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Brick Directory If Location Is Blank, Brick Has Not Been Installed Brick Directory If location is blank, brick has not been installed Location Donor name Section/row Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Abbott, Dean N5 VFW POST 4561 AND AUXILIARY CRESCO, IOWA Abrant, John M24 APRIL JOYCE ABRANT WIFE AND CAREGIVER MAJ JOHN D ABRANT Acquarelli, James M37 LTC ACQUARELLI PFC BALL US ARMY WWII & KOREA Acquarelli, James G19 LTC M. ACQUARELLI PFC M. D. BALL US ARMY WWII KOREA Adams-Juteau, Deidre N79 IN MEMORY OF CHAP. WILLIAM P JUTEAU MOC GRAND OF NY Addy, Kenneth L18 YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE JAMES A. NY Aguirre, Mitzi J28 IN LOVING MEMORY FATHER AND SON ART & MARK AGUIRRE Alberstat, Ellen M93 MILFORD C DAVIS CWO US ARMY VFW POST 4103 Albert, Robert G43 MARION A ALBERT WIFE OF ROBERT J. ALBERT, WWII VET Albin, Jerry M31 JOSEPH H NEW WWII Albin, Jerry M30 JAMES A ALBIN WWII US NAVY Albin, Jerry M15 MARTHA L ALBIN CAREGIVER Albin, Jerry L10 BERTHA RITTERHOUSE Albin, Jerry K24 JOSEPH H NEW JAMES A ALBIN WWII VETERANS Albin, Jerry I21 JAMES ABNER ALBIN Alexander, Darleen J1 LEWIS V VILLA USS BRIGHT WWII Alexander, Darleen I35 ROBERT R MACGREGOR USS WEST VIRGINIA P. H. SURVIVOR Alexander, Darleen I35 DONALD B ALEXANDER PEARL HARBOR SURVIVOR WWII VP 14 Alexander, Darleen I34 JACKIE R JONES US ARMY KOREAN WAR Alexander, Darleen I33 RICHARD D SEXTON WWII USS SARATOGA Alexander, Darleen I32 HAROLD J SEXTON WWII USS LEXINGTON Alexander, Darleen I32 EVELYN G MACGREGOR WWII US ARMY Alexander, Darleen H32 DONALD B ALEXANDER VP14 NAS KANEOHE PEARL HARBOR SURVIVOR Alexander, John M22 CLARENCE HANNERS DEON HANNERS WWII HEREOS Alger, Traudl A9 IN MEMORY OF JOHNNIE ALEXANDER PAST COMMANDER 3966 Allee, Albert K25 IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM L. SCHULTE VFW POST 1519 Allee, Albert J31 In Memory of Ronald MacMillan VFW Post 1519, MI. Allee, Don M69 IN MEMORY OF BOB BROOKS VFW POST 1519 MICH Alleo, Joseph I29 TAMARAH LYN RUSSEL IN MEMORY OF HER GRANDMOTHER Alleo, Joseph F26 JOE ALLEO MILLIE ALLEO MY HOME 1936-1946 Alleo, Joseph F18 GARY RUSSELL 6/25/47-2/13/95 Ames, John K15 MEMORY: STAN PORTER BY FRIEND JOHN L AMES Anders, Dwayne K10 GARY M ANDERS 4/25/49-7/16/11 PA SR VICE 2011-12 Anderson, Arthur I14 ARTHUR A ANDERSON VFW POST 1326 BISMARCK, ND Anderson, Benjamin K28 BENJAMIN & FLORA ANDERSON CW02 USN AMERICAN CANYON CA Anderson, Chris M83 IN LOVING MEMORY OF PATRICIA WITHEROW PETERMAN 1932-2017 Anderson, Kenneth K23 KEN ANDERSON WI DAVE ARNDT MI 815th ENGR VIETNAM Anderson, Lois J14 WILLIAM R ANDERSON IN LOVING MEMORY Anderson, Mary M27 EDWARD J. ANDERSON B24 PILOT US AIR FORCE Anderson, Thomas M80 VERNON ANDERSON NAVY CT VIETNAM WEST VIRGINIA Andon, Arma J15 ARMA E ANDON VFW POST 5350 QUOGUE, NY 11959 Andon, Arma I17 ARMA E. (HAM) ANDON 328 INF COMBAT TEAM 26th INF DIV. Andrews, Harley C1 HARLEY D. ANDREWS STATE COMMANDER INDIANA 2009-2010 Andrews, Wilma J33 DON'T GIVE UP SYDNEY H ANDREWS WWII NAVY VET Andrews, Wilma J18 WE LOVE YOU WILMA ANDREWS AUTHOR Ansay, Dennis N75 Dan Pals VFW Post 7588 Port Washington WI Ansay, Dennis M75 