Robert Dean Fowler, Tim Boxell, Dean Fowler, Rolf Mohr | 127 pages | 25 Jun 2013 | Ballistic Media Pty Ltd | 9780975096536 | English | Mylor, SA, Booby trap - Wikipedia

The US Infantry model involves a huge logistics infrastructure of several people in the supply chain for every person in the field. Few preppers can afford to replicate it in any meaningful way. It might work OK for a nation, but infantry squads do not have wives, grandma and a two-year old in tow to worry about. Stick the average prepper in that model and it breaks down in a hurry. Learn the skills, reject the model. Adopt a less-fragile, more primitive, tribal model. Learn skills so you do not need as much equipment. The light, fast moving scouts clear the way for the slower moving folks with the gear. Use travois, hand carts, wagons, beasts of burden or vehicles to carry heavy loads instead of your back. Otherwise you will arrive too tired to fight. Rely on supply caches with relatives, friends, friendlies or stashed in the bush for sustainment. You do not necessarily need a ton of equipment to rig booby traps. Most of the materials you need can be acquired from your environment and your enemy. I am not a big fan of carrying more equipment than necessary, but there are a few, mostly multipurpose essentials that are good to have on hand:. Inexpensive and reliable, the idea behind this design is to detonate a 12ga. If you do not know how, you probably should not learn it form an article. If you do, then you do. Placement is key. In this booby trap, a munition sometimes more than one is stuffed in a can to depress the spoon and prevent it from opening far enough to allow the spring-powered striker in the to strike a primer which starts the fuze burning. A tripwire is attached and the safety pin removed. When the wire is disturbed, the munition is pulled from the can, the spoon flies off and the munition goes off. Simple and effective when properly and creatively rigged. This trap does not have to incorporate a fragmentation munition. Any munition with a Bouchon type fuze will work, but the shorter the delay of the fuze, the better for this application so the MA1 one second are good if you have a choice. If you are experienced with these fuzes, you can remove the delay element. When societies break down, magazines and armories not already cleaned out get looted and munitions and weapons end up in the streets after everyone goes home to take care of their families or are deployed to other areas. In some cases, munitions may repurposed from deceased or captured soldiers, law enforcement officers or anybody who got their hands on them. Scratch fused smoke signals can be used or pyro scratch fuses can also be repurposed. Essentially a pit trap with the addition of barbed stakes to impale who or whatever blunders into it. Human excrement is sometimes applied to the stakes to promote infection, but could potentially compromise the booby trap due the odor. A favorite of narco-criminals protecting drug grows, large treble fishhooks suspended from vegetation by tough, camouflaged line are difficult to spot when well placed. They often dip them in poisons or fecal matter to cause infection. While not immediately lethal, they slow movement and are especially nasty at eye level. Cans filled with rocks can be suspended with wire so they bounce, are be rigged to make a racket. A stick is often rigged as a flipper, mounted in a few strands of para-cord. The stick is twisted and attached to a trigger and a sere, so when triggered, the stick spins around and beats against a can containing a few pebbles. A little experimentation will give you the noisiest possible rig. In this booby trap, a cartridge is placed in a pit trap with the primer resting on a nail or tack. Better models support the walls of the casing with a short piece of thick-walled pipe of a diameter such that the walls of the cartridge or shot casing are supported. Pressure of a footfall pushes the cartridge down onto the tack which fires the cartridge into the foot. It is best to support the with a board. Elegantly simple, this one. A variety of ever-less expensive solutions are available for radio-enabled alarm system components on the high end down to trip-ware actuated alarms with strobes and sirens and simple motion detector lights and sirens on the low end. These can easily be set up as alarms for homes, retreats or camps. The military now has some amazing programmable booby- traps armed with a terrific suite of sensors, communications and weaponry. They can be networked and remotely armed and disarmed. Why these are not deployed along our borders to aid border patrol is absolutely beyond me. This article has been written by Cache Valley Prepper for Survivopedia. A descendant of pioneers, Cache was raised in the tradition of self-reliance and grew up working archaeological digs in the desert Southwest, hiking the Swiss Alps and Scottish highlands and building the Boy Scout Program in . You can catch up with Cache teaching EMP survival at survival expos, teaching SERE to ex-pats and vagabonds in South America or getting in some dirt time with the primitive skills crowd in a wilderness near you. His Facebook page is here. Cache Valley Prepper is a pen name used to protect his identity. You can send Cache Valley Prepper a message at editor [at] survivopedia. Very interesting article thank you, but here is my question. I am a 67 year old small female, I live alone in a rural area with my 2 cats and 2 dogs. I have a lot of spunk in me but the facts speak for themselves. How can I best protect myself while at home? Any booby- traps you can suggest that I set up in my home? Should I get a gun? Your dogs are a great early warning system, but you would have a very difficult time keeping your pets from setting off booby traps, so I definitely would not waste your time with setting booby traps where your pets have freedom of movement. Instead, I would think along the lines of moving close to family or making an alliance with good neighbors or making new friends. Humans are social and we survive best in tribes. Another option is to create a safe room and taking some firearms training from a certified instructor. Locking yourself behind a reinforced door in a room with hard cover will give you time to get get at your firearm and decrease the chances that you will have to use it. Noisemakers would be OK outside if your pets are inside or vice versa, but do not place any booby traps around pets. As I pointed out in the article, that would be a recipe for disaster. Safe room in that location would not be safe all they would have to do is set fire to the building. There are only 7 listed, so I think you actually meant 7 types in the heading. Other than that, it was very good and informative. I see this author also give due the Vietnam traps as well. The author did write about control of the press which is evident in that he only talks about what has been released to the public the same as has been released since the s. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. By Cache Valley Prepper. June 25, Less-lethal booby traps will not kill your own people if they slip up, but still serve as a deterrent. Inflict casualties, especially of a magnitude decreases unit combat effectiveness. When fighting groups of enemies, it is more effective to cause inflict casualties who need to transported to rear areas, removing multiple litter bearers from battle and requiring substantial treatment, care and medical supplies to treat. The 12 Principles of Setting Booby Traps 1. Safety I cannot possibly stress this enough. They can also kill or injure pets or livestock or be set off by any animal passing through. Legality It is also up to you to comply with any laws you are subject to. Preparation Preparation is a double edged sword. If you must gather and prepare components: Cache them someplace they will not be discovered or linked to you … or Store multi-use items and booby trap components separate from each other and in proximity to unrelated items that constitute a reason to have them. Most well stocked homes have ample material to construct booby traps, but gathering them all together in one pouch or spot makes it simpler for snoops to make associations, i. But next to a bunch of propellant, shrapnel, fuel, casings, wire, batteries, electrical tape, caulk, tools, etc. Camouflage In urban areas, camouflage is usually covert in nature. Less Is More The more apparatus you have to install and the more you disturb the environment, the more likely it is that your trap will be spotted, especially by counter-trackers. SOP Make sure your group knows where the traps are , where they are not, and what the capabilities of each trap is. Triggers In addition to being tripped by the target or anyone else who stumbles onto them triggers can be triggered electrically, electronically, remotely or on command detonation. Baiting This technique involves placing spore or items of interest that will attract and distract your prey and are effective when used against someone with an established routine, but are less so against someone who suspects the tactics. Funneling This technique works great with animals and untrained individuals, but you may have to go to some effort in order for it to not give away your trap to someone trained in the tactic. Lines of Drift With people, stick to points of destination, objects that get used as part of a routine and lines of drift, similar to how lines of drift are used to set ambushes. Interval Maintain a 15 meter interval between individual when walking. Depending on the fuze they used, there may be enough time Alertness Educating yourself and staying alert are your best defenses against booby traps. It combines a world-beating tale with an in- depth instructional guide in which the master artists share everything from lighting tips to modeling, rigging, environment design, and texturing. Broken down into easily accessible components it shows how Fowler and his team of artists brought Machine Phase into existence along with the tools and techniques they used. Let's face it, who doesn't enjoy a science fiction-based graphic novel? This is one of the best and most affordable. It combines a timeless story with the added bonus of a large section that goes behind the scenes to see how the digital art is created. It's for lovers of science fiction, gamers, and folks who want to break into the game and film industry, to name but a few. Be entertained and educated in one exhilarating book! A must for those who don't only want a riveting science fiction story, but also want to go behind the scenes to see how the digital art is created. Keywords: Comics. Booby trap — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2

Combine the actions of these guerrillas and those of deserter bands and gangs of pro-Union southerners, and state governments often found that they needed armies at home just to instill law and order , limiting the forces they could send to the front. US Department of Defense. And you hear glass break downstairs. In other words, it goes to the most almost primitive needs of a society to look out for its most vulnerable. At heart, this is the issue DoD faces, Mattis told the cadet who asked him what results he had seen. The question for the department comes down to whether it is a strength or a weakness to have women in the close-quarter infantry fight, Mattis said. Then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta opened the door by removing the ban on women in combat jobs in In , then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter directed the services to open all military occupational specialties to women. The Marine Corps has enlisted women and 29 officers in previously restricted specialties. Specifically in infantry, the Marine Corps has 26 enlisted Marines and one officer who are women. Part of what drives the question is the culture of close-combat units, the retired Marine Corps general said. How did the infantry get its name? Infant soldier. Young soldier. Very young soldier. The nation needs to discuss this issue, the secretary said. The Army chief of staff and Marine Corps commandant are looking at the issue. There are a few stalwart young ladies who are charging into this, but they are too few. This article originally appeared on the Department of Defense. Follow DeptofDefense on Twitter. Shannon Corbeil. The War of was a conflict between the United States and Great Britain, though it could be argued that Canadians and Native Americans were most affected by it. The northern theater of the war, especially near the border of and the Great Lakes, saw some of the most intense fighting — so much so that, after the Treaty of Ghent, President James Madison ordered a heavy fortification be built at the northern end of Lake Champlain to prevent future invasion. