
...... ,_ XXXIX No• .,...... ,'5,- V...... 1I, 1110 (Saka)

LOK SABRA DEBATES (English Version)

Tenth Se.ion (Eighth )

(VoL XXXIX contains Nos. 41 to 53)


I'r'i« : lis. 6.00 (()rIfInaI English proceedtngI included In EngIiIh Version and OrIgInal Hndf proceedIngIlncIuded In .HlndI YeI8IonI will be tr..... _ auIhorIt8tIve ... not the tr8nIIatJon."'reof.] CONTENTS

[Eighth Series, Volume XXXl)(, Tenth Session, 1988/1909-10 (Saka) ] No. 47, Thursday, May 5, 1988/Vaisakha 15, 1910 (Saka)


Oral Answers to Questions:

Starred Questions Nos. 961, 967 970, 971 and 973 to 977 ... 1--29

Notice No.2 Short Questions ... 29--32

Written Answers to Questions:

Starred Questions Nos. 959, 960, 962 to 966, 968, 969, 972 and 978 ... 33-60

Unstarred Questions Nos. 9667 to 9813 and 9815 to 9897 ... 61--333

Papers Laid on the Table ... 336-337

Committee of Privileges-- First Report--/aid ... 338

Joint Committee on the Bill to Consolidate and Amend the law relating to Railways--

Extension of Time for Presentation of Report-- ... 338

Matters Under Rule 377-- ... 339--346

(i) Opening of an LPG Agency at Una (Himachal Pradesh)

Prof. Narain Chand Parashar ... 339

The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (0, (ii)


(ii) Need to take steps to check air pollution in cities

Shri Madin Pandey ... 3]9

(iii) Need to take steps for the protection of consumer rights

Shri Shanti Dhariwal ... 340

(iv) Need to allocate funds to the Government of for anti-erosion and flood protection project for Bhojpur district of Bihar

Prof. K K Tewary ... 341 (v) Need to extend the railway line from Berhanpur to Dasapala

Shn Somnath Rath ... 342

(vi) Need to take steps to overcome power crisis In Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala

Shri E. Awapu Reddy .0.343

(vii) Need to take over all the textile mills in the country

Dr. Datta Samant ... 344

(viii) Need to take steps for the development of Mathura and Vrindavan

Shri Manvender Singh ... 344

Discussion Under Rule 193--

Report of the Joint Committee to Enquire into ... 346--421 Bofors Contract Shri Haroobhai Mehta ... 346

Dr. Datta Samant ... 355

Shri Eduardo Faleiro ... 361

Shri K.C. Pant ... 363

Motion under rule 184 for reference to Committee of Privileges for making detailed investigations into allegations by Shri K.P. Unnikrishnan, MP-- ... 421--458

SI}ri Shantaram Naik ... 441 (HI'


Prof. K. K. Tewary ... 449

Shri Haroobhai Mehta ... 451

I'Prof. P.J. Kurien ... 452

Shri C.M. Banatwalla ... 454

Statutory Resolutions Re: approval of continuance in force of proclamation in respect of Punjab-- ... 458--470

Shrimati Sukhbuns Kaur ... 459

Shri Manoj Pandey ... 461

Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia ... 466



SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: LOKSABHA Will the Ministpr of RAilWAYS be Thursday, May 5, 1988/Vaisakha 15/ pleased to state: 15, 1910 (Saka) (a) the target set for the construction of The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of new railway lines in each railway zone the Oock during the Seventh Five Year Plan along- with the gauge-wise break-up; and [MR. SPEAKER In the Chair] .. (b) the progress nlade so far in this re- II' ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS gard?

[EnglIsh] [Translation]

Construction of new railway lines during THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE lv11N- Seventh Plan ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI i\1AHABIR .... PRASAD): (a) and (b) A stateln~nt IS given * 961. SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA: below.


Lengths of new (ai/lmes already commissioned from 1985-86 to 1987-88 and planned to be commissioned in 7988-89 are as under:

length of new hne length of rail hne already commissioned planned for COnllTIISSlomng Zone in 1985-86 to 87-88 111 1988-89 (Ill Kllonletre) (in kilometre) B.G. M.G. "B.G. M.G.

1 2 3 5

Central 15

Northern 6 2

Northeast FrQntter 52 14

Southern 57 73

South Central 71 3 Oral Answers May 5.1988 Oral Answers 4

1 2 3 4 5

South Eastern 53

Western 107 166 Total 202 159 241 14

The commissioning ot new lines in the final year of the Plan, i.e. 1989-90, will depend on the resources that will be allocated by the Planning Commission in the Railways' Annual Plan.

/Translation! Chota Udaipur region ~nd I have made re- peated requests to the department to ex- SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA: Mr. tend this line from Chota Udaipur to Raipur Speaker, Sir, the scheme fonnulated for fur- ;n but in vain. May I know ther extension of the broad gauge and nle- by what time the work to extend this nar- tre gauge lines by 1987-~8 and 1988-89 in row gauge line, which falls between the the Seventh Five Year Plan is quite proper. two junctions and to run the train with a But, I would like to know from the Hon. diesel engine is likely to be completed. Minister whether there is any plan for fur- ther extension of. broad gauge, metre gauge SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: There is and narrow gauge lines in Gujarat and if so, no proposal to extend it at present. The the time by which the work is likely to be question regarding providing a diesel en- completed? gine does not fall under the purvie\v of this Question.

I English1 SHRI KEYUR BHUSHAN: Dulli, Rajhara and Bailadila are related to steel plants. It is THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- very essential to these places with tSTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO railway lines as soon as possible. May I SCINDjA): Sir, the lin"es that we are work- " know about the Plans formulated by the ing and attelnpting ~o try and complete Ministry in this regard? within the . Seventh Plan are Kota-Chittaurgarh, Karur -Dindigal, Bal i- SHRI MADHAVRAO SC1NDIA: The rail- para-Gamani and Bhatinda Byepass Phase ""ay line is the under consideration of the n. We are aJso trying to cornplete with the Planning commission, the Steel Authority of Seventh Plan further extension of these I ndia and the Ministry of Railways. lines Bhadarwas-Kolaras, Rai Mehtapur- [English} Una, Dhar~anagar-Kumarghat, Gamani- SHRI A. J. V. B.' ~.1AHESWARJ\ RAO: I Bhalukpong, Silchar-Jiribam, Jamira- want to know from the hon. Minister Bharabi, Emakulam-Alleppey. And also whether there is any proposal to reconnect Cuna-Badarwas, Tafcher-Angul, Chittaur- railway line between Kakinada and Koti- garh-Neemuch lines. palli in Andhra Pradesh to link with Amala- puranl area?

I do not think any of these lines come SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: There within the State of Cujarat. does not see.n to be any such proposal.

[Translation J SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: There are a nU}llber of ongOing projects, and even SHRI AN\ARSINH RATHA\tVA: Sir, J some projects which have been sanctioned wanted to know about GUJarat but he has long back in the year 1971-72 for which not said an}'1hing about that. There is"a first construction has started long back, which number narrow gauge lane in Indi'a lil are yet to be completed. May I know fronl 5 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Oral Answers 6 the hon. Minister whether there is any ular question does not come within the proposal to complete those ongoin&- pro- purview of this question. I will require a jects before taking up new projects. If so, separate question for this. bywhell? Religious education in private schools SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Sir, the run by minorities work is continuing on ongoing project5. As the hon. Member knows well, there is the * 967. SHRI BRAjAMOHAN MOHANlY: constraint of resources that we are facing. Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE Amongst our priorities so far have been re- DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: habilitation and modernisation system. However, it is my opinion that the time has (a) whether Union Government are now come when we should bring the ex- aware that in certain private schools run by pansion of the system and also it should be different communities religious education is given due consideration because rehabilita- being imparted and through such religious tion and modernisation steps have already education communal poison is being been initiated and they are going ahead at spread; a fairly good pace. And the situation is such that we are extracting everY l(bt drop out of (b) whether such schools are receiving the system. Government grants; and .

I think, the time has come when more (c) whether any steps are being taken to attention should be given to the expansion counteract such trends? of the system, specially In certain prionty areas or in project linked lines and that is THE MIN1STER OF STATE IN THE DE- going to be our recommendation to the PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- Planning Commission. However, we are TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN facing a constraint of resources and the on- RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. going projects are pro.cessed according to SHAH I): (a) to (c). A statement is given the priority and keeping in view the funds below. that are available. No distinct policy deci- sion can be taken that no new projects will STATEMENT be sanctioned, until the on-going projects are completed. This sort of policy decision The scope 'of the question is very wide. we will be unable to take. It would cover information about teaching matters and financiat assistance relating to a variety of schools and school systems SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: May I know spread all over the country. Thus it is not from the hon. Minister whether the Tech- feasible to give a specific reply in this re- nical Committee has furnished a report for gard. However, the general situation is as the abolition of 40 narrow gauge railway below: lines all over the country including Rupsa-Bangriposhi line in South-Eastern railway? But the users are agitating against Education in schools at elementary level this decision. May I know from the hon. (Classes I-VIII) is generally regulated by the Minister what is the reaction of t~e Gov- State Education Departments and at the ernment on this issue as well as whether secondary level by the Boards of Secondary the railway administration is thinking to re- Education. Under Article 28 of the Consti- consider the issue C\fter resurveying all t~e tution no religious instruction can be pro- 40 such narrow gauge lines where the vided in an educational institution main- users are agitating against such decision of tained out of State funds. In the curriculum the Government. framework prepar~d by the NCERT, reli- gious instruction is not contemplated. The SHRI MAOHAVRAO SCI NOlA: The reac- syllabi at these levels also do not include tion of the Government is that this partic- education about any particular religion. 7 Oral Answers MAY 5, 1988 Oral Answers 8

However, while the syllabi by down the whether they have taken action to collect programme that ~hould be covered by the information from the State Governments schools, they do not impose constraints and the Union Territory Administrations beyond this. The schools have the freedom and whether any violation of the law or de- to teach desirable things beyond the syl- viation from the prindple of religious and labi. The Government and local body moral education is pennissible under cer- schools do not impart religious instruction. tain conditions and whether such violations There are a large· numberrof schools run by and deviations are taking place and organisations connected with one or the whether the Government has got any in- other religion. I n the case of minorities formation regarding it. That is the question. they enjoy additional protection as enu- merated in the Article 3Q of the Constitu- tion. However, no educational institution THE MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCE has the freedom to spread communal poi- DEVELOPMENT (SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA son in the name of mor:al or religious edu- RAD): Within the time available, it was not cation. possible for us to get any information. That is why, the first para very dearly says that Grants to individual schools are given this question in its very nature is very by the State/UT Government concerned sweeping. It is concerned with the whole and under the Constitution the minority country. So, we will require time to get in- schools cannot be discriminated against in formation. How do we get informationl If the payrnent of grants. The National Policy we write to the State Governments and the on Education is applicable to aJi educa- State Governments write to the district au- tional institutions in the country and the thorities, they will not be able to really pin- principles in core curriculum envisaged in point any information of this kind. Hon. the policy to promote national integration Members who are touring their constituen- and national identity are applicable to mi- cies and to whose notice these things are nority educational institutions also. The Na- brought, if they are kind enough to give tional Policy on Education also declares information to us, we will certainly spe!=ifi- that all educational pi"ogrammes VIm be cally go into these matters. Othetwise, carried on in strict confonnity with secular there is no difficulty about writing to the values. Thus while Covemment has pro- State Governments and trying to get infor- vided adequate mechanisnl for protecting mation. But I do not see how specific in- the bonafide rights of the minorities, the formation can come b~ merely writing to desirability of not allowing education to be the State Government$. Thi~ is the posi- used for furtherance of communal tion. tendencies has been underscored. SHRI BRAJAMOHAN MOHANTY: ShdUtd I SHRI BRAJM10HAN MOHANTY: I am take it this way that no inforolation is avail- grateful to the hone Minister that he has able although the deviation is taking place taken the trouble of incorporating all the throughout the country and in different Constitutional provisions and also the Edu- parts of the country? cation Commission report in the answer. My question is very clear, whether the SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA RAO: No. Union Government are aware that in cer- tain private schools run by djfferent com- SHRJ BRAJAAttOHAN MOHAN1Y: That is munities, religious education is being im- all right. You have answered that. I will ask fJMted and through such religious educa- another qu~"ion. tion communal poison is being spread and, . if so, whether any steps are being taken to counteract such trends. This. is a ~;mple question but it has not been. answered. It SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA RAO: There is a may be a widespread question and it may little deviation from what I said. What I not be possible to give ~ specific repfy. My said was that this is a countrywide ques- submission is to supply the information tion. We have had no time to get fuJI in- 9 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Ori11 Answers 10 formation. If we write to the State Gov- ~overnment. A nuanher of such laws have ernments now and we are writing to th~ been enacted and the existing minority in- State Covernments on the lines suggested stitutions have been brought to the point in the question, I personally do not feel of closur~ as a result thereof.' Have you got that any institution will say, that it is any solution for that? Why is there such a ' spreading c.orlV,llunal poison. No institntion deviation fror:n the agreed principles? will say, no Headmaster will say and no Management will say. So, ultimately what SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA RAO: First we will have to understand the problem first will be left with, is a denial, total denial , which again is not true. This might be hap- and then seek its solution. First, we will try pening in some areas. So,' it is from the to know as to what is happening there. We people's representatives that atleast the have got this information from you just First I nformation Report of this kind should now. We will ask for information from the come to us or from any other source, not concerned state and if it is found that necessarily from the institutions them- something has to be done on our part, we will certain consider about it. ~e~es. ~ am suggesting a practical way. But If technically we have to write to the State Governments, we will certainly write. In SHRI ~ULTAN SALAHUDDIN OWAISI: fact, we are contemplating to write to Similarly, I want to tell you one thing more, them. kindly pay attention to that also.

SHRI BRAJAMOHAN MOHAN1Y: Has ~1R. SPEAKER: No, you tell him later on. the Covernment undertaken any exercise or indepth study to see Olat the norms that SHRI SULTAN SALAHUDDIN OWAISI: have, been provided in the Constitution, One medical college is functioning there. In the norms that have been recommended spite of all the formalities having been by the Education Commission have been completed, recognition is not being followed in the, country or not7 Has any granted ·0 thjs college by your medical exercise or indepth study been made? If council. not, will the Government undertake to make an indepth study in the matter? MR. SPEAKER: You may give it in writing. Thi..c; is not the way. He will not be able to reply. SHRI P. V. NARASIMHA RAO: That is an on-going programme. We have just passed SHRI the New Education Policy SULTAN SALAHlJDDIN OWAISI: This is a matter of public interest. I would one-and-a-half-years ago. We are imple~ like to know as to why the medical council m~nting it. Text-books are bei~g prepared Stili, the NCERT is also engaged in finding is not 'according recognition to this college. out how the text-books are being received at the field level. So, this is a continuous . MR. SPEAKER: This is not the way. programlne and I assure hon. Members that we will certainly look into how these SHRI SULTAN SALAHUDDIN OWAISI: norms laid down by the Government in the There are 9 nledical colleges in Andhra Pradesh. This is, the tenth college. Which is New Policy are being implemented. producing the best results in Andhra Pradesh. If still you do not want to accord [Translation] recognition to it, loben it is nothing' but injustice. SHRI SULTAN SAlAHUDDIN OWAISI: Will the hon. Mil1ister tell if the Constitu- MR. SPEAKER: This is not the proper tion permits the min~rities to open their way of seeking infonnation, during the schools? Certain states, rake Andhra Question Hour. If~ you give it in black & Pradesh, are enacting laws against it. A law white, I will see that the information is has been enacted in Andhra Pradesh to the supplied to you. You may give'it under rule effect that minority'institutions cannot be 377. Please make use of the rules to get the opened ~thout the p~nnission' of the information. 11 Oral Answers MAY 5, 1988 Oral Answers 12

[English} we understood by minOrity institutions. As my colleague has pointed out, minority as a SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: It is word, has not been defined in the difficult to understand what is the meaning Constitution. From the judgments of Courts of minority "education and majority educa- we. glean what all I have just said. tion. Anyway, I am not asking the Govern- ment to take firm action to see that educa- [Translation] tion is equal for everybody. But, one thing I want to know categoricafly. In the name of Doubling and electrification of railway so-called rights for the particular groups of lines peopte or so-caned religious education, the kind . of education the students get there * 970. SHRI RAM SINGH: Will the Min- does not help them to stand in life in the ister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: future. Therefore, I think persuasion, con- sensus campaign and the modem ideas will (a) the time by which the work of dou- be helpful for them to make .. a future for bling of railway line between Saharanpur themselves. So, I would like to know and Moradabad and between and whether that will be introduced in this very Saharanpur via Meerut will be completed; institution with care and real sympathy for and the people who go there in the name of religion. Have you beel') trying to do that? (b) when the railway line between Delhi and Jammu-Tawi via Saharanpur is pro- SH RI L P. SHAH I: Sir, the Constitution, posed to be electrified? however, does not define a minority and the limits of their rights vis-a-vis the State. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- Specific aspects in this regard have been ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR determined through the judgments of high PRASAD): (a) Double line already exists be- court; and Supreme Court. Generally, the tween Saharanpur and Moradabad. Be- picture in the light of court judgment is that tween Delhi and Saharanpur, double line the minority institution should have proper exists on Delhi-Muradnagar and space and the facilities for health and hy- Tapri-Saharanpur sections. Doubling of line giene, provision of adequate educational between Muradnagar and Tapri is not facilities as may be required under terms of planned at present. affiliation and has the syllabi prescribed by the affiliating board or university. These re- (b) Delhi-Ghaziabad section has al!_eady quirements coupled with the provisions of been electrified. There is at present, no the N PE would ensure the recognised mi- proposal to extend electric traction beyond nority institutions to conform to the princi- Ghaziabad towards Jammu Tawi, via ples laid down in the core curriculum. Saharan pur.

SHRI RAM SINGH: Mr. Speaker, Sir the SHRI P.V. NARASIMHA RAO: It depends hone Minister has stated in his reply that on th~ te~ of the affiliation it it is a uni- electrification has been carried out at cer- versity and naturally, university will insist tain places on both the lines and double on the implementation of its own rules and line exists between certain stations regulations etc. So, there should be no whereas the line is single between certain difficulty in making the minority institutions stations. May I know the norms adopted confonn to the rules of the university or for electrification and for laying the lines 7 rules of the Government, or rules of the New Education Policy. There should be no diffICUlty on that. If the Hon. Member wants to ask me what a minority institution SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Electrifi- is Mr. Owaisi just said that a minority cation of the track and laying of double line institution is one run by minorities. The depends upon the quantum of goods and management is from minority. That is what passenger traffic. 13 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 15,1910 (SAKA) Oral Answers 14

IEnglish} [Translation J

It is in accordance with the operational SHRIMATI PRABHAWATI CuPTA: Mr. requirements and there are no specific Speaker, Sir, the Hon. Minister is very in- gUidelines as such. telligent and also my friend. But I challenge the figures given by her. You know that [Translation} children are dying in the villages, in cities and in hospitals in every corner of the Survey is conducted and wherever it is. country due to spurious medicines and found necessary or where there is a possi- spurious polio vaccine. Therefore, I want to bility of increase in traffic or where the line know whether she proposes to conduct a is more busy, we undertake electrification survey and intimate the results thereof. and laying of double line programme there. May I know the action being taken by the Drug Controller in this conn~ction. May I SHRI RAM SINGH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, also know about the steps being taken by Double line exists between Saharanpur and the Drug Controller to check the mush- Tapr; and Delhi to Ghaziabad. If there is room growth of spurious drugs manufac- double line between Delhi and Saharanpur, turing companies in whole of the country, then there will be no need to stop the especially in Bombay, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh goods or passenger trains at Ghaziabad to and Bihar? receive the incoming trains and release the outgoing trains. I would like to know from [English] the Hon. Minister whether incomplete. double line does not cause inconvenience KUI'vtARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: Most in transportation of goods and passenger humbly I would like to submit to the Hon. traffic? Member that. ...

SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: No, Sir, [Translation] there is no inconvenience. SHRltvtATI PRABHAWATI GUPTA: I have put my question in Hindi and J want reply to be Biven in Hindi.

[Engljsh) MR. SPEAKER: i will not prevent En- Deaths due to consumption of spurious glish-speaking Minister to reply in drugs Hindi. .. (lnterruptions)

*971. SHRIMATI PRABHAWATI GUPTA: SHRIMATI PRABHAWATI GUPTA: The Will the Minister of HEALTH AND Hon. Minister knows Hindi and I request WE LFARE be pleased to state: that she may reply in Hindi.

(a) the number of persons died due to [English] consumption of spurious drugs in the country during 1986-1987, State-wise; and KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: The Drugs and. Cosmetics Act 1940 regulates th~ in1- (b) the names of such drugs? port into and manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs in the country. Under this Act, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- the Central Government is responsible ISTRY OF HEALTH' AND FAMILY WELFARE through the Central Drugs Standards Con- (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE)J(a) and (b). trol Organisation for controlling the quality Accordirfg to infonnation avaiJable, 14 of inlported drugs as well as the dn'gs' deaths took place at J.J. Hospital, BQmbay manufactured in the country by laying in January-February, 1986 due to adminis- down certain regulatory .. neasures and tration of adulterated Glycerol (Glycerin~). standards of the drugs and importin~ ne\\, 15 Oled AllS""'~fS MAY 5,1988 Oral Answers 16

drugs also at' the same time. The State KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: I would Coverhnlents are responsible for exercising like to submit tl:lat Government pays atten- control over ctrugs manufactured, sold and tion from time to time to such things like distributed iA the countl)' through their spurious drugs and issues instructions also. State Drugs Control Organisations. As regards lentin Commission, I would like to submit respectfully that it is a state {Translation} subject. I feel that we shoula not discuss it in this House. SHRll\tATI PRABHAWATI GUPTA: Hon. Speaker, Sir, I have asked something else KUIVtARI MNv\ATA BANERJEE: Sir, ask and the reply is something else. I have hinl to say something about Pannicker. The challenged the figures given by her. She Minister has made a statenlent. The hon. will. come to kno\\' the truth if a survey is Minister should ~y something about him. carried out. There are sensational news almost every day in newspapers. The hon. SHRIMATI PRABHAWATI GUPTA: Minister has stated that 14 deaths took Through the state Government. .. pface at J.J. Hospital, Bombay due to administration of adulterated glycerine. The tv1.R. SPEAKE R: Madanl, she has already commISsion constituted under the told; did you not hear that? chairmanship of justice lentin has, after very careful study of the matter, offered [English] many suggestions. The Commission is of the view that the drug companies situated SHRI UTTNvt RATHOD: Sir, last Session in villages and in other far-flung areas have I h~d asked a similar question and it was no proper infrastructure. Their medicines about Coldrin. A wrong advertisenlent should not be purchased. There are certain about its effect was given which led a man companies whose products are .rnarketed almost IQse his son. It is not oflly a ques- witho~t their being tested in the tion of spurious drugs but sub-standard laboratories. What steps will be taken to drugs also. The drug authorities are ex- check the inflow of such medicines into the pected to send their Inspectors to every market. Would you take some concrete pharmaceutical concern to see for each steps to check the inflow of spurious drugs shift but it has been observed that though into the market? Mr. Speaker, Sir, you these people are expected to go there, know, the General Secretary of All they do not go. May J know from the han. Congress Committee died. It is stili a Minister what are you going to do not only controvertia J matter that the injection about spurious drugs but also sub-standard administered to him was an adulterated drugs and of the drugs which are given one. wrong publicity without looking into the counter-effects of it. How are you going to MR. SPEAKER: Put your question. punish them?

SHRJMATf PRABHAWATI GUPTA: When [Translation J a great man like him can meet his end like this, then there ;s no safety for anybody in MR. SPEAKER: Spurious drug manufa(.- the country. Therefore, take point seriously turers are worst even than murderers. The} and make sincere efforts to prevent the should be given the same punisholents as salt! of spurious drugs in the market. is given to a murderer.

KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: The hon. [English} Member has made certain observations while expressing her views regarding spu- KU~RI SAROJ KFiAPARDE: Sir, rious drugs. ~ sub-standard drugs are those drugs whictr do not conform to the standards laid down MR. SPEAKER: You have replied to one for such drugs. The . problem of· of the observations. sub-standard drugs is confined'to licensed 17 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIG4) Oral Answers 18 drug manufacturers only. The manufactur- now I will see that some action should be ing and sale of spurious drugs is a clandes- taken against that. tine activity like circulation of fake currency notes indulged in by anti-social and un- [Translation 1 scrupulous e~ments. As you have also mentioned this activity is carried out gen- KUJVtARI MAMATA BANERJEE: Mr. erally by unlicensed manufacturers al- Speaker, Sir, we are thankful to you for ex- though licensed manufacturers also involve tending the help whenever we need it. You themselves in such activities. ask the Govt. to make a statement. But the 'statement given by the Minister of Health PROF. DANDAVATE: I would yester.day has pained us.. Such statement like to know from the hoFt. Minister should not -have been given about Shri \\'hether it is a fact that while replying to Pannicker in the House. It has created my unstarred question on 28th of fast confusion in our minds. According to the tnonth you have already admitted that statement he was suffering fro!ll Tubercu- there are 22 hospitals which have returned losis. We want to know whether the the drugs to the Central Medical Depot at statement is correct or he died due to ad- Bonlbay under the Union Health Ministry ministration of sub-standard injection. The on the ground that some of the drugs were matter should be considered seriously. sub-standard drugs, some of them were What is there in the post-mortem report. sent without indent and some of them The matter is not confined merely to an \\'ere sent in such a way that the date of M.P., it can happen to anybody. The prob- expiry was wrong. Having admitted your- lem cannot be solved unless firm steps are self in the case of 22 hospitals that the taken in this regard. The hone Minister drugs were returned, will you take concrete should give here the original stat.ement and steps to find out-since you have already got reveal the facts. the audit report with you-as to who are re- spo!,sible for these discrepancies and aber- KUIvtARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: Mr. rations and take a faml stand that such 'Speaker, Sir, I appreciate the issues raised things will be avoided in future: I n the by the hone Member and also give due re- sanae background though it is a State mat- spect to the sentiments of other hone ter as far as lentin Commission Report is Members. $hri Pannkker \\ as as dear to us concerned will you use your good offices as he was to them, but I think this issue With the State Government to see that rec- should not be associated with the original olnrnendations of the lentin Commission Question. A separate notice is required for are also effectively implemented by the this ... (In terruptions) State Governn1ent? These are two aspects of the sanle question. Unauthorised porters on Railway Stations KU~1ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: Whatever I ).. 15 just now been mentioned by Prof. *973. SHRIJ\1ATJ PATEL RNvtABEN Uandavate I can assure t~e House that RAMJ IBHAI ~VAN I: \\lill the Minister of whatever is possible from my Ministry I' will . RAILWAYS be pleased to state: take very strong action. I will try to imp le- n1ent those audit reports. (a) whether unauthorised porters in red and green shirts are found to be loading PI\Of. MADHU DAN.DAVATE: The drugs and unloading th~ baggage of passengers \vere returned by 22 hospitals. Will you at Delhi and other railway stations in the l3ke finn steps to find out who are rE'spon- country; sible for the discrepancies and aberraya- (b) whether there have been complaints tions? regarding these persons indulging in illegal activities like occupying the seats in trains, 'KUMAR) SAROJ KHAPARDE: Yes, defi; 'stealing the baggage of passenge(S and II;tely whatever you are referring to just pick-pocketing etc; 19 Oral Answers MAY 5,1988 Oral Answers 20

~ (c) whether there have also been com- MR. SPEAKER: Wha~ will happen to the plaints about collusion of railway officers manuscript of Shri Balkavi Bairagi which and railway police in such unauthorised has been. stolen? . porters working at railways; SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGI: Mr. Speaker, (d) if so, the details in this regard; and Sir, through you, I would like to know from the hone Minister that people are making a (e) the number of persons apprehended demand for increasing the number of and the action taken against them? porters and assurance was also given fur- ther, but in spite of the orders issued by THE DEPUlY MINISTER IN THE MIN- the Government, the porters unions and ISTRY . OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR rackets do not allow recruitment to be PRASAD) '(a) and (b). 'Y~ Sir. A few cases made. I would like to point out the case of have come to notice. Chittore specifically, where porters have not been recruited in spite of Government (c) to (e). Some unsubstantiated com- orders even after a period of one and a half plaints have, from time to time, been re- year. May I know whether the Government ceived. During the period 1987-88, 4148 takes action on such complaints? How unauthorised persons were apprehended much times will it take to execute the old and prosecuted under the Indian Railways orders; whether any assurance will be Act. given in this regard?

SHRIMATI PATEL RAMABEN RAMJIBHAI SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Mr. MAVAN I: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the hone Speaker, Sir, the number of porters re- Minister has stated that 4148 persons have quired and the number of licences to be been apprehended and prosecuted. May I given at a particular station depends upon know whether such complaints have been the number of passengers. For instance the received from other areas also and if so, number has been increased at what concrete steps have been taken to Station. The hone Men1ber has made the solve this problem? complaint for the first tirne. It- will be ex- amined properly and action will be taken if THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN· orders have not been carried out. ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAV RAO SCI N DIA): As has been stated in the reply, the complaints are re(:elved from time to time and they are examined .~eriously and [English] minutely. Besides, there are raids and sur- prise checks and the persons found unau- SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA. At some thorised are presented and punished. places, particularly in Ahmedabad, the po- lice harass the porters in collusion with the criminal elements who occupy the seats SHRIMATI PATEL RMW3EN ~JIBHAI unlawfully. There is Porters Panchayat. MAVANI: I would like to know about the Hon. Minister must be knowing that there railway zones wherefrom the number of was a strike one or two months ago by the complaints is maximum and the zones porters. Will the hon. Minister assure that wherefrom the number is minimum. there will be no harass:nent towards the porters by the police and that Porters Pan- SHRI MADHJ\VRAO SCINDIA: As I have chayat will be strengthened as against the already pointed out complaints are re- unauthorised elements? Ahmedabad is ceived from time to time. But as far as the facing a difficult problem and the same number and the details are concerned, cer- problem may be there in other States also. tain complaints are not substantiated and therefore, it is not possible to take action in SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: I will cer- those cases. tainly look into the matter. 21 Oral Answe~ VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Oral Answers 22

SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: Sir, he has not hygiene? What is the price difference, not answered my' question properly. I why then disposable plastic cups are being asked about the Ahmedabad porters. used?

[English] SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: I would like to inform the· han. Member that de- MR. SPEAKER: He would tell about it af- partmental vendOlS made very limited use ter verification. ot earthen CUDS (KuliarhsJ Only negligible quantity of them was 'USed. Switching over [Translation] to disposable synthetic cups does not make much difference. With the use of Introduction of disposable plastic cups in kullarhs it was difficult at times to have the- trains proper account while it is not so with dis- posable cups. Exact account of the issued • 974. SH RI SHANTI DHARIWAL; Will cups is kept. Those who want to use the Mini~er of RAILWAYS be pleased to earthen cups have their vested interest~. state: They want to produce fabricated accounts. We must be careful in this regard. (a) whether Railways have recently in- troduced disposable plastic cups to serve SHRI SHANTl DHARIWAL; The hon. . tealcoffee and drinking water with meals Minister has always followed the traditional in trains; systems whether it is a social fun~ion or a family function. Would the Railway Ministry (b) whether Government had given reconsider the matter -in view of the poor tfl6ught to the serious consequences of financial position of the people engaged in tHis step on the livelihood of poor manu- the manufacture of kullarhs? facturers of conventional earthen cups (KuUarhs); and SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: There is no extra charge for the disposable plastic (c) if so, the details in this regard and cup. Its cost is included in the rates fIXed the reasons for introducing the new cups? by the Department.

THE DEPUlY MINISTER IN TH£ MIN- {English} 'ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR PRASAD): (a) Yes, Sir. SHRI THAMPAN THON\AS: Recently, I had a personal experience. When I was (b) and (c). The decision to introduce travelling in the Kerala Express during this disposable cups has been taken with a session, I found that the so'-called dispos- view to ensure hygienic conditions and for able cups were being collected by boys in the convenience of passengers. the runnjng train. They sell them to the -vendor and then again, they come back to SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL: Mr. Speaker, the passenger with tea. ! had a personal Sir, the use of ~··-:oosable cups is stated to experience. be hygienic. May I ".10W whether the use of earthen cups is not hygienic? MR. SPEAKER: Experienced cups! There is a technical point in it, you dispose them MR. SPEAKER: You mean to say that of. they are also disposable. SHRI THAMPAN THOtvtAS: Then, food SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL; The use of is also supplied in some sheets to keep it earthen cups is rather more hygieniC. Dis- hot and that sheet is also disposable. These posable plastic cups are being used for the sheets are also being collected and those convenience of the passeng~rs and be- go back to the railway contractor and he cause their use is hygienic. I want to know, again supplies the food in those sheets. through you, whether the earthen cups are When I. AW this, I immed~tely called the 23 Oral AnswetS MAY 5,1988 Oral Answers 24

'Rajlway Superintendent and told him what lot of inconvenience it catering service is was going on. he said: "These boys are discontinued. I would like to know collecting, and the saane cups are conling whether pantly ca'r will be discontinued or back to passengers; what can we do? ". it will cOl\tinue? And one more thing.' They have in- .IEnglish] creased the price because of using these SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: I require two things. This seems to be very unhy- a separate notice for this. gienic and very much -Sgainst the interest of DR. C. S. VERI\1A: They have discontin· the travelling passengers. The earlier sys- ued kullarhs and using disposable cups. Is tem of preparing food in the long trains it not against the accepted policy of Gov- an~ supplied by the vendors to the travel- ernment to encourage rural industnes? ling people was more hygienic. I would like to know froan the Minister whether the {Translation] Railways \vould revert back to that POSI- MR. SPEAKER: Kullarhs have created so tion, prepare the food and supply in the Inuch Hullarh'(turmoil}. long distance trains. Will the Minister do something in this regard? IEnglish] SHRI MADHAVRAO SCI NOlA: Food is DR, C. S. VERMA: Secondly, looking at -not being prepared in the trains; it IS the preference of the Railway Ministry for loaded on to most of the trains. In Rajdhani these disposable cups, has the Railway and some other trains, the position may be Ministry made any arrangements to see different. In most of the trains, the food is that the manufacture of these disposable not prepared on the train. It ~ loaded on in cups is given preferentially to unernployed thalis which is totally open to be polluted graduates, who are living below the on the way -to the conlpartments... poverty line, or has some such arrange- (Interruptions) ment been nlade? let lne complete. Secondly, even the SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: I have al- sample surveys that have been taken have ready mentioned in answer to an earlier COllle out very Il\uch in favour of the casse- supplementary that a very negligible quan~ role system, but I do not want to go on to tity of earthen kullarhs was being used by the departmental vendors. that I because that is not the question here .... (Interruptions). In fact, those who were using it were unauthorised vendors. So, it Wcl6 a very As far as the disposable cups are con- negligible quantity. cenled, we have tried to launch a publicity DR. C. S. VERtvtA: My second question is calnpaign. It is very unlikely that these cups not answered. My second question was ... are being used again. But we have tried to launch a public a\vareness campaign that SHRI tv\ADHAVRAO SCINDIA: A devel- after the passenger uses the cup, he should opment order was given. It is. very difficu.lt himself crush it before disposing it of. We to find someone actually who can fulfil thiS have tried to create that awareness and I development order. Now, I think, the prac- am sure, this would catch on very soon. In tice is becoO'ling much wider and we will any case, it is very difficult to resell and use certainly look into the possibility which the disposable cups. It nlay be happening; I do Hon. Member has suggested in his sup- not know, but I Will certainly find out. plementary. [Trans/ation J Handling of cargo by national airports SHRI t.AANIKRAO HODLYA CAVIT: Mr. authority • Speaker, Sir, a passenger has informed Ole -t- that pantry·cars attached to the trains *975. SHRJ G.S. BASAVARAJU: touching Ahnledabad, Madras, Cochjn, SHRt BHAITMtt SRIRANtA Trivandrurn and Howrah are being discon· MURlY: tinued. It takes 36 hours to reach Madras Will the Mlnister of CIVil AVIA1ION be by train. The pas~og~rs will have to face a pleased to state: 25 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Oral Answers 26

(a) whether the National Airports Au- Export Corpdration is doing it. In Varanasi, thority proposes to take up cargo handling the U.P. State Corporation is doing it. The at the civil airports in the country to gener- Indian Airlines is doing at Hyderabad. At all ate additional revenue for the development the International airports, the International of airports; Airport Authority is handling except Bom- bay where right from its inception the Air (b) if so, the details thereof, I ndia was handling on behalf of I ntema- tional Airport AuthOrity. They have plans; (c) whether it is proposed to start the they are looking for the finance. cargo handling service I at Hyderabad, Trivandrum and Ahmedabad airports in the SHRI G. S. BASAVARAJU: My second beginning; and question will be of personal interest. Sir, as far as you kno\lv, is an interna- (d) if so, what are the·other ateas that tionally famous tourists centre and every will be covered afterwards? day thousands of foreign visitors are visit- ing Bangalore. Formerly, there were two THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- flights which were going from Delhi to ISTRY OF LASQUR (SHRI JAGDISH Bangalore and Bangalore to Delhi. Now, it TYTlER): (a) Yes, Sir. has been reduced to one. I do not know, Sir, why the Airline people in this connec- (b) to (d). Since the proposal is at a pre- tion have taken a step-motherly attitude liminary stage, the details have not yet towards Bangalore in comp~rison to other been decided. State capitals. Sir, every day 100 to 1 SO persons are there on the waiting list and SHRI. C. S. BASAVARAJU: Mr. Speaker, they are unable to go to Bangalore. They Sir, some of the State capitals whose Civil have to wait at least for 3 to 4 days. I n this airports have no cargo handling facilities connection, may I know from the Hon. will become a heavy loss to the Airport Au- Minister whether he would like to increase thority. In this connection, I would like to the number of . know from the Hon. Minister whether they are going to take up ,the cargo handling fa- SHRI JACDISH TYTlER: The question cilities in Civil Airports; taf not what is the relates to handling of cargo, not passen- reason. gers.

SH RI JACDISH lYTlER: One of the SHRI C. S. aASAVARAJU: It is connected things laid down in the National Airport Au- with passengers. (Interruptions) thority Act is the establishment of ware- houses and cargo complexes. It is very Creation of National Ports 4uthority much in the mind and they are working on it. Some places ... + *976. SHRI ATISH CHANDRA SINHA: SHRI MiAR ROYPRADHAN: Sir, nobody DR. S.L SHAllESH: should come in the House' wearing a badge. He should not wear it. Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS- PORT·be pleased to state: SH RI JAGDISH TYTlER: I am wearing it on behalf of Shri Voraji. (a) whether a decision has been taken to create a National Ports Authority, as a MR. SPEAKER: You put it in your pocket. part of decentralisation policy, under whom all the eleven major' ports will be SHR. JAGDJSH TYTlfR: Some other lo- brought; cations have been located. We had a sur-

vey. In Trivandrum we have I the k.erala (b) if so, the details thereof including its State Industrial Enterprise, which is han- likely set up, financia! and administrative dling that. In Ahmedabad, the Gujarat State powers and capital, base; and 27 Ora} Answers MAY 5, 1988 Oral Answers 28

(c) whether the Authority will also be (b) if so, the details thereof; entrusted with the creation of a specialised agency for port operations and develop- (c) whether Govemment propose to ment? utilise this amount for desert districts of Rajas(han where people are suffering from THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- severe nutritional deficiency like calorie de- ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI P. ficiency. Vitamin 'A' deficiency and Anaemia NAMCYAL) (a)' No, Sir. owing to continuous drought; and

(b) and (c). Do not arise. (d) if so, the details ttrereof?

SHRI ATISH CHANDRA SINHA: The an THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- swer of the Hon. Minister is rather disap ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FMttILY WELFARE pointing. Sir, as you know, nowadays it is (KUMARI SARO] KHAPARDE): (a) to (d).. the day of holding companies. Different Yes, Sir. USAID has signed an Agreement small companies are being joined together with the UNICEF to provide US $ 25.5 mil- to have a large company so that Govern- lion for India'S Universal Immunization ment policy can be implemented more Programme. This grant is to be utilised to easily. So, I would like to know from the take care of the components of the Pro- Hon. Minister whether the Government gramme like the supply of cold-chain, pur- thinks that if a National Ports Authority chase of vaccines, preparation and supply comprising of 11 major ports in India is of Heatth Education materials and trans- made, it would be easier for the Covern- port. This Programme will be taken up in ment to control the poltcy regarding tht' the entire country to reduce the mortality ports throughout. the country? and morbidity of infants and pregnant women due to the six vaccine preventable SHRI P. NAMCYAl: Sir, the propo~1 to diseases. create a National Port Authority is under consideration of this Ministry. For this pur- pose we have prepared a note ana that has {Translations J been circulated to various ministries and departments such as the Ministry of Fi- SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Mr. nance, Bureau of Public Enterprises, De- Speaker, Sir, the people in desert districts partment of Administrative Reforms, Min- of Rajasthan, particularty in banner and Je- istry of Commerce and Planning Commis- salmer which were recently visited by the sion and their comments have been re- hon. Minister, are suffering from severe nu- ceived. Presently, we have been waiting for tritional deficiencies like calorie deficiency,

the comments from the Ministry of law Vitamin I A' deficiency and Anaemia due to and Justice. As soon as the reply is received successive drought for five years. Jn view of from the Ministry, we will actively consider the fact that assistance is being provided by this proposal. ' .the technology mission, UNICEF and Health department, I would like to know USA grant to help immunisation of in- also what effe~ive measures have been fants and mothers taken to assist the people and to bring a decline in the disease tases?

-977. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: will the Minister of HEAlTH AND FAMILY KUMAR I SAROJ KHAPARDE: Sir, in the WElfARE be pleased to state: • context of what the han. Member has just .referred to, I would like to remtnd him that (~) whether any grant was given to the the issues which were raised .turing my United Nations International Childrens' visit to Banner ancl otber districts were set- fmergency fund this year by the USA for tled and the demands for faulic acid, '8', universal immunisation programme to help complex tablets and hotigone tablets have immunise infants and mothers in India; been met. Besides, the assistance required 29 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV1) Oral Answers 30

for that particular area from Government ot ship of Shri S.M. Agarwal, former Secretary India has already been provided by our de- (Communications) submitted its report on , partment. 21.12.87. This report was diScussed with all the three staff Federations of Depart- SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Mr. ment of Telecommunications. Speaker, Sir, oUt districts have realty been benefited by the assistance provided by After thorough examination of the re- Central Government and there is no more port taking into consideration the various scarcity of medicines there. I would like to demands of the three Federations, a final know the achievements of the combined proposal for cadre restructuring was drawn efforts of UNICEF and Technology Mission up by the Department of Telecom. and regarding the immunization programme. I sent to Finance Ministry and copy to De- would also like to know about the incen- partment of Personnel and T raining and tives being given for further improvement. Cabinet Secretary for approval.

KUfvtARI SAROJ KHAPARDE: I don't Hon'ble Minister of finance has been think that the hone Member is totally igno- requested by Min;ster (E&C) to convene a rant about the progress. Almost all the meeting of group of three Ministers con- Schemes of UNICEF and of the concerned.. sisting of Finance Minister, Minister (Energy Ministry are being implemented in yOlU" & Communications) and Minister of State state. The Government will try to provide for Personnel and Training to finalize the maximum assistance something more is cadre restructuring soon. needed and the attention of the Govern- ment is invited to it. SH RI V.S. KRISH NA IYER: There is an impression in the country that the Gov- 12.00 hrs. ernment will act only when there is an agi- tation. During the last Budget- Session, SHORT NOTICE QUESTION there was a strike by a particular cadre of [English) the Tele-Communication Department. Then the Government appOinted the Restructuring of telecommunication Agarwal Committee and an assurance was cadres given on the floor of the House that the Committee's Report will be issued within a S.N.Q. 2. SHRI V.S. KRISHNA IYER: Will month's time and it \Vm be implemented the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be soon. It is nearly five months since the Re- pJeased to state: port came but till todate, the Report has not been implemented. (a) whether sOlnetinle before Govern- ment had given an assurance that action on May I know from the hone Minis- the various issues regarding restructuring of ter--when the union leaders met him, he Telecomnlunications cadres would be ex- disarmed them by his talks and after talking pedited; with him, they returned thinking that it will be implemented--whether there was any (b) if so, the progress made so far? understanding between the union leaders and particularly with one or two unions of THE MINISTER OF ENERGY AND MIN- the Department, with regard to the ISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI re-structuring of the Tele-Communication VASANT SATHE): (a) Yes, Sir. cadre there? If so, what are the main points of the understanding? Will you kindly en- (b) A statement is given below. lighten us?

STATEMENT SHRI VASANT SATHE: The fact is that there are three federations. As soon as I The Committee on pay scales of techni- took over the charge, there was already a cal and allied cadres under the Chairman- protest and strike by one of the unions. Oral Answers 31 ~Y 5, 1988 Oral AnSwelS 32

The first thing which I did was, I called ance. so, so far as these are concemed, I them. I said, there was no need to precipi ... am told that all the unions are one with tate any matter, when we can, by dialogue, this particular recommendation wjth regard sort out the problems. 1 had talked not to the restructuring of the cadre. In view of 'only with them but I had talked with the this, will you see that it is implemented leaders of aI, the three federations. Shri soon1 And you should tell all the unions S.M. Agarwal's Committee Report was al .... that within a particular period-you may ready there. That was being ~amined. AI ... take a week or fortnight--it will be imple- though, we were agreeing to accept some mented, because they have also given an- of the recommendations, the federations other strik-e notice, i.e. of going on strike were not willing to accept that. Therefore, again. It should be avoided, because you if a Report is not agreeable to the Tlade know the inconvenience caused to the Unions, the only way is, again to have a public. We, the Members of Parliament diswssion and dialogue ... particularly, have bitter experience. Eight or nine weeks are over. So, you Ihould kindly SHRI BASUOEBACHARIA: Have it. see that it is implemented within 15 days. Will the hone Minister stick to this assur- SHRI VASANT SATHE: We had it. Ulti- ance given to the employees? mately, with aU the three federations we came to some understanding. That under- standing has to' be accepted. It has finan- SHRI VASANT SATHE: It is true that I cial implications. It has Impli~tions from had told the unions that we would try to personnel point of View. So, t took up the come to a final decision within six weeks. I matter immediately after aniving at an myself, as I said, immediately sent a pro- agreement with these federations with the posal to the financial Minister after our .. finance Ministry and the Ministry of Per- meeting, on 5th April 1988, and I am pur- sonnel. We are going to sit together. This I suing the matter. But after all, we must ap- did in the month of April--about 15th of preciate that they also have other pres- April: We are goinB to sit together to come sures on them. I cannot understand this at- to an understanding' of how things can be titude. You cannot sit on somebody's neck sorted out. I am sure we can find a way. and try to say that this has a priority, and But I would only request that when there is you must leave everything else, Parliatnent a keenness on both sides and particularly Session, the Budget Session, all these on the side of the Government to sort out things are going on. I could not pressurize the problem, the attitude of precipitating a the rtnance Minister to leave everything crisis which creates a vicious circle of ill-will else: Finance Bill and everything and attend should be avoided. This is my plea with an to this prob1em. You must appreciate this. our trade union friends and those who Not only this: after that, I have sent a re- want the welfare of the workers. minder also on 15th. I am at it. My anguish is this: you hold me to ransom, as it were: SHRJ V. S. KRISHNA rVER: Sir, at the Six weeks are over, and again dharna ha.c; meeting held on 7.3.88 between the repre- been started by one of the unions. In our sentatives of the Department and one par- department, that particular union, viz. of ticuar labour union, it was definitely un- the technicians started dharna from 2nd derstood on behalf of the management that May. If there is attitude, how can wprk go they are making all sincere efforts and hope on1 You must have an attitude of some to get Government's concurrence with re- faith, ,some confidence. If I say that I am gard to their pay scales, etc. for technicians sony , have failed, then you are free to do and technical supervisors in six weeks' what you like. But till I am trying to resolve time, as per the Minister's assurance. So, the problem, there must be an atnlosphere already eight weeks have passed. In March, of goodwill, from both the sides. J would when they struck work, this was the assur- plead with our colleague Mr Krishna Iyer, ance given by the hone Minister, but now, and all our trade union leaders to prevail as you say, tiJl today it has not been finanl- on the people ;n Telecom not to precipi- ized. The Department has given the assur- tate such matters 33 Written Answers . VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 34

WRllTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (b) if so, whether the above flaws will hamper the expansion of the VayudQOt Pension scheme for teachers of affiliated services; coIleps of Delhi and Punjab Universities (c) the remedial measures proposed to ·959. SHRI HUSSAIN DAlWAI: Will the be taken to improve the situation; Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEl- OPMENT be pleased to state: (d) whether tnere is also proposal. to acquire any alternate aircraft. for Vayudoot; (a) whether the teachers of affiliated and colleges of Delhi University have been given the option of pension; (e) if so, the details thereof?

