r&rms.-Ar. n fc!ls gn. bctwet>n tbN'e poptnJnyii vcrt. eollnrcdt bcnkcd nnd mcmbt•red of the >1l'COntl. ~tcst.-A l'clican• ln her nest fl•edlng her young ppr.

E."'(t'I..\S,\TIOS. Thl' fr11s !T'tlr$ wu.~ u~c-d by u mcmbt•r of th" fumlly who the nnthor ~Up• pn~•••l w11.~ our 11ncel'tor, nnd thi,i coat of urm11 hill, but ,inb'4·qucnt rc,i1•urche11 luwe pro,·t-d thut ll cl1~01, !Jftlcs wn,i uiol"jl by hi/I- nncc~tor,i, und the correc­ tion nmy l,c• n111de 1111 ~oon u~ the connecting Uuk bctwt•cn tllc Engli,;h 1111d ~\nwric:m funiillcs l,i ioubl'tuntiutf'd. A nothcr lhm of the fan.Illy, b1•fore A.D. lGOO, plnet!d 3 ucallops ar. on tlie feics. In 1584, 11 du:rron WWI Ull<'d In pince of the {N!/1- by the ThwenF fumillr11 of Uppt.•r Udm/1-lt•v 11nd Ilcworth: at prc/1-t•nt thc~c faruillcl! (nccording to Burke) Lcur 07' a red s~tiel,l II !Jold popi11jay•. • 0M'rz1'18 nlu:r,1111









OF those w]10 have never undertaken n. work like this, few c.1.n realize what a vast nmount of research and patient labor is re­ quired properly to trncc out a Family Tree or Genealogy. It is not t11c work of a few mont11s only, but often occupies several years. It is only within a few years that public record~ of births, mnrring~s :i.nd deaths hal'e been properly kept, even in Ne,v England, nnd still in many parts of this country the keeping of such records is very impcrfoct, especially in the South and 1Vest. It is a matter of regret that thie_ important branch of history has been so much neglected, as a great deal of vnluable material is thereby forever lost. Those of our family who live in the South will underst:md this to be the reason why their records arc so meagre, for I ha,·e availecl myself of every opportunity at my commnnd to obtain all the information possible, and the result i$ contained in the following pages. • .A ,·illnge bearing the nam~ of Thwing lies forty miles cast of tl1e city of York, about which Rev. Edward Pa'yson Thwing, in his ~ Out-door Life in Europe,'' writes as follows : '' One little lmmlct, ten miles distant, wns my ~!ceca this ti~c, the town of Thwing. It was sought with the zeal of an :mtiquary simply, inasmuch as a volume bearing this humble monosyllable is in 1 4 INTRODUCTION. prcpnration by a kinsmnn. Stopping nt the rectory, my horse and driver were bouscd, for it wns raining hard, nnd I strolled out for n. wnlk to church nnd grnveynrd. At the ColJcgc of Arms I hnd learned about Sir Robert de Thwing, knight, Lord of Kilton Cnstle, 1237, and his descendants who were cngngcd with Edward I. in the wnrs with ·scotlnnd. Herc over the nltnr ~s a memorial window bearing the names of Arch- · bishop Lamplough ·and Baron de Thwing. l\Iural tablets record other names. The stone :figure of a priest holding n. sncrnmcntnl cup lies in the chancel, nnd there is a large baptismnl font which• is supposed to be seven hundred years old. The carvings of the stone porch are ,·cry clnbornte, ::md hernlclic insignia embellish the walls. The living is 900 pounds n ycnr. The population of Thwing is but 365, and no resident has been kn.own for years bearing this family name. The wolds, high open tracts, surround the village, and the fields show evidence of high cultivatio~- The cottages of the farm lnborers are one story, stone, thatched or covered with earthen tiles." The name is derived from the Danish Twinge, to force, mnstcr, subdue ; or a name perhaps given from dexterity in archery. The name ·has been spelt in many ways, as follows: Twinge, Twcnge, Twynge, Thwenge, Thwyngc, Thwcng, Thwingc, Thwing. As most of the family continue to keep the spelling ns our mutunl ancestor Benjamin Thwing, who died about A.D. 1672, wrote his name, I have concluded to adopt that mode of ijpelling in the genealogy of the American branches of the family, desig­ nating where another mode of spelling is used as far ns I can.

Those who have dropped the tt H" in the name are in Springfield, '\Va.ltham, and l\iionterey, :Oiase. ; Barre, Vt. ; New York City ; Boone, Iowa; "\Vhitewater, 1V1S. INTRODUCTION. 5

The Cont of Arms, which I hn.vc placed on a previous page, ia thnt of the family in England, of whose history a· sketch is given on a subsequent page, but without la.ying clnim to either as belonging to the American branch of the family, because I cannot connect the English family and that of Benjamin Thwing, the first to bcnr our name in this country, though I have little · doubt that he was descended f~om the same stock. I have long wished to :find out his immediate ancestry, but my efforts to estab­ lish the connection have been hitherto unsuccessful. I hope that hercnfter it may be accomplished by another, if no; by myself. I have printed this historical sketch somewhat earlier than I had at first intended, in the hope of awakening an interest in mem­ bers of the family to become acquainted with the facts I_ now have, to rectify errors and furnish me with further information on the subject. It has been thought that a meeting of the difi"erent branches of this family would be of interest. Four of the family have al­ ready tried t~ bring about such a reunion, but so far without success. I sincerely hope that the sight of these records will stir the family to acco~plish what that effort has foiled to do. No doubt my book will be found incomplete, but I shall esteem it a favor if any omissions or errors arc pointed out to · me by those who find them. With regard to the matter of n.rranging the order and descent of generations and families, the plan adopted in this work com­ prises a full list of the children of each head of a family directly under his or her name. ,vhcrc the information concerning tl1C'sc children is small and their posterity not numerous, the whole record is generaliy gi,·cn at once; when otherwise, the name id



THE first of the no.me mentioned in history is Sir ROBERT DE TWENGE, n. knight, and Lord of Kilton Castle, Cumberland County, England, about the year 1231. He is called a bold Yorkshire knight, n.nd put himself at the head of a. secret associa­ tion formed to resist the intrusion of Italian ecclesiastics into English bcne.ficcs under the aut}.lority of Papal "Provisions/' He had been deprived of his right of nomination to the one living or benefice he possessed, that of Luton, by a "Pro-rision," and the movement which he led was secretly encouraged by the Barons and the Clergy.· Threatening letters were addressed to the foreign priests; the nuncios and other officers of the were seized and one was kil!cd; tl1e Pope's bulls were trampled under foot. The Pope Gregory IX. issued an angry bull (A.D. 1232) in reference to these excesses which continued for some months, and Henry III. was alarmed. Twenge went to Rome, not as a penitent, but to plead manfully the cause be had taken in ha.nd. He was the bearer of a remonstrance from the Earls of Chester, Winchester and other nobles. ~ The Pope listened to the reasonable plea, and Twengc obtained the acknowledgment of his right to nominate to his family living, and a declaration that the Pope would not again usurp the rights of the lay patrons. He was sent by Richard, Earl of Cornwal1, to Emperor Frederick, 8 TIIE TWENGE F.AJ\IILY IN ENGLAND.

II. ( l 240), nnd with En,. I Ric1inrd arrived in Palestine, October, 1240. He was succeeded by his son .l\fARMADUKE, who espoused Emma., sister nnd heiress of Duncan Darrell, and was succeeded by his son

ROBERT, Lord or Kilton Castle, who married Maud, the wido"t of Sir John de Okcton. Chil,frcn:

1. i. j\L\.JUIADUKK (Sir), Ms suc~essor. ii. R1crrARD (Sir), Lord of Boyville, who m. Juli:inn, relict of Sir ,valter d'Awdrc, kut. m. YV,\.N, who hnd a. son John. iv. A clnught<:,r, who m. ,villiam Constable, ancestor to the Constables of FJnmborough. v. ALICE, m. John Oketon.

(1) MAIDIADUKE4 (Robert,' .Uannad1tlLc,2 Robert), succeeded bis father as Lord of Kilton Castle. He married Lucia. de Brus, sister of Peter de Brus of Skelton, and acquired by his marriage considerable estates in tl1e county of York. He was taken prisoner at the battle of" Lewes, and paid 700 marks for his liberty. In l 2V4 he had summons amongst the other great men of that time to repair with all speed to the king, and to afford him his advice touching the most important affairs of the realm. He had subsequently n. military summons to march against the French. Children :

2. ROBERT (Sir), his successor. 3. l\L\.IUL\DUKE (Sir). 4. EDWARD.

11 2 (2) ROBERT (Marmaduke/ Robert/' Marmad1JLc1 Rohcrt). He was Lord of Danby, ns well as Lord of Kilton Castle. He married, fii"3t: Margaret Brus, by whom he had no issue; second, Lucia ---, by whom he had LucJA. who m. first, William de Latimer of Corby, who d. in 1!326; second, Bartholomew de Farnacourt; third, Robert Everingbam of Laxton. TUE T'W'ENOE FAMILY IN ENGLAND. 9

(3) MAIUfADUKE 11 (Jtla1'madukc,4 Robcrt,3 Marmadula:,' Rabcrt). He succeeded his brother to the title. Ile took a very acti~c part fo the wnrs with the Scots. In the battle of Sterling, Sept. IO, 1297, tho Eog1ish forces ,vcrc commanded by the earl of Surrey, nnd Crcssingham the English Treasurer. Io the account of the battle the hiqtorinn ~ays that Surrey still hesitn.tcd to cross the strenm which separated the two armies, but Cressinghnm the Treasurer passionately exclaimed: "\\·hy do we thus protract the war, and waste the king's treasures ? Let us fight as is our bounden duty.'~ Surrey, contrary to his own better judgment, yielded, noel gave orders for an immediate attack. Cressi~gham, nfong with Sir Marmaduke Twenge, a valiant and experienced soldier, led the vo.n. '\Vhen about one-half of the English forces

had passed the bridge without opposition1 Sir Marma­ duke impetuously charged up hill with a body of heavy­ armed cavalry, for the purpose of dislodging the Scots from tbeir strong position. The consequence of this rash attack was fatal to the assailants, as the Scots, from their vantage ground, drove them headlong before them with their long spears. Sir William W allacc, who com­ manded the Scots, defeated and totally routed the English after a hard contest. Twenty thousand men arc believ­ ed to have fallen in the battle and in the flight. The completeness of the ruin of the English army is attested by one of its knights having gained immortality by cffect­ i?g a. retreat for himself and some others. This was Sir Marmaduke de Twenge, who, wl1en others spoke or throwing themselves into the river, with a small follow­ fog cut his way to the bridge and recrossed it. Bot the reco\"ery was of little avail to the rest of the army. The loss of the Scots was trifling. Sir Marmaduke de Twengc was left in command of Stirling Castle after this battle. In 129 8 the castle was taken by Sir William Wallace, and he seized Sir lfarmaduke de Twcngc at a. 10 TUE TWENOE FAl[ILY IX ENGLAND.

conference. In the bntt1c of Bannockburn, Jnnc 24, 1314, the English had been totally dcfeo.tecl. Sil" Mnrmndukc de Twcngc contrived to conceal himself during the fury of the pursuit, nnd cnrly next morning, when the king (Robert Bruce) was sur,·cying the field of battle, he came forth from his hiding plncc, and ap­ proaching the king. knelt do,vn before him. "Wclcomc, Sir lfarmadukc," said Bruce, to whom he was persvnnlly known ' u whose prisoner arc ..,·ou? " "Yours ' sir"' answered the knight. " I recei\·c you," replied the king, and retained hio1 in his company for a considerable time, treating him with the utmost courtesy and ultimately dismissing him, not only without ransom but loaded with gifts. He was summoned to Parl ia.rnent as a Baron, from Feb. 22, 1307, to Sept. 1 S, 1322. Ile married Isabel de Ross of Igmanthorpc, in the county of York. He died in 1323. Children:

1. '\VtLLfA:\t, his father's successor to the title as second • B:iro11 of the name, wns summoned to Parlinment Dec. :JO. I:324. hut never nfterwards. I-le m. Kathe­ rine Furnh·al, of Ha.llamshirc. No children. He d. in 13-11. ii. RonERT succeeded his brother to the title. He was a Catholic priest, and died in 13-H-. iii. TnOlIAS, also a clergyman. This baron being rec~.or of the church of Lythun, fonn

(4) EDWARD:; (,Jfarmad1Jtc/ Robert./ l,farmarlula:/ Robert), married .A.lice, daughter and sole heir of Walter H clrnes­ Iey of 0¥cr Hclmcslcy in the county of York. Children: ml! TW'ENOE FAl\lILY IN' &~GLAND. 11

5. i. lL\.rtlI.\.DUKE. ii. WrLLIA:u, d. young. iij. ,v ALTER, tl. young. (5) M.A.Rl\LADUKE 11 (Edward, 11 Marmad1ikc,• Robcrt,3 Marmo,.. duke, 11 Robert), of Over Holmcsley, married, in 1344, Agues, daughter of Sir John Horton, knt. Children: i. T.Fo1us, m. t1. Bigod, nnd hAd a. son ThomllB who m. a aougb. No children. · G. ii. '\YJLJ.L\.lt. (G) WILLIA.l\'I' (.J.rlarmaduke,• Edzcaril,," Marmaduke,' Iwbcrt,' .J."d.armaduke,2 Robert), of Corne burg, mo.rried Alice, daugh­ ter of William Nesam. Children: 7. i. WALTER. ii. AGNES, m. Thomas W ytham. No children. iii. Aucu, m. Sir Henry Wyth:im, knt., of Rhodes. No children. (7) WALTER' ( 1Jlilliam,1 J.Uarmaduke/' Edward/ Marmaduke,' &bert/ 1l1.armaduke,' Robert), mru:ried lia.rgaret, da.ngh­ ter of Byran de la. See. Children: s. i. GEORGE. il. RonERl'. JU. Jomr; d. without children. iv. A daughter, who m. Thomas 1\Iustnra, nlms Fowford. v. A daughter, who m. :;r. Da.wtree. . (8) GEORGE' ( Walter,• William,' Jfarmadula,' Edward,' J.l!armaduke,' Rubert,= Marmaduke, 2 Robert), of Upper Helnicsley, married a. daughter of Thomas Lepton, Esq., of Kcswith. Child: 9. i. :.t\u.R:u:ADUXE. 10 8 1 (9) M.ARlfADUKE ( Georrree,1 ' Walter 1 JP'itliam,. ~farmaduke 1• Edward,' 1W.armaduke,• Robcrt,:i Marmaduke/ Robert), of

Upper Helmesley1 married Dorothy Redm:un of Bos­ son, Yorkshire. Children : 10. i. GEORGE. ii. CBruSTOPHER, of Huggot, in Yorkshire, living in 1584. 2 12 TllE TWENOE FA:\IILY IN ENOLA.'ID.

iii. A:sTnO~Y. 1Y. DonoTnT, n nun. v. ISABELLA, of Wnrter on Wold, York. in 1577 wa., detected for disobedience in refusing the Church and Public Prn.ycr. (10) GEORGE 11 (Jla:nnnduke,ir' George,' ffalter,8 William,' Marmaduke/ Edu:ard, • },Jarmaduke;' llobcrt,3 lUarma­ duke/ Robert), of Upper .Hclmcslcy, married Anne, daughter of William Thwaites, Esq., of Long lfarston. Children:

11. 1. Jon~. 11. Tno:1L\S, of Hewarth. from whom the Thwengcs of thnt pince now represented by George Alphonso Thwenge, Esq. iii. ROBERT, married Rosn.munde. Their d::mghter, Anne, was christened in Winterton, Lincolnshire, Dec. 28, 1592. Anne Thwioge was buried Jan. 7, 15~3. Their dnughter, Elizabeth Thwinge, was christened in the same place March 27, 1595. iv. L"'Gn.ur, attaintcd in the Rebellion, nn.d a. pilgrim to Rome in 1582. v. KATHERDiE, m. Rruph Thwcng of Heslarton. She was fined twenty marks per ruinam in land for. diso­ bedience in refusing the Church and Public Prnyer in 1577. vi. fil--SE, m. John Hookebie, nod hrul a son Thomas, whose wife's name was 1\Iargaret. vu... JA"'E, ... m. Robert Withes• viii. l\LtRGERY, m. Robert Thornton of East Newton. (11). JOHNu ( Georgc/ 1 kfarmadulce, 10 George," 1Valter, 8 'l-Villiam,1 1'Iarmaa.u·kc,6 Edu:afd,' Marmaduke;' Robert,'$ Marmaduke,: Robert), of Upper Hclmesley, married :Maud, daughter of Thomas Grimston of Grimston. Child: i. :M..uorADUKE TrrwEXGE, Esq., of Upper Helmeslcy, aged 24 years anno 1584, who married Anne Red­ dish. Children: · (1) Marmaduke, d. youn~, June 3. 1593. (2) Margery, m. first, George Wilmer. before 1606; eccond. H1Jn. Henry Fairfax. She d. Sept. 23, 1633, leaving one son, George Wilmer. THE THWING FAMILY IN AMERICA.

BENJAlIIN TB.WlNG, Fno?tt whom all who bear the name ·in America are descended, was born in England, about 1619. He emigrated from London to Amcitlcn. in April, 1635,- 4) .. in the ship or vessel called c:,6/ c) JI.?;/~~~ '' Susan & Ellen," Edward · r.::;;;,r­ Payne, master, as one of the servants or apprentices of Ralph Hudson. His wife Deborah is reported to have come with him, although there is no mention of her name among the list of passengers. Perhaps she came in another vessel about that time. Her full name is at present unknown. The following is a list of the p~sengers :- Ralph Hudson, aged 42. A Dmp. l\fary Hudson, n.ged 42, uxor. Hannn. Hudson, aged 14. Eliz. Hudsoo, aged 5. Jo. Hadson, aged 12. Their children. Thos. Brigghrun, aged 32. . Benj. Thwing, nged 16. Ann Gibson, aged 34. Judith Kirk, aged 18. Jo. l\Iore, ngcd 41. Henry Knowles, :tged 25. Servants of Ralph Hudson. George Richard.so?, 3ged 30. Ben. Thomlins, nged 18. Edward Tbomlins, aged 30. Barbara Ford, 3ged 16. Joan Broomer, aged.13. Richard Bi:ooke~ aged 24. Tho. Brooke, aged 18. Hnsbundman Symon Crosby, aged 26. u:tor Ann Crosby, nged 25. Tho. Crosby, aged S weeks. Husoondman Richard Rowton, aged 36. lllor Ann Rowton, aged 36. Edmond Rowton, aged 6. Husbandman Pcrcivall Greene, aged 32. uor Elliu Greene, aged 32. 14 TUE TlIWING FAMILY.

Jo. Trnno, nged 25. l\Inrgarct DL-c, aged 18. 2 scrvnnts. Jo. Atherson, aged 24. Ann Ela.son~ aged 27•. Ben. Buckley, nged 11. Dllllicl Buckley, aged 9. Jo. Corrington, ngcd 33. Mary Corrington, aged 33.

Rn.lph Hndsoo1 by will dated Sept. 24, 1638, left him ton · pounds when his time.. should be out, and calls him '' my mn.n" in it; and ~In.ry Hudson, wife of Ralph, by will left him si.'t pounds in 1651. About the time ho became of age ho married and made a home for himself, as in the Book of Possessions ~e read that "The possessions of Benjamin Thwing in Boston" wero "One house and garden bounded with Sudbury streetc south~ west; William Wilson northwest and northeast; Joshua Scotto southeast." That pa.rt of Sudbury Street was afterwards in: eluded in Queen Street, now Court Street; the house standiog1 as nearly as can be ascertained, where the Crawford House is. He ·was admitted to be townsman, a.long with others, at the town meeting held lfo.rch 2 S, 1642. He was a joiner by trade, and a Proprietor both in Watertown and Concord, Mass. His wife Deborah was admitted to be a member of the First Church in Boston, Aug. 9, 1642, and he was admitted to the same church, Dec. 17, 1643 ; and their good example hos been followed by a majority of their descendants. He died about 16 72, and his estate was administered upon by his wife and eldest son, Jan. 8, 1673. An inventory of his estate is a.s fol­ lows:

One peice of lnnd with a smaU house £ 45. 00. 00 Ono old feather bed with furniture 2. 10. 00 One Buffee Coate - 01. 00. 00 One Iron pott old Brn.ss Kettles & pewter - 01. 00. 00 Andirons Tongs fire shovcII Trammel a.nd Spitt 00. 10. 00 One old Bible & pstt.lme Booke - - - 00. 05. 00 One Cheste 6• oue meale trough 1 • one Linery cup boa.rd not finished 51 two chains 3• one small table one box 61 1. 01. 00 One old ha.tehett one saw - 0. 02. OG Due from Benj:unin Thwing Junr - 8. 04. 02

The same of rul which wa.c; shewed to be £ 59. 12. 08 SECOND GENERATION. 15

Children, all born in Boston:

1. DEDOitA.ll, b. Mn.y 17, 16·12; d. Aug. 23, 164:?, in Concord. 2. ii. JonN, b. Nov. 21, 1644. 3. iii. BE.~J'AlIL"', b. July, 1G47. iv. R.tClIEt., b. 1tiarch 12, 1G50. 4. v. EDWARD, b. Nov. 14, 1652. 5. vi. WILLIA)(, b. Dec. 28, 1 G56. vii. DEBORAH, b. Jnn. 13, 1G50.


(2) JOHN THWING2 ( l1r:11jamin) was born in Boston, and had his home there, but his occupation was that of a. seaman. It is recorded that a ticket was granted Thomas Cooper, :March 6, 1678, to leave the island of Barbadoes in the "Pinke Blessing," J obn Th wing com­ mander, for New York,_ because his time was oat. He was com­ mander of the "llehitable " in I 684. He ma.rried l\fary ( or Maria) Messinger, Jan. 6, 1669, in Boston, :i\fass. She was born ·in Boston about 1650. He died in Boston, Sept. 6, 1690, and was buried in King's Chapel burying ground, in Boston. She died in 1705 or 1706 in Boston. Children, a.11 born iu Boston: 6. i. Jorn;, b. Oct. 16, 1670. 7. ii. DEnORAII, b. l\Iru-ch 29, 1673. m. I-L\.ssAn, b.1\Inrch 4, 1675. iv. MARY (Mariah), b. April 12, 1677; m. William l\Iiller. 8. v. R,t.CIIEL, b. Jan. 31, 1681. v1. BENJ'AlUN, hap. Oct. S, 1682. vii. SAR,rn, b. Feb. 22, 1085; m. in Boston, ,John Ruggles, l\Lly 21, 1722. She "W:tS admitted to the New North Church, Dec. 10, 1721. 9. viii. BENJA3UN, b. June 6, I 688. 1 G TlIE TlIWING F .A.'\IILY.

(3) BEYJAIDN THWING2 (Be1ijamin) was born in Boston, and always li\"cd there. He was by trade a carpenter, and bought n. piece of land of his father, as the first dc_cd in our family in this country shows, as follows: This Iadecture made the sixteenth dn.y of l\In.rch in the twenty third ycare of the Reign of our 8overeign Lord Charles the Second by the gr.i.ce of God King of England, Scotland }~francc and Irclandt Defend­ er of tbe ffaith &c. and in the yea.re of our Lord Christ ( according to the computation of the Church of En~lnnd) one Thousand Six Hun­ dred n.nd seventy, Between Benjamin Thwing of Boston in New Eng­ fan,1~ Joyner, on the one party n.nd Benjamin 'rhwing of the same place, Carpenoor. oo the other party~ Witnesseth, that for fltld in considem­ tiou of fli£ty pounds to mee the sd Benjn.min Thwing first above named in hnnd pa.id by my Son, Benjamin Thwing nbove sd and other good considerations mee thereunto monng Have given, granted, bn.rg::i.ined, E-old :lJiened enfeoffcd and confirmed and doe by these presents freely fully & absolutely give grant bargain sell nlien enfeoffe :md confirme forever uuto the sd Benjamin Thwing my Son and unto his heirs males lawfully begotten or if it do happen to be a. want of such heirs males then it is to goe to the heirs females next of kin,. unto the .sd Bt:njamin Thwing the Son. And if there do happen a failure or Wllllt of such heirs males n.nd heirs females ::i.s aforcsd then it is to fall unto and be inherited by the next of kin unto the sd Benjamin. Thwing the Son or Benjamin Thwing the Ffatber bearing the name of Thwing and by discent : a ~ice or pnrceH of land or ground situate lying nnd being in Boston abovesd containing iu breadth at. the :ffront thereof but­ ting upon the Town Streete ':est or westerly twenty foote and five inches :ind in breadth at the hmder end thereof twentv five foote :J.Dd three inches and hutting there upon the land DOW in the tenure posses­ sion or occupation of Belknap & in length one hundred :ind twenty foote or more or Jess nud butting North or Northerly upon the Jand of the sd Benjamin Thwing t.he fiat.her, and butting South or Southerly upon the land of Joseph Belknap. Together with all the priviledges, e:i.sements and comodities th:i.t doth now or may hereafter thereunto belon!!;. · . To b:rrn and to hold the sd pcice or parcell of land unto the only proper use & beboofe of the sd Benjamin Thwing the Son and unto his heirs males 1::nvfull y begotten or l1eirs feowes next of kin unto the sd Benjamin Thwing the Son. And if there do h::i.ppcu a fuilure or want of such heirs males ::i.nd heirs females as is first ::uoresd then unto the oncly proper use of the next of kin unto the sd Benjamin Thwing the Son or Benjamin Thwing the ffather bearing the name of Thwing a.ud by descent together with all the priviledges eu.scments :iud comodities that doth or shall hereafter thereunto belong from the day SECOND GENERATION. 17

of the elate l1ereof forever .Alwnfos cxceptecl nnd reserved unto the sd Benjn.min Thwing the fl"uther & his heirs n.nd assigoes two footc in breadth through the whole sd ground from the West end to t],e East end. And the sd Benjamin Thwing the ffnther doth by these prP.sents covenant for himselfo & his heirs execn udm"' nud n.ssignes and the assignes of eYery of them to leave nnd lay out two foote out of his ground next ndjoiniog to the aforesd two foote which sd four footo iu breadth from the one end to the other end of the sd ground of Benjamin Tb wing the fi'uther nod of Benjamin Thwing the Son is to be a. passage or way from time to time :incl all times hereafter iu comon unto the scl Benjamin Thwing the ffather ruid Jiis heirs cxec111 adm" and assignes and the n.ssignes of every of them and unto the sd Benjamin Thwiug the Son n.nd his heirs, Exec"', admn ruid nssignes nnd tlu, nssignes of every of them nod to none other person or persons but what are herein expressed. In Witness whereof tho parties above muned have to these Indentures interchangeably put to theire hnnds and seales the day :1.nd yeo.re first above written. BE...,.J'.\.lIDi TIIWDiG Signed sealed & delevd & a SCW appenud a!ter interlining the words forever a.hove the 8th line This Instrumt wn.s ocknow­ and the word belong above ledged by Benjamin Thwing the 24th line in presence of Senior to be his net and deed Jesson the 17 l\farch 1670. Pe Goulding John Leverett Dept. Gov

(Indorsed) I Deborah Thwing the wife of Benjamin Thwing the ffather mentioned in the Indenture on the other side hereof do hereby for the consideration therein expressed aud the love I beare to my Son Benjamin Thwing therein mentioned freely give up & surrender all my right of thirds or dowrey which I may have challenge or demand in · or unto the land mentioned in this sd Indenture. In ,vitness whereof, I have hereunto put my hru:Jd & seale this 16th day o'f March 1670. Deborah Thwing Signed sealed and delivered her mark (Sigil) in presence of Debor:ih Thwing appeared the 17 l\farch I 670 & owned this to be her free and vol­ unt.:lry act and deed before John Leverett Assist. EntrcdJune 23d 1G77. Isa Addington Cler.

He became a member of the .Ancient and Honorable .Artillery Company in 1678. At the town meeting (Boston), held July 28, 1679, Benjamin Thwing was granted liberty to lay timber upon 18 TilE TtnVJNO FA?tITLY. the waste land upon the side of tbc liill below Mr. Cotton's ,Io.nd for one year, ho paying three shillings in money to tho treasurer of the town. He wn.s a frccma.n l\fo.y 19, 1 GS0. He was chosen a tythingman at a meeting held in Boston July 29, 1680. Ho married Abigail Dickson, daughter of William and Jane Dickson. She was born :March 10, 1648, in Boston. She dfod before 1692. On Fridll.y, January 14, 1681 (Old Style), ns l1e was going from liount Hope to Rhode Island in a canoe with :10 Indian, tho canoe upset by the wind and ice, o.nd l1e was drowned, but tbe Indian csco.ped. Children, all born in Boston :

i. BENJAltIN, b. July 24, 1670; tl. young. ii. LYDIA, b. Jan. 25, 1673 ; d. young. iii. WILLI.Ur, b. in 1675. iv. BE.~JA.ltIN, b. July 20, 1678. v. LYDIA, b. July 20, 1G7!); m. John Strong of Boston, Dec. 11, 1721.


(Benjamin) was born and always lived in Boston. He was by trade a butcher, and was made a freeman May 12, 1675. He married Elizabeth Lawson, daughter of Christopher Lawson. He died Feb. 12, 1707, in Boston. Children, all born in Boston: 10. i. Eo,vAnD, b. Nov. 28, 1675. ii. TrtO)IAS, b. Dec. 14, 1677; d. there Dec. 5, 1705. iii. RonERT, b. Jnn. 9, 1679. iv. ELIZABETH, b. Feb. 7, 1681; died there young. v. ELIZABETH, b. Feb. 19, 1685. 11. vi. BENJAIDN, b. April 14, 1686. vii. Jom-, b. July 29, 1688; m. l\fury Langdon in Boston, Sept. 2, 1713. She wns b. in Boston, l\fa.rch 24, 1689. She wns an inn holder in Boston in 1714. Their son, John Thwing, was b. in Boston Jan. 8, 1715. (5) WILLIAM THWING2 (Benjamin) was born and always lived in Boston. He was by trade a shipwright. He married, first, Mary ---. He THIRD OENERATIOY. 19 mnrricd, second, Ruth Chnpin, in Boston, Jan. 26, 1608. Children, all born in Boston: i. 1'L\.nY, b. April 7, lGSG; m. Thomas :Milner, Sept. 3, li03, in Boston. 12. ii. WrLLTA:u, b. July 8, lGDO. iii. JonN, b. June 18, 1602. iv. BENJ.,\l?lN, b. Sept. 22, l G~9.


(6) JOffi~ THWING 3 (Joltn,' Benj'!,min) was boro and.always lived in Boston. He was by trade a shipwright and also a sailmaker. He married Martha Drew, Aug. 14, 1692, in Boston. Children, all born in Boston: 13. 1. JOHN, b. June 2, l 693. ii. l\L\.RY, b. Sept. 14, 1695. She was admitted to the Brnt. tle St. Church April 4, 1714. She d. Aug. 17, 1765, n.nd wns buried in King's Chapel burying ground. 14. iii. l'.L\RTllA, b. l\farch 24, 1699. iv. J..,\!\IES, b. Jan. 18, 1701. 15. v. NATRA.'\·n:L, b. Ang. 17, 1703. vi. RACITEL, b. July 5. 1705. She W35 :idmitted to the Brat• tle St. Church Dec. 3, 1727. She m. Thom:is Johnson, June 22, 1730, in Boston. vii. S,\.R.Ul, b. Mnrch 2, 1709; d. Sept. 15, 1789, in Boston.

(7) DEBORAH THWING3 ( Jolm/ Benjamin) was born in Boston~ and always lived tl1ere as fa.r as can be a.s.::crtained. She married Hood in Boston, July 17, 1692. Children, aU born in Boston: 3 20 TIIE Tln\7NO FA.'UILY.

i. SA3IUEL, b, Aug. l 0, 1695. ii. RicnAitD, b. Juue 20, 1697. iii. ,Ton:;, b. )fay 18, lG!J!>. iv. A son, b. l\Iny 8, 1700. v. l\L\RT, b. l\Inrch 11, 1702. vi. SARAH, b. Sept. 14, 1705; d. Aug. 31, 170G. vii. SAnAn, b. Mnrch G, 1707. ... . vn1. RuTn, b. June 10, 1713. ix. BEXJAlnX, b. Aug. 4, 1716.

(8) R.A.CEIEL THWING3 (Jolm/' Benjamin) ,vas born and always lived in Boston. She married John Dorrcl, in Boston, No'l. 7, 1 706. Children, all bo1·n in Boston :

i. J OIIS, b. Sept. G, 1708.

ii. TB03CAS7 b. Jan. 8, 1710.

(9) BENJAMIN THWINGS (Jolm,t Benjamin) was born and always lived in Boston. He was a shipwright Be married Rebecca Haley, Dec. 14, 1710, fo Boston~ She was born in 1681. She died in Boston, Jll.Il. 5, 1718, and was buried on Copp's Bill. Children, all born in Boston:

1. BE~J,\31:IN, b. 0ct. 3o, 1z11. ii. Jon:s, b. June 17, 1713; d. there Aug. 19, 1714. 16. iii. JonN, b. 1\fay G, 1715. 1v. REBECCA, b. July 2-:1, 1717; m. John Menzies, in Boston, July 13, 1738.

(10) EDW.!RD THWL.~G 3 ' ( Edward1' B,.:njamin) was born in Boston, but :no\"ed to Cam- hridgc, lfoss. He was a blacksmith. He married Lydia Smith,.

i. LYDIA, b. July 2, 1706; m. ,To]m Scott ofBrnintrce, Mnss., in Boston, l\Iass., J\forch 21, 1729. They hnd n. eon born a.bout 1730, who was kiclnnppcd soon after birth by one Samuel Spear. . 17. ii. TIIOI\IAS, b. Aug. 2, 1700. 18. iii. Eow4\.RD, b. July 31, 171G.

(11) BENJAMIN THWING3 (Edward,' Benjamin) wns n. shipwright, and lived in Bostoo. He married Bathsheba. Pason, Aug. 12, 17U), in Roxbury, 1'-Iass. She became n. member of the Second Church in Bos:on, Dec. 20~ 1741. Children, all born in Boston: i. JosEPll, b. July 24, 1720; d. there Sept. 4, 1720. ii. HANN.A.II, b. Dec. 2, 1721. She became n. member of tho Second Church, Nov. I 8, 1739. iii. BATUSllEBA, b. April 9, 1723; d. there July 26, 1724. J!). iv. BATIISllF.nA, b. Jan. I!), 1725. v. 1VILLIA:u, b. l'rfay 20, 1727; d. there Aug. 25, 1727.

(12) WILLIA1! THWING3 ( William, 2 Benjamin) was a mariner. He married Elizabeth Ba.rnerd, Dec. 31, 1713, in Boston. She wo.s a daughter of Thomas and Eliza.beth Ba.rnerd, and was born in Boston, Aug. 6, 1689. .A.II his children were born in Boston, and were bap• tized in the N cw Brick Church there. Children : 20. i. WrLLIA.lr, b. Nov. 19, 1716. 21. ii. Tno1cAs, hap. Dec. 15, 1723. iii. l\.iA.Rr, hap. July 4, 1725. iv. SARA.II, hap. Ju1y 4, 1725. v. l\I.u:.r, b:ip. Sept. IS, 1726. iv. l\.Lu:.r, hap. Oct. 29, 1727. vii. ELIZA, hap. Feb. 16, 1729. viii. SAitAR, hap. April 18, 1731. 22 TUE TIIWINO FA~IILY.


(13) JOHN THWING 4 (Joltn,3 Jolm, 11 Bcn}amin) wns brought up to t:10 trade of tanner and currier. He went to the part of Mendon, now :Milford, and set up his trade at first in the centre, near the junction of West and Congress streets, between 1716 and 1718. His homestead must have been small, consisting perhaps of five or six acres; and that ho sold out about 1 730, moving O\"er to the do.le near his father-in-la.w, and settling on the estate which ho bought of Elder Nathaniel Nelson, where he spent most of bis active life. This was hounded north on Elder Jones, cast by :Mill River, south by old Sherborn road, known in that part as Post Lane, and west by land of one Bridges. It included the present cemetery. It was not n. large homestead, and lay partly on both sides of tho old drift-way from Post Lane to Elder Jones. There he bad his dwelling-house and tannery until 1769, when he finally sold oat. Be ·married Mercy Jones of liendon, now Milford, in June, 1718. She was born in Hull, l\Iass., in 1697. She was the third daugh­ ter of Elder John Jones and liis wife Sarah. They died and were buried in :Milford, sometime after ~fay 18, 1769, a.s we ba¥c their acknowledgment of a deed bearing that date. She became a member of the Second Church in ,r.... lon in 1744. Children, all born in :Mendon: 22. i. Jon.,.,-, b. April 5, 1719. 23. ii. 1\lA.RY, b. Feb. !l, 1720. iii. SARAII. b. Feb. 28, 1722; m. three times, viz.: first, Sam• . uel Torrey, 1\Iay :W, .17 47; 8ccoacl, Andrew Grafton, l\Iay :Jo, 1771; third, Re,·. Am::iriah Frost, Oct. 1-1, 1784. 8he became a. member of the Second Church in l\lendon in J.7 45. 24. iv. ,JA:'ICES, b. ?.farch 3, 172,i. v. NATJIANIF.I., b ••July 27, 1728. 2;i. vi. Il1-:::s.rAmN, L. l\Iay 25, I 7;;2. FOURTII OENEltATION. 23

vii. l\IAnTn,\, b. l\farch 10, 173,j; m ••Tosiuh R'.ilburn, Oct. 31, 17GO. vm. TnOl(,\S, b. July 15, li37.

( 14) lf.A.RTHA T.EIWING 4 (Jolm," John,' Benjamin) married John Ivory, Feb. 4, 1729, in 1 Chn.rlcstowo, )fass. He was a seaman on a brigantine ' Sarah," from Boston to Jamaica. and l>ack, cnr1y in 1727. He was born July 26, 1705. She married (second) Anurew Newell, June 21, 1737, in Charlestown, l\Inss. She died Oct. 27, I 784. Child- ren, n.11 born in Charlestown, :l\Iass. : · 2G. i. Jonx, b. Dec. 19, 1729. Jonx, Lap. l\fay 14, 1738. iii. DE.."JAlIIX, hap. l\!n.y 27, 1739; d. prior to April 9, 174.0.

(15) NA.T.EIANIEL TH\VING4 (Joltn,3 Jolin,' Benjamin) was by traclc a baker. He married Joanna Da)is, in 1'727. She was a daughter of Thomas and Lydia Da\'i:1, and wa.s born in Boston, }fay 27, 1707. He be­ came a member of the Ancient n.nd Honorable Artillery Com• pany in 1736. He wa.s commissioned a lieutenant in a regiment in Boston, in 1743, of which Hon. Jacob Wendell was colonel. He served as major and captain of the Tliird Company of the Eighth Mass. Regiment, Col. John Choate, against Louisburg, and was afterwards a licutenant-colonr:!l of a provincial regimcut, and in every action conducted with approbation. Sec his com­ mission a.s follows : Province of the Massa.chusett.~ Bay William Shirley Esq. Captain General, aod Governor in Chief in nncl over His Majesty's Proviuce of the l\fassachusctts B:iy iu New England, Vice Admiral of the Same. Gencrn.l and Commander in Chief of all his l\fajcsty's Forces in North America. To Nathaniel Thwing, Esq. Greeting. By Virtue of the Power, and Authority, in :md by His Majesty's Royal Commission to me g-rnnted to be Capt.1.in Gencml etc. ovP-r this His l\fojesty's l'rovince of the l\fa..i-sachusctts Buy aforesaiu; I

Courngo, nntl go,o

Honorable Artillery Company in 1761 1 while a. mo.jor of militia. FOURTJt OEXEl'..ATION. 25

On l\forch 12, 1764, he ,vns clioscn (with others) one of the Sr.lcctmcn of Boston. He resigned his office Nov. 17, l 7G5. Ho ,vns a gentleman well respected. Bis wife died Sept. 6, 1749, in Boston, nnd wns buried in King's Cbnpcl burying ground. He married, seconcl, Martha Clap of Woburn, widow of Rev. Supply Clap, Jan. I 750. She was born in 1708. She died Sept. 5, 1794, in Boston, n.nd was buried in King's Chapel burying ground. He was seized with an npoplcctic fit in the street ~s lie wa.s returning home from public worship on Sunday, April 17, 1768, and died ·in Boston April 18, 1768, and ·was buried in King's Chapel burying ground. Children, nil born in Boston: i. l\L\.nY, b. Dec. 18, 1728;

(IG) JOHN THWLVG4 ( Benjamin,3 Joltn,' Benjamin) married in Boston, :Mass., first, Hannah Souther, March 22, 1738; second, Ann Homer, July 23, 1742; third, Haonnh Phillips, Jan. S, 1767. Children, all born in Boston: 26 TllE TIIWING FAltILY.

1. BE:SJAlnN, b. Dec. 2, 1739. ii. ,Tonx, bnp. June 3, 17•1-l-, in New Brick Church. iii. ANN, hap. Oct. 18, 1767, in New North Church. iv. Jon:s, bn.~. Sept. 24-, 1769, in Ne,v North Church. v. I-IAs:s ..u1, bop. Jn.n. G, 1771, in New North Church •

. (17) THOMAS THWING~ (Edward,' E1lward,' Benjamin) wns a blacksmith. He married Mnry Bartlett, }Ia.y 19, 1731, io Cambridge, Mass. She was born in 1711, and died in 1803. Children, all born in Cam­ bridge, :Mass. : 32. i. Jou:s, b. :March 11, 1732. 33. ii. EBENEZER. b. Nov. l•i, 1733. iii. l\IAttY, b. Oct. 12.1740; m. Joshun. Thom:is, of Cambridge, Sept. 22, 17 65. 34. iv. TnoltAS, b. Feb. G~ 1743. v. LI'DL\, b. Oct. 4, 1746.

(1S) EDWARD THWING·" (.Edward,' Edu:ard, 2 Benjamin) married Patience---. He died iu Cambridge, No~. 11, 1753. Child, born in Cambridge, 2'fo.ss.:

35. i. NATII,U-IEL, b. Dec. 21, 17 47.


3 (Benjamin7 Edu:ard7~ Benjamin) became a member of the Second Church in Boston, Jan. 17, 1742. She worked in a. sampler the following lines : "Bathsheba. Thwing is my nrune And with my fingers I wrought the same, And if my skill it had been better I would ha,e mended every letter." She married Thomas Johnston, Aug. 6, 1747, in Boston. He died in 17 7 6. Child:


(20) WILLIAM Trr,vING 4 • ( TJiilliam, 3 l'filtiam/ Bcnjami11,) wns n. houscwright. He mar. ricd Silence Barnard, widow of Thomas Barnard, July 13, 1730, in Boston, .Mass. .At a Boston Town 2\Iceting, held 2\fonday, ~farch 14, 1743, he was appointed n. fence viewer. Children, all born in Boston : . i. ELIZAill~TJT, bap.• Juno 21. 17-11, in New Ilrick Church. ii. 81u;)iCF., bn.p. ,July :JI, 17-13, in samo plnce; m. Joshun. Hubb:ir

(21) T.EIO::\IAS THWING 4 ( TVilliflm,3 TVilliam/ Bl'njamin) married Anne Smith, 2\In.y 15, I 74G, in Boston. Children, all born in Boston: i. A:s::-rn, bap. Oct. IG, 1748, in the New Brick Church. ii. K.\T!nmr:s1-:, b:ip. Feb. 25, 17TJ0, in same place. iii. ELIZACETII, hap. ,June !:I, i'7 5 I, in same pfo.ce. 1v., v. WrLLIAJr ::m


(22) JOHN THWING5 ( John;' John/ Jolin/ Benjamin) was a husbandman. He re­ sided ma.ny years in l\Icndon, now :Milford, Lut later in life emigrated to some pa.rt of Vermont and finally settled in Con way, )fass., where he was one of the first settlers. 'IIis wife became a. member of the Second Church in )fondon, now l\Iilford, in 1743, and he in l75;i. He wa.s on a. committee of thirteen, ap­ pointed in July, 1755, to have a.n eye on the conduct of a.ny 28 Tlll~ TJIWI:SG ltAl\llLY. pcri,ons tl1nt shoul

u... -4. .l, T1:uoTnY, b. SL·pt. n, 1,.,.1 • :::s. ii. 1\L\m·, h. l◄\·h. :!8, 17-17. iii~ S.\Jt4\1I, h. l\Inrcl1 2:1, 17·19. iv. Tn.\S1~1~u1., bup .•Tau. 27, l 7;i3. \', •J ons, l 1ap ••J au._ •)" •.,, 1 -,,n;- -

(23) ~LARY THWING.S (Jolm,4 Johu,3 Jo!tn/ Bcnjmuin) marrictl Nathaniel Rawson (whose

1. Sn.As, b. ~ov. 17, 17:JO. Ile afterwards scttlctl in .Palmyra. N. Y.

(24) JA)IES Til\VING:;

( Jo!tn, ◄ .lolrn/1 Jolm,'1 Bcujn.min) was a currier by trade, and after leaving )Icndon, now .:iiilford, liYcd for six years in ,vmington, Conn., and then emigrated to that part of ,Vilbraham, Mass., now Ifo.mptlen. The first four of his children were born there before the town ,\"as namcu. Ile served in the French and Indian wars; and the only adventure now rcmcmbcrcu by ouc of his family is this: When on his way to the war he stopped to get a drink of' water by the roadside. While drinking, an Indian en.me up to him and asked him where he was going. He replied that he was going to fight the Indians, whereupon the Indian struck him with a cane, upon which he dropped his knn.p­ sack and knocked the Indian down, and sprang upon him and· FIFTH GENERATION. 2n poundctl him until he nearly killernbn.m, Mass. He married, second, :Miriam Kibbee, who Ih-cd only a yeat· after the marriage. He married, third, l\Iary Hudson, .April l•t, 1784. She was born in Lyme, Conn., in I 737. She died in Wilbraham, Mass., in I S2 8. Children, all born in Wilurah:im, lfo.ss. :

•10. 1. JAlIES, I,. Nov. 28, 17.:;3. ii. l\IF.r:CY, b. ,Tan. 8, 17JG; m. Jo~cph Dnnh:im. I-Io was b. in Plymouth, l\Iass. They moved to San

(2?) BENJ... \JIIN TH\VL.~G 5 (John/ John,3 Jolm/ Benja,uin) li¥ed and worked with his father until he was about 22 years old, at the tanning and cur­ rying business. He moYed .to Uxbridge in 1754, and bonght a. la~ge farm there on )Iumford river, and continued to follow the trade of tanner and currier while he was able to work. Ile was an early member of the First Congregational Church of Uxbridge, and remained so through his life. He was a. good neighbor, of genial disposition, and n.n upright honest mun, a. firm patriot, as is attested by his sending his son Natl1aniel to the war ut the age or sixteen, a.nu was

1. l\!ARY, b. l\fay 12, 17,'.;8; m. Snmucl Ilnwson Montague of Uxbridge, and moved to Shutesbury. Her sons, Elias n.nd Ruel, mo..-ed to l\!ichig:.m. 44. ii. NATIIAXmt. b. l\farch 18, 17G0. m. S,\.ltCEL, b. Nov. 2!1, 17Gl; d. Nov. 2!1, 17G2. 1v. l\!EnCY, b. Aug. lG, 17G3; m. Elihu Brown of Uxbridge. Y. !IAXXAIT, b. April I, 17G5; m. Buckman of Bethel, Vermont. vi. SARATI, b. Sept. 14, 17G7; m. a Ibtchclor of Northbridge, l\Ias::.. 45. vii. SABP.A, b. May 10, 177;3. 4G.viii. BEXJ.\:UIX, b .•fan • .'..H, 1777. •17. ix. Lt:·nrnr., 1,. Sept. 7, 1778.

(26) JOHN IVORY 0 (il!art!ta;' .fol,n/ John/ Benjamin) rn::i.rricd Sarah IIussing, Aug. 22, I i51, in Charlestown, )fass. They were o.. Children, born in Charlestown, :\Ia.s:;. =

1. .Jon..'-, b. ?tfay 17, 17;jG,

11. ·r TIEOI'BU.CS, b • ~,ov., .... I• 1-·qI ;J, ; 1·11~I ('! 1L·,:-cpl. :..1,)I 1--·I 1 1,i W 1·1II C 111 tht.: arrny iu New Yurk.


(27) JOHN NEW'ELL r, (illartlw,4 Julw,3 Jolw/1 l.Jcujamin) marricu, fir~t, Eliznl1cth Skillings, in Boston, llay 27, 1700; second, 1'-fury ---, m 17 S2. Children :

1. A:xnm~w. ii. ,Tom:. Iloth bap. iu tho Sew No1"th Church, l\farch 29, 17Gl.

(2S) N.:.\.TIL\NIEL TIIWING 5 ( }tatlwnicl/ Jol,n,3 Jo!tn/1 Benjamin) married ALi~ail Green­ ough in Boston, Mass., Nov-.!!, 175G. He removed from Boston to tlic banks of the Kennebec sometime during the yc:u· 1757, and passed the following winter there. .As he lived all alone, one of his neighbors, a :\Irs. Rec

,v oolwic11 about 17637 bringing his family with him. He ap­ peared us a town o~cer 11Iarch, 1764._ \Vas at.lmittcd June 30, 1765, to the church in Woolwich, where he was afterwards a. deacon. ATnold's expedition to Canudu. up the Kennebec haltc~ at Thwints Point antl 5alutetl )Jr. Thwing. Officers callct.l at tbc hou::;c and were con;:;iJcrcJ IJ_r the famil:· line looking i11 their nc\\· uniforms. At Pittston, a fo•,\" miles above, they ~pent the

1 11igLt at a house which was still in cx:i::;tcncc a. fc\: years ::igp. Ile w:is one of the first Loa.rel of overseers of Bowdoin Collcg-e. Was appointed aju:::.tiec in 1777, a conncillor in 1,S0. ,Yas appointed by Go,. John Hancock one of the justices of the ·) .3 ... '.l'IU~ TJIWJXCI P.uru.Y •

luferior Com·L of Common Plenf-1 in tho County of Li11cnl11 1 Oct. G, 1781, al:,;o justice of tlic peace by him for H1!,·e11 ycnr:-1 ahn11t the same timu. J11 :\Iuy, 178:!, lie wa~ chn.-11.:11 h;· ballot a ~ot.ury Public. \Vas a.ppointctl Hc~i:-1tcr or Pruli::1tc of Lincoln Cou11ty .Tnn. 2!J, 17S7. "\Vu.Hone of tho 1lelc~atc:-1 .it a. council ol' tho church to try ~Ir. ~.,ostcr nt Ilullowdl, !{o,·. HJ, 1788. ,vn.H cho~cn a rcpre8cnta.th·c to General Conl't in 1782. ,va:-{ county treasurer in 17!>2, a.rn.l" hi~ remoral u:-; treasurer was licard witli sul'row, anu regret accompa.nicu the tale from u.lmo:,;t c,·cry pe1·­ son. He rctil'cd from office with the plaudits of crery houcst ma.11, with the esteem of every virtuous one, with respcet· from all who value virtue, who ca.n appreciate worth atal rcgar. 10, 1803, nh;o justice of tho peace and quorum .A.n,g. 22, I SO~. Ahrn to the same ollicc by Go\·, John Brook:, for sc,·en years from July 3, lSlG, for Lincoln county. _Judge Thwing wore a riu~ whose i-;tonc \\·us in the shape or n. coffin, in memory of a lady to whom lie was en­ gaged in Boston, Lut who tlicu 1,cfr>rc tli~y couI

Tu tho X:tnw Of Goil A1rn't1, I Natlm11iel Thwi11~ of \V'oolwid1 in Llw cn1111ty of I.iucol11, EHtt, lici11;,: i11 ht•alth of hoity & ul' a t.111111d uud disp11r.i11g- mind nut! 111euu1ry. for wl1ich l clesil'B to lil1'!'!!-I C:rnl, nl41!10 Autltor & girnl' llt' eYtH'\' nwre,·, :rnd l'Oll!-!id,, ri 11~ tho :,;h11l't111•i,;!,1 a ml 1111certai 11ty of Iire, clo m~Ll,c m;d publish thi:-. my ln~t will & (c:-1:mwut i11 uuu111or fullowi11!; \'i:r.. Imprimii,;, J gh·e awl lm1p1eath my i-;onl iuto the Ii:u11l1-1 of Almighty God who ~a\'t! it, 1u11l Jll)' hudy to tlio earth. i11 hopt•s of a joyful 1•c1,ur- 1·1•c•tio11, thr1111 ....1rh the nwritH of l!l)' Saviour ,fo!-ollS Christ.: .Auf Bowtloin­ haru i11 the Comity of Li11col11, my will is that it he equally

Lastly, 1 lu•r.-hy nnmirmto urnl appoint my two 1,0nR Nath') 'l'hwi11g n111l .J uh11 ( L Tltwi11;.r. Ex1•cutol'l'I ol' t.his my last will n11tl tnstnment. Ju wit111•sH whPl'L'of' I lmvo lw1·u1111to het Ill\' luuul :uul 1-1unl, tlii:-1 te11th clay of.! 111w, in the yeal' of our L11·il 011c tl;ousmul eight hmulrctl n111l twd,·c. NA-rn'L 'rmn:rn (L. S.) Si~1wtl, i.enlecl, p11hlislic1l nrnl 1ledarcll hy tho 1-1:dtl 'l\!f.tator as urnl for ]ti,- last will and te),t:llnl'llt in prc:-w11cti of II!!, whn :1t his rcqucl-lt in liis )ll't'i-t>t1cc n111l i11 prcsc11ce of cuch other, ha\'C subscrihcll our 11aWCM ai:; witucsscs thereto. Thomas nice. Charles Hice. \\.arrcu Rice. Hannah Rice. She was born in L\ pril, 1730, in Newburyport, )!ass. She c.li11d .July 1 S, 1 SOG, in ,v oolwich. )Ic. Ho died April G, 1817, in "" oolwich, ::\le. Both arc lmrie

,ts. 1. NA·rrrAxrnr •• h .•Tau. :JO, l 7;,8, iu Boston. 11. SA 1u tr. h ••June 12. 17 ;,!}, in Dos to 11. 1\1:it-s. ; m. Seth lfathorn i11 177!::t. She cl. ,Tune 2, 180·1; he , 17G~, in lloston;

( ~-o,l,nnicl," John, 3 .Tuhn,2 Bc11jumin) was a baker by trade, anu wa:; 011c of tho:-;c who were burut o·ut in the g-rcut fire ia Boston, :\larch ~O, 1 iGO. He was a deacon of the Fir::t Church iu Bo5ton in 1 i'7D. ,v as one of the standing committee of tile ~amc church Aug. 13, l 7iG~ antl retired July 11, 17S0. Rc­ c1cctcd Jnly G, 1784:; July 1:!, 1785; .July 10, li87. He m:uricu ::\fortlm _Clapp in Bosto11, Tucs7. She was born in \VoLurn, .Jfa:::s., Aug. G, 173S, a.n

ul. i. NATil,\.NIEL, b. Oil Thursday, Doc. 8, 17!i7. ii. l\L\JtTUA, b. on Tuesday, l\Iay 27. 17GO; d. Aug. 24, 1760, n.n, 170!). vm. l\1ARTHA, b. July 18, 1771; d. there Oct :;, 1771, :i.nd buried in King's Chnpel burying ground. ix. l\IAm·. b. Oct. 21, 17i3; d. Sept. 19, 1774, and buried in King's Clmpcl burying ground. [i.J:. x. REBECCA, b. Jan. 23, I 777.