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty resolved a number of border issues between what would one day become Canada and the United States, who promptly began to build another fort — this one named for revolutionary war hero General Richard Montgomery. The fort was built from the same limestone slabs that helped raise the Brooklyn Bridge, and, though it was never fully garrisoned, it was armed and ready for action. In , it was auctioned off by the U. The parties there will be epic. Warrior Maven. The two new weapons, which have been under testing and development for several years now, are advanced variants of existing weapons — the AIM-9X air-to-air missile and the AIM D. Upgraded variants of each are slated to be operational by as soon as The new AIM-9X will shoot farther and reach a much larger targeting envelope for pilots. You can shoot over your shoulder. Raytheon AIM-9X weapons developers have told Warrior that the Block 2 variant adds a redesigned fuze and a digital ignition safety device that enhances ground handling and in-flight safety. Block II also features updated electronics that enable significant enhancements, including lock-on-after-launch capability using a new weapon datalink to support beyond visual range engagements, a Raytheon statement said. As the Air Force and Lockheed Martin move forward with weapons envelope expansions and enhancements for the F, there is of course a commensurate need to upgrade software and its on-board sensors to adjust to emerging future threats, industry developers explained. Ultimately, this effort will lead the Air Force to draft up requirements for new F sensors. The SAR technology sends a ping to the ground and then analyzes the return signal to calculate the contours, distance and characteristics of the ground below. This enables the fighter to travel faster and farther on less fuel, a scenario which expands its time for combat missions. The fighter jet fires a 20mm cannon and has the ability to carry and fire all the air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons including precision-guided ground bombs, such Joint Direct Attack Munitions called the GBU 32 and GBU It is feet tall, feet long and weighs 43, pounds. Its maximum take- off weight is 83, The aircraft was first introduced in December of ; the F Raptor fighter jet delivered some of the first strikes in the U. After delivering some of the first strikes in the U. Coalition-led military action against ISIS, the F began to shift its focus from an air-dominance mission to one more focused on supporting attacks on the ground. For the long term, given that the Air Force plans to fly the F well into the s, these weapons upgrades are engineered to build the technical foundation needed to help integrate a new generation of air-to-air missiles as they emerge in coming years. This article originally appeared on Warrior Maven. Follow warriormaven1 on Twitter. The Aviationist. Late Tuesday, Aug. Official news releases report three additional wounded U. Chief Warrant Officer 3 Taylor J. Galvin, 34, from Spokane, Washington, died Aug. He was flying in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. Galvin was originally from Phoenix, Arizona. He was 34 years old. Galvin was a combat veteran special operations pilot with nine deployments including two during Iraqi Freedom, three in Operation Enduring Freedom and four more during Operation Inherent Resolve. He was the recipient of the U. In an August 20, article on Newsweek. The region near Sinjar Shingal , Iraq where the crash occurred had been active in supporting cross-border anti-ISIS operations into neighboring Syria for more than a month until U. This is also the region where Iraqi Air Force Fs have conducted their first airstrikes against insurgents during cross-border strikes into Syria. Sunset in the region on Aug. Weather in the area was hot, degrees Fahrenheit, with light winds and clear skies. Pentagon spokesman Colonel Robert Manning told reporters that the crash was not caused by enemy fire. Reports about the aircraft and the personnel on board may contradict official assertions that the U. Campbell, Kentucky that supports elite U. This latest crash brings the total of serious U. Books and media accounts suggest only two of the aircraft were ever produced. This article originally appeared on The Aviationist. Follow theaviationist on Twitter. Everyone loves a good deal, and military veterans are no different. Plus, cable is expensive these days. For a lot of companies, the discount would be as far as it needed to go. In the early s, Navy vet Ralph J. Roberts purchased a Mississippi-based 1,subscriber cable company with his two business partners. The World War II veteran had come a long way from selling golf clubs and suspenders. He first became interested in the proliferation of TV broadcasting after using the proceeds of his suspenders business to buy over-the-air TV antennas which broadcast television to rural areas. The company is actively working to provide internet access to low-income veterans, hire a record number of veterans and their spouses in all areas of its operations, and support veteran-related initiatives in many, many areas. In , Comcast vowed to hire 21, members of the military-veteran community by This includes the spouses of servicemembers and veterans of all eras, not just the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their dedication extends to members of the reserve and the National Guard, who, as Comcast employees, get more benefits when activated than what the laws of the United States demand. The cable provider funds the Veterans at Work Certificate Program, a certification program for human resources professionals that teaches hiring managers why veterans make better employees and instructs them on how to find vets that fit their needs, all at no cost. To further help veterans find work, Comcast has invested in bridging a digital divide by provide low-income veteran households with high-speed internet access, along with providing more than , home computers, and providing