Earth history and the superradiation

Carl H. Oliverosa,1, Daniel J. Fieldb,c, Daniel T. Ksepkad, F. Keith Barkere,f, Alexandre Aleixog, Michael J. Andersenh,i, Per Alströmj,k,l, Brett W. Benzm,n,o, Edward L. Braunp, Michael J. Braunq,r, Gustavo A. Bravos,t,u, Robb T. Brumfielda,v, R. Terry Chesserw, Santiago Claramuntx,y, Joel Cracraftm, Andrés M. Cuervoz, Elizabeth P. Derryberryaa, Travis C. Glennbb, Michael G. Harveyaa, Peter A. Hosnerq,cc, Leo Josephdd, Rebecca T. Kimballp, Andrew L. Mackee, Colin M. Miskellyff, A. Townsend Petersongg, Mark B. Robbinsgg, Frederick H. Sheldona,v, Luís Fábio Silveirau, Brian Tilston Smithm, Noor D. Whiteq,r, Robert G. Moylegg, and Brant C. Fairclotha,v,1

aDepartment of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; bDepartment of Biology & Biochemistry, Milner Centre for Evolution, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, United Kingdom; cDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, United Kingdom; dBruce Museum, Greenwich, CT 06830; eDepartment of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN 55108; fBell Museum of Natural History, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN 55108; gDepartment of Zoology, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, São Braz, 66040170 Belém, PA, Brazil; hDepartment of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131; iMuseum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131; jDepartment of Ecology and Genetics, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden; kSwedish Species Information Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden; lKey Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100101 Beijing, China; mDivision of Vertebrate Zoology, Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024; nMuseum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109; oDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109; pDepartment of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611; qDepartment of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013-7012; rBehavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics Graduate Program, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742; sDepartment of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138; tMuseum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138; uMuseudeZoologiadaUniversidadedeSãoPaulo,04263-000Ipiranga,SãoPaulo,SP,Brazil;vMuseum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; wUS Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560; xDepartment of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, ON M5S2C6, Canada; yDepartmentofEcology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S3B2, Canada; zInstituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, 111321; aaDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Knoxville, TN 37996; bbDepartment of Environmental Health Science, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602; ccCenter for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark; ddAustralian National Wildlife Collection, CSIRO National Research Collections Australia, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia; eeDivision of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Pennsylvania State University-Altoona, Altoona, PA 16601; ffMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, 6140 Wellington, New Zealand; and ggBiodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045

Edited by Michael E. Alfaro, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, and accepted by Editorial Board Member David Jablonski February 26, 2019 (received for review August 9, 2018)

Avian diversification has been influenced by global climate change, plate tectonic movements, and mass extinction events. However, Significance the impact of these factors on the diversification of the hyper- diverse perching () is unclear because family level Our understanding of the factors that affected the diversifi- relationships are unresolved and the timing of splitting events cation of passerines, the most diverse and widespread among lineages is uncertain. We analyzed DNA data from 4,060 (Passeriformes), is limited. Here, we reconstruct passerine nuclear loci and 137 passerine families using concatenation and evolutionary history and produce the most comprehensive time- coalescent approaches to infer a comprehensive phylogenetic calibrated phylogenetic hypothesis of the group using extensive hypothesis that clarifies relationships among all passerine families. sampling of the genome, complete sampling of all passerine Then, we calibrated this phylogeny using 13 fossils to examine the families, and a number of vetted fossil calibration points. Our effects of different events in Earth history on the timing and rate phylogenetic results refine our knowledge of passerine diversity of passerine diversification. Our analyses reconcile passerine diver- and yield divergence dates that are consistent with the fossil sification with the fossil and geological records; suggest that pas- record, and our macroevolutionary analyses suggest that sin- serines originated on the Australian landmass ∼47 Ma; and show gular events in Earth history, such as increases in Cenozoic that subsequent dispersal and diversification of passerines was global temperature or the colonization of new continents, were affected by a number of climatological and geological events, such not the primary forces driving passerine diversification. as Oligocene glaciation and inundation of the New Zealand land- mass. Although passerine diversification rates fluctuated through- Author contributions: C.H.O., D.J.F., D.T.K., F.K.B., P.A., P.A.H., R.G.M., and B.C.F. designed re- out the Cenozoic, we find no link between the rate of passerine search; C.H.O., D.J.F., D.T.K., F.K.B., and B.C.F. performed research; C.H.O., D.J.F., D.T.K., and F.K.B. analyzed data; C.H.O. and B.C.F. wrote the paper with contributions from D.J.F., D.T.K., F.K.B., diversification and Cenozoic global temperature, and our analyses P.A., E.L.B., R.T.B., S.C., and R.T.K.; C.H.O., A.A., M.J.A., P.A., B.W.B., E.L.B., M.J.B., G.A.B., R.T.B., show that the increases in passerine diversification rate we ob- R.T.C., S.C., J.C., A.M.C., E.P.D., T.C.G., M.G.H., P.A.H., L.J., R.T.K., A.L.M., C.M.M., A.T.P., M.B.R., serve are disconnected from the colonization of new continents. F.H.S., L.F.S., B.T.S., N.D.W., R.G.M., and B.C.F. contributed samples; D.J.F. and D.T.K. selected Taken together, these results suggest more complex mechanisms and vetted fossil calibrations; and F.K.B. performed lineage-specific diversification analyses. than temperature change or ecological opportunity have controlled The authors declare no conflict of interest. macroscale patterns of passerine speciation. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. M.E.A. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial Board. This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- Passeriformes | diversification | macroevolution | climate | biogeography NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). Data deposition: Raw sequencing reads and ultraconserved element (UCE) nucleotide se- he diversification of modern birds (Neornithes) was shaped quences are available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Se- Tby numerous factors, including a mass extinction event (1–3), quence Read Archive and Genbank as part of BioProjects PRJNA304409 and PRJNA480834. shifts in connectivity between continents (4, 5), and changes in NCBI BioSample accession numbers are available in Dataset S1. The PHYLUCE computer code used in this study is available from Other custom global climate (4, 6). Specific ecological, geological, and clima- computer code, DNA alignments, analysis inputs, and analysis outputs are available from tological events proposed to be associated with the diversifica- the Dryad Digital Repository database, (doi: 10.5061/dryad.2vd01gr). tion and global distribution of Neornithes include opening of 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. ecological niches following the -Paleogene (K-Pg) This article contains supporting information online at mass extinction event (2, 3, 7, 8), establishment of dispersal 1073/pnas.1813206116/-/DCSupplemental. corridors linking the geographic origin of modern birds to other Published online April 1, 2019.

