Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Appendix 1. Collected data in the exploration of knowledge pools and transfer in the LUIGI project re- gions. It is appendix of Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infra- structure in selected Alpine regions (Hladnik et al. 2020) Content

Table 1: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region South Burgerland ...... 2 Table 2: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interests identified in the LUIGI project region South Burgerland ...... 8 Table 3: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region French Northern Alps ...... 13 Table 4: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region French Northern Alps ...... 17 Table 5: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region Metropolitan City of ...... 19 Table 6: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region Metropolitan City of Milan ...... 26 Table 7: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region Torin ...... 33 Table 8: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region Torin.. 37 Table 9: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region South Tyrol ...... 38 Table 10: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region South Tyrol ...... 40 Table 11: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project 5.4.1 European Metropolitan Region Munich...... 41 Table 12: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region European Metropolitan Region Munich ...... 45 Table 13: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region Statistical Region Goriška...... 47 Table 14: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region Statistical Region Goriška ...... 56 Table 15: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region Canton of Grisons ...... 58 Table 16: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region Canton of Grisons ...... 61

Abbreviations used in tables: DEP – department; URL – Uniform Resource Locator, web- IT – Institution type; address Educ – Knowledge transfer type;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 1: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region South Burgerland

Education institutions (South Burgerland) Teaching and training titles

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna DEP: Department for Landscape and Infrastructure (ILEN) IT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Landscape planning; Landscape maintenance and nature protection; URL: Recovery planning; ILEN;

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna DEP: Department for landscape planning (ILAP) IT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: Spatial planning; Landscape planning; ILAP; Universität für Bodenkultur Wien University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna DEP: Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften (DNW) IT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: Crop production; Horticulture; Crop protection; DNW; Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltmanagement (HAUP) DEP: Hochschullehrgang Obst und Gemüse IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Agricultural education; Environmental education; Nature mediation, URL: Landscape mediation; "Learning space nature"; Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltmanagement (HAUP) DEP: Hochschullehrgang "Lernraum Natur" IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study ;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (South Burgerland) Teaching and training titles

URL: Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltmanagement (HAUP) DEP: Hochschullehrgang "Natur- und Landschaftsvermittlung" IT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: ; Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltmanagement (HAUP) DEP: Agrarwissenschaften IT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: ; Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik DEP: Agrarbildung und -beratung (Bachelor) IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: ; Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik DEP: Agrarpädagogik und Beratung (Master) IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: ; Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik DEP: Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik (Bachelor) IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: ; Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik DEP: Umweltbildung und Beratung BAchelor IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: ;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (South Burgerland) Teaching and training titles

Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik DEP: Umweltpädagogik und Beratung Master IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: ; Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik DEP: Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik für AkademikerInnen IT: Higher school (study) Educ: URL: ; HBLFA Gartenbau Schönbrunn DEP: IT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: Horticulture; Landscaping; Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Burgenland (LFI) DEP: Die Vielfalt der Natur erleben IT: Agricultural chamber (course) Educ: Individual lecture Independend lecture practical / field training URL: Processing of agricultural products; Agricultural training; Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Burgenland (LFI) DEP: Sirup herstellen IT: Agricultural chamber (course) Educ: Individual lecture Independend lecture practical / field training URL: ; Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Burgenland (LFI) DEP: NÜtzlinge im Obst- und Gemüsegarten ;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (South Burgerland) Teaching and training titles

IT: Agricultural chamber (course) Educ: Individual lecture Independend lecture practical / field training URL: Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Burgenland (LFI) DEP: Die Wiese ruft IT: Agricultural chamber (course) Educ: Individual lecture Independend lecture practical / field training URL: ; Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Burgenland (LFI) DEP: Omas Vorratskammer 4.0 - Lebensmittel haltbar machen IT: Agricultural chamber (course) Educ: Individual lecture Independend lecture practical / field training URL: ; Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Burgenland (LFI) DEP: Obstbau Zertifikatslehrgang Baumwärter/in und Obstbaumpfleger/in IT: Agricultural chamber (course) Educ: Individual lecture Independend lecture practical / field training URL: ; Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Burgenland (LFI) DEP: Obstbauseminar IT: Agricultural chamber (course) Educ: Individual lecture Independend lecture ;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (South Burgerland) Teaching and training titles practical / field training URL: Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Burgenland (LFI) DEP: Edelbrandsommelie/iere IT: SME (course) Educ: Individual lecture, Independend lecture, practical / field training URL: ; Verein Wieseninitiative DEP: Sensenmähkurs IT: Other: Educ: Individual Lecture, Independent Lecture, Practical / Field training Processing of orchards; Education on tree care (Focus on orchards); URL: Raising awareness of regional products; Verein Wieseninitiative DEP: Baumschnittkurse IT: Other: Educ: Individual Lecture, Independent Lecture, Practical / Field training URL: ; Naturakademie Burgenland DEP: Different themes around nature protection IT: Other: Educ: Indidivual lecture, independent lecture, practical / field trianing URL: Nature protection; Raising awareness of environment and agriculture; PH Burgenland DEP: Lernraum Natur IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: Environmental education; Nature protection; Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule Eisenstadt DEP: Fachbereich Obstbau IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Fruit growing;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (South Burgerland) Teaching and training titles

URL: Landwirtschaftliche Fachschule Güssing DEP: Fachbereich Öko-Wirtschaft IT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: Eco-Economy; Fruit growing;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 2: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interests identified in the LUIGI project region South Burgerland

End users (South Burgerland) Interest Naturpark Raab - Park administration Contact: Obm. Franz Josef KERN URL: Sector: Tourism Naturpark in der Weinidylle - Park administration Contact: Obm. Johann Weber URL: Sector: Tourism Naturpark Geschriebenstein - Park administration Contact: Obm. Engelbert Kenyeri URL: Sector: Tourism LWK Bezirksreferat Oberwart - Sectoral agency Contact: DI Richard Matyas URL: LWK Bezirksreferat Güssing/Jennersdorf - Sectoral agency Contact: Cäcilia Geißegger URL: Bio Austria Burgenland - Sectoral agency Contact: GF Bgld. DI Ernst Trettler URL: WK Oberwart - Sectoral agency Contact: Mag. Ronald Rasser URL: Sector: Economy - market WK Güssing - Sectoral agency Sector: Economy - market


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (South Burgerland) Interest Contact: Mag. Thomas Novoszel URL: WK Jennersdorf - Sectoral agency Contact: Mag.a Katharina Bagdy URL: Sector: Economy - market Umweltdienst Burgenland - SME Contact: GF Mag. Markus Szelinger URL: Europäisches Zentrum für erneuerbare Energie Güssing - SME Contact: GF Ing. Joachim Hacker URL: LAG Süd / Südburgenland Plus - LAG Contact: GF Mag. Margit Nöhrer URL: Fachhochschule Pinkafeld - Higher School (Study) Contact: URL: Sector: Education Wieseninitiative - Farmer associations Contact: Verein Wieseninitiative Sector: Landscape / Urban planning URL: Education Trummers Bauernladen - SME Contact: Renate und Karl Trummer URL: Sector: Food production Obstgut Hoanzl - Farmers/Land Owners Sector: Food production


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (South Burgerland) Interest Contact: Waltraud und Franz Hoanzl URL: Obstgarten Nikles - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Helene Nikles URL: Sector: Food production Obstbrandmanufaktur Reicher - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Familie Reicher URL: Sector: Food production Trummer Fruchtsäfte - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Renate und Karl Trummer URL: Sector: Food production Obsthof Zotter - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Johanna und Gerald Zotter URL: Sector: Food production Biohof Osel - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Aurica-Georgetta Diaconescu URL: Sector: Food production Biohof Erdmann - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Jürgen Erdmann URL: Sector: Food production Sigis Biosamensurium - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Sigi Lassnig URL: Sector: Food production Obstparadies - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Lendl Sector: Food production


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (South Burgerland) Interest URL: Gartenhof Schachenhofer-Masal - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Masal URL: Sector: Food production Biohof Hesch - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Herbert Hesch URL: Sector: Food production Biohof Traupmann - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Ida Traupmann URL: Sector: Food production Bio Erdbeeren VAnBriKi - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Claudia Kossits URL: Sector: Food production Sepplashof - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Michaela Fassl und Markus Uitz URL: Sector: Food production Smad a schoafa Biohof - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Sandra Adelmann URL: Sector: Food production Biohof Hoffmann - Farmers/Land Owners Contact: Ilse Hoffmann URL: Sector: Food production Bauernladen Wagner - SME Contact: Anita Wagner URL: Sector: Economy - market


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (South Burgerland) Interest Bauernladen Szabo - SME Contact: Juliana Szabo URL: Sector: Economy - market Bauernstubn Plank und Seper OG - SME Contact: URL: Sector: Economy - market Riedlingsdorfer Bauernladen Vermarktungs KG - SME Contact: Familie Zapfel URL: Sector: Economy - market


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 3: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region French Northern Alps