(b) whether this facility has also been THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- extended to the colleges of the Punjab ISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH University in Chandigarh; and TYTlER): (a) No inherant flaws' have been noticed in the Garrett engine fitted on the (c) if not, whether Government propose Domier air-:rclft. to extend this facility to the college teach- ers of Punjab University? (~) and (c). Do not arise. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE'DE- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- (d) and (e). In order tu oleet the pro- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- jected increase in traffic and to replace SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. some of the ageing aircraft, Vayudoot pro- SHAH I): (a) Yes, Sir. poses to acquire some 40 plus seater air- craft. The Committee appointed to recom- ( b) The teachers in Government Col- mend the type and number of aircraft to be leges in Chandigarh are eligible to retire- purchased has not yet finalised its recom- ment benefits, including pension, as are mendations. available to employees of the Chandigarh Acquisition of modern and fuel effICient Administration. The teachers is private col- ships leges in Chandigarh are eligible at present only to the benefits of a Contributory *962. SHRIMATI Prevident Fund Scheme. BALI: Will the Minister of SURFACE (c) While communicating the Scheme of TRANSPORT be pleased to state: revision of pay scales, the Central Govern- ment had suggestec:J to all State Govern- (a) whether the country's demand with ments and Union Territory Administrations regard to requirement of Shipping fleet that they might consider sanctioning bene- with sufficient OWf capacity is increasing fits like, dearness allowance, house rent every year, and allowance, retirement benefits, medical fa- cilities, leave travel concession, etc., to (b) if so, whether there is any plan to teachers in Universities and Colleges on acquire modem and fuel efficient ships so the same basis as are provided to Central that the country's demand is met? Government employees. . THE MINISTER Of STATE Of THE MIN- flaws in Dornier Aircraft Engine ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- JESH PilOn: (a) and (b). The policy of the -960. SHRI RAM PVARE PANIKA: Will Covemment is to build a modem and effi- the Minister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased cient merchant fleet in relation to needs to state: and to provide a measure of self-reliance in foreign trade and to save foreign exchange. (b) whether sOlne flaws have been no- The emphasis is on replacement of the ticed in the engine of the Oom.ier aircraft; over-aged and uneconomic ships by mod- 35 Written AnsweA NtAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 36 em, fuel efficient ships as well as on diver- (a) whether Government had appointed sification of the fleet. a committee in connection with the restoration of Narasimha Statue at Hampi Recognition of Mias degree from Nige- in Karnataka; rian University (b) if so, the reasons for appointing such *963. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Will the a Committee; Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE be pleased to state: (c) whet~er the Com.nittee had sobmit- ted any report i:1 this connection; and (a) whether the Medical Coundl of India has refused to recognise the MaDS Degree (d) if so, the details thereof and the ac- of University of Maiduguri, Nigeria, for tion taken thereon? purposes of practising medicine in Jndia; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE .. (b) whether as a result, about 70 Indian PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- citizens holding Nigerian medical degrees TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN have been put to great hardship; and RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. SHAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. (c) whether Government will reconsider the ~tter in view of the fact that Nigerian (b) An Expert Committee was appointed Medical Degree are recognised in UK, USA, to go into the details and report on the Ireland, Pakistan and most of the Com- conservation of the ~tatue, in regard to monwe~1th fountries? which some complaints had been received.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- (c) Yes, Sir. ISTRY OF HEAlTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) The (d) The Committee have recommended, Medical Council of I ndia considered the inter-alia, that (i) no further reconstruc- question of recognition of medical degrees tion/reproduction work may be'canied out granted by various medical institutions in on the Narasimha image beyond chiselling Nigeria and decided to send a team of the and shaping already secured new pieces of Council to visit the concerned medical in- stones, (2) the parts .which have been stitutions. However, due to financial con- freshly carved and have not so far been straints the Council was requested to re- joined to the image should be shifted to consider their decision. the Hampi Museum with a suitable ex- (b) The exact number of such students planatory note for the benefit of visitors (3) is not known. whatever portions have been recon- structed on the Image proper now neea De (c) The Medical Council has at its tidied and dressed up and the image left as meeting held on the 4th February, 1988 it is, and (4) a full scale enquiry by an inde- asked the Registration and Equivalence pendent agency be made into the financial Committee to deliberate whether anything irregularities so that responsibility for ad- can be done to expedite the recognition of ministrative lapses be squarely fIXed and foreign medical degrees including Nigerian appropriate action taken for wrong direc- medical degrees. The Govemment have tions in conservation and financial irregu- asked the Council to exped4te their re. larities. commendation. Narasimha statue at Hampi in Karnataka ·964. SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI: DR. V. VENKATESH: , Action has been initiated to get the mat. Will the Minister of AUMAN RE- ter examined by the Audit Other action as SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to recommended by the. Committee would Sbfte: also be taken. 37 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 38

Causal Workers in Indian Airlines and (a) the projects of Government of Bihar Air-India for expansion of health servis:es which are pending for approval of Union Government

*965. PROF. K. V. THOMAS: Will the for Central assistance; and Ie Minister of CI~Jl AVIATION be pleased to state: (b) the reasons for delay in taking a final decision on each of them? (a) the number of causal workers working in the Indian Airlines and Air-India; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (b) what is their wage structure; (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). A proposal for taking up the second phase of (c) whether these casual workers are Area Project in Bihar is under consideration supplied by contractors; of the Ministry. The accounts of the first phase of the Area Project taken up in Bihar (d) if so, the commission given to the with the assistance of United Nations Fund contractor; and for Population Activities (UNFPA) during 1980 to 1987 could not be finalised by the (e) the basis on which these casual State Government and hence the delay in worke'rs are re-employed? taking up the second phase of the project.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Per capita expenditure on Medical facili- ISTRY OF LABOUR (SH RI JAGDISH ties in rural and urban areas TYTlER): (a) As on the 31st of March, 1988, there were 1008 and 712 casual workers ·968. SHRI RM1 PUJAN PATEl: Will the working in I ndian Airlines and Air India , re- Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE spectively. be pleased to state:

(b) Wages of casual workers in Indian (a) to comparative figures of per capita Airlines and Air I nd;a range from Rs. 30 to expenditure on providing medical facilities Rs. 47 per day. in rural and urban areas in the country;

Cc) No, Sir. (b) whether Government propose to in- crease allocation of funds for rural areas; (d) Does not arise. and

Ce) In Indian Airlines, nonnally casual Cc) if so, the details thereof? workers are engaged for a period not ex- ceeding 90 days in a period of 12 consecu- THE MINIStER OF STATE IN THE MIN- tive months. There is no bar on their ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE re-engagement after a period of 12 consec- (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). A utive months. In Air India, casual workers Statement is given below... are engaged for a period not exceeding 110 days and thereafter they are not STATEMENT re-engaged. Comparative figures of per capita ex- pe'nditure in Public Sector on Medical and (Translation} Public Health and Family Welfare are not being generated separately for rural and projects for expansion of health services urban areas. The Govemrnent has been in Bihar making constant efforts to augment the health services for rural areas. *966. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: I WiU the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY While Plan funds are not allocated in WElfAR~ be pleased to state: tenns of rural and urban areas, the Mini- 39 Written AnswetS MAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 40 mum Needs Programme has been de- building them up into a well-knit preven- signed for ensuring adequate allocation of tive and promotive health services, it funds for rural areas. In the VII Five Year would be possible to ensure that the rural Plan, an allocation of Rs. 1,096 crores out areas receive their due share of health ser- of Rs. 3,393 crores allocated for Health, is vices. intended for the Rural Sector. Apart from this, a major portion of the allocation of Rs. [English] 1000 crores intended for control or com- municable diseases like Malaria, Leprosy, Setting up of Low VISion Centres T.B. and Blindness will also be available to the rural areas. Similarly the allocation for *969. SHRI P. R. S. VENKATESAN: Will family welfare influding MCH and Immu- the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WEL- nization is also predominently being spent FARE be pleased to state: in the rural areas. (a) whether there is a large population The scheme of Primary Health Care .Ser- ira the country with low eye sight; vices was introduced mainly with a view to ensuring availability of preventive, promo- (b) whether Covernment propose to tive and curative care facilities in rural ar- encourage setting up of Low Vision Centres eas. This programme aims:- in various parts of the country on the pat- tern of the National Association for the (i) to provide one Health Guide Blind Workshop at Bombay; and for every village and at least one trained Dai in every vil- (c) if so, the details thereof? lage; THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN- Oi) to provide a sub-centre and ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE one male and female (KU~I SARO) KHAPARDE): (a) As per multi-purpose worker for every ICMR Survey of 1971-73, 9 million people 5,000 rural population in gen- were estimated to have low eye sight i.e. eral and for every 3,000 pop- they could not see well at six metres dis- ulation in tribal and hilly areas; tance. The National Sample Survey Organi- sation through another study in 1981 esti- (iii) to ORen new PHCs so as to mated the number of people with low eye ultimately have one Primary sight who could not see well at 3 meters Health Centre for every 30,000 distance at 3.47 million. rural population in general and for every 20,000 population in (b) and (c). According to available in- tribal and hilly areas; formation an amount of Rs. 72,374/- was given as assistance to National Association (iv) to provide facilities for treat- for the Blind, Bombay from 1980-81 to ment in basic specialities at 1983-84 to establish a low vision aid pro- upgraded PHCs, Community ject. Health Centres, to be estab- lished in a phased manner, so that ultimately there is one [Translation] Upgraded PHC/CHC for every one Iakh rural population. Workin, of Akademies

All the required number of sub centres *972. SHRI O. P. YADAV: and Primary Heakh Centre and fifty per~ SHRI YASHWANTRAO cent of the required number of Community GADAKH PATIl: Health Centres will be in position by the Will the Minister of HUMAN RE· end of the 7th Plan. With the esQbIishment SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to of these Rural Health Centres and gradually state: 41 Written Answers VA1SAKHA15,1910 (SAI

(a) whether Government have set up a THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- high -,power review committee to go into PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- the working of the lalit Kala, Sangeet TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- Natak and Sahitya Akademies and the Na- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. tional School of Drama; and . SHAH I): (a) 'and (b). A statement is given (b) ifso, the composition and terms of below. reference thereof? STATEMENT

(a) Yes,Sir.

(Il) The High Powered Review Committee was constituted on 24th March, 1988. Its composition and terms of reference are:--


1. Shri P.N. Haksar.>- (Chairman)

Former Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission:

2. Shri E. Alkazi, Former Director of National School of Drama.

3. Prof. Ghulam Sheikh, Department of Fine Arts, M.S. University, Baroda.

4. Dr. Premlata Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh, Madhya Pradesh.

15. Prof. Indira Parthasrathy, Prof. ofTamil, Delhi University, Delhi.

6. . Shri K.V. Ramanathan, Former Member-Secretary, Planning Commission.

Terms of Reference:

(I) To review the working of the Sangeet Natak, lalit Kala and Sahitya Akademies, along with their affiliates and subsidiaries and the National School of Drama, with reference to the objectives for which they were set up, and keeping in mind the rec- ommendations of Committees set up in the past in this behalf;

(11) To recommend structural and/or other changes dlat may be necessary in the Memorandum and Articles of Associations and Rules and Regulations of these bodies, consistent with their autonomy and public accountability; and

(Ill) To make recommendations on the role and functioning of the three /Akadernies and the National School of Drama as apex national institutions in their respective spheres, and suggest steps. inter-alia, for their networking with similar State/Central bodies and other cultural institutions of eminence in the country. . The Committee has been asked to submit its report to the Government by March 31, 1989. 43 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 44

[English] (c) the details of the amount allocated for each monument; and Conservation plans for sites and rrionu- ments (d) the progress made in implementing the plan so far? . , 978. SHRIMATI MADHUREE SINCH: DR.C.S. RAJHANS:

Will the. Minister of HUMAN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- state: PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND C/UL- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- (a) whether the Archaeological Survey of SOURCE DEVELOPMENT. (SHRI L.P. India has identified sites and monuments SHAH I): (a) Yes, Sir. throughout the country for special conser- vation plans during the current plan period; (b) and (c). Details are given in the statement below. (b) if so, the details of the monuments and sites so identified for conservation, (d) The works are in different, stages of State-wise; J\ implementation. STATEMENT

Archaeological Survey ?f India

Action Plan

SI. Name of Monuments/Site Allotment in Lakhs \ No. identified for 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 Conservation works

1 2 3 4 5 6

Andhra Pradesh

1. Papanasi Croup of 5.00 8.00 4.00 1.00 temples, Alampur ,~.

2. Reconstruction of 15.QO 1.00 8.00 4.00' Kudavelli, Sanga)11eswar,\ temple, Alampur

3. Colconda Fort, 1.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 Colconda . ,

4. Ramappa Temple 5.00 4.00 2.00 Complex, Palarnpet

5. Thousand Pillared 4.00 2.0.0 1.00 temple, Hanankonda

6. Veerabhadraswamy 1.80 ,1.00. 3.00 temple complex, Lepakshi 45 Written Answers VAISAKHA15,1910 (SAJ

2 3 4 5 6 7. Fort Complex, 3.50 2.00 1.00 Warrangal

8. Fort & Palace, 1.00 1.00 Chandragiri

9. Sri Chintalosvenkataramana 2.00 1.00 Temple, Tadipatri

10. Sri Buggaramalaingeswara 2.00 1.00 temple, Tadipatri

11. Temple complex 1.00 1.00 Hemavathi

12. Group of temples, Pushpagiri 1.00 2.00

13. Sr~Soumyanadhaswami temple, 2.00 2.00 Nandlur

14. Group of temple, 2.00 2.00 Mukhalingam

15. Sri Bhimoswara 1.00 1.00 temple, Draksharma

16. Sri Kumara Bhimeswara 1.00 1.00 temple, Samalkot

17. Eastern Gopura of 2.00 1.00 Sri Kondanda Ramaswamy temple Vontimitta

Assam Assam

1. Ahom Raja's Palace, 3.00 2.00 0.80 Garhgaon

2. Devideol Sibsagar 0.80 0.80

3. Vishnudeol, 1.45 0.80 Gouri Sagar

4. Shivdeol, Jayasagar 1.80 0.80 5. Karangar Palace, 0040 Karangar


1. Excavated remains at 1.25 . 1.00 1.00 Antichak 47 Written Answers MAY 5/ 1988 Written ktswers 48

1 2 3 4 5 6

2. Monuments at Sasaram 2.00 12.00 2.00

3. Excavated remains at 1.40 3.00 Nalanda

4. Croup of Monuments, 1.50 Nandangarh

5. Votive Stupa 2.00 Tibatan temple, Antichak

Union Territory of Delhi 1985-86 1986-87 1987 .. 88 1988-89

1. Qutab Minar complex 7.00 5.00 4.00

2. Subz Burj 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00

3. Hymayun Tomb complex 3.00 4.00 4.00

4. Purana Qila complex 1.00 4.00 4.00

5. Jantar Mantar complex 2.00 4.00 5.00

6. Red Fort complex 2.00 4.00 5.00

7. Katla Feroz Shah 2.00 5.00 4 ..00 3.00


1. Monuments at Ahmedabad 1.00 2.00 1.50

2. Sun Temple, Modhera 3.50 1.00 2.00 1.00

3. Navlakha temple, Sejakpur 1.09 2.00 2.00

4. Dwarkadhish temple 5.00 2.00 4.00 3.00

5 .• Rani-Ka-Vav, Patan 2.20 2.00 2.00 1.00

6. Shaikh Farid Tomb, Patan 1.00 1.50 1.00

7. Croup of temples at 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.50 Khad and Roda

B. Croup of monuments at 2.82 2.00 2.00 1.00 Pavagarh


1. Monuments at Goa 1.64 7.15 3.50 2.00 49 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15,1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 50

1 2 3 4 5 6

2. . Fort Aguada 0.75 1.00

3. Shiva temple, Tembaesurla 0.75 1.00

4 Shifting of Stalls at the 0.50 0.50 acquired site, Velha Goa

5. Fort complex, Motidaman 2.40 1.50 1.50

6. Mahadeo temple Kurdi 1.00

7. Safa Masjid, Ponda 1.25

8. Fort Diu 1.50


1. fort at Hansi 2.00 0.50 0.50

2. Sheikh Chillis Tomb, 1.50 ~Thanesar

3. Suraj Kund, Faridabad 1.50

Himachal Pradesh 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89

1. ies at Tabo 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.50

2. Dharishwara and Triloknath 5.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 TempJe, Mandi

3. Fort at Kangra 1.00 5.00 2.00 1.00

4. Chamunda Devi Temple, 1.50 0.50 0.50 Chamba

Jammu and Kashmir

1. Mughal arcade, Verinag 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00

2. Group of temples, Naranag 1.00 2.00 1.00

3. Temples of Kirmachi 1.00 1.00 1.06

4. Buddhist monastery at AJchi 1.00 1.00 1.00

5. leh Palace, Leh 0.95 . 1.00 1.00 1.00

6. Suchet Singh's Palace and 1.25 1.00 Fort, Ramnagar .51 . Written Answell' t\1AY 5, 1988 Written Answers 52

1 2 4 3 5 6

7. Monuments at Parihaspore 2.00

8. Sun temple Ranbipore (Martand) 1.50

9. Nawa Mahal, .Ram Nagar 3.00


1. Asar Mahal at Bijapur 1.75 2.00 3.00 2.00

2. Amruteswara temple, 1.50 2.20 2.00 1.00 Amritapura

3. Croup of monuments at 1.75 2.00 3.00 2.00 Lakkundi

4. Madhukeshwar temple, 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Banavasi

S. Rameswara temple at KaJadi 1.66 2.00 2.00 1.00

6. Grou~ of monuments at Hampi 9.60 6.00 7.50

7. Col Cumbaz Bijapur 2.00 2.00 4.00

8. Nambinarayana temple, 2.00 1.00 Tonnur

9. Naganatha temple, Naganatha 2.00 1.00

10. Channigaray temple, 2.00 1.00 Argalaguppe

11. Sangameswara temple, Bevoor 2.00 1.00 /'

12. Fort and temple at 2.00 1.00 Chitradurga

13. fencing around archaeoJo- 2.00 1.00. gical monuments Bijapur

14. Ibrahim Rouza Bijapur 2.00 1 00

15. Environment development at 2.00 1.00 Halibidu

16. Environment development at 1.00 1.00 Aihole


1 Mattancherry Palace, eochin 1.00 2.35 2.00 1.00 53 Written Answers VAfSAKHA 15, 1910 (S~) Written Answers 54

1 2 3 5 6

Madhya Pradesh

1. Bagh Caves, Bagh 4.54 5.25 5.00 2.00

2. Monuments at Chanderi 2.45 2.00 3.00 2.50

3. Temples at Khajuraho 2.45 2.00 2.00

4. Cwalior Fort, Complex 3.50 2.00 2.00

5. Mana Devi temple, 1.50 2.00 2.00 Gyraspur

6. Monuments at Mandu 1.00 2.00 3.00


1. Dimapur Ruins Dimapur 1.60 1.40 1.00 0.80


1. Bassein Fort, Thane 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

2. Ellora Caves 1.52 2.00 1.00

3. 1.00 1.33 2.00 1.00

4. Ajanta Caves 1.01 2.65 3.75 1.50

5. Markanda Deo Temple, 1.00 1.00 1.00 Markand

6. Fort complex Murud- 3.00 1.00 1.00 Janjira

7. Balapur fort, 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00

8. Patan Devi temple, Patan 0.50 2.00 1.00 1.00

9. City walls and gate, 1.00 1.00 Chandrapur

10. Ancient site Paithan 1.00 1.00

11. Group of temples, Anjaneri 1.00 1.00

12. Caves at Pitalkhora 1.00 1.00

13. Fort at Bhandak 1.00 1.00

14. Group of temples, Lonar 1.00 1.00 S5 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 56

1 2 4 5 6

15. Fort, Junnar 1.00 1.00

16. Elephanta Caves 1.50

17. Bibi-ka.Maqbara Aurangabad 2.25 1.00 Orissa

...... , 1. Sun Temple, Konarak. 5.00 4.30 5.00 3.00

2. lord Jagannath temple 7.30 5.00 4.00 complex, Puri

3. Temples at Bhubaneswar 2.60 3.00 2.50

4. Udaigiri and Khandigiri 1.00


1. Ranjit Singh's Palace, Amritsar 1.00 0.50 0.50

2. Fort at Bhatinda 4.00 3.00 4.00 Rajasthan

1. I\4bat wall, Bharatpur 10.00 13.40 25.00 13.00

2. Fort, Jaiselmer 7.20 3.20 4.00 3.00

3. Fort Chittorgarh 3.42 2.00 1.00 3.00

4. Deeg Palace, compl~xJ Deeg 7.00 4.00 2.00 3.00

5. Ranthombor, Fort 3.59 1.00 2.00 3.00

6. Jawahar BUrj, Bharatpur 7.00 2.00 2.00

7. Oeo Somnath temple, 2.BO 1.00 1.00 , Depsomnath

1. Fort complex and temples at 3.00 5.00 4.50 Gingee

2. Kailasantha temple, 2.40 2.00 3.00 Kandhipuram

3. Sikhanatha Swamy temple, 2.00 2.00 2.00 Kudimiyamalai .. 57 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 58

1 2 4 5 6

4. Siva temple, Kulthur 2.00 2.00 1.00

5. Airavateswara temple, 6.00 2.21 5.00 4.00 Darasuram

6. Siva temple Peruvanam 2.00 2.00 2.00

7. Fort, Palghat 2.00 2.00 2.00

8. Jalkanteshwara temple, 3.60 3.00 3.00 4.00 Vellore

9. Nadathu KoviJ, Nagu patti 2.00 1.00 2.00

10. Tirupuliswara temple, 2.00 1.00 VayaJur

11. Valishvara temple --. 2.00 1.00 Tiruvaliswara 12. Muruganatha temple 2.00 1.00 T.M. Pundy

13. Fort Vellore 3.08 1.00

14. Jain temple, Waynad 2.00 1.00

15. Grill fencing of Fort 1.00 1.00 Vellore

16. Panchandeswara temple 1.00 1.00 Tripura 1.00 1. Box nagar site T ripura Uttar Pradesh 1. Akbar's tomb complex, Agra 2.40 3.00 2.00 2. Fatehpur Sikri Complex 2.60 3.00 2.00

3. Chini-Ka-Rouza, Agra 2.85 2.00 1.00

4. Taj Mahal, Agra complex 21.15 9.00 6.00 11.50

5. Itmad~Ud-Daula, Agra 6.80 1.00 3.00 2.00

6. Ram Bagh, Agra 1.00 3.00 1.00

7. Jama Masjid, Agra 0.60 3.00 1.00

8. Agra fort, Agra 2.00 3.00 4.00

9. Remains of 16 temples 1.00 AD-Badri 59 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 60

1 2 3 4 5 6

10. Group of temples and 1.00 inscriptions at Gopeshwar

11. Madan Mohan Temple, 0.50 0.25 Mathura

12. Jageshwar group of temples 1.00

13. Monuments at Kushinagar 1.00

14. Monuanents at lucknow 13.50 6.30 12.00 4.50

15. Jhansi Fort, Jhansi 6.00 3.00

16. Tomb at lodhi Shah, Kalpi 1.00 0.50

17. Gulab Bari, Faizabad 1.00 0.50

18. Tomb of Bahu Begam 1.00 0.50

19. Banni Khanam's Tomb 1.00 0.50

20. Site for Stupa and 1.00 0.50 monastery of Sakyas at Piperahwa

21. Boundary walt of cemetry 1.00 1.50 at Kydganj, Allahabad

22. Kalingar Fort complex 2.00 1.00 2.00

23. Fortification wall, 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 Jaunpwr

24. Buddhist Monuments at 1.00 2.00 Sarnath

1. Hazarduwari Palace, 4.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 Murshidabad

2. Group of temples, Vishnupur 2.50 2.00 2.00

3. Cooch Behar ~alace comJ'tex, 1.00 1.00 3.00 complex Cooch Behar 61 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 62

{Translation} courses of duration of at lease one school year. This concession is extended to such Vayudoot Service to Historical Places of stud&flts who have not attained the age of Delhi . 26 years, as a student normally completes his education/academic courses by this 9667. SHRI R.M. BHOYE: Will the Min- age. This practice is also in accordane,e ister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to with lATA Resolutions. The question/ state: . increasing the/of upper age limit for students concession was taken up in the (a) whether Government have formu- lATA Tariff Conference but was npt agreed lated any scheme recently to provide facil- to. ity to the people, especially to the children, to visit historical places in Delhi by Vayu- Ban on feature films after exhibition doot planes; and- 9669. SHRI JAGANNATH PATNA1K: Will (b) if so, the details thereof? the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE- VELOPMENT be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH (a) the number of feature films pro- TYTLER); (a) and (b). Vayudoot is working duced in the country which have been out a scheme in collaboration with the banned for exhibition in the course of their Delhi Tourism Development Corporation being shown at the cinema houses during under which joy/educational rides could be 1987-88 till date; provided to the children and public in Delhi. (b) the titles of the films and the names of producers of such feature films, lan- [English) guage-wise; and .

Air Concession to Research Scholars (c) the reaction of Government as well as the Censor Board in this regard? 9668. SH RI T. BALA GOUD: Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- state: PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUtvtAN RE- (a) the steps Government propose to SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. take to extend Air Concession to Research SHAHI): (a) No, Sir. Scholars, from Andhra Pradesh who travel over long distance to Delhi and elsewhere; (b) and (c). Do not entire.

(b) whether Government are examining Allocation and schemes for working representation on this subject; and women's hostels

(c) the steps being taken to extend the 9670. SHRl MUlLAPPAllY RA- air concession to genuine Research Schol- MACHANDRAN: Will the Minister of HU- ars studying in institutions of repute like MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be Central Universities. pleased to state:

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- (a) the allocation and schemes pro- ISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH posed under the Seventh Plan for setting TYTLER): (a) to (c). Indian Airlines offers air up of working women's hostels; travel concession on its . services to bonafide students including the Research (b) the number of working women's Scholars from Andhra Pradesh of recog- hostels under the Central scheme set up in nised educational institutions pursuing fun the State of Kerala together with their time educational technical or vocational location; 63 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written AnswelS 64

(c) whether Government propose to (b) 88 Hostels have been sanctioned in ensure at least one such hoste' in every dis- the State of Kerala since inception of the trict; and Scheme in 1972.. 73. A statement showing the Organisation wise location of each of (d) the number of short stay homes the Projects is given below. opened in Kerala during 1987-88 with their location? (c) State/Union Territory/District-wise THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- Projects are not allocated under the PARTMENTS OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND Scheme. A Project ;s sanctioned on the re- SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE- ceipt of the application from the VoJuntary VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY Of HU- Organisation through the concerned State ~ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Covernment/Union Territory Administra- (SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): (a) An al- tion. location of Rs. 30 crores has been made to start approximately 300 additional Working Women's Hostels during the Seventh Five (d) No new Short Stay Horne has been Plan Period 1985-90. started in Kerala during 1987-88. STATEMENT

Allocation and schemes for working women's hostels.

Orsanisation.wise location of working women's hostels in Kerala

51. Name of Organisation location of Year of Sanction Capacity No. Project sanctlo Working No. of nin~ Women Children

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. All India Society Ottapalam 1987-88 50 30 Welfare of Women & Children, Ottapalam, Kerala.

2. Athura Seva Sangham, Alleppey 1987-88 126 30 Alleppey, Kerala

3. Athura Seva Sangham, AJwaye 1978-79 125 30 Alwaye, Kerala

4. Athura Seva Sangharn, fmakulam 1979-80 100 30 Emakukam, Kerala

S. Athura Seva Sangham, Iddukki 1987-88 126 30 Iddukki, Kerala

6. Athura Seva Sangham, Kottayarn 1986-87 33 Kottayam, Kerala

7. Athura Seva Sangham, Kurichi 1985-86 92 30 Kurichi, Kerala 65 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAK4) Written Answers 66

1 2 3 4 5 6

8. Athura Seva Sangham, Malapuram 1983-84 100 30 Malapuram, Kerala

9. Athura Seva Sangham, Moovattupuzha 1980-81 100 30 Moovathu puzha

10. Athura Seva Sangham, Palghat 1977-78 94 30 Palghat

11. Athura Seva Sangham, Pathanam- 1986-87 110 30 Pathanamthitta thitta

12. Athura Seva Sangham, Trichur 1983-84 100 30 Trichur

13. Athura Seva Sangham, Vaikom 1980-81 80 30 Vaikom

14. Block Level Mahila Vazhoor 1986-87 30 20 Samajam, Union, Vazoor

15. Calicut Muslim Calicut 1975-76 62 20 Association, Calicut

16. C.M. C. Educational Chalkuky 1978-79 95 Society, Chalkuky

17. C.M.C. Educational Irrinjalakunda 1978-79 90 Society, Irrinjalakuda

18. C~M.C. Educational frrinjalakunda 1986-87 61 30 Society, Irrinjalakunda

19. Calicut District Calicut 1981-82 92 10 Women Council, Calicut

20. District Women's Trichur 1987-88 80 25 Councit T r'chur

21. Ernakulam Karayogam, Cochin 1975-76 60 Cochin

22. Ernakularn Karayogam, Cochin 1987-88 40 Cochin

23. Employed Ladies Trichur 1978-79 40 Home, T richur 67 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 68

1 2 3 4 5 6

24. Guild of Service, Kasergode 1978-79 64 Kasargode,

25. Kidargmampu Kshetra Alleppey 1979-80 114 Yoganl, Alleppey

26. Kalathode Mahila Ollukkera 1985-86 87 30 Sangham, Ka'athode

27. Kerala Mahila Trivandrum 1987-88 105 30 Sangham, T rivandrUtll

28. Kerala Workihg Women's Ernakulam 1982-83 . 100 Women's Welfare Society, Trivandrum

29. Kerala Working Kanayanur 1987-88 48 15 Women's Welfare Society, Trivandrum

30. Kerala Working Mananthody 1984~8S 63 30 Welfare Society, Mananthody

31 K.V.M. Trust, Shertallay 1987-88 117 Shertallay

32. Mitraniketan, Trivandrum 1978-79 72 T rivandrum

33. Modona Convent Kasargod 1985-86 62 30 Society, Kasargod

34. f....1unicipal Council, Changanacherry 1977-78 78 Changanacheny

35. Municipal Council, Palai 1978-79 50 Pala;

36. Municipal Committee, Pathanam- 1984-85 52 25 Pathanamthjtta thjtta

37. Municipal Committee, Perembavoor 1982-83 100 25 Perumbavoor

38. Municipal Council, Quilon 1981-82 92 Quilon

39. Municipal Council, Shertallai 1978-79 100 Shertallay

40. MunicipaJ Council, Thiruvalla 1978-79 32 Thiruvalla 69 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15,1910 (SAKA.) Written Answers 70

1 2 3 4 5 6

41. Muslim Association, Trivandrum 1976-77 107 Palayam, Trivandrum

42. Muslim Education- Alleppey 1980-81 72 Society, Alleppey

43. Municipal Education Calicut 1975-76 100 Society, Calicut

44. Muslim Education Ernakulam 1980-81 97 Society, En;akulam

45. Muslim Education Ponnani 1981-82 100 Soci~ty, Ponnani

46. Muslim Education Tellicherry 1979-80 100 Society, Tellicherry

47 M.S.C. School, Pottorn Tnvandrulll 1978-79 73

48. Muslim Worqen's Ernakularn 1978-79 52 Association, Ernakulam

49. Nair Service Society, Alleppey 1982-83 98 30 Alleppey

50. Nair Service Society, Calicut 1974-75 100 Calicut

51. Nair Service Ernakulam 1978-79 328 Society, Ernakulam

52. Nair Service Kottayam 1978-79 287 Society, Kottayam

53. Nair Service Quilon 1980-81 94 Society, Quilon

54. Nair Service Trichur 1978-79 55 Society, Tnchur 55. Nair Service Trivandrun1 1974-75 100 Society, Changanacherry 56. Nair Service Trivandrum 1978-79 230 Society, Trivandrum 57. Nazarah Ashraman, Kottayam 1980-81 73 Othara Kottayam 58. North Kerala Diocese Shomur 1987-88 100 30 Charities Association, Shomur 71 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 ~'Vrjtten Answers 72

---~---- 1 2 3 ...J 5 6

59. N .5.5. Development Pathanam- 1987-88 94 30 Society, thitta Plthanan1thitta

60. Paraur Mahila Paraur 1983·84 43 25 Copperative Society, Paraur

61. Pavithra Social Kottayam 1987-88 88 30 Service Society, Kottayam

62. Perumbavoor Manila Perumbavoor 1974-75 50 Mandai, Perumbavoor

63. Rotary Charities Shertallal 1982-83 54 30 Society, Shertallai

64. Sacred Heart Conventl Trivandrtm1 1980-81 104 Changanamcherry

65. Santhigiri Ashram Kalikode 1985-86 96 30 Kalikode, Trivandrum

66. Santhi Social Welfare Arpookara 1983-84 100 30 Mahila Samajam, Pavanashram Changancherry

67. S.N. Vanitha Samajam, Kottayarn 1978-79 108 Kottayam

68. S.N. V. Sadanam, Cochill 1978-79 366 Emakulam

69. S.N. V. Women's Trivandrum 1975-76 36 Association, Palayam

70. S.N.V. Women's Trivandrum 1981-82 98 Association, Trivandrum

71. Sree Kanteshwara Calicut 1975·76 76 I<"shetra Yogam, Cahcut • 72. Sree Kanteshwara Cali cut 1987-88 52 Kshetra Yogam, Caficut 73. Sree Gramadaya Yogam, Tellicherry 1978-79 136 Tellicherry 73 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) \'V'ritten Answers 74

1 2 3 4 5 6

74. Sree Narayana Trust, AJleppey 1982-83 92 30 Quilon

75. South Kerala Diocese Trivandrum 1978·79 100 of the Church, Madras

76. South T ravanco re Trivandrum 1986-87 57 25 Agency for Rural Development, T rivandrum 77. Social Welfare Thodepuzha 1980-81 68 Handicraft Centre, Thodepuzha 1985-86 30 Thodupuzha

78. Vimala Jyothi Seva Wynad 1986-87 72 20 Sangham, Wynad 79. Vimala Mahila Moovatta- 1985-86 53 30 Samajam, puzha Moovattupuzha

80. Vishva Hindu Parishad, Alleppey 1981-82 75 20 Alleppey 81. Vishwa Hindu Parishad Cochin 1979-80 95 Kaloor, Cochin 82. Vengoor Vanitha Vengoor 1987-88 36 20 Samajam, Vengoor 83. Women's Welfare Kottukonam 1983-84 87 30 Society, Kottukonam 84. Women's Welfare Ponakunnam 1986-87 31 20 Association, Ponakunnam 85. Young Women's Calicut ·1975-76 24 Christian Association, Calicut 86. Young Women's . Kottayam 1978-79 100 Christian Association, Kottayam 87. Young Women's Pathanam- 1987·88 48 30 . Christian thitta Association, Pathanamthitta 88. Young Women's Perumba- 1974-75 28 Christian voor Association, Perumbavoor

Total 7,855 (41) 1,140 75 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 76

Better teaching facilities for Urdu SH RI R.M. BHOYE: the Minister of 9671. SHRI CH I NrM1AN I JENA: Will Will HUMAN RE- the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE~ SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to VElOPMENT b~ pleased to state: state:

(a) whether Covernnlent are aware lIteU. (a) whether the All India Urdu Confer- the Central Government employees, par· ence has appealed to the Delhi Administra- ticuJarly those who retire during the aca- tion and other State Governments to pro- demic year, face difficulties in getting ad- vide better teaching facilities for Urdu and mission of their children in Kendriya to allow' its use for official purposes at Vidyalayas after vacating the Government State, district and tehsillevels; accommodation as the Kendriya Vidyalayas show their inability to adnlit the children (b) whet .... er Government propose to before the end of the academic year etc.; accord the status of second official lan- guage to Urdu in the States where a sub- stantial number of people speak Urdu; (b) whether Government propose to is- sue instructions to the Kendriya Vidyalayas (c) whether by promoting Urdu as sec- to admit the children of retired Govern- ond official language, various avenues of ment employees after seeing their previous employment to Urdu speaking people will Kendriya Vidyalaya certificate in which they open, which are now non-existent; and were studying; and

(d) if so, the Government's reaction (c) if so, the details thereof? thereto? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUtv\AN RE- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRJ l.P. SHAH I): (a) to Ccl. The Scheme of Kendriya SHAH I): (a) As per the resolution adopted Vidyalayas is intended to cater to tile edu- in the ninth All India Urdu Conference held cational needs of the children of transfer- at Hyderabad in September} 1987, All tndia able Central Government employees in- Urdu Educational Committee had appealed duding Defence and para-military person- to the State Governments and Union erri- T nel. For fresh admissions, priority is not ac- tory of Delhi for declaring Urdu as the Sec- corded to children of retired Central Gov- ond Official Language under article 347 of ernrnent employees as these ernployees the Indian Constitution. cease to be transferable after retirement. (b) According to Article 345 of Constitu- for admission on transfer from one tion, legislature of a particular state cal) by Kendriya Vidyalaya to another a child is en- law, authorise the State Government to al- titled to ge~ admission to a Kendriya low use of Urdu in Official work of that Vidyalaya at the station where the State. guardian/parents has settled irrespective of the class strength and the time of the year. (c) No study in the matter has so far been conducted. by this Ministry. RiVer training programme for navigability (d) In view of position explained at (a) of Hooghly river and (b) above ·initiative could be taken by the State Government. 9673. SHRI SANAT KUMAR MANDAl: WiU the Minister of SURfACE TRANSPORT Mid-Term admission of wards of retired be pleased to state: Government employees in Kendriya Vidyalayas (a) whether any comprehensive river 9672. SHRI H.B. PATIL:' training programme for the navigability of 77 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAK4) Written Answers 78 the Hooghly at Calcutta has been pre- procure such material from public sector pared; units only?

(b) if so, the details thereof including THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- the capital outlay involved; and ISTRY OF LABOUR (SH RI JAGDISH TYTlER): (a) The expenditure incurred by (c) the phases in which the work will be I ndian Airlines on the procurement of uni· executed? forms of Indian Airlines staff during the last two years is as follows:-- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- 1986-87 -- Rs. 1.55 crores JESH PILOT): (a) Yes, Sir. A comprehensive 1987-88 -- Rs. 1.85 crores scheme for improvement of draughts in the (provisional) Hooghly Estuary has been prepared and is under execution. (b) No, Sir.

(b) The comprehensive scheme has (c) Does not arise.. .. been sanctioned by the Govt. at a cost of (d) Indian Airlines procures material Rs. 40.50 crores. The major components of both from public as well as private sector the scheme are as under.-- on the basis of qualities and the rates ob- tained against tenders/enquiries. (i) River Training Works; UGC grants to Raja Rammohan College, Oi) Procurement of navigational Radhanagar, West Bengal tug. 9675. SHRI ANIL BASU: Will the Minis- (iii) I nstrumentation for study of ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT River behaviou,! be pleased to state:

(iv) Capital dredging; and (a) whether Raja Rammohan College, Radhanagar, P.S. Khanakul in the district of (v) Shore disposal System. H ooghfy, West Bengaf has been sanctioned University Grants Comnlission (c) All works mentioned In the reply to grant/assistance; Part (b) of the Question are being exe- cuted. (b) if so, the details of University Grants Commission grants/ assistance released to Expenditure of Unifornls of IA Staff the said College so far;

9674. SHRf H.G. RAN\ULU: Will the (c) if not, whether some proposals for Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to sanction of University Grants Commission state: grants/assistance to the said college are under c::onsideration of University Grantr (a) the expenditure incurred on the pro- Comnlission; and curement of uniforms of the staff of Indian Airlines during the last two years; (d) if SOl the details thereof including the time by which University Grants Com- (b) whether some of the nlaterial so n1ission propose to accord sanction to the procured was found to be defective; proposals?

(c) if so, the details thereof, THE MINI~TER OF STATE IN THE DE- from where it was procured and the steps PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl-. ~ taken in this reg~rd; and TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF, HUrv\AN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI l.P. (d) whether GoverOinent propose to SHAH.): (a) Yes, Sir. 79 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written AnswelS 80

(b) During the VII Plan period, the UGC (5) Joining time with leave; had approved a total grant of Rs. 2.55 lakhs as basic assistance to the College against (6) Leave Travel Concession and which Rs. 1.57 lakhs has already been re- leased. rn addition, the Commission has (7) Children Education Al- approved a grant of Rs. 2.40 lakhs for the lowance /H ostel subsidy. developl)1ent of Under-graduate education against which a grant of Rs. 2.00 lakhs has The question of extending the facility of been released. The Commission has also Special Duty Allowance to such teachers is released to the College a grant of Rs. under examination of Kendriya Vidyalaya 25,000/- as special assistance for purchase Sangathan. of books. Booklet for parents on drug addiction (c) and (d). Do not arise. 9677. SHRI A. J. V. B. MAHESHWARA Special duty allowance to Kendriya RAO: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND Vidyalaya teachers of NJE Region FAMI LY WELFARE be pleased to state:

9676. SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH: Will (a) whether the Department of Health the Mimster of HUMAN RESOURCE DE- and Social Security and the Welsh office, VELOPMENT be pleased to state: U.K. have brought out a booklet for par- ents on drug addiction and its symptoms (a) whether special duty allowance and other benefits admissible to Central Gov- and indications; ernment employees posted in North E~ (b) of so, the details thereof; and Region are denied to teachers appointed specifically in 1984 by the Kendriya (c) whether Similar work has been done Vidyalaya Sangathan; and .. in India and results achieved? (b) if so, the details thereof and the rea- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- sons therefor? ISTRY OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to {c). No THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- such booklet has been received by the PARTMENTS OF EDUCAlION AND CUL- Government. Similar work In the Indian TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUI'v1AN RE- ·Context has not been undertaken. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT' (SHRI l.P. SHAHI): (a) and (b). The teachers of Kendriya Vidyalayas posted in North East Allocations to Kerala for adult education Region are given the following benefits. 9678. SHRI T. BASHEER: WiIJ the Minis- ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (1) Special Compensatory Allowance be pleased to state the central assistance at specified rates in the States of demonded vis-a-vis given to Kerala for Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, adult education schemes in the State dur- Tnpura, Arunachal Pradesh and ing 1987-88 and 1988~89? Nagafand;

(2) Travelling allowance for journey THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- on transfer; PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- (3) Travelling allowance on first ap- SOURCE. DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. pointment; SHAH I): The amount of grant demanded by the Government of Kerala and the grant (~) Road mileage for transportation of sanctioned under the Central Schemes pe~nal effects on transfer; during 1987-88 is follows:-- 81 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 82

SI. Name of Scheme Amount . Grant No. demanded Sanctioned (Rupees in lakhs)

1 2 4

1. Rural Functional literacy 107.99 118.03 Projects

2. Strengthening of Administrative 63.53 10.79 Structurers

3. Jana Shikshan N ilayam

Under the Scheme of Strengthening of ripherel Hospitals. The Fire Station Control Administrative Structures Government of Rooll) is being used as CATS Control Room. Kerala was entitled for reinlbursement of A communication system through Wireless Rs. 10.79 lakhs only according to the pre- as weI' as telephone hot line has been es- scribed nornlS and approved staff-strength. tablished to connect Control Room for CATS, Police Control Room, 6 Hospitals No demand has been received fronl the and 1 ~ ambulance stationed at different State Government so far for the year Fire Stations. There is a plan to educate 1988-89. and inform the public shortly about the services in more detail. The ambulances contam the following items: Centralised Accidents and Trauma Service in Delhi (1) Wire-less set, (2) B.P. Instrument, 9679. SHRI P. M SAYEED: Will the (3) Cotton Roll, Minister of HEALTH AND FM1fLY WELFARE (4) Bandages, be pleased to state: (5) Scissor, (6) Disposable Syringes with neadles, (a) Weather a new service to provide in- (7) Inj. Dacadron, stant medical aid to the people involved in (8) I nj. Mephentine, accidents and other traumatic happenings (9) Jnj. Stemetil, has been pressed in Delhi; (10) Medicine box with injections, (11) I.V.Drip & Oxygen Cylinder. (b) if so, the details of the scheme and the programme to educate common man in The AIIMS has been identified as refer· the Capital to flash information to the pro- ral Hospital till the Apex Centre is built. posed centres; and The following hospitals have been identi- fied as zonal centres for CATS:-- (c) the rrumber of ambulances provided for the services, the particular equipment i) Safdarjang Hospital. fixed and the hospitals ear-nlarked for the ii) Din Dayal Upadhyay Hospital. purpose? iii) loN.J.P. Hospital iv) Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN· v) Hindu Rao Hospital. JSTRY OF HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE vi) Dr. Ranl Manohar Lohia (KUNtARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir. Hospital.

(b) and (c). The Scheme provides for Allotment of Railway Quarters setting up of an Apex Centre, Conlmand Centres and appropriate number 9f Pe- 9680. SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY: Will 83 Written Answers w.A.Y 5; 1988 Written Answers 84

the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to (a) whether siemon's kidney-stone pur- state: veriser has been installed in Cumballa Hill HospitaJ and Heart Institute in Bombay; (a) the number of pooled type-I railway quarters alloted during the period from (b) if so, the effectiveness of the treat- January, 1986 to January, 1988 to the un- ment; and screened employees in Delhi Division of the Northern'Railway; and (c) whether Government propose to popularise this treatment? (b) the number of such quarters alloted to the wards of retired employees? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN- (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Govern· ISTRY OF RAlWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO ment is not aware whether Cumballa Hill SCIND1A): (a) Nil. Unscreened employees Hospital and Heart Institute in Bombay are not eligible for allotment of railway have installed a Siemen's kidney stone pul- quarters, as per extant rules. veriser.

(b) Fiftyfour (54) Nos. of Type-I quarters b) Lithotripsy is a fairly effective treat- on Delhi Division have been ment for many patients with kidney stones. anotedJregular.sed on out of turn basis to However, the cases have to be selected by eligible wards from 1st January, 1986 to the specialist concerned to decide about 31stJalluary, 198a on retirement of railway their suitability for such form of treatment. employees who were having railway quar- ters at the time of their retirement. (c) The Government of I ndia have not yet come to any decision for popularising Conversion of Secunderabad-Kurnool· this kind of treatment as it is too early to Gutty Railway Line arrive at a final conclusion.