(30) JOANNA THWING5 (J:t.;at/ianicl," John.' John,' Be11jami?i) m::i.rried Da'°id Tilden in Boston, June IG, 1 iG.-... They lh·cd at one time in Pembroke, Mass. He was a. merchant. He was born in Boston, Oct. 5, li4t. She died Feb. 26, 1814, in Boston. Children:

55. i. JOA."iNA, bap. l\farch 2, 1766, in Boston. ii. l\LrnTrrA, bap. Nov. 8, 1767, in Boston; m. a Stinson. 56. iii. CnmsTOPnEn, b. April 12, 1760, in Boston. iv. D.wm. v. NATilA.."iIEL TnwrxG. vi. 1\IA.nr, m. a Phillips. vii. SaRAn, m. George Blanchard.

(31) SAMUEL THWING 5 (Nathaniel," Joltn/ Jolm/ Benjamin) married Ruth Lamb. He was a merchant and o. gentleman of the old school. She was born in Boston, Nov. 13, 1747. Ile died there Dec. 17, 1803. She died there April 18, 1829. Child, born in Boston: ,'j 36 THE TIIWINO FAMILY.

i. Rc1·n, h. Jau. 7. 178G. Sho wns n school teacher, nml mu11y of her former scholars still live iu llostou. Sho clie

(32) JOHN THWING 5 ( Tl,omaJ1/ Edward,3 E

1. Jons CITAlmEm.. u:,..;, b. Dec. 11, Ii TJS;

(33) EBENEZER THWING 6 ( Thomas,4 Ed,rard,' Edward/' Benjamin) married Elizabeth ---. The family were at Stephen :MHler's, in Charlestown, l\Iass., about Sept. 1, I 771. Cbilurcn, all uorn in Charlestown:


(34) THO:\IAS THWING5 (Tlwmns," Edu:n-rd,'J Ed,card," Bc11jami1i) married, first, Eliza­ hcth Parker, March G, 1764, in Cambridge, l\Inss.; scccnd, Lydia. Hammond, of Nantucket, in Boston, Nor. 15, 1803. She was horn July 7, 1769. She died Jao. 20, l 855. Children, all born in Cambridge, i\Iass. :

1. l\Lmr, b. l\foy 20, 17G4. • G3. ii. PnEnE, b. in 177-1.


(Edward,' Edward,3 Edu:ard, 2 Benjamin) was a. prons1on dealer in Brighton, :\In.ss. He married Margaret Dunn, April 8, 1770, in Boston, Mass. He died Nov. 6, 1831. Children, all born in Brighton, 1\Iass.:

i. SAnAn WILLTAl[S, b. No,·. lG, 1771. G4. ii. EDWARD, b. Oct. 1 ·1. 1773. iii. Ft:A'-CIS. b. April :J, 1775. 1v. Jcr.IA, b. about 17S0; d. June :?G, 1796. v. .JosErn, b. l\Iarch 2G, 178G; · wns a curious man, :ind had :i. scar on his face. Ile married Grace Lovis, April I, 1817, in Salem, l\Inss .• and lived in South Hadley FaUs for some time, where he kept a grocery. He wn.s living in Boston in 182!3, :incl was :i. pump and block maker on Purchase Street. vi. IlE:snr, b. l\fay 17, 178!). vii. HARRIOT, b. Dec. 4, 17!)1; m. Benjamin Bradley, of Brook­ line. Gf>. viii. JA.lIES, b. Dec. 9, 17!JG. 38 TIIE TlIWINO F A:\tlLY.

ix. GEonmc, b. l\.farch 8, 1798; d. ( tct. 22, 181 G, in Chn.rlcs­ tou, South Carolina.


(Batludtcbrr., 4 Bc11jamin,3 Eilu•arfl,' Br:nja.m-in) ma.rricd Do.nicl Rco.. Sho died April 20, 1801. He died Jo.n. 12, 1803. Chil­ dren: i. Tno:nAs, b. April 28, 17 G5; d. Aug. 30, 170•1. ii. DANIEL, b. Nov. 23, 176G; d. ~Tan. l!J, 1832. iii. SA:\trsoN, b. ,fan. 5, 1768; d. l\fay 23, 170,1. iv. W1LLIA.:M, b. July I, 17GO. v. lIMl"NA.II, b. Sept. 7, 1771; d. Dec. 25, 1704. GG. vi. SALLY, b. June 12, 1773. vii. ELIZAnETn, b. March 30, 1775; d. l\farch 14, 1818. viii. !\L\nTIL\, b. 1'-Iny 5, 1777; d. Aug. 11, 1778. ix. JA:1rEs, b. Oct. 0, 1779; cL Oct. 13, 182.'i. x. ?t!ArtTIIA, b. ,July 4, 1781. x1. Jomi ,Ton:ssTON, b. May 28, 1783. xii. JosEPll G.\.RDNER, b. J:in. 17, 1785.



(John/' John,4 Joltn/ Jolm, 2 Benjamin) was one of the first set;.. tiers of Conway, ~Ia.ss. Was a farmer, nnd his descendants still live on the fa.rm. Ile was a Selectman of Conway in 1786. He married Mary Rawson, daughter of Nathaniel Rawson, who married for his first ,vifc Mary Thwing ( 23), of Mendon, }!ass. She was Lorn Jn.u. I 8, 17 49. in )fonrlon. She dicu lforch 23~

1838, in Conway. He died Fcu. 1 i, 1S3G1 in Conway. Chil~ dren, all Lorn in Con~·ay: srxrn OENEitATION. 30

i. LuTmm, b. Sept. 18, l 773; Acnldod to utinth by fulling into a. tub of hot \Vatcr, in 1777. G7. ii. RrroDA• b. in 177-1-. GS. iii. A.,1.\m.u1, b. Sept. G, 1777.

(3S) l\IARY TilWL.\fGG (Jolm," Jolm,4 Jolm,3 Jolm,' Benjamin) mo.rricd Timothy Rice, probably in Grnfton, Mass., n.s they en.mo to Conway, Mnss., from there, nnd settled in Conway. Ho wn.s born Feb. 14, 1740, probably in Grn.fton. She died .Aug. 21, 1825, in Con~ay. HQ died March 18, 1827, in Conwo.y. Children, ::i.11 born in Conway: GO. i. D.t.~IEL, b. June 28, 1771. ii. Is.-\AC, b. Oct. 18, 1773; d. in 18.'i2. ill. TII,\..'iKFt:L, b. 8cpt. 24, 1775;

(39) JOHN THWING6 ( Joltn/ Jolm,,' Jo!tn,'3 Joltn,2 Benjamin) married Chloe Pa.ckard, in Goshen, l\Inss., intentions da.ted March 12, 1779. She was born in Go~hcn, in 175G. He died in Le Roy, Xcw York, June 16, 1836. She died in Le Roy, Mar~h 21, 1847. Children, all born in Chesterfield, Mass.:

70. i. l\fa RTIT .\, h. l\fay 2. 1780. ii. Ru-rn, h. l\fay 2G, 1,8:]. m. T11AXK1-·c; 1., b. April :2G, 178.i • 71. iv. •Joux, b. iu .July, 1787. ltoxY, L ••July 10, I 789. Luc1mTu, l,. Sept. 21. l 7!ll. DA~IEL, b. J:m. l •t, 179-i; d. Feb. 20. 1~27. 7-1. \·iii. LACR,\, L. Ar,ril 2 I, 1706. 40 TUE TJIWJNO FA)lILY.

ix. Turl'UKS'A• b. Aug. t:J, 1iD8; d. l'forch 2, 1800. ....'i.J. x. Fo1t0Yc1::, l, • .l\foy 25, H:101 •

(40) JAMES TITWING G (Jame.,,• Jotm: Jolm,' Julln," Bc11jrmiin) mn.rricd in Wi1Lral1a.m, Muss., Hannah Co.rpcntcr, of South Brimfield, Oct. 10, 1774. They moved to Barre, Vt. Ho was u. lmptist. He

( 41) MARY THWING 6 ( James, 5 John;' Jolm/ Jo!tn,' Benjamin) married .Asa. Ca.I kins, April 1, 1783. Children:

lo REBl::CCA. 11. l\L\nl". rn. AsA, m. Ruby Bennet. Children: (I) ]\fary Ann, m. Levi Shnw. G children. (2) William Bennet, m. lfannah Goul

iv. Lucnt~TlA. v. 1~1.JLA, m, Snlly EHtcrbrookl.il, Cliilt1rou: (I) Soplmmia, (2) ll11racc, h1" IJ!nckdmith, nnd livcH in Somor", Conn, (3) Sarai,. vi. AmoAzt.

(42) .JOilN TIIWING o (James/Jahn,' Jolm./' Julm,• Benjamin) wn.s o. farmer. Ho never Went to scliool o. week in hiM life. Ho was mustered into military service ns o. private in Cu.plain .Joseph Brownin.:;'s Com­ pany, Col. Seth Murray's Fi1·st )foss. Regiment, for three month~, June 22, 1780. Ilo was stationed at or ncnr ,vest Point nt the time Arnold turned trnitor and solu \Vest Poiut. He moved from \Vilurnhum, l\fasd., to ,v illingtou, Conn., nod returned to Will.Jrn.ham, March 26, 1793. He mo\"ed to Ohio in 1832. Ee married Ruth Beebe, Dec. 15, 1785, in \Vilbraham. She was born in Nc\V London, Conn., July 5, l 7G6. She was a bnptist. He died in Chardon, Ohio, .Juno 19, 1844. She died in Chardon, July I, 1853. Cbil

83. i. POLLY, b. Aug. 28, 178G, in "\Vilbrnham. 8-1. ii. IIANNAIJ, b. Oct. 24, 1787, in ,vmington. 85. iii. LoTinm, b. Sept. 2, 1789, in 1Vi11iugton. SG. iv. CAL vrx, b .•July 13, I 791, in "\Villington. 87. v. RuTu; b. April .i, 179:J, in \V'ilbraham. 88. \'i. ,Tom,, b. l\Iarch 21, I79;j, in ,Yilbraham. 89. vii. l\IAJtGARJ<:T, b. Dec. 12, 1796. in ,vmmi.ham. ,·iii. J AMl~s. b. Sept. 2:J, 17!18, in "\Vilbrnham; d. tl1erc Dec. 3, 1815. DO. ix. D~\. vrn, b .•July 27, 1800. in ,vnura.ha.m. 91. x. PmscA, b. April 18, 1802, in ,vilbrnham. 92. xi. SrLAS, b. Sept. l.i, 1803, in \Vilbraha.m. 93. xii. RUFUS, 1, ••June !J, 1805, in Wilbraham. xiii. SOPJJJA, b. Feb. 19, 1808, in ,vnbra.ha.m; d. in Fa.ii Haven, Conn., l\fay 21, 1879. 94.:xiv. Lov1xA, b. Feb. 28, 1811, in Wilbr:ilia.m. 95. xv. ,\·1LLIAll IlEi-:nE, I,, Sept. 29, 1813, iu Wilbrahnm. 42 TIIE TIIWINO F.UltLY'.


( Jame:;/' Jolm,4 John,'3 Jolm,' BcnJamin) was :i. tanner nnd cur­ rier, and learned his trade of .Alexander Illiss, of Springfield, l\Iass. He Ih·cd in Lee, Mass., or vicinity. He married 1\lar­ gn.rct Cooley, Aug. 19t 1791, in Springfield. She was born April 23, 1770, in Springfield. He was frozen to death in Lee, Murch 31, 1826. She died Dec. 8, 1862. Children: !IG. i. Sornu, b. Oct. 13, 17!11, in Springfield. n,. ii. CYsTmA, b. Jnn. 5, 1794, in Chester, l\I:1.Ss. !IS. iii. CIL\JtLOTTE, b. l\fay 11, 179G, in Tyringham. h·. SYLYESTElt, b. J:in. 31, 17!Hl,in Springfield; d. there April 28, 1S03. v. J Alms ~IEACU.Alt, b. Aug. :JO, 1801, in Springfield; il. there 1\farch 28, Hi03. vi. .J ..ums. b. Dec. ::n, 1803, in Sandisfield, Mass.; d. in C::..li­ fomia, about 186G; unm. 99. vii. JosErnus, b. Oct. 4, 180G, io Granville, M:l.Ss. 100.viii. l\L\.UG,\RET, b. )!arch 15, 1809, in Sandisfield. ix. CALVIX, b. July 10, 1812, in Sandisfield; m. Eliza Hall. He was ::i. farmer. No children. 101. x. ALVIS, b • .April IO, 181..i, in Grc:it Barrington, l\Iass.


( Bcnja,min, 6 Joltn, ◄ John,3 Joltn/ Bcnjamin) ~as a soldier in the Revolution, serving as a prh·n.tc in Capt. Caleb Whiting's Company. in Col. Benjamin Hawcs's Regiment in the expedition ~fY3.inst the isla.nd of Rhode Island, from July 20 to Sept. 12,. 1778. He mo\"'ed to Conway, ~fass., soon after his marriage, and was a member of the Congregational Church in Conway. He afterwards lived in Townsend, Vt., and Shutesbury, Mass. He and his two sons, Emery and Almond, were tanners and and carriers, and carried on the basincss until bis death, when the family was broken up. His wife and his daughters, :Mary a.nd Paulina, returned to Uxbridge, where the daughters were ma.rried. He married Ascnath Billings, Jan. 23, 1784. SJXTU GENERATION. 43

She wns born No\·. O, 1764. lie

i. LElt'C'EL, h. Oct. 30, 178-!; m. Polly Fisher of Declbnm, l\Iass., Dec. I. 1808, :ua11iad n daughter Polly. He was a blacksmith. He died Sept. 28, 1821. 102. ii. TllIOTllY, b . .Aug. 13. 1786. m. EltERT. b. Sept. 3, 178!); m. Polly Gould, !\To.rch 19, 1818. Ho was :i. cordwainer. iv. Lov1NA, b. ,July 23, 17!>1; m. Turner Rawson, Oct. 31, 181-:l-. She died Aug. 28, 1832. 103. v. SAllUEL, b. April I!), 1794. vi. Ar.:1roxo, b. Feb. 23, 179G; m. Cynthia. Gould. 104. vii. ZEBIXA, b. !\Io.rch 4, 1798, in Vermont. vm. SALLY, b. June 17, 1799; cl • .April 4, 1803. ix. AsEXATII, b. l\Iny 22, 1801; m. Asn. Onion, Nov. 15, 1819. x. l\!ARY ScoTT. b. April 13, 1803: m. Nathan Wheeler, Jan. I G, 1827. He wns born ]larch 21. 1801. He died Jan. 4, 1852. She died Nov. 30, 18G2. Children: ( 1) Emery Tlm::ing. b. lfnrch 3, 1828 • . (:?) Alonzo Cooley, b •. l\Inrcb 31, 1830. (3) Angelo La Fa.vctte, b. Sept. 24. 1832: m. Lydia Cole .Mnttbew~. Nov-. 24. 1853. Sho wn.q born June 7, 1832. Children, all bom in Wob11rn, Mass.: (i.) Ann Eliza, b. Nov. 2-2, 18.58. (ii.) Lillian Frances, b. Nov. 18, 1860. (iii.) George William, b. Dec. 17. 1862 • • (iv.) Angelo La Fayette, b. March 2-1, 1865. (v.) Frank Alonzo, b. July 30, 1969. (v-i.) Cyrus Eastman, b. March 8, 1875. ( 4) :Mary Isabel, b • .April 13, 1833. (5) George William, b. Sept. 8, 1835 ; d. Jnn. 25, 1862. (6) Lysander Nathan, b. Aug. 16, 1837. (7) Su.~an Jane. b . .Au~. 13, 1839; m. Oscnr Kimball, Nov.26.1856. She died Dec. ll.18i5. Children: (i.) Ella Jane, b. l\lay 18. 1858. (ii.) Charles Emery, b. Sept. 16, 1862. (iii.) Ada Pauline, b. May 29, 1867. (iv.) Edgar, b. Oct. 18, 1869. (v.) .Almond Thwing, b. Dec. 30, 1872. (8) Pauline A., b. Nov. 28, 1843: m. first, Isnnc W. Wellington. Nov. 21. 1861: eecond, Rufus R. Whitten, l\lny 13. 1866. Children : (i.) Jlary Winslow, b. Sept. 24, 1864. (ii,) Emma Lewis, b. Aug. 11, 1675. 44 TIU~ TllWIXO FA:'1-IILY.

(n) Ellen Mant1, b ••July !.?•I, l~·lb. ( 10) &l'ali Eli:abr.tli, b. Fch. 0, 18,17;

( 45) SABRA Tll\VING a

( Benjamin,& Julu1,« Julm,'J Jo/111,' flc11jami1i) ma1Ticd Thomas Thomas, of licnuon, Aug. ;j, 1802. Ile was born Au~. 5, 1775. She died No\·. 2G, 1S35. Ho died Aug. 2, lSU0. Children: . 1. LEA'N'DF.R, b ••T uly 5, 1803; m. J>m11iua Kill born in 1827; lia,l 7 chihlrcu. u. '\Vrr,Lr.uc \VmTAK1.m. b. Oct. 3, 180G; m. :lfary Ann lfarncy in 1828; had' Clrn.rles aml Gcorgo. lOG. iii. GEOltGJ•: \VAsmxaTo~. b. Feb. 1:J, 1809.

IV■ l\L\t:Y Axm~LI~E. h ••fan. 23, 1811; m. "\Yilliam Darling; had 5 boys aull 3 girls. 107. JoirnPH GAGE, b. l\lay 4, 1814. Yi.'"· llESJA:-.nx Tuw1:im, b. 1""ch. 1, 181 G; lost his life in Sacramento. Cal., ,vhile attcwptiug to sa.,;c llropcrty from a destructive fire. vii. NATII,\.."i' TYLER, b. Xo,·. 13, 1818; m. Loretta Stone; had a. daughter who is married uud has two children •

.. (Benjamin/ Jolm;'' John/ Jolin~' Benjamin) lh·cd in Uxbridge and was a uoted school teacher for twenty-eight years. One of his schola.rs \\"'rites of him as follows: " :ily first master wa8 Benjamin Thwiag. 1'Ir. Thwing hn.d been a school master for many years before I knew him, nnd continued to keep the winter's school in the same district for m:::i.ny years after I left it. He was a genial man and a good tlisciplinarian, and as my memory runs back to him and recalls the village school master of the 'Dc:wrted Village,' I think he would ha\"'c been a good subject for Goldsmid1's graceful pen." He was called a Uni\"ersa.list. He married .Anna ~Iowry, of Mendon, May 10, 179 8. She was a daughter of Israel and SIXTH OENErtATJON. 45

Susnn ( Ahlrich) :Mowry, nnd was horn Sept. 30, 1779, in Glou­ cester, R. I. Ho died Juno 2G, l 830, fo Uxbridge, .Mass. Sho died Feli. 2, 1855, in IIopc

( 47) LUTHER TIIWL,G 6 ( Benjamin/' Jolm," John/' John/ Benjamin) was a. mill wright, joiner and carpenter. He mot"ed from Uxbridge, )!ass., to Plainfield, Conn., and then to Poughkeepsie, X. Y. He married Olive Stockwell, No\·. 27, 1802, in Sutton, )foss. She was born .July 27, 1782, in Sutton. He died Ja.n. 30, 1853, in Westfield, X. Y. She died No,. 7, 1871, in Westfield. ·Children:

J. SGLLff,L.._, b. Sept. 12, 1804, iu Poughkeepsie; cl. Oct. G, 1827. 11 G. ii. l\lA RIA, b. l\fay 11, l SOG. 11 i. lll, Or.ff r,:. h. De~. 1 fi. 1xO!l. 1 I~- I\". IXTIIl•:1:, h. Oct. I:!. I~, , . 4G


(Na.thau.icl." Natluuiict,• Jo/111, 3 Jolm,9 Bc11Jamin) wns a. tnilor in Augusto., Mninc, to which pince he roo..-od from Woolwich, Mo.inc, n.hout 17S3, Ho was probably u. Congrcgo.tionnlist, and o.n officer of tho church, ns ho was co.lied Dcncon Thwing. Ho ma.rricd Ma.ry Enstmnn, March 20, 1702, in Augusta. Ile died there April O, 1820. She died there Aug. 28, 1826. Children, all born in Augusta: . ). NATHANrnL, b. Ja.n. 14, 1793; d. there Aug. 7, 1821; .. unm. 11 • SAlIUEL, b. Aug. 30, 17!M; d, there Aug. 10, 1797• 119. ...m. ,J A:,,ms, b. Dec. 25, 179 G. iv. lIAXXAII, b. Dec. 25, 1798; m. a.n Ingruhnm, a.ad died April 27, 182•1. v. AnIGAIL, b. Nov. 23, 1800; d. Sept. 4, 181 !>. Vl, SAl!UEL CLAP, b. Juno 15, 1804; d. July :25, 1820. 120. vii. J OAXXA DA Yis, b. Dec. 21, 1800.

(49) :MARY THWING 6 ( J>tatlwnicl/1 Nat!taniel,' Jo!tn/ John/ Benjamin) married James Hawthorne, NoY. D, 1785, in Woolwich, l\Io. Ho was a German and his children dropped the.w and c in the nnme, making it

Hathorn. He was born June 1, 1760. She died April 4, 18051 in Woolwich. He died July 21, 1844, in Palermo, Mc. Children: . 1. JAltES TIIWI~G, b. June 1, 1786, in Woolwich; d. Jn.n • 1, 185G. l:Ie was n c.'\binet maker. 121. .ii... l\IAnY ,v1LLIAlts, b. No,·. 19, 1788, in Bowdoinham, :nre. 122. m. St:SAXXATI, b. Nov. 2!i. 178fl, in Bowcloinhnm. iv. MAltTIIA TIIWIXG, b. Sept. 25, J 792, in Dresden, :nrc.; m. l1hilip Tarbox. of 13:1.th, l\Ic. 123. v. SAltCEL, b. Sept. 14, 17!.14, w Bowdoinlmm. 124. vi. ELIZA Gm::Exoc. Nov. 1, l 7!)G. in Dresden. 12~;~ VII. Cn Am. F.~. h. A 11~. :?,;, 1,nx. i11 Dresden. l tG. \'Ill, HAJtmoT A·rwool>, l, ••J 11Iy Hi, I ti 02, i11 Drc~den. • SIXTII cmNrenATJON. 47

(50) JOITN GREENOUGH Trr,vING 6 ( Natluu11r.l," ..¥at/1a1dcl: Jolm/ .Tolm, • B,mjmnin) wns n farmer nnd nlwnys lived in tho old homcRtcnd, tho pince of his birth. Ho inherited from his mother n slender constitution, nnd unliko his father, who wns of rouust health. He rccch·cd o. common school cduco.tion, and wns of the Orthodox belief. Ho married Priscilla Trott, Aug. !!G, 1i98, in ,voolwich, :lfc. She was horn July 15, 1774, in Woolwich. Ho died there March I, 1835. She died there l\rnrch 27, 1849_. His daughters, Eh·ii·a nnd Eliza, both married John Gibus, and wero Methodist~. Children, nll born in Woolwich:

12i. i. JoAXNA, b. Ju1y 13, 17!)9. ii. SAlICEL, b. Nov. 12, 1800; , 1800. 128. iii. DA YID, 1,. Oct. I 8, 180 I. 120. iv. lsAAC, b. Dec. 18, 1803. 130. v. NATIIAXrnt, b. July 20, 180-1. 131. vi. Jou!l, b. Juno 2G, 1807. 132. vii. JosEPrr, b. Oct. 1, lSJ 0. Yiii. ELVIRA, b. Aug. 27, 1813·; d. June 11, 18,iG. ix. ELIZA, b. No\"'. 2G, 181G; cl. Sept. ~o, 18JO.

(51)" NATHANIEL TIIWINGG (James," Nathaniel,• Joltn,3 John,' Be11Jnmi11,) was a merchant, a.nd married for his second wife :\fary Greenleaf, Aug. 14, 1794, in Boston, l\fa~s. His grand children were John and llartha, children of o.nd .l\Iartha Stimson.

(G:!) J.A)IES THWIXG r. (James," Nathaniel," Julm,2 Jolm,'- Beujnmin) was an account­ ant in the l\Iassachusctts Ba.n k, :March 15, 1 79 2, and cashier of the same bank from June 17, 17!J3r to NO\·. 24, 1814. The ::\fassachusctts Historical Society, at their meeting held Nov. 2G, 1793, acknowledged the receipt of sm·cl'al copper coins and one sih-cr coin from him. II c was clcctct.1 one of t11c standiug 48 committee of the FirHt Church, .July 1 ~, 1813, nml .Tnly 2G, 1 S l•t. l fo lent money to a. friend who fidlcd, nnd which cuu:,10<.l him to f'uil. He wus a. gentleman ol' tho old Mchool. Ho mu.r­ ried .Jannett Lo\·o, Nov. 7, 17!):3, in Boston, ~lu.:-1s. She wns a. : tl. i11 Xcw York, Fch. ~, 18:J:t v. l\IARTir,\ Cr..u-, h. ,lune 8, 1801; 1). there Aug. I. 18:H. She taught srhool in lloston. nml W:Ls a very beautiful womau. Her cousin, Ruth Thwiug, ns.l-iistcd her in teaching school. vi. ::UAttY Lon~, b. :\fay 1, 180-l: tl. there ,fan. 10, 180fj. vu. F1t,\XC1s IloOTT~ L. Dec. 1·1, 1807; J. there Juuo ~.i, I ti:JO.


( Jmru]s/' l-,,~atlamicl: Jo!tn,3 .lolm/ Bc11jami11) was a baker by tratlc, and C\"idently a ~ood one as Thwing's crackers were famous. He· became a member of the .A.ncicnt and Honoraulc Artillery Company about 1792, and was then called captain. He married Sarah Homans, Xo\·. 19, 1795, in Boston~ Jfass. She was Lorn Jan. lG, 17i0, iu Do5tou. He

1. S.u1t:1•:r., l,, Sept. :!f., 17!Hi~ cl. )foy !t 181G. in Ilostou. Ile W:t!- appoi11t1·d :1. miil,;hipm:rn in tltn F11it.cil StatP~ Nan·, )la\· :W. l:-11-1. awl served iu th,: battle of L~lke ( 'lm;nplai1; with liu1111r. ·s1x·ru 01~N1mATIOX. 4!J

J:J,I. ii. Sm·1•r,Y C1 ..\I', 11. Oct, 2i, li!"JH. 1:15, iii. SA1u11 Ilmus:-1, Ii. ,Tuly :!•I, !HOO, l :.Iii. iv. Si;:-1,\s:'tl.\ll GIi.\ \', h. l•'cu. :?, 1 HO:J, v. NA'J 01usrnL, I,, l\Iuy 10, l80G; d. thoro J\forch J.!, 181.r,.

(5•1) RECECCA TIIWING 11 (.lames/ ...Y11tlm11icl, 4 J"/m,3 Jo/,11/ Bcnjf1min) ma.r1·icd 'Willinm FurucH~, Ju11e 22, l 7!J7, in Boston. llc WO.£ u mcrclrn.nt, an1-::,.-, h. Oct. :?I, 1807: m. her cousin, \ril~ liam Fumes.;, of \Yolmr11. in Philaclelphia, in Sept. l H-1 G. She ii. in Pl,il:ulclphia. . 1!1,9. v. .T.urns Tuw1:s,:, l,. .:\!arch li, VH2.

(55) ,JOANN.A TILDEX 6 (Joanna/ Natlumicl,4 Jolm,3 Jolm,2 Benjamin.) married Doctor Galen Otis, of Br.ookficld, No-r. li, 17~5, in Boston. He

1. .To,, );:,.A Tnw1:-,;r., h. °X<)\". 12, 1 i88, in Hoston; cl. Dec. Jt. l:;:;;:$, iu Woolwich. ii. DAYW TII.DJ•:S, l,. ill ,rool.wich, Aug. J:J, 1,90; d. there Oct. ,i. 1 ,o:;. m. l\f 1-:rn-r., nr.F.. h. in ":-ool wich, .Tune 27, 170:?; d. there ,Jau. :?, 1 :;:;5. h-. , h. in Woolwich, Sept. •1, 17!:l-1;

,.-ii. Cnrtr!-4TOl'lll~lt Trr.n1~s, h. in ,voolwich, Sept. 2·1, 1800; d. Nov. l, 1H77. viii. NA·rnAxmL Tu.ogs. b. in ,voo1wich, 1\Iay 2:;, 1802; cl. iu lluITnlo. N. Y .• ,July 2.;. 18;;.1. ix. SA1u11 llI.ASCUA m,. h. in \Vool wich, April 1, 180·1;

(5G) CHRISTOPHER TILDEN6 ( Joanna," .1Vatl,aniel,' Jo!tn/' Joint/' Benjamin) married Eliza. beth ---. Children, all born in Boston:

1. Cn rt1:;Tormm, b. J.foy 12, 179G. ii. l~LIZ.\CETIJ~ b. ,Jan. l{i, 17!.l8. iii. ,YILr.t,\.:II B.urnrt, lJ. Aug. 5, 1799.

( 57) NICHOLAS TIIWING G (Jolm/ Tlwma.s;' Edu:ard,3 Edwar

13g_ 1. lS,\.AC, b. July 19, 17D0. 140. 11, Tno:1us. b. Feb. :?l, 17~2. iii. Jos1~P11, b. Dec. 25. 1793; d. nged about !J5 years. J\". St:KEY, b. Aug. 22. 1705; d. agc, 180G. x. l\L\.RY .A... "'-~, b. in 1808; d. age

( 58) A~IOS 'fll WING o (Jolm," Thoma.,,4 Edn·ard/ Edwrl!'d,' Benjamin) wos n member of tho society for npprchcnding horse thieves in Roxbury, Brookline n.nd Brighton, in 1819. He mn.rricd Ruth Jn.ckson, of Nmvton, }!ass., Nov. 14, 1703. She wn.s a. do.ughtor of Joshun. Jackson, and was born in I 769. She died Sept. 24, 1859. He died Fob. 16, 1S36. Cuildrcn, all born in Brighton: . 144. 1. S,u.,LY, b. Aug. 19, 1794. n. WrLLIAlI, b. Dec. 23, 1795; d. Aug. 80, 17P7. 145. m. 1.L\UY DrcKEitSON, b. Nov. G, liV7. 14G. iv. R~:unE:S- IL\sTIXGS, b. April 2:J, 1800. v. A::uo.s. b. Oct. 23, 1801; d. there l\forch 13, 1826, unmnrrie.J. vi. GRACl~ .JAcKSO:S", b. Juno l 8, 1803; a. Aug. 4, 1839, unmarried. vii. Lou1sA, b. Oct. 2, 1808; d. Juno 26, 182fi, uomo.rricd.

(59) JOHN THWING6 (John," Tlwmas," Edward,' Edu:ard/ Benjamin) lived in New­ ton, Mass. He married, :tirst, Susanna Dix, in 1793. She was a daughter of Jonathan Dix, of Waltham. She was born }fay 8, 1775, and died Jan. 30, 1811. He married, second, Martha. Patty Davis, of Brighton, Feb. 13, I 812, in Brighton. Tlieir male child died in infoncy. She died !\fay 3, 1820, nged 42 years. He died Sept. S, l 813. Children, all born in N cwton, Mass.: i. Jonx CH,umERLAr:s-, b. Oct. 14, 1703; d. Feb. 19, 1855, in New York. · · ii. SusA.."', b. l\farch 13, 179G; m. Da.niel W. Whitney, Oct. 5. 1817, in Boston. She d. June 2G, 1818. Her child, Susan, d. Aug. 15, 1818, :iged 7 weeks. 147. iii. CnARLES, b. Sept. 3, 1797. 148. iv. FRA.!'l'"KLL~, b. Jan. 1, 1799. 149. v. '\VILLLU!, b. July 20, 1800. n. S.\IL\H Drx, b. .April 8, 1802; m. Jesse Bird, of Brook­ line, 1\farch 19, 1837. She d. Nov. 18, lSGS. He d. in Dec. 185G, aged G9 years. 7 52 ·ru1~ TUWIXO 1~·AMIL\".

1 r,o. vii. 1\L\ln·, b. Oct. 1-1, t so:J. la 1. viii. l\l.\lllSO.\, 1,. Oct. 1 ,l, 180~1. ix. ]~m:s1-:1.1m \V1T111sr.·ros, l,. Dec. l, 180,i; unmnrl'ictl. x. ANS, b. Oct, 10, 1807; d. in ll1•ooklinc, Sept. 2G, l 8u5, uuwurricd. • .xi. GEOllG•~. b. J?ub. 21. 1810; cl. Feb. 2, 1811, nrnl wn11 buried at tho ,mmo timu ns hiti mother. xii. Jou,\, b. Itch. 21, 1810; tl. l\Inrcb 11, 1810.

(GO) ESTHER THWING 6 (Jo/m," Tlwma..,," B,l,card,3 EJw11rd," Bc11jami11.) married John Scollay, in 1806. He was born April 2, 1763, in Harvard, Mass. He died June 30, 182G, in Nc\vton, Mas~. She died Aug. 18, 185U, in Brighton, l\Iass. Children:

ii. S,\n~u1 Cu,umEnL,\rx, m. a. Clark. iii. Joux.


( Jolin;' Tlwma.s,4 Edu:urd,3 Edicard, ~ Bc11jamin) wo.s a bla.ck .. smith. The family n.re Orthodox in their religious belief. In 1840 he lived in South Reading, )fo.ss., now W akcficld. He married Lois Dix, in 1800. She was born Feb. 21, 1718. She died Aug. 2 8, 1834. He died Sept. 2 8, 1S57. Children, all born in Ncwton : 152. i. .A .....-~ Dix, b. 1\fay 1 G, 1802. ll, n!EIIITABLE, b. Aug. 22, 1803; tl. No\". 18, 1833, un­ married. iii. SA:o.n;EL HA:-irno:xn, b. No\". 21, 180-1; d. in Ne,v Orleans, of yellow fever, in Nov. 182:J, unmarried. 1J3. h·. JosL\II, b. Aug. 2, IS0G. Y. CuARLOTTE, b. Sept. ID, 1808; m. Samuel Co,;gin, of Reading, ?.lo.ss., Dec. 17, 1833. Ile d. July 15r 1835. No chilclren. · 154. v1.. JosH-cA. Tno::iL\::;, b. ,July 11, 1811. 155. ni. CIIAI!LES IL\.1tmsoN~ b. Dec. 17, 1812. ATXTU G~Nl~ltATION. 53

viii. ,Tomi CnAmmm,A.JN, b. Aug. VJ, 181·1; d. Sept. 3, 18·18. Ho w1U1 nn OLlcl Follow, and u1111ulrricd. ix. Et•murn, h, Doc. 7, HU[;; d. Nov. n, 1832, x. SA1un ,v,TmxoToN, b. Doc. 7, 1817; d. Nov. 23, 1840, uumarrfod,

( 62) ELISIIA TI:IWING o (Jo!tn,6 Tlwma.1," Eilu:artl/1 E,lwartl,' Benjamin) wns n farmer. He married Lyuiu. Hammond, of Nantucket, widow of bis uncle Thomas, in 1807. Sho wn.s born July 7, 1760. She died Jn.n. 20, 1S55. He died Oct. 20, 182 I. Children, all born iu Newton, Mass. : 15G. i. ,TA~ms, b, Sept. 13, 1808. ii. SAR.\11 ,v1T1mrnTON'. 157. iii. GAnox1m lIA:\t:\IOND, b. April :H, 1813.

(63) PHEBE TIIWINGO ( Tlwmns/' Tlwmas,4 Edu·ard,3 Edward,' B,:11ja1nin) married Squire Gookin, in 1702, in Cambridge, Mass. She died in Cambridge, Dec. 22, 1855. He ·was born in 1771. Ho died in Cambridge, June 18, 1S33. Children, nll born in Brighton:

1. Trro1ur: Tuw1xG. b. Nov. 18, 1792; d. in Watertown, l\l:l.Si:,~ l\fay 1, 18-12. He left several children. ii. Pm-;1m, b. July S, 1794; cl. umua.rricct Feb. 23, lSGO. iii. SAllUEL, b .•July :?V, 1708; d. Oct. 1.i, 1842. 1v. EDlIUXD P.rnKEit, b. Oct. l G, 1801; d ••June 21, 18:J!). v. GEOJ!t.a:, b. l\farch 1.:i, 180.:i; cl. unmarried, ~lug. Ii, 18.';G. vi. ELIZABET II PARKER, b.· Scpt. 11, 1808; d. young. vii. CnARu:s, b. ,Jnly 3, 1811.

(G4) EDW.A.RD THWING 6 (1\·atlmnicl,li Er/ward," Edward,3 Erl,cartl~i Benjamin) married ~fargarct Christena Strohecker, in Charleston, S. C. He died in Cho.rlcstoa, S. C., Feb. IS, 184-1:. She was born June 27, 1773, and died July 15, 1824. Children: 54 TIU~ THWlNO FAl\ULY.

i. CITAnr.JtM, b. ,July 20, 1803; J. young. ms. ii. II,\ltlUl~TT, b. Foh. n, 1805. HH>. iii, Louu~.\, b. April 3, 180G. iv. Eow.urn, b. Juno 30, 180i; cl. young. v. J,urns Eow.\lm, b. Nov. IG, lSOU; loft no clailrlrcu; d. in Aiken, S. C. vi. EoWAJtIJ li'ItAsCrM, b. 1\Iny 15, 181:?; left uo claildrcu; d. u.bout. HU;O iu GiJ

(65) JAMES THWINGO ( 1.Vat/1anicl," Edward," Etlward,3 Edwartl,' Benjamin) married Permclia. Dench Parks, in Brighton, l\Iass. He was n. butcher in Brighton. He died there in Jan. 1843. She died there Feb. 27, 1843. Children, all born in Brighton: IGO. i. 1-IARnIET MARIA. b. in 1825. ii. AUGUSTA AxTor,n:TTI~ BRADLEY, b. 1\fay 2i, 1820; m. first, Thomn.'i Townsend Greenwood, Feb. 27, 18•15. He was b. ,Tau. 3, 1826. l\Iarric

(-66) SALLY REAG ( Rac!tel,,. Baths/,el,a~' Benjamin,l Edward,' Benjamin) married Joseph Warren Homer, Feb. 11, 1 i99. She died Jan. 15, 1834. He was born in li75, and died Sept. 11, 1863. Children:

1. SAR.All, b. Dec. 19, 17~4J. ii. ll.,\XSAII REA, b. l\Iarch 11, 1801; . Feb. 22, 180·1. ,·. R1nx1-~Y. b. No,~. 1:1. )Ro~;; a. Oct. 8. 1Snfi. v1. H,\.X~AII REA, b. Dec. 2J, ISOG. Yii. l\IAnr RmGF.WA Y, L,. l\Iu.y !J, HSOl:$. SEVENTH GENERATION.

viii. SroN1n·, b. April 10, 18 JO; t1. Doc, 20, I 8G!l.

jx, G1wmrn 1 h. Sept. 7, 181 I. x. 'l'uo:u,h1 .JoJJNM'ros. b. Nov, 1, 181:1; m. l\Inry Eliznhoth 1i'it1l10r; d. Due. :M, l8dU, in Itoxbury, l\fo1-1s. Cuildrou: (1) Eli:abctl,, m, Dr. Arthur II. Nichoht, of Roxbury. (2) Augu:,tfl Frederika, m. Augu1JtuH Suint~Gnudcns. (3) Joarpl, Wurrt"· (•I) Bugenic. (li) Thoma, Jolln1tun. xi. FmwEmcK L,\XE, l,, Dec. :JO, 181,l; d • .April 2G, 185-!.


(67) RHODA THWING 7 ( Timothy/ Jolm/ Jolm,.• Jolm,3 John/ Bcnjamitt) married Dr. Willio.m Hamilton. She died June 7, 1832. He died Sept. 27, 1810. Children:

1G2. 1. LuTnER, b. Nov. 11, 17!>G. ii. ELUIUDGE GERRY, d. nged 1!) years. 1G3. iii. 'VILLIAlI~ b. in 1802, in Conway, l\Iass. iv. IlESJAlUN FR,\.SKI.r.., b. in 1806.

(68) A1'IARIAH 'fHWING 7

( Timothy/ Joint/' John,' Jolm/ Join~/ Benjamin) was a farmer . .At tho centennial celebration of Conway, l\Iass., 11c headed a. cavalcade of gentlemen, being 91 years old und the oldest male inhabitant then li,;ing. He was dressed in the old Continental uniform, a fac-similc of that worn by General Washington. He married Clarissa Chamberlnin, :\fay 27, 1804, in Conway. He died )fay l O, 187.5, in Conway." She was born there in 17S3. She died there lfarch 9~ I S66. Children~ all born in Conway: 56 TllE TilWINO FJ\31ILY. . I G-1. 1. lfaL1~xA Fn.A:sc1~s, b .•Tuly 28, IS0J. 1G5. ii. LuTmm, h. Nov. 2, ISOG. lGG. iii. l\lAitY Axx, b. ,Tuly 20, 1 son. 1G7. 1v. RnODA IIAlllLTOx, b. Dec. 2G, 1812. v. ALl~XA:SDElt, b. l\Iny 8, 181-1; d. ngeu two yea.rs. v1. CL.um;:;.\., b. Feb. 1, 1817; mtm~1.rrictl. vu... LCAX.\., L. ,fan. •l. 1820; m. first, Leona.rd Stcbbius; ... second, Charles H. l\Iu.un. No cbil

(G9) DA}HEL RICE 7 ( .:..lla.ry,9 Jolm,1' John,·• Jultn,3 Jo!tn/ Benjamiu) man·icu Bcthiah Newhall, )larch 10, 1796, in Conway, )lass. He died .April 2i, 1869, in Conway. Children, all born in Conway:

170. 1. Rooou•nus, b. Aug. 1, 1797. 11. AltA:i;DA, b. ,Tune 10, 1800;

(70) l\L.\.RTHA THWING 7 (Joftn/ John,' Joftn,' John,3 John, 2 Benjamin) married Richard Beebe, :\!arch 17, 1800, in Chesterfield, Maas. Ile was born Oct. 29, 17S1, in New London, Conn. She

171. 1. Acx1m. b. in 1S02, in Che:.terficld. )fass. n. .Ai.:5TIX, h. Aug. 12. 1so.1, in Chesterfield; m. S:ir:ih Ford, Nov. G, 18:28, in Le Roy. N. Y. He was a cabinet maker. They wc1·c 'l'.Ictho

vi. Eowrs, h. Feb. 8, 1813. in ChcRtcrfield; m. A,lclino S1rnrlert-1on, iu \Villinm!-!lml'g. l\foi;t-1. Ouc chilu, Elton. He

(71) JOHN THWING7 (Julm,C Jolm,1' Jvhn.,4 Jdw,3 Jol,n,2 Bcnjamiu) married, fir:it, Calista Cash, in 1819, in Le Roy, N. Y. She was born jn I 800, and died in 1836. Married, sccon

(72) ROXY TIIWING 7 (Jolm,4 Jo!tn/' Joltn,4 John,'J Jolm/ Benjamin) married Elijah Warner, Feb. 3, 18.12, in ~fassaclmsetts. He was a. farmer, and a veteran of 1S12. He was born Dec. 2S, 17S8, in Mass. She died Sept. 21, 1876, in Jeddo, N. Y. He died )farch 16, 1832, in Le Roy, X. Y. They were Presbyterians. Children, all born in Le Roy: l;8 TIU!! TlnnNO FAJ\ITLY • . 1. Anw,,11., h. Nov. 8, 1812; d. ,Jnu. •1, 1852. ii. An1~LrN1•~, b, Xov. 4, 181,l; d. ,Inly 8, 1R15. iii. Su.AH. b. April 18, 181G i

(73) LUCRETIA THWING7 ( Jolm,0 John," Joltn,4 ~lalw,3 Jokn,2 Bm1;jnmi11,) mnrricd, first, Am::um. Clo.pp, Jnn. 10, 1814, in Chesterfield, Mass. He wo.!i horn Jnn. IO, 1785, in ~fol-ls., and wo.s killetl June 5, 1823, in Lockport, N. Y .• hy the casing- in or the embankment of the Eric Canul, upon which he was at work. :Married, second, Pliny Hitchcock, April 30, 1837, in Le Roy, N. Y. She died Sept. 10, 1850, in Pnrmn., N. Y. Children, all born in Le Roy: 17!:J. 1. l\IAnY A.'-N, b. Dec. G, 1815. 180. ii. CoRXELIA, b. Oct. 8, 1817. 181. iii. AoELI~m. h. Dec. 22. 1820. 18:2. i\·. A:11.\S,\. 0GDES, b. April 13, 1822.

(74) LAURA. THWING 7 (Johu,C Jalt11/ .Tolm,4 Jolm,3 Jolm,2 Bcnfamin) mo.rricd, first, Lemuel Bliss, Jan. 10, 1813, in Suffield, l\fass. He was born Feb. 10, 17S8, in Hatfield, )fass. Be died Feb. 20, 1816, in Le Roy, N. Y. Married, second, Julius Gris,.,.old, Dec. 31, 1S18, in Le Roy. Ile was born in 1788, in Killingsworth, Conn. Ile

1. L1mm-:r., b. Feb. 18, lSlfi. 18~. ii. 1V1LLI,\:\I, b. Oct. :JO, 181~. ~F.VENTH OENl~ltATION, 59

...111, L,\ 1.i'ru. h. ,Juno 2:J, l 821: m. in JS,H-, llmmh1tor, iu .Lel~oy: d. i11 Nuvl'mh1•1·, 18.J.I, iu Fun~l 1111 I .. nc, WiH. J8•1. iv. CuAuNcicr, l,. l\fov !W, lH:W. ~ I8fj, v. Ar.!'ltmA, "· Nov. ~o, 18::M. urn. vi. Er.rzA ,Jur.r A, b. April I G, J 827. 187. vii, ROXY, b. ,July 2J. 1828. 188. vm. l\IAnTrrA, h. Oct. l 0, l 832. 18!). ix. ,JCLIUS, b. ,July HI, ] 8:H. I !)O. x. Su.A~, b • .Nov. /j, 1S:J7. :u. l\Lu:Y, 1,. Sopt. •l, 1839; d. there Oct. 5, I 8,10,

(75) FORDYCE TIIWING7 (Jolm, 0 John,• Johu, 4 Jo/111,/' Joltn,-i Bl11jamin) was n former all his·lifo, nnd moved with his parents from Chesterfield, Mass., to Le Roy, N. Y., when ho was quite young. After his marriage ho lived in Le Roy and Ellington, N. Y., and Troy, Pa. Ho removed to WhitGwntcr, Wis., in 1847. He wns a member of the M. E. Church. He maITied Relief Clnpp, Feb. 18, 1823, in Le Roy. She was born N~v. 4, 1802, in Cbcst~rficld. Ile died April 21, 1863, in Whitewater. Children : l!H. i. IIonAc1-:, h. l\Iay 31, 1824, in Le Roy. ii. YomsTER., b. Jan. 5, 182G, in Ellington; d. there April 8, 1829. 102. iii. Sornu. l\!AnTnA, b. Dec. 31, 1828, in Le Roy. 103. 1v. SAlIAXTHA JA.. ~E, b. Jan. 15, 1830, in Ellington. 19•!. v. Ro.:t:Y AnzADA, b. 1\fay 20, 1832, in Ellington. l!J,;j. vi. LovzsA ADELISE, b. Dec. G, 1834, in Ellington. 19G. vu. EmmY Zomsn:r:, b. Aug. 16, 183G, in Ellington. 197. viii. Jou-s l\IYRON, b. Oct. 31, 1s·-1s, in Troy, Pa.

(76) PRISCA THWING7 (Jame,1//, 0 James,' Joltn,4 Jolln,3 Jolm/ Benjamin) married Jona.. than Miller, Nov. 13, 1800. She was a Congregationalist. She died in :March, 1836, in Barre, Vt. Children:

1. A.RTDit:S. ii. Jorr-s Tnw1NG. 8 t>O 'rmi: THWINO FAMILY.


(Jam£·1, 11 .l,mw11/ .lulm,4 .lo/111," ./,,/,u,u /Jc11jamin) WO.R n. Oon• grcgo.tiono.list, a.nu rnn.rriod Dnnicl Cnmcrnn, in 1708. Ho wnt-1 horn in 1775, n.ud dic

(78) PERCY THWING7 (James, 0 Ja,ru,.'4,"' Jo!tn,' Joltn,3 .Tolm.,• Benjamin) married Elisha. Parish, Mnrch 4, 1804. llo was born ~lu.y 2, 1772. Ile died Dec. 1, 1854, in Randolph, Vt. She . 209. ix. ISAAC, b. Sept. 5, 1817. 210. x. Lucy HEBARD, b. March 12, 1820. xi. l\I1Lo, b. Feb. HI, 1822;

(79) :MA.RY THWING 7 (James,6 James,6 Jolin,' John,3 John,' Benjamin) marriccl Doane Cook, Jan. 30, 1804. He was born in 1780. He died Jan 31, 1854. She died Aug. 24, 1 SG3. Children: Ml~VV.N'TJI OENJmATJON. Gl

i. ,},\:\lr;\IA, It. Oct. 30, H:IO•J I m. Guorgo ,vn.lcott, ontl dlod Nov. Ju, IHfj:.!. ii. A1.1•u,\, 1,. Oet. r,, lf.10!1. iii. ,vu.r.u.:\r, u, l\Iu.y G, HH l ; killucl by Jightuiug Sopt. 12, HUH. iv. 'fm11mAN, b. Nov. 12, 18Ju, v. ,TorrN LrNmrn Y, h. ,Junu !.J, 1820. vi. .l\L\rtrA, h. Ang, :JJ, 1H2:!, vii. Ht~!\'JA:IIIN D1tow.N, b. Nov. IG, 1824.

(80) JOSHUA" THWING 7 (.lamc.,, 0 James," ..Tolm,4 Jolm,i .Tolm,' Benjamin) wa.e n. mill­ wright uy trndo and carried on tho foundry business. Ho was n noted and superior mccl.mnic, and was n. Coogrcga.tiona.list. IIo had a son •

212. i. Au·r TAnon, b. Fob. !), 1811, iu TopRham, Vt. !Io married Judith French, :March G, 1S14. Sho was born Dec. 20, 1785, .in Dcvonwcrston, Vt. She died Aug. 19, 18G4, in Barre, Vt. Ile

( 81) JOHN THWING 7 (James,• Jamcs,6 John,"' John/' .To!tn,' Bcnj'am·in) was a farmer. Ile was Adjutant of the 3d Regiment in the second Brigade, fourth Di•;isioo, Vermont )Iilitia, in 1S18 and 1S19. He was a. Selectman of the town of Barre, Vt., finccn yen.rs, and aftcrwa.rds scrYed in the Legislature of V crmont two years. He was a fi2 TJm THWINO 1rA!ltILY.