7916–7925 | PNAS | April 16, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 16 Downloaded by guest on November 24, 2020 landmasses during the Paleogene (4), rapid continental drift and approaches. We then use our time-calibrated phylogeny and island formation in Wallacea allowing the dispersal of fossil data to investigate passerine biogeography and diversifi- out of Australia (5, 9), fragmentation of tropical habitats during cation rates, as well as the influence of major events in Earth cooling events of the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic (4, 10), and history on the evolution of passerines. expansion of temperate habitats and retreat of glaciers during the Miocene (6). Although we are beginning to understand how Earth Results and Discussion history affected the early diversification of modern birds, we Data Characteristics. By collecting new sequence data and inte- understand much less about the macroevolutionary factors that grating them with data from other studies, we assembled a set of affected diversification within specific major avian subclades, 4,060 ultraconserved element (UCE) loci from 221 individuals including the hyperdiverse passerines (order Passeriformes). representing all passerine families and closely related outgroup Passerines comprise more than 6,000 extant species, repre- families of parrots, falcons, and seriemas (Dataset S1). Our sam- senting more than 60% of extant avian diversity. During the past pling included the extinct Hawaiian honeyeaters (), as two decades, new data have elucidated the diversity of (11, 12) well as the recently established monotypic family of the spotted and relationships among (5, 9, 13–17) a number of major pas- elachura (Elachuridae) (37). The concatenated alignment serine lineages (summarized in ref. 18), resulting in the expan- consisted of 2,464,926 nucleotide sites, 811,688 of which were sion of the number of recognized passerine families from 46 to parsimony-informative, and the data matrix contained 7.3% 137 (11, 12). However, our understanding of the relationships missing characters. Individual alignments of trimmed UCE loci among these major subclades remains incomplete. Numerous averaged 607 bp in length (range: 155–1,410 bp) and contained an apparently rapid divergence events within passerines have hin- average of 200 parsimony-informative sites (range: 2–631 sites). dered reconstruction of their evolutionary interrelationships when sampling few loci (<10) (4, 9, 14, 15, 19) or few taxa (<70% Phylogeny. Concatenation and coalescent analyses, supplemented of passerine families) (5, 17, 20). by analyses of subsets of the data matrix (Materials and Methods), Knowledge of the time frame of passerine evolution has produced highly resolved (bootstrap support >70% for 95% of changed substantially in recent years as well. Historically, be- 220 nodes) and largely congruent estimates of phylogenetic re- cause of a dearth of reliably vetted fossils, the age of crown lationships among passerine families, with only 3–4% of nodes passerines was calibrated based on the geological separation of exhibiting conflict between the coalescent and concatenation New Zealand from the rest of Gondwana ∼82 Ma (9, 14, 15). results (Figs. 1 and 2, SI Appendix, Figs. S1–S5, and Dataset S2). This Late Cretaceous calibration for crown passerines not only Our analyses resolved three well-established main clades of passerines EVOLUTION predates the earliest fossils that may belong to stem passerines (9, 13–15) (Figs. 1 and 2): the New Zealand (Acanthisittidae), (21) by 27 Ma but also exceeds the age of the earliest known the suboscines (Tyranni), and the oscines (Passeri). Our results also crown bird fossil (22) by 15 Ma. Subsequent studies frequently confirmed the main subdivisions among suboscines (38, 39): the Old used this age estimate, or associated secondary calibrations, World suboscines (Eurylaimides), the ovenbirds and allies (Furnar- entrenching major discrepancies between the inferred timing of iida), and the tyrant flycatchers and allies (Tyrannida). Our improved evolutionary events and the fossil record (23–25). More recently, sampling allowed us to delineate membership of the oscine infraorders studies that used fossil calibration-based divergence time analy- Corvides and Passerides more robustly than in earlier work (5). At a ses (2–4, 19, 26) or combined fossils with biogeographic cali- finer scale, our results resolved relationships in a number of clades that brations (27) estimated a much younger Eocene origin for crown have been difficult to place and support the recognition of one family passerines, bringing age estimates closer in line with the fossil of enigmatic Afrotropical species and five other families recognized in record. However, the timing of diversification across passerine some taxonomic checklists (40, 41). A more complete description of families has remained unclear because of sparse sampling (<25% these and other phylogenetic results is provided in SI Appendix. of passerine families) (2, 3) or because analyses have been per- formed using phylogenetic hypotheses with considerable un- Time Frame of Passerine Diversification. Our comprehensive taxo- certainty about the placement of passerine lineages (4, 19, 26, nomic sampling allowed us to estimate the timing of origin for 27). Moreover, the number of fossil calibrations within passerines all passerine families. The dating analyses (Figs. 1 and 2) suggest has often been small (fewer than five) (2–4) or the choice of cali- that crown passerines began to diversify during the Middle Eo- bration points has been questionable (19, 26, 27), because many of cene (∼47 Ma) and suboscines and oscines diverged ∼44 Ma. We the fossils used had ambiguous phylogenetic affinities or incom- inferred Late Eocene origins of crown suboscines (∼39 Ma) and pletely vetted phylogenetic placement, stratigraphic position, or oscines (∼38 Ma). These dates are approximately half the age of priors in light of best practices for calibration justification (28). previously published estimates based on the separation of New Uncertainty regarding the relationships among passerine fam- Zealand from the rest of Gondwana (14, 15, 42) but are much ilies and the timing of passerine evolution has prevented robust closer to more recent estimates that used fossil calibrations or tests of hypotheses explaining the roles of geology, climate, and fossil-derived secondary calibrations (2–5, 19, 20, 26) (Fig. 3 and ecology in diversification of this clade. For example, precise age SI Appendix, Fig. S6). Although the extent of taxon sampling has estimates are critical for determining the extent to which pas- varied among previous studies, the credible intervals of our date serine diversification was affected by major climatological events estimates within passerines generally had broader overlap with during the Paleogene (29–32) or more gradual global climate the earlier estimates of Prum et al. (3) and Selvatti et al. (19) shifts throughout the Cenozoic (4). Similarly, robust and taxo- than with those of Claramunt and Cracraft (4) (5–10 Ma older) nomically well-sampled phylogenetic hypotheses are critical for or Moyle et al. (5) (2–7 Ma younger). accurately estimating shifts in diversification rates (33). Finally, a Our divergence time estimates are generally consistent (overlapping combination of better age estimates and more accurate phylog- 95% credible intervals) across randomly sampled datasets and eny is important for examining various historical biogeographic are robust to the choice of prior distribution (log-normal or hypotheses in light of geological events (34–36). uniform), maximum age constraint, loci sampled (random versus Here, we analyze genome-scale DNA sequence data from most clock-like), and statistical methodology (BEAST versus thousands of nuclear loci to infer a phylogenetic hypothesis for MCMCTree; Fig. 3 and SI Appendix,Figs.S6andS7). Posterior dis- all 137 currently recognized passerine families (12). Based on tributions of age estimates for passerine nodes were distinguishable this phylogenetic hypothesis and the largest set of vetted (28) from joint prior distributions (Fig. 3 and SI Appendix, Figs. S6 and passerine fossil calibrations used to date, we estimate a time S7), suggesting that our age estimates were driven by data rather frame for passerine diversification using a variety of analytical than priors alone, and the mean of the coefficient of variation of

Oliveros et al. PNAS | April 16, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 16 | 7917 Downloaded by guest on November 24, 2020 CARIAMIDAE Cariama cristata FALCONIDAE Micrastur semitorquatus ABCDE FALCONIDAE Caracara cheriway ABCDE FALCONIDAE Falco peregrinus ABCDE FALCONIDAE Microhierax erythrogenys BE STRIGOPIDAE Nestor notabilis E STRIGOPIDAE Strigops habroptila E CACATUIDAE Cacatua sulphurea PSITTACIDAE Psittacus erithacus DE AC BE PSITTACIDAE Amazona autumnalis ACD PSITTACULIDAE Melopsittacus undulatus D PSITTACULIDAE Psittacula alexandri ACANTHISITTIDAE Acanthisitta chloris E ACANTHISITTIDAE Xenicus gilviventris PHILEPITTIDAE