VFW Post 7588 Port Washington WI Ansay, Dennis M37 "DANIEL'S PALS" "VFW POST 4255" Ansay, Dennis M10 William Sarring VFW Post 7588 Archer, Anthony I24 Lt. Marion L. Willis VFW Post 101 Colorado Springs, CO Archer, Beverly I22 Lt Marion L Willis Post 101 Ladies Auxiliary Arnold, Tara N43 WITH OUR LOVE EVERETT BOHANNON & WILLIAM ARNOLD Atkinson, James N77 JAMES AND MARY ATKINSON FAMILY PAULA AND AMY Atkinson, Thomas K14 JOHN E. ATKINSON REDIDED VFW HOME NOV 1936/JUNE 1943 Atkinson, Thomas H14 THOMAS H. ATKINSON RESIDED VFW HOME NOV 1936/JUNE 1943 Atkinson, Thomas H11 DAVID M. ATKINSON RESIDED VFW HOME NOV 1936/JUNE 1943 Ator, June C9 ROBIN ATOR-GREER USN AU2001-AUG09 LIPAN TEXAS Ator, June C6 SAMUEL F GREGORY CMSGT USAF RETIRED ABILENE TEXAS Ator, June C1 VICTOR A BIEBERLY MSGT USAF RETIRED ABILENE TEXAS Ator, Roy D9 Margaret June Ator PFC US Army 51-52 7001 ASU WAC DET#1 Ator, Roy D25 ROY E ATOR U S NAVY RETIRED SUBMARINE SERVICE Auger, Leland I22 LELAND E AUGER US NAVY 1948-1952 VR-24 AL 3/C Auger, Leland I21 LELAND E AUGER AL3 USN 1948-1952 VC-4 VR-24 KOREAN WAR Austin, Darnell K4 Robert, Martha Emily and Pace Austin Austin, Darnell K3 Steve, Barbara and Thad Austin Auvenshine, Lu N29 With Love For John and Lula Auvenshine Auvenshine, Lu L11 With Love for John&Lu Auvenshine PFC 433rd Army WW2 Azzinaro, Margaret N66 RAYMOND DAVIS MICHEAL DAVIS AUX 8955 WESTERY RI Babcock, Cassandra I32 PAUL L BABCOCK US ARMY KOREA IN LOVING MEMORY Babitzke, Douglas N65 DOUGLAS BABITZKE WW2 CIB BRONZE STAR Babitzke, Douglas N43 DOUGLAS BABITZKE CIB SO PACIFIC ASHLEY, ND 6/20/25 Babitzke, Douglas J12 DOUGLAS BABITZKE HINSDALE, ILL POST 4946 Bachmann, George K18 GEORGE BACHMANN COMMANDER 2001-02 7660 LANSING IL Backus, Frances J24 THOMAS KECKEISEN 149th INF REG 38th DIV BRONZE STAR Backus, Frances H30 JAMES KECKEISEN HORSE SOLDIER 1st CAVALRY DIV. Baines, Gloria L7 MOCA #2 NORFOLK CRABS AUX BARTEE ST NORF, VA Baird, Carolyn L17 Joseph Frank Clark 10th FA Bn 3rd Div Capt. US Army WWII Baird, Carolyn K8 James Arthur Baird US Marine Corp Pearl Harbor Baker, Gregory I33 GREG BAKER STATE COMMANDER INDIANA 2013-2014 Baker, Randy N76 LINDA KAY AND RANDALL MASON BAKER-DIST. 1 OHIO Baker, Robert K3 ROBERT M BAKER, SR LTL, US ARMY (RET) & JOYCE L BAKER Last update June 2021 1 of 76 Brick Directory If location is blank, brick has not been installed Location Donor name Section/row Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Ball, Earl L9 EARL R BALL USAF RETIRED VFW POST 565 Bamberger, Richard L9 RICHARD BAMBERGER USN RET. SCPD/DV WALDORF ND POST8810 Bane, Ronald N76 RONALD E BANE US ARMY RETIRED GOD BLESS AMERICA Bane, Ronald H13 MSG RONALD E BANE 6102 18TH AVE SE LACEY, WA 98503 Bannister, Frank N80 FRANK BANNISTER JR LTC USA RETIRED VFW POST 1741 WA Barber, Billy M17 BILLY AND GERDA VFW POST10436 KITZINGEN GERMANY Barber, Billy I22 BILLY D BARBER VFW POST 10436 KITZINGEN GERMANY Barclay, Nancie M21 LETHA(SCUTT)CREMER AURELIUS, MICHIGAN IN LOVING MEMORY Barker, Francis G30 PFC DENNIS ADDUCI 1st MARINE DIV . USMC VIET NAM SEMPER FI Barnes, Cortina N77 Corrine B. Willis PDP, PNDCM 1997-98, 2000-02 Barnett, Donna N17 BIG JOHN'S ALLSTARS DEPT COMMANDERS 