Congrcg-ntionnUst. !Io rnnr1·ictl Snrnh Smith, 1\fnrch 31, 1807, Sho wa.i".I l>oru July G, 17ti7. Ho died ,Tune 29, 1 SGD. 8110

(82) HANNAH THWING7 ( Jame.it," Jamc:f/" Jolm," Jolm,3 Jolm/' Benjamin) ha

1. .JA,rns Trnvrso, b. Dec. 22, 1833; d. Nov. :JO, 187G. 11. : 'S'!li' ELIZA, h. MAUCH 12, 183G. iii. ....AURA, b. Oct. 23, l~:18; m. Albert Dodge, Aug. 7, 18G2. Have two chil

(83) POLLY TIIWING7 ( Jolm,0 Jmnes, 11 Jolm,,4 Jo!tn,3 John, 2 Benjamin) married, first, Abijah Sawin, April 13, ItW8, in ,vnbraham, ~Iass. He was l)oru April 22, 1781, in ,vmington, Conn. Ile died Sept. 21, 1 Si S, in Charuou, Ohio. She ma.rricu, 8ccouu, .Jonathau Allcu. She died .April 23, 1850, in Lowell, \Vis. Children: i. EL.nr. b. Feb. 4, 180!:i. in Ellington, Co1111.; d. D1!c. ::!4, 18.iV, in l\Iunson, \Vi!-l. u. Cm:sTEr.. C1wcK1rn, b. l:o"cb. 4, 1811, iu Elliugtou, Coun.; d. there ,July 7, 1814. 217. iii. IIoriACE, h .•July 1~. 1812, in Ellington, Conn. 1v. 1VJLLL\]t C1:0CKJ•:t:, h. l\farch !.I, 181G, in Chardon, Ohio. v. .L,:sE, b. l\farch :!G, 18:t~~ in W:iue, Ohio. n. U.t:n.:s S., l,. Oct. :?, ll;:!-l, in V t:rnou, Oltiu. SEVENTII GENERATION. G3

(84) IIANNAil TIIWING 7 (Joint/ Ja111c11/ Jo/111/ Jo/111,/ ,folrn,' llrmjmnht) mnrricd Dyer Woodworth, Oct. 5, 1813. Sho died iu Suffield, Conn., Jo.n. 31, lSGG. Ilo wns born Mo.y 17, 17741 nnd died No"r. 19, 1838. Chilclren, nll born in Suffield, Conn. :

j. SYr.v1~STF:n N1~1.Mox1 b. Oct. 23~ 1H20; (] . .l\Inr .. 20, 1821. ii. CA1t0Lr~m, h. l\foy 11, 182!l; cl. Sopt, 1, 182•!. 218. iii. CATlIAUlN'E, b, .:\fay 11, 18:?~.

(85) LUTHER THWING7 (Jo/mi° Jamc.,,6 Jolin/ Jolm,3 Jol,n/' Benjllmin) moved to Chnr­ don, Ohio, when the lnnd wns co,·ered with forests nnd but a few families wero settled there. Ile mnrricd, first, :\Ichitablc Smith, whose father was one of tho first settlers in Ohio, Sept.

13, 18 I 71 in Chardon. She died Feb. 1 7, I 843, in Chardon. Ho married second, Hannah Bestor, June 1, 1844, and died Sept. 7, 1863, in-Chnrdon. Children, all born in Chnrdon: i. LuTmm N •• b. Dec. O. 1818; d. there Aug. 3, 1822. 210. ii. RALPll, b. l\fay 20, 1820. iii. ConNELIA, b. l\fay 24, 1822; d. there Sept. 7, 1872. · She wns a dressmnker. 220. iv. .T.\:1rns. h. Nov. 8, 1823. v. SrtvEsT1rn. b. ,July 9, 182,j; d. thcro Feb. 25, 1853, uo married, vi. Ar.oszo. b. Jnn. 22, 1828. Ho is ::a. c:irpcntcr in Chm·- dou, Ohio; unmarried. 221. ,·ii. )[nws, h. l\farch :H, 18:JO," ~22. \'iii. S01•nrA, b. Nov. 15, 18:Jl. -lt)•)''t.... u. ix. NELSON, b. ,June 2, l l:134. 224. x. OcsON O1mr,:LL, b. March 4, 1s:r;. 2:?.J. xi. E1..l"-A, b. Oct. 2j, 18•1 O.

(SG) C.ALVL.'f 'l"HWING i (Jolm,n Jamc.'l/ Jol,ll/ .lol,fl./ Jolm/ Br:11jrmzin) lived with his po.reuts on u. farm until about 1814, recch-ing such cdncntion as 64 TllE TlIWUW F A:\llL Y. the common schools n.Jfordcd in those days. Ile tl1en went to tho State of New York, working there on a farm about two years. Then, in company ,vith his brother Luther, went to Ohio and bought land about three miles from Chardon, o.od went to farming, and wns so occupied until his den.th. He nc'"er mn.de any profession of religion. He married Betsey Kinsley, Sept.

17, 1817, in Clm.rdon. She was born Oct. 13, 17987 in Hamp­ shire Co., :Mass. She joined the Presbyterian church when she wns young. He died .April 11, 1848, in Chardon. Children, all born in Chardon : 22G. i. l\L\RCos, b. July 29, 1818. ii. IlA.'iXAn, b •. Oct. 3, 1820; d. thcro ,June 1•1, 18·13. 227. iii. CAitOLI~I~, b. l\fay 20, 1822. 228. 1v. NA~CY, b. April 12, 182-1. v.. CLAIUSSA, b. ,fan. 2, 182G; m. Elihu W ::i.rrcn, Oct. IS,19. 229. v1. Bt:TsEY, b. Aug. 14, 1828• 230. ,·u.... ALVIRA, b. Sept. 28, 1830. 231. vm. JA::-r1c, b. Aug. 1 G, 1832. 232. ix. .J oux CAL VIX, b. Jan. 20, 1835. 2:J:J. x. l\IAm", b. Sept. ::?!>, 1837. 23-1. .:ti. WtLLLUt II1::x1tY, b • .Aug. 17, 1840.

(87) RUTH THWINGi (Jo!tn,6 James/' Jolm,' Joltn/ Jolm,2 Be11Jamin) married : Stebbins, Oct. 15, 1818. She died April 4, 1874, in Chardon, Ohio. He was born April 20, 1797, and died Sept. S, 1873. Children:

23!i. 1. Hor..ACI•:, b. Aug. 2,1, 1819. 23G. ii. lIASX.\11 HALE, b. July l!}t 1822. iii. C1-::u.\XTIIA, b. April !}, 182G. 238. 1v. S.ut.All Loms..1., b. A11ril 1-.1, 1834.

(8S) JOfu'\1" THWL.~G 7 ( Jolm.,6 Jm,ie.~/' Jolw.,4 Jo!tn/ .lulm/ Bc11jmni11,) is a farmer, and Ii.cs in Chardon, Ohio. He married Phylura. Porter, .April I, SEVENTH GENERATION. 65

18:!G. She was 1Jorn No,;. 15, 1 iD!>, nncl

(89) MARGARET THWI~G7 (Jolm,,° Jamcs/',Jolm," Jolm,3 Jolm,2 Beujamin) married Rodol­ phus Stebbins, Sept. 11, 1825. He was born in I 792, an

i. POLLY, b. June 2G, 182G; d ••June 10, 1857. 11. An.YILLA, b. Oct. 4, 1827; d. Jn.n. G, 1847. iii. .lu~A.~sos, b. ,J:in. 17, 1sa·o. iv. PnrLENDA~ b. July 10, 1832. v. RoDotrncs, b. Nov. 18, 18:J.:i; d. Feb. 14, lSGS.

(90) THWING7 (Jolm,,° James/ Joh1i," John,3 Jolin,2 Benjamin) moved to Chardon, Ohio, from l\Iassachusctts, in the fall of 1S25. In the spring of lt!26 he bought a farm_ in the southwestern part of Chardon, and in a year or two bought more land a little west in the same town. In 1832 his parents came to lh·c with llim, and remained until they died. In the spring of I 854, 110 sold the farm and bought where he now lfrcs, on the north line of the town of Munson. Rufus, his eldest son, was qorn on the flrsL farm, and the rest on the :Marshall farm ( so c:illcd ). Ho inherited a strong constitution, and is very temperate and regu­ lar in his habits, very honest and conscientious fo his daily life, and always a very hard working man. Took a great notion to 6G TUE TIIWING F.,\l\IILY.

raising steers, nncl is n very goou judgo of size or value of steers nml neat cattle in general. Wus always a free thinker in uoth religion and politics, having never joined n. religious society. In politics was a whig until that pnrty was abandoned, and sioce then n. republic~n. He mal'.ricd, first, Sn.Uy Maria rrhompson, of Vernon, Ohio, Dec. 28, 1828. Sho was born March 13, 1808, in Vernon, and died Oct. 30, 1860, in Chardon. Ile married, second, Louisa A. Parks, No,·. 11, 1871. She was uorn Mn.y 9, 1817. Children, all born in Char

(91) PRISCA THWING7 (Jofm,a J,1.mc.~/' Jo!tn,4 Jo!tn,3 Jolm,~ Benjamin) married Lucius Burbank, No\". 2, 1825, in Wilbraham, l\fass. He was born in 1798, and died Oct. 6, 1846. Children:

1. Eown., b .•fan. 27, 1827, in Connecticut. I-le bn.s been a cripple since he was fourteen years old, ancl walks with the help of crutches. He was never married, and lives with his mother at the home of his brother, Dwi"ht. .. ,e 2.rn. ...11. DwrcuT Lucres. b. l\forch 8. 182n, in Connecticut. 2-17. m. llmAlr, b. Nov. 14, 1821, in Ohio . 248. iv. OscAR Jon!\, b. Aug. 2G, 1835, in Ohio. 24!>. v. CLARISS,~ PmscA, b. July 22, 1837, in Ohio.

(92) THWING7 • ( John,° James," Jolm;' John/ Jolm/1 Br:11j'amin) lives in Argy le, Wisconsin. He married Lucy Holmes Barber, May S, 1833. She was born June 26, 1807, and died NoY. 20, 1880, in Argyle. Children: SEVENTII GENERATION. G7 ..i. WrLI.TAlr AnTnt:n, b• •July 17, 183-t u. ---, a son, who only lived n. few

(93) RUFUS THWING 7 (.Tolm,'1 ~Iamc:;/' Jol,n,4 John,• John,' Bc11Jomin) married Acl1s0. Coomucs, June 11, I 82D, in Longmeadow, lfass. She wn.s born Aug. 16, 1807, in Longmeadow. He died April 10, 1882, in Wilbraham, 1\Io.ss. Children: i. JANE AunELL\., b. Sept. 11, 1838, in Springfield, l\Iass.; d. tbcro Aug. 1, 1840. 252. 11. JANE. .AcnELIA, b. Oct. 2.1, 1841, in Wilbraham. iii. Eowzx RuFcs. b. April 23, 18i.i0, in Wilbraham; d. there Sept. rn, 1851.

(94) LOVIN.:\ THWING 7 ( Jolm, 1 James/' John,4 Joltn,3 John/ Benjamin) married Elam Hale, in November, 1828. She died April 17, 1869, in Chardon, Ohio. He was born .in East Longmeadow, l\Iass. He was dro,vned in the Connecticut Rh·er, at Holyoke, }fo.ss., in March, 1850. Children, born in Longmeadow:

2ri3. i. · JA:\IES TnwrxG, b. Aug. 7, 182!). ii. HARRIET. ELIZAHETll, b. Ang. 27, 1831; m. Stebbins, Jr.~ in November, ISGG. They liYo in Char­ don, Ohio. No children.

(9 5) WILLI.A.:\! THWL.\f G 7 (,Jolin,° .James/' John/ Jolm/ John/ Benjamin) was once a blacksmith, and no,v a. farmer in Wilbralmm, Mass. He has Ii red in Longmeadow and Palmer, l!ass., and Somers, Conn., and .finally returned to Wilbraham, where he has C\"'er since li\"'cd. Ile received a common school education, and is independent in religious belief. Has been collector of taxes, constable and !) 68 THE TIIWINO FAl\nLY. moderator nt town meetings. Was n.n ensign in a. military com• pnny in Longmeadow, and a lieutenant in tho an.mo company. He married Lucy Malvina Fuller, of East Lon~mcadow,Junc 24, 1835. Sbo was born 'March 31, 1816, in Ea.st Longmeadow. Children:

254. 1. JULIA, b. l\fay 1, 1837, in Somers. 255. ii. Ni::r.sox FuLr.1m. b. Dec. 2·1, 18-10, in Wilhrnlm.m. 25G. iii. SAR.\U, b. July 1-1, 18-13, in Three Ri,·crs (now Palmer), l\Iass. iv. HEXRY CLARK, b . .1\pril 11, 184G, in Three Rivers, o.ud ilic

(96) SOPHIA THWING7 (Samuel/' James,"' Jolm/ Jolin,' John,' Benjamln) married her cousin, Gamaliel Dunham. She died April 14, 1818. Children, all born in Sandisfield, Mass.: i. JosEPJt SYLVESTER, b. Aug. 20, 1810, nnu went West about 18•!0. He married a. willow in Iowa, whose maiden name was Jiercy Evaus. Ile

(97) CYNTHIA THWL.~G, (Samuel,° James," Jolm;' John/ Jolm,' Benjamin) married Jabez Davis,in September, 1815. Be was born Nov. 7, 1791,inDerby, Conn. He died Jan. 25, 1872. Children:

260. 1. CYREX'C'S. b. ,June 7, 1816. ii. Ar.:uox, b. July 21, 1819; d. Nov. 4, 18.iO; unm. iii. J.A:IIES MADISOX. b. Nov. 12, 1821; u. Sept. 1, 18-U, in . the ::1.rmy in :\Icxico; unm • 261. 1v. HEXRY, b. Sept. 10, 1824. 262. v. SormA, b. July 28, 182i. 263. Vl. SA3I'C'EL Taw1xc, b. June 30, 1833. 264. vii. CIL\RLES CALVIX, b. April 28, 1836. SEVENTII GENERATION. 69

(!lS) CflARLOTTE Tf:IWING 7 (Samucl/1 James," Jo!tn/ Ju/m,3 John,' Benjamin) married, first, Josiah Fnirbauk, .Aug. 16, 1815. He was born Feb. 12, 1706, in Tyringham, )foss. He died July 28, 1828, in Summit Co., Ohio. Ile wn.s a tanner nnd shoemaker. liarried, second, Conrad Coon Turner, July 15, 1830. Ile was born July 4, 1790, in Canfield, Ohio. He died in 1871. She died l\farch 15, 1 SS0. Children:

1. A boy, who died in infancy. 2G5. ii. STEl'III~X TAYLO.it, b. Aug. 20, 1817, in Berkshire Co., l\In.ss. iii. PDILEXA SOPIIY. 2GG. iv. OCTA VA Cu,\RLOTTE, b. l\fay 1, 1822. 2G7. v. .TosIAII l\L\.."'iASSEU, b. Dec. :JO, 1824, in Tyringham. 2GS. vi. JAlCES S,\lCUEL, b. Oct. 24, 1831, in Ba.th, Ohio. ,·ii. NA:SCY ROSELLA, b. Oct. 21, 1833, in Bath; m. Almon l\Ioody. viii, l\L\l!Y l\lc;LOXE, b. ?\fay 22, 1836, in Bath; m. William Rice. · ix. CnAmTY ELSIE, b. Feb. 21, 1839, in Granger, Ohio; m. Almon Rice.

(!l9) JOSEPHUS THWING 7 ( Samucl,6 James, 3 Jolm,' John,3 John,: Benjamin) was a. farmer in Sandisfield, Mass. He married Fanny Packenha.m, Feb. 26, 182S. She was born Sept. 6, 1S09. He died Feb. 21, 1878, in :Monterey, )foss. Children:

2G!J. 1. S.\.)I'CEL JosErnus, b. Jan. 8, 1s::w, in Tyringham, l\Iass. 270. ii. HuLD.AII, b. July 2, 1831, in Gre:it Barrington, l!ass. 271. 111. Cono1-:LI.\. ELIZA, b .•July lG, 1833, in Gre:it Barrington. IV. J.urns, b .•June 21. 1835, in W"inchester, Conn.; m. Kate Johnson. Children: Jennie, Minnie, George, Bert, Lillie, Ida, Gilbert. v. JOEL, b. l\fay 14, 183i, in Colebrook, Conn.; m. Mary Eliza.beth Fuller. Feb. 17. 1871. Child: Wilbur Cali-in,"b. April 9, 1Si2. n. JcLIA. b. l\fay 24, 1839, in Colebrook; d. there Dec. 2i, 1840, 70 TUE Tl!WL~O FA:i\ULY.

vii. StL.\S, b. Oct. 18, 18·10, in Colebrook; hnd four children: Jame&, Harri,, Chnrlt:1, Jo&r.pl,. 272. ,·iii. SAR,UI, b. June 25, 18-12, in Colebrook. 273. ix. LomsA, b. Oct. 30. 18-13, in Colebrook. :x:. ,JCJ.IA ANN, b. Aug. 3, 18,1;'.i, in Colebrook; d. Murch 23, 18G3. 27-.1. xi. FANXY FRANCES, b. Aug. 9, 18 ►18, in Winchester. xii. ALDERT, b. Feb. 23, 185-t, iu ,vinchcster.

(100) MARGARET THWINGi ( Samuel," James," John,4 Joltn/ Jo!tn,2 Bc,~,iamin.) married Luke Miner Hall, :Murch 22, 1832, in South Lee, )Iass. Ile is a farmer. They arc ~Icthodists. Children:

275. l. FIDELL\. OLIYA, b. Sept. 29, 1833, in New l\farlborough, .. l\fass. 27G. u. Jonx ALYIX, b. Nov. 29, 1835, in Great Barrington, l\Iass. 111. :l\LutY .J,\...""i~, b. May 1G, 1S37, in ~ew :Marlborough; ·d. there June 14, 18-1-1. IV', E:1nLY l\L\RIA, b. l\farch 2, 1840, in New l\Ia.rlborough; d. there ,June 20, 18-ll. q--_, '. v. :\lARTIIA E:u:u.\. ,JA...~E, b. Dec. 22, 1841, in Ne,v l\Iarl­ borougb. VI, Jt;LL\ A:sx. b. ,June G, 18-1".l, in New l\farlborough; d. Oct. 7, 1SG3. 278. vii. L-qcY JA:-.E, b. ,Jan. ~, lS·!G, in New l\farlborough.

(101) ALVIN THWING 7 (Samuel/ Jamcs,5 John;' Jolw,3 ..fulw.,2 Benjamin.) when about 10 yea.rs old rcmo,eu with his parents from Great Barrington to the present town of Monterey, but then a. part of Tyringham. He worked on the farm. until nearly 21 years old. He has li vcd in :Monterey the greater part of his life, a.ud lives there now. He has a.lwa.ys been n. strong, steady, hard-working farmer, and been.me n. member of the Baptist church in Sandisfield, in Sep­ tem Lcr ,. 186-t. Ilis wife i::; also a. member of th~ same church. His clucst child was born in New ~farluorough, Mass., and all the SEVENTH GEN1~1tA'rtON. 71

rest in So.ndisfielcl 7 ~foss. He married Jerusho. Hartwell Ben.th, l\fo.1·ch 7, 1839, in Sandisfield. She wus born tlwrc Dec. S, 1818. Children: 2i!>. 1. l\IAnaAUF.T .fouusnA, b. ,July 1,j, 18•11. u. LUC\' .Axa £LlXI~, l,. l\fay 11, 18·1·1; d. there J Utl. rn, 18,J.j. 111. GEOJtGg W ASIUXGTOX, b. l\fay 28, 1847; tl. there Juno 2G, 18G4. 280. iv. JESSE ALYIX, b. ,June G, 18.i:J. v. l\L\nTIX ,VALTJm. b. Dec. J;j, 18!.ii; ic; n. g-r:vluu.tc of tlie Connecticut Literary Institution in Sumelu, C.:onu., in 187~. 281. vi. ,JA::'\rns LUTHER, b. .Aug. IG. 18;j!). vii. CIL\ULEs I-IEx1n"", b. No,·. 28. lSG~; also a graduate of tho above school. He is a Congrcgatioualist.

(102) TBIOTHY THWING 7 ( Nathaniel,' Benjamin/ John," Julm,3 Jvlw,2 Benjamin) was n. carpeotcl"; 10\·cd and respected. He married Polly \Vhitney1 Sept. 9, 1S04, in Putney, V crmont. She was born there .April 30, 1786. He died there Aug. 29, 1818. She died there )fay 11, 1 S32. Their youngest child was born in Shutesbury, }lass.; all the rest in Putney, 'Vt. Children:

282. l. Lor.mx DAXA, b. Feb. 2.i, lSOG. 283. 11. Omrnx l\!ExTnAxo, 1,. l\fay 12, 180S. Ill. L.\.UitA l\L\.nAXTHA, b. l\Iay 27, 1811; d. there .June !l, 1844. IV'. LYDIA Dc1~A::SSA, b. Aug.!), 181:}: d. there Feb. 1, 1847. \". Trrn1rn5,\ Du::s·rmA, b. l\fay G, 181.j; m. George S. ,Johnson.

(103) SAlIUEL TH\YING 7 (!lat!tanid,6 Benjamin/' Jolin;' John,3 Jolm/ Benjamin) was a blacksmith, and lived in Dedham, )fass. He ma.rricd Hannah .Adams, Jan. 13, 18~3. She was born )fay 25, 1S02. He died June 16, 1?75. Children: 72 THE TJIWJNO FAJ\IJLY • . 28•1. ]. A1t1AI>Nl~ L:uni~L, b. 1\fay 2n, 182•1. ii. Ar.oszo LYM,\:SDA. b. Oct. 2, 182,j; m. l\Inrthn. Ann Ogier, Oct. J, lti-18. iu Hoston, lfoss. Sho il-l dead, iii. CnAuL1~s llucKr.t~Y AI>,\.:lts, b. Feb. 7, 1828; m. Cuthc­ ri110 Ev:ms. :?8.'i. iv. DA.XH:L I-fatt!U:SGTOX, b. Jun. 2-1, 1830, in ,vest Dcu- 1iam, :\foss. 28G. v. AL::110:s, b. Juuc 9, 1833, in Lincoln, l\Inss.

(104) ZEBINA THWING7 ( },;,a/umiel,6 Bcujmnin/' Jol,n/ Jah11,3 Julm,' Bl'11jamin) wns brought up in ~fosso.chusetts, although born in Vermont, and for several yea.rs was an overseer of woolen factories in Sa.lem, Mass., a.nd N ortli Providence, R. I. In the spring of 1834, he went to lfo.rsha.Il, l\Iichigan, for the purpose of taking up some land for a. home, and finally selected and locntcd seven miles from )farshall in the township of Fredonia, and the following · year remo\"cd his family there; and on that farm he lh·ed until he died. He married Hannah Cummings, Oct. 18, 1827, in

Lowell, :Mnss. She was born No\·. 221 1801, in Wrentham, Mass. He died Nov. 10, 1842, in Fredonia, :Michigan. They were members of the Congregational church in Fredonia. Children :

l, LAt.:RA Axx, b. Oct. 14, 1830, in North ProYidence, R. I.; d. there l\farch 21, 1833. 287. ll, LEwrs FRAXKLIX, b. April IO, 1832, in No. Pro\;dencc. 28.S. iii. GEORGE ,vAnnEs. b. Feb. 6, 1834;in No. Providence. lV, Z1mrxA. b•• July 13, 18°13, in Fredouin; d. there July 2;j, 18.:i5.

(105) PAULINA THWING 7 ( '!i.~at/,anicl,' Benjamin," Jolm;" Jo!tn/ Jo!tn, 2 Benjamin) married Leonard )I. Parker, Jan. 7, 1S2D. She died in :March, ISSI. Children:

1. )L\RTHA .JA,.""E. b. Xov. 2, 182!). in Uxbridge, :Mass.; m.• John R. Holden, l\fay 4~ 18.j$. Children, born in Shirley, l\fass.: SEVENTII GENERATION. 73

(l) Ella Jarir., b, l\Inrch 21, 1850. (2) 1/umcr Parker, b. June 1, 180,l. ii. 1\Its1,:1n-A, b•• July 2G, 183G, in W"alpolc, 1'foss.; d. ngcd twclvu weeks.


( Sahm,0 Bc11jrwtin,6 Julm., ◄ Jolm, 3 Jolm/ Bc11jamin) married Pd:scilla ---. Children : i. l\LuuAx :\L\mA, 1,. Aug. 20, 1840. ii. A.~oimw .TACKsos. b ..l\Iarch rn. 1~42; m. in 1861. No children. Ji;; a policeman in New York city. 111. CnAnLES ALBERT, b • .Aug. 30. 1845; m. and hns n. boy six years old. Is n. cheesemnker. iv. .Atnis Am•:LmmT, b. Fel>. 21, 1847. v. ADELAIDE An,~LLA, h. --- ; m. :i\farslm.11 Sen by, iuukccper; has two girls. vi. ID,\. Lormrn, b. :\fay-20, 1851; unmarried.

(l0i) JOSEPH GAGE Tno:MAS 7 ( Sabra,° Bc11jami1t/' Jolm/ John,3 Jolm,2 Bc111ami11.) married lfo.rtlm ---. He died Oct. IS, 1877. Children:

289. 1. GEORGJ-~ Ro.scoF., b. Dec. IO. 1841, in Sardini~ N. Y. 11. Ciu.RLES GtLmmT, b. J uce 20, 1845, in Sardiuia, N. Y.; d. Sept. 20, ISGI. iii. B1-~11TII.A. BELL, b. Nov. 20. 1852, in West Yorks11irc. iv. Luer .A.."'x, b. July IO, lS&G, in ,vest Yorkshire. N. Y~

(108) ALBERT THWING7 (Benjami11," Benjamin/' John;' John,3 Jolm,2 Benjamin) received a. common school education, and was a spinner by trade. .About

1S28, he went into the grocery business ,vith Robert !-Iowry1 in Bragg-ville, l\fass.; and afterward they bought a. woolen mill in East l\fodwny, and manufactured woolen goods. He sold out in a. year or two, and turned hi::1 attention to manufacturing boots and shoes, in East :\Icdway, until he died. In religion and 74

1101iticH ho wa,,1 lil101·nl, n fr110 p,coiJcr nud rcp11l11icnn, awl ~Jllitn pol'litivc in lii1◄ idt•l\1◄, Ho Wal'I, d11ri11g t.ho lm!t t11n yonl'H ol' hil'I 1ife1 Hclcct111n11, o.MHU1"11-1ur or ovurHeor or tho poor, n111l NoructimcH holu nil thrco olliccH in tho Hnmc yuur. J-fo wa.H cho• 8cn tL member ol' tho lc~i1o1lnt11ro in 18!;3. lfo mn1·riod Lnm•11. Ann Fh1hcr, of !\[crl w1iy, ,Ju110 3, 18~4. Sho WO.!-! horn Oct. 31, 180H, She WCLH n. Co11~l'O~atin11nli1-1t. Ir( 11ic1l nee. 10, 1 sr,r,. ~ho

(IO!J) SUSAN ALORICII TI1'VING7 ( l.Jc11jamina, B,mjamiu/' Jolm,4 Jplw., 3 Juhn,' lJc.njamin) rnnrrictl :Manning ,vnltcr Anson, of Uxuridgc, Mass., April 1, 18:!7. He w11s born Oct. 31, 17!'J!>, in Uxuridgo, l\In~s.; died there May I, 1877. She

(110) CHARLES AUGUSTUS TIIWING 7 (1Jc-11j,imi11,4 Bc11jamin/' Juhn/ Jolm,3 Jolm/ Bwjamin) ha


( flc11jami11,• Benjamiu.6 Jo/,11,4 ,Tuh11/ Ju/,n/ Bc11jamfo) wns n. mn.chiui~t, ulso a town officer nud n trustee of tho Hopedale Com­ ruun ity. He lh·cs in Hopcdo.lc, Ma~~. Ile is a Unitarian. Ho married Snrnh Ann Darling, of Uxbridge, Sept. 13, 1832. She was Lorn Oct. I, 1813, in Smithfield, R. I. Children: i. ll1-:sJA:1-ns. b. Nov. :l, 1 ~3(;, in l\[ctlw:iy, l\fass.;

i. 1-IAllAlf Ass. t,. A111,t, :.n, 11'.4:l:.?: c1. :\fuy f,, HH7, in Ux­ hridJ.t•'• limo,, ii. lh:!11,IA~ll!II 'l'11w1so, h. i11 .July. lH:J.l: ,1. i11 AuguMt, 1Ha:,, in Uxlil'id~o.

( 113) IIA~NAlI HHOWN TH\YlXG i (/Jr.11jamin/ JJ,~11J11111i11/ .lolm,• .l0/111/ .l,dm.' IJ,·njamin) mnrriod George Drnpnr, Mn.rch G, u,:rn, in Jiopcdnlc, l\lu"'~· He ,vuH born Aug-. lG, 1817, iu Wm1to11, )fo,-1s, Thry lii,·c in IJopcdulc, nnd nro Uuitariu.nR, They ha.,·c Jiau 11 hi~li school Cllm:u.tiou, Chilurcn:

2!J~j. i. ""n.r.tA'.\r F1usK1.rs. 1,, April !l, lfH:?. i11 Lowell, Mn.~~. 11,.. G1~01t<.IASA 'fllWfNri, h. ,J111w :w, l K-l-1, iu Lowt•ll; cl • there' ,July ta, I H.J.I. iii. I IE 1. 1,:s Lo1m11•:, h. ,July 11, 18-S.i, in Lowell; cl. Aug. 10, 1K,Vi". in W nrP, l\lmoi. iv. FHASCI•:i-1 Eenmu. h. ,Juh· 2r.. 18,17, in ""arc: m. Ch1Lrlc!-t II. Colli11rn. Feb. ::W, i 81:l':S. v. A sou, h. Dec. 1:;, 1K,iO, :incl 11ie1l in i11fancy, in ,v arc. 2!:iG. VI,.. IIASN'AII Tuw,~rn. b. April 11, 18;,:J, in \Vnrc. '\'II, G1w1e

(114) :\HNERVA WHEATON TH\VINGi (Bc11jamin, 0 Br11j11.mi11/' John,-' Jo/111/ Jol111,'1 flt11j11mi11) mn.rricu William Kni~ht, Oct. ::?2. 1S:]D. in Uxbrid~c, )fasB. He was l,orn June 17, 1812, iii Killingly, Conn. He clictl :N'O\·. G, ISSI, in Hopedale, )Ja.ss. She dicu .July 10, 1882, :n Hopedale. They ha.d a. high school education, and were Unitarians. Children, all born in U sbridgc : NJ1Vl~N't'H Ol~NlrnATION, 77

:l!)7, f, 01~011«11'. \\'fl,l.f,\~1, 11, J-'.1l1, :W. J.1'4,JJ, ii, ,r,\1.'l'lt.lt E1nV,\IW, It, Mr11•,·li :rn, l>H,1, 111. AJlf'n Ellt.1~ l11•1.h S1.l111p~o11, ~!IV, !!:!, I Hin, i11 I ln1wd11l11, Shn WUN horu !.11111'0 J,',,h, :.!,i, I H:,;, Jin iH 1l 1111whi11i11t 111 I fopo• dul, 1, Cliiltl1·,,11, li. lu I lnp,•daln: (I) Jr1111i,! M111r.rl'lt, h, M1m.ih IM, lHl'IO, (:J) ,1,wfo }),,,,,,, h, 1'1ny Ill, IH~~. iii, J,;1.1.A (il!:1t'rur1H:, h, A11J.'. ,I, I H,W: 111. E11ii:u110 \Vu1oh~ i11g'l.011 Dnrli11,:. S1•pt, :.m, 1~70, i11 trxliridi,ru, lln wn"' horn ;\[1~rch :.W, IH,17. in 1Jm·i•illvillt!, H. J. C.:hihl. I,, iu \V,,rcuHt.or. ;\lut'l'I,: (I) RrnrAI Li11r11/n, b, ln IH7,a. h·. t•·itANJC Ao1,:1,111m·r, h, April !), u,.;:;; d. ,Tnu. 2, 1s:;1.

(llG) SILVIA ,vILLARO TIJ\VING 7 ( JJc,,jumfo,n Bcnjrtmitt/' .Toh11/' .Tu/111} ,lo/111,' Bc11jami1t) married ,Jm1cph Brobicr Buncroft, of l\lcrJwuy, Sept. 11, 1844, in Ux­ hridg-o, l\ful'ls. They uro UuiLuriuru~, nuu livo in Hopeuulc, :Muss. He wa8 l_mrn Oct. 3, 1821, in UxbriJgu. Chilc.lrcu, all born in llilforplt llrtbirr, b. F~h. :,.)8, 187H. ii. CnAHJ,1-:s Erra:s1~. h. )farch :?O, ltHU; d. :\larch 30, 18,19. iii. )lrx1rnvA Loc.:srs. l,. 1\forch l:!, lli,>l: l; 1{. )larch 1H, JX;H. "· ,YAL'r1m. h. l\lurch- J :?. Hi51; d. l\forch :W. 18.)1. \'i. .Assrn :\f1s1mvA, h. Fcl,. !J, 18,j:;_ !She i~ au :18siHtant high school teacher. 2!18. vii. :\L\1t\' G1rn·r1tc:1>1~, h. Dec. 2. 18,jG. viii. CHAl?LES Fmm, l,, .April :1·l, I8Gl;

(116) MARIA THWIXG7 (Lutl1cr,8 Bcnjamin..1" -loh11/ Johu,3 ,Joltn,: Bc11jami1t). married Da,·id Hall, a ulacksmith, Jan. I, 1 S49, in W cstfield, N. Y. 'l'I llr. 'J'IIWI NO I~ A~II I, Y.

(1 li) OLIVN 'rH\VlN01 ( f"utl,cr,~ Tlr11Jmni11/ Jolin,• .lo/111/ .lolm,' /l,:11J,1111i11) 111nrriml ,Tolm l11ollowM, ,Juno D, u~:rn, in \Vm•tficlcJ, N, Y. llo wuH un uxo ma.kor uncl fruit grower. Childrc11: i. l\lAtuA AllNI•:~. h, Aug. ~n. 11:HO, :.wn. ii. MAnus 1,;1.11;Anwm, 1> • .1\foy M, 111-11. iii. lHA1m,J.A AsNR'rTI•:, 1,, li'uh. :l, Ui-lG,

(118) LU'l'IlEit 'l1Il\VINO 7 (l.. utl,r.r," /Jrmjmniu/ .folm,• .lo/111/ .lo/mi' ]Jc11Jmui11,) married Emeline Taylor, April 24, 1838, in Portland, N. Y. Ifo wuK o.n nxo mo.kcr o.nd farmer. Hu

(119) .JAll~S THWI~G 7 (,:Yatluwid,° ...Vatl,anid,11 ;.Vatlu111.i,:l,4 .lo/111./ ,/o/,n/ JJ,:11j,1mi1t) wn.R a clcrgyma.n of the )lctho

v. C,\11111,INI~ l\£A•r11.11A, 1,, Foh, IH, IH:ll'I, i11 Vn~1111llmro', M1•,1 ti, lu IMi:! 1 1111111, vi, ,l,\~rn"' l11011tr, h, Ap1•il :.!:!, I H:lfl, 111 JM"rol, M1•, fin j,- 11111111u·ri.,,I, 111111 liv1111 nt. flll:l W1 1"t l,11ko :,,trt•1•t., Chh•1tj,(II, Ill. :m.1. \'ii, ('11,,111.Ef'I


( l\0 atltr111 ic/,' Satllf111id/ ]'{utluutir./,4 .lolm,3 111/111, 1 /Jrnjr1111i11) married I•1 rotlcrick A horn, 1-'dJ. I:!, 1 H:!8, in Au.1,t11.'4tn,. )[c. Ho WllM 1.,orn April G, 1805, in Lynrdicld, )fu1-11-1, IJo ct. i, 18.j:?,

(121) :MARY WILLI.UIS HATHOR:S7 (;.\Jary,U Natl1anicl/ Satltaniel,4 Julm,3 Jolin/ Benjamin) ma.rricu Joseph Temple Wheeler, No\·. 2.5, 1807, in Woolwich, ~le. He was born in l,Sr,, in Bowdoinham, )[c. He died April 5, 1854, in Palermo, )!e. She was a Baptist. Children: NO '1'1111 'l'IIWlNO 1'°,\:UIL\',

i, 11'1,\AC WA-r'rN, h, i11 Bnw1loi11!11u11, ii, ,J.urnN l'rm s,rrus, !,, i11 IM I I, i11 Uow1loli1hnm. iii, A)I.\SJ>,\ :\l.\1.v1s,\, h, iu B11wtl11l11l11u11, i\', ,Jmn:1•11, I,, i11 1'11wd11it1lm111. \', CJIAlll,1•:l'I IL\·1·11ous, h. S,•pL, :?a. IMIM, iu Wd11110111I, :\le, \' I,' B1,:sJ.\ms l-'u.\s1,1.1s, I,. iu IM~ I, iu Wcl111101ul, ,•ii, ( >1.n·1m P1rn1tY, h, Oct.. 1~:.!:1, iu ltid1111rnul, viii, WU.1,IA ~, Lu: w 1.u s, 1,, .Sl•pt., :10, J 1':.W, iu Wnt1.Jrvilh,.

(Jf,n·yt• ,.1\'11rlumid/ N,ith,rnicl,4 ,/1J!it1,' J,>1111,' JJ,mjflmi11) mnrricd ,To11uthu11 \Vhit~nJ,?, of \Vi11thrnp, Mc., 81•pt. 20, 1811, in \Vool­ wich, ~le. Uc wut-1 l,nrn No\', i, 178H, in ,riuthrop, lie. Sho 1licJ No\'. :!!J, lS:!3, in \Viuthrop. Ho died No\", !!5, U~GO, in \Vi11thrup. Tht•y were Bupti~tl'!. Chillm O:rnoslJ, h. .:\Iu.y 10, lt4l•i-; diccl there April l H. IHI r,. iii. 8C:o;A:S Ft.AVILLA, h.• Ju11. 1, 1811;; ,1, Feb. 2,i, 1817, in \Vuulwich. :n:l. iv. Cn.A:Sl,\ :\h:ntUTT, b. April 17, ltH8.

( 123) SA~IUEL HA TfIORX i

( JJ,,ry,• .Sotlrr111i,,f." ~·11rlu111icl/ Jo/111/ ,l,,/m,7 JJ,·11J11mi") wu:; a Frccwill lluptil'it 111i11istcr, n11d tn.1.,·cllcd a ~rcat dcu.l. Uc married, fir~t, Elizabeth Newell, Au.~. 20, l 83.t :;1ic died .July 2 ~, 18!>:!, iu Bow

(12-1) ELIZA GREEXOUGII IIATHORN7 (.Mary,' Nat!uwir:l," l>,·a1/wnicl,' Jolm,3 Jo/111/ BeuJamin) married Charles N

( t2t;) C£TAULES IIATIIORX7 ( J/,,ry," ,._\'utlmuirl/ .Yarlnrni,:/,• ,lolm.3 .l,'1,11,u J.J,~11J,11uin) mnr1·iccl Mur~url't )[ul'4turd, April 1:1, 1~21i. Sl10 wu:-1 IJ01·n lfoy 17, 17!J:l. Ifo wuM a funuer, nut.I ct. :!7, lM!U): tl. ,Jn.u. 11. l8~i:?. HI, Er.11.A U .• 1,. l•'ch. r,. JH:l~; cl. 1\cn·, !?!I, I K:,:J • iv. O·r11-1 11., 1,, l\Iuy t7, HW

(12G) HARRIOT AT\VOOD HATIIOilN'i (J1lury,° l\.. nt.lumiel/ ,,,Vflt/,,micf,4 Jol,n/ Jo!m,' Br.11Jam.in) mnrricd

John )[ust111·u, Nov. 5, 1826. He waM born July 26, 17981 and

(12i) ,JO.AN'XA TIIWING i (Jo/111.,° 1Yat!urnid,° .l+.lotlu111i,{' .Jo/111/ .J,/111,'1 Bn,jomi,,) married Frederick Dates, Sept. 4, 1828, in ,voolwich, )[c. Ile wa~ born Nov. 13, 1S0j: in Bo\\·doinharn, lfo. They lived in Richmond, ).[c, She died ,lune S, 188:\ in Richmond. Chil,lrcn:

1. ,ToASSA, b ••July HI. 1 rl:?n. in Bowdoinham: rn. Oz ins lfof>1l, S<•pt. ~i>. J 8;jli, i11 G:mliuC'I', )fo. Ifo was horn l\larch tu, 18:Jo. nncl diccl ~o,·. I, I8G:?, i11 Richmond. Chiltl: Ella. b. Jnn. 19, lfi60, in Richmond. ii. S,urr:Er. Po1n1m. b: Dec. l!l. p;:J0: m. )fory E. Alton, Nov. 13, 18~0, in Independence, )Io. 82 Tim TIIWINO Jl'i\)111.. Y.

iii. ,To11s- T11w1xo, h. l\foy 11, 1 fl:J.l, in Ric~hmond, l\rc.; WILM n ~rml unto u r I fuwclui II Col lc~u. JI u

( 128) DA YID 'fII\VING 7 (John,° l--..atluw.icl/' Natlwuicl,' Jolm,3 Jolrn,'' Bc11jomi1i) wns a furrncr and o. Congreg-ationnlist, nnu his a.ttnchment wus strong to hi:-1 nnti\'c place an

(120) ISAAO TI1,VIN'G7 (.folm, 0 f•tat/mnicl/ 1'lathanicl,4 Jolm/ Julw,U Benjamin) inherit• cd strong traits of chnructer, nnd a good share of common sense. He WU8 n man of thought; nnd, while forging tho iron nnd shaping the steel, formed n lnr,t;c individunlity which mo.do him o. worthy o.nd useful citizen. His nttnchmcnts were strong for hiH home and native town whero he nlwo.ys resided. Ho was pat1·iotic, never neglecting to uso his influence for tho cause of right nt the uallot, nnd wns one of the noble Jew who en.mo out in defcnc~ of the oppressed, when tho co.use wo.s nn unpopul:ir one. He joined tho frecsoil pnrty at its formation, o.nd rejoiced in its grand results. Ho scrYed his townsmen ns chnirma.n of the board of selectmen sixteen yen.rs. Those who knew him hcst nttest the fact that he sought faithfully to discharge tho duties of the ofilcc, which were often, during tho late civil war, lnborious and difficult. He wn.s. for. nearly half a century idcnti• :fied with and deeply interested in the Congregationalist church, the oldest in town, nnd in which his ancestors were members from its formation. He married, first, Sarah White, J\fay 11, l 828, in ,voolwich, :Mc. She ,vns born there :Unrch S, 1S02, and died there Oct. 16, I 839. Be married, second, Elizn. Jano Trott, Jubc S, 1841, in Woolwich. She was born there Oct. 2, 1808. He died there Jan. 20, 187G. The family lite in Wool­ wich. Children, all born in Woolwich:

i. IsAnELLA. b. Feb: 8, 1820. 11. ELiz,umTu, b. Feb. 2, 18i1. She is a milliner in Ames­ bury, :\fass. 111. SArtAH, b. Oct. G, 1832. 1v. l\Lutr Er.YrnA, b, Jan. ·1, 1835. v. R,\CIIEL ,v1mn, b. April :H,, 18:.!7; cl. there June 14, 18-12. vi. ,vIC.LI.\ll PEAP.SOS, b. April 1·1, 1830; d. there 8ept. 20, 18·10. (130) NATHA.i.~IEL THWL.VG7 ( Jolm,S Natl,anicl,6 Nn.tltanicl;" Jolln,3 John,2 Benjamin) was a. farmer, and ba. 13, 18i2, in Industry. Children: . 3lu. 1. i>mscILLA TnoTT, b. Juuo 21, 1830, in ,voohvich, 31G. ii. Josi~Plt Pmuuss, b. Nov. 3, 1831, in Woolwich. 317, iii. RonF.nT ,Jun~oN, b. April 3, 1833. in ,voolwich. iv. Jonx Gmmxounn, b. Ang. 17, lt53G, in Indu:.try;


(Jolm/ 1Vatluznicl," Na.t/w,nicl, ◄ Jolut, 3 John,' Ben/am.in) was a. tn.11 mnn, of fine persono.l appearance, and possessed a. remark­ nbly pleasant nnd geninl disposition •. He was grcn.tly bolo,·etl both by his family nnd friends. Fhysicn.lly he wns weak, but mentally strong, antl in considerntion of his intelligence his father designed to give him a liberal education, and placed him at the age of fourteen under the tutorship of Rev. J onatha.n Adnms of Woolwich, where he remained but a short time owing to his feeble health. He entered the store of l\Ir. William Jenkins as clerk soon after ( studying with him c\·cnin~s until he acquired a good business education), in which capacity he remained until his employer's

was born Feb. 12, 1 705, in ,vnmington, Mo.ss. Ho

::no. i. Pt~NF.r.Ol'F., b. Aug. 8, 1830. 320. ii. .Joux Ilr.u., b, ,July V, 1832. iii. RcTn ELIZADl~Tu, b .•July 25, 183,j; m. Goorgo Hopo­ stil Stim,on, Doc. 3, H:IG3, in Boston, l\Iuas. llo was horn Sov. 13, 182G. No chil

(132) JOSEPH THWlNG 7 ( John, 0 J.Vatlmnicl,6 Natlmniet: Joltn,3 .Jolm/' Benjamin) is a former on his nnccstrnl farm in Woolwich, .Mo. Ho married :Martha Plumer, :May 28, 1837, in Richmond, Mc. Sho was born Mny 4, 1~14, in Richmond. Thero nrc some ice houses on Thwing's Point, a short distance from his house, one of which is close to ,vhcrc his grandfather, Natbnnicl Thwing, lh·cd, and arc leased by him to an ice company. Children, n.11 born in Wool­ wich:

i. CnARLES BAKEn, b. Aug. 9, 1838; d. there Aug. 29, .. 18-12. 321. 11, JA:nEs l\Ionms, b. April 3, 18,10. 3-N--· iii. Do:sxELL, b. l\Iarch 30, 1844.. iv. ELIZAIH:TII AxY, 1,. Jun. 30, 18,!6; d. there Sept. 22, 18-.lG. :J23. v. Jon:s A:NDnEws, b. Aug. 22, 1847. vi. Jo:ml'H, b. July 30, 18;jQ; d. there Dec. 7, !SGS. vii. l\LrnTIL\ ELLA, b. Jan G, 1855. She is a Methodist.

(133) .T.i~IES THWL.'{G 7

( .Tames,' James/' Natlianicl,' Jolm,,3 Ju!tn/ Benjamin) was born in Boston, and when he was about eighteen years old his father failed, which was the cause of his going to sea.. Ho went to South America, where he remained four years, and was ship­ wrecked once when only one other person besides himself wn.s rescued. Ile returned to Boston in 1821, and went to South 813 TIIE TlTIYINO F~\lIILY.

Cnrolina. in 1822. He taught school the greater part of his life :in South Cnrolina, and was formerly postmaster in Taus Bay, Darlington, S. C., also mail agent on the North Eastern Railroad, from Charleston to Cheraw, when ho became sick with yellow fever, and died Sept. 19, 1858, in Darlington. His eldest child was born in Williamsburg, S. C., and all the rest in Darlington. He married Agnes :McLeod, Dec. 2, 1824, in ,vmiamsburg. She was a daughter of Norman and Eliza.beth McLeod, ~nd was born April 12, 1S07, on Edisto River, S. C. Children:

324. i. J.4u~TT ELIZ;t\BETII, b. Nov- 22, 1825. 325. 11. l\L\RTIIA A..,--x, b. July 23, 1828. 326. m. J.urns, b. June 7, 1832. 32i. r,. HARRIET :McLEOD, b. Jan. 3, 1836. 328. v. FRA.~CES Sus.\.'"', b. Feb. 28, 18-10.

(134) SUPPLY CLAP THWING7 ( Samuel,° James/ J!.tathanict: Joh11,3 Jolm,,' Benjamin) was born at the corner of Horn Lane (formerly called Tanner's Lane, and more recently Bath Street) and liilk Street, in Boston, :Mass. The spot is now included in what is known ::i.s Post Office Square. After the death of his father the family moved to High Street, near Summer Street, then to Columbia. Street, then to Common Street, and then to Carver Street. He went to school for a short time on West Street, and in 1816 was a pupil in the Academy at Exeter, N. H. When he was a.Lout twenty years old he sailed in a vessel for Hayti, with the intention of seeking employment there, but not liking the prospects he returned, after passing a few months among the islands. He learned to speak French there with the help of the ladies, amongst whom he was alwavs.. a fa\"oritc. He then went to learn the book-binders' trade with :\Ir. Kidder, whose shop was in Dc\"Onshirc Street, in the rear of the Old Exchange Coffee House, and staid there so short a time that he only learnt how to tic up bundles. He then entered 'the counting room of 1fossrs. S. Cabot & .J. & T. H. Perkins, Jrs., on India. Wharf. He was after\\·ards in the counting


room of J. & T. H. Perkins & Sons, on Ccnfrnl Wharf. He entered the office of R. D. Shepherd, Esq., iu Pearl Street, Feb. 7, I 821. He was married to Elsey Fcllowcs Davis, )fo.y 1 S, 1 S24, in tho house of David Ducllcy, Esq., in Roxbury, :Muss., by Rev. Dr. Porter. She was n daughter of Joseph nnd Elsey :Dud. ·1cy Davis, and was born in Roxbury, Nov. 1 I, 1804. She died in Roxbury, Sept. 5, 1844, leaving no children. He began busi­ ness on his own account about 1826, and for fifty years was actively engaged in mercantile pursuits. He was a director or the Manufacturers' Insurance Company, about l 82S. In 1831 he formed a copa.rtncrship with Stephen H. Perkins, under the firm name of Tlnving & Perkins, on India Wharf, aud did an ex• tensire business with N cw Orleans and the East Indies. Ile was the agent in Boston of R. D. Shepherd, Judah Touro and Peter ~forcy, three well-known merchants of New Orleans. He Yisited New· Orleans with liis wife in 1835 and 1837tgoing there by sea. and returning by the Mississippi Ri·rnr and Ohio River. He \"isited Chicago in I S39. About 1844 he became the agent of Charle; .A. Hccksch,.!r, manager of the Forest Impro\·cmcnt Coal Company in Pennsyh-ania, for tl1c sale of tJ1at company"s coal in New England. :Mr. Perkins retiring from the firm in the spring of 1845, he shortly after formed a copartnersbip with Richard Sullh-an under the firm name of S. C. Thwing & Co. He was interested in the ownership of vessels, and was highly respected for hiE probity and honor in all matters pertaining to the management of hi5 affairs. He was married to Anne Shap­ ley Ha.Yen, June 30, 1847, in Philadelphia, Penn., by Re,. William Henry Furness (sec No. 137). She was a daughter of Thomas and }lehitaulc Jane (Lh-crmorc) Ha,cn, and wa..s born in Ports• mouth, N. H., )fay 4, 1 SlV. She was drowned in La.kc George by the burning of the steamer "John Jay," July 29, 1856. He was one of the executive committee of the Roxbury Cha1·ita.ble Society in 1851-2. In .January, 1S57, be sailed for Europe, and passed six months in tra.\·cl in England, Franee an

o.nd Ma.ry (Cunningham:, Haven, a.nd wn.s born Sept. 11, 1828, in Phila.

your family.· to a. better object.' Few words. but fit nnd effective. !•~or tho following year. 011 reading the will of his fricud, lir. Thwing lmcl the i,;atisfoction of finding that his nppcnl was successful. • . • llut I hnve omitterl one circumst:mce. without which my account would be incomplete; nnd yet I kuow uot if I haven. right to disclose wlmt was told me, perhaps in confidence. months ago. nnd what I

329. i. W~\LTER ELIOT, b. April 27, 1848. 330. ii. FLORESCE HA\'1-:s. b.Jan. 30, 1850. iii. .A..""sIE l-IAYEN, b. July 4, 1851. iv. ELSIE, b. April 14, I S53; cl. there ,Tune 5, 1S53. v. SAn.\n HolL\-""s, b. Dec. 10, 18J4; d. there .Aug. 11, 1855. ' v1~} Twin boys, b, Sept. IG, 1S58; d. same d:iy.

(135) SARAH HOlIA.J.~S T.B:WL~Gi (Samuel/' James/ Natlwnicl,' Jo/m/ John,' Benjamin) marrfod Thoma.s Simmons, Oct. 24, 1825, in Roxbury, Yass. She died 90 TJIE TllWINO FAllILY.

Sept. 20, 1850, in Roxbury. He was born Oct. 10, 1703, in Roxbury, and died there lla.rch lG, 1S6G. Children, all born in Roxburv:.. 1. SAttAH l\I1m1T.\nr.1~. b. l\Iny 29, 1827; rn. William Rey~ · nolrls Fullerton, ,June :U.i, 1872, in Roxbury. No chil

(136) SUSANN.a GRAY THWINGi (Samucl,0 rfwncs/' Natltanicl," .fohn,3 .fulm/" Bcnjami11,) married James Sharp, of Boston, .Mass., April 4, 1822, in Roxbury. There i:; a singular coincidence in regard to their ~olden wed­ ding. They were married on 'l'hursday (Fast Day), April 4, 1822, and celebrated their golden wedding on Thursday (Fast Day), April 4, 1872. He was born in Oct. I 780, in Boston, and died July 5, 1873, in Watertown, Mass. She died April 5, 1814, in \Vatertown. Children :

i. SARA.II Tnw1:,;G, b. Feb. 22, 1823, in Bo~ton; m. Charles Henry Coolidge, of Boston ••Jan. 23, 1848. She died Feh. 7, 1s~;3_ Her boy died Oct. 14, 1852, aged two and one--half years. 334. u. HARRIET PLE~TY, b. April 2, 1825, in Boston. 111. JA:1rns SUPPLY, b. l\fay 3, 1827, in Boston; d. there Oct. 23. 1827. iv. Sus,\X ScoTT, b. Dec. 7, 1828, iu Boston; d. Feb. 24, 1855. v. JAlfES EDWARD, b. Feb. 4, 1831, in Boston; d. from the effects of an accident ou a railroad. l\Iarch l!J. 18G3. He was at the time of his death an officer of the Sixteenth l\Iass. Regiment. v1. l',L\nY LUCRETIA, b. Dec. 23, 1833, in Boston; d. l\fay 12. 18:34. 335. vii. SUPPLY Tuw1xc, b. l\fay 23, 18;]5, iu Boston. SEVENTII OENERATION. 91

,·iii. CL1m,~xT. b. Sept. 28, 1837, in Dorchester, l\Inss.; d. ApriJ 10, I ti:J~. 33G. ix. :i\Lrnl" };u,1~Y, b• .l\Iarch !), 1s:.w, in Dorchester. x. CLK:i.u;;xT .Jon:s, b ••fan. 1, 18-.12, in Dorchester; d. there . .April l ,j, 1ti•J 3. 337. xi. l\I.utTllA Fn.A~CES, b. Jan. 8, 18-15, in Wntcrtown, l\Inss.