digital skills training to ensure their beneficiaries can properly utilize both. To serve those areas, the company provides funding for special, military-related nonprofits to reach it for them. Since , Comcast has given million in cash and in-kind donations to more than veterans organizations whose missions are essential to the wellbeing and increased livelihoods of the military-veteran community. One of those organizations is the Military Influencer Conference, an annual event that brings together important and emerging entrepreneurs, influencers, creatives, executives, and leaders who are connected to the military community. As the sun rises over the jungle canopy, the workers are already on the move. They take in the crisp scent of the morning air as they head up the rocky mountain path, slipping between the trees of a wet, dew-covered forest in Vietnam. The site is only accessible by helicopter, and the nearest village is about 5 and a half miles away, down a long steep rocky trail on the brink of being overgrown by the jungle. Being at a site so removed, a linguist is a necessity for a successful recovery mission. The mission of DPAA is to provide the fullest possible accounting for missing service members to their families and the nation from past conflicts. The total number of service members unaccounted for from the was 2,, but through the work of DPAA, 1, of those missing have been found, identified and repatriated. The work to recover missing service members starts with intense analyzing of historical records from all sides of a conflict surrounding the missing individuals. This is followed by interviewing eye witnesses, gathering local accounts and pinpointing and evaluating possible dig sites. Once all the data has been compiled and strongly suggests a specific area, recovery teams are brought in to dig and sift the soil, looking for remains of the missing individuals. When Lam first learned about DPAA and its missions to Vietnam to recover missing troops, he felt an instant connection and he knew he had to find a way to contribute. Lam moved to America at age 8 with his mother and siblings. His father, Ouang Lam, had left five years prior to escape prosecution and possible execution at the end of the Vietnam War. Army began seeking out local people who could speak English, Chinese and Vietnamese to help U. After applying to train with the U. Once proficient in English, he was sent to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where he was taught how to fly medical helicopters before going back to his country and the war. For the rest of the war, Ouang delivered supplies and wounded U. He regularly came under fire and, throughout the conflict, lost fellow aircrew, friends and family. North and South Vietnam were reunited. Those who had worked with the Americans were soon hunted by the authorities. Ouang began building a new life for his family in Chicago, thanks to a religious group that sponsored individuals who had fought alongside U. They brought foreign veterans and their families to the U. After all he experienced during the war, Ouang was against war for the rest of his life. Luckily before his father passed away, Lam was able to explain why he chose to serve in the military after realizing school was not for him. While he still did not like the idea of me being in the armed forces, over time came to be very proud of my service to the country that has given his family so much. We are extremely proud. War is Boring. ISAF photo by U. Air Force Staff Sgt. Joseph Swafford. On March 19, U. Coincidentally, the U. Army is hard at work developing a farther-firing howitzer that could help keep artillery troops out of range of enemy forces. The Army is cooking up a suite of improvements could double the range of the existing M howitzer. Right now the millimeter gun, in service with the Army and Marines, can lob shells at targets up to 18 miles away. The modifications add fewer than 1, pounds of extra weight onto the older howitzers. The updates include improvements that will help gunners fire more accurately plus a mechanism to automatically load rounds into the gun. The longer MER should be able to hit enemy forces more than 43 miles away. And with more powerful propellant charges and rocket-assisted shells, crews might be able to increase that range even more in the near future. Army photo. Unlike older towed howitzers that hitch up to cargo trucks with their stabilizing legs, the lightweight M has its tow loop right at the end of its barrel. Folded up for travel, the new version will still be more than 35 feet long. In combat, troops could end up taking the guns off-road, up hills and over uneven terrain. A bent barrel would throw off where the shells fall. A broken barrel might simply explode. The ground combat branch also plans to install the longer barrel on the new MA7 Paladin self-propelled howitzer. Marines hitch an M up to a truck. Marine Corps photo. Farther-firing cannons would no doubt help in the fight against Islamic State. Since the summer of , the Army has lobbed hundreds of millimeter rockets at militant forces from bases in Iraq and Jordan. Launched from the back of a six-wheel truck, these GPS-guided projectiles can hit targets up to 43 miles away — the same range the Army expects of the MER. But the vehicle can only fire six rockets in total before the crew needs to reload. Rocket and gun artillery have the benefit of being less vulnerable to air defenses and the weather than fighter-bombers or gunship helicopters can be. Depending on where aircraft are during an attack, these weapons might take far less time to get into action. Crusher recommends cutting life support to non-operational areas and grouping the families and crew to the odd number decks. She also wants to set up an assembly area to treat radiation symptoms, but the crew will only be treatable for 30 minutes after the shields fall; beyond that, the exposure will be lethal. Data and Riker find more memory coils on the cruiser and bring them back to the Enterprise for analysis. La Forge then checks with the computer on how to get out of the rut they've gotten themselves into. He finds Dr. Leah Brahms , the engineer who built the warp engines of the Enterprise , in the database and recreates the conditions in which he can work with her