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!, ,L%- (2- v%- 2>$?- GA- (R- $- >A/- +- 2#?- 0- =?- 1A2- i3- .R%- 8J?- L- 2- 28$?- ?R, ,, The Exceedingly Concise Ritual of Confession of Downfalls from Bodhichitta called The Complete Purification of Karmic Obscurations !, ]- 3- .%- 2&R3- w/- :.?- .0=- >G:A- o=- 0R- =- K$- :5=- =R, LA MA DANG CHOM DEN DE PAL SHAKYE GYAL PO LA CHAG TSAL LO Homage to the Guru and the Bhagavan, the Glorious King of the Shakyas! ,.J:%- :R- {R=- IA- !R/- 0- ,$?- eJ- &/- .J- *A.- :1$?- 0- .!R/- 3(R$- 2lJ$?- 0:A- :.?- 0- *J<- 28A- 0- *J<- :#R<- IA?- 8?- 0:A- 3.R<- L%- 2- .J:A- v%- 2- 2>$?- 0:A- ,2?- 3(R$- +- I<- 0- 1%- 0R- $?3- 0- 8J?- H.- 0<- &/- $?%?- 0- :.A- *A.- ,J$- (J/- 0- 3,:- .$- $A?- >A/- +- ,$?- 2lA?- (J<- 36.- $>A?- :1$?- 0- [- 12- ?R$?- :1$?- 2R.- GA- 0E- P2- .- 3?- :PJ=- DA!- o?- 2#?- .- 3- 8A$- 36.- :.$- 0- .%- , :1$?- ;=- .:%- 3.R- =$?- GA- (R- $- .%- , }$?- =$?- GA- 12- ,2?- aR2- .0R/- /$- 0R- 0:A- 82?- GA?- 36.- 0- ?R$?- &A- <A$?- ;R.- :.$- 0<- 2gJ/- $%?- <A:A- OR.- :.A<- .$J- 2:A- 2>J?- $*J/- #- &A$- $A?- LA/- _2?- 28A- {R<- ?R$?- (/- ]:A- (R- $- =- 1<- 2!2- GA- (R- $- 36.- 0- .%- , :$:- 8A$- $A?- o- $<- 0E- (J/- >- <A- 0- Q- /?- 2o.- 0:A- eJ?- $/%- $A- (R- $- =- 2gJ/- /?- L- o.- =$?- GA- 12- ,2?- .%- , #- &A$- $A?- aR2- .0R/- (J/- 0R- 0E- :L%- $/?- GA?- 36.- 0:A- g- /$- ;A.- 28A/- /R<- 2:A- KA- 12- =- 2gJ/- 0:A- 2.J- $>J$?- ?R- s:A - 12- ,2?- .%- zR- |R- ?R$?- $- 5S$?- >A$- 36.- 0<- $%- 2- 3,:- .$- G%- #%?- .%- :UJ=- 8A%- LA/- _2?- k.- .- L%- 2- #R- /<- %J?- 0?- <%- $A- *3?- =J/- IA?- tR$- /- :.R.-0:A- .R/- :P2- %J?- :2:- 8A$- ;/- = A , In this regard, our teacher, the compassionate Buddha, expounded on a certain sutra called The Sutra of the Three Heaps, which is the supreme method for confessing downfalls, a practice in the twenty-fourth compendium of the exalted sutra entitled The Stack of Jewels, requested by Nyerkhor.
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