(137) WILLLL\I HENRY FURNESS7 ( Rebecca, 0 Jame.,," ~Yathmiicl;' Jolm,3 John,2 BcuJamin) is the well known Unitarian clergyman in PhilndeJphi~.. Ile married Annis Jenks, Aug. 25, 1825. She was born in Sa.lcm, Oct. 13, 1802. Chiltlrcn :

i. ,v11,LJ.,\lI 1-IE~RY, b. in 1827: cl. in Boston't :i\!nrch 4, 18G7. ,v as au artist. and leH :i wife and d:i.ughter. 338. ii. IIonACE Ho,\" ARD, b. No\". 2, 1833, in Philnclelphia. 111. .A daughter, .Urs . .i\.. L. ,v1sTElt, wbo transl:Ltesfrom the German.

(138) JAlIES THWLVG FUR1TESS 7 (Rehecca, 0 James,' Nathaniel,' Jolm/' John/ Be11jamin) married

Elizabeth l\Ia.rgarct Eliot7 Oct. 25, 18387 in W nshiagton, D. 0. She was a daughter of William Greenlief and l\Jargarct Dawes Eliot. They live in Philadelphia, Pa. Children, o.11 born in Philadelphia:

33!). i. WILLIA:"tI ELIOT, b. Aug. 21, 183!). ii. .J.\ltEs GILL, b. Aug. 10, 1841;

( 139) ISAAC THWING i (Nu:lwla.s, 11 Jo!tn, 6 ThomasJ" Edu·ard, 3 Edlcard,2 BcnJami-n) was a resident of Dorchester, Mass., at the time of his marriage, and 1:! . 92 THI~ TJlWfNO FA)JTLY.

wa3 o. Llacksmith there. Ile married Frances Vose, Sept. 28, 1 S 1i, in Roxbury, ~Iuss. She wa::1 lJorn in December, 17U5, in Roxbury. She dic

1. :F1tASC1•:s, h. :Lhout 181!),antldicd abouttwel\'cycarsol

(140) TITO:\IAS THWIN6 7 (,;..\"iclwfa.~,6 Julm/ Thomm1/ Etlu:ard,3 ]~d,mrd,2 Benjamin) was born in Newton, )Ias::1., and the old homestead was !,till standin;.; in 1868, neat· the junction of Homer a11r, in Roxbury. In February, 1813, he found employment in Bo5ton. He ucca.mc n. member of the Park Street church choir. In Sep­ tember, 1814, during the war with England, he was called to do military tluty one Sabbath on Boston Common.. Before night he and his fellow sol


( J,.~ichola.~,a John," Thoma-o,;," Ed,t·ard/1 Edward/' Br:11Jamin) mar• ricd Benjamin Kimball, of North Brookficlu, !\fuss., widower or l1er aunt Abigail, Sept. 19, 1829. She died Dec. 2i, ISGS. He died .April 21, 1 S49. Children, all born in X orth Brookfield: 94 THE TIIWINO FA)IILY.

i. JosEPII TnWL'1'G, b. Jn.n. 7, 1831; d. there l\farch 7, 1832. ii. AnIGAIL Tuw1xo, b, l\fay 10, 1833; d. there June 29, 1840. 343. iii. l\IARY A..,~, h. April 3, 1835. iv. Cn,\RLOTTE, b. Oct. 22, 1837; m. Francis I-Inrlan Fis11cr, Aug. 6, 1857, in Barre, l\fass. Child: ( l) Harlan Francis, b. Feb. G, 1871. v. JOSEPII Eowrx, b. Sept. 13, 1839; m. l\fary Ellen Tucker, April, 1SG7, in Hartford, Conn. 844. ,·i. A1mm FrnLns, b .•June 2G, 1841. vii. BEXJAlIDi GARDXEI'~ b. Aug. 10, 1846; unmarried.

(142) AARON THWL'"\'G 7 (Nicholas,0 John/> Tl,omas,' Edward/ Edward,' Benjamin) mar­ ried Sally Willis, Feb. 25, 1826. She was born Jan. 24, 1S05, and died Feb. 17, 1S74. He was drowned at South Hadley, Oct. 24, 1838. Child: i. Hm.ut Eosox. b .•June 29, I 827; m. l\Iarv Ammnn:i. Rorabach. l\.Iay 5, 1852. She was born N·ov. S, 1832. He died Jan. :!5, 1867.

(143) EBENEZER WITHINGTON THWING 7 (}licholas,6 Jolm,/' Tlunnas,' Edu:ard,3 Edward/ Benjamin) mar­ ried, first, Nancy Appleton, Jan. 6, 1830, in Springfield, lfo.ss. She was born Aug. 22, 1809, nnd died May 3, 1845, in Spring­ field. He married, second, .Anna )forks, of Burlington, Conn., April 16, 1846. She was born Jan. 22, 1812. He now lives in Naples, N. Y. Child:

3-15. 1. W1LLL\:'.\[ GAnmsox, b. ?tfarch 20, 18.i0, in Springfield.

(144) SALLY THWING 7 (Anws,° Jolm/' Tlwma~,;,4 Edu:ard,3 Edward,' Bcnjamin) married Horace Pierce, .Ap1·1l 10, 1817. He was the oldest resident in Brighton, and took up his residence there Oct. 1, 1804, the town SEVENTII GENE.RATIO:;. 95

Leing then known n.s Little. Cnmbridge. and Jircd in the so.me house for sixty-one yen.rs. He was the oluest butcher there, and opened the first market in Roxbury, in 1826, known ns the Dud­ ley :Market, in the basement of the old City Ha11. He wus over­ E, er of the poor and auditor whcu Brighton w.o.s n town by itself. He retired from bnsincsd twenty years ago. He was born Sept. 9, l 794i in Rutland, :M.o.ss. She died ::\forch 7, 1864, in Brighton. Be died March 1, ISSI, in Brighton. Children, all born in Brighton:

34G. 1. HonACE W., b. Feb. 12, 1821. ii. GEORGE F., b. Dec. 19, 18"23; ,1. there )fay 21, 1826. 34i. m. Lo ms A Tuw1NG, b. Feb. 1 G, 1820. i,·. .JonN II., b. :Feb. 12, 1828; cl. there Dec. 3, 1832. j.j$. \". S.uun ANN, b. Oct. 20, 1829. VJ. .l\Lun:- 0., l,. Feb. 1-1~ 18~2; unmarriccl.

(145) MARY DICKERSON THWINGi (, 0 John," Thuma,.~;" Edward/ Edu-ord/ Benjamin) married .Jesse Osborn, of Brighton, )fay 30, 1S16. He died l!ay 20, 1875. Children:

1. l\f.Aiy JACKSO'-, b. l\farch 22: 181 i; d. June l. 182G. 34!>. 11. D>.NT"'."'.., b. 1'fay 15, 1821. iii. 1\;-IL.a..L\ll TnwrxG, b. Sept. i, 182.J.; m. .N:incy Wllite.

(146) REUBEN.HASTINGS THWL.\TGi ( Amos,' John/' TIIDmas,4 Edu·ard/ Edlcard,2 Benjamin) was a farmer in Brighton, ?tfass. He married :\fo.ry Knowlton, No\·. 3, 1S29, in Dublin, N. H. Sbe was born July S, 1S12. He died Feb. 2G, 188 I, in Bdghton. Child:

350. 1. l\LutY JACKSON, b. Ya.rch 11, 1832.

(147) CHARLES TIIWIXG 7 ( Jolm,a Jolm/' Tlwma_s;" Ed1card,3 Edu:ard/ Bcn_jamin) settled in N cw York about the time of his second marriage, and IJccume 96 TlIE TIIWING FA.,IILY • •

:i. "~all Street banker in partnership with his brother, Eucnezcr

\Yithiugton Tliwin~, un

(148) FRANKLIN TH\VING 7 (Jolm,6 Jolm," Tlwmas,"' Etlu:arJ/ Etlward,2 Beujamin) was at an early age left to himself by the death of his fatljcr and mother, and went to live ''°ith his uncle Samuel :Morse, who \\"'US a mer­ chant in Boston, Mass. He. remained with bis uncle SC\'Cral years, and finally went to Buckin~ham County, Virgfoia, where he was a merchant. He then mo\'cd to New Glas~ow, Virginia, continuing in the same lm:-;incss until I S37, when he moved to La Porte, Indiana, where he wa.-; one of the leading merchants until failing health induced him to go to California, in January, 1850. In April, 1851, he returned to La Porte and rcmO\·cd his ~amily to Chicago, and engaged in storage and commission business. In I 85 7 he \\'as urged by friends to run for justice of the peace, and was elected by a large majority. He continued to fill the office with remarkable ability (not one of his appealed decisions C\'Cr ha,·ing been rc,·crscb, Dec. 19, 1832, in New Glasgow, Amherst SEVEXTII OENERATlON. 97

Co., Vir~inia.. She ·was born Dec. 10, 1813, in New Gln::gow. He dict.1 .April 4, 18G0, in Chicago, Illiuois. Children: i. .J.\~F. I!F:xr.Y. b. Sept. 20, 18:}:J, in Xcl:;ou Co .• Va.: m. Nils Edwn.rcl Peterson. Sept. 10, us:,4. No chil


( Jolm,6 John, 11 Tlwmas,4 Edwnrd,3 Edward,: Bcnjmnin) was a. prominent merchant and ship owner on Central \Vharf, Boston, for nearly thirty years, and dealt in ,vest India goods, hein~ associated in business with D. Cooley, under the fi1·m name of ,vmiam Th wing & Co. He ''"as a director in the N cw England lfotual lfarinc'.! Insurance Company. He married Louisa Payne,. No,•: 24, I 830, in Boston, .lfoss. He died in Arqucs, France, Jan. 21, 18S0. Children, all born iu Bo:;ton: 1. r:Lu;x Locrsr-:, b. Dec. G, 1831. 11. G1wnGIAX.\, b. April ;J, 1833. iii. ,VILLt,\:\C LE,·r-:1:ETT, b. No\·. 22, 183·1. lV. ScsAN I-I,\:\t:\{OXD. b. Dec. 7, 1s:rn; m. Arthur Amory }:ckle,·• .Nov. :?J, 1SG4. in Boston. lie was bor.u in 183,j, iu Boston. Child: ( l) Bland1e Trafford. b. )!nrch 14t 1861i. v. Ern:x ,~As~m1~, b. l\farch J. IS:.H3; clrowuctl at sea No,·. 3, 18_75. 3;33. n. Er.1z.\nETII, b. Sept. 2G, 1840.

( 150) ~IA.RY TH WING 7 ( John,° Jo!tn/' T!tomas," Edu:ard,3 Ed1card/ Benjamin) married George H. Loring, Feb. 2, 1832, in Newton, lfo.ss. He was born July S, IS0J., in Worcestcr1 ::Uass. They live in Newton. Children: THE TUWIXG FA:\lILY.

i. :\I.\nl.. Er4tZ,\t11~T1t. b. Sc11t. 10, 1833, in Newton. ii. 1-l;Altltil~T G 1~01:G 1~TT1+:, 1,. l;-cb. 18, 18:JD, iu :\Iillbur)·. iii. Sr:s.\:s Lou1s1::, I,. l\Iurch J;j. 18-12. in )Iillbury, l\ltL'!s. 1v. G1w1~GE, b. 8cpt. 3, 18-lj; d. iu )Ii1lbury, Aug. •i, 184-7.

(151) )IA.RIXDA THWING7 (Jolm/ John/' Thomas/ E,J,l'(l.rtl,3 .Edward/ Bcujnmin) mnrrictl Eli Snn

:J54. 1. CJI.\JtU:s ,vrLLIA)t, b. Aug. 2G, 1823. ii. Snrnox, b. ,July .1. 182:i. m. G1-:onG1::. b. Feb. 22, 1827. iv. S,u:An A."-X, b. Oct. H, 1828; m. :t Fo.y. ,.. l\hr..Y Axx, b. Oct. 14-, 1828; m. t~ Hunt. ,·1. .AcnY Ih:Ans.\Y, b. July 7, 18::J0; m. Ju.toes George. vu. GEORGE 'l'nwL~G, b. Sept. 27, 1833. \'111. SOPHI,\ ELlZAUETII, b. Oct. 12, 1835.

(152) ANN DL~ THWIXG 7

(Elijah.a .J,Jlm," ThomrtJ~/ Erlu:atd,3 Edu:ard,2 Benjamin) mar­ ried Xathan Brooks Whitman, of Stow, .\fass., )Iarch 16, 1S26. Be was born Oct. 15, ISO!, and

1. EnE:SF.ZER ,v1TmxcTox. b. Jan. 1, 1827; d. l\farch 24, 1877. in ,v orcestcr. 1\Iass. 355. 11. SATUAX B1woi...s, b. July 9, 1829. lll, SARAH A.-...:s. b .•fan. :22. 1832; m. Charles Adams, of )farlboro', Sept. 7, 1870. No children. :J;jG. h·. CnAnLOTTE Coca rx. b. April 14. 1835. 357. \". CAI!RIF. SOPI-IROXJ,\, b. l\fay· 9, 18·12. 3~js. vi. l\lAnY LocrsA, b. :Nov. 2, 1844.


(E!ijn1,i 0 .Jol,n/" Thomn.,;, 4 EJ,crird,3 Edtl'arrl;' Benjamin) was for scrcra.1 years a paper manufacturer in Gardiner, )fa.inc, and SEVENTII GENERATION.


(154) JOSHUA TIIO)fAS TIIWING 1 ( Elijah,0 ,To/111/ T!,omn.,;/ Etlll'rml,3 Edu:rml/ Br;11jamin) li\'"es in Great Falls, ~ U., a.nd is an Episcop1Llian. He married )fchita.blc Parkc1"; in 183!>, in Ando,·cr, )fo.ss. She was born in JSIG, in Ando\'er. Sh~ died Nov. 3, 18G3, in Gardiner, :Mc. Children, born in La ,rrcncc, )fass. :

3Gl. 1. Ar.nERT, l>. Sept. 20, 184~. v. G1w1:ca: W",\nt:1-:x. h. · :.\farch :::1, 18-1G; cl. Sept. 10, 187•1, iu Great Falls.

( 155) CHARLES IT.ARRISON T.EI'WING i ( Elija!t,° Jo!tn/' Tlwmas,4 Ed1card/ Etlu:ard/ Benjamin) is a farmer in West Doxford, :\fass. His name was formerly Elijah, Lut about 1840 he changed it to Charles Hurrison. He attended school in Nc,vton until he was about fourteen yea.rs old, when lie left, and a year later remo\"'ed to Boston, where he was employed for several yea.rs, first by Hiram and Asa. Jacobs, a.nd afterwards by .John Elliot, corner of Eliot and Warren Streets, and on the llcath of tho fatter, succeeded to the business. Ile left Boston soon a.fter and bec:1.me a shoemaker, which profession he carried on for a number of years, when he became a farmer, after 11:1:dng Ih·cd in a number of places, before finally settling down in Box­ ford, where he now lives. The family arc Congregationalists. He married, first, l\fary Ann Brown, of Salem, Mass., Oct. 15, 1833. She died Dec. 12:, 1839, in Salem, aged 38 years. He 13 100 Tlm TIIWJXG FA)ULY.

mnrr!efl, second, Frances ,vymnn, April !J, 1 S4:}, in ""ohnrn, Mns:3. She was born Feb. D, 1 S25, in \VoLurn. Children:

1. Eow.\tm EYt~m:TT. b.• Tnlv G. l8:J7. in Salem. He at­ tcmlcd i-ehool. iu w· obur1~. aftcrw:mls worki11g on his .filthcr•s farm. I.mt is now suppo:,;ccl to he at sea.· not having liccu hcar

·( Elisl,a.,° Jo!tn/ Thoma.~: Edu:n rd/ Ed,cnrd/ Rc11jamin) dC\90tcd 11i5 life to in

a.ntumn of 1 S82. Uc n·ns respected by c,cryonc with wliom he had uu::iiness or social dealings, and C\'Cr had a pleasant word and a cheerful smile for all. His wife n.nd ·children lh·c in Cambridge. He married Lydia Lowell Estabrook, Sept. 27, 1S34, in Cambridge. She was born .April 1 S, I S14, in Cambridge. Ile died :\larch 30, I S83, in Cambridge. Children, all born in Cam bridge :

367. 1. SAnAn WrTITTXGTox, h. :\fay 8. 1836. ii. JA::i.rEs HA::i.rnoxo. h. Oct. 7, 1837; m. Hattie Frances Currier. June 30, 187 4-. m. I-IELES l\L\mA, b. NoY. 17, 18·10. h-. ACJG.\IL PAL::i.um. b. Dec. 1~, 1s.1s. '"· .AD£LIXE ELIZJ.nETII, b. ::\fay 26, 1858.

(157) GARDNl~R H.AJilIOND THWING7 ( E1i11h.n,° John/' Thomas;' E,bcard/ E(ltcard,' BcnJamfo) is a hlac~~mith in 'Cambrid!tC, ::\fuss. He married Jane Littlefield, of KPnnclmnk, llc., NO\t. IV, 1839. She wa~·born .Api-il 14, 1S20. Cliildrcu: i. G1-;onG ,~ GA1rnx1m. b. Sept. 22. 1840. u. E1.1srrA Il.\:\DIOXD. u. Dec. :?;i. 1842: d. )fay 20, 18-15. m. ELIZA JA:-.£. b. )!arch J, 18-1G.

(158) HARRIET _THWING i ( Edn·1u1l,'1 }tatlwuicl/' Etlu:arrl/ Ed,card,3 E,lu:rud/ Benjomin) maJ"ried. first~ Horace Barnard, of Hartford, Conn. He was l,n:·:, O.•f :{ . I ,fl:1. :1n1l diPr1 .July 1 h, 1 ~:1:?. in rh:1rlf>...:to11. s. C. ~lw r11arrh•d. :-:1·cQod. Chauncey Barnard. u. cou:-:in of her first husuaud. She die

1. LomsA HortATro. b. nfoy 20. 182-1; m. Henry Graham Thompson, :md h:id six cllildren. ii. II<>f!ACJ-:. l, .•Jnlv 31 .. 1 s2n: Jll. Loni~e ~\u~i;t:i Zere!!':l- ... -e O T of \\"t.•~tcl1c~tcr, X. Y .• ,Juh· ;Ju. ltiG:;. Has three cLilurcu. , • . 102 THE TII'WINO F.1UITLY.

iii. IIARRIET, b. ---; m. Robert S. Dcrdell, in Dec. 1872, nnd has three children. iv. CnAUXCEY. v. GERTRUD~ b. ---; m. '\Yisncr l\Iurrny, 0£ Goshen, N. Y. lic wu.s b. in 18,13, aud cl July :n, 1876.


(Edu:ard,6 Nathaniel,' Edward,◄ Edu:ard,3 Edward," Benjamin) married, first, Jacob Frederick l\lintzing, or Charleston, S. C. He died while :Mayor of that city. She married, second, Fred- · crick States Belser. He is a. lawyer and planter of Sumter, S. C. Children (SC\"Cn by 1st husband):


(160) HARRIE~ ~I.A.RIA THWL.,G 7 ( James, 6 _l\7athaniel, 6 Edu:ard," Edu:ard,3 Ed11·ard,2 Benjamin) married Daniel Gallop Briggs, in 1851. Children:

1. .ArPLETOX DowxER, b. in Oct. 1852. ii. U,\XIEL GALLOP, b. in Sept. 1854; dead.

(161) JOSEPH PARKS THWL~Gt ( James, 6 'J+.~at!tanicl, 11 Edu·anl,4 Edu:ard.3 Edu:ard, 2 Benjamin) married ~!ary J:anc Camp, Feb. 14, 1866, in Shelburne Falls, 1\I3.Ss. He is a farmer in Heath, M3.Ss. She was born June 20, 1837, in Readsboro', Yt. They a.re Congregationalist~. Child: 1. WJLLIAlI JosEPII.. b. Julv.. :!:!. 1877. EIGJITII GENERATION. 103


(162) LUTHER HAMILTON 8 (Rltoda,1 Timothy,° John," Jolm,4 Jo!tn,3 Jolnt, 1 Benjamin)• was a Unitarfa.n clergyman, and was settled in Taunton, ~fo.ss., thir­ teen years, and in Gloucester, i\foss., three years. Ho married Dclin Williams, Oct. 24. 1821, in Deerfield, Mass. She was born Dec. 8,. 1704, in Deerfield. He died Aug. 29, 1853, in Roxbury, l\lnss. She died Nov. 23, 1855, in Brqoklyo, N. Y. Children, all born in Taunton : ·

371. i. EDWARD, b. Jan. G, 1824. ii. DELL\, b. Sept. 20, 1827; unmarried. m. ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 12, 1830; unDULI"ried.

(163) WILLIAM HAMILTO~ s ( Rhoda,7 Ti.motliy,° John," John,• Jolm,3 Jolm,2 Benjamin) mar­ ried L~uiso. B. Johnson, in 1823, in Barre, i\!nss. She was born in 1800, in Barre. He died Dec. I 7, 1S48, in Rockford, Illinois. She died Jan. 29, 1858, in Rockford. They were Unitarians. Children:·

372. i. Lo1:;1s,\. AUGUSTA, b. No,·. 30, 1825, in Barre. ii. ELBIUDGE G1m1a·, b. -Feb. 28, 1827, in Barre. Ile is a broker, and unmarried. iii. W1LLI,\.:'lt. b. Aug. 21, 182!J, in Barre. He is a stage proprietor in California. h·. E:-roRY, b. April 13, 1833, in B!l.rre; d. Jan. 26, 1859, in Rockford, Ill. '"· OTIS, b. Oct. 2G, 1835, in Ba.rre; cl. in Rockford, ,faa. 10, 184;,. vi. Lt:Tmm. b. )farch 24, 1837. in Barre: now a clerk in a store. Served four years in the army iu the fast war. vii. BEXJAltlX Ft:A:'\KI.IN. 1.,. Feb. 2:;. 1842, in Rockford. Lives in Spencer. l\Inss.; m. Addie Hill, and bas oue child, Frederick Hill. 104 TllE TIIW'INO FAMILY. ... \'Ill, f.c1w:ml. 1,. :Hay 8, 1 fi.t,i, i11 Roddorcl. ix. OTIS, l,, Dec. 21, lti-17,iu lhri·c; m.- Pa1.lcl£unl, autl is n farmer.

(1G4) HELEN"A FRANCES TIIWING 8 (Amarial,,7 Timotl,!),° Jolm/' John,' Jolm,3 Jolm,'J Benjamin) married Col. Da·ricl \Vell:.;, of Shelburne, l£ass., July 20, l 831. He is a fo.1·mcr. She died Aug. 12, 1879, in Shcluurnc. Chil­ dren, all uoru in Shelbui·nc:

37:J. 1. Er.u:x, b. Sept. 7. l 8:J3. 37-1. ...11. E~trLY, b. April 18, 183G. 375 • m. " .. ILLIA:II. b. April :!~, IS:18. iv. CATII.AHIXE, b. Nov. 4, 1843; d. :.\fay 25, 18.:i:J. v. FR.\+'"CES ConxELIA, b. Feb. 27, 18·19.

(165) LUTHER THWING s (Amaria/1, 1 Ti.mothy,° John/ Jolm/ Jolm,3 Jolm,2 Brujnmin) was a hotel keeper, and settled in ::\Ioscow, ~Iich. He was a Unh·ersalist and his wife a Presbyterian. He married Lucinda. Andrew.3, Feb. 29, l S43, in Cananuai~a. N. Y. She wa.-; horn Sept.14, 1819,in Canandaigua.. He died )!arch 31, 1850, in Mosc°'l"'. Children, born in :Moscow:

1. H.1::m10x SrExc1m. b. Sep.27.1845: enlisted in the army at the time of the b.st war. and


(Amori,,h/ Timot!ty. 0 Jo/111.1' John/ Jo!,n,/ .lol,n/ Bc11jnmiu) married Richard :\Ion taguc Sanucrson, ~larch 16, 183 7, in Cou- 10!>

wny, :\(tLH~. He was born .Tan. ::;, 1811, in Conway. IIo dic

J. nrcu.trw :\foST.\nu1,:. I,. nforch 1R. 1H!1H, in Conw:ty; m. Emma Harrington, :111.l 11:ul Hiclrnr,l lloutaguc. 'l'lwy live i11 Chicago. :.:l7G, ii. 1\f.un- E .• h. Oct. lJ. r:,,.J!J. iii. Ifau:~ L .• h. in 18,jJ; m. Seth 11. Crafts, of Conway, ~uv. :J. 18i•1.

( 1 G7) llrIODA IL\~HLTON TH\VING 8 (Amnria/,,1 Timotl,y,° Jo/111," John," .lo/111,3 .lo/111/ Bf'l,jamiu) married .Ah·an Hull, of .:\:;;lificl

1. F1:.\XKr.rx. h. ::1\fard1 2!1. 18:3-1; m. EstcIIa Burnham. He d. in lSS~. in Ashfield. ii. Ihx1n·, I,. l\Iay _I, 18:37;

( lGS) ELDRIDGE GERRY TfIWIXG s ( Amarin.!,/ Tinwtl,y,6 J(Jhn/ Jolm,4 John./ John/ B,:11jmni1t) is a farmer and millwright in Conway~ )lass., and lives on the ancestral farm. Ile makes hay-rakes anu other articles '>f like nature. In I SGS lie sen·cd on the Gm.nd Jury, in Boston. In lSS0 he was one of the selectmen of Conway, and a constable. Ile married Esther \Vood Vincent, Sept. 29, 1847, in Hawlcyr ~fuss. She was born ,Jan. 28, 1 S24, in Hawley. Child: :.178. i. :\.L\.TTm Lc:s-1•:TTA, b. ,July G, 18-lD, in Conw:1y. IOG TIIE TIIWJXG :PAlllLY.


( Amfl rio/,,1 Timolh!J,° ,Tolm/' ~Tolm,' ,Tt,lm,3 Jol1H / l1c11ja111i11) wu:-1 kille,l in a silk factory n.t Florence, )faHs., April U\ l SG 1. Hu nm1·rietl .Tulin. llitchcock. in Cnm111in~ton, :\foss. She was lu>l'll i11 V11111111i11.~to11. Cliiltl, born in Conway: 1. Eow1s, b. in 18.i:J; 11. ,Jau. :?,':I, 18i:J, m Spriugliclcl, :\lass.

c1 iO) nonqLrnus nrcE s

( Daui,-f/ Jlor!J/1 .Ju/111/ .Jolm/ ,Tt,lm/1 .lo/111,'1 Bc11jt1illi11) m:ltTiccl Ch~rlottc Rice. 'flacy li\·c

1. .AI.)T.\SJ.\. L .• Ii. ,Tune l •t. 1827; m. Caleb Dickcr~on, ,Ian. •l, lt-1-l!I. uud fo·c1l in llattichl.

iii. A1.mrnT, l,. Xov. 5, 1:;:Ju; m. l\largc1·y Ames, Xuv. 5, l 8;j li. iv. SAtt.\ll, b. Aug. HI. 1832; m .•To~"rh E. ,vright, Sept. :w, IS;'j;j, a11t.l resilles iu AshlidWlS' It, b ••fan. 2G, 18:37; cl. Sept. 20, 18:17. yjj, Er>wlS' It, b. Dec. 12, H;:JH; tl. )farch :!:J. J.-;(i:J. viii. ,r11.LL\)[ H-~ b .•fan. 27, 18-11; «1. Sept. 13. llH:!. ix. CnA1n.1-~8. b. Sept. 22, 18-W; m. :\fartha. ,J. Stearns, ,Jan. 1, ll:Hi8. :x. ,v.u,"1'•·~1: l?•· OS', 1, ••June::;, 18-17; m. Dlauchc Simpson, "'[ ~' ..J :... v.

(171) ABNER BEEDE s (Jl,utlla,r .lulm,° Julm/' ,Joh11/ ,Jr,lm/ Jul,n,2 Bc11jami11) was o. carpenter a.nu joiner, nn

l, )fAltTit.\. 11. E1nnx. m. .Ar,1,:1.PnA. EIOJI'l'H OENEHATJON. 107

( 172) LO VISA BEEBE 8 ( i\lartllt/.,1 Jo!tn,a Jo/111,° Jolm/ Jolm/ ,Tolm/ BcuJmnfo.) mnrricd, first, Russell W utrous, :Mnrch 25, 1833, in Le Roy, N. Y. He was Lorn Feb. 14, 1S07, in ,vallingford, Conn. He was a carpenter, joiner nn

370. 1. l\L\nTITA J., b. Dec. 29, 1833. 380. ii. J\IA1:r JANE, b. Aug. 2G, 183G. :JSI. iii. IsAUEL 1\L\RI,\, b. Jun. 4, 1839.

(173) CHLOE BEEBES (.1.llartlw, 1 Jolm/1 John," Jolm,• .lohn,3 .Tohu,2 Bcujamin) married Dr. Sanford Emery, April S, 1852, in Byron, N. Y. He prac­ tised medicine there for forty years. They arc Baptists. Ho

t. BELU: C. ii. L,\URA. iii. .Au1·ucn.

(174) CAROLINE THWINGS (,Jolm, 1 Jolm,6 ~Jolm,6 John,' Jolm, 3 John/ Benjamin) married Watson Benham, l\Iarch 14, 1844, in Le Roy, N. Y. He was born Aug. 3, 1820, in Byron, N. Y. They live in Le Roy, Children, all born in Le Roy :

1. Cu::1rn:sT, b. June 15, 18•15; cl. there same d::iy. n. ALICE, b. Sept. 26, 18-16; d. there Oct. 23, 1870. iii. Lu.r.rAx, b ••July S, 18-18; rn. Albert ,volcott, Dec. 23, 1~7:2. She was n. school teacher. Chil

v. JEssm Fm::uoxT, h. Au:;. 11, 185G; m. George ,vnsh­ iu~ton Kenny, l\foy :!G. 1875, He was Loru Dec. :!5, lti

(175) CATHARI~E THWING s (John,' John,6 John/' John,◄ Jolm,3 Jolm,' Bc11jamin) married Chauncey Loomis, Feb. 24, 1S58, in .Avon, N. Y. He was uoru Aug. 11, 1814. Children:

1. Jon~ Tuw1xc, b. Dec. 5, 1858. 11. LILLI.\..""-, b. June 10, lSGO.

(17G) ORTON CASH TIIWL.~GS ~John,' John,° Jolm/' Jolm/' Jo!tn,3 Jolm,2 Benjamin) murrieu Eliza.beth En Earl Dix, Sept. 2G, 1867, in Le Roy, N. Y. She was born Feb. 15, 1847, in Le Roy. They live in Le Roy. Children, all born in Le Roy :

1. Jonx, b. ,Tune 21, 18G!J. 11. GEORGE Es EARL, b. Sept. 11, 1872; d. there April 12, 187•1, m. Gr:.\CE LILLIA:-., b. July 30, 187G.

(177) JOSEPHL,E THWINGS (.Jvlm,7 .Jolm,'1 .Juhn/' .Iolm,4 Jo!tn,3 John/ Ben_jamin) married Burr S. Bentley, 1'Iay 23, 1867. Ile lived in Buffalo, N. Y. Child: i. KITTIE IlrxGnA.:u, b ..fan. 1 G, 1873.

(178) ISAAC WAR~'"ERS (Roxy,-: Jolm/' Jo!tn/' Joltn,4 Jolm,3 John/ Benjamin) is a farmer, and a. U ni\"crsalist. Ile married Elizabeth Hcwcs1 Feb. Hi, 184G, in Le Tioy, N. Y. Sf1c was uorn July 23, lSlG, in Lee, X. Y. Chil

:J82. i. .J.\.:mcs Rom~rn, b. ,Juno 2·1, 18,lS, in Le Iloy. :J83. ii. Aucg RoxY. b. Nov. I ,i, 1 S;iO, iu Elun, N. Y. iii. llrnox C1 •• um, I,. l\lny Iii, 18.:i:?. Uc i.s u clerk iu 11 foruiturc store.

(li!>) ?tIARY ANN CLAPP 8 (Lucrctia,7 Jolm,° Juh.n,1" Jolm,' Jtim,3 .Tulm/ Benjamin) married Dwight Lyman, ~lay 1, 183G, in Le Uoy, X. Y. Ile wru; boru NO\". 2G, 1S11, in W et~ersficld, V crmou t. Children :

384. 1. S,\.LLY HonTE."'TJA, b. April 29, 1837, in Le Roy. 385. n. ,v1LLIAlI Si-:nrocn, b. Jan. 9, 1839, in Le Roy. il. 0RYILLlC DwIGDT, b. Sept. 1:J, 18·10, in Bergen, N. Y. He served throughout the late war with J10nor. iv. H.umrnT ELIZ,\.:&ETII, b. July 20 1842, in Bergen. v. lIELlCX Li;cr.ETU, b. J\fay 8, 1844, in Ilergcu. vi. .l\L\RY AnLI~TTE, b. :!\larch 14-, 184G, in Bergen. :JSG. vu. LEOX.\lto Fr.Axers. b. Aug. JG. 18.",l, in Le Roy. Vlll. FAXXY AlrnLI.\, b. Dec. 18, 1s.;2, in Le Roy. l.X. ID,\. ELECT,\, b. .Aug. 8, 1858, in Bergen.

(ISO) COR.i.'IBLIA CLAPPS ( Lucretia," Jo/m,,'1 Jolm,6 Jolm,' Julm,3 Jo/m/ &1jamin) married Da,id Wilber, Dec. 2U, 1840, in Ogden, N. Y. He was born .Jan. 27; 1819, in Bata.vin, N. Y. He died Jan. IS, 1859, in Elba, N. Y. Child: 387. i. 0GDEX A:uAsA, b. l\farch 7, 18·1-1, in Batavia..

(1S1) .A.DELINE OLA.PPS ( Lucretia,' ~Iulm,6 ~Iulm/' Jolm,4 John/' Julm/ BenJamin) married Israel Leonard Hodges, Feb. 26, 1S51, in Elba, N. Y. He was born July 17, 1~20, in Henrietta, X. Y. Children:

1. )L\RY ADELL. b. Oct. 22. 18.jJ. in Bergen, N. Y.; d. ocpt.'--' 1·>-, 1s--:i, -, m. I~• rankf · ort, 1-\.ansas. n. Fto1:A ErG1-:xrn, b. l;cb. :!, IS&;;, in llcrgcn; J. there Sept. :2:?, 185-1. 110 TUE TJIWINO FA1\ULY.

iii. I1tA l\Io:rno1~, b. Oct. 1-1, 18,H, in Le Roy. h·. Em,t.\ EsTgr.r.1~, b. nlal'ch 18, IStiG, in llcrgcn. v. G1WRGI~ L1,:wis, b. l\Iay 8, 18:iS, in Ucrgcn.

(182) A:\I.ASA OGDEN CLAPPS (Lurrctiai' Jolw,U Jolin/ ~To!m,4 ~John,=' ~lulm,' Benjamin) marrier.l, fir:,;t, Elizabeth Ann Stearns, Jan. J, 1 S50, in Danville, Illinois. She was born .July !J, 1831, iu Vermilion Couuty, Illinoi~, no town­ ship organized. She died Sept. 16, 1860, in Urbana, Illinois. He ma.rric

· 1. A:1tASA l!AnYET. b. Sept. 1 !), I 850. in V crmilion Co.; m. :Mary Emily Hess, l\fay 5, 1872, in I>cru, Imliana. She was b. Feb. 22, 18,W, in Ver::.ailles, Iml. Child: Willie. b. Mny 23, 1876, in Peru, Ind.; d. there July 15, 187G. ii. Elr1-:nY D,,p1G11T, b. Jan. 2•t, 18~j2, in U" rbnna; d. tl1crc XoY. 2G, 1852. m. ALYAS En:LYX. b. Oct. 7. 185::l, in l.7rbann; m. l\fary Ann Shicl


(Laura,' JQltn,6 Jolm,6 Jolm/ Jolm,3 ~Ioltn,2 Benjamin) married, first, Lucinda Bannister, Aug. 29, 1844, in Scottsville, N. Y. She was uorn Aug. 20, I 822, in Le Roy, N. Y. She died there Aug. 15, ISG0. He married, second, Frances Thc1·csn. Hull, Sept. 24, 1861, in Bergen, N. Y. She ,~ns born April 25, 1S35, in Bergen. He is a farmer. Children, all born in Le Roy:

:}88. 1. l\fan, EL1?..\, b. l\foy 4, 18,.17 . • ~so. 11. FitAXClS )L\IUO~, b. Jan. l:J, 18-W. EIOTITH GENER,\TION. lll

iii. TnA,;KFCL Cono1u.u, 1,. Oct. 2;j, 18.j:?. n·. A:'iTOIXl~TTE .Jux1~, L. Juuo Hi, 18G3. v. I>Aur., b. Sept. •l, ISGV. vi. BI.A:'iCm~ LtWUA, h. 1\foy 8! 187:J. vii. Co1u G1cACE, b. l\farch 11, 1Si9.

(184) CHAUNCEY GRISWOLD 3 (Laura,1 Jolm," Jo!t.tt,6 .lulm/ Jolut/ Jolm, 2 Br:njami1t) married Samh Vaughan, FcL. 22, I 848, in B.rron, Wi:. She was born C:,:an. 25, 1830, in \Vallingford, Vt. Ile is a farmer, a.nd they a.re llcthodists. Children, all born in Fond du Lac Co., Wis. :

1. JcLius LLOYD, h. Aug. I G, lSJl; d. there Aug. 23, 18.>2. ii. :M.utcEr.LA EuzA, h. April 5. 18.'j:J; m. Elou A. Rector, Sept. 3, 187!1, in O:ikficl

(185) ALMffi.A. GRISWOLD s (Laura/ ~Juhn,' Joint/' Jolm,C Joltn,3 John,' 3enjamin) married Nelson Joseph Ro~s, June 23, 1S47, in Byron, ,Vis. .He was born in Erie County, Pa., a.nd is a. cooper and l\Icthodist. They live at ~ort Dodge, Iowa.. Children, a.II born in Byron:

1. HALSEY WAn..--;En, b . .Aug. 2, 1848. ii. L.\C'R:A Er.E,\.XOit, b. Dec. 21, 1850. iii. AL1c.1-; JosEPllt:XF., b. Oct. S, 1852. 1•:. l\IEirn.x Jcucs, b• .Aug. 17, 1854. v. EFFIE A:uELJA, b. Nov. 18, 185G. vi. C,umrn InEXE. b. ~Inrch 2G, lSiiS. vii. CuAc~CEY OTIS, b. Feb. 29, 1860.

(lSG) ELIZA. JULIA. GRISWOLD 8 ( Laura,1 John," John/ Jolm.;' John,3 Jolm,2 Benjamin) married Lester Bishop, Sept. 2, 1S47, in Byron, '\Vis. He was born Dec. 7, 1 S22, in N cw York. He is a farmer. Children: 1.i 112

1. Er.r.A Lc;cr:-ir>A, b. Au~. 1-1. lS;;Q, in Fond du Lnc, Will'.; d. ,Jnn. :W, 1t;G~, in Sau Fmucii.co, Cul. ii. SAlt,\II E~coGJ~?m, h. ,Tn110 20. l 8,i2, in Oakfie]u, ,vis.; m. J. J>. nn.'IHctt, Jan.;,, 1~75, iu Suntn llnrbnm, Cul. iii. CrrAuNct~Y Gnu~woLD, b. ~·cu. 13, 18;j1, in Fou

(187) ROXY GRISWOLD s (Laura,1 Jo!tn, 1 John/ Jolm," Joltn,S Joltn,' Benjamin) mnrried, first, Lewis Hnync, Dec. S, 184G, in Byron, Wis. Ile was born Nov. 2, 1824, in Sussex Co., New Jersey. Ile died April 2, 1847, in Foncl du Lac Co., \Vis. He wns a uraggist. She married, second, Hinsdale Truman Shcparcl, June 27: 1S49, in Fond du Lac Co. Ile was born Dec. 18, 1817, in Auh111sta, N. Y. Chil­ dren:

i. LEWIS IIATXF.. b. April 30, 1850, in Fond du Lac; d. l\Iay 30, 1853, in Genesee Co., N. Y. ii. CARIW SLEEPER, b. ,July 12, 185G, in Yreka, Cal.; d. there Juno 19, 18,ii. iii. EmLY TILDE.~, b. l\Iarch 3, 1859, in Yreka.; d. thcro Oct. 13, 187:J. h·. ELltF.tt E., b. June 7, 1S61, in Yreka; d. there Nov. 7, 1861. v. ..t\..1'i~A HA n.~ b. Sept. I 9, 1SG3, in Vallejo, Cal.; d. l\Iay 19, 186D, in Yrek~ v1. L•:os GmswoLD, b ••fan. 8, 1SG5, iu Yreb.. vu. HATTIE :E., 1,. July 27, ISG7, in Yreka. vm. llLAXCirn· E., b. July 9, 186!1, in Yreka.

(188) MARTHA WAID."ERS ( Laura,7 John,° Julm, • Jofln,4 Jo!tn," John,' Benjamin) married Alonzo Dcitcs, Oct. 15, 1850, iu Byron, Wi::i. He was born Nov. 12, 1824, in Marbletown, N. Y. He is a· farmer in Fort Dodge, Iowa. l\Iethodists. Their eldest child was born in

Lomira1 Wis., and all the rest in Greenfield, Iowa. Children : EIOUTll GENERATION. 113

i. Enw.um E1.1J,\ll, b. Aug. 9, lSl'H. ii. LEWIS EDSON, b. Dei 12, 18a3; d. tl.tcre June 3, 1854. iii. LAUUA l\!KLISS,\, h. April 3, 18fi.'.i. 1v. Luc,~:~u l\IARl~, b. Aug. so. J8.ii7. v. L1-:w1s ALONZO, b. Sept. 5, 1859. vi. EvA Lucti:TT,\, b. Dec. 10, 1873.

{ 189) JULIUS WARNER s (Laura,' John: .Tolm.' John,• Jolm,' Jolm," Bc11f1min) mo.med 1'-fary Olin. He died Oct. 21, 1863, in Fond d11 Lac, lVis. He was a farmer. Children :

2. W1LLI.Alr JULIUS. ii. Am.ETTA. ill. lf.\.TTIE E.

(190) SILAS WARNER8 (1..rntra,' -Jolm,' Jolm,' Jolm/ John,3 Jolm,'2 Benjamin) married Janet Batchelder, J unc 77 185 7, in Byron, Wis. He was a farmer. Sbe·died Feb. 19, 1866, in Lomira, Wis. He died Aug. 12, 1804, in Morganza, La. Children:

i. NETTIE RoxT, b. l\farch 6, 1860, in Kansas; d. April 11, 1864, in Fond du Lac, Wis. ii.. L,\URA ELlZABF.Tn, b. in January, 1862, in Lomira; d. April 8, 18G4, in Food du Lac. iii. SIL.t..S FB.A...""iK, b. Sept. 20, 18Gi, in Fond du Lac.

(191) HORACE ·THWINGS ( Ford!Jcc,1 Joltn,• Jolm," plolm,4 Jolm,3 .Tolm,'1 Benjamin) is a farmer and a. member of the U nitcd Brethren Church. He serv­ ed as a member of the 38th Wisconsin Volunteers, from August :n, 1864, until the close of the war. He married Harriet Marfa Compton, lfay 15, 1849, in Richmond: Wis. She wa.s born Oct. 20, 1830, in Ripley, N. Y. They live in Whitewater, Wis. Chil­ dren: 114 TIIE TIIWISO F,\::'\IILY.

300. i. SrLAS L\.XTIIUs. b .•June fi, lS;jQ, in 1Vhitcwntcr. 3!>1. ii. Et:DORA l~:u:\for.r.,a:. h. Sept. 10.18;j5. in Dnnkirk, Wis. iii. IDA SAlU:STIJ.\, b. Sept. 17, J 8;j!J. in Dunkirk; m. Ruel ]Was Akerson, Nov. 25. 1880. iu Joh11stowu, \Yis. He w:~ born July 22, 18,jJ, in SltcLoygau, \Vis. He fa u. fanucr.

(102) SOPilL.\ :MARTHA TH,VI~G 8 (Fordycc,7 Jo/ui,a Jo/111,S John.,' ,Julm,3 ,John/ Bcnjmuiu) married David Hawks Warner, Oct. 25, 1846, in Richmond, ,Yis. He was born April 11, 1821, in Batavia, N. Y., and i8 a. farmer. Children:

1. )!,-nox Dc:AXE, b. April 2:J. 18-19, in Richmoncl. 302. 11. YlOLA ~AO:\lr, b. )fay :JI, J8;'j1. in Richmond. iii. Ror D1~s1-:TT, b. Nov. :?:J, ISil-J, in ,v11itc,,·ntcr, Wis. i,·. LILLIAX Lt\·01tA. b. Dec. 1, 1s.;s, in \Vhitcwatcr. ,.. JcLJ.AX l\I.AnTI~Lr.,~ b. 1\fnrcb 18, 18G3, in '''"hitewatcr; d. there Feb. 18, ISGG.

(1!J3) ~A)IANTHA. JAKE TfIWING s (Fordyce,' Juhn,° Jolw/' Jo!tn,4 ~Tulw,3 ~lol,n/ Benjamin) married :Merritt Bishop, Nol". 21, 1S40. He was Lorn inBustcyc.N. Y., April S, 1828. They a.re members of the Wesleyan l\Iethodist Church. He is a. farmer. Children~ all born in Richmond, Wis. :

1. 1V1u.1.Dr, L•• July 2~, 18;,.t ii. OnA c,~r.i-:STI.\, b. No\·. 14, ISG;j. m. ElIERY, b. Feb. 19, ISGS.


(Pordycc,1 Julm,'1 Jolm/ John,◄ .folm,3 Jo!tn/ Benjamin) married Garret Fero, ,fan. 25, 1 S53, in ,Yhitcwa.tcr, Wis. IIc wn.s born )lay I 9, 183 I, in EI!i!;lmrg, X. Y. He is a farmer. Children: EIGilTII GENERATION. 115

::l:J:J. 1. GEORGI~ "r.\SHI.SGTON, b. No,·. 27, 18&3, in Richmoml, 1Vis. ii. IIEn:uox Dt:l•"OREsT, b. ,Tnu. 1 G, 1S1i5, in White"·ntcr. iii. Pr::n:s Hmtrn~·rTg, l,. April 28, 18fi7. in ,v1iitc\rntcr. i,·. E:111ml" Zo1rn,T1m, b. l\Iurcli 28, ISGl, iu 1Yhitcwatcr. v. PnrLETUS Gt1ss.s1n,L, b. June 14, 18GG, in 'Whitewater.

(195) LOVISA. ADELINE THWING 8 (Ford!Jr:e,7 Juhn,6 .lolm/' Joltu,4 John/ Jolm,= Bc111amin) married Eugene Bannister, l\fo.rch 12, 1 S59, in Dunkirk, \Vis. He was born July 7, 1830, in Batavia., N. Y. He is a. farmer. Children:

1. DAZJ~LLE, b. )fay I!>, l SGO, in Richmond, Wis. ii. :l\I1mcr R1-:r.u:,~, b. Dec. 27, lSGI. in Richmond. iii. BERTH.\ ZE·n~LIA, b. l\Iay 23, 1878,iu Whitew~tcr, Wis.

(IOG) El\IERY ZORISTER THWING s (ForJyce,1 John,° John/' John,4 John/ John/ Benjamin) wns a farmer until Octoucr, IS 70, with the exception of three years in the army. He enlisted Aug. 21, 1SG2, in Co. E, 28th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, and was in the battle at llc1cna, .Arkansas, fought July 4t 1863; also thirteen days and nights under fire at the taking of Jfol.;ilc and the works that defcuded it. He was discbargcd nt Brownsville, Texas, in August, 1865. He entered the ministry of the F1·cc )Icthodis-t Church, in October, 1870, and was appointe

1. CHARLES LYLE, b. Nov. 21, ISG7, in Whitewater. ii. ,J CL I.AN .i\t.. L I.s1~~. b.. J:Ln. 21~ 1870. in ,v11itc,vater. iii. Amn~s Lonr.A~ b. Oct. 29. 1872, in Burn~, ,vis. n-·. F1u~K ::\L\1:T1•:J.1•• b. ,June 17, l::!75. in ,vhitcwatcr. Y. Il.AltYEY, l,. Oct. G, l 877, in Platteville, ,vis. 116 TilE Tl:IWlNG F Al\lJLY.

(197) JOHN lrYRO~ TilWINGS (Fordyce,' Jolm,8 Julm: John," John,' Jolm,9 Bwjamin) is n. farmer in Whitewater, Wisconsin. .Ile married Elizabeth Gleason, Nov. 23, 1865, in Richmond, Wisconsin. She was 1,orn ~Iay 12, 1848, in Lima, Wisconsin. Children, all born in Whitewater:

i. WA '\"LAXO Axct::Lo, b. Oct. 19, 1870. ii. RALPH "r,\LDO, b. Dec. 16. 1875. m. CLAY FottDYCE, b. l\fay G, 1880.

(198) D.A.i.~IEL CAllERON s ( Susanna,' Jamcs,8 James/ Jo!tn,4 John,' Jolm,2 Benjamin) is a farmer, and a member of the Methodist Church. He married Betsey Wells. Children :

i. C~\.LISTA. ii. Scs.L"i TnwL"iG. m. LAURA. lV. l\uRY. JULIA. Ti."· Axx. vii. CnESTlXA. viii. Jorrx. ix. CAJSJA. x. G£ORGE.

(199) LOUISA CAl\IERONS (Susanna,' Jamcs,a James,' Jolm,4 Joltn, 3 Jolm,' Benjamin) mar• ried Joseph Turner, Ja.n. 1, 1824. She is a Unh·crsalist. Chil­ dren:

1. E:mtr. u. Onsox. ill. OsMA'!li. n-. ScsAx. '". JuuITII- EIGTITII OENERATION. 117

vi. LOtiIS,\. vii. 0RLASDO. viii. Os::i.mt. ix. LAUit.\. x. C,\NDIS.

(200) ma C.AJ!ERON 8

1 2 ( Susanna1 James,' James,: John,4 Jo!tn,3 Jolm, Benjamin) is a farmer, a. cooper and a. liethodist. He married Rebecca. Pierce, in 1830. Children :

i. CLESSOX. ii. CORXELI(iS. iii. Sn. YESTF.R. iv. STLYE.'-CS. v. KumAI.L. 't'i. As.\.. vii. J.ASOX. 't'iii. . l\!ELVEXA. iL l\L\RIA.

(201) A.J.~DREW JACKSON CA)IERON 8 ( Susannn, 1 James,' James, 6 John,' Jolm/ Julm/ Bcnjnmin) is a farmer and a :Methodist. He married Lucinda Halleck, in April? 1844. Children:

1. A,tA.~DA. 11. ,JA)rF.S. 111. l\fARTitA. n·. LESTER. v. LEOXORA.

(202) ELISHA LILLEY PA.RISH s (Pcrcy,1 James,• James/' John,' Julm,3 Juhu,/ Benjamin) married, first, Sophia. Smith, Jan. 13, 1S32, in Barre, Vt. Sl..tc was born

June 25, 1810, in Orange, Vt. She died April 267 1855, in South Glastenbury, Conn. He mo.rricd, second, .liaria. Holmes, 118 TJTE TJIWTXG F.A:\ITJ.Y.

Jnn. 2, 1 SGG, in JohnBon, Vt. He

1. Eo"·AnD JASPER. b. l\Iarch 13, 1833; went to Califor­ nia. in 1851, ii.ml nfter\\':mls cntcrctl ,valkcr's army, :incl hrui not been heard from i,iuce. ii. NAXCT' ELIZAnETII. b. nfarch 31, 1844, in Darien. N.Y.; m. Charles l\Inrtin, Oct. 11, 18Gl, in Northfielu, Vt. Ho cliccl in the nrmy. She m. second. Frank Butler• .April ;j, 1871, in :New York. Children: One son, who die

( 203) IRENA. )I.A.RIA PA.RISH 8 (Pcrcy, 7 Jamcs, 0 Jamc.i:,3 Jolm," Jolm,,3 Jolrn,2 Benjamin) married Reuben ,vakcficld, Jan. 5, 1S32, in Randolph, Vt. She died Oct. 17, 1854, in Randolph. Children, all born in Randolph:

1. E:.rnLt:sE. b. Sept. 20, 1833; m. there ,Yilliam Rider, l\farch 31, 1851. ii. GEORGE GILFORD, b. l\Iarc11 19, 1838; m • .Augusta l\Iarshall, July 5, 18;:i9, in Stowe, Vt.


(Pcrcy,1 James,° James/' John, ◄ Jolm,' John/ Be11jamin) married .Ann R Shipman, )larch 14, 1839. He died April 12, 1880, in Du:\:bury, Vt. Children:

1. ARABELLA. 11. lIELE...~ s.

(205) SALLY ORILLA. PARISH s (Percy,-: Jame.~/ James,' Jolm,' John,3 John/ Benjamin) married Jcrord Ransom Hunt, Aug. 21, 1844, in Randolph, Vt. She died

Dec. 24, 1874, in Victor, N. Y. Ile was born there )Ia.y 201 1810. He died there Dec. 30, 1872. Children: i. ELLE~ :i\L\RIA. b. Dec. 27, 1845~ in Bloomfield, N. Y.; m. IIcnrv B. Tuttle. Dec. 30. 1862, in Victor. She d. l\fay i7, !SGS, in ·Hastings, .l\Iina. Child: EJGDTII GENERATION. 119

( 1) Charles fl., b. Jnn. 16, 1808, in !IDStings, liinn.; d. there .Aug. 11, 1868. ii. LUCIE Ass. b. Feb. ll, 1847, in Victor: m. Frnok D. Spring, l\fo.rch 1 :J, 18 G7. in Victor. Child: ( 1) Maude Ellen, born Sept. 22, 1873, in Phelps, N. Y.

