the school Provision Joycf-Prult- the- - i i quest the ! people and 'omiiare.l with past hem Hum. 14 round. t'urley iime liui k lo AmerP ii and i utile plague in Kansu said u day or lust few months. lis greatest light made for this Isnd In Ihe appropria- of im gMdlMafa Willurd apl-cit- gl a toiler At ('olma. itrrungeinents to hold the I ago. Is now held for trial In Baltimore. iihi in 1. 101 onitilelcd no I on now to keep l from the rungs tion bill iMiseed by the recent lealalu-tur- g Humsnn. ranged along anm mil k Juarez, It Kien when t'al Jack Johnaon kid light on the lace Inn at "A tight was made to confine to lie .',.iinil " The most drastic measures would I of an extra appropriation I ... nle i.r .lohnmo, the rowlmy Htuiiley 1. aa KurK In Ju inntln-ued- . ThA P,.rt.l, V.IU- - V - . .IV Kansas Ket' hell. iniind. Maairo, March the north und northwest,' tic adopted the mometl the disease ol 1 r,, ihui n year being set mide for .r?ali.ti. g Maa title holder lit lull 4, laiw -- At Heuo. Xav. nan I'ttelc- received a ggaMg Iroui "SMgHe measures were mkon ' imported, pusv uiuod staJilons shit It nir develop range th The halahCe of , would nearer the than imrchnse I . . I ineas-jrernen- .la-- .1 immc-dlutel- rhd ,,.,- - .... -e 1.. I... MltnoM (mint of phyatoal : JohiiMoii. Kno, ked out J. JoHnaoa at Aire, und It :n ' lam. IWTH ,,, (MtNBW U- ,,, eir llneim. ben broke out Montana. II Ihe infectod places in Kansas. I be uppropi iiillon. $2r,O0D, Is to pro- '! in addition in hi" five mil Jeffrie. I I lollltd. wired 1 1. "(Hi. Ihe other Blpped career, district it ring ihe past tew him wua there enrly in its (in'l Mnke HMM InMiinnr. vide a new building. fortalea i" half no h ". Mil milage In height July 4. Al l.a Vega half or ihc egpense from Hi w lit :ol Is free of II und so ure months. - il" inoie. ahaal "t.nok out about shipments or rattla d ten ilirfer-- n a m MM M Johnaoi won from w Vork fol- - Hgjgg I vat- und lelt for Jttnrer the da. some ol the other suites. into Kansas.'' Din tor Hmlth warned. Si aralaha i.y poand 4 rfl mi. !, A: fine hundred and fifty land flllnga Ronney Mining company the Johnon (went) wlnK. that lime und for neverul nt huneHs und New York ure having "I wouldn't shipping any cattle The In II n, NX T, IMS 4 risk were made in ihe t'niled Httttea land h of in, he again! the June v Part, neck t'urley helleved that It, out it It easy in busl-tea- a lirdsburg haa resumed ship- ulteraard their trouble with u runeh If I was In the February dlstilct prot- - ( Kian-- e. k Hi- ggMMf office nl Titcumcari during . Mrn'a II lln'he. will alo Ja JelMaoa aaa fnnn hoiit iioiitd tuke al Hslit there In lomttarlson lo the mid- I ments of ore to the Douglas. An now. would wall a while until tha I to U. value If properly uaed. In Krnllk M- -l ali. M 0 Junre hut gMMMajgMM he hud In dle and centrul wotern stale. When and sixty from March March smeller, and Indications are said lo lunger g over. It won't lie long. If In filing ii the maaauraaaaatg or and 4 liunge utl hla ICMMM Ii greni-cs- t showing more activity land lie will one of traali plan. It i cm bed cuued Ihe Co new esses develop. Those who do thut this mine become Willurd how .in ailvanlage in Willurd New York for Ki I'uiui, In than for many montha paat. the large produceru of the nili. lelt aaclicnieni in the bureuu Wush. ship csttle in ought to keep them In state in. 1'iie, until ii- and ckaM xp-m Texas. In Jiinuur und liegun train- ii dungerously tnt'toii. Ii gelling tin Isolated place for at least slity on v u t v 111 k from two lo four lm ing ui Knnuldu- k Hunch, la iliary M, tl,i big t at I le range- - out of the Thttradsy. April 1, Quay county A broken shaft In Ihe en- he. and holder .Jim an Willurd suipa-- e ,'r daya with Ihe same attendant. After crank To ofT, the- - .l..hll-- he letiiiiincd haul ut work for .1111 i ; heie feedlotg ure used." people will vote on a proposition to gine at the main hoist plant cuuaed phl'.il llel - thul the cuttle would lie safe. Inn-I- Johnon In eiery point of phyn- a wa an-lit. i shut-dow- n haa he ll ,,r afaaj Wtodum month. Meanwhile I'uile, Two Hi.. Ilcril. "There Ig nothing thul can oa laeiie It In bond lor couniv a complete of the Hi mine -- al make-u- p i I w. JggMMM tti-- n ml i raft iiltp. aied daring In Ml Hie la vest on piigtll! rumor" ihui Mcverul hndred ure pulling given cgttle to make them Im- road conalr ui Hon There Is an ac- al during the past week. , acH tic MMMea m the Hear aa i Ii impimikhip H ell ihc Kali. ik boxer In all di - MM aMa ic reuch Torth ccr, effort to preveni a splcati mune " tive fight for and ugulnat the bond . ar- llnte. The negro and his purt further to the soiiihwest oi west. In and t It, out omc - tu onslder- - A Cuterplllur tractor, the first of rived lit Harliudoc. II. S I . Keliruur the st.ilea win re M h" uppcared cat- able doubt. the type lo be uaed In New Mexico, i. and sailed rtoni thut po, I for l ull" tle ure kept In feed lots during the PRELIMINARY HEARING arrived at luardeburg Inst week. It three duy l.Hi-r- On Kcntuary 21 eugy get ut be DI winter, it is an mutter to AT ROSWLLL TODAY ON i. Icphonc line la being limit from will used lo haul ore from the lokagon i aarhad Hhiioiu. and kept ihe infected herds there In Illinois, j county, mine tu l.ordslmrg Its arrival Mag ' I'otrlllo, (tusdiilupe to miu the wires to Mexico luiy with iwa Montana. Michigan. Min iesoiu. CHARGE OF MURDER Htiau, the county scat. caused grettl Interest in CL ..Hie to the cffei i that he would not ai ,1 othaf stules where i Its spread has Ik hi ui Junre. been i net ked, the government ugetits Nathan lllbo. for mtiny yeara Itoswitl. N. M , March Isaac Sr. t'urley was persistent In hi effort t, deal with only a few head of I. Cnutlona and Instruciiuns ss to l.i and ranching Orunt mmmapm had Co,cman. charged with the killing "f being cut I'eco business al tiring off the limit it cheduled and on cut It spiaving ure enl lo hag to Gallup, will la cattle fnrm. a Mexican sheep herders nn the .1. W moved where he started for Huvunu, whet,, he met When n broke out in small herd vulle frltit gmiwer. The Chaves make his home. Eayaolda ranoh, ihi ,,,untv. about Is advising lolnisoii mi Murch I, There he inuite neur MuHune. Kit., it wit cusy to count) horticultural board iwo month ago. will tie given u pre- ace urtaiigemi'iiiM to liaic ihe hoUl like OoatlM it her,. In slaughtering und on hurdists lo thul then spruyets liminary bearing here before Jtiatlce , it OF LINCOLN plat e ut Hui ami on April J, Imt flngl-l- i burying the herd anil dlsinfe Hug lb,. ure in first da mid ion PIONEER of ihe I'euce II. D. He litis nfter-noo- use ol spraying settled every detail lor the tie Man Small feed lm and premise. Hut purchase and COUNTY A SUICIDE , machinery Is lieing urged. ai ihe world hiimpionshiii ut the It bloke out In u of more when herd CMggsag lo BugwMI vnluniar-l- l Mall. mi, tiui k next t In, n neur aM la,f live hundred beet vu'lle Krl-lu- up had lust and gave nimself A fl .well fire depurlment horae Ill the mean line Willurd Kldoiudo, Kaa in Hullt-- utility Ihc un- Carrlaoaa. N. M.. March Jl Jo- up iriiining lo the sheriff. He wus released haa bet n stricken with paralyata and lirokeu his aaMp und agent hud their greutesl problem lo t'ole-inu- of a band, . I seph storms, a planeer of Lincoln Those I'.'.iloi! appearance 1. Middle Age Especially. suit led lor Laa Angeles. I'ul. nit wn VhO) not nul hud Ihe largest der Ihe city go in, ni considering lace. who wus foreman at the Hey-nold- s county, sgsd 74 years. committed ilKtarcg lo return lo Texas. He gol herd slaughter and liu.y In tren 'hea purchase of motor fire uppuralus to When you have found no remedy for the . to ranch at the head of the KePx horaeg. horrors that to KI I'uao on Mart h and uct'oni-p- Hi ot digeuse In Amer- do away with the use nf suicide lust week ut his home on the the history the river, he hud been uwiiv oppress you (hiring chWf4j of life, i iicd ay hi and liandler all-a- stated that Ms when through the long miiniiaer ica, hut also had lo contend with in- Hondo river, it la believed while Mm-ati- e c killing thul hud crook-n- e k re- of lilt for New uric mis en route to lots, deep in mud. sim t' und he Cases ot are being hours the day it seems as though your back feed knee ll to He hod by aaae. He shot himself through Ihe woeld break, ihc Minr day arriving in Cvha gaaalMa m dislnfm t a faag loi tended to submit trial ported In Hoswell cattlemen from when int' been know n i it peaceful t lllsen, and head with a revolver. vour head aches constantly, you are nervous, de- Marok ol thul MM, the caatern plain i. I barged with having shot Ihe Mex- pressed suffer Then outbreak oci urted In Deuth ana instantaneous. Slurms and from those dreadful bearing down pains, another ican, KsplnoMi. in courae of a dlfll-cult- County a herd ol moll- thmi live hundreti The noosevelt Teacher' hud i.i ed, In Lincoln county for al- don't forget that Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable ul the rant Ii. using a Winches- association will meet in Porta lea April ComKund haad of rattle further down the same were most hslf a eentun. Ke settled on the safest wua lume ter rifle. Details ol the killing Mh and loth is and surest renutly, and has t .u ried hundreds MAKING READY TO stream. Thetc utiothcr meagre. the Hondo some time In the sixties of women .safely through Iced lot to contend with. It would n this period. glltfg MVgfM 'in of dialnlectun: lo Work on Ihe Hebron dam of the und was theretore one ot tha earliest Read what these three women ien start on those feed lot. II re- TWO EDDY CO. BRIDGES Maxwell Irrlguted Iind in American settlers of this section Mr say: united two or three teum to pull Coifug I to be resumed Au- Htorms acquired some '.aluable agri- gust announce- in SELL STOCK i mply WagoUg ill some plutc and otic TO BE CONSTRUCTED lat. in ording to an cultural land on the Hondo and I ment week on the occupancy of From Mrs. Hornumr, ran. h a. twelve mile ffwm loan. The made last Work the ourly years of the Buffalo, at N. Y. N M 2 dam was stopped it was seen country produced cropa of W. tattle wete slaughtered and burled. Cartsbnd. Murch The because tin BriTao, Tc mm writing to you Ar-les- It JI lat kpoii Imp much your but i, nl. lie barn iiiul iinmcillutc. bridge acros ihr I'ecoa river ul that obi not be completed ahead corn and foiage which he disposed of iTM hiiHtl.iiiit I t.