EAST JORDAN PUBLIC LIBRARY PO BOX G VAST JOR'JAM MI 49727 CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS Vol. 103, No. 44 January 5,1983 25 cents Boyne City rejects county waste plan

Voting to table approval of the Solid The concern underlying the DNR's solve the problem of financingtha t the Waste Committee's plan until mandat­ mandating county plans for solid waste communities face if they accept the ed by the state or until funds are disposal is, as Sullivan said, to prevent plan, Larry Sullivan explained it was available to implement it, Boyne City contamination of groundwater. Once it left vague in spots on purpose to allow commissioners, in effect, added their is contaminated the costs of decon­ flexibility. veto to the countywide plan. Four other tamination are nearly astronomical. ft" a community were mandated to communities in the county have tabled Levengood said pollution comes not finance any of their measures with it. Ten have approved. just from big industry. Small town taxes and then a court decision like the The solid waste plan itself was not businesses have waste chemicals, and, decision won by Delta County came the problem, commissioners agreed; it he said, "the majority of priority along, "we in effect, exclude the was the price tag required by pollutants are generated from house­ community from receiving funds." procedures outlined by the Depart­ holds." Commissioner Bill Grimm asked, ment of Natural Resources. Cfty man­ Levengood noted that Charlevoix, "for the record," he said, "What ager Tim Clifton has pointed out that Petoskey, Traverse City, and other guarantee is there that if the invest­ the total cost of either closing a landfill neighboring cities are having water ment (to make a licensed landfill) were operation or getting it licensed would contamination problems. "And Boyne made by, say, a private dealer, that run into the hundreds of thousands of City soils are no less sandy," he said. there wouldn't be another demand dollars, if done in exact compliance to Councilwoman Thelma Behling com­ made in, say, seven years?" the state's Public Act 641. mented that the federal government Sullivan answered, "There is a "Public Act 641 will change," said doesn't hesitate about creating and provision in 641 for five or seven years Dennis Jason, Jason represented the burying nuclear wastes. to accommodate new standards." committee at the commissioners' meet­ She noted that Boyne City has 160 The county's plan calls for closure of ing Tuesday, Jan. 4. He added, "Every acres and has barely used 10. The point landfills not licensed by the DNR by act is updated." was that some sort of cooperation 1984. Jason said, "I think implementa­ Meantime, if the committee doesn't might have resulted in a portion of the tion would be a two or three year get % approval out of the 19 com­ county arranging to continue the use of process." munities in the county, county planner the landfill. As it stands, the county And if Boyne City didn't comply? Larry Sullivan said, they will either try plan calls for one licensed landfill. Sullivan answered that he didn't know to "make changes in the plan, or turn None had been license-able by the when the DNR would exact compli­ it over to the DNR, which can do as it DNR until Ironton's privately operated ance..."Could be a week," he said. sees fit." fill was approved late in 1982. Nearly all the other counties in As to the chances of getting appro­ The plan then asks communities like Michigan are going through the same val, Larry Levengood, County Health Boyne City to transfer their waste to effort, with county committees trying to Department sanitarian said, "We want the central landfill with packer trucks. draw up plans that satisfy both their everyone to review it. Don't consider The central landfill is much more communities and the DNR. Out of 10 in things final." cost efficient, according to the data the northern Michigan, Sullivan said, most The committee has until June before committee used. are at the same stage as Charlevoix the plan is due for submission to the Asked why the solid waste com­ County is. DNR. mittee did not make some effort to Vendors ask market to run two days

The harvest of 1982 brings this more than those of last year, she said. The income from the market is from .report on the farmers' market in Boyne Vendors and customers both have the fees charged by the center for the City. Leanna Hardy, director of the requested the market again for next use of a stall where the farmers and Yes, there is snow up here in the North contrary to popular of the beauty In snowfalls that frequently hit the area in the Senior Citizen Center, said the market year. They would like it to be open on home gardeners displayed their beliefs of city dwellers. This picture was taken just after last winter time. Of course we are expecting a lot more snow to netted the center J258.20. Wednesdays as well as Saturdays. produce. week's snowfall back in the woods on Horton Creek. While fall around the area so that the snowmobllers and cross The summer of 1982 was the third Last summer they had 45 vendors, The market was open for 13 weeks. toe picture isn't exactly a news picture, we thought it looked country skiers will have plenty of It to partake hi their year the seniors had sponsored the Hardy said, and much more help from The last week was free for the vendors, nice enough anyway that we wanted to use It to show some favorite sports. project, and the returns were $63.60 the seniors in running it than ever Hardy said, in appreciation for their before. support. Sheriff's department went after drunk drivers over week-end

For driver protection on New Year's OUIL arrests were made on New Year's three days in jail for a first offense, five four classes as a means of cutting down the sheriff commented. He thought the "Emmet and Charlevoix are among Eve, the sheriffs office had four cars Eve. days for a second. The jail sentence can Tin repeaters out on the road. weather might have helped to hold it those with the highest per capita rate out patrolling the county, double the The sheriff said the district court go to a year in certain circumstances. Howell said if a driver refuses the down. of drunk drivers in the state," he usual number. Sheriff George Lasater pursues the policy with which he is in In addition, there are fines and court breathalizer test, then, according to the His department will have a grant explained. The federal government said one each was in the general area complete accord, that "all drunk costs, probation possible for a year, state's Implied Consent law, the driver from the Office of Highway Safety, funding is specifically directed to such of Charlevoix, Boyne City, and East drivers arrested in Charlevoix County and, as of March 1982, follow-up automatically loses his or her driver's Lasater said. His application for areas. are guaranteed time in jail." Jordan, and the fourth stayed with the counselling for those suffering with a license for 90 days. She added that $38,000, earmarked for reduction of According to Howell, in April Mich­ high concentrations of traffic. According to Laurie Howell, district drinking problem. OUIL applies to operation of snowmo­ drunk driving in the county, has been igan will have an all-new law on drunk Lasater had public radio warnings court probation officer, if convicted of Alcohol highway safety classes are biles, boats, motorcycles, and trucks, approved, he said, although he doesn't driving. It will be more severe, she out that drunk driving convictions operating under the influence of liquor also part of the procedures. These cost as well as cars. know yet exactly what amount will be said. would result in jail sentences, and two (OUIL), the driver gets a sentence of $75 and consist of two interviews and This New Year's was not a bad one, awarded. 1982; a year in review Continued from last week JUNE session of a firearm during a felony, stored on Beaver Island. South Arm waters. Area school districts took care of Top O'Michigan Rural Electric Co. East Jordan is looking at the possi­ said arresting officer Randy Howard. Three candidates are running for Two of the rafts, racing down the their housekeeping chores Monday as customers will have an opportunity to bility of producing its own electricity. Twenty dollars was stolen. mayor in East Jordan. Boyne River for Fourth of July festivi­ they held their annual organizational participate in the advisory vote on City superintendent Mike Dionne has The Day of the Eagle will be iatur- They are Cal Gotts, Bill Merwin and ties, were assembled and crewed by meetings. whether Northern Michigan Electric prepared a "Notice of Intent" to the day, June 12, in East Jordan. Al Joseph. Present mayor Archie Nem- women. They were among the approx­ In Boyne City, president George Cooperative Inc. should merge with state department of commerce stating Indians from all over North Michigan ecek is not running again. imately 20 competitors. Shiotelis was elected by his fellow Wolverine Electric Cooperative. the city would like to conduct a will gather at the East Jordan High The county solid waste planning It was probably the biggest crowd board members to another term. Mark One of the leading critics of aspects feasibUity study of producing electri­ School soccer field from 1 to 5 p.m. and committee has finished nearly two the small village of Horton Bay has Behling was elected vice-president, of the operation of the Big Rock Point city. 7 to If) p.m. years of work and now may face the seen in a couple of years... at least while Eleanor West was named secre­ . nuclear power plant was given permis­ Two ad hoc committees are looking "I believe this is the first time ever hardest part of its task. since the last parade held there two tary and Ray Towne was named sion Monday, July 19, to tour the into the possibility of Charlevoix Coun­ all will have gotten together," Antione The document—which details how years ago. treasurer. facility. ty vying for federal automated flight said. "We're honored to be host for the garbage and other unwanted items will The world reknowned resort area Boyne Falls school board's new line Christa-Maria of Charlevou; said her service station. schools of Michigan.'' be disposed of—has to be approved by hosted its biennial Fourth of July up is Art Saworski, president; Jim tour Was conducted by the "very One committee is comprised of at least 15 governmental bodies. Parade last weekend and the residents, Churchill, vice president;- Bob Win- knowledgeable" Pat Donnelly, an em­ private citizens who initiated the idea, A tax request to support county bus The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is vacation and year-around, joined in the husen, secretary; Don Wilson, treasur­ ployee of Big Rock. the other is three members of the service will be on the August 10 attempting to take over control of festivities and had a lot of fun putting er. "Draw up your porposal for a county board of commissioners' airport primary ballot. 4,700 miles of waterways in Michigan the parade together, watching it, and At the East Jordan school board design," was the suggestion of city committee. The request for .29 mills was ap­ —including the Boyne and Jordan celebrating after it was over. meeting, officers chosen were Mary attorney William McTaggart to Willard Boyne City will seek a $10,000 grant proved last week by the Charlevoix rivers. Area Cong. Bob Davis, state Lt. Jason, president; Bob Sherman, Vice Gahn, manager of Country Star Market to continue work towards development County board of commissioners. Gov. James Brickley and others are Step two of the renovation of Water president; Ed Drenth, secretary; and in Boyne City. of an industrial park. The tax, if approved, would be for trying to block the effort, Davis has Street water mains will begin right Herb Griffin, treasurer. Gahn had come to the city commls- Public hearings on whether the spent three years—1983-85. It would gener­ introduced legislation to half the ac­ after Labor Day, one year after the Last August Hudson Township resi­ -sion meeting Tuesday, July 27, repre­ fuel pool at Big. Rock Point nuclear ate about $100,000 each year for the tion. initiation of step one, Boyne City dents voted to have their own fire senting the complaints of his company power plant can be expanded will begin bus line. East Jordan Schools will operate with manager Tim Clifton told the city com­ department. By September they fin­ and of other merchants in the plaza June 7 at Boyne Mountain Lodge in The unemployment rate in Charle­ a $2,384,000 budget during the 1982-83 mission at its noon meeting Tuesday, ished the fire house—a concrete block about the traffic Island and sidewalk Boyne Falls. voix County inched lower during April, school year. The budget is $114,000 July 13. building attached to the township hall. projected to go in between Lake Street Charlevoix County will continue to but still stood at 21.9 percent. higher than the one for the 1981-82 This second phase, affecting Water By October they had their new $56,000 traffic and the parking lot. administer zoning ordinances for town­ The playground equipment in Veter­ year which ends today. Street between Park and East Streets, fire truck. Various uses have been thought of ships which want it to—at least for ans Memorial Park has been busy since No-till farming is getting a boost has been budgeted as a capital im­ The auditor's report of Boyne City's for the. old barn on city property on another year. the Boyne City High School student- from the federal government, county provement and is part of a five-year finances revealedbudgetin g to be on a Pleasant Valley Road in Boyne City. General questions on property taxes build structure was installed last week. executive director Helen Dietze said at schedule of city maintenance. good basis except for one thing. But it looks as if it will have