9681. SHRI M. SUBBA REDDY: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Afforestation Programme for Goa

(a) whether the conversion work of me- 9683. SH RI SHANTARNvt NAI K: will the tre.. gauge line from Secunderabad via Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS Kumool to Gutty into broad-gauge line has be pleased to state: started; and (a) the present forest cover in Goa; (b) if not, when it is likely to start? (b) the details of schemes implemented THE MlNISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- for increasing the forest cover in Goa; and ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. (c) the afforestation target set for the remaining years of the Seventh Plan?

(b) Surveys to determine financial impli- cations for a parallel BG line between Se- IST~~ ~~' ~~~~~ ~~~~AJEA~~ T~~R~~~ cunderabad and CuntakaJ have been taken (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) According to a up. No action can be taken till the surveys stu_dy carried by the Forest Survey of India are completed and reports examined. using satellite imagery for the year 1985·86, the extent of forest cover in Goa was 1301 Kidney Stone Pu'veriser sq.km.

9682. SHRI NARSING SURYAVANSI: (b) Afforestation is being carried out to Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY increase forest cover under the schemes of WELFARE be pleased to state: Rural Fuelwood Plantation and Afforesta .. 85 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 86 tion of Eco-SensUve non-H imalayan Areas bird menace and thereby reduce such inci- and Soil Conservation. I n addition two dents. schemes for afforestation: namely Soil and Water Conservation in Forests Area and Merit Scholarship to Diploma Students of Forest Plantati6ns are being implemented Delhi Polytechn9 under the Western Ghats Development Programme. Seedlings are being distributed to the general public under Farm Forestry 9685. SHRI M. V. CHANDRASEKHARA Programme. MURTHY: Wilt the Minister of HUMAN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to (c) The afforestation target is fixed on state: year to year basis. The target set for the year 1987-88 and 1988-89 is 7.5 and 10 (a) whether merit scholarships to million seedlings respectively. diploma course students in the Polytech- nics of Delhi are awarded at the rate of Rs. Dam._ge to Aircrafts near Trivandrum 50 per month, Airport (b) if so, since when this scheme was 9684. SH RI K MOHAN DAS: Will the started and the amount fIXed; Minister of eivi L AVIATION be pleased to state: (c) whether Government propose to in- crease this scholarship amount in the con- (a) the number of domestic/foreign alr- text of steep rise in the cost of living; and .crafts damaged/crashed near Trivandrum Airport during the last three years; (d) if not, the reasons therefor?

(b) the expenditure incurred on their THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- repair; and PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- TORE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- (c) the steps taken or proposed to be SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI l. P. taken to eliminate such incidents? SHAHI): (a) Yes, .

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- (b) Since 1962. ISTRY Of LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH fflLER): (a) During the last three years, 11 (c) and (d). No proposal for enhance- aircraft were damaged near Trivandrum ment of rate of scholarship has been re- airport due to bird hit. ceived from UT Administration.

(b) An expenditure of Rs.32,46,980.00 approx. was incurred on repairs. Facilities at Thanjavur Airport

(c) Various measures such as cutting of 9686. SHRI S. SINGARAVADIVE: Will grass around the runway strips, levelling of the Minister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased the operational areas, spraying of insecti- to state: cides, use of incinerators for burning garbage, sca.inf of birds at airports, instaJ- (a) whether the airport in Thanjavur lation of sodium vapour lights on the oper- served by Vayudoot is functioning from a ational and adjoining areas, prevention of delapidated building; garbage dumping within and around air- port area, elimination of sources of bird at- (b) whether the passengers are not pro- traction within 10 Kms. of airports such as vided with even the basic amentities such slaughtering and de-skinning of animals in as drinking water, toilet, telephone etc; the open, existence of unauthorised meat and fish shops, butcheries, piggeries and (c) whether it is a fact that in the ab- diary farms have been adopted to eradicate sence of a fence, the police force is de- 87 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 88

ployed to dear off the stray cattle from the on 1 April, 1987; .airport at the time of landing and take off by planes; and (b) the number of primary schools in which the minimum essential facilities as (d) if so, the steps Government propose listed were provided during 1987-88, to take to provide at least the minimum fa- State/Union territory~wise; cilities at the said airport? (c) the number of primary schools likely THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- to be provided with similar essential facili- ISTRY OF lABOUR (SH Rf JAGDISH ties during 1988-89; and lYTLER): (a) to (d).To, meet the immediate requirements of commencing Vayudoot (d) the number of such primary schools flights from Thanjavur airfield, some minor covered during 1987-88 and 1988-89 in repairs and white washing etc. were car- Pumea District of Bihar? ried out by the State authorities in 1987 in the terminal building-cum-control tower THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- which was an old war time structure. Since PARTMENTS OF~DUCATION AND CUL- there is a proposal to hand over the airfield TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HU~N RE- to the Indian Airforce (Ministry of Defence), SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. the NM, at present, has no proposal for SHAHI): (a) and (b). As ~)er the latest avan- making improvements at the airiield. Secu- able information as on 30.9.85 there are rity of the airfield is being handled by the 52801:) PJ ;rraary schools in the country. A ';tate Government. statement indicating the number of primary, schools StatefUT-wise for which nlinimurl'. essential facilities under Operaton Black- Facilities in Primary Schools board have been sanctioned during 1987- 88 is given t:ielow. 9687. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDD1N: Will (e) All prinlary schools in 30%, of the the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE- blocks/mLl'lJClpal areas are targetted for VELOPMENT be pleased to refer to the re- coverage G.... , ~ng 1988-89. ply given on 21 April, 1988 to Unstarred Question No. 7894 regarding teaching aids (d) 50-1 prinlary schools were covered in for primary Schools and state: Purnea District of Bihar during 1987-88. The number of primary schools to be cov- , (a) the total number of primary sG:hooJs ered during 1988-89 is yet to be indicated in the country State jUnion territory-wise as by State Government.


S.No'. Name of the No. of Primary No. of primary State/UT schools (as on schools in which 30.9.85) minimum essen- tial facilities were provided under Operation Blackboard during 1987-88.

1 2 3

1. Andhra Pradesh 42054 6352 2. Arunachal Pradesh 986 353 89 Written Answers VAiSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 90

1 2 3 4

3. Assam 25970 7014 4. Bihar 50~, 13270 s. Goa 1014 1~9 6. Cujarat 11900 4769 7. Haryana 5078• 959 8. Himachal Pradesh 6802 1984 9. Jammu & Kashmir 7700 1320 10. Kamataka 24735 2473 11. Kerala 6845 1467 12. Madhya Pradesh 62703 13926 13. 37500 6723 14. Manipur 2717 541 15. Meghalaya 4150 766 16. Mizoram 1000 166 17. Nagaland 1270 311 18. Orissa 36993 7377 19. Punjab 12331 4737 20. Rajasthan 27590 12187 21. Sikkim 470 509 22. Tamil Nadu 29118 5995 23. Tripura 1956 421 24. Uttar Pradesh 74051 18924 25. West Bengal 49811 11139 26. A & Nisland 181 27. Chandigarh 34 2B. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 124 1 29. Delhi 1775 668 30. Lakshadweep 18 19 31. Pondicherry 356

TOTAl 528079 113417

• includes primary schools in the UT of Daman & Diu.

Transfer Policy of Post.Graduate Teach· (c) if so, whether Government propose ers in Tamil Nadu to decentralise the same by giving the powers to the district level officers? 9688. SHRI DHARAM PAL SINGH MA .. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- UK: Will the Minister of HUMAN RE- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- state: SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. SHAHI): (a) to (c). During 1987-88, the (a) whether Government propose to function of transfer of B.T. teachers and steamline the transfer policy of Post Grad- teachers of lower cadres in Govemment uate Teachers and Trained Graduate Schools in Tamil Nadu was taken away Teachers in Tamil Nadu; from Chief Educational Officers (CEOs) and was centralised at the State level. Since this (b) whether these powers have been procedure caused hardship to the teachers, centralised in one officer who oversees the the State Government issued orders on a... postings and transfers of all school teach- 4-88 reinvesting the eEOs with the powers ers in Tamil Nadu; and of transfer. 91 Written Answet'S MAY 5, 1988 Written .Answers 92

Regarding Post Graduate teachers, the (c) to strengthen and/or set up suit- transferring authority has all along been able machinery to gear up pro- Joint Director of School Education. grammes in terms of (a) and (b) above; {Translation J (d) to ensure the cooperation of Board for Development and Welfare of voluntary youth organisations in Youths in Punja~ the fonnulation and implementa· tion of the programmes tor youth; 9689. SHRI BAlWANT SINGH and RAM OOWALI A: Will the Minister of HU· MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be (e) to make adequate provision in the pleased to state: State budget for execution of ex- isting programmes as also the (a) whether a Board has been set up for new programmes to be devel- the Welfare and development of youths in oped. Punjab; 2. The State Youth Board is an Advisory (b) if so, the objectives of this Board; Body and the various schemes are imple- mented by the Directorate of Youth Ser- (c) the schemes formulated for imple- vices, Government of Punjab. The Direc-. mentation by this Board; and torate of Youth Services, Government of Punjab are implementing the follOWing (d) how these schemes are proposed to schemes for the welfare of the student and be implemented? non-student youth:

THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE- i) Youth Festivals and Youth PARTMENTS OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND Awards SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE- VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU- ii) Teachers Training Camps ~N RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SMT. MARGARET ALVA): (a) to (d). A statement is iii) Youth leadership Training given below. Camps /H ikmg-T rekking /Mountaineering STATEMENT Camps. iv) a) Establishment of Viliage The Government of Punjab vide notifica- Youth Clubs. tion No. 40/60/85-4 Edu (5)/3942 dated 16th November, 1987 have constituted the b) Grant-in-aid to col- Punjab State Youth Board. The functions of lege/School Youth Clubs the State Youth Board has been notified as follows: v) Inter-StaTe Tours

(a) to review the existing schemes vi) Establishment of 10 District and programmes of the State Youth Centres aimed at development of youth; vii) Establishment of State (b) to identify and formulate new Youth T rainjnig and De- schemes/ programmes which velopment Centre. would fit in with the overall objec- tives of three themes of f ntema- viii) Celebration of National tionaI Year of Youth (Ivy) i.e.,.par- Youth Day/Week ticipation, Development and Peace. be) National Service Scheme. 93 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAK4) • Written Answet:f 94 /EnglisljJ (a) whether there is shortage of Sched- uled Tribe persons amongst the existing Introduction of a Separate Train for Bud- casual labour on Northern Railway to fill up ~hist Pilg~ims the backlog quota in Group '0' posts in Delhi and Allahabad Divisions of Northern Railway; 9690. SHRI SAlYENDRA NARAYAN SINHA: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be (b) whether panels of Scheduled pleased to state: Castes/Scheduled Tribes persons have been prepared for Delhi and Allahabad Di- (a) whether a separate train to carry visions for appointment in Group '0' posts Buddhist pilgrims to places of their interest in the context of special drive launched by in Bihar and other places is proposed to be the Railways to recruit Scheduled introduced; and Castes/Scheduled Tribes persons to fill up their backlog quotas; (b) if so, the details thereof?.,. (c) whether the Scheduled Tribe per- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN, sons from the aforesaid panels are not be- ISTRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO ing offered appointments in Group 'D~ SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir. posts;

(b) Does not arise. (d) if so, the reasons therefore; and Constructions in Ashok Road Bungalow by Vishwayatan Yogashram (e) the steps Governemnt propose to take to make good the shortfall of Sched- 9691. DR. A. K. PATEL: Will the Minister uled Tribes quota in Delhi and Allahabad of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be Divisions? pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- (a) whether Government's attention has ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI IvtADHAVRAO been drawn to the newsitem appearing in SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. the Sunday Mail 3-9 January, 1988 regard. ing constructions in the premises of Bun- (b) Yes, Sir. galow No. 68, Ashok Road, New Delhi by Vishwayatan Yogashram; and (c) Yes, Sir. (b) if so, whether approval for the same was obtained and from which head the (d) and (e). Complaints have been re- money had been spent? ceived that some of the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribe candidates, who THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE l\1IN- are already working as casual labour on ISTRY Of HEALTH AND fM1llY WELFARE Northern Railway have not been first (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir. screened and regularised before appointing the candidates selected from the open (b) Govememnt have neigther ap- n)arket. I n vie"" of this, it has been decided proved the construction in the premises of to ensure that the Scheduled Bungalow No. 68, Ashok Road, New Delhi, Caste /ScheduJed Tribe candidates avail- by Vi5hwayatan Yogashraill nor provided able, if any, in the existing casual labour on any funds for this purpose. these Divisions, are screened first for reg- ularisation against the backlog. After this, Panel of Group 'D' SC/ST Employees the balance of backlog of Scheduled 9692. SHRI JAGANNATH PRASAD: Will Cast/Scheduled Tribe will be made good the Mini,ter of RAi lWAYS be pleased to by offering appomtments from the panels state: already framed by'\he Division. 9S Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 96

Seniority Ust of P.G. Teachers of Delhi the Minister of SURfACE TRANSPORT be Administration \ pleased to state: 9693. SHRf MfWA SINGH Gill: Will the Minister of HUtv1AN RESOURCE DE- . (a) whether there is an urgent need for VELOPMENT be pleased to state: construction of a subway (underground) near the Junior Colle~ Peenya Village -(a) whether complaints have been re- of on National Highway No 4· ceived that the names of many Post Gradu- ate Teachers of Delhi Administration (b) whether the school children and vil- Schools do not figure in the seniority list for lagers are finding it difficult to cross the promotion to the posts of vice-principals; road which is always busy; and (b) if so, the reasons therefor; (t:) if so, whether Government propose (c) whether the Departmental Promo- to construct a subway (underground) near tion Committee has selected the candi- the aforesaid College? . dates for promotion to the grade of Vice- Principals ignoring the names of such THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- teachers; ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- (d) the number of teachers whose JESH PILOT): (a) to (c). Due to continuous names did not figure in the seniority list; flow of heavy vehicular traffic, the pedestri- ans do face difficulty in crosslI1g the four (~) the action taken to include their lane road which is likely to be 111itigated names and have them considered by the with the construction of parallel service Departmental Promotion Committee; and roads for which acquisition of land is in progress. The necessity and the technical (f) whether the Post Graduate Teachers feasibility of constructing a sub\vay are whose names had been left out, would however, being exanlined by the State now be given due seniority in the grade of PWD. Vice-Principal? Promotional Avenues of Doctors of I. S.M. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUtvtAN 9695. SHRl BANWARI LAl BAIR\VA: Will ~SOURCE DEVElOMENT (SHRI L P. the Min~ster of HEALTH AND FM1llY WEL- SHAH.): (a) to (t). As per Delhi Administra· FARE be pleased to state: tion, a tentative seniority list of Post Grad- cate Teachers was circuJated among the (a) whether the nlatter regardmg pro- concerned teachers for inviting objections motional avenues of Doctors of Jndian Sys- and 236 objections were received. Delhi tem of Medicine and Homeopathy under Administration had to m~ke some adhoc his Ministry is under conSideration of the appOintments in the public interest as de- Government; and lay in finalising the Seniority list of Post Graduate Teachers was anticipated. A re- (b) jf so, the details thereof and when vised seniority list inserting the nam~ of the decision is likely to be taken thereon? teachers, who raised objections, has since been issued. Delhi Administratjon will take necessary action for pronloting the eligible teachers on the basis of the revised senior- THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN- ity list. ISTRY OF HEALTH & fAtv\llY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). Promotional avenues for doctors of Indian Construction of a Subway Near Junior System of Medicines and Honleopatl)y Vtllag~ on National CoDese in Peenya working under this Ministry already exist No!4 Highway and the pos.tjon is reviewed from time to 9694. SHRJ V. S. KRISHNA IYER: Will time. 97 WrittM AnswefS VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers 98

Setting up of a Container Corporation (ii) Geographical terrain.

(lit) Tourism and industrial potential 9696. SHRI S. M. CURADDI: SHRJ C. S. BASAVARAJU: (iv) Availability of infrastructural facili- ties. Will !he Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: (v) Potential to feed services on (a) whether Government propose to -~\. major routes. up a Container Corporation to provide cargo handling facilities to exporters in a (vi) Affinity of the new station with big way; the base (b) if so, by what time the corporation is likely to be set up; and (c) Yes, Sir.

(c) the capital outlay to be incurred on (d) Non-availability of adequate aircraft this project? Cdpacity witll Vayudoot is the primary rea- son for which some of the stations are still THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- awaiting cllrlinks. iSTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAOHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) to (c). Container Corporation Educational T.V. Programmes in Hill of India Ltd., has been set up on 10.3.1988 Areas as a pUblic sector undertaking under the Ministry of Railways with headquarters at 9698. PROF. NARAIN CHAND Delhi. The authorised capital of the Corpo- PARASHAR: Will the Ministste of HUMAN ration is Rs. 100 crores and the paid up RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to capital Rs. 5 crores. state:

Requirements for linking places with (a) whether full coverage of Hill Vayud~t Services States/regions under educational T.". Pro- grammes has since been undertaken; 9697. SHRI BIMAlKANTI GHOSH: Will the Minister of CIV1L AVIATION be pleased (b) if so, when the programme was to state: launched and the extent to which each one of the Special Category States/Hill States (a) whether some requirements are to have been covered; be fulfilled for linking a place through Va~doot services; (c) the details of the programmes for the State of Himachal Pradesh and the fre- (b) if so, the broad features thereof, quency of their telecast; and

(c) whether there are some places (d) whether some programmes would where such requirements have been ful- also be telecast in Pahari which is the re- filled but the places have not been linked gionallaoguage of the State 7 through the said services; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- (d) af so, the reasons therefor? PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HU.MAN RE- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI l. P. ISTRY Of lABOUR (SHRI jACDtSH SHAH I): (a) to (d). The Centrally sponsored TYI1ER): (a) and (b). The criteria adopted scheme for Educational Technology started for selecting new stations for airlinking by in 87·88 envisages supply of T.V. sets and Vayudoot are:- Radio-cum Cassestte Players to 1,00,000 and 5,00,000 elementary schools respec- (0 Economic viability of operations. tively in a phased manner during 1987.. 88, 99 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 100

1988-89 and 1989--90. 75% cost of T.V. sets and lPTs) in the six INSAT States and the and 100% cost of Radio-cum-Cashtte programmes in Hindi by five other States, Players will be bome by the Central namely Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Ra- Government. All INSAT States Le. Andhra jasthan, Mad.hya Pradesh and Punjab and Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Union T enitory of Chandigarh. The pro- Orissa, Uttar .Pradesh and StatesJUTs grammes are prepared in Hindi and there induding H illy regions where education is no proposal at present to prepare pro- T. V. programmes are already being telecast grammes in Pahari. regularly, were asked to cover all the suit- able schools in a particular blockJdistrict Recognition to National organisation for proposed for coverage instead of scattering Women's education and Development the distribution of T. V. sets a among a large number of blocks/districts. for being given 9699. SHRI S. B. SIDNAl: Will the a TV set under the scheme the schools Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE should have at least two classrooms, DEVELOPMENT be state: electricity and two teachers. Also the school should be within the range of T.V. (a) whether some women academicians transmitter. For Supply ot Radio-cum- and administrators have formed a National Cassette Players availability of electricity Organisation for Women's Education and was not necessary and since radio signals Development (NOWED); are received everywhere in the country, the selected schools could be an}Where. (b) if so, whether this organisation has requested his Ministry for its recognition During 1987-88, the Himachal Pradesh Covernment did not seek assistance for (c) whether this organisation has placed T. V. sets but only a proposal for Radio- before Government a number of sugges- Cum-Cassette Players was received. Ac- tions for improvement in the development cording by a sum of Rs.9.62 lakhs was re- of women; leased to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. (d) if so, the details of the same; and In view of the special reguirement of (e) to what extent Government have North-East region, as a special case, it has agreed to help and implement the sugges- been decided to install 5000 DR/VHF T.V. tions made by the organisation? sets ;n seJected villages ;n Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mi- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- zoram, Nagaland and T ripura under the PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- community viewing programme of Ministry TURE IN THE MINISTRY Of HUNtAN RE- of Information and Broadcasting. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT: (SHRI L P. SHAH I) (a) This Ministry has no informa- Under the scheme of utilising Satellite tion regarding formation of a National Or- Technology for educational purposes, 1V ganisation for Women's Education and De- production facilities have been set up at velo~ment (NOWED). the Central level in the Central Institute of --'_ Educational Technology in the National i (b)!O-(e). Do not arise. Council of Educational Research and Training and ;n the State Institute of Educa- Backlog in filling up of Se/ST Vacancies tion Technology in the above mentioned in .dredging corporation of India 'NSAT States in keeping with the policy to produce educationally sound and relevant 9700. DR. C. VIjAYA RAtv\A RAD; Will programmes. the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: Since October, 1984, the ElY pro- grammes are being relayed by all high (a) whether there has been a backlog in power and low power transmitters (HPTs filling up the posts of Senior Accountants, 101 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 102

Senior Assistants and Executives against SHAH.): (a) The Programme of Action to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled' Tribes implement the National Policy on Educa- Vacancies in Dredging Corporation of In- tion, envisages the setting up of a mecha- dia, Visakhapatnam; and nism which will ancourage self-assessment in Institutions and also assessment and (b) if so, the reasons thereof and action accreditation by a Council. The Institutions taken to fill them up? of Higher Ejucation could be corporate members of such a Council. It is also envis- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- aged that jf such a mechanIsm is set up, the ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- quality of process, participation and JESH PIlOn: (a) As on 31.3.1988 two achievements, etc., of institutions of higher posts of Scheduled Castes and twelve education wjll be constantly monitored and posts of Scheduled Tribes in the category improved. A working paper has been pre- of Senior Assistants and four vacancies pared for wider discussion of the issues in- amongst Schedul~d, Castes and nine vacap- volved in the setting up of such an Assess- des against Scheduled Tribes in the Execu- ment and Accreditation Council. tive cadre are lying vacant. (b) to (d). The details of the machanism, (b) The vacancies could not be filled up its membership, functions, etc., have not for want of suitable candidates inspite of yet been finalised.". repeated advertisements by the Corpora- tion. These posts are proposed to be ad- Cracks in IA Airbus Wings vertised again for filling up of these vacancies. 9702. SH RI SRI HARI RAO: SHRI PRAKASH CHANDRA: Council for Accreditation and assessment SHRI SUBHASH YADAV: of Institutions of Higher Education SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY:

9701. SHRI VIJAY N. PATIl: Will the Will the ~~inister of CIVIL AVIATION be Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL- pleased to state: OPMENT be pleased to state: (a) whether Government's attentlon has (a) whether the University Grants been drawn to the news-item appearing in Commission proposes to set up a coundl the 'Indian Express' dated 11 April, 1988 for accreditation and assessment of institu- captioned "cracks in Indian Airlines Airbus tions of higher education; Wings";

(b) if so, the group of persons or bodies (b) if so, the details thereof; likely to constitute the Accreditation Coun- cil; (c) the estimated loss as a result of these cracks; and (c) whether the Commi~ion proposes to examine through the Accreditation (d) the action taken by Government in Council those dubious institutions also this regard? which advertise themselves as institutions recognised by the Commission; and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF LABOUR ISH Rt JAGDISH (d) the other problems which the TYTLER): (a) Yes, Sir. Commission intends to tackle through the Accreditation Council? (b) During routine inspection of the Airbus aircraft by I ndian Airlines Engineers, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- they discovered cracks on the Wing top PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl-· skin on two Airbus A 300 aircraft. The mat- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- ter was imnlediately brought to the notice SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. of the manufacturers, MIs airbus Industries 103 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answen 104

and visual inspection of all the A 300 air- It is also a live language in the sense that craft in I ndian Airlines was carried out to considerable literary, educational and reli- ensure that there were no cracks on other gious activity goes on in the medium of A·300 aircraft in Indian Airlines' fleet. Sanskrit. Jn view of this, Sanskrit is treated largely as a classical language. (c) No services have been cancelled on this account and as such there is no loss of (English] revenue. Study by NIHFW on organisational (d) Airbus Industrie experts are working aspects of Primary Health Care on the repair of wing ton skin on one of the Airbus A 300 and work is go!ng on un- 9704. SHRI MANIK REDDY: Will the der their supervision. A fleet-wise inspec- Minister of HEALTH AND FNvULY WELFARE tion of Airbus A 300 aircraft was also or- be pleased to state: dered for both Indian Airlines and Air India. (a) whether the National Institute of [Translation] Health and Family Welfare New Delhi con- ducted any studies on the organisational Demand to recognise Sanskrit as Modern aspects of the Primary Health Care in Indian language Indian;

9703. DR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR TRl- (b) if so, the details thereof; and PATH I: Will the Minister of HUMAN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to (c) if not, the reasons therefor? state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- (a) whether a demand has been made ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE to recognise Sanskrit as a modem Indian (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). No language; indepth study has been undertaken by the National Institute of Health & Family Wel- (b) if so, whether Government have fare specifically on the organisational as- since considered this demand, pects of Primary Health Care. However, the following studies have been conducted (c) if so, the details thereof; and by the I nstitute in the past, which partly covered some organisational aspects of (d) if not, the reasons therefore? Primary Health Care; 1. Evaluatjon of Mobile Medical Team THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- Scheme in Tamil Nadu. PARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND CUl- 2. Health Manpower situation and Su- TURE IN THE MINISTRY Of HUMAN RE- perviSOry practices including preparation of SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. source book on Medical Manpower in SHAHI): (a) to (d). It has been suggested to Bihar State. the Government c that Sanskrit shOuld be 3. Evaluation of Health Guide Scheme. recognised as one of the Modem Indain {Translation J Languages. While the words 'Morden In- dian Languages' have not been defined in Stbdy of Vedic Mathematics in Ind,an the Constitution of India, the Education Universities Commission Report (Kothari Commission), l:dcuation Policy Resolution, 1968 or Na- 9705. SHRI RAN\ DHAN: tional Educalion Policy 1986, the regional SHRI BALWANT·SINCH languages which area spoken by people in ~OOWAUA: Iarp numbers in the country are generally trea.ted as Modem Indian Languages. san- Will the Minister of HUMAN RE· skrit is a dassicallanguage in the sense that SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to its origion dates back to the andent times. state: 105 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 106

(a) whether a book on Vedic Mathe- (a) whether there is a provision of matics written by an Indian Swami has nomination of Members of Parliament on highlighted the contribution of ancient In- the Board of Govemors of Kendriya dia to. Mathematics and which also shows Vidyalaya Sangathan; that the Vedic Mathematics based on 16 formulas (Sutras) has several application in (I» if so, the guiding principles that gov- modern Mathematics such as Algebra, Cal- ern these nominations; culus, and Co-ordinate Geometry as re- ported in the 'Janasatta' dated 21, January, (c) whether some Members from the 1988; opposition parties have at any time been nominated on the Board of Covernors; and (b) if so, whether Government would take any steps for the inclusion of the study (d) if so, the details thereof? of Vedic Mathematics in Indian Universi- ties, especially when it has already been in- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- troduced in the school of Economic Sci- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- ences, London and School of Philosophy in TURE IN THE MfNISTRY Of HUtMAN R~­ Australia and several other institutions in SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. the USA, UK and Holland; and . SHAH I): (a) Yes Sir,

(c) the likely date by which it would be (b) to (d). Members of Parliament are done? . nominated on the Board of Governors of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, on the rec- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- ommendations of Ministry of Parliamentary PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- Affairs. The following Members of Parlia~ TURE IN THE MINISTRY HUMAN RE- ment were nominated on the Board of SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. Governors of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan SHAH I): (a) Yes, Sir. Sri Shankaracharya of from time to time:- Puri has written a book on Vedic Mathe- matics in which the' application of Vedic (1) Shri Manubhai Patel Sutras for solving various Mathematical problems has been discussed. (2) Shri Raja Ram Shastn

(b) and (c). Further studies and research (3) Shri Samar Guha on the subject will have to be carried out by scholars, academic bodies and the Uni- (4) Shri Oilip Chakravarty versities. According to information avail- able/ the University of Roorkee and the (5) Shri Tapeshwar Singh lucknow University are engaged in some aspects of teaching and reasearch in Vedic (6) Shri Chandulal Chandrakar Mathematics. The Rashtriya Ved Vidya Pratisthan is also considering the prepara- transport Facilities to Maharashtra tion of a project, to encourage studies in Vedic Mathematics and its applicati~ 9707. SHRI BAtASAHEB VIKHE PATIl: lEng/ish] Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state:

Nomination of M.Ps. on Board of (a) whether the transport facilities to be Govemor in Ie.V.5. provided by his Ministry to Maharashtra in the remaining years of Seventh Plan have. been finalised; and 9706. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Will the (b) if so, the details thereon Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL· OPMENT be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE Of THE MIN- 107 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answetl 108

ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT {SH RI RA.. lowing proj~ pertaining to the transport jESH PilOT): (a) and (b). Only the outlays sector in the Ministry of Surface Transport for 1988-89 have been finalised.. The fol- have been provided for in this year:

1. Ports: (Rs in crores)

(i) for development schemes of Bombay Port. 33.74

(ii) For construction of Nhava Sheva Port. 280.06

(iii) For providing additional facilities at Redi Port. 5.00

2. Roads and Bridges:

For development of National Highways including bridges. 30.00

The Annual PLin for 1989.. 90 will be finalised at the appropriate time. Construction of Working Women's Hos- PARTMENTS OF YOUTH AfFAIRS AND tel by A.M.S. Kendra, Jamshedpur SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE- VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU- 9708. SHRIMATI CEETA MUKHERJEE: MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT: (SMT. Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE MARGARET ALVA) (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. The DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Minisby approved a grant of Rs. 5,64,188/.. for the construction of a Working Women's (a) whether the Ministry sanctioned Rs. Hostel for 30 Working Women by Arjun 5.5 Iakh in November, 1986 towards con- MahiJa Shilp Kala Kendra at Jamshedpur at struction of a working women's hostel by an estimated cost of Rs. 7,52,250/- on 18 "Mun Mahila Shilpa Kendra Jamshedpur June 1986. SimultaneousJy, an amount of (Bihar)" and advanced Rs. 1,41,047 as the Rs. 1,41,047/- was released as first instal- first instalment; ment of grant in aid.

(b) if so, the details thereof, (c) The Grant was approved on the basis of the recommendations of the State (c) the basis on which the project was Government of Bihar approved and amount sanctioned and rec- ommended the project; (d) and (e). Yes, Sir. The Jamshedpur Citizen Council, Jamshedpur in a Press Re- (d) whether Government have received port which appeared iR "Amrit Bazar Pa- any communication from the Secretary, trika" Oamshedpur Edition) alleged that Jamshedpur Citizen Council stating that no there was no trace of Arjun Mahila Shilp such Kendra exists and no work has begun Kala Kendra, Ja~hedpur for constructing the hostel; (t) Ye$, Sir. An investigation is being (e) if so, the details thereof; and made through the State Government of Bi- har. In the meanwhile, the entire amoum (f) whether any investigation has been of the first instalment released viz. Is. made and the action proposed to be taken 1,41,047/.. together with interest thereon against those concemed in the matter? viz. Rs.14,885.28 has been recovered from Arjun Mahlla Shilp Kala Kendra. "Besidel, . THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- the Orxanisation has been banned from 109 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Written Answers 110 obtaining further grants. Further action will (c) whether the Insurance companies be taken in accordance wit:h the provisions wilt absorb those candidates who complete of law, if necessary. this course; and

Railway at Ajit Singh Nagar near (d) if so, the details of the scheme pro- Vijayawada posed to be introduced in Kendriya Viday- alays?

9709. SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- RAO: WiH· the Minister of RAI LWAYS be PARTME~TS OF EDUCATION AND CUL· pleased to s~1:e: TURE IN'IHE MINISTRY OF HU~N RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. (a) wheti!er the proposal for construc- SHAH I): (a) and (b). The Central Board of tion of road t.a4der bridge at Ajit Singh Secondary·(ducation in collaboration with Nagar near Vijayawada on Vijayawada- the General Insurance Corporation of India Eluru line was approved and included in is taking up a pilot project for introducing Railway's Works Programme of 1987-88; vocational course in General I nsurance at +2 level'in about twenty schools located in (b) if so, the reasons for the delay in metropolitan cities, including a few grounding of the scheme; and Kendriya Vidyalayas.

(c) the likely date by which this pro- (c) and (d). According to the scheme, posal is likely to be taken up? the students passing' out the vocational course in general insurance with a mini:' mum of 50% marke would be appointed in THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- the GIC and/or its subsidiaries as Appren- ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO tice Assistants for a period of one year. On SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. completion of apprenticeship they would be appointed as regular Assistants. They . (b) Plans for this work have recently may also be given weightage for their qual- been finalised, jointly by the State Govern- ifidtion at the time of promotion. The vo- ment and the Railways. There has been cational students obtaining marks between some delay in finalising the plans on ac- 4()'50% would be considered eligible to count of the existence of built up area apply for the post of assistants under nor- around and difficult site conditions. mal recruitment procedure._.

(c) The wort< will be taken up for execu- Punctuality of Mail/Express Trains tion, after the combined estimate is ac- cepted by the State Government. 9711. ,SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to Vocational Course on Cenerallnsurance state: in Kendriya Vidy~ayas (a) whether his Ministry is monitoring 9710. SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: Will the running of mail!express trains . egularTY; the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE· VELOPMENT be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details of such trains which .. have been identified as regularly running (a) whether Government propose to in- late; and troduce two year vocational course in Cenerallnsurance and other allied subjects (c) the steps taken to maintain punctu.. in Kendriya Vidyalayas in Metropolitan ality of those trains 7 cities from the rurrent academic session; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- (b) if so, the reasons for not starting this ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO vocational course in other schools also; SCINDIA): (a) Yes, Sir. 111 Written Answers MAY S, 1988 Written Answen 112

(b) Howrah-Rajdhani Express, Tinsukia It will take some more year before the Mail, N.E. Superfast Express, Neelachal Ex- effectiveness of the steps taken are felt. press, utkal Express and Howrah-Amritsar Mail have been identified as bad runners. Manufacturing of Contact Lenses

(c) Round the clock monitoring of the 9713. DR. D.N. REDDY: Will the Minis- trains continues, General Managers are ter· of HEALTH AND FAlvULV WELFARE be holding daily conference to pin-point exact pleased to state:,. causes of their late running and taking cor- rective measures to eliminate them. (a) whether contact lenses are manufac- tured in the country and if so, how many Regarding Diarrhoea Among Children units are manufacturing the same;

(b) how the quality of such lenses pro- 9712. SHRI K IWMCHANDRA REDDY: duced compares with imported ones; and Will the Minister of HEALTH' AND FAMILY (c) whether applications are pending WELFARE be pleased to state: sanction for the setting up of units for the (a) the number of children died in the manufacture of lenses? country due to diarrhoea during 1987-88; THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN- and ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (b) the steps taken to reduce such (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir. According to the available information, in deaths and how far these have been effec- addition to production of contact lenses at tive? Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre, New Delhi and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi, 14 Units are reported to be registered with ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (KUMAR! SAROJ KHAPARDE): tal There is State/Union Territory Director.ate of Indus- no precise estimate of children dying due tries for manufacture of contact lenses. to diarrhoea in the country for the year (b) The quality of hard and soft contact 198? According to the data compiled by lenses being manufactured from imported CBH I, there· were 224 deaths due to blanks is reported to be fairly comparable cholera, 1441 deaths due to dysentry &. with these of imported contact tenses. Spin 3398 deaths due to gastroenteritis in all Cast soft contact lenses are however, not age groups put together. This data is provi- being manufactured in the country. sional and is .not comparable due to ill de- fined coverage. Mortality figures in these (c) The manufacture of contact. lens is categories is not available for the year exclUSively reserved in the small sector and 1988. according to information available in the office of the Developmental Commissioner (b) Steps taken by Government of India (Small Scale Industries) no application is include. pending for sanction of setting up of Units for manufacture of contact lenses. 1. Introduction of programme of oral rehydration therapy for children Joint Seminar of Indian and American under five in 182 districts from Specialists at AIIMS 1986.

2. Introduction of measles 9714. SHRIMATI D. K. BHANDARI: Will immunization froln 1985. the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WEL- fARE be pleased to state: 3. Progressive increasing coverage in supply of potable water & effec- Ca) whether a Seminar was organised tive disposal of excreta during February, 1988 at the All India Insti· 113 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers - 114 tute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi jointly Hindi Directorate to look after the schemes by the I ndian and American Specialists; and activities for promotion of Sindhi lan- guage and literature; and (b) if so, the details of issues discussed at the Seminar; . (d) if so, the speciftc scheme and activi- ties looked after by the, Cell? (c) whether Government propose to take action on the issues so discussed; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl~ (d) if so, the details thereof; and TUP..£ IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. (e) if not, the reasons therefor? SHAH I): (~ and (b). Presently, the decision on the propos.al to set up Sindhi Vikas THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- Board has been postponed till 1989 due to ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FANlllY WELFARE enonomy constraints. (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE}: (a) Yes. The Indo-U.S. Symposium on "Factors Influ- (c) Yes, Sir. encing the Establishment of Pregnancy'" was held at the AU I ndia I nstitute of Medi- (d) The following specific scheme and cal Sciences, New Delhi from february 15- activities are being looked after by the 17, 1988 and was organised on behalf of Sindhi Cell in the Central. Hindi Direc.. the Indian Council of Medical Research un- torate:-- der the Indo-U.S. Sub-commission for co- operation in Science and Technology. (i) Production of Standard Uterature in Sindhi. (b) The main focus of the discussions during the symposium was to review the (ii) Award of Prizes to Sindhi Writers. current state of the art and knowledge of physiological mechanisms . which regulate (iii) Bulk purchase of Sindhi books for the processes of ovum development, hor- free distribution to PublicI UniversityjColiege jSchool U- mone gamate inter-action, fertilisationl em- bryo endometrial inter-action and signals braries etc. for maternal recognition of pregnancy. (iv) Organisation of Neo-Sindhi Writ- (c) to (e). The issues discussed in the ers' Workshops. symposium ~iII be useful for those doing research on the various aspects· of the (v) Organisation of National Semi- subject of the symposium and ICMR will nars on Language & literature and take appropriate follow-up action. great poets and writers.

Sindhi Vikas Board (vi) Financial assistance for Publica- tion Programme. 9715. SHRI C. JANCA REDDY: Will the • Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEl- (vii) Financial assistance for selected OPMENT be pleased to state: Promotional activities relating to Sindhi language & Uterature. (a) whether a decision has been taken by Government on the proposal to set up a (viii) Research Projects. Sindhi Vikas Board on the lines of Tarakki- E·Urdu Board; Development of Wetland (b) if so, the progress made in this re- gards; 9716. SHRI DAUlATSINHJI JADEjA: Will the Minister of ENVI RONMENT AND (c) whether there is a Cell in the Central FORESTS be pleased to state: 115 Written Answers "MAY 5, 1988 Written Answen 116

(a) whether the committee constituted THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- on wetland development has been asked ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS to identify and suggest various measures SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) Yes, Sir. for conservation of wetland in the country; (b) The State-wise details are shown in (b) if so, the State-wise details of wet- the statement-I below. land and their location; and

(c) the composition of the said commit- (c) The composition of the Committee is tee? shown in StatementJ. I below STATEMENT,.I

State-wise Details of Wetlands dentified for Conservation of Ecosystem

State Wetland locationjDistrict

I'\I'ldhra Pradesh Koneru Krishna and West Godavari

Rajasthan Pichola Udaipur

Sambhar Jaipur

Jammu and Kashmir Wullar Baramula

Manipur loktak Central district, Manipur

Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Upper Bhopal and lower Jake)

Orissa Chilka Pun and Ganjam

Punjab Harike Amritsar and Ferozpure

Kerala Ashtamudi Quiton

MaharasIltra Ujni Sholapur


Composition of the National Wetland Management Committee

1. Secretary (or in his absence Chairman Additional Secretary), Department of Environment, Forests and Wildlife, Paryavaran Bhavan, ceo Complex, lodi Road, New Delhi.

Prof. N. Balakrishnan Nair, Chairman, Member . State Committee on Science, TechnoJogy and Environment, Trivandrum, Kerala "7 Written Answers VAiSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) Written NIsweIs 118

3. Prof. R.J. Garee, Member Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Roorke~. University, Roorkee, Uttar Pradesh

4. Shri R.S. Gopalan, Member Joint Secretary/Financial Adviser, Department of Environment, Forests and Wildlife, Paryavaran Bhavan, eGO Complex, lodi Road, New Delhi.

5. Prof. R.C. Michael, Member Department of Ufe Sciences, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong Meghalaya.

6. Dr. V.C. Jhingran, Member 132, Indira Nagar Colony, Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh

7. Prof. J.V. Ramana Rao, Member Department of Zoology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

8. Dr. Prakash Cole, Member Executive Director, Ecological Society, I-B, Abhimansnee Society, Pawan Road, Pune, Maharashtra.

9. Shri KB. Iyer, Member.. Secretary Joint Secretary, Department of Environment, Forests & Wildlife, Paryavaran Bhavan, eGO Complex, lod; Road, New Delhi.

[Trans/at jon ] LEng/ish]

Extension of Bhag~pur .. Mandar Link upto P~I Study on Inforanation System l.almatiya 9717. SHRIMATI AMNORA.MA SINCH~ 9718. SHRIMATI BASAVARAJESWARJ: Will the Minister of RAlLWAVS be pleased Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state; to state:

(a) whether a decision has been taken (a) whether the Ptanning Commission to extend the Bhagalpur-Mandar hili rail- has set up a panel of expert group to study way line upto lalmatiya, where there is and report on operational information sys- coaJmine; and tem of Railways; and

(b) if so, the time by which the said (b) if so, by what time the expert group railway line will be constructed? is likely to submit its report? ,

THE MINISTER OF STATE Of THE MIN- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO ISTRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRI MAOHAVRAO SCINDIA) : (a) No, Sir. SCI N DIA): (a) and (b). No Panel or ExpeIt Group has been set up by Planning ea.. (b) Does not arise. mission. The Panni,. Commission .. 119 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 120 however, as a part of its internal project PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl· appraisal, set up a one·man committee to TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE· examine the scope of the project, the van· SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. ous alternatives which, inter alia, would in- SHAHI); (a) to (d). Information is being clude phasing of the project and of collected, and will be laid on the Table of funding etc. the Sabha.

Sanskrit Teachers in kendriya Vidyalaya [Translation 1 Sangathan Waterways in the Country 9719. DR. SU DH' R ROY: Will the Minis- ter of HU1v\AN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 9720. SHRI SARFARAZ AHMAD: Will the be pleased to refer to the reply given on 7 Minister of SURfACE TRANSPORT be April, 1988 to Unstarred Question No. pleased to state: 6192 and state: (a) the tota1 number of Waterways in (a) the number of Kendriya Vidyalayas the country; and wherein Sanskrit is being taught as an elec- tive subject in XI and XI I standard; (b) the names of the WatelVVays out of them which are being used and the narnes (b) the number of sanctioned posts of of those which are not being used with Post Graduate Teachers (Sanskrit) as on 31 reasons therefor? March, 1988 in the Kendriya Vidyafaya Sangathan; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- (c) the number of Post Graduate Teach- JESH PILOT): (a) and (b). According to the ers (Sanskrit) actuaUy working as on 31 Report of the National Transport Policy March, 1988; and Committee, 1980 the total Navigable Wa- terways in 'ndia are given in the Statement (d) the number of Trained Graduate Teachers (Sanskrit) promoted as Post below. Graduate Teachers (Sanskrit) since 1 May, The Waterways are spread all over the 19857 country and information on the use of all THE f\1INISTER OF STATE IN T~E DE- the waterways is not available ... STATEMENT Navigable Waterways in India (in Kms.) (Table 15.1--page 285 of N.T.P.C. Report, 1980)

Rivers Canals Total

Andhra Pradesh 309 1,690 1,999

Assam 1,983 1,983

Bihar 937 325 1,262

Goa, Daman & Diu 317 25 342

Cujarat 286 286

jammu & Kashmir 200 200

Kamatab 284 160 121 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers . 122

Kerala 840 708 1,548

Maharashtra 501 501

Orissa 761 224 985

Uttar Pradesh 2,268 173 2,441

Tamil Nadu 216 216

West Bengal 1,555 782 2,337

AI/India Total: 10,241 4,303 14,544

Advertisements to Small Newspapers by (d) The Northern Railway released ad- Northern Railway vertisements worth Ks. 1,05,896.81 to 55 small newspapers published from Delhi 9721. SHRI RIVv\ KUMAR MEENA: Will during the period from March, 1987 to the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to . February, 1988. Particulars of these news- state: papers are given in the statement below.

(a) whether Northern Railway has STATEMENT framed any rules in regard to giving adver- tisements to small newspapers; Particulars of small newspapers published from Delhi to which advertisements were (b) if so, the details thereof; released by the Northern Rai/way during the period from March, 7987 to February, 1988. (c) the value of advertisements to be given by the Northern Railway in a year to monthly, fortnightly, weekly newspapers, s. No. Name of Newspaper separately as per to provision in the rules; and 1. Bharat Bhavana

(d) the v~ue of advertisements given to 2. Sande Matram small newspapers published from Delhi during the period from March, 1987 to 3. Amar Delhi February, 1988 and the particulars of such small newspapers which have been given 4. Daily Educator advertisements during this period? 5. In Dinon THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN· ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI tvtADHAVRAO 6. Sunday Mail SCINDIA): (a) and (b). All Zonal Railways including the Northern Railway follow 7. New leaf guidelines laid down by Directorate for Ad- vertising and Visual Publicity, Ministry of B. link Information & Broadcastin& regarding re .. 'ease of advertisements to newspapers. 9. Nationa' Herald

(c) No separate allocation is made for 10. 'ndian Tender Gen. release of Railway advertisements to news- 11. The Page papers of different periodicity like monthly, fortnightly and weekly. 12. Kaurav Pandav 123 Written MSweTS MAYS, 1988 Written AnIweIs 124

S. No. Name of Newspaper S. No. Name of Newspapet

13. NoidaNews 39. JCM Bulletin

14. Praja Mandtri 40. India Railways

15. CuIab Sharat 41. Choice' ndia

T 16. Dharti Ki Cod 42. Industrial World 43. Ramani 17. Anmol Sahit 44. Jeevan Sahitya 18. Curmat Sagar 45. Shiv Ram Vani 19. Kissan Mittar 46. Bhartiya Viklang 20. Qaumi Wanger 47. AMEOBA 21. Pahradar 48. Katha lok 22. Sewadar 49. Netra Heen Kalyan 23. lahran 50. Sehali Samachar 24. Kesar Kiari 51. Kabir Path 25. Mahram 52. Siksha Samisha 26. JaiJawahar 53. Bhartiya SanSkritl 27. Swantra Jyoti 54. Hind, Vishav Sansknti 28. Ywa Janpaksh 55. Anuwad. 29. Raghukul Times

30. Poopkar [English] 31. Apsi Vichar Parchar Direct Rajkot .. Delhi Flight 32. Mastana Jogi 9722. SHR. DIGVljAY SINH: Will the 33. Om Minister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased to state: 34. Vikandrit (a) whether Govemment have since in- 35. Aarsee troduced a direct flight from Rajkot to Delhi; 36. Competition Refresher (b) if so, the details thereof; and 37. Bright Competition Cc) if not, the reasons for the delay and 38. University Today . when it will be started? 125 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Written Answers 126

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- estimated cost of construction of the link ISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH road; lYT1ER): (a) No, Sir.