Philepitta castanea Eurylaimides C EURYLAIMIDAE Eurylaimus ochromalus CALYPTOMENIDAE E CD Calyptomena viridis D CALYPTOMENIDAE Smithornis rufolateralis D SAPAYOIDAE Sapayoa aenigma D PITTIDAE Pitta cyanea DE PITTIDAE PItta erythrogaster MELANOPAREIIDAE Melanopareia maranonica B CONOPOPHAGIDAE Conopophaga aurita D THAMNOPHILIDAE B Pygiptila stellaris Furnariida B THAMNOPHILIDAE B Thamnophilus doliatus Tyranni (Suboscines) GRALLARIIDAE E Grallaria haplonota RHINOCRYPTIDAE B Rhinocrypta lanceolata FORMICARIIDAE B Formicarius analis B SCLERURIDAE Sclerurus rufigularis A B DENDROCOLAPTIDAE Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae B FURNARIIDAE Xenops minutus Tyrannides B FURNARIIDAE Furnarius rufus PIPRIDAE Pipra filicauda COTINGIDAE Cotinga nattererii AB TITYRIDAE Tityra cayana B B TITYRIDAE Schiffornis major OXYRUNCIDAE Oxyruncus cristatus Tyrannida B B ONYCHORHYNCHIDAE Myiobius villosus E B ONYCHORHYNCHIDAE Onychorhynchus coronatus B PIPRITIDAE Piprites chloris PLATYRINCHIDAE Neopipo cinnamomea B B PLATYRINCHIDAE Platyrinchus saturatus B TACHURIDIDAE Tachuris rubrigastra RHYNCHOCYCLIDAE a - Last appearance of hypo- B Poecilotriccus latirostris B RHYNCHOCYCLIDAE Mionectes striaticollis thesized intermittent land B TYRANNIDAE Nephelomyias lintoni bridge between North and B TYRANNIDAE Tyrannus albogularis ATRICHORNITHIDAE Atrichornis rufescens South America E MENURIDAE Menura novaehollandiae b - Formation of Cato Trough CLIMACTERIDAE Climacteris melanurus E CLIMACTERIDAE Cormobates leucophaea c - Appearance of ephemeral E PTILONORHYNCHIDAE Ailuroedus buccoides Passeriformes Antarctic ice sheets E PTILONORHYNCHIDAE Ptilonorhynchus violaceus E MALURIDAE Malurus alboscapulatus DASYORNITHIDAE d - Closure of Turgai Strait E Dasyornis broadbenti PARDALOTIDAE e - Oligocene glaciation E Pardalotus striatus E ACANTHIZIDAE Acanthiza cinerea f - Formation of Wallacea E MELIPHAGIDAE Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris E g - Late Oligocene warming E MELIPHAGIDAE Foulehaio carunculatus E MELIPHAGIDAE Meliphaga montana h - Maximum marine inundation POMATOSTOMIDAE Pomatostomus superciliosus E of New Zealand ORTHONYCHIDAE Orthonyx temminckii CINCLOSOMATIDAE Cinclosoma punctatum E CINCLOSOMATIDAE Ptilorrhoa leucosticta CAMPEPHAGIDAE Pericrocotus divaricatus E E CAMPEPHAGIDAE Edolisoma tenuirostre E MOHOUIDAE Mohoua albicilla E NEOSITTIDAE Daphoenositta chrysoptera PSOPHODIDAE Psophodes cristatus D EULACESTOMATIDAE A E Eulacestoma nigropectus E FALCUNCULIDAE

Falcunculus frontatus Passeri (Oscines) E Corvoidea Malaconotoidea Orioloidea E OREOICIDAE Oreoica gutturalis PARAMYTHIIDAE C Oreocharis arfaki E E E VIREONIDAE Pteruthius aeralatus B D VIREONIDAE Vireo solitarius E D VIREONIDAE E E Erpornis zantholeuca Colluricincla harmonica E PACHYCEPHALIDAE Pachycephala vitiensis E ORIOLIDAE Oriolus chinensis E ORIOLIDAE E Pitohui dichrous MACHAERIRHYNCHIDAE Machaerirhynchus nigripectus ARTAMIDAE Artamus cinereus ARTAMIDAE

E E Peltops blainvillii Corvides E ARTAMIDAE Melloria quoyi 25 E ARTAMIDAE E Strepera graculina RHAGOLOGIDAE Rhagologus leucostigma MALACONOTIDAE Tchagra senegalus E D PITYRIASIDAE Pityriasis gymnocephala D AEGITHINIDAE D Aegithina lafresnayei E E PLATYSTEIRIDAE Dyaphorophyia castanea C VANGIDAE Mystacornis crossleyi C VANGIDAE Prionops plumatus 20 C VANGIDAE Tephrodornis virgatus RHIPIDURIDAE Lamprolia victoriae E RHIPIDURIDAE Rhipidura javanica DICRURIDAE Dicrurus aeneus E MONARCHIDAE Metabolus takatsukasae E MONARCHIDAE Hypothymis azurea E E IFRITIDAE Ifrita kowaldi E PARADISAEIDAE Phonygammus keraudrenii E E PARADISAEIDAE Paradisaea minor 15 CORCORACIDAE Struthidea cinerea

(Temperature °C) (Temperature MELAMPITTIDAE E Melampitta lugubris LANIIDAE E Lanius excubitor D PLATYLOPHIDAE Platylophus galericulatus D CORVIDAE Corvus corax D CORVIDAE Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax f 10 a bdc e gh

Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Miocene Plio. Plei. Paleogene Neogene 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Ma

Fig. 1. Family-level phylogenetic relationships in passerines reconciled from concatenation and coalescent analyses (connects to top of Fig. 2 at the circled star). Maximum likelihood bootstrap support (BS) values are indicated by boxes (BS > 70) or circles (BS < 70) at nodes. Node ages were estimated using 13 fossil calibrations in BEAST on nodes indicated by empty blue circles; 95% credible intervals are shown with orange bars. Ancestral areas were estimated under the DEC + j model using BioGeoBEARS from the distribution of clades represented by each tip [shown by boxes at tips coded according to the map (Inset)]. Light blue and pink bars indicate Oligocene glaciation and warming events, respectively. The estimate of Cenozoic global surface temperatures (red curve) was taken from ref. 99. Branches with the strongest support for diversification rate shifts are indicated by pink arrows in their descendant node for internal branches or at the base of the branch for terminal branches. Geological and climatic events are indicated above the timeline with descriptions provided in the key (Inset). Plei., Pleistocene; Plio., Pliocene.

7918 | Oliveros et al. Downloaded by guest on November 24, 2020 CNEMOPHILIDAE Loboparadisea sericea a - Last appearance of hypothesized intermittent E CNEMOPHILIDAECNEMOP Cnemophilus loriae MELANOCHARITIDAE Melanocharis versteri - land bridge between North and South America E MELANOCHARITIDAE Oedistoma iliolophus b - Formation of Cato Trough E MELANOCHARITIDAE Toxorhamphus novaeguineae E CALLAEIDAE Philesturnus carunculatus c - Appearance of ephemeral Antarctic ice sheets E NOTIOMYSTIDAE Notiomystis cincta d - Closure of Turgai Strait PETROICIDAE Devioeca papuana E PETROICIDAE Petroica multicolor e - Oligocene glaciation E EUPETIDAE E Eupetes macrocerus f - Formation of Wallacea D EUPETIDAE Chaetops frenatus C EUPETIDAE Picathartes gymnocephalus g - Late Oligocene warming HYLIOTIDAE Hyliota flavigaster h - Maximum marine inundation of New Zealand C STENOSTIRIDAE Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus C STENOSTIRIDAE Culicicapa ceylonensis PARIDAE C Parus major E C REMIZIDAE Remiz consobrinus PANURIDAE Panurus biarmicus C D ALAUDIDAE Eremophila alpestris NICATORIDAE Nicator chloris C MACROSPHENIDAE Sylvietta virens C MACROSPHENIDAE Macrosphenus flavicans C CISTICOLIDAE Neomixis viridis C CISTICOLIDAE Cisticola anonymus C CISTICOLIDAE Orthotomus castaneiceps C “GRAUERIIDAE”