to be torn were answered at the Boyne' City noon All tax requests on county school the annual Conservation Programs Re­ Improving the present city dock in Auditor Eric Peterson of Hill, Wood­ down instead. commission meeting, Tuesday, June 8, ballots were approved Monday. Boyne view on Monday, June 28. East Jordan may be the way toward cock and Distel told city commis­ Called "the loft," the building is by county equalization director Joan City had one mlllage renewal request, The Boyne City school board Monday eventually realizing the hoped-for mar­ sioners Tuesday that the water/waste- vacant except, as Howard Carson said, Blanchard. East Jordan had two and Charlevoix night approved a $3 million budget for ina, according to an analysis by city water fund losses cannot be covered by for the porcupines that come in at Boyne City employs the equalization three. the coming year. superintendent Mike Dionne. borrowing from other funds, even department staff to do the city's. In school board races, Gary Mellon Total spending is estimated at $3,- Dionne told city council pilings on though the results balance the books. East Jordan City Council has to assessing. was the winner in Boyne City and 177,408, while revenues are expected the south side are not holding the dock The planned changes along North decide what to do about private docks Two Boyne City women were arres­ Lawrence Chanda was the victor in to be $2,975,258. The balance will be on a level because they aren't securely Lake Street in Boyne City have not met on public property. ted following an armed robbery of the East Jordan. made up from funds left over from this driven into the lake bed. with unanimous approval. The owners : Store owner Vein Stark brought the Edward's IGA.grocery store, 5 W. Charlevoix County is selling its air budget year, which ends today. Dionne explained what is needed is and operators of the stores in the plaza matter up, asking for permission to put Main, Boyne City, on Monday, June 7. force. But it will still have its navy. JULY to splice the pilings so that they would containing the Country Star supermar­ a dock out in front of the Starks' Party The pair, Annette Washburn, 33, County commissioners last week ac­ Delighting East Jordan spectators be long enough to drive deeply into the ket and Butler Drugs have complained Store, just across M-66 from the lake. and Thelma Thompson, 30, have been cepted a bid of $24,751 to sell the over the July 4 weekend were 260 lake bed. to city officials that they are not happy charged with armed robbery and pos- county-owned medical evacuation plane hydroplanes and runabouts, racing in with the proposal. Page 2 - CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - January 5, 1983 with Connie Lingle Winter classes to 582-2194 Neighbors begin at arts center The Senior Center bingo winners for Detroit. Polleys, and spent New Year's Eve Six week winter classes will begin on the week were: regulars, Rudolph Evelyn Gould traveled to West Bend.' with the Polleys. January 10 at the McCune Arts Center Sterly, Jenny Jodway and Carlton Wisconsin and spent the Christmas Guests of the Bill Korthases were on East Mitchell in Petoskey. They Bunnell; specials, Ida Archer and Betty week with her daughter Loretta Woelz Bill and Jean Grimm and Hilda and offer opportunities for people from Shields; cover-all, Carlton Bunnell; and and her grandson. Clarence Reinhardt. pre-school age through adult to develop door prize, Mabel Hanson. Ami McGee of Eastport stayed with Roger Korthase traveled to Chicago talents they have, or maybe discover David Hardy has returned to Japan. her grandmother, Mrs. Louise McGee, with David and Chris Fair. Chris new interests and hobbies. The pro­ His wife Sue and children will be and her Uncle Russell during the attends college in Chicago. grams are made possible with the staying for another two weeks with her Christmas vacation. Roberta Korthase is home from support of the State of Michigan parents, the Mel Swansons of Petos­ Bee Howard spent Sunday with her Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind., through a grant from the Michigan key, and with David's parents, the daughter and son-in-law, JoAnn and for the Christmas break. Council for the Arts. Jerry Hardys. Jim Vargo, of Petoskey. Bee has been Visiting the Howard Thompsons are Please phone the Arts Center at Jerry and Wyn Kieninger had Christ­ slowed down with a hip injury. their daughter Kathy and her children 347-4337, Mondays through Saturdays mas at their farm with their daughter Mrs. Kay Spaniak, with her son Vic Tracey and Jessica, of Sebewaing. from 10 till 5, for further infonnation, Kim and her husband Gary Kennedy of and his wife Linda and their son Lance, Their daughter and family, the Leroy to register, or to obtain a complete Los Angeles, California. They were have returned from traveling to Geor­ Boeschs, also of Sebewaing, spent a class listing with times, dates and surprised by the California tempera­ gia and Florida for the holidays. They few days visiting too. prices. tures in Michigan. The Kieninger's spent Christmas in Georgia with Vic's Dorothy brondyke, of Holland, The instructors are artists with de­ daughter, Claudia, and her husband daughter Rhonda and family, seeing Mich., spent the weekend with the grees in art from nationally recognized Mike Lacusta and children, Mike and the new grandchildren. From Georgia Pluisters. She is a sister to Von universities and art schools, and have Mandy, were at home in Walloon Lake they traveled to Chet and Jean Pluister. had many years of teaching experience and daughter Kathy Kaufman stayed in Spaniaks in Florida. Cathie and Mike Davis had a New at all age levels. Year's Eve gathering for friends and Celebrating 30 years of service to Bendlx-Conrter, Inc. this week are Eloulse The Steve Crouchs traveled to Tra­ family. Kent, who was hired by the company In December of 1952. She Is now the verse City over Christmas. Shipping and Receiving Clerk Lead In the material control department of the Mediation training to start in Rev. Walls traveled to Minneapolis, Ray and Gloria Anderson were plant. Looking on at one of the products the firm nude years ago, Is Bemlce Minn, during the Christmas week to visited by her brother Dick and Sarah- Bearss, who is presently an assembly technician In the Production Department. visit with his mother. jane Dunsmore. The Harley Parks, She was hired on January S, 1952 and Is also celebrating her 30th year with the northern Michigan Jim Walls, son of the Rev and Mrs. Gloria's sister Ann, had the family in company. Both women were honored with flowers and a cake from the top officials Walls, is on leave from the service and for dinner, including the Mark Fruges, of the company. home. daughter of the Andersons. agreement, which (in On January 10, 1983 of years. Rabbi Graubart Sheri Sutliff, daughter of the Oral Gale and Stuart Goodall traveled to most cases) will provide a attorneys, pastors, and head of the Midwest Bet Sutliffs, is home from college. Sheri Chesaning and Caro over the New legally enforcable decis­ laymen will come to­ Din, recently addressed a goes to Central. Year's weekend. They visited with INVENTORY REDUCTION ion. Christian conciliation gether at the Chalet Res­ National Conciliator train­ Mrs. G. Sutton spent Christmas with family and friends. differs from the 140 other taurant in Gaylord for a ing conference held at her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bullock and Daryl Thompson alternative dispute reso­ * SALE full day of training in Wheaton college and ex­ Raymond Frank in Vassar, then travel­ are home from college for the Christ­ lution programs listed by Christian mediation. plained the historical de­ ed on to Lansing where she visited with mas break. the American Bar Asso­ 20% The purpose of Chris­ velopment of the rabini- her daughter, Mrs. Gayle Elder. Stacy and Kerri Gay traveled by bus ciation, because Biblical tian mediation is to pro­ cal court system. The Jim Anthonys, daughter of Bill to visit with their uncle and aunt, Tom 30% principles govern the pro­ vide an alternative to the Any person interested and Jean Korthase, were home for the and Sally Gay, in Midland. While court process for resolu­ cesses and procedures. holidays; They are from Ada, Mich. there, Stacy and Kerri were treated to 40% Generally, the mediation in becoming a mediator tion of legal-disputes, or learning more about While here they spent time skiing with indoor swimming, shopping, and resolution of legal dis­ panel is composed of an friends, the Jeff Bradfords and the Rob tobogganing. They spent a week there. attorney, a pastor and a the service is invited to putes. attend one or more of the 50% The training session is lay person with some particular gifts or exper­ training sessions at the MDJJEWALDEN open to all interested per­ January 10, 1983 seminar sons without charge tise that will assist in the 536-2381 resolution of the dispute. and workshop. Reserva­ EJ. Chatterings except for the meals. The tions and further infor­ 60% OFF training will be conducted mation can be obtained Dave Meyers from Houston, Texas The world in a day or two. by Mr. Laury Eck, Na­ Submitting disputes to by writing Northern tional Director of the the church for resolution and Mrs. Sue Scarbraugh and sons Instead, just give your very best Michigan Christian Con­ Jimmy and Georgie from Reed City, In the little things you do. Christian Conciliation is not a- recent innova­ ciliation Service, P.O. Service. tion. The Jewish Rabbin­ visited their grandmother, Mrs. Irma Then you will find in days to come Box 458, Boyne City, Ml Johnson last Monday. When taken all together. DOWNTOWN S *#£ DOWNTOWN The parties enter into a ical Court System, Bet(h) 49712, or calling (616) BOYNE CITY CHAJilEVOK Din, goes back thousands Chris and Bryan Walden returned These little steps did change and make MARKET MALL mediation/arbitration 582-6948. Reservations home after spending the Christmas The World a little better. while not required will be Unique Cards. Distinctive Gifts. • ' • *W <**JV holiday with their grandparents, Mr. The Walden family wishes a very appreciated (only those Rattan & Wicker Speci and Mrs. Ernie Walden. Happy New Year to everyone. s*. Good value is with reservations will re­ With the old year ringing out and the ceive course materials). new year ringing in, a little thought to I wish to thank everyone for their Most pastors and local keep in mind. news this past year. Let's make 1983 a why millions attorneys have additional Do not despair, that you cannot change whopper! information on the keep coming program. Non-Smoker back to BOYNE CITY % SENIOR CITIZEN'S CENTER ACTIVITIES Discounts? H&R Block. Dec. 11, Tuesday - Birthday dinner; 12:30, Gary This year, there are more than 100 changes In the Russell, "CafSene." tax laws and forms. But at H&R Block, one thing Dec. 12, Wednesday-Bowling, 2 p.m. hasn't changed ... fair prices I Just ask, and we'll Dec. 13, Thursday-Bingo, 12:30 One name says it best. give you a free estimate of the cost for preparing Dec. 14, Friday-SID, 10-2 p.m. your return. You get a complete interview. Plus we doublacheck your return for accuracy. RUEGSEGGER-STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY «- . L» H*R BLOCK The new tax low*. ——^^^^^^ Obituary This year's number one reason to 90 to HfcR Mock. LAWRENCE Church. MasterCard and Visa accepted at most area locations KKATOCHVTL Survivors include his 112 S.Park Market MaU Funeral services for wife; two sisters, Mrs. Boyne City Charlevoix Lawrence B. Kratochvil, Leona Anderson of East 582-6747 547-9667 66, were held Jan. 3 at Jordan and Mrs. Florence E^& M Stan Open 9-6, Mon.-Sat, Open 9-6, Mon.-Sat St. Joseph's Church. The Leach of Oregon; a half- Rev. Joseph Lima of­ sister, Mrs. Thomas gtes^we do complete brake service' ficiated. Burial was in St. (Ruth Ann) Sheridan of 'Appointment* Available" John's Cemetery. East Jordan; three step­ Boyne City/] | | II Mr. Kratochvil died sisters, Mrs. Archie (So­ Dec. 31 at his Wilson phia) Nemecek of East 706 f- WATER'ST. Township home following Jordan, Mrs. Don (Mar­ Boyne City, Ml an apparent heart attack. gery) Roblee of Lansing nllll'Q. Born in Jordan Town­ and Mrs. Clara Smith of 7 s/nce 7905 ship, Antrim County on Greenville; a step-bro­ •THAT Aug. 17, 1916, Mr. Krat­ ther, Chester Skrocki of ochvil married Esther Boyne City. '*—">** Call 582-6251' Stanek Skop at East Jor­ The family suggests ^tTsave-Share dan on Sept. 15, 1967. He memorials to the East *Auto-Oumers Insurance lived in Chicago for many Jordan Ambulance Fund. Life. Home. Car. Business. One name says it all. years, returning to Wil­ "Helping to Build a Better son Township in 1970. Mr. Kratochvil was a painter and interior If you are looking for. Community Together" decorator specializing in Congalemn Flooring Norandex Aluminum This is one example of a non-profit group wallpapering. He was a Ceramic ft Quarry Tile member of St. Joseph's Armstrong Flooring Windows ft Sliding Doors Closet Maid Ventilated making use of the Save-Share Program to help Cupeling, lM'i of Styles raise funds. There are many more groups using it Aluminum Siding Shelving too, ' '. MerOst Kitchen ft Storm Windows ft Doors Shatters Glen's wants everyone in East Jordan to know Bath Cabinets Screen Door* Garage Doors about Save-Share and hopes more groups will use Charlevoix Formica Counter Top* Steel Insulated Doors Alruxunmn Hand Reus it to raise funds. Marble Vanity Top* Oak Parquet PreQnlshed ft Porch Cohunna All a group has to do is register with the store Flooring manager and begin" saving the green cash register County Decorative Hardware • tapes'. Glen's will pay 1 percent of the total qualified amount of all tapes brought is by any Press registered group; and not just once, but each time The Charlevoix County a group brings in $25.00 worth of slips or more. Press (USP 396480) is Mrs. Bonnie Fox ha* received a check to the We can get it Factory Direct published weekly by amount of $168.20 for the R.L.D.S. Church. See Martin Braman Silbar Communica­ Glen's Store Manager

