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ii88 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 12 MARCH, 1943 Acting Flight .Lieutenant John Eely PARTRIDGE, Acting Flight Lieutenant George Basil SINGLEHURST D.F.C. (121910), Royal Air Force Volunteer Re- (60342), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. serve, No. 83 Squadron. - • 542 Squadron. Acting Flight Lieutenant Nigel] Firth WALKER, Acting Flight Lieutenant Robert Irwin TRICKETT D.F.C. (65999), Royal Air Force . Volunteer (Can/J.. 5678), Royal Canadian Air Force, No. 35 Reserve, No, 83 Squadron Squadron. Acting Flight Lieutenant Alfred Ernest WEBSTER Bar to Distinguished Flying Cross. (Can/J. 4956), Royal Canadian Air Force, No. 35 Squadron. Acting Wing Commander Stewart Gordon WISE, Acting Flight Lieutenant Edward Ernest George D.F.C. (39148). YOUSEMAN (113351), Royal Air Force Volunteer Squadron Leader Elmer COTON, D.F.C. (70851), Reserve, No. 214 Squadron. No. 97 Squadron. Captain Keith Cowie KUHLMANN (P. 102441), South Acting Flight Lieutenant William Brian OLIVER, African Air Force, No. 185 Squadron. D.F.C. (67040), Royal Air Force Volunteer Re- •Flying Officer William Henry BRUNSKILL ^122827), serve, No. 106 Squadron. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 51 ' Squadron. Distinguished Flying Cross. 'Flying Officer Duncan William CARMICHAEL (Can/J. 4531), Ro'yal Canadian Air Force, No. 104 Wing Commander Leonard Cain SLEE, D.S.O. Squadron. (32021), 'No. 49 Squadron. Flying Officer Norman James COOPER (108986), Royal Acting Wing Commander Raymond Colin Oswald Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 502 Squadron. LOVELOCK (37817), No. 461 (R.A.A.F.) Squadron. Flying Officer Geoffrey Robert CRACKANTHORP. (67057), Acting Squadron Leader Edward Inkerman Jordan' Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. BELL (43090), No. 12 Squadron. r Flying Officer Murray Don DELOFORD (60545), Royal Acting Squadron Leader Deny s Anderson BRAITHWAITE" Air 'Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 49 Squadron. (91060), Auxiliary Air Force, No. 521 Squadron. Flying Officer Francis Elliott DREW (104411), Royal Acting Squadron Leader David Alston Johnstone Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 106 Squadron. MCCLURE (41596), No. 83 Squadron. \ Flying Officer Harold EDWARDS '(109481), Royal Air Acting Squadron Leader Leonard Frank PENNY Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 7 Squadron. (42763), No. 113 Squadron. .Flying Officer Deuchar Forbes GORDON (Aus.402188), Major Wilfred Sanders CLARK (P. 102197), South Royal Australian Air Force, No. 133 Squadron. African Air Force, No. 69 Squadron. Flying Officer Arthur Stanley GRANT, D.S.O. Major Dirk Uys NEL (P. 102987), South African Air (Aus.404765), Royal Australian Air Force, No. 49 Force, No. 24 (S.A.A.F.) Squadron. Squadron. Flight Lieutenant William Artilur Colerhan BALL- Flying Officer Colin Bowden McGnEE (122151), Royal (N.Z. 39786), Royal New Zealand Air Force, No. Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 26 Squadron. 156 Squadron. Flying Officer Robert Alexander McKiNNA (69440), •Flight Lieutenant David Henry Thorotpn HILDYARD Royal "Air Force 'Volunteer Reserve^ No. 156 . (70306), Rpyal Air Force Volunteer 'Reserve, No. Squadron. 205 Squadron.- . • Flying Officer Alexander Fraser MACQUEEN (i 11.483), Flight,-Lieutenant • George Hugo Formby. PLINSTON Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No:' 83 (37419), jNb. 250 Squadron. - Squadron. Flight Lieutenant Frank SQUIRE (44270). " Flying ' Officer Robert Basil Gray MURPHY ' Acting Flight '•' Lieutenant • Thomas- John BEACH (Aus.402574), Royal Australian Air Force," No. 97 (105181), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. -Squadron. 