JUNE 1970 1 INSTALLMENT II — AC I D (I,SD) Lysergic Acid CONNECT to Make a Contact to Marihuana

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JUNE 1970 1 INSTALLMENT II — AC I D (I,SD) Lysergic Acid CONNECT to Make a Contact to Marihuana 5 lp ('ti!f.', ' ',it " ~ Q1L' 144%4", 0%4& p QQ t 4 4 ,0,4 4Q OO b 0 0 0 I e VV I)I:RA I, ASSIS'I'A N(.'I; ()I'I''I', Rl';I) I aw (', 0 l »rc(', 0)&'.0 1 (&g('0('. i(', s &0 I' I»- 44 s 1 &s (4 rida wl&ich find th&)y need t& chni«al assistance it& tl&&. area of c»rrcclions (jails, prisons, y&n&tl& &l(. t&)nti»n centers) can now rc(fu&. st help t'rom th&. 1'(.dcral Law Enl'orccmcnt Assistance Adminis- tration (LEAA). .7:, Fred A. Frey of tl&&) Bur«au of Prisons has been assign&)d lo LEAA R«gion III, Atlanta, ('«orgia, as a 'I'ecl&- nical Assistanc(. (.'»ordinator in thc Field ol' (.'orrcc(i»ns. (R(;gi»n Ill in- clud«s th«&. igl&t stat&'. s»l' Alabama, Florida, (rcorgia, I((:ntu&. ky, Mississippi, North (."arolina, Sou(I& Carolina and Tenncssec. ) This t«cl&nical assistance is avail- able without cost to local and stat« HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13tll FOR SHERIFF BENT law cnforccmcnt agencies. A rc&fucst for assistanc() sf&ould PUNTA GORDA —There were no looks of foreboding in the Charlotte County Sheriff's be routed through the state planning Office on this Friday the 13th. Sheriff Jack Bent (center) was honored on his birthday by members of his department. Sharing the cake and coffee with the Sheriff were (left to right) agency which in Florida is: Deputy Seth Howard, Chief Deputy John Shannon, Deputy Marcelle Creigh and Investigator 1nter-Agency Law Enforccmcnt Barney Neff. (Punta Gorda Herald-News photo) Planning Council Mr. Allan C. IIubanks, Adminis- trator Sheriff Heidtman Drives the Best 104 South (."all&oun Stre«t Tallal&asscc, Florida, '12:10I AC 904 224-907 I . W. PAI, M BEACH —For obvious arresting authority. reasons there are not many sheriffs' With a plea of guilty by Rosenson dcpartrn&)nts which can boast a $9000 and th('. handing down of a $1000 fine l,incoln Continental Mark HI for the in addition to thrcc years probation, sheriff to drive. thc car and camp«r w«rc forfeited. 'I'hc Palm Beach County Sher- Sherif l' William R. Hcidtman said iff's l)epartment can make such a thc title b(.longs to tl&c 1)&.partment and '1'I I V, S II I'; I(, I I'I'"S) S'I'A IC clai&n. And it didn't cost a cent. tf&c car is (herc to b&) us&. d. '1'hc car and a camper were seized Th«sam« thing has f&appened in at th« time Randolph Edward Rosen- about, )0 other cases. Volum&: 14, No. 4 son was arrcstcd and charged with Al th&. sam() tim«. Sheriff Heidt- Jur&0, 1970 violation»f thc drug abuse law. man has ask«r1 thc circuit court to Th&. Iaw provides vehicles used release some of these cars which be- 'I'() in transporting illegal drugs may be long to inn»c«nt parties such as parents V, I ) I l1. imp&)und«d and confiscated by thc and finance co&npanics. (.'arf Staul'fcr I', x(.(:utiv(; l)ir&.ct&)r»f thc I''l»rida Sh&.riffs Ass»(. iati»n CATTLE LOSSES INVESTIGATED 'I ASS()(. A'I'I', I'', l ) I'I'() R OKEECHOBEE —Heavy losses of Al lian&n&»ck cattle and feed prompted an inten- sive investigation by the Okeecho- bee County Sheriff's Department 'I'Ill; Sl IERII''I "S S'I'AR i. Puf)- and agents of the Florida Depart- p fisf&(.d &n»n tl&ly hy tl&&. I''l»ri&la ment of Law Enforcement. Check- ing out one of the dairy barns hit, Sh(riffs Ass»ciali»n, a n»n-f)&'»fit were (left to right) dairy foreman corporali&)n, I'. (). I«&v l 407, John Cantrell, Sheriff John W. Collier and Deputy Earl Rucks. Tallahassee, I''l(&ri(l(&,')2):)02). 'I'h(. Sheriff Collier said one person had subscription rat&. is $i2)., )0 f)cr been arrested and charged with 'I;&ss the theft of 17 calves. He estimat- y«ar. Sc(,»n&l (. f)»st(&gr&. Paid ed the annual loss of young, un- at '1'allahassc&, Fl»rida and at branded calves at $250,000. (Pho- additi»nal mailinrr»fl'ic& s. to by Iz Nachman, West Palm, Beach Times) ""- " "-"r-r„ ..." ",."" ..4 THE SHERIFF'S STAR Sheriff's l)epartment Gadet Program Works Both Ways BRADENTON —About 20 young men of Manatee County are taking part in Sheriff Richard Weitzenfeld's Cad&, t program to learn morc about law en- forcement. s» The youths, ag&.s 15 to 19, arc part ' of a special Boy Scout L'xplorer Post and eI'(II i' meet once a week. The cadets received 100 hours of training in criminal law, self