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Cnarfottesdubioussportsimage,Page5 Cnarfottes dubious sportsimage,page 5 The Davidsonian VolumeLXXVIII,Number 5 DavidsonCollege,Davidson,NorthCarolina 28036 Friday, October 16, 1987 NewgrocerystoretobebuiltinCollegeUnionCafe NewfaciBty wBfdlthegip leftby FoodLionsclosing ByTRIPPHELMS tion willcreateanarea thathouses kers,iced teamix,PopTarts,deli thegrocery items and the new de- meats, and aspirin. The top four Grocery shopping willsoonbe licatessenalong withthehot snack food categories chosen by stu- as easy as going to the College counter already in place. Other dents are fresh fruits, microwave Union Cafe, according to Carle- additionsinclude anicecreamand products, cheese,and soft drinks. ton Pritchard, Director of Au- yogurt freezer and a microwave Construction of the new cafe xiliary Services. oven. willbe handled by thecollegeand Davidson's only grocery Pritchard emphasizes that the by Barger Construction of store, the Food Lion at Sadler seating will not bereduced by the Mooresville. Work will beginon Square, is scheduled to close changes.Instead,a roomand wall November 2,and shouldbe com- November 1, when a new Food will be removedandreplaced with pleted on November 13. New Lion store opens in nearby Cor- seating area. Healsoplans to "use equipment will arrive beginning ■T . nelius. For students who shop at seating spacemoreefficiently" by on November 16. Pritchard BJ the Sadler Square store, this clos- putting tablesagainst anow empty targets the grand opening of the ing creates a needfor a new place wall. new facility for November 30,the to shop forgroceries that is within day students return from walkingdistance of thecollege. It He predicts that traffic in the Thanksgiving break. is this need that the new Union Union Cafe will double or triple Emphasizing that it is only an Cafe isbeing designedto fill,says because of theadded services. estimate, Pritchard predicts that Pritchard. Bob Boyd, class of '88, con- the costofremodeling will fallbe- Preliminary drawings of the ductedastudent surveyfor Pritch- tween $25,000 and $30,000. He project have been done by the ard to determine what products hopes that theproject will be paid Davidson Food Services staff. students want the new store to for by the first twoyears of opera- The changes in the current setup carry. Over 500 students tion. re- Carleton Pritchard,Director of Ken Jones will include the addition of groc- spondedto the survey. Pricesof groceryitems willbe Auxiliary Services ery items anda delicatessen. According to the survey re- "competitive with Cashion's and that such an arrangement "is a tion, and all have "heartily en- The area will be reworked so sults, the most desired products Food Lion," promises Pritchard. possibility for the future." dorsed" the plan. With prepara- that the door from the side of the are applesand bagels,other prod- Although students will notbeable Pritchard has met with the tions made and the work ready to Union will open into a hall that ucts highonthelist includepotato to purchase grocery items with UnionBoard, theUnion Planning begin,Pritchard says, "I'm as ex- goesinto the seatingarea. Aparti- chips, peanut butter, milk, crac- their meal cards, Pritchard says Committee, and the administra- cited as the dickens about it." , v 'ii.3R.sipvi sr flpmst.i Davidsonpurchases newVAX system By TOBYTRUOG VAX,thePRIME system will still Over the summer, Davidson be used during the fall term.Cur- College installed a new central rently, all faculty and students computer system,the DEC VAX. have accounts on both systems. It replaced the old PRIME com- Furthermore, a number of pack- puter which has been inuse since ages and programs, such the two 1981. statistics programs! SPSS and The DEC VAX, whjjch cost SASS, can be used on both sys- over half a million dollars, was tems. secured byComputerServicesDi- Oneof the main advantagesof rector John Casey through his the VAXis thatit greatlyexpands negotiations with the Digital available software options. EquipmentCompany (DEC).The "We will now have access to purchase is part of a 5-year plan programs that do many of the forthe Davidsoncomputercenter. things that people here are inter- According to academic prog- ested in doing. Davidson College rammer Elizabeth Rigby, "the will be in the mainstream of PRIME system was bought in academic software,"noted Assis- 1981. That's a long time to have tant Director of Academic Com- one system. Thenew VAX is ap- puting JohnSavarese. proximately four timesfaster than The VAX system is currently the PRIME and itallows for more one of the more popular central overall communication." computingsystems among liberal George Bakerbreaks ground for the new Baker Sports complex. In order to provide a smooth see VAX, page 2 transfer of accounts to the DEC tomobile spoofs