\, (c) the total amount allocated for the (b) Does not arise. purpose and the amount already spent;

(c) Due to capacity constraints, at pre- (d) whether there has been any cost es- sent, it ;s not possible fo, Indian Airlines to calation due to the delay; and introduce air services between Rajkot and Delhi. However, after the induction of ad- (e) the time by which the construction ditional aircraft in its fleet, I ndian Airlines ,of the road is expected to be completed? has plans to introduce air service between Rajkot and Delhi on litnited frequency basis THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN- via suitable intermediate points. ISTRY OF SU~FAC£ TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- JESH PilOT): (a) Yes, Sir. Health and Nutrition Education in Schools of Tribals (b) The work was approved in April 1973 at an initially ~timated cost of Rs. 9723. SHRI C. MADHAV REDDY: Will 13.00 lacs; the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE- VELOPMENT be pleased to state: (c) Government of India have provided Rs. 13.00 lacs out of Central Road Fund (a) whether Sukhadia University, (Allocations) Account; and the State Cov- Udaipur has in a study highlighted the ernment is reported to have spent an need for health and nutrition educa- amount of Rs. 49.46 lacs upto January tion-espedally in schools of tribals and 1988; other under privileged sections and if so, the details thereof and follow up action (d) and (e). The present cost of the taken/proposed; and work has been estimated by State Public Works Department at Rs. 72.35 lacs. The (b) whether voluntary Health agencies completion of the work will depend upon would be involved increasingly in this ma- the approval of Revised estimate and avail- jor task? ability of funds with the State Government.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- Setting up of Primary Health Centres in PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- Orissa during Seventh Plan TURE IN THE MINISTRY Of HUMAN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. 9725. SHRI SOMNATH RATH: Will the SHAH I): (a) and (b). The information is Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE being collected and will be laid on the be pleased to state the number of Primary Table of the Sabha. Health Centres set up in Orissa so far and

~ how many are going to be set up during Construction of Kadapara.Veeyapuram. the remaining period of the Seventh Plan? Harippad National Highway Link Road THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- 9724. SHRJ VAKKOM PURUSHO- ISTRY OF HEALTH & FAMilY WELFARE THAMAN: Will thE' Minister of SURFACE (KUMARI SA.ROJ KHAPARDE): 717 Primary TRANSPORT be pleased to state: Health Centres have been sef up in Orissa upto 31st March, 1988. Out of these, 233 (a) whether improvement of Kada- Primary Health Centres have been set up pa,ra-Veeyapuram-Harippad National during the first three years of the 7th Plan. Highway Unk Road was approved by Gov- It is proposed to set up another 267 Pri- ernment; mary Health Centres in the State of Orissa during the remaining two years of the 7th (b) if so, when it was approved and the Plan. 127 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 128

Introduction of an Weather landing In- tea/coffee is due to the extra cost of plastic strument at Airports glasses/cups;

9726. SHRI V. TULSIRAM: Will the Min- (c) whether zonal railways are purchas- ister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased to ing these cups from some particular state: manufacturers; and

(a) the names of airports where all (d) if so, the reasons therefor? weather landing instrument has been in- troduced; THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN· ISTRY Of. RAilWAYS (SHRI ~DHAVRAO (b) the extent to which the SCINDlA): (a) and (b). The price of tea in non-availability of this system has caused cup has been revised from 50 paise to Rs. delay in flights during the last two years 1/- and of coffee from 0.75 paise to Rs. (both day and night); and 1.25 paise w.eJ. 15.10.87. While revising the price, increase in wages of staff, cost of (c) by when all the important airports raw material and cost of disposable cup will be fitted with this system? was taken into account.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- (c) anC:i (d). Yes, Sir. The manufacturer ISTRY OF lABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH has been awarded contract for supply of TYTlER): (a) The field complement of. In- disposable cup through open tender. strument Landing System (ILS) is opera- tional at Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Issue of Tickets to Commuters by Moving Nagpur, Hyderabad, T rivandrum, Cuwa- Conductors in DlC Buses hati, Imphal and Jammu airports. 9728. SHRI R. JEEVARATHINAM: (b) The non-availability of Instrument SHRJ RAMASHRAY PRASAD landing System (I LS) would not cause any SINGH: delay as far as departures are concerned. In the absence of (ILS), arriving flights are Will the Min;ster of SURfACE TRANS- likely to be affected during adverse weather PO RT be pleased to state: conditions. Exact data in this regard is not available. (a) whether recently instructions have been issued to remove the conductors (c) It is not essential to provide Instru- seat in the Delhi Transport Corporation ment landing System at all aerodromes. I n- buses so as to enable the commuters to get strument landing System is required at the tickets from the moving conductors" aerodromes where the terrain conditions and/or weather phenomena demand the (b) if so, whether any surprise checking availability of such a system for safety or has been carried out to ensure that the aircraft operations. conductors are mOVing in the bus and is~ suing tickets to commuters at their seats; Rates of tealcoffee in trains (c) whether Government are aware that 9727. SHRI RAMESHWAR NIKHRA: Will in spite of instructions and after removing the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to the seats, conductors confine themselves State: to the same place as a result of which commuters flock or crowd around him to (a) whether Railways have increased purchase tickets causing difficulty and in .. tea/coffee rates from 50 paise to Re. 1/- convenience; and due to tea being served in plastic ....es/cups at tea-staBs and in trains; (d) if so, the steps proposed to be taken for effective enforcement of the ;nstruc- (b) whether the increase in rates of tionsf 129 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 130

THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN- have been brought under .the purview of ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- the Archaeological Survey of 1ndia; JESH PilOn: (a) Yes, Sir. The DTC have is- sued instructions \0 this effect. (b) if so, ~hen were these monuments taken over and what steps have been taken (b) Yes, Sir. for their repair and maintenance by the Archaeological Survey of India; and (c) Some complaints of this nature have come to notice. (c) whether some repairs have already been carried out, if so, the amount spent (d) The checking officials have been thereon? asked to check implementation of these in- structions. The instructions are also re- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- peated to the conductors on the public ad- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- dress system. Special checking is also un- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUJ\tAN RE- dertaken. Defaulting conductors are liable SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. to departmental action against them. SHAHI): (a) to (c). In November, 1982 the following monuments in Azampur, in Dis- [Trans/ation] trict Moradabad were protected:.,.

Construction of Road Project (1 ) Tomb of Abdul Cafur Khan

9729. SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Will the (2) Tomb of Talib Khan Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS be pleased to state: (3) Tomb of grand son Abdul Gafur Shah and a mosque. ' (a) whether clearance has been given for" the construction of No repairs have been carried out so far. Chithai-Pestal-Bamanswal road under the These monuments are included in the Re- provisions of the forest (Conservation) Act, vised Conservation Programme for the cur- 1980; rent financial year.

(b) if so, the details thereof; and Disposal of Boeings by Air-India

(c) if not, the reasons for delay? 9731. SHRI M. AACHUtv\A REDDY: \ViII the Minister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- to state: ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) No such proposal (a) whether Air-India proposes to dis~ has been received from the State Govern- pose of its Boeings; ment. (b) if so, the details and reasons thereof; (b) and ~c). Do not arise. and (c) the mode of disposal? [English] - THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ~1IN­ Monuments of Az~mpur untler ASI ISTRY OF lABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH TYTlER): (a) to (c). Air India is considering 9730. SHRI HAfiZ MOHO. SJDDIQ: disposal of two of its Boeing 7'" 7 ~200 air- Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE craft during 1988·89. Air India is planning DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: to phase-out its older Boeing 7""7·200 air· craft powered with Pratt and \\'hitney (a) whether the nlonuments· of Azam- JT90·7j Engines. The proposal to sell h\'o pur, District Moradabad. Uttar Pradesh 147-200 aircraft indicated above, during 131 Written Answets MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 132 the current financial year, is a part of the (e) Due to constraint of resources, no phasing-out programme. The mode of dis- provision for a separate coal berth has posal will be by inviting global. tenders. been included in the VII five Year Plan.

Code of conduct for Crew Members of IA Setting up of Cats Project in A.1.I.M.5.

9732. :>ROf. RAMKRISHNA MORE: Will 9734. SHRI SULTAN SALAHUDDIN the Minister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased OWAISI: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND to state: fAtvtllYWElFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether any code of conduct has (a) the total cost involved in the D\TS been specified for the crew menlbers of the project In AIIMS alongwith the progress Indian Airlines flights; made so far tn its development;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and (b) the expenditure incurred so far on the purchase Qf equipments alongwitll the (c) the action taken or proposed to be dates when these were purchased; and taken against those found flouting the code of conduct? (c) the measures taken by Government to ensure that these equipments do not THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- become obsolete by the time the project ISTRY Of LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH actually comes up? lYTLER): (a) and (b). The crew members of 'nchan Airlines are governed by the Stand- THE MIt.4ISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN- ing Orders concerning Discipline and Ap- ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FMAllY WELFARE peal as applicable to them. (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) The total cost approved in May, 1984 for the estab- (c) Indian Airlines takes suitable action lishment of Centralized Accident and under its disciplinary procedure whenever Trauma Services (CATS) facilittes in the AI- a violation of its / Standing Orders/ IMS was Rs. 16.65 crores. The land for the RegulatiOns is established. CATS Apex Centre under the AIIMS has al· ready been allotted and boundary wall has Request for Construction of a Coal Berth been constructed. A beginnmg with 14 at Paradip Port speCially eqUIpped ambulances with wire- less sets connected to Central Control and 9733. DR. KRUPAStNDHU BHOI: Will Coordination MechanISm was made on the Minister of SURfACE TRANSPORT be modest scale on 13.4.88. pleased to state:

(a) whet,her the export and import of (b) Year Toral Expen- Expen- coal through Paradip Port have increased diture diture on substantially; Equip- ments. (b) whether Government of Onssa has submitted a scheme requestiag Union (Rs. in lacs) Govemment for the construction of a coal berth at Paradip Port; 1984-85 17.12 16.85 (c) if ~t the steps taken in this regarcU- 1985-86 99.83 Nil THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY Of SURFACE TRANSPORT (SH RI RA- 1986-87 6.83 Nil

JESH PI lOT): (a) Yest Sir. 1987-88 10.15 3.70 (b) Yes, Sir. -- 133 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 134

A list of equipments purchased is given "Ce) No such equipment has been pur- in the statement be!ow. chased which is likely to become obsolete.



A. Surgical Equipment item

Surgical instruments:--

(i) for general surgical, neuro-surgical and cardic-thoracic surgica~ use and general instruments.

1984-85 (ii) Surgical instruments for orthopaedic trauma work

1984-85 (iii) Operating Microscope

B. Office Equipment

Electronic Typewriter

Photocopying Machine

1984-85 Office Furniture

1987-88 Office Equipment


(il) Copying Machllle

( iii) Typewriter

MST facility. on Khurja-New Delhi-Delhi holders, if not, the number of passengers Sections travelling in excess of the available seating capacity; and 9735. SHRI VIR SEN: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: (d) the steps Government propose to take to provide adequate travelling facilities (a) the number of monthly seasonal and to these passengers? casual passenger tickets issued every month during the last one year on the THE MINISTER Of STATE Of THE MIN- Khurja-New Delhi/Delhi sections of the ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI IW\OHAVRAO Northern Railway; SCINDIA): (a) The average nlonthly sale of Season Tickets and Single journey tickets (b) whether these tickets are available during the last one year was 7269 and for passenger trains only; if so, which pas- 157169 respectively. senger trains run on this route, their fre- quency and seating capacity; (b) No, Sir. The tickets are available by some Express trains also. (c) whether the seating capacity is ade- quate for monthl¥ seasonal ticket holders (c) and (d). Such statistics are not main- and other category of passenger ticket tained. 135 Writt~n Answers MAY 5,1988 Written AnswelS 136

Teachers of Delhi Senior Schools Acting (e) There is no complaint on tne recora as Oftice-Beal'erS of Teachers of the Education Department of Delhi Ad~ Cooperative' Society ministration in-this regard. • (f) No, Sir· 9736. SHRI MOHO. MAHFOOZ All KHAN: Will the Minister of HUMAN RE- (g) Does not arise. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Higher Pay Scales for the Technical Staff of Central Hindi Directorate and (a) whether Government have received Commission for Scientific reports that some teachers serving in Se- and Technical Terminology nior Secondary Schools in Delhi have been continuing as office-bearers of the Delhi 9737. SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHfr: School Teachers Cooperative House Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE Buildin~ Society Umited Delhi since 1975; DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

(b) if so, whether necessary pennission (a) whether various high powered had been taken by them to hold these of- committees have from time to time rec- fices; ommended higher pay scaies for the tech- nical staff of the Central Hindi Directorate (c) if not, the action taken against them and Commission for Scientific and Techni- for violating the conduct rules; cal Terminologyi: and (d) whether as office-bearers of the so- ciety they are pursuing more than 100 (b) if so, the reasons for not imple- cases in different courts initiated by them menting the recommendations so far? besides attending to other work of the so- ciety; THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- (e) whether Government have also re- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUftMN RE- ceived reports that their assets have over SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. the years grown disproportionately to their SHAH I): (a) and (b). In April, 1980, a lawful income; Committee recommended a running scale of pay for the technical staff of Central (f) whether Government have also re- Hindi Directorate and Commission for Sci· ceived complaints about the~r most unsat- entific and Technical Terminorogy. Gov- isfactory performance of their teaching du- ernment found, after due examination of aU ties; and aspects of the matter, that this recommen- dation could not be accepted. The IV Pay (g) if so, the action proposed to be Commission has not also recommended taken against them? higher pay scales for the technical staff of Central Hindi Directorate/Comolission for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- Scientific and Technical Terminology. PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- Installation of Telephones in Rooms of SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. Senior Doctors in Dr. Ram Manohar SHAH'): (a) Yes Sir. Lohia Hospital .

(b) and (c). No permission is necessary for being office-bearers of such society. 9738. SHRI DHANUSHKOOr ATHITHAN: Will the Minister of .HEAlTH (d) As per Delhi Administration, this so- AND fAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: ciety has engaged the services of a legal advisor/pleader. (a) what is the capacity of the Tele- 137 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers 138 phone fxchange installed at Dr. Ram [Trans/ation J Manohar lohia Hospital, New Delhi; Anti-Mosquito Fogging in Delhi (b) whether t~e telephones installed in the rooms of senior doctors years ago, have been disconnected recently; 9740. SHRI,\ttATI VI DYAVATI CHATURVEDI: Will the Minister of (c) if so, the reasons therefor; and HEALTH AND FMtllY WELFARE be pleased to state: - (d) the steps Government propose to take to have the full utilisation of the Tele· (a) whether anti-mosquito fogging phone Exchange and instal the telephone through motor vans has been discontinued again the rooms of senior doctors? in the Union Territory of Delhi; and

THE MINISTER OF STATE iN THE- MIN· (b) if not, the area-wise num~r of such ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fAMilY WELFARE motor vans used for this purpose at pre- (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) 30 junc- sent in Delhi and the details in this regard? tions and 300 extensions. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- (b) to (d). No telephones were discon- ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE nected from the rooms of senior doctors (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). recently. The telephone exchange of Dr. As per the information received from Mu:' Ram Manohar lohia Hospital is being fully nicipal Corporation of Delhi, antimosquit~. utilised. fo~ing through motor vans has not Qeen discontinued in the Union Territory of Fast Express Train between Rourkela and Delhi. Bhubaneswar via Chakradharpur and Tatanagar At present, 16 fogging machine on mo- tor van have been put into operation. 9739. SHRI SRIBAlLAV PANIGRAHI: Zone-wise distribution is as under.·- SHRI RADHAKANTA DIGAL: C.L Zone 2 wm the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Shahdara 2

West Zone 3 (a) whether there is any proposal to in- City Zone troduce a fast express train between 1 Rourketa and Bhubaneswar via Chakrad· Najafgarh harpur and Tatanagar, 1 Narela (b) if so, whether the proposal is pro- 1 posed to be implemented during 1988-89; New Delhi and 2

South & Mehrauli 1 (c) tf notl the reasons therefor? Headquarter THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- 3 ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO (one machine is regularly operating for SCIND1A): (a) No, Sir. SP & KB Zone from HQ strength) (b) Does not arise. {English] (c) Adequate travel facilities are available Rail Facilities ~n Punjab at present. 9741. SHRI KAMAL CHAUDHRY: Win 139 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 140

the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to approved for indusion in the RailwaysJ state: Works Programme.

(a) whether railway services have been (c) Not available yet. increased during the last two years ending December, 1987 in Punjab; /English}

(b) whether there is any increase in the Extension of Venad Express upto Palghat number of trains and carrying capacity of passengers as catnpared to that during the 9743. SHRI P A ANTONY: Will the period prior to the last t\vo years; and Minister of RAI LWAvs be pleased to state:

(c) if so, the details thereof? (a) whether there is any proposal to ex- teond the Venad Express from Shoranur to THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Pa~ghat (Kerala); and ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCJNDIA): (a) to (c). A review is undertaken \b) if so, when it is likely to be ex- for train services in every area tv-lice in a tended? year. As a result, services are aug mentedjcurtailed according to the traffic THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- requirements, During last two years two ISTRY OF RAIL\-VAYS (SHRI MAOHAVRAO pair of trains, one between ludhiana ano SCltroIA): (a) No, Sir. Firozpur and another between ludhaana- New Dellhi have been provided, serving (b) Does not arise. Punjab. Halt at Pulluru (SCR) [frans/ation J 9744. SH RI C SAMBU: Will the Minister Over Bridge at Sagar of RAILWAYS be pleased to state=

9742. SHRI NANDLAl CHOUDHARY: (a) whether there is any proposal to set Win the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased up a New Railway Halt at 'Pullum' to state: (Domakal Junction to Bhadrachafam Road) of South. Central RailV\f.ay; and (a) whether final approval has been ac- corded to the construction of an over (b) If so, the details thereof? bridge on the railway crossing near Kalpana Bhavan and Rahatgarh Bus Stand in Sagar THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN .. city, 'STRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRJ MADHAVRAO SCINDIA): (a) No, Sir.

(b) if not, the reasons therefor, and (b) Does not arise. '" (c) the estimated cost of this over [Translation J bridge? Award of "Arjuna Award" THE MINISTER Of STATE Of THE MIN- ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO ~INDIA): fa) 'and (b). A proposal for the 9745. SHRIKAU PRASAD PANDEY: Will rvad-over-bridge in question is presently the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE ... under preparation, jointly by the Railway VElOPMENT be pleased to state: and State authorities. After it it finalised and the State Govemment sponsors the (a) whether Govemment's attention has work for being taken UP, duly agreeing to been drawn to the news item appeari", in share the cost theteoft the work wiD be the daily 'Jansatta' dated 18 january,. 1988 141 Written Answers VArSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 142 under the caption 'Arjun Award Kushti ke (c) if so, the details thereof? munch Par Tamacha'; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· (b) if so, the reasons for which Arjuna PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl· Award has not been given to any of the TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- wrestler; SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. SHAHI): (a) The percentage of girls se~ (c) whether Governnlent propose to lected for admission to Navodaya honour any of the wrestler with this award Vidyalayas so far is 18%. who show good performance in various in- ternational / national wres tling competitions (b) and (c). Yes, Sir. The Scheme envis· with a view to encouri'ge wrestlers and ages that efforts will be made to ensure wrestling and if not, thf' reasons therefor; that at least one-third of the students in and each Navodaya Vidyalaya are girls. Separate hostel for gins and lady warden (d) the criteria laid down for giving are already provided towards this end. Arjuna Award? Wider publicity to make rural parents aware of the salient features of the $cherne THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE· is proposed to be given to attract more PARTMENTS OF YC)UTH AFFAIRS AND girls for admission into the Navodaya SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE· Vidyalayas VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU· MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SMT. Co-Operative Societies for allotment of MARGARET ALVA): (a) Yes Sir. Bookstalls

(b) to (d). A:-juna Award is conferred on 9747. SHRI RNv\ASH~Y PRASAD outstanding sports persons every year. To SINGH: \Vitl the Minister of RAIL\VAYS be be eligible for the Arjuna Award, the sports pleased to refer to the reply given on 24· person should have consistently outstand- March, 1988 to Unstarred Question No. ing perfonnance during three years pre.. 469--1 regarding co-operative societies for ceeding the year of award at na- allotment of bookstalls and state the rea- tional/international level with exce!lence of sons for not fIXing the number of actual a high degree during the year of the Award. workers/vendors required for genuine A Selection Committee is constituted to bookstall co-operative society as was done consider the nominations received from in the case of vending/catering cooperative National Sports Federations for grant of society? " Arjuna Awards. The Selection Committee had considered nominations received from THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Wrestling Federation of India for grant of ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADtiAVRAO Arjuna Award for 1986 but did not find any SCINDIA):, Railways have not fix~ any nominee suitable. minimum membership for Cooperative So- cieties for bookstalls, as this was not con- (English] sidered necessa:ry. However/ such Societies are governed by the State legislations for Cirl Students in Navodaya Vidyalayas registration of Societies which may pre- scribe minimum membership. 9746. SHRIMATI USHA CHOUDHARY: Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVE LOPMENT be pleased to state: [TTans/ation}

.. (a) the percentage of girls admitted in Peiselisatiqn of Ludhiana-Dhanbad Navodaya Vidyalayas, in the country so fac Express (b) whether Government propose to 9748. SHRI NIRMAl KHATTRI: Will the take steps to increase the pe.untasei and Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: 143 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 144

(a) whether there is any proposal to (b) Intake of Iodine fortified salt is the dieselise ludhiana-Dhanbad Express on simple and cheapest method for the con- Northern Railway; and trol of Goitre and other Iodine Deficiency Disorders. The Government has launched a (b) if not, the reasons therefor? national programme for the control of Goitre and other I DO through iodisation of THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- the entire edible salt in the country in a ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI IvtADHAVRAO phased manner by the year 1992. Adequate SCINDIA): (a) and (b). The service has quantity of iodised salt is being provided to since been dieselised on Northem Railway the endemic areas in the country including w.eJ. 1-4-88. Delhi.

(c) The UNICEF assisted the Delhi Ad- [English} ministration in conducting an Iodine Defi- ciency Disorder Control (I DOC) workshop Iodine Deficiency among Delhites in Delhi. Also assistance has been rendered for 10 Orientation programmes for the 9749. SHRI KAMLA PRASAD SINGH: school Health staff from Delhi on tOOe SHRINtATI USHA CHOUDHARY: being organised by the Director of H eafth Services, Delhi. Will the Minister of HEAlTH AN D FAM- ILY WELFARE be pleased to state: Modern Vessels for Inter-Island Service in Andaman and Nicobar Islands (a) whether 30 per cent of Delhi's pop- ulat, 1 is prone to iodine deficiency disor- 9750. SHRI K RAMM-tURTHY: Will the ders' (I DO) and over three lakh school chil- Minister of SURfACE TRANSPORT be ~ren have goitre; pleased to state the steps being taken to run modem and well-equipped small ves- (b) what comprehensive programme to sels between different islands in Andaman control goitre is being worked out if so, the and N icobar Islands for attracting tourists? details thereof, and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- 1c) the detaifs of assistance given by the ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- United Nations I ntemational Children's JESH PILOn: The Andaman & Nicobar Emergency Fund (UNICEF) for control of Admn. has placed orders -for '5 vessels of goitre in Delhi? different types for carrying passengers on the inter-island sector. A private company THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- has been permitted to start a Hydrofoil ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fNvtllY WELFARE Boat Service on the inter-island sector of (KUrvtARI SAROj KHAPARDE): (a) Sample. Andaman & Nicobar Islands. surveys conducted by the Dte. Geheral of H~lth Services have revealed that nearly Vehicle Fitness Certificate 29% of population examined, in Delhi suf- fered from Iodine Deficiency Disorders. 9751. PROF. SAIF-UD-DIN SOZ: Will The All India Institute of Medica' Sciences the Minister if SURfACE TRANSPOJIT be has also conducted survey in the Chandni pleased to state: Chowk and Kalka;i areas which revea\ed that about 55% of the school children ex- (a) whether all vehicles, including tem~ amined suffered from various Iodine Defi- pos, matadors and' other light. commercial ciency Disorders. Yet another survey con- vehicles are required to obtain fitness cer- ducted by the Institute of Nudear Medicine tificate in Delhi and other States annUally; & Allied Sciences showed that 20% of the school children examined suffered from (b) whether vehicles owners are pen various grades of Goitre and other Iodine 29 days time to get the required certificate Deficiency Disorders. after the expiry of previous ORe; 145 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 146

(c) whether after the expiry of 29 clear fied by the various State Governments for days, the Transport Authorities in Delhi the location of these institutes? refuse to give fitlless certificates and chal: Ian vehicles without any fault and owners THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE .. asked to first clear the challan from the PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- court, where heavy fines are imposed TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. (d) if so, whether a number of represen~ SHAHI) (a) and (b). Proposals have been tations have been received in this regard; received from a few State Governments for and setting up some institutions of engin- neering and technology. These are under (e) if so, the remedial measures pro~ consideration. The question of identifica- posed to be taken in the matter. tion of sites will arise only after the pro- posals are approved by the All India THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN~ Council for Technical Education (AlCTE). ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA· JESH PilOn: (a) As per Section 38 of the M.V. Act, 1939, the fitness certificate is Delay of IA flights during winter due to mandatory for all transport vehicles. The Fog validity period prescribed by the State Governments varies from State to State and 9753. SHRI SUBHASH YADAV: Will the the type of vehicle. In Delhi, the fitness cer· Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to tmcate is granted for two years at the time state: of fresh registration, annually for subse- quent eight years and every six months af· (a) the number of Indian Airlines' flights ter completion of 10 years. delayed during the winter season due to the fog; (b) and (c). Yes, Sir. Delhi Administration allows this grace period for (b) whether there is any proposal to obtaining renewal of fitness certificates. In 1:hange time scheduJe of the Indian Airlines' the event of non-renewal within this time, Flights in winter in view of fog; and... prosecution procedings are launched under Section 123 read with section 112 of the (c) if not, the reasons thereof? Motor Vehicles Act, 1939. The composition fee charged is Rs.50j. where the challan THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MlN- beyond grace period is not more than 3 ISTRY OF LABOU~ (SHRI jACDISH months, and Rs.1 00/. if it exceeds 3 lYTlER): (a) Indian Airlines does not main- months but ;s within 6 months. tain separate statistical data regardi", delays due to fog. Delays due to .. are (d) No, Sir. classified alongwith delays due to bad weather. During the Winter Se.lson (e) Does not arise. (October 1987 to January 1988) 82l Indian Airlines flights were delayed due to bad Institutes of Engineering and Technology weather.

9752. SHRI HAR1HAR SOREN: Will the (b) and (c). The delays due to fo&Ibad Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEl· weather are constantly monitored by In- OPMENT be pleased to state: dian Airlines and wherever feasible chanpI are effected in the time schedules in order (a) whether Government have a pro- to reduce delay. posal to set up some Institutes of Eng ... neering and Technology in the country during this year, and

(b) if so, the details of the sites identi.. 9754. SHRI RADHAKANTA llCA1.: YM 147 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 148

the Minister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased (c) The allocation made for purchase of to state: Vitamin 'A' and 'ron folic Add tablets/liquid during 1988-89 is Rs. 700.00 (a) whether Government have a pro- lakhs. posal to connect Lakshadweep with Madras by Vayudoot service; (d) Yes, Sir.

(b) if S0, the date from which Vayudoot (e) The Ministry purchases it. lA' as per service is proposed to be introduced be- reqUlrements against DGS&D rate contract tween lakshadweep and Madras; and and supplies the same to States/Union Territories as per the target fixed in half (c) the steps taken in that direction? yearly instalrnents through medical store depots located at Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Hyderabad and Madras. ISTRY OF lABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH fflLER): (a) to (c). With effect from 24th Air Service to Major Tourist Centres April, 1988 Vayudoot has already started operating services on the route Madras- 9756. PROF. P~. KURlfN: WilLthe Mir.- Coimbatore-Cochll1-Agattl and back. Ister of CIVIL AViATION be pleased ~o state-l Purchase of Vitamin 'A' Medicines 9755. SHRI SANTOSH KUfv1AR SINGH: (a) whether there IS a plan to link I •• ajar tourist centres In the country by air service Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE be pleased to state: with all state capitals;

(b) if so, the details thereof; (a) whether his Ministry is purchasing Vitamin 'A' finished medicines for National (c) the names of the State Capitals Health Programmes; IlI1ked with major tourist centres at pre- sent; and (b) if so, the quantity purchased during the-last three years, year-wise; (d) the time by which the linking is likely to be done? (c) the allocation made for purchase of this medicine during 1988-89; THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH (d) whether this medicine is c'istributed nTl£R): (a) to (d). A number of major free of cost under the programme; and tounst centres have already been airlinked directly or through intemlediate points (e) the details thereof? with State -capitals where adequate infras- tructural facilities for operation of air ser- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- vice and sufficient tourist traffic exist. ISTRY Of HEALTH AND F~llY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a). Yes, Sir. All State capitals except the following ,are airlinked: (b). The quantity purchased during the State last three years are as follows:-- Capital

Arunachal Pradesh ltanagar Period Lakh bottles of 100 ml each Nagaland Kohinla Sikkim Cangtok

1985-86 14.00 In the absence of aerodrome at these 1986-87 10.50 capitals, ltanagar is served by North 1987·88 9.70 Lakhimpur (Ulabari), Kohima by Dimapur ~d Cangto~ by Bagdogra. . 149 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Written Answers 150

Passengers desirous of travelling from (b) if so, the details thereof; and state capitals !o the major tourist centres can, therefore, avail of connectil'g setvices. (c) the measures taken to help the growers and farnlers?

Population of Indian Wild Ass THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN· iSTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) and (b). It 9757. SHRI R. M. SHOVE: Wilt the :s reported by the State Government of N\inister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS Punjab that a large number of farmers have ,b:~ pleased to state: planted Eucalyptus on their lands and it is estimated that by the year 1990 thirty lakh (a) whether population of the Indian tonnes of wood is likely to becon1e mar- "/iJd ass has considerably decreased in the ketable. country; (c) (1) The State Government (b) if so, the latest estimated population have prepared a Project of the J ndian wild ass, State-wise; and for a pap~r mHl at Goind- \'val which \vill use (c) the steps proposed to be taken by Bagasse and Euc.alyptus Government to save these rare species \vood as raw lllatenal frorn extinction? (2) The State Forest DeveJ- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN· opnlent Corporation has 'STRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS been directed to purchase (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) No, Sir. . timber from farmers for manufacture of furniture (b) According to the last enumeration and sawn tinlber for ur- d one in 1983, there are 1989 wild asses In ban/ rural housing and the Great and Little Ranns of Kachhch In packing cases. Cujarat, its only home ;n the Wild, as com- pared with 720 animals counted In 1976; (3) The State Government 362 animals counted in 1969; 860 enumer- has n~gotlated supply of ated in 1962 and approximately 4000 estl- pulp\\'ood to a paper nlill l11ated in 1956. at lalkuan (Uttar Pradesh l and timber for pl)'\vood (c) Steps taken to protect the Indian units if' the State Wild Ass include establishment of two sanctuaries covering 12,460 sq. kms.in the Performance of Orissa Under Girls (~reat and Uttle Ranns of Kachhch; grant of Education central assistance for the development of these sanctuaries, provision of water and f'ldder during the dry season and giving full 9759. SHRI CH I NTAMAN I JENA: Wilt !~gal protection to the species under the the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE- Wild life (Protection) Act, 1972. . VELOPMENT be pleased to state;

elut of Eucalyptus Wood in Punjab (a) whether in the meeting of National Development Council it was stressed that there was poor performance under the ed- 9758. SHRI YASHWANTRAO CADAKH ucation of girts in certain States including PATIL: Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT Orissa; AND fORESTS be pleased to state: (b) the details of the suggestions made (a) whether there is glut of eucalyptus in the Council to solve the problem of edu- wood in Punjab; cation among girls; and 151 Written Answers MAYS, 1988 Written AnswetS 1S2

(c) the steps being taken to implement (iii) 'Similarly, assistance to those suggestions and to provide educa- . educationally backward tion faciliti~ for girls in tribal areas partic- States has been given since ularly in Orissa? Vlth Plan for appointment of women teachers to pro- THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE- mote girl's enrolment on PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- 80% Central assistance ba- TURE IN THE MINISTRY QF HUMAN RE- sis. Now Under Operation SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. Blackboard, the single SHAtsl): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. In the docu- teacher primary schools are menrMid-Term Appraisal', there was a being given a second mention that the progress of enrolment of teacher preferably a girls in Classes I to IV is poor in Orissa in woman. Central assistance the first 3 years of the Plan. The Chief Min- under this scheme \s being ister of Orissa suggested that provision of a given on 100% basis. larger number of boarding schools in tribal areas would help in increasing enrolment (iv) A scheme of Hostels for and in reducing the drop-out rate. girls is being implen)ented by the Ministry of Welfare (c) 1he following steps have been taken for SC /ST and the expendi- to improve educational facilities for girls in ture is being shared by.the States/Union Territories including Orissa: Centre and the State Gov- emments on 50:50 basis.

1. (i) Education upto Clsss VIII (v) In the state sector, many for girls is already free in States are implementing most States/UTs in Gov- schemes for free uniforms ernment, aided and local to girls, mid-day nleals, free body schools. Under the textbooks, attendance Scheme'Recruitment of Tu- scholarships with partial ition fee charged from girls coverage. The coverage is in Classes IX to XII to sought to be continually in- States/UTs' reimbursement creased. is being made for making education free for girls in Classes IX to XII. The girls 2. To encourage literacy in n r ... 1, adivasis and back- .among women particularly ward areas and belonging in rural and tribal areas in to weaker section will also the age group 15-35: be benefitted by this scheme. 0) States/UTs have been re- quested to ensure that at (ii) For increasing girl's enrol- least 50% of the learners in ment in the scheme or non- the adult education centres formal education under are women. The target fixed which financial assistance is for enroln)ent of adult edu- given to ten educationally cation centres for SC/ST is backward States including 30% and 16% respectively. Orissa the Central assis- tance is provided on 90: 1 0 (ii) Priority is given to the basis for establishment of opening of adult educaton non-formal education cen- centres predominantly in tres exclusively for girls in rural and adivasi areas '0 educationally backward haVing literacy rate below States. the national average in 1S3 Written Answers VAJSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAAI\) Written Answers 154

,general and female adult commercial prop0S4l has been submitted literacy in particular. by the Centre for Rail~ay I nformation Sys- tems (CRIS) Jor assisting them in develop- (iii_) St~tes/UTs have been re- ment of a computerised passenger reserva- quested to locate adult ed- tion system. ucation centres on the basis of Scheduled Cas'e/ Centre for Railway I nformation Systems Scheduled Tribes concen- and Rail India Technical and Economic Ser- trations as far as possible. vices ltd. (RITES) have jointly quoted for development of a seat, ticketing and reser- (iv) The scheme of assistance to vation system on the State Railways of voluntary agencies working Thailand in response to a pre-qualification in the field of adult educa- bid. tion has been modified to make such agencies eligible Incentives to Doctors Engaged in Leprosy for grants-in-aid even if they Eradication run only 5 centres as against the general 9761. SHllt H.B. PATll: Will the Minis- minimum of 15 centres. ter of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: Consultancy Abroad on Computerisation of Passenger Reservation Services (a) whether Union Government have advised State Covernments to offer incen- 9760. SHRJ YASHWANTRAO GADAKH tives to doctors and para medical person- PATH_: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be nel for continuing the work for curing lep- pleased to state: rosy patients; and

(a) whether the Railway Information (b) if SOl the details thereof? Centre has been approached by Indonesia and Thailand for consultancy on the com- THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN· I puterisatlon of passenger reservation ser- ISTRY OF HEALTH & FAMilY WELFARI I vices; and (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir.

(b) if so, the details thereof? (b) The details of incentive given to doc tors and para medical personnel working i THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- leprosy eradication programtne are given i ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO the Statement below. This incenti,!:e is rl SCINDIA): (a) and (b). At the request of In- stricted to only endemic districts taken l donesian State Railways, a technical and for multi drug treatment (MDT).

STATEMENT Incentives: Incentives to be paid for staff working in multidrug Treatment Districts Covering population of 20,00,000 In Multidrug Treatment, different categories of staff have to carry on additional a demanding duties starting from very early morning. Hence 'it is considered essential .provide additional incentives subject to the satisfactory periomlance of duties. . The following shall be the rates of incentives to be paid to the different categories of sta Staff: Total per annU.n St~te-level 1 2

(i) State leprosy Officer 1 @ Rs.60x5x12 3;600.00 155 Written Answers 1\-'\.1\ Y 5 .. 1988 Written Answers 156 ------1 2

(ii) JointJDy.Director involved 1 @ Rs.60x5x12 3,600.00

(iii) I:pidemiologist (State) 1 @ Rs.60x5x12 3,600.00

District level

(i) District Leprosy Officer 1 @ Rs SOO/-p.m 6,000.00

(ii) tv\edical Officers 5 @ Rs 400/-p.m 24,000.00

(iii) Physiotherapist @ Rs 300/-p.m 3,600.00

(iv) .Non-medical Supervisors 24 @' Rs 30D/-p.m 86,400.00

(v) Health Educaturs 6 @ Rs 250/-p.nl 18,000.00

(vi) lab-T echmcians 6 @ Rs 250/-p.1ll 18,000.00

(vii) Statistical Asst. 1 @ Rs 200/-p.m 3,000.00

(viii) Computer 1 @ Rs 200/-p.m

(ix) leprosy Inspector/ NN\A/PMW 100 @ Rs :2(JOj-p.m 2/40,000.00 1 or more (Q Rs 300 1-p.nl

(ix) Drivers - 1 O( 6 in 200x6x12 14,400.00 service) -(2 daiJy \-\-'ages) 01 Rs 25/- 16,800 per diem) 28 days a month (-2 Central Casual) 6 days including 3,600,00 night halt @l Rs 25/- per diem)

(x) Peon-cum-Night Guard-cum Messenger-d 5,760.00 -(6 in service @ aO/-p.m) -(2 daily wages @ Rs 10/. per 6,720.00 die{H 28 days a month

(xi) Sweepers-2-@ Rs 20/- per diem for -4 days 1,920.00

Office Staff (District Office and Leprosy Control UnIts)

(i) UDC 6 @ Rs 150/-p.1ll x 6x12 10,800.00

(ii) lDe 6'@ Rs 100/-p.m x 6x12 7,200.00

(iii) Store keeper 1 @ Rs 1S0/-p.m x 1x12 1,800.00

(iv) Cashier/Accountant 1 @ Rs. lS0/-p.m x lx12 1,800·2{2 4, 83 000.00 - l I 157 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKc\: Written Answers 158

1 2

Sample surveY-QJm-Assessment Teanl for EpidemiologIst·

(Average 15 days per month including night halt for first 4 months in each year)

(i) Senior/Junior Medical Officer 1 @ Rs 60/40/-per d.enl 2,400.00 x 15x4

Oi) Senior/Junior NMS 1 @ Rs 25/20/-per diem 1J500.00 x 15x4

(iii) PMW 4 @ Rs iO/-per diem x 4,800.00 15x4

(iv) lab-T echmcian 1 @ Rs 20/-per diem x 1,200 00 15x4

(v) Stat. Assistant 1 @ Rs 20/-per diem x 1,200.00 15x4

(vi) Computor 1 @ Rs 20I-per dlenl x 1,200_00 15x4

(vii) Driver 1 @ Rs 20/-per diem x ' 1,200.00 15x4

(vi;;) Peon 1 @ Rs lSI-per dlen) x 900.00 15x4

State Leprosy Office (Consolidated for all Dlstncts)

UDC-1, LDC-l, Stat. @) S80/-pm 6,960.00 Asst.-l, Computor-l, NMS-l and Peon-l ... Total 5,04,360.00

•Total amount of expenditure may vary. depending upon the size of the district. Some categones like Physiotherapist are N on-nledical Supervisor. I n such States, having different scales of pay in different the Health Edllcator shari be paid sanle in- states. Hence their services shall be utilised centive as NOIl-nled,cal Supervisor. in the corresponding category like N 011- medical Supervisor or Para-nledical Worker depending on the scales of pay prevailmg in the State. They shall be paid incentive Review Comnlittee on the Working of eligibfe for the category ;n which their ser- 1.1. Is vices are utilised. This principle shall be ex- tended to any other categories not nlen- tioned. 9762. DR. B. L. SHAllESH: Will the Min- In some States, the category of Health ister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP- Educator receives the same scale of pay as MENT be pleased to state: 1 S9 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 160

(a) whether the Indian Institutes of (e) the modalities worked out in this Technology meant to be the centres of ex- behalf? ceIJence in engineering education, have ~llen on lean days; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY Of LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH (b) if so, the reasons therefor; lYTlER): (a) During 1987-88, Air India is likely to incur a net loss of Rs.44.00 crores. (c) whether the Review Committee studied their working and suggested ways (b) Main reasons for the toss of Air India to restore them to, their glory; were:

(d) if so, the salient recommendations (i) Fall in yields leading to drop in rev- made by this Review Committee; and enue;

(e) the action taken thereon by Gov~ (ii) higher depreciation and interest; emment? (iii) intense competition from other THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- carriers; PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUtv\AN RE- (iv) detention of one Airbus aircraft by SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. Nigerian Authorities in August- SHAH'): (a) to (e). The review Committee October, 19B7... etc. which reviewed the work and progress of Indian Institutes of Technology has ob- (c) Air India has taken the follOWing served that they have by and large fulfilled steps to reduce losses: tJ:le golls set for them. The 74 recommen- dations made by the Review Committee in- 1) To improve the product, faster non- clude suggestions for consolidating these stop services have been introduced Institutes and for further improving their from 15th February, 1988; academic and research activities, interac- tion with indust.ry and other R&D sectors, 2) Cround handling and infllght ser- and finance and management stn.tcture.. vices are being improved; Necessary action is an progress to process the recommendations. 3) Special cell has been created for business class traffic with a view to Loss Suffered b, Air India improve the yields;

9763. DR. B. L SHAl LESH: 4) In order to augment the fleet, two SHRI KAU PRASAD PANDEY: Boeing 747-300 (Combi) aircraft are being acquired in October/ Will the Minister of CIVil AVIATION be November, 1988; pleased to state: 5) Increased marketing and sales ef- (a) the lose sustained by Air-India during forts by ensuring prompt and effi- the year 1987-88; cient resp,onse to customer needs and computerisation of cargo ser- (b) the reasons thereof; vices.

(c) the steps proposed to make up this 6) Compnterisation to link up agen- loss; cies with reservation system over next one year. (d) whether Air-India proposes to set up profit ct:11s at various stations abroad to 7) Introduction of automatic baggage regulate and monitor' the performance of labelling / and boarding pass to the station concerned; and speed up passeoger handling. 161 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers 162

(d) and (e). Profit Committees have SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to been set up at Regional Headquarters level state: to review all the costs and ftod out ways and means to increase revenue. No dis- (a) 8le number of Navodaya Vidyalayas count or incentives are recommended to likely to be opened during the year 1988· any agent till it has the concurrence of the 89, State,..wise; above said Committee. Monitoring of food uplifts to ensure economy in catering ex- (b) whether there is any proposal to penditure/ Optimum utilisation of existing open such Vidyalayas in ad ivas i areas also; strength, monitoring expenditure on give- and aways, publicity and transoportation ser- vice contracts, fixation of fare levels conl- (c) if so, the details thereof? mensurate with competitive environment for better market share, optimum utilisa- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- tion of space allocation for high yield traffic, PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- economy in leasing of office and residential TURE IN THE" INJSTRY OF HUMAN RE- accommodatiol'l and crew related expenses SOURCE DEVEl.OPMENT (SHRi LP. are some of the functions of this Commit- SHAHI): (a) to (c). A statement showing tee. State-wise number of Navodaya Vidyalayas likely to be opened during the year 1988- Navodaya Vidyalayas During 1988·89 89 is given below. The Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme envisages the establishment of, on 9764. SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: an average, one Vidyalaya in each district of SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA: the country, including adivasi areas, during the Seventh Five Year Plan period, in a Will the Minister of HUMAN R{- phased'manner.


State-wise location of the Navodaya Vidya/ayas likely to be opened during 1988-89

SI.No. Name of the States/ No.ofVidya- Location UTs Jayas to be opened

1 2 3 4

1. Andhra Pradesh 3 1. ViiI. Vennelvalasa Distt. Srikakulam 2. Viii. Pedavegi, Disst. West Godavari 3. Viii. Venugopalapuram Distt. Vizianagaram

2. Bihar 1 1. Kolasi (pt.site) and Kodha Tern. site Distt. Kathihar

3. Daman & Diu 1 1. Viii. Kachigaon in Distt. Daman

4. Delhi 1 1. Viii. Katewada in Kanjwala Block, Delhi 163 Written Answers MAYS, 1988 Written An~er.s 164 T

1 2 3 4

5. Goa 1 1. Viii. Valoplln Sattari Taluka, North Goa

6. Haryana 3 1. ViiI. Titram, Distt. Kurukshetra 2. ViiI. Devarala, Distt. Bhiwani 3. Vill. ~reeara Disft. Narnaul

7. .. Kerala 3 1. Viii. Mayannur, Distt. T richur 2. Vill. Agali, Distt. Palaghat 3. ViiI. Oorakam, Distt. Malappuram

8. Kamataka 2 1. Hondrabala Colony, VHJ. Nellur, Distt. Mysore 2. VIII. Golla Halli .. Distt. T umkur 9. lakshadweep 1 1. Mmifoy Island

10. Madhya Pradesh 8 1. Shampur, Distt. Sehore 2. Junapani, Qistt. Khargone 3. Kachmaria, Distt. Rajgarh -Y. ViiI. Khinya Devat Distt Cuna 5. Viii. Beekar, Distt. • Datia 6. Viii. Manpur, Distt. Morena 7. ViiI. Nawgaon, Distt. Chatterpur 8. Viii. Multhan, Distt. Dhar

Man'pur 3 " Viii. Khumbong, Distt. Imphal 2. VIII. Monshang, Distt. Chandel 3. Viii. lumbui, Distt. Ukhurl 165 Written Answers VAlSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKAl Written Answers 166

1 2 3 4

12. Orissa 1 1. Betnote {fem. Site) Salbani (pt.site) Distt. Mayourbhanj

13. Punjab 2 1. ViiI. Maseethan, Disrt. Kapurthala 2. Viii. Sanduan Distt. Ropar

1. I 14 Rajasthan 6 Vill. Maiawan, Distt. Ganganagar 2. Vilt. Tilwasani Distt. Jodhpur 3. Viii. Chan Distt. Tonk 4. Viii. Pachpahar, Distt. J halwar 5. Viii. Kharthal, Distt. Alwar 6. Viii. Jojavar Oist. Pali.