1983—Will it be a good year? It will if we, the taxpayers of and the skill could be learned on the job, but, under the Kenuten Valve Suppliers, for example, can get his ear almost the government, can ask the legislature to do a couple of guidelines of today, we cannot afford to increase the payroll immediately to express their views on what bill they would things to try to get our economy going, help with the and still make a profit. After all, we only know of one business like to see passed, or how something should be voted upon. unemployment problems of the state, and help with the that can afford to run at a loss, and that is the government By eliminating the lobby groups, perhaps our legislators already overbearing tax load the government is costing us. itself. And you can see what they are doing to our nation. and elected officials would have more time to work on things One of the things we should try to urge the legislature to do The second thing we would like to see happen that might that are important, like really finding the "waste" in is to pass a bill to lower the minimum wage. It is currently set help our economy would be the elimination of lobbyists. While government and really getting rid of it to save the taxpayers at $3.35 per hour for those with jobs that meet the Federal most lobbyists are nice people, they represent a small portion some money. levels. of the whole. They represent the special interest groups. This Another thing that would be nice, is to have every elected If the wage law were lowered to about $1.60 per hour, as it in itself is not a bad idea, but, it's getting to the point where official not start any new legislation. It seems that everyone was back when, then employers could afford to hire some of the governing officials see more lobbyists than see their who gets elected, has to try and get a new law passed to the unemployed youngsters looking for their first job in the constituents. justify his election. Most of the new bills are written and put marketplace. An employer could afford to hire, train and work In fact, sometimes it is hard to get in a word because the in the hands of the congressman or senator by the lobbyists with a person who doesn't have the skills necessary to do the lobbyist is taking up the time of the senator or the anyway, so if we could stop the lobbyists, maybe we could live job. Employers could probably live with the fact that the representative. And everyone is looking for a "deal" for the without a new law being passed for the personal gain of a few. person, while they are in the training phase, will produce less, particular group they are working with. We don't think any of this will come to pass, because we hut, at the same time, cost less to have on their staff. In the Federal government, just try to call down to your don't think our present elected officials care, and if they do We remember when we could afford to hire teenage kids to elected official and try to talk personally with him. It's almost read this, we invite them to respond. In the meantime, we do some of the jobs that did not require a whole lot of skill, impossible. But, a lobbyist for Association of taxpayers will continue to struggle to support the government, and pray for the day when we have another Boston Tea Party. Marshall Sayles Letters This is the time of year when every­ hung around the lake for more than 50 muchly. In fact, it was the first time in thing is gone: Christmas, New Years, year man and boy and there have been my life that I was tickled and sick at the Voices disapproval your money... a number of times when it froze under. same time. Cards arrived from three states including Michigan and some * * * That's when there are two or three Dear Editor, closing of Front Street. the wishes of the people of Boyne City inches of water on top of the ice. It's even came from Boyne City where Happy New Year! Ha. What do they people know me. But my friends. Now, I am writing this letter as a con­ Although we could go through all of in this matter creates an atmosphere of mean by that! 1983 moved in with a very dangerous to walk on the lake cerned resident of Boyne City. the arguments made before that elec­ resentment and distrust. An arrange­ when it's frozen under. Water on top of they are something else again. One gasoline tax in one hand and a friend's card said things could have 1 would like to take this opportunity tion, 1 feel it is totally inappropriate ment reached 2½ years ago stating cigarette tax in the other. One of these ice makes ice more icy. I hope the lake to Voice my whole-hearted opposition to and unwarranted to do so. For the "At no time in the future would Front freezes over instead of under and that been worse. I might have been preg­ days the government is going to raise nant. Another said he wanted to send Plan B. Planning Commission or the City Com­ Street be closed between Second and taxes and the citizens are going to raise the Chamber's program is a huge I feel that any support for this plan is mission to disregard these voters wish­ the intersection of Division and Lake" success. (1 was talking about this with a money to help pay the enormous the wildest crop of cain yet seen in the hospital expense, but he had already in direct opposition to the time-honored es at the January 11, 1983 joint session should not be merely pushed aside. good, old U.S. and A. friend and he said that it might not be precedent of majority rule as a means would be inexcusable. Thank you, a bad idea if I were to slip back into the sealed the envelope. A third reported a • * * pool that was taking bets on who would of settling matters such as this, which I personally feel this effort by Marvin Lodlng hospital for a while.) directly affect the community as a My wife drove from home to the get me if I should perish and forget to Harborage Development to circumvent Boyne aty • • * whole. hospital each day during my recent come back—the Lord or the Devil. I policy March may only be eight weeks away didn't mind that so much, but it made As we all know, the City Commission Letter unpleasantness. One morning our hill Letters to the editor, handwritten was all ice and dangerous. So she on the calendar, but it's six months me mad when I learned that the bets chose to hold a referendum on this although he or she for special away for those who work outdoors. were going for only a quarter. matter, with the election taking place or typed, are a welcome and reasons may request that the name phoned up the road commission. In no Important part of this paper. They time at all the hill was sanded. You * * * I've never understood why those in August 1979 with 52% of the voters not be printed. The paper reserves turning out. The citizens of Boyne City should be under 750 words In couldn't get better attention if you Let me now thank those who sent acquainted with the ill send great gobs the right to edit material. overwhelmingly (698-394) rejected the length and signed by the writer. were the only man in town selling sympathy cards while I was bent over of sympathy, while real, close friends Whiskey., the edge of a hospital bed With my always send funny stuff that makes

•$'•'•'•'••'• *** tongue hanging out. I've no idea why your stomach sort of cramp up when "•The Chamber of Commerce is pre- so many people wanted me to stop you laugh. paring a winter festival for Smeltania being sick, but it was nice of them to » • » FIRST on Lake Charlevoix. Now, suppose the say so. A large number said they would Happy New Year everyone! Please Jake doesn't freeze over this winter. rather see me return home in a car follow Mr. Reagan's advice. Give to the Suppose it freezes under instead. I've than a hearse. Those words tickled me soup kitchen of your choice. NATIONAL Jottings BYJEViSlLBAR have to dress in a name pair of pants, marketplace, but in everything. After looking around Boyne City over jacket, and have a name pair of skis Our cars have to still have a little BANK AND : the holidays, one of the things that I with a name pair of bindings to go with status, our food, and our jobs. You i have been impressed with, is the great a name pair of boots. can't be a garbage collector or a janitor ; amount of status we all look for in It's the same with golf or any other anymore, you have to be a refuse ourselves. sport. engineer or a custodial supervisor. I mean, almost everyone is wearing a When I was going to college, and the Even where we choose to live has a TRUST_ ' pair of fashion jeans, one item of college did not offer the courses that I status influence. Do we live in Boyne ; status. Or a ski jacket that is made by was interested in, I transferred to City, or do we live in Uppercrust North. \ the current leader of fashion in West another school. Why? Not because of a Just ask a realtor where the neat : Dibbleville. Everything has to have a better curriculum, my justification was addresses are, you will get a list a yard name. that the school had better sports long. From Harbor Springs to Horton Introducing Our • We get up in the morning to eat a equipment. It had a "name." Bay, and on even to West Uppercrust > status meal, dress in our status ap­ In skiing now, one of the hottest North, every town has its own status. parel, participate in the status sports, items is a pair of handmade "bouti­ You just can't live in the woods . get entertained by drinking the status que" skis. They sell for about $500. anymore, you have to live in the • liquids, and go to sleep in even status And they will not necessarily let you "Suburbs" of, and so on. SUPER NOW account . sheets and blankets on the bed. make turns better, or run faster, or let Even I am fully conscious of status, I ; I mean, when is it going to end. you be the best skier of the hill. They lean towards the finer things in life, ; My kids live in their status jeans just cost enough for the handmade, just like a lot of other folks do. Now, if I • when I can remember the day when limited edition, exclusive distribution, can find a place to park my Ferrari ; just jeans were outlawed from the and graphically designed skis to be­ when I go over to Europe to do my come one of the premier status symbols schools. I was happy to be able to skiing after I can fit into my Reinalter of the sport. Where will it all end. afford a pair of skis, and they were the special ski pants, and ski on my army surplus type with no name. But Of course the status game is not just Vielhaber skis, and drink Pernod with now, if I were to go skiing, I would appearing in the apparel and the Perrier, I guess I'll survive just like all With a minimum $2,500 balance... sporting equipment we have in the the rest of us common folks. Barbara Cruden ...you earn a higher rate of interest Today I have all these plastic con­ more or less interestedly over their A mountain woman who could not tainers with their plastic covers. They writing. :;read, still had a good ear for words. need a word with the appropriate Words are needed also for the effects ...there is no monthly service charge :!She named her baby son Satan, sound to it. The sound and the word, I of modern technology. No popularized .because it sounded so splendid. have decided, is "plox." Hand me a word has emerged yet for the frozen :•;. As a child, I used to think "iniquity" plox, please... slush that collects under car fenders in was a splendid-sounding word. It was "Rasp" is unquestionably correct for winter. But not to despair. I have a ...you have unlimited checking •hard to associate evil with a word that a rasp, and saw, hammer, router, ax, word here. "Slubs." They are all •suggested to me a dark velvet coat, and plane: these all relate to how they stubs. 'fastened With slender gold chains, and sound. But "wife," "parent," (Don't kick your slubs off in your "decorated with heavy embroidered "spouse"—none of them suit. Even friend's driveway.) transactions 'panels. "Iniquity" was an assemblage "daughter" has a stand-offish sound. One of the pleasures of learning a of all that was mysterious and glamor­ We need some new words there. I'm foreign language is to discover what ous in the ancient circles of power. sure better-sounding words would they did to match sounds and qualities. '•• There's still something correct about bring about a better feeling for these I never liked our word "dogs" but it ...plus your money is insured. Call thai ' remarkable roles. turned out I liked the French word less. ., "Enemy" was easy to sense. It looks Many other remarkable things have "Le chien" has no warmth to it, no 'and sounds ugly and faceless. But no words for them at all. Thus they strength. J" adversary"—that has a ring too even do not seem to exist. Or we steal Our word "star," has the brightness A run -gVtant to use as the Bible does in a word from its regular meaning and of the "st" and the far-away sound of "saying "thine adversary, the devil." apply it to the unwonted thing. Like the "ar." It's a very good word. SFRVICE :' Many words ate said to have actually "oral literacy" when "literary" has to The Spanish "estrelUta" is also BANK • sprang from an association of sound do with the written word. Unforgiv­ good. It has affection for stars. It has "•ssiisr 'and meaning.Tin sure "bowl" it one able! sparkle. •s of these/ft sounds exactly the way my As a teacher I used to wish for a The Spanish have a good word for Whon it comos to this and othor monoy question*—com* to u* first. ; mother'i set of mixing bowls did when word to describe the particular kind of grasshoper, too, wish I could remem- : she stacked them to put them away— peace that fills a classroom when all 35 347-7711 •"BowW-MI" students ate bent simultaneously and Having words is a way to be rich.