(206) PERCY PAULINA PARISH 8 (Perc!Jt1 Jame.~,° James/ Jalm," Joltn/ Jalm,' Benjamin) married Jonathan George, Feb. 27, 1838, in Randolph, Vt. She died Nov. 25, I 868, in Stowe, Vt. Children : · i. SARAII ELLE:-., h. Aug. 17, 1839, in Randolph, Vt.; d. there 1\Iarch 13. 1841. ii. Ar.LES PAmsn, b. Oct. 15, 18-10, in Rando1ph; m. Lucy Arthusa. Dyke, 1\Iny 22, l8G5, in Stowe, Vt. iii. Crunu:s W,\RtUXGTOS, b. April 3, 18·13. in Roxbury. Vt.; m. I-fannah Jeaus, April 3, 1867, in ,voods\;Ue, Ohio. l'\". JA:UES TnwrsG, b. Oct. 3, 1S44. in Roxbury; m. Eliza­ beth Bell, Oct. 5, 1869, in Victor, N. Y. v. ROYAL R,\.xso:u, b. Jan. 18, 184G, in Roxbury; m. l\!nry E. Bugbee, Feb. 22, 1870, in Blissfield, llich• .-1. EocAR EoGEXE, b. l\fay 4, 1848, in Roxbury; m. Lydfa Fox, Jan. 5, 1873, in Stowe, Vt.; cl. there Sept. 15, 1877. vii. l\I1Lo, b. Dec. 7, 1849, in Warren, Vt.; m. Fannie Chase, Dec. 7, 1872, in Stowe. viii. PERCIS LORETTE, b. Dec. 24, 1850, in Warren. ix. VICTOR, b. l\Itlrch 18, 1853, in Stowe; d. there Jn.D. 30, 1866. x. Con.A VICTORIA. b . .l\farch 18, 1853, in Stowe. xi. ALJIA. II1-:SDEE, b.• J u]y !ll, 1855. in Stowe; m. Henry F. Riker, Jaa. 30, 1878, in l\fontpelier, Vt. :xii. In,\., b. Oct. 2.;, 1857, in Stowe.

(207) PHILANDER PARISH s ( Pcrcy,1 James,' James," Jolin,' Jolm,3 John/ Benjamin) married Elizabeth J. Lcn.ritt, l!ay 11, 1841, in Brookfield, Vt. He

i. F.nsA Aanu~TA, h•• Juuc :;. H-1-12, in Rnnrlolph, Vt. ii. 8A ttA n bmz:, l>. ,luly 2,1, 18,I G, iu Ilrniutl'Uo, Yt. iii. LuTmm ,v1,:sTwo1t·rn, b. l\foy 2:J, lB•W, iii Rnnclo1ph. iv. E)rnA, h. Sept. 2~. H,;, •. in Rn111lo]ph; m. ,Tohn A. Gnr­ hn.m, ,Jan. 10. 18H2, iii NortlificM. lfo w1LJ.1 burn ,July :?a, Hl•l!J, They livu in \\"cHt Unmlolph, Vt. v. Pmr.J~XA, b. No\·. 7, l 8fi;,. iu R:uulolpla; m. GerHhom Hice Brown. Fch. 22, 1882, iu Northficlil. Ho was Lom in 1856. They lh·o in Stowe. ,.-i. Et.tsJIA, h. Oct. l ::?. 1857, in J~mdolph.

(20S) PIIILENA PARISH s ( Percy,' .Tmnc.,/1 Jame.,,' Jolw," Jolm,3 .lolm,~ Benjamin) married William IIunt, April 20, 1847, in Victor, X. Y. Ile wn.s born there lfo.rch G, 1S20, and died there )fay lG, lSGl. Chilclrcn:

i. Pimcr Lours I•!, b. April •l. 18-19. in Victor; m. Winficltl Scott \Vooclin. Oct. 18, 1878, in Rochester. N. Y. ii. JosRPIIIXt: F1axc1~s, h. Feb. :2:?. 1851. in Victor; m. Dwight Boughton, Feb. 21, 187:?, in Victor. iii. BEssrn Conx1~LIA, L. Sept. 23, 18,j:?, in }~a.st Mendon, N. Y. iv. CAmur,; lnExA, b. Aug. 1 G, 1s.;-1. in East 1\Icnclon. v. E)DtA Ai.IDA. b. Sept. 1-t-, 18,jG, in East l\lcnclon; m. John ,villa.rd ,vatkins, April 7, 1880, in Phelps, N. Y.

(20!1) ISA.AC P .ARISH s (Percy,' Jame!~/ Jame.,;/ Joltn,4 Jo!tnl Jolm/ Benjamin) married Elvira Philossa :\Tann, :lfarch 21, 1S4S, in Randolph, Vt. She was born there FcL. 8, 1825. They live in :Miller's Corners, N. Y. Their eldest child was born in Randolph, all the rest in Braintree, Vt. Children:

1. NATIU-"', b. Sept. HI, 1s:;o. ii. ROLL.,\. CLt~TO:-i, b. June 28. 1855. m. WALDO GEORGE, b. .April 2G, 1s.;,. hy. Annm l\L\Y~ b. Nov. IG, 18.'i!J. v. DonA Louis1~, b. Nov. 5, 18G2. JCIOHTH UF.NI~ltA'flO~. 121

(210) LUCY PARIRfI 8

( Perr!}/ Jamr,,,,U James, D Ju/111,;' Jolm/ Julm.,"' ,TJcnjamin) ma.rricd Lorenzo Dow Hcndly, lfay :!3, 1852. He wa~ born No•;. G, 1818, in Limn, N. Y. Children:

1. Au.1-:x Lo1rnszo. b. nforch rn, 1 s:;3, in l\fonclou, N. Y.; m. Currio 1\IcFarln.ud, .Jnu. 1, l 87~, in l\Icudon. ii. A1.z1xA PAJt1sn, h. l\farch 1 n. 185:J, in 1\Icnclon. iii. JLiI,JA BTT,\, h. Sept. :JO. 18.'.>.J, iu l\Icn

(211) ,vrLLIAl\I BAR.i.~EY PA.RIS[IS (Pcrt·y,7 Jwncs, 11 James/' Julm,4 Jo!tn/' .lolm/ Bc11jami11,) married Phebe Gregg, lfay 28, l S53, in Stowe, Vt. She was born April 11, 1834, in ,v aterbury, ,Vt. Child: 1. Fmmom I-IE1mE1.T. b. July 30, ISGO, in ,vnterbury; J. there Jan. 29, 18G4.


( Jos!t1m,7 Ja,nc.'1,° James/' John," Jolin,3 Jolm/1 Benjamin) was born in Topsham, Vt. Ee aftcrw·a.rds li,·ed in Newbury, Vt. He graduated at Kimbn.11 Academy, :Meriden~ N. II., in 1S33, having Leen there two ye ,. Ile then stutlicd at the U nh·crsity of V crmont two years. lli:, theological com·sc was pursued under Bishop Hopkins, in whose school he taught meanwhile, and by whom he was admitted to the dfo.conatc at Burlington on August 21, 183G, and :u.lvancc

(213) JUDITH FRENCH THWINGB ( Joslma,7 James/ James/' Joh.n/.Jolm,3 Jolin,' Benjamin) married

Joseph Judson Brooks1 Aug. 22, 1838, of Salem, Ohio. He was born April 28, 1 SOS, in )Iontpclicr, Vt. She died Dec. 12 1 1860.

He died :March 2G 1 1SG2. Children:

1. LEOXORA AuGt,sT,\., b. ,Juno H-. 183!). 11. .J osm'.:A Tuwnw, b. Oct. 27, 18·JO. iii. An,\. LcxETn:, b. 1'farch 31, IS•l•l. iv. .JosEl'II .J-coso,., b. :Nov. 2J, 18-Vi.

,,.. EF1t~11•: .A...~xt~TTl~, ll. No,·. 2 4 1, 18-17. v1. ELLA l\L\!-iETTI~, b. Dec. •1. 1849. Yll. l\L\ltY AxxA, b. May 8, 1852; d. in 1853. Eo,•tARD 31ELAXCTUOX, b. Sept. 2:J, 1858.

(214) JOHN CARPENTER THWING s ( Joltn,7 James,° James,"' Jo!tn/ Jo!tn,3 Jolin/ Benjamin) married

Almctla. Ilitt1 .Jan. 14, 1841, in Honesdale, Pa. He·wa.s killed by the Lurstiag t ~ ~ steam engine Sept. 22~ 185.i., in Natchitoches~


Lo.. Sho wn.s born Dec. 11, 1814, in Colchester, N. Y. His family lh·cs in Willoughby, Ohio. Children:

i. 8AIUII CATUAltINI•:, 1,. Nov. 2G, 18,U, in IIoncRtlulo. ii. Jonx 01.rv1m. b. Sept. ~11. 18,tG. in Thomu.i.;villo, Ga.; d .•l unc ::H~ ] 8~ja, ill ,vmou~hhy. iii. L~\Clt,\ At~:\tl~DA, h. l\In.rc11 2n, 18no. in Thomn.Hvi11o; m. Eclwiu Lyma11 ,v1iiw, Xuv. 17.1870. in ,vmoughby. Ile was horn there 1\Iarch 2, I 8:J:l. Child: (I) Jolm Edwin, b. Jnn. 7, 1871. iv. ?tLutY ELIZ,\Jmur, b. l\Inrch I, 185:J, in Thomwiville.

(215) CHRISTINA THWINGS (.fulm,,1 Jame.,," Jamc.11,6 Jolm,4 Jolm,'J Jo!,n,' Benjamin) married Royal Charles Gale, Dec. 5, 1830, in Barre, Yt. Ho was born l\foy 28, 1815, in Barre. She died there ~fay 4, 187G. Ile

30,l. 1. Ar.!\rtm,\ Tn,"·:r.,;o, b. l\forch l •1, 1843. 39;;. ii. L.\CltA ELCl~:-.01:. b. Sept. ,!, HH5. 3VG. 111. SAit,\U Lov1sA, b. Sept. 7, 18,18.

( ,Tolm,7 James,° Jame.~/ Jolm,,4 John/' Jo!tn, 2 Bc11jamin) is a. cooper and lives in Barre, Vt. He marric

~!17. i. LGTrllmA BASSETT, b. Oct. 7. 1847. ~!18. ii. Ai;,mmT WILLJAlJ, b. nfarch IS, 18,iO. 111. C1-:LJA ADELLA. b. Aug. 12. 18;'>3; m. Edward l\fartin Scott, )fay 2:J. I S,tl. in Barre. Uc was born l\Iay 9, l 8,j3, in \\·atcrbury, Vt. 1v. H1-:u1m JAlrns. b. Sept. 22. JS;",;,. v. Ans Trn-:m:SA, 1, • •July 1 G, l 8fi I. v1. CLI:-.To:,; EowAtm, b. Dec. l ,, l tiG3. 124 TllE TffiVINO FAllILY.

(217) HORACE SAWIN s (Polly,7 John,6 Jamc.'f,' Joltn,'4 Jo!tn/' John," Benjamin) married, first, Elvira Burnett, July 28, 1839, in Munson, Ohio. She wns born Jan. 28, 1S17. in Warwick, l\fo.ss. She died !.foy 28, 1875,. in Jordan, Wis. He married, second, Roxana. :M. Cutter, Oct. 10, 1877, in Stoughton, Wis. Children: 1. WILLI.ut AnIJAII. b. July 9, 18·10, in Munson, Ohio; d. Oct. 2;'.;, lSG-1. in Fort Burwic, La. I-Io was a. member of Co. I, lleary .Artillery. ii. CALISTA ELIZA, b. Sept. HI, 18-12, in Munson; m. Wil­ liam Trotter, in :Munroe, ,Vis. ili. HARLOW lloR.ACE, b. July 14, 18·16, in l\Iunson; m. Chloe Amn.nd:i. Stilson, June 8, 1873. iv. CnESTER Cr.OCKER, b. June l~j, 18-18, in )Iunson. v. SELDEN SYLVENns, b. Aug. 27, 1850, in ,varren, Ill. vi. D\\~IGilT Di-:VOLSO'.S', b. Sept. 17. 1854, in Jordan, ,vis. vii. N1-:'l"TOS' EuGES"E, b. :l\fay 18, 1857, in Jordan. viii. l\lATILDA Etvm.\., b. July 14. 18[.9, in .lorclan. u:. J,\..'\E ELLE..~, b. Aug. 10, 1862, in Jordan.

(218) CATHARINE WOODWORTHS (Hannah,1 Jolm,6 Jamis," Jolzn,' Jolln,3 Jo!tn,' Benjamin) married, first, Chester Adrastus .Adams, Ang. 27, 1 S40. in Suffield, Conn. Hew~ born l\Ia.y 11, 1816, and died Feb. 3, 1866. She mar­ ried, second, George Burbank, of W arrcn, ~fass., March 16, 1873. He died in Sept. 1875. Iler address is cure of her son, Clifford Burdett. Children :

i. EvF.RETT 1-lCRD, b. April 7, 18•1-1; d. :May 22. 18-14. ii. JcLIA SornIA, b. Sept. 2, 1845; d. in October, 1s-1ri. 399. iii. CLIFFORD BURDETT, b•• fan. 8, 18;';0. h·. CATIIARI:n;·Anr-:LT•. \, b. 1-"I::i.rch 10. 1852. v. l\IA1tSUALI. JEWELL~ b. Xo,·. 6, 1SG4.



(Luther,7 Joltn,• Jame.,/' John,4 Jah'll,/ John,2 Be11Jr111ii11) wo.s one of tile ca.rlicst settlers in Fond du Lac Countyt Wisconsin~ anu lived in .A.Ito and Waupun from the fall of 1845, until 1872. He now li\"cs in Pohcta., Kansas. Ile 110.s always been engaged in forming, and has hold numerous local offices, but has never taken n. very active part in politics. They an Methodists. Ho married Nancy Caroline Babcock, Aug. 11, li:!45, in Alto. She was born July 26, 1829, in Chardon, Ohio. Address, Poheta, Kansas. Children, all born in Alto, Wis. : . 400. ]. .JA:.ms LuTmm, b .•July 4, 18·17 . 401. u. CLAUA Avi,:r.u. b. 1\farch 2G, 1851. 402. iii. Eva Eownu, b. Sept. 1. 185::l. iv. IDA 1':LtZA, b. April 29, 1858; d. there Nov. 1 G, JS;j!J. .... ADDIE I1rn~rn. b. March 10, 1861: m. Edw:ml A. Gil- lum ••Ju]v 2G; I88t, in l>ohcta., Kansas. Ho was horn Feb. :l, ·1857, in Tu.zewcll Co., III. Chikl, Lorn in­ Poheta: (l) Gcrlic lrcne, b. July 11, 1883. vi. L~~\. STELLA, b. No\-·. 2!), 1865.

(220) JAMES THWL.~G s

6 (Luthcr,1 Jolm 1 ~Iame.r;/' ·~Tolm/ Jolm,3 tlohn,~ Benjamin.) is a farmer and mechanic in Chardon, Ohio. Ile has held the posi­ tion of tow1iship trustee sc'"cral terms, and has been clerk of bis school district for twenty-lh·e yea.rs. He married Sarah A.nu· Newell, Nov. S, 1S52, in Chardon. She was born lln.y 3, 1 S31, in Genoa, N. Y. Address, Box GG, Chardon, Ohio. Children, all born in Ch;irdon :

i. EL CERT JAlrns. b. Dec. 5~ 1853. Uc i.; :i farmer, me• cha.nic and school teacher. ii. ELLEX D1-: ETTE, b. April 1 I, 18.:iG. 12G 'J'Jfl<; THWJNO 1'"A;\rrI.Y.

(:.?2 l) MYHON TII\VING s

(Lutl,u,1 ,To/111,° ,lit.me.•/ ,lolm,' Jo/111,/ ,fol,n,° Bc11.jami11,) WO.H o. fu.rmct· ia Chardon, Ohio. Ho murricu, fit•~t, Harriot Mcli~sa Newell, in ~foy, 185•1, iu Chardon. Sho wus 1'orn there ,July 7, 1833, and uictl thoro .Au~. 2, 1 SG 1. !Io rnnr1·icd, soconu, Ma.ry Ilntcs, July 4, 1868, in Churdon. She wns born there April IO, 1837. He

(222) SOPHIA TII\VING s ( Lut/1cr,7 John,° Jame.~,° ,lolttt,' John,3 ,lolm, 2 BcnJnmilt) mar1·icd .Jason ALbot, Sept. 18, 185G. 'rhcy arc l\Ictliodist.-1, aad he is a farmer. She was qua.lilied to become a teacher. Ile was born

Aug. 22, 18187 in Stockbri

(223) NELSON TllWL~G s (Luther/ .Io!tn,° Jamc.v," Joltn,4 .Jo!tn,3 ,Jolm,' BenJamin) 11::ts a farm of two hunurctl an

i. Cr.AltEXCE DE.\.~, b. April 21. ISGI, in Alto, Wis. ii. Io.\ Coma:, b. ~fay :W. 1863, in l\farccllon;


(224) ORSON ORRELL THWING 8 (Lutl,er,1 Jolm,° James," Jolin,' Jolm,3 Jolm,2 Br:n.Jamin) wn.s o. physician. He attended the district school, as he wo.s brought up on a. farm. He went to Wisconsin, where he taught school sc,,cral terms, a.nd then studied medicine in .Akron, Ohio, with Dr. Bo.rtges, and practised there. He nfterwn.rds moved with hls wife a.nd child to Martinsville, Indiana, where he died Mny 5, 1874. He married, tlrst, Mary Ja.no Hall, in. Oct. 1864, in New Philadelphia, Ohio. She wa.s born Dec. 11, 1838. She died Feb. 23, I 869, in Martinsville, of consumption. He mar­ ried, second, Nancy Hall, sister of his first wife, :Ma.y 29, 1873. She was born l\Ia.y 27, 1834. His wife's address is Greenco.stle, Indiana.. Children:

1. ORSON ORRELL, b. Sept. 10, 1865, in New Philadelphia.. ii. I:Lumr HALL, b. Jnn. 80, 1869, in l\I.a.rtinsville, Ind.

(225) ELIZA THWING a ( Luihcr," John,' James," John,4 Jolm,3 John, 2 Benjamin) married Henry Jamin Robbins, Oct. 23, 1872. He was born .March 15, 1825, in Euclid, Ohio. He is a carpenter in Wauseon, Ohio. He served in the army during the late war. She went to the district school, and then a select school in Chardon, Ohio, receiving a. certificate qualifying her to teach. After her father's death she lh-ed with her sister, Sophia, until her marriage. Children:

i. ltL\y HETTIE, b. Oct. S, 1873. ii. Cos1E JUNE, b. Dec. 12, 1875.

(226) :MARCUS THWING s ( Calcin,' Jolm,' James," John,' John," Jolm,,2 Benjamin) worked on bis father's farm, and went to a. common school, until he became of age, when he worked out as a fa.rm hand for four 17 128 TITE TJtWINO :PA:\tlLY. yea.rs, then mnrriell nnd moved to Walworth County, Wif.won­ sin, whcro they lived uuout a. ycnr. He then mo\'cd to Pont.I du Lnc County, Wisconsin, nml bought a. fa.rm uenr \Vuupuu, living there until 1SGG, when ho mo\·od to Cn.ldwcll County, :Missouri, stn.ying there through tho Hpring and summer nnd in tho fu.11 rcmo 1:cd to Gnrdcn, Boone County, Iowa. Soon n.rter, his four children hnd typhoid fc\·cr, o.ntl ho lost his two sons, Myron and Mark. Ho bccnmc n. member or the Congrcgntionnl Church two yea.rs nftcr his wife's den.th, nntl continued o. w11.rm adherent until his


( Calrin,;1 Jo!tn/J Jamc~,r. .Jolt'fl;' ·.Jolm,3 Jolrn,: Benjamin) married Nelson Beebe, Jan. 28, 1849. He was born April 4, 1821, and died Oct. 9, 1866. She died _Oct. 12, 1812. Children:

i. AL,10,\RD DF. W1TT. b. Nov. 14, 1849. 11. G1-:01m1-: CALYIX, b. Juue IG, 1857.

(228) NANCY TH\VING s ( Calt:i11,,' Joltn,' James,• John,' Jolm,3 Jolm,2 Benjamin) married Simon Pickering, Jan. 13, 1858. He was born Jn.n. 13, 1823, and died :May 28, 1875. She lh·cs in Lo Roy, ,Vis. Children: EIOUTJI OENEUATION. 120

i. JA,ms Pnu.o, b. Oct. 21, 18u8. ii. l\IAltY .r AN1,, b. l\Inrc11 15, l 8GO. iii. 1~1.NOHA I1rnN1~, b. Feb. 4, 18G2. iv. Eu.1~N ANN, b. Juno 20, 18G7.

(220) BETSEY THWING s ( Cnlt:in,' ,lulm/1 Ji.ime.,,• Jolm,' Jolm,3 Jolm/ Btnjamin) married, first, Henry Rathburn, NO\'. 15, 1848. Ilo was born April 19, 18 I 9, in Berlin, N. Y. He died Oct. 13, 1872. Sho married, second, John. Cook, Feb. 2, 1876. He wns horn in 1818 in New Jersey. .Address, ca.re Myron G. Miller, Arbela, Mich. Children:

1. V.ALrmm H,\NXAII, b. Sept. 21, 18·19; m. Clark Powell, Sept. 7, 1867. ii. VIOLA, b. Dec. 2!.I, I8[i0; d. 1\fay 13, 1853. iii. LoTTm l\fantA, h. Oct. 4, 185,1; d. Sept. 6, 1~72. iv. IDA, b.• Juno 21, 1857; m. Jay L. Newberry, July 4, 1875. v. C~\.nnrn, b. Aug." 29, 1860. vi. ADA, b. Dec. 2!.I, lSGl; d. Jan. 20, 1873. vii. I-IAmtY, b. June 3, 18G3; d. Aug. 1, 18il. viii. L1LLJ.A. .N, b. l\Iay 13, 1868. ix. KATE, b. Feb. 7, 1871; d. March 30, 1871.

(230) ALVffiA. THWING s ( Caldn,1 Jolm,° James/> ,Tolm/' Jolm,3 John/ Benjamin) married Willia.m Wa

1, ,vll.LrAll Sr.w,um, b. Jan. Ci, ISGO. ii. J1).A ..:\01-:r.,11•:, b. J11nc 18, ISGl. Hi~ l\l,\lttrJ r.A B1-:1:Tr1-~, t, .•T:iu. 28, 1SG-1. iv. Jos1,u1;b. Sept. IG, 18G~. v. .F1mvi::mcK HOWARD, b. Jan. 22, lSGO.

(231) .T.A.1.~E 'fJIWING s ( C,i/L"in,7 ~Jo!,n/ ,lmncs/' Jo/111/ ~Jolm/ .John/ Benjamin) mnrricd ~Iyron Graves )Iiller, July 7, 1850. Ile was born Feb. 26, 130 TIIE TllWING J!'Al!ILY.

1830, in New York. She died Ma.rch 21, 1860. Address, Arbela, 1\Iich. Children :

i. ELIZA JANF.., b. Sept. 12, 1851; m. W. L. Ront, of Ba.y City, Mich., Aug. 22, 1877. Hna n girl born June 8, 1878, and who died snme day. ii. HORACE ADELBERT, b. Oct. 22, 1858. iii. l\Ino~ ILu.n:enT, b. March 20, 1860; d. May 1, 1862.


1 ( Calci:n1 Jolm," Jamcs,6 Joltn,4 John,~ Jolm,,2 Benjamin) was born about three miles from Chardon, Ohio, where he lived until 1850, remaining with his mother after his father's death; then he went to ,visconsin with his eldest brother, working by the month o_n. a farm n. greater part of the time for two yea.rs. His mother followed him two years after, n.nd bought a farm in Le Roy, Dodge County, Wisconsin, where he worked for four years, exchanging it for another farm in Oakfield, Wisconsin, living there twelve yea.rs, and then removed to n. farm' ·which they hnd·purchn.sed about four miles from Boone, Iowa, ;vhere be now lives. His mother lived with him until 1878, when she went to live with her daughter, :Mrs. Pickering, in Wisconsin. He bas . had ::t. common school education only, and his occupation has always been that of a farmer. He married Mary .Alice Humph­ rey, Dec. 31, 1876, in New Philadelphia, Ohio. She was born Jan. 1, 1849, near New Philadelphia, 0. Children, born in Boone, Iowa :

1. Wnnu:rt ).IA.itcus, b. Nov. 6, 1877. 11. ELIZABETH HtilIPnnEY, b. Feb. 21, 1879.

(233) MARY TH~JNGS ( Calrin,'1 Jolm," James," John,' Joltn,3 John,' Benjamin) married Fletcher Bra.ford, June 1, 1856, in Le Roy, Wisconsin. He was born Aug. 19, 1827, in Sterling, N. Y. He enli~tcd in 1862, :l.S a priYatc in Co. F, 21st Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, and was wounded at tbe battle of Paverill~ Kentucky. Chil

i. AD.\ ELIZ,\, b. June 5, 18fii, in Friendship, Wis. ii. CALVIN Tn~o, b. l\fareb 31, 18fH), in Friendship. iii. Ron&RT EL!IIER, b. Juno 17, ISGl, in Friendship. 1v. ,v1LlWT CARL, b. Sept. 29, 18G3, in Byron, Wis.; d. there Sept. 25, 18G5. v. CuARLES FnEDEitICK, b. l\Iny 5, 18G9, in Elysian, l\Iinn. vi. ALIC£ l\lA.RGARET, b. April 8, 18ii, in Elysian.

(234) WILLIAM HENRY THWINGS ( Calvin,7 Jolm,,' James,6 Joftn,' Jolm,3 Jolm,' Benjamin) is a farmer in Fairchild, Wisconsin. He married Alice Cordelia Rice, Jan. 2!>, 1SG5. She was born l\Iay 21, 1847. Child:

i. ALYARD Lnu.N, b. April 30, 1878.

(235) HORACE STEBBINSS (Ruth.,1 John,' James/' John,' Jo!tn/' John,"' Benjamin) married Lucia Ann Jennett Corscr, lfay 21, 18~3, in Connecticut, and mO\-·cd to Ohio immediately. She was born June 23, 1S28, in Vermont. Children:

L FLAVEL WARD, b. l\fay 12, 1845, in Hampden, Ohio, and died Oct. 19, 1865, after seven months of army life. ii. HolIER CLARK, b. Oct. 23, 1847, in Claridon. Ohio. iii. ELLE..~ JESXETT, b. l\farch G, 1852, in Claridon. iv. DWIGIIT HORACE: b. July S, 1863, in Hampden; d. there Aug. 25, 1865.

(236) HA..i.~N.A.H HALE STEBBINS 8 ( Rut!t,1 John/ James; Jolm,' Jolin/ John,2 Benjamin) married Samuel :Marsh, Oct. 12, 1842. Children :

1. ElDCA LOUISA, b. Nov. 1, 1843; m. Consider B. Carter, Jan. 24, 1865. ii. DELI,\. ELIZABETH, b ••Tuly 4, 1846; d. l\forch I, 18.54. iii. HortACt•: STEBlu~s! b. No\·. !"I. lS,19;

(23i) CElIA.NTHA STEBBINS s ( Rut/,,1 Julut/ Jm1tc.11/ .Jo!tn,4 Julm,3 Joint/ Bc11jllmin) mnrriod

William Alexander Ingham, Nov. 147 1843. Sha died Sept. 247

1 S50. He was born J unc 237 1823. Cbil

(238) SARAH LOUISA STEBBINSS · ( Rut!t,' .Jo!tn,° James/ .John/ Jolm,3 Jolm/ Benjamin) married Robert Trent, in 1851. Children:

1. A1.1cE LomsA, b. Sept. 2i, 18.:il. 11. .Jonx IIEnEn, b.,Tuuc 2i, 18.:i:J; m.A.lice June Schneider, Jforch IG, 187.:i. , iii. EDJTII l\LutH.LA, b. Sept. 18, 185•1; m. Chauncey Mor• timer Latimer. Sept. i, 187 5. iv. LINDA RuTn, b. l\farch 30, 1S5i. v. BEnTHA CE:11A:STIIA, b. Oct. 26, 1859. Vl. ,vALTElt BEARD, b. Oct. 25, 18G2.

( 23!J) EUNICE T HWING s (Joltn,1 Jolm,° James,"' John/ John,' Juhn,' Benjamin) married William Henry Harrison. Children :

1. FREDERICK ,VILLIAll, b.. July 23, 1853. iL FRAXK F., b. Aug. 2!.l, IS;i6. iii. 1♦:v,,· AI;D 1~., L. J au. 11, 1862.

(240) IRWIN T-¥J:WL'\1"G s (.folm,1 Joltn/ Jmnc.~/' .Tohn,4 John/ Jolm/ Benjamin) married Elccta :\fariu Hine~ )farch21, 1S51. Bcisuformcrin Chardon, Ohio. She was born 1-'ch. 27, 1832. · Children: EIOTITII GENERATION. 133

i. ,vu.us Etr, b. Nov. 21, 1sr,2; m. Ann Eli1:n Kito. Dec. 1,;. J 8i'i. No cbihlrcu. Ho li\'cs ut Chc11ter CrusH UonJH, Ohio. ii. L1,::U,\:S I1tWIN' t b. l\foy 17' ] 8!i5. iii. Er.Dmm L1m1mni~T, b. July G, l8GO.

(241) ROLEN TBWING s ( Jolm,1 Jolm,,6 James,' Jolm," Jolm,3 Jolm, 2 Benjamin) married Lorinda Hine. Ho enlisted in the 9th Ohio Battery, and died in Tennessee, i\farch 30, 1863. Children: i. FRA~crs 1\L\mox, b. in Aug. 1859. ii. Co::-.moooRE E1.10T, b. in .April~ I SGl.

(242) RUFUS THWJNGS ( David,1 John.• Jamrs,6 Jolm,' John,3 John/ Benjamin) was a physician, a.nd after his marriage mo\"cd from place to place until be finally settled in Wisconsin. He met with losses, and at ~he time or his death the family were very poor. He sc1·ved in the army during the war. He was a. Univcrsalist. He was drowned in Fox Ri¥cr, Wisconsin, April 29, 1866, the ri-rcr being l'ery high at the time, while crossing it with liis family in a small bon.t which was upset, his family being rescued by others. Ile ma.rric

40-1. 1. LILT.JAX EDXAU, b. April 27, 18.j;i, in Hampden, Ohio. u. IlEXRY ALsox, b. '.Murch 3, 1857, in Toledo, Iowa: d. Dec. 23, 1864, iu Buffalo, Wis. iii. FRA..'\'KLI~ RuFr:s, b. l\farch 17, 1860, in l\Iunson, Ohio; d. there l\Iarch 21, 1860• . iv. Jonx ELln:R, b. April 24, 1SG2, in Chardon, Ohio; d. same day. v. WILL.\lIETT ETIJELBERT, b. July 4, 1SG5, in Buffalo, 'Wis. 134 T1lE THWING FAMILY.

(2·1:l) HENRY TIIWING R (D,rni,l, 1 ,lamc.",0 ,lolm," ,lulm/ ,TtJ/m,"' ,Tulm,• Bcnjttmi11,) married Mrs, Sophia Gcru.ly Col. Beaty. Ho was tu.ken :iick and was dischu.rgcd Aug. 30, 18G I, Lut re-enlisted Aug. 30, 1 SG2, before he lm

collorsvillc whcro 110 could sec tho smoko of unttlo nnd hcnr tho cannon. Tho next moming (lfay 2cJ) he Rta.rtoiJ l'or tho ba.ttlo• flclu, crossed tho rivet• about 2 P. )I., nnd met tho rcgimonto.1 Hospital Steward in chnrgo of n train or nmlrnla.nces with wounded, u.nd inquired of him wl1cro his 1·egimc11t lay, uut instca.

( l)m•i,I,' Jolw,• .l,m,r.1t, 11 .l,dm,• .f,,/m,'1' .folm.• llc11j,1.min) mo.rricd Cnlviu Buker, Nov. l 0, l 807. Ho wo.s l>orn Oct. 20, 1810. They li\·o iu ~o.rn.na.c, Michigo.n. Chilu1·on: i. A1,rcK S,11•urA, lJ. Doc. Jfl, 1HfiH. ii, ,vu,1,IA:ll 1•:1.1.,nVOlt'rll, b. I•·uh. 1a, 18GL iii. CA 1rn rn l•:1,,.·rn. b. April •I, I 8fi:J. iv. '1'1rnoho1m Auno·rT, b. ,fan. :rn. 1MG7. v. Hv.snv C,uvis, b. Aug. HS, HHi!l; d. Jn.n, 7, 1810, vi. 1\h1rrrn l\lAinA, b. Supt, 18, 1871, vii. C1.111To.s STt~w.ut·r, b. Doc. 17, Hl7~.

(!!-Hi) RUTH 'rlIW'ING 8

( Dm•id,' ,/,,/111, 11 .l,unr:.11/ .ftJ/111 ,4 -'/iJ/m,3 Jolm ,' Bcnjmni11,) ma.r­ ric

i. ttL\llltl. n1~ATIUC1~, b. Aug. 19, 1878.


( Priscu,1 Jolin.,° Jmtt.cs, 1 .lo!m,◄ Jo!tn,'J .lofm,/ Benjamin) mar­ ried Julia Ann Ilodgc1·s, April 21, 1853. 'fhcy lh·c in Butler, 1\1 ich. Chihkcn : .

i. G1~0UGJ.'l A., b. Sept. 20, 1855; d. Oct. 6~ 1862. ii. .ALtrnttT, l,. i\fa1·ch •1, H:S;3 7. iii. l•'tt.\~K, b. :\fo.y ::.?8, lSG-1.

(2·1i) IlIRA:\I BURBAX.K s

( Pri.~ca, 1 .Tolm,• Jame."', a John/ Jo!11t, 3 Jolm ,' Bc11Jami11,) mar­ rietl, first, .Melissa Stile~ in 1SG I; she died. iu November, l SU:.?. :Married, second, Lncin

j. Fm::o S., b. July 26, ltiG:?. 138 TTIF, TIDVINO FAMILY.

(~4R) OSCAR JOHN BURBANK s (Pri.,cn.,1 Jolw, 0 .T,,mr..'l/ .lo/111,' .To/111/ Jolm,' Br.ujami1t) mnrricu Mutil

(249) CLARISSA PRISCA BURBANK s ( Prisca,7 John/ Jamt:.'r/' Jahn,' John/' John,g Benjamin) married, first, Orren D. Curtis, March 21, 1S5G; second, Henry F. Post, Nov. 2i, 1865. Children:

i. '\VILLIS D., b. l\foy 15, 18:.rn; d. Jnn. 3, 1875. ii. !\L\JtY E., b. Oct. 11, 186G. iii. FREDERICK o.~ b. Jan. 1, 1860. iv. l\Irno~ Lucrns, b. Feb. 13, lSi,1. v. DYitox Li-:w1s, b. Fob. 13, 18i-!.

(250) ,vrLLIAM .ARTHUR THWING 8 ( Sila.11, 1 Jolm,6 .Jamr.s,6 .lrJlm,' Jolm,3 Jolm/1 Benjamin) married Lucy Clark, Fcu. 20, 185G. She was born Dec. S, 1832. They live in Clo.ytou, \V isconsin. Children:

1. l\IARTRA Axs-, b. Nov. 20, 1857. ii. E1.su: EDA, b. :\farch [}, 18;j!J;


7 0 6 ( Silas, ,Jolin, James, .Io!m,' ,Iolm, :1 .Toltn,' BenJamin) married Ja.mcs Ila.1·kcr, Sept. 20, 1 SG3. He was horn Dec. 4, 1 S40. They Ih·c ill .Arg-ylc, Wi;:;consin. Children: EIGJITn OENERATION. 130

i. ,T.ums l\I1~LVIN, b. :i\Iny Gt 18G4. H. Rom:nT D1n.os, b. ,Juno !J, 18Gl1. iii. ,h:s:m S1•nAou1-:, b. Aug. 10, 18G8. iv. Con.\. Lou1::1A, b• .Aug. 17, 1870. v. Fm-:01mtcK LA w1t1rsc1~, b. ,Tau. J 2, 1877.

(252) JANE AURELIA THW'ING ~ (R11Ji1.,,1 Jolw.,° Jame.,," ,lolm,' Jolm, 3 ,lulm,' Bc:1jmnin) married George Wa.shington Lilly, Oct. 27, 1801. Ile wns born Jan. 29, 1826. They lh·c in \Vilurn.ha.m, :Mnss. Chil

(253) JAMES TIIWING IIALE s (L01.,•ina, 1 Julm,° Jamr,s,6 Joint,' Julm,3 John', B,.mjamin) married Alice Buchner, May 16, 1876. She was born in Canada in 1845. ,vhen be was about twenty-three years old, he entered the employ of Chapin & Collins, wl.10 had a large saw-mill in Somr.'!'s, Conn., and, after working there six months, he took entire charge. Chapin sold out, but he remained tuerc until the spring of 1861, when he removed to the state of New York, and worked in various places until the fall of the same year, when he enlisted in what he supposed to be a company of sharpshooters, to be attached to the Eagle B1·igac1e, about to be raised by Gen. G . .A. Scroggs. His company was to be raisecl hy Joshua Lee. Neither company, regiment nor brigade were raised, but he and his fellow soldiers were sold to Charles E. ~Ior::ic, who comrnantlc

Casey. They stnid in Wnshington two or three weeks, nnd then went to A)cxnndrin and took n steamer for Fortress Mon- 1·oc, nncl there joined Gen. Mc01cllnn in his Yirgi11in campaign. They were onJcrccJ to nsl'li:3t in the siege of Yorktown, Va., and then to take part iu the battle of \Villiamsburg, but reached there just in time to see the enemy lca.l·ing town. They took part in the battles of Bottom Bridge, Fair Onks or Sc\·cn Pines, ,vhitc Oak S\\~arnp, and in almost all the battles n.ntl skirmishes which occurred in Virginia, in I 862. \Vhen the rctrcnt occurred they went Lack to Yorktown, and then crossed the river to Gloucester Point, nnd remained there until the following January, rccruiti.1g their thinned ranks. \Vhile there they were adopted by the Board of Trnue of the city of Buffalo a.s their own regiment, and the board spent considcrn.ble money upon them and sent them a new colonel, because their first one ( .J. :\I. Brown) had been killed at :Fair Oaks. Auout the first of January, 1 S63, they were ordered to North Carolina, to report to .llojor General Foster, for the purpose of reinforcing him as he was going to attack Char)e:3ton, S. C. They went to :Morehouse City, N. C., and staid there two or three weeks, and then started for South Carolina, u.nd ha,·ing a stormy passage, arrh·ed at Hilton Head in t"~o days, and were kept on the transport about three weeks before they were alJo\vcd to land on an island opposite Hilton Hcac1, where .they remained a month, and recei\9• ing new· rifles led the adnmcc upon Charleston, and for a week were the only regiment upon Cole1s Island. Their rcgi• mcnt took part in all the skirmishes and battles around Charles• ton until the spl"ing of 1864, when they were ordered north to Fortress Monroe to help Gen. B. F. Butler. They were sent up James Ril·cr to Bermuda Hundred, where he took part in skirmishes until the sixteenth of )fay, when during a heavy fog a.n

nnh, being included in an agreement to parole ten thousnnd sick arid woumfod. 'fhe horrors of Andcr=,onvil Jc huving been told so often, it is unnecessary to repent them here, but ho fully con­ firms them from actual experience. After his d ischargc he went to Little Rock, Arkansas, as a mechanic in the Quartermaster's department, where he remained about ten months, and then went to East Saginaw, :\fichigun: where he hns lived nearly all the time since. He was a carpenter and juiucr until July, 18i3, when he was appointed mail route agent on the Flint and Pere :\larquette Railway from Bay City, :\Iichigan, to 'roledo, Ohio. He has also served on 1.:10 fast mail train, and on the route between Buffalo, N. Y., nnd Toledo, Ohio. He is now on the route between Bay City and Toledo. He hus no children.


( Tfilli1~m,1 Jo!tn,' Jamc.,,6 John,' Jolm, 3Jo/m/ Benjamin) married Daniel Schoonmaker, l\Iay 17,· 1859, in Longmcado\v, :\Jass. He was born Aug. 15, 1823, in Bethlehem, N. Y. They arc Buptists, and live in Springfield, l\fass. Children, all born in Springfield :

1. AnTrrun Tuwnm. b.• June 18, lSGO. 11. ,vi LLIA:'.\t N 1~1.s0:--. b. March 10, ISG-1; d. Sept. 29, 1SG5. iii. Lucy 11.AJlIA, b. Nov. 22, 1867.

(255) NELSON FULLER THWING s ( IVilliam.7 Jolm,a James/' .lolw,' Jolm,3 Jolm,' Benjamin) has been a printer for many years in Springfield, l\fass. He married 1\Iary Scott Grannis, June 5, 1861, in Claremont, N. H. Sho was born there Jan. 1 S, 1837. They arc BaptistH. Bi:; address is ~ost O fficc Lock Box, 145 7, Spri 11gficl

1. EDWARD HF.XRY. b .•June 27, ISG3. ii. llE1rnERT N1;:Lsox. b. J11!y 1, 18G7. iii. l\L\aY SCOTT, b. l\farch 28. 18G!>. iv. ,VILLLUI FULLER, b. Aug. 6, 187~. 142 TltJl! TIIWJNO FA~ULY.

(25G) SARAI! Til\VING a

( lfil/iam,1 Jolin, 0 .James,°.__ .Julm,3 .Juhn,' Bc11jamfo) mtu• .. riCll Seth \Villinm Colton, Supt. 14, ISGO, in Somers, Conn. 'fhcy arc Baptists. He was born Nov. 10, 1836, in Lon~• mcudow, liusH. Ile was n sole.lier in tuo late war. 'rhcy live iu Springfield, lf nss. Chih.l :

i. ALlllmT ,vlLJ.l.\.l[, b. Aug. 2, 18lil, in Springfield.


( 8011l,ia, 1 S,,mu,:/,8 James/' .lolm," John,3 Jo/111,,'1 Benjamin) mar• ricd Purlinn H uulmrd, in Dcccm l.,cr, 1833, in Santlislicl

· i. J All~:s I-11-:xnv. u. G1w1urn Ou.vu•. iii. :\L\RY .A:s:s. 1v. IIA1mrnT Pc;m.1:s.\.,

(258) SOPHL.\ i\IERCILA. DUNHAM s (Sup!tia,1 Srwmel,8 James/' Joh.n,4 J6/m/ Jolm,' Be1iJamin) mar­ ried, nrst, Amos Doud, of Sandisfield, Mass., March 3, 1835. He died Feb. 6, 183 S. :\Iarricd, second, Lucius Webb, in July, 1840, in Cannan, N. Y. He was born in Homer, N. Y. Chil• drcn: i. Assr-:L, b. in 183G; hnd two girls, one nnmed l\Iianie. He was killed iu the battle of Lcxiogtou, :\Io., July :M, 1861. ii. LC'CIA J,\NE, lll, CU,\RLES .ADIN, iv. Lt~cn;s. v. LfnE A:m~LIA. vi. FANNY LA CIUNDA. EIGJITtI OENERATION. 143

(259) SA.LA GAlIALIEL DUNII.AM 8 (Sopltia," Samucl, 0 Jamcs,6 Jolm,' Joltn,3 Joltn,9 Bc11jatnitt) ma.r• rie

i. HARRIET SoPnL\. ...ii. WILLIA!\[ CunT1s. 111. l\!AnTrrA AxN• iv. l\IAnY ELxZ.\.DETU. v. JAXE 1\L\nu. vi. ALnF.nT l\!.ADISO~. vii. S,\LA VIRGIL.

(260) CYRENUS DA VIS s ( Cyntldfl,1 Samuel," James," John,' John/ John,' Benjamin) is employed in a lumber yar

i. FnA..."'iCES OrnELIA. ii. GEORGE W ASUINGTOX. iii. l\!A.RY LOVI!iA. iv. ALlION.

(261) HENRY DAVIS s ( Cynthia,' Samuel,° Jarries," Jo/m," John,3 John,' Benjamin) mar­ ried Chloe Elizabeth Churchill. She was born Sept. 21, 1827. Ho is a farmer. Children:

i. FREDERICK, b. in October, 1848. ii. IIEXRIETT~\, b. ,fan. 20, 1851; d. in October, 1873. iii. Cr.XTIIIA Is.A.BELLE, b. in April, 1859. 19 144 TITI~ TJIWINO FA'.:\ULY.

8 (2G2) SOPHIA DAVIS . ( Cyntl,ia,' S,mwr.l,'1 .lame.~-/' Jo/111;1 Ju/111/ Jolm,' 1Jr.11jamiu) mar- ried Norma.n Unrbcr Perkins, ~ov. 25, 1847. Ho wu.s born June 3, 1822. Children: i. Fnr.nim1c1t AUTE:S. b. ]fnrch 1:Jt 18-iD. 4Q;j, ii. F,u:-rn:r.1:s JfaxnY, l,. 'nee. 20, 1s:io. iii. A1.1c1~ B1m-r111~sA, b. March rn. lHI.i:J: m.Orvillo Luke Adami,. Oct. :!;j, l8i~. He was uoru Jun. U, J8;j l. iv. Ar. nimT L1~w1~s. h. April :10. 185,j ; m. ,Juli:L Gcrtru

(2G3) SAMUEL TIIWING DAVIS 8 ( C!Jnthia,' Samuel,° .fouu:.11/ Jolm," .lo/1.11,/ Julm,2 Br.ujamin) mar• ried Addie Steele, in :March~ 1 SG5. She was Lorn July 22, I 83 S. Ile is a burnisher. Children: i. VrcTon Trr,,·rxG, b. in November, 18G5. ii. l\I1s:-.rn, b. in .l\Iay. l 8G7. rn. FuA:sc1s Bu:s:s, b. in January. ISG:J. iv. Coru BELLI~, b. Oct. 2, 1871. v. 1\IATTm, b. in .July, 187,1. vi. SA:UL"F.L Cn,uu.Es, b. iu July, 1877.

(264) CHARLES CALVIN DAYIS s ( C!)nt!tia,7 S,wim:l,° James/ ,Jo/111,4 John,3 Juhn/1 Benjamin) ma.r­ ricd Hannah Ila:rard. He was a. Lurnisher. He

1. CA1mu:, b. in .July, 18G0. ii. CuAitLEs I-Iow,um, b. August, ISGI. EJOII'fJ[ OENEUATION. 145

(2GG) STEPIJgN' TAYLOR FAfRBANK B ( Charlotte,' Sa11wc!,° Jm11t:.'I/' John,• ,lulm,3 ,Julm,' Bcujumin) h1 a tailor IJy trude, nuu prcncl1cs occnBionully, being o. member of the Di:-1ciplc~ Church. lie i:-1 a. cripple, hnviug lost tho uso of lii:i lc~s when a.bout twcl\'e ycur~ old. He rnu.1·ricd Catlmrino Bowman, Sept. j 1, 184•1-, in )Icuinn Co., Ohio. She wa.s uorn Oct. 10, 1824, in Stark Co., Ohio. Cbilclrcn: ·10G. i. Or.rv1m Sxow, h. April 12, 18-li, in ~!oclinn Co., Ohio. ii. 1\l.A.x IH:Yu.u:. b. Oct. 26, 18-W; m. Su.rn.b llonr

vii. OCTA YA CHAJU.OTTF., h•• Tu1y 27, ISGl;

(26G) OCTAV.A. CHARLOTTE FAIRBANKS ( Clwrlotte,7 Sflmucl,' Jamc:1,1' Jo!tn,4 Jo!m/ Jolm,' Benjamin) murriccl, first, Seth P ..A.Hen, Aug. 18, 1843. In January, 1852, he went to California, where he died June 12, 1852. He was a carpenter. )farricd, sccond1 James l\IcClintock Viers, April 23, 185-1. He was a farmer. He died )farch l S, 1869. They were members of the Christian or Disciples Church. No chil­ dren.

(:?Gi) JOSIAH )I.AXASSEH PAIRBANK 8 ( Cltnrlottc,1 Samuel," James/ Julm/ JvllJI./ Jolm/ Beujamiu) went to Ohio with his father's family when be was about a yca.r a.nu a half old. His father died soon after, and his mother married Conrad Turner, with whom he lived uutil in his tcntll year, when he went with his mother to )fassachusctts, and 141.i TilE TIIWINO FAMILY. lived there with his gra.ndfo.ther· Fo.irbo.nk until tlto fo.1l of 1S45. Ilo served n.bout four yea.rs in ti.Jo army, ta.king pnrt in seventeen ba.ttlcs. Ho wo.s n. prisoner nine months. Ho is a. cnrpentcr by trade, nnd hns held tho offices of Jm,tico of tho Pence three ycnrs nod N ota.ry Public fh·o yea.rs. · Ile ma.rricd Sovino. Bow­ man, of Lafayette, Ohio, Jan. 1, l 84G. Sbo wa.s born Oct. 20, 1S28, in Stnrk Co., Ohio. Children:

i. LEWES HENRY, b. Feb, 20, 18•17, in Lnfoycttc, Ohio. ii. GEORGE, b. Dec. 24, 18•18, in Lnfnyette; d. there .l\Inrcb 2, I 8•10. 407. iii. FRA.-..cis, b. Oct. 31, 1850, in Lnfnyettc. 408. iv. AnltENA, b. Sept. 3, 1852, in Lnfnyettc. v. CnAnLES 1VILLIA!\f, b. Oct.18, 1855, in Wood Co., Ohio; m. Snlome Kemmerling, l\lnrch 18, 1878. She was b. Aug. 2:J, 1860, in 8nndusky Co., Ohio. He is a farmer. vi. Cnmsl'OPIIEn, b. Sept. 29, 1858, in Sandusky Co.

(268) JAMES SilIUEL TURNERS ( Cltarlottc,1 Samuel/ Jamcs,6 Jolm,' Jolin/ Jolm,' Benjamin) married Pa.tty A. Loomis, Jan. 18, 1853, in Granger, Ohio. She w:is born Oct. 17, 1829, in Franklin, Ohio. Children, o.U born in Granger:

1. SETn, b. Oct. 11, 18.:i3. ii. EuoORA, b. l\forch 4, 1856; m. E. C. Smith, Nov. 18, 1876. Child, b. Aug. 18, 1878. iii. ISADORE, b. l\Iay 15, 1857; d. Oct. 8, 18G4. iv. ALllOX, b. ,fan. 23, 1~59. v. l\.Lun·, b. l\farch 28, l8Gl. vi. Lt:RA, b. l\farch 30, 1868. vii. lxA, b. l\!:ly 3, 1871. viii. BunT, b. July 19, 1872. ix. CrrARLES, b. June 18, 1873.

(26!:l) SA)IUEL JOSEPHUS THWING 8 (Joscplms,1 Samucl, 0 James/ .John,' .lolm,3 Jolm/1 Benjamin) mar­ ried Julia. Sabrina Beckley, Nov. 11, 1852, in Hillsdale, N. Y. EIOHTII GENERATION. 147

She was born March 4, 1833, in Winchester, Conn. Ho is a Sovcnth•Dny Adventist. Address, Snndi:dicld, ~lass. Children:

i. CnARLI~~ SA31UEL, b. Dec. 21, 18li:J; in Colebrook, Conn. ii. I-I l~TTIE JANE, h. l\Iny :.n. 18;'j.i. in Ilnrk1mmstcd. Conn.; m. Clark 'fistlnle, Nov. 13, 1877. IIo is n. farmer iu Siocumvillo, It I. iii. STANLl~Y ELIStJ.\., b.Jnne 11, 1857. in Winchester. Conn. 1v. SAmtI~A. b. Dec. G, ISG0, iu Sandii.fi~lc, l\fass.; d. there June 20, 18G•i. v. JULIA ELLI•:~. b. Oct. 2, 18G2, in Sandisfield; d. there Jnn. 28, ISG•i- vi. SA3CUEL At vrs, b. Jnn. 1 G, 1865, in Snndisfiet

(270) HULDAH THWrn'GS ( Joscplms, 1 Samuel,' James, 6 Jolm,' Jolln,3 Jolm/' Benjamin) mar­ ried Birdsel Brooks, Oct. 20, 1849, in Colebrook, Conn. He was born Dec. 20, I 819, in Winchester, Conn. He is a farmer in Montville, Mass. Children:

i. DELIA Lon..ux, b. Jan. 10, 1852;

(271) CORDELIA ELIZA THWL~GS ( Josepltus,7 Samucl,'1 Jamcs,6 Jolm,' John,3 John, 2 Benjamin) mar­ ried George Washington Selleck, Jan. 9, 1854, in Norwalk, Conn. He was born Oct. 7, 1S27, in New Canaan, Conn. They live in Norwalk, and a.re wcwbcrs of the M.E. Church. Children: 148 TIIE TllWINO .FAl\tILY.