in order to find more energy for the ship. He tries to come up with a solution using the help of a holodeck recreation of Drafting Room 5 at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards and accidentally ends up having the computer recreate a holodeck image of Dr. Brahms as well. Brahms continues with her analysis, triggering an idea by La Forge. He happily reports a solution to the captain to get more energy to maintain the shields. Continuing on, Geordi pauses to search for Dr. Brahms' personality profile from the collective databases and has the computer add that personality to the recreated facsimile. The result is a tough-as-nails, highly intelligent but argumentative personality which La Forge finds progressively more attractive; she "comes to life" when he asks her to show him which chambers to use for supplementing energy to the life support and ship's systems. Data tries to use the information gathered from the memory coils to come up with a way to combat the problem. They discover that the asteroids have been booby-trapped with aceton assimilators , and that it is impossible to destroy the asteroids while they absorb the energy of the fired phasers. Commander La Forge and Dr. Brahms, now on a first-name basis, argue on how to make sure they can maintain the ship's life support and not lose additional power. Picard summons La Forge, who is so caught up with his discussion with Brahms that he says to her, "Don't go away," before coming to his senses and has the computer save the program. Riker wants to fire on the asteroids, but La Forge says that the shields might not hold. Picard sends La Forge back to engineering and has Worf fire phasers at the asteroids anyway. As soon as that happens, the radiation increases, the energy reserves are being lost, and the programs running unnecessary energy are terminated, including the holodeck program Geordi is running, just as he is about to make progress with how to run the ship out of the trap. Picard and the rest of the senior officers discuss in the observation lounge how they can get out of the trap and how long they have until fatal exposure, which Dr. Crusher estimates to be about 26 minutes from the time the shields fail. La Forge has Picard reinstate the holodeck power so he can run simulations in order to find the solution. He gives him one hour to run the program. An hour later, Picard comes to the holodeck and finds Brahms and La Forge, to which he is confused. Geordi explains that in order to understand the ship's power, he needed to understand what the ship was made for when it was built. Picard asks for a solution and La Forge states that full control would need to be turned over to the ship's computer since the key to get moving lies in exploiting the very small delay between action and the booby traps' reaction. Human beings, and even androids such as Data, would not be quick enough to outrun the trapped asteroid field. Picard discusses with Riker in his ready room the suggestion that La Forge has given. Riker doesn't believe it's a good idea because computers can take orders, but can't creatively give them. Picard comments that Riker missed out on not playing with model ships: each one was a source of imaginary voyages as the model's captain or pilot, and treasures of adventure. Riker can't help but smile as Picard ponders on manning Earth 's earliest spacecraft, or flying an airplane with just a single propeller to keep it airborne, "can you imagine that? La Forge continues to run simulations of the computer through Brahms taking control through the mine field of radiation. He gets at least one successful run, but with the exact starting criteria also gets a failure. At that moment, the deflector shields fail, starting a 26 minutes countdown until fatal exposure. Brahms still says that they must give control over to the ship and La Forge pleads for two more minutes with the captain to figure out a solution. When Picard signs off, La Forge then realizes that there is another way: approach the problem from the complete opposite direction, and starts running new simulations. It turns out the Human brain will provide a solution. La Forge explains on the bridge that all of their solutions have been focused on overpowering the trap, which is exactly what the trap's designers have intended. So instead, La Forge proposes that they under - power the trap; one burst from the impulse engines to accelerate the ship out of inertia, then they shut down all the ship's systems, including the main computer, except minimal life support and two thrusters to maneuver out of the asteroid field. Riker remarks that Picard's earlier analogy of a plane with only one propeller has become all too apt. Picard wants to know the risk factor; La Forge states that while the numbers say that either solution has an equal chance of success or failure, the computer has no compensation for the Human factor: intuition, experience… "and the wish to stay alive," Picard quips. La Forge offers to take the conn since he's been the one running through the simulations, but the captain declines, stating this is his responsibility. In order to eliminate the time-differential between order and action, Captain Picard relieves Wesley of the helm to maneuver the ship himself, while Riker warns the crew to brace themselves for the impulse burst, as the inertial dampeners are on manual. Riker also disables the radiation exposure warning from the computer as it will only be a distraction. Picard and Data work together, with information provided to Picard as necessary from the bridge crew, and begin to steer the Enterprise clear of the field. However after getting around a large asteroid, Data finds that the variable gravity from the asteroids has sapped the Enterprise 's inertia by eight percent; he calculates that they no longer have the momentum to escape the trap. Picard, unflappable, thanks him and plots a new course to take the Enterprise directly towards a large asteroid — the gravitational pull increases the ship's momentum, allowing Picard, at the right moment, to fire the starboard-aft thruster and slingshot the Enterprise around the mass and move the ship clear of the field, much to Data's amazement. Picard returns the con to Wesley, and then orders Riker to make sure that booby trap does not bother anyone again. Riker in turn orders Worf to destroy the Cleponji and the aceton assimilators with photon torpedoes to prevent it from luring any more victims. Back in the holodeck, Geordi says to Leah that he thinks technology improves people's lives, including his, and even his eyesight, lets species travel through the galaxy but sometimes, technology needs to be turned off. As he says his goodbyes to Leah, she reminds him that the ship is her and that she would never be far from him. He spent days putting together the perfect program. Looked like it ended kind of early. You're a woman, right? I'm afraid we're a little late; that call for help was probably initiated over a thousand years ago. Didn't anybody here build ships in bottles when they were boys?! I really did. Ships in bottles, great fun. One of them actually spoke to us. A thousand year old booby-trap? Every time you look at this engine, you're looking at me. Blackwing - Boobytrap | Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki | Fandom

Either way, when the case is moved; the booby trap detonates , killing or severely injuring anyone in the immediate area. Many different types of bait object can be used e. However, the beer can partially filled with sand to add weight may be resting on top of an M5 pressure-release firing device screwed into a buried M26 . Many purpose-built booby-trap firing devices exist such as the highly versatile M [ 12 ] [ 13 ] universal firing device identical to the British L5A1 [ 14 ] or Australian F1A1 [ 15 ] , or Yugoslavian UMNOP-1 [ 16 ] which allow a variety of different ways of triggering e. Almost any item can be booby-trapped in some way. For example, booby trapping a flashlight is a classic tactic: a flashlight already contains most of the required components. First of all, the flashlight acts as bait, tempting the victim to pick it up. More importantly, it is easy to conceal a , some explosives , and batteries inside the flashlight casing. When the victim attempts to turn the flashlight on to see if it works, the resulting explosion blows their hand or arm off and possibly blinds them. The only limits to the intricacy of booby-traps are the skill and inventiveness of the people placing them. For example, the "bait object" e. However, the furniture which must be pushed away in order to get to the bait has a wire attached, with an M firing device connected to a mm artillery shell on the other end of it. A booby trap may be of any size. Since most booby traps are rigged to detonate within a metre of the victim's body, this is adequate to kill or severely wound. As a rule, booby-traps are planted in any situation where there is a strong likelihood of them being encountered and triggered by the targeted victims. Typically, they are planted in places that people are naturally attracted to or are forced to use. The list of likely placement areas includes: [ 25 ]. A booby trap does not necessarily incorporate explosives in its construction. Examples include the punji sticks mentioned above and deadfall traps which employ heavy objects set up to fall on and crush whoever disturbs the trigger mechanism. However, setting non- booby traps is labour-intensive and time-consuming, they are harder to conceal and they are less likely to do serious damage. In contrast, booby traps containing explosives are much more destructive: they will either kill their victims or severely wound them. In addition to the obvious ability of booby traps to kill or injure, their presence has other effects. These include the ability to:. Booby traps are indiscriminate weapons; like anti-personnel mines they can harm civilians and other non-combatants during and after the conflict who are unaware of their presence. Therefore, it is vitally important for any force which places booby traps to keep an accurate record of their location so they can be cleared when the conflict is over. During the Vietnam War , motorcycles were rigged with explosives by the National Liberation Front and abandoned. In addition, NLF soldiers would rig rubber band and place them in huts that US soldiers would likely burn. Another popular booby trap was the " Grenade in a Can ", a grenade with the safety pin removed in a container and a string attached, sometimes with the grenade's fuse mechanism modified to give a much shorter delay than the four to seven seconds typical with grenade fuses. The NLF soldiers primarily used these on doors and attached them to tripwires on jungle paths. Upon being fired, the sabotaged round would destroy the gun and kill or injure the shooter. shells were similarly rigged to explode when dropped down the tube, instead of launching properly. This was then carefully re-packed to eliminate any evidence of tampering, and planted in enemy munitions dumps by covert insertion teams. A sabotaged round might also be planted in a rifle magazine or machine-gun belt and left on the body of a dead NLF soldier, in anticipation that the deceased's ammo would be picked up and used by his comrades. No more than one sabotaged round would be planted in any case, magazine, or belt of ammunition, to reduce the chances of the enemy finding it no matter how diligently they inspected their supplies. False rumors and forged documents were circulated to make it appear that the Communist Chinese were supplying the NLF with defective weapons and ammunition. A common method was attaching the bomb to a vehicle so that starting or driving it would detonate the explosive. According to the Sutton Index of Deaths, deaths during were the result of booby trap bombs, the vast majority of them laid by the Provisional IRA. The largest use of booby traps between —, the period of the Intifada was in the Battle of Jenin during Operation Defensive Shield where a large number according to Palestinian militant captured in Jenin during the battle [ 31 ] of explosive devices were planted by insurgents. Booby traps had been laid in the streets of both the camp and the town, ready to be triggered if a foot snagged a tripwire or a vehicle rolled over a mine. Eventually, a dozen D9 bulldozers went into action, razing the center of the refugee camp and forcing the Palestinian militants inside to surrender. As a rule, most purpose-made military booby-trap firing devices contain some form of spring-loaded firing pin designed to strike a connected to a detonator at one end. The detonator is inserted into an explosive charge e. C4 or a block of TNT. Triggering the booby-trap e. The resulting shock-wave from the detonator sets off the main explosive charge. USSR booby trap firing device - pull fuze : normally connected to a tripwire. USSR boobytrap firing device - pressure fuze: victim steps on loose floorboard with fuze concealed underneath. Booby traps can also be applied as defensive weapons against unwelcome guests or against non-military trespassers , and some people set up traps in their homes to keep people from entering. Laws vary: the creator of the trap may be immune from prosecution since the victim is trespassing, or the home owner may be held liable for injuries caused to the trespasser. Many computer viruses take the form of booby traps in that they are triggered when an unsuspecting user performs an apparently ordinary action such as opening an email attachment. Once you've got them, you can loot 'em, shoot 'em, or send them off with a warning. Sudden, ultra bright light can be extremely disorienting for an intruder. Combine that with sudden loud noise and you'll have one messed up jerk. Simply rig motion detectors around your property hooked up to fairly simple circuits to bright lights and loud noise makers. That way, an intruder will trigger startling light, and sound and it'll tip you off that someone is on your property. It sounds cliche but trip wires are among the simplest and most effective traps on the planet. Fishing line works great as it is difficult to see especially in low light. You can also purchase an actual trip wire from your local Army Navy Surplus store if you need something a little more durable. If you really want to rough up an intruder , lay out some flat rocks starting at the base of the trip wire for about seven feet forward. This will seriously hinder intruders from moving forward on your property. Attach low tech alarms like cans, or bells to your trip wire to alert you that someone is coming. You can also play with combining your trip wires with other traps such as pit traps for a difficult to avoid combo. You've seen them in the cartoons all your life, but snare traps are one serious traps for home defense. Set up is very simple. You'll need a rope, a hefty tree branch or weight, either hooks, or two pieces of wood you can carve into hooks. Follow the cartoons, bend your tree tie one end of your rope to a tree and the other to a hook. Stake your hook into the ground, and link the hooks together. Attach a noose a slip know works fine and you're ready to go. It's a really precarious set up, one bump and the whole trap goes off. Attach a bell to it to let you know you've caught one. Be entertained and educated in one exhilarating book! A must for those who don't only want a riveting science fiction story, but also want to go behind the scenes to see how the digital art is created. Keywords: Comics. Graphic Novels. Science Fiction. Machine Phase: Booby Trap.

BOOBY TRAP - Definición y sinónimos de booby trap en el diccionario inglés

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I cannot possibly stress this enough. Booby traps are inherently dangerous. You must follow strict methodology just as with any potentially deadly weapon. Learn from professionals. Do not rely solely on internet articles, books or videos, even if they are created by trained professionals. No one can possibly teach you everything you need to know about this subject in an article. If you decide to learn this craft, your personal safety is up to you and no one else. The last thing you want to do is to injure or kill yourself or someone you are trying to protect in an attempt to make them safe. Booby traps in peace time have injured first responders responding to structure fires and similar calls, so use good judgement. It is also up to you to comply with any laws you are subject to. Not all booby traps are lethal, but many types of booby traps and components are strictly regulated relative to licensing of manufacture storage, transport, transfer and use, even less-lethal ones. Believe me, it is a headache. Learn the law. It is in your best interest to abide by it. You would have a heck of a time trying to convince a judge that setting potentially dangerous or lethal booby traps to prevent theft during peace time passes the reasonable person test. Preparation is a double edged sword. Gathering and preparing components ahead of time could lead to their discovery. Future dependent, this could result in some jackbooted thugs shooting you on the spot or charging you with something. If you must gather and prepare components:. In urban areas, camouflage is usually covert in nature. In the bush, the types of overt camouflage that most people traditionally thing of as camouflage tend to be more useful. Either way, it is less-effective for your enemy to discover the booby trap before he trips it. Learning to effectively deploy traps for other humans requires study, a devious creativity and loads and loads of dirt time practicing the art. The more apparatus you have to install and the more you disturb the environment, the more likely it is that your trap will be spotted, especially by counter-trackers. Make sure your group knows where the traps are , where they are not, and what the capabilities of each trap is. In addition to being tripped by the target or anyone else who stumbles onto them triggers can be triggered electrically, electronically, remotely or on command detonation. This technique involves placing spore or items of interest that will attract and distract your prey and are effective when used against someone with an established routine, but are less so against someone who suspects the tactics. Employing them effectively is predicated on knowing your enemy, his routines, training and SOP. This technique works great with animals and untrained individuals, but you may have to go to some effort in order for it to not give away your trap to someone trained in the tactic. Anyone with any training will take extra care at road or trail junctions, bridges, fords, gates, choke points, caves or hallways where they know booby traps are likely to be set. So, if you use typical terrain features, you had better set it just right and have a little luck on your side or your booby trap will get spotted. With people, stick to points of destination, objects that get used as part of a routine and lines of drift, similar to how lines of drift are used to set ambushes. When people travel long distances, they rarely leave lines of drift. People get fatigued when traveling long distances, especially while carrying heavy loads. Fatigue leads to soft compromise, soft compromise lead to hard compromise, hard compromise often results in taking casualties or loss of life. Maintain a 15 meter interval between individual when walking. This way if a booby trap is tripped, you will take fewer casualties. If you trip one, drop prone with the soles of your boots facing the trap to minimize injury if possible. Depending on the fuze they used, there may be enough time. Educating yourself and staying alert are your best defenses against booby traps. If your pack is too heavy, you risk becoming a heat casualty or suffering exhaustion. Exhaustion leads to the cycle of compromise explained above. My advice on staying alert involves rejecting gear-heavy, logistics-dependent models that have you carrying a Lbs. The US Infantry model involves a huge logistics infrastructure of several people in the supply chain for every person in the field. Few preppers can afford to replicate it in any meaningful way. It might work OK for a nation, but infantry squads do not have wives, grandma and a two-year old in tow to worry about. Stick the average prepper in that model and it breaks down in a hurry. Learn the skills, reject the model. Adopt a less-fragile, more primitive, tribal model. Learn skills so you do not need as much equipment. The light, fast moving scouts clear the way for the slower moving folks with the gear. Use travois, hand carts, wagons, beasts of burden or vehicles to carry heavy loads instead of your back. Otherwise you will arrive too tired to fight. Rely on supply caches with relatives, friends, friendlies or stashed in the bush for sustainment. You do not necessarily need a ton of equipment to rig booby traps. Most of the materials you need can be acquired from your environment and your enemy. I am not a big fan of carrying more equipment than necessary, but there are a few, mostly multipurpose essentials that are good to have on hand:. Inexpensive and reliable, the idea behind this design is to detonate a 12ga. If you do not know how, you probably should not learn it form an article. If you do, then you do. Placement is key. In this booby trap, a munition sometimes more than one is stuffed in a can to depress the spoon and prevent it from opening far enough to allow the spring-powered striker in the fuze to strike a primer which starts the fuze burning. A tripwire is attached and the safety pin removed. When the wire is disturbed, the munition is pulled from the can, the spoon flies off and the munition goes off. Simple and effective when properly and creatively rigged. This trap does not have to incorporate a fragmentation munition. Any munition with a Bouchon type fuze will work, but the shorter the delay of the fuze, the better for this application so the MA1 one second fuzes are good if you have a choice. If you are experienced with these fuzes, you can remove the delay element. When societies break down, magazines and armories not already cleaned out get looted and munitions and weapons end up in the streets after everyone goes home to take care of their families or are deployed to other areas. In some cases, munitions may repurposed from deceased or captured soldiers, law enforcement officers or anybody who got their hands on them. Scratch fused smoke signals can be used or pyro scratch fuses can also be repurposed. Essentially a pit trap with the addition of barbed stakes to impale who or whatever blunders into it. Human excrement is sometimes applied to the stakes to promote infection, but could potentially compromise the booby trap due the odor. A favorite of narco-criminals protecting drug grows, large treble fishhooks suspended from vegetation by tough, camouflaged line are difficult to spot when well placed. They often dip them in poisons or fecal matter to cause infection. While not immediately lethal, they slow movement and are especially nasty at eye level. Cans filled with rocks can be suspended with wire so they bounce, are be rigged to make a racket. A stick is often rigged as a flipper, mounted in a few strands of para-cord. The stick is twisted and attached to a trigger and a sere, so when triggered, the stick spins around and beats against a can containing a few pebbles. A little experimentation will give you the noisiest possible rig. In this booby trap, a cartridge is placed in a pit trap with the primer resting on a nail or tack. Better models support the walls of the casing with a short piece of thick-walled pipe of a diameter such that the walls of the cartridge or shot shell casing are supported. Pressure of a footfall pushes the cartridge down onto the tack which fires the cartridge into the foot. It is best to support the firing pin with a board. Elegantly simple, this one. A variety of ever-less expensive solutions are available for radio-enabled alarm system components on the high end down to trip-ware actuated alarms with strobes and sirens and simple motion detector lights and sirens on the low end. These can easily be set up as alarms for homes, retreats or camps. The military now has some amazing programmable booby-traps armed with a terrific suite of sensors, communications and weaponry. They can be networked and remotely armed and disarmed. Why these are not deployed along our borders to aid border patrol is absolutely beyond me. This article has been written by Cache Valley Prepper for Survivopedia. A descendant of pioneers, Cache was raised in the tradition of self-reliance and grew up working archaeological digs in the desert Southwest, hiking the Swiss Alps and Scottish highlands and building the Boy Scout Program in Portugal. You can catch up with Cache teaching EMP survival at survival expos, teaching SERE to ex-pats and vagabonds in South America or getting in some dirt time with the primitive skills crowd in a wilderness near you. His Facebook page is here. Cache Valley Prepper is a pen name used to protect his identity. handwerker-730.pdf