2015-2016 Barnett, Donna N16 DONNA M. BARNETT COMMANDER NEVADA 2015-1016 Barnett, Donna L9 JIM STEWART ALL STAR TEAM MAKE ROB BALD 2014 Barnett, Donna L5 ROB MCHANEY MAKE ROB BALD NEVADA 2013-2014 Barnett, Donna L15 GENE FREDERICK CMDR POST 12119 2012-2014 Barnett, Donna L13 THE HESKETH FAMILY ALL STAR TEAM MAKE ROB BALD 2014 Barnett, Donna L11 POST 8660 NEVADA OVER THE TOP MAKE ROB BALD 2014 Barnett, Donna L10 POST 983 & HUMANA ALL STAR TEAM MAKE ROB BALD 2014 Barnett, Donna L10 MOC PUP TENT 2 NV ALL STAR TEAM MAKE ROB BALD 2014 Barnett, Donna K26 MARY STROUD VFW AUX PRESIDENT DEPT OF NV 2013-14 Barnett, Donna K23 CDR. BOB GARLOW 2013-2014 VFW DEPT OF NEVADA Barnett, Donna J11 IN MEMORY OF KEITH HUNT CPL USMC Barnett, Donna I20 IHOP # 3178 SPARKS, NEVADA Barnett, Gordon H14 LOUISE & GORDON VFW POST 10140 TAMPA FL Barney, Elinore N38 MARILYN MARIE BARNEY USMC WWII Barney, Elinore K1 76th DIVISION WWII IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO DIED FOR US Barney, Elinore J24 FREDERICK A BARNEY 76 DIV. 3rd ARMY WWII GERMANY Barney, Elinore I18 COL. HAROLD SWANEY USMC WWII KOREA VALOR BEYOND SELF Barraclough, Everett I23 K-9CHASE-57th&48th INF.PLT. SCOUTDOGS VIETNAM 1968-69 KIA Bartholomew, Terry K17 MARGARET BISSEY WRIGHT WYOMING 1937-2012 Bartnowski, Michael M76 SSGT M BARTNOWSKI US AIR FORCE VFW 1822 Bassett, Bob L20 BOB & NORMA BASSETT USA & USAF RETIRED ST.PETERSBURG, FL Bassett, Bob I20 BOB & NORMA BASSETT USA & USAF (RET) FL GOD BLESS ALL HERE Bassett, Bob BOB&NORMA BASSETT USA ARMY&AIRFORCE ST PETERSBURG FL Batchler, Dennis N80 DENNIS R BATCHLER SFC, US ARMY RET. 1962-1984 Batker, David N69 DAVID BATKER R DIV USS HORNET METAL SHOP Bauer, Sandra N3 IN HONOR OF ALL VFW DEPT OF OHIO PAST DEPT CMDRS Bauer, Sandra N2 IN HONOR OF ALL VFW LA DEPT OF OH PAST DEPT PRESIDENTS Bauer Bailey, Rita N59 JAMES EDWIN BAILEY US NAVY-CSP WWII-PACIFIC Bauer Bailey, Rita N58 KENNETH E BAUER ARMY AIR CORP WWII-EUROPE Baumann, Mary N67 In Loving Memory of Chuck and Shirley Fuller Bayliss, John I27 IN MEMORY OF CMDR DON KINNARD VFW POST 9097 WV Baynes, Theresa J4 IN MEMORY OF BUTCH SPROUSE 4-17-1950 4-26-2010 Baynes, Theresa G33 THERESA BAYNES JARRETTSV VFW 8672 AUX PRES 2009-2010 Beams, Karlene K20 Department of Arkansas Auxiliary Line Officers 2011-12 Merry Christmas Bean, Larry N7 MICHAEL WAYNE BEAN 12-1967 TO 11-2002 HE SERVED US NAVY Bean, Larry M29 BURICE WAYNE BEAN WWII ARMY VETERAN WOUNDED IN FRANCE Beata, Ron L10 In memory of Dorothy & Ed Hoy Love from Beatas Beaulieu, Martin N26 MARTIN J. BEAULIEU & JEAN L. BEAULIEU WEST BRANCH, MICH Beaulieu, Martin M71 FLORIAN J. BEAULIEU US NAVY 1943-45 SALEM, MASS Beaulieu, Martin M71 JAMES W. FRANTZ USN SEABEES WWII CHICAGO, ILL Beaulieu, Martin M68 FRANK FRANTZ US ARMY WWII CHICAGO, ILL Beaulieu, Martin M68 MARTIN JANKUSKY US NAVY WWII HART, MI Beaulieu, Martin M68 MARTIN J BEAULIEU US ARMY 1963-66 BURBANK, ILL Beckman, Theodore J8 MOC SUPREME DIST 13 COUNCIL MEMBER 2009-2011 Beckman, Theodore J7 MOC SUPREME DIST 13 COUNCIL MEMBER 2007-2009 Bedaro, Charles M88 William (JODY) McCABE NAVY VETERAN VFW POST 10118 Beden, George K30 GEORGE K.
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