Fl Rccf'c5tioflbl Millqc Central Texas Coast
Fl RCCf'C5tiOflBlMillQC to ihe Central Texas Coast Edwin Doran, Jr. k Bernard P. Brown, Jr. TAMU-SG-7 5-606 Sea Grant CoHege Program ~ Texas ARM University A RECREATIONAL GUIDE TO THE CENTRAL TEXAS COAST by EdwinDoran, Jr. and Bernard P. Brown, Jr. DEPARTMENTOF GEOGRAPHY TEXAS ARM UNIVERSITY Publishedby the CENTERFOR MARINE RESOURCES SEA GRANT PROGRAM TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY june, 1975 TAMU-SG-75-606 ACKNOW LED GEMENTS The Center for Marine Resourcesand its principal activity, the Sea GrantProgram, of TexasA&M Universityare dedicated to improving knowledgeof marine-relatedactivities in Texas,for the benefitof the peopleof Texas.The Marine Advisory Services section, whose principal function is providinginformation throughbooks, pamphlets, meet- ingsand other public information activities, has sponsored a number of projects,in thiscase an arrangement with theCenter for AppliedGeo- sciencesof TexasA& M to produceinformational aids which fall within its areasof expertise. Manyhundreds of ownersof facilitieswere helpful in supplyinginfor- mationto BernardBrown during his collection of field data; this booklet would havebeen impossible to producewithout their graciouscoopera- tion. Several individuals on the Texas A&M campus provided assistance: MaryKutac, who did the manuscripttyping and was useful in many otherways during work on the booklet,should be recognizedand thanked. Dr. RobertBerg and the Office of UniversityResearch made available theservices of RogerMaynard who drafted all of the mapswith skill and patience. The authorsin particularwish to expresstheir appreciationfor the grantfrom the MarineAdvisory Services program of SeaGrant at TexasA&M Universitywhich madethe work possible. Note: The information for this publicationwas collected during February,March, and April 1974. Facilities,prices, etc. mayhave changed since that time.
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