Education institutions (French Northern Alps) Teaching and training titles Universite Savoie Mont Blanc DEP: Sciences et Montagne KT: Universities (study) Educ: General lecture URL: Landscape planning; Les Croqueurs de pommes DEP: KT: Other: Conservation of old fruit varieties; Training on orchad mead- Educ: practical training ow managment; Work on buisness models to valorise orchad URL: meadow grown fruits; Chambre d'agriculture Savoie Mont Blanc DEP: Courses on practical management of different GI types; Sup- KT: Chamber - agricultural; port for development of buisness models; Support of research Educ: practical training projects; Production and collection of data about (agricultural) URL: GI; Lycée "Costa de Beauregard" DEP: KT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lecture Practical training Practical training courses on GI management; Experiences URL: on GI management practices; REINACH - Etablissement public agricole DEP: KT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lecture Practical training Practical training courses on GI management; Experiences on URL: GI management practices; Lycée horticole de Saint-Ismier Experiences on GI management practices; Experiences on


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (French Northern Alps) Teaching and training titles Universite Savoie Mont Blanc DEP: Sciences et Montagne KT: Universities (study) Educ: General lecture URL: Landscape planning; DEP: GI management practices; KT: Secondary school Higher school Educ: Lecture Practical training GI dedicated course Independent lecture URL: CFPPA de Saint-Ismier DEP: KT: Higher school Educ: GI dedicated courses Lectures URL: Experiences on GI management practices; Maison Familiale et Rurale (MFR) de Vif DEP: KT: Secondary school Educ: Lectures URL: Experiences on GI management practices; ADABIO DEP: KT: Association Educ: Independent courses, practical field training Support for development of buisness models; Promotion of bi- URL: ological standards in GI management; ADDEAR DEP: KT: Association large variety of topics linked to agicultural practices;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (French Northern Alps) Teaching and training titles Universite Savoie Mont Blanc DEP: Sciences et Montagne KT: Universities (study) Educ: General lecture URL: Landscape planning; Educ: Independent courses, practical field training URL: Gentiana DEP: KT: Association Educ: GI dedicated courses, practical field training Trainig courses for professiopnals on GI management; Exper- URL: tise on alien species; Université Grenoble Alpes DEP: Master Géographie, aménagement, environnement, développement KT: University Educ: Individual lecture URL: SHS/master-geographie-amenagement-environnement-developpement-program-master-geographie- amenagement-environnement-developpement.html Landscape planning; Université Grenoble Alpes DEP: Master Biodiversité, écologie, évolution KT: University Educ: Individual lecture URL: STS/master-biodiversite-ecologie-evolution-program-master-biodiversite-ecologie-evolution.html Landscape planning; ecology; Sciences-Po Grenoble DEP: Master transitions écologiques KT: University Educ: Individual lecture URL: rentree-2020/ Landscape planning; ISARA Lyon buisness model development;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (French Northern Alps) Teaching and training titles Universite Savoie Mont Blanc DEP: Sciences et Montagne KT: Universities (study) Educ: General lecture URL: Landscape planning; DEP: Master Ingénieur Agronomie, Alimentation, Environnement KT: University Educ: Individual lecture URL: Environnement/France/ISARA-Lyon/


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 4: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region French Northern Alps

End users (French Northern Alps) Interest Parc Naturel Regional de Chartreuse - Park administration Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Contact: Environmental importance of GI Interest: Environmental importance of GI Landscape planning Landscape planning URL: , Parc Naturel Regional du Vercors - Park administration Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Contact: Environmental importance of GI Interest: Environmental importance of GI Landscape planning Landscape planning URL: , Espace Belledonne - Association Sector: Social and participatory Contact: Environmental importance of GI Interest: Environmental importance of GI URL: Metropolitain Area of Grenoble - Local administration Sector: Food production (farming) Contact: Possible business models related to GI Interest: Possible business models related to GI Use of GI products and society engagement Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Parc Naturel Regional Massif des Bauges - Park administration Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Contact: Landscape planning Interest: Landscape planning URL: , Grand Chambery - Local administration Sector: Social and participatory Contact: Possible business models related to GI Interest: Possible business models related to GI Use of GI products and society engagement Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Conservatoire d’espaces naturels (CEN) Isère – Avenir Sector: Social and participatory


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (French Northern Alps) Interest Parc Naturel Regional de Chartreuse - Park administration Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Contact: Environmental importance of GI Interest: Environmental importance of GI Landscape planning Landscape planning URL: , - Association Interest: Practical GI management Contact: Practical GI management , URL: naturels-isere-avenir Conservatoire d’espaces naturels (CEN) Savoie - Association Sector: Social and participatory Contact: Practical GI management Interest: Practical GI management URL: , Chambre agiculture Isère & Savoie - Chamber agricultural Sector: Education Contact: Practical GI management Interest: Practical GI management Possible buisness models Possible buisness models URL: , Gentiana - Association Sector: Contact: Practical GI management Interest: Practical GI management URL: Education ,


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 5: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region Metropolitan City of Milan

Education institutions (Metropolitan City of Milan) Teaching and training titles

Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale “Italo Calvino” - Opera (MI) DEP: AGRICULTURE, AGRI-FOOD AND AGRO-INDUSTRY (Production and transfor- mation of products & Environmental and territorial Management) KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Earth sciences and biology; Vegetable production; Economy, appraisal and URL: legislation; Rural genius; Agricultural biotechnology; Environmental and agrario-itag/ territory management; IIS Gregorio Mendel - (MI) DEP: AGRICULTURE, AGRI-FOOD AND AGRO-INDUSTRY (Production and transfor- mation of products & Environmental and territorial Management) KT: Secondary schools (study) Earth sciences and biology; Vegetable production; Economy, appraisal and Educ: Lectures as part of a study legislation; Rural genius; Agricultural biotechnology; Environmental and URL: territory management; Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Argentia - (MI) DEP: AGRICULTURE, AGRI-FOOD AND AGRO-INDUSTRY (Environmental and territorial Management) KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: Earth sciences and biology; Vegetable production; Economy, appraisal, marketing and legislation; Rural genius; Agricultural biotechnology; Envi- IIT0048 ronmental and territory management; Animal Production; I.I.S. Vilfredo F. Pareto (Istituto tecnico) - Milano DEP: AGRICULTURE, AGRI-FOOD AND AGRO-INDUSTRY (Environmental and territorial Management) KT: Secondary schools (study) Earth sciences and biology; Vegetable production; Economy, appraisal, Educ: Lectures as part of a study marketing and legislation; Rural genius; Agricultural biotechnology; Envi- URL: ronmental and territory management; Animal Production; I.I.S. Vilfredo F. Pareto (Professionale) - Milano Earth sciences and biology; Ecology and pedology; Laboratory: agricultural


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Metropolitan City of Milan) Teaching and training titles DEP: Agriculture, rural development, valorisation of local products and management of sciences and technologies; Laboratory: biology and chemistry applied to forestry and mountain resources transformation processes; Plant and livestock production techniques; Ter- KT: Secondary schools (study) ritorial agronomy and forest systems; Agricultural economics and agricul- Educ: Lectures as part of a study tural and forestry sector legislation; Management and enhancement of URL: productive activities, territorial development and rural sociology Università degli studi di Milano - UNIMONT - Conservation and Sustainable Develop- ment of Mountain Areas (Edolo, BS) DEP: Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies Animal and plant biology; Agronomy for mountain areas; Forestry; Fruit KT: Universities (study) tree production; Geopedology; Rural buildings and land survey; Environ- Educ: Lectures as part of a study mental and Forest Surveying and Economics; Processing of agri-food prod- URL: ucts Università degli studi di Milano - UNIMONT - Project Management for Mountain Areas (Edolo, BS) DEP: Post-degree Courses KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Participatory planning and governance of the Highlands: enabling factors, URL: tools and good practices; Best practices; National and European strategies montagna-2019-20/ for territorial development; Università Bocconi - MaGER - Master in Green Management, Energy and Corporate So- cial Responsibility - Milano DEP: Post-degree Courses KT: Universities (study) Principles of Technologies for Environmental Protection; CSR and Corpo- Educ: Lectures as part of a study rate Sustainability; Energy Economics; Environmental Economics; Sustain- URL: able Business and Green Management; The Economics of Renewables and Energy Saving Technologies; Environmental Law; Workshop in Green ree/home/programs/specialized+masters/mager Economy Università Bocconi - Other Masters - Milano DEP: Post-degree Courses MEMIT - Economy and management of local public transport, Smart cities, KT: Universities (study) smart and sustainable mobility; MEMIT - TPL & Smart mobility Days; MEM- Educ: Lectures as part of a study IT - Methods for evaluating transport infrastructures; MEMIT- Energy and URL: Transport; MET - Environmental development and sustainability in tour- ism; MET - Strategic planning of the territory; MET - Marketing and desti- vigazione/Home/Corsi+di+studio/Master/MEMIT+- nation management;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Metropolitan City of Milan) Teaching and training titles +Master+in+Economia+e+management+trasporti,+logistica+e+infrastrutture/%20http s_// azione/Home/Corsi+di+studio/Master/MET+- +Master+in+Economia+del+turismo/Programma+e+faculty/ Università degli Studi di Milano - Professional Master's Programmes DEP: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study (professional master's programmes) URL: masters-programmes-and-advanced-courses/vocational-masters-programmes-list Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change; Università degli Studi di Milano - Humanistic studies Human sciences for the environment, territory and landscape KT: Universities (study) Environmental Politics; Regional Geography; Urban Geography; Develop- Educ: Lectures as part of a study ment Geography; Environmental Geography; Territorial Marketing; Admin- URL: istrative and environment law; Tourism Geography Università degli Studi di Milano - LAW DEP: Law and Sustainable Development KT: Universities (study) Agriculture and sustainable development; Public administration for sus- Educ: Lectures as part of a study / workshops tainable development; International, european, and comparative environ- Contact: mental law; Workshop on "project management for sustainable develop- URL: ment"; Università degli Studi di Milano - Agricultural and Food Sciences KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Environmental and food economics; Agricultural Sciences; Agro- URL: environmental Sciences; Crops and Plant Sciences; Agricultural Technology sciences for the Environment; Università degli Studi di Milano - Sciences and Technology KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Plant Science (Biology); Environmental Science and Policy; Environmental URL: Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS); Earth Science (Geology applied to technology the territory, environment and hydrologic); Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca - Economics Environmental Law; Tourism Geography; Tourism Marketing; Territorial DEP: Economics for Tourism planning and tourism politics;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Metropolitan City of Milan) Teaching and training titles KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca - Science Botany / Applied Botany; Ecology / Applied Ecology; Plant Physiology; DEP: Biology / Environmental Sciences and Technologies Fundamentals of Environmental Law; Environmental Biology; Economics KT: Universities (study) of Environment and Energy; Soil quality, erosion and preservation; Biodi- Educ: Lectures as part of a study versity and preservation Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca - Sociology DEP: Tourism, Territory and Local Development KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Ecology; Rural Development Politics; Tourism and Local Development; Eco- Contact: tourism and tourism in protected areas (workshop); Marketing for tour- URL: ism; Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca - Professional Master's Programmes KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study (professional master's programmes) Sustainability in Law, Finance and Management; Bioeconomy in the Circu- URL: lar Economy ; Università Cattolica - Political and Social Sciences DEP: Public Politics / International development cooperation politics KT: Universities (study) Economic Policies for the Resources and the Environment; Sustainable De- Educ: Lectures as part of a study velopment Economics; Policies for the sustainability, the territory and the URL: historic-artistic heritage; Università Cattolica - Agricultural, food and environmental sciences KT: Universities (study) Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (Bachelor's Degree); Sustainable Educ: Lectures as part of a study Agriculture (Master's Degree) URL: ; Agricultural and food economics; Università Cattolica - Professional Master's Programmes DEP: Management and communication of sustainability. Training, green jobs, circular economy. KT: Universities (study) Sustainability and Ecology; Environmental policy and sustainable govern- Educ: Lectures as part of a study and internship (professional master's programmes) ance; Green and circular economy; Food management and education; Sus- URL: tainable Tourism, Environmental education and Territorial branding; Politecnico di Milano - Degrees in environmental engineering - Milano & Lecco Environmental and land planning engineering (3); Environmental and land