•am Page 4 - CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS • January 5,19*3 Charlevoix County Boyne Falls lunch Jan.lO-Jan. 14 Monday - Tacos with County Commission Minutes cheese and shredded lettuce, macaroni & to­ matoes, buttered corn CHARLEVOIX COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Judge Murphy appeared before the Board to discuss the position of recorder Tneaday - Fish wedge, DECEMBER 8, 1'982 in the Probate Court. He expressed the desire to have this made into a full- tartar sauce, mashed tine position to be filled by the part-time employee already in the office. potatoes, sauerkraut, A meeting of the Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners was called to The matter was referred to the Personnel Committee for recommendations at the green beans order at 9:35 AM by Chairman Clyde Cunningham, next meeting. Wednesday - Hot dogs ROLL CALL After discussion of holiday schedules, the Chairman announced-tte.t the in buns, buttered peas, Roll was called with the following members in attendance: Commissioners next Board meeting will be Thursday, December 23, 1982 at 2:00 PM. cheese slices Ingalls, Cunningham, Haggard, Matthew, Harmon, Toton, Sutliff, Loding, Meggison RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION--(#82-087) Thursday - Vegetable Ward and Moerland, 11. Excused, Bieganowski and Breakey, 2. Absent, Davis and Moved by Commissioner Breakey and supported by CommTssioner Harnion that the Annear, 2. beef soup, assorted following resolution be adopted: sandwiches, crackers, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WHEREAS, Don Graham has served on the Charlevoix County Road Commission The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Commissioner Toton. for the past twelve years; and carrot sticks (Commissioner Annear entered at 9:40 AM.) WHEREAS, Mr Graham has now announced his intention to. retire; and Friday - Pizza, salad, Correspondence was' read and referred to appropriate committees or placed WHEREAS, Mr Graham has given long hours of service to the Road Commission green beans on file. and the citizens of Charlevoix County; RESCIND ROAD COMMISSION APPOINTMENT NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Charlevoix County Board of — Too late Moved by Commissioner Toton and supported by Commissioner Ward that the Commissioners expresses its appreciation to Don Graham for his dedicated service to classify appointment to the County Road Commission made October 12, 1982 be rescinded. and wishes him a long and happy retirement. 500 Help Wanted VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried. ARE YOU MAKING It was further moved by Commissioner Annear and supported by Commissioner RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION--(#82-088) Meggison that the appointment to the Road Commission be tabled until the Moved by Commissioner Meggison and supported by Commissioner Ingalls that WHAT YOU December 22, 1982 meeting. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried. the following resolution be adopted: ARE WORTH? APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER, 1982 SESSIONS WHEREAS, Harry Potter has served as the Charlevoix County building Does your current job Moved by Commissioner Harmon and supported by Commissioner Haggard that maintenance man for the past sixteen years; and lack the freedom and the minutes of the November, 1982 sessions of the Board of Commissioners be WHEREAS, Mr Potter has now announced his intention to retire; and independence you approved as presented. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried. WHEREAS, Mr Potter has given long hours of devoted service to the county; want? Are you a self Commissioner Ward reported on a meeting of the Parks § Recreation starter? Have you ever Commission held December 6. Among the matters discussed were the park manager's NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Charlevoix County Boa?d of Commissioners expresses its appreciation to Harry Potter for his dedicated thought about starting salary for 1983 and the hiring of part-time help. your own business? (Commissioner Breakey entered at 10:05 AM.) service and wishes him a long and happy retirement. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried, Our organization is Scott Beatty, Prosecuting Attorney, appeared before the Board to discuss made up of over 900 a contract between his department and several state agencies for the prosecution STATUTORY FINANCE REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 1982 of food stamp fraud. Moved by Commissioner Ingalls and supported by Commissioner Sutliff that independent dealers RESOLUTION-FOOD STAMP FRAUD CONTRACT (#82-081) the report of the Statutory Finance Committee for November, 1982 be accepted nation wide. Many were Moved by Commissioner Matthew and supported by Commissioner Toton that the as presented. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. solid employees like following resolution be adopted: RESIGNATION FROM BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS yourself who wanted WHEREAS, the Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners has been presented Chairman Cunningham read a letter of resignation from Delbert Ingalls more—more money, a standard agreement between Michigan Department of Social Services and effective December 20, 1982. Moved by Commissioner Toton and supported by more freedom, more Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan and Charlevoix County and Charlevoix Commissioner Moerland that the resignation be accepted. VOICE VOTE: all chances to get ahead. present in favor. County Prosecuting Attorney; and We want to talk with WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of that contract are satisfactory RESOLUTION--PARK MANAGER'S SALARY (#82-089) people who want more and would serve to reimburse the county costs for prosecution of food stamp Moved by Commissioner Moerland and supported by Commissioner Ingalls that the following resolution be adopted: —people who want to fraud; make their own op­ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Charlevoix County Board of WHEREAS, the County's park manager, Philo Sumner, has requested that his salary be reduced to $4,900, effective January 1, 1983; and portunities and start Commissioners ratifies the agreement between Michigan Department of Social building for their fut­ Services and Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan and Charlevoix County WHEREAS, the Parks Commission agrees with this request' and Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney and authorizes Clyde Cunningham, NOW THEREFORE IT IS THE RECOMMENDATION of the Ways and Means Committee ures today. Chairman of the Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners to execute said that this be done. A sales and/or ser­ agreement. Submitted by Ways and Means Committee, Commissioners Sutliff Ingalls vice background is ROLL CALL VOTE: Yeas, 13, Nays, none. Absent, Davis, 1. Excused, Matthew and Toton. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. ' helpful. Milk route, Bieganowski, 1. Motion carried. Moved by Commissioner Meggison and supported by Conmissioner Harmon that bread route, cleaning the meeting be adjourned to 2:00 PM, Thursday, December 23, 1982. All present route, direct sales RESOLUTION--NATIONAL ASSOC. OF COUNTIES APPROP. (#82-082) in favor. Moved by Commissicner Toton and supported by Commissioner Sutliff that the route, bending route ex­ following resolution be adopted: Next meeting, Thursday, December 23, 1982 at 2:00 PM. perience desirable, but WHEREAS, it appears that the National Association of Counties has a not necessary. temporary cash short-fall; and JANE E. BRANNON, COUNTY CLERK CLYDE CUNNINGHAM, CHAIRMAN You deserve to get WHEREAS, all member counties are being asked to help out on an equitable the facts on how you basis; and can start the new year WHEREAS, this one time bill will be off-set on future dues; in your own business NOW THEREFORE IT IS THE RECOMMENDATION of the Ways and Means Committee that the additional dues in the amount of $111,50 be allowed and paid before and begin building a CHARLEVOIX COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS better future for your­ December 31, 1982. DECEMBER 23, 1982 IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED, that said funds be taken from the Board of self. For a confidential Commissioners budget, line item 807, memberships and subscriptions. interview write: A meeting of the Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners was called to order Walley Bringo Submitted by Ways and Means Committee, Commissioners Sutliff, Ingalls, at 2:15 PM by Chairman Clyde Cunningham. Matthew and Toton. ROLL CALL VOTE: Yeas, 13. Nays, none. Excused, Bieganowski, ROLL CALL 1950 N. Block 1. Absent, Davis, 1. Motion carried. Roll was called with the following members in attendance: Commissioners Reese, Mich. RESOLUTION-REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATION (#82-083) Cunningham, Haggard, Bieganowski, Matthew, Harmon, Breakey, Annear, Toton, Sutliff, 48757 Moved by Commissioner Sutlitt and supported by Commissioner Ingalls that Loding, Meggison, Ward and Moerland, 13. Absent, Davis, 1, the following resolution be adopted: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Public Notice WHEREAS, on November 10, 1982, the Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners The pledge of allegiance to the tlag was led by Conmissioner Sutliff. held a public Federal Revenue Sharing Budget hearing; and A letter of resignation from Sam Kosc was read. He indicated that he will MORTGAGE SALE - WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board to allocate 1983, as well as no longer be able to serve on the Act 258 Board. It was moved by Commissioner future years' allocaitons for specific functions; Default has been made Toton and supported by Commissioner Harmon that the resignation be accepted. in the conditions of a NOW THEREFORE IT IS THE RECOMMENDATION of the Ways and Means Committee VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried. that the 1983 Federal Revenue Sharing funds be used for general government for mortgage made by JOHN It was moved by Commissioner Matthew and supported by Commissioner Moerland ANTHONY MULHOL- Manatron payments of $20,000; Building Authority rent of $30,000 and for that appointments to the Commission on Aging and the Planning Commission be public safety sheriff's-salaries of $229,279; removed from the table. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor, Motion carried. LAND and KAY F. MUL- IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED, that allocations for 1984 and 1985 be for APPOINTMENTS TO COA HOLLAND, his wife to Manatron payments of $20,000; Building Authority rents, of $30,000 and sheriff's The Chairman recommended that A.D. Cunningham be reappointed to theCommission NBD MORTGAGE COM­ salaries of $174,640, each year for a grand total of $449,280, on Aging for a three year, term beginning January 1, 1983, Moved by Commissioner PANY, a Delaware Cor­ Submitted by Ways and Means Committee, Commissioners Sutliff, Ingalls, Meggison and supported by Commissioner Ward that the appointment be confirmed. poration, Mortgagee, Matthew and Toton. A discussion followed and it was then moved by Commissioner VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried. dated July 3, 1979, and Matthew and supported by Commissioner Harmon that the foregoing resolution APPOINTM5NTS TO PLANNING COMMISSION recorded on July 12, be tabled for further study. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION TO TABLE: all present in The Chairman recommended that Arnold Hudson, Junior Hunt and Tom Wieland be 1979, in Liber 157, on favor. Motion tabled. reappointed to the Planning Commission, each for a three year term commencing page 963, Charlevoix RESOLUTION--NEW CUSTODIAN (#82-084) January 1, 1983. Moved by Commissioner Matthew and supported by Commissioner • Moved by Commissioner Ingalls and supported by Commissioner Meggison that County Records, Michi­ Sutliff that the appointments be confirmed. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. gan, on which mortgage the following resolution be adopted: Motion carried. WHEREAS, the building maintenance person, Harry Potter has indicated there is claimed to APPOINTMENT TO ROAD CCMMISSICN be due at the date hereof his decision to retire; and Moved by Commissioner Matthew and supported by Commissioner Totori that the WHEREAS, applications for a replacement for Mr Potter have been requested Road Commission appointment be removed from the table. VOICE VOTE: all present the sum of FORTY TWO and by the Personnel Committee; and in favor. Motion carried. The Chairman then submitted the following names as THOUSAND SEVEN WHEREAS, Michael Webb has been a county employee for a number of years candidates for the appointment: James Behling, Richard Fochtman, Delbert Ingalls HUNDRED FORTY NINE and is qualified for the position; and Tom Wiltjer. Moved by Commissioner Toton and supported by Commissioner and 23/100 Dollars ($42,- NOW THEREFORE IT IS THE RECCMMENUATION of the Personnel Committee that Meggison that Delbert Ingalls be nominated. Moved by Commissioner Breakey and 749.23), including inter­ Michael Webb be hired to replace Harry Potter at grade 7, level A, with an supported by Commissioner Annear that Tom Wiltjer be nominated. Moved by est at 10% per annum. annual salary of $13,122, effective January 1, 1983. Commissioner Toton and supported by Commissioner Ward that the nominations be Under the power of IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED, that this appointment shall be for a six closed. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Commissioners Haggard and month probationary period and will again be reviewed by the Personnel Committee Bieganowski were named as tellers and a secret vote was cast. The results were sale contained in said at that time. tabulated and found to be as follows: Ingalls, 10; Wiltjer, 3. The Chairman mortgage and the statute Submitted by Personnel Committee, Commissioners Ingalls, Sutliff, Matthew declared that Delbert Ingalls was elected to a 6 year term on the Road Commission. in such case made and and Toton. ROLL CALL VOTE: Yeas, 13. Nays, none. Excused, Bieganowski, 1, TRANSIT HOLIDAY RESOLUTION provided, notice is here­ Absent, Davis, 1. Motion carried. Moved by Commissioner Loding and supported by Commissioner Moerland that by given that said mort­ RESOLUTION--CUSTODIAN PRCMOTICN (#82-085) resoluticn 82-080 be removed from the table for further consideration, VOICE gage will be foreclosed Moved by Commissioner Ingalls and supported by Commissioner Meggison that VOTE: all present in favor. Moved by Commissioner Loding and 'supported by by a sale of the mort­ the following resolution be adopted: Commissioner Matthew that the following paragraph be deleted: gaged premises, or some WHEREAS, the appointment of Michael Webb to replace Harry Potter as the part of them, at public building maintenance man creates a vacancy in Mr Webb's previous position; and Personnel required to work on these days (as determined by management) would be compensated on a 1:1 basis by vendue, at the main lob­ WHEREAS, Debra Martinchek has been employed for the county for some time by of the Charlevoix and has given satisfactory performance; ' adding compensatory time to the annual vacation or if NOW THEREFORE IT IS THE RECOMMENDATION of the Personnel Committee that personnel prefer to use the comp time as personal days. County Courthouse, Debra Martinchek be named to replace Michael Webb at grade 2, level C, with All comp time thus earned to be used within the same • Charlevoix, Michigan, at an annual salary of $9,992, effective January 1, 1983. calendar year, 11:00 o'clock A.M., on Submitted by Personnel Committee, Commissioners Ingalls, Sutliff, Matthew and that the original resolution be amended to read as follows: February 4, 1983. and Toton, ROLL CALL VOTE: Yeas, 13. Nays, none. Excused, Bieganowski, 1. WHEREAS, County policies regulate the annual holiday schedule of all Said premises are sit­ Absent, Davis, 1, Motion carried. county employees, including transit personnel; and WHEREAS, this schedule interferes at times with the satisfactory uated in the Township of The Board recessed at 11:29 for committee work, reconvening at 1:35 PM. operation of transit; and South Arm, Charlevoix AFTERNOON SESSION County, Michigan, and WHEREAS, an alternate holiday schedule for essential transit personnel Roll was called with 13 members in attendance. Excused, Bieganowski, 1. are described as: Absent, Davis, 1...... would better meet the need of the public on certain holidays; The North 12¼ Acres of Larry Sullivan, County Planner, read a letter from the DNR indicating that NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that those County holidays not observed the SW'/4 of the NWVi Charlevoix County has been selected to receive financial support for the per­ by the general public (such as schools, industries, businesses, etc) be observed of Section 32, Town 32 formance of a land cover/use inventory pursuant to the Michigan Resource Inven­ only by transit personnel not essential for the operation of transit, Personnel North, Range 7 West, tory Act. He indicated that the amount of the grant is $4,883 and reviewed the required to work on these days as determined by management will be compensated on terms of the contract and some of the available options and time frames for the a 1:1 basis by adding personal days to their vacation time to make up for working except a parcel of inventory. on Washington's Birthday, National Election Day, Veterans Day and the day after land in the NW corner of RESOLUTION OF INTENT (»82-086) Thanksgiving. the above described, 300 Moved by Commissioner Moerland and supported by Commissioner Sutliff that Submitted by Health, Codes and Planning Committee, Commissioners Moerland feet North and South by the following resolution be adopted: *,'.