1. AL IC 1-; ELvuu, b. Oct. 2, 18TJ,1. ii. l\l.\ltY EvA, 1, • .Ap~il :!a. 18;j(j, iii. 11,\'fTJ •~, b. Oct. ~il, 18j8; tl. J?cb, 18, 1850. iv. LccY B .• b ••Jn.11. 28, l 8G0 i d. Feb. 2, 11:rn:J. ,... LucY J\., 1>. l\Iu.rcb 2, 1:;t;.~;


( Joscpl,us,7 Samuel,° James, a Jolot,4 Jolm/1 Jolm,2 Benjamin) mnrl'ied Daniel Augustus N cwcomb, Sept. 28, l SG2, in Norwalk, Conn. He was born Feb. 5, 1841, iri Ridgeway, Conn. They n.rc Mcthodi:,ts. .Audress, Norwalk, Conn. Children, all born in Norwalk:

i. BErtTn.A E,·~\.LEEX, b. Nov. l 6~ 1863. ii. .A.'i'SA ~LU", b. Oct. 7, 1866. iii. EuGEXE AtrGUSTcs, b. in December, 1870.

(273) LOUISA THWING s ( Josr,plm.r;,1 Samucl,8 ~Jamr.."i/' ~Julm,4 Jol,n,3 Julm, 2 Bc11Jamin) married John Butler Hotchkiss, NO\·. 11, 1864, in Colebrook, Conn. He was born there Aug. 10, 1843. He is a farmer in :Monterey •.Mn.ss. They arc Baptists. Children: i. Crum.Es Cntes. b. Oct. 15, ISG;j. in Colebrook; d. there Feb. 14. I HGG. u. JcLJA AxxA. h. :\fay 2. 1870! in Samlisfidd. :'\foss.;


8 (Josep/111,.~~-: Stt.muel, ..Ji.,.mc.~!l J'Jlm/ Jo!tn,3 Julw;~ Bc11j11min) marrieJ Gcor;.:-c \V. K11app. in IS~ l, in Pu11ndri

(275) FIDELIA. OLIVA IIALL s (J.lfargnrct, 1 Samuel/ Jnmc:~,6 Ju!ut;' Jolm,:1 John,' Bc11jrr.min) married, first, JacoL IInll, July 3, 1853, in 'I'yringham, Mass. Ho died September, 18G2. She married, second, George Phil­ more Fellows, Oct. 17, 1872, in Lee, Mass. Children:

i. AD,\ LOVILLA, b. Feb. rn. 18,".i-t. in Tyringham. ii. VrOf,,\. Luc1~TTA, b. ,Tan. 20, 18,".iG, in 1\Iontercy, l\fass. iii. CORA lsAnEr., b. ,Jo.n. 20, J8;j8, in Tyringlmm. iv. llEn.TIL\. LAum-:TT,\., 1,. l\Inrch 7, ISGO, in Tyringhnm. v. A.'\'DREW JACKSON, b. Juno 12, 18G2. in l\Ionterey. vi. Jons Pn1L:uorrn, b. Sept. 18, 1873, in South Lce,l\Inss.

(276) JOHN ALVIN HALLS (J.lfargarct/ Samu~l,6 James/' Ju!m,• Julm.,3 Jolm, 2 Bc11ji.1miu) married ~fary Elizab,eth Bradburn, l\Inrch 22, 1 S60, in Stock­ bridge, ~lass. Addr~ss, )Iarys,·ille, Cal. Children:

1. 1VILLIE AtT'IS', b. Jan. 28, ISGI, in Stockbridge; u. there Feb. 2, 1 SGI. ii. STEPUEX DouGLAss; b. Feb. 11, 1SG2, in Great Bur- rington, l\Iass. . m. MAY A.'°NIE, b. liny 6, 18G6, in Stockbridgt:. iv. HEXrtY l\IrxER, b. Sept. 23, 1872, in l\farysville, Ca.I. v. SARAH LoT"i-:NIA, b. Oct. 24, 187G. in 1\farys,·illc; d. there Oct. 24, 1877.

(277) :U.A.RTHA E:\!)I.A JANE HALL s (Jfargarct,1 Samuel,"' James," Joltn,• Jolm, 3 John/ Benjamin) married John King Hadsell, Feb. 19, 1862, in New :Marlborough, Mass. Children, all born in Monterey, liass. : 160 Ttm TUWJNO Jl'AJULY,

I. 01u.o ,1 onN, b. Nov, 14, 1802. Ii, ,VAtlm D1mAN1~, h, 1"01,. 1,,, ]NO(}, Hi, J•,UANI< HA1.1., h, Nov, :M, JHG7.

(.llargarr.t.,' Sum11r.l,' .hwtr.A,6 ,),1/111/ Jo/111/ ,folm,• IJcnjm,,fo) ma.rriou Stephen Stu

i. l~LODIK JA:•u:, b. Aug, 14, 18i0. ii. Jur.rA ANN, b. April 1 G, 1872. iii. Uor11mT l\I 1:-rrm, b, ,July !.I, l H7 4, iv, .1\IAnOAIUtT IIATTrn, h. Sept. :JO, 1877.

(279) MARGARET JERUSIJA THWING 8 (.Alvin,1 Samuel,' J(l,mt8,' Julm,• Jolm,3 Jolm,' Bt11jamin) mar­ ried Rev. ·Jesse Valentino Lcntcll, Jan. 1 G, 1878, in l\Iontoroy, Mnss. She uc~an touching school in 1857, and "'ns engaged in tt•uchin~ nearly fifteen years. She was engaged ns clerk in a store iu Monterey, for u. few years. She wo.s o. member of tho Bnpth1t Church in Sandh1field, Mo.ss., nnd at. one time, the church being without a po.stor, rend tho sermons,. o.nd otherwise con­ ducted the services neo.rly a. yeo.r. .After her mn.rria.go she removed to Amherst, .l!o.ss., where sho now resides.


(Alr:in,' Sam1UJl,' Jmncs,' Joltn,' Jolzn, 1 Jolm,• Benjamin) li\'Od nt home on the farm nt Sandisfield, )fass., now l1ontorcy, until he wns sixteen years of ago, when he went into tho drug store of )I. S. Bid well, in Sheffield, lfass., a.s clerk. Ho was for scvora.l years a clerk in a drug store in differcn t towns, but in 18 75 began buying milk and mo.king butter and cheese. He eontinoed on a small scale until the spring of 1878, when he, with a.notber youcg man, started a cheese factory, but owing to low prices

mcm1·u mr.N rrn,\'l'W~.

wc110 nltliA'r.11 t.o A'h·o it up 1it tho 1•11d nr tlw Ji1•:1t 1-1emw11. Ho tlwn

imld g-old uud HlCl!l pc111-1 urnl )IC!t1hold1•1a.-1 1 pcueilll, &e., tmvclliug J'rom tow11 to tqw11. fo 1.881 ho wa:-1 derk i11 u. drug- Htoro i11 North Adu111s, )[1u,:-1. J fo l1ecu1110 c~ 111c1111Jcr ol' tlw Cougrcgn, tiouul Cl1urch iu )foJJtcrcy, :\fo:-iH., 111 18j;;, Ho i;-1 uuu1a1•l'icu.

1 (~ lfri11,7 Samu,:l," .l,m1,:1J/ Jo/111,4 Ju/111/ ,l,1/01,V flr:11Jamin.) is a. farmer with hi:-1 fothcl', l1n,•i11~ lh·cll on tire form all his life. IIo tung-ht n c.Jil.1trict Hclwol iii tho wi11tcl' of 187fJ nn

1. A:s:srn fonu, 1,, July :J, 1881.


( Timofli!J.1 Y · ,111id,° IJ,·11jmnfo,' Jo/111, ◄ .To/111/ Jo/111/ Bc11Jmni1i) m::u·riccl Xn11c~, Keye~. ,Jun. 1, 18:!7, in Putney, Yt. Ile uic

1. DuxTITA Lonx.\, h. Au-". 2S, 1~::;o, in Newfane, Vt.; m ••fo1wtha11 Emcrv 1Iausl1eld, ,Tune 18. 18G(i, in Putney. llu wa8 1i:::\I:1reh :?U, 181,1, iu Gil~on, ::',;. II. ,111:l. ii. 01:1:1-:x Scm;n.rrn, Ii. ~,-,,:. :!,i, 183:?, iu Put11<.•y. iii. Li::~1m.\ Axx. h. Sept. :!;i. U,!:3:?, in Pu:ncy.


( 1imot!ty,' Xatl,rwid/ Benjamin, b Jo/111,4 Jolm,3 Jo!tn/ Benjamin) 11:.1.s n.1 ways Leen a. farmer, anu l>oth he nn

•1 IO, l. \\"A1:1·1:n Trno'l'II\', h. F,,h, I I, ],"1:l:1, i11 1'11111,,,., Vt .. ii. l,1·,·r J,.\1·11.,, h, I>,,,.,~/'{, 11-1:11, i11 1'1111111r: 111. If111·v1•v ( 'hri11111pl11•r I luwal'd, J(m·,•li :! I. I H:di, i;1 Urrll.lh•lu,rri\ \'r.. ~111, di,·d ,111/y 7, IM1;:,, i11 t'lii1•op1•1•, l\1111o~ •• of 11111all-1'11\, I(,, W:l"4 ltol'II No\', H, I rt:;!, ill ) )1 t\'1ir, Vt. Siu, Wll!-1 a ( '1111g-r1•g1lt.i1111ali1-1t, ruicl had 110 cliildrn11, •I I 1. iii. fh:1,1.\ :\l.\ IIL\, ,,. Xu\·, :!:!, Jl,~:rn, in BraltlcL\, h. ~o\', ::o, IH:;M, iu Tow11!-t1•111I, \'t, 41:J. V, .ro11s J\1.111rnT, h• .:\Iny :;n, IH 1::, in Putuc,y. \'I, LA1:1u-::-. U.\XSl>~I. 1,, ,ran. :~. lH-15, i11 l 1 11t,lll'Y; cl. tlwt·o Aug. ILi, I H,:,:1,

(28·l) AIUADNE IS.\BEL Tif\V[N'G H (Soml(('/,1 ,.\'nt/1n11i,·l,0 }J1~11J,n11i11./' .fu!,n," .lof,u/ .!(Jim/ JJr11J,1111in) married Fr:rnci:-i Smuucr .:\Iay11aru, Feh. :1, J S•t:!. Cliildl'cll: 4U. ..1. fsAHEJ. F1uxc1•:H, h. Fch. l I, HH J. 41 f>. II, ,Jc; 1.1 .\ J\ :o; ,\, I,, Au~. :; I. I H•Li • iii. Er.J,.\ :\I.\Hr.\, Ii. SPpl, J.l, HHS; 11. Xov. :!1. J 8,j:,?, 1r. C1um.1-::-1 Snrx1rn, l,, ,Ju1w :.?7, lH,jl; 1.l. ,Juuc ~, 187:!.

,~. llA'lurJE )I.AHL\, b. ~\pril :!~ ➔• ]~.)~;. vi. Enw1s C11.\1·1x, h. Aug. 1:.:, 1s:.,:,i,

( Sm,mcl,7 .Yotllfrnit:!/ I:,:11Jmui11/' .fo/111,,4 .lolm/ .Jo/,n/ /J,;•njim,;") went to California i11 l S;} l. \Vas engaged in the milk 1111:;incH::1 n.ncl miui11g-, off a1nl 011 1 uutil 181iG, whcu he went iuto tlic coal bm,incss until 1874, then fire ycal's as a stock a11

mnlw n1101.lwr bc•l'o1•u liu tlie:-4, I fo 1111Lr1•iti1l ~tnry 11,li,mlwlh \Vith­

u111, AI' I' il I 71 1~ !'H. Hliu wnH l,01•11 .J 11110 (i, l H3 G, i 11 ,lcJforHou,

1 l\lt , Ohiltlre11:

,j I Ii, j, Emi.\ FtL\Sc:1•:i,1, h, Murch 1H. I H,i!1, in ,valtluun, l\frno~. ii. C.:11 ,\ ltl,1 :fol \\' l'I' II A~,. h. l\J urd1 !J, JH.'W, i11 ,vnlt.l11u11 ; d. ... Llllll'U ,)11111, Ill, IH,';7, 111. Ftt.\NK S1:\ls rm, h, Nov. :.?rJ, l Hli,i, i11 Sm1 Frrmcil4co, Cal • h-, .J1,:ssn: T11o~L\~, h. ,Jn11. 8, lrHi7, in San F1·n11ci11co;

( Som11t:l, 1 Sotlmui,:I/ llr11)1w1i11/ ,John/ .lolm,'J Julw,' /Jenjmnili) lircH in \Vultlmm, )fas~., aml at the ti111c of' hi~ nm1·ria~o was n watchmaker. Hi:-1 mlu1·c:-l:-1 i:-1 P. n. Uox S:.!·b. He lm:-1 u.hm uccn a rcu.l c~t:lto ag·c11t. Uc marril•cl )Iary Elizaucth Johm;on, April D, l ~.;5, in Bo:-\ton, )fu:-iH. ~he wa;; horn in Ncwtou, )[a1:1s., in 183;;, Chiltlrc11, nil born i11 \Valthum:

1. IIA'l'Tti-:, lJ. ,Ja11. 1:-;;, 1 s:,;. ii. C11Am.1-::-;, h. l\Iarch :! I, 1.tlG•l: tl. thm·o Aug. rn, lSG·l, iii. :'1AltY, h. ,June 17. l8(j,;, 1v. F1t1m1m1cK, t,. Aug. 4. 18G7: ll. thcro Nov. 28, 18GB.


•; I ' • ,· J. ' / 0 /' ' ' h r / • r I l T, /, 2 J' • • ) ( hUJIJ/(I/ ~ 11( ((l/llf.' , . >1.'lljWlltJI, ,JO,!ll1 JIHIII,' , II Ill, >Cllj

1. Loi: L.\ )b r. b. Au~. l U, l 8GO, in ,rayl:u11l. :\1 icl1. 11. "·11.1.1.\~I ""A1mi:x. h. Feh. 8, lt;G;;, iu ,\~a,·laml: d. ,bu. l, 11'.:\7,I, iu l\forshalt. • 111. Fm:1.11m1c1i ,\\11.01,:x, u. ,Juuc l!'I. 1811~. in l\forshall. 'l'JIJ~ 1'11WINCI l~A:'tl U.Y.

(Zrbina,1 1V11tlu111id," l1c11j,1mi11,6 ,/0/111/ ./i,/111/' .l0/111,v IJ,·11,iumi11) li\'CH on CL ru1·m nd,ioi11i11g-, and now ti pa.rt of~ tho olcl fn.rm in Fi·cclonin, )fich., bou~Jit hy him nH nn utldition to tho oltl fnrm which u.lso lmlong'H to him. 'I.1hc family nro mcmhcrH or tho First Cougregatio11nl Uhu1·ch in Ji'rcclon iu, nncl ho iii a. deacon of tho church. He mnrricd Eh·ira Rnllflnll, ~foy r,, 185G, in PHt1-1fiuld, Mich. Sho wn!-1 Lorn ~fay r,, 18:J.~, iu Hu11torl'llan

iii. E.1Dr.\ .1Ax1•:T-r, h • .Aug. ;,, 1HG:?. fr. G1-:owrn S·rAxrorw, L• .Aug. r,. 18fi:?, v. Ar,rcE E1.vrn.\, h. ,Tau. !!;i, 187,J.

(28D) GEORGE ROSCOB TIIO~IAS s (Josr.pl,,1 Sabra,"' Jl,,1,jamiu," .fo/111/ .Toflu,'3 Jo/111,'! Br.nJflmin) m:i.rric

1. G r-:onr: I.\ G r..\CJ·~. b•• Tnnc 1;;, 1HGS, in l\Ientor. 11. A sti!I-horn. b. ,Tau. 7, 1Si 1, in Detroit. iii. K.rnr. Cr.Al'J', b. ,July l 2, !Si:!. in Detroit. fr. CA 1:ot. IXE TI t:T 11, l,. ,July :?ti~ l ~, -1, iu Detroit;


1 (A/Lrrt1 /Jc11jami11/. /J,:11jm11i11, ~ .lo/,11/ .fo/111,3 .fo/111 1' Bn1jm11i11) ma.nicd Clmrle.-1 Bi~elow, Oct. -~. VHiO, i11 Emit .1\lcdwny, Muss. Ho wuH hor11 .fuly :!4, rn:.:s, i11 Du\'cl', .MasH. Ho il'f n l'armcr, m11l tlwy nrc Congrcgtitio11a.lisl:,;, Chiltlre11, nil born in Dover: i. FHA~K ,r,::-r.1-:\·, Ii.St-pl.. ], 11-11:1; tl, tl1ct·c,,fo11. 20, ItW:?. ii. .A!'i!'i,\. I,,\l'.lt.\, 11, Oct. ti, li'.Hi:?. 111. .A1.111rnT Tll\\'l!'ili, 1,. Ocl. 12. JS{i,j_

(2!J1) LAURA ANN TIIWING 8 (Albcrl,1 Bc11jamin, 11 1Jr:11jrwtin/ Jo/111,/ .fo/111/ .To/111,' Bc11jttmiu) mnrric

i. ALIC ls l\Lrnu, h. Oct. 7, 18i'i2: m. Erwin Augustus Dauicli-1, Oct. 7, 187:J, iu ~lmlway. Ho was b. there, .Aug. 10, lti50. ii. Atrnrn F,uxi.:, b. Aug. 4, 18;"j,i: 11. Oct. 18, 185G. iii. ::\I.\UEL LOL"ISI,, b. Dec. IG, 18Gj.

(2!J2) .ALDERT IIERUEUT THWIXG 8 (Albert,' Bc11jw11in/ l>c11j,1m~n/ .fo/111/ .lul,11,3 .!11l,11/ lJc11ja1r1i11,) rcccivc


(!?03) ED,VIN .AUGUSTUS TII\VING 8 ( (JJ,arlr.tt,7 IJc11jami11,6 11c11jam;u/ .fu/111: •.lohn,3 Julm,'J Benjamin) 1·cccivc

1. II1-:mn:1t·r Accc;sTr;~, b. Aug.~, 18.i2; , aur.l. is a wachiuist with his father.

(204) :M.A.nY FRAXCELIJ. Tn,vINGS ( l'/,arlc.r.i,7 Bcujamin," BeuJamin,1' Julm,4 Jol,11,3 .fulm,"1 Benjamin) marric

(2f.J5) WILLL\:\f FUASKLIX DRAPER s (llamw/1,7 Benjamiu/" Bc11jamin/ John,4 ,Jolw.,3 .lo/111/ B,!11jamin) was cdncatc

1 !j, 1 SG2; to l,c cnpto.in in JG th Ucg-imcnt, AuA'· 12. 1 S(i2; rnnjor, Au~. 1 i, 18G3; lieutenant colonel, .llay G, l 8G4; colonel, and lu·m·ct l.Jriguuicr gcncrnl, Oct. 12, 18G4. Ho took part in all tho Lnttlcs in which the 26th antl 3Gth Mnssnchusctts Regimen to were cugug-ctl lc:1 Farm, &c. He was wounded in the \V'il

Daritl and Clinrlnttc A. ,Jo.,·, Sept. l ti, 1 HG:?, iu Ilopcdn1c, :\fn~~­ She w:1::1 lioru Au~. :H, 1 S43, in Brnttlcho1·0', Yt. Chihlrcn, all Lorn iu llopcuulc, :.\fu:-Js. : i. 1VH.r.u,r FHA~Jntx, h. Dec. 17, l 8Gli. H. G1wum: 0Trs, h. ,Ju1y J.I, 18G7. iii. l~DJTir, h. Fch. 18, 187.J. iv. Au·r11t"1t .Joy, h. April 28. 1875. ,.. • CJ.,\1:1~ 1111.,1.., b. Oct. ,J., 187 G.


( Ilmrna/1,7 Bcnjamiu,° ]Je11jamin,' Jolm, ◄ '.lolm,3 Jn/m/ Bwjmnin), married E

i. EDlf",\RD D.AX.A~ b.. Tan. 2, 1882. ll, F.\XXY Co1.ut:m,, h. Dec. 2G, 1882. iii. I!Es·rim Dn.u•im, h. Dec. !?G, 188:?.

(2!J7) GEORGE ,VILLL\)I KNIGHT s (.Jli11r.rw.,O: Bc11j,uni11/' JJ1.wjrn11i11," Jo/111,, 4 .Jol,n,3 .lolm,' Bc11jamin) is a nmchinist1 :11ul scrvcu i11 the arruy in the last year of the war. They arc Uuitariaus, n.u

1. DonA G1mT1u;o1-:. h. Sept. I G. 18,0. ii. ,,~lf.-l-1~\)[ 11<--it.\Tl<). lJ ..June 1-.J, 1877.

(298) ::\£ARY GERTRUDE BAXCHOFT s ( S'ih-ia.7 Bc11Jo111i11,'1 Br.njmni11/' .lol,11,4 Jol,n:t Jolin/ Benjamin) marrietl \Valtcr Pclin.~tou \Vi11:;0r 1 Oct. 4, 1S7fL Ifo was horn Oct. 12, 1~-lG, iu Fail'h:wc11, )fas:-;. He is cashier of the first Xational Bank, Xcw .Dcuford, )fass. They live in Fairhaven. EIOIITH OENEUATION. I!W

(209) MARIAN ELIZABETH FELLO\VS 8 ( Olfrc, 1 Lutltcr,8 Benjamin,°' .Iulw,,4 .fo/m,,3 ,Tulm,' Bc11jamin) municd lfortin Harmon, Sept. G, 18G5, in Portland, N. Y. Ho is n. dnirymnn. Child: i. NETTrn I\I,\Y, b. Nov. 20, 1871.


1 0 6 4 3 ( Luther, l,ut!ter, B,mjrzmin, Jolm, Ju!tn, John, ,i Bc11jamin) mo.rricd, fi1·st, Harriet Cnrtis, Nov. 3, 1864, in ,vcstficld, N. Y. She died June !:?5, 1866. Ile mnrricd, second, Co.rrio Edna Skinner, Oct. 11, 1871, in ,vcstticld, N. Y. He wo.s formerly a. book-keeper, but now is forming. .Address, Lock Box 12, W cstficld, N. Y. Children : i.· EowAnD W1,:su:y, ·b. Aug. 4, 18G5. ii. CAxo1cg l'\Imu:u, b. Aug. jO, 1875; d. Jan. 15, 1876.

(301) HARRIET AUGUST.A THWING 8 (Lutltcr/ Luther,° Benjamin/' Jolm," Jolin,3 Jolm,' Be11_jamin) married George Wea.Yer, Nov. 2, 1859, in ,vcstficld, N. Y. He is a farmer in \Vestficld. Children :

1. EmrnsT EvEnETT, b~ April 26, 1861. ii. .Ancnm LcTmm, b. Feb. 2, 1868; d. ?tfay 12, 1868.


1 (.Tamcs, ...7\'atlwnicl,° 1Va!.lmnicl,:' .,;.Vatlwnicl,' Jo!tn,3 John,'l Ben- jamin) is a pattern and model maker in Chicngo, Ill. They a.re Congregationalists. He married Dclphina. Parris Sylvester,.April 7, I 843, in Durhnm, l\fc. She was born there Dec. 13, 1825 . .Address, G22 Fulton St., Chicago, Ill. Children:

1. GEORGI:: S.uALLEY, b. June 5, 1844, in Durham. He was in the marine service during a. pa.rt of the w::t.r, and is a m:::i.chinist by trade. 21 160 TJIE TlIWL'iO FA3ULY.

ii. EmL\, b. Aug. 12, 1848, in Durhnm; cl. there, Dec. 31, 1848. iii. Fn.\.."iK EDWAno, b. Sept. 22, 1851, in Manchester, N. II.; d. Dec. 27, lSGS. in Chicago, IIJ. iv. ElnrA ELIZ.\DETn, b. Oct. 28, 1853, in Durlium; d. Ju]y 15, 1858, in Chic.'lgo. Y, CLAnA LOUISE, b. 1\farch 26, l8G0, in Chicigo. Ti. FLOnEXCE LIXCOL~, b. Dec. 22, 1863, in Cl.ticngo. vii. l\!1:sxrE Gn,\..'iT, b. Oct. lG, 1866, in Chic:i.go. viii. DELL,\. ,v1ur.ur, b. Aug. 28, 1868, in Chicago.

(303) HANN.AH L.~GRAII.ll! THWINGS (James,' Natltanicl,'1 Nathaniel," Nathanicl,4 Joltn,3 John,' Ben­ jamin) was a Presbyterian, :ind finished her education at Kent's Hill Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female College, but did not graduate. She taught school in New Jersey two years prior to her marriage, and lived in Readfield, Me. She married Augustus Williard Brainerd, Dec. 23, 1852, in Augusta., Mc. He was born in Readfield, Dec. 2, 1824. She died there April 8, 1855. Child, born in Readfield :

i. A.NXIE TnwrxG, b. Apn1 8, 18.55. She is an Episcopa­ lian, and married II. E. Cross, l\Iay 22, 1882, in Trinidad, Col. He ,vas formerly of A¾"USta, Me.

(304) CHARLES GREENOUGH THWINGS ( James/ Nathaniel,° Nathaniel," .Sathanicl," John,2 John,= Ben­ jamin) enlisted for the war early in the spring of 1861, being the first person in Chinn, l\fo., to put his name to an enlistment paper. He enlisted earJy in the morning, and before dark the company was filled, and the same evening an election for officers was held, and he ,vns made a lieutenant. After drilling three weeks they were disbanded, twenty other companies sharing the same fate, because Gov. Washburn thought they would not be wanted. In August, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the First Maine Cavalry, and went into camp at .Augusta, Mc. In March, EIOIITJI GE~'"ERATION. • 161 1SG2, they left lfo.iae and joined the nrmy of the Potomac, n.nd remained with it until Jane 19, 1863, when in a charge on tho enemy's lines lie received a gunshot wound in the left elbow joint, which disabled him. Ho was discharged the following No\"cmber. In January, 1866, he wn.s appointed by the high sheriff a deputy, and served fQur years, and resigned· to accept a mail agency by the General Government. He resigned at the end of a few months, to accept an appointment as one of the Capital police at Washington, D. C., from which ho was dis­ missed in July, 1879. He now keeps an hotel in Li\"'ermore Falls, lfo. He married Julfo. Addie Kimball, Sept. 13, 1851, in China, Mc. She was born June 22, 1832, in Palmyra, Me. She is a Congregationalist; he of no church. Address, Livermore Falls, lie. Children:

1. ADDIE KumALL, b.July 9, 1852, in Chinn., l\Ie.; d. there .. Oct. 10, 1852. 417. .11.. • . ADDIE LLEWELLA, b. Sept. 21, 1853, in Chin!l. 418. m. CIL\RLES MELVILLE, b. J:in. 1, 1857, in China. iv. h-xra SlL\.LLEY, b. Feb. 25, ISG0, in China.. v. GRA..--;T. b. Feb. .5, lSG.5, in Augusta, l\Ie.; cl. there Aug. 18, 1~65. ,i. EDITII l\u.Y, b. l\I:i.y 30, 1868, in Chin:1.; d. there June .. 1$, 1868. vn. A.--;GrE AUIBALL, b. Aug. 31, 1869, in Chin:i.; cl. there Sept. l!J, 1S69.

(305) lIELVILLE COX THWING 8 ( Jamcs,7 }tatha.niel,6 Natlw.nicl/' Nat!tanicl.' Jolat,3 John,' Ben• ja11ti1t) began to follow the trade of a printer when he was about thirteen years old. He continued to pursue that calling in New York, Hartford, Boston and other places, until he entered the Theological School in Ncwton, 1'Iass., from whence he was graduated in 1871, and then preached as a Baptist minister in the First Baptist Church in Germantown, Pa.., three years and a. lm.lf; Branford, Conn., two years; Lowell, l\foss., four years, and then mo•fed to ,v ashington, D. C., and started a. Baptist paper 162 TlIE TJn'\"ING FA.'UILY. called the Baptist Nntion. Ho married Eliza Ann Ring, July 2, 1856. She was born .April 7, 1835, in Washington, Me. His address is Wo.shington, D. C. Children: i. ALLA UrmsTON', h. Dec. 25, 1857; cl. July 18, 1858. ii. GRACE lu."N, b. Dec. 25, 1861, in Hudson, Mass. Slic is now living witl1 her mother at the corner of Bond St. n.nd Broadway, Somerville, Mass.

(30G) ~I.ARY TRWING ABORNS (Joanna,7 Na.tlianul,8 Na.t/1anicl,6 Natl,aniel,' John,3 John/ Ben­ jamin) married George Brown Peirce, May 29t 1850, in Augusta, }Ic. He was born Dec. 20, 1827. Ho was drowned J.Iarch 20, 1853, at San Juan del Lud on his way to California for his hen.Ith, while in bathing with other passengers when waiting for the steamer. She is a Congregationalist, and lives in Gardiner, Me. Child: i. GEORGE FnEDERICK, b. Feb. 6, 18.53; d. Aug. 13, 18.54.

(307) CHAR.LES HENRY ABORNS ( Joanna,'1 Nai!,,aniel,° Natlianiel,6 Nat!w.nid,' Joltn,3 Jolin,' Ben. jamin) is a shoe dealer in Lynn, Mass. He married Sarah Jane Wood, Dec. 6, 1857,.in Lynn, Mass. Sbe was born Sept. 27, 1836, in Boston, )!ass. Children, born in Lynn: i. ~"NIE Lrxcors, b. July 20, 1860. ii. FRA.'\"K P.A.RKEn, b. Sept. 7, 1865.

(308) SAMUEL CLAP THWING .A.BORN s ( Joanna,., NaJltanicl,° Nailtanicl,1' Natltanict: Jolm,3 Jokn,2 Bcn- amin) enlisted as a. private in Co. A, 25th :Mass. Inf. Reg., and was promoted to corporal, sergeant and orderly sergeant, which rank lie held at the e~-piration of his term of service, Oct. 20, 1864. He was au agent for the sale of Diamond Wrenches in Lynn, Mass., and now for the sale of Cook's Automatic Postal Sen.le_ EIGRl'lI GENERATION. 163

mn.nufo.cturcd by the .American Scale Co., 226 Union Street, Lynn, :Mass. He mo.rricd Martha Anne Willia.ms, Feb. 7, I 860, in Worcester, ::Uass. She wn.s born Sept. 7, 1S41, in Gardner, Mass. Child : . i. JouN FnEDER1CK, h. May 20, 1865, in Worcester.

(309) HELEN AUGUSTA ABORNS (Joanna,1 Natl,aniel,8 Natltaniel,' Natha.nicl,4 Jo.~n,' John,' Ben- jamin) married Edwin Lincoln Stanwood, Apn1 23, 1862, in Gardiner, Mc. He was born July 18, 1837, in Brunswick, Me., and is a wholesale druggist in Portln.nd, Me. She is nn- Episco­ pnlinn. Address, 82 Spruce Street, Portland, l\Ie. Children : i. 1\IABEL CooKE, b. Feb. 20, 1863. ii. lL\RI.. \...~ DRAPER, b. 1'-hrch 12, 1865. iii. EDWIX LixcoLN, b. Oct. 8, 18Gi.

(310) ABBY MARIA. ABOR.t.~ s

( Joanna,-r N atltanic_l, 8 N a-e/w.niel, a N at/uzJl,i.cl, 4 Jolin, 3 John, 2 Ben­ jamin) married Henry Haskell, Jr., Jan. 13, 1S69, in Wnkefield, )lass. He was born March 20, 1840, in West Gloucester, liass. He is a member of the firm of J. G. A born & Co., shoe manufac­ turers, Wakefield. Children, all born in Wakefield : i. H.Annr ABOR.'li, b. Dec. G, lSiO. u. Jons AnoRs, b• .Aug. 15, 1872. m. FREDERICK WIIITE, b. Sept. 17, 1877.

(311) ELVIRA WHITINGS ( Susanna,7 .iV.ary,' },,Tathaniel/ ;.Va.thanicl,4 Jalm,3 Jolm,,2 Bcn­ ;amin) married Sumner Bond PuUcn, No\'". 19, 1834, in Wintb~ rop, l\fe. He was born there Jan. 12, 1812. He is a merchant, and they lh-e in Norwood, l\tass. Children :

1. HELEXE Er.vuu, b. Nov. 12.1S35, iu Livermore, l\Ie.; d. in Norwood, June 7, 1S56. 164 THE TllWING F A."I\ULY.

ii. EuCF.NE Stnr.."E~ b. Feb. li, 183i, in Winthrop, :Mo.; d. there June 20, 18•12. ill. lIE:s-nrElTA Sus.A...~, b. ,Jnn. 30, 1839, in Wintl1rop; d. Dec. 2i, 18 GG, in Norwood. 419. iv. Luer TnuLJN, b. Nov. 4, 1840, in Winthrop. 420. v. ]\L\.nr URA?-.'L\., b. Nov. 23, 184ii, in Winthrop. vi. .A.nTnun Smc;.rm, b. ,Tan. 7, 1855, in Winthrop; d. April 2i, lSGI, in Norwood.


3 ( Susanna/ J.'f.:lary,' .1.Vatltanicl," Nathaniel,' ~7olm1 Jolm,' Benja­ mfa) m;i.rried Harrison Parlin, Dec. 31, 1840, in Winthrop, )fe. He was born Dec 4, 1 S 12, in Solon, l!e. They live in Winthrop, and he is a boot manufacturer. Children, born in Winthrop:

i. SuS.\$ EL,"IRA, b. Apr. 27, 1845; d. there Sept. 23, 1801. -!21. ii. HATTIE URA.VL\., b. l\furch 7, 1854.

(313) JOHN WfilTE THWJNGS {Darid, 1 Jok11,,6 Natltaniel.,. Nathaniel,' Jolm,3 Jolm,,2 Bcn:J°amin) married Mary Elizabeth .Hatch, of Swan Island, .Me., now caUed Perkins, Aug. 25, 1851, in North Berwick, :Me. She was born .Mar~h 19, 1830, on Swan Island. She has been teaching school for many years in Belleville; Ill He enlisted Sept. 20, 1862, as a private in the 130th Regiment Illinois Volunteers, but was ~oon after detailed as clerk of the company, and was also given charge of bospit:al wards. He fell April 8, 1864, in the battle of Pleasant HiII, under Gen. Banks, which was the only battle he was engaged in. At the time of his death he was acting as eaptain, without a commission. Be lw.d many vocations: from -early life to manhood a teacher; for ten years a Calvinist Bap­ tist minister, and finally a Spiritualist up to his death. His wife has the same religious belief. Children :

i. lIEXRY Auc.usTus, b. Sept. 3, 1853, in Fee-Fee, Mo.; d. there Oct. 29, 1854. ii. IIE~mY CLL"'iTON, b. Oct. IG, 18Gl, iu Belleville, Ill. EIGllTII GENERAnON. 165

(314) lIARY l\IINERVA THWINGS (Damcl, 1 Jolm,6 Nathaniel,' Natl,aniel,4 Jolm/A John/ BenJamin.) married Benjamin Flanders Sandford, Aug. 18~ 1852, in Boston, :Mn.as. He was born Feb. 7, 1823, in Bowdoinham, Mc. He wns a school teacher for many yen.rs, bot at the time of his mar­ riage was a plasterer, and is now a farmer. They ru-e Free-will Baptists. Address, Farmingdale, .Me. Children :

1. LAtrRA ESTHER, b. l\.furcb 11, 1854, ir. Boston, 1\Ia.ss.; d. Nov. 30, 186G, in Farmingdale, I\Ie. ii. LILLA Yn:ERVA, b. June IO, 1856, in Farmingdale. m. ST. VINCE..~T GIVEN, b. Sept. 14, 1858. iu Fnrmingdnle; cl., there Nov. 27, 186G. iv. J.A..,rEs TawixG, b. March 12, 1860, in Farmingdale; d. there Dec. G, 1866. v. Jons D,

(315) PRISCILLA TROTT THWL.~GS ( Natlw.niel' John,8 Na1.lw.1iiel,' .1.Vat/uinicl: Joh.n,2 John,2 Ben- jamin) married Edwin Foss, Nov. 16, 1851, in Salisbury, Mass. He was born there, Sept. 19, 1827. · He is a harness maker in Salisbury. Address, Box 56~, Amesbury, liass. Child, born in Salisbury :

i. CL.A.RA TnWL'iG, b. l\Iay 22, 18G4.

(316) JOSEPH PERKINS THWL.\TGS (Natllaniel,1 Joltn,° Nathaniel,' }luthanicl,' John/ Joltn,2 Ben- jamin) is a ta.nncr in Farmington, Me., and has been for twenty­ three yea.rs engaged in a prosperous business. He was a mem­ ber of the Maine Honse of Representatives in 1869, and has held other positions of trust. He has been a deacon of the Congre­ gational Church in New Sharon and in Farmington, Mc. He 166 fflE TJIWING F.AlIILY. . mn.rricd Hn.nnah ?tforso Hopkins, Jan. I 6, J 853, in N cw Shn.ron, Mc. She wns born there Jan. 4, 1828. Children, all born in New Sho.ron:

422. i. CnAnLES FnA..,'XtIN, b. Nov. 9. 1853. il. l\IARY a\WES, b. 1\furch 14, 1857; d. there Oct. 2G, 1858. 423. iil. JosEPII Enwn., b. Jan. 4, 1859. iv. HARRIET Ilor:rm;s. u. Jnn. 4, 18G5. v. GEORGE, b. Sept. 14, 1867.

(317) ROBERT JUDSON THWINGS (Nathanicl,1 Jolm,° Natl,anicl,6 Natltmticl,4 Joltn,3 ~Jolm,' Iicn­ ;"amin) married l\fory ~Iaria l!arvcU. He died .April S, 1861, in Attleboro', :Mass. She was born in 1833, and died April 19, 1859, in New Sharon, Mc. Child, born in Industry, Me.: i. .AnntE ?.LutT JUDSON, b. Feb. 6, 1855; m. Charles Otis Estes, Sept. 11, 1876, in New Sharon, Me. He w:i.s b .•fan. 7, 1853, in Lisbon, :Me. Child, b. in Far­ mington, Mc.: (1) Cl(ll"t:nce Otis, b. Jllll. 2, 1882.

(318) NATHANIEL THWINGB (Na.tkanicl;' John,' Nathaniel,' Nathaniel,' -7olm,3 John,' Ben­ jamin) went to the West Coast in 1859, and lived in San Fran­ cisco se\"en years, then moved to Portland, Oregon, and carried on his trade, that of a carriage and coach trimmer, having seITed his time in West Amesbury, l\fa.ss., for six yea.rs, removing from thence to Walla Walla, Wash. Ter., where he now lives. He was one of the first, in 1861, in San Francisco, who formed the "Sumner Light Guards/' in protection of the "Old Flag.n In 1876 and 1877 he lectured on prc-hh;toric fossils, &c., which were discovered near Walla W alJa, and exhibited tliem in nearly all the principal cities or the West Coast or the United States, at a salary of sc-ren dollars a day. At present he is a travelling agent for a first class photographic house of New York City. EIGHTJI GENEIUTIO.N. 167

He ma.rricd Clnra Bnll Hih, .April 6, l 86 7, in Portland, Oregon. She was born there Jan. 18, 1849. She died April 18, 1881, in W alln. W nllo.. Children, b. in Portlo.nd :

i. Ar.ICE PmscrLLA, b. Feb. G, 1868. ii. ElimE LuCINA, b. Dec. 17, 1870.

(319) PENELOPE THWING s (Jolm,1 Jolm: NatlUJniel,' Nai!taniel,' Jolin/ Jolin,' Benjamin) married John Pearson Stinson, Sept. 4, 1856, in Woolwich, l\Ie. He wns born May 81 1823. They are Co~"I"ega.tionalists • .Address, Newfield, N. J. Children, all born in Woolwich:

i. ADELAIDE BELL, b. July 6, 1858; m. Edwnrd North Hallett, Aug. 25, 1878, in..Philndelphia, Pa. 424. ii. . l\IAnY Pu.nsoN C.\.~TER, b. Jan. 6, 1860. iii. WA.I.LACE OAKLEY, b. Dec. 7, 1861.


( Jolin,1 Jolin: Nathaniel," Natl,aniel,' John,2 .Jclm., s Benjamin) was the proprietor of the country store in Woolwich, 1\Ie., now ca.rried on by his son Alton, and was an honorable unostentatious man. He was a good scholar. and very witty, having a keen sense of the ridiculous. He was naturally reticent, but when he did speak it was always to the point. He was a kind hus­ band and father, bringing up his children by kindness and firm­ ness. Soon after his father's death he wished to go to sea, but llis mother persuaded him to give np all idea of so doing. He was a generous, exemplary Christian, taking an active part in the Sunday School exercises and church duties. He ~ very much esteemed by all who knew him. He married Emily Abbie Lilly, Oct. 16, 1858, in Woolwich. She was born there Sept. 3. 1839. He died there Jan. 12, 1879, from the effects of an accident while crossing the ferry between Woolwich and Bath. On his 22 168 TUE TIIWING FAMILY. gravestone Ms ngc is put n.s 3G, but should be 46. They nre Congregationalists. Children, nll born in Woolwich, lfo.:

1. l\IrLTON WELCn, b. Nov. 9, 1860; d. thero Feb. 18, 18G5. ii. ALTON BELL, b. l\.farch 7, 186J. iii. LILLY, b. Jan. 1, 18G3; d. there Feb. 27, 18(;.). iv. NELLIE STINSON, b. :Mov. 30, lSG•i. v. l\ItLTON, b. Jn.o. 20, 1867. vi. LILLY, b. March 2, 1869. vii. SJ\R,\.II BELL, b. Jane 15, 1871. vili. NATILL.~IEL BURTON, b. J:lD. I, 1874. ix. RUTII EmLY, b. July 16, 1876; d. there Feb. 1, 1879. x. JOUN B., b. March 29, 1879.

(321) JA1tms :MORRIS THWINGS (Joscpli,1 Jolm,8 Natll(l,nie/,," Natl,aniel," Jol,n,2 Jolm,' Benjamin) was a. farmer in Woolwich, lfe. He married there Mary Emma Blinn, Sept. 12, 1871. She was born there :March 30, 1848. He died there Oct. 24, 1876. He was a. Congregationalist. She lives in W oolwicb. Child :

i. 1\1.ATTIE LEWIS, b. May O, 1873; d. Aug. 29, 1878, in Woolwich.

(822) DONNELL THWINGS (Josepk,7 Jolin,• Natltaniel,6 Natl,.a,nid,,' Jolm,3 Jokn,s Benjamin) is a. farmer in '\Voolwich, Me., and is a Metho~ He married there, first, M4ry Jane Trott, Aug. 23, 1868. She was born there Aug. 18, 1843, and died there Aug. 23, 1874. He married, second, lfyra Gaines Corliss, Sept. 30, 1882, in Wool­ wich. She was born there Jnly 22, 1856, Address, Woolwich, Me. Children, born and died in Woolwich: i. Son, b. Sept. 17, 1869; d. Sept. 19, 1869. . ii. l\L\.ny J..u-"E, b. Aug. 1, 1874; d. April l, 1875.


(323) JOHN ANDREWS THWINGB (Josepli, 7 Joltn,' Na.thanicl,6 Natltanicl,' Joltn,3 John,• Benjamin) is a farmer on his fa.th.Jr's farm in Woolwich, Me. He is a '.Methodist. He mn.rried there Henrietta Lilly, Aug. 20, 1870. She was born there lfarch 7, 1848. Address, W oolwicb, Me. Children, born in Woolwich:

i. :MADEL ABBIE, b. Feb.· 15, 1872. ii. EVELYN EUGELI.A., b. l\furch 18, 1875.

(324) JANNETT ELIZABETH THWINGS (Jamu,1 James," James, 6 Natliani.el,' John,' Jok11/ Benjamin) married Lot Bethea Rogers, March 13, 1849, in Marion, S. C. He was born Aug. 31, 1815, in Marion District, S. C. Children: i. JA>tEs TIIWtYG, b. April 28, 1S50; m. Jane C. McLaugh­ lin, June 15, 1$73, in Darlington, S. C. Children: (I) &cdla, b. Jane 10, 1874, in Darlington. (2) Ro6ert, b. June li, 18i6, in Darlington. ii. TDIOTIIY ERASllUS, b. Oct. 23, 1851. iii. l\L\.RY ·BOOTT, b. Nov. 2, 1853; d. l\Iay 28, 1854. iv. S..uu.II h-s, b. April 8, 1855. v. ALFRED FLORA, b. Feb. 26, 18.57. vi. FRA.."'oCES Sos.\N, b. l\Iay 15, 1859. vii. WILLLuc ROBERT, b. Dec. G, 1861. viii. IDA JULIA, b. Jan. 6. 1S64; d. Feb. S, 1SG5. ix. JESSE C,\DE, b. June 8, 1866. x. l\I...1..nTIL.\. H..\RJUET, b. Sept. 8, 1869.

(325) lI.ARTHA ANN THWI.NGS (James,' James,G Jamcs,6 Natlw..nicl,' Jolm,,3 Jolm/ Benjamin) married Samuel Armstrong Campbell, Joly 17, 1849, in Marion, S. C. He died lfa.y 20, 1869. Address, Jeffries Creek P. 0., )fa.rion District, South Carolina.. Children:

425. i. SouTIIErs ARJISTRONG, b ••July 10, 1850. ii. SAJlUEL A1:0A1r-~ b. July 15, 1853; d. Oct. 10, 1S60. 170 THE THWING FAMILY.

J '(326) JAMES. THWING s ~J,,,mu,1 Jamu,! James,• Nathaniel,' John/ Jolin,' Benjamin) went to Californi~ in January, 1854, and remained there until September, 1858, when he returned to South Carolina. In February, 1861, ho joined the confederate army, and served in the PeeDee Light Artillery, or better known as :McIntosh's Bat­ tery, in Gen. A. P. Hill's division, under Geo. Stonewall Jackson. He took part in the first six da.ys fighting around Richmond, also at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Sharpsburg, Antietam, Gettysburg, and in numerous minor fights and skirmishes. Ho never was wounded or sick enough to be sent to a hospital, though he was in every fight bis company took part in. After the war he resumed farming, and in 1875 moved to Georgetown, Texas, where he now lives on his farm. He married Frances Caroline Leach, May 16, 1866, in Marion, S. C. She was born lfa.rch 10, 1847. Children:

i. J.A.llES WALTER, b. Feb. 19, 1868, in Marion Co •• S. C. ii. .MEDORA llln.DRED, b. April 1, 1870, in Darlington Co., S. C. iii. GEORGE WELLS, b. July 28, 1872, in Darlington Co. iv. C4\.TIIERr.;E ANY, b. April 28, 1877, in wm.uunson Co., Texas.

(327) HARRIET McLEOD THWINGS (James,1 Jamcs,0 James," NatJ,.anicl,' Jolm,' John/ Benjamin) married Jo.mes R. Kirby, July 17, 1855, in Darlington, S. C. He was born there April 18, 1827. Children:

i. SUPPLY TaWL"'G, b. Dec. 19, 1857; d ••Tan. 11, 1863. ii. .A:I>A LIZETTE, b. Aug. 17, 1860; d. Apri1 1 G, l 87 4. iii. A.."~"IE .JAm:s, b. Sept. 6, 1864; d. An;. 2~ l8G8. iv. MARTHA An.lIELA, b•• TuJy IO, 18G7. · v. RonEnT EE~IA~~ b. Oct. 3L 1871.


(328) FRANCES SUSA.-.~ THWING 8 (James,' Jamu,' James," Naih.aniel,' John/ John/' Benjamin) mn.rried .A.rchlbnld licLanghlin, .Aug. 5, 185 7. He was born Ang. 29, 1811. She died June 8, 1858. .He died in February, 1871. Child:

· i. F.IUNCIS AnCllIBA.LD, b. June 4, 1858.

(329) W4TER ELIOT THWINGS (Supply/ Samuel/ James,° Natl,.aniel,' John/ John/' Benjamin) is the author of this Genealogy, and was born in a boarding house kept by)llis. Atkins in Cedar St., Roxbury, Mass., and for many years she sent him a. birthday cake. In 1855 he went to a private school kept by the Misses Watson in St. James St., Ro:tbnry, and in 1857 to one kept by Miss Williams, and afterwards by Miss Lewis. In 1861 he.entered the Roxbury Latin School, and· was graduated in 1868, when he entered Harvard College, stay­ ing only through Freshman year. In August, 1869, he entered the counting-room of his father as clerk. On Dec. 26, 1S70, be sailed in the ship ,: Dnniel Marcy," Captain William Ross, Jr., from New York bound for San Francisco. The only lands seen on the voyage were the Islnnd of Ferdinand N oranha, off' Brazil, Feb. 11, 1871; Cape St. Diego, at the extremity of Terra del Fuego, March 23, 1871 ; Cape Horn, a. couple of days later, and Cape Reyes, off the coast of California, the day of arrival at San Francisco. About half past seven in the morning of Jan. 31, 1871, all hands were aroused by the dreadful cry of "man . overboard," caused by a boy falling overboard from tbc ma.in chains, and in a very few minutes all were on deck. The Captain threw the wooden gratings on which the man at the wheel stands to the boy, who luckily reached them and held on until rescued. A boat was lowered, and, manned by four men under the charge of the mate, rescued the boy about a mile from the ship. A. man had already been stationed in the mizzen rig- 172 THE 'l'liWlNG F.AHILY.

ging to keep the lad in sight. He was nearly drowned and fa .. sensible, and was hauled up on deck feet first, in order to let tho water which he had swallowed now oat of him. In a coaple of days he was all right. Luckily the sen. was as smooth n.s it ever is~ One day in a heavy sen. one or the sailors harpooned a porpoise, about nine feet long, and after some difficulty several men succeeded in hauling him on deck, and he furnished n.11 hands with fresh meat for several days. The flesh is a little like beef,

only coarser, and not so easy to digest. On May 14, 18711 a large shark wns caught with a. chain hook baited with pork, and all hands hauled him on deck. Jost before be reached the rn.il a loop at the end of a long rope was passed around him under his. fin, to ser\'e to hold him in case he broke loose from the hook, and with a portion of the crew manning both ropes he was safely· hauled over the rail and upon the main deck, where he lashed his tail for some time, every one keeping at a safe distance, leaving him the sole occopa.ot of the deck, because a blow from :his tail might have broken a ma.n's leg. It took a long time to kill him, as he was very tenacious of life and was •well cut up before he died. He must have been ten feet long. This was an exciting incident. One night a boat from an English emigrant ship boarded the" Daniel l\Ia.rcy" for the purpose of ascertaining whether England had been drawn into the war then .going on between France and Germany, and on learning to the contrary proceeded .on its way. Several times on the voyage a dolphin was caught, which brings to mind that

"--partin,: dny Dies, like the Dolphin, whom each pa.ng imbues With a new color as it gasps away. Tbc last still loveliest, till-•t is gone-and all is grey."

He arrived in San Francisco after a passage of one hundred and seventy days. He passed three months in California, and visited Los Angelos in the southern part, enjoying the extensive and beautiful orange groves in its suburbs, and the Yo Semite Valley in the central part. The vast e..'\:tent or the latter can . only' be n.pprccfa.tcd by those who have seen it. When the trav• EIGRTH GENERATION. 173 ellcr first reaches ~be bottom of the _valley he does not ren.lize its size, nor does he until he has been there several days. It is so symmetrical that nothing seems out of proportion, nod is ·sublime and wonderfaL .At the best point of view from above, the sides of the valley are four thousand feet deep, n.nd a man on horseback at the bottom looks no larger than a housefly. The excursions· are numerous and varied, and everywhere foll or interest. The noise or the. falls is heard on all sides, and when tho streams a.re fu1I, as they are in spring, ~he noise is perfectly deafening. It is the largest and grandest valley in the world. He sailed from San Francisco Sept. 30, 1871, in the steamer " Great Republic," Capt. Cobb, for Japan, where J1e passed a couple of weeks visiting the ports of Yokohama, Y cdo, Kobe and N3o"8.88.ki, in which he found many curious customs.and sights. Then he visited in turn Shanghai, Hong-Kong and Canton in China; Singapore, where the tropical scenery can be found in all its beauty; Penang, a small island where a great many cocoanut palms are seen; tho oil of which being one of the chief exports; Point de Galle, in the island of Ceylon, where nll the steamer lines meet to exchange passengers and cargoes, and which is a grent deal hotter than Singapore, although several degrees farther from the equator; Bombay, about six miles from which is the island of Elephan~ containing the celebrated caves or that name, the first series of which is reached from the shore by ascending one hundred and fourteen steps, and consists of a large cavern whose roof was formerly supported by thirty pil­ lars, some of them being broken. Opening into this are several caves, in one of which there is a pond of good water. The walls are in places ornamented by figures between twenty and thirty feet in height, which are surrounded by smaller ones, ser­ pents and heads of animals. Each of the other series of caT"cs had a main hall into which smaller ones opened. All aboat the caves had the appearance of great age. He afterwards crossed the country to Calcutta, where there is a mint, and near which are some botanical gardens in which the largest banyan tree known to be in e~stence is growing. He next visited Bena.res, 174 THE TJnVING FAMILY.

tho holy city of India, w11cro the celebrated Monkey Temple is situated, o.nd where also is tbc residence of o. Nabob who keeps some of tho fargest clepba.nts in the world, nnd allows strangers to ride on them. Ho next visited Allo.hn.bn.d, the scene of terrible cn.rnnge at tho time of tho Sepoy rebellion, and containing o. fort under which there is n. temple; then returned to Bombay, from whence he sn.ilcd for Egypt, stopping for a few hours at Aden, cclcbra.tcd for its tanks, to which water is a stranger, and for its fine roads and multitudes of camels; then to Snez, n. miser­ able looking town, only used as a stopping plo.co for steamers to and from the En.st Ho then went to Cairo and .A.lexnndria in Egypt; :Messina. in Sicily; through· Itn.ly, Austria, Germany, . Switzerland, Belgium to Paris, and then through England and Scotland h,omc to Boston, having been the youngest man who hn.d ever been round the world alone up to that time. He reached his homo Oct. 16, 1872, having been absent nearly two years. In January, 1878, he sailed for Jamaica., where he passed two months. He lived in Highland Street, Ro:s:bary, until 1878, wl1en he moved to Jamaica Plain, Mass., a part of Roxbury before it was annexed to Boston,. aud back to Rox­ bury in 1881. He was elected a resident member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and became a life mem~ bor Jan. 7, 1880. He was elected a member of the Bostonian Society, March 14, 1882. He is unmarried, and is a Unitarian. Address, P. 0. Box 3324, or 79 State Street, Boston, Mass.