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Metropolitan City of Milan) Teaching and training titles DEP: School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering planning engineering (2); Civil engineering for risk mitigation (3); Civil en- KT: Universities (study) gineering for risk mitigation (2); Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: Politecnico di Milano - Degrees in Architecture and Urban Planning - Milano, Piacenza, Mantova DEP: School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering KT: Universities (study) Architecture (3); Town Planning: City Landscape Environment (3); Land- Educ: Lectures as part of a study scape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage (2); Sustainable Architecture URL: And Landscape Design (2); Urban Planning And Policy Design (2); Politecnico di Milano - Postgraduate and Professional Master's Programmes DEP: NBS - Nature-Based Solution: project, assessment and management. Meth- KT: Universities (study) ods, tools and techniques for the use of NBS in urban contexts in the cli- Educ: Lectures as part of a study (Postgraduate and Professional Master's Programmes) mate change perspective.; Polis-maker for the quality of life and sustaina- URL: ble urban development; Energy and environmental management in build- programmes/ ings and infrastructures; Lombard Park of the Ticino Valley DEP: Regional Park KT: Other: Educ: Individual lectures and practical/field training URL: Forest Ecology; Ecosystems, Ecological corridors and biodiversity; School for the Environment DEP: Courses for public administration KT: Other: Educ: Individual lectures and practical/field training Climate changes; Territorial governance, environment and environmental URL: assessments; Thematic laboratory on waste management; School of Sustainable Practices (of the South Milan Agricultural Park) DEP: Agricoltural cooperative KT: Other: Educ: Practical/field training Permaculture (permanent agriculture) planning workshop; Bio- URL: Architecture and green building; Fruit trees pruning; Parks system - AREA Parchi Seeds and biodiversity; Environmental quality; Land use; Evolution of eco- DEP: Training activities for primary and secondary schools systems; Ecological connections;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Metropolitan City of Milan) Teaching and training titles KT: Other: Educ: Practical/field training URL: LEGAMBIENTE - Lombardy Region DEP: Training activities for primary and secondary schools KT: Other: Educ: Individual lectures and practical/field training Nature and biodiversity; Water and river ecosystems; Renewable energy; URL: Waste recycling and sorted waste collection; Environment and illegal prac- le-scuole tices; L'Aia, Educational farm DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/field training Plants reproduction; Plants intercropping in organic agricolture; Sustaina- URL: bility; Land protection; Biodiversity; Cascina Venesia, Educational farm DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/field training Environmental Education (Rural areas); Fruit sowing and production tech- URL: niques; Cascina Baracca, Educational farm KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/field training URL: Work techniques in Orchards; Botanic workshops; Società Cooperativa Sociale Eliante Onlus KT: Other: Educ: Environmental education activities for kids and adults Preserving biodiversity; Educating for sustainable development; Valorizing URL: responsible tourism; ARPA Lombardy Region DEP: Regional Agency for Environmental Protection KT: Other: Educ: Individual lectures and practical/field training URL: Sustainable Food Production; Environmental sustainability; Soil conserva- Ambientale.aspx tion / protection; Waste;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 6: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region Metropolitan City of Milan

End users (Metropolitan City of Milan) Interest Sector: Food production (farming) "100 Cascine" (100 Farms) Association Interest: Possible business models related to GI - Farmer association Use of GIs products and society engagement URL: , Agricultural Society of Lombardy Region Sector: Food production (farming) - Agricultural advisory organisation Interest: URL: , Sector: Social and participatory Interest: Practical GI Management , Possible business models related to GI , Nocetum Association Use of GI products and society engagement - Social enterprises , It organizes educational itineraries for schools and groups, voluntary activities URL: and initiatives to favor the integration and social cohesion of the territory. Sector: Food production (farming) Distretti Agricoli Milanesi - DAM Interest: Practical GI Management , Possible business models related to GI , - Farmer association Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Other relevant sectors: Economy - market Distretto Agricolo Adda Martesana Sector: Food production (farming) - Farmer association Interest: URL: , Other relevant sectors: Economy - market Sector: Food production (farming) Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori - CIA Interest: Possible business models related to GI , Use of GI products and soci- - Farmer association ety engagement URL: , Sector: Food production (farming) Confagricoltura Milano, Lodi, Monza e Brianza Interest: Possible business models related to GI , Use of GI products and soci- - Agricultural advisory organisation ety engagement URL: , Coldiretti (Centro di Assistenza Agricola - Lombardia) Sector: Economy - market - Agricultural advisory organisation Interest: Policy related to GIs URL: ,


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (Metropolitan City of Milan) Interest Sector: Food production (farming) "100 Cascine" (100 Farms) Association Interest: Possible business models related to GI - Farmer association Use of GIs products and society engagement URL: , Agricultural Society of Lombardy Region Sector: Food production (farming) - Agricultural advisory organisation Interest: URL: , Consiglio per La Ricerca in Agricoltura e L'Analisi dell'Economia Agraria Sector: Food production (farming) (CREA) - sede Milano Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement ; Environmental im- - Agricultural advisory organisation portance of GIs; Research on GIs. URL: , Other relevant sectors: Research Camera di Commercio - Milano, Monza Brianza, Lodi Sector: Economy - market - Chamber of Agriculture Interest: Possible business models related to GI URL: , Associazione Ingegneri per l'Ambiente e il Territorio Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Other: Interest: Landscape planning for GI ; URL: , Ordine degli Architetti, pianificatori, paesaggisti e conservatori della Provincia di Milano Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Association of Architects Interest: Landscape planning for GI ; URL: , Collegio Geometri e Geometri Laureati della Provincia del Milano Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Other: Interest: Landscape planning for GI ; URL: , Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali di Milano Sector: Food production (farming) - Other: Interest: Environmental importance of GIs; Practical GI management URL: , Albo Gestori Ambientali Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Other: Interest: Landscape planning for GI ; URL: , ERSAF - Ente Regionale per i Servizi all'Agricoltura e alle Foreste Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Sectoral agency Interest: Landscape planning for GI , Practical GI management , Policy related URL: to GIs, Environmental importance of GIs


