Running Head: G*Power 3 G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences (in press). Behavior Research Methods. Franz Faul Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel Kiel, Germany Edgar Erdfelder Universität Mannheim Mannheim, Germany Albert-Georg Lang and Axel Buchner Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, Germany Please send correspondence to: Prof. Dr. Edgar Erdfelder Lehrstuhl für Psychologie III Universität Mannheim Schloss Ehrenhof Ost 255 D-68131 Mannheim, Germany Email:
[email protected] Phone +49 621 / 181 – 2146 Fax: + 49 621 / 181 - 3997 G*Power 3 (BSC702) Page 2 Abstract G*Power (Erdfelder, Faul, & Buchner, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 1996) was designed as a general stand-alone power analysis program for statistical tests commonly used in social and behavioral research. G*Power 3 is a major extension of, and improvement over, the previous versions. It runs on widely used computer platforms (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS X 10.4) and covers many different statistical tests of the t-, F-, and !2-test families. In addition, it includes power analyses for z tests and some exact tests. G*Power 3 provides improved effect size calculators and graphic options, it supports both a distribution-based and a design-based input mode, and it offers all types of power analyses users might be interested in. Like its predecessors, G*Power 3 is free. G*Power 3 (BSC702) Page 3 G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences Statistics textbooks in the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences typically stress the importance of power analyses.