15. Tripura 3 1. VIII. Blrchandra Nagar, South Distt. t. Viii. Tuichintraibari West Distt. 3. North Distt.

16. Uttar Pradesh 10 1. Viii. Devana, Distt. Gonda 2. Vill. Majakhas, Distt. Allahabad 3. Ville Dhungir, Distt. Uttarkashi 4. Viii. Bahadurp~ur Distt. Basti 5. Viii. Paigapn, Distt. Mathura 6. Viii. Khurrampur, Distt. Ghaziabad 7. Gramsabha-Akbargang, Distt. Sitapur 8.- ViII. Kollara Kalan, Distt. Agra, 9. Viii. Kalimatti, Distt. Unnao 1 ,. ViII. Baghra, Oistt Muzaffar Napr 167 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answe1s 1.68

Ircon Contracts in other Countries tries at present aiso and if so the details thereof? 9765. SHRI R. M. BHOYE: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN .. ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI tvtADHAVRAO (a) the details of railway contracts ob. SCINDIA): (a) The details of railway can· in c~un· tained during the last three years of the tracts secured by I RCON foreign Indian Railways Construction Company tries during the last 3 years are gwen in the Limited in other countries; and statement·' below. (b) Construction of railway pre jects is (b) whether the construction work of presently in progress in some sountries, as railway projects IS going on in some ~oun- per details given in statement II below.

STATEMENT·I Details of railway contracts secured by JRCON in foreign countries during the last 3 years



1. Supply of vacuum brake fittIngs Rs. 0.05 crore


1. Maintenance & C0l11nlissioning of Rs.1 crore locomotives supplied by Mis Franco Rail and A. N. F. Industries



1. Supply of Batteries Rs. 0.016 crore


1. Supply of Brake Fittings Rs. 0.19' crore

2. Setting up of a C ')ncrete Sleeper Rs. 2.75 crores Plant


1. Aqaba Workshop Extension Project Rs. 5.07 crores


1. Supply of pre--stressing wtre for Rs. 0.07 crore Concrete Sleeper factory


1. Supply of 4.2 million efT of 3.23 crores Railway Track Ballast 169 Written Answers VA1SAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 170

2. Supply of Workshop Machinery Rs. 0.612 crore


1. .eTC Radio and Block Signalling for Rs. 9.12 crores Zambia Railways.


Det~jls of railway projects in progress in foreign countries


1. . Maintenance & Conlmissioning of Rs.1 crare locomotioves supplied by Mis Franc~ Rail and A.N.f. Industries. 2. Constructjon' of High speed Branch Rs.13?- ('rares line to Ill-Muthana Cement Factory in Iraq. (Main work con\pleted-project UI~er maintenance period).


3. Aqaba Workshop Extension Project. ~..s.07, crores


4. SEtting up of a Concrete Sleeper Plant Rs~2.75 crores


5. CTC Radio and Block signatting fOI ZanllJla Rs.9.12 crores Railways.


6. Construction of Standard Guage Railway Line- Rs.81 crores to serve Cenlent Plant at Benisaf (22 killS), Algeria. (Main work completed - project under maintenance period).

Saudi Arabia

7. Detailed design and construction of Major Rs.20 crores Maintenance Workshop at Dammam, Saud~ Arabia. ------~~------Development of Mangroves in (a) whether an action plan has been Sunderbans area formulated for the development, conversa- tion and management of mangroves in the Sunderbans area ;n West Bengal; 9766. SHRI SANAT KUMAR MANDAL, Will the Minister of ENVtRONMENT AN 0 (b) if so, . its broad features and the capi- FORESTS be pleased to state: ta' outlay involved; and 171 Written AnSweTS MAY 5,1988 Written Answers, 172

(c) the time by which the action plan is (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI): (a) Yes, Sir. likely to be implemented? (b) A statenlent is given below. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- (c) This is likely· to be in'plemented ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS within 1988-89.


The action plan consists ofmeasure for natural regeneration of the area, afforestation, setting up of nurseries, protection and watch programmes. Financial implication of the action plan is as folloM:-

Activity Amount (Rs,)

-6) Natural regeneration (200 ha~. 1.00.000

(ii) Afforestation (200 ha.) 16,00,000

(iii) Nurseries (9 Nos.) 4,50,000

(IV) Protection and watch programmes. 9,80,000

Total:~ 31,30,000

Of thisl Rs.1S.65 lakhs has been released during 1987-88. ~t/Replacement of Wagon THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ripplers at VlSakbapatnam port ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- .,67. SHRI BHATTAtv1 SRIRAMM-\UR1Y: JfSH PilOn: (a) No charges are due as on Wilihe Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT 31.3.1988 from the Minerai and Metal be pleased to state: Trading Corporation to Vlsakhapatnam Port Trust. (a) the charzes due from the Mineral and Metal Trading Corporation to the (b) The arrears due to be paid by _ Port Trust till date on the Visakhapatnam Port Trust to the Union ecpoIt cI iron ore; Government as on 31.3.1988 works out to Rs. 106.42 crores. (b) the arrears due to be paid by the Vesalchapatnam Port Trust to Uhion Cov .. (c) and (d). The two tipplers installed in emment tin date; 1965 have outlived their normal life. Based on the report of the consultants appointed (c) whether the frequent breakdowns in to improve the system performance both the two iron-ore wagon tipplers estab- short term and long term measures have lished in 1965 have disrupted. the move- been taken by the port. The short ·tenn ment of cargo; measure, which includes repairs and re .. placement of certain components, has (d) if so, the steps being taken to im- been completed by the Port in 1985 to prove or replace them and cost thereof; keep the tipplers operational. The tippling and system is able to tipple as many rakes as are received from the Railways and the (e) the capacity at which the third - scheduled export cargo movement has not pier" ..... and the proposal for its 1m- been diItuptId due to break-down of the pnwement, f any, .... 173 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 174

(e) The third Tippler performance has (d) The main incentives/concessions stabilised after attending to the teething offered for general cargo traffic including troubles. Three to {our rakes per day can tobacco are: rebate of 25% on wharfage on be tippled at present on the third Tippler cargoes of liner vessels upJo SOOO tonnes, which is considered reasonable. To im- free period upto 30 days for keeping the

prove the periormance furtherl the change goods in transit area in respect of import over system, from BOY to BOXN rakes is cargo, documentation formalities in a sim- being nlodified with motor operated hy- plified mahner to facilitate speedy and' ef- draulic pump in place of manually operated lp.ctive service to customers facility for pump. The Apron pan feeders which have passing export applications beyond normal not been perfornling satsfactorily are being working hours, maintenzr"lce of deposit ac- replaced by new units. counts of shippers/shipowners by the Port, ~ ousting -priority for berthing liner vessers Cargo Handled by Visakhapatnam Port Ii~ing cargoes upto 5000 tonnes per ~rip, etc. 9708. SHRI BHAT fM1 . SRIRANtA- MUR1Y: Will the Minister of SURFACE (e) The percentage of break bulk cargo TRANSPORT be pleased to state: n{oving in containers is increasing, but the decision whether to export or import in (a) the volume of cargo handJed by containers is made by the individual ex- porter or importer. Visakhapatnam Port during 1987-88;

(f) and Port (b) whether by 1990 the annual traffic is (g). Visakhapatnam Trust expected to go up; have sent a proposal for linking the pro- posed ICD at Hyderabad with the Port. (c) if so, the extent thereof and the The Ministry of Railways have expressed no source from which such increase is antici- problem in linking the said ICO to pated; Visakhapatnam Port provided there is enough movement of containers to form block rakes. (d) the incentive offered to attract T0- baceo Traffic from Cuntur and Anarparte etc. which is being exported presently through Madras Port; Introduction of more Tr~ns between Delhi and Ah~a~

(e) whether there are proposals for con- tainerising 60 percent of the cargo; 9769. SHRI Mt\RSINH ~"'fHAWA: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS·1e pleased (f) whether the Visakhapatnam Port to state: Trust staked a claim for being linked with the proposed inland container depot at (a) whether there is a great f1:lSh of pas- Hyderabad; and sengers between Defhi and Ahmedabad; and (g) if so, the reaction thereto? (b) if so~ whether Govemment propose THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- to run more trains on this track to ease the ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- situation 1 JESH PilOT): (a) The Visakhapatnam Port handled 15.371 million tonnes during THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- 1987·88. ISTRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SCI NOlA): (a)" a~d (d). Delhi and Ahmad .. (b) and (c). Based on the present trend, abad are being served by one pair of bi- the traffic is expected to go up by 1990 but weekly train on B.C. and <4 pairs on M.~ the extent of increase and its sources m These are considered adequate for the pre- not defm!tely bowr. now. sent level of traffic. Besides passensers can 175 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 W;itten Answers 176

also avail <;>f 6 pairs of B. C. train services by (b) whether the officers had cO.TIe to change over at Baroda. know in 198..Jp~5 itself that they would not be able to use these imported Inachines for Modification for Rules Procurement of the Institute; Foreign Vessels. (c) if so, the reasons for continued inl- 9770. SHRI ATISH CHANDRA SINHA: port of such machines in succeeding years Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT and keeping them idle; b& pleased to state: (d) \vhether these machines were (a) whether Government have nlodi- imported by the officers of the Institute fied/simplified certain rules pertaining to after establishing direct contacts; and procurement of foreign vessels; (e) whether Governrnent propose to get (b) if so, the details thereof; and these purchases enquir~d into by the CBI?

(c) how far this would help the Shipping THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tv'IN- Corporation of India to obtain quick ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fAMILY WELfARE pernlission to t11pdernise its fleet? (KUNtARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) (a) Yes, Sir.

I THE MINISTER Of. STATE OF THE MIN- (b) to (d). Necessary information giving ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- details of the equipillent/instruments JESH PilOT) (a) to (c). A revised conlposite which have been Iyang unused at the Post appJication fonll for acquisition of ships has Graduate Jnstitute of 1\1edlcal Education been devised. Applicant conlpany has to and Resf;: Chandigarh for various rea- apply simulaneously to Ministry of Finance, sons is indicated in the Statenlent laid on Shipping Credit & Investment Conlpany of the table of the House. [Placed in library. India, Director General of Shipping and See No. LT~6269/88J Ship Acquisition Licensing Committee of Ministry of Surface Transport. These agen- (e) No, Sjr. All the itenlS purchased were cies would exanline the application and first screened by the Sophisticated Equip- give their C0l11ments to Ship Acquisition ti- ments con1n1ittee of the I nstitute before censing Committee which \\'iII meet once n1aking its recommendations for purchase. every month and decide on the request. The purchase of these equipments was fi- The revised procedure will speed up the nally appro\led by the standing Purchase acquisition procedure. This procedure is COJlllllittee of the Institute. not applicable to Shipping Corporation of ... India a being Public Sector conlpanY. Taking over of Vishwayatan Yogashranll CRIY and eeRY by Government [Translation] 9772. SHRI BHATIM1 SHRIRAt\1A- Costly Equipnlents Lying Idle in P.GJ. MURlY: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND Chandigarh FANtILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

9771. SHRI BAlWANT SINGH (a) whether Vishwayatan Yogashrarn, RAMOOWAUA: Central Research Institute for Yoga and tilt::' SH RI RAfv1 ·DHAN: Central Council for Research ;n Yoga and Naturopathy were taken over by the Gov- Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAM- ernnlent; ILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (b) if so, \vhen and \vhat is the present (a) whether governl'nent are a\vare that positioil; some costly equ;pnlents are lying idle in Post Craduate Institute, Chandigrah as re- (C) whether there are allegations of ad- ported in the press; . Illinistrative and financial irregularities and 177 Written Answers VAlSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 178

Government have instituted enquiries into (c) if so, the details thereof? the functioning of these institutes; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- (d) jf so, the details thereof and the oot- ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE C0t11e of the enquiries? (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). Centchroman ;s a new compound synthe- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- sized at the Central Drug Research Insti- ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELfARE tute, Lucknow. Based on the preclinical (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) The Man- data generated indicating that Centchro- agement of the Central Research Institute man has anti-estrogenic activity as well and for Yoga (CRIY) and Vishwayatan Yo- based on the recommendations,. made by gashraol (VY) was taken over by the Gov- the Expert Group lhat the drug may prove ernment for a limited period in 1977. The effective for the treatment of advanced -- management of the Central Council for Re- breast cancer, th~ Institute was aUowed to search in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN) conduct n1ulti-centric clinical trials with the was never taken over by the Central Gov- drug 'Centchronlan' in the treatment of ad- ernll1ent. vanced breast cancer at 5 centres. Results of tnals have not so far been subnlitted by (b) The nlanagelnent ot the CRIY and VY the Institute for evaluation. was relinquished by the Covernnlent \vith effect from 18-2-1980.

(c) Yes, Sir. Railway accidents

(d) The report relatmg to accounts of 977 -t. SH RI BHADRES\ \AR T·\NTI: \\ iii the Central Council for Research in Yoga & the fV\JI)lster of RAI L\V,\) S be pleased to Naturopathy has been examined and st3te: nothing adverse has been found. The re- nlailllllg reports are under examination. (a) the number of rail"way aCCidents whICh took place during the last three Clinical Trials on Centcbroman' by 1l1onths, Zone-wise; CDRL, lucknow (b) the causes thereof and loss suffered 9773. SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALM1: by railways as a result thereof; ane! Will the j\~il)ister of HEALTH AND FM11LY WELFARE be pleased to state: (c) the number of perSons killed and illjured in these accidents, Zone-\\'ise and (a) whether the Central Drug Research the arnount of cornpensatlon Paid? Institute luckno\v, has tl1ade successful c1inical trials on JCentchrornan' for breast THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE r.v1IN- cancer and if so, the details thereof; ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI J\1ADHAVRAO SCI NOlA): (a) and (c). Zone-\vise break-up (b) whether Government propose to of train accidents duril]g January to .\tarch, manufacture "CentchrOll1an" indigenousl}; 1988 and number of ca~ualties al e given and belo\v:-

Railway Casualtv No.of ,n accidents Killea Injured

1 2 3

Central 14 II

Eastern 18 179 Written Answers tvtAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 180

1 2 3 4.

Northern 24 14 10

North Eastern 7 2 4

Northeast Frontier 16 1 4

Southern 14 2 1

South Central 10 8 13

South Eastern 17 1 11

Western 12 9 14

Though the process has commenced, Effective Control of Traffle in Delhi no compensation has, so far, been paid in these cases. 9776. PROF. KV. THOMAS: Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be (b) Failure of railway staff, failure of per- p leased to state: sons other than railway staff, equipment failure, sabotage and incidental cases are (a) the estimated number of vehicles on the major causes of accidents. the roads of Delhi;

The cost of damage to railway property (b) the extent of increase in vehicular has been estimated at Rs. 2.08 crores. traffic during the last three years; and

(c) the measures taken to effectively control the traffic in Delhi? Sale of land at Safdarjung Airport THE MINISTER OF STATE Of THE MIN- 9775. PROF. K. V. THOMAS: Will the ISTRY OF SURFACf TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- Minister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased to JESH PILOT): (a) and (b). The number of state: registered motor vehicles in Delhi, which was 9,61,027 during 1985-86, increased to (a) whether there is any proposal to sell 11,11,664 during 1986-87 and further some land at Safdarjung Airport to private increased to 12,84,196 in 1987 .. 88. agencies to construct housing colonies;. (c) The measures taken to effectively (b) whether private aviation companies control the traffic in Delhi include installa- using the Safdarjung Airport have been tion of traffic lights, improvement of raod asked to vacate the airport immediately; geometries, restrictions on plying of heavy and vehicles in congested areas, removal of ob- structions on roads, prevention of wrong (c) if so, the reasons thereof]. parking, road safety programmes for chil- dren and drivers and installation of dosed THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN .. circuit T.V. at selected points. ISTRY OF lABOUR (SHRI JACDISH lYTLER): (a) N01 Sir. Implementation of .CDS Scheme by Sbtes (b) Yes, Sir.

(e) Due to security reasons. 9177. PROF. K.V.THOMAS: WiD MinII- 181 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15,1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers 182

ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT SPORTS AND WOMEN AND CHILD DE. be pleased to state: VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF HU- MAN RESOURCE DEVElOPMENT(SMT. (a) the nalnes of the States which have MARGARET ALVA): (a) The performance of been 1110st successful in tnlplenlenting the States, with reference to certain parameters I ntegrated Child Developnlent Services is monitored under the Integrated Child Scheme during 1986-87 and 1987-88; Developnlent Services (ICDS) Scheme, no overaJi ranking to the States is given. (b) the nunlber of beneficiaries in Kerala under this Sche .. ne during the last three The performance of different states for years; the periods ending 31.3.1987 and 31.3.1988, separately for the Centrally (c)' the amount allotted to Kerala under sponsored and the State Sector leDS pro- the said Scheme during the last three years; jects, is given in Statements I, II, III and IV and below.

(d) the amount actually utihsed? (b) The beneficiaries are presently being quantified in temlS of services relating to THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE- supplementary nutrition and pre-school ed- PARTMENTS OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND ucation. Relevant figures for Kerala are:

Year Nunlber of pregnant Number of children wonlen, nursing nlothers (3-6 Years) receiving and children (0-6 years) pre-school education getting supplementary nutrition

Centrally State Centrall¥ State sponsored sector sponsored sector projects projects projects projects

1985-86 i.e. on 3.37lakhs 2.15lakhs 1.29lakhs O.79lakh 31.3.1986

1986-87 i.e. on 3.37lakhs• 2.02lakhs 1.241akhs• O.77lakh 31.3.1987

1987-88 i.e. on 3.40lakhs 1.69lakhs 1.531akhs O.781akh 31.3.1988 (c) and (d). The amounts of Central penditure during the last three financial grants-in-aid to the Govemment of Kerala years under the ICDS Scheme are: and the State Government's report~d ex-

Year Amount of Central Expenditure as reported grants released to by the State Government State Government

1985-86 Rs.264.9S lakhs Rs.297.36Iakhs 1986-87 Rs.313.45 !akhs Rs.3S1.08Iakhs 1987-88 Rs.520.01 lakhs Not yet reported • Based on reports from 3S (out of 49 sanctioned) projects. 183 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written AnswelS 184


In percentages the achievements of different states, in March 1987 in the centrally spt)nsr '-'d [CDS projects with reference to certain identified parameters ------51. Name of Stat€/U.T. ICDS ICDS Appointment of Tramu '6 01 No. Projects Projects Fl mctionaries functionaries Report- !?pera- COPOs Super- Angan- COPOsSuper- '\ngan- ing tlonal visors wadi visors wadi workers Workers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Andhra Pradesh 91 96 89 80 "87 89 79 92

2. Arunachal Pradesh 86 83 00 23 64 00 86 68

3. Assam 85 80 78 78 83 100 85 88

4. Bihar 87 83 78 70 81 90 79 90

5. Gujarat 96 92 89 86 94 63 64 88

6. Haryana 97 97 90 75 100 100 98 88

7. Himachal Pradesh 93 93 93 73 94 57 90 92

B. Jammu & Kashmir 100 89 100 44 87 83 97 93

9. Kamataka 93 100 86 85 91 87 86 89

10. Kerala 81 86 79 65 88 88 72 89

68 89 94 76 86 11. Madhya Pradesh 86 90 61 ".

12. Maharashtra 96 83 86 76 98 88 78 67

13. Manipur 83 80 75 86 78 100 96 95

14. MeghaJaya 92 91 92 83 86 82 80 94

15. Mizoram 100 92 42 71 90 80 91 73

16. Nagaland 85 91 85 86 81 73 76 74

17. Orissa 82 92 78 79 80 100 90 90

18. Punjab 94 100 74 89 89 96 90 90

19. Rajasthan 9S 87 73 74 100 17 70 72

20. Sikkim 100 50 tOO 100 100 75 95 71 185 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Written Answers 186

1 2 3 4 5 n 7 8 9 10

21. Tamil Nadu 85 95 75 75 75 79 96 73

22. Tripura 83 80 83 72 79 100 91 95

23. Uttar Pradesh 86 88 61 59 73 93 97 86

24. West Bengal 89 94 80 67 77 85 98 91


25. A & N JsJands 75 100 75 64 67 100 43 79

26. Chandigarh 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 88

27. D & N Havelli 100 100 100 100 100 100 33 74

28. Delhi 100 9-4 63 86 94 83 86 90

29. Goa, Daman & DIU 82 100 82 67 80 89 62 90

30. Lakshadweep 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 77

'.q. PondlCherry 100 80 40 77 91 100 78 99

NatIonal Average: 89 90 77 73 86 85 83 85


In percentaRes, the achlevenlents of djfferent states, In Afarch 1987 In the State Sector ICDS J(ojects ~vllh reference to certain Identified parameters

SI. Name of St.1tejU. T. lCDS 'CDS AppOIntment ot Tr.1inlllg of No. Projects P. oJects r t· nctlonaries FUIlctJOn..lnes Report~ Opera- COPOs Super- Ang ..ln- COPOs Super- Anga.n- Itlg tional Visors wadi visors \vc..d, \\ .)rkpr..> \\orkers

, , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. Andhra Pradesh 100 100 89 76 99 100 91 9~

2. Gujarat 94 67 -+~ S~ S..l 86 57 75

3. Hal)'ana 100 100 100 95 99 90 98 88

4. Jammu & Kashmir 78 100 78 50 76 86 89 84

S. Karnataka 100 100 83 95 99 96 91 q3

6. Kerala 100 96 96 79 99 87 76 89 187 Written Answe~ MAY 5, 1988 Wntten Answers 188

1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10

7. Mizoram 67 100 33 btl 73 100 89 95 I 8. Uttar Pradesh 100 88 50 89 94 100 97 96

9. West Bengal 100 82 82 100 93 100 80 96

10.. Delhi 100 100 100 100 83 SO 100 98

National Average: 96 92 79 80 89 92 83 90


In percentages, the achIevements of dIfferent States, In March 1988 In the centrally sponsored ICDS projects with reference to certam Identified parameters

51. Name of State/U T ICDS ICDS Appomtillellt of Tramll1g at No. PrOjects Projects Functlonanes Functlonanes Report- Opera~ I COPQs Super- Angan COPDs Super- ~ngan- Ing tiona VISOrs wad. VISOrs \\.ad, worke~ Workers

1 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. Andhra Pradesh 95 99 84 82 9-1 71 80 85

2. ~nachal Pradesh 52 84 00 20 76 00 90 65

3. Assam 80 82 80 68 76 80 86 90

4. BIhar 95 97 69 67 92 86 79 81

5. Goa 100 100 80 97 96 100 87 85

6. GUJarat 70 73 63 78 91 84 84 83

1. Haryana 97 100 74 65 100 73 9S 85

8. H .machal Pradesh 100 100 95 71 98 85 85 91

9. Jammu & Kashmir 65 82 65 42 68 /86 78 89

10. Kamataka 81 92 73 75 79 95 88 90

11. Kerala 93 93 93 67 91 78 92 92

12. Madhya Pradesh 88 95 62 70 83 91 51 83

13. Maharashtra 94 96 85 92 99 78 75 77

14. Manlpur 81 87 68 88 90 100 88 95 189 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 190

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15. Meghalaya 100 100 100 . 95 89 75 76 89

16. Mizoram 100 100 38 92 100 100 74 78

17. Nagaland 72 83 72 59 61 76 74 71

18. Orissa 78 83 76 74 81 100 92 90

19. Punjab 95 95 79 80 90 79 78 88

20. Rajasthan 72 75 69 87 100 27 6S 79

21 .. Sikkim 100 100 100 82 100 100 100 73 ·22. T~mil Nadu 78 80 75 .69 70 55 90 77 23. Tripura 76 92 69 66 70 100 qO 93

24. Uttar Pradesh 78' 89 49 65 68 100 76 88

25. West Bengal 86 90 77 85 78 86 98 88


26. A & N Islands 100 100 100 90 100 100 30 72

27. Chandigarh 100 100 SO 100 100 100 100 80

28. D & N Havelli 100 100 100 100 100 100 66 76

29. Delhi 100 100 85 79 95 4-1 74 79

30. Danlan & Diu 100 100 100 83 73 50 20 65

31. Lakshadweep 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 75

32. Pondicherry 80 100 40 70 69 00 61 98

National Average: 85 90 72 76 85 81 81 as ._.._._-..----.- 191 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 192


In percentagesl the ach;eVell1ents of d,ffel(:nt St.1tcs, In Afarch 1988 In the State Sectot ICDS Projects with ref~rence to Ceric.llfl identified pJr;U1Jetels

SI. Name of State/U.T. ICDS ICDS Appointnlent of Training ot No. Projects Projects Projects Functionaries Functionaries Report- Opera- COPOs Super- Angan- COPOs Super- Angan- mg tional VISOrs wadi visors, wadi wo~ers Wo~e~

1. Andhra Pradesh 88 100 77 76 85 71 93 9&

2. Gujarat 100 100 87 89 98 71 88 81

3. Haryana 51 42 82 100 90 66 97 72

4. Janlnlu & Kashnur 60 60 60 90 86 100 61 62

5. Kamataka 90 100 90 83 89 85 92 94

\ 6. Kerala 100 100 95 82 100 70 91 95

7. Mlzoram 66 100 66 60 72 100 88 83

8. ,Rajasthan 64 64 64 100 92 63 97 /0

9. Uttar Pradesh 87 100 50 86 86 100 74 92

10. \Vest Bengell 75 100 50 100 100 100 100 97

11 Delh. 100 100 100 87 90 50 100 96

105 79 91 85 National Average: 73 75 77 94 *

Ernakulam North Railway Over-bridge ISTRY OF AAIL\VAYS (SHRI N\AOHAVRAO ~CINDIA). (a) Yes, Sir. This work has been sponsopred by the Corporation of Cochln 9778. PROF. K V THO{\r\AS: \\'111 the under depOSit tenns 1\1uw;ter of RAll\VAYS be pleased to state:

(a) \\/hr-ther there IS a proposal to Widen the ratlway over-bndge at Ernakulalll (b) The Corporation of CochlO has de- North, Kerala; posIted a sunl of only Rs. 4 lakhs out of the estimated cost of Rs.15 74 lakhs. (b) whether the Corporation of Coch,n has remitted Its share of amoun! to the Railways; and (c) The RaIlway \\111 tale lip the work af- (c) If so, the tUlle by whICh th1S work IS ter the Corporat,on depOSIts the balance likely to start? amount or conveys acceptance of the State Covernnlcnt to pay the baf41nce amount of THE MiNISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- the estimated cost. 193 Written ~swers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers 194

Construction works in Samastipur ter of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Division be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government propose to set 9779. SHRI RAN\ BHAGAT PASWAN: up a committee to examine the working of Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased the National Book Trust and the Central to state: Hindi Directorate; and

(a) whether Government are aware that (b) if so, the details thereof? instead of aluminium copper is being used in the works relating to Railways and Offi- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- cers' house in Samastipur Division of North PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- Eastern Railway; if so, the reasons therefor; TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HU~N RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. (b) whether these works are being done SHAH I); (a) No, Sir. There is no proposal departmentally or through the contractors; to set up a committee to examine the working of the Nat.vnal Book Trust and the (c) if these are being executed through Central Hindi Directorate. contractors the reasons for which these are not being done departmentally; and (b) Does not arise.

(d) whether in this division wooden Proposal from Rajasthan for World Bank chairs are being replaced by plastic chairs; Assistance for Development of National if so, the reasons therefor? Highways

THE MINlSTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- 9781. SHRI SHANT I DHARIWAL: Will ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRJ MADHAVRAO the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be SCINDIA): (a) Both aluminium and copper pleased to state: are being used depending upon the nature of work. (a) whether Government have received any proposal from the Government of Ra- (b) Both the contract and departmental jasthan for seeking assistance from the systems are adopted for the execution of World Bank for the development of Na- work depending upon nature of work and tional H igh\vays; availability or otherwise of departmental (b) if so, the decision taken thereon; resources. and (c) the amount proposed to be released (c) As per the policy all Civil Engineering during the current financial year for the works except specialised track renewal, construction of bridges over the National maintenance of track and petty repair Highways in Rajasthan and the names of works are got done through the agency of the bridges. for which this aillolint is pro- contractors. posed to be released?

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- (d) Wooden chairs are not being re- ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- placed by plastiC chairs. On the contrary, JESH PilOn: (a) Yes, Sir. extra plastic chairs are being provided as a passenger amenity measure. (b) The project that has been identified is yet to be appri~ed by the World Bank. [Translation] (c) Do not arise in view of (b) above. Working of National Book Trust and Cen- tral Hjndi Directorate Construction of a Wall at Kota Airport

9780. SHRI D. P. YADAV: Will the Minis- 9782. SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAl: Will 195 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answers .196 the Minister. of CIVil AVIATION be pleased. (d) if so, the action taken by Govern- to state: ment in this regard so far?

(a) whether National Airports Authority THE MINiSTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- has given permission to construct walloOn ISTRY OF LABOU R (SH RJ JAGDISH both sides of the Kota airport for the secu- TYTlER): (a) No, Sir. rity purpose; (b) Does not arise. (b) if so, whether this scheme was put forth by Central Public Works Department; (c) No, Sir.

(c) if so, whether this work has not yet (d) Does not arise. been started; and

(d) if so, the ~reasons therefore and the Allocations to Rajasthan for Adult action taken so far in this regard? Education

THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY Of LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH 9784. SH RI SHANTI DHARIWAL: Will lYTLER): (a) to 1d). The National Airports the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE- Authority has planned for construction of VELOPMENT be pleased to state: security fencing at Kota. The estimate pre- pared by the CPWD are being proposed by (a) the funds allocated to the Rajasthan the National Airports Authority. State for various scnenles of Adult Educa- tion for 1988-89; and Shifting of Kota Airport (b) the details of the targets fixed in 9783. SHRI SHANTI OHARIWAL: Will terms of number of persons proposed to the Minister of CIVIL AVlATION be pleased be covered under the Scheme? to state:

(a) whether the district administration THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE .. had issued orders for shifting the Kota Air- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATtON AND CUl.. port to some other place; TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUtv\AN RE· SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. (b) if so, the reaction of the National SHAH\): (a) No funds are allocated under Central Sector State-wise for any of the Airports Authority; schemes of Adult Education; (c) whether construction of new airport is esSenstial for security reasons; and 41» A statement IS given below. STATEMENT AJI9cations to Rajasthan for Adult Education The Government of Rajasthan has proposed the following targets, for 1988-89:--

SI. Name of Scheme No. of learners No. proposed for enrolement

1 2 3


1. Rural functional Uteracy Projects 288000 197 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 198

1 2 3 i. 48900

3. Universities/Colleges 7800

4. Mass Programme for functional literacy 35600 (NSS, Non-NSS, NCC) 5. Border Area Development Programme 27000


1. ~ State Adult Education Programme 102000

TOTAL: 509300

These are being finalised in consultation (a) whether the study conducted by the with the Planning Commission. United States Census Bureau has given sonle suggestions by which India can con- {English) trol its population;

Shortage of wagons (b) whether Government have exam- ined these suggestions; and 9785. SHRI BItv1AL KANTI GHOSH: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to (c) if so, the action taken thereon? state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- (a) whether there is shortage of wagons ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FMt1ILY WELFARE in the country; (KUtv1ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). Information is being collected and will be (b) the total number of wagons pro- laid on the table of the Sabha. posed to be acquired in the Seventh Plan; and Modernisation of Bombay Port

(c) the funds earmarked" for the pur- 9787. SHRI C. S. BASAVARAJU: pose? SH Rf S. B. 5IDNAl..: SHRI BANWARILAL PUROHIT: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- PROF. RAtvtAKRJSHNA MORE: ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA: SCINDIA): (a) There is no shortage of wag- ons per se. Shortage is, however, experi- enced due to seasonal fluctuations/peaking Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS- patterns when demand exceeds availability. PORT be pleased to state:

(b) 90,000 (in terms of 4 wheelers). (a) whether Bonlbay Port is being mod- ernised in order to provide most up-to-date (c) About Rs. 2,000 crores. terminal facilities to selVe container traffi, . United States Census Bureau Suggestions (b) if so, whether this facility is provided on PopuJation Control at Madras and Calcutta Ports also;

9786. SHRI C. S. BASAVARAjU: Will the (c) the details of modernisation plans Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE that have been undertaken including finan- be pleased to state: cial allocations made therefor, and 199 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written .AI,lswe~ 200

(d) the progress nlade so far in imple- ICMR Report On Calorie Vitamin 'A' menting the plans and when these are Deficiency etc. likely to be completed? 9789. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE M1N~ Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SH RI RA- WELFARE be pleased to state: JESH PilOn: (a) The Seventh Plan for Bombay Port envisages modenlisation of (a) whether the Desert Medicine Re- container handling facilities. However, no search Centre of the tndian Council of schenle is currently in progress. Medical Research had submitted the report to Government about under-nutrition, calo~ (b) Madras Port has modern Lontainer rie deficiency, Vitamin 'A' deficiency, handling facilities. Scheme for modernisa- B COillplex deficiency and anaemia; tion of container tenninal at Calcutta has been sanctioned. (b) If so, the details-- thereof; and

(c) No sactioned scheme for modemisa~ (C) the steps being taken by Govern- "tion of container terminal at Bombay exists. ment to meet the situation?

(d) poes not anse III view of the reply to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- the part (c) of the Question. ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAtv1ILY WELFARE (KUt-.1ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir. Expansion Plan for Increased Traffic (b) The details of the findmgs, with the ·9788. DR. B. L SHAILESH. Will the suggestions made by the Desert Medicine Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Research Centre, may please be seen in the statement given below. (a) the broad features of the Railways' expansion plan for increased traffic and its (c) At the request of the Government of estimated capital outlay; and Rajasthan, the DMRC launched Vitamin A distribution programme m Chohtan Tehsil (b) the positIon in regard to allocation (the worst affected tehsil In Barmer Dis- of funds for its implenlentation by the trict) in February/March 1988, covering Planning Commission? 82,260 people In 144 villages. In addItion, the DMRC IS provldmg technical assistance THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- for a "Community KJtchen" bemg run by a ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRJ tvtAHABJR voluntary agency an Ch6htan TehsiJ. PRASAD): (a) Railways' 7th Five Year Plan envisaged 340 million tonnes of onglnating STATEMfNl traffic in the terminal year of the plan with Salient findings of rapid drought survey car- an outlay of Rs. 12334 crores. During the ried out by desert Medicine Research Cen- Plan period it is proposed to acquire tre, (lCIvIR), Jodhpur in October/Novenver, 90,000 wagons (in terms of 4 wheelers), 1987 6970 coaches, 950 electric multiple units, and 13Sq diesel and electric locomotives. It 1. Vitamin A defidaoey was widely prevalent in Barmer, Jodhpur, Jalore is also proposed to do about 20000 kms. of and Jaisalmer in all age groups. In track renewal and about 3400 route kms. of Barmer alone more than 50 percent railway electrification. of ali <..hildren, over 30% of school age children and over 50% of adults had evidence of hypovitaminosis A. (b) During the first three years of the The condition was approaching epi. 7th Five Year Plan, a total allocation of Rs. demic proportions. Anemia and B. 8000 crores has been made to the Railways Complex deficiency were widely by die Planning Commission prevalent. 201 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAK:4) Wntten Answers 202

2. Clinical cases of PEM are frequently They were calssrfied Into four grades seen an all SIX dlstncts, the preva- (Gomez) based on weight for age lence rangang from 3% In Sikar to The deflelt In weight as agaanst the 17.8% an Banner expected weight for the age was as- sessed and children classified ac- 3. Based on an ~nalYSls of weight for cordingly anto 4 groups age data on 1225 children, It was ob- served that grade III undernutntlon The proportion of children who were was prevalent to an extent of 2 9 to clasSified as bemg ~nnaJ was diS- 17.3 per cent, In pre-school children tinctly larger In Nagaur than In any All age groups were equally affected other distract Normal children were In the pre-schools Male and Female also equally high among female chil- children were equally affected dren of Jalore and Jodhpur Barmer dlstnct had highest prevalence of 4. females, In general, had better grade III undernounshed children values for FFT (fat fold thickness) When grade III children were alone However, the values observed for considered, jalsalmer, Jalore and FFT were an the lower ranges for aU Jodhpur fonowed Barmer dlstnct In groups as compared to standard the descending order of seventy values Sikar dlstnct had least percentage of grade III undemounshed children 5 Calone Intake was slgnlficantl) re- duced In all age groups, In all More slghmficantiy, when combined dlstncts grades of II and III malnutntlon were considered, all dlstncts except Na- 6 The mean weights In all SIX dlstncts gaur had over 40 percent of chtldren were comparable both In males and under five, Include In these two cate- females of the age groups 1 S-~5 and gones combined 5 15 1 .l\ugmentatton of the ongoing 7 The calone Intakes an pre-school chil- relief measures Incorporating dren were rangmg from 300 K.. nleasures such as ensunng the cal/day an Sikar dlstnct to 579 K. supply of mmlmum calones to all cal/day In jodhpur d,stnct shOWing a ,age group as well as the supply of large deficit In their Intakes to the massive doses of Vlt A, Iron and tune of 600 K cal/day The Intakes B complex The concept of were comparable between boys and creating kitchens at the workspot girls Children of 5-15 age group timed at suppfyJng nutntlous d,et were consummg about 43~o ot the at affordable cost should be expected calone mtakes In jalsalmer Incorporated In the relief to about 88% In Joqhpur programme

Cal one Intakes were most deficient A systmatlc study of the degree 10 Barmer d,strict WIde vanatlon m and extent of v.t A deficiency calone deficit was observed Protem should be carred out In endemic antake values were also computed areas for hypOVitaminOSIs A such from cereal mtake and were also as Banner WIth a view to reduce found to be proportionately low to the anticipated compiacatlon including VISual loss to the 8 Drought conditions are expected to community, particularly the young adversely Influence body weight ~ 0 children estimate the extent of such an Im- pact, 1225 children who belonged to 3 There IS a need to carry out a the age group 1·4 years and whose follow up of each one of the weight were obtamed, were studied above SIX dlStncts With a view to 203 Written Answers tv\Ay 5, 1988 Written Answers 204

monitor the direction which the nero Jn the first phase, the State Covern- nutritional status is likely to take. ment have sponsored a road-over-bridge in Systematic trials may be carried replacement of Rani Bazar Road level out in the endemic areas of crOSSing, which has been sanctioned by the hypovitaminosis A with a view to Railways in their Works Programme. monitor the effects of different doses of Vit. A supplementation the community. Assistance to Indian Red Cross Society by 4. Although the impact of reduced Union Government and UNICEF calorie intake is being felt by all the members of these areas, 9791. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: special mention must be made of Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FM1ILY the pregnant a lactating women WELFARE be pleased to state: who are expeses to the twin strains of inadequate intake on (a) the details of the assistance received the one hand and excessive utili~ by the Indian Red Cross Society during the sation of calories on the other last three years from Umon Government hand, not only due to the and the United Nations International Chil- physiological status of pregnancy dren's Emergency Fund; and lactation but also due to the necessity of having to participate (b) the details of the amount spent by in heavy manual labour such as the Society in the worst drought affected road laying. Special programmes areas of Rajasthan together with details of should be initiated in these areas the works for which thiS amount was for providing the needed nutri- spent; and ents. (c) whether keeping in view the seri- Level Crossings in Bikaner City ousness of the problem, the society pro- poses to s,ep up its actiVities in drought 9790. SHRI VIRDHJ CHANDER JAIN: affected areas of Rajasthan? Will the Minister of RAILWAY be p'eased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- (a) whether it is a fact that the five rail- JSTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE way crossings in Bikaner City which bifur- (KU.MARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) The In- cate the city cause too R}uch inconveinence dian Red Cross Society did not receive any to the people due to their frequent closure; assIstance from the United Nations Inter- national Children's Emergency Fund. The (b) if so, whether Railways have any details of assIstance receIved through the scheme to obviate the difficulties being various agencies of the Union Government faced by public on this accounts; and are given in the statement below...

(c) if so, the details thereof? (b) In addition to the relief work pro- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- Vided by the Rajasthan Branch of the SoCI- ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR ety, the National Headquarters of the In- PRASAD): (a). Some hoIe-up of road tramc daan Red Cross Society has spent about Rs does ocrur, whenever the level crOSSings 13.05 lakhs for providing drinking' water remain closed for the passage bf trains. and relief supplies in the recent drought and Rs. 23.15 lakhs towards the provision (b) and (c). It has been decided, in con- of drinking water, construct jon of the new sultation with the State Government, to wells, deepening/distilting/repairs of the provide road-over-bridges in replacement existins wells and relief supplies in the past' of these Je.vel crossings in a phased man- in the drought affected areas of Rajasthan ..- 205 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15,1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 206

(c) Keeping in view the seriousness of areas of Rajasthan, as elsewhere, subject to the problem, the Society proposes to step the avaiJablity of resources. up its activities !n the droug~t affected STATEMENT

Details of Assistance received by the Indian Red Ooss Society during the last three years from the various agencies of the Union Government and the purposes for which granted & utilised

S. Name of the 1985 1986 1987 Purposes for which No. Agency granted and utilised of the Union Govt.

• 1. Min.of Health 2,50,000 3,75,000 5,00,000 For the nonnal & Family expenses of the Welfare Society

2. -do- '.1,58,000 3,58,000 Contribution to the InternationaJ Commi- ttee of the Red Cross Geneva, through the IRes

3. -do- 4,85,000 4,85,000 6,50,000 For Blood Bank activities of the SOCiety

4. Min. of Defence 1,38,000 -46,000 46,000 For the I RC Welfare services jn Service Hospitals

5. Min. of Welfare 1',79,010 19,37,068 7,25,737 For the Maternity and Child Welfare Programme in the backward tribal areas of T ehri-Garhwal, Jaunsar-Bawar, Nainital, AJmorah and Pithorgarh of Uuar Pradesh

6. (a) Services 4,61,000 6,49,000 9,75,000 Towards programme Welfare Fund for th~ benefit of (b) Canteen service and ex.. Stores Surpluses servicemen of the (c) Flag Day Fund. Armed Forces

Expansion and Modemisation of Banner (a) whether representations have been and Salolra Railway Stations received for the expansion and modernisa- tion of Barmer Railway Station in district ~792. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Banner and Balotra Railway Station in Halo- Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased tra Sub division of district Banner in Ra- to state: jasthan; 207 Written Answets MAY 5,1988 .Wntten Answers 208

(b) if so, the action taken in this regard; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- and ISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) to (c). The Gov- (c) when would these schemes be .taken ernment has decided to set up an Envi- up for implementation? ronment Prote~tion Authority. The Author- ity will assist the Government in formula- THE DEPUlY MINISTER IN THE MIN- tion of policy and will implement Govern- ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR ment's policy in all matters concerning PRASAD): (a) Yes, Sir. environment. It will cover the entire coun- try and will be set up shortly. (b) and (c). The following two works have been included in the Railway's Works Anti-Leprosy Vaccine Programme 1988-89:- 9794. DR. C. VIJAYA ~ RAO: 1. Provision of a Water Cooler at SHRI C. MADHAV REDDY: Balotra Station; and Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAM- 2. Improvement of battery charging ILY WELFARE be pleased to state: facilities at Banner Station. (a) whether CDRI, Lucknow has devel- Northern Railway propose to include oped a new vaccine against leprosy; the following works in the future Works Programme subject to availability of funds (b) whether the vaccIne has also been and cooperative needs of other stations:- tested at the Clinical Research Centre of Medical Research Council in U. K.; 1. Reconstruction of First Class Waiting Room and Station (c) if so, the outcome of the trials; and Master's Office at Balotra; (d) the action taken for its further trials 2. Raising of Platform at Balotra and commercial production? Railway Station; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- 3. Provision of passenger shed at ISTRY OF HEALTH & FAMilY WELFARE Balotra Railway Station. (KUtvtARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir. CDRI, l..ucknow have developed a Leprosy IEng/ish} Vaccine--M. Habana.

Constitution of Environment Protection (b) and (c). This ~accine has been tested Agency in Medical Research Council U.K and the initiaJ reports are that M. Habana offered 9793. DR. G. VIJAYA RM1A RAO: Will substantial degree of protection of the the Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND same order as irradiated M.l.aprae; FORESTS be pleased to state: (d) C.D.R.t lucknow has recently sup- (a) whether there is any proposal to plied for clearance to Drug Controller of have a unified Environmental Protection India for conducting clinical trials. Agency to cover the entire country with ef- fective authority, powers and Intra-struc- R&D of Hepatitis--. Vaccine ture on the lines of Federal Environmental 9795. DR. G. VIJAYA RM1A RAO: Will Protection Agency in the USA; the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details thereot, and (a) whether Hepatitis-B vaccine has (c) the time by which such an agency been under development in Research and would be set upl Development Institutions; and 209 Wntten Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAK4) Wntten Answers 210

(b) If SOl where and since how long and Suggestion to Discontinue Mass the present position thereof? Innoculation against Cholera

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- 9797 SHRI SRI HARI RAG ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FNVtILY WELfARE SHRI PRAKASH CHANDRA. (KUf'MRI SARO] KHAPARDE) (a) and (b) SHRI SUBASH YADAV Hepatltls-B Vaccine IS no more under de- SHRI M RACHUMA REDDY velopment en research as plasma denved recombinant DNA Hepatltls-B VaccIne Will the MInister of HEALTH AND FM-1- (yeast Denved) have already been pro- tLY WELFARE be pleased to state duced and marketed In Westem countnes Presently HepatltJs-B Vaccine IS Imported (a) whether an expert Committee of In our country for use In high risk group Immunologists and other medtcaJ SCientists Production of Hepatltls-B Vaccine In India hasJecommended discontinuation of mass IS under consideration annoculatlon against cholera,

Development of Computer for Blind by (b) If so, the details of the recommenda- Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore tions made, and

9796 DR G VIjAYA RAlv\A RAD Will (c) the alternative measures proposed the MinIster of HUMAN RESOURCE to be taken to save people from thIS DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state dreaded d,sease?

(a) whether a computer for bland has THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN· been developed at the Indian Institute of ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE Science, Bangalore, . (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) (a) and (b) A meetmg of the Croup of Experts was held (b) If so, the detatls thereof and the re- at New Deihl on 29 1 1988 to review the sults of field tnals, efficacy of cholera vaccine and Its use In natural calamities such as floods and (c) the cost of each Unit and the number drought and routine public health prac- of Untts manufactured and sold In the coun- tICes The Group recommended as under. try so far; and routJne anticipatory cholera (d) whether Government propose to mocculatton an public health prac- prOVIde the above computer to various or- tice IS of little use and be discon- ganisations an the country engaged In the tinued task of provldang rehef and training to the bland? Cholera vaccination .5 not recom- mended to combat the epidemic It THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- had occured since It neither con- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- tains the ~pread of disease nor TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- saves the hves of affected persons SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP and dlstncts the attention and re· SHAHI) (a) and (b) A Braille trainer com- sources of health authontles from puter to faCIlitate self.leamang of Braille has much needed and effectrve ~nv'­ been developed by a student of the Insti- ronmental control measures ,n- tute This eqUIpment IS organased to teach cludtng health educatfon, bland people typmg uSing a conventaonal key-board and a Braille type-wnter Only a cholera vaccmatlon faclhtles can laboratory model has so far been made and continue to be proVided on de- the preliminary results are1encouragmg. mand on a voluntary basIS at all (e) and (d). Sance a prototype to enable hospitals and health centres; mass productIon IS yet to be developed, these questions do not anse. as an adjust to the other Important 211 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answen 212

control measures, cholera inocrula- Vadodara-Ratlam Section of Vadodara Diyi- tion, if resources permit, could be sion about 100 project casual labour of undertaken in two doses schedule, Electrical Department and 30 project casual jf the population threatened is i labour of Stores Department have been re- limited and it is feasible to adminis- trenched. ter vaccine to nearly all the threat-: ened persons and particularly (c) These casual labourers are borne on wherever there is disruption of the seniority list of project ~ual labour of nonnal living and breakdown of respective departments of Vadodara Divi- environmental provisions such as sion. Their re-engagement will be consid- in refugee camps or labour camps ered by the Railway -Administration ac- at construction sites. cording to their tum in the respectiv.e se- niority list on availability of further work for (c) Drugs used in the treatment of spe- which project casual labour may be re- cific cases of acute diarrhoeal disease in- quired. ciuding cholera are available indigenously in addition to rehydration therapy. DRS (d) Does not arise. packets are made available through village Health Cuides, Primary Health Cen- Drinking water at Railway Stations tres/Hospitals. Rural community are being educated to construct low-cost sanitary toilets for safe disposal of human excreta. 9799. SH RI SRI HARI RAO: food sanitation, personal hygiene and ba- SHRI PRAKASH CHANDRA: sic sanitatipn are being improved~ SHRI SUBHASH YADAV:

Retrenchment of Casual Labour in 'WiII the Minister of RAILWAYS be Gujarat pleased to state:

9798. SHRI SRI HARI AAO: (a) whether it is a fact that foul drinking SH RI PRAKASH CHAN ORA; water is being supplied at various railway SHRI SUBASH YADAV: stations in the country; SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: (b) whether any complaint in this regard Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be has been received; and pleased to state: (c) the steps taken for the supply of (a) whether mC.e than 200 casual pure drinking water at railway stations 1 labourers were retrenched recently by the Railways after completion of various pro- THE DEPUlY MINISTER IN THE MIN- jects during the last ten years in Cujarat ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR State and they have not been given alter- PRASAD): (a) and (b). Some complaints nate jobs in Railways; have been received in this regard ..