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (Metropolitan City of Milan) Interest Sector: Food production (farming) "100 Cascine" (100 Farms) Association Interest: Possible business models related to GI - Farmer association Use of GIs products and society engagement URL: , Agricultural Society of Lombardy Region Sector: Food production (farming) - Agricultural advisory organisation Interest: URL: , , Sector: Tourism Club Alpino Locale (CAI) Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement , Environmental im- - Local tursit organisations portance of GIs URL: , Sector: Tourism Touring Club Italiano - Lombardia Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement , Environmental im- - Local tursit organisations portance of GIs URL: , Sector: Tourism Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI) - Lombardia Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement , Environmental im- - Local tursit organisations portance of GIs URL: , Sector: Social and participatory LEGAMBIENTE - Lombardia Interest: Environmental importance of GIs; Use of GI products and society en- - Nongovermantal organisations gagement URL: , Other relevant sectors: Social and participatory; Environment protection Sector: Social and participatory Oasi WWF - Lombardia Interest: Environmental importance of GIs; Use of GI products and society en- - Nongovermantal organisations gagement URL: , Other relevant sectors: Social and participatory; Environment protection Sector: Social and participatory Greenpeace - Milano Interest: Environmental importance of GIs; Use of GI products and society en- - Nongovermantal organisations gagement URL: , Other relevant sectors: Social and participatory; Environment protection Agriambiente: Associazione italiana per la protezione, lo sviluppo e la difesa Sector: Social and participatory


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (Metropolitan City of Milan) Interest Sector: Food production (farming) "100 Cascine" (100 Farms) Association Interest: Possible business models related to GI - Farmer association Use of GIs products and society engagement URL: , Agricultural Society of Lombardy Region Sector: Food production (farming) - Agricultural advisory organisation Interest: URL: , dell'ambiente rurale - Lombardia Interest: Environmental importance of GIs; Use of GI products and society en- - Sectoral agency gagement URL: , Other relevant sectors: Social and participatory; Environment protection Slow Food - Lombardia Sector: Food production (farming) - Farmer association Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Sector: Economy - market GAL Quattro Parchi Lecco Brianza Interest: Practical GI management , Possible business models related to GI , - LAG- Policy related to GIs URL: , Edizioni Ambiente Srl Sector: Education - Other: Interest: Policy related to GIs; Environmental importance of GIs URL: , Other relevant sectors: Social and participatory Sector: Education ACER - Rivista - Il Verde Editoriale Interest: Landscape plannig for GI , Policy related to GIs; Environmental im- - Journalist and General public portance of GIs URL: , Other relevant sectors: Economy - market Meridiani e Montagne - Edizioni Domus Sector: Education - Journalist and General public Interest: Landscape plannig for GI ; Environmental importance of GIs URL: , Other relevant sectors: Economy - market Montagne 360 - Rivista del CAI Sector: Education - Journalist and General public Interest: Environmental importance of GIs URL: , Other relevant sectors: Economy - market Energie&Ambiente Oggi Sector: Education - Journalist and General public Interest: Landscape plannig for GI ; Environmental importance of GIs URL: , Other relevant sectors: Economy - market


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (Metropolitan City of Milan) Interest Sector: Food production (farming) "100 Cascine" (100 Farms) Association Interest: Possible business models related to GI - Farmer association Use of GIs products and society engagement URL: , Agricultural Society of Lombardy Region Sector: Food production (farming) - Agricultural advisory organisation Interest: URL: , Sector: Food production (farming) Società Agricola Oriolo Interest: Practical GI management ; Possible business models related to GI ; - Farmer/land owner Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Other relevant sectors: Education Società Agricola Fratelli Giussani - (MI) Sector: Food production (farming) - Farmer/land owner Interest: Practical GI management URL: , Sector: Food production (farming) Cascina Guzzafame Interest: Practical GI management ; Use of GI products and society engage- - Farmer/land owner ment URL: , Other relevant sectors: Education Cascina Biblioteca () Sector: Social and participatory - Cooperative Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Other relevant sectors: Education Sector: Social and participatory Idroscalo Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement , Environmental im- - Other: portance of GIs URL: , Other relevant sectors: Tourism Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Interest: Landscape planning for GI , Parco Agricolo Sud Milano Practical GI management , - Other: Use of GI products and society engagement , URL: Policy related to GIs, Environmental importance of GIs , Other relevant sectors: Tourism; Economy - market; Social and participatory Parco delle Groane Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Local administration/Municipitality Interest: Landscape planning for GI ,


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (Metropolitan City of Milan) Interest Sector: Food production (farming) "100 Cascine" (100 Farms) Association Interest: Possible business models related to GI - Farmer association Use of GIs products and society engagement URL: , Agricultural Society of Lombardy Region Sector: Food production (farming) - Agricultural advisory organisation Interest: URL: , URL: Practical GI management , Use of GI products and society engagement , Policy related to GIs, Environmental importance of GIs , Other relevant sectors: Tourism; Social and participatory Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Interest: Landscape planning for GI , Practical GI management , Parco Adda Nord Use of GI products and society engagement , - Local administration/Municipitality Policy related to GIs, Environmental importance of GIs URL: , Other relevant sectors: Tourism; Social and participatory Parco Lambro Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Other: Interest: Practical GI management , URL: Use of GI products and society engagement , Environmental importance of GIs pubblico/parchi-cittadini/parco-lambro , Other relevant sectors: Tourism; Social and participatory Fondazione Exodus c/o Cascina Mulino Torrette in Parco Lambro Sector: Social and participatory - Other: Interest: Society Engagement URL: , Other relevant sector: Education Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Interest: Landscape planning for GI Practical GI management Use of GI products and society engagement Municipality of Milan Policy related to GIs - Local administration/Municipitality Environmental importance of GIs URL: , Other relevant sectors: Tourism; Social and participatory; Education Municipalities belonging to the network of the Southern Park of Milan Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Local administration/Municipitality Interest: Landscape planning for GI URL: Practical GI management


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (Metropolitan City of Milan) Interest Sector: Food production (farming) "100 Cascine" (100 Farms) Association Interest: Possible business models related to GI - Farmer association Use of GIs products and society engagement URL: , Agricultural Society of Lombardy Region Sector: Food production (farming) - Agricultural advisory organisation Interest: URL: , Use of GI products and society engagement Policy related to GIs Environmental importance of GIs , Other relevant sectors: Tourism; Social and participatory; Education Municipalities of the Ticino Valley () - , Ber- nate Ticino, , , , Cassinetta di Lu- Sector: Landscape/Urban planning gagnano, , , Magenta, , , Interest: Landscape planning for GI , , , , , Practical GI management . Use of GI products and society engagement - Local administration/Municipitality Policy related to GIs URL: Environmental importance of GIs aderenti/ , Other relevant sectors: Tourism; Social and participatory; Education Municipalities in the Adda-Martesana axis - , , , , , Cassano d’Adda, Cassina de’ Pecchi, Cer- nusco sul Naviglio, , , Gorgonzola, , In- zago, , , , , , Pozzo Sector: Landscape/Urban planning d’Adda, , , Segrate, Settale, , Interest: Landscape planning for GI Trezzo sull’Adda, Truccazzano, Vaprio d’Adda, , Practical GI management - Local administration/Municipitality Use of GI products and society engagement URL: Policy related to GIs Environmental importance of GIs itoriali/Adda_Martesana , Other relevant sectors: Tourism; Social and participatory; Education


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 7: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region Torin

Education institutions (Torino) Teaching and training titles Piedmont Region DEP: Department of Environment, Energy and Territory KT: Administrative bodies (state and regional) Educ: knowledge exchange on GI spatial and landscape planning; ecosystem services URL: and green economy; ARPA Piemonte DEP: Regional Agency for Environmental Protection KT: Agencies (environmental) Educ: knowledge exchange on GI Environmental Education; Ecosystems and biodiversi- URL: ty; Environment and health; ENEA DEP: Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development Environmental characterization, protection and restora- KT: Agencies (environmental) tion; Enhancement and protection of ecosystems and Educ: knowledge exchange on GI natural resources; Applied ecology and ecosystem URL: services; Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Giovanni Cena, Ivrea DEP: Tourism KT: Secondary School Educ: GI dedicated course/practical/field training sustainable tourism; landscape protection and valori- URL: sation; Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Giovanni Cena, Ivrea DEP: Constructions, environment and territory KT: Secondary School Optimal use of environmental resources;; protect, Educ: GI dedicated course/practical/field training safeguard and enhance the resources of the territory URL: GI dedicated course/practical/field training and the environment; Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Carlo Ubertini, Caluso DEP: Services for food and wine and hotel hospitality KT: Secondary School sustainable tourism;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Torino) Teaching and training titles Piedmont Region DEP: Department of Environment, Energy and Territory KT: Administrative bodies (state and regional) Educ: knowledge exchange on GI spatial and landscape planning; ecosystem services URL: and green economy; ARPA Piemonte DEP: Regional Agency for Environmental Protection KT: Agencies (environmental) Educ: knowledge exchange on GI Environmental Education; Ecosystems and biodiversi- URL: ty; Environment and health; Educ: GI dedicated course/practical/field training URL: Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Carlo Ubertini, Caluso DEP: KT: Secondary School Ecology and pedology; Territorial agronomy and forest Educ: GI dedicated course/practical/field training ecosystems; Agricultural economy and territorial de- URL: velopment; Ecomuseo Anfiteatro morenico di Ivrea DEP: KT: Other: Educ: GI dedicated course/practical/field training sustainable tourism; Landscape protection and valori- URL: sation; Osservatorio del Paesaggio per l'Anfiteatro morenico di Ivrea DEP: KT: Parks Educ: GI dedicated course/practical/field training URL: landscape promotion and protection; Turismo Torino e Provincia DEP: KT: Other: Educ: individual lecture URL: sustainable tourism;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Torino) Teaching and training titles Piedmont Region DEP: Department of Environment, Energy and Territory KT: Administrative bodies (state and regional) Educ: knowledge exchange on GI spatial and landscape planning; ecosystem services URL: and green economy; ARPA Piemonte DEP: Regional Agency for Environmental Protection KT: Agencies (environmental) Educ: knowledge exchange on GI Environmental Education; Ecosystems and biodiversi- URL: ty; Environment and health; GAL Valli del Canavese DEP: KT: Other: Educ: individual lecture sustainable development of local areas; Sustainable URL: tourism and regional products; Politecnico di Torino - Facoltà di architettura DEP: DIST - Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning KT: Universities (study) Educ: GI dedicated course/practical/field training territorial, urban, environmental and landscape plan- URL: ning; green areas and landscape design; Politecnico di Torino - Facoltà di ingegneria DEP: KT: Universities (study) Educ: GI dedicated course/practical/field training sustainable relationship man-environment; Circular URL: economy and environmental sustainability; laboratory of landscape ecology; Ecology and statistics Università degli studi di Torino - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari for the environment; Ecological restoration of forest DEP: DISAFA - Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences ecosystems ; land and soil resources; Evaluation of KT: Universities (study) ecosystem services and forest and environmental poli- Educ: GI dedicated course/practical/field training cy instruments; Ecology applied to the landscape pro- URL: ject;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Torino) Teaching and training titles Piedmont Region DEP: Department of Environment, Energy and Territory KT: Administrative bodies (state and regional) Educ: knowledge exchange on GI spatial and landscape planning; ecosystem services URL: and green economy; ARPA Piemonte DEP: Regional Agency for Environmental Protection KT: Agencies (environmental) Educ: knowledge exchange on GI Environmental Education; Ecosystems and biodiversi- URL: ty; Environment and health; Ordine degli architetti di Torino DEP: KT: Association – other Educ: individual lecture public green planning; environment and climate URL: change; spatial and landscape planning; Ordine dei dottori agronomi e forestali DEP: KT: Associations – agricultural; Educ: individual lecture biodiversity in agriculture; sustainable agriculture; for- URL: est management ;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 8: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region Torin

