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HOUSE JOURNAL SIXTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY STATE of COLORADO Second Regular Session Page 1949 HOUSE JOURNAL SIXTY-SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY STATE OF COLORADO Second Regular Session One Hundred-nineteenth Legislative Day Tuesday, May 6, 2008 1 Prayer by Dr. Gary Bowser, First Baptist Church, Denver. 2 3 The Speaker called the House to order at 9:00 a.m. 4 5 Pledge of Allegiance led by Molly Beer, Morey Middle School, Denver. 6 7 The roll was called with the following result: 8 9 Present--62. 10 Excused--Representatives Balmer, Gardner B, McFadyen--3. 11 Present after roll call--Representatives Gardner B, McFadyen. 12 13 The Speaker declared a quorum present. 14 _______________ 15 16 On motion of Representative Bruce, the reading of the journal of 17 May 5, 2008, was declared dispensed with and approved as corrected by 18 the Chief Clerk. 19 _______________ 20 21 22 THIRD READING OF BILLS--FINAL PASSAGE 23 24 The following bills were considered on Third Reading. The titles were 25 publicly read. Reading of the bill at length was dispensed with by 26 unanimous consent. 27 28 SB08-011 by Senator(s) Morse, Boyd; also Representative(s) 29 Massey, Green--Concerning funding for the provision of 30 uncompensated trauma care to persons injured in motor 31 vehicle accidents in Colorado, and making an 32 appropriation therefor. 33 34 As shown by the following roll call vote, a majority of all members 35 elected to the House voted in the affirmative, and Representative Liston 36 was given permission to offer a Third Reading amendment: 37 38 YES 62 NO 01 EXCUSED 02 ABSENT 00 39Balmer E Gardner C Y Madden Y Riesberg Y 40Benefield Y Garza-Hicks Y Marostica Y Roberts Y 41Borodkin Y Green Y Marshall Y Rose Y 42Bruce Y Hodge Y Massey Y Scanlan Y 43Buescher Y Jahn Y May Y Solano Y Page 1950 House Journal--119th Day--May 6, 2008 1Butcher Y Judd Y McFadyen E Sonnenberg Y 2Carroll M Y Kefalas Y McGihon Y Soper Y 3Carroll T Y Kerr A Y McKinley Y Stafford Y 4Casso Y Kerr J Y McNulty Y Stephens Y 5Curry Y King Y Merrifield Y Summers Y 6Ferrandino Y Labuda Y Middleton Y Swalm Y 7Fischer Y Lambert Y Mitchell Y Todd Y 8Frangas Y Levy Y Peniston Y Vaad Y 9Gagliardi Y Liston Y Pommer Y Weissmann N 10Gallegos Y Looper Y Primavera Y White Y 11Gardner B Y Lundberg Y Rice Y Witwer Y 12 Speaker Y 13 14 Third Reading amendment No. 1, by Representative Liston. 15 16 Amend revised bill, page 4, line 23, after "THOUSAND", insert 17 "DOLLARS.". 18 19 The amendment was declared passed by the following roll call vote: 20 21 YES 63 NO 00 EXCUSED 02 ABSENT 00 22Balmer E Gardner C Y Madden Y Riesberg Y 23Benefield Y Garza-Hicks Y Marostica Y Roberts Y 24Borodkin Y Green Y Marshall Y Rose Y 25Bruce Y Hodge Y Massey Y Scanlan Y 26Buescher Y Jahn Y May Y Solano Y 27Butcher Y Judd Y McFadyen E Sonnenberg Y 28Carroll M Y Kefalas Y McGihon Y Soper Y 29Carroll T Y Kerr A Y McKinley Y Stafford Y 30Casso Y Kerr J Y McNulty Y Stephens Y 31Curry Y King Y Merrifield Y Summers Y 32Ferrandino Y Labuda Y Middleton Y Swalm Y 33Fischer Y Lambert Y Mitchell Y Todd Y 34Frangas Y Levy Y Peniston Y Vaad Y 35Gagliardi Y Liston Y Pommer Y Weissmann Y 36Gallegos Y Looper Y Primavera Y White Y 37Gardner B Y Lundberg Y Rice Y Witwer Y 38 Speaker Y 39 40 The question being, "Shall the bill, as amended, pass?". 