-- thcnif for me. fulliul ilily tlnniiic th laat wfiiier igs were disinfected. ami lutkewnod will be recon- of ibis spring' high water period, to the government, at Port Htanton. - BALL CLUB siirroundi Mid lUinnMrand every n k. tl ag-i- iil. damage partly completed came tiu, my I mi. Miami UMgM imi I til laMsV structed. The Isiurd of county and to the ut fancy price. Lean timea It red fiiiiii a fi iiialn (nuililc ami always, had iwiiis in my hark, no The lurgc Iced lots, ullie with tbe met yesterday und consid- work wu fenred If effort wuh made and with old age his once valuable : liiwtltn unit ut I iitms was very weak. germ und mi ihe bunk ol a creek In ered Ihe report of SimMi Ke Knginee' to hold the water without the com- property deterlorlated la value und was viMtirmat a friend's which Ihc tattle were watered, un- Culling and Asaistnul Htine Kuglneet pleted structure. There ia no par- portlona ot hi irrigated lamia ware "I hnise nno day and she I Three Committees Appointed um-nie- r tiiouRht nofdfd guarded ulghl and duy In men em JohiiNon. who made u t archil ,xamt ticular need of Ihc dam Ihi sold, until at bla death little remained Ljrdta K.I'iiikliaiiisNeeii.l,!,. in, have being enough water In Kaiiietl to Place Shares Among the ployed bv tie slate of Kunu They , nation of both bridge u short time there of the estate. eiKht trnyt. a ,,,!. r - pounds, a) lite and am feelite;tk even- day gang Ig ago Tbe bridge at Arlesla will be the company's lakes to supply all Itecenily. It la said, the health of hverytag y is kh Men: ure urmed with hooi birds asking wlmt I am doing and I n mend lAttlia ft. Fans and Business uny up ihe u bind under cultivation old gMlaen failed, that, com- I crows anil dogs and animal' moved three tulles rlier lo this snd mUhaitiH Veifetiil.le luca-wash- (ninpound. Ynu may .ul,li l, thia leiu-- r if you Five Thousand Wanted. which get Into ihe big feed lot Tim belter locution A I the present bined With hi aa. I supposed to wish id I I gkyga ui hti. others win. Iiave the sunie w.nililainl will hxh" it ami BUard leep In lent op ihe prcinleei . ton the armind the Nc'otiaUon are suld to be under have affected hi. mind. Log "- way x.oOO n liealih from y.nn n.eih, ua I did -,.. A. Iloiuujiio, ut I'luii lor a sun k- - hum noitpulgn N h pet nillleil 'o lea ll- - In iilge Another span was added, but for Ihe sale of acres of Mantiuu St, Initial, ,, N. Y. tiro to lie formulate il at ,t meeting of place and no visitor ure allowed., the river again lelt it chsnnel for a lund neur Maxwell by eastern melt In- who expect lu cut II tracts Me I'iminltlee (o held prohably The loud in the nelahborbood of ilm'tiow course beyond the btldae. The Into mult Made Well and Strontr. mglil in Ihe intetent of " inn o il futiua are guurded ami travel total coat of these Improvement will for aummer sale to colonists. Various Forms iAfJFnow, N.Y. "I wa.s nil run down anil vnr iliin In n,wh liancliull c' ll, in tile lliu lllunile tisso-slatio- i piohlblted. A iUarantlne placed he over tfi.uOii. but ll will give Ihe , n.r. voiw, no upu-tiui- eoiilti imt sleep mid was weak, and fell Uidly Time commit-c- to vend mi all dog. Doss am kepi lied M county two good bridges where travel Port Humner district farmers have Off all I Headache 1 liti I t t -- ii 1. are ruling heavy bridge igned a xeagur. contract with lirm the time. doctors said had poor t .m l what I had was lent iui k to insure an Ihc owners shot. Men arc is The laikewood the ' It I neeesaary la order to treat haad- - ! elMfc nl SaWg i In- t Hie on highway through of il. M II. Wngner of in.. k for properly tu tb turniiiK water.. I tHik tlitfeivut iiu ili. ines wlm Ii dial not help me, in Ihe league win- ale i,;, reeks ami rner Ihe atate eastern cbs understand ratlin Ut HM empty, warning New Mexico, bridge lor the illsiiii t's cantaloupe crop. lilrli produce Ih affaotlou" says J W Imt l.ydu K. rakbMn'g egc4bk Com nt umd ,. wolf uoiatgd :i mectuig held in Into which ibc farm, while Ihe Arlesla Kay or AU Continuing lrbe aayat ioiii mid I twenty-fiv- e " t'QMWWavMI erg ami stockmen tu keep herds on the new Ihe plains to Two hundred and serve bwgiu o MroiiK, ana I am reeomuieiidujf it U lull yeaterduy. their load to ru sloLaae cannot even the Ileal-n- uiy friends." Mrs. Kuan Tin- coMgaJMagg, were BgMMi ut sntmul uwa., Ironi tbe the rust have been signed up. nt uf a disease WHiiuut knowing what Chacb, U. No. j, Mutedon, N Y. whlih slreum. csuae. give II, we lty A a fol- is iocul light, but It rise to sod aiual reuiui I'tesiUent 0. Mutson. arc That metely a tier lit. i beadacbela loo- - treated see 100111. The Change of low reaches out into all purls of tbe stale C. V. Oatlon. the well known Hut-tu- Iwo to lour Keekers after to the am rule. We must not only be par- Life. It. states. BvaT) ship- hue gone M lund location ure reported arriving ticular lo glv a roiUy tutsnded to cuuu-Isra- cotnnilllee. Judge (Icngi- und Into oilier wholeanlc merchant , UatTviLi Mn. "lty the of I.ytlia east-sr- n lbs cause which produoea Ua head-s'bs- il ue K Hnkhiim's VeRi'tablo Craig, Kd a. Macpher-Ho- n ment of cattle Is watched. I! the Rot Malar, Minn., with his sua In Koit Sumner every day The w C I I Ugar aal ii but must also glv a rsutedy t omiNiiind have sin eessfully iassetl through i New rl n a must trying time, blpmeii, iiiaalu from an infeded t'harles. where the littler will under- Mesico townn generally relieve Ul pain until Ibaeau.s uf tbe troubl ll. Life. I I ha hesa removed. To answer tin purpo.u luo i iiiiiilli'iii suffered with n weukiiesx, antl hail to in ml t I'baftM Kunr. stute or In a car that bus raw led go an operation in the Mayo mat It more tnuulry for land than hue aUy oniinillec Anil Tablet, will fuuud U C in- years- k. iiiul. Ik oal llnve tluys at a time. I.vdla K riiikhani's V. u'eiahle K. I., i! rose und CuaMy Ttcusiitcr through an inleded al. te , mi,, Hon for slomach trouble. occurred during the past two , mucin, in and aal'afadory remedy. Una it stonil me lo rfer t lieulth, I Mike MawateU. feded slock yards, cattle ar tablelev t v on to three bouts ami am priiisinir n for the U netit of the m glv. ntiu r who ua 1 I Col, ii whether they uny The next meeting the Amerlcaa Klate Meantor Arthur J. Evans of ami rr,l tbenio.i.cve r, case.,., hradactia. woineii biitlei did." Mti. W, . Dl vau-- Itoule No. I. Third Domnuttaa; lv k hue of neuralgia and particularly Ik kea-tas- litilUville, Aid Keller. Hoi lleiijuniln und Senator aymploma ot the disease or not Texas. National l.ivclo k usaoclullon will ''c Klltia assumed chsrge ss register of of women." laaaa MMtk, iklaboinu An, ni and n.-- Mix ,,' lield ill Kl l'ao, buosler of that dig the Kurt Humner lend olllce last Wkn w have a patient aubjeel I g wu ap- aiiacaa 01 aiva neauacu, wa sa For 8 jtmn Lydi E. Plakham' The iilm I o sell II.IM worth of are ncli, guarded us no region baling won the meeting lul week at week, u position lo which he was 1, r'ek-ruar- y htm to keep bit bowsla result f otiipoiiiHi tat the RtnndHrd r. inetl y I- .- slock, which coal II a slime lm iho eier guarded indole. Hfcot uaent or tbe Hun Kratn ico i onvention pointed by prasideat Wilson In ii.itbiua is belter than ;rAloidi tialn ilia. No one aiek with wtinwu'ti ailo,fr list seuson egpnagaa. Ho much the federui goiernrnenl are wuiching be Isel tb least sign of an 00 .ooliu attack, ha abouht A does If end stork Mil-ilalfli- a laa iwo Juatlmtoheraelf the dona not try this Ih glMMlSH will want hi hand M the movement of cuttle Tort Humner und Mucb paueuta abuuld alwags hs inMllelBe made from roots wad ficrlia, advising ihul the ggggdathM " car. The, are not let lug anything ure among New Mexico towna The Ijike Arthur Times aserls that to carry a lew AaU kananla Tabl as u o it fore Ml restored many auf feriiitr woineii to health. ahead launch u dub is not get into gas nig range region, that now i i onsiderlng Incorpora- tha Peco Valley nil company, now tisi toeta ready lor lu laul use. Taass and lalilsU are prompt ,u atI ilea, and an n .V A a us aVM suspected of being in an in- drilling for oil near lhal town, is Write tii III E.PINKHAM XHiiiimki. known tion. uinild 00 to w roduse jeit f in a vary H.NIIIrll.MiAk.l I.VMN. MASS.. fi,r iul vi Thirty Ian Inr r ulreud) agreed leded region Cattlemen ure aafMd gulng to make a thorough teat of the few inlMUle. Ask b r a K YOUr letter will he oitetirsl, rt'tM ttlid lllisvvwrvd buy, some taking us man) ua If und against slopping In c.iltle und arc Heraib w no I JUS tuns diatrlcl, belua prepured to continue Anii ruoiua 'tatdeM :lll.i4iulur,.l bi a wouiau and held Ut strict couiiUcuco. Juu aliuica. Sallied ugauiat every kind of ship- - dim.,. drilling until the preaeM or abavnva "ti.iai.ia. FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, W. M., MONDAY, MARCH, 29, 1915.

thia part ot h tralle Tie Evening Herald. The Boundaries of Europe San Francisco and San Diego

U1A, IMC. throw upon (hi giem lonalrueliv As They Were in 1815 As They .. Manager undertaking. Thai la to he expected SQLPQ aaar We will be loM lhat nothing oag be Are in 1915 and as They May Be t Expositions Vine to help thia part o( tha Hlo Uraml vail unlll eur land tltlea I". X. M have been cleared up. i will i..- Mexico, boast a AalllMlTOX, I). C, March and to hla imperial Open I I. ated that hare ran he no la While boundaries Entered u e matter It He a regie the Prance. ' drainage any 1.1 w Kurnpe 1r at. A .natallation. or red Hpanlah today are trembllia mngreaa had lmt liiix biTti nt ! iu In at th MOO1 leuqoerqae. ., "While the In Vienna nl nutiri long in full K. M under the Art of March . tralion of the preeeni anil le com mil i, it, li th balance of war.'' a atatemt not rea. hed final action In Ita work, ,iii . lamed today by the National : ermnn UTt. st.tam, until the In the boundaries of thr At M,.., KXIMLitlnl,. fcr t the I pule red confederation had pi been the of m:in lire depleted througli rt, Mtlgic, edarntion. On month, hy mail er carrier.. nlaaer thi of no uae decided. The new col nn in nil 1 t'tre, eontnterre. nnd Igdastry and Ihe immensity Owe week by lr1 whatever. T eluded al) of Oerma-- i , with carrttr I y. ,roae Wua Juat aa now. of the harmonious n,,.,. nlluring, Owe year or (thai the undertaking I too rreet tor at war it la Die eX lu.lon of Ihe X la ami .inkin(j, br mail carrier io n one great waa nnd inspiriii. iaj la struggling Ballaa atandiuK lienmark. Analrla a the advance ll.M inmmunltf- of farmere to LK' while wife I .