•.•'• and Loding* VOICE VOTE: all present in favor, Motion carried. 350 feet East and West, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and its staff is in the process of APPROVAL-OF DECEMBER, 1982 MINUTES being 2¼ acres more or developing a County Land Use/Cover inventory; and It was pointed out that a typographical error on page 74 of the minutes less. WHEREAS, the State of Michigan is offering financial assistance with should read land/cover use inventory. It was moved by Commissioner Haggard and supported by Commissioner Breakey that the minutes of December 8, 1982 be approved The redemption period the understawling that the final product meet a high degTee of accuracy; and shall be 12 months from * WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution expres- as corrected. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried. Moved by Commissioner Moerland and supported by Commissioner Annear that the minutes of the date of such sale. sine the intent of the County to become involved in this program (#81-065); the December 23, 1982 meeting be approved by the Chairman and-Clerk. VOICE VOTE: Dated: Dec. 22, 1982 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the County Board of all present in favor. Motion carried. NBD MORTGAGE Ccwnissioners be directed to sign the attached contract. ..•'•••. Sam Kaufmann, director of the Northern Michigan Community Mental Health Submitted by Planning Committee, Commissioners Moerland and Lcding, COMPANY Services Board, spoke briefly to thank the Board for the cooperation extended to - Mortgagee SHOW OF HANDS VOTE: Yeas, 12. Nays, none.; Abstained, Matthew, 1, Excused, his agency and to indicate his intention to appear at 1983 board meetings in all fttecanowski. 1. Absent, Davis, 1. Motion carried. Robert A. Trott four counties served by -the Mental Health Board. He also discussed a question Attorney for Mortgagee Joan Bianchard, Equalization Director, discussed memoranda of land contracts raised regarding an employee grievance. 500 N. Woodward recorded for the purpose of name changes for tax bills and indicated that a The Board recessed at 3:00 PM for committee work, reconvening at 3:25 PM. nolicv "has been made in her office. Avenue, Suite 180 Sheriff Lasater read letters of commendation for Deputy Moses and posse •aPaaaS Bloomfleld Hills, Ml nenber Baker acknowledging actions taken in the recent apprehension of a felon. 48013 42-4t

/ CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - January S, 1983 - Page S Charlevoix County Commission MilUlteS Snary appointed EJ coach RESOLUTION--SHERIFF'S REPEATER SVSTO1 («82 090) Moved by Commissioner Matthew and supported by Conmissioner Sutliff that the Dennis Snary has been Bud Ashton, Snary has following resolution be adopted: appointed as coach for coached at the junior high WHEREAS, the Sheriff has requested approval for the purchase of a repeater the East Jordan Varsity level. He played three system for use by his department; and . basketball team, replac­ years with Eastern Mich­ WHEREAS, several townships have contributed funds to ho used in the ing Bill Chase who res­ igan University. ih purchase of such a system, said funds being deposited with the County Treasurer; and igned Dec. 13th. Snary Snary said he's start­ WHEREAS, there-are sufficient funds in the Sheriff's Department started working with the ing off with conditioning capital outlay budget for the balance of the repeater system; team just before the the team and working on NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the transfer of the sum of $1.000 from Christmas break and has much-needed fundamen­ the Sheriff's Department Capital Outlay budget to the Trust £ Agency Fund his first game under his tals in order to catch up #701-2$3-285D, be authorized. Said funds to be used for the purchase of a repeater belt with the team, a after losing Chase. system. losing effort to power­ Asked about his athle­ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the balance of $70 remaining in the Sheriff's house Charlevoix that tics policy, Snary said, capital outlay budget (970-301) be transferred to the Jail's capital outlay budget (970-351) for a purpose to be determined by the Sheriff. was held during the "The team will be expec­ Submitted by Ways and Means Committee, Commissioners Sutliff, Matthew, Christinas break. ted to conduct themselves and Toton. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried, According to principal in a manner the commun­ RESOLUTION--SOIL EROSION SALARY (082-091) ity would be proud of." Moved by Commissioner Matthew and supported by Commissioner Toron that the following resolution be adopted: WHESEAS, when the 1983 budget was adopted, the salary for the Soil 5 NOTICE Sedimentation Control Officer was placed in the contingency fund pending discussion Taking a running Jump shot, this Boyne City 7th grader makes an attempt to even regarding the duties of said office; and the icon in Monday night's basketball game with Charlevoix. It didn't help as Wilson Township WHEREAS, the duties of said office have been discussed and determined; Charlevoix went on to win both the 7th and the 8th grade contests. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the amount of $6,233 (the ¾ tine salary for the Soil § Sedimentation Control Officer), be transferred from the Contingency BC 7th and 8th graders lose Regular Meeting Dates Fund to the Building Inspection Department budget. Submitted by Ways and Means Committee, Commissioners Sutliff, Matthew and for 1983 Toton. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried. to Charlevoix Monday Boyne City seventh and RRSOLUT1QN--GRANDVUE FUND TRANSFER («82-092) while Tim Hennessy the lead 28 to 21. Things January 18 July 19 eighth graders started off Moved hy Commissioner Toton and supported by Commissioner Sutliff that the added five for the losing got back on track in the February 15 August 16 the new year basketball following resolution be adopted: team. fourth quarter but the March 15 September 20 WHEREAS, the Charlevoix County Social Services Board has requested the season, losing to arch Boyne five just couldn't April 19 October 18 rival Charlevoix in both The eighth graders transfer of funds from the Grandvue Depreciation/Capital Account to the Social started off with a bang add enough points to May 17 November 15 Welfare Fund in the amount of TWO THOUSAND TWENTY-TWO AND 33/100 ($2,022.33) games. The seventh gra­ overcome the disasterous June 21 December 13 DOLLARS for the purchase of flooring for several rooms at Grandvue; and ders lost 35 to 21, while taking the ball from the tipoff and going down the third quarter and ended WHEREAS, the Ways 5 Means Committee of the Charlevoix County Board of the eighth graders drop­ up losing 42-35. Commissioners concurs in this request; ped their game 42-35. court to score in the first two seconds. The aggres­ Taking the top scoring Township Officials NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED, that the Charlevoix County Treasurer is In the seventh grade sive team worked to build honors for the home team Supervisor - Raymond Guzniczak hereby authorized to transfer the sum of TWO THOUSAND TWENTY-TWO AND 33/100 game, coach Bud Beebe up a one point lead over were Pat Weeks, who put Clerk - Linda Nelson (52,022.33) DOLLARS from tlie Grandvue Depreciation/Capital Account to the used almost the entire Social Welfare Fund for the purpose state above. the Charlevoix boys at 12 points on the board, Treasurer - JoAnn Baker bench of the young pla­ Submitted by Ways and Means Committee, Commissioners Sutliff, Matthew and the end of the quarter. Steve Stutzman with 11, Trustees - Louis Fall and Hilbert Hardy yers who played the Toton. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. They then went to the and Joe Schovey and Jac­ Zoning Administrator and Ordinance Enforcer - hearts out trying to get RliSOLUTlON'--/\D0PTI0N OF 1983 BUDGET («82-093) lockerroom at the half- ques Battiste each added Greg Argetsinger the lead in the game and Moved by Ccmmissione- Siitliff and supported by Conmissioner Matthew that time break with a four five. For the Charlevoix 44-2t make the plays work ac­ resolution 82-079, adopted .'.'ovember 10, 1982, be rescinded. VOICE VOTE: all point lead over the visi­ team, Darren Batdorf had present in favor. Motion carried. cording to the way they tors from the other end of 11 points. Moved hy Commissioner Sutliff and supported hy Commissioner Matthew that trained. the following-resolution bo adopted: the lake. The teams will play /"We Have But the end result East Jordan at the YaiR WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, having developed the County's 1983 budget showed a loss, with In the third quarter, with the help of officers, agencies and courts, herewith presents the same for the team started to make Middle School this Thurs­ All The Boyne's players showing day. The seventh graders your consideration and adoption. Attached to and a part of the County Budget improvement made and a some mistakes and let the arc the supporting departmental budgets. Charlevoix players take start at 6 p.m. Ice Fishing In the development of this budget there will be a levy of 4.55 mills on lot more improvement to tlie State Equalized Valuation of 367,664,946. come in the future Supplies It is recommended that, in accordance with the recommendations of MCLA games. 141.435, ct set], the budgets be adopted by department totals and that no Big point honors for amendments to said budget totals or amounts allocated for salaries and wages or the seventh graders from You Need. capital outlay be made without majority Board approval. Boyne were Brian Napont GUNS Augers Amendments to lire items in the various budgets may then be made hy who scored six points NEW, USED AND ANTIQUE reconincndation in writing from the Board's committee representing the department BUY — SELL- TRADE •Shanty Stoves hith the concurrence of the Ways and Means Committee. Bowling RAYMOND WILLIAMS • It is suggested and also recommended that department heads maintain an HUNTING EQUIPMENT •Spears accounting of expenses hy line items to assure continuity of expenses. Odd Couples • GUNS •AMMUimOH •ARCHERY •Snowshoes 12-16-82 •SCOPES •MOUNTS •SHOTS Budgets of departments, courts and agencies that are funded in concert •Tip-ups with other governments and/or agencies have specific amounts appropriated Hot Shots 28 8 •BUCK POWDER Check out our contingent upon equitable participation of other representative goverrments and/ Out Laws 24 12 TACKLE & BAIT o r agenei es. Senior Citizens 16 20 HUNTING & FISHING LICENSES low prices! SulTmittod by Ways and Means Committee, Commissioners Sutliff, Matthew and Wild Ones 14¼ 21¼ Toton. ROLL CALL VOTE: Yeas, 13. Nays, none. Absent, Davis, 1. Motion carried. a B & M 14 22 SONNY'S GUN SHOP m MOORE'S RESOLUTION--LAW'LIBRARY («82-094) "' ~ Ramblers 11¼ 24¼ R.R. 2 • BOX 344 • CHARLEVOIX Moved by Commissioner Haggard and supported by Commissioner Meggison that Men High Series M-6I* RONTON |s5s» HARDWARE the following resolution be adopted: Al Walden 542 PHONE 547-6784 WHEREAS, the Charlevoix County Law Library is experiencing an extreme Mon.-Frl. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Boyne City Archie Castle 542 problem with shortage of space; and ^& SAT. 8 «.m.-3 p.m. 582-6622 J WHEREAS, a review of the contents of the Law Library has been conducted; and Al Walden 541 WHEREAS, it has been indicated that several sets of books duplicate Men's High Game one another; Archie Castle 208 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be authorized to place Al Walden 198 in storage the following sets of books: Archie Castle 198 ALR series 1 and 2 and Proof of Facts, 1st, Women's High Series said volumes being duplicated by other books remaining on the library shelves. Fran Castle 519 Submitted by Advertising and Printing Committee, Commissioners Haggard, Fran Castle ' 499 Meggison, Bieganowski and Breakey. VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion Fran Castle 478 carried. Women's High Game RESOUfflON--COUNTY PLANE SALE (»82-095) Fran Castle 202 Moved by Commissioner Haggard and supported by Conmissioner Toton that resolution 82-028, dated June 9, 1982, be rescinded, VOICE VOTE: all present Bobbie Borror 187 in favor. Fran Castle 185 oj boyne *. < Moved by Conmissioner Haggard and supported by Conmissioner Meggison that the following resolution be adopted: Senior Cltzens Bowling WHEREAS, Charlevoix County has received an offer in the amount of $18,000 12-29-82 for the DeHaviland Beaver aircraft presently hangered on Beaver Island, said Bennett 14¼ 26¼ offer coming from Robert Holdorph of Petoskey, Michigan; and Satder 36 32 WHEREAS, the Emergency Services Committee recommends the sale of the Riley 30 38 aircraft for this price; Goebel 28¼ 39¼ NOW THEREFORE BE IT FESOLVED. that the DeHaviland Beaver aircraft be Men's High Series sold to Robert Holdorph for the sum of $18,000. Al Omland 686 Submitted'by Emergency Services Committee, Commissioners Haggard, Meggison Harold Goebel 683 and Breakey. ROLL CALL VOTE: Yeas, 11. Nays, Bieganowski and Harmon, 2. Absent, Davis, 1. Motion carried. Harold MUler 664 RESOLUTION--APPROPRIATION OF PROCEEDS OF PLANE (»82-096) Men's High Game Moved by Commissioner Haggard and supported by Conmissioner Meggison that Al Omland 250 the following resolution be adopted: Harold Sattler 238 WHEREAS, it has been decided to accept a sale price of $18,000 for the Al Omland and county's DeHaviland Beaver aircraft; and Bret Riley 237 WHEREAS, Charlevoix County, Peaine Township and St. James Township have Women's High Series incurred certain expenses in the maintenance of said aircraft; Ruby Iverson 663 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proceeds from the sale of the Elma Prause 646 aircraft be equally divided among the three units of government: $6,000 to Tfflie Olstrom 641 Charlevoix County, $6,000 to Peaine Township and $6,000 to St. James Township. Women's High Game Submitted by Emergency Services Committee, Commissioners Haggard, Meggison, Bieganowski and Breakey. ROLL CALL VOTE: Yeas, 12. Nays, Sutliff, 1. Tillie Olstrom 261 Absent, Davis, 1. Motion carried. Millie Walden 245 RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION («82-097) Tillie Olstrom and Moved by Conmissioner Sutliff and supported by Commissioner Moerland that Elma Prause 241 the following resolution be adopted: Thursday Women's _WHEREAS, this is the last meeting for ten members of this distinguished Un. Tech. 47 13 ' WHEREAS, these members have given much of themselves to make Charlevoix B.R.I. 46 14 County the best'possible place in which to live; B.C. lanes 45 15 NOW THEREFORE, it is the desire of the remaining members to wish them WineCel. 43 17 well and thank them for their years of service which are as follows: Ron's P. Sh. 41 19 Clyde Cunningham 1961 to 1982 Pet.Plast. 36 24 Ira L. Davis 1969 to 1982 Li'L Pub 35 25 i—srr Delbert Ingalls 1969 to 1982 Lindsay 32 28 Donald B. Meggison 1974 to 1982 B.V.M.C. 32 28 Oscar Hi Ward 197S to 1982 Buck's 32 28 Keith Annear 1977 to 1982 Behling's 31 29 John Haggard 1977.. to .1982 P. D. Lounge 30 30 Marvin Loding 1978 to 1982 Trumco 29 31 Casimir Toton 1979 to 1982 27 33 Martin Bieganowski 1980 to 1982, Little Len. vnirr vrrtT- all present in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Sutliff then Control E. 26 34 oresented Plaques to Commissioners Cunningham and Loding; Comnission«r Moerland Nor. Tdb. 24 36 Presented a plaque to Commissioner Meggison; Conmissioner Matthew made the B.A. Green. 20 40 Kntarion^Commissioner Toton; Conmissioner Brenkey made the presentations Raveau's 20 40 ?rcwmissioners Bieganowski and Annear; Conmissioner Haimon made presentations Betty's Rest. 19 41 Mel's Mar. 17 43 " ^Sn^tS^fappreciation on behalf of the Board for the Advance G. 14 46 invitation"orte ChVisrmas Party. Moved by Commissioner Matthew ind supported BarkleyEx. 14 46 oy^iSioner Breakey that the expression of appreciation be on the record. Tap High Games VOICE VOTE: all present in favor. Motion carried, „,..„. .,- Joni Zucchlatti 203 It was announced that .the organizational session of the 115th session will LeonaStanek 200 save. ..-i*nU»T —.^^sa^n^m^ be held Thursday, January 6-, 1983 at 9:3(1 AM. . ,.,...1.. Sandy Stanhope 200 Moved by Commissioner Meggison and supported by Commissioner Matthew that KathyHelfley 200 Top High Series the 114th session of the Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners be. adjourned. PamBarkley 544 All present in favor. LeonaStanek 533 CLYDE CUNNINGHAM, CHAIFMAN JANE E. BRAWCN, COUNTY CLERK JonlZucchUtti 527

jjj|M..»j.'ir-'- - ~- *.*"•• Page 6 - CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - January 5,1983 It's easy to place your ad... we can help you write it. Just call 582-6761, before noon on Mondays.

