January-February 2018, Issue 77 See all issues to date at 503rd Heritage Battalion website: Contact:
[email protected] http://corregidor.org/VN2-503/newsletter/issue_index.htm ~ 2/503d Photo of the Month ~ 51 Years Ago “Sky Soldiers of the 2/503rd along with troopers from other 173d units make their combat jump in Vietnam, February 22 1967, the first U.S. mass parachute combat jump since the Korean War at that time.” 2/503d VIETNAM Newsletter / Jan.-Feb. 2018 – Issue 77 Page 1 of 87 We Dedicate this Issue of Our Newsletter in Memory and Honor of the Men of the 173d Airborne Brigade & Attached Units We Lost 50 Years Ago in the Months of January & February 1968 ~ For the Fallen ~ “They went with songs to the battle, they were young. Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them….” Laurence Binyon Marvin Walter Ayres, 23 Lawrence Clifford Bloom, 20 PTE, 7RAR, 2/5/68 SGT, A/Spt, 1/26/68 “Private. Marvin (Mick) Walter Ayres “Memories of Cliff. Having gone to from Sydney NSW. A batman when he High School and worked alongside you was killed in action in Bien Hoa Province and your dad, Al, at the Exeter Inn...I want on 5th February 1968.