- off a hoat of ..Ih- Juat aa today the Tin-M- K'c y ii presidency of the federal diet. Hanlti is trie only line to HflTII Kx posit ion undertake lhat aome or the land I of praaent u- -i ( rum the falla one duchy (uaed to m i'ii annul of War t'ltica, its aerviee excellent. ITe owner are mm progressive rent power against a field of alllee. ,, un-- c JepJwl and that her 'i Havana Hi II lilr I Kten haa The game five greet - Ask lgnt:i Ve Ticket nhont lite Bualneaa the number of theae la sufficient l h'uroiean nallona ler tha Coii an- fifflrca reduced uffie ..14 mat are at ar nun were fighting roiia.l trip tnrex to Han En, nclacn nnd :m lllego. Rdltnrtat It... mix ,.tM .block the development of the unde- only, lineup O then. the was different Finland, which l( had uec. I from f'oateuicnt train aervlce to rlining: thai the government build-lin- g "Then, It waa - both Expositions. in Making It I n., foe the Taxpayer. Kuiope Ureal Brit- iweden In IXOK. Hwedtah Pinneranbi I for our It I ".I I V the Klephant Hull project ha (Springer Time. I ain, maun. Auatlia and iluaaln ua- - ,'Mil.,l it, fcuaalu The mnilern lieuiiliftil tind interesting Exposition ogul-i.- t l,alciH. It I'ader the alalutea ,il! able bodied France and Supole Then, 1 rrrtaXM empire, ex. union n( jdon all can be exported to do for ... with the men i I yearn of uae. nun pay now. the vast unnira of the ullira --., I Ihe idilliin- - r the pt,. P RBOft 4hr Hi paai Mexico, aad proball a hundred i,er J JOHNSON. rear haaJMaw pull tax of one dollar to be uaed ere making ready for a spring cam o eg Agent. luce keen little more than the other klnda of objection, which have ml, r.,i achool imn-oeea- . All w Im Pign o invaaioa, and. mm h aa la the and All Phone 104. name for a day. In Mew Max- - enough foundation in unfoetu- - hate not paid ihla year ar hereby aae today, Ihe lioundarlea placed by the Vienna co it Bonded lhat payment mast lie made ' lielgium were ft greaa have been ane- -' to compel atleation by lo Iha llrrmati onfedernllnti. Uenerallv 'here bef re April I. Payment can hajtheuler. Mm..., Ihoae discouraged re-a- t m m cial exercise of more or leaa import- who are or mnde at m office or handed lo me on!'"' anil diplomacy have made little Tuna tne tentative r nm snfborltv nnd to I pp Mi. Mot faith hue been wearied by yen ra U. i change In uhnut a hlch " Kuropc aloud " in, In r Dornlhj V ance In the erhnot. but the nbaert the atreel. J. DBVINE. the nueatlona it her ' are waged In Europe, April, while the em pel but in si be cat- Visiter. ance haa uaually ended there. Thia without worka Hcrtary Hoard of Education. aaia tine ' ' n portant difference wax thai Ihe 'be French wn leverlahl; engaged in Like il uple 11. earlici stoiy. "11,- - Man ol Iron," Khtkari I), linn. year, we may Judge bv Perhaps It la worth saving right ttho felt gnggggnggj 10 off I,, however. If Europe i TMirll I, had about iiualng and equipping arm lea with jfo l.nli "Th, Harbor." Ernest I ,...1, i m..-- , Ixli, reporta I tax hare and now, and In open Ynn no vntihiug. Which to meet enveloping enemies tad.. 1. Ihe lot, on,' il xlr. Wells new the ht week'a etat meatina. progressed, througn .1 genre of .ear hla llo mem rlat Item in Logan Leader. of It waa only by hi remarkable enter- novel. "Th.' ,ie ,1 ii Isnn, list per, the observance of the day la to, that theae numeroua. and In aome r, trouble to a slate of dlaauliafled, Tiler,, i, aom ,iibn,u In peaceful exhaustion. prise that he waa able to get together 'n" rceognixe the neeeeaily of II, ,11k ,.f formidable, objeciiona mum f- - be not ..nly general bill an im ba(lh localliy. lnrecently, among tho.e an army of Jgn.eou by I. I ' ;nk Hung .nil. II, r I. i e Napoleon made Waterloo cam- Jauuait earlall thoroughly na-- ! overcome before thia valley and Ihl" "ho In h'ibit of aleeplag on hut army litudc n simpler, liottever; with I In portunl and practical are the by ihe meantime, an Austrian of paign In the aprlna of ltl(. and, 11 Don' I In hajf a plana! 'lty can hone for nny great develop-hav- e the ground In tight rooma, but the 3 11, mi, rtml been assembled upon Ihe end uf pnkei she laeak' a plntc tflns 4 exaggerate or lure. doeen lowna I ily U it had or. .1 decided In Ihe j moat of them have recovered. Ithine frontier, and a Hussion army nindow ami a niorilk in gaol.' been made for community nb-- meat and growth and permanent, fit allies. I Hiring great tor of the the up 1. Mhe is Ellen II wife of HJr I mac mifirepresent article 1:10,1, of IM1.000 was moving umim. an well . ..- tor's binilahmrnl to the ervaixe upon large araje, with founded proaperlty We have Mh Ml. wad,. I Anothet Aus- llsrui'ii, of the International llreiol 11 ad I power that had brought about his with Ihe Austrian. planting of freea and ornamental the option of altllng atill and holding t Advertlaemeul In the Ashrvllle, N. 0, trian force mcnned from the south- f.'nhc s'orex. Khe had been nintniil ,t advertised in this .abdication and In "hoar handa thr I j - I'ltlasn. i east, and English tueiit,, hlnl lieen 01...1I ill. itutlfgl xhruba calculaled to prove of ermii our hand tnd leaving the overcom- aetlienirnt of Europe'a trouble la), the Ptusstun and tug Don't kill your wife! I,et the Moun-lai- nrmlee were concentrated In llelglu.n t ife nnd nn just tin, ling herself surfl cnmmnnltiea. The of the obataclea nd Ihe realiaa-rchoo- l I laced work of organlalng nuun-ilarle- n, page. nenl value to the I'lly Laundry do the work. the Napoleon begun hi. final sirnlgl' isnt It gfiixi nn t hajlx bilklxl, Hhc or ap- - the great the .'emaaiiig of ihe map, be- exenlaea former yeara tbn of deatlny of thia rich . ggajg her own us wife with g fore n congreaa, which wax called mine, oil June j.,..,i,..,i pear to haye expanded ohaerv- - valley lo ,.ur grandchildren or IHfl. al nghl ggaj gjp gsseyey of her own. To It Into their A.f Its. or aome other Vienna In Heptemher. 1X14. The Kline the overthrow ..I X.ipnbon will certainly prove person dbjcu stop iln 1 i ., id thin hint! n fsiin.- ance In whP h the older people, and children: or we can put our kind of h leai haa of thia conger became an and the work of the congreaa of Fi - pronoun, ed tile II," tnethisl of letrillhio an, I 1' der to ihe wheel realiax- - erd lhat ,l nxuthxg Vienna. Ihe changes in Europe have a boomerang and Ihe leading epirlta of the and Ihe ' aeries ol for itni,ii. i I " Informstion unit!-- 1 at tin point that she xtiisshe he great development aplendid Thr i.i,. bartTiiinx .111I Ita alplibi ration had been those making touurd the various bualneaa ommiinltlea, are nnd the come 1,,,, late. We mirretidrred i ml nindotv T result is a c,se , n all.iu ot like peoples, thus tile two I Uooxt In war aiming tin bar. besides proaperlty to V ill, her hill ml we do not taking promiaant pari. certain follow Ita lull oefore the garriwm did. gntnera, when Napoleon returned from great change, were Ihe establishment - I l her w iha, and began his march on Purls. ,,r tin- fJgjHgjM empire nnd of ihe iu onk: It la tilting that In atatea Ide 'Mimes f' th. N . rt A7e." Jggajgg want thai kind of fifteen yeara It doe aeem THE FAtT thai the 1114 cotton Ninti-- I, I Thus xliniiiluled. the kingdom of Italy Hilly WHS formed obeerv-anc- e lhl rop I.i lib. Ip i.i movement fur the practical was th largest hlalor forma ; by ihe ongress of Vieii.ui a u eraxy der prevent . . egresa hastened vtith ilx lask. and. .dlllona It la up nd Pat In . idvcrt's the atrongeal argument hy Ihe I i "The t'oneo fHlkl of Arbor day. a day th apirlt June , Ihe Final Act. ambodying quilt of small stale., large!, unite to II brlng be ll, Vaekel l itulfuy. btiueriite do beat chop should the amnlleat. J 11 the dominance gf Austria. Frame of which - n line' in. ii ..I the uf Viennu, was stmicil ' 1111,1 Maintx abiiut thia di telopment now. We "The map of Europe on Ap.ll I. t.. herself within her historic l'ler nncaill. eentimenl and practical good aenae. laln-.- Ho I I gcrlable eoulil nun, I ottlte n conaldernble Jolt to Uli. Islii, then, was as indeterminate a botimlarie, with the unqutel Albuquerque, the chief city of New (Rpringer Tlmea. i of demo, ruth leaven. Huaaia emerg- lie- - thing u is that map today. France of added proaperlty here without A. W. peine. i, r gf Mexico, ahould take the lend purehnaed .n nuto 1 been led back within the ed us an equal mem u the Mop. comlnu uniltllv bllMrloux mi.l ,a me m,. weea ing ..,,,., ,,, - power., - It haa been pointed out that tne ' ihl. nrai of ami is nut ,,an (laul. Her bound can concert and Ureal llrlt- one way ny may some repaira done on It. Ne will soon pr,ae-- , , aln began het .ireei a Ihe uml lepuicd governor' proclamation call Arbor wnicn it lie broiixnt mrtr th. llr south. about. be aeen going thtough the street, like idmoni. ktavoy. flwitgerlaiid and mistreas of the seas. rare THIS"J3 day Ihl year fur Friday, April 2nd the old timers at the wheel. ,,. .ptner- - "Turaey, Kept '".it ,h'"- Hutt.n n ,hr A, aml hating her hand any-- 1 ln "h,,r l which if U..od Friday uml ,hut lunda and Ifruaala on th nortneaat. of the rnalio-iu- pie, got through m m x ANT HI.M T w1 the first "' lm- - hKK "rchl.t MlMld ,,. ... , , ,,. I r-- thing in the nature of a public tea- - """blng. and the moat Kr.( xv with a whole hide, although Itu.sia I aaaeaajahgwl avi 1 mm hxiable to wilsf, all Innate. by ,,,.,,,. . 1 I'""-"- " - hi. r ru,1( , ,..,,,,. ,,,, (ought to question a w to a ; bate Ihe Turkish mm aaaw' tlval or Jollification upon thin Jay ''in buying a one Ijlexlco. irn, fartpaaaag NatharUMPjg, .. great sec- - 1. ' orig.ess. Hol very and well founded A rough' before the make It impossible for a atari. u land was oiilirttied in be possession Herald"'"' Wet :,o, ,i nitu large number of people In Albunuer- - representative during ih past Winter of , Hiatal licrraany. which Napoleon ' of lielgium uml Sweden was coinpen- - m qae iuym hu "bed half a doaen en- - Hiiitit Ituaa Viii.i bud no luiled in the empire. Hut, on -- ui. ,1 f..r bet lo ..1 Finland b) ha lo lake part, Interfering aa uch ' Albert Johnaoti. and cattle, By ti men with knowledge of randier April 1, the Little Corporal was plan nig Norway given lo her. Danagnrh RESENTED TH E an event on lhat day would with the "r man gf neighborhood. , the tluudalupe nlng to defeat the arrnle ut England, lost the uniiuent.,! , 1,1 ... i, t, - "gil IB , for an off-han- d reports gn-u- i i:iii"; Herald Marrh 29. 1915 mixrt eatred day In the annual cairn- eatlmate Ihl lounly. that the I'ruaala, liusl uud Aualrla In detail, lory to the Herman.. gjsjl. ,h romi of a drainage ayatem for amount of moisture, anowe and rain On - dur of .hurch olaxervance. The ' ' 'HM LINCOLN 'iLTgo iTiri.An." 15 Costive v'-- be4weee potnta eon. ut thia winter hate greuily injured ernor. in mdhlxm bis "" the grass In c 'we ctitTA'N rrooKS THi. ami. the old and lhat coneequcit o-- uiull IibUn, by ihe state engineer R MAUOI V A iJOOTATios- O IN LlTfRATUI of course had no thought of the date cattle are suffering. This la an un- " TUtM VtQHKS " nxed interfering with uny rellgmu in..c eatimote have rnnxe,! from usual on,lillon for New Mexlio. X THREE KINDS OF BOOK NOTES ; 15.011. 000 to t3.',.000,"0i, tl obaervance. and he probably had no, VERY GOOD PIES ; lb. TaH.