DEADLINE is noon Monday for «ch Wed­ nesday's paper. RATES are only 10 cents per word. Classified ads DISCOUNT 105 Card ot 300 Business 360 Real Estate 400 Apartments 600 Automobiles 784 Snow of 5% is available for running 205 Appliances Opportunities Services for rent for sale 743 Income Tax Removal the same ad 4 weeks or more. Thanks . of 10% for running (he tame ad IF YOU ARE interested INCOME TAX TIME WE WOULD like to thank SIGNATURE heavy duty APARTMENTS for rent. TEXAS CAR - 1976 SNOW PLOWING, pick­ continuously for 13 weeks. washer, $80, Kenmore in a particular piece of One 1 bedroom and one 2 Monte Carlo Landau. Competent, confidential BOX ADS »11 of our friends and and up-to-date income up, loader, snow thrower, are $2.59 per column inch. dryer, $50. Oak buffet, property, commercial or bedroom. Recently re­ Good condition, AM/FM neighbors who offered LOG HOME SALES tax preparation for indi­ snow removal. 582-6691. Large type and illustrations are prayers, called, sent $50. 582-2396. SKY-ROCKET residential, let Don Mac- decorated. Downtown 8 track, CB, new radial 784-41-tf no extra charge, 205-44-lt Naughton at Colwell & Boyne City location. Rea­ tires, $1,800. 582-9053, viduals, corporations and FREE ADS food, flowers and cards to partnerships. .are free for one week only in our our family. 1 BILLION DOLLARS Company, Boyne City, sonably priced units. call after 6. "SlOOor Under" column. These 245 Firewood IN LOG KIT SALES act for your interest as a Available now. Phone 600-44-lt Mary Longton The only time you don't ads must: Also all those who gave PROJECTED FOR 1«2 NORTHWEST to our church memorial Buyer Broker. Call 616- 616-582-6767. ERA Keith fail is the last time you • be 15 words or less. SEASONED hardwood. 675 Recreational BUSINESS SERVICE • state the price of all items, fund in honor of our wife, Manufacturer taking applica­ 582-6711 for more details. Dressel Realty. try anything—and it svith total not to exceed $100. Firewood cut, split and tions tot a dealat In this ana. 360-2-tf 400-41-4t vehicles' 200 Esterly St. works. William Strong mother and grandmother. Dealer can average S4.5O0 on • be mailed or brought to our delivered. Call the Num­ 1977 20 FT. FORD motor East Jordan office. (No phone-ins.) We especially thank ber One year-around a log kit sale alone. SMALL REAL ESTATE 536-7611 • be for non-business use. the R.L.D.S. Church for 455 Office- home with cruise control. NOTICE wood supplier. Keith Mc­ — FEATURING — investor wanted for real Business Space Self-contained, sleeps 743-44-6t EVANGELINE the nice dinner they serv­ Neil Forest Products, estate projects. For an CLASSIFICATIONS • 8" solid, uniform, treated for rent six. Excellent condition, TOWNSHD? ed to our family and 582-9474, and ask about logs ANNOUNCEMENTS appointment call Mark D. 47,000 miles, $7500 or t> friends. Also Jim and our quantity discounts. • Flat or round interior walls The regular board • Hand-hewn exterior look Kowalske C.B.C., Fin- DOWNTOWN office 101 Bingo Eleanor Stackus and 245-44-4t best offer. 547-2353. 105 Card of Thanks • Custom, commercial and nance Business Brokers, space for rent. Modern THOMAS meeting will be held at Larry and Connie Lingle contemporary buildings 675-44-4t 110 Child Care & Babysitting at 582-6554. W.ANDERSON the town hall, Monday, for all their concern and available office space in conjunc­ 1 IS Entertainment FOR SALE - Bundles of • Protected territory 360-2-tf tion with local realty. 695 Tractors Jan. 10 at 7:30 p.m. 120 In Memoriam help. • Two - day tree training ATTORNEY AT LAW Disposition of the gen­ 125 Lost & Found slab wood, 3'/i'x3'/i'x8'. school Carpeted and paneled. The family of BY OWNERS - For Sale- 130 Personals $7 a bundle, 549-2909. • Now Introducing to the In- All utilities furnished. YANMAR 24 HP diesel eral revenue fund of 135 Special Notices Helen Fritz 245-37-tf dustry pre • assembled log Houses, housetrailers, tractor. 4 wheel drive, 112 S. Park 1982 will be available walls o-^ay shell erection mobile homes, land Located on first floor in 105-44-lt on most models) AG tires with 5 ft. front Railroad Office Bldg. for public inspection be­ MERCHANDISE FOR SALE the center of Boyne City. bought—sold—traded— mounted electric PTO, Boyne City tween 7:30 and-9 p.m. 200 Antiques 135 Special Phone 616-582-6767. ERA 250 Furniture rented—financed. East snowblower, 5 ft. brush 582-6741 Anne Thurston 202 SI00 and under UNLIMITED Jordan Auto Parts, Inc. Keith Dressel Realty. 205 Appliances Notice? Income Potential 455-41-4t hog. Under 20 hours on Township Clerk 210 Auction Sales CONTEMPORARY 360-tf tractor and implements. 43-2t 215 Bicycles for sale ROAST BEEF 220 Business & Office Equip white wooden desk and — REQUIREMENTS — 440 Houses Call 582-2345 after 7 p.m. 225 Building Materials DINNER chair for child's room, • Must be capable ot pur­ for rent 500 Help Wanted 235 Christmas trees 40" long, 28" high, 16" chasing a (15,600 model 704 Appliance BUSINESS, 240 Commercial-Industrial Equip ALL THE BEEF home {2200 sq. ft.) EXECUTIVE Director: 245 Firewood YOU CAN EAT wide. Four spacious • Meet our high standards ATTENTION Service drawers. White formica • Desire to succeed Responsible for develop­ or OFFICE space 250 Furniture Saturday, Jan. 8 HANDYMEN ment and management of WE'LL FLY IT! Brook's 255 Garage & Rummage Sale 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. writing surface. Good Call Mr. Taylor COLLECT lor FREERENTlt Appliance Service. 582- 260 Hobbies-Coins & Stamps condition, $70. Call 582- an application (704) 9320137. volunteer programs. Min­ 265 Household Goods First United Yesteryear Log Homes. P. O. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, imum requirements: as­ 6217. FOR RENT 6761 days or 582-2345 Box 1046. Mooresvllle, N.C, 270 Lawn. Garden SL Farm Methodist Church large living room in sociates degree or equi­ 704-26-tf 275 Miscellaneous for Sale nights. 28,15 300-44-lt Approximately 25 ft. x 27 ft. 280 Musical Instruments of East Jordan Boyne City for only valent education and Adults $4.00 250-38-tf doing some repairs. 285 Pets & Livestock three years in counsel­ Want in high traffic , high visibility 286 Sporting Goods 9-14 $2.00 286 Sporting Call 415-453-7501 ing or health care ser­ 287 Travel trailers. under nine free Campers , Goods EXCELLENT business or write vices. Submit resume by ads area of Boyne City. 288 Things to eat 135-44-lt Dr. Bill Deer Jan. 15 to Charlevoix 290 Trade or sell NOW ACCEPTING or­ opportunity for a few out­ work going individuals in their 891 Sir Francis Drake County Hospice, P.O. 293 TV. Stereo, HI-FI, Tape ders for aluminum sheets San Ansel mo, CA 94960 Box 233, Boyne City, MI call 582-6761 Call 582-6761 Decks & CB's 202 $100 and for fish shanties. About own "Silver Rain" Water . 295 Wanted 440-44-3t 49712. under 40 will be needed per Purifier Business. No for more information 297 Wearing Apparel 500-44-lt REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CHORD ORGAN for sale. shanty. 25 cents each or limit on income potential. 400 Apartments Instruction booklet in­ 5 for a dollar. Charlevoix No investment. Call for 300 Business Opportunities free information. for rent 310 Commercial-Industrial cluded, $35. 304 S. Main, County Press, 108 Grove- 315 Condominiums-Townhouses Boyne City. land, Boyne City, 582- 582-2234. SKI SEASON RENTAL - 317 Cottages & Chalets 202-44-lt 6761. 286-41-tf 300-44-2t 320 Duplexes for sale Fully furnished, sleeps 325 Farms for sale four, view of Boyne Mt., 330 Houses for sale large kitchen, good park­ 335 Lots & Acreage for sale 340 Mobile Homes for sale ing. Call 582-9435. 345 Mortgages-Land Contracts 400-40-tf Services 350 Out of Town Property Legal notices 360 Real Estate Services BEAUTIFUL one bed­ Put your business card in ! Call 582-6761 365 Real Estate Wanted MORTGAGE SALE— follows: thence East to a point of room apartment, nicely Default having been All that certain piece or beginning. Subject to furnished. Boyne Falls. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT made in the terms and parcel of land situate in easements, right-of-ways, View of Boyne Mountain. Building Services General Services 400 Apartments for rent conditions of a certain the City of East Jordan in reservations and restric­ Includes everything from 405 Commercial-Industrial the County of Charlevoix, tions of record. silverware to linens. mortgage made by PROFESSIONAL EAR PIERCING - Anytime; Call 410 Condominiums-Townhouses SHYRLE G. JOHNSTON, and State of Michigan, Available immediately. 411 Cottages and Chalets, and described as follows, You'll really be impres­ or stop at any Reusch Jewelry. Petoskey, 415 Convalescent-Nursing Homes JR., and LOIS ANNE During the six months SAYLES MASONRY Charlevoix, Gaylord or Cheboygan. 420 Duplexes for rent JOHNSTON, husband to-wit: Parcel I: Com­ immediately following the sed. Call Randy, 582- '425 Out of Town for rent mencing on the East line 9435. Keep trying. CONSTRUCTION 0JD 430 Garage-Mimi Storage for rent and wife, of 209 Elm sale, the property may be Street, East Jordan, of Elm Street 460 feet 400-43-tf .,435 Hall for rent redeemed. All Types of Masonry RECEPTIONS, BANQUETS, FAMILY REUNIONS 440 Houses for rent Michigan, Mortgagors to South of intersection of Dated at Traverse City, Residential & Commercial AND ANNIVERSARIES • Affordable facilities. 445 Living Quarters for rent PENINSULA MORT­ the East line of Elm 450 Mobile Homes for rent Michigan, December 14, Catered or not catered, with dance floor, Boyne GAGE CO., 250 East Street with the South line 455 Office-Business Space for rent 1982. M-75 South Valley Lodge. Walloon Lake, 535-2475. 460 Rooms for rent Front Street, Traverse of Mill Street; thence PENINSULA: Boyne City 549-2672 465 Wanted to rent City, Michigan, Mort­ East 120 feet; thence MORTGAGE CO., EMPLOYMENT gagee, dated the 23rd South 60 feet; thence 500 Help Wanted Mortgagee PIANO TUNING. Gordon Wheeler, 40 years' 505 Help Wanted Part-Time day of June, 1977, and West 120 feet; thence Attorney for Mortgagee 510 Help Wanted-Sales North 60 feet to the Point experience. 12 years' factory experience. Phone recorded in the office of ROBERT H. WITKOP, DROP OFF S15 Situations Wanted the Register of Deeds, for of Beginning; being part gLAUNDRY SERVICE 548-5592 Esq., WITKOP & "> AVAILABLE r AUTOMOTIVE the County of Charlevoix of the Northwest 'A of the Sl SEALS & ROBERTS Southwest '/4 of Section McMANUS, P.C. >BOYNE LAUNDRY & 600 Automobiles for sale and State of Michigan, on 522 East Front Street, & CONSTRUCTION 650 Automobile rentals, leasing 24, Town 32 North, o. DRYCLEANING the 28th day of June, Traverse City, MI 655 Automotive Parts & Service 1977, in Liber 149 of Range 7 West. Parcel II: 0 Front St. iRj COMPANY 660 Boats, Motors & Trailers 49684 582-2200 VACUUM CLEANERS complete sales and service, 665 Motorcycles, Go-Karts, Charlevoix County Rec­ Beginning on the East 43-5t Complete Building new, used, reconditioned. $10 anil up. Sewing & Mini-Bikes ords, on pages 869 thru line of Elm Street 520 W\—d\ machines, new, used and serviced. The Sweep 675 Recreational Vehicles feet South from the Point and Remodeling /i£j£ii\ 680 Snowmobiles 872, on which mortgage Call 582-6761 to place a classified Shop. 347-1320. 685 Trucks & Vans there is claimed to be of Intersection of East Boyne City 582-6535 *>JfJ? 690 Vehicle-Boat Storage due, at the date of this line of Elm Street with o95 Tractors St Farm Equipment BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL notice, for principal and the South line of Mill SERVICES interest, the sum of Street; thence East 120 Department of Garbage Service 700 Accounting Services FIFTEEN THOUSAND feet; thence South 60 704 Appliance Service Natural Resources 708 Bicycle Repair ONE HUNDRED SIXTY feet; thence West 120 Carpenter 710 Building-Remodeling TWO AND 09/100 feet thence North 60 feet SIZE LIMIT ON BASS Construction Inc. 582-2267 712 Carpentry ($15,162.09) Dollars; to the Point of Beginning, ALL-TRASH 714 Carpet Cleaning being part of the North­ OF BOYNE CITY. MICHIGAN 49712 716 Catering And no suit or proceed­ (Under authority of Act 230, P. A. 1925, as We Pick Up Anything Commercial-Contract 718 Chimney Cleaning west ¾ of the Southwest ings at law or in equity amended) Residential Dav-Wcek-Month-Job 720 Draperies Vi of Section 24, Town 32 O 0 722 Dressmaking &. Tailoring having been instituted to North Range 7 West. Ha* beA P.O. Box 199 724 Electrical recover the debt secured The Natural Resources Commission, at its COMMERCIAL FITRESIDENTIA L BUILDING & REMODELING AWr*** Boyne City 724 Electrical Also a permanent ease­ CEMENT WORK. 725 Excavating by said mortgage or any ment over a portion of the meeting on July 11, 1980, under authority of Act part thereof. Now, There­ 230, P.A. 1925, as amended, set the size limit on PHONE 727 Fences following described par­ LICENSED BUILDER 728 Flowers St Plants fore, by virtue of the smallmouth and largemouth bass at 12 inches for 1616 1 582-6145 733 Furniture Rental cel of land, said ease­ Boyneland Refuse 735 Handyman power of sale contained ment to be for the re­ a period of five years beginning January 1, 1981, 737 Hauling in said mortgage, and pair, replacement and on all Michigan waters including the Great & Garbage Service 738 Heating & Air Conditioning pursuant to the statute of maintenance of the exist­ Lakes and connecting waters. 