End users (Torino) Interest Ivrea Municipality Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Local administration/Municipitality Interest: Landscape planning for GI and Practical GI management URL: , Chiaverano Municipality Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Local administration/Municipitality Interest: Landscape planning for GI and Practical GI management URL: , Cascinette d'Ivrea Municipality Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Local administration/Municipitality Interest: Landscape planning for GI and Practical GI management URL: , Montalto Dora Municipality Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Local administration/Municipitality Interest: Landscape planning for GI and Practical GI management URL: , Borgofranco d'Ivrea Municipality Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Local administration/Municipitality Interest: Landscape planning for GI and Practical GI management URL: , Ecomuseo Anfiteatro morenico di Ivrea Sector: Tourism - Nongovermantal organisations Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Osservatorio del Paesaggio per l'Anfiteatro morenico di Ivrea Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Nongovermantal organisations Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Turismo Torino e Provincia Sector: Tourism - Local tursit organisations Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , GAL Valli del Canavese Sector: Social and participatory - Sectoral agency Interest: Policy related to GIs and Environmental importance of GI URL: ,


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 9: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region South Tyrol

Education institutions (South Burgerland) Teaching and training titles Fachoberschule für Landwirtschaft Auer DEP: Curriculum Landscape and environment KT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lecture as part of study Fortwirtschaft und Landschaftspflege Forestry and landscape conserva- URL: tion; I.T.C.A.T.A. e P. Delai (Surveyor) DEP: Curriculum: Construction, Environment and Territory KT: Higher school (study) Progettazione, costruzioni e impianti Planning, construction and plants; Educ: Lecture as part of study, practical (lab) Topografia Topography; Tecnologie per la gestione dellámbiente e del ter- URL: ritorio Environment and territory management technology; I.T.C.A.T.A. e P. Delai (Surveyor) DEP: Curriculum: Geotechnical KT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lecture as part of study, practical (lab) URL: Istituto tecnico per le costruzioni “Peter Anich”- Fachobershule für Bauwesen “Peter Anich” (Surveyor) DEP: Curriculum: Construction, spatial planning and environment KT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lecture as part of study, practical (lab) URL: Planning and construction; Additional Interdisciplinary learning opportuni- umwelt.html ties; Istituto tecnico per le costruzioni “Peter Anich”- Fachobershule für Bauwesen “Peter Anich” (Surveyor) DEP: Curriculum: Geotechnical KT: Higher school (study) Educ: Lecture as part of study, practical (lab) URL:


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Free University of Bozen/Bolzano DEP: Faculty of Science and Technology, Master in Environmental management of moun- tain areas KT: Universities (study) Geomatics and landscape planning; Landscape ecology; Ecosystem resto- Educ: Lectures as part of study ration; Sustainable development of mountain areas; Sustainable farming URL: systems in mountain areas; Agroecosystems; Agricultural economics, poli- management-mountain-areas/ cy and law Free University of Bozen/Bolzano DEP: Faculty of Science and Technology, Bachelor in Agriculture and Management of the Mountain Environement KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of study URL: sciences-mountain-environment/ Ordine degli Architetti- Kammer der Architekten DEP: Section A: territorial/landscape planning, conservation of territorial and architectural heritage KT: Association- other Educ: Regular training courses Paesaggio e infrastrutture, nuove vie per la mobilita´ Landscape and Infra- URL: structure, new mobility opportunities; Casaclima- KlimaHaus DEP: KT: Association- other Educ: Regular training courses URL: Green coverage on buildings


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 10: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region South Tyrol

End users (South Burgerland) Interest Ordine degli Architetti- Kammer der Architekten Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Association of Architects Interest: Landscape panning oF GI URL: , Sector: Lanscape /Urban planning/tourism/social and participatory/education Provincia autonoma di Bolzano Interest: Landscape panning oF GI , Practical GI management , Use of GI products - Local administration/Municipitality and society engagement , Policy related to Gis, Environmental importance of GIs URL: , Sector: Food production (farming) Südtiroler Bauernbund Interest: Use of GIs products and society engagement , Practical GI management , - Farmer association Possible business models related to GIs URL: , Camera di commercio, industria, artigianato e Agricoltura di Bolzano Sector: Economy-market - Chamber of commerce Interest: Possible business models related to GIs URL: , Sector: Tourism Azienda di Soggiorno e Turismo Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement , Possible business models re- - Local tursit organisations lated to GIs URL: , Dachverband für Natur- und Umweltschutz Sector: Tourism - Nongovermantal organisations Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Bezirksgemeinschaften - Comunità comprensioriali Sector: Landscape/urban planning, social and participatory - Local administration/Municipitality Interest: landscape planning of GI, Practical GI management , Possible business URL: models related to GIs comprensoriali.asp , Sector: Food production (farming) Bioland Südtirol/AltoAdige Interest: Use of GIs products and society engagement , Practical GI management , - Farmer association Possible business models related to GIs URL: ,


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 11: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project 5.4.1 European Metropolitan Region Munich

Education institutions (E.M.R. Munich) Teaching and training titles Eckert Schools International DEP: KT: Other: International school and Dual education system Educ: Dual Education system with career oriented training : lectures and field training (practical) URL: ; Hotel - gastronomy, tourism and wellness; Bund Naturschutz Kriesgruppe Rosenheim DEP: KT: Association - other amphibian rescue, water conservation; waste Educ: GI dedicated course; field training practical management and biowaste awareness; work- URL: shop for biotop conservation; animal care; Kreisverband Rosenheim e.V. DEP: care of wetlands; landscape maintenance KT: Associations - Agricultural measures; biodiversity programs; hedges and or- Educ: GI dedicated course; projects (individual) chards; meadows and grasslands; extensive URL: meadows; drylands; LfL Agrarökologie DEP: KT: Association - Other (Public science center) Educ: GI dedicated course; projects; expert conferences; courses for orchard meadow guides; exhibitions; courses for schools and kindergarden URL: orchard meadow management; Volkshochschule Traunstein society, economy and law; Natural Sciences; DEP: Ecology and Nature; Media literacy and technol- KT: Institute - research and other ogy;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (E.M.R. Munich) Teaching and training titles Eckert Schools International DEP: KT: Other: International school and Dual education system Educ: Dual Education system with career oriented training : lectures and field training (practical) URL: ; Hotel - gastronomy, tourism and wellness; Bund Naturschutz Kriesgruppe Rosenheim DEP: KT: Association - other amphibian rescue, water conservation; waste Educ: GI dedicated course; field training practical management and biowaste awareness; work- URL: shop for biotop conservation; animal care; (Adult education center) Educ: Lectures and field training (practical) URL: Diakonie Südostoberbayern: Diakonisches Werk Traunstein e. V. + Fachacademie für Socialpädagogik DEP: KT: Institute - research and other (Adult education center) Educ: Lectures and field training (practical) fruit tree plantation workshops; nature aware- URL: ness workshops; Degree in Agriculture; Agricultural Engineering; Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf - Freising Environmental Engineering; Climate-Neutral En- DEP: ergy Systems; Water Technology; Agribusiness KT: University Marketing and Management; Bioprocess Infor- Educ: Lectures and field training (practical) matics; Biotechnology; Landscape Construction URL: Management Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning; Technical University of Munich Agrosystem Sciences; Agricultural Biosciences; DEP: Forest Science and Resource Management; KT: University Forest and Wood Science; Food Technology; Educ: Lectures and field training (practical) Life Sciences Nutrition; Brewing and Beverage URL: Technology; Horticultural Science; Landscape


