
East & Southeast Asia Maps Use the maps on pages 606, 607, 615, 637, 659, and 679 in World Geography Today.

Map #1 Label the countries of East & Southeast Asia on the map in BLACK. (p. 606) Use 4 or 5 different colored pencils to lightly shade in each country.

Cambodia Indonesia Japan Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar (Burma) North Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand East Timor Brunei

Map #2 Label each city on the map next to a small dot in RED.

Ulaanbaatar Beijing P’yongyang Tokyo Seoul Hong Kong Taipei Rangoon Bangkok Vientiane Phnom Penh Kuala Lumpur Jakarta Manila Bandar Seri Begawan Ho Chi Minh City Shanghai Lhasa Dili

Map #3 Label the major water features on the map using a BLUE colored pencil. Shade all the water features BLUE on your map. Pacific Ocean Sea of Japan Indian Ocean Philippine Sea Krishna Indus Delta Ganges Delta Huang River River Bay of Bengal Irawaddy River Gulf of Thailand River Chao Phraya River Strait of Malacca Korea Strait Java Sea Celebes Sea Timor Sea Sea of Okhotsk

Map #4 Label the major landforms on the map using a BROWN colored pencil.

Gobi Desert Tian Shan Taklimakan Desert Kunlun Shan Plateau of Tibet Mongolian Plateau Manchurian Plain Himalayas Mount Everest North China Plain Japanese Alps Mount Fuji Arakan Mountains Khorat Plateau Baluchistan Altay Shan Red Basin Puncak Jaya Mt. Krakatau Mt. Apo Hokkaidô Honshû Shikoku Kyûshû Map 1 Label the countries in BLACK and lightly color each country.

Map 2 Label the cities in RED.

Map 3 Label the water features in BLUE.

Map 4 Label the land features in BROWN.