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■ •■■ Mrifl mmammmmmmmmmmmwm i ©ie ram Vol. 39 Staunton Military Academy, Kable Station, Staunton, Virginia, Friday, April 20, 1956 No. Sr/o Spring Formal To Be Held Tonight Government Inspectors VMI Commanders To Play At Formal Dance Tonight the Annual Spring Formal will be held in the large gym from 9 O'clock PM until 1 AM to celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of the final quarter of the 1955-56 session of S.M.A. This dance is truly one of the fes- tive moments of the year which will be enjoyed by both ca- dets, dates, and faculty. All students are urged to participate in the fun. The V.M.I. Commanders will lend their talented music to the Summer School occasion, and the playing of top songs hy an excellent orchestra To Commence greatly adds to the entertainment. The V.M.I, tradition for present- On June 20 ing fine music will indeed be up- The Superintendent's Office an- held at this dance and the soft nounced that the Summer School tone will inspire everyone to relax will begin its sixth session June 20 and enjoy the spirit of spring. and close August 1. Colonel Wil- fred B. Webb will again be the The decorating committee lias Director with Colonel Harold C. done excellent work as usual and James as Assistant Director. the curtains will be lined with the The Summer School operates to gay decorative flowers symbolic enable cadets to make up credits in English, languages, history, and of spring. The gym will be trans- mathematics through Plane Geo- formed into a lovely scene from a Left to right: Lt. Col. Myers, Major C. W. Weid infer, and Chief Warrant Officer Harris. metry. It affords them the op- country field, and the transforma- portunity to take courses in typing, tion will inspire everyone to enjoy corrective reading, and to take pre- Minich, SMA '29 this dance that comes when the SMA Corps Excels In view courses in the above men- tioned subjects for those anticipat- snows melt, when the thaws break, Appointed Finance ing trouble during the coming year. and wheat the spring comes. Government Inspection Junior School subjects are also of- Manager For G.E. fered. Each class covers a half year's work in the six weeks; both "Fox" Again Retreat at 5:30 P.M. on Wednesday, April 11 marked the halves are offered and run concur- Appointment of Marshall E. end of the annual Government Inspection of the 1955-56 school rently. Victor In Honor Minich, SMA '29, as manager of year. In an address to the corps at this formation, Major There are no uniforms or forma- finance for the General Electric Company Race C. W. Weidinger, PMS&T, said that he was very pleased with Company's Broadcast Equipment tions during the session. Cadets and faculty are quartered in the the fine showing by the corps. Section, was announced here today Once again "Fox" company has Junior School Barracks. Memorial Preparation for G. I. began more by Paul Chamberlain, general man- regained the title of "Honor Com- Hall classrooms are used, and than a month ago at reveille and ager of the section. meals are served in the upper Mess pany." Out of 8 months of school drill in the form of exercises and S.M.A. Graduate In his new position, Mr. Minich Hall. The pool and all athletic "Fox" Company has had this rat- silent manual. April 9 was utilized will handle all financial operations facilities arc used. An air of in- ing all but two. The first month as rehearsal day. The inspectors, Sings At Radio involved in the development, manu- formality is evident and is a wel- Lt. Col. Harry M. Myers and of this year "Easy" company had City Music Hall facture, and sale of the Company's comed change from the routine and the title in a carry-over from last Chief Warrant Officer Stacy Har- complete line of television and ra- regimentation of the regular ses- ris, arriyed April 11, and the corps Charles P. Palaiologas, SMA '53, dio broadcast equipment and a line year. The only company that has son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete C. Pal- sion. Breakfast is served at eight. started the inspection; but due to of special electronics products. been able to take it away from aiologas of 520 Rcdonda Road, Classes run from nine to twelve the bad weather conditions the Broadcast equipment manufac- Youngstown, Ohio, sang at Radio thirty and from one thirty to two "Fox" company has been "Char- Field Inspection was moved to the tured by the section includes sta- City Music Hall, New York City, forty. A recreational program of lie" company. Large Gym, where the First Batal- tion antennas, transmitters and on Easter (April 1) at the United league Softball, tennis, badminton, lion stood inspection. The Second studio equipment for radio, UHF, ping-pong, volley-ball, and swim- This month's results gives them Easter-Dawn Service. Batallion went to their