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (E.M.R. Munich) Teaching and training titles Eckert Schools International DEP: KT: Other: International school and Dual education system Educ: Dual Education system with career oriented training : lectures and field training (practical) URL: ; Hotel - gastronomy, tourism and wellness; Bund Naturschutz Kriesgruppe Rosenheim DEP: KT: Association - other amphibian rescue, water conservation; waste Educ: GI dedicated course; field training practical management and biowaste awareness; work- URL: shop for biotop conservation; animal care; Architecture and Landscape Planning; Life Sci- ences Biology; DEULA Freising DEP: KT: Institute - research and other Horticulture; Driving school for Landscape related (Adult education center) vehicles; Training and services for plant and ag- Educ: GI dedicated course riculture equipment testing; Green Keeping train- URL: ing and services; Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau DEP: KT: Institute - research and other (Adult education center) Educ: expert guides for " orchard meadow expience" (indepe) ; orchard meadow management; Landscape URL:, planning; Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL) DEP: KT: Institute - research and other (state educational institution) school yard projects; Natura 2000 site aware- ness; biodiversity and species protection pro- Educ: Conferences and trainings (practical) jects; landscape maintenance measures, orchard URL: meadow management; landscape planning; Genussakademie Bayern ; orchard products, food, fine brand;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (E.M.R. Munich) Teaching and training titles Eckert Schools International DEP: KT: Other: International school and Dual education system Educ: Dual Education system with career oriented training : lectures and field training (practical) URL: ; Hotel - gastronomy, tourism and wellness; Bund Naturschutz Kriesgruppe Rosenheim DEP: KT: Association - other amphibian rescue, water conservation; waste Educ: GI dedicated course; field training practical management and biowaste awareness; work- URL: shop for biotop conservation; animal care; DEP: KT: Institute - research and other (Public research center) Educ: Courses and qualification to become a fine brand sommelier (independ) URL: Doemens e.V. DEP: KT: Association - other (adult education) Educ: Training for fruit juice sommeliers (independent) ; orchard products, food, training for fruit juice URL: sommeliers; Obergrashof DEP: KT: Association - other Educ: Lectures and field training (practical) URL: hochmutting.html Natural sciences, orchards, care of measdows and grasslands, ecological agriculture;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 12: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region European Metropolitan Region Munich

End users (E.M.R. Munich) Interest HSWT International Master of Landscape Architecture Professors/Students Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Other: Educational institutions Interest: Landscape planning for GI URL: , TUM Professors/Students - Other: Educational institutions Sector: Landscape/Urban planning URL: Interest: Landscape planning for GI landschaftsplanung-bachelor-of-science-bsc/ , LfL (Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft) - Streuobst Schulwochen Sector: Food production (farming) - Other: State Research Institute for Agriculture Interest: Environmental importance of GI URL: , Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Landschaftspflegeverband Freising Interest: Environmental importance of GI; Practical GI - Other: Land Care Association management; Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Sector: Food production (farming) Kreisverband Rosenheim e.V. Interest: Practical GI management, Environmental im- - Other: Land Care Association portance of GI, Possible business models for GI URL: , Landratsamt Freising - Tourist Info center Sector: Tourism - Local administration/Municipality Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Landkreis Rosenheim Sector: Tourism - Local administration/Municipality Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Touristinfo Rosenheim Sector: Tourism - Tourist organisation Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement URL: , Bauernverband Oberbayern Sector: Food production (farming) - Farmer association Interest: Practical GI management, Environmental im- URL: portance of GI, Possible business models for GI


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (E.M.R. Munich) Interest HSWT International Master of Landscape Architecture Professors/Students Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Other: Educational institutions Interest: Landscape planning for GI URL: , TUM Professors/Students - Other: Educational institutions Sector: Landscape/Urban planning URL: Interest: Landscape planning for GI landschaftsplanung-bachelor-of-science-bsc/ , LfL (Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft) - Streuobst Schulwochen Sector: Food production (farming) - Other: State Research Institute for Agriculture Interest: Environmental importance of GI URL: , , DEULA Bayern GmbH (Deutsche Lehranstalt für Agrartechnik), German Training Centre for Agri- Sector: Food production (farming) cultural Engineering Interest: Landscape planning for GI; Practical GI manage- - Other: Educational institutions ment, Possible business models related to GI URL: ,


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 13: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region Statistical Region Goriška

Education institutions (Statistical Region Goriška) Teaching and training titles Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje DEP: Hortikulturni tehnik (SSI); Vrtnar; Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI); Inženir hortikulture. Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Zelene KT: Secondary schools (study) površine Green areas; Grajene sestavine zelenih površin z osnovami načrtovanja Educ: Lectures as part of a study Constructed green space components with design basics; Trajnostni razvoj Sus- URL: tainable Development; Osnove krajinarstva Bacics of Landskape arhitecture; Biotehniška šola Rakičan DEP: Kmetijsko podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik; Gospodar na po- deželju; Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (PTI); Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI). KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- URL: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; Sustainable Development; Vzdrževanje in urejanje naravne krajine Maintenance and regulation of the natural landscape; Naravovarstvena zakonodaja in etika Nature conservation legislation and ethics; Ekosistemi, izvajanje dejavnosti v prostoru in ekoremediacije Ecosystems, implementation of spatial activities and GRM Novo Mesto ecoremediation; Varstvo naravnih vrednot Protection of natural values; Gospo- DEP: darjenje z naravnimi viri energije in ostanki Management of natural energy KT: Secondary schools (study) sources and residues; Vodenje v naravi Guiding in nature; Varovanje okolja z Educ: Lectures as part of a study osnovami trajnostnega razvoja Environmental protection with the basics od sus- URL: tainable development Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Biotehniška šola Šempeter Vzdrževanje in urejanje naravne krajine Maintenance and landscaping of the DEP: Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik (SSI). natural landscape; Naravovarstvena zakonodaja in etika Nature conservation KT: Secondary schools (study) legislation and ethics; Varstvo naravnih vrednot Protection of natural values; Educ: Lectures as part of a study Gospodarjenje z naravnimi viri energije in ostanki Management of natural energy URL: sources and residues; Biotehniški center Naklo Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Urejanje DEP: zelenih površin (Vertikalne zasaditve- integrirano) Landscaping (Vertical Planting KT: Secondary schools (study) - Integrated); Državljanska kultura Civic culture; Ekološko kmetovanje Organic


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Statistical Region Goriška) Teaching and training titles Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje DEP: Hortikulturni tehnik (SSI); Vrtnar; Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI); Inženir hortikulture. Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Zelene KT: Secondary schools (study) površine Green areas; Grajene sestavine zelenih površin z osnovami načrtovanja Educ: Lectures as part of a study Constructed green space components with design basics; Trajnostni razvoj Sus- URL: tainable Development; Osnove krajinarstva Bacics of Landskape arhitecture; Biotehniška šola Rakičan DEP: Kmetijsko podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik; Gospodar na po- deželju; Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (PTI); Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI). KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- URL: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; Educ: Lectures as part of a study farming; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Turizem na podeželju URL: Tourism in rural areas; Trajnostni razvoj Sustainable Development; Sadjarstvo strokovna-sola/programi/ Fruit growing Biotehniška šola Ptuj Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- DEP: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; Varstvo okolja Environmental protec- KT: Secondary schools (study) tion; Gospodarjenje s prostorom in kakovost tal Environment management and Educ: Lectures as part of a study soil quality; Oblikovanje in urejanje okolja z rastlinami Designing and landscaping URL: with plants; Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Vzdrževanje in urejanje naravne krajine Maintenance and landscaping of the Biotehniška šola Maribor natural landscape; Turizem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; Nara- DEP: vovarstvena zakonodaja in etika Nature conservation legislation and ethics; KT: Secondary schools (study) Varstvo naravnih vrednot Protection of natural values; Ekološke analize in moni- Educ: Lectures as part of a study toring Ecological analysis and monitoring; Gospodarjenje z naravnimi viri energije URL: in ostanki Management of natural energy sources and residues Sustainable Development; Podjetništvo in trženje Šolski center Šentjur Entrepreneurship and marketing; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent planta- DEP: tion; Prodaja in svetovanje v kmetijstvu Sales and consultancy in agriculture; KT: Secondary schools (study) Vzdrževanje in urejanje naravne krajine Maintenance and landscaping of the Educ: Lectures as part of a study natural landscape; Turizem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; Ekološko URL: kmetovanje Organic farming; Naravovarstvena zakonodaja in etika Nature con-