(330). FLORENCE HAVEN THWINGB ( Supply,7 Samuel.,' James,' Natltaniel," John} Jolm,s Benjamin) married Henry Ware Putnam, Oct. 22, 1873, in Roxbury, Mass. He was born there April 29, 1847. 8he died June 14, 187S, in Roxbury. Children, all born in Roxbury :

1. HE..·",'RY WARE, b. Nov. l, 1874. 11. Am-, b. Oct. 8, 1876. m. ELIOT Tawcm, b. l\In.y 20, 1879.

iv. GEOitGE TnwING, b. May 201 1879. EIGDTn GENERATION. 175

(331) ELSEY THWING SllOIONS 8 ( Saral,;1 Samuel,' Jamcs,6 Natlmnicl,4 Jo!tn,3 Jolm,t Benjamin) mnrricd Albert Ado.ms, Oct. ~ 1860, in Roxbury, Mass. She died there July 10, I 861. Chil4, born in Roxbury:

i. ELSEY Snr>roNs, b. July 5, 1861.

(332) MARY SDllION~ s ( Sarall,1 Samuel,° .Tames," Natltanicl,4 John/ Jolm,' Benjamin) married Frnnk Hunnewell, Oct. 8, 1856, in Roxbury, Mass. He was born ~fay 16, 1829, in Charlestown, Mass. Their youngest child was born in Brighton, Mass., and all the rest were born in Roxbury. Address, Brookline, Mass. Children: i. PERCY Ho:uaNs, b. Sept. 17, 1857; d. Nov. I, 1857, in Roxbury• . ii. ELEA.'"iOR. :uouLEs; b. Aug. 28, 1858·; m. Frank l\Ic­ Combie ?t!orton, Oct. 19, 1882, in Brookline, l\Iass. He was b. Jn.n. 16, 1859, in Boston, l\Iass. ill. FRA.."lK Snoroxs, b. Nov. 25, 1860. iv. Alrr THWIXG, b. A.ug. 21, 1862. v. KATE Ho::i,u..~s, b. Nov. IO, 1866. vi. JllAy SHARP~ b. Dec. 24, ISiS; d. Nov. 23, 1Si5, in Brighton.

(333) MARTHA SIMMONSS (Sarah,' Samuel,' James, 6 Nathaniel,' Jokn, 3 Jolm,: Bcn,iamin) ma.rricd Isaac Smith Homans, Jr., Oct. 30, 1860, in Roxbury, :Mass. He was born Aug. 31, 1833, in Washington, D. C. He died Nov. 27, 1879 (Thanksgiving Day), in Holyoke, Mass. She died Sept. 10, 1881, in Springfield, Mass. Children, all born in Englewood, N. J.:

i. N~u.i~-m, b. Aug. 14, 1861. ii. BESSIE, b. Jan. 9, 1863. iii. S~\.RAII, b. ?t.fuy 2, 1864. iv. Sus.A...~, b. Aug. 7, 1869. v. TnoMAs Snmoss, b. Feb. 26, !Sil. 23 176 THE TilWINO FAMILY.

(334) HARRIET PLENTY SHARPS (Susanna,' Sam1lll,' Jame,," Natlta1tiel,4 Jol,n,s Jo/m,,' Benjamin) married Francis David Harrington, Feb. 20, 1844. He was born Fob. 20, 1820. She died Jan. 25, 1863, in Roxb~ry, lID.8s. Children:

i. CLElIE..~T FRA.~CIS, b. Nov. 30, 1844, in Boston, l\Inss. ii. JJUIES EDW.\RD, b. Feb. 19, 1847, in Swem, Mass.; m. Elmira )Villets, April 10, 1872. He d. Feb. 7, 1875. Child: (1) Jamu Edward, b. Jnn. 15, 1873. iii. ELIOT CooLIDGE, b. Jan. 14, 1849, in Roxv&1ry. iv. F1t.\...,-x: LLOYD, b. Dec. 10, 1851, in Roxbury. v. HARUIET LoarsE, b. June 24, 1853, in Roxbury. vi. DAVID ALL.\..'l SDDIONS, b. July 26, 1856, in Dorches­ ter, l\:I.a.ss.; m. Harriet S. Foster, 1\-fay 19, 1881, in Charleston, S. C. They live in Roxbory, )Unss. vii. Susa.~ TJIWING, b. March 29, 1860, in Waverly, l\fass.; m. Charles B. Rohan, June 15, 1880, in Boston, Mass. He was b. there in 1846. vili. Ermt.u>r, b. Dec. 2, ISGI, in Waverly, ruid lives in Roxbury.

(335) SUPPLY THWING SHARPS (Susanna/ Samuel,• James,,. Nathaniel,• Jolm/' John,' Benjamin) married Emily Elizabeth Bell, .A.ag. 13, 1868, in Watertown, :Mass. Ho is a custom house broker in Boston, Mass. She wns born June 3, 1847. Address, 44 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. Children, all born in Watertown :

i. JA.-UES CLEltE.'i'T, b. Aog. 23, 1869. ii. ELEANOR BELL, b. Feb. 17, 1873. iii. WALTER. BRAJ>FORD, b. Nov. 6, 1875. ElOllTll OENEn.ATION. 177

(336) MARY ELSEY SHARPS ( S1uamia,T Samuel,• James.• Nathanicl,4 ,Iolm,• ,lolm,' B,mjamiti) married Frank D. Hudson, Oct. 22, 1868, in ,va.tcrtown, Mnss. Children:

"i. F.L"iNY DEA.."'fE, b. Sept. 14, 18GO; d. same day. ii. FRANK, b. July 17, 18i2; d. SllDle dn.y.


( Su.sanna,' Samuel," Jame.,,' Nathanu/,◄ John/ Jolin/ Benjamin) married Kenneth McGregor Deane, June 7, 1866, in Wn.tortown, )fass. He was born Aug. 3, 1843, in West Troy, N. Y. They live at No. 276 Cln.sson Avenue, Brooklyn, i,. L, N. Y. Child­ ren: 1. ELSIE FR.A....."iCES, b. Jan. 4, 1868, in the Watertown Arsenal. ii. ALICE :McGREGOR, b. Jan. 4, 1868, in the Watertown Arsenal; d. l\Iay 4, 1875, in Brooklyn. iii. l\!A.ny PRATT, b. Dec. 15, 1871; ct June 29, 1872, in Brooklyn. 1v. SusAN, b. May 21, 1875, in Brooklyn. v. lu.TB4\.RIXE McGREGOR, b. Oct. 8, 1878, in Brooklyn.

(338) HORACE HOWARD FURNESSS ( William,7 Rebrcca,0 James,6 Nathaniel,' John,' Jo!tn/' Benjamin) married Helen Kate Rogers, Jane 12, 18601 in Phila.delphia, Pa. Sho was born there July 26, 1837. Address, 222 ,vest W a.shington Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Children :

1. WALTEtt ROGEns, b. June 7, 18Gl, in Philadelphia. ii. lIO&,\CE IIowAitD, b. Jan. 24, 1SG5, in Philrulelphia. iii. W1LLIA::1r HF.~'UY, b. Aug. 18, 1866, in Delaware Co., Penn. 1v. CA&OLL"i'E Acot:STA, b. J u.1y :J, 1873, in Delaware Co. 178 THE THWING F.Al\ULY.

(339) WILLWI ELIOT FURNESSS ( Jamcs,7 Ribecca,° Jamcs,6 Nathaniel,' Jolin,2 John,' Bcnj't1.min) married Lucy Fairfield Wadsworth, l\forch 27, 1865. She is n. daughter of Alexander Wadsworth, of Boston. Children :

i. CRACE ELIOT, b. July 1;;, 18G7, in Chicngo, Ill. ii. EtIZABETn 1\!AnGARET, b. Sept. 6, 18G8, in Wenham, Mass. iii. RUTn WADSWORTII, b. Feb. 11, 1875, in CWcn.go. iv. JAMEs Tnw1.--.o, b. Sept. 9, 187G, in Chicago.

(340) CHARLES ELIOT FUR.i.'IBSS s (Jamu,1 Rebecca,° James,' J.Vathanicl,' Jolm,3 Joltn,2 BC11jamin) married Marion Ramsey, March 29, 1875. She is a daughter of . Hon. Alexander Ramsey, of St. Paul, Minn. Children: i. ANNA EARLE, b. l\Iny 17, 187G, in Philadelphia, Pena. ii. A.I.E..~NDER R.ursEY, b. Oct. 18, 1877, in Phifadelphin. iii CIL\RLES ELIOT, b. Oct. 21, 1879, in Philadelphia; d. there Sept. 20, 1880. 1v. LAURA, b. l\Iarch 31, 1882, in Rt. P!Llll, l\Iinn.

(341) EDWARD THW1.LVG 8 ( I.saac,1 Nicholas,° Jolm," Thomas,' Edu:ard/ Edward/' Bcnja- . min) followed the occupation of painting until the enrolment of the !!n.ssachusetts Regiment of Volunteers for l!exico, when he joined Company C of that regiment, and was elected a lieuten­ ant, in which capacity he served during the war. With many others, he contracted a disease incidental to the tropics, which clnng to him to his la.st hour. After his return home he secured an appointment in the Navy Agency, from bis commander, Col. I. H. Wright, and subsequently assumed charge of a newspaper in the then territory of llinnesofa. He was a graceful and fluent writer, and, ha.d health permitted him to remain in his western home, he would have attained an en,;iable popularity. He was social, urbane, and possessed to a great degree tl1osc amenities


which distinguish tho gentleman. He was nn oxcollont officer, and conu:na.ndod tho respect of his comrades in lfe::dco, by his dignified and courteous deportment. His proficiency in discipline was manifested to his Boston friends during tho year ho ha.d tho honor to serve as adjutant in tho .A.ucient and Honorable Artil­ lery Company. .At the time of his marriage he wo.s o. clerk. He mo.rried Eliza B. Gault, Ja.n. 23, 1851, in Boston, Mass. She ,vo.s born Sept. 9, 1831, in Fredericktown, N. B. Shewo.s n. daughter of Archibald Go.alt. He died at tho residence of bis mother, in Prince Street, Boston, on l!ondny, Sept. 20, 1858, and so sudden wo.s hiR death that few of his friends and former comrades were awn.re of tho melanclioly fa.ct until after his remains had been consigned to their In.st rcstiag-pfo.ce. Ho was taken awa.y in the prime of life. They were Episcopalia.ns. Both of his children are living in N o:w York, and are engaged in the ba.t business. Children : . i. FRANK, b. Jan. 19, 1852, in Boston, J\Ia.ss. iL ROBERT EDW.. \RD, b. June 11, 1857, in New York City. Address, 40 King Street, New York.

(342) EDWARD PAYSON 'l'H\VINGS ( Thomas,7 Niclwla.s,' John,' Th.Q11UlS,4 Edward,' Edward,' Ben, .. jamin) became a member of the Preparatory Department of the ·West 'Brookfield Academy at si"t yen.rs of a.ge, and in November, 1837, removed with his father's family to Boston, l\!ass. Ten yea.rs were spent in the Eliot Grammar and English High schools ; two years at Monson Academy, and four at Han·ard College, where he graduated in 1855, and spent the summer in Europe. He graduated in Divinity in 1858 at Andover, }fass., and was ordained Sept. 22, 1858, pastor of the St. Lawrence Street Congregational Church in Portland, lic., from which he · was cn.lled to Hancock Street Church, Quincy, Mnss., where he wns installed Nov. 19, 1862. He resigned June 24, 1867, on _account of impnircd health. For two years he had pastoral charge of the Second Church, W cstbrook, Mc., and for Sc\·cral 180 THE "r.H\V'IN'G FAMILY.

:years tho.t of the Church of the Covenant (Oongrega.tionu.1), Brooklyn, N. Y. July 14, 1870, he took the· chair"of Vocal Culture at Gorham Seminary, and gave his Inaugurn.l address on "Our early Civilization as related to the cause. of good letters." He afterwards held the same position at the Normal Institute, Paris, Me., the Female College, Kent's Hill, Mc., Little Blue, Farmington, Me., Boston Normal Institute, Boston, Mass., and Brooklyn Lay Colleges. In the latter he lectured four years in the department of Sacred Rhetoric, resigning in 1878. _He is a life member of the Long Island Historical Soc~ety, Recorder of the Long Island-Temperance .Alliance nnd Registrar -of the New York and Brooklyn Associo.tion (Congregational). He has . published the following: "Bible Sketches, 1854," o. volume written in college. "Leaves from o. Tourist's Journal," a serial on foreign travel. Pamphlet sermons : "Death of the First Born," '' Royal Request," '' A Voice from ·the Battle Field," and three others in the Home Monthly, a. Boston magazine of which .he was editor; a biography of his mother, 1865,, and of his father, 1867; "Society of Christian Brethren," 1854; Drill book in Vocal Culture, 1876; "Out Door Life in Europe," and numerous other publications and essays. He is also associate editor of the " Homiletic Monthly," a well known magazine for clergymen. Re ma.rried Susan Maria Waite, Dec. 28, 1859, in Portland, Mc. She was born there Oct 15, 1834. Address, 156 St. Mark's .A.venue, Brooklyn, L. L, New York. Children:

i. GRACE, b. Jan. 5, 1861, in Portlruid, l\Ie. 11. Ct.. UtE.."'iCE, b. June 29, 1862, in Fortln.orl.. iii. HERBERT, b. Dee. 22, 1863, in Q•.:h,cy, l\I:iss.; d. there Sept. 21, 1865. iv. EuGEXE, b. Jan. 17, 1866, in Quincy. v. WALTER, b. Feb. 11, 1868, in Boston, l\Iass.; still-born. vi. EDWARD WAITE, b. Feb. 11, 1868, in Boston. vu. ERNEST, b. }l,eb. 11, 1868, in Boston; d. June 5, 1871, in w· estbrook, l\le. v-iii. GEBTRUDE, b. Dec. 29, 1869, iu '\Y estbrook. iL LILLIA..'i, b. Dec. 9, 1871, in Portland; d. there Jan. 5; 1876. :x. HENRY, b. J\Iarch 12, 187 4, in Portland; cl. same day. EIGB'rlI GENERATION. 181

(343) MARY ANN KllffiALL s (Abigail,7 Nicliolaa,0 Jolin,' Thomas,' Edward/' Edward,' Ben­ jamin) married Oli\"er Joseph ChurchilJ, June 10,'18p3, in North Brookfield, Mass. He was born Oct. 17, 1818. Children, all born in North Fairfax, Vt.:

.i. ANNA ELIZA.BETH, b. l\Liy.5, 1854: m. Wnlter M:indell. ii. W A.JmEN AtrGUSTUS. iii. Er.m:n AuGusrus. iv. ELLA AUGUSTA. v. HERBERT HIRAM.

(344) ABBIE FIELDS KIMBALL s (Ahigail,1 NicltoUlS,0 Jol,n,' Thomas,' Edward;:' Edward,' Bcn­ jami11,) married Stephen Wotton, Sept. · 2, 186 7, in Hartford, Conn. He was born Dec. 11, 183'7. Children: i. AnTmm STEPn&..~, b. '.March 8, 1869, in Warren,Mnss.; d. there Sept.: 6, 1871 •. ii. LEROY KllIB,\.LL, b. l\Iay 20, 1876, in West, Warren, Mass.

(345) WILLIAM GARRISON T NG_S (Ehenc::er,7 1"1clwlas: John,' Tlwmn.s,' Ed1card,3 Edward/ Ben­ jamin) married Mary Augusta. Landon, Nov. 27, 1875, in Spring­ field, Mass. She was born Jan.13, 1851. They live in Holyoke, Mass. Children, born in Holyoke:

i. PHILIP HOWE, b. April 11, 1877. ii. L.u.~oN SU'ltNER, b. Oct. 21, 1878.

(346) HORACE W. PIERCES . ( Sally,7 .A.mos,° Joltn/ Thomas: Edward,3 Edward,2 Benfn.min) married, first, Louisa Hndso Swallow, Dec. 24, 1848, in Rowley, Mass. She was born ]farch 24, 1821, and died l\fa.y 24, 1859. He mµried, second, Mary Swallow, April IO, 1861. He died Jan. 23, 1873. Children: 182 TI.IE TIIWJNG F A.'1ILY.

i. WILLIAll'. Hx?.."RY, b. Jan. S, 1850, in Roxbury, l\Iass.; m. Annie G. Thn.tcher, Oct. 25, 1876. She ,vas born Nov. 22, 1857. They live in Brighton, Mn.as. ii. FnEDEmo A'C'GUsTus, b. !\In.rch 1, 1852, in Brighton; m. Sa.rah C. Buckmnn, Oct. 17, 1877. She was born J."eb. 5, 1851. They live in Brighton. ill. CORA CLARA, b. Nov. 19, 1854, in Brighton.

(347) LOUISA TRW.ING PIERCE s ( Sally,7 A.mos,° Jolm," Tliomas,' Edward/ Edward,' Benjamin) mnrried Cephas Henry Bracket, Nov. 16, 1848. He wn.s born Jan. 19, 1826. Child:

i. DEXTER, b. Nov. 13, 1851; m. Josephine Dnmo, Sept. 21, 1875. Chiltl: {l) Herbert .De.-rter, b, Sept. 19, 1876.

(348) SARAH ANN PIERCE s (Sally,7 Amos,' JQ/tn," Tlt

i. HORACE PIERCE, b. May 6, 1861. i.i. ALBERT HD-JtY, b. July 13, ISGO; d. June 5, 1877.

(349) DANIEL OSBOR.i..V s (~lary, 1 .A:mos,6 John," Thomas,' Edward,3 Edward/ Benjamin) married SarrJ.h Dana, May 14, 1846, in Brighton, Mase. She was born Sept. 17, 1821. Children, all born in Brighton:

i. MARY JACKSO~, b. June 23, 1849. ii. SA.RAB DA..":A, b. Nov.15, 1851 ; m. James Albert Munroe. w. CIL\RLES D.A..."'lA, b. July 17, 1853; d. Aug. 20, 1877. 1v. FILU.-x WII.LIA.l!, b. Sept. 4, 1855. v. HERBERT Tr:rwnm, b. Jfurch 7, 1857. vi. HELEX PrFFER, b. l\Ia.rch 7, 1857; m. Jonathan Allen Munroe, of West Albany, N. Y., June 21, 1876. 'l-ii. ARTHUR JES~E, b. May 24, 1859. EIGlITJI GENERATION. 183

(350) MARY JACKSON THWING 8 (Rcubcn,,1 Amos," Jolin/' ThomaJJ,4 Edward,:' Edward,, Benjamin) married Henry Lloyd, Aug. 5, 1855. He wa.s born in Binning." hnm, England. He died Sept. 18, 1869.. She lives on her father's fa.rm in Brighton, Mass. Children :

i. REUBEN HE..~RY, b. March 8, 1856. 11. WALTER TlIWING, b. April 9, 1859. iii. GnACE ANNETTA, b. Sept. 19, 1868.

(351) VIRG!.L'i!A GARLAND THWING s ( Fra:nklin,1 John," Joltn,6 Tliomas,' Edward,:J Edward,' Ben­ jamin) married Ste\"e John Peterson, July 8, 1858. Address, 73 Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill. Children :

1. KNUTE FRANKLIN, b. April 22, 1859. 11. J~~ GAltl.il,:;, b. April 8, 1861. iii. VmcnnA. Bnm, b. Feb. 7, 1863. iv. STEVE HALI.STROl!, b. Sept. 17, 1865; d. Jan. 8, 1867. v. CHARLES 1IE?1.,iY, b. Sept. 14, 1867. vi. M.mr LomsA. Lo1mm, b. Jan. 3, 1875.

(352) FRA..i.~LIN JOHN T .NGS ( Franklin,' John," John, 6 Thomas,' Edward,' Edward,' Ben­ jamin) was educated at the best of schools from the age of seven to eighteen years. The latter part of May, 1861, he left the Michlgan State Uni\"ersity, Ann Harbor, :Michigan, in the midst of his college course, and returned to his home in Crystal Lake, Illinois, with the intention of enlisting in the volunteer service, but was too late to be accepted among the three months men who responded to the Presidenfs first call He :finally enlisted in Co. A, 36th Illinois Infantry Volunteers. About Sept. 1, 1861, he was appointed second sergeant of the compa.ny. They 24 . . 184 TJIE :l'H\VINd FAMILY.

were in Gen. Sigcl's Division of Gen; S. CartiB's nrmy operating in }Iissouri, and took part in the battle of Pea Ridge. Bis regiment took part in the siege of Corinth, :Miss., as a part of Gen. A.sboth's Division of Gen. Pope's Corps, and shortly after this were placed onder Gen. P. H. Sheridan's command, who ho.d just been commissioned a Brig. General and given a Division. His Dirision was ordered to Cincinnati, and from there to Louis­ ville, Ky., to aid in repelling Gen .. Bragg's advance northward. His regiment took part in the battle of Parryville, Ky., and met with heavy loss. ,The regiment ,vas stationed at Nashville, Tenn., where he was appointed first sergeant, and about two months after, his next battle was at l:[urfreesboro', Tenn.; the · battle of Stone River, in which the Division took a very promi~ neiit part and met -with severe loss. His regiment lost nearly one-half its fighting force. Shortly after the battle of Stone River he received commissions of second and first lieutenants of bis Company (about March, 1863). His Division '!as with the army in the advance on Tallahoma and Chattanooga., Tenn.; and

in September, 18631 he wa.s appointed to the command of a pr~ ,ost guard at Gen~ A. lf. Mc Cook's headquarters, the commander

of his army corps. About Aug. 11 1863, owing to his mother's urgent solicitations, supplemented with letters from other rel~ tives, he was induced to tender his resignation a.s first lieutenant; but September arriving, and nothing being heard from the resig­ nation, he concluded to remain in the service, and accordingly o~tained leave to visit Winchester, Tenn., and lay in a new sup­ ply of clothing. On Sept. 23, be received his resignation papers endorsed accepted. They had been laid aside and not received until si.i: weeks after they should ha'"e been. .After his retllrl_l home he b~ghn to study medicine, but gave it ·up owing to ill health. About September, 1867, be became engaged in mer­ cbandizing, but soon sold out fearl~g a. loss. ln January, 1875, · he became connected mth a general advertising firm in Chicago, but ill health com·pelled him to seek out-door employment, and he concluded to undertake sheep raisa'ng, living in Bunker- Hill, Kansas, and has been so far very successfal in r:i.ising s:'ecp. EIGllTII GENERATION. 185 He now lives in Wilson, Kansas. He married Elizabeth Knapp Smith, Jane 3, 1865, in Henry; Illinois. Sho was born Juno 8, 1843, in Chicago, Ill. Children: i. FitANXLIN JoHN, b. April 28, 1867, in Crystal Lake, Ill ii. II.AJUUET OGDEN, b. Aug. 30, 1869, _in Cryst:ll Lake. iii. EnE.'l W ORTllINGTON, b. Ja.n. 24, 187~~ in C?icago, Ill.

(353) ELIZ.A.BETH THWINGS ( William, 7 Jolln;' John, 1 ThomaJJ," Edward, 3 $dward/ Benja­ min) married Richard Heathfield, Oct. 15, 1867, in Bo_s~on, Mass. He was.born ;Dec. 14, 1835, in London, Eng~and. He is an iron .manufacturer in Birmingham, England. She was edn• cated at yarious schools in Boston, Mass.; .and finished her education at Mrs. Hodges's private school. Adc4-~s, Edgbaston Hall, Birmingham, England. Children: . . i. RICHA.RD, b. July 27, 1868. 11. ERNEST, b. Nov. 2, 1869. iii. HELE..'. LomsE, .b. April 25, 1871. 1v. .AltnroR, b. July 12, 1$73. v. FLORENCE, b. 1\Iarch 29, 1875. vi ALrcE EVELYN, b. Dec. 20, 1876.

(354) CHARLES WILLIAM SANDER.SONS (Marinda,7 Jolm,• Jo/J:n,,6 Tlwmas;' Edward/ Edward/ Ben­ jamin) married Helen Barnet Fletcher, Dec. 11, I 845, in Brighton, Mass. She was born in Roxbury, Mass., in 1825. Children, all born in Brighton, Mass. :

i. HELEN BUR..'-ET, b. Nov. 25, 1846. ii. CIL\RLES Eu, b. Dec. lS, 1S4S. iii. JonN TIIwnm, b. l\:furch 1S, lS!il. iv. JESSE, b. Oct. I, 1853. v. A boy, b. Oct. 10, 1855. v1. .RonERT FLETCilER, b. Dec. 23, 1857. 186 TUE TinVJNO FAlllLY.

(355) NATHAN BROOKS WfilTl\IANS (Ann,' Elfjah: Jolm,," Tl,omaa,' EdwardtEdward,S B~,/amin) mo.med Ho.rriot Clnrk, of Bolton, Mass. Children: i. IDA. ii. CIIARLES. iii. ALBERT. iv. GEORGE.

(356) CHARLOTTE COGGIN W.EIITl\lA.i.~ s (.1.1.nn,1 Elijalt,4 Jolm," T!t0ma.,/ Edward,' Edward,' Benjamin) married Lowis W. Forbush, Oct. 8, 1853. Children: i. EDWARD LoT, b. Feb. 11, 1857, in Marlboro', l\!ass. ii. HERBERT LEWIS, b. Feb. 23, 1863, in Marlboro'. iii. ANNIE LOUISA, b. March 18, 1867, in l\farlboro'. iv. HELEN Lots, b. l\fuy 11, 1869, in Stow, l\!nss.

(357) CARRIE SOPHRONIA wmTMAN 8 (A.nn, 7 Elijal,,4 Jolin," Thomas,' Edward/ Edward,' Benjamin) married Charles Adams, Aug. 2G, 1862. Sho died Aug. 20, 1868. Child:

i. CARRIE ETTA, b. July 17, 1864, in Marlboro', Mass.

(358) MARY LOUISA WHIT~MAN s (A.nn,7 Elija!t,4 Jolin, 6 Tlwmas,' Edward/ Edward,i Bcnjamin) married Alonzo Hing Bryant, May 31, 1865. Children, born in W cstboro', Mass. : .

1. HERBERT ALoxzo, b. Aug. 25, 1868. ii. LtLLIA..'l\l TnwL"G, b. Nov. 15, 1870.

(359) CHARLES GILlIORE THWING s (.Tosiah,7 Elijah/ ,Tolm/ Thomas,' E,bcnrd,' Edward.' Benjamin) is a carpenter in Watertown, Mass. He married !\fartha E.


Turner, Dec. 24, 1860, in Boston. She wns born June 12, 1838, in Portland, Me. She died Oct. 23, 1870, in Watertown. Child:

i. FLORENCE GERTRUDE, b. June 25, 1867, in Boston.

(360) CHESTER MARCELLUS THWING 8 (Josi.al~1 Elija/1.,° Jokn," Tlwmas,' Edward,3 Edward,' Benjamin) is first qfficer on steamer" Sta.to of Texas,'' running out of New York. He entered the navy Nov. 4, 1863, and served until Jan. S, 1866, when he received an honorable discharge as acting volunteer lieutenant. He was at one time an acting ensign on board one of the ironclads. He married Julia. Almena. Stephens, May 13, 1877. She was born Nov. 22, 1848, in Sidney, Me. Children:

i. CHESTER ROLLO, b. Aug. 8, 1880, in Hoboken, N. J. ii. GENEVJU. STEVENS, b. July 2, 1882, in New London, Conn.

(361) ALBERT THWING 8 (Josltua-,1 Eli;J°alz,' Jolin,• Tlwmas,' Edward,a Edward,: Ben­ J°amin) is a bookseller in Great Falls, N. H. He married Minni~ France~ Fall, June 19, 1878, in Great Falls. She was born there Aug. 24, 1856. Child:

i. LE Ror LIVINGSTONE, b. May 28, 1879, in Great Falls.

(362) WILLI.AM HENRY THWINGS ( Cliarles,1 Elija/1,8 Joltn,6 Thomas,' Edward,3 Edward,' Ben­ jamin) is a farmer in East Derry, N. H., having followed that. occupation in Bolton, Tewksbury, Lexington, Boxford, Grove­ land, .and Bradford, lfa.ss. He bought the farm he now occupies in 1881. He attends the Congregational Church, although a. ·member of the Baptist denomination. He married Mary Ann Webber, Dec. 2~ 1871, in Boston. She was born July I£;, I S4S~ in Bangor, Mc. They h:i)c no children. 188 'rJDJ fflWING Jr.ilULY.

(863) CAROLINE FR.A.NOES THWINGB ( C!,arlu, 7 Elijal,,' Joltn,' Tl,oma,,' Edward,' Edward,' .Ben­ jamin) ma.rried Frederic Eugene Rogers, Jo.n. 28, 1866, in Tewks­ bury, Mass. They are Congrego.tiooalists. He wa.s born Sept. 16, 1845, in .Chelsea, Mass. He was a lieutenant and captain in the last :war. He is now a railroad passenger .conductor in Sa.n Antonio, Texas. Children : i. FREDERIC EUGENE, b. M:o.y l, 1867, iu Tewksbury. ii. CAKRJE At.10:E, b • .Aug. 4, 1870, in Tewksbury. iii. MABEL FRANCES, b. Sept. 2, 1872, in Newburyport, l\Iass. iv. EvA MAt1D, b. June 26, 1875, in Balln.rdva.le, Mass. v. ADALBERT FKANJC, ·b. J1LD. 1, 1882, in San Antonio, Texas.

(364) CHARLES WALLACE -THW:INGa ( Clzarks,1 Elijali, • Jolin,• TlunnaJ," Edward,, Edward,' Ben­ jamin) married Ma.ry Ann Brown, June 2, ·1878, in Andover, Mass. He attended school in Bolton a.nd Tewksbury, and at the age of fifteen left school to work for his father. In 1867 be removed to Ballardvale, where he has li\"ed a greater part of the time up to the present day. In 1876 he went .to San Antonio, Texas, where he served as ·baggage master on a rail road for six months. :He is now .a. :butcher in Ballardvale, Mass. She was born March 6, 1861, in Rotherham, Yorkshire, England. Children, all born in Ballard vale:

i. ADDIE ELIZA, b. Oct. 26, 18i8; cl. July 29, 1879. ii. CHARLES ALBERT, b. June 25, 1880. iii. FREDERICK ARTHUR, b. ·Feb. 17, 1888. ·

(365) ALBERT ERWIN THW1NGS (Cltarles,' Elfja!t,1 Jol,n,'1' Thomns,4 Edward,3 Ed1card,' Ben,. iamin) married Mrs. Sarah Minnie Bruce, Dec. 29, 1877, in , EiciBm OENJ!mATJON. 189 La.wronco, Mass. She was born there Aug. 81, 1856. Ber mo.idon na.mc wo.s French. He is a butcbor in Lawrence, :Mo.ss. Ho n.ttondod school in Bolton a.nd Tewksbury. In 18 70 he went to Andover, Mass., in the employ of a butcher and provision. dealer, and in 1874 to Lawrence in the same business. Bo often a.ttends the Universalist Church. Address, ol En.st Haver• hill Stroot, Lawrence, Mass.


( Cliarla,' ElijaJ,,• Jonn,' noma1: Edward/ Edward, I Ben­ jamin) m11rricd Etto. Warren Holt, Dec. 4, 1879, in Lawrence, Mass. She wo.s born March 11, 1859, in Andover, Mass. He attended school until he was sixteen years old. Ho wo.s in his father's store in Boston, Mass., and in 1873 went to Nowton, Mass., in the employ of a. grocer, o.nd in a.bout n. year removed to Andorer, where he is still employed in o. provision store.

Be attends the Congregational Church. Address, Andovcr1 )!ass. Child, born in Andover:

i. Ct.AREN9E WARR~, b. Sept. 22, 1880.

(367) SARAH WITHINGTON THWINGS (James,' Eluluz,• Jolin," Th.omu,• Edward,' Edwar~1 Benjamin.) married James Cartwright .Starbuck, in Nantucket, Mass., March 30, 1869. He was born June 10, 1825.. Children:

i. HELEN Tuwnm, b. Dec. 24, 1869; d. July 24, 1870. ii. JAMES FREDBRICE, b. Oct. 21, 1871; d. Jan. l!l, 1875.

(368) JULIA CAROLINA !-flNTZINGS · ( Lcru.isa,' Edward,t NaJJw:n,kl,° Edward,4 Edward,' Eduxr.rd; Benjamin.) married George H.B. Hill, of New York. Child: i. GEORGE MASON, b. Nov. 28, 1872; d. Aug. 12, 187.3. 190 TllE TIDVINO F~tILY.

(369) ALICE VffiGINIA MINTZING s (L011,i.,a,' Edward,' Natltanicl," Edward,' Edward/' Edward,• Bcnjamfo) mo.rried Thompson St. Clair Grant, of Longview, ·Enfield, Conn. Children:

i. HARRY ALLEN, b. Ja.n. 10, 1874. ii. FAIRFAX, b. Murch 23, 1875.

(370) LOUISA BARNARD l\fINTZINGB (Louisa," Edward,' Natltaniel," Edward,' Edwaril,3 Edward,' Benjamin) married John F. Ripley, of Cha.rleston, S. C. Chil• dren:

i. MARION IIILL. ii. NATlL\...~lEL FISilER. iii. Taom-sos GRANT.



( Lutl,cr,8 Rlwda,7 Timothy,• Joltn: Joltn,◄ Joltn,3 Jol1.11,,2 Ben­ jamin) was brought up as a wholesale druggist, but changed his business. Was for five years one of the ·Alien Commissioners and Superintendent of Alien Passengers, and afterwards secre­ tary of the Troy and Greenfield and Hoosac Tunnel Railroads. He is a Unitarian. He married Eliza Parker Kendrick, Sept. 20, I 848. She was born Oct. 22, 1823, in Roxbury, Mass .. Address, Green St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Children: NINTJI GENERATION. 191

i. l(ARY GrtBEnT, b. April O, 1851, in Roxbury; cL there Feb. 11, 1863. ii. EDWARD RANTOUL, b. l\Iay 27, 1853, in Roxbury. He is a civil engineer, aud married Geraldine L. Stacy, l\Iay 19. 1880, in Gloucester, Mass. Child, b. in Battle Creek, Mich.: · (1) William Munroe, b. l\Iarch 5, 1881. iii. ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 22, 1856, in Brooklyn, L. I., New York. iv. JULIA, b. July 26, 1858, in Roxbury. v. GRACE, b. Nov. 14, 1860, in Roxbury. vi. SA.RAIi Hoo:ic, b. Ju!y 23, 1864, in Roxbury.

(372) LOUISA AUGUST.A. HAMILTON 9 ( William,' Rhoda,1 Ti.mothy,1 Jolm,,6 Jolm,' Jolin/' John,' Ben­ famin) married Edwin Bartlett, Sept. 25, 1844, in Rockford, (I]inois. They removed to Onta.rioville, Illinois. She died May 15, 1855,. in Ontn.riovillc. Children: i. IID10GENE. ii. ANJA.NETT. iii. ADA L.

(373) ELLEN WELLS 9 (Helena,• .Amariah,1 Timothy,6 Jolm," Jolm,' Joltn.,3 Jolln,' Ben,. jamin) m. Francis W. Stebbins, Nov. 17, 1852. He is a farmer in Deerfield, }Iass. She died Dec. 9, 1871. Children: i. RoLil"D, b. Sept. 19, 1853. ii. JosEPH, b. Sept. 19, 1856; d. Jan. 18, 1859. iii. Fo-sY El!ELIA, b. Jan. 19, 1860. IV. WILLIAJI WELLS, b. July 11, 1862; d. July 25, 1864.

(374) EMILY WELLS 9 (Helena,8 Amariali,1 TunotlrtJ,8 Jolin/' Joltn,' John/' Jolm,~ Ben­ jamin) married Sylverter B. Smith, Oct. 12, 1858. He is a farmer in Colerain, Mass. Children: 25 192 TJIE THWING FAMILY.

i. JOSEPH, b. Sept. 10, 18li0. ii. HELEN l\!A.Y, h. Oct. :n, 1860; d. Nov. 27, 1863. iii. GERTRUDE SoPJnA, b. l\Ia.roh :;, 1864. iv. B&nTIIA CORNELIA, b. Oct. 10, 18Gu. v. · I·IEnDEBT WELLS, b. Juno G, 18Gi.

(375) WILLIAM WELLSO (Helena, 1 Amarial,,1 Timotliy,' John,6 Jolln,' John,' Joltn, • Ben­ jamin) married l\f ary Elizabeth Ba.Hou, of Greenfield, Mo.as., Dec. 20, 1865. Ho wns a farmer in Shelburne, Mass. He died March 4, 1883, in Shelburne. Children:

i. ELLEN SOPHIA, h. Oct. 4, 1866. ii. l!ARY PRUDENCE, b. Nov._ 18, 1874.

(376) MARYE. GRAVES 9 (Mary,' .A.maria/,,' Timothy,• Joltn,6 Jolm,' Jolin,' Jolin,' Ben­ jamin) married Fred. J. Root, of Westfield, ~!ass., :March 30, 1869. Children: • i BERTHA. E., b. Joly 3, 1870. ii. HERBERT E., b. March 26, 1872.

(377) HATTIE L. H.ALL9 (Rlwda.,' Amu:ria/1.,' Timotliy,• Joltn,6 John,' Jolm/ John,' Ben­ jamin) married William G. Whitney. Children : i. WILLI.All WALLACE, b. Dec. 6, 1869. ii. MYRA CLARK, b. Dec. G, 1869. ill. .A.LvA.-..r HALL, b. Sept. 15, 1871; d. same day. iv. ZULINE HALL, b. Oct: 8, 1872.

(378) MATTIE LUNETTA. THWING 9 (Ethridge/ Amarialt,7 Timotky,8 Jolm, 6 John,' John,' _Joltn,S Be:ajamin.) married Daniel Seffens, of Parkersburg, West Vir- NJNTJI OENEnATION. 198

ginio., April 10, 1873, in Conway, Ma.ss. He wo.s born July 8, 1842, in Washington Co., Md. Ho is now o. fa.rmor in Conway, but wo.s formerly a. merchant. Ohildron: i. LEON HENRY, b. l\Iay 22, 1874, in Pa.rkersburg. ii. LEROY LINWOOD, b. l\Ia.rch 12, 1876, in Conway. iii. ANNIE l\L\u», b. Sept. 7, 1880, in Conway.

(379) MARTHA J. WATROUS!> (Lm,iaa, 8 Martl,a,' John,• Jolt.n,' Jolln,• Jonn,2 Jo!,n,' Benjamin) married Samuel H. Griswold, Oct. 31, 1851, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. He was born Joly 20, 1828, in Burns, N. Y. He is n. wagon maker and joiner. Children, born in Ridgeville, Wisconsin : ·

i. Lu.&.-.;- ADELBERT, b. liay 3, 1856; d. Aug. 11, ]870. U. CARRIE P.ER>tEL~, b. Sept. 15, 1858.

(380). MARY JANE WATROUSO (Lot:isa,' Martha,' Jokn,• John,' Jokn.,' Jokn,' Jokn,S Benjamin) married William Moore Allen, Jane 8, 1856, in Byron, Wis. Be was born Sept. 16, 1831, in Lockport, N. Y. He died Feb. 11, 1877, in Byron. Children, all born in Byron:

i. WILLIE ALTON', b•. April 5, 1857. ii. EDwARD, b. l\Iarch 16, 1858; d. Sept. 16, 1858. iii. l'tltNNIE MARIA, b. Nov. 14, 1860. iv. Fx.u.-ic, b. April 15, 1866.

(381) ISABEL MARTA WATROUS9 (Lo.Na,' Martha.,' Joltn,• Jolm,, 1 John,' Jolm,3 John, 2 Be11,jamin) married Nathaniel Phelps, July 20, 1855. He was born March 12, 1826, in Goshen, Mass. He is a farmer. Children, all born in Byron, Wis. : 194 THE TmVINO FAMII,r.

L ELLEN l\L\.nu, b. Nov. 5, 185G; m. Chauncey B. Cul­ ver, Nov. 10, 1875. Ho was b. Oct. 15, 1852, in Rutlnnd Co., Vt. ii. JULIA. BELLE, b. Jnn. 21, 1850•• ill. ELMER NA.TllA.'lIEL, b. Oct. 19, 1861. iv. CORA LOVISA, b. June 12, 1865. v. FLORA. ESTELLA, b. Sept. 15, 1860. vi. FRED. RICHARD, b. Nov. O, 1876.

(382) JAMES ROMINE WA.RNERD (ba.ac,8 Rort1,1 Jolm/ Joltn,6 Joltn,' Jolm,,3 John,9 Benjamin) married Alice Cornelia Shippen, Dec. 22, 1870, in Medina., N. Y. He served in the army during the late war as a private in Ba~ tery E, First New York Light Artillery. He is now a farmer.

She was bom Sept. 141 1851, in Ridgeway, N. Y. Children, born in Ridgeway: i. MDl~£E CAROLn."E, b. April 11, 1873. ii. Fn.u.'K BntoN, b. Nov. O, 1877 .

. (383) ALICE ROXY W.A:RNERO (1.saac,8 RoX?J,' Jolin,' John,6 John,4 Jolin,' Jolm, 1 Benjamin) married Albert Jared Comstock, Sept. 6, 1869, in Shelby, N. Y. He was born March 14, 1845, in Shelby. He is a miller. Chil­ dren:

· i. GRACE GRE~-WOOD, b. Feb. 12, 1870, in Ya.tes, N. Y. ii. CLARA Sc;cLAIR, b. l\Inrch 10, 1873, in Yates. iii. FRED. J~utES, b. April 29, 1878, in Middleport, N. Y.

(384) SALLY HORTENTIA LYM.AN9 (Mary,8 Lucretia,7 Jolm,• Jolin,6 Jolin,4 Jolin,' John,' Benjamin) married Pierre J. Wright, Dec. 28, 1859, in Batavia, N. Y. He was born Sept. 11, 18381 in Bergen, N. Y. He died Sept. 22 1 1875, in Byron, N. Y. Children: NINTH GENERATION. 195

i. LESTER, b. April 30, 1860, in Bergen. ii. ERNEST, b. Feb. O, 1865, in Freeport, Ill. iii. l\IA.nTUA, b. June 14, 1868, in Bergen. iv. !tIAnY, b. July Ci, 1870, in Berien. v. IRENE, b. Dec. 28, 1872, in Byron. vi. AlL\NDA, b. Sept. 26, 1874, in Byron. I

(385) WILLIAM SEYl\!OUR LTifANO (Mary,8 Lucretia,' John,8 Joltn,• Jolt11,,' John,,3 Jolin/ Benjamin) married Florence Butterfield, Feb. 15, 1876, in Clarendon, N. Y. She was born Oct. 28, 1847, in Clarendon.: He is a farµier. Child:

i. CARRIE JOYE, b. Aug. 31, 1878, in Clarendon.

(386) LEONARD FRANCIS LYMAN 9 (Mary,8 Lucretia,' Joh11,,' John,• John,' Jolin/ Jolin,' Benjamin) married Jennie Ford, Oct. 14, 1875, in St.afford, N. Y. She was born there Sept. 21, 185'0. .He is a. farmer. Child: i. FANNIE lLum, b. Oct. 20, 1876, in Stafford.

(387) OGDEN .AMASA WILBER 9 ( Cornelia, 8 Lucretia,' John," Jolin," Joltn,' Joltn/ Joltn,S Ben­ jamin) married }!ary Jane Gillons, :March 11, 1862, in Batavia, N. Y. She was born April 23, 1842, in Elba, N. Y. Children, all born in Elba.:

i.· MYRTA EtIZA, b. Aug. 2, 1863. ii. DAVID CLIO, b. May 28, 1865. iii. W ILLIAX~ b. Sept. 8, 18 68.

(388) }!ARY ELIZA GRISWOLD 9 ( William,8 La,ura,7 John," Jolm," Joltn,' Jultn/J -Jolm,' Benjamin) manied Charles Martin Kelsey, Feb. 17, 1870, in Le Roy, N. Y. . He is a farmer. Children : 106 THE TJIWING F Al\llLY.

i. EDITH ADICLJA, il. FRAN01t8 LUCINDA. m. ,v1tt1A11 Gt1t."iN, iv. L&wts ELDON,

(38D) FRANCIS MARION GRISWOLO9 ( 1Pilliam, • La.ura,1 Jol,n,0 Jolm, • Jolm;' .Iolm,3 Jol,n,' Bcn./amin) married Emily Cecelia Wnrd, Nov. 9, 1871, in Lo Roy, N. Y. He is n carpenter. They ho.d two children who died in infancy.

(390) SILAS IANTHUS THWING 9 (Horace,' .Pordyce,' John, 0 John,6 Jolm/ Jolm;' John,' B(Jlljamin) married Hannah Eliza Warren, Sept. 15, 1873, in Edgerton, Wisconsin. She wns born Aug. 25, 1857, in Janesville, Wis. He is a farmer. Child :

i. ARTHUR IANTII'IJ'S, b. Nov. 26, 1880, in Edgerton.

(391') EUDORA. EMMOGENE THWING 9 (Horace,' Fordyce,' John,' Jol.n,t Jo/1.n,' Joltn,' John,• Ben/amin) married George Washington Alverson, Oct. 20, 1874, in Janes­ ville, Wis. He wns born March 22, 1854, in Sheboygan, Wis. He is a. farmer. Children:

:i. HORACE GEORGE, b. Oct. 8, 1875, in Janesville. ii. ERFORD NELSON, b. July 29, 1879. in Whitewater, Wis. iii. IDA MA.uo, b. April 17, 1880, in Edgerton, Wis.

(392) VIOLIA NAOMI W.!RJ.~R 9 ( Sopltia,9 Fordyce,7 Jolm,• Jolm, • John,• Jolin/ John,' Benjamin) married Trueman Wheeler Taft, March 19, 1874, in Richmond, Wis. He was born Jn.n. 1, 1847. in Cortland, N. Y. He is a farmer. Children, born in Whitewater, Wis.:

i. NELLIE :MAY, b. March 17, 1875. ii. FRED. RAY, b. April .29, 1879. NINTJI OENJCRATION I 107

(SOS) GEORGE WASHINGTON FERO o (Ro:r.y,' Fordyce,' Jolin,' Jolm,• Jolm,• Jo/m,/ Jolm.' Be71jmnin) mo.rriod Cordelia. Millis, July 4, 1814, in Janesville, Wis. She wo.s born March 25, 1854, in \Vhitowo.ter, Wis. Ho is a. farmer. Child, born in Wbitowo.tor: i. CLARENCE D.mFOREST, b. Aug. 10, 1875.

(394) ALMEDA T.HWL~G GALE o ( Ckruli11a, 1 Jolin,' Jame,,' James,' Jolin,• Jolm., 1 Jolin,• Ben• ja,nin) mo.rricd Edward Jonu.tho.n Woodbury, Mn.y 10, 1864. He was born Dec. 8, 1889, in Berlin, Vt. Child, born"in Berlin: i. ALIDA. CumsTJNA, b. March 10, 1809.


( Cl,ristina, •Jolin,' Jame,,• Jmnu, •John,' John,, :i Joltn,' Benjamin) married Oliver Earle Blanchard, llay 16, 1865, in Barre, Vt. Re was born there April 7, 1843. She lives in South B4rre, Vt. Children, born in Barre:

i. Lm GALE, b. June 29, 1873. ii. ALICE PARTRENIA, b. May 7, 1877.

(396) SARAH LOVISA. GALE 9 ( Cl,ristina,8 Jolm,' James: James,' Jolin,' Jo/m,/ Jolm,S Benjamin) married Martin Van Bailey, Dec. 11, 1872, in Barre, Vt. He was .born there Nov. 18, 1848. He died from the effects or u. tree falling on him, Dec. 27, 1875. Child, born in Barre: i. EIL"'i'EST !LumY, b. Sept. 29, 1873•

. (397) LUTHERA BASSETT THWL'iG 9 (James,' Joh.n,1 James,' James,' John,' John/ John, 1 Benjamin) married Lewis Peck Potter, March 17, 1868, in Barre, Vt. Children: 108 Tnm TltWlNO FAMILY,

i. II1cn:uox ,TA,ms, b, Dec. 11, 1808, in Barre, ii. AoEL4\ ELIZA, b. l\In.rch 28, 1872, it. Dn.rru. iii. ALtO& Z1m1TUA, b, Jnn. 25, 1874, in Dnrro, iv. SAHAil LtJTRERA, b. Aug. 30, 1870, in Berlin, Vt. v. Iawm LEw1s, b. l\Iny 14, 1870, in Berlin.

(398) ALBERT WILLIAM THWINGO (JamC8,' Jolui,' Jamca,• Jamu,6 Jolm,4 Jolm,° Joh1&,' Be11;1"u.min) married Abbie Ann Currier, Nov. 10, 1873, in Barre, Vt. Sho wo.s I.Jorn June 8, 1850, in Wo.ldon, Vt. Children, horn in Barro: i., HELEN ,vooo, b. Aug. 23, 1874, ii. LOTTIE ALMA, b • .Aug. 7, 1876.

(390) CLIFFORD BURDETT ADAMS9 ( Catl,crinc,' Hanna/1, 1 Jolm,' James,• Joltn,4 John: Jul,.n,• Ben- jamin) mnrricd Georgia 1\Iary Sheridan, Oct. 3, 1871. She was born April 8, 1850, in Eo.st Granby, Conn. His profession is that of a doctor of medicine, and his address is 29 8 Chapel St., New Ha,en, Conn. Children:

i. BURDETT SnERIDA.."'i, b. April 19, 1873, in Simsbury, Conn. ii. CLAr.A BELL, b. Feb. 7, 1875, in New Haven. · iii. CLIFFORD I1ivnm, b. ?tia.rch 9, 1877, in New Hn.ven; d. there Aug. 6, 1877.

(400) JAMES LUTHER THWING9 ( Ralp!t,' L11,ther,1 Jolin,' James,6 Jolin,' Jol,n,' John,• Ben.jamfo) lives in Fond du Lac, ,vis. Both he and his wife are graduates or Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin, in tbe class of l 871. In his Sophomore year they took part in the ex• hibition which occurred on Tuesday evening, Nov. 24, 1868. She was the tenth speaker, subject "The World j\(oves." He was the eleventh speaker, subject "Journalism/' She was re­ presented as coming from Janesville, and he from Waupun. fie

NINTH OENEUATION. 100 wns then a. spocia.l correspondent or tho "Evening Wisconsin,'' Milwnukco. \Vhilo in collogo ho took n. first prize in bis junior yco.r for oxcollonco in English composition. During a. portion of l1is college course ho wo.s editor iu chief or tho college pnpcr. As soon a.s ho graduated ho bccnmo n. member of tho cditorinl stn11" of tho "Milwo.ukco Sentinel," continuing with tba.t po.per until in November, 1873, ho purchased tho" Sa.turdo.y Reporter," n.t Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, of which po.per ho is now tho honored head, a.nd under his editorship hns become one of the Ion.ding pnpcrs of the North-West. On Jan. II, 1881, ao was nominated postmnstcr of tho Wisconsin Legislnturc. In December, 1881, ho wo.s elected Recording Secretary of tho Fond du La.c County FarmcrJs Club. Ho mnrricd Lo.urn Bello Pillsbury, Jan. 20, 1874, in Mena.aha, Wis. She was born Nov. 7, 1849, in Bangor, }fo. Children, born in Fond du Lnc : i. A.u~.tmo LcTJ~, h. April 1, 1870. ii. JosrE BELLE, b. Aug. 7, 1881.

(401) CLARA ADELIA THWING 9 (Ralplt,8 Lutl,cr,' Joltn,° Jamcs,6 Jolin/' John,,3 Jolin; Benjamin) married Bartholomew l\IcFarlane, March 26, 1872, in Waupun, Wis. He was born Jan. 17, 1846, in Bo,·ina, N. Y. They are Methodists. Ho is a farmer, ::r.nd they are now living in Pobeta., near Solomon City, Kansas. Child : i. Jorm R~\Lru~ b. Feb. 19, 1876, in Eureka, Knnw.

(402) EVA EDWINA THWJNG9 (Ralpl,/ Luther,' Jol,n,6 James/' John;' Jolin,3 John/ Benjamin) married Anson .Miller, April 22, 1872, in Waupun, Wis. He was born July 15, 1846, in Arcadia, N. Y. He is a farmer, and is living near Solomon City, Kansas. Children:

1. !Lu· STELLA, b. Feb. 27, 187 4, in Eureka, Kansas. ii. l\IEIIITABLE AzURAu, b. April 17, 1876, in ~ureka. iii. R.\.LPII E1t.."iEST, b. April 12, 1878~ in Bridge, Ka.nsns. iv. --(a d!tughter), b. J:in. 12, 1882, in Bridge. 2G THE TllWINO F.t\l\IlLY.

( 403) HENRY CLAY THWL.'{G 9 (J.l!arcus, 8 Calrin,,' Joh11,,6 James/' Jolm,;4 Jolm, 3 Jolm,' Bc11jamin) is a.· farmer in Gnrden Pr:iiric, Iowa. He married l\Inry Susan Flower/May S, lSil, in Boone, Iowa. She \\"as born April 21, 1849; in New Hampshire. Children, born in Garden Prairie: i•. NETTIE l\L\.I:L\, b •. Aug. 1:J, 1873. ii. L1zz11~ ?.L\JlEL, b. Nov.· 1n, 187;j. iii. Nor... \ NJo:r.Lrn, b. July I-J., 1878.