740 Household Repair Service Serving Boyne City. Boyne Falls. the State of Michigan in ing septic system of the COMMERCIAL. INDUS1RIAL. RESIDIMIAL 742 House Sitting Service such case made and Horton Bay. Advance and adjoining 743 Income Tax home located on the townships. We pick up EVERYTHING 744 Insulation provided, notice is here­ above conveyed property, 745 Insurance by given that on Monday, 33 years in business 746 Interior Decorating including the septic line ANNUAL TAX SALE 748 Janitorial the 7th day of February, and drain field which lies James W. Milks Radio Dispatched 750 Jewelry & Clocks 1983, at 10:00 o'clock in part upon the follow­ Electrical Contractor 211 S.Lake 582-6692 752 Landscaping Jk Lawn Maint a.m., Local Tune, said 754 Lessons & Instructions ing described adjoining OF PROPERTIES 756 Lock Service mortgage will be fore­ property of the grantor closed by a sale at public 758 Masonry herein: In the City of East Box 1545 Behlmg Road (616)582-2328 Superior •Residential 760 Moving Storage auction, to the highest Jordan, County of Charle­ DELINQUENT Boyne City. Michigan 49712 762 Painting & Decorating bidder, at the main Sanitation •Commercial 764 Pest Control voix and State of Mich­ •Any size container 766 Photography ' entrance to the County Service igan: Commencing at the For Taxes 768 Pluteting St Ceiling Repair Building on State Street, Southeast corner of the 770 Plumbing ROOFING COMPANY Charlevoix, Michigan Northwest V* of the Rt. I. Box 226-Charlevoix, MI49720 772 Printing (that being the building 774 Reflaishing Southwest V* of Section Steel Roof Decks Rusty Mcintosh (616)547-6922 776 Roofing where the Circuit Court 24, Town 32 North, in Charlevoix County Serving East Jordan, Ellsworth. 778 Sharpening for the County of Char­ Waterproofing 780 Secretarial Services Range 7 West; thence Central take and N. Torch Lake. 782 Septk Tanks levoix is held), of the North on the West 1/8 Bonded Built-up Roofs 783 Sewing A Alterations premises described In line 660 feet for the point Insulated Roof Decks 784 Snow Removal said mortgage, or so of beginning of this des­ ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS 786 Swimming Pools much thereof as may be Lands delinquent for real property taxes of 1980 Insured Workmen Camp Dagget Rd. DURING THESE TIMES 788 Tree Service cription; thence continu­ Boyne City necessary to pay the and prior years are scheduled to be offered for 5578 U.S. 131 Petoskey IN OUR 790 Upholstery ing North on said 1/8 line 347-8823 582-9392 792 Water Softening . amount due, as aforesaid, sale by the County Treasurer at the County SERVICE DIRECTORY 794 Well Drilling to its intersection with Building In: 796 Woodburnen on said mortgage, with the East and West V, the interest thereon at line; thence West on said Charlevoix on May 3, 1983. Steel Plumbing/Heating eight per cent (6%) per quarter line to a point CHARLEVOIXannu m and all legal which is 240 feet East of costs, charges and expen­ the .East line of Elm COUNTY ses, Including the attor­ Street; thence South 160 SEALS & ROBERTS Chipman Plumbing and Heating ney feet allowed by law, The legal description of properties to be offered to feet; thence West 120 sale will be published on January 12, 1983, CONSTRUCTION PRESS . and also any sum or sums feet; thence South paral­ •Licensed Plumbers Box A which may be paid by the January 19, 1983, and January 26, 1983 in the COMPANY •Plumbing Fixtures lel with the East Une of Charlevoix Courier, Charlevoix, MI. lMGravstsMl undersigned, necessary Elm Street to a point Boyne City 582-6535 •Heating Appliances STEEL BOJTM City, Ml 49711 to protect its interest In which is directly West of . •Installation It Repair Stat* Trsasarer Angles-Plates the premises. Which said the point of beginning; SS247M premises are described a* '. Channels-Beams Boyne City Since 1946 582-7151 Bars l± BMSfcOaaamHii liMM SNOWSCOPEYour Guide to Winter Fun Free supplement to: Special Section January 5,1983 Charlevoix County Press Page 2 - CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - January 5, 1983

How to dress skis and hands forward, pick a With practice, you'll find this stepping # shallow line and traverse toward the action from one ski to another feels SKI* crest of a mogul. When you reach the similar to pedaling a bicycle where top of the bump, transfer all of your you must transfer your weight from a child for skiing yOU CAN DO IT weight to the downhill ski and raise one foot to the other. PEDAL A BIKE THROUGH your opposite ski (A). Ride the As you become more adept at this THE BUMPS downhill ski off the mogul crest, exercise, begin choosing slightly steeper traverses and move on to Stiff legs and static positions can ruin press down Into the trough and then Special care should be the child's light weight more challenging slopes. With a run through the bumps. If you're slide up toward the crest of the next taken in outfitting your puts a greater burden on practice, you'll improve your flexibility tense and have trouble flexing your bump. On its peak, transfer your child for a day of skiing, the efficiency of the re­ In the bumps, develop independent legs in moguls, try the following weight to the uphill ski and lift the leg action and Improve your balance. as a child will not always lease mechanism. Rem­ exercise on a gently moguled slope to lower ski off the snow (B). Ride the know what is best to ember that bindings have loosen up. uphill ski down Into the mogul trough, Reprinted with permission of Ski Magazine. then up the next bump, and so on. Technical assistance provided by Professional Ski wear. It is very important a long life, and good ones With ankles bent, hips up over your Instructors of America that the child is kept both for your child now are an warm and comfortable investment, as they can when out on skis to be used on successively insure that the child does longer skis as your child's not find skiing unpleasant feet grow. or wearisome. To solve the problem of Parents don't need to outfitting your child's go to any great expense growing feet, you can buy for clothing. Old clothes boots that are a little too are fine for skiing as long big for your child, with as they meet the warmth space for two fingers be­ and comfort requireme- hind the heel when the ments. A well-fitting hat toes are touching the is also important, as most front of the boot. During body warmth is lost with­ the first season, have out one. your child use two pairs Equipment for children of heavy ski socks, and in should be rented at first, the second, just use one as children will quickly medium-weight pair. grow out of any equip­ If children are warm, ment that Is bought for safe, and comfortable, them. they will be in the best Many ski shops, ski frame of mind to find shows, and ski clubs con­ skiing a fun experience. duct ski swaps prior to each season, which is an economical solution to the What alpine skiers are asking annual purchase of skis and boots. Parents shouldn't load their children down with about cross country lots of equipment to There are many differ­ ski, you have plenty of stops, however, it grips depends almost entirely country, you use your various cross-country carry, so that they are ences between alpine and protection in case of a the snow and must be un- on correct weight place- poles to provide from a strides demand full leg tired before they even get cross-country skiing, and fall. weighted to start gliding ment. Edging plays a tenth to a quarter of your freedon, and alpine ski a chance to go skiing. what follows are some Why are cross country again. What gives a cross lesser role, so cross-coun- forward power. Most bas­ pants constrain cross­ Here are a few tips questions that alpine ski­ skis so skinny? The sta­ country ski its ability to try turns tend to be wider kets are larger to enable country movements regarding specific pur­ ers ask about cross coun­ bility and turning precis­ grip for a kick on the flat than those that could be the pole to better ride on which can tire the skier chases of equipment for try skiing. ion required in alpine or climb uphill are the executed on the same top of the snow and during a cross-country children. Why aren't bindings skiing, where the skier waxes used on waxable slope at the same speed provide a larger "plat­ tour. This is why knickers Skis should be no lon­ used with cross country reaches greater speeds, skis or the unidirectional, with alpine gear, form" on which to push and knee socks, which ger than the child's skis? Chiefly because are not as important in serrated pattern or inlaid Baskets on cross-coun- off. allow full ankle, knee and height. For the very cross country skiing re­ cross-country, so the skis section of furlike materi- try ski poles seem bigger Why do cross-country hip freedom are standard young, some parents buy quires full ankle freedom, need not be as wide. The al, with the nap pointed than those on alpine skiers wear knickers? for cross-country. a good pair of plastic and the ability to lift your narrower ski widths also backwards, on the base of poles. Why? In cross- Proper execution of the skis, and then as the heel during stride. Fur­ cut ski weight, making waxless skis. child progresses, switch thermore, cross-country skiing on the flat and If only your toe is at­ to a pair with good inter­ ski equipment, because uphill less work than it tached to the ski in cross­ Tips about accessories locking steel edges and a the skier must provide his would be with heavier country, doesn't that In addition to primary Runaway straps should The ski brake if a rel­ polyethylene base, which own motive power, is skis. make the ski harder to equipment items—skis, attach around the leg, atively new accessory de­ make the ski easier to lighter-typical light-tour­ How can you ski both turn? Actually, cross­ boots, bindings, and instead of at the toe. signed to reduce injur­ maintain and control. ing skis, boots and bind­ uphill and downhill on country skis are no more poles—the skier should Focusing the force of im­ ies from flailing, wind- Bindings should be of ings for the average adult cross-country skis? Cross­ difficult to turn than al­ be aware of the impor­ pact around the leg milling skis by separating the highest quality, and weigh about six pounds country skis both grip pine skis. However, turn­ tance of accessories, like rather than polling at the the skier from his ski. It it's dangerous to try and compared to more than and glide on snow. A ing technique in cross­ runaway straps, ski toe minimizes twist on also has the advantage, get by with an inferior 20 pounds for equivalent cross-country ski will country is less forgiving brakes, and socks. the leg after release. by reason of its snow- brand for your kids. Al- alpine gear. Because your glide as long as it is in of skier error than in Runaway Strap* SUBraka* gripping, spring-activa­ though a child's bones foot and leg are free to motion; once gliding alpine because turning ted armSi^ are less brittle than an twist around your toe, adult's, a child's muscles which is the only part of are less developed, and your boot attached to the Doyne City STARK'S Cross Country Open .7 days for TOTAL SERVICE RENTAL SKIS your Convenience Foods Have"your own" equipment TORO Snowblowers professionally fitted and 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday - Saturday ready to go at a fraction of Automotive repair the cost of buying 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. fJHftRBORSIDES Sundays P.m SPORTS Et3 Main & Front- 437 Boyne Ave. Boyne City Across from Granary 582-6812 CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - January 5, 1983 - Page 3 Mid—Am makes annual Boyne stop

