Laboratory 11: “Basal” Eudicots & Caryophyllids 1
IB 168 – Plant Systematics Laboratory 11: “Basal” Eudicots & Caryophyllids 1 Today we are looking at the Proteales, a basal group of eudicots that includes the Proteaceae, Platanaceae, and the Nelumbonaceae. We will also start looking at the Caryophyllid clade, which we will continue next week, which is considered a core eudicot group. Core eudicots typically have 4- or 5-merous flowers with a well- differentiated calyx and corolla. PROTEALES Platanaceae – 1 genus, 8 spp., Northern hemisphere Trees, deciduous, bark is also deciduous, stellate hairs; leaves simple, alternate and palmately lobed; stipules conspicuous and united around twig; petiole base encircles axillary bud; flowers unisexual, monoecious, aggregated into dense heads; calyx and corolla reduced, 3-7 segments each; stamens 3-7; ovary superior, 6-9 carpels, one style per carpel; fruit a globose head of achenes. Platanus Proteaceae – 77 genera, 1600 spp., gen. tropical, Southern hemisphere Shrubs or trees; leaves leathery, usually alternate and simple but may also be deeply divided or compound; stipules absent; flowers generally bisexual; sepals 4, petaloid; petals: 2 or 4, scale-like; stamens 4; ovary superior, a single carpel, 1 long style. Banksia Protea Hakea Grevillea Nelumbonaceae – 1 genus, 2 spp., Eastern Asia and North America Aquatic herbs with rhizomes; leaves peltate, concave, floating; flowers solitary, scented; petals 20-30, typically with outer 2 sepal-like; stamens typically number 200-300; carpels 12-40, sunken in a large, spongy receptacle; fruit hard walled
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