- -t Man. I thought i There Is complaint brcauae our to thl&5.M) of an observance of the day John Ty ler, Man county pio- Enl1les bearer llluwtraled Blbl Juan Week I III. 1, t I' It si Ik ! with be- - member of eongrea not taken I'lll must tell )oll arascnlad fn.rthrr Ihe rlalad imNnl tl m the scale planned here, tut hae neer I. visiting tip there. They tell Iti. I XI ii rtu shelf of new gatiog which J fi coin, nr,.uit ... .1 ciolributinii xxctadiiitt tul Itira. ,M al , v cause of thia conflict of date, and he- - ,h' '"d ln ,h' mutter; Ihe initiative this stor, on John, who la reputed to EXT baking dnv v., 11 mm make clerk Bel a r. at trow laclsr., tc., c. at Ibe l.ihmrt all kindx gad lith - ln be the ulleat ggg,a in the It... moun- orange potato Mix twu I I . I . e cause II is Important that the whole Preaentlnf It to Ihe reclamation pie suit c crvlnslt Thcri is ..... ifrllHMHMMMMM tain region. N lips ot l m.liiheil. MAGNIFICEN1 gtkxg in atinotincement, Irmn day In dat he'""'1"'''' congress. A sen.n ., gt I'nstoi 's Wile," ot, whieg you grill t lommunlty of Alhuquemue ahould At one I a mem- il Hi giMg line, while he wa. while uolatoei with three f.. tilths of and ami ut limp leather, witli nverlapping i - " repreaenlailve lie to , hu. kle chuckle tin,. in harmony with tha Arbor day ob- would hsai ber of the llrm of Hubbard ft Tyler. 11 cup one up Hu, k. sweet ILLUSTRATED .inpcil in Kfi'lil. with PurrstrrJUl iitll ; .,, ptsi of butler, , ui tight The etiretully reared .! 1 before a ,.r e ongr.-aaio',a- l Shlpro. of ,.: m i lite world (.inn collection, t. ssc-t- board Indian traders ai k. be bent, tt eggs ihe Juice coior in Tixtot ssrvance planned, it seem m Ihe '" started renin, four t. ot an l.iilinh bishop u,,lef,lv t, :, dlllon nt one-ha- lf liiiinlrcil xupcrli ,llv Hlgtil with a to ap toward some Indian hogane Juat one large orunge and the Irwgi gtggog $5 Ihe wnn ix picture graphic. Herald that the ittib will do well t "rnrolue propoiion blaated the paltared - ' the store t,. rind nn Indian to ,1" grated ,,l Itukc Iu open crusts nnd tnnking plain tin- vctc in I lie light nl ni,lcrn II meeting on tlx P'oprlute money for a pmject which ol her Itiitixh hotae. to hntc the Its arrangement, to some work for 'hern, und .1 roupie of I every one pel rac- - BIBLE kn wli ii;. ami research. The text iniif.irm I ' Almost hai her uxd sorrows of ti ttpienl, tlouigli son ,,n 'Would cot from five o thlny-flv- e Indian dogs cutne It looked says authi,rtcil cdi'i. ti. sclf-p- r. iiKtinciiiK. w iih ii n- - the date for the observance some for him. ,.,i for lemon t.le with metingiie. 111 what nneouth. piiator Euxt I'm,,. I ...... l . .1 1 LI la t i f th-- dollars.' He would never get very serious tor John until an idea Wfomag - World, but , " r - a other n preferably ..million the her 11 i I" j A... .in: 'ay Fridai tuiMtor whoM' hief atereal ia hi, Rat ' - a heuriiig. n b struck him. Htopplng. and standing fine one without It and good for htlde papti opening at ail pag iitiful, read- w 1 I XI I N the following Monday or Tuesday. Iteloie motM un III UctMCM i.iiT'l - light ait III. he stood 011 left foot. everyday use Mix a cup of sugar t.rlili.: gbtc type Six Consecutive I'ree Cxrlibcatsx and the nm- made in this Important hi. gel'i'ie hus'l tllore thai, elircfllll; The dale la but a detail, th govern- mint matter Pla, ed his right toot against Ihe of and three laMesi n. lemon Juice. she hli led the luo-- i 11,., ne m for the future of Albuquerque a d ol lelt and liable ed eggs .1111. r,l,r,i; Fx! or' proclamation having; been made hi. knee jibe oik of two slightly in. stilts. existence, iaaoeenl of uny gag Tbc S3 Also an it ion for Catholic I sun dog - the talley, we must know II himself. It the Indian on. upful "t milk, .nn- tablespoon I.- !hr i elaatic In thi regard with the pur- what will lull with tile tllgue "real Vv.illd -t II.LHSI RATED il nive' arrang thought they bad him tr I and of melted butlei nnd a pinch of salt I tfitunate in mn pose of making a ihange of coal, and it la up to u, here at home , Oad the wall ol the pnltlee of t hi' BIBLE r. Iftmuiy Vminn. dutr pn. w.,lk,-- off and eit r in alone I When thoroughly blended a, I, I Ihe to find out. y)iixho uf Hull hotel Her grboU im tri'ion ami rtmi' I iiiftrnni and A aible where di I 1 1' suable. win'. of Ihe eggs beaten to a dry ! i ITlfMrf Ullwx r .1... Wo Not precedeiited trip, uiu liaperone.l, to I, ,.ii Q1 . i KrUtftl tt to risk the MggMkj froth and bake 111 one rust. Cartificalfi fafftd Ih. OlC ilit.jii ot the to n Every person who la Interested In :i '" - Lilon fur d, 11I11I work, atirtial trmigr ltHM of the il an ? value than any other eluss of prop- OrapafrMlt .Mix mittiti more uncertainty pie is dtltcloua tpoiihtx a, id tarn ics in lot: hithett'. attractive Albu'iuerque ahould, In Lb nm, I - Why, brother, cut the stale, that were one up of sugar, two round tnblr- run und t thr Tifstvil ami pi It n doubting ihe drain tethereil .in rmt; with trt make a point to be at tin m. i.n,-i- si m-- of cofnatiirch, one ieu n "f age in- paying consider!, by more than their t, a ;uiiicji wlio h were to hate govereil Hie rc of thia ureal valley, and the butter, yolks of two eggs, jile e of halt Mill nt.i.l Cuiniiii tal club tomorrow expense, xhe I" g ill 1. ,,r a Ir- pi ,...,i innute ahure ol the burden, aa I. lot '..".' stallation modern, u grapefruit and Juice of half in ' ' night . person illy when urrangeniaaia are lo be, corpo- . cond'Kled expedition lo rigation ayatem la ua omo computed with olbei lasses of on and half an oi.mgc. one up of ilia, certain to 1. erne, fin the trip, BfBjggbj the uaae.l Ihe loym of obervuine , oal ',,ok In aa la tomorrow' It rate properly for Instance, hot water. double boiler mid I tureborg dlgnot sunns. is Just I xtupids, which Ihe day will take here. A blatl nrgu until .rii.tari h Is fully cook. Mil , miner and lands and the chief red ll. rr Hub, rt III, 11, 11, . pastor ot a question of whether we make it ring well. Put a baked ahell, mid tery practical kind of obervune the juxti, ,,r eondMlon Into gig rloek al Koekelisee, Klit I'iiissiii. come during the lifetime ,,f moat of meal lor thi. with rneiingiie triad tin ha proposed. 111 thu plan to iter who is irresistible nnd spleiulullv obtuse us, or whether ne all down ami admit was In the statement that Ihe rail whiles of Ihe egg und bake In slow ., plunt iri-- along the North tn oppo.itiou, slights or the tin iu, al Fourth to ot en . It loo l.ig for 0 in energy and brains, road,, had submitted ihe rniaes. little Ineltes.e of the xvorld W'liell iia-- Clean-U- p street roiid II has rec, ved the offl- - Means Up In, Ida 110 the 'g v Paint Bad leave It tor ix The Herald brief lor lieen rerhaps toil mil city future Meiitraiion lal approval of the elnnielil. C l,S--e- il y.nes. at stayc that "Tin- I'nator to gBnjtag the "dream" and tin, III,, Ulls. Til, Should thi & ALABASTINE mid hu. ihe strong support ol u great authcr '' Wife" is written bv Orafln Mint A. If. SHERMAN WILLIAMS PAINT Upon .1 bust ! Ililuul value ol lliell The Lyie huge benefits therefrom. Truthful better known gg the tiuthor of S. many hualnex men with whom 11 haa 1., - 1 raim, J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER CO.. 423 1st St.. Phone 402 Aa It huppens, If we ure willirig lo propertv and made pav lave- ,ip,,u l.linbeth and Het' (lermun (Itirden, lieen dls, usM-- It onlt iem. , ins in take Just a little chain e, we can be that basis llul so. at Ihe same Hme which English nitil ficitni HNM and put apirll 111 1, the and good will of ihe .hoiild every of , orporate a I had my It re attuned 1 .ug lent are contrtislct tnnking up reasonably sure that the j rclimiiiiuy ,1 whol community behind It. Fcr The It re. of Is meiaphorle. i', light tnl Hurt. ForesJnulow, b) the Ik aaeeaaary well lis individual properly. curse. aork which so absolute A the resoite info that purieuee the meeting ut the Com. alleged gf the reg'lar poet bus to spring courtliip. murrtiirc riRRHJ.OI MTMP gajBj , di- This tentative action I - nee.i not ua n .Ingle ent of It now and Hon ! give a loll'. snntethiiig strange beyond'- (IAI.LUP men ial club torn . coa nUni la call-- ,' LUMP re, I outlay i.uah. titx ominleaion. assuming that the lrecinn touch fling; wildest dream The fieiinnii at '; W. H. HAHN GO. Let of nnlo hi. flAM-t'l- ' K ill us all get out aid get In Indl-cnte- a , h bis-tort- e his native heath i n tasllv frnnker It i a fine thing lor Mlmquerqu commission should slop there The listen, punk, but quite ANTH It AriTU, Aid. S17.BS hi igfjlo beijjhlior A U a reiilixaii.,11 of ihe pargggt than Saxon for lit ivrat In I eel of K1NOL.INO AND MILL, WOOD that the efwb taking! ureal dan r o, ommereini I It l 11 pluv ri uliu.. uver wtiu ti the tal t',1 ii-r-r Will, then had ined AND PI.ASCTEIIINO I.IMB sTin b"l, gf " It la ger continually pointed ut by mis in Ktigltnul; so front the time UftK'K thia 'dreuin high time A melaneholv. winter la) drawn Ml A.NTA TW ti". I' K t Frggglg. that we were getting a start. new.puet during the session of the With .now and M spnud thick ingeiiorg's arrival in Ku.t PHONE II. been flrt to prevent In legislul in .. and up to the time th" am the talc ,1.1.1. hut with tun and us the tinsuphist icated ml thor way of v And wind, howl across ib" 1'iithos HAVIN'i omething '.1 lluraum lux iominlsioii lull bce.ime i:IMM. rill: tii belli hei uclilv artless l.ngli-l- , gnl luinips up comprehensive plan of it a the old law: Ihut was return to When Who tile ,11, ken hholllil lollie XajgiaXl the SUatOni of the enunttv Ktate Engineer French for the im- T VV K uiinoutidd from Mania K territorial lion til of e.iiali..,t ..11 plan In after a nut he provement of thr 'cut e I lllo Uraiule 1 lust week In what aeemed to lay a under which readily ucceslble prop Hut Mprlng. the wen. h. with April A pair ot Irish tlggglfg futinr ggd la w ent In Hi ggfcfer, vith a doi.kcy und 1. rt wan alley, the Herald especially gad aeml-oftlcl- wny the new erty was laxeil lo thr llmll. wllllc that der about Hi nitrv. litinK frmn haiel lo ee the Interest which is being 'state more diftlcitll In rem h was per- I, tax commission had determined thut fh. vrry well fxny. I), I see to mouth, na happy ua the tiny ix tie Z shown in plan by business men ,,,, Iteadlly i 'Oa that r,,e, ,rpornie properly 10 mitted to escape taxation The ggggMiii inure than usual tlckp 'ihe "hunt for f,,o,l " the BaaiiiggrSg In thi gfty, land owner up and down the extent of ubout ten million dnl- - acoaaallde propertv neludes the Krent And Hie lo Met the Jump oil me taeapatiag of their lite, and Hu-- ai. by To put my veres in g pli kle 11 goa is sprupaloaa xa to boa tlm' ft the valley, and the officer of the Hrs. ,,f which ralae nine und one-hal- f rnllr., with their huge propetties I laughed at quite mtrlhlesst, acquired, I'o these w n ml b this pie Albuquerque commercial clob. who. million, upon ot In In east ivu. ami I reatrd the propaM) tda it. siahl and "Its chances aren't worth 11 nickel: nt y come three angel with the ..rth" naturally, must tak the land In the the railroad.. the little house and lot of the strug- "I'll turn the lyre upon ihe lime dux, rnixnr and shitnnu tolies. movement, if It I to ten, h uny prac . And sing a k the lime. ','hc with thcii ready Peltit .Naturally it ix not rignt 10 gling Itlxcn of Ihe cities towns and unent 'ranps. draw The In A, ml of the .upctnslurnl, soon feel tical result during th next two year. villages. II I no fairer la assess the birds and blooms train runrluatons from any such prelimi- a I home with oeleclial yidlants, :: leglalalurc. I'll hurl spllllH In a' Ihe nt theii or prior to the next state nary announcement It is to be railroad. unfairly nnd dispropor- primer." ersiui'le then) lu exchalige their gajgelic Al , 1'resldeiil '. t. 