Useful Contacts Kent Highways To report road faults eg potholes, blocked drains, streetlight issues, zebra crossing issues Sevenoaks District Council To make comments on planning applications, report issues with litter, dog waste & rubbish collection, issues with pavements. or 01732 227000 Notice Boards Brasted High Street: at each of The Green, Brasted Village Store, Brasted Village Hall, and next to The Barringtons. Other notice boards located at Brasted Pavilion, St Martin’s Church, Brasted Chart and Toys Hill. Interpretation Boards Erected by the Parish Council in 2019 on Brasted Village Green. Include local information and walks. Brasted Diary Published for over 20 years. Contains information on forthcoming local events, local news and advertising. To place an article, contact Micaela West 01959 563561 or e-mail
[email protected]. Subscriptions are £6 per year for six editions. Subscription details from Pam Day 01959 564064; advertisements to Chris Bailey 01959 562676
[email protected]. If you would like to help in the distribution of the Diary, contact Carol Taylor 01959 562355. St. Martin’s Church The Rector, Linda Green, can be contacted on 01959 565829 /
[email protected]. Coffee Mornings held on the third Thursday each month from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Tea / coffee and homemade cakes are available. All welcome to come for a chat or have some quiet time in the Church. Dates published in The Brasted Diary. Bellringers: If you are keen to learn to ring, contact Catherine Lewis, the Tower Captain, 01959 563767 /
[email protected] Church Choir: Contact Gloria Toplis, Organist and Director of Music, 07751 173800 /
[email protected] Guide Book to St Martin’s Church: Copies available at £3.50 or £5.00 including P&P either by visiting St Martin’s Church ( for opening times) or e mail
[email protected].