defense, pa- trol procedure, search and rescue, fir&;- arms techni&Iu&;s, and other areas of law en force me n t. Manatee County Deputy Sheriff John F. Tillis with several of the youths in the Sheriff's Cadet Program. (Photo by PALMETTO PRESS) When they finish their training thc cadets are eligible to join sheriff's depu- gram has been "highly successful in dem- "At the same time, the cadets have ties on patrol and observe investigative onstrating to young mcn the many prob- been of tremendous assistance to the procedures. lems faced by their law enforcement Sheriffs Office in carrying out regular Sheriff Weitzcnfeld said the pro- agencies. " and special assignmcnts. " Prisoners Allowed to Give Blood for Little Girl " WEST PAl, M BEACH —The 43 I'arnily paying $40 pcr pint. Then hc when you' re in jail you lose your rights. prisoners of cellblock 304 in the Palm thought of his own four children rang- "I just did it to help a little kid, " Beach County jail proved steel bars are ing in age from 7 to 12. one inmate said. An&&ther said, "It makes no barrier when human beings want to Browning talked to the other in- you feel useful. " reach out to help a person in need. mates in his cellblock and they decided They wrote the little girl a letter While awaiting sentencing on a lo write a petition to Sheriff William wishing her a speedy recovery and plac- misdemeanor cl&erg&. , Luther Browning, Heidtman asking for p&.rmission to give ing themselves at h«r disposal in thc 37, of Sidney, Ohio, was reading the their blood. future. newspaper cover to cover as usual anrl Sheriff Heidtman went for the idea read of an B-year-old Pompano Beach and permitted thc Palm Beach County NEW SERVKE FOR DRIVERS girl who was fighting a rare blood dis- Blood Bank to come to the jail and tak&. ease in a Miami hospital. the blood. NAPLES —Through the coopera- He read how shc was needing up to "I was surprised the petition was tion of Collier County Sheriff E. A. 15 pints of blood each week with th« accepted, " Browning said. "You know Doug Henry and Naples Chief of Police George P. Miller, motorists involved in traffic accidents receiv&. a new service to speed up getting rncdical attention TWO CHECKS FOR PAR and car repairs taken care of. Besides making out the standard CLEAR WATE R — On the re- accident report forms, officers also end of two checks ceiving $300 make out a shorter form for the drivers were Pinellas County Sheriff Don Genung (left) and Pinellas-Pasco in thc accidents. These forms give the State Attorney James T. Rus- time of the accident, name and address sell (right). The $600 will go to support Operation PAR (Paren- of the drivers, owners of the vehicles, tal Awareness and Responsibil- location of the accident, names of in- ity) which is a campaign pro- surance companies and name of the in- moted by Genung and Russell to alert parents to their responsi- vestigating officer. bilities in the area of drug abuse With this information the insur- by young people. Making the presentation on behalf of the ance agent and adjuster can give faster Pinellas County Junior and Senior service because they don't have to wait Mounted Posses were (left to for the full accident report to be right) Circuit Court Judge B. J. Driver, president of the Senior ava&lable. Mounted Posse; Lester McMullen, This ncw service is being spon- Captain of the Senior Mounted sored by the Colli& r (."&&ur&ty Associa- Posse and W. V. "Woody" Regis- ter, Secretary-Treasurer of both lion of Insurance Agents which is pay- mounted posses. ing for the prin(ing of the forms. JUNE 1970 1 INSTALLMENT II — AC I D (I,SD) lysergic acid CONNECT To make a contact to marihuana. llsually one.-half of diethylarni&lc. huy dr(rgs. an ounce. 'I'o ACID HEAD An I,SD abuser. COP — huy drugs. DOPE Any narcotic. — BAG A contain&. r of drugs. CUT —'I'o weaken drugs by adding DRUGGIE —Narcotics addict. &lilu&. r)t as with heroin, or to heighten BARBS 15arhilurales. tlr&. effect of a drug, for &, xample, by ESKIMO PARTY —Inhaling freon to cutting marihuana or heroin, or opium. get high. BENNIES —11&.nxcdrine, a brar)d name at& for arnplrctamin& sulfat&. TO DEAL To supply drugs; this is FIX —An irrj&. etio() of narcotics, dil'fcrcnt from a pusher who must usually heroin. BLOW DOPE —'I'o smoke marihrra»a. drum up business while the dealer FREAK OUT —Unpleasant simply supplies the den(and.
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