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Statistical Region Goriška) Teaching and training titles Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje DEP: Hortikulturni tehnik (SSI); Vrtnar; Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI); Inženir hortikulture. Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Zelene KT: Secondary schools (study) površine Green areas; Grajene sestavine zelenih površin z osnovami načrtovanja Educ: Lectures as part of a study Constructed green space components with design basics; Trajnostni razvoj Sus- URL: tainable Development; Osnove krajinarstva Bacics of Landskape arhitecture; Biotehniška šola Rakičan DEP: Kmetijsko podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik; Gospodar na po- deželju; Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (PTI); Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI). KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- URL: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; servation legislation and ethics Fakulteta za Krajinsko arhitekturo DEP: KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study URL: Fundamentals of Ecology »; Urejanje kmetijskih zemljišč Agricultural Land Man- agement; Splošno sadjarstvo General Fruit Growing; Splošno vrtnarstvo Fakulteta za Agronomijo Principles of Gardening; Osnove ekologije rastlin in varstva okolja DEP: Introduction to Plant Ecology and Environment Protection; Sociologija podeželja KT: Universities (study) Rural Sociology; Ekologija tal Educ: Lectures as part of a study Soil Ecology; Politika in pravo kmetijstva URL: Agricultural Policy and Law Economics of Multifunctional Agriculture; Gozdne prometnice Forest Engineer- Fakulteta za Gozdarstvo ing; Gozdna ekologija in nega Forest Ecology and Tending; Osnove urejanja DEP: gozdov KT: Universities (study) Principles of Forest Management; Sociologija gozdnih virov Forest sociology; Educ: Lectures as part of a study Uvod v ekologijo; Globalne spremembe in gozdni ekosistemi Mycorrhiza in forest URL: trees and forest ecosystems; Ekologija rastlin Introduction to ecology Fakulteta za Biologijo Landscape Ecology; Vedenje živali in okolje Animal behavior and environment;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Statistical Region Goriška) Teaching and training titles Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje DEP: Hortikulturni tehnik (SSI); Vrtnar; Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI); Inženir hortikulture. Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Zelene KT: Secondary schools (study) površine Green areas; Grajene sestavine zelenih površin z osnovami načrtovanja Educ: Lectures as part of a study Constructed green space components with design basics; Trajnostni razvoj Sus- URL: tainable Development; Osnove krajinarstva Bacics of Landskape arhitecture; Biotehniška šola Rakičan DEP: Kmetijsko podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik; Gospodar na po- deželju; Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (PTI); Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI). KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- URL: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; DEP: Ekologija in biodiverziteta Ekologija rastlin Plant Ecology; Okoljske spremembe in varstvo narave Environ- KT: Universities (study) mental Changes And Nature Conservation; Ornitologija Educ: Lectures as part of a study Ornithology; URL: Fakulteta za Živilstvo DEP: KT: Universities (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Ecosystems Ecosystems; Razvoj izdelkov in marketing New Product Develop- URL: ment and Marketing; Environmental management; Javne politike Public Policies; Kmetijsko, okoljsko in gospodarsko pravo Agricultural, Environmental And Economic Law; Trženje v Biotehniška fakulteta? agroživilski in lesni verigi DEP: Ekonomika naravnih virov Marketing in agri-food and wood supply chain; Ruralna sociologija Rural Sociolo- KT: Universities (study) gy; Ekonomika okolja in razvoj podeželja Environmental Economics and Rural Educ: Lectures as part of a study Development; Ekonomika gozdarstva in upravljanje lesne verige Forestry Eco- URL: nomics and Wood-Chain Management; FKBV Agrikultura in okolje Fundamentals of Economics in Biotechnology Economic Principles and Applied DEP: Life Sciences; Agroekologija in agroekosistemi Agroecology and agroecosys- KT: Universities (study) tems; Osnove agrarne ekonomike in marketinga Fundamentals of Agrarian Eco- Educ: Lectures as part of a study nomics and Marketing; Osnove ekološkega kmetijstva Fundamentals of Organic URL: Farming; Sadjarstvo Fruit growing;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Statistical Region Goriška) Teaching and training titles Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje DEP: Hortikulturni tehnik (SSI); Vrtnar; Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI); Inženir hortikulture. Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Zelene KT: Secondary schools (study) površine Green areas; Grajene sestavine zelenih površin z osnovami načrtovanja Educ: Lectures as part of a study Constructed green space components with design basics; Trajnostni razvoj Sus- URL: tainable Development; Osnove krajinarstva Bacics of Landskape arhitecture; Biotehniška šola Rakičan DEP: Kmetijsko podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik; Gospodar na po- deželju; Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (PTI); Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI). KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- URL: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; Soil and environment; Kmetijski okoljski program Agricultural environmental pro- gram; Marketing, regionalna oskrba in prodaja Marketing, regional supply and FKBV Agronomija sales; Turizem in ekološko kmetijstvo Tourism and organic farming; Ekosistemi DEP: trajnih nasadov Ecosystems of perennial crops; Sadjarstvo Fruit growing; Os- KT: Universities (study) nove pridelave v trajnih nasadih Basics of production in permanent crops; Educ: Lectures as part of a study Razvjni procesi slovenksega podeželja Development processes of Slovenian URL: countryside UL FGG DEP: Vodarstvo in okoljsko inženirstvo Fundamentals of Organic Farming Fundamentals of Organic Farming; Uporabna KT: Universities (study) ekologija in ekotoksikologija Applied ecology and ecotoxicology; Temelji pro- Educ: Lectures as part of a study storskega načrtovanja The foundations of spatial planning; Uvod v okoljske URL: tehnologije Introduction to Environmental Technologies; Osnove prostorske soci- inzenirstvo-un/ ologije Fundamentals of spatial sociology; Urejanje krajine Landscaping; UL FGG DEP: Geodezija in geoinformatika (UN) – 1. stopnja KT: Universities (study) Introduction to Environmental Engineering; Urejanje podeželskega prostora Rural Educ: Lectures as part of a study landscaping; Izbrana poglavja iz prostorskega planiranja Selected topics in spa- URL: tial planning; UL FGG Spatial planning; Urejanje krajine in varstvo okolja Landscaping and environmen- DEP: Prostorsko načrtovanje tal protection; Kompozicija in oblikovanje Composition and design; Ruralno plani- KT: Universities (study) ranje Rural planning; Regionalno prostorsko planiranje Regional spatial planning;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Statistical Region Goriška) Teaching and training titles Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje DEP: Hortikulturni tehnik (SSI); Vrtnar; Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI); Inženir hortikulture. Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Zelene KT: Secondary schools (study) površine Green areas; Grajene sestavine zelenih površin z osnovami načrtovanja Educ: Lectures as part of a study Constructed green space components with design basics; Trajnostni razvoj Sus- URL: tainable Development; Osnove krajinarstva Bacics of Landskape arhitecture; Biotehniška šola Rakičan DEP: Kmetijsko podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik; Gospodar na po- deželju; Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (PTI); Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI). KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- URL: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; Educ: Lectures as part of a study Prostorska ekonomika Spatial economics; Varstveno načrtovanje Protection URL: planning; Sadjarsko društvo Franca Praprotnika Mozirje DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/ field training Fundamentals of spatial sociology; Cepljenje sadnih rasltin Grafting of fruit URL: plants; Letna opravila v sadovnjakih Annual orchard work; Sadjarsko društvo Bele Krajine DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/ field training Demonstration of pruning farm orchards Prunning grassland Orchards; Razm- URL: noževanje sadnih raslin Propagation of fruit plants; Sadjarsko društvo Sostro Prunning and work actions in orchars; Sušenje in konzerviranje sadja in zelen- DEP: jave Drying and preserving fruits and vegetables; Naravi in uporabnikom prijazno KT: Agricultural society (course). varstvo rastlin Nature and user friendly plant protection; Spomladansko obre- Educ: Practical/ field training zovanje sadnega drevja Spring pruning of fruit trees; Poletni rez in tekoča dela v URL: sadnem vrtu Summer cut and ongoing work in the fruit garden; Sadjarsko društvo Pomurja Older apple varieties or newer more resistant varieties Older apple varieties or DEP: newer more resistant varieties; prikaz zimske rezi sadnega drevja Winter prun- KT: Agricultural society (course). ning of fruit trees; tečaj za rezanje sadnega drevja, tečaj obrezovanja in pomla- Educ: Practical/ field training jevanja visokodebelnih dreves (travniški nasadi) in tudi predlog za zasaditev vi-