'uahinn of the and ihe inlelligont public will tionately than It la la overtax the When who Ho- den omca luiek ai signn, tor less coiinpi.-uou- lottuiiff Good Banking in- food, niul tlvc Service given hi approval In by again. "tteipnred like the the eub haa hearty assume, until otherwise definitely in- huqiierquc man win, thrift uml Invaatl-gallo- n Aa big us life, hiil old 111. 111 Win their wanderitii up und down, the suggest lou of 1. thorough due! ry baa manage, I to buy him I tnntinuc formed, that thia Ix hut the first of Mnef 'nun ggliag , s iiiIkIu engi- ler' I'lif.y uniiuissnry rente inM"si ttlicie fulluri lintc la'ii. of ih plan of th atate up to time tin III- a number of raise upon 1 ,1 little home: nnd thi. I 'Ent ol. lltll proudly flu ling II til lie. ul el I afjgBJ I il i likely ut In II lii 11, Valloioil Itiiuk liioiiglit Into conlni neer, and that the kinds of orporate anil private prop- - bg mi. nl und the little home K,,r aille to any one who buy f, while his fsMatJhlaf Harj Iboi 'I.ic RM A ., irietheriny her gtas II In near Mr. - In It re ihut iouldn'1 tall He' iinglilt enjoys lout rcqlllieillent of grcnt tllllclt of B proper lime the future ..- n win oe iiimeii 1,, pno e till, mailer hate been the saiio with the sxii ims Ni vt York Evening Mun i li tt cri'tlnris Jagatg Kte hen hux CnahaTMit will arrange tot a general , - They the gouts si n, upon sound ulMl equitabb- ii- class have been piitleg this whimxical tale m " Ihe "f ' members, bualneaa Tile question of propel luxation is - lUftcriqil meeting Seasment liilsla the .lute lug According to reports Manage" )nii U"'lx. " iul published ith nil I ter, liiislm- I, ixh HiaXrsital Mexi, ,, 111 gg a land ownera between Fenu 11 now the people of New of Pit gb th, fgt Mr Mlephcns slips man I men ad eommlxan will rulae the rnllr.sadg before t'lnrke the tsinit Natlonuis olio, l.'i-i- Willi tin In iiiliol l''c 'I'M xpects b ing lilt of pllllosophv To Mr out Marciai. ut which lha for We do not know miu Hon, ilerbc, . recruit in)ers.t , ill-- -I Hlantia and and atop la able .eltlemeni I u i e to cm II axtrxni tl'ni la there incunceiv try to- - Bxgs1 and his kin. vte eonimeml the Itmik render t, will present this plan I" about lie but we do know, shortstop who will that Aqaith ii englnaar It whs pointed out fnquentlv dur railroads lion Ihl. spring. Wagner going lo Hist lullowiag: "Hi'Voiui nil tliitigs ti won, Unlive In inV'loK the ditnadtora' aNll ncxils. II , 011, j.ra tlcnl form It baa been that the little man with ilo- - readtlt M,vter. und, bet,. ml all ret, Ing the dixi union of Ihe luxation to take the place ,,f Kanetrlty, kfhr tin desires nuiild like to scrtc Vol'. suggested that Monator Albert It. Fall legislation lhat the nillnuida. whlla aireaalble. ready und des has gom to the Federal. thinff., alie i unable to use it when she it. If this power lie given t.. her also may be preaent al uch meet paying upon of pi Illicit overburdened luui.e ami l"l yets not Ihe oasis actual :i. she will exercise it incr g ggi egpaet-v- d I'hone lied Hum. West t'i yi udgiuglv. ti i i gggi may be . la nol going to ei'muln Iu the gout j Ill pi iiiigifii i i in IO piopi-rlv- tnV indicate wht talue of ih. had been per for lirsl cla livery. W. I. I.McxIv; if it i Uitin ktmllj 'loa she W lNflaVBl.Tllxl.lxaxlalaawxilLT..lritlnfii hi 1 i lu the way of preaetilallon of the raised iu nearer a haala uf u.iuui lua. much :uige'. 'J'limbU, Co. i. I.. ii.l by her iinlurc In htgaig THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. X., MONDAY, MARCH, 29, 1915 SHV1


Salva rmm''mr,IgggfigaHaisd. 0111808 Bank Bnudieg. .'( ll N M Mi il HI K I -- tlil.lialie.l IV, S JOHN M. MlNiRK, Jr. Albncraarnne Meadae -- I'rnaldent UKM Vie Prea Hoc. 'few gjgj a. a gusogrnAh, sl o, Jmll-i- i to odtce Muum, II le II A A John M. Moore Realty Co. Phasao MTI. a 114 H West Cejgttnl 1 OdVoa, w. jjSfc au oold Ave.. Phana 10 albuqaertmo axxattarloaa Phone SIS Onr ftaffan. A square dhajv The Murphey antutonum - REAL ESTATE Tubercaloaia of the Thrort ana Lane Our Hat of real aatata lor gala la complete BUSINESS PROPERTY . CRy OtSee. IIIH Waal Centra Aen, RESIDENOJBS. VACANT LOTS, large tract of land In different aocttana Office Hours: ( to U a. nt.; 1 to I p. aa. of tba Slate, for sraatng. acrlcnltuial and calonfaatton aarraaaa. Nan U Phone til. Mnatorfain Phone 41 the time to bur any kind of real aetata in New Mexico and gat the benefit W. T. Mnrphar. M. D-- . of a lively advancing market In the near fatare Bay now while there Medical Oireotor. are bargalna. .A cararnl lgvaatmant at aggggni arte at la anra ta anew profit within a year. DRS. TTTLL A BARES FIRE INSURANCE nraaiiallggg Kyn, Ear. Nona. We are Agent for a Une ef the very beat Oentannlee and atttnd to Mate National Hank llldg the baxlneee with promptaeag and daapaUb If you dedra Insurance ef any kind, a telephone or other meaaage to the office will bring a cenipoteat man to take yoor order. We aollelt your baulneaa. HUM RAtJgtlB AM CIAHMM to Star, LOANS Prartie Limited By, mosey and Thront. We loan for client on flmi mortgage real aetata aocarlty only. Weag For the laet twenty aeven yearn wa have done an extensive btiatnaaa in SIIH thU line and no one ban ever lout a dollar on principal or Interest on soixjmon u mrrmiN. tt. I money lr. hail,'. M Iir. Im .in ii iii John H. -I. Hun. .1. frank Hanky loaned for them It ta our aim to look after the Interests of both buyer and seUer, borrower and lender. IU South Walter Street. A SQUARE DEAL TO EVERYBODY Phone I.I40-W- . Office. I Baraett nida.. Phone SIT. EXTRAORDINARY INTEREST III DM. MAIKIAKKT ;. cnTwin;imi Practice limited to Women'a and WANTED Salesmen. For Sale Miscellaneous, Children's Dhfeasea. llll Beat Cantrnl. Pti.ine S7L s M.K.-'MK- N Wai I Kor Nev M.x HmiJAM3BT T4r fm APPEARANCE HERE OF LEADERS Ico and Arlauna, for the neat article KOK HAI.K Scratch pads. Ic pack- ever before the public. Muel know age, l packages fur tl.OO. Herald aliout team Pullet 1100 required offlve. DR. W. W. DILL fur anmple. Nn other need apply. '"t SM.I-- : St- oml-han- aafe 'in 1 - - A L. Anderson. N. 4th HI.. Albu- good cundltlun. The Kventi. Her Titers- tie. gaonajna, n. m ald. III THE TEMPERANCE CAUSE t'HIHOI'H ttlOllg SITUATION WANTED. FVill 8AI.K At a acrlfie: furniture Pnta EaeaK In and lease lo January IfK. new Mr. and MJw. M. V. II A ItOWA ItK man, experlenc houee two porches. llll IS. SS W. Oo4d. Addresses will be Delivered in Woman's Club Building: in the keeper, young, married, dei North Plrst street. alt Ion. A Id re Dog II, care ilng Dentists. Fun HALK Kitchen Range, cooking K W Afternoon and in High School Auditorium at Night Herald. utensils. Iron bed, cots, mattres- DR. J. BRA FT, ses, Arrangements Complete and Audiences Cer- ma n years' exper-enc- e chairs, stands, ete. Monday and Capacity are IIFFIC'K with ten Tuesday. wants Job. Iteferencen At. March 2th, 111 Weet Cen- Rooms I and I. Baraett BldS- - tain at Eevery Meeting on the Program. ."late salary paid. iiscar McUryde, tral avenue. O'Bleliya Drag Mora. i larksvllle. Teaaa. STflAWBWrtKT oraale. IrT (Appoiatmenta made by mafl fUNtl Phawaa Ted. yininic pt'upli- - In thv nuinity. uulre at 111 Lewis avenue, phone Wnli iii iniewtiril ii Untul inn f uni 71W. J WANTED. Mb Alir.ilintn l.inrol'i; "Pur urnund aa With llttll will rum" aa aaaiiilat" Vila Iiilt,n , Ii I'ollm. Entjinesrs. huiiiHii breath ha ever blown, the rpoaki-r- Hr. I'liarlpa M. Hhi-ldu- nul-r- d w'ANTKI" Kxperlenced plann teach- demon of intemperance keep our mlnlater uf thr loHNM lutiul er deslrea room or meals In pay- Poultry snd Eggs WTLMAM U STAUCT In uur brother, our Minn and h'.ir h. uiithur uf Ti Ilia Sti-pn- , ' an 'her, ment for Instruction. Phone 11. iiiTt"Ai:'-Qin?arm'- "for" Ua Civil uur prnetrnie in ih" i hatn of MfBJaal "up. .mm uf a prai I and eg' Icfii and Oaaaarrias friend tun SonreTing raraftlng. death, " PI., ing Knim r m t i la n it , the-- i l..i-- i Ing: four different breeda. Also iml nmral ih" lhnl.1" 'hrlat while : ll V. N0TABLE3 IN THE barred Plymouth Kocke. Illack Mm v.:i ATTORNBT. Aim ili a imnl" up of speaker ef he Unnlel I'mIIii. reanriled an Awmmmmmmmmmmmi ananaannmx li'ipur "ni p. MM I" Alhu- - i, tie uf Hi" liarltunea uf the JHR&v LITERARY WOBLD TO orcaa. alngle comb While loghorna, nniting nut 111,11(11" iiinmrriiw In Ita :uitio:i- - I'urir). nluie. VVIIllain Lowell lnt-I- Toulouse geese and Flngllab rlag-nei-- k fur a iiatliinal prohibition "f iiteaon will .a- - the pianlm. VISIT IN FLAGSTAFF pheaxanta. C. A. Pappe. 