Graueria vittata Locustelloidea Cariamiformes E C ACROCEPHALIDAE Acrocephalus orientalis C ACROCEPHALIDAEA Nesillas typica LOCUSTELLIDAE BD ABCDE Falconiformes C C Robsonius rabori CD LOCUSTELLIDAE Megalurus palustris CD

LOCUSTELLIDAE Sylviida C Locustella lanceolata AD AD Halcyornithidae DONACOBIIDAE Donacobius atricapilla C BERNIERIDAE Xanthomixis zosterops C BERNIERIDAE D DE Psittaciformes Oxylabes madagascariensis C PNOEPYGIDAE Pnoepyga pusilla D HIRUNDINIDAE Progne subis ACD HIRUNDINIDAE D AD Zygodactylidae Hirundo rustica PYCNONOTIDAE Pycnonotus jocosus C PYCNONOTIDAE Bleda syndactylus D E Australian QM F20688 SYLVIIDAE C C Cholornis unicolor D SYLVIIDAE Curruca nana D ZOSTEROPIDAE E E Acanthisittidae Zosterops everetti D TIMALIIDAE Timalia pileata D D LEIOTHRICHIDAE C Leiothrix lutea D Wieslochia D PELLORNEIDAE E Trichastoma pyrrogenys PHYLLOSCOPIDAE Seicercus montis

C PHYLLOSCOPIDAE Aegithaloidea D Eurylaimides Phylloscopus trochilus HYLIIDAE D Hylia prasina C C HYLIIDAE D Pholidornis rushiae Furnariida AEGITHALIDAE B Passeri (Oscines) C Psaltriparus minimus

D Passeriformes A AEGITHALIDAE Aegithalos concinnus E C SCOTOCERCIDAE Passerides AB Tyrannida Erythrocercus mccallii C SCOTOCERCIDAE Scotocerca inquieta D SCOTOCERCIDAE Abroscopus albogularis E Passeri D SCOTOCERCIDAE Tesia cyaniventer DULIDAE Bombycilloidea

Dulus dominicus EVOLUTION BOMBYCILLIDAE A Bombycilla garrulus A PTILIOGONATIDAE Ptilogonys caudatus A HYLOCITREIDAE Hylocitrea bonensis D HYPOCOLIIDAE Hypocolius ampelinus D MOHOIDAE Moho nobilis


D Elachura formosa CINCLIDAE D Cinclus pallasii MUSCICAPIDAE D Muscicapa striata D TURDIDAE Turdus albicollis D BUPHAGIDAE Buphagus erythrorhynchus STURNIDAE D D Sturnus vulgaris D MIMIDAE Mimus polyglottos REGULIDAE Regulus regulus AD REGULIDAE Regulus calendula D TICHODROMIDAE D D Tichodroma muraria A SITTIDAE D Sitta europaea CERTHIIDAE D Certhia americana D SALPORNITHIDAE spilonota C D POLIOPTILIDAE Polioptila caerulea A TROGLODYTIDAE B Troglodytes troglodytes E PROMEROPIDAE Modulatrix stictigula C PROMEROPIDAE Promerops gurneyi NECTARINIIDAE Leptocoma sperata D D DICAEIDAE Dicaeum hypoleucum CHLOROPSEIDAE Chloropsis sonnerati D CHLOROPSEIDAE D Chloropsis cochinchinensis D IRENIDAE Irena cyanogastra D IRENIDAE Irena puella D PEUCEDRAMIDAE Peucedramus taeniatus UROCYNCHRAMIDAE D Urocynchramus pylzowi 25 PLOCEIDAE Ploceus cucullatus D D VIDUIDAE Vidua regia C ESTRILDIDAE Estrilda melpoda D PRUNELLIDAE Prunella fulvescens PASSERIDAE D Passer domesticus

MOTACILLIDAE D Motacilla alba FRINGILLIDAE D Fringilla montifringilla RHODINOCICHLIDAE Rhodinocichla rosea A CALCARIIDAE Calcarius lapponicus D EMBERIZIDAE 20 A Emberiza citrinella CARDINALIDAE Cardinalis cardinalis A MITROSPINGIDAE Mitrospingus cassinii A A THRAUPIDAE Coereba flaveola A THRAUPIDAE Tangara arthus Emberizoidea PASSERELLIDAE A Spizella passerina A PASSERELLIDAE Passerella iliaca A PASSERELLIDAE Ammodramus savannarum PARULIDAE Setophaga magnolia 15 A PPARULIDAE A Seiurus aurocapilla (Temperature °C) (Temperature A ICTERIDAE Icteria virens A ICTERIDAE Sturnella neglecta A A ICTERIDAE Icterus cucullatus CALYPTOPHYLIDAE Calyptophilus tertius ZELEDONIIDAE A Zeledonia coronata PHAENICOPHILIDAE A Nesospingus speculiferus f A PHAENICOPHILIDAE Spindalis zena 10 A PHAENICOPHILIDAE Microligea palustris a bdc e ghA PHAEPHAENICOPHILIDAE Phaenicophilus palmarum Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Miocene Plio. Plei. Paleogene Neogene 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Ma

Fig. 2. Family-level phylogenetic relationships in passerines reconciled from concatenation and coalescent analyses (connects to bottom of Fig. 1 at the circled star). Biogeographic reconstruction including fossil taxa (Inset, tree) yields identical ancestral areas for crown lineages of passerines, suboscines, and oscines (also SI Appendix, Fig. S8). Plei., Pleistocene; Plio., Pliocene.

clock rates among lineages ranged from 0.28 to 0.44 across anal- lower than those reported in recent avian phylogenomic studies yses, with 95% credible interval limits as low as 0.24 and as high as that sampled more broadly across extant birds (4, 43). Removal of 0.48, suggesting that our choice of a relaxed clock model was some or most fossil calibrations did not significantly change di- appropriate. This level of rate heterogeneity across the tree is vergence time estimates at uncalibrated nodes but had mixed effects

Oliveros et al. PNAS | April 16, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 16 | 7919 Downloaded by guest on November 24, 2020 A B C A B Oscines- A B Crown Eurilaimides- Root Passerines- Parrots split Suboscines Split Oscines Tyrannides Split 80





Corvides- A Orthonyx- A B Menuridae- A B Strigopidae Sylviida Passerides Split Pomatostomus Split Atrichornithidae Split 80


Joint prior: Set A 40 Posterior: Set A

20 Joint prior: Set B

0 Posterior: Set B

Regulidae- A B Meliphagidae- A Core Mohouidae- A Joint prior: Set C Tyrannida

Mya Certhioidea Split Pardalotidae Split Passerida Neosittidae Split 80 Posterior: Set C Claramunt & 60 Cracraft 2015 Moyle et al. 2016 40 Prum et al. 2015

20 Selvatti et al. 2015


Melloria/Strepera- Microhierax- A A Bombycilloidea Corvoidea Acanthisittidae Peltops Split A B Falco Split 80