Football drops another # J5 C/3| Page 3 " Page 4 one inblowout PageT CJ Page 5 2= VriA»y October 16, 1987 THEDAVIDSONIAN Pena joins Spanish department By AMY GOODE While he was at ASUhe was a students over spring break to Dr. L. H. Pena brings a research assistant in the Center Guadalajara. touch of Mexican pizazz to the of Latin American Studies. His Davidson campus this year. A other credentials includeChair- When asked what he enjoys "freshman" faculty member, man of the SpanishDepartment most about his new home, Dr. Dr. Penahails from Monterrey, at the University of Monterrey Pena was quick to answer,"the Mexico. Therehe attended the and two year stints at Agnes students." He claims we have University of Monterrey for Scott College and the Univer- taught him about our culture four years andalso theNational sity of Minnesota-Minneapolis. and society through intelligent University of Mexico for one dialogues. When not drilling year. Dr. Pena earned his PhD Dr. Pena teachesSpanish 20 the essentials of the Spanish in contemporary Latin Ameri- and 100and will lead aseminar novel,Dr. Penaenjoys walking cannovels at ArizonaStateUni- on Mexico in the Spring. He and the the occasional class of versity in Tempe, Arizona. will also be taking a group of taekwan do. [users] can be doing a project at Savarese is clearly pleased" VAX, continued from page 1 the.same time without bringing with new computer and is en- arts colleges. Rigby pointed out the computer toits knees." thusiastic about thepotential itof- that with the VAX it is "easier for Savarese also said that the college size," RobertNesbil fers. "For a our he BetsyRothschild theprofessors to sharedata,andit VAX offers students an important said, "the DEC VAX is a great is chosen asDavidson's Homecoming is more powerful and faster than practical advantagefor their post- system tohave. We don'tneedan I Queen. thePRIME." college days, noting that "one is enormous mainframe computer The VAX will also support more likely tofinda VAXsystem like a largeuniversity would. The manymoreusersthan thePRIME. than a PRIME system in the real enormous availability that the Greene speaks Savarese joked that "many more world." VAX offers is exciting." ByMARGARETCARROLL the Mohammedzai family ruled OnWednesday theDean Rusk Afghanistan, which was stable, Program in International Studies duringthattime and whichalsore- hostedTomGreene from theState mained neutral in World War II Department Office Concerning and acted as a buffer state in the Refugees, who spoke to an inter- cold war. ExcitingCampus Wear.M. In Aprilof1979, ested group of Davidson students theleadersof about Afghanistan's present situa- the Afghan national Communist tion and its future prospects. Party led a coup"and established After his talk on Afghanistan, themselves asrulers.InDecember students raised questions regard- 1979, the Soviets entered, claim- ing the Soviet Union's role in ing to "preserve the gains of the educating Afghan youth, India's revolution." Upon Soviet en- cotton sweaters, aid Jutland position in the Afghan situation, trance, many Afghan refugees and Pakistan's internal problems fled toIranand Pakistan. Canterbury rugby as a result of hosting Afghan re- Today the Soviets have be- shirts 100,000 200,000 " fugees. tween and f°r o"1 cooler weather Essential tounderstandingAf- troops in Afghanistan, and there ghanistan's present situation,.Mr. are about 5 million refugees, Greeneexplained, isa knowledge many stationed in camps along of the tribalism that exists in Af- Afghan borders hoping, in the -' V_TT~ Jjff"'f Ulolgc «H.V»HIIH.S IIIVIlcU ghanistan. With the aid of a map, UN's words "someday to be able Mr. Greene showed the diverse toreturn totheirhomeland infree- and numerous groups that share dom and dignity." However Af- tribal loyalties and are bonded ghans are continuing to bomb throughtheir own languages,reli- Pakistan, trying to irritate the gion, and cultures. Afghanistanis Pakistani government and thus display their loyalties totheir tribe force them to be less willing to first and totheir country second. houserefugees. Mr. Greene has been in for- Mr. Greene feels that Af- eign service for many years in ghanistan's future mustbeviewed QualMy aid Fashion Appadfor Mm and Women Iran, India, Pakistan, and Af- with "cautious optimism." The - ghanistan and explained that the United States supports Pakistan 128 N.ManSL Downtown MooresviDe Only 6 mifesNorth Afghanconflict isalsolinked with multi-laterally and searches for a phone:664 " 4711 thebalance of powersin the mid- diplomatic solution totheAfghan dle eastand Afghanistan'shistory conflict. Some important de- as abuffer state. From 1929-1978 velopments have occurred re- cently that hint at lessened politi- cal tension within Afghanistan. For example, a coalition
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