(b) if so, the reasons therefor, (c) Sample testing of drinking water supplied at Railway Stations is carried out Cc) whether Union Covernment pro- periodicalty for residual chlorine and pose to re-employ them to feed their fami- harmful bacteria. lies; and [Translation 1 (d) if not, the reasons therefor? Supply of Bed·RoIls in Trains THE DEPUlY MINISTER IN THE MIN- ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI ~HABIR 9800. DR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR TRI- PRASAD): (a) and (b). On completion of PATHI: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be Railway Electrification Project work on. pleased to state: 213 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 214

(a) whether the bedrolls supplied to STATEMENT passengers in trains are generally very old, worn out, dirty and of inferior quality; Andings of the Commission with respect to its Terms of Reference: (b) if so, whether any steps are being taken or contemplated to ensure that good 1. Whether there was any irregularity in and clean bedrolls are made available to awarding the contract? the passengers; From the record it appears that Min- (c) if so, the time by which it is likely to istry of Trasport officers late Shri B. P. be done? ,. Sinha the then Consulting Engineer (6), Shri Kartik Prasad the then Addl. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- Consulting Engineer (B) and SIlri ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRJ IYtAHABIR Balwantrao the then Bridges PRASAD): (a) to (c). Some complaints of Dy. Officer had decided to accept the this nature have been received. However, tender of Mis. Pioneer Engineering in majority of the cases the quality of bed rolls have been found to be good. Specific Syndicate without studying and or cases of supply of old, dirty or worn out knowing for themselves the nature of bed rolls are examined and remedial steps the superstructure involving struc- taken. tural method being used for the 1st time in I ndia and without enqUiring Findings of the Commission on Collapse about the expertise, experiences and of Nehru Bridge in Goa resources of the Contractors Mis Pi- oneer Engineering Syndicate to exe- 9801. SHRI ~ DHAN: cute the work when their 1 st tender SHRI BALWANT SINGH was rejected about 2 months earlier RNv\OOWAlIA: only on the ground of want of exper- SHRI CH I NTAMAN I JENA: tise, experience and resources. On the other hand it appears that they Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS- and also Shri Venkatasulu who was PO RT be pleased to state: the Dy. Bridges Officer at the time of approving the superstructure design (a) whether Government have since re- appear to have totally abandoned ceived the report of the Commission con- their judgement to the assurance stituted to inquire into the sudden collapse given by Shri Raj Consulting Engineer of Nehru Bridge on river Mandovi in Goa; of the Contractors to obtain the ap- proval of M. Guyon to the design in (b) if so, the details of the findings general terms. thereof; and I rregularity if any in awarding the (c) the action taken against the persons Contract was only to the extent men- held responsible for acts of commission tioned above and there was no other and omission right from the acceptance, ip-egularity involved. design, supervision wo~ maintenance and repairs of the bridge 7 2. Whether the design and the system of construction adopted and the ar- THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE MIN- rangement made to supervise the ISTRY OF SURfACE TRANSPORT (SHRI RA- Construction of the bridge were JESH PilOT): (a) Yes, Sir. technically sound and whether the quality control measures enforced (b) Details of the findings of the Com- were adequate1 mission are given in the statement below. The design was defective for which (c) Examination of the report is yet to be the Ministry of Transport Officers completed. Late Sri Bazaz. Addl. Director General 215 Written AnswelS' I\-\AY 5, 1988 Written Answers 216

(B) "nd Shri Venkatasulu, Dy. Bridges bridge by the Contractors was in ac· Officer and Shri P.V. Raj Consultinlf cordance with the approved plans, Engineer of Contractors were re- designs and specifications1 sponsible. The construction carried out by the The system ot construction was Contractors was not in accordance equally defective and the construc- with plans, design and specifications tion does not appear to have been particularly as regards laying cables carried out by the Contractors ac. and their prestressing and grouting cording to the design. for which the R~sident Engineer representing the Contractors late Though arrangement for super- Shri P.V.Prasad Rao was responsible. vision by Goa PWD could be conSId- So also P.W.D. Engineers Shri ered to be adequate it appears that Naique, Snri Borkar and Shri Kapadi those who were entrusted with the were responsible in not supervising duty of supervision viz. Shri Naique, the construction properly. Director P\VO, Shri Borkar, Supdt Engineer iJld Shri Kapadi, Asstt. Engi- 4. Whether any material used for the neer have failed in their duty to su- construction was in accordanc~ with pervise and appear to have allowed the approved standards? the work of construction to be car- ried out by the Contractors in breach Construction material such as Steel, of conditions of design. Cement, H.T. wire was in ac- cordance with the approved stan- The engineer on site appointed by dards. However,· there \vere com- the Contractors late Shri V.Prasad plaints as regards the sheathing ma- Rao equally failed to carry out the terial used as bemg corroded being construction in accordance with the of absolute bad quality. So also about. condition of the Contract. For the cones used not being proper. It was said lapse of their representator the also on record that metal of 3/4" size Contractors would be equally liable did not give proper compaction, yet or responsible . So far as quality con- the same was continued to be used trol was concerned as regards steet till May, 1969. As regards use of sand H.T. wires and metal there was no and water there was no record main- complaint. tained but with the findings in CECRI Report about cast-in-situ concrete However in respect of sand brought being found with high degree of from Calangute beach and water chlorides raises a doubt whether from Opa there was no record of any sand and water used were of good nature maintained. No records was quality. also maintained as regards the analy- sis, if anYt made of water and sand 5. Whether any of the persons con~ used. In the absence of any record, cemed with construction and super- Supervising Engineers of Goa PWD vision were responsible for any acts could not be said to be in a position of omission or commission? to exercise any control over the use of sand and water. finding by CECRI Re: Construction··The Contractors in its -report of high degree of chlo- Engineer on site late Shri V.Prasad ride contents in cast-in-situ concrete Rao and in turn the Contractors raises a doubt whether the water whom he represented were respon- and sand used for concrete which sible for construction carried out not can carry chlorides in concrete could being according to the deSign. be said to be of proper_, quality. P.W.D. Engineers Shri Naiqlte, Shri 3. Whether the construction of the Borkar and Shri Kapadi were guilty of 217 Written AnswelS VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 218

several lapses in their duty ot su- Engineers on duty failed to bring to pervision. In fact the record discloses the notice of Ministry of transport that they did not carry out any su- officers the difficulties which they al- pervision worth the name but in leged to have felt in translating the factwith open eyes allowed the Con- design in construction particularly as tractors to carry out the construction regards placement of cables, work in flagrant breach of the condi- sheathing material concrete mix etc. tion of the Contract and failed to in- form about it to Ministry of Transport There was a total lapse of supervi- . or complain about it to the Contrac- s;on by the Goa P.W.D. Engineer Shri tors. Naique, Shri Borkar and Shri Kapadi during construction as regards laying 6. Whether adquate steps were taken of cables, sheathing material used, for inspection maintenance and re- alignment, prestressing and grouting pairs of the bridge from time to time? of H.T. Cables, use of proper mix and they with oppn eyes allowed the There was a total lack of inspection contractors to do the said work in to- or maintenance of the bridge by tal breach of conditions of the design P.W.D. Engineers Shri Albuquerque, for which they were responsible. Shri Borkar, Shri Sidhu and Shri Ka- padi and the said officers completely (ii) Hinges. failed in their duty to carryout peri- Knowing fully well that the hinges odical maintenance inspection of the were malfunctioning Mis F.P.C.C. bridge as laid down in the manual who were entrusted with in- and Circulars and also failed to main- vestigation took over 1~ years to tain registers like 'Bridge Register or complete the investigations and 'Inspection Register. This conduct made a report \\'ithout any amounted to gross negligence on investigations work the nam~ and their part. which ultimately turned out to be fruitless. Even then to get three The bridge being the property of the hinges viz. being hinges Nos. 2, 3 Central Government with Goa and 4 only rectified, and not replaced P.W.D. acting as agents of Ministry as suggested' by Shri Bhasin the then of Transport Office, its officer such as Addl. Director General (B) for which Shri 8. Batwantrao, Shri Venkatasu'u, h~ had got sanctioned Rs.14.12 lakhs Shri Shastri and other who visited for replacement of two hinges being the site from time to time ~ually no. 3 and 10 it took a further period failed in their duty to ascertain from till May 1983. The decision taken by Coa PWD whether maintenance Shri Bhasin Addr. Director General inspection of the bridge was carried out or not as per the manual and dr- (8) to get hinges 3 and 10 replaced wlars or whether the requisite Regis- at the estimated costs of Rs. 14.12 ters were maintained or not and if lakhs was changed by Shri Venkata- not giving directions to the P.W.D. sulu Addf. Director General (8) who officers to that effect. succeeded Shri Bhasin, to rectification of three hinges being 7. Whether there was any failure on the nos 2, 3 and 4 by the Present part of any functionary in taking any Contractors at the estimate of Rs. steps to rectify defects, if any, no- 50,000 each and the said hinges ticed aod person responsible for the were rectified in May, 1983 about 3 lapses? years after the troubles with the hinges was noticed. In the meantime Design was defective. The contrac.. other hinges including the hinge on tors through their Resident Engineer span 1 Pier 1 went on unattended to late Shri. V. Prasad Rao or the P.W.D. and the hinges deteriorating further 219 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written AnSWet:t 220

and deflections acceleratjn~ un- Shri Albuquerque Chief Engineer and abated till the collapse of the bridge. Shri Sidhu Supdt. Engineer were grossly guilty of the breach of their The persons responsible for this duty in not informing either Techni- inordinate delay in rectifying the cal Expert Committee which was hinges and that too partially would functioning then and of which Shri be the concerned Engineers both of Albuquerque was a Member Secre- Ministry of Transport and Goa tary and Shri Sidhu as permanent in- P.W.D. so also the officers of Mis. vitee or to Ministry of Transport ?PCC. about the corrosion noticed by them on span No.1 pier No. 1 as late as (iii) Cracks 19.6.1986 i.e. about 15 days before Cracks to the wearing coat though the collapse of the bridge, and taking described by variou~ Ministry of their own steps which were against Transport officers such as Shri B. the express directions of TEC. Balwantrao, Shri Venkatasulu and Shri Shastri as seious, renlaind ullln- (vi) Load Testing vestigated and unattended to till the load testing which was the condition collapse. Every officer of Ministry of of the contract was not got done ei- Transport visiting the site suggesting ther by Ministry of Transport or Goa a new remedial, -measure for attend- PWD inspite of Cotractors furnishing ing to the cracks at the same time required material. For this lapse Shri negativing the remedy suggested by Naique of Goa PWD and Shn Bal- the earlier officers and asking Goa wantrao of the Ministry of Transport P.W.D. to submit fresh 'estimates ev- were responsible. ery time resulted in a precious time of over 6 years being wasted and (vii) Technical Export Committee that too only in not being able to Technical Expert Committee ap- take a firm deCision as to what pOinted on 1.10.85 as a matter of ur... measures were to be adopted. geney to make an interim report Ultimately before any remedial within one month for recommending measures could be adopted the immediate measures for arresting fur· bridge collapsed. For all this the con- ther deterioration and a final report cerned officers in Ministry of within 3 months suggesting perma- Transport Bridges Department would nent measures, did not make even a be collectively responsible. preliminary report till the collapse of the bridge on 5.7.1986 The Commit- (IV) Corrosion tee appears to have lost the sense of Although corrosion in cables was no- urgency once it was appointed in the ticed sance October 1983 still no course of its proceedmg, whteh Min- investigation and remedy was even istry of Transport had exhibited while thought about by Ministry of Trans- constituting the Committee and port officers, or P.W.D. officers and went on its work tn. a leisurely even the Technical Expert Comn1it· fashion. An example was that tee appOinted on 1.10.85 failed to although at the meeting of 5.10.85 a take any timely measures till the col- decision was taken by the Commit. lapse of the bridge aga;ns! the corro- tee to approach CECRI, CECRt was sion of cable wires and consequent- approached by Goa PWD only on ing loss of prestress. 23.11.85, while CRRI though no de- cision was taken to approach them, were approached on 11.11.1 ~85 i.e. For this delay the concer;ned Ministry long time after one month had ex- of Transport officers and ~D offi- pired after its appointment. cers mentioned above and Technical CommMee was responsible. It was a sad commentarv on the 221 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Written Answers 222

working of the Govt. institutions like enth Five Year Plan period and the early eRRI and CECRI that they would not years of the Eighth Plan; under their rules, start investigations even for Government Departments (b) the cost of each of these projects as and whether emergency or other~ on 31 March, 1988; wise before first being paid their charges with the result that CRR' (C) whether all on-going projects are could start investigation in December proposed to be completed prior to the 1985 white CECRI only after taking up of new projects in the remaining 19.3.1986. Therefore CRRI could years of the Seventh Plan and in the Eighth submit its report only in March 1986 Plan; and while CECRI submitted its pre- liminary report only on 19.7.1986 (d) if not, the reasons therefor? after the bridge had collapsed. The record does not show that in be- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- tween the said institutions were at ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI- J\1AHABIR anytime asked to expedite their re- PRASAD): (a) 7 New line and 2 Guage Cov- ports as a matter of urgency. This ers;on projects have been/proposed to be delay of over 6 months by Technical fully completed in the 7th Plan upto 1988- Expert Committee in the matter of 89. The completion of projects in 1989-90 urgency in taking a decision on both and early years of 8th Plan \vould depend immediate and permanent measures on the allocation of resources by the Plan- when cause of distress was known to ning Commission in the Annual Plans for the Chairman of the Committee Shri the respective years. Bassi even on 21.9.1985 and to the other members of the Committee on (b) The latest estimated costs of aU on- 5.10.85 on the visit to the site and going projects are given in the Railway when at the 1st meeting on 5.10.85 Budget documents for 1988-89. The esti- scheme proposed by Shri Gokhale of mates for all projects have not been up- Mis. FPCC was discussed and dated for 31.3.88. modifications accepted, appears to be a total waste of valuable period (c) There is no such proposal. during which corrosion in H. T. cables could have progressed un- (d) Periodic reviews are conducted to abated. This behaviour of a detennine the priority of approved projects Committee consisting of senior of- and the need to take up new projects to ficer of Ministry of Transport with the meet the transportation requirements existing Addl. Director Ge,.neral (8) arising from time to time. Priorities for presiding and the other highly completion of on-gOing projects and for experienced and senior engineers as taking up new projects are decided based members was highly negligent and on their relative importance and urgency. unpardonable. This was a proverbial case of starting with a bang and ending with a whimper. Uquid Toilet Soap

9803. PROF. NARAIN CHAND On-Going Railway Projects PARASHAR: Will the the Minister of HEALTH AND FM-tllY WElfARE be pleased 9802. PROF. NARAIN CHAND tQ state: PARASHAR: Will the Minister of RAilWAYS be pleased to stat~ (a) whether Government are aware tha~ while the toilet soap is subject to the 00.: (a) the number of on-going new railway servance of the Drugs and Cosmetics Ad, lines and conversion projects which are 1983, the liquid toilet soap is not covered proposed to be completed during the Sev .. · by this Act or any other similar legislation; 223 Written AnswerS MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 224

(b) it so, the reasons therefor; and Inclusion of Tabo and Kye Monestries i •. World Cultural Heritage l =51 (c) the steps taken or proposed to be taken to remove this lacuna? 9805. PROF. NARAIN CHAND PARASHAR: Will the Minister of HUMAN THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to ISTRY OF HEALTH & fAMILY WELFARE state: (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). All toilet soaps, whether in the fonn of cake or (a) whether Government have ap- liquid are covered lJy definition of the term proached the UNESCO for inclusion of 'Cosmetic' as given in the Drugs and Cos- Tabo and Kye Monestries in Himachal metics Act, 1940. This amendment was car- Pradesh and some other ancient monu- ried out by the Drugs and Cosmetics ments/temples in the World Cultural Her- (Amendment) Act, 1982. itage list during the past 3 years;

Employment on Compassionate grounds (b) if SO, the detaifs if the proposals submitted to the UNESCO in this regard; 9804. PROF. NARAIN CHAND and PARASHAR: Will the ~1inister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: (c) whether efforts would be made to pursue the inclusion of the remaining (a) the number of appointments made monuments in hst? zone-wise during 1987-88 on compassion- ate grounds of the dependents of railwav THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- employees who die on duty; and PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF .HUMAN RE- (b) the number of such cases for em- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. ployment pending with each Zonal Railway SHAHI): (a) and (b). No, Sir. A list of 25 as on 31st March, 1988? monuments/sites (Statement-I) was submitted in 1982 to the World Hentage THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- Committee of the UNESCO. Out of these ISTRY OF RAll\VAYS (SHRI tvtAHABIR thirteen have been enlisted (Statement-II) PRASAD): (a) and (b). The information IS up to 87. being collected and Will be laid on the Table of the Sabha. (c) Yes, Sir.


Monuments proposed under World Heritage list.

In response to a communication from the World Heritage Committee, Archaeological SUlVey of India proposed for inclusion of twentyf.ve (25) monuments of outstanding universal value in the World Hentage list to the Unesco In 1982. They are:

1. Red fort, Delhi.

2. Humayun's Tomb, Delhi.

3. Qutab Minar, Deihl.

4. Churches and Convents at Goa.

5. Excavated Remains at lothal.

6. Martand temple, jammu and Kashmir. 225 Written AnswelS VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Written Answets 226

7. Col Cumbaz at Bijapur.

8. Monuments at Aihole.

9. Monuments at Pattadkal.

10. Croup of monuments at Hampi.

11. Khajuraho Croup of temples.

12. Caves at Ajanta.

13. Caves at Ellora.

14. ilephanta Caves.

15. Caves at Karla.

16. Sun Temple, Konarak.

17. Fort and monuments, Chittorgarh.

18. Excavated remains, Kalibangan.

19. Croup of monuments, Mahabalipuram.

20. Brihadisvara temple, Thanjavur.

21. Agra Fort, Agra.

22. Taj Mahal, Agra.

23. Akbar's tomb, Sikandara, Agra:*

24. Group of monuments, Fatehpur Sikri.

25. Itmad-ud-Daula Tomb, Agra.

STATEMENT II Monuments brought under World Herit~e List Out of the 25 monuments, recolnmended, the following 13 have been included in the World Heritage list: 1. Taj Mahal, Agra.

2. Agra Fort, Agra.

3. Ajanta Caves.

4. Ellora Caves.

5. Sun Temple, Konarak.

6. Group of monutnents at Mahabalipuram. 227 \-fritten Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 228

7. Monuments at HQmpi.

8. Monuments at Khajuraho.

9. Monuments at Fatehpur Sikri.

10. Churches and Convents at Goa.

11. Group of n10nunlents at Pattadkal.

12. Elephanta Caves.

13. Brihadeshwara temple.

International Seminar on Conservation Will the Minister of HUMAN RE- and Preservation ~f Heritage SOURCE DEVELOPMENT pleased to state:

9806. DR. V. VENKATESH: Will the (a) whether some universities have in- Minister of HUtvtAN RESOURCE DEVEL- troduced Women's studies as a part of cur- OPMENT be pleased to state: ricula;

(a) whether and International Seminar (b) if so, the details thereof and whether on 'Conservation and preservation of Her- the universities have been selected by the itage' was held at Hampi in Karnataka re· University Grants Commission; cently; and (c) whether the Commission has laid (b) if so, the details of the suggestions down some guidelines for the development made and the action taken thereon? of Women's studies in the' universi- ties / colleges; and THE MINtSTER Of STATE IN THE DE- PARTMENT Of EDUCATION AND CUL- (d) if so, the salient features thereof? TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HU~N RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT. (SHRI LP. tHE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- SHAHI: (a) and (b). Directorate of Archaeo- PARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND CUL- lOgy and Museums of the Government of TURE IN THE MINISTRY Of HU,MAN RE- Karnataka organished an international SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. seminar as one of the activities to mark its SHAH I): Ca) and (b). The National Policy on centenary celebrations at Hampi from 7th Education and its Programme of Action en· to 10th Dec., 1987. The suggestions inter visage incorporation of issues relating to alia, related to new constructions in the ar- Women's studies and role in the curricula chaeological areas, integrated conservation for Under-graduate courses. The UGC has plan, documentation, presentation, regular identified 7 Universities, namely, Kerala, inspections and the like. The State Gov- Panjab, NEHU, Ranchi, Banaras, South ernment concerned have to take further ac- Gujarat and SNDT Women's University to tion in the matter. prepare draft syllabi on Women's studies for incorporation in the Under-graduate Women's Studies in Universities programmes.

9807. DR. V. VENkATESH: (c) and (d). The Commission has framed SHRt BAlASAHfB VIKHE guidelines for development of Women's PATIL: studies in Universities and colleges in the SHRI BJMAlKANTI GHOSH: country. According to these guidelines, the SHRI VAKKOM objectives of the programme of Women's PURUSHOTHAMAN: studies 'ndude promoting awareness of the 229 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAK4) Written Answers 230

nlulti-dimentional roles played by women SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. in society· and the processes of social, SHAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. technological and environmental changes, pursuit of hWllan rights, investigating the . (b) and (e), The CABE meeting held on causes of gender ~isparities, etnpowerment , 11, 12 March, 1988 had appointed a group of women for effective participation in all on Secondary Education. The Group felt areas of social development; etc. The spe- that the subject of examination reform is of cific programnle5 and activities suggested such importance and such dimensions that tn, the gUidelines are preparation of appro- it cannot be dealt with in the short time priate course materials, critical studies and available to the group. However, consid- analysis of the existing theories, concepts ering the extreme importance of this mat~ and practices which effect the status of ter, the Group felt that the question of ex- women, organisation of seminars/work- amination reforms should not be allowed shops/orientation programmes for to be postponed. While a periect solution development of research methodology and may not be available in any particular de- course materials extension activities, sign of examinations but it is important to production and publication of relevant make a beginning according to a pre-de- literature, etc. The CommIssion has also tennined overall design in which further agreed to provide financial assistance stages would be achieved at designated in- involving the salary of 2-3 Senior teachers, tervals. The Group recommended that the at least two fellowship, recurring grant of NCERT -COBSE should develop an appro~ Rs. 50,000/- per annum, and a non- priate overall design for the suggested s~~ recurring grant of Rs. 40,000/- for book5, tern of examinations in a time bound man- equiptnent and fur1)iture to Universities ner, if necessary after an action research which undertake these programn)es. which ·sould be discussed and finalised in a meeting of the CASE. The CASE accepted Recommendations of C.A.B.E. Regarding the report of the Group. Examination System (d) Government is of the view that the 9808. SH RI BALASAH EB VI KH E examination reforms envisaged in the PATIL: policy should be pursued and SHRIMATI BASAVARA implemented. It expects the matter to be JESWARI: considered in detail by the CABE, as recommended by the group on secondary Will the Minister' of HUMAN RE- education for detemlining the content and SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to mechanism of achieving the desired state: reforms in the examination system.

(a) whether restructuring of the exami- Concession in Rail Freight to Journalists nation sYStem at the secondary education level has been recommended by the Cen· 9809. SHRI BAlASAHEB VIKHE PATI~ tral Advisory Board of Education; Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: (b) whether the recommendation is based on the report of a Working Croup (a) whether there is any scheme with set up by the Central Advisory Board- of the Railwav under which 50 per cent con- Secondary Education; cession in rail treight is given to Government recognised journalists and if (c) if so, the details the~f, and so, the details thereof; (d) the reaction of Government thereto? (b) whether the scheme has been re- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- cently modified and restricted only to big PARTMENTS OF 'EDUCATION AND CUL- towns and is this available to Government TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- recognised journalists in big towns only; 231 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers ~ 232

(c) if so, the reasons therefor, and 1. Estimates Committee (1958-59) of the Second lok Sabha was the first (d) whether Government would recon- body to sugge~t a review and evalua- sider the staus-quo and give beneijts as per tion of the scheme. This led to the the original scheme. appointment of an Assessment Committee of Parliament in 1961. THE DEPUTY rvUNISTER IN THE MIN- This Committee, which was also ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR known as the Radha'Raman Commit- PRASAD)~ (a) Rail Travel coupons at 25% tee, noted that the scheme had concession in First Class and 50% conces- proved useful to the beneficiaries sion in Second Class are issued to the Press and suggested that the scheme Corresponden~ accredited to the Head- should not only be strenghtened and quarters of Central and State CovemJnlents augmented, but also extended to and Union Territories '11 connection with cover quasi-government bonafide press work. organisations and corporations. The report also made important rec- (b) There has.been no recent modifica- ommendations about the staffing tion of the rules in this regard. pattern and about the pattern of delivery of services. (c) and (d). Do not arise. 2. The Administrative Staff College of Evaluation regarding working of Central India, Hyderabad studied the work- Government Health Scheme ing of CGHS and presented three reports in November, 1971, Decem- 9810. SHRI P.R. KUMARM1ANGAl.AM: ber 1971 and March )972 respec- Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY tively. In the first report, suggestiOns WE lFARE be pleased to JState: were made about reduction of wait- ing time of the patients, better doc- (a) whether it is a fact that services ren tor-patient relationship and decrease dered by the Central Government Health in the clerical work-load. In the sec.. Scheme are going down thereby affecting ond report, the system of inventory health of weaker and vulnerable sectors of planning and demand forecase was Government employees; studie and suggestions for im- provement were made. I n the third (b) whether any regular independent report, a ti.ne study f'eport was pre- evaluation of working of the said Scheme sented about the workload and utili- has been carried out for making changes in sation of Medical Officer in the its .functioning; and CGHS dispensaries. Suggestions were also made about the structure (c) if so, the details thereof? and process of management of dis- pensaries. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- ISTRY OF HEALTH AND fM1tLY WELFARE 3. rhe National Institute of Health (KUMAR( SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) No, Sir. Administration and Education (NIHAE), New Delhi were asked by (b) and (c). ·Yes, Sir. The requisite infor- the Ministry of Health and Family mation is given in the statement below. Welfare in March, 1972 to conduct a study of CGHS ilispensaries in Delhi ~TATEMENT with a view to ascertain (a). whether Independent Studies earned out in C.C.H.S there were any disparities in the use of CGHS by Class I, II, III, and IV Several bodies and agencies have Government employees, (b) whether looked into the working of the C.G.H.S. there is equi-distribution in the cost from time to time with a view to optimise of medicine utilised by the various the delivery of service under the scheme cat~ories, (c) why ;n certain dis- 233 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 234

pensaries the consumption of drugs would throw up the deficiencies' is more as compared to other dis- which need to the corrected. In was pensaries and (d) whether the scale against this background that it was of contribution prescribed for various decided that the National Institute of categories of staff was adequate or Health and Family Welfare should not? The' report received from N 1- take up an in-depth evaluation of the HAE was useful to the Government working of the C.G.H.S. in all its in re-orienting its approach on sev- facets. eral issues. NCERT Kit for the Blind and the Handi- 4. The working 'Of the CGHS was once capped again reviewed by the Estimates Committee in its 57th Report (1973- 9811. SHRf P.R. KUMARM1ANGAI..M1: . 74) and 83rd Report (1975-76). Out Will the M;nister of HUMAN RESOURCE of 83 recommendations made by the DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Committee, 50 were accepted by the. Government. The committe did not (a) whether the NCERT has introduced a want to pursue 19 recommendations new Teaching Aids kit for primary schools; in view of the replies furnished by the Government. (b) whether similar kits are proposed to be made available for the blind and other 5. Other studies made on the working handicapped children also; and of the CCHS subsequentty include studies done by NIHAE on utilisation (c) if so, the details thereof, and pattern of demand for CGHS Ayurvedic dispensaries in Delh, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- (November, 1974), on the waiting PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- time of CGHS beneficiaries at the TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- registration and dispensing of SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. medicines counter (1975) and on the SHAH I): (a) A cOfnprehensive list of facili- working of the CCHS Polyclinics ties has been developed for ilnplenlenta- (May, 1977) a study done by the De- tion in primary schoots in the country un- partment of Personnel and Ad- der the scheme of/Operation Blackboard l ministrative Reforms . (Septelnber, 1977) to streamline the procedures (b) and (c). NCERT has developed in. the dispensaries and another to teaching aids for the disabled and these lay down the approaches to in- have been sent to StatesjUTs for their lise. _ ventory planning, purchase polky Prototype teaching aid kit for blind children and procedures, inspection, storage has also been developed and is being field etc. in the Medical Stores Depot of tested. CCHS (April, 1979). Incident of Lung Cancer among Women 6. Once again the £stin... ates COlllmittee (1981·82) of the Seventh lok Sabha 9812. SHRI H.N. NANJE GOVVOA: Will in its 22nd Report took up the ques~ the Minister of HEALTH AND FAlv\ILY WEL- tion relating to the working of FARE be pleased to state: CCHS. An observation was made that an independent evaluation of (a) whether according to the vVorld the CGHS with reference to its Health Organisat;on incidence of lung can· objectives should be taken up in cer among women is nlore in the country; hand. The Committee was critical of the fact that the scheme had not fully (b) if so, the details thereof; and measured up to the expectatiolls of the beneficiaries and felt that only an. (c) the steps taken by Governrnent to independent appraisaJ of the schenle reduce lung cancer aOlong women? 235 Written Answers tv\Ay 5, 1988 Written Answers 236

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- (f) Does not arise. ISTRY Of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b): Benefit of Yoga Exercises No, Sir. lung Cancer is not become a major female health problenl ;n India. According 9815. SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWOA: Will to the estimates. of the Indian Council of the Minister of HEALTH AND FMAILY WEL- Medical Research based on the figures of FARE be pleased to state' the population based cancer registries at Bangalore, Bonlbay and Madras, about (a) whether breathing exercises in 5,340 feolales and 22,354 nlale in India \vhich lower chest, particurarly the di- suffer from lung cancer every year. aphragm moved are helpful to the asth· matic patients and yoga exercises if done (c) H earth Education Programmes for regularly can prevent such an attack; prevention are being undertaken by Cen- trai Health Education Bureau, the State (b) if so, whether Govemnlent propose Government, Voluntary Organisations and to popularise yoga exercises among com- Regional Cancer Centres in different parts mon people for the benefit of asthmatic pa- of the country through radio, television, tients; and filnls, exhibi,tions, newspapers, periodicals and distribution of printed material. (c) if so, the details thereof?

Int~rnational Flights from Bhopal Airport THE MJNISTER Of STATf IN THE MIN· ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE 9813. SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: vVit! (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Yes, Sir. the 1\1inister of Clvrl AVIATION be pleased to state; (b) alld (c). With a view to conduct and coordin.:tte research in the science of yoga (a) \\'hether there is any proposal to in all its aspects and to pro'llote its wider start internatioi Idl charter flights from understanding, acceptance and application, Bhopar Airport; the Government have established the Cen- tral Research Institute for Yoga (CRIY) at (b) if 50, the expenditure incurred on New Delhi. The Institute is conducting re· expansion of the airport; search - fundaOlental and applied in the field of yoga. (c) the share ot Madhya Pradesh Gov- emanent in this project: The Covernnlent has also established a Central Council for Research in Yoga and (d) whether Covernanent propose to Naturopathy (CCRYN) which renders finan~ start international flight frOlIl Bhopal Air- cial assistance for conductmg research III port to countries; l\.1iddle-East the field of Yoga. The Government is also rendering financial assistance for training in (e) whether Covermnent are also plan- the field of Yoga. ning to start receiving i"ternat;onal flights fro III Middle-East countries in other States; Installation of Luggage Screening Ma- and chine at Nagpur Airport

(t) if so, the details thereof? 9816. SHRI BANWARt tAL PUROHIT: Will the Minister of CIVil AVIATIO'N be THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- pleased to state: ISTRY OF LABOUR (SH RI JACDISH lYfl[R): (a) No, Sir. (a) whether the Nagpur ~;rport IS not having the luggage screening machine; (b) and (c). 00 not arise.

(d) and (e). There is no sudl proposal at (b) whether the comnluters have to wait present. for hours together to get their luggage 237 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15,1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 238

checked before boarding the flights at the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELfARE airport; be pleased to state:

(c) if so, whether Government propose (a) whether Government announced to instal the luggage screening machine at free medical facilities to Central Govern- the Airport; and ment pensioners in all CGHS dispensaries in the country; (d) if so, by what time and if not, the reasons therefor? (b) if so, whether Government are aware that contribution ranging from Rs. 24 THE MINISTER OF STATE Of THE MIN- to Rs. 72 for six months depending on the ISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH amount of pension drawn by each pen- TYTLER): (a) Yes, Sir. sioner is being cnarged by the Chief Medi- cal Officer, CCHS BangaJore; .... (b) No, Sir. The luggage of passengers is checked Exped~tiously. (c) if so, the reasons therefore and the step~ being taken to remedy the situation; (c) and (d). Yes, Sir. The X-ray machine and for Nagpur airport is expected to be deliv- ered March, 1989. (d) whether Govemment propose to re- fund the amount charged from the pen- Proposal for a joint venture shipping sioners? company by SCI and ONGC THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- 9817. SHRI YASHWANTRAO CADAKH ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE PATll: (KUMARI ~KUJ KHAt'ARDE): (a) This SHRttvtATI BASAVARAJESWARI: Ministry has not made any announcement "regarding free medical facilities to Central Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANS- Government Pensioners. PORT be pleased to state: (a) whether there is any proposal to set (b) The Central Government pensioners up a joint venture shipping company by the eligible for OGHS facilities are required to Shipping Corporation of India and the Oil pay contribution at prescribed rates de- Natural Cas Commission; and pending on the amount of pension last pay drawn as per statement belQw. {b) if so, the details and modalities ~I-. \.-p .... tl. (c) and (d). Since the medical facilities . under CCHS are not free, the question .of THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- refund of contribution does not arise. ISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SH RI RA- JESH PILOT): (a) Yes, Sir. STATEMENT

(b) The joint venture company pro- The present rates of contribution chargpabJe posed to be set up owned by ONCe and are given below: 10 off shore supply vessels owned by Shipping Corporation of India. The vessels CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SERVANT/ ..viii be sold to the joint venture conlpany. PENSIONER rhe equity participation would be in the ra- jo of 51:49 by the SCI and ONGC respec- Pay Range (Pre·revised> /Pension Rate Rs. :ively. 1. Upto Rs. 199 0.50 Free Medical facilities to Central Gov .. ernment Pensioners ? ~ Rs. 200 to Rs. 330 0.75

9818. SH RI V.S. KRISHNA IYER: Will the 3. Rs. 331 to Rs. 460 1.50 239 Written Answet'S tv\Ay 5, 1988 Written Answers 240

4. Rei. 461 to- Rs. 750 2.50 rooms with an attached verandha and sep- arate toilets for boys and girls, at least two 5. Rs. 751 to Rs.1 000 4.00 teachers and essential teaching and learn- ing material including blackboards, maps, 6. Rs. 1001 to 5.00 charts, a small library; toys and gaanes Rs. 1350 equipment· .

7. Rs. 1351 to 6.00 (c) if so, the number of prin1ary schools Rs. 1680 functioning with the abouve essential facik- ties in the country and in the tribal hilly and B Rs. 1681 to 9.00 desert areas; and Rs.2249 (d) the targets fixed for 1988-89 in this 9. Above Rs. 2249 12.00 regard?

Development of Western Ghats THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE- PARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND CUL- 9819. SHRI V.S.-KRISHNA IYER: Will the TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HU.MAN RE- Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI l.P. be pleased to state: SHAHI): (a) As per latest available in- formation pertaining to 1985-86, there are (a) whether a World Bank proposal for 528079 primary schools. Data relating to development of forests in the Western theirJocation in tribal, hilly and desert ar- Ghat region of Karnataka States has been eas are not available. sent to Union Covernment for clearance. (b) The scheme of Operation Black- (b) if so, the c~st of the project; and board lays down the minimum level of fa- cilities to be provided in all primary (c) the time by which it is likely to be schools; (i) two reasonably large all cleared? weather rooms with a deep verandah along THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN- with separate toilet facilities for boys and ISTRY Of ENVIRONMENT AND fORESTS girls; (ii) two teachers, as far as possible (SHRI z.R. ANSARI): (a) No, Sir. one of them a woman, in every primary school and (iii) tisentiaJ teaching and (b) a"ld (c). Do not arise. learning material including blackboards, maps, charts, small library, toys and games Facilities to Primary Schools Under some equipment for work experienc~. p.() Qper~tion Blackboard . (c) So far 1.13,417 primary schools have l>een covered under 'Operation -Black- 9820. DR. A.,,-PATEL: board'. Data regarding location in hiUy, SHRI C.JANGA REDDY: desert and tribal areas is not available. Data regarding location in hilly, desert and tribal Will the Minister of HUMAN RE- areas is not available. SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to - state: (d) All primary schools in 30% of blocks/mUnicipal areas in the country are (a) the total number of primary schools targettedfor 1988-89. in the coun6y and their number in tribal, hilly and desert ~; United States assistance for StudyinJ I Indian Culture (b) whe~ under "Operation Black- board" a primary school is supposed to be 9821. SHRIMATI D.K. BHANDARI: Wil. functional with a schoof building having at the Minlster of HUMAN RESOURCE DE· least two reasonably large all weather- VELOPMENT be pleased to state: 241 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJGA\) Written AnswetS 242

(a) whether the United States of Amer- Muttaraiyats, I rru kuve Is, PaJuvettara.yars, ica had provided some financial assistance and other dynasties of the lower Sovrth. To for research and study of Indian Culture; centralise collections of Indian and

~ to stimulate ethnomusicological field \vork (b) if so, the details thereof; and research in India" the institute is maintairnng Archives and Research Centre (c) whether with this assistance all the for Ethnomusciology at New Delhi. projects pending with the American Insti- tute of Indian Studies will be completed; Assistance to Sikkim under Operation Blackboard (d) if so, the details thereof, 9822. SHRIMATI D.K. BHANDARI: Will (e) whether the American Institute of the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE- Indian Studies has undertaken some pro- VELOPMENT be pleased to state: jetts about the ancient temples of the country; and (a) whether Union Govemment bear 20 per cent of the total expenditure incurred (t) if so, the details thereof? to implement the Operation Blackboard Scheme in the North eastern States;

lliE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) if so, whether Government have any DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND proposal to extend the same subsidy to CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUf,MN "Sikkim also; and RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRJ LP. SHAH): (a) to (f). The Ameriun Institute of (c) if so, the details thereof? 'nd~ Stud~ is· a ConsortIUm of some American universities and is independent THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of gov~mm~ntat agencies in India or the DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND United States. The agreement signed at CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN New Delhi on 7th January, 1987 between RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRt LP. the Government of India and the Covern- SJ-tAHI): (a) to (c). All StatesjUTs mcludlng ment of the United States of America pro- Sikkim and North Eastem States are being viding for establishment of US-I ndia fund provided 100% Central assistance ·under for educational, rultural and sdendfic Operation Bladcboard towards salary of cooperation assures adequate funding for second teachers appointed In single the programmes of the American Institute teacher schools and provisiOn of essential of Indian Studies, New Delhi. Accordin& to teaching-leaming equipment to primary the infonnation furnished by the Institute, schools. Rs 41.57 Iakhs have been it provides assistance to about 100 released in 1987.. 88 to cover all 509 American and Indtan resident scholars for primary schools in Sikkim under the visit to India every year to undertake scheme. resurch projects on various aspects of Indian history, culture and contemporary FtMds for utin American studies in ~ life. The foreign scholars are required to University obtain prior dearance of the Government of India for visit to India for undertaking 9823. SHRI DAULATSINHJI jAOEJA: Will research. Its Centre for Art and Archaeol- the Minister. of HUMAN RESOURCE ogy at Varanasi has a collection of about DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: 77,000 photographs and 2,.000 colour slides of Indian temple archaeology and ,(a) the funds earmarked for latin objects' 9f Indian art. The 't:entre has American Studies Progratllme in Goa Uni- published six'volumes on Indi;ln Temple versity; Architectu~ covering temples in South India from early beginnings t~rough (b) the amount spent for the 5anle temples of the Colas and Pandyas, during the last three years; and 243 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 244

(c) whether the University Grants DEPARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND Comnwssion ;s aware that Goa is a Por- CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN tuguese language affinity region whereas RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI l.P. this language is spoken in only one country SHAH I): (a) The UOC has approved the in the whole f)f latin America comprising provision of tollowing facilities to the Goa over 20 countries? University fer its latin American. Studies THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Programme:

(i) Staff -- 1 Professor -- 3 Readers -- 3 Le~turers -- 1 Docummentation Officer

(ii) Fellowships -- 2 Research Associates -- 4 Junior Re~earch Fellowships

(iii) library Books -- Rs. 2.00 lakhs

(iv) Field \\'ork -- Rs. 2.00 lakhs

(v) Seminars Rs.15,OOO/-

(vi) Visiting Scholars - Rs. 15,000/-

(vii) Equipment -- Rs. 15,000/-

(vIIi) Contingencies - Rs. 15,000/- per annum.

(b) No grant has so far been released to ducted regarding the number of paraplegic the University. people in the country;

(c) According to the' information fur- (b) if so, the number thereof; nished by the UnIVersity. Portuguese is taught in many colJeges in Goa. Consider- (c) the· reasons for which Governnlent aWe material in Portuguese on various as- are not obtaining foreign technical pects of Indo-Portuguese relations in- know-how to manufacture modem wheel cluding those of Brazil, is available in the chairs and other mobile chairs to assist institutions in Goa. The University has a lakhs of paraplegic people in the country; compulsory paper for M.A on History of and latin Anlerica \\'hich covers the entire re- gion with emphasis on Brazil, Argentina, (d) the steps being taken in this regard? ChiJIe, Cuba, MexIco and Peru. Besides, a number of individuals knowing Portuguese THE MJNJSTER Of STATE IN, THE and gpanish languages and also having MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND fAMILY knowledge of latin Anlerican countries are WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) available in Goa. and (b). The Government is not aware Survey ~n Paraplegic people whether any countay wide survey regarding paraplegic has been undertaken. 9824. SHRI DAUlATSJNHjl JADEjA: Will the Minister of HEAlTH AND fM-1llY (c) and (d). Ministry of Welfare has set WELFARE be pleased to state: up a public sector undertaking namely Ar- tificial limbs Manufacturing Corporation, (a) whether any solVey has been con- Kanpur, which ;s engaged in the manu- 245 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15,1910 (SAM) Written Answers 246

facture of wheel chairs and other aids and financial Year Net Profit appliances for orthopedically handicapped (Rs. in crores) persons. No foreign technical know-how is . taken for the manufacture of these wheel 1985-86 66.00 chairs. However with the iAdigenous technical ~now-h?w the company has 30.16 manufactured wheel chairs comparable to international standards. 1987-88 --(44.00) ( Provisional)

Profits of Air India The route-wise profitability for the yiars 1985-86 to 1987-88 (Aprit-Decemoer) is 9825. SHRI T. BASHEER: Will the Min- given below in Statement. ister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state: (b) to (d). Air fares are negotiated through multilateral forum of International (a) the sector wise and year-wise profits Air Transport As~ciation. Representations of Air-kldia during the last three years; have been received for re-considering the air fare from Guff countries to points in (b) whether there is any proposal to ra- South India. On the basis of the tionalise the fare of Air-India, if not, the representation, Air I ndia had again putforth reasons therefor; the proposal for reduction in through fares from Gulf area to points in South I ndia in (c) whether any complaint has been re- the IATA-B7 Conference. However, as in ceiv'ed in the past about the excessive fare the '86 tATA Conference, this proposal was charged by this airline in any sector, and defeated in 1987 Conference also. Air India will continue to pursue this matter in the (d) if so, the details thereof ana the ac- futare with lATA Member Airlines. Air fares tjon taken thereon1 . between any two countries are not fixed by any individual airline unilaterally but are THE ~UN'STER OF STATE Of THE required to be unanimously agreed at the MINISTRY Of LABOUR (SHRI JAGOISH . lntemational Air Transport Forum and are TYTlER): (a) The net profit of Air India further subject to ratifications by the during the last three years is as under.- Covernment of the concerned countries.


Route Profitability 1985/86, 1986/87 & 1987/88 APR/DEC) (Scheduled Services only)

(Rs. in Crores)

1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 Margin/ Operating Margin/ Operating Margin/ Operating .. (Deficit) Profitt (Deficit) Profit/ (Deficit) Profit/ after (loss) after (loss)· after Profit/ cash cash cash cost cost cost

1 2 3 4 6 7

,ndia/USA 36.71 (11:1.)5) )44.69 (13.63) 32.10 (13.41) 247 Written Answers MAYS, 1988 Written Answers 248

7 1 2 3 4 5 6

India/ ~.14) (1.52) Canada

India/UK 3.BO (7.18) 2.53 (10.57) 2.24 (13'.98)

(6.68) Indial 13.30 (5.66) 23.86 0.87 14.39 Continent 0.35 India/ 10.031 (7.79) 18.38 (3.03) 14.87 Japan (7.63) India/ 9.41 (1.48) 7.09 (8.15) 6.95 Sillgapore

(5.40) India/ 0.97 (4.39) . 1.72 (3.99) 2.18 Australia 38.48 India/ 161.06 87.62 151.70 64.47 108.58 Culf 1.73 (3.79) India/ Hong Kong 4.40 India/ 5.14 2.26 8.90 2.89 7.96 USSR 1.44 (1.57) India/ (0.24) (1.39) 0.60 (2.38) East Africa 0.72 (0.78) Indial 2.59 (0.91) 5.00 (1.00) West- Africa

India/ Zambia 0.31 (0.38) India/ (0.86) (2.09) (0.46) (2.37) Zimbabwe (0.09) (1.01) India/ Bangladesh

India/ (0.27) (1.34) Mauritius freighters:

India/ 1.98 1.14 3.01 (0.27) 0.87 (1.77) Us,..