61 Squadron. ' . '. Flying Officer Douglas MURRAY (119128), Royal ;Air Acting Flight Lieutenant John Lancelot BIRBECK Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 26 Squadron'. • (116801), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. Flying Officer Jack Colin PARKER '(^^.405608), 218 Squadron. Royal New Zealand Air Force-, N'o. 104 Squadron. Acting Flight Lieutenant Bernard William BONE Flying Officer Robert Stanley PEARCE (46840), No. 75 - (113919), Royal. Air'Force Volunteer Reserve, No. (R.N.Z.A.F.) Squadron.' " '. ' ' ' 106 Squadron "• f ' Flying Officer Frank RUSKELL .(111536), .Royal Air Acting; Flight Lieutenant Winston Mather BURNSIDE Force Volunter Reserve, No. 106 Squadron. (118724), Royal "Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. "Flying Officer. Colin William STELEY (Aus.'4p4554), 106-Squadron. Royal Australian Air Force, No. 461 (R.AiA.'F.) Acting Flight Lieutenant John Hubert DUNK (61950), Squadron. ' '' ' II. .Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 83 Squad- Flying Officer Richard Anthony WELLINGTON ron. - . (106238), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, .Acting Flight Lieutenant Arthur Edgar FOSTER No. 106 Squadron. ' ' , (1134-16), Royal Air Eorce Volunteer Reserve, No. .Flying Officer John Frederick WICKINS (116995), 6.1 Squadron. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve," No.l'_ '106 ^Acting Flight Lieutenant Clifford'. Argq GILES Squadron. (Aus. .402334), Royal Australian Air Force, No. Lieutenant John Cawood INGAMELLS ;(JP.1io22o8), 61. Squadron. - •' South African Air Force,''No. 24 (S.A.A..T1.) Acting Flight Lieutenant James Arnold HARRISON Squadron. • • ' ..-; (N.-Z. 404870), Royal' New Zealand Air Force, No. Lieutenant James Gordon Ross (P. 103760)", South 16 Squadron. African Air Force, No. 12 (S.A.A.F.) Squadron. Acting Flight Lieutenant Alastair Grant LANG (114170), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. Lieutenant Albert-Escourt SISSING (P.102571), South 156 Squadron. African Air Force, No. 12 .(S.A.A.F.) 'Squadron. Acting Flight Lieutenant Egrvn Mason LEWI'S Pilot Officer George William BRAIN (49"3ii),#No. -207 '„ (i03.«>8i), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. Squadron. ' ' - •'•'.•' ;. 102 Squadron. 'Pilot Officer Sylvester DANAHY.(Can'/J. 16385),-Royal Acting Flight Lieutenant Ronald Henry LUNNEV ; Canadian.Air Force, No. 57 Squadron. .' .(109920), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. Pilot Officer George Lionel DOWNER (130207),' Royal 7 Squadron. Air "Force Volunteer Reserve, No. iorr Squadron. JActing Flight Lieutenant John MACPHERSON (122355), Pilot Officer Stephen Gerald Du-PLOOY (1-289^9), Roval Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 156 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve/ ,No.' 59 Squadron. Squadron. • - .'•'•• • Ateting Flight 'Lieutenant Allan McPherson OGILVIE Pilot Officer Robert Sherlock EUSTACE. (Can/J. 16071), (120865),-Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. Royal Canadian Air Force, No. 207 Squadron. , 83 Squadron., Pilot Officer Alexander William FRASER«(Aus.404063), Acting Flight Lieutenant Edward Leach PORTER 'Royal Australian Air Force, No. 120 Squa'dron. r;..1-(113389), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve,"No. 207 Squadron. Pilot Officer Algy Vincent FRY (.122993), Royal Air Acting Flight. Lieutenant Robert Maitland REES Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 115, Squadron. .. (Aus. 407339), Royal Australian Air Force, No. Pilot Officer. Leslie Grahame GOODLEY (126584), • '. 83 Squadron. ' ' , Royal Air ' Force Volunteer Reserve, i No. " $56 Acting Flight Lieutenant Kenneth Drew ROME Squadron.' • • ,. - • " • .. •• •'''(127157), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve,-No. Pilot Officer Neville -William .FfedericX. .GREEN 35 Squadron. '.••.. (123199),- Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Acting' Flight Lieutenant Norman Harold SCRIVENER No. 521 Squadron.. • '. •' • • • ' ;.' . • i . •'(1i-o2596); Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve,"No. Pilot Officer ^Farnh'am .,HILL (134661)', .Royal Air 106 Squadron. ••'•'.• • 'Force Volunteer Reserve, No'. 101 Squadron.' :.