1114 Architects. i iii-- . It dc-- North nggtndmsnt I'uinpalun. la ' Mr. A. II. Stump In i hiilrui in i.f the Fourth alreet. eaTeNgVNaes.e'Jwsgies larrd. Iiu Iniii rrflinl al'.h enthu. Imal "Iim UIim- paBJMnttlM and h I' I Klugaluff. Art.. Hun.) EI VSON M. N ORRIS laggg In nir IM Ifadlng ffttgg uf Ike. lietnc nanlaied hy Mra. N. J Slruni- - Jame Hwlnnerton, the author of YiM'Nil'R HSrntn mngle Comb White . u nt r wlii-r- ih" Squndrun has lUial who hav ihurie uf the pulilli "Little fttnmle" In pictures, received leahnrna. Hnot In the weal. Rgga Practtnal anal Dp la Daae Wovfx. meetings. Hen itm llarlli III Ity ioniniltt"e In the urranK"iiienth for a telegram Wednesday from Irvin for hatching, day old chlcka. cualom Rnone , irlc Theater WaBdSsfl, OtS mil)' Wgorumo th" cutnpua-- of Ih" ineetltiKK ul the laaal iainialan. Cants the lanaang humorit. aaying hatching. H. J. Landry, phone 514. laiiukinn lent. i u ill speaker, and tin Motuti.. le lull he. a juat-I- v Hun J Kriini. Haale) fufwi that with numhei of other WH ITK Mini u"i an eei ul I. i i li w v res,. White Leghorn errwr Tndlarm and I 'lnlwawa lirsted rllera. wanted lo latl Attorneys ef ' XI 11 ... and fthndv Inland tied Write Ml of ih" afternoon meetings win in: RajMndfOd COIHWIil r if n .rl I.. hi. rfnui-- l extfi. I'll. exerullle for prices. K. 1). Hloner, Ih ai I 3n. in tin- Women iih aud- in-- , - now- La Lande. whu aadaaa at tin- h"u,i uf he t'ohh and th" pari) are on the N. Meg. SIMMS SIMMS it i i i u i i i . wlitli. tin- inci-ting- third aruup ul BqaMdron coaai. Lawyers. - th" fur ill" will in, tin- ml it ii - m mult "himl it ri in niaatlnsa Thuraday, di- lured In a re-- i A rl let Cwinnerton ansloua lo IT. IS Harnett HhSg. A - hei-- Personals. rmnxemcuia mad" fur ent addri-n- thai th" urKunlxutlon I have th" noted party of friend come da i.n rlli. A MMtm MOM lit" Woman a mil .initially PoHBactad with an, and will endeavor to how thasnf hia ' i a., every-Imd- y PtK cieunlng. lull ami high hool. lluit einperiint e nriianlaailon, BJMh "deoert home" a soon aa condttHnag aiu'I:T furniture Typewriters. HI la aeati-- will and atov repalrlrag. W. A. (JoaT, I attending wetiiiK. II 1. pointeil nil, a qwaatkMI are such an In permit their Halting Phone 5(1. eaeearfvwvw.a.iwiiv.aecend-hain- In al ih" program. that It prupoiimlid to the leader In th" many point nf Interest here and ALL KINDS, both new and i, a, Daniel A. I'lillm- - nullonal cltlsrn-Hl.i- . atajMal every olty. eney ihemseivea in Ika antmrnmaha) boosht, .1.1. rented and re i I a. FOR SALE paired. Albuquerque Typewriter Ea- n piipi in ml. in .im preeldi nt 'We are. ' e. Jlor 11 illil V freedom of th" wooil. where Ih" f" Houses. ' aaaoclatc uf tin I ii ilfil flociety ul i.f .ill; I hi. ..I remaining apecitnen. or the real ar rl. ans. Phone 771. HI So. tnd St. llmi ll r "th" frleidh eneinnw - FOR HtinWt I'lirtailau Kndeavor will kg t )ia. lit i none. We war only acalnut the may he found Iii ihelr pilia. RENT OR SALB- Modern Speaker at tin meetings iMMfffOWi lliiiior raill' W" km.w no M I'll room lement bluck house wllb put.. ai.i ping pored. ami Mtafdtng In ih" UMClatlOM uf aeit. nn rreed. Inffi-iin- in pnlltl al MlTlfK ItiU IIUI ATION Furnished or unfur- . rt nished. Inquire Mr. i I,uki md Pi d I) A. aiilniattiin ami uii linn ai In hur h Ddpartgnani at me interior, u s. 117 West Cupper. 0. T. FRENCH a ili li 111" lelutluli-hlp- . ,. i I'hnne JWbSaW larn" Ha:lun uf ynnic nl.i id tintither unit- Ijiml ifflee ai Mania Pe. New Ifl, FUNERAL DIUECrroR paopla uf th,. It will i umi nut Iii ed an niie In a .all In all tin- pimple In Mexico. Mur. I, 1(15. atalcotna Me poling, who la rt'sardtMi Iree nur umniun uiintrv Iron. Ill" Not lee i bare by giver, that Joseph FOR RENT Roomt. a nil" ul tin- leading WorfeMI utmnix I "lira" ol i urn N. Hngner, uf grlnnnsaisna, N M.. KHt ItRNT Nice targe room with ElHh anal OewtrsJ, who im Mari'h lilh, lii, mad" Hum". board. West Marquette. Plione Day sml Ntgn MS. ali-a- Ill haa ur, npi,.,i, .if leading iul entry No. I)4a I 1 3it 4 for t N'KIs, Hecllon 34, Township 10 plla in lln .iii.I wi-a- uf hla ill N.. FOB RENT immlnniiun Rnasjg I I . N. M v. Meridian, haa JEWISH FEAST OF! Mod noting or Inlngdang lo live-ye- A He now ih" p i I make Pint It KN'T ui, il ranch within 1 ih in int. "hi nl proof. I,, eatul.liah Expert Hair Work. Ina a aartaa nf addraaava on "The claim to Ihe miles of the city. Three room land above Qaonanj -, Combings made lato aw lichee, Ural described, before hnue- orchard, good garden lund. rayiitiaanj MbIMi." ilia i; Craig, 17. x. tranaformallone, putts. curia, Aactura rgmmlaaliiaai . ut d John M. Moure Realty Co. on ihh Una will i" mnmht bugnorana, New Itontco, etc.; ewttches dyed. . PASSOVER on the In the Caniresat tonal hn.u. wlun BEGINS nih MRS, M. PRDEN day of April, 115. Two-- ll" api-uk- ai Ih" I'.iw.-l- III" Pi ill RENT l oom house, nicely a I'lalmair. name a wlln-a,- .. Mind " Admiaalon la f Hi Mr. furnlahed. large porch. 221 West Phone 111. S. n and Hose (I. llaule. of Albuquerque, New Ill 4th St aenei ii pti hlli m im lied Hi irunite avenue. HentvOI Annie Nelalar, of Allnniuer-iiie- . win api-a- on iii"Hdu avadddaj aa 5URD0WK New Mexico. I. "Tin r. UggeaMon Aulu- - II Hesselden. of R ISN'T r and Alhuitieritie, New Mexico. Full cutiage, fourth Thuradai on Kdward ward, nicely furnished; alck or aiiaaeatlnn. John N'agle, nf AlbuiueriUe, New no Chicago Mill 4t Lumber Co Tin DaalrnvpM and ituiidera "f Mexico. children. Jne Valo Heallv Co.. 1(4 Health.' W. (luld. ami nil l'iulu "ii'iiniK Th" IH. Mill qreholoaj) .' Picturesque Observance of ritAM ii DBLOAOO, Oencrs Plncing Pttdaif. the Keglatnr. Hi i It, l'. II ul waa el", ti ll l,.nl- - Found. :j Exodus from the Land Jl Srd ami Marquette Fhoat ti alor of ih local eantaranea ihi MUM H IIMI 11 ' 111.14 THIV in- ( I Homing. II Hnydet POUND Vole key. Owner can have nralyn ,"i i. waa "leeted Bondage: First Service in Mlliur I' DepAMmenl of Ihe Interior. I.'nlted treaaurer and Mlai Bagato Man lln aai'- - lr. aome hy calling at this office and Stale Land 'rflce al Hunt a Fe, New pujlng ratar xempie lonignt. Mexico. March 11, 1(15. for ad. Rai J II I. Dr. ManM and a Notice Ui hereby given thai Ilamon DUKE Cm CLEANERS Haw lef Rl I'llaa Iii lleli- - lang mail" biilnr the liven" NOTICE KOII PI HI.IC TION. Of W"f t"d Klr.o uf tin I'amnver aervluea will nl the Ortega, of Albuquerque, N. M who, I i fMSee, nau, gaica iii In llonal eounell, which fathers, ami blllir herb, (Marorl. : t'nlted States Land ftanta Fe, Wa clean asen's and wo. fl In- In Id nl Temple Allien thl evening on March n 110, made Hume- - HEAD OF ineeta in i Haven. In ' remlnloreal ul ihe dapg in N. Meg., March I. I'min. II a.-- anhanm lead Application Nn. llll. nl o'clock. will he a ahull Kgypt 012711, for Nullcs la luliet - W UK ,n, HW hreby given that Clark he without agaaaan. liuiiin Bars- i, i, F.H M Sal it Hi M. Hev. Archie Tuothakar. pantnt uf l ull- - HelHwr-exl- . I'arr uf Albuquerque, county ol Phuoa 44a. inann will preinh a aeritmn on ih" iu lent townahlp IN, range 4K. N. M. Ih" I." al i ll i n wna "Ii ted eKillll-ine- r l. Hernallllo, Btate nf New Mexico. haa nl. auntlflcnnoa of the paanovat ai a aart In suns and lor I lie tale of ihe meridian, hu filed notice of Inten-lio- n L In nl the CMoaftO Theulng ed in ihla nfflce hla application tu C0NGBE6ATI0NA eri log next I'tnluy nlaht uppreaaii g ami the deliverance Is tu make five-ye- proof, to nle' Promctness Oar Motto al n Mai An - under provlaioaa of 7 aemlnui appnlnl- I'aiilm- - ,,r thankaaiv ing claim lo the Hectlona II0I-- n, i waa aa MiallilllU of lite I'raal land above nf the "in it. .in hli uMfafanoa ( Mallei i strike me hoy note Revised Htaiutee nf the United Paaanvar (laanan) if ihe gavan of the hefure Oeorge It. ,'ralg incited. aaap) - IU. fl. Htates the northweat quarter of the I I .mi The sorvlce. Inter- commissioner), at Albuquer- ! i i.i nit i ami War." Inia' feat mi nnaarvad by I ha Jew ,t ilea"' quarter of eight, ISA NTA FK TIME TABLN GONFERENC E rupte im the family dinner, eluee que. N M nn May I. flection Today'i prog i im in fun In the early aprlnu In nim"murailon llll. Townahlp nine mirth. fiiowa. with a number ..r merry mik ong. i. in .nt names a witnesses: Rente three Vltt a u. Oevotliinal aet i n " uf Hi" Rnodui from Rnypi in . Pedro New Mexico gpreaeivu uf ih oharoi tat al the R, Tariaglla, Manuel Sedltln, JhcuImj eaal, meridian. Una i.u.iua i Rand lant Jewlah life. It waa tin hrl uf Any and all persone claiming ad- upon calaamilon Apodacs, Alfredo Apudaca, all Al- n a. in i irgnnawtntn nmi gaJaV Ihe three I'llgrim feailvala. of versely ihe land described, or desiring whli-- Jew Daring the net k ,,r ihe (agalvni un. buquerque, N. M. 88 Dr. ll"aa eet male waa re tulred to object oecauae Heahl Delegate to Nation- i of the mineral char- Hi leavened eaten Innlead uf the FRANCISt'O DEIJADO, I" a in PgaBttaaioll of to prraent hlmaaM In oftnn al ihe acter nf the land or for any other (In effect Sunday, Feb. 7th, 1IU.) al R;v. or national inoii pommnvnon on "eiitrni aaneiuary m Jarnanlam ai- - usual lea. in In i.rlhndox Immea Register. Weal Ar. Dp. M'Ttui Mi. t iki-- reason, lo Its dlapuaal lo applicant fial-nre- great thai nil nWadgS "Kvenlng uilaaluna Led BJ llei A Tuutlmker thnuah Ihe I'aaMover ha "eilalu ran "f Herald." Albuquerque. No. M-hI- - ahuitld Hie afftdavli( uf pruteat on or Dally. 1 leaven he rem before Hie begin- N M. Toolliakcr Theologic- ii a u. tddfaaa. "V. m. c. a. In common, with the unherMul 1 7 I I befure April II, MU. California Express. lap I: lap A, it iiiiu the feat Va Hit or dlhea. Melhuda Apt ad apring facttvat, I. it Mgtortcnl 1 1 al I" Wurk MOM wing unanaasg, FRANCISCO I a h i, 1 California Limited 10a Examiner at Chicago Spnniali-Hpi-M- ! give It other are provided. NOTICE I1 IM !!.'. ll:ln l'"i'li- W II which laatlng vital- III.If TH Register. 7 Fast Expreae 1:18a 11:11a I'-- V M ity Servleoi art held in the synagogues Pepartment of the interior, Seminary aeirettir). Albiniuer. found Evening Herald, Albuquerque. N. M. 11 Do Luxe (Thurs. ) 7:Sa I lea iue It la ilu Independence ilu of and sernmna prenehed In keeping Hlatea Land lifflce at Santa Fe, ' ureal -- p. with the thoughts oi the festival. February. II in Hevullonal period. Hev. the Jew Ihe Itrat event hi nation- II. Ills. . - in I ((( Bl Paao Ennreno. 10 Up f" I i pi from, i Mar-garlt- o ii i'f Hi" ,. ,, ml an lav la al hlatutv an event which M vi ul In some uses, the Notloe la hereby given that Hiim whole ,,r 111 Bl Pasc Express .. l ' - p in ranorW in thinking, phi. th oh at Tin Sons "f Romero, of P. O. Hun Mateo, lll lal nthmN ol i lun- fundamantal all ni Hung aog Kest Dally. ii' from i huri iu- - and aatMnMa, a evidenced by the refer- rand. V Meg., whu on February 25. 1115, 11! N ii, fianildlll 10 Atlantic Bapreaa... ula Men winch opened M intend-nt'i- i .la l:lln I p in Hupei ence In the great dellveranie. made homestead application No. 1 i regatlOnal i him h on Knal Baatern Ex press .. .Up t:4a i I 20 . 4, lln ii Nan Id. D D How anilllc. Wor-lil- p COMING for lota I, I and SEIi 4 Ml im-n'- vM'Til.u, were re- - PBEPARE FOR Calif urnla Limited. I lip 7:0(p I II p m Addreaa. "t'hrtatlanRl The laaMvnl I uaheted In b a NWI. Beitlon (, Townahlp UN, ItUll tUgO, 'I'll! III! Ill" lll "" I tC C. dl Chicago Ex. 7:Up 7 Up and Win Rat atHai Mnnoon, ilv garvli e called ihe Seder, al which OF PBOMINENT OFFICER Range IW, N. M. P. Meridian, haa CLEAN-U- P TIME IS HERE w t nm i r r. w 20 Do Luao ( Wed. (HOP 7:10 p. ui IngO aer ti e. oartaln aymbollc araoaaniaia are oh-- filed nullra of Intention to make i.. (:U, H - I OF C. Emm Hoath ir i: i, iii'H modi i. no i i.f iii" mi p. in i" "The I'uwera aerved Kach Ihe COLLEGE Y. M. A. three year proof, to establish claim paitlcipunl and hev Uur Line of New Hrslgno 4 (10 K. . 