Fig. 3. Comparison of date estimates of key nodes in passerine phylogeny across three fossil calibration schemes (sets A–C; a detailed description is provided in Materials and Methods) using log-normally distributed priors. Bars represent 95% credible intervals of joint priors [Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) without data] and posteriors of random samples of 25 loci. Color boxes in the heading for each node indicate the set(s) of calibrations in which the node was used as a calibration point. Date estimates from previous studies (3–5, 19) for the same node are also shown, if available.

on the estimated ages of calibrated nodes (Fig. 3 and SI Appendix, robust to the signal from passerine and outgroup fossils from Fig. S6). For example, removing fossil calibrations for Falconidae Europe and North America (7): In iterative analyses exploring and Acanthisittidae resulted in younger estimates for each calibrated six possible topologies created by grafting four fossil taxa onto node, while the removal of the fossil calibrations for Menuridae- our tree, the DEC + j model continued to yield an Australo- Atrichornithidae and Strigopidae resulted in slightly older estimates. Pacific origin of crown passerines (SI Appendix, Fig. S8). Re- constructions using the DEC model were more sensitive to the Biogeography. phylogenetic position of fossil taxa (SI Appendix, Fig. S9). These Diversification history of passerines. Biogeographic reconstructions biogeographic results are consistent with previous hypotheses under both the dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis (DEC) and suggesting that passerines originated in the Southern Hemisphere DEC + j models suggest that the ancestral area of crown pas- (9, 15, 19, 44, 45), as well as with the discovery of the oldest pu- serines was the Australo-Pacific region (Fig. 1). These results are tative passerine fossils from the early Eocene of Australia (21).

7920 | Oliveros et al. Downloaded by guest on November 24, 2020 Our results contrast with one analysis (4) suggesting that crown Africa, Eurasia, and the New World potentially occurred during a passerines originated in South America ∼53 Ma. The difference period of Late Oligocene warming (event g, Fig. 1), as ancestral among studies could be attributed to methodological differences species took advantage of warmer temperatures and the resulting [parsimony versus maximum likelihood (ML)], the included fossil habitats that connected these continents. Continental connectivity and outgroup taxa, or alternative codings of the geographic re- during this period is supported by fossil data that show the movement gions. Choice of method seems to have played a large role, be- of mammals from Africa into Eurasia during the Late Oligocene (57, cause the alternative ML analysis of Claramunt and Cracraft 58) and from Asia into North America during the Oligocene (59). (figure S3A of ref. 4) also showed the highest probability for an Our phylogenetic results do not support the Atlantogea hypothesis Australian origin of crown passerines. Another interpretation of (56), which invokes a Paleogene island chain between Africa and the differences between the two studies is simply that these results SouthAmericaandreliesonasisterrelationship between Sapayoidae reflect the difficulty of pinpointing where passerines originated, and the rest of Eurylaimides. Our estimated divergence date because South America, Antarctica, and Australia were connected between Eurylaimides and the New World suboscines also conflicts during the Paleocene and Eocene, although exact details of these with the use of intermittent land bridges between North and South connections are debated (46, 47). It is also important to consider America by ancestors of Eurylaimides during the Early Paleogene that biogeographic reconstructions can be biased by model choice (4) (event a, Fig. 1). Finally, our results are compatible with the (48), better sampling of fossils in the Northern Hemisphere com- hypothesis of Laurasian diversification within Eurylaimides (4, pared with the Southern Hemisphere (49), and extinction (50). 23), although our time frame differs by as much as 25 Ma (23). Thus, we suggest that biogeographic reconstructions at the deeper Oligocene glaciation and passerine diversification. Our passerine chro- nodes of passerine phylogeny be interpreted cautiously and updated nogram exhibits potential signatures of the Oligocene glaciation as new information from the fossil record comes to light. (event e, Figs. 1 and 2) on passerine diversification. This extended Diversification history of crown suboscines. Biogeographic analyses period of reduced temperature, which started at the Eocene- under the DEC + j model suggest a Eurasian origin of crown Oligocene boundary and lasted until the Late Oligocene warming, suboscines (Tyranni; Fig. 1) and a North/Central American origin ledtotheformationofthefirstpermanent Antarctic ice sheets and of crown New World suboscines (Tyrannides; Fig. 1), regardless of a global decline of broadleaf forests (54). The climatic changes that the placement of fossil taxa (SI Appendix,Fig.S8). Reconstruc- occurred at the beginning of the Oligocene glaciation caused ex- tions using the DEC model were equivocal (SI Appendix,Fig.S9). tensive turnover of mammal species in Europe and Asia, known as The DEC + j results are consistent with a suboscine diversification the “Grande Coupure” and “Mongolian Remodelling” (29, 31), yet hypothesis based on paleontological data (7): As the Turgai Strait the effect of the Oligocene glaciation on Cenozoic avifaunas is EVOLUTION closed between Asia and Europe (event d, Figs. 1 and 2), non- poorly known (60). We infer long branches subtending the suboscine oscine passerine fossils abruptly appear in Europe during the clades Eurylaimides, Furnariida, and Tyrannida spanning 38–28 Ma, earliest Oligocene (51), which suggests that their ancestors may followed by rapid diversification of these crown clades during a pe- have dispersed from Australia to Europe through Asia (7, 52). riod in which the credible intervals of our estimates overlap the Late The Beringian land bridge and the warm temperatures of the Oligocene warming. These observations are consistent with the hy- Late Eocene (53) could have provided a plausible route for pothesis that extinctions during the Oligocene glaciation drastically dispersal to North America from Asia. In addition, the passerine reduced diversity in each of these mostly tropical bird groups, fol- fossil record in the Americas is more consistent with suboscine lowed by rapid diversification of each group as temperatures rose dispersal from North America to South America (7). However, again. Another explanation for the long branches leading to crown the hypothesis of a Eurasian origin of crown suboscines hinges Eurylaimides, Furnariida, and Tyrannida could be low diversification on two critical assumptions: (i) transoceanic dispersal of sub- rates early in the evolutionary history of suboscines, yet the fossil oscine ancestors from Australia to Asia and from North America record of suboscines during the Early and Late Oligocene of Europe to South America during the Eocene (notably, only a few extant (7, 61) shows that suboscines were more diverse during the Oligo- lineages of suboscines are known to disperse over large oceanic cene than the number of surviving lineages from that period suggests. expanses) and (ii) a failure of these ancestors to cross the Turgai Although the immigration of mammal predators from Asia to Strait from Asia to Europe during the same epoch. This hypothesis Europe during the Grande Coupure is one alternative to explain the is an alternative to the idea that crown suboscines originated in extinction of some avian lineages in Europe during the Paleogene South America after trans-Antarctic separation from oscines in (60), this hypothesis cannot explain apparent suboscine extinctions in Australia (4, 19). Although unsupported by our biogeographic re- the New World. A long branch also leads to crown oscines, but this constructions, the South American origin hypothesis is compatible clade comprised threefold as many surviving lineages compared with with our dating results. Our estimate of the split between oscines suboscines by the Middle Oligocene. The higher survival rate of and suboscines ∼44 Ma occurs well before the appearance of oscine lineages during the Oligoceneglaciationcouldbetiedtoa ephemeral ice sheets in Antarctica during the Late Eocene (54) combination of factors, including differences in food preference, (event c, Fig. 1), which would have made the trans-Antarctic route habitat availability, and geographic location. The presence of species implausible. Given the differences among these competing hypoth- that occur in temperate and montane habitats among deeply di- eses, and until additional Paleogene fossils of nonoscine passerines verging oscine lineages, such as the Menuridae and Ptilono- are collected from Asia and South America, arguments regarding rhynchidae, could also indicate their greater viability in colder the biogeographic origins of crown suboscines remain unresolved. temperatures during the Oligocene glaciation. Origin of Old World suboscines. The phylogenetic placement of the Oscine diversification out of Australia. Our biogeographic analyses monotypic Neotropical family Sapayoidae within the Old World suggest that the ancestors of two distantly related oscine line- suboscines (Eurylaimides) is critical to understanding the origins ages, the family of rockfowl, rockjumpers, and the rail-babbler of Eurylaimides and has been the subject of active research (16, (Eupetidae) and the clade formed by Sylviida, Muscicapida, and 23, 38, 39, 55, 56). Our phylogenetic analyses place Sapayoidae Passerida, were the first oscines (and the only lineages in Pass- firmly as sister to Old World pittas (Pittidae), well embedded erides) to reach Eurasia from Australia (Figs. 1 and 2). Our within the Eurylaimides (Fig. 1 and Dataset S2). Our DEC + j estimate for the arrival of oscines in Eurasia (∼27 Ma) is con- results unequivocally suggest crown Eurylaimides originated in sistent with the fossil record: No crown passerine fossils have Eurasia (SI Appendix, Fig. S8), whereas our DEC results are been reported from the Eocene of Europe despite extensive again sensitive to the placement of fossil taxa (SI Appendix, Fig. collecting of small bird fossils, whereas oscines appear in Europe S9). Variance around the point estimates of divergence times ∼24 Ma and are well represented from the Late Oligocene on- suggests the rapid splitting of Eurylaimides lineages among ward (61, 62). Our age estimate for the arrival of oscines in Asia

