United States Patent (19) 11) 4,416,737 Austin Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11) 4,416,737 Austin et al. (45) Nov. 22, 1983 54 PROCESS OF ELECTROPLATING A 2,844,530 7/1958 Wesley et al. ................ 204/43 TX NICKEL-ZINC ALOY ON STEEL STRIP 4,249,999 2/1981 Tsuda et al. .......................... 204/28 4,251,329 2/1981 Asano et al. ... ... 204/27 (75) Inventors: Lowell W. Austin, Weirton, W. Va.; 4,268,364 5/1981 Hall .................... ... 204/43 Z. James O. Stoddart, Clinton, Pa. 4,282,073 8/1981 Hirt et al. ........... ... 204/28 (73) Assignee: National Steel Corporation, 4,313,802 2/1982 Shibuya et al. ....................... 204/28 Pittsburgh, Pa. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21 Appl. No.: 347,704 J. K. Dennis et al., "Nickel and Chromium Plating', pp. 22) Filed: Feb. 11, 1982 140-142, (1972). (51) Int. C. .......................... C25D 3/56; C25D 7/00 Primary Examiner-G. L. Kaplan (52) U.S. C. ........................................ 204/28; 204/27; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-O'Neil and Bean 204/43 T; 204/DIG. 13 ABSTRACT 58) Field of Search ..................... 204/43 T, 43 Z, 27, 57 204/28, DIG. 13 An electroplating process is disclosed for coating metal strip or sheet with a nickel-zinc alloy comprising at least 56) References Cited 80% nickel. Steel sheet coated with the alloy exhibits U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS excellent weldability. 2,419,231 4/1947 Schantz ........................ 204/43, ZX 2,840,517 6/1958 Faust et al. ....................... 204/43. T 9 Claims, 1 Drawing Figure 50 A 225ppm Zn O 40Oppm O600ppm A 800ppm 0800ppm 3 O PERCENT Zn N DEPOST vs.
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