41 A roll call vote was taken. As shown by the following recorded vote, a 42 majority of those elected to the House voted in the affirmative, and the 43 bill, as amended, was declared passed. 44 45 YES 46 NO 17 EXCUSED 02 ABSENT 00 46Balmer E Gardner C N Madden N Riesberg Y 47Benefield Y Garza-Hicks Y Marostica Y Roberts Y 48Borodkin Y Green Y Marshall Y Rose N 49Bruce N Hodge Y Massey Y Scanlan Y 50Buescher Y Jahn N May N Solano Y 51Butcher Y Judd Y McFadyen E Sonnenberg N 52Carroll M Y Kefalas Y McGihon Y Soper Y 53Carroll T Y Kerr A Y McKinley Y Stafford Y 54Casso Y Kerr J Y McNulty N Stephens Y 55Curry N King N Merrifield Y Summers N 56Ferrandino Y Labuda Y Middleton Y Swalm N House Journal--119th Day--May 6, 2008 Page 1951 1Fischer Y Lambert N Mitchell N Todd Y 2Frangas Y Levy Y Peniston Y Vaad Y 3Gagliardi Y Liston Y Pommer Y Weissmann Y 4Gallegos Y Looper N Primavera Y White Y 5Gardner B Y Lundberg N Rice Y Witwer N 6 Speaker Y 7 Co-sponsors added: Representatives Borodkin, Labuda, Liston, McGihon, 8 Soper. 9 10 SB08-246 by Senator(s) Williams, McElhany, Mitchell S., Romer, 11 Spence; also Representative(s) Jahn and Lundberg, 12 Massey, Balmer, Buescher, Rice, Rose--Concerning a 13 clarification of the prohibition on selling below cost under 14 the Colorado "Unfair Practices Act". 15 16 The question being "Shall the bill pass?". 17 A roll call vote was taken. As shown by the following recorded vote, a 18 majority of those elected to the House voted in the affirmative and the bill 19 was declared passed. 20 21 YES 55 NO 08 EXCUSED 02 ABSENT 00 22Balmer E Gardner C Y Madden Y Riesberg N 23Benefield Y Garza-Hicks Y Marostica Y Roberts N 24Borodkin Y Green Y Marshall Y Rose Y 25Bruce N Hodge Y Massey Y Scanlan Y 26Buescher Y Jahn Y May Y Solano Y 27Butcher Y Judd Y McFadyen E Sonnenberg Y 28Carroll M N Kefalas N McGihon Y Soper N 29Carroll T Y Kerr A Y McKinley Y Stafford Y 30Casso Y Kerr J Y McNulty Y Stephens Y 31Curry Y King Y Merrifield Y Summers Y 32Ferrandino Y Labuda Y Middleton Y Swalm Y 33Fischer N Lambert Y Mitchell Y Todd Y 34Frangas Y Levy Y Peniston Y Vaad Y 35Gagliardi N Liston Y Pommer Y Weissmann Y 36Gallegos Y Looper Y Primavera Y White Y 37Gardner B Y Lundberg Y Rice Y Witwer Y 38 Speaker Y 39 Co-sponsors added: Representatives Frangas, Liston, Mitchell, Summers, 40 Swalm. 41 42 SB08-227 by Senator(s) Romer, Bacon; also Representative(s) 43 McFadyen--Concerning the membership of the board of 44 governors of the Colorado state university system. 45 46 The question being "Shall the bill pass?". 47 A roll call vote was taken. As shown by the following recorded vote, a 48 majority of those elected to the House voted in the affirmative and the bill 49 was declared passed. 