Oliveros et al. PNAS | April 16, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 16 | 7921 Downloaded by guest on November 24, 2020 is slightly older than the 23 Ma estimated in a recent oscine study (5). However, our results remain consistent with the idea that uplift c - Appearance of ephemeral Antarctic ice sheets d - Closure of Turgai Strait in Wallacea occurring 20–30 Ma (63) (event f, Figs. 1 and 2) pro- e - Oligocene glaciation duced island chains that served as a dispersal corridor for oscines f - Formation of Wallacea g - Late Oligocene warming 10 from Australia to Asia (5), and they contrast with the hypothesis of h - Maximum marine inundation of New Zealand direct dispersal from Australia to Africa during the Eocene (64, 65). We inferred three other independent dispersal events of oscine 8 lineages out of Australia in the Corvides clade, all involving dis- Temperature °C persal to Eurasia during the Early Miocene (Fig. 1). These inva- 6 sions were made by oscines in the family Vireonidae and the superfamilies Corvoidea and Malaconotoidea, with members of the

Net diversification rate Net diversification 4 first two clades eventually reaching the New World. Finally, our results suggest two instances of back-colonization to Australia from Eurasia in the superfamily Corvoidea and several reinvasions of 2 Australia from Passerides lineages, but denser sampling of taxa is required to clarify the details of these events. 0

New Zealand biogeography. Our age estimates provide insight into 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 f how the inundation of the New Zealand landmass during the c dghe Oligocene (30, 32) (event h, Figs. 1 and 2) might have affected Eocene Oligocene Miocene Plio. Plei. the endemic parrot and passerine families of New Zealand. Paleogene Neogene Assuming Strigopidae, Acanthisittidae, and the oscine lineages 40 30 20 10 0 Ma Callaeidae and Notiomystidae are autochthonous, our Oligocene estimate of time of origin for each of these New Zealand endemic Fig. 4. Estimate of episodic diversification rate of passerines (solid line) and 95% credible interval (light blue band) based on RevBayes analysis of our families (Figs. 1 and 2) is consistent with the idea that these birds chronogram (Figs. 1 and 2) across time periods of 2 million y. Global deep survived the Oligocene drowning event (66, 67). Our estimate of the ocean temperature data used in the analysis (dotted red line) were taken age of crown passerines ∼47 Ma also suggests that the divergence of from ref. 99. Geological and climatic events from Figs. 1 and 2 (excluding the Acanthisittidae from all other passerines was not driven by the events a and b) are indicated above the time line with descriptions provided formation of the Cato Trough (event b, Fig. 1) between New Zealand in the key (Inset). Plei., Pleistocene; Plio., Pliocene. and Australia (19). In contrast to these more general results for New Zealand passerine families, our age estimates suggest that the New Zealand-endemic mohouas (Mohouidae) in Corvides diverged from log-normally distributed priors). Taken together, these results the sittellas (Neosittidae) of Australasia during the Early Miocene suggest that the inverse relationship between global temperature ∼20 Ma, a substantially younger age for mohouas than previously and diversification rate may be strong across Neornithes gener- estimated (20). This divergence estimate implies that mohoua an- ally (4) but is not evident among passerines. cestors dispersed to New Zealand following the Oligocene drowning Diversification rate shifts. Global correlations of diversification with event. It is also notable that the split of Callaeidae and Notiomystidae climate assume a uniform response among lineages, an as- from other oscines in Passerides has a credible interval that overlaps sumption likely to be violated in an ecologically heterogeneous with the divergence of Strigopidae from all other parrots during the and rapidly diversifying lineage such as passerines. To test for di- Oligocene 29–31 Ma (Figs. 1 and 2). The coincidence of these splits versification rate shifts among passerine lineages, we conducted is likely random, arising from events like over-water dispersal, branch-specific diversification rate analyses using our well-resolved because no geological evidence supports the existence of a land and taxonomically well-sampled phylogeny. These analyses yield- bridge connecting Australia and New Zealand 29–31 Ma. ed strong evidence of multiple higher level rate shifts across the passerine tree (Figs. 1 and 2 and SI Appendix,Fig.S10andTable Rates of Passerine Diversification. S1). The posterior distribution of the number of rate shifts had a Diversification rate and global temperature. Previous research sug- mode of 19, ranging from a minimum of 14 to a maximum of 25. gested an inverse relationship between global temperature dur- The majority of rate shifts were rate increases in specific lineages ing the Cenozoic and the diversification rate of modern birds (4). relative to the passerine background. The three clades with the To determine the strength of this relationship in passerines, we highest support for a rate shift belong to Muscicapoidea, Sylviida, estimated episodic diversification rates [i.e., one overall rate for and Passerida (SI Appendix, Fig. S10 and Table S1), roughly each 2-million-y period of the passerine tree]. Passerine net di- corresponding to oscine radiations originally recognized by DNA/ versification rates increased slightly during the Middle Oligocene DNA hybridization data (13). Additional clades with strong evidence to the Early Miocene; decreased during the Middle Miocene; of rate increases include the New World oscine families Thrau- and rose sharply during the Late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleis- pidae and Parulidae, the Neotropical suboscine family Thamno- tocene (Fig. 4). The sharp rise in diversification rate from the philidae, and the globally distributed Corvidae. The largest shift in Late Miocene onward should be interpreted with caution: Al- diversification rate occurred in the Parulidae, with a more than though our method accounted for missing taxa, rate estimates sixfold net increase relative to the passerine background. The next during this period are based on few estimated splits along our two largest rate shifts (4.6- and 4.2-fold the background net di- backbone tree. Despite these rate fluctuations, we did not find versification rate) were in the same higher clade (the Ember- strong support for an inverse relationship between passerine izoidea, a subclade of the Passerida), whereas the remaining shifts diversification rate and global temperature. The probability of a ranged from approximately two- to fourfold the background rate negative correlation between the logarithm of speciation rate and were spread across the passerine tree. Nine of the 14 clades and global temperature change was only 0.56, and support for with the highest support for rate shifts were represented by at least the correlation was negligible (68) [Bayes factor (BF) = 1.46]. two tips on our phylogeny, and all were well supported by both Support for this correlation remained negligible (BF = 1.00) concatenation and coalescent approaches to topology estimation. when we considered slightly longer episodes of 5 million y, as in None of the 14 clades exhibiting rate shifts appear to coincide with the estimates of Claramunt and Cracraft (4), or weak (BF = range shifts estimated from our biogeographic analyses (Figs. 1 3.54) when we used a tree dated with uniform priors (in which and 2), suggesting that the rate increases we observed were not some nodes were 1–6 Ma older than those estimated using associated with colonization of new landmasses. Three rate shifts