7 ! Hi,- - i t C. a fhnsgi 00a MWMMMIomllMl weet Kink-- nf the Mind Hav. k i. Wnnaa lowlleal i prlvllacad lo at the to ihe land above described, before ill Ut K. C. Chicago . ( lOp iiimI Read 'f i In I' i .met . n i a C, (II a ai the iii lim aoaalona, voatai Urdnja thai nlaht i glrad to drink A meeliiiK of the W. Holman. Untied Slatea rommis. la iii, incii of the fltandard sleeper for Clovts and ". rhlel npoeAOf ami the Uav. atrntiK Hdjdfaaaaa wen- mail" hi four up of win", in mnmor) ol the faculty and intents will he mner. t'abexon, N. Meg., on April I, ulinu flK.iri- iii ' Roswell leaves on No. Ill, connaetg al the uiifi'ii in'". itev k i. ii. .Ha, ..i Portland. fm tour prmillae made hy Ihe Kiel tin held lommiuvv night al the lime of 1911. WALL in. hi m llonal ii ii Mr PAPER Helen with train No. II, leaving Helen inn. and llei Mllea llanaon nl Kl Pnao, to redeem lul'ail trnni liunduge ih,. usual week I) Bible claaa meeting Olalmgnt names ag wRneases: Fran- - I i ii i m (Wining kJHSJ at p. aa. Im in in, Kan iiupliitn i in tin- labia are the unleavened foi ih" puipune of utranglig rnr Ihe cisoo Montoya, of Bernalillo. N, M.; and Hampew I U:tt H Ml correenoniYont No. 7 one only; l in vnt and Han Johnaon. in frenaled purauli of cuke tMatauai the ahtti Imne of a virll h.-r- April uf Harry F.ltaa Montoya, of N. M Jose carries coach so i ' i In- - L Posts. r in BaggM il" .ii ii ongaag Traa-qullla- tee per. baaaknll reform, out In favor lumli (roaaled mi the rualai. Nelnamana ur Kankakee, llllaola, II Perea, of Ban Mateo. N. M o in- ll thrift) ml Mu iii,, in Mi,.. if aaandanlng aprlnu training Irlpa v e "i ilu I'm. hnl western travellnx gages tan ..f Ihe Ausurei, of San Maieo, N. M. ! C. No. Ill will hare Standard glaepar n, In lodfj com-iin- li A. Hudson iiriitiir oi iimi and rOOtttrlng ball plnyem In teputl I roaaled tag. a lulxiure ol apple' i oleg y M. i'. A. nrganlaallon. Ur. FRANriHOO UKLtlAItO. from Roswell from train Na. nl .iii i m I It in ul Hi" Scot Ilea llll" in rnndlMnn twu weeka bafogbj the and niltg i 'hiiioaeth i, lo yniliulla" I. C, lice. I. Oean A. IVm ajatOI and Register. .until ami (upper .c. Belea. green, ii.- - ,u ' Murincr, lie DOJOnafal uf ilu- aruauu. Ihe tin .ii. will! which tin !'. pi o hen will address the mevtlni. Kvenlng Herald,' Aibuquerua, N. M. P. J. JOHNSON, Apnt. SIX THE MMEALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. If., MONDAY, MARCH, 29. 1915. Perfect Shortening LAS VEGAS SORRY TO SPRINGER Green Chili SEE SOUTHARD L. B. R There a eaaacra why this la the Snowdrift TRANSFER Canned Hiiil packed. COOKING Our Prices Are As Cheap FOR ALL LEAVE TOWN m At Onr Service Is Good feHtetlMt4IM44t44t4ti TO REORGANIZE UNO COUNTY HAS POWER That W F. Houthard. the new ma- LyricTheater nner of the Albuquerque clec-trl- and Crescent Hardware Co. am untitle, had gained n large meaaura of popularity and good will ABOUT PEOPLE STOVES AND RANGES mog th people of I .a Vegaa " TODAY CO. C TO CITY FOR ten- - RECRUIT m made evident by the reception YOU KNOW PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS derail him In the La Vegaa OMwar-cla- l rlub Saturday night and by thr The Rider of Silhouette" AGENTS word OS farewell FOR I lev Tnn-rev- l t'twlurllig FIGHTING column of the Lois rgn"iiSftfa, f Simplex TO MEN EIRE the eilllorlal si'Hst'lll ilKKH llcti WNmki ami I i in Marsh and Advance Duplex Steam Pumps. "I'll' Saturday afternoon: O If you fail to ttvvat your evening O ItillHaji. I Im Vegaa hale to let go of W. P. paper, call O Southard If there were any way by POSTAL, TEUKiillAPH 318 West Central Avenue. Phone 315. Officer of National Gourd which he could b rped and tied O COMPANY. PMONK IS. "One Night" Attorney-Genera- l Agrees with here every citlaen of U Valine would a lmi Hranaa. nwlurtnj, King Unit Anxious to Bring Up ba willing to Join nn nftlve commit-te- Jamison and Commissioners puraoae. Hut hit llaawot. Total Picked Ma- for that he the with Mat Vote $50 a Month with prove.) tim bla; a man for the work of the Federal Light and Power com-- 1 When Jealousy Tumbled' terial. up "Back Pay," pony here und ha been moved THE WEATHER I t NOTICE a energies Ilia ixiu'ilt. tain larger job where hi For Easter i- vol it MMA TAM mw itenrganlxatinn fruiting ran expand and hi pay envelope !'"IIKi',ifiT Tonight and O hair roprlatlnn f Wrn actively Inaug orated by k of lit bulgv n little wider The bane ore O aoly rain or mow north imrtion. before court coat are added, it euiambwtonara - fleers nf Company J. national that he will keep on going up. He' O Turxday generally .'loudy; prob- O i:t.. iiYr: i hrck or pay Clerk of prntec-ra- a rend ty or lira 10 tonight. I .4.-- . It la deatred recruit the in that sort of a 'mr colder Hoard of Kdin-atinn, Huh t In the county La GRAY at laaat eighty man Tba Much aa Vega would like to'O HAIR BECOMES I lo .li department la Il KS rb hool building, corner Central m a keep Mt. Mouthard it cannot help out : officers aad a Attorney llroadway. e.fnrern at aaraollpaily ennai leared by Ian of relolcc In hi dvnremeiit lie came (Prom Judge I nnd Frank V year ago O "Why you leaving'. my the rorgnnrMori onwiMUTtt lCMnrrai here a little over three and are II.MiKs ami IKMIKI.ITS 4-- day by Assist. mt tUm Attorney H. Las Vegan boarding houee, Mr. L.ongfayce" ' ' plain W. I'. Him, pan - has bean aa enthusiastic I DARK.THIGK. GLOSSY Are re- - KIIH.rX J K. To B. Jarntoon. Tr ly board ever alnct- he got off the train. OnejO "I hate found out. Mrs. Mea-o- f Int. Plrat Ueutenant : ... 1 rounty owed a - I I - I N I I I 1IhmU Flrat ."""' ugge'.e his first ,u-t- waa to Join the t'um- .0 gerfeud. thut my tsieM.rm ha 1111 I I compeneatlnn for nre gervt. the. 4 Hcrgeant li. M. Peck. auaWmir and menial club. At the next annuul,4 indigestion." KIMS4VI', I'll t I I! W. Hbrgeant. "' "- ' election of (bat organisation he Tr Matthew's Milk threat J. Crowe. Du.y , - ,J"7V u. ttranilmotlii r I'atorlte IWMIKs a o. I lit M SM F. McCaffery - - - !,. named a director. Then he became - McOeuwb, Jr.. J. I. end'"' '. lliiiN- of Same leu anil I M toon I'HWKH H. H. Hougto came to the conclulon that the president, and was In the mldat ol could legally but deemed It sulphur. BSHSffM Phone 420 The compaaar need two more it- - board his second term In that office when Fre's Store Chocolate Cream at he beat to ha.-- a ruling from the he was to Albuquerque. Hla IIIfHAHY Mis geanta and corporal, Share to railed Easier Kgga, Iti I for Sa: 4 for Sc. known Huge Rsaml-natio- for th commlaalnner energet- Almost rteryotie thai appointed lha laat April. admlntatratton waa the most i I . of r: Sulphur, preparty cowl- - MM Cleanliness 0 .11 nli-f t record. Mr. Claacy' oplalon Henry Haul t, and lot are to br held mwii i ic and successful thnt thr club has til. Hounded, He light, power brlnss back lh nsturiil M'KINs men of the compaay. acknowledge ever had. the Treslo Lite aarrlre, Korbrr'g Oar- - (l,ior und lustre to ihe when legislature failed "1 have to receipt of and traction service the lies! noaalMi' hair WJIMMS White the Mate your Incloa-In- g Ma. faded, or grn and also ends by many to pr" letter of the !4th Inatant was Instrumental In h.ivlng the streaked thouaaada of dollar copy received by and Itching scalp and stop. e vide enough money, ajj rboommeno. il of another the ratee reduced. And he made lo.oim nulck aervlre stallon. Korbera r",. EASTER NOVELTIES county front the of ,n nalr. Tears ugo the unl. i to I clark chairman msny admir- nn. mm or lln-ki- l- III . cm- - I t. by Adjutnat Dene r Hrrr'.ng. for friends berauae of hla get It mh.i.wh and the Are committer of tha city council thi mixture waa to make at I New Mexico mliltiH. able traits . lHMttMlK muile ilglil Hag in Ms the Albuquerque, v. a Hood "Ieel currycombs ic ul J. home. which Is mus nnd irouble en- of nlch containa be a big gang ttoulh- - l.iMiicrqut. i (hereby presenting regimental purchaae, There'll of rvnroer ai i o .'" .'nci nt. gome. EASTER CARDS cuts the stuiol that the rounty for frlende up at the I "onimercliil l.iitHiitiui a Hiqiuhtr IMniicr aaya1 campment aa in prrvloua year, in all rliy departmaat. a thouaand nrd'e the fire - , " 1 :Mi 2 probability a or club room, tonight to bid him tare .., " . V"' - from a. ni. lo p. in battalion at of which, In auggeated. a .... tm ,,, ii. " ... ..i i, II P ...... la n i. Mb lla- nlicH Hue company encampment will be leiheld. feet ho.., JL well. And everyone of them will hutc .,". cr ,,,! iter " get g would be only a juel compenaatloa for ay Hlmon Nru.titiit o! Lo l.uniis ssB aulphur H"lr Itemed. You will sIhiwii In lbllqncrijuc. Isatk-In- GRIiuSHAW'S Orapkny O need fiftvtw young out-Id- to Ice In fighting Area e - ii Kunday large bottle for ah,,, it e.ila. ' He .Hm-li- a ' anu en rendered "Hood-bye- . Pill!- visitor In Albuouerciur lor tiH'llilou "tiMl'll ar ll nt V men of good character to anllat of city Tou any y. ImicIi ihl Id. re - I". offer strong Inducement to the the limit. la J. Porter Jonaa of Hai.ta Fr to iti ii' your letter that the commie loner spcmling day In Albuquerque. le, li.M'nu.c ni nn' run iiosliil tell right kind roan. Vb are thr v 11 of drill think It would be uuwtae to purrhnae HERN DON RECOVERS Ileal li.rk. I.I ... hslr II not only instructive but help to keep thouaand of but aak for C. H. fhase. of the Occidental In- - ,,,. iitur.ilh md evenly Tou STRONG'S BOOK STORE phjaaaae good th feet hoe, AT toiluy the In condition and an opinion a to whether or not It la AFTER TREATMENT suranre inmpani. left for a rip nmpen poiige ..r soft brush bear-In- g gt II give a enldter'y dteciplinr and legal to nlloa the city I mi a month tc the northern part M th staU. BT)(, tktto tbr.oigh ou hair. tut It Viil lll till I MAYO SANITARIUM rv in, are ao I . which much admired Mt thi part year, and a like amount l.lnw I ol he .title .an. t.iklng hoc kioiiII tirmd .it a time; M II. EPSOM SALTS day In civil life .1 I hi year fi r protection to property "y oonrd' U" ,U,ua h """- - h... Jacob Korber rrtum.d la.t !fl r"fh' , The large! practice im.ih in and out outalde of the rlty limit. nlht ,,r ,on' "b,,u( ,our "n",h'r "r door to the very beat. The lndo..r from K.naa. flly where he went to '"r "I agrre with you that under the J the! The club will hold Us jnajr Mir men beautifully dam. nellu I'allnhiin and wife, lot .to. J. target consist cf a in fool target meat President R Herndon of .,u I... 8 Two lb. Sacks general noaer. of the board of county monthlt dance at the Musom thick and glosr k M Co. No. 1. for$'00 in the with g lfl- of the . tate National bank who ha Just umi'k Moor Iteallt addition i ommlaaln-ter- which are eet out In tomorrow night ..unger I Mime pattern a the been released from the Mayo Brothers f HO. S4 of compiled law of .1 Saatlaa the aanharlum at Rochester Minnesota. Mr and Mrs II skinner h.ite re. -- Haaaafeer to Jaaa Paraa, lot Best Thing for BhlL Springfield, only bored for I wseaaasaab 14S". undoubtedly a legal Mt I thi a u atom- - West u . 