(404) LILLIA.iv EDNA.H T.IlWING9 · · ( R1ifus,8 David,1 Jo!tn,0 ~lames/ Jolm;4 John,' John/ Benjamin) married, first, Charles Main Doli\"cr, Aug. 15, 1869, in Lewiston, Wis. He wn.s born about 1850. She married, second, Lcuri Edgar Stowe, Nov. 23, 1871, in Douglass, Wis. He was born June 3, l 845, in Grafton, Wis. They live in Unity,. Wis. Children: 1. E:,,ot,\. JANi-:, b. Dec. 20, 1872, in Oxford, WIS.; d. there l\fuy 2, 1873. ii. GEORGE HE..,-nY, b. July 2, 1874, in Oxford. . UL SAlWEL DAvm,.b. Nov. 28, 1876, in Brovcr, W"is.

(405) FRiliTJrLIN. HENRY PERKINS 9 ( Sop/ti~/ Cyntltia,1. S~m~/ J~mcs/" Jolm,' · Jolm/ Jolin,= Ben­ jamin) married Clara Candace Weed, November, 1870. She was born Jan. 2S, 1852. Children :

i. Altr CLARA, b. in February, 1873. · ii. l\IL~A ALICE, b. Jfurch ts; 1874. m. · NOIOL\X WEED, b. l\fu.y·4, 1878.

(406) OLIVER SNOW F.AIRBL~K 9 ( Steplu:n,8 Charlotte/ Samuel,° James/ John,' Jo!tn,:1 Jolin/ Ben­ jamin) is n. farmer and a :Methodist. He enlisted in the 188th NINTII GE..'iERATION.,

Regiment O. l V., in 1 S64, and _serv:ed ab~nt_ a .year•.. ,. Ho mar. rie_d Narcissa Holmes, in 1867; in Wood Co., Ohio.· Child:

i. FRANK, b. Aug. 5, 18G7.

(407) FRANCIS FA.IRBANK9 (Josialt/' Cl,arlottc,1 Samucl,6 James/ Jo/m,/ Jolm,3 Jolm,2 Ben,­ jamfo) : is n farmer. He married Lucinda Amanda Hartman,

D.ec .. 61 1871, in Wood County, Ohio. She was born. Oct. 31, 1&50, in Wood County. Children, born in Sandusky Co., Ohio: i. Gn.L'"iT, b. l\furch 31, 1872. ii. NELLIE, b. Aug. 1 G, ·1873. iii. l\L\TILD,\, b .. l\Iay. :20; 1875. iv. Eor.:o, b. ·Nov. 17, 187G.

(40S) ARMEN A FAIR.BANK o • ( Jdsialt,8 Charlotte/ Sa11wcl,G James/ Jo!a,,4 Joltn;3 Jolin/ Bcn- }amin) milrried William Peck, July 4, 1S69 •. He was bornlfa.y 14, 1841, in Sandusky County, Ohio. He is a farmer. Children:

· i. . CII~\RLES WILLLur, b~ Sept. 21, 1870, in Wood Co., Ohio. ii. V1vo-xA, b. Nov. 6, 18~,- in Sandusky County.

(409) ORREN SCH □ £:LER THWING9 ( Lorrin/ Timotl,y/ Nati.J.aniel,6 Benjamin/ Joltn;' Jo/m,,:' Joltn,: Benjamin) owns and carries on a grist mill in Putney, Vt. He married :Martha. Billings, March 4, 1853, in Bellows Falls, _Vt.

She wa.s born Oct. 231 1831, in Pittsfield, Mass. Children, born in Putney, Vt.:

i. GEORGE, b. Jan. 2, 1855; d. there Dec. 24, 1862. u. JULL\ ETT.. \.o b. April 18, 1857; d. Aug. 16, 1875, in · Bartonsvillc, Vt. iii. NELLIE ISABELLE, b. Nov. 12, 1858; d. there Dec. 30, 1SG2. iv-. JENNIE l\Lu.,\, b. Dec. 11, ISGO. 202 TJIE TJtWlNO J.l"MtUL\".

v. CuAnLE8 Lo1mrN, b, July 2•1, 1802. vi. l\I1tr.v1N A1NttwonTu, b. Supt. 27, 1800 ~ tl, tboro Jan. 26, 1872. vii, LIN4 AILEEN, b, Oct. 28, 1860.


( Orren., ■ TtmotJ,y,7 Nathmtiel,0 Bc,,ja.,;,,in,° Juhn,' Joltn/ Jolm: Dc11jamin) was brought up on a· farm among the bills or V crmont, nnd went to West Brookfic1d, Mass., to learn tho trade or o. car­ penter with his uncle Lorrin. Ho worked eighteen yea.rs in o. sa.w-mill, or shop. Ho is now n.t work in tho W. A. Ward mow­ ing mncbine shop in Hoosa.c Falls, N. Y. Ho Jin.a hn.d a. common school education, nod is a member of tho M. E. Church. Ho married Addio Bosworth, May 25, 1858, in Huntington, lfass. She wn.s born Dec. 29, 1836, in Montgomery, l\In.ss. Address, Hoosac Falls, N. Y. Children: i. FRANK WALTER, b. Dec. 18, 1850, in Enstbnmptoo, Mnss.; cl there Nov. 9, 1861. ii. NELLIE MAY, b. Oct. I, 1862, in Ensthampton; m. George Ed,vard Phillips. Aug. 15, 1881, in Hoosac Falls. He was born July 27, 1855, in Petersburg, N. Y. Child: (1) Hattje Eliza, b. Nov. 3, 1882, in ,vntcrbury, Conn. iii. HATTIE DELIA, b. Aug. 28, lSGG, in Hoosoo Falls. iv. WALTER MERRITT, b. Aug. 2, 1870, in Hoos:a.c Falls.


( Orrcn,8 Timotliy,1 Natltaniel,0 Benjamin/ Jolm,;' Jolm,:' John/' Benjamin,) married Joseph Foot Finch, Sept. 7, 1871, in Putney, Vt. She died llny G, 1874, in Ea.sthnmptoo, !t[a.ss. He was born in Southampton, :Mass. They were Congregationalists. Children, born in Easthampton: i. HollER FooT, b. ?t!Ay 25, 1872. ii. DEr.IA lIAm.\. b. April 24, 1874. iii. A ~011~ b. April 24, 187-1; d. nest tlay. NtNTJI OENimATION. 203


( Otrcn," Timot/1y,' Natl,anicl,0 Benjamin/ Julm,' Jolm/ Joint,• Bc,,j11.1ni11,) married Lo Roy Bosworth, Juno 2G, 186G, in Brnttlo­ boro', Vt. Ho wns horn July 15, 1838, in Montgomery, Mass. Ho served in tho 27th Mass, Regiment for three yea.rs, and wns woun<.lcd nod now draws n pension. Chi!droa, born in \V cst­ flold, lia.ss. : i. LANA Tuw1,.o, b. )fay 24, 18~7. ii. W1LLrn OnnKN, b. Nov. 17, 18G0. iii. lIAnvi~Y How,rnv, b. Nov. 22, 1877.

(413) JOHN .ALBERT TE:I'W:UVG:o (Orren," Timothy,1 Na_thanicl,° Bc11}amin/ John/ Jolm,3 Jolm,' Benjamin) enlisted in 1861 and served through the wn.r. Wns in forty-one engagements, nnd wa.s n. member of the First Vermont Cavalry. Ho hns lived in Putney, Vt., but is now living in Bel­ lows Falls. Vt.' He married• Hattie Bosworth, Dec. 3, 1865, in 1\Iontgomery, l\foss. She wa.s born there April 9, 1S43. She is a member of the Congregational Church. Child, born in Put­ ney:

i. FRANK ALnEnT, b. Dec. 13, 18G7.


(Ariadne/ Samucl,7 J.Vathmtiel, 0 Bc11jrunin," John," Joh1t,3 John/ Br.11jami1i) married John Richmond Steven~. Mo.y 24, 1 SGS. Children:

1. FRANCIS l\IA 1"N"Ano. b. OcL l. 1870. ii. ELL.\. BELLI~, 1,. Aug. 20, 187:3. 204

( 41 u) JULIA ANNA )I.AYN ARD o (.Ariadn,c," Samuel,' iVatlwnicl,° Bc,,jami11,/' Jolm,4 Jolm,' Julm,' De11jamin) married John Wheeler, Oct. 17, 1805. · Children·:'

' j. L1t()NAZiQ su;r:rnn, b. Aug. 25, 18GG~· ii. FJtED.EJUCK l\lA YNAitO, b. Jan. 17, ·}Sil.

(410) El\Il\IA FRANCES THWINGO (Demiel,"' Samucl,1 ]{atltanict,4 Benjamin/ .Tolm;' Jolm,,3 Jolni,' Bcnjami11,) married Howard Bradley Land, April 17, 1877. Ho was born l!n.y 30, 184u, in .Addison, N. Y. They live in San Francisco, Cal.

(417) .ADDIE LLEWELLA THWING9 ( Clmrlcs/ James,1 .Va.tlw.nicl,0 Natkanicl,6 Natl,anicl;' Jolm/ J.olm,2 Be11jarni11,) marri~d Frc~ •. Seth ·.Nelson, Aug. I 7, I 873, in Qhinn, Mc. · He ,vns born Jnn. 13, 1851. · Theylivcn.t47 Soley Street, Charlestown, lfoss. qliild, bo~n. jn. Lynn, )lass.: • t. • ' • • . ~ i. FnED. Tnwnm, b .. .Aug. 2.0~~1~78. . . .

' I (41S) C~LES liELVILLE THWING9 ( Charles/ Jamcs,1 Nathanicl,0 Natltaniel,"' Nat!tanicl,4 Jolm~3 ..

John,' BCT1jami1t) is a carriage maker in Boston1 l\fa.ss. He in:irf ricd Lcliaona Shaw, Jan. 1, 1881, in Revere, :Mass. She was born April 4, ;t SG 1, in Exeter, Mc. They live in Cambridge, lfn.ss.

(419) LUCY THULIN PULLEN9 ( Elvira/' Susanna, 7 1,1ary," }la.thani.Pl/ Natltanid,4 Jolm/ Jolm;= BenJamin) married William Henry l!uriroe; Sept;. 28, 186'4,. in Norwood, ~fuss. He was born March.SI, 1832, in Cb:l.I'lcstown, j\fass. She is a graduate of the Dcdlmm, lfass., High Schoot He is a kid manufacturer in GJovcrsl'"i°llc, N. Y. They arc B:1.p~ tists. No children.


(420) .MARY·URANIA PULLEN° .( Blv-irn,8 SuM11t1m.1 JJ,J,uy, 0 ]\1',;t.lu;,nicl,D Nat/,rmicl, 4 Jolm/' Julm,' Bmy~,,.mht) mn.ri-icd Charles Eu wiii romJ, Nov. 30, l 8G5, in Nor­ w·ood; 1\fu.Ms. Ho wns ho1•n Aug. ,28, 1842, in Noz·woo

(421) HATTIE URAi.VIA PARLIN ° ( Urmi-ia/ Susmma, 7 J.W.riry,° Na.tha.nlel/ Natluuiicl,4 Jolm,3 Jolm,' Benjamin) mnrricd Prof. Eugene' Chu.pin Stevens, Dec. 25, 1875, in Winthrop, :Mc. Ho wn.s born Sept. .1, 1840, in \Vest Gardiner, lfc. . She is a. gJ"o.duatc of ,v ntcrville, ire., Classical Institute. He i::1 a ten.chcr in Lo Roy, Minn. No children.

(422) CHARLES FR.A}..TKLL.'{ THWINGO (Jo.,q,l,," 1'latl,anicl,7 Joltn,° J.Vatltmticl/ Nathanicl,4 Jolm,3 ,To!tn," Ben_jamin) is a graduate of Ilarvn.rd College, uf the class of I 876. He graduated at the Andover, l\fass., Theological Seminary ~in 1879, and was ordained Sept. 25, 1879, pastor over the· North A.venu~ Congregational Church, Cambridge, Mass. He writes for· Harper's Monthly, Scribner's Monthly (now the Century M~n-azine), International Review, Christian Union, Independent · and numerous other publications. In· l S7S he published a volume on Americn.n Colleges, and in 18S3 a volume on Reading. He has o.lso published many sermons. His address is 30 Arlington Street, Cambridge, Mass. He married Carrie Frances Butler, Sept. 18, 1879, in Farmington, l\fo. She was born there April 30, 1855. Child, born in Cambridge:

i. l\Lutr BUTLER, b. Oct. 30, 1880. 20G TIIE THWING FAl\tILY.

(423) JOSEPH EDWIN T:ffWING0 ( ~Tosc11I,," Nfftluwicl,' Jolm,8 Natltanir.l, • Nathaniel;' Jolm,,3 Jolm, 1 Bc11jami11,) began business ns a pharmacist in Eo.u Cfo.irc, '\Vis., nnd is now in St. Pn.ul, l\Iinn., in tho wholcsnlo drug business, the name of tllc firm being 1\IcrcII, So.h1gnnrd & Thwing. Ile married lfory A. Clark, Dec. 7, 1880, in Eau Claire. She was born there Dec. 7, 1862. She is a daughter of Dewitt Clinton Clark, a banker. Child, born in Eau Claire:

i. CnARLES CLARK, b. l\In.rch 15, 1882.

(424) MARY PEARSON CARTER STINSON 9 ( Pcnclo-pc,8 Jolm,' John,° Natlmnicl/' Nathaniel,4 Jolm,3 Jolin/ Benjamin) married Charles Augustus Mcndum, Dec. 25, 1 S78, in Newfield, N. J. He was born April 16, 1854. She died March 22, 1883, in Vineland, N. J. Child :

i. S1D:SEY RAY, b. Feb. 21, 1870.

(425) SOUTHERN ARMSTRONG C.A.MPBELL 9 (J.11artha/ James,' James,° James/ Nathaniel,' Jolm,,3 Jo/m,/ Ben­ jamin,) married Alla.cc Ross, Jao. 28, 1874. She was born lfa.rch 27, 1849, in Chorleston, S. C. His address is, Jeffries Creek Post Office, lla:..·ion District, S. C. Children : i. M..\mOY l\loRTIXEn., b. Dec. 31, 1875. ii. S.uICEL .JA3ms, b. April 21, 1877; d. Sept. 25, 1878. iii. JAltES TIIlVI."iG, b. Nov. 27, 1878. iv. W ..\LTER T1nvL--;G, b. April 7, 1880. INDEX I


Anront 37t 50, 94 Alton, 167, ms A.iln, 40, 117 Abbie, 9-1, 155, 166t 181 Alvnn, 106, 102 .AsemLth, 43 Abby, i9, 98,163 Alvnrd, 128, 131 Augu.<1ta, ol, S5 Abfgnll, 34, 36, 41, 4G, 60, A)Vllff, 110 Au!!tln, SG. 58 68, 93, 0-i, 101 Alvf, 61,121 A,•lt1, 123 .Abner. SO, 106 Alvin, 42, 70 Ada, 43, 122,126,129,131, Alvim, 64, l!?O Bnmcy, 40 149, 170, 191 Alzla.'\, 12 t Bathsheba, !?1, 26 Adlllbe~ 188 Amnndn, 56, 61, 80, 117, Belle, 105, 107 Addie, 120, 125, 161, 188, 195 Benjamin, 4, /j, 13, 14, 15, 20-1 Amnrinh, 39, 65 16, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, .Adela, 198 Amnsn, 5S, 110 Adcloi.de, 73, 74, 167 44, 46, 55, 61, 7li, 76, Amos, 36, 51 80, 9t, 103, 104 Adeline, 54, 58, 101, 109 Amy,45,li4,17S,200 Bert, 69 Adclphn. lOG Amlrr,v, 31, GO, 73, 117, Bcrtbn. i3. 82, 115, 132, Agnes, 11, 115 U.9 148, 1-19, 19'.? Alnnson,OS Angclo,43 Bessie, 120, 175 Albert, 45, .SS, 70, 73, i4, Angle, 161 Bethann, 152, :?03 99, 100, 106, 123, 137, 142,143,144.155,182, Anjanett, 191 Bcthin.b, 66 186, 187, U!8, 198 Ann, 26, 43, •19, 5!?, 62, 9S, Betsey. 56, 6·1, 129 Aldis, 73 116 Blrdscl, 147 Annll. 4~. 73, 112, 14S, 155, Alexllnder, 56, 178 178, 1S1 Blanche, 97, 111, 112 Alfred, 169, 199 B11rdett, 198 Anne, 12, 27 Allee, S, 77. 100, 102, 107, Burt, 126, UG Ann lo, 77, S9, 100, 138, 151, 109, 111, 131, 13'.?, 137, Dyron,109,121, 138 144,148,16-l,lS.5,167, 100, 161, 162, 170, 186, 1ii, 185, 190, 194, 197, 193 198 Ansel, 142 Cnisin, 116 Alicia, 11 Anthony, I!? Cnlit1t:1, llG, 12,l Alida. 197 Antoinette, 111 Cnh-ln, •U, 42, 63, 131 Alla, 162 Appleton, 102 Candice, 1,59 . Allen. 119, 121 Arnbella, 1 IS Cnndi!!, 117 Alma, ll9 Archir, 1.59 Curdnnn, 99 Almnnia, 100 A.rlndne, 72, 152 Caroline, !ii, 63, 64, i9, 93, Arletta., I 13 1OU, 107, 128, 15¼, 1i7, Almeda, lll, 123, 197 188 Almln1t 59, 111 Anne~ 146, 201 Carrie, 98. 1!1, 112, 120, Almon, -!5, 68, 72, 75, 143, Arthur, 81, 100. 107, 141, 129, 137, 144, lb4, lSG, 144, 146, 163 144, 1.SS,1&1,181,182, UIS, 193, 19.5 185, 196 Almond, 42, 43 Carro, 112 Artimus, 59 Alonzo, 43, 63, 72 Cu.thcrine, 57,63, 104, 10S, Alphu,61 Arvllln, 65 12-l, 170 2i 208 TOE TJIWINO FA:'IIJLY,

Cdl11, 123 Delfn. 103, 131, Hi, 162, Elotllc, too Ccm1111thn, 6-1, 132 2l>2 gl1dr, ,&J;, ':' 4, SD, l :JM, I i1 Chnrlty, GO Dcll11 1 100 El11ey, 00, li:i Chnrlr.11, 43, 44, 41;, 40, ~1, Dcxrcr, 182 EM1•n, •l7 t HO, 103 62, oa, li4, os, 10, !. 1, DlnJemn, 29 Bmclluc, 118 72, i3, i4, i7, 78, ,g, Dlunthn, llil Emcn·, 42, •l3, 66, 60, 110, RO', Ht, 86, 01, 96, 0 , lt•h 116 0!J, 09, 100, HG, 1 Iii, Dlcldn!lon. •lO 1111, l:lR, 131, 142, 1-H. Donnell, &'i, 108 Emily, 70, 10-l, 112, 118, 101 1-1,;, 14G, Hi, HS, 152, Dorll, 120, IGS 1S3, 100,160, 161, JG~, Emory, 103 166, 171'1, Ul2, 1~. l8iJ, Dorothy, 12 Emm11, -&3. 79, 110, 120, 186,188,201,~0'J,204, Durrell, 126 131, 163, 16-1, 100, :WO, .205, 200 D1Ylght1 00, 12·1, 131, l3i 20-1 Chnrlottt", 42, 62, 69, 04, Bmmlc, 107 98, 180 Eben. ;o. 77. 97, 185 Epllmlm, f3, 176 Cbuuuccy, LO, 102, 111, Er(ortl, 196 112 l-:bcnc1.cr, 2r., 37, 00, li:?, 9-1, 90, OS Ernl'llt, 77. loO, 180, 185, Chl.'stcr, 02, 99, 124, 187 Edgnr, 43, 119 19.), 107 Ch!!~tlnn, llG Edith, 132, 158, 101, 196 E11cc1l11, 100 Chloe, S7, 107 Edmund, 53 Eiithcr, 30, 52 Chri11tln11, 62, 123 Edn11, 74, 120 EuJora, lU, 140, 106 Cllrutophcr, 11, 3S, W, UO Edwnrit, 3, 8, 10, 15, 18, Eugene, 148, 16.i, 180 Clan,. ol, 125. 160, le.5, ~. 21. 26, 3i. 63, 64, Eu~-cnfc, 66 19', 19S.199 92, 03, 100. 103, 104, Clare, 1~ 113, 118, 122, 132, 141, Eulo, 201 Clnttnce, 126, US, 166, 168, J69,178, 170,180, Eunice, 29, 65, 132 180,189,197 186, 100, 191, 193 Ew, 113, 126, 188, 190 Edwin, Jj6, 6i, Ol'i, GG, 67, Evelyn, 169 CJnrfndn, 66 75,106, lh2, 100,163 ctnrissa, 56, 64, GG. 138 Everett, 12-1 Effie, 111, 122 , 7-l Clny, 116 Elum, 62 Clement, 57, 01, lOi, 176 Ezm, 41 Elherr, 125 Clc&!loo, lli Elbridge, r,.;, 56, 103, 105 Fnba, 102 Clitfonl, 124, 198 :Eldred, 133 Falrfllx, 190 Clifton, 137 Eleanor, r;s, 176 Clinton, 123 Fnnm•, 'iO, 109, 142, HS, Elcctn, 29, 30, 56 l~, l7i. l9l Commodore, 133 Elins, 30 Cora, 111, 119, 126, 139, Fannie, 195 · H4, l-l9, 182, 194 E!ibu, 39 Fluc!L-1. 70. 149 Cordclin, 09, 147 Etijnll, 36, 62, 99 Fhn·el, 131 comelln, t'.iS, ria, 109 Eliot, 174, 17G Flom, 109, 19.C. Eli!ihn, 3G, 53, GO, 101, 117, Florencc,89,lG0,174,lSJ, Comcliu!II, 117, 122 l:!O Casie, 12i 187 Elizn, 21, 3.1, 40, 4G, 47. Fordyce, 40, 69 Cynth!u, 42, 68, 82, 143 50, so. 63, 80, 81, 101, 111, 127, 128, 130 Fl'rulccs, 76, 86, 92, 96, C\"rcnns, GS, 143 100,104,143,169,171, Cyrus, 43, 81, 148 Eliznhcth, 12, 18, 27. 37, 100 is, 50, 63, ~. fl3, SG, 93, 97, 103, 130, liS, Fnmd!i, 37, 48, 96, 110, Dnnlcl, 2,j, 38, 3D, 00, b7. 185,191 133, 1-H, 146, 171, 196, 60, i:!. 05, 102, 106, 201. 203 1Hi, 1.52. 182 Elln. 43, 73, ii, ;s, 81, 112, 121, 122, 144, 162, Fronk. 43. 77. 115, 132, DuYid. 3.';, 36, 41, 47. 49, 181,20:J 137, 138, 150, 15.1, 15.5, 00,6.5,82, 176,105 Ellen, 44, ,Si, 97, 104, 118, 160, 162, 17!1, 176. li7, D:tWC/l, 91 179,182,193,194,201, 125,129,131,191,192, 202,203 llli 194 Dazellc, Fmnklin, 40, 51, 57, 96, DcbonLl1, Vi, 19, 29 Elmer, 111, 112, 181, 19! 97,105.133, 14-1, 1S3, DcbnttS, 82 Elnorn, 129 185, :zoo INDl~X r. 200

Frrtlt.llc, 121 1:11, ua, uot 10.,, 11-a, Jool, 00 F1•ot.111rlek, M. 7fl, 100, 10:1, 1uo. 200 John, ti, 11, 12, ir,, 1H, 10, 1211, l:..!U, 132, 13i". UlH, llorhrrt, ,1:1, 141. tf,fJ, 1/iO, 20, 22, 2a, \M, :tll, 27, 1:io, ua, 14.,, rn:J, 10a, UI0, UH, Hl2, 11:10, 10:! 21-1, :m, :m, st, 33, :w. 182, 11S8, 11.14, 100, 204 Hermon, lD-lt 1M, 138,108 a11, a14, ao, -10, 41, ,n. 41J, r,1, i2, n:t, r,1, w, Uc11tor, 158 61, ll2, !H, iO, tit, 82. Onumllcl, 2D Ilcttlo, 1•17 84, AA, !Jo, lOS, 116, Onrtlner, Ga, 101 Hlrum, 00, 82, O·i, 137 12~. 123, 1311, t:12, 133, Hi, 140, 16~. 103, rn-1 1 Ooncvm, 187 Jlc11llt!r, 13, 131, 202 IM, lfl7, HIS, 100, 1~, Ocorµ-c, 11 1 12, 3~, 40, 43, IlOt'll~, 41, 60, 02, fH, 01, 190,203 •U, b2, f'3, M, 09, ii, Oft, 101, 113, l:H, 130. 72, 73, iG, 11, iO, 01, 131, 17i, 181, 18'.!, 100 Jonntlta.n, HG Du, 98, 00, 100, 101, Jo1tcph, :n. 37, :11~. •l4, '17, lOij, 110,11~,110,118, Ila.ldu.h, GO, 147 . • 00, lit, M, 6!J, iO, 73, l:.!O, l:?8, 137, 14:.?, 143, · 77, 80, Ii:.!, 84, Ru, 0-1, Wl, 140, la-&, ?Ji.,'I, 169 1 Iu11, fl9, i3, 109. 114, 12li, 102,122, 147,lHo,100, 162,165, tGn,1;0, 174, 120, 120, 100, 186, 100 101, 10:!. 200 186, um, 101, 200, 201 Immogeno, 191 Jmepldnc, 67, 108, 120 Oeorgln, llH Ina, JU, UO Josepllu!!i, 42, GO Oeorghml\, 70, 07 Ingrnm, 12 Joshua, 40, G:.!, 61, DO, 122 Gertie, 12':i Ira, 60, tlO, 117, 119 Joainl1, 62, 60, 98, 120, 146 Gertrudc, 102, 180, 192 . Ircml; GO, 11S .7oslo, 100 Gilbert, 60 ' Irene, lOJ Judith, 01, UO, 12:? GJ11dit1, 158 Irvine, 110 JuIL,, 37, 52, Go,08, 60, 70, Grncc • .51, 108, 162, 178, Il'\vln,66, 132,108 90, 102, 110. 1:!1, 12:1, ISO, 183, 191, 101 IS411C,39,47,49,50,5S,GO, 141, U1, HH, 160, 152, Gnu.in, 130 so, 83, 91, 108, 120 180,101, 104,~0l,204 Gntnt, 161, ·201 Isabel, 12, 106, 107, 152, Jnlbn, 11-1:, llG 193,203 Jallwi, l'i9, 111, 113 Halsey, 111 Isubelln, 83 . Hn.nnuh, 16, 21, 2G, 2!}, 30, Isadore, HG Knrl, 151 38, <10, 41, 44, 4.?, 46, Knto, 107, 120, 17.S M. 62, 03. 64, 74, itl, J'n.cub, 102 Knthcrlnc, 10, 12, 27, 177 78, 131, 165, 168, 160 J'lllJlCl', 19, 22, 2-5, 28, 29, Kimbnll, lli Harlan, 9-l 34, M. 37, 38, 40, 41, Kittle, 108 , Harlow, 124 42, 46, 47, 48, .9, 63, 64, 60, 62, 63, 67, (18, Kauto, 183 H4rrfct, M, 00, 67, 78, 88, 60, 70, 71, iS, 79, SO, 00, 93, 98. 101, 102, 85,86,00,91,100,101, 109, 142, 143, 147, Ifi9, 100,117,118, 119,123, Lann, 203 166, 170, 176, 18.'.> 125,129,139,142,146, Landon, 181 Harriot, 37, 46, 81 1,51, ltll.i, 168, 169,170, .taurn, 3!J, 57, 5S, 59. 62, H~·. 70, 127, 129, 163, liG,178,189,194,108, 71, i!?, 'i4, !H, 107, 111, 190 206 113, 116, lli, 1:.?3, IM, Harvey, 115, 203 Jnmlmn, 40, 61 161;, liS, W7 Hattie, 30. 105, 112, 148, Jane, 12, 40, 62, 64, 67, 97, Llllll"Cn, 162 152,lM, 156,164,192, 106,124,129, 130,1¼3, 41 lb3 Lcnndcr, 202,206 Lem, 197 Jannett. •JS, 86, 169 Heber, 123 Leman, 133." Jared, 65 He)cn, 75, 76, 79, 101, 105, Lcmira, I.il 109, 118, 163, 182. 185, J'ason.117 Lemuel, 43, SS, 147 186, 189, 192, 198 Jasper, 60 Leon, 112, 193 Helena, 6G, 104 Jennie, 69, 71, 163, 201 Lconard,30, 109,195,~ Helene, 163 Jesse, 71, 13!>, 1-1.), ISO, Heman, 62 169, 185 Leonorn. 117, 122 Leroy, 181, lS'i, 193 Henrietta. 1431 164 Jessie, 108 Henry, 37, 64. 6G. 68, 74. J011nnu, 2.5, 35, 46, 47, 49, Lester, 117, 195 81, 105, 128, 133, 134, i9, 81 Lewes, 146 210 TU:£ TJIWINO J!"A:\ULY.

Lowl11. 72, 112, 113, lu:J, l\larllla, GO, 78, 137 Nnncy, &l, 00, 118, 128 100 )litrlndn, 62, 0·4 Nnnnle, 170 Llllu, lM Marion, too, !?00 N1ul111n, .U, OB, 120, 180 LIUlnn, 43, 07, lOi", 108, Mark, 1!?8 Nnthnnlt!I, UJ, 22, 23, :U, 114, 1~0, 133, 13tl, 180, M11rmn, 37, •t!, 46, Lllllc, GO, ii i1;. 40, ~o. s:i, M, s&, M11rt1l11\U, 12•i 160, 161:1, \00 Lllly, 148, 108 l\Inrthn, 10, :?3, 2r,, 3.S, 38, Nollie, lG~, 106, 201, 202 Linn, 202 30, 4'1, 47, •II!, 4U, 6fl, Llndn, 13!? 67, 60, 07, iO, 72, Hu, Nch1on, 63, 08, 120, Ul 80, 00, 01, 106, 107, Ncttlu, 113, lbO, 200 Lizzie, 200 112, ll7, l!ZO, 131!, 143, Lorrin, il, 161 Nllvton, 12·1 HO, 160, 170, 17li, 177, NlcbolM, 30, u0 t..:>ttlc, 1:w, Hi, 198 103, u,.; Nom,200 Lottlicn, 61, :;.i, liO, iO, 0/i, ~Inrtln, 71 101, JO!?, 103, 110, 117, Mnry,1!,19,20,21,22,!!li, Norman, 200 141:1, 11:1:.?, 100, 101 26, 28, 29, 3'1, 33, 34-, Louin, 163 3.s, 37, 3B, ao, 40, 42, OctnYl\o 09, 14-0 Loullc, lOS 43, +t, 46, 40, 48, 49, 00, 61, IH, li4, 56, 68, Ogtlcn, 100, 105 Love, 142 60, 60, 01 62, 04, 00, Olln, 145 Lovlnn, 41, 43, Oi ;o, 74, 75, 7t-i, 77, i9, Olive, 4-6, 78 Lovl11a, 66, 69, 107, 115 81, 82. s.1. 90, 01, 04, Oliver. 80, U6 200 95, Oi, OS, 10,, 10b, 1 Luana, li6 107, 109, 110, llB, 121, Ora, 114 Laccnn, 113 122, 123, 120, 130, 138, Orlllndo, lli Luclll, 8, 10, 142 141, 142, 143, 144, 140, Orio, 150 BB, 15.1, 156, 168, 1112, Lucic, 110 10-1. 166, 166, 167, 108, Orren, 71, 151, 201 Lacla11, 142 109, l 7-,, 1ii, 181, 182, O1'!10n, 63, 116, 127 J..ucrctln, 39, 41, u8 18.'J, 186, 191, 102, 103, Orton, 67, 108 Lacy, 52,58, f.0, i0, 7J, 73, 195, ~?05, 206 Orville, 109 121, 13tl, 141, 1-18, 160, l\latlh.ln, 124-, 201 ONCnr, GO, 138 162, 104, 204 ?,.tattle, 106, 113, 144, 168, O11mnn, 116 Luen, 193 192 Osmel, 117 Lake, 14i Maude, 119 Otis, bl, 103, llU Lum, 77, HS, 146 May, 81, 127, 149, 176, 190 Lather, 30, 3!l, 41, 4u, olj, l\Icdorn, 170 Paul, 111, 164 66, 63, 78, 103, 104, )Ichltuble, 49, 62, 190 120 PuuUna, 42, 43, 44, 72 Nclvcna, 117 Pearl, 82 Latl1cm, 123, Hl7 l\Iclvlllc, 70, 161 Lydiu, 18, 21, 2G, 7'1 Penelope, 861 167 Mclvln, 20:? Lysnndcr, 43, 80 Pcrcls, 119 Mercy, 29, 30. 116 Pt•rcy,40, Go,119, 120,176 }label, 75, 13i, 15.5, 163, Mervin, 111 Peter, G4 160, 188 }!lUard, 12G Pctc-i, 115 l\In.blon. 145 MIio, 60, 119 Pbel.ic, 37, .53 .Mnntlevllle, 145 Milton, 168 Phllundcr, 00, 119 :\turcclln, 111 Mhm,200 Phllcna, 60, G9, 120 Mnrcus, 64, lZj Minervn, 45, 73, iG, i7 Phllcndn, 65 ~aret, 10, 41, -12, 65, )Iinnlc, 09, 108, 142, 14-J., Pbilct~, 115 70, ;1, 91, 100 160, 193, 194 Philip, 181 '.Milrgery, 12 Mosc.111 132 Polly, 41, 43, 62, 6!i lla.ri11. 4.5, 61, 7-l, :7, 78, Mym, 192 Priscn,20,40, 41,69,GG 06, lli, 128 Myron, 63, 114, 126, 128, ?,Iarinh, 15 130, 138 Priscilla, 84-, 165 lIJl.rian,7'3, 78,159,163 ?uyrtn, 195 Rachel, 15, l!>, 2C. 26, 38, Milrictte,

Rnl}lh. 12, 63, 107, 110, 00,0'1,07,08, 100,101, Trucmnn, 81 121.i, 100 106, 112,119,120,123, Tryphenn, -&O, M Rcbcccn,20,3li,40,49 128, 132, 138t 1-12, 148, 1401 lll8, 100,176,182, Rebekah, 01 180, un, 1u1, 1otf TJrnnlA, 80, 104 Reuben, b 1, 06, 183 Behlen, 1:U Rhocln,3tlt6u,~,10., Seth, HG Valorie, 1:.?9 Richard, 8, 20, 106, 186 Sidney, 64, M, 20G Victor, 110, \.14 Robert, 4, 1, 8, 10, 11, 12, suus, 28, 41, as, 60, eo, 10, Vloln, 11•~, 120, 149, 1116 18, 84, 131, 130, l~O, 113 I 14, 138, 106 160, 160, li'O, 179t 18a 1 Violet, 20G SIience, ltodolphu11, ~, 00 106 21 Vlrglniu, Oi, 183 1 46, Rolnnd, 191 SUvln, 77 v1,-ennn, 201 Rolen, 65, 133 , 98 Sophia, 41, 42, 49, 63t 68, Rolln, 120 08, 114, 120, 142, 1-H Wnldo, 120, 160 Roac:oc, 164 Sophronln, 41 WallAC01 107 . Rosetta, 1'6 Southern, 160, 200 Wnl~r, 11, 771 80, 100, Roxnna, 61 Stanley, 147 132,147,16~,171,176. Roxy, 39, 61, 69, 112, 11' Stephen, 60, 14/S, 140 177,180,183,202,206 Roy, 114 Stove, 183 Warren, 110, 181 Roynl, 119 St. JuUnn, 102 Wavcl, 126 Rael, 30 St, Vincent. 16~ Wnyland, 116 Rufus, 41, 02, Go, 66, 61, Sukey, 00 ""llbar, 69t 130 133 Wlllnmcttt 133 Ratb,20,36,39,41,48,67, Sulllvnn, 46 Wllllnm1 _10, 11, 16, 18, 1!>, 64. 66, 86, 137, 168, Supply, 36, 36t 48, 49t 86, 21, :u;,, 27, a.,t 38, 40, 178 88, 90, 170, 176 41, 44, 48, 49, 60, ,u, Susan, 43, 46, 61, 74, 16, 66, 68, 60, 61, 62, 64, 80, 90, 97, 98, 116, 16f, 67 t 76, 77, 78, 80, 83, Snbra, 30, 44 176, 170, 177 87. 91, 94, 96, 97, 100, . Sabrina, 147 Smannah, 33, 34., 40, 46, 102,103,104,106,109, Snla, 68 143 49, 00, 60, 80, 90 110,113,114,121,124, 1 Sylvenus, 117 129, 131, 137, 138, 141, Sally,38,43,61,M,60,04, 143, 163, 166, 168, 169, 109, 118, 194 Sylvester, 42. 63, 117 169, 177,178,181, 182, Sama.nthn,69, 114 187, 191, 192, 195, 196 Sampson, 38 Thankful, 28, 39, 111 Willie, 110, 149, 193, 203 Snmnel, 20, 21.i, 29. 30, 36t Theodore, 137 wuu,, 132, 133t 138 42, 43, 46, 47t 48, 62, Theophllus, 30 WUmo" 131 63, 68, 69, 71. 79, so, 81, Mt 131, 144. 146. Theresa, n 147,162,169,200,206 Tbom11S. 10, 11, 12t 18, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 36, Yorlstcr, 69 Sarah. 15, 19, 20, :!l, 22, Yvnn, S 25, 28, 30, 33, 34, 35, 37. 38, 60, 53, 66, 67, 36, 37, 39, 41, 44, 46, 90, 92, 175 49, 00, lil, 52, 63, 64, Thompson, 190 M, 62, 64, 67, 68, 70, Timothy, 28,38, 39, 43, 71, Zcblnn,43, 72,154 74, 76, 79, 81, 83, 89, 169 Zl111nct 192 28 NAMES OTHER THAN THWING •

Abbot, 126 Beckley, U6 .Broomer, 13 .&.born, 79, 162, 163 Beebo,41,66,100,107,128 Brown. 30, 40, 00, 120, 140, Adam11, 71, 84, 98, 124, Bclknnp, 16 188 144, 176, 186. 1119 Bell, 84, 110, 176 Browning, 41 .Addington, 17 Belser, 102 Bruce, 10, 188 Alexander, 66 Bcnhnm, 67, 107 Bra11, 8 Allen, 62, 146, 193 Bennet, 40 Bryant, 186 AltoD, 81 Bentley, 108 Buchner, 139 Alvcraon, 114, 196 Bcrdell, 102 Buck, 20 Amca, 106 Bcstor, 63 Buckley,_ 1{. Alldrewa, 104: l31dwell, 130 Bnckmnn, 30, 182 Anson, 74 l31gelow, IM Bugbee, 110 .Appleton, 94 Bfgod, 11 Burba.nk, 66. 124, 1371 138 Arnold, 31, 41 Billings, 42, 201 Barnett, 124 Alboth, 18" Bingham, 67 Burnham, 105 Atherson, 14 Bird, 61 Burnside. 157 Atldna, 138, 171 l3lshop, 111, 114 Butler, 118, 140, 206 Bivins, r,7 Bnttcrflctd, 195 Babcock,125 Blancbard,35,197 Cnbot,86 :&con,62 Bltlson, 14 Blinn, 168 Cnlkins, 40 Balley, 19i C11IPeron,60, 116,117 Ba.kcr, 137 Blisa, 42, 58 Camp1 l02 l3alloa, 192 Bonrdncr, 14.5 Bo61torth,202,203 Campbell. 169. 206 Bnncroft, 71, 158 Ctr.rdcr, 122 Boughton, 120 Banks, 164 Carpenter, 40 Bowmnn, 146, 146 Bannister, 69, 110, 116 Cmtcr, 131 Barber, 66 Boyvlllc, Lord of, 8 Casey, 140 Banmrd, 27,101 Bmclcct, 182 Cmh.f/1 Bmdbnrn, 149 l3arncrd, 21 Cbambcrlaln, 36, 55 Bradley, 37 Barnes, 92 Chapin, 19, 122, 139 Barncy,44 Bmford, 130 Chase, 119, 168 Bartges, 127 Bragg, 184 Chester, Enrl of, 7 Brainerd, 160 Bartlett, 26, 191 Choate, 23 Bassett. 112 Brldges,22 Churchill, 143, 181 Br:igghnm, :Batchelder, 113 13 Clap, 2b,34 Briggs, 102 Batchelor, 30 Clapp,68 1 69,109, 110,154 Bates, 81, 126 Brooke, 13 Clnrk, 62, 128, 138, 186, Beaty, 134 Brooks, 32, 122, 147 206 INDEX II. 213

Clongl1, 80 · Dollvcr, 200 Fullerton, 00 49, 01, 17i, Col.lb, 96, 173 Dorrcl, 20 Famc111, 87, Doublcllnr, 115 178 Coburn, 77 ~~urnlvnl, 10 Coggln,62 Doud, 1'2 Colburn, 70 Dmkc,09 Collar, SS Dmpor,~, 76,166,168 Onge, 40 Collins, 139 Drew, 10 · G11lc, 123, 107 Colton, 142 Dudley, 87 Gault, 179 Compton, 113 Dunham, 29, 68, 142, 1'3 George, 98, 119 Com11tock, 82, l0t Dunn,37 Glbb!I, 47 · Constable, 8 Dyke, 119 Gibson, 13, 74 Cook, 60, 129, 162 Ollligllll, 40 Cooke,.06 Eastman,46 GUlons, 105 Cooley, 42. 97 Eayros, 96 Gillum, 126 Coolidge, 90 Eckley, 97 Glcllson, 116 Coombes, 67 Edwards,28 Gookin, 53 Coopcr, 16 Eliot, 91 Gorhnm, 120 Corllsa, 168 Elliot, 99 Gould, 40, 43, 137 Cornwall, Enrl of, 7 Emery, 107, 122 Goulding, 17 Corrln,;ton, 14 Estabrook, 101 Grafton,22 Coner. 131 Esterbrooks, 41 Grannis, 141 Cotton, 18 Estes, 166 Grnnt, 190 Cmfb, 105 Evans, 68, 72 Graves, 105, 192 Crcsslngham, 9 Evcrlngbam, 8 Green, 121 Crosby, 13 Greene, 13, 134 Cross, 160 Fo.lrbank, 69, 145, 146, GrccnlCllf, 47 Culver, 19al 200,201 Greenough, 31 Cummlngii, i2 .Falrfruc, 12 Greenwood, M Cunningham, 88 Fall, 187 Gregg,121 Carrier, 101, 108 Furlcy, 32 Gregory IX. (Pope), 7 Curtls,79, 138,159,184 Farnacourt, 8 Grldley,24 Cuttcr, 12~ Fo.y,98 Grlmston, 12 FcUowes, 88, 89 Griswold,58, 110, :11, 112, Dame, 182 FclloW11, 78, 149, 159 193, 19,';, 196. · Dann. !82 Fero, 114, 197 Guilf(trd,. 105 Dnnfonl1, 24 Ferries, 107 Dnniels, 155 Field, 75 Hndsell, 149 Darlh1g, 44, 75, i7 Finch, 202 Bale, G7, 13!> Darrell, 8 Fisher, 43, 55, 14, 9,t. Haley, 20 Dll\'IS, 23, 51, 68, Si, 143. Flske,30 Ball, 42, 70, 77, 105, 127, 144 Fletcher, 18.5 149, 150, 192 Dawberry, 10 Flower. 200 Hnlleck, 117 D'A ''"dre, 8 Forbnsh, lSG Hallett, 167 Dawtrce, 11 Ford, 13, 66. 195 Hamilton, M, 103, 190, Dean, 126 Foss, 165 191 Deane. 177 Foster, 32, 140, 176 llammond, :rr, 53 Dcites, 112 Fowford.11 Hancock,31 DlckenK>n, 106 Fox, 119 liarker, 66, 138 Dickson, 18 Frederick IL (Emperor),, Ho.rmon, 159 Dinsmore, 106 French, 61, 189 HarringtOn. 105,176 Dix, 14., 61, o2, 10s Frost, !?2 Ro.rrison, 132 Dodge, 61, 62 Faller, 6S, 69 Hnrtles, 74 214 . THE TIDYING FAlllLY.

Hnrtmnn, 201 Juclcson,51, liO LJttJoftclu, 101 HMkcll,163 Jacobs, 90 Lh·crmore, 87 Hru;tlng11. 182 Jeurui, 119 Lloytl, 183 Bntch, ls.&: Jenkins, 84 Long, 167 B.nt.horn,33, 3t. 40, 79, 80, Jenks, m Loomis, 61, 108, HG 81 Jcsson, 17 Loring, 97 IIA,·nrd, 1-14 John!!Oa, 10, 69, 71, 103, Lo,·c,48 llnvcn, 40. 87, SS 162, 153 Lovell, 30, 1.55, 156 Hnwcs,42 Johnston, 26, 38 Lov~, 37 Binvthomc, 46 Jones, 22, 36, 40 Lumley, IO llnyes.157 Joy, 157,158 L}'JUUD,109,19-1,195 Hayne, 112 Keith, 7o Hcndly. 121 Mnndell, 181 Hcntb, 71 Kelsey, 195 Kemmerling, 146 Mann, 120 Hcnthflcld, 185 Mansfield, 151 Kendrick, 190 Hcckschcr, 87 Marble, 74 Helmcslcy, 10 Kenn;, 108 Keyes, 1.51 Marcy, 87 Hess, 110 Marks, 91 Hewes, 108 Xlbbtc, 29 Kidder, 86 ?t!nrsb, 131 Higgins, St l\lnrsball, 110,118 Hill, 103, 167, 170, 189 Kilburn,23 Killborn, '4 Mnrtln,118 Hilton, 10 Marvell, 166 Xlm}:P, 36, 43, 93, 161, Hine, 132, 133 ltattbew·s, 43 Hitchcock, 58, 106 ·Kinsley, 64: l\lnyruutl,152,203,204 Hitt_ 122 Kirby, 170 McClollnn, 140 Hodges, 109, 185 Kir~ 13 McCook, 184 Holbrook, i9 Kite, 133 McFarlAnd. 121 Holden, 72 Knapp, 148 MeFarlanc, 199 Holmes, lli, 201 Knight, 75, 76, 158 McIntosh, 170 Ho}r, 56, 189 Kno\\"les, 13 · McLaughlin, 169, 171 48, 175 Homnns. Knowlton, 9S McLeod,86 Homer, 25, .;.t Xnuthsen, 97 Mcecbn.m, 29 Hood, 19 Mendum, !?06 Hookcb!c, 12 Lamb,35 Menzies, 20 Hooker, 13S Lnmplongb, 4 Merell, 206 Hopkins, 121, 166 Land,204 :Messinger, 15 Horton, 11 Landon, 181 Miller, 16, 3i, 59. 129 199 Hotchkiss, HS Lnngdon,18 Millis, 197 ' Hough, 11 Lnthe, 156 ltilner, 19 Hownrd, 152 Ll\timer, 8, 132 Mintzing, 102, 180, 190 Hubbard, 27, 142 La.wrencc, 156 Montngac,30 Hn

Nelson, 22, !Of Bam1q1 l7B Shfeldf. 110 Noaan1, ll lwldall, lH Shipman, 118 Ncwbeny, 129 Baehbarn, 129 Shlppea.194- Newcomb. 148 :aa_.,,on, 28, 38, 43 Shlrlay, 23• 24 Newell, 23, 31, 80, W, 126 Rca,38,6' Slgle, 184 NewhaU,.M Rector, Ill Simmon•, 89, 11& Nlehot6,6S ReddJah, 12 Stmpaon, 106 Nickcraon, 'i'G Rad.main, 11 Skillings, 31 Reed, 31, 81 Sklnner,m Ogler, 72 Rice, 34, 39, ~, 69, 106, Smith, 20, 27, 8!, 83, 117, Oketon,8 131 146, UIS, lDl Olin, 113 Richardson, 13 Soatber,2& Onlon,43 Rider, 118 Spea.,, 21 Oabom, 9S, 182 Rlker, 119 Spring, 119 Osgood,66,US Ring, 162 Stacy, 191 Ods,49 JUple,-, 190 Stanwood, 163 Ozuno,131 Boat, 130 Stuback,.189 Robb, 143 Stearn1,89,106, 110 ltobbJus, 127 Stebbins. 56, 64-, GS, 87, Packllrd,39 131, 132.,191 ltobcns. 74, 14& Packenbam, GD Stedman,UO Padelford, 104 Rodger&, 137 Bogen. 169, 17i, 188 Steele, 144 Paine, 134 Siepboo1, ltoban, 178 187 Par1'h, 60. 117, 118, 119, Stevens, 203, 206 120,121 • Boot, Go, 192 Sdles.131 Parker, 37, 72, 99 Rorabach, 94 Parka, &&, 66 ttoas,10,111,1n,200 Stlllon,124 Parlin, 164, 200 Stimpson, 77 Rowton, 13 Stimaon, 47 Puan,21 ltaggles,lS Stlnson,35,86,167,206 Payne.. 13, 97 Pcanon,122 Stackwell, 46 Stone, 44, 144 Pect,123,201 Sahlpa?d, 206 Pelrce, 162 Snlnt-Gaadens. 55 Stowe,200 Stratcon,SO Pcrcl (Lord), 10 Saudcrsoa,ST,98,104,186 Strohecker, 53 Perkins, 84, 86, 87, 144, Saudford, lGS 200 . Sawin,62. m Strong, 18, 32 Peterson. 97, 183 Sawyer, 133 SulllYft'D, ff1 PhcJr,s. 92, 193 Schnelder, 132 Sumner, 166 Phillips, 25. 36, 202 s~boonmRker, 141 Sul'l'C)", Earl of", 9 Piekerlng, 128, 130 Scollay,82 Swallow, 181 Pierce, 94-. 117, 181. 182 Scott, 21, 123 Sylvester. 1.59 PUllbaJj, J99 Scouo, 14 PJamer,.86 Scogg!.11,139 Taft, 196 Plwnmer~S3 Seaby:, 13 Tarbox,46 Pond, 205 See, 11 Taylor, 78 Pope,184 Seffcns. ~ Tbat<•her, 182 Porter, 64-, 87 Selleck, 147 Tboma.q,!?6,H,73,88,lS4 Poat, 138 Sharp, 90, 176, 177 Thomlin.•, 13 Pouer.197 Sbaw,40,204: • Thomp!IOn,66, 101 Powell, 129 . _Sbepanl, 112 Tbomton, 12 Pratt, 134 Shepbcrd,87 Thwai~ 12 Pllllcn, 163., 204, 206 Sheridan, 18', 198 TlJden, as, 49, 60 Putnam, 174 Sherman, 136, 140 Tisdale, 147 29 216 mm TJIWINO :r.AM1LY •

Torro7, 22 WRrron,04, 101,lOG Wlllot11, 17B Touro, 87 Wllllhhurn, 100 Wllll&~m•, 201 100, 1081 171 Town11ona, 88 Wa&klntt, 120 Wllll11, Of Trano, If W11trou11, 101,103 Wllmor, 12 Trant, 132 Wac.ion, 111 Wlh10n, 1' Trott, ,1, 83, 108 'WAC.ti, 24 Wlnolu11tor, Earl ot, 7 Trottot, 12' WOAYor, 20; uo Wln1Jow, 2' Tucker, O·~ WulJb,142 Wln1or, lM Turnci:, GO, 110, lM, 1,0, Wobhor, 187 Wl1ter, 01 1H7 Wood,200 Wlth1tm, 143 Tuttle, 118 Wcck111 10G Wl&hc11, 12 'O'rmaton, 78 WoJllngton, 43 Wltblngcon, 36 Wclt11, 104, 110, 101, 102 Wolcott, 107 Varno:,, 70 Wondall,23 · Wood,102 "'Vaughnn1 111 Whoolcr, 431 79, 137, 1M, Woodbury, 197 Vlol'II, 1"'5 20, Woodin, 120 Vincent, 106 ,V11Jpplo, 46 Woodwanl, 132 V010,D2 Whlto, 82, 83, 051 123 Woodworth, 63, 124 Whiton, lM Wndsworth, 120,178 Wordon,153 Whiting, 33, 42, 80, 163, Worth, 03 Walto, 180 16' Wakcftold, 118 Whitman, 98, 180 Wotton, 181 Walcott,61 Wbltno1, 61, 71, 7a, 192 Wrlgbt, 106, 118, 194 WallRce,O Whitten, 43 . Wyman, 100 Ward, 100, 202 Wilber, 100. Ul5 Wytlmm, 11 Warner, r,7, 68, lOR. 112, Wlllurd, 24 . 113, 114, UM, 196 Zorega. 101

APPENDIX. Pogc O. No. (3). :?tLuuu..nvu is mentioned in a noto to Scott's «Lord of the Isles:• Page 11. Cmu11ToPHEn blld Isabel, nnd Katherine wile or John Conyers. Page 12. T11ox.ui, 0£ Howarth, married Jane, daughter of - Kellct, of York, and hud William Th~, living in 1612; married Jane, daughter of Richard Ormsby, of Leigh.· County Lancuter, ond had Edwnrd. Augua~ George (his heir, living in 1612, aged 12 ycRl'll}, Rnd lllll'J,"IU'Ct. EdUXll'tl, Thomoa, Jlol,m, Thomaain, Eli::abeth. Ann,, Mar11t &lit!,. Pai;c 12. Xo. (11) •. J'ou.."f alf!o bad "rilliam, Anne, Margery. Page 34. ll.utTKA. CLAPP should be CL.U'. Page 36. No. (31). S.u1"CEL TKWINo"a marriage intention dated June 26, 1783.