7922 | Oliveros et al. Downloaded by guest on November 24, 2020 appear to have occurred almost simultaneously during the Oligocene- Materials and Methods Miocene transition in three different oscine clades on three different Sampling Design. For this study, we used phylogenetic analysis of 4,060 UCEs continents (Figs. 1 and 2): near the base of Corvides, within to infer a time-calibrated phylogenetic hypothesis of 209 passerine lineages Sylviida, and near the base of Passerida. Together, these clades and 12 outgroup lineages. Specifically, we used targeted enrichment of UCEs comprise 3,396 extant species, roughly 56% of extant passerine di- (71) to collect new sequence data from 113 passerines (Dataset S1), and we versity. The coincidence of these rate shifts suggests a relationship combined these with existing UCE sequence data collected from 104 pas- between the climatic and ecological transition of the Oligocene- serine lineages as part of earlier studies (5, 72, 73). We also included UCE loci Miocene boundary and oscine diversification. The expansion of harvested, in silico, from four publicly available genomes (74). To identify and collect data in silico, we followed an established protocol (71, 75) to open areas, especially grasslands, during the Miocene (69) would align the bait set of 5,060 UCE loci to each genome and extract matching loci have created a suitable habitat for ancestors of these groups while plus or minus 500 bp of flanking sequence. We integrated previously col- simultaneously fragmenting forest areas and creating new edge- lected and in silico data into the analysis pipeline during the data assembly habitats around forest fragments. Both novel habitats and frag- steps. Full details of laboratory methods, data assembly steps, topology es- mentation of old habitats could have stimulated speciation events. timation procedures, divergence time estimation approaches, biogeographic A large macroevolutionary study (6) reconstructed diversification methods, and diversification rate analyses are provided in SI Appendix, Ex- rates across a synthetic tree of avian relationships and found at least tended Materials and Methods. some evidence for 14 rate shifts within the passerine portion of the phylogeny. We corroborated only five of these 14 rate shifts, in- Library Preparation and Sequencing. We extracted DNA from tissues of cluding two that were strongly supported (shift detected in >50% of 113 vouchered museum specimens (Dataset S1) using the Qiagen DNeasy their sampled trees) and three that were weakly supported (shift Blood and Tissue Kit, and we prepared sequencing libraries for the Illumina – platform using a commercial kit (Kapa Biosystems, Inc.), 1/2 reactions, and detected in 25 50% of their sampled trees) in their analyses (SI dual indexes (76). Before sequencing, we enriched pools of sequencing li- Appendix,TableS1). Importantly, nine of our 14 (65%) best- braries for a set of UCE loci using commercially synthesized baits targeting supported rate shifts were not detected in previous analyses. The 5,060 loci (Mycroarray MYbaits Kit for Tetrapods UCE 5K, version 1). After two rate shifts we corroborated that had strong support in previous enrichment, we used 18 cycles of PCR to recover enriched loci, we measured analyses occurred (i) at the branch leading to the Furnariidae and fragment size of libraries using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, and we quan- Dendrocolaptidae (node N in figure 2 of ref. 6) and (ii)atthebase tified final libraries using an Illumina Eco qPCR System with a commercial of the Passerida (node X in figure 2 of ref. 6). Our analysis differed quantification kit (Kapa Biosystems, Inc.). We sequenced enriched libraries slightly regarding the location of the rate shift within Passerida, using a paired-end run of 300 cycles (150 bp in each read direction) on an placing the shift closer to the initial divergence in crown Passerida Illumina HiSeq 3000 System at the Oklahoma Medical Research Facility. EVOLUTION than in the analyses of Jetz et al. (6) (SI Appendix,Fig.S10). It is likely that both analyses are detecting the same event, although our Data Assembly. We trimmed the raw fastq data from each library using illumiprocessor, version 2 ( results suggest the rate shift occurred several million years earlier. We assembled reads from tissues using Trinity, version trinityrnaseq-r2013- Given the biology of the included taxa, this rate shift could be as- 02-25 (77), and we assembled reads from toepads using Spades, version 3.9.0 sociated with adaptation to more carbohydrate-rich diets. The only (78). After assembly, we grouped new assemblies with those from previous other rate shift within passerines strongly supported by Jetz et al. (6), work and the in silico data collected from genomes (Dataset S1), and we at the base of the Timaliidae (inclusive of the zosteropids; node T in performed the remaining data preparation steps using PHYLUCE (79) fol- figure 2 of ref. 6), was not supported by our analyses (SI Appendix, lowing a standard protocol (80). These steps produced trimmed alignments Fig. S10).Itislikelythatwewereunabletorecovertherateshift of UCE loci where all loci included data from at least 80% of all 221 taxa. identified by Jetz et al. (6) in Zosteropidae (node T in figure 2 of ref. 6) because we sampled only one representative of the family, but we Topology Estimation. We used concatenation and coalescent approaches to found no evidence for the remaining eight passerine rate shifts estimate phylogenetic relationships among passerines. First, we concate- suggested in that study. Although our tree contains fewer sequenced nated the trimmed alignments and performed ML inference using ExaML, version 3.0.15 (81), assuming a general time-reversible model of rate substitution taxa than the tree of Jetz et al. (6), our extensive sampling of loci and gamma-distributed rates among sites. We evaluated node support using and sites likely allowed us to infer relationships more consistently 100 bootstrap replicates, and we tested for convergence of bootstrap replicates across analyses with higher support and to more accurately estimate a posteriori using the “autoMRE” option in RAxML, version 8.2.8 (82). Second, branch lengths. Consequently, our analyses offer an updated per- we used four coalescent programs to estimate species trees: (i)SVDquartets spective on lineage-specific patterns of diversification rate in pas- (83, 84); (ii) ASTRID, version 1.3 (85); (iii) ASTRAL-II, version 4.10.11 (86); and (iv) serines, although some of the differences between the two studies STEAC (phybase version 1.4) (87). We evaluated nodal support for ASTRID, AS- can be attributed to methodological approach (SI Appendix,Table TRAL, and STEAC by generating 100 multilocus bootstrap replicates (88), and we S2). We expect that comprehensive reanalyses of avian relationships estimated nodal support for SVDquartets trees using the same 100 bootstrap and diversification using similar approaches will yield additional replicates we generated for ML analysis. insights into the evolution of all birds, although we recognize that We observed conflicts among species trees produced by the two analytical future work should examine how diversification rate shifts could be paradigms (concatenation and coalescent) for the placement of 27 taxa (SI Appendix, Figs. S1–S5 and Dataset S2). To investigate this issue, we per- confounded by correlated shifts in diversification and molecular formed additional ASTRID, ASTRAL, and STEAC analyses of subsets of the clock rates (70) or extinction dynamics (50). data matrix (Datasets S2 and S3). These analyses eliminated most of the The phylogenetic hypothesis of passerine relationships and the highly supported inconsistencies across methods; only five taxa had highly time line we estimate for passerine diversification reconcile the supported conflicting placements following these analyses (SI Appendix, Fig. evolutionary history of this group with paleontological, geo- S1). For these remaining inconsistencies, we adopted the ML topology, un- logical, and climatic data. We find that passerine diversification less coalescent approaches provided a consistent contradicting topology, is driven by dynamics that are more complex than simply Cenozoic which was observed only in the placement of Peltops and Calyptophilus (SI temperature change or ecological opportunity associated with the Appendix, Figs. S2–S5). We used this “reconciled” topology for subsequent colonization of new landmasses. Still, the drivers of diversification divergence time, biogeographic, and diversification analyses. within this group remain incompletely understood. Denser sam- pling of passerine lineages, combined with improved sampling of Divergence Time Estimation. Fossil calibrations. We followed best practices for justifying fossil calibrations the passerine fossil record (particularly outside of Europe and (28) to select and assign nine passerine and four nonpasserine fossils to North America), is needed to refine our estimates of lineage- specific nodes of our reconciled topology (SI Appendix). To examine the splitting events and tease apart those macro- and microevolu- sensitivity of our date estimates to the inclusion or exclusion of particular tionary factors that were responsible for the diversification of this calibration points, we performed analyses with three sets of fossil calibra- extraordinary group. tions: set A, which included all 13 fossils; set B, which included a calibration