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Statistical Region Goriška) Teaching and training titles Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje DEP: Hortikulturni tehnik (SSI); Vrtnar; Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI); Inženir hortikulture. Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Zelene KT: Secondary schools (study) površine Green areas; Grajene sestavine zelenih površin z osnovami načrtovanja Educ: Lectures as part of a study Constructed green space components with design basics; Trajnostni razvoj Sus- URL: tainable Development; Osnove krajinarstva Bacics of Landskape arhitecture; Biotehniška šola Rakičan DEP: Kmetijsko podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik; Gospodar na po- deželju; Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (PTI); Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI). KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- URL: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; URL: sokodebelnih starih sort sadnega drevja. a course for cutting fruit trees, a course 108037094116282/about/?ref=page_internal for pruning and rejuvenating tall trees (meadow plantations) and also a proposal for planting tall, thick old varieties of fruit trees.; Tečaja žganjekuhe, priprave lik- erjev Course brandy, liqueurs preparation; tečaj kuhanja marmelad, priprava kisov in kompotov cooking course of jams, preparation of vinegars and com- potes; Tečaj priprave cepilne smole in lojnih pogač za ptice Training course for the preparation of vaccine resin and tallow bird cake; Sadjarsko društvo dravograd DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/ field training URL: lecture on distillery, basic course Lecture on brandy, basic course; Sadjarsko društvo Mislinjske dobrave DEP: How to Make Superior Distillates and Sensory How to Make Superior Distillates KT: Agricultural society (course). and Sensory; Delovno ocenjevanje moštov, kisov Working evaluation of musts, Educ: Practical/ field training vinegars; Delovno ocenjevanje vzorcev mošta z napotki za nadaljno nego Work- URL: ing evaluation of must samples with guidance for follow-up care; Ocenjevanje mislinjske-doline-lesnika.html sadnih pijač Evaluation of fruit drinks; Sadjarski center Tunjice DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Repairs and regular cuts of fruit trees;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Statistical Region Goriška) Teaching and training titles Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje DEP: Hortikulturni tehnik (SSI); Vrtnar; Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI); Inženir hortikulture. Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Zelene KT: Secondary schools (study) površine Green areas; Grajene sestavine zelenih površin z osnovami načrtovanja Educ: Lectures as part of a study Constructed green space components with design basics; Trajnostni razvoj Sus- URL: tainable Development; Osnove krajinarstva Bacics of Landskape arhitecture; Biotehniška šola Rakičan DEP: Kmetijsko podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik; Gospodar na po- deželju; Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (PTI); Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI). KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- URL: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; Educ: Practical/ field training URL: Strokovno sadjarsko društvo Slovenije DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/ field training ; Redčenje cvetja in plodičev jablan Dilution of apple flowers and fruit trees; Raz- URL: stava jabolk in predavanja Exhibition of apples and lectures; Sadjarsko in vrtnarsko društvo v Ljubljani DEP: Lecture on chestnut propagation and cultivation Lecture on chestnut propagation KT: Agricultural society (course). and cultivation; Prikaz rezi in cepljenja Showing cuts and grafting; Vpliv podneb- Educ: Practical/ field training nih sprememb na sadjarjenje in vrtnarjenje The impact of climate change on fruit URL: growing and gardening; Sadjarsko društvo Hrastnik DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/ field training URL: Rejuvenating cut of older trees Rejuvenating cut of older trees; Društvo sadjarjev Celjske regije DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/ field training ;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Statistical Region Goriška) Teaching and training titles Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje DEP: Hortikulturni tehnik (SSI); Vrtnar; Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI); Inženir hortikulture. Environmental protection with the basics of sustainable development; Zelene KT: Secondary schools (study) površine Green areas; Grajene sestavine zelenih površin z osnovami načrtovanja Educ: Lectures as part of a study Constructed green space components with design basics; Trajnostni razvoj Sus- URL: tainable Development; Osnove krajinarstva Bacics of Landskape arhitecture; Biotehniška šola Rakičan DEP: Kmetijsko podjetniški tehnik (SSI); Naravovarstveni tehnik; Gospodar na po- deželju; Kmetijsko-podjetniški tehnik (PTI); Hortikulturni tehnik (PTI). KT: Secondary schools (study) Educ: Lectures as part of a study Sustainable Development; Naprava trajnega nasada Permanent plantation; Tur- URL: izem na podeželju Tourism in rural areas; URL: Sadjarsko društvo Cerkno Idrija DEP: KT: Agricultural society (course). Educ: Practical/ field training URL: ; ; Obvezna usposabljanja KOPOP Compulsory agri-environmental climate pay- ments training; Obvezna usposabljanja za potrebe EK Compulsory training for KGZS organic farming; Obvezna izobraževanja iz PRP Compulsory education from the DEP: rural development program; Usposabljanje za ekološko kmetovanje Training in KT: Agricultural chamber (course) organic farming; Predelava sadja Fruit processing; Subvencije v kmetijstvu 2020 Educ: Practical/ field training Subsidies in agriculture 2020; Praktični prikaz obrezovanja sadnega drevja Prac- URL: tical presentation of fruit tree pruning


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 14: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region Statistical Region Goriška

End users (Statistical Region Goriška) Interest Sadjarsko društvo Cerkno Idrija - Farmer association Sector: Social and participatory Contact: Tina Podobnik Interest: Practical GI management [email protected] , Kmetijsko gozdarska zadruga Idrija - Cooperative Sector: Economy - market Contact: Tina Podobnik Interest: Practical GI management [email protected] , Kmetijsko gozdarski zavod Nova Gorica Sector: Education - Agricultural advisory organisation Interest: Practical GI management Contact: , Kmetijsko gozdarska zbonica (NG) Sector: Education - Chamber of Agriculture Interest: Practical GI management Contact: , Severno Primorska gospodarska zbornica, Nova Gorica Sector: Economy - market - Chamber of commerce Interest: Landscape planning for GI Contact: , Občina Idrija - Local administration/Municipitality Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Contact: Martina Pišlar Interest: Landscape planning for GI [email protected] , Občina Cerkno Sector: Landscape/Urban planning - Local administration/Municipitality Interest: Landscape planning for GI Contact: , LTO Laufar Cerkno - Local tursit organisations Sector: Tourism Contact: Gregor Novakovič Interest: Possible business models related to GI [email protected] , Zavod za turizem Idrija Sector: Tourism - Local tursit organisations Interest: Possible business models related to GI


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

End users (Statistical Region Goriška) Interest Contact: Valerija Verhovnik , [email protected] Radio Primorski val - Jurnalist and General public Sector: Social and participatory Contact: Tea Florjančič Interest: ˒Environmental importance of GIs [email protected] , Zavod RS Slovenije za varstvo narave - Other: Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Contact: Tina Trampuš Interest: Environmental importance of GIs [email protected] ,


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 15: Institutions providing teaching and training modules relevant to Green infrastructure identified in the LUIGI project region Canton of Grisons

Education institutions (Canton of Grisons) Teaching and training titles Palottis Bildungszentrum KT: Associations – agricultural; Educ: practical/field training Contact: Dr. Gehbauer Tichler Ursula URL: agriculture basics; Landwirtschaftliches Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum Plantahof KT: Associations – agricultural; Educ: practical/field training Contact: Battist Spinatsch Agricultural education; orchard tree plantation; orchard URL: meadow maintenance; Polo Poschiavo KT: SME Educ: independent lecture (evening lecture) pratical/field training Contact: Cassiano Luminati URL: dry stone wall reconstruction; cultural heritage; Obstbaumverein Mittelbünden KT: Associations – agricultural; Educ: practical/field training

Contact: Martina Mändli fruit tree plantation workshops; orchard fruit varieties; prod- URL: ucts of fruit trees; Kulturlandschaft Domleschg, Stoffelhaus KT: Association – other Educ: practial/field training

Contact: Ruedi Küntzel dry stone wall importance; hedges and orchards; promotion URL: of extensive meadows;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Canton of Grisons) Teaching and training titles Palottis Bildungszentrum KT: Associations – agricultural; Educ: practical/field training Contact: Dr. Gehbauer Tichler Ursula URL: agriculture basics; Landwirtschaftliches Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum Plantahof KT: Associations – agricultural; Educ: practical/field training Contact: Battist Spinatsch Agricultural education; orchard tree plantation; orchard URL: meadow maintenance; Naturpark Beverin KT: parks Educ: practical/field training Contact: Ramona Liebefeld birds and biodiversity; dry stone wall reconstruction; food URL: trails; ZHAW, School of life science and facility management KT: University Institute-research and Educ: GI dedicated course Contact: Stefan Forster URL: systems/tourismus-und-nachhaltige-entwicklung/team-der-zhaw-aussenstelle-in-wergenstein/ landscape planning; sustainable development; Swiss National Park KT: parks Educ: practical/field training independent lecture (evening training) Contact: Dr. Ruedi Haller management protected area; GI in protected areas; wildlife URL: corridors; FH Graubünden Univiersity of applied science KT: University Institute-research and tourism and sustainable development;


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Education institutions (Canton of Grisons) Teaching and training titles Palottis Bildungszentrum KT: Associations – agricultural; Educ: practical/field training Contact: Dr. Gehbauer Tichler Ursula URL: agriculture basics; Landwirtschaftliches Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum Plantahof KT: Associations – agricultural; Educ: practical/field training Contact: Battist Spinatsch Agricultural education; orchard tree plantation; orchard URL: meadow maintenance; Educ: GI dedicated course Contact: Jan Mosedale URL:


Green sustainability to share better living. Report on existing teaching and training modules on Green infrastructure in selected Alpine regions Appendix 1

Table 16: Green infrastructure related knowledge end-users and their interest identified in the LUIGI project region Canton of Grisons

End users (South Burgerland) Interest Sector: Food production; Landscape/Urban planning; Tourism; Economy - market; Bündner Bauernverband Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement - Farmer associations , Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Canton Grison Interest: Policy related to GIs - Other: cantonal administration , Sector: Landscape/Urban planning Gemeinden Valsot, Scuol, Domleschg, Trin, Poschiavo, Brusio Interest: Policy related to GIs - local administration/municipalities , Sector: Economy - market Regionalentwicklung Engiadina Bassa, Valle Poschiavo, Regiun Viamala Interest: Possible business models related to GI - Association-other (regional development) , Sector: Tourism Graubünden Ferien Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement - Tourist organisation , Sector: Social and participatory Verein Movimento Interest: Use of GI products and society engagement - social enterprises , Sector: Education Naturpark Beverin Interest: Environmental importance of GIs - Park administration , Sector: Education UNESCO Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair Interest: Environmental importance of GIs - Park administration , Sector: Landscape/Urban planning WWF, Pro Natura, Vogelwarte Sempach Interest: Landscape planning for GI - NGOs ,


Green sustainability to share better living.