Acta Biologica Plantarum Agriensis 6: 3–72 (2018) DOI:10.21406/abpa.2018.6.3 ISSN 2061-6716 (Print), 2063-6725 (Online) Research article A SURVEY OF MARCHANTIALES FROM MADAGASCAR Catherine Reeb1*, Lovanomenjanahary Marline2, Lucile Rabeau1, Ainazo Andriamanantena3, Roger Lala Andriamiarisoa4, Hery-Lisy Ranarijaona3 & Tamás Pócs5 1Institut de Systématique et Biodiversité, UMR7205, Sorbonne Université, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, CNRS, EPHE. 57 rue Cuvier Case postale 39 France- 75005 Paris; 2Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, 7701 Rondebosch, South Africa; 3Université de Mahajanga, Ecole Doctorale Ecosystèmes Naturels; 4Missouri Botanical Garden P.O Box 3391 101 Antananarivo, Madagascar; 5Department of Botany, Institute of Biology, Eszterházy Károly University , Eger, P.O. Box 43, H-3301;*E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: Based on the authors’ recent collections and on older herbarium specimens (PC, TAN, EGR), the species of Marchantiidae (Marchantiopsida, Marchantiophyta) of Madagascar are reported with their description based on Malagasy specimens. A distribution map for each taxon is provided. Among the fifteen taxa identified, six are newly recorded for the island, including a new synonymy: Asterella coronata (Steph.) H.A.Mill = Asterella bachmannii (Steph.) S.W. Arnell. Most of Marchantiidae live in xeric areas (Riccia species, Exormotheca pustulosa Mitt.) or in exposed, only temporarily wet stations (Plagiochasma, Asterella). This preliminary study shows the evidence of under-prospection of such areas in Madagascar for bryophytes and the need of taxonomic work to clarify some genera (Riccia, Asterella, Plagiochasma) and to confirm the species hitherto reported. Keywords: Madagascar, liverworts, Marchantiidae, distribution maps INTRODUCTION Madagascar is considered a hotspot of biodiversity and many studies were already conducted upon ferns and angiosperms (Myers et al.