Oliveros et al. PNAS | April 16, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 16 | 7923 Downloaded by guest on November 24, 2020 at the root of the phylogeny, one at the split of passerines with parrots, and Diversification Rate Analysis. Because we were interested in understanding five others at key passerine nodes; and set C, which included a single cali- whether passerine diversification was correlated with Cenozoic global bration at the root (Fig. 3 and SI Appendix). We also investigated the effects temperature (99), we estimated episodic diversification rates (100, 101) as of prior distribution choice on our date estimates by performing dating implemented in RevBayes, version 1.0.3 (102), using an empirical taxon analyses using two prior settings for each set of calibration points (an sampling strategy (103). We employed a reverse-jump Markov chain Monte uninformative, uniform prior and a log-normal prior), and we examined Carlo analysis between a model in which changes in the logarithm of spe- the robustness of age estimates for deeper nodes by performing one ciation (and extinction) rates were proportional to changes in global tem- analysis using an excessively old maximum age (80 Ma) with the log- perature (103) and a model that did not include global temperature as a normal prior. We used dating results from analyses of log-normally dis- factor. We assessed model support using BFs (103). tributed priors with a maximum age constraint of 56 Ma in subsequent To examine diversification rate shift configurations within passerines, we biogeographic and diversification analyses because, based on theoretical generated 100 trees with diversities matching the number of extant pas- and empirical considerations, the uncertainty regarding clade age is rep- serines (6,054 species) using code in R, version 3.3.2 (104), by replacing each resented better by a continuously decreasing probability function rather tip in our reconciled dated tree with a randomly generated phylogeny of than discrete upper bounds (4, 89). taxon size equal to the species diversity of the sampled tip. We estimated Approach. After selecting calibration points and defining priors, we took two lineage-specific diversification rates on each replicate tree using BAMM, analytical approaches to divergence time estimation: (i) We analyzed small, version 2.5.0 (105). To assess where shifts were best supported, we estimated random subsamples of loci using BEAST, version 1.8.4 (90), and a more branch-specific marginal odds ratios, eliminated branches not found on the complex model of sequence evolution, and (ii) we analyzed the concate- original tree, and then calculated the median ratio for each remaining nated dataset using MCMCTree (PAML, version 4.8 package) (91) and a branch across replicates (SI Appendix, Fig. S10). simpler model of sequence evolution. For both approaches, we fixed the tree topology to the reconciled topology between ML and coalescent Data Availability. Raw sequencing reads are available from the National analyses described above. Additionally, to ensure that among-lineage Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Sequence Read Archive (NCBI rate variation was not affecting our date estimates, we analyzed a sub- BioProjects PRJNA304409 and PRJNA480834), and UCE nucleotide sequences sample of the most clock-like UCE loci identified using SortaDate (92) and are accessioned in the NCBI Genbank (Dataset S1). The PHYLUCE computer input to BEAST. We checked each run for convergence of parameter code used in this study is available from values and age estimates by inspecting traces and effective sample sizes phyluce. Other custom computer code, DNA alignments, analysis inputs, and analysis outputs are available from the Dryad Digital Repository (doi:10.5061/ in Tracer, version 1.6.0 (93), and we compared divergence time estimates dryad.2vd01gr) (106). between the two approaches by comparing them with each other and with other studies (3–5, 19), using R, version 3.3.2, and the R package ggplot2, version 2.2.1. We also generated joint prior distributions for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank the curators, staff, and field collectors at the institutions listed in Dataset S1 for tissue samples used in this project; without each analytical approach and each set of fossil calibrations by running the their hard work, this study would not have been possible. We also thank Van analyses with no data (94). Remsen for comments on earlier drafts, and we thank our three reviewers and the editor for their comments, which improved this manuscript. This study was Biogeographic Analysis. We examined broad patterns of avian dispersal across supported by setup funds from Louisiana State University (to B.C.F.) and by the following major landmasses: North and Central America and the Ca- funds from the National Science Foundation: Grant DEB-1655624 (to B.C.F. ribbean (A, referred to as North/Central America); South America (B); Africa and R.T.B.), Grant DEB-1655736 (to B.T.S., D.T.K., and R.T.C.), Grants DEB- 1655559 and DEB-1541312 (to F.K.B.), Grant DEB-1655683 (to R.T.K. and and Madagascar (C, referred to as Africa); the Palearctic and Indomalaya east E.L.B.), Grants DEB-1241181 and DEB-1557053 (to R.G.M.), Grant DEB-1146265 ’ to Wallace s line (D, referred to as Eurasia); and Wallacea, Australia, New (to R.T.B., A.A., R.T.C., and F.H.S.), Grant DEB-1241066 (to J.C.), and Grant DEB- Guinea, New Zealand, and the Pacific (E, referred to as the Australo-Pacific). 1146423 (to E.P.D.). M.J.B., N.D.W., T.C.G., R.T.B., E.L.B., and B.C.F. were sup- Using the R package BioGeoBEARS, version 0.2.1 (95), we compared ances- ported by grants from the Smithsonian Grand Challenges Consortia. G.A.B. tral area estimates using likelihood versions of the DEC model (96, 97) and the and L.F.S. were supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado DEC + j model (98) under two scenarios (SI Appendix, Table S3): one that de São Paulo (Grants 2012-23852-0 and 56378-0). L.F.S. and A.A. were supported allowed dispersal between all areas and another that limited dispersal by the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (Grants 302291/2015-6 and 306843/2016-1). P.A. was supported by the Swedish Research Foundation (Grant 2015-04402) to movement between adjacent areas. We also performed a series of and Jornvall Foundation. Portions of this research were conducted with high- biogeographic analyses that included four fossil taxa to examine the ef- performance computing resources provided by Louisiana State University fects of including closely related fossil taxa on ancestral area estimates of ( Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive major passerine lineages (SI Appendix,Figs.S8andS9). purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government.

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