India/ (0.40) (0.82) 3.16 1.89 2.07 0.94 UK 249 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJG.I\) Written Answers 250

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 India/ (1.99) (2.67) 9.52 6.19 1.06 (1.47) Europe

Indial 2.29 1.86 4.65 3.50 4.05 3.51 Japan

India/ 1.99 1.59 2.B8 1.63 2.08 1.46 Zurich

Total Scheduled

Services 245.37 46.. 18 87.23 36.05 203.51 ~8.73)

Allocation for implementation of 'Village MURTHY: Witt the Minister of HEALTH Health Guide Scheme AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

9826. SHRI JAGANNATH PATNAIK: Will (a) whether the black pepper polished the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY with mineral oil is freely available in the WELFARE be pleased to state: markets;

(a) the amount earmarked for 1987-88 (b) if so, the number of samples of black for implementing Village Health Guide pepper lifted during the last six nlonths, Scheme; and month-wise from the wholesalers and retailers in the capital; and (b) the allocation made to Orissa for implementing this ~eme during 1987.. 881

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) the details of the raids conducted in MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY this regard? WELFARE (KUIvtARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). An amount of Rs. 1500 lakhs was THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE earmarked for implementing the Village MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FMt1IL't Health Guide Scheme during the year WELFARE (KUNtARJ SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) 1987-8&and Rs. 105.861akhs was released to (c). As per the information provided by to Orissa as grant-in-aid for implementing Delhi Administration a total of 13 samples this scheme during 1987-88. of Black Pepper were lifted from various markets of Delhi during last (, months, out bids on Wholesalers and RetMers Black of which 12 samples were found Pepper adulterated, due to the presence of mineral oil. The details of the samples are as 9827. SHRI M.V. CHANDRASHEKHARA follows:-

Month Source Number of Number of samples samples collected adulterated

Feb. '88 Retailers 6 6 Trans-Yamuna Colonies

March"SS Whole sa/ers 7 6 Shraddhanand Market and Khari Baoli Area 251 ~/ritten Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 252

Fresh incentive for Effective (b) No, Sir. implementation of family Planning Programmes (c) No such conclusion has been reached. 9828. SHRI DIGV1JAY SINH: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Preservation of private buildings of be pleased to state: Historic"', Cultural and Architectural . importance (a) whether any fresh incentives have been offered to acceptors in the States 9829. SHRI DIGVIJAY SINGH: Will the during the last three years for the effective Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL- implementation of falTIily planning pro- OPMENT be pleased to state: grammes; (a) whether there are large number of Jb) whether Union Govemment have privately owned buildings which have not promoted such schemes based on the two been declared archaeological monuments reports prepared on incentives and as yet although these have considerable disincentives; and historical, cultural and architectural im- portance warranting their preservation for · (c) if not, whether incentives are con- posterity; sidered to be ineffective? (b) whether most of these are in a di- lapidating condition and disintegrating due THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE to lack of repairs; MINISTRY OF HEALTH. AND FM1ILY WELFARE (KUtvlARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) (c) whether the owners of such build- No monetary incentives are given by the I ings have been offered exemption of an Government of I ndia to members of forms of taxation to help in their upkeep; general public. The acceptors of sterilisa- and tion and IUD are, however, given com- pensation on account of wages lost. Ac- (d) if so, the details thereof? ceptors of sterilisation with two children are given in some States a green card THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ce~;n which entitles them to receive facil- DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND ities/concessions. Central Govemment CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN employees who accept sterilisation with RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. two or three children are entitle to one in- SHAHI): (a) and (b). Ancient and historical centive iilcrement and 'Yo rebate in inter- monuments, which are more than 100 est on house buading advance taken by years old and are considered to be of them. national importance in view of their out- standing archaeological historical or ar· However, incentives to Central Gov- chitectural value, are protected and pre- ernment employees and the benefits ad- served by the Central Government under missible under the green card scheme have Ancient Monuments and Archaeological been extended during the last three years Sites and Remains Act, 1958. The State to such acceptors who undergo Governments concerned also protect and sterilisation after one child. preserve important monuments. Owners of privately owned buildings can approach Besides the Greerr Card Scheme, the Archaeological SurVey of India (ASI) or the States are free to have their own scheme of State Government for technical advice on incentives to suit their requirements and matters of repairs and the like. resources. Cujarat, for example, have in- troduced a scheme of long term cash cer- (c) No, Sjr. 6ficate to acceptors of sterilisation with daughters only and no son. (d) Does not arise. 253 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 254

Allocations for Regional College, Calicut (a) whether any representation has been received regarding preferential 9830. SHRI MULLAPPAllY RA- tr.eatment meted out by Indian Airlines to - MACHANDRAN: Will the Minister of HU- the students of the I ndira Gandhi Rashtriya r~ I MAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be Uran Academy in Fursatganj, lucknow; pleased to state: (b) jf so, whether any enquiry has been (a) the amount allocated to the Regional conducted arid if so, the findings thereof; Engineering College Calicut by Government and for the year 1987-88; (c) the number of privately owned flying (b) whether any reports have been re- dubs functioning ;n the country? ceived regarding misappropriation of funds allocated to the Regional Engineering THE MINISTER Of STATE OF THE College (REC) CaJicut; MINISTRY Of lABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER): (a) to (c). A telegram followed by a (c) if so, the details thereof; letter was received from Air India Employees' Guild, Eastern Region, Calcutta, (d) whether ut~'isation of funds allocated stating that pilot!; trained by I ndira Gandhi to the Regional Engineering College has , Rashtriya Uran Academy have been been monitored hy Government; and appointed by I ndian Airlines without following the required procedures. No en~ (e) if so, the details thereof? quiry has been conducted. Under direct recruitment written test is conducted for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE posts where applications are received in DEPARTMENTS Of EDUCATION AND response to advertisement. I n regard to CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY Of HUMAN campus interviews, the procedure to con- RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. duct written test is not resorted to. The SHAH I): (a) The amount allocated by the Selection Board visited Indira Gandhi Government of I ndia to the Regional En- Rashtriya Uran Academy for campus se· gineering College, Calicut for 1987-88 lection of trainee pilots. There are 18 pri- under the Scheme of Establishment of vately owned Flying Clubs in the country, Regional Engineering Colleges was Rs. out of which 15 are functioning. 104.19lakh under Plan and Rs. 86.33 lakh under Non-Plan. Railway Undertakings in Kerala (b) No, Sir. 9832. SH RI MUUAPPALlY RA· MACHAN RAN : Will the Minister of (c) Does not arise. o RAilWAYS be pleased to state: (d) and (e). The Govemment is repre. (a) whether there are any Railway un- sented on the finance Committee as well dertakings in the State of Kerala; as the Board of Covernors of the College, which also oversee the utilisation of funds. (b) if not, whether there is any proposal Moreover, the accounts of the College are to start any Railway undertakings in Kerala, also audited by the Comptrofler and Au- if so, the details thereof, and ditor General of Jndia.

Preferential treat.... t to trainees of (c) if not, the reasons therefor? Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Urban Academy THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR 9831. SHRI MUlLAPPALlY RA- PRASAD): (a) No, Sir. MACHANDRAN: Will the Minister of CJVIL AVfATrON be pleased to state: (b) No, Sir. 255 Written Answers MAYS, 1988 Written Annvers 256

(c) Does not arise. manufacture in India, several reputed manufacturers have participated and Orders for carso vessels placed by amongst them is British Rail Engineering Shipping Corpor~tion of India on Umited of U.K. Hindustan Shipyard Umited (b) and (c). The tender has not been fi- 9833. SHRI BHATIAM SRIRAMMtUR1Y: nalised yet. Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPQRT be pleased to state: Setting up of Sub Centr:es in Orissa

(a) the number of orders for various 9835. SHRI SOMNATH RATH: Will the kinds of ~rgo vessels so far placed by the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE Shipping Corporation of India on the -be pleased to state: Hindustan Shipyard limited; (a) the number of Sub-centres proposed (b) the cost and time schedule for to be set up in the country during the construction of each such vessel and the Seventh Five Year Plan and the number out time over-runs and cost over-runs for the of them in Orissa; same; (b) the number of Sub-centres which (c) whether the Shipyard is able to have been set up during the first three ensure and effect delivery of ships within years of the Seventh Plan and out of them the time schedule stipulated in the orders; how many in Orissa; and and (c) whether any target has been fixed to (eI) if not, the steps taken to avoid such set up Sub-centres in Orissa during time over-runsl 1988·897

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MI NISTRV OF SURFACETRANSPORT (SH RI MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMilY WEL- RAjESH PILOT): (a) to (d). The information FARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) It is is being collected and will be laid on the proposed to establish 54883 Sub-centres in Table of the Sabha. the country during the 7th Five Year Plan period. Out of these,.the tarset faxed in the State of Orissa is 1800.

98"'>4. SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHO- (b) Ourins the first three yeaB of the 1liM4AN. WiD the Minister of RAILWAYS 7th Plan, a total of 22171 sub-centres have be pleased to state: been established in the country according to the reports received from States/Union (a) whether British Rail Engineerins Tenitories. Out of these, 699 Sub-centres Limited, U.K. has offered technical cOllab- have been set up in Orissa till March, 1988. oration to India for the manufacture of hip. speed rail carriages; (c) The State Government has agreed to set up 600 Sub-centres during the year (b) if so, the details thereof; and 1981J.89. • (c) whether any decision has been taken Screening of foreigners for AIDS - to accept the offer7 9836. SHRI SOMNATH RATH: Will the THE DEPUlY MINISTER IN THE Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE MINISTRV OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR be pleased to state: PRASAD): (a) In the ge.,baJ tender floated for the purpose of purchase cit coaches, (a) whether Government propose to induding transfer of technology for their screen foreigners for AI OS who visit the 257 • Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Written Answers . 258

country via various sea ports and also view to inducing competition among the those who touch the various ports of the stevedores, both the Calcutta Port Trust country; (Licencing of Stevedores) Regulations, 1988 and Ca'lcutta Dock Workers (Regulation of (b) if so, the details thereof; and Employment) Sch.qme, 1970 have been amended to enable liberal licencing of (c) whether sW;h screening facUity is stevedores. I n addition, Calcutta Port Trust available at Paradip Port in Orissa? and Calcutta Dock labour Board have thelTIselves undertaken stevedoring THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE operations. MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Release of grants to centres of Urdu and (b). All foreign students being admitted Calligraphy by bureau for promotion into any Indian Educati6nalj of Urdu Research/Training Institute are ,"equired to undergo AI OS test within one month of 9838. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI: Will the arrival in India. Coverntl1ent has also Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE OEVEL- decided that all foreigners, who intend to .oPMENT be pleased to state: stay in India for Inore than one year shall be subjected to AI DS test except those (a) the number of centres of Urdu Cal~ foreigners working in various missions ligraphy Training \\'hich are being run by whether enjoying diplomatic status or not the Bureau for Promotion of Urdu, Oe- and journalists accredited to the PIB. There partnlent of Education, in various parts of is, however, no proposal to screen all the country; foreigners who touch the various sea ports of the country. (b) whether the financial aid to these training centres for the years 1987-88 has (c) Facilities for screening for HIV not been released.so far, antI-bodies are available at the AI OS surveillance centres at Bhubaneshwar and (c) if so, the reasons therefor, and Cuttack near Paradip Port. (d) the steps Government propose to Private Stevedores at Calcutta Port take to ensure that the grants are released in time every yeat? 9837. SHRI SANAT KUMAR MANDAL: Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE be pleased to state: DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUtv\AN (a) whether the private stevedores at RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. Calcutta Port have successfully built virtual "SHAH I): (a) 34 Calligraphy Training Cen- nlonopoly over the years by fonning a sort tres have been set up in various parts of of cartel among themselves and now the country. threatel"!ing the Calcutta Port Trust which has decided to do the stevedoring job in (b) and (c). The grants are to be re- close coHaboration with the Calcutta DDck leased only after receipt of audited ac- Labour Board; and counts and utilisation certificates for the grants of previous years. Grant-an-aid for (b) if so, the remediCiI steps Covernment the year 1987-88 has been released to all propose to take in this regard? impleOlenting agencies except four orga- nizations. These organizations had either THE MJNISTER OF STATE OF THE not subnlitted previous accounts in time or MINISTRY OF SURfACE TRANSPORT (SHRI the accounts submitted were found to have RAJESH PILOT): (a) and (b). Till 1986-87, some discrepencies.

I there were 16 licensed stevedores, out of which 15 were in private sector. With a' (d) The concenled grantee agencies are 259 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 260

-advised to submit audited accounts and during the aforesaid period; and utilisation certificates in time for enabling tinlely release of grant. (c) if so, the details thereof?

Cultural ties THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND 9839. SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI: Will CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN the Minister of HUt\.iAN RESOURCE DE- RESQURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. VELOPMENT be pleased to state: SHAHI): (a) During 1986-87 and 1987-88, cultural ties were established with Benin, (a) the nallles of the countries with N icaaragua, Pent, Trinidad" & Tobago, and which cultural ties have been established in Seychelles. the last two years; (b) Yes, Sir. (b) whether Government have arranged cultural exhibitiqns in some other countries (c) A statement is given below.


Name of the Exhibition(s) Country/Countries to \\-hich exhibition(s) sent

1 2

1. Sculptures by Australia Mrinalini and Mukherjee

2. P~intings & Sculptures by FRG P.T. Reddy

3. Contemporary Paintings by FRG C.R. Santosh CDR SunilDas D.Das Gupta M. Mamtani A. Ramachandran G.P. Sharma S.l. Prashar Jai Jhorotia Jogen Choudhury Bikash Bhattacharya

4. Musical Instruments China 261 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SA/Q\) Written Answers 262 I

1 2

5. Paintings, Sculptures & Algeria Prints by Arpita Singh Anjolie Ela Menon Anupam Sood Gogi Sarojpal Arpana CaUl Vasundara 1 ewari

6. Paintings, Drawings and Switzerland Sculptures (Alekhya Darshan) by V.N. Jyoth, Basu KP. Krishna Kumar N.N. Rimzon K Prabhakaran Rodwittya Alex Mathews

7. India's Architecture SWitzerland

8. Paintings by Chile Jayapa'a Pan,cker Vijay Shmde P. Gopinath Prabhakar Barwe M. Naidu

9. Paintings & Sculptures by Pakistan Satish GUJaral Ram Kumar

10. Exhibition ot Musical Italy Instruments, Masks and SWltzerlano Madhubani Paintings by Unknown Madhubani Painters 2. Warli Paintings by U.K. Unknown 11. Folk Arts & Crafts by CzechoslovaKia Unknown 13. Exhibitions of Classical Austraha Indian Art and Paintings Bulgaria Yugoslavia USSR Chma UK USA r I~nce 263 Written AnswelS MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 264

Construction of air strips in A.P. 1 ~ 3 4 9840. SHRI V. TULSIRM1: Will the 2. Kakinada- 22.5 Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to Kotipalle state: ( Restoration) . (a) whether there is any proposal to 3. Krishna- 148 86.4 construct air strips in various districts of Vikarabad Andhra Pradesh during the Seventh Five The new rail lines have been assessed Year Plan; and to be financially unremunerative.

(b) if so, the details thereof? (b) and (c). The review of condition of track on the existing rail Jines ;s a continu- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE ous process. Track renewals are under- MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGD1SH taken based on condition and the cun1U- lYTLER): (a) No, Sir. lative traffic carried.

(b) Does not arise, (d) Construction of new ra11 lines men- Survey for railway lines in Andhra tioned in reply to part (a) is not planned. A Pradesh number of track renewal works are in dlf- fp.rent stages of progress. 9841. SHRI V. TULSIRNv1: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: Accident compensation claims pending settlement on Southern Railway (a) the details of surveys conducted for laying new railway Imes in Andhra Pradesh 9842. SHRI R. JEEVARATHINM~: Will dlJnng the last three years; the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: (b) the surveys of old railway Illles (chord and road side) conducted during the (a) the total number of raifway accidents last three years for their replacement by occurred on Southern Railway during the new rails; last three years and the number of person~ killed therem; (c) the details of findings of such sur- veys; and (b) whether the claims for compenSJ- tlon to the falTIlhes of t:le deceased have (d) the time by which laYing of new been settled in all cases; and railway lines and replacement of old and unsafe rails will be taken up? (c) if not, the number of cases which are "pending settlement and the reasons THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE therefor? MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR PRASAD): (a) Details of surveys conducted for laying '" of new railway hnes are as under:-· THE OEPUlY MINISTER IN THE MINI~TRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR (In Rs. crores~ PRASAD): (a) 181 train accidents occurred S. Lines Length Anticipa~ during 1985-86 to 1987-88. In these f\lo. in Kms. ted Cost accidents, 45 persons lost their lives.

1 ' 2 3 4 (b) and (c). The information is being 1. 'Nadikude- 348 186.74 collected and wi1l be laid on the Table of Venkatagiri the Sabha. 265 Written Answers VAISAKHA 1~, 1910 (SAM) Written Answers 266

[Translation] (iii) Improvement of communica- tion system in the forest area. Poaching of Wild Animals 9843. SHRI HARISH RAWAT: Will the {iv) Cash incentives for providing Minister of ENVIRONM.,ENT AND FORESTS intelligence on poachers. I;le pleased to state: (a) whether any assessment has been (v) I nterstate co-ordination in made on the number of tigers, lions, leap. efforts to safeguard against ards, wild cats and elephants poached poaching. annually; (vi) financial assistance for (b) jf so, the details thereof$ anti poaching measures under the Centrally Sponsored (c) whether steps have been taken in Scheme 'Control of Poaching consultation with the State Governments and illegal trade in Wildlife' to check poaching; and has been provided to 13 States amounting to Rs. 26.32 lakhs (d) if so, the details thereof? in 86-87 and to 12 States amounting to Rs. 30-90 lakhs n 1987·88. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND (vii) Providing of compensation to fORESTS (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI): (a) and (b). owners of Ilvesstock killed by Approximate number of Indian elephants carnivores, so as to prevent and lions poached during the last three retaliation through their being years is as under.-- pojsoned. Year Indian Lions (viii) Amendment of the Wildlife elephant (Protection) Act. which brings for the first time under 'egal 1985-86 .- 42 Nil control trade in imported ivory and banning of trade in a 1986-87 -- 39 1 nunlber of species and prod- ucts derived therefrom, in- 1987-88 -- 14 1 cluding lion, I ndian elephant, tiger, leopard and wildcats. figures of tigers, leopards and wild cats poached are not available for the elltire {English] country. Proposal to build Children'S (c) and (d). Steps taken in consultation Park/Science Museum with the State Governments to check poaching include: 9844. SHRIt-AATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: \ViII the Minister of HUJ\1AN RESOURCE (i) Strengthening of the Wildlife DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: Wings of the States and prop- erly equipping them for effec- (a) whether Government have a pro- tive checking of poaching. posal to build a children's science park in Delhi; ( Ii) Improvement of protection in the national parks and sanc- (b) \vhether Government have also a tuarips with additional alloca- proposal to build a science nlllc;eUOl at tions given to then) both by Pragati Maidan; the Central and State Gov· ernments. (c) if so, the cost of the above hNo pro- 267 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 268

jects and when these are going to be set for rural women and children has not been up; given due importance;

(d) the time by which the buildings of (b) jf so, whether Government propose these two projects are. to be completed; to actively involve voluntary health organi- and sations e~gaged in health education; and

(e) the steps taken in the above direc- (c) whether Covernment also Fropose tion? to educate the public in respect of counter drugs, hospital amenities and seavices THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE available? DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY Of HUJ\tAN THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAi\tULY WELFARE SHAHI): (a) The New Delhi Municipal (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) to (c). Committee (NDM<;:) has a proposal to Health education is receiving due inlpor- build a Children's Science Park in its area at tance in the scheme of prinlary health care Netaji Nagar, New Delhi. and functionaries like Male Multipurpose Worker, Female Multipurpose Worker, (b) The National Council of Science Mu- Block Extension Educator, Health Educators seums (NCSM), Calcutta, an autonomous and Medical Officers are imparting health organisation fully funded by the ,Govern- education to rural women and children as ment, is building a Science Museum at part of primary health care activities. Pragati Maidan. Trained tradationa1 birth attendants and vlHage health guides have also been pro- (c) The NOMe proposes to complete vided wtth relevant material concerning the ~ience Park by 1990 at an estimated health education relevant to their tasks. cost of Rs. 30.00 lakhs. The NCSM pro- Mass Education and Media Units inc1uding poses to complete the Science Museum by State HeaJth Education Bureaus are also the end of the 7th five Year Plan at an disseminating health education meassages. estimated cost of Rs. 8.00 (rores. .. The Government have always welcomed (d) The building of the Science Park is the dos~ Involvement of voluntary health expected to be completed by 1989 and the organisations in health education and have building of the Science Museum by the end been taking their help in developing and of the 7th Five Year Plan. disseminating health education material. As part of health education material. As part of health education programme under (e) As regards the Children's Science Park, the budget provision has been made primary hearth care sUitable messages and preliminary work has also been un- relating to amenities and services available dertaken. Regarding the Science Museum, through hospitals, Primary Health Centres the construction of building has started in and sub-centres are also be.mg developed 1986, and it is expected that the first phase and propagated of construction upto basement and ground floor will be completed by November, Cases of Smuggling in Shipping Corpo- 1988. ration of India's Ships

Health education for rural women and 9346. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: Will the children Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: 9845. SHRI K. RIVv1ACHANDRA REDDY: Will Minister of HEALTH AND F~llY the (a) the number of cases of smuggling II) WELFARE be pleased to state: the Shipping Corporation of India's ships reported during the period fronl July, 1986 (a) whether Health Education especially to March, 1988; 269 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15,1910 (SAIG4) Written Answers 270

(b) the number of officers and crew pacity and other special features of the new found responsible for smuggling and the airport? action taken against them; and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (c) . the . measures adopted by the MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JACDISH Shipping Corporation of India to check the TYTlER): (a) 24 new domestic air services incidents of smuggling through their and 5 new overseas services were intro- en1ployees on the Corporation vessels? duced during the last 2 years. Vayudoot linked 67 new stations during 1985-86, THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE 86-87 and 87-88 (till date). In addition,' MINISTRY OF SURFACE-TRANSPORT (SHRI State Governments and Union Territories RAJESH PILOT): (a) and (b). Inform'ation is who have leased helicopters from Pawan being collected. Hans have introduced services to several places. (c) Measures taken by SCI are as follows: (b) and (c). Three new airports at Shimla Calicut and Agatti were developed at a cost (i) Gangway check have been of Rs. 32.43 crores during the last 2 years, introduced by engaging special The Calicut airport has been Cleveloped at a shore watchmen at ports in cost of Rs. 20.87 crores for day and night South Korea and in Singapore. operations by 8-737 type aircraft. AU modem facilities have been provided for (ii) Administrative enquiries are the passengers. held in all cases where the contraband detected on board Joint workshop by academy of hospital ..the ships is in excess of Rs. administration and department of 10,000 elF value. administration of A.I.I.M.S.

(iii) Strict instructions have been 9848. SH RI P.1\.1. SAYE E0: Will the issued to ships' personnei not Minister'of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE to indulge/engage in smug- be pleased to state: gling activities. (a) whether a three day workshop was (iv) Deterrent penalities have been organised jointly by the Academy of Hos· imposed on personnel who pitat Administration and the Department of are found to be involved in Administration of All India Institute of smuggling. Medical Sciences, in the first week of AprilJ 1988; Introduction of new air services (b) if so, the points highlighted regard· 9847. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: Will the Ing bringing improvement in skills and Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be-pleased to . knowledge both qualitatively and quantita- state: tively to provide health care to hospitals in the country; (a) the number of new air services in- troduced both domestic and overseas (c) whether Govemment ~ave received during the last 2 ~ ,year~; some suggestions in this regard; and

(b) the new dirports and helipadst built (d) if so, the reaction of Government and commenced during the sanle period; thereto? and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) the total cost involved and the cost MINISTRY Of' HEALTH AND FM1llY in respect of the new airport at Calicut in- WELFARE (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) augurated in April, 1988 and also the ca- Yes, Sir. 271 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 272

(b) The following points were high- (c) whether the fire and emergency ar· lighted:-- rangements are inadequate;

{1} The workshop deliberated on the , (d) if so, the steps proposed to be taken Human Resource Development to bring the arrangements to international for the the hospital workers bar- level? ring the nursing and medical profession. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF lABOUR (SHRI JACDISH (2) The workshop suggested ratio- TYTlER) (a) Yes, Sir. nalisation of the multiple category of workers and their development (b) The cases of pilferage and mal- ;n terms of knowledge and skill of practices, when receive, are referred to the various trades, through Foreigner's Regional Registration Offi- vocationaHsatlon at 10 + 2 stage of cer/Police Authorities, for approporiate education. action.

(3) The workshop further empha- (c) and (d). Fire and emergency ar- sised that by vocationalization of rangements at Jndira Gandhi Jnternational education for hospital workers Airport, New Delhi are already of Interna- and rationalisation of their cate- tional level. gories there is vast scope of ver~ itcal and hOrizontal mobility of Prevention and Control of Eye Injuries workers for the organisation and development of the hospItal. 9850. SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FMillY (4) The workshop identified the WELFARE be pleased to state: trades to be incorporated for vo- catlonalssation at 10 + 2 stage of (a) whether the National Society for education and proposed to col- Prevent,ion of Blindness has chalked out laborate with NCERT for curricu- any programme this year to launch a pro- lum development for these gramme against eye injuries In the country; trades. (b) if so, the details thereof; and (c) No, Sir. (c) the funds allocated for the purpose (d) Does not arise. to each State Governments 1

Congestion at Immigration Unit of Indira THE MINISTRY OF STATE IN THE Gandhi Airport MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE (KUtvtARI SARO] KHAPARDE); (a) 9849. SHRI P.M. SAYEED: Will the National -Society for PreventIon of Minister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased to Blindness observed a Week on Prevention state: of Blindness on the theme ''Prevent Injunes··Preserve Sight" between 1--7 (a) whether the A.rI,nes Operation Apnl, 1988. Committee has ob~erved and expressed concern over the congestion at the immi- (b) Health education prograll1lnes in gration unit of the Indlra Gandhi Interna- industries, schools etc. and to hIghlight the tional Airport New DeIhl. importance of using safety appliances whIle on work were organised dunng this Week. All State Health Directorates were advised (b) jf so, the steps bemg taken to see by the Centre to extend their participation that pilferage and other malpractices in- and active coopertion for observance of the dulged into at present are stopped. Week With the local branches of National 273 Written Mswen VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 274 • Society for Prevention of Blindness at State (d) the details thereof? and District levels and to provide all possible facilities from the State Health THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Education Bureau. MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH lYTLER) : (a) Yes, Sir, It is proposed to (c) No funds were allocated by the recarpet/strengthen runways at T richy, Centre to State Governments for this pur- Coimbatore, Dimapur, Bhubaneshwar, pose. Varanasi and I mphal airports during 1988.. 89. Re-use of Defective Aircraft by Vayudoot (b) Yes, Sir. 9851. SHRIIvtATI JAYANTI PATNAIK : wm the Minister of CIV(l AVIATION be (c) and (d). Work relating to strength- pleased to state: ening of the main runway, taxi track and apron at Bhubaneshwar airport is in (a) the route on which Vayudoot is fly- progress. ing defective plane in the eastern region; Implementation of Agreement with Uni- (b) whether that defective aircraft was versity and College Teachers withdra'wn earlier; and 9853. SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY : Will (c) if so, the reasons for allowing to op- the Minister of H Utv1AN RESOU RCE erate the defective plane again 7 DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (a) whether the agreement signed be- MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH tween the Government and the All India nTLER) :(a) to (c). The Dornier aircraft Federation of University and College vr -EJ N which was reported in the Press to Teachers Organisation (At FUCTO) in be flying with a defective engine was September last year the has been imple- withdrawn from service and feny-flown mented as yet; from Calcutta to Delhi for investigatons. The investigations of the engine carried out (b) whether the teachers from all over confirmed that the engine was meeting the the country staged a demonstration at Boat technical parameters prescribed in the Club on April 11, 1988 demanding its Pilot's Handbook and was airworthy. The immediate implementation; and aircraft thereafter was permitted to fly and the engine in question was allowed to (c) if so, the details and the reasons for complete the remaining hours of the delay in implementation of the agreement? maintenance cycle. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Strengthening of BhubaneSwar Airport DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN 9852. SHRlMATl JAYANTI PATNA'K RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L P. Will the Minister of CIVil AVIATION be SHAH I) : (a) The specific comnlitments pleased to state: made by the Government were communi- cated to the State Governments on 7th (a) whether there is any proposal for September, 1987 and have been inlple- strengthening of some airports iJ'f the mented in all the Central Universities. Sev- country; if so, the details thereof, eral State Governments which have fi- nalised their scheme of revision of pay (b) whether Bhubaneswar airil0rt is one scales have incorporated the mvdifications of them; communicated to them on 7th September in their proposals. (c) if so, the steps taken during the last three years in this regard; and (b) Yes, Sir. 275 VVfltten Answers MAY 5,1988 \Vrttten Answers 276

(c) The malt) Issues that remalll' to be the MlI1lster of ENVIRONMENT AND settred are the institution of a selection FORESTS be pleased to state: grade for the Lecturers which "vas left for further consultations and the revision of (a) whether any study has been un- pay scales of Libranans and Directors of dertaken to assess the extent of eviron- Physical Eudcatlon. These matters have nlental pollution caused by the Thermal since been considered and a decision on Power Plants In the country; and them is expected shortly. The teachers have also been deolanding the communi- (b) if so, the details thereof? cation of a revised scheme incorporating all the modification. It is proposed to do so as THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE soon as the remaining issues mentioned MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND above are settled. FORESTS (SHRI Z. R. ANSARI) : (a) No speCIfic study has been undertaken to as- Air India Flights in Collaboration with sess the extent of environmental pollution Forign Airlines caused by the 'thermal power plants in the count')'. However, monitoring of the extent 9854. SHRI VIjAY N. PATll : Will the of compliance by the thermal power plants Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to with the standards prescribed is carried out I state: by the Pollution Control Boards.

(a) whether Air-I ndla IS collaborating (b) Out of 67 thermal power plants in with any other world arillne for the the country, 54 are provided with control operation of its flights; equipment and of these seven are meeting the stipulated standards. (b) if so, the criteria fixed for collabora- tion; Preservation of Art and Culture of Hill Areas (c) the percentage of profit or lose de- rived by Air I ndia by collaboration dunng 9856. SHRf BHAORESWAR TANTI : Will 1986-87 and 1987-88; and the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DE- VELOPMENT be pleased to state: (d) the steps Government propose to take for Air India's own flights? (a) whether Government have taken steps for preseving ancient art and culture THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE of aU the hilly areas located in the MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRJ JAGDISH Himalayas and its valleys; lYflER) : (a) and (b). Air India have entered into joint venture agreements with some (b) if so, the details thereof; and foreign airlines with a view to maintaing their presence in such marekets where (c) if not, the reasons therefor? they are not in a position to operate on their own. THE M1NISTER Of STATE IN THE (c) In each such arrangement, Air India DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND derives a 50% share or a predetermined CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN share of the profits whichever is higher. RESOURCf DEVELOPMENT (SHRI l. P. SHAHI) : (a) Yes, Sir. Though culture in- (d) Such steps depend on Air-India's cluding its preservation and promotion is capacity position and commercial consid- primarily State subject the Government of eration. India through the Department of Culture and the Organizations under its aegis, have Pollution From Thermal Power Plants taken steps for preservation of the ancIent art and culture of the hilly areas locatf;d in 9855. SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI : Will the Himalayas and its valleys. 277 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910"(SAJQ\) Written Answers 278·

(b) and (c). The Department of Culture Similarly, many of the serials/programmes has recently framed a scheme of financial for children telecast on T.V. are undoubt- assistance for the preservation and devel- edlyeducative and provide healthy enter- opment of the cultural heritage of the Hi- tainment. In view of this, the Government malayas. Voluntary organisations, institu- is not thinking of intervening in the matter tions, societies and trusts which are reg- at present. istered as a Society are eligible for this grant. This scheme could not be imple- Jammu-Udhampur Railway Line mented last year because of the economy orders. This scheme is being implemented 9858. DR. KRUPASINDHU BHOI : Will this year for which we have a budget allo- the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to cation of Rs. 40 lakhs. Further the Archae· state: ological Survey of India which is concerned with the protection of ancient monuments (a) whether construction of of Natinal importance also looks after Jammu-Udhampur rail link is being taken various important monuments in tbe hilly up; areas of the Himalayas and in valleys which includes monuments in Himachal Pradesh, (b) if so, the progress made so far; Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. (c) the time by which construction of the above rail link is expected to be com- Impact of Comic Books and T.V. Serials pleted; and on Children (d) the steps taken to expedite the con· 9857. PROF. RAMKRISHNA MORE: Will struction work? the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:· THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAIL\VAYS (SHRJ tv\AHABIR (a) whether Government have studied PRASAD) : (a) Yes, Sir. the impact of the comic book culture and the telecasting of such serial which depicts (b) 9.5%. the feats of larger than life heroes on the minds of the school going children; (c) Its completion \\lill depend on avail- ability of resources in the coming years. (b) if so, the outcome thereof; (d) Rs. 7 crores have been allocated for (c) the manner in which Government this work in 88-89. propose to tackle this problem; and Bridge over river Brahmani on National (d) if not, whether such a study would Highway in Orissa be nlade? 9859. DR. KRUPASINDHU BHOI : Will THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND pleased to state; CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRJ L P. (a) the estimated cost of construction of SHAHJ) : (a) to (d). While Government has the bridge over river Brahmani on National not conducted a specific study of con1ics Highway N·o. 23 near Bansigarh in Orissa; being published in the country and their and effect on children but it is well known that many comics are popular among children. (b) the progress of constn..tion of the While all the comics are not good or at- bridge and the amount provided therefor? tractive, some of the comics brought out by the Children's Book Trust and Amar THE f\.tlNISTER OF STATE OF THE Chitrakatha are educative and very good. MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI 279 Written Answers ttMY 5, 1988 Written Answers 280

RAJ ESH PilOn : (a) The sanctioned cost of (b) the details thereof and the amount construction of the bridge is Rs. 392.50 released for their development during the lakhs. Seventh Plan period so far?

(b) The overall physical progress of the THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE bridge is 83% upto March, 1988. During MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI 1987-88 Rs. 100 lakhs were alloted for the RAJ fSH PilOn: (a) One work and a provision of Rs. 25.00 lakhs has been suggested in the Budg~t Estimates (b) The work of 'Improvement to Bala- 1988-89. sore-Jaleswar O.T road (57, Kms. in length).' was approved for an amount of Purchase of Aircrafts by Air India Rs. 199.970 lakhs (central share) against

r the estimated cost of Rs. 232.00 lakhs in 9860. SHRI SRIBAlLAV PANIGRAHl : ~ August, 1984 under the Central Aid Pro- Will the Minister of CIVil AVIATION be gramme of loan assistance for State Roads pleased to state; of Inter-State or Economic Importance subject to the condition that the balance (a) the number of alrcrafts purchaed by cost and excess cost because of escalation, Air India dunng the last three years; if any, over and above approved cost will be brone by the State Government from (b) the country from which those alr- their own resources. An amount of Rs. crafts have been purchased; and 164.25 lakhs has been released by this Ministry for development of thiS road (c) the cost of those alrcrafts? during the 7th Plan period.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Ole Earning Through Advertisements MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH Displayed On Bus-Queue-Shelters lYTlER) : (a) In the last three years, Air India acquired six Airbus A310-300 aircraft 9862. SHRIMATI D.K BHANDARI: Will and one used B 747-200 aircraft. the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: (b) Six A310-300 were purchased from Airbus Industnes, France and one used (a) whether the DTe has been earning B747-200 aircraft was purchased from through advertisements displayed on Singe pore Airlines, Singapore. various bus-queue-shelters' (c) Total project cost of six A310-300 aircraft is placed at Rs. 531.78 crores in- (b) if so, the total amount earned cluding foreign exchange component of through such advertisements dunng the US$ 443.50 million (equivalent to INR last three years; year-wise; 478.98 crores). (c) whether the maintenance of the bus- Air India paid US$ 47 million to Singa- queue-shelters is very poor, pore Airlines for the used 8747-200 aircraft. (d) if so, the steps proposed to be taken Roads in Orissa under Inter State or for their proper maintenance; and Econom,ic Importance Scheme (e) if not, the reasons therefor? 9861. SHRI SRIBALlAV PANIGRAHI Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF Tf!iE MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI (a) the number of roads which are being RAJESH PilOT) : (a) Yes, Sir. constructed in Onssa under Inter-State or Economic Importance scheme; and (b) Year-wise earning through display of 281 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Written Answers 282 advertisements on Bus-Queue-Shelters Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be, pleased during the last three years is as under:-- to state;

1985 ~. Rs. 19.391akhs (a) whether the Soviet Union has 1986 Rs.27.14Iakhs, agreed to hel:> in the modernisation of the 1987 Rs. 38.17 lakhs Railways; and

(c) to (e). For proper maintenance of (b) if so, the details thereof? Bus-Queue-Shelters, the ""ork has been decentralised by DTC. The queue shelters THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE within the N DMC area are being main- MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI IVtAHABIR tained by the N DMC authorit;es. The PRASAD) : (a) Yes, Sir. complaints of damage to the queue shelters received through traffic supervisory (b) A few potential areas for mutual co- staff, are attended to within the shortest operation in the railway sector have been possible time. identified. These include supply of equip- ment for track renewals, railway electrifica- Setting up of National l:ommlSSJon on tion, etc. and consultancy for heavy-haul Libraries operation and modernisation of wagon maintenance depots. 9863. DR. B. L. SHAI LESH : Will the Minister of RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be T.V. Sets on Railway Stations in Kerala pleased to state: 9865. SHRI T. BASHEER : Will the· (a) whether an empowered Committee Mjnister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: has recommended the setting up of a Na- tional Commission on Libraries for gener- (a) the r.ames of the railway Stations in atmg a library movement in the country, Kerala where close circuit T.V. sets are with emphasis on literacy and representa- proposed to be installed; and tion of the cu!tural heritage as envisaged in the New Education Policy; (b) the basis on which the railway sta- tions are selected for this purpose? (b) if so, whether an action plan at:' the National Policy on Libraries and infonna- THE DEPUlY MINISTER IN THE tion systems has since been formulated; so, MINISTRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR its salient features: and PRASAD) : (a) In Kerala, colour C( TV sets are proposd to be installed at Trivandrum, (c) the stage of which the setting up of a ~ Trichur, Emakulam and Kottayam railway National Commission on Libraries stands at stations. present and whether any Member of Parliament will also be nominated on this (b) Selection of railway stations is based Commission? on the density of traffic and importance of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the station. DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUfvtA.N Central Assistance to Kerala for Sports RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. Projects SHAHf) : (a) to (c). Yes, Sir. The Empow- ered Committee has submitted its report very recently. The report is yet to be stud- 9866. SHRI T. BASHEER I: Will the ied. Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL- OPMENT be pleased to' state'- the central Soviet Assistance in Modernisation of assistance demanded vis-a-vis given to Railways Kerala State for various sports projects and schemes in the State during 1987.. 88 and 9864. SH RI SANAT KUtvtAR tv\AN DAL 1988-891 283 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers 284

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) the likely date of its completion? DEPARTMENTS OF YOUTH AFFAIRS AND SPORTS AND \VOMEN AND CHILD THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE DEVElOP.\1ENT IN THE MINISTRY OF MINISTRY OF SURfACE TRANSPORT (SHRI HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT RAJESH PilOT) : (a) to (c). Colvale bridge (SMT. MARGARET ALVA) : Under the which has S'O far been partly completed has Central scheme of 'GrantS to State Sports not been put to re-tender. However, efforts Councils, etc', financial assistance is pro- are being made to prepare the tender videcJ inter-alia, for construction of sports docunlents for the remaining work in order stadia, swimming pools, gyrhnasia and to entrust the same to a new agency and development of play-fields. The scale of get it completed as early as possible. financial assistance is 50% of the estimated cost (75% in case of hilly areas) subject to a ceiling. The proposals, received from Kerala Vacant Posts of Nurses in Central State during 1987-88, for central financial Government Hospitals in Delhi assistance under the scheme, were considered and wherever admissible, the 9868. SH RI K. MOHAN DAS : Will the grants have been sanctioned and released Minister of HEALTH AND FAfv\llY WELFARE accoding to the scheme. be pleased to state; Against total grant of approximately Rs. 14.99 crores released during 1 ~87 -88, an (a) the number of unfilled vacancies for amount of Rs. 117.72 lakhs was released to nurses in various Central Government Kerala alone under the scheme. hospitals in Delhi includmg A.I.I.M.S. as on 31 March, 1988; The grant to be released to Kerala during 1988-89 will depend upon number (b) how many of these vacancies have of proposals received from them. been reported to the concerned Employ- ment Exchanges; and Colvale Bridge in Goa (c) whether Government propose to 9867. SHRI SHANTARAf\.1 NAIK : Wtll regulanse servcles of nurses working on the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT be ad-hoc basis? pleased to state; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) whether the Colvale Bridge In Goa MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY has been re-tendered; WELFARE (KUfv1ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE) : (a) to (c). The required information has been (b) if so, the reasons therefor? given In the statement below. STATEMENT 51. Name of the Number of No. of Whether proposed No. Hospital unfilled vacancies to regulanse ad-hoc vacancies of reported to service of nurses nurses as on Employment 31.3.1988 exchange

1 2 3 4 5

1. Safdarjang 40 40 Yes Hospital

2. Dr. R.M.L Nil Nil Yes Hospital 285 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 286

1 2 3 4 5

3. Lady Hardinge 11 11 Yes Medica' College '& Smt. S.K. Hospital including Kalawati Saraan Children Hospital

4. All India 89 posts of Staff Nurses There is no proposal I nstitute of have been notified to to regufarise the Medical Employment Exchange. services of nurses Sciences The posts of Nursing working on ad-hoc Staff Nurse 115 Sister and Asstt. basis without going Nursing 23 Nursing Supdt. are through the prescri- Sister being filled by bed procedure as Asstt. Nursing promotion from amongst laid down in the Supdt. the departmental recruitment rules. candidates.

Rubber Plantation in Kera'a Sponsoring of Polytechnic Merit Students for Employment 9869. SHR~ K. MOHANDAS : Will the " Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS 9870. SHRI H.C. RAJv1ULU : Will the be pleased to state; Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEl- OPMENT be pleased to state: (a) whether vast area of Kerala is cov· ered by green rubber plantations; (a) whether the Polytechnics of Delhi sponsor for employment students getting (b) if so, the details thereof; merit scholarships in various disciplines (c) whether permanent plantations like during the last year of their courses rubber, cocoa etc., are favourable to the forestsi and (b) if so, the details in this regard;

(d) the area in Kerala which is covered (c) whether Government propose to by such greent plantations 7 sponsor the merit students to Government undertakings also for employment as an THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE incentive and in recognition of their merit' MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND and FORESTS (SHRI Z.R. ANSARI) : (a) and (b). Appr~imatefy 2,71,000 ha. of land is (d) if not, the reasons therefor? covered by rubber plantations in Kerala.

(e) and (d). It is the policy of the <.,;ov- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE emment not to divert forest land for com· DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND mercial crops including rubber. The ap- CULTURE IN THE ~~INISTRY OF HUMAN proximate extent of rubber and cocoa RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI l. P. plantations in for-est area is given below: SHAH I) : (a) Yes, But sponsoring is not confined to Merit Scholarship holders only. Rubber 585 ha. (b) On the request of the enlployers, Cocoa 2 ha. Bio-data of final year students are made 287 Written Answers IvtAY 5, 1988 Written .Answers 288 available to them. The employers conduct (d) Merit scholarships for the year 1987 campus intelViews of final year students for has already been disbursed. For the year selection. 1988 the disbursement of scholarships has been started and will be completed by first (c) The same procedure as in (b) above week of May, 1988. is followed in case of Govemment under- takings as and when they approach the (e) Does not arise. Polytechnics. Declaration of Sunderbans as National Waterways (d) Does not arise. Payment of Merit Scholarships to 9872. SH RI SANAT KUtvtAR MAN DAl : Students of G.B. Pant Polytechnic, Will the Minister of SURfACE TRANSPORT New De.hi be pleased to state:

9871. SHRI H.G. R.M1UlU : Will the (a) whether any plan has been or is Minister of l-iUJ\t\AN RESOURCE being prepared for the development of the DEVElOP~1ENT be pleased to state; waterways in Sunderbans;

(a) whether there is a scheme for grant (b) if so, the details thereof and the of merit scholarships to so per cent of the capital outlay involved; and sanctioned strength of students in the Second Semester onwards of diploma (c) the time by which the Sunderbans is courses conducted by the G.B. Pant likely to be declared as a National Water- Polytechnic, New Deihl. ways?

(b) if so, the details thereof; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI (c) the total number of ment scholar· RAjESH PILOT) : (a) and (b). The strips granted to the students of this insti- -Sunderbans has been identified for con- tution during last three years, separately; sideration as one of the waterways for declaration as National Waten.vays. Hy- (d) whether the scholarships amount drographic surveys and Techno-economic has not been paid to the eligible students feasibility studies are the pre-reqUistles to during the years 1987 and 1988 so far; and ascertain feasibility of navigation before the waterway can be declared as national (e) i~ so, the reasons for the delay and waterway. The Hydrograhic Survey on this when the payment will be made? waterway has been completed and techno- economic studies are in progress. Once THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE these studies are completed, the capital OEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND expenditure could be assessed. CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUtv1AN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRt L P. (c) It ;s only on receipt of the results pf SHAHI) : (a). There IS a scheme for grant of studies and estabhshment of viability of merit scholarship, but not for 50 per cent navigation that the matter can be pro- of the sanctioned strength of students. cessed. (b) Only five per cent of the sanctjoned Centrally Protected Monuments in Bihar strength of students are awarded merit scholarships in the second and third year of 9873. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDD1N : Will the three year course on the basis of their the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE academic performance. I' OEVELOPMENT be pleased Jo state:

(c) Thirty eight merit scholarships were (a) the list of contrally protected ar- awarded in each year during the last three chaeological monuments and sites in Bihar years. as on 1st April, 1988' 289 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) Written Answers 290

(b) the expenditure incurred on their 1986-87 Rs. 35.34 lakhs maintenance and repair during the last three financial years, year-wise; 1987·88 Rs. 46.89 lakhs (c) the expenditure incurred on estab- (d) Some important monument where lisho'lent in the circle concerned during the special repairs were undertaken for struc- fast three years; tural and chemical preservation during the last three years and likely to be taken-up (d) the brief particulars of major main- during 1988-89 are shown below at (i) and tenance, repair, preservation or restoratton (ii) separately. schemes taken up during the last three years and likely to be taken during 1988- 0) Ancient site of Vikramsila 89; and Monastery at Antichak; Asho-kan Palace at Kumrahar; (e) the amount allocated for repair and Ancient Romains at Nalanda; maintenance for 1988-89? Bimbisar jail at Rajgiri; Tomb of Sher Shah with its tank; walls, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE gateway at Sansaran and Stupa DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND at Nandangarh. CULTURE lN lHE MlNISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L. P. ~ii) Ancient site of Vikramsila SHAH 1) : (a) A list of monuments and sites monastery at Antichak; Ancient declared to be of national importance in Romains at Nalanda; Tomb of Bihar, as on 1 ~t April, 1988, js furnished in Hasan Sur Shah and Tomb of the statement below. Sher Shah with its tank, w~Us, gateway at Sasaram, (b) The expenditure incurred on th~ir Nandangarh monuments at preservation works towards .annual maIn- Marhia, Asoka column known tenance special repairs, chemical treatment as Laur Pillar at Lauria: Asoka and HOl1icultural operations' u(lder Plan column at Kolua; and mound and Non-Plan, during last three years IS known as Raja Baisal ka garh at Basarh. sl.own below: (e) The amount allocated is Rs. 26.72 Rs. 8.60 lakhs lakhs as detailed below:

Rs. 23.28 lakhs 1988-89

1987-88 Rs. 15.33 lakhs Structural Rs. 21.70 lakhs Repair Rs. 0040 lakhs (c) The expenditure incurred 0[\ estab- Chemical lishment by Patna Circle dUrIllg the last Preservation three years IS as follows: Horticultural Rs. 4.62 lakhs 1985-86 Rs. 3l.20 lakhs OperatIon

STATEMENT-A List of protected monulnents/sites in Bihar

SI. locality Name of monument/site No. 1 2 3

Distl ict Auran8c1bJd 1. Tomb of Shamshcr Khan 291 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answen 292

1 2 3

District BhagaIpur

2. Antichak Ancient site of Vikramasila Madhorampur Monastery and Oriup

3. Colgong Rock temple

4. Madhorampur Patalpuri cave and land adjoining Bateshwar cave on the Patharghata hill

S. Patharghata Rock sculptures

DIstrict East Champaran

6. Chanki Ruined fortress, Chankigarh

7. Marhia Rampart of the fort at Nandangarh

8. --do- Ruined fortress at Nandangarh

9. -do-- Vedic burial mounds

10. Pam Vedic burial mounds

11. Sagardih Fort ruins

12. Tajpur Deur Duddhist Stupa

District West Oiamparan

13. lauriya- Areraj Asoka column known as laur P,lIar

14. lauriya Asoka column

15. -do- Vedic burial mounds

16. Rampurwa Asoka column

District Darbhanga

17. Pachrukhi Remains of ancient Fort or Garh locaHy t

18. Barabarand Gopi cave Nagarjuni hills 293 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (~AAA) Written Answers 294

1 2 3

19. Sarabar and Karan Chauper cave Nagarjuni hiHs

20. -.. do-~ lomas Rishi Cave

21. --do-- Suda",a Cave

22. --do-- Vada Thika Cave

23. --do-- Vapiyaka Cave

24. ~-do .. - Visva Jhopa Cave

25. Bakraur Bodh Ancient Stupa and other remains locally known as Mehar Sujata Garh.

26. Ghenjan Ancient Buddhistic image and sculptures collected underneath a shed.

27. Guneri Ancient Buddhistic image and other images and sculptures collected underneath a shed.

28. Bishunpur-Tarwan Ancient mounds in the vaney known as 'Harsa Kol' Harsa and Jagdishpur

29. --do-- Ancient mounds in t~e hill known as ISobnath' District Na/anda

30. Bihar Remains of the ramparts and the mound commonly known as the 'Queen's Palace' in the old Fort known as the Kifla.

