Ocean Outdoor put Last Pole Expedition on the Map Submitted by: Ice Warrior Monday, 27 April 2015

New recruitment campaign for novice explorers Ocean Outdoor (http://www.oceanoutdoor.com), the UK’s leading specialist out of home advertising company, have generously donated digital out of home advertising - worth £250,000 - to assist Ice Warrior (http://www.ice-warrior.com) Jim McNeill in his search for 28 novice polar explorers. This is the first time that people have been recruited ‘off the streets’ to take part in a polar expedition. The Digital Out of Home screen campaign, launched at Ocean Outdoor Westfield London’s Eat Street digital screen, will initially run for two weeks at premium sites in Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Newcastle and Glasgow with tailored messages for the people in each specific city. This is the first of several campaigns in the run up to the start of the expedition, officially titled ‘Ice Warrior’s Quest for the Northern ’, and will end on Monday May 4 2015. The creative element at Westfield London is moving footage with the lines, ‘London Calling. Tired of the ordinary? Ready to be Extraordinary? The Last World First. Have you got what it takes to be a polar explorer? Text ‘ICE’ to 66777, www.lastpole.co.uk/London #LastPole’. Voyage Design (http://www.voyagedesign.co.uk) produced the campaign creative and the new www.lastpole.co.uk website. The intrepid trek, led by Jim McNeill, starts in February 2016 and will involve 28 people skiing, trekking and even kayaking a combined total of 800 miles (1,300 kilometres) to the last pole – the Northern Pole of Inaccessibility – the point furthest away from any land mass. The trek is split into four legs and each recruit will spend 20 days on ice and cover approximately 200 miles (320 kilometres). The Last Pole expedition (http://www.lastpole.co.uk) is searching for people with a passion for the environment as participants will be involved in collecting data about the thickness of the sea ice. People will need to be fascinated by polar expeditions, prepared for endurance and team players. There is a rigorous selection process involving trials weekends and polar training in . As well as being a qualified firefighter, Jim McNeill, aged 54, from Ascot, Berkshire, is one of the world’s most experienced and respected polar explorers. His company, Ice Warrior, provides advice to TV production teams and media organisations. He has a well-qualified team around him including Brands with Influence Worldwide (http://www.brandswithinfluence.com) who have set up a deal with the Discovery Channel who will film the expedition. The story of events will also be covered by a book deal established by a leading literary agent. Social Media will be handled by socialb (http://www.socialb.co.uk) and PR is from Famous Publicity (http://www.famouspublicity.com).

Page 1 Jim McNeill said, “We want the most deserving people on this expedition, and there is no more diverse audience than people on the streets. The digital signage looks amazing and we are thrilled with the generosity of Ocean Outdoor.” Richard Malton for Ocean Outdoor said, “We were struck by the unusual nature of the Ice Warrior’s recruitment drive and are delighted to support a ‘world first’ expedition. “This is a one off-opportunity for the people of the UK to do something extraordinary. Ocean are proud to be able to support such an amazing adventure and know that our digital advertising network will inspire a variety of individuals across the UK to take part. We wish Jim McNeill the very best of luck with his recruitment.” www.lastpole.co.uk www.ice-warrior.com www.oceanoutdoor.com www.voyagedesign.co.uk www.brandswithinfluence.com www.socialb.co.uk www.famouspublicity.com Ends The Digital Media Movie, alongside further images, is available on request. Media information provided by Famous Publicity. For more information, please contact: George Murdoch at [email protected] or 07834 643 977. Tina Fotherby at [email protected] or 07703 409 622. Ice Warrior Jim McNeill is available for interview. You will also find many images of Jim McNeill taken on previous expeditions in our Sourcewire News room at http://www.sourcewire.com/newsroom/IceWarrior . About Jim McNeill: Jim McNeill is an explorer with over 30 years of experience in polar travel and 35 years of experience in expeditioning. In January 2001 he conceived the concept of combining his professional rescue and polar expertise into a long term vision known as the Ice Warrior Project.

Page 2 Jim’s guiding, survival and logistics expertise is employed by BBC film crews in extreme locations and includes landmark series such as , HUMAN PLANET, NATURAL WORLD and LAST EXPLORERS. His reports for ITV News on the reality of have been seen by audiences from around the globe. Next year Jim plans to be the first person to walk to the Northern Pole of Inaccessibility, accompanied by ordinary people recruited on the ‘Last Pole’ search. About Ocean Outdoor Ocean Outdoor is the UK’s leading specialist out-of-home advertising company, with an unrivalled portfolio of large format digital screens, banner and super premium landmark advertising sites. www.oceanoutdoor.com Ocean operates the most iconic outdoor sites in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Newcastle and Leeds. They include Britain's largest advertising site at London's IMAX; the Two Towers East and Two Towers West, which dominate the main arterial corridors of London’s A4 and the financial district; and the Liverpool media wall, the UK’s largest full-motion advertising site. Ocean also holds exclusive external rights for the most premium urban shopping mall in Europe, Westfield London, which has more than 28 million shoppers with spending power approaching £1billion. Ocean owns and operates Signature Outdoor, the market leader in premium large format outdoor media in Birmingham and the West Midlands and the commercial advertising partner for Birmingham City Council. Global private investment firm Searchlight Capital Partners LP acquired a majority stake in Ocean in December 2014.

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