50 51 YES 56 NO 07 EXCUSED 02 ABSENT 00 52Balmer E Gardner C N Madden Y Riesberg Y 53Benefield Y Garza-Hicks Y Marostica Y Roberts Y 54Borodkin Y Green Y Marshall Y Rose Y 55Bruce N Hodge Y Massey Y Scanlan Y 56Buescher Y Jahn Y May Y Solano Y Page 1952 House Journal--119th Day--May 6, 2008 1Butcher Y Judd Y McFadyen E Sonnenberg N 2Carroll M Y Kefalas Y McGihon Y Soper Y 3Carroll T Y Kerr A Y McKinley Y Stafford Y 4Casso Y Kerr J Y McNulty N Stephens N 5Curry Y King Y Merrifield Y Summers Y 6Ferrandino Y Labuda Y Middleton Y Swalm Y 7Fischer Y Lambert Y Mitchell Y Todd Y 8Frangas Y Levy Y Peniston Y Vaad Y 9Gagliardi Y Liston N Pommer Y Weissmann N 10Gallegos Y Looper Y Primavera Y White Y 11Gardner B Y Lundberg Y Rice Y Witwer Y 12 Speaker Y 13 Co-sponsors added: Representatives Fischer, Madden, Middleton. 14 15 SB08-243 by Senator(s) Gordon; also Representative(s) Carroll M.-- 16 Concerning the creation of the election reform 17 commission. 18 19 The question being "Shall the bill pass?". 20 A roll call vote was taken. As shown by the following recorded vote, a 21 majority of those elected to the House voted in the affirmative and the bill 22 was declared passed. 23 24 YES 43 NO 20 EXCUSED 02 ABSENT 00 25Balmer E Gardner C N Madden Y Riesberg Y 26Benefield Y Garza-Hicks N Marostica Y Roberts N 27Borodkin Y Green Y Marshall Y Rose N 28Bruce N Hodge Y Massey Y Scanlan Y 29Buescher N Jahn Y May N Solano Y 30Butcher Y Judd Y McFadyen E Sonnenberg N 31Carroll M Y Kefalas Y McGihon Y Soper Y 32Carroll T Y Kerr A Y McKinley Y Stafford Y 33Casso N Kerr J N McNulty N Stephens N 34Curry Y King N Merrifield Y Summers N 35Ferrandino Y Labuda Y Middleton Y Swalm N 36Fischer Y Lambert Y Mitchell N Todd Y 37Frangas Y Levy Y Peniston Y Vaad N 38Gagliardi Y Liston N Pommer Y Weissmann Y 39Gallegos Y Looper Y Primavera Y White Y 40Gardner B N Lundberg Y Rice Y Witwer N 41 Speaker Y 42 Co-sponsors added: Representatives Carroll T, Labuda, Looper, Massey, 43 McGihon, Middleton, Todd. 44 45 SCR08-003 by Senator(s) Tapia, Shaffer, Mitchell S., Isgar, Groff, 46 Gordon, Bacon, Boyd, Keller, Morse, Romer, Williams; 47 also Representative(s) White, Kerr A., Roberts, Madden-- 48 Submitting to the registered electors of the state of 49 Colorado an amendment to section 1 of article V of the 50 constitution of the state of Colorado, concerning 51 initiatives, and, in connection therewith, requiring the 52 number of signatures gathered on a proposed initiative 53 petition for state legislation to be equal to at least four 54 percent of the votes cast in the previous election for 55 governor; requiring the number of signatures gathered on 56 a proposed initiative petition for an amendment to the House Journal--119th Day--May 6, 2008 Page 1953 1 constitution to be equal to at least six percent of the votes 2 cast in the previous election for governor; requiring a 3 minimum number of signatures for an initiative petition to 4 amend the state constitution to be gathered from residents 5 of each congressional district in the state; requiring a 6 proposed initiative petition for state legislation to be filed 7 within nine months from the date its ballot title is finally 8 set; providing for additional review of initiative petitions: 9 and requiring a two-thirds vote of all members elected to 10 each house of the general assembly to repeal or amend 11 repeal, or supersede any law enacted by an initiative for a 12 period of five years after the law becomes effective.
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