31. --do-- Tomb of Malik Ibrahim Beya

32. Chorakatora Ancient remains known as Gam

33. Nalanda (Bargaon) All mounds, structures and buildings enclosed in the acquired area

34. Village Ahiapur Ancient mound ruined Brick walls Maner

35. ·-do-- --do.. •

36. Rajgir 1. All' ancient structures and other monuments or remains within the areas enclosed by the said walls

2. AU ancient structures and all artificial caves and mounds containil'!& ~ncient remains which a!.~ sit~ated 295 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written Answers ' 296

1 2 3 with fn a distance of half a mile of the said two ancient dties known as old and new Rajgriha

3. Walls of the two ancient cities known as old and new Rajgriha District Nawada

37. Kurisaray Sculptures of various Hindu deitties carved on the southern and eastern faces of some rocks and . boulders of Kanadol Hill

38. Kurisaray Sculptures of various Hindu deitties carved 011 the face of an isolated round boulder separated by a distance of 12 feet from the south eastern corner of the Keuadol Hill

39.·-do-- Sculptures of various Hindu deitties carved on the northern and eastern faces of some rock of KauadoJ Hill

40. Kurisaray Sculptures of four Hindu deities carved on each side of an oblong isolated boulder to the east of Kauadol Hill

41. --do-- The whole of the ancient rulllS on which there are a dosal statue of Budha a few loose sculptures and thirteen sand stone pilJars

42. Kurkihar The area generaUy known as I garh'

43. tat Ancient monolithic pillar known as lat.

District Muzaffarpur

44. Kolhua Asoka Column

District Patna

45. BuJandipur The grave known as "Balandibagh"

46. Chhoti Pahari The mound or stupa known as "Chhoti Paharr"

47. Kumrahar Supposed site of the Palace of Asoka

48. MahaHa Remains of wooden foundations and ancient Sandalpore Mauryan walls

49. Maner Tank

50. --do-- Tombs of Shah Makhadulll Daulat Maned and Ibrahim Khan

~1. Paharidih Mounds known as the five stupas or "Panch Pahari" 297 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answe~ 298

1 2 3

52. Patna 1. Abluti9n tank 2. Mir Ashraf's Juma Mosque 3. Pucca well

District Ranch;

53. Hansa Asura Sites

54. Kathartoli -·do--

55. Khekparta Ancient stone temple with a smalrSivalinga inside

56. Khunti Tola Asura sites

57. Kunjla. --do--

58. Saridkel Asura sites District Rohtas

59. Ashikpur J\soka inscription on the Chandan Snah,d hiH

60. Buxar Ancient mound

61. Kota 1. An inscribed rock with six lines of inscription in Nagari character dated Sambat 1225 in a rock shelater made into a cave adjacent to the Tarachandi Temp\e

2. In the same shelter as described above against NO.1 tw'o other lines of inscriptions in Nagari Character of an earlier date

3. Another rock inscription above the shefter in Arabic character in three lines with a right hand carved in relief at the commencement

62. Malik Sarai Tomb of Bakhtyar Khan

63. Paura Temple of Mundeshvari

64. Rohtasgarh Rohtasgarh fort

65. Sassaram T ornb of Hasan Sur Shah

66. ·-do~~ 1. Tomb of Sher Shah 2. Tank 3. tts walls 4. Ghat 5. Flanking kiosks, the porthern gateway and causeway 6. The gateway (Delhi Darwaza) to the west of the tomb of Sher Shah . 299 · Written Answers MAY 5/ 1988 Written Answers 300

1 ') 3 District Saharsa

67. Bartgaon and '\ Ancient mound locally known as Goradih . Maheshi District Santhal Parganas

68. Arazi Mukimpur Ruins of Baradari buildings with probable underground cens and passage

69. Hadaf Jamma Masjid

District Saran

70. Manjhi 1. All ancient structures and other monuments of Remains and all artifical caves and mounds containing ancient remains within the limits of the said ancient city of Manjhl

2. Remains of the ancient city of Manjhi.

District Singhbhum" 71. Benisagar 1. Benisagar tank 2. Old remains of temple and sculptures on the south-east bank of the above tank

72. Ruam Site of an old fort

73. ltagarh Ancient mound District Vaishali

74. Basarh Mound known as Raja Baisal Ka garh

75. Hajipur JumaMosque

76. Harpur Basant Excavated remains of stupa and Chakramdas '(ilIages _ Travel Facilities to Railway Employees facilities annually enjoyed by the Railway employees during the last three years, year- 9874. SHRl SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will wise? the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR (a) the particulars of free travel facilities PRASAD): (a) The Ranway employees and extended to the Railway employees and their dependants are given privilege their dependents: and, Passes/School Passes according to their (b) the national estimated value of th~ _ ...... e_n_tit_le_m_e_n_t_o_n_t_h_e_fo_U_o_w_in .... g_s_ca_I_e_:-. __ _ Privilege Passes: Calptted (Croup A & B) 6 sets per annuam. 1 Non-Cazetted (Group C & 0) (0 set per annuam .. during the first five years of service. 301 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers _ 302·

(ii) 3 sets per annuam • after fIVe years of service.

School Passes: 3 sets per annuam issued to each student. dependent member of studying away from the headquarters of Railway employee.

(b) As issue of passes to various cate- CClV system an Railway Stations and gories of Railway employees is decen- state: tralised and spread out on all Indian Rail- ways, no consolidated record is maintained (a) the licence fees collected or due to in regard to total number of passes issued the Railways from the operators of the and their actual utilisation by the employ- dosed circuit television system at the rail- ees .and their dependants. I n view of the way stations during 1987-88; voluminous and time consuming nature of work and staff requirements, no statistics is (b) the average time in absolute as well maintained. as proportionate terms every day allotted to commercial advertisements; Meetings of Courts/Senates of Central Universities (c) the estimated revenue from such commercial advertisements collected by 9875. SHRI SYSED SHAHABUDDIN: the closed circuit television system opera- Will the Mini~er of HUl\t\AN RESOURCE tors during 1987-88; and DEVELOPMENT be pleased to refer to the reply given on 21 April, 1988 to Unstarred (d) whether any instances of misuse of Question No. 7945 regarding meeting of the dosed circuit television system for tele- the Courts/Senates of Central Universities casting undesirable material have come to and State: the notice of Government and if so, the measures taken to prevent them? (a) the dates of meetings of the Courts/Senates of each of the Central Uni· THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- versities during the last three years; ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR PRASAD): (a) An amount of Rs. 46,03,981 (b) the total statutory membership of has been realised as licence fee during the Court/Senates in each case; and 1987-88 from the CClV operators.

(c) the actual nlembership of each body (b) In absolute terms, the time alloted as on 1 April, 1988? for every day for con1n1ercial advertise- ments varies from six to nine hours, de- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE- pending on the in)portance of the stations. PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- Proportionately, 50% of total telecasting TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- time is utilised for commercial advertise- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI L.P. nlents and 50% for railway information. SHAH'): (a) to (c). The requisite infonna· tion is being collected and will be laid on (c) The CCTV system at railway stations the Table of the House. is installed, maintained and managed at their own cost, in addition to payment of CCIV System on Railway Stations licence fee to railways. They collect rev- enue from COnlt11ercial advertisement. As 9876. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will such, this infonnation is not nlaintained by the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to the railways. refer to the repJy given on 21 April, 1988 to Unstarred Question No. 7837 regarding (d) Yes, Sir. In a recent case, the CClV 303 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 304

contract at Patna railway station has been received by Union Government from Pun· tenninated due to telecasting of unatho. jab Government for diversion of forest land rised matter. to non-forestry purposes; and

Environmental Clearance of Projects (b) if so, the number of such proposals from Punjab and the decision taken on each of these requests?


(a) whether any proposals have been (b) A statement IS given below. STATEMENT lJst of the proposals received from Govt. of Punjab for clearance of Union Govt. under Forest (Consewation) Act, 198. and decision taken thereon as referred in part (b) of the answer to the Lok Sabha unstarred Question No. 9877 to be answered on "5.5.88.

SI. Name of the Proposal District Remarks No.

1 2 3 4

1. Setting up of Sanjay Hoshiarpur Essential Niketan details sought from the State Covt. on 20.5.81 are still awaited. i. Setting up of Urban Jalandhar Case withdrawn Complex at Phillaur. by the State Govt. on 5.2.81.

3. ShahpurkandiBarrage Curdaspur State Govt. was Project infonned on 29.7.81, that proposal does not require Govt. of India/s Clearance as Forest (Conservation) Act is not attracted.

4. Exemption of Tree Rejected Growing farm land s. Mutual exchange of Not a formal piece of forest proposal; case land with Privately returned to owned land State Covt. on 29.4.82. 305 Written Ans~ers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Written Answers 306

1 2 3 4

6. Setting up of U.H.f. Rupnagar Not a formal Station by P & T proposal; case Deptt. at Nangal. returned to State Covt. on 13.7.82.

7. 132 KVD/C line Rupnagar Approved on 24.11.83.

8. Mutual exchange of Hoshiarpur Approved on 3.2.81. piece of forest land with privately owned land.

9. Development of Park Ludhiana Essential details sought from State Govt. on 17.10.86. Reply awaited.

10. Mutua) exchange of Rupnagar Rejected on {"rest land with 20.9.85. private land of Sh. Faquir Singh.

11. Setting up of Urban Jalandhar Rejected on Estate at Phillaur 10.10.83.

12. Mutual exchange of Hoshiarpur Approved on forest land with 17.6.87. Private land of Shri Khushala. 13. Cutting of trees Rupnagar Essential details along N.H.C (SYL) sought fronl State from R.D. 5 to 6 Govt. on 16.7.87 and 8 .. 10 km. and renlinded on 24.11.87 Replya\\'aited.

14. Construction of SYl Rupnagar Essential details canal. sought ironl State Govt. on 13.10.86 and reo1inded on ·4.1.88. Reply awaited.

\t15. Construction of Rupnagar Essential details SYL canal frorn R.D. sought from State 3 .. 17 & 28.. 32. Govt. on 13.10.86 Rerninded on 4. 1.88. Reply awaited.. 307 Written Answers MAY 5,1988 Written AnSwelS 308

1 2 3 4

16. laying of pipeline Patiala Rejected on for disposal of 12.6.86. sawage.

17. Construction of Gurdaspur 'Essential details Thein dam. . sought from State Covt. on 25.4.88 Reply awaited.

18. 400 KV line of Curdaspur Approved on Chamera Hydro-electric 21.10.86. Project.

19. 220 KV Ganguwal Rupnagar Approved on Patiala line 8.1.85.

~O. Regulator for Ropar Rupnagar Approved on Thennal Plant. 30.4.84.

21. Setting up of Amritsar Approved on check-post by B.S. F. 8.9.86.

22. 400 KV Chamkaur Bhatinda Approved on Hyde) PQwer Project. Faridkot 19.3.87.

Vayudoot Service between Bhubaneswar- (b) to (d). Vayudoot has plans to a.rlank Raipur Jharsuguda during the current plan period subject to development of infrastructure, 9878. DR. KRUPASINDHtJ BHOI: Will availability of aircraft capacity and eco- the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased nomic viability of operations. The ser~ to ilate: vice/route on which Jharsuguda will be in- cluded has not yet been decided. (a) whether the State Government of Orissa has requested to introduce Vayu- Since the aircraft capacity presently doot service between Bhubaneswar and available is fuUy committed Vayudoot has Raipur via Jharsuguda; no immediate plans for operating service on the route Bhubaneswar-Jharsuguda- Raipur. (b) if 501 the decision taken thereon; [Translation J (c) the reasQns for the delay in operat- ing Vayudoot service on the above route; Hospital near Sagar Railway Station and

(d) the steps proposed to be taken to 9879. SHRI NANDlAl CHOUDHARY: introduce the service on that route in 1988~ Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased ~9? to state:

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN· (a) the time by which the work of con- ISTRY Of lABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH struction of a hospital near Sagar Railway TYTlER): (a) Yes Sir. Station is proposed ~o be started; 309 Written Answen VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers 310

(b) the likely number of beds in this (b) to (d). A new 4 days a week super- hospital and the total cost involved therein; fast train has been introduced between and Bombay and Varanasi/Faizabad via I tarsi, Jabalpur, Katni, Allahabad. The route via (t) the location near Sagar Railway Sta- Bina~Katni is longer. tion on which and the area in which this hospital is to be constructed and the Foot.over bridge and platform at Veta· acreage of land to be occ,:,pied for the hos- palam Railway Station (A.P.) pital? 9881. SHRI C. SAMBU: Will the Minister THE DEPUlY MINISTER IN THE MJN- of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR PRASAD): (a) A health Unit has been sanc- (a) whether the survey to construct a tioned for Sagar. Contract has already been foot.over bridge at Vetapalam in Prakasam awarded for its constrction and work is District of Andhra Pradesh in South Central likely to start shortly. Railway has been completed; (b) so, when the work to construct the (b) In the Health Units, there is no pro- if vision of beds. Estimated cost of the Work said foot-over bridge and to raise the 2nd is Rs. 18.58 lacs (Approximately). platform at Vetapalam Railway Station of South Central Railway is likely to be (c) Health Unit will be located between started; and Welfare Centre and old running room in an area of 0.36 acres. (c) the details thereof? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN· Introduction of a Superfast Train be· ISTRY Of RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR tween Varanasi and Bombay via Bina- PRASAD): (a) It is possible to provide a Katni Section foot-over-bridge at the Station.

9880. rSHRI NANDLAL CHQUDHARY: (b) and (c), The proposal to provide a Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased foot-over bridge and a high level platfonn to state: will be considered for indusion in the Rail- way's future Works Programme depending (a) whether there has been a demand upon the availability of funds and compara- for the lost so many years to introduce a tive needs of other stations. superfast express train between Va ra nasi and Bombay via Bina·K.atni section; Funds for Implementation of Official Language Act (b) if so, the time by which it is pro- posed to be introduced; . ~8B2. SHRt CHINTAMANI JENA: Will (c) whether it is proposed to introduce the Minister of HUMAN RESOU Ref DE- another express train between) Bombay- VELOPMENT be pleased to state: Allahabad on the salJte route on which ex- press trains are already being run while no (a) whether Union Govemillent are al. train is being run between Bombay and tocating funds for the effective implenlenta- Varanasi enroute Allahabad, Bina and Katni; tion of Official language Act in Ie' category and States/Union Territories for .appointment of Hindi teachers in educational institu- (d) if so, the reasons therefor? tions;,

THE OEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- (b) whether the services of t.hese Hindi ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR teachers are not made pennanent and the PRASAD): (a) Yes, Sir. service rule conditions and fadlities pro- 311 Written Answers lv\Ay 5, 1988 Written Answers 312

vided to Government servants are not ap- to construct 'Vatr; Niwas at any of the rail· plicable to them especially in Orissa where way stations ;n Punjab; , Hindi teachers have not been paid for the last six months; (b) if so, the details thereof and the time likely to be taken in completion of the (c) whether Government are thinking to project; and . regularise their services as permanent Government service; and (c) if not, the reasons therefor?

(d) if so, the reaction of Govemment to THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- making payment of their salaries? ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR PRASAD): (a) No, Sir. THE MINISTER 01" STATE IN THE DE- PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- (b) Does not arise. TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- SOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI (c) It has been decided to set up Rail Ya- LP. SHAHI): (a) to (d). Under a Centrally tri Niwas at New Delhi and Howrah Sta- sponsored Plan scheme. 100% central as- tions. Extension of similar facilities at other sistance ;s made available to n~n-H ind, stations will depend on the experience speaking States/UTs for appointment of gained from these projects and availabihty Hindi teachers in Upper primary to higher of resources. secondary schools with a view to effective implementation of Three language Formula Air India Flights from Bombay to Gulf and not for effective implementation of Of- Countries ... ficial Language Act. The services of these Hindi teachers are governed by the Service 9884. SHRI P. A. ANTONY: WiU the rules made by the concerned State Gov- Minister of CIVil AVIATION be pleased to ernments/UTs for the purpose. As regards state: Orissa State, it may be stated that 250 Hindi teachers appointed by the State (a) whether there is any proposal to re- Government of Orissa, Department of Edu- duce the number of Air I ndia flights from cation under the above noted. scheme, T rivandrum to various Gulf points; have been posted in djfferent non-Gov- ernment aided schools. These teachers are (b) whether there is any proposal to in- not treated at par with the Goverment ser· crease the number of flights from Bombay var. , as the Government servant's rules, to the Gulf points; and conditions and facilities are not applicable to them. Their services are governed by a (c) if so, the details thereof? different set of services, conditions meant for non-Government aided institutions. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Salary grants of Rs.15,71,040j- have al- ISTRY OF LABOUR (SH RI JAGDJSH ready been released for payment to those TYTlER): (a) No, Sir. Hindi teachers by the State Government of Orissa during 1987-88. The Government of (b) and (c). Air India are contemplating Orissa have also been sanctioned further to increase the number of flights from graotof Rs. 43,12,200/- during 1987·88 for Bombay to points in the Gulf like Daharan, appointment of fresh 500 Hindi teachers. Riyadh and Dubai beginning from next winter schedule. Yatri Niwas in Punjab Direct Train between Delhi/New Delhi 9883. SHRJ KAMAL CHAUDHARY: Will and Hoshiarpur the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: 9885. SHR( t

Ca) whether there is any proposal to in- tary organisations under the National pro- troduce a direct train betw~en Delhi/New gramme for control of blindness; Delhi and Hoshiarpur; (b) whether voluntary organisations (b) if so, the details thereof; and come forward for holding eye camps; and

(c) if not, the reasons therefor? (c) if not, the reasons therefor?

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI tv\AHABIR ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE PRASAD): (a) to (c). Due to lack of requisite (KU,\1ARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) Under terminal/maintenance facilities at the National Programme for Control of Hoshiarpur, there is no such proposal at Blindness, Voluntary Organisation are present. given grant-in-aid for holding eye-camps through the concerned State Government Electrification of Delhi-Amritsar and Rs.60 per Intra-ocular operation subject to Jammu-Tawi.Pathankot Railway line a ceiling of Rs. 12,000 per camp is pro- vided. The grant is restricted to Rs. 40/- per operation in case the Voluntary 9886. SH RI KA.MAL CHAU DHARY: Will Organisations utilize the Services of the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to Government Mobile Unit. Grants to the state: extent of Rs. 1.25 lakhs (Non-recurring) and Rs. 0.15 lakhs (recurring) are also (a) whether Govermnent propose to being released to Voluntary Organisations electrify the railway lines fron) Deihl/New engaged in Eye Bank activities. Delhi to Amritsar and Jammu·Tawi via Mukerian Pathankot; (b) Yes, Sir.

(c) Does not arise. (b) if so, the details thereof and the time by which the project is likely to be com- Damage to Art Objects sent to USSR pleted and opened to traffic; and 9888. SHRI SOMNATH RATH: (c) if not, the reasons therefor? PROf. RAtvtAKRISHNA MORE: SHRI KAU PRASAD PANDEY: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- SH RI.MATI GEETA MUKH fRJEE: ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR PRASAD) : (a) No, Sir. Will the H UAMN RE- t' Minister of SOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to (b) Does not arise. state:

(c) During the Vllth Five Year· Plan pri- (a) the number of objects of art sent to orities are to first cOITIplete electrification of the USSR for the Festival of India; Delhi-Bon1bay (Western Railway route), Delhi-Bolnbay (Central Railway route), (b) whether it is a fact that some of Delhi-Madras (Grand Trunk route), and them have been received back in a dam- Howrah-Bombay (via "Nagpur route). aged condition;

Grant·in-Aid to Voluntary Organisations (c) the list of such art objects with brief particulars of the damage in each case; 9887. SHRI BAlASAHEB VIKHE PATll: Will the ~1inister of HEALTH AN D ~M1llY (d) whether the responsibility for the WELFARE be pleaSed to state: damage has been faxed; and

(a) the grant-in-aid provided to valun- (e) whether Government have taken. 315 Written Answers MAY 5, 1988 Written Answers 316 any policy decision regarding the exhibition (b) and (c). Yes, Sir. 29 art objects suf- of objects of art abroad in future? fered damage in varying degrees and a list of these is given in the statement below. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE-DE· (d) The art objects suttered danlages PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- while these were in the custody of the TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE- USSR. All the art objects were insured on SOURCE DEVEJOPMENT (SHRI L P. "wall to wall' basis and an Expert Commit- SHAHI): (a) 861 art objects of Classical and te.e will assess the insurance claim. Contemporacy art were sent to the USSR under the aegis of Festival of India in six (e) Cuidelines have been issued to all exhibitions. , concerned in this regard.


Out of total number of 861 art objects sent to USSR for various exhibitions of Qassical Art, Indian Decorative Art and jwellery, South India Paintings of Tanjore and Mysore Schools, Contemporary Indian Paintings, Paintings by three Pioneers .. Amrits Shergil, jamini Roy and Rabindranath Tagore-and Modern Indian Art of last three Decades, the fonowing 29 exhibits suffered damage in varying degree while in USSR for the Festival of India in USSR:-

SI. Description of (nsu- Details of No. the exhibit. ranee damages. value (mRs. lakh) t ~ 3" 4

A. Classical Art of rndia (9 damaged out of total 190 sent)

1. Chaturmukhi Sivalinga 100 A new split on the right Gupta, 5th cent. AD. side of toe pedestal appeared. Nachna, Madhya Pradesh, (4.5 cm. x 1.5 em.) 34 cm. Sandstone, 92 x 49 em. above the lower edge of the Ace. No. NC. 10-448/67 uncarved base.

2. Gajendramoksha, 25 A new loss at the uncatved Post-Gupta, bottom part of the 6th-7th Cent. scuJpture beyond the limits Oeogarh, Jhansi, U. P. of the image (2.3 em x 1.5 cm.) Sandstone, 43 em. from proper right side 123 x 113 x 24 em. edge. Ace. No. 97{)

3. Worship of Bodhi Tree 50 New losses on the uncarved Sunga, 2nd cent. B.C. right and left edges appeared Bharhul, Satna, M. P. (2.5 em., 1.5 em., 1.7 em., Red Sandstone 0.2 em., 0.1 cm. and 0.4 em. 83.B x 54.1 em. loss due to scratches. Ac.c. No. 295 311 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SMA) Written Answers 318

, .2 3 4 4. Yakshi, 100 New losses and abrasion Kushana, during installation. In the 2nd cent. A.D. lower part of the last panel Bhuteswar, Mathura, U. P. of the back side of sculpture Red Sandstone, 3 x 1.5 em., 1.B x 1.5 em., 124x31 x28em. and 3.2 em. x 2.2 cm. Ace. No. A.24946

5. Simhavyala 10 Old loss on the right side Eastem Gange, of the neck increased in 13th cent. size are now 6 em. x 2.5 cm. Konark, Orissa and 2.8 em x 4 em. Khondalite, 151 x 80 x 56 em. Ace. No.854

6. Stupa casing slab 300 A new loss at the left Ikshvaku, uncarved middle edge 3rd cent. A.D. (1.4 em x 0.3 em.) Nagarjunakonda, A.P. limestone, 151 x 97 x 15 cm. Ace. No. 50.25 New abrasion on the both 7. Medallion 25 Sunga, 2nd cent. B.C. side uncarved edges on the Bharhut, Madhya Pradesh circular edge at the time Red Sandstone, of installation. (3 em., O.S em., 0.3 cm.) 56x 15 x 17 em. Ace. No. 80.751 A new and fresh 'ass due 8. Scenes from the life 300 of Buddha, to chipping of uncarved Ikshvaku, 3rd cent. A.D. stone at the bottom edge. The loss is 2.5 cm. high Naga~unakonda, A. P. Umestone, and 2 cm. wide. 186 x 88 x 17 cm. Acc. No.50.17 Hair scratches on the patina 9. Kaliyamardan Krishna 200 Chola, 10th century exposing the metal surface on the Jeft thigh (2.5 em.) on Tamil Nadu South India the tail of the snake (4 em.) Bronze, near the .niddle of the 59 x 23 x 16 em. body and loss of the patina exposing Ace. No.70.11 meta) on the left eaeh measuring less than 1 sq.m. 319 Written Answers MAY S, 1988 Written Answers 320

1 .2 3 4

B. South 1ndian Paintings of Tanjore and Mysore .Schools (6 pieces damaged out of 82 sent) 10. The Assembly of the Gods 6 A few glass piece Tanjore, mid-19th cent. (ornamentation) at ~ght Cloth pasted on wood, lower sides missing. 77x61 em. Ace. NO.62.492 11. Krishna with eight eonsort{ 3 flaking 1 mm. noticed Mysore, late-19th Cent. on the left elbow from Paper pasted on wood, the lady figure. 40x51 em. Ace. No. S.C.72

12. Krishna with mother ..0.5 A piece of pamt layer Yasoda Tanjore. missing from the right mid.. l9th cent. Cloth shoulder (from blouse pasted on wood, lower border). 88x 51.5 em. (0.2 x 0.3 em.) Ace. No. S.C.8S

13. Kalka Avatara, 2 Flaking of paint Mysore, 19th Cent. enlarged with paper Paper pasted on cloth, at the top (right now Acc. No. S.C.51 size IS 0.2 x 0.2 em.)

14. Sri Ranganatha-Sessasayi 1 loss of paint pieces under Vishnu Tanjore, Earty bell as right lower side 19th cent. Cloth pasted (0.3 x 0.2 em.) loss of small on w09d,.86 x 70 em. pieee of patnt near the left hand bangleat and from snake body just above the Ch~kra of standing figure (0.8 x 0.2 em.)

15. Krishna and Arjuna in 1 Slight deposition of the Battle field waste material on front Mysore, 19th Cent. wheel (now restored). Paper pasted on doth, 126x 101 em. C. Indian Decorative Art and Jwellery (11 damaged out of 240 sentl

16. Begging Bowl, 7 Internal existing viens have Mughal, become visible at three 18 th Cent. places - 2 em., 4 em., and Jade, 5 em. each at distance of 31 x 18x21 em 5 em. from the handle. Ace. No. 61.504 17. Camel, 1.02 Hole In the base RajaSthan, (2 x 1.5 em.) and 20th CenL restoration loss at Siiver, the hind leg. 61.5 x 77 x 22 cm. kc. No.87.504 321 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers 322

1 2 3 4

18. Meera, 1 Old restored cracks are Rajasthan, wide open. late 19th Cent. Ivory, Ht. 32 em. Ace. No.62.131

19. Baluehar Sari, 0.5 Tear on border West Bengal, (size 4.5 em.) 19th Cent. Silk, 468 x 113 em. Ace. No. 75.446

20. Brocade Sari, 0.5 Stretch tear at four places Varanasi, (4.7 em., 2 em., 1 em., and 19th Cent. 0.5 em.) Silk, 651 ~ 105 em. Ace.No.61.8S8

21. Embroidered Prayer Carpet, 0.45 Moth eaten. There are some Deccan, 19th Cent. more holes than before Wooden, 140x 260 em. (size varies from 0.6 em. to Aec. No. 87.619 0.1 em. diameter).

22. Collar (Cold) 1.5 One small pearl 1 mm. North India, 19th Cent. diameter and a small L23.S cm., W.3.S em. bead missing. Wt. 85.682 em. Ace. No. 57.105/13 23. Serpech (Cold) 4.05 One laldi missing (Turban crest), (0.5 cm. diameter). Mughal, 19th Cent. L8 cm. Wt. 220.170 g. Ace. No. 87.1150. 24. Daggar (Kard), 1 One semi-precious stone Agra, Mughal, (0.3 em. diameter) 17th Cent. missing (previously Metal, length 29 em. nine semi-precious Ace. No. 1275 stones were missing, now there are ten). 25. Jali, 3 S\ight'y ch'pped at Deccan, Bijapur, three places late-16th Early-17th Cent. (0.6 x 0.3 CO)., Metal, 139.7 x 36.4 em. 2.5 x 0.8 em. and 0.5 cm dianleter). 26. Vase (Paper machine), 1 Painted layer lost at Kashmir, 5 places (1.5 x 0.6 COl., 18th Cent. 1.5 x 2 em., 8 x 1.2 enl., Ht. 89 em. 3.5 x 3.1cm., 1.3 x 3.6 em.) Ace. No. 1659 Flaking tendency 6 em., 5 em., and 7 em. long near upper rim. • - Iotal (A) Rs: 1144.52 lakhs pc 323 Written AnSwelS MAY 5,1988 Written AnswelS 324

1 2 3 4 O. Paintings by Three Pioneers - Amrita Shergil, Jamini Roy and Rabindranath Tagore (one damaged out of 60 pieces sent)

:'7. Siesta by Amrita Shergil, 5 loss of paind of Oil on canvas, approximately 8 mm. Size 83 x 55 cm. in triangular shape. Ace. No. 102 E. Modem Indian Art of the last three Decades. (t\vo pieces damaged out of 199 sent) 28. Tri-Seera by 0.5 8 em. diagonal deep j. Sultan Ati, tear with wave lines Oil on canvas, shape defonnation of Size 125 x 113 cm. ground in the upper Ace. No. 12457 left comer. Two vertical shape tears in the right quarter. The ground around the tear is badly damaged and deformated. 29. Painting No. XXV by 0.5 A farge chunk of paint Bansi Pari moo dislodged from different Size 114x 139.5 cm. areas. Ace. No.2874 F. Contemporary Indian Paintings (damage Nil out of 90 paintings sent to USSR) Total (B) Rs. 6.0 Iakhs

t '"'"',. Grand Total (A + B): Rs. 1150.52 lakhs


(a) whether a large number of pilgrims (b) Yes, Sir. and tourists visit Ungaraj Temple at Bhubaneswar; (c) There is no proposal under consid .. eration of the Central Government to ilJu .. (b) whether this temple is a centrally minate the temple. protected monument; and ElectrificatiC)n of Railway Lines in Orissa

(c) if so, what steps are being contem- 9890. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: Will' plated to illuminate this temple for the pil. the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to Brims and tourists? state: 325 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) Written Answers 326

(a) the different routes electrified under routes failing under the South Eastern Rail- different zones in 1987-88; way in general and Orissa in particular, and

(b) the totallengtt» of these routes; (d) if not, the re~ons t'l_~refor1 ~ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (c) whether adequate attention has MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MAHABIR been paid for electrification of railway PRASAD): (a) and (b). Railway Section Routekms.

Central Babina-Bareth 160

South Central Dornakal-Ramgundam 188 Krishna Canal-Guntur 26

South Eastern Champa-Korba 38 Tupkadih- Talga ria 33

Western Vikramgad Alot- 234 Chat-Ka-Varana

Southern Royapuram-Korukkupet 2

(c) Yes, Sir. been completed. However, and analytical study utilising secondary data has been (d) Does not arise. completed. The study is titled: "Current po- sition, Trends and Policy issues in Health ~udy on Health care services by NIHFW Care Financing in India." . 9891. SH RJ fv1AN I K REDDY: Will the (b) The details in this analytical study Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY WELFARE dealt are on (i) sources of financing; (ii) be pleased to state: availability of resources; (iii) differentials in Health Care Financing; and (iv) policy is- (a) whether the National Institute of sues, pertaining to financing of health care Health and Family Welfare has made any in India. research studies on the cost and expendi- ture involved in the provision of health care The broad policy issues emerge as un- services in India; der.

(b) if so, the details of such studies and (a) What constitutes health allocations -- the conclusions arrived at; just outlays on health care or also and alongwith family welfare, water supply, nu- (c) if not, the reasons for not taking up trition etc. (b) should health services be to- such studies; and tally free, partially paid or fully paid; (c) the place of transcendency and equity in distri- (d) whether there is any divl- bution of health resources; (d) possibility of sion/departrnent on Health Economics generation of resources; (e) Development functioning at this Institute? of private sector to relieve public sector fa· dlities for general population, etc. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE l\\lN- ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FMAILY WELFARE (c) Does not arise. (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) No Re 6 search study based on primary data on the (d) There is no separate Division func- cost and expenditure involved in·the provi- tioning in the area of Health Economics in sion of Health Care Services in India has this Institute. However, this discipline is 327 Written MsweJS MAY 5,1988 Written AnswelS 328

existing in the Department of Planning and (KUMARJ SARO) KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). Evaluation with faculty and research po~i­ The Indian Journal of Medical Research tion dated, March, 1988 has published a report of the study on the isolation of Campy- Rand 0 in Repairing Damaged Nerves lobactor from the river Ganga at Varanasi bathing ghats conducted by the Scientists 9892. SHRJ P. R. KUtviARNvtANGALAM: in the Department of Microbiology of the Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMilY Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras WELFARE be pleased to state: Hindu University Varanasi. A simple tech- nique of isolating campylobactor in the (a) whether it is a fact that US Scientists laboratory has been described in this study have succeeded in repairing damaged and severa' species of Campylobactor have nerves in Spinal Cord in mammals which been isJoated from the Ganga water at offers hope for humans; and Varanasi including the species of Campy- lobactor Jejuni which commonly causes di- (b) whether similar Rand 0 work is in arrhoea and colitis in Children when in- progress in this country specially in view of gested. However, to make this water very high rate of accident injuries and dis- potable, the mandatory procedure involv- abilities in the country? ing storage, filteration and chlorination have to be followed to make th is water al- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- most,. free of. microbes. ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FM1ILY WELFARE (KUtvtARI SARO) KHAPARDE): (a) The U. S. Cooperation with Sri Lanka on Civil Scientists are reported to be carrying out Aviation such work and there are reports of some success in rates. It is too early to say 9894. SHRI YASHWANTRAO CAOAKH whether this would be applicable to human PATIl: the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION beings. wm be pleased to state: (b) Research on similar lines is going on (a) whether a memorandum of under- some centres in this country viz. All India standing has been signed with Sri lanka for 'nstitute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, cooperation in the field of civil aviation; National institutes of Mental Health and Neuro-sciences, Bangalore and Institute of (b) if so, the details thereof; and Bask Medical Sciences, Madras. (c) the projects identified for coopera- Incidence of Diarrhoea along Banks of tion and investment thereon? Varanasi THE MINISTER Of STATE Of THE MIN- 9893. SHRI GOPALA KRISHNA THOTA: ISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRl JAGDlSH Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAtvtILY TYTlER): (a). Yes, Sir. WELfARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether according to a report in the (b) and (c). Agreement has been Indian Journal of Medidal Research reached to increase number of frequency "Campylo Bacter" a bacterium responsible entitlements to include a security clause in for diarrhoea and colitis in children is con- the existing bilateral agreement, to operate taminating the entire batching strentch of tourist charters to points of tourist and reli- the Ganga at Varanasi; and gious interests, promote airlinks between the capitals of the two countries and joint (b) if so, the steps being taken to isolate venture flight between Colombo and Sin- the bacterium from the Ganga water? gapore. Air India will be nominated as sec- ond designated carrier of India provided it THE MINISTER OF STATE• IN THE MIN- agrees with Air Lanka jOint venture opera.. ISTRY OF HEAlTH AND FAMilY WELfARE tions between Bombay and London. 329 Written Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SA~) Written Answers 330

Termination of services of CRIY, CCRYN egorization on the number of selection of Employees SC/ST candidates aftet introduction of the scheme; and . 9895. DR. A.K PATEL: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND fNv\llY WELFARE be (d) whether any study has been made as pleased to state: to what extent the seats reserved for SC/ST are actually filled by candidates from these (a) whether some employees of the categories; if so, the details thereof Ce'1tral Resea~ch lnsitu!e of Yoga, Central State-wise? Council for Research in Yoga and naturopa~ thy and vishwayathan Yogashram have THE MINISTER Of STATE rN THE MIN- complained about their arbitrary service ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE termination without justificable reasons; (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a). The pro- vision of reservation for scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as embodied in the (b) whether such employees have made Constitution of I ndia and the policy of the representations protesting against such Government of 1ndia formulate in this re- termination in mid-age; and gard is followed in the field of higher edu- cation including medical education. The (c) whether he has investigated the nlat- Government have brought to the notice of ter, if so, the findings and follow-up action? Universities and medical colleges the re- qUirement of reservation for Scheduled THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE MIN- Castes and Scheduled Tribes and almost aU ISTRY OF HEALTH AND FA,\t\llY WELFARE the Universities/State Covemment have (KUMARI SAROJ KHAPARDE): (a) and (b). been providing for reservation for these Certain employees of Central Research In- categories in the pre-medical admission stitute for Yoga and Central C oundl for Re- tests. search in Yoga and Naturpathy whose ser- vices were terminated, have made repre- (b) So far as information is avaiJable in sentations aBeging arbitrary tennll1ation of the Ministry, ~nly in the application forms the services. for admission to pre-medical tests the indi- cation about the category is given. (c) Some of the employees have gone to the Court; the representations of the (c) By indication of such categories in employees who have not gone to the Court the application forms these candidates are are being investigated. eligible for the relaxed qualifying nlarks, as prescribed by the Medical Council of India. As per the selection procedure recom- Categorisation systenl of SCjST mended by the Medical Council of India, candidates for Pre-Medical admission . while a candidate for admission to medical tests course must have obtained not less than 50% of total marks in English and Science. 9896. SHRI VIR SEN: Will the Minister subjects taken together at the competitive of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be examination where such examinations are pleased to state: held for selection, in respect of candidates belonging to SC/ST the minimum marks for (a) when was the system of separate admission shall be 40%. categorisation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates at Pre-Medical (d) No such study has been made. admission tests introduced; However, so far as infomlation is available, the State-wise figures indicating the total (b) whether s,,",ch category is marked on number of admissions in MBBS courset the the answer-book also; nunlber of 5C candidates and the number of 5T candidates admitted for the year (c) what has been the effect of such cat· 1984-85 is given in the statement below. 331 Written Answers MAY?, 1988 Written Answers 332

STAiEME'NT , Name of Percen- .Admissions made in MBSS during the tage of 1"otal 1984-85 State/ reserva- Total percen- Total U.T. tion for No of tage No. Percentage SC/ST SC to the of to the total students total ST students

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

85 9.27 20 2.10 1. Andhra 14+4 917 Pradesh 18 5.37 41 \2.24 2. Assam NA. 335 9.82 27 4.82 3. Bihar 14+9 560 55 4.00 9 1.3j 4. Cujrat 7+13 675 27 17 14.66 0 S. Haryana NA 116

6. Himachal 10.77 4 6.15 Pradesh NA 65 7

jammu & 7. 6.16 0 Kashmir NA 146 9 71 8.01 20 2.26 8. Kamataka 20+5 886 4.83 4 0.67 9. Kerala B+2 600 29

10. Madhya 64 8.90 Pradesh 15 713 84 1'.78

11. Mahara- 8.33 27 2.0B shtra 13+7 1308 109 0 0 12. Manipur NA 7S 10 2.99 4 1.19 13. Orissa 8+12 335 81 20.35 1 0.25 14. Punjab 20+5 398 26 5.69 19 4.16 15. Rajasthan 8+6 457 85 7.36 0 16. Tamil 18 1155 Nadu

17. Uttar 20.49 27 3.14 Pradesh NA 859 176 8.35 9 1.71 18. Delhi 15+75 527 44 333 Written Answers VAISAKHA '15, 1910 (SAJV\) 334

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

19. Goa 15 70 2 2.86 0

20. Pondi- 15+75 42 6 - 14.29 3 7.14 cherry

Agro-aviation services for afforutatiQll SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI (Kaliabor): Yesterday at 8 p.m., a very serious incident 9897. SHRI C.S. BASAVARAJU: has taken place in the Teeo Murti SHR1 V. KRISHNA RAD: (Interruptions)

Will the Minister of CIVil AVIAIION be [Translation] pleased to state: MR. SPEAKER: First listen to me. (a) whether Government propose to reorganise agro-aviation services in view of [English ] the ambitious foodgrains production target flXed for the year 1988-89; One minute, listen to me, Mr. Tanti.

(b) whether Government propose to (Interruptions) utilize agro.aviation, which includes aenal spraying of crops and plantations against MR. SPEAKER: Please listen to me, Mr. pests and diseases, to exploit the vast Tanti, for a minutes. potential for aerial seeding of forests and barren lands as Part of the afforestation SHRI BHADRESWAR TftNTI: I was about programme; to be shot down.

MR. SPEAKER: I have got your privitege (c) whether any programme has been notice, and I have taken it up with the worked out in this regard; and Home Ministry, and the Home Ministry has instituted an enquiry. That is what they (d) if so, the details thereof, have conveyed to me. So, let us wait till then. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF lABOUR (SHRI JAGDISH (Interruptions) lYTlER): (a). YfS, Sir. SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY (Mahboobnagar): (b) Yes, Sir. Let us know what it js (Interruptions).

(c) and (d). Specific programme for SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI: I was about future aerial seeding in the forest barren to be shot down. He wanted to eliminate lands are yet to be finalised by the State me and my wife, with a revolver. He Governments. abused the MPs, and abused your good of- fice, and the very institution of this Indian [English! Parliament.

(In terruptions) MR. SPEAKER: that is why I have taken up the matter straightaway. 12.08 hrs. SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI: Immedi- IEnglish} ately I have infonned the lok Sabha ...

MR. SPEAKER: Now Mr. lanti. MR. SPEAKER: I will pursue it very-seri- 335 t-M.Y 5, 1988 Papers Laid 336

ously. Don't wony. We shall take what- MR. SPrAKER: Papers to be laid. Shr; ever action is necessary. Don't worry; we Mot; lal Vora. will take it up. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) 12.11 hrs. SHRI BHADRESWAR TANT!: The life and liberty of the MPs should be protected. PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE (Interruptions) (English1 MR. SPEAKER: Don't worry. I know that. That is why I oelieve my Member of par.' Notification under National Airports liament, that he did show his identity card. Authority Act, 1985 and CAG's Report for That is why' have asked the Home Min- 1987 on Indian Airlines istry. I will look into ~t. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- (Interruptions) I?TRypF tABOUR (SHRI JAGDISt't mLER): On behalf of Shri Moti lal Vora : I beg to MR. SPEAKER: I am seriously seized of lay on the Table-- this. I am doing it. (1) A copy each of the' following No- tifications (Hindi and English ver- (Translation J sions) under section 40 of the Na- tional Airports Authority Act, MO~D. SHRI MAHfPOJ At! KHAN 1985:·- (Etah): There should a thorough enquiry of this case (Interruptions). 0) The National Airports Authority (Transaction of Business) Regula- tions, 1988 published in Notifica- MR. SPEAKER: Mahfooj Sahib don't tion No. SEC. 9.2.1. in Gazette of wonyat all. India dated the 12th February'l [English] 1988. (ii) The National Airports PROf. KK. TEWARY (Buxar): We all Authority (Contracts) Regu!ations, support this. It is a serious matter. 1987 published in Notification No. SEC. 9.2.1. in Gazette of India MR. SPEAKER: I am doing it. dated the 4th February, 1988.- (Interruptions) [Placed in Library. See No. LT-6066/88]

PROf. K. K TEWARY: A piquant situation (2) A copy of the Report (Hindi and has arisen in Karnataka. A CBI enquiry ;s on English versions) of the against the murder of a lawyer. Comptroller and Auditor General (Interruptions) of India for the year 19B7 --Union Government (Commerclal)--Part MR. SPEAKER: I cannot interiere. They J I--Indian Airlines under article witt takecare of it. 151 (1) of the Constitution. [Placed in Library. See No. IT-6067j88] (Interruptions) . Annual Report and Review on the MR. SPEAKER: I cannot handle it. An working of the Indian council of Philo .. enquiry is going on. We cannot interfere. , sophical Research for 1986.87 and have got no authority to interefere. The Statement showing reasons for delay in House cannot interiere. laying these papers..

(Interruptions) THE MINISTER Of STATE IN THE DE- 387 Papers aid VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) J. C on Rlys. Bill 338

PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUl- 12.12 hrs. TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RE· SOURCE DEVElOPMENT (SHRI L P. COMMITIEE OF PRIVILEGES SHAH, J) : I beg to lay on the Table: -- [English 1 First Report (1) (;) A copy of the Annual Report lHindi and English versions) of SHRI JAGAN NATH KAUSHAL the Indian Council of PhHosophi- (Chandigarh): I beg to lay on the Table the cal Research, New Delhi, for the First Report 'Hindi and English version) of year '986-87 along with Audited the Committee of Privileges. Accounts.

Oi) A copy of the Review (H indi JOINT COMMITIEE ON THE BILL TO and English versions) by the Gov- CONSOLIDATE AND A1v\END THE LAW ernment on the working of the I n- RELATING TO RAILWAYS dian Council of Philosophical Re- search, New Delhi, for the year Extension of Time for Presentation of 1986-87. Report

(2) A statement (Hindi and English SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura): versions) showing reasons for beg to move the following: delay in lying the papers men- tioned at (1) above. "That, this House do further extend upto the last day of the Monsoon {Placed in library See No. lT6068/88] Session, 1988, the time for presenta- tion of the report of the Joint Com- Annual Accounts and Review by Gov- mittee on the Bill to consolidate and ernment on the audited account of amend the law relating to Railways. H Visakhapatnam Port Trust for 1986-87 and statement - sflowing reasons for de- MR. