Graph Covering and Subgraph Problems
Graph Covering and Subgraph Problems Gabrovˇsek, Peter and Miheliˇc, Jurij Abstract: Combinatorial optimization prob- For each problem, we first present its for- lems and graph theory play an important role in mal definition and give its hardness of solving. several fields including logistics, artificial intel- Afterward, we also list several exact, heuristic ligence, software engineering, etc. In this pa- and approximation algorithms for solving it. per, we explore a subset of combinatorial graph problems which we placed into two groups, Our survey methodology is as follows. First namely, graph covering and subgraph problems. we investigated definitions in several generic 1 Here, the former include well-known dominat- sources such as online compendiums , encyclo- ing set and vertex cover problem, and the lat- pedias2 and books [1, 13, 14]. Afterward, we ter include clique and independent set prob- searched for the research papers on the focused lem. For each problem we give its definition, graph problems using Google scholar. Our goal report state-of-the-art exact algorithms as well was to supplement each problem with refer- as heuristic and approximation algorithms, and list real-world applications if we were able to ences to exact, heuristics and approximation obtain any. At the end of the paper, we also algorithms. Moreover, we also supplemented relate the problems among each other. our descriptions with real-world applications. Finally, we also collected a list of reductions Index Terms: combinatorial optimization, among the selected problems. graph covering, subgraph problems, exact al- Let us present a few basic notions used in gorithms, approximation algorithms the rest of the paper.
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