Point of View These columns of ICJ offer an opportunity to the engineering fraternity to express their views on the current practices in design, construction and management being followed in the industry. To share your opinion with our readers, you may send in your inputs in about 1500 words via e-mail to
[email protected] I-35W Mississippi river bridge failure – Is it a wake up call? N. Subramanian Infrastructure plays a major role in the economy of 1907, the Tacoma Narrows in 1940 and the West Gate a country. Bridges are a major component of any in 1970. Whether this theory will hold well in the near infrastructure and the failure of a bridge will affect the future is debatable as many of the aging infrastructure economy of any country. The recent failure of the I-35W projects in several countries are under threat of failure Mississippi river bridge may be considered as a wake and some immediate measures are necessary to save up call to think about redundancy in structural design them from disasters. This paper discusses the recent of bridges, and evolution of bridge monitoring and failure of I-35 W Mississippi river bridge and gives some inspection systems. The details of the I-35W Mississippi details of other major bridge failures. river bridge, its failure and its impact on future bridge designs, monitoring and testing are discussed in this The I-35W Mississippi river bridge paper. These details may help in preventing such The I-35W Mississippi river bridge (officially designated disastrous failures in future.