1. I. addition, ami having aumiretnt-niar- after aucceaaful iteration for m.ited from Hllver uvenue to . blmk I'eiea II. erelae of their authorlt The fifth - 2, - acn noons enrol- int. mi - Adrian liuriile to Joan I'erea, lot chamber The outdat r rang- eubtlli tnlo.i of section give trouo.r. air. net .term rotirm .ireei ll.lutlni Bancbe lu Adollo Hoh- sliding the! the Hon had been considered serious und l.lork 1.1. Terra iddlllna It. aauf b of town, aau count." . onimhwloner a very wide Herman of the Hart. ,ales and wile, pine land In Atrlseo. iu hi hosts of friend In Albuquerque , Violin., f. dg Taltto Moore and WILLIAMS DRUG CO. and bobbing targeta with clear discretionary power In Ibr manage- .vatem left Haturd.iv night for tan und New staatco Irani with great Is .. to be a way d.-- . s. husband to Rohan l airiin liotco.n, lot range from ion yard to 1,00 yard. nf county In Fran ten satJ sa t n- i ment of thr Intrrevt the he Is on the road to . . Arthur Ciiamberlaill .nd 4. block I. Heights adxtt :;ot mml I'bolic ; Mar the ban poeatble "honing ran lhat hi, 4, case not o'herwlae provideu lor hy 'omplete recovery result " '"lied D II Collier, lot. II IS, block Hon. be had at no expene to men of a. a of the h""-- II. thr Mayo "' ' " ' Heed Tho K. U Madcllson. pei - guard, a government treatment at Inatltutmn ';r"n" - the the federal ,M. n,Ar ,,,mmilr,ion-foroiehe- a V..-,- t M l t Xr wl ,h, Mr. Herndon may go to New yrk Ft .,,..,. M at muster lo Oscar I Hat) ami wife, II ( Ii ail ammunition free ..f r,. pay "'" - ,.r. ml.w,.ri n..t only to on Imporunt business before return-- : The i.uhlli hooU will stog Wed- and vlf. kH r. of lots I, lot. SI, .. block I. P. Armljo Broa, tatdalat, charge to th tiillllli ,.,. , , " tNi'miiii. .,,, l !h, ti future Ing to Albuquerque, and ai-- n wllr l"a,' f"r Ihe ri malod.'r of the week, block W Lewi. Hiuhbiri ldd addition. I .. I Trtii nil ('limbic t.....n- - 'owinany l hod It regular drill hll) ,(1 ((An reenmpenae B,p a for accouni of ihe Kaster No I. 3. t oio-- a J. A . I I. tmeh Tueadav and :bi mr generally make a viali to Teva. point.. Mr. "" don and l"i" Heed ll. McMillan and INk'C mem llllla .J. ftrr nfht'.:i of the year 114. N bollilir. II, ddJMIOTI lowfk, to ja l'. Hmlth. I. n In wltneaaad i an enthuilairtP' ,, Korber and Mtate Treasurer thi II. wife aire. Marron went to Kansas City to meet! Mr. aad Mr. A. Huednrf of Taos Fred i 'lay on and wire to I sola Bamallll gatjr, II. gave In isa,.Vre.ed,','!rrirai In PUTNEY WAREHOUSE AT Mr. Herndon ami while there a are visitor AHoiquet'iue. Mr. Hea. Iiamhim. vie rd fai gaaotiptloa, BENNETT & McQUERRY at the Haltltnore hotel in Mr. dorr Is widely km.Mn a ploncvr dinner .is 11.00. TOO CLASSIFY i .it t HOLBROOX COMPLETED were pres. grower ... LATE ID i:Nrt iiuuihtm mm in IMwfn, Herndon s hunor. There nunhsit and fruit of Tao. It utlnu I' Ma red Jaaag Ramaro 22 KXperuii. in tba Ran ut - Tun' ovation Mr. I mory ent Koroar, Mr. Marr.n. t. H. ,,nrt Mr. Hugh II. Williams and wife. ptoOf toad la of Albu- .i mT .lin!ili- wi lt ti 'l rurniti-r- a .r The stsMsstewll New of last Friday Harblson. well known Kunaaa 'l:y'asi night their home in I a Ft querque. II Craait ...... Xu.ic.l rj J" ",'!,r'..l".".hi, - f..r Taken i. on ' gusr.nteed l.a Ihr following: flnan.'ier. Ooveraar Will- after a visit of tw. il.n in Aiinmuer- - Jesu Romero aad arlf lo Ituflna 111 U Marquette. i... two-year-o- ld oharoh Iteiurn lo 'JS i -. Hur-aar- No. busns. I'ruirie th contractor. lain r. inter nf Missouri hi wife and gue D. Alan i. pi.- land In Santa Hew. in! Phone 1880 two ilaughier. Mr and Mrs. D. fl. ... pre, t plants. $2.50 per dozen. Albu- ha practlrally completert the L. It. ... A -- kinner ind M. I' Uri. kn.r int is, li Itnliso p. ..f Kansas City ward Hoi. , W M i n il. l P..I..A... win,.h,i:i.i I.. It . .. ,,,, alter on e.e. la guardian Hi M. WOMKN. . querque Greenhouses. "ii uHi,rM'.so two-thir- d t will t.. revere marc hand lee 'n"n' of ihr First NHtlonu ' it... - - - ,n w.. ' - - ... ik. Id W. T Murph. iiudnided 44mM1M li read. of Adams, " ' " IB frw do:, r J. W. tThamlierlnln of hank Huthrle. ukla: Arch to a puny Int. dent in lata il. block .'7. I SksagnJ iiti. c win HaSf A MOVIM. a president fori,, trust hen ml. LUMBER BUILDERS' t Tl UK SthaniHf will lie In harge of the of the Find National bank llutiina Highland addition Miiiij a Millercr In Mbuqin iquc. i.,uncl-Hs- g I'll '. - pas bee thr good iiMtitli. on o.' Adah. Okie.; P. 'i Walton, presi- ",l Father "r Ma:. no... i. Ha rah th."J. Hnuih. ICI'PlilBH uusiness aad will orrlve In rtoibrook ,n- - II. she talk-fivp- r SMSt at the dent of he RaglanS National Immaaulat Daacaatlon ehai h, Blgofi Wbolraale and Retail ri ir gods lime ii xl week wttli his fa'.nlly. .eu land In 'Id AHolqnerque, II. No h in. in should inisid' r herself Ihcati r Tin 1st. In t of City, Flem- - "elurneil Huttirday from a trip to y Ca. idev. April bank Kanas nnd Fred AM.ini'. Oaavaa traaj and artSs h. .ilth and well If the ki.l.o 1 1 are Albuquerqne Lumber J ores. thi- I. I4.'. - to thr pnuirani ins. dent nf Kansas f'lfv lie to Rnphla nsierloh. pie r land In pre- weak. PolaaM that pass off In the SS North First Onega I". IV lit,.. i TRY A HERALD AD e compunv 1 I. WANT Itisuim Hating lliiabtd drivlnu tin twenty ciaci i. 1 .' ngnigilniig wn. n ihe keSaayg .u. w. n fit., pile im d by the uiiihoi muni) for J. M. Moore RaaJt . Ca,, la Oaf. uro retained in the body when Ihe the llurrlas break w a' er. the con-- ; k dm . are disordered. If thi k,d I tractor hua hagun to drive the tan ai ney. hla. I. h i Ba. infl.ini. il ftva by und additional authortaad the .talc and swollen worse troubles muy I Tip Albuqlletqlli- Molnny le II 1. qiilcklv follow Thin I often Hi., MONEY TO LOAN held a run to lalelu yeaterday. The.. cause of h. ai lug .low n puln. toJM I ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS ftraad Met rawd bad. Dafore ihe run negs. inn kaehe. ato, t rie isatoonlM In plr'urt Has token at PurcoH". ath ills., frequent . a.ise of bead. o In AND JEWELRY Models that are stylish din Copies will be sent lo Hue. h ant II. languor, nel voiisnesB and WE OFFER Ii magagliifM i.Ih.s motor. de i In ui.ale pain I MSStxep Fred, i k II. Hoitd Whan Buffering s", trv l.oiu. - Kid- - Uniedeeiued 23-Jr- ol W itt li yet conservative III mid a clans ol iwelvt at the eten-- ! nay 1'iiis. a ralaadf thai baa pttf m es Elgin, Wahhain, Hnnultou. Ing servpc at M Johns Kyi- - npa: ffe tlte III thousand nf ll' b bnr h lust night Teil Ruwdsg Hie i... I .hi Albuquerque woman mi ni etc, 20 and 25 year Gold Filled I nlsbop s oldest son, waa In the rial her . vperli tn c. Cases to Mi rapg n r.i'.i W Sil- 125 S3G This suit has come in so strong during Th. h'.n h Mas Idled In Mis Louis., litirnelle, 21 jewels, same as above J J. F Miller, a i'inkerton dot trn- ver t Alhuqiierqiie, sat lie of tho last few years because it combines who wu here Ian', week on the trail my family hod a nail paah. She had SIS to $22.50 I of C. A. Jaaaen. reporle.i to Chlg of known ,.f Doaa'a Kldn-- Tills for u EVERY WATCH FULLY guaranteed wear and the genteel styling IPclrc MtlMilltO iii l .11 veslerdav long time and began using them ' WARRANTED i J a seen at French. N. M. Chief Tin quickly cured her and ah It" arret " of a prominent fashion artist. M'Mlllln helped 1... lite lie 'inurr,. had in. iroill.ln ll..'r Solid Gold La Valieres. an ex- . Price Ide, at all dealers Unn't Then, will be a regular meeting quisite and beautiful line . . ' Mineral ladgV No I. RalShtg of Pflh Small ask for a kiilm t leim HM ?X We put it into this town because we I .... up lias a I lo. k tonight In K I'. hall ni Kidney I'll the Mm that S3. 50 ni "oi or. aa West Hold .nemo- - itci T L Mr. Burnatta nuamwada DON'T FORGET saw tho exceptional quality and . N. I tsOrlaaog will address the lodge on Milburn fo, Tr.p-- Huffulo, t, Uwr Mm it Rapalrhag Iknpai i .it understood the reason for it. Matt0g oi Impoii.inee to the men. I Is evelhil b i ber.hlp. Visiting knights web ome. T'aients of pupil, are Invited to i 111 at"-- H. YANOW 'the gefcooto dttrlai the neck beginning MaMaM lildu Mi W. i oil il 'April I J. tiayg for .suing grade-'hat- e lieen set aside as follow M sg. (day, Orst : Tueida), ne. nnd olid 'smear tnird. WeilueHilii fourth aid llfin. L ... w Thin .Oat sixth. lenip and el.h h. c.MO, Sl ..l.i high M In, ol. "Th .imr price the tvur!d over," Thomas llugl.i . and family and Kdil Su. kett and I tdjnsi l Journeyed . F. to Camp Whil-inn- i In the Ma k.-l- Crollott The makers are one of tho largest in the iiltoto..b.le .eclerrt. hi.el.dlnu I he Th FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND Mlay n Otl H .i -- Stoin-Bloc- llle ..Hit Ml uh, 1 L h EMBALMER country and specialize on this one suit. lhat important have i milirnteinents Saxon" W I -- I I '.been made Camp Whit.'umh unci 111 V All fine all wool. lhat n will be a populai place for Phono Hay or Nutlit .174. The fabrics are quality suer o. 'tings this omirtg season. EASTER The workmanship includes hand-tailorin- g, Or Anniversary Gifts good REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS sgf which insures shapeliness and DIAMOND RINGS FREE! IN COUNTY LAST WEEK A i 'hemicnlly appearance. LAVALLIERES Treated Mani- - j Met-- j Easter MjxaMaat tPubllahaS Ihe lie ull luiy a, ROSARIES . Your good judgment will make you buy j' hauls lisoi iut n. week 04)Im I bstner t" an Mar h II ISIS II IS, named ryaSTtoag wear. i BROOCHES a STYLEPLUS some day. Why wait? Mdj 'l. to MS.i iq who iiillgi I.rsi Natl.....! IxMii In KSrtte A.I Clothes In peraoi.. Itl I BRACELET WATCHES Ion. I. .Is II ami I. IM, 1ST, III, make, no dif-ll- l Big assortment. Never more or less lit, lit, .4. bi.wk u. p, ArmUa Siein-Bloc- STERLING SILVER Mini, M3, The nobby h addition I. w iii i her o r ' than $17. l.niwi 7. ObaWOg and bus . und to CUT GLASS not you are a " Haaaal Lauaro Paran pit g in Co.'s Fine Clothes are i.ini Every article sold strictly jn p a iron of displayed. mine. A a o V now SEE its merit and at right price. for ihe asking, n booklet explaining Simon - s- Stern tin- ..t -i SEND IT TO BILL'S SWOUR WINDOWS. adrautaaaa ti hih i.i s. Incorporated C. H. Carnes, Optometrist The Best Garment Cleaners j Mail Orders Delivered Free EVERITT I'lione tl. jnj t i iiiiul and Hatters 'mm mt THE DIAMOND PALACE IllllM TI MaM, I'lioU Mi Central Avenue. I Vlni-o- n - i tl Kand )

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