respective VHF, monochrome and color tele- a comfortable lead toward winning The Brown University and Pem- ming occupies the afternoon. Sup- barracks to stand inspection. Fol- vision and closed circuit television per is at five thirty with study "Honor Company" for the year. broke College choirs provided the lowing this inspection, demonstra- equipment for commercial, indus- music for the hour-long service hour beginning at seven forty five Captain Manning says, "If it tion classes were held by MS's trial, educational and medical ap- starting at 7 a.m. and broadcast and taps at ten. Twice a week weren't for the stiff competition of- special classes. plications. In addition the sec- over the NBC coast-to-coast radio picnic trips to nearby places for fered by "C" company, we would In the afternoon the corps gave tion was recently assigned develop- swimming and sightseeing leave network. never have won. The boys in my a parade and demonstration of con- ment and manufacturing responsi- after the fourth period and return Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, pastor company have made up their minds ditioning exercises, rifle exercises, bility for such equipment as radio- after supper. Optional week-end of Christ Church, New York City, that they really want it for the and the silent manual. Frequency power generation for (Continued on Page 2) year." o gave the sermon. large scale cooking and food pro- Under the direction of Prof. Wil- cessing; facsimile transmission; and Sandlin's Solution liam Dinneen the Brown and Pem- scatter-transmission devices for broke choirs numbering 100 stu- long-range television transmission. Senior Class To Have Colors, dents, sang seven selections includ- Mr. Minich was educated at ing the Hallelujah Chorus from Chosen In MST 3 Warren, Ohio schools and at Staun- Handel's "Messiah", Garden Hymn Flower, Motto, And Poem ton Military Academy, Staunton. for Easter (American Folk), Character Problem Va. He received a Bachelor de- Christians to the Paschal Victim This year's Senior Class has revived the old custom, gree from Lafayette College, Eas- Last month, Major Weidinger, (Williams) and Now Sing Your which is common with senior classes throughout the United ton, Pa., in 1933 and a Master of the PMS&T, chose the solution Songs of Easter (Bernais Carol). States, of selecting a class flower, class colors, a motto, and a Business Administration degree submitted by Leon Sandlin as the The Radio City appearance was from Harvard Graduate School in poem. This custom which had been practiced at SMA was best of those turned in by MST 3 sponsored by the Protestant Coun- neglected by the recent senior classes. students on the problem of Huckle- cil of the City of New York. Ash- 1935. berry Finn. Carlos Ferrero, Mich- ley Miller, organist of Radio City He joined the General Electric The class of '56 chose the rose ael Ison, Arthur Stern, and Peter Music Hall, accompanied the chor- Company at Cleveland, Ohio in MORE WRITING IS as its favorite flower, and Red and White were selected by the seniors Worth also received letters of com- isters. 1936 as an accountant. He subse- URGED BY EDUCATORS mendation for the excellent work The choirs, also appeared Satuf- quently served as accounting super- as their class colors. To express visor • and traveling auditor in Less grammar and more writing their determination to get ahead they did. •lav (March 31) at 8:30 p.m. over practice were recommended today It's all a part of the new Mili- CRS television on the program Bridgeport, Conn., and Schenec- and to achieve success in life, the for teaching high school students tary Schools Training program "Stage Show" featuring the Dor- tady, New York plants. Mr. Min- seniors selected as their motto: English Composition more effec- adopted by SMA this year. An sey Brothers. On television they ich was transferred to the Elec- "We will find a way, or we will tively. The suggestion was made important part tif the third year spn'g the Hallelujah chorus from tronics Division in 1942 and has make one." The seniors also chose at the Second Yale Conference on program is the course in Military Handel's "Messiah", and another served in various executive assign- a poem which will be made public ments. h« Teaching of English. at a later date. (Continued on Page 2) short selection. ^gssssmmmaiUasBi^^ THE KABLEGRAM The Kablegram Editorial Staff Rogue's Gallery Hector J. Cases Editor-in-Chief William Foard—News Editor Jack Swagler—Sports Editor "RICH" "SHAG" James Pittman—Features Editor Jon Levy—Copy Editor Alias Richard Winslow Alias ..„ Tim Sheldon Claim to Fame Kicking doors Claim to Fame Three Englishes News Racket Rifle Team Racket One of Stump's Boys Gartner, Bolton R., Work, Harris, Sandlin, Vivado, Fisher, Schlein Jinx The Squatting Position Jinx Spitshining Shoes Features Sentenced To U.