If you would like to see quite a few other world day and another on Sun­ may not do well in one of come down the same hill. some possible members When you see where a which sanctions amateur class racers who have day. The races start at the two runs but really The race hill at Boyne of the United States few racers are falling, or racing here in the states. participated in World 9:00 a.m. both days, and smoke coming down the Mountain is one of the Olympic Team in 1988, making mistakes, you Because of the interna­ Cup and Europa cup if you want to watch, hill on their second run to unique stops on the tour this weekend at Boyne may want to get up closer tional stature of the Mid- races as well as the Nor- remember that the best take the race on the especially for spectators. Mountain may be the so you can yell the tradi­ Ams, the races are run Am, Can-Am, Albert and racers start down the hill combined time. Because of the type of best opportunity to do tional European cheer to under the more stringent other major North Am­ first. hill, you can stand near that as the Mid-America It will take a good racer the racers. It sounds like International Ski Federa­ erican races. A Mid-Am race con­ the bottom, and see al­ Series makes its annual about 45 seconds to come a "hup, hup, hup", as tion rules and is there­ This weekend's race sists of two runs of slalom most all of the race, after the holiday stop down the South McClouth the spectators urge them fore sanctioned by them will actually be two racesj with for each watching each skier nego­ here in the Lower Penin­ run going through or on. as well as the USA. both slaloms for the men run combined to make a tiate the difficult turns as sula. around 65 slalom gates. All of the racers are All the racers will be at and women. There will be total time. The fastest A recreational skier will they make their way members of the United least 16 years old and The ski racing series, one slalom race on Satur­ total time wins so a racer take about two minutes to down the run. started this year's tour at States Ski Association, they have to be rated by Pine Mountain, Iron world standards of 100 Mountain, Michigan the points or less in order to week before Christmas, qualify for the race. then took a break for the Blind skiing can help learning Boyne Mountain has holidays, moved to Mar­ had a long history of pro­ quette Mountain in Mar­ viding quality race sites quette, Mi. for three days for amateur and profes­ of racing and then to Reach out with your instructor's directions— ankles, spreading arms fear. of wind with speed. One sional races going back to Boyne for the weekend. feelings. Ski with sensiti­ "one, two, left, hold." and lowering hands, You also become aware instructor, describing the when the resort was foun­ straightening upper ded. It has hosted the There are several more vity. Develop an aware­ Here are a few rules to of other sounds when first time he skied blind­ body. That's the way you World Professional Ski stops in the circuit before ness of your edges, of follow. First, pick the you're skiing blind. The folded, noted that the should be skiing even racing tour, as well as it will come back to pressure points within right terrain—gentle ter­ chair lift, for example; its only way he knew he was when your eyes are open. some of the best amateur Boyne the last week of your boots. Both the in­ rain. You'll quickly dis­ noises are almost fright­ turning was that he Next, you'll discover and recreational races February-first week of ner game of tennis and cover that one of your ening. And the snow. Do wasn't picking up speed. the importance of com­ over the years. March for the finals. the zen of motorcycle first problems as a blind a-traverse across the hill And, if nothing else, maintenance have now skier is keeping your bal­ panionship. Skiing is not with your eyes shut and a Some of the racers, the your experiments skiing been transferred to ski­ ance, and a steep slope a solitary exercise for the friend behind. Listen to Reach the best amateur ski racers in blind will probably en­ ing. Supervisors at ski will aggravate that prob­ blind, as it sometimes is the sound of your gliding the Midwest, include lo­ hance your appreciation schools are encouraging lem. Secondly, be sure to for the sighted. The blind edges. Do a couple of tourists. cals Brian Shorter of Har­ —for not having such students to develop in­ have someone with you, depend on their compan­ checks or stems. Notice bor Springs, Marlee handicaps yourself. And Advertise trinsic feedback—an a- to give you timing and ion's voice not only for the difference in sounds Brown of Petoskey, and your respect—for those wareness of the feelings directions, and who will instruction but for safety. between carving and slip­ Chris Kuhn of Boyne ci­ who do and ski anyway. in the that accompany both also protect you from And they're very sensi­ ping? Between icy and ty- And your perceptiveness their ski successes and traffic. Also, don't cheat; tive to words and in­ granular? Packed and un­ —of the need that many Snowscope. They will be racing their failures in hopes of you'll lose all the bene­ flections. You will be, packed? The blind do. you meet on the slopes against the tour leaders rediscovering the former fits. If you just can't too—insecurity and probably have for some Call 582-6761 of Dan Lautner of Tra­ Notice the association and avoiding the latter. resist the impulse to open vagueness on the part of friendly reassurance, verse City, and Liette your eyes when you feel Casanova of Wakefield, One way to discover your buddy will make you 22222Z22222ZZ2222Z22222Z this kind of felling for anxiety (which will be feel insecure. "Turn on Mi. A total of 150 of the often), put on a blindfold. best in the Midwest will your skiing is to do it as that bump ahead." What be entered at the race. the blind do. Watching a To beat the problem of bump? How far ahead? IRONTON FERRY student with the large balance, try snowplowing Which way? On the other The Mid-America Ser­ yellow bib labeled BLIND down the hill and edge hand, given an instructor ies, which started in 1971 SKIER can be a fascinat­ your skis to a sudden who speaks concisely and has developed several ing sight, as the student stop. Chances are you clearly (usually from be­ INC. midwestern racers and jCtwiuUj swivels neatly on top of will promptly sit down on hind so his or her voice provided them the step­ each unseen mogul, sink­ the snow. Most of us rely isn't lost on the wind) ping stone to our Nation­ ing exactly on a new set more on our vision to and who keeps reassuring al Ski team. Cory Carl­ of edges into a nicely maintain our balance you with chatter even son of Minneapolis is now finished turn. The skier's than we realize. As you while you're resting, you Monday nights on the national "B" team turns may sometimes be practice, you'll find your­ discover that this trust as well as Terry Ahoia more precise in relation self adjusting your pos­ has a very special value from Gladstone, Mi. who to the terrain than the ture—flexing knees and in skiing—it blocks out was named to one of the national teams. Other ChineseJFood racers who have partici­ pated in the series and ' INVENTORY REDUCTION^ Mon-Sat serving food till midnight made it to the Olympics have included Mary Sea- D * ^ -^ry* SALE Sunday till 10:00 ton, of Hancock, Mi. The series has developed 20% Open 8:00 a.m. for Breakfast 30% DAILY LUNCHEON would 40% & DINNER SPECIALS like Complete to rent or buy 50% __ —^-..»•«—.lujiTn • Menu vacation served aaily property . * 60.% OFF Also serving: Whitefish, in the Walleye and Perch Happy Hour Boyne Area? Cocktails

DOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN Open 8 a.m. til] midnight, CHAK1EV0K Dawn BOYNE crrr Sunday through Thursday. MARKET MALI * Friday and Saturday till 2 a.m. Realty Unique Cards. Distinctly>.e Gifts. ••* '* *W 4D 547-9138 616-582-6944 Rattan & Wicker Specialistlalists ^™

mmam Page 4 - CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - January 5, 1983 Don't do it yourself - take a lesson In this age of "Do It will meet other people of road to becoming a better Yourself' and "Doing leading to that eventual coaching lessons to keep the same age and ability and better skier. goal of "Parallel skiing." your own thing" is there level. It is within the Initially, the lesson your skills fine tuned still a need for teachers As a parallel skier, you might be in order. lesson, at the beginning may entail such simple will probably find your­ and lessons? Look around stages of skiing, that the activities as putting on As with any sport, you you and you will find the self taking a few lessons. can learn it yourself or social need for friendship skis, walking on them, However, every now and answer. Everywhere you and camaraderie is ful­ and turning around. Later have a friend teach you. look people are taking again a brush up with a But, the professional in­ filled. you will learn how tofe w pointers from the lessons of one sort or The need for guidance, slide on skis and, of structor and the well another. Lessons are of­ "Pro" will get out the planned lesson will en­ the need to be taught, is course, to stop. With the kinks and keep you free fered in everything from provided by the profes­ aid of the ski teacher you able you to be a better animal husbandry to Zen, from getting rusty. Or, skier, learn quicker, and sional instructor. He orwil l be taught to maneu­ better yet, a series of from gourmet cooking to she is trained to make ver on the hill and how to do it safely. gymnastics and we see your every experience on safely participate in the both young and old parti­ skis an enjoyable one and sport. It's time you had some fun cipating. to lead you through a After you have learned But, more important series of maneuvers or the basic skills and as than the fact that these stepping stones on theyou r ability increases the lessons are being taught instructor will show you DOYNE R1VEK INN is the question "Why?": how to ski more efficient­ why such a demand to be ly. During each lesson Food and spirits taught a skill or activity? On the Cover you will be helped over Maybe the Amercian So­ those little hurdles and in o ski atmosphere ciety is becoming more taken to new plateaus of and more pareticipation expertise and enjoyment. oriented. Many of us are You will be through a The Austrian* have Downtown Boyne City no longer satisfied to sit well planned progression by the sidelines and arrived at Boyne watch other people do it, Mountain and took A Guide we want to do it our­ time to gather prior to selves. It is the lesson or meeting their first Little Lena's Pizza to Dining the act of being taught class of the day. They Delicious Pizza & Subs in Northwest are, from left to right, which enables us to gain Michigan the basic skills necessary Maria Ranscher, Helene Kraft, Gabri- e OH* to engage in a given T»* or eat in 1U TbttUf V*vU ^fottl Petoskey. activity. ele Elghiger, Gabriele Marlk and Ulll Brelt- The Sportsman Bar Overlooking the bay. Lunch and dinner. Dec. It is in the sport of fnss. In the back row 26-Jan. 2 open for breakfast 8 a.m. Saturday, snow skiing that the need are Karl Fanland, Open at 4 p.m.-7 days a week all-you-can-eat ribs. Lite menu. 347-2516 for lessons or more speci­ Alex Haldbaner, and fically their benefit, is Hans Schlefer. Only Serving Boyne City THE m& tonsc?IM M exemplified. Hans and Alex are Belvedere Ave., Charlevoix For the beginning skier returnees to the Open 5 p.m. Closed Sunday. Specialty-prime rib the class and its lesson Mountain. and fresh whitefish. Breezy entertains at the may be the only solace in piano bar. 547-9261 an otherwise hostile envi­ 582-2182 ronment. It is during the Petoskey. lesson that the student 118 S. Lake • Boyne City A bit of Mexico in every bite. 16 oz. Margaritas. M-Th, llam-lOpm, Fri&Sat, 11 am-llpm. Sun. 2 WHERE YOU pm-8pm. 347-7750. Also in Traverse City 616- Announcing CAN MEET 947-8820 YOUR FRIENDS Grand Opening jtafforaj Bay ViCW Inn Petoskey Serving the north's most imaginative Sunday brunch. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Adults $8, children 7-11, $3.50, under 6, $2. AUUtxras PiCT Harbor Springs Overlooking the Bay. Lunch & dinner Monday- Saturday 11:30 am-11 pm. Sunday noon-10 pm. 526-6201. Daffy* of Charlevoix Open 11:00a.m. daily, closed Sundays. Featuring SERVING Sean Ryan Friday and Saturday at 9:30. The finest LITTLE LENAS in food, cocktails and entertainment. PIZZA-SUBS Authentic Irish Pub atmosphere. 5474021 HAMBURGERS LN A SIT DOWN STYLE Lena's Wine Cellar Boyne city ~^tr American & Northern Italian Cuisine. Open 5 Food - Spirits * Dancing p.m.-12 p.m., 7 days a week. Cocktails, fine wines. FINE 582-9543. Lunch, dinner & munchies NORTHERN Boyne City 11 am. - last call ITALIAN Open 4 p.m. daily. Saturday Beef Buffet. Sunday Brunch, 11-3 FOOD Specializing in BBQ Ribs and Whitefish. 582-6162. Saturday - Prime Rib Special All-you-can-eat shrimp. Unique Old-country Visit our general store. Convenience shopping villa mark' I from 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Beer-Wine-Groceries Atmosphere Mexican, French and Italian food. Cocktails. } Pick up your supplies before skiing! Call for New Year's reservations. North of M-119 _ HOME BAKED on Pleasantview Rd., between Boyne Highlands i : Cbtftmotcit 1 and Nub's Nob. 526-6259 cdratr of ffjny S*^ ^* ITALIAN DINNERS : " KII*\I J • «i annul- ]owm. Harbor Springs across fan Ferry BHK* * MA Msitaa Call 582-9543 LIQUORS-WINE-BEEP lll'lit 111 '!_> * '* IsOtafcrata. Victorian atmosphere in the waterfront district. ^ Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Daily 7 a.m.- V. 118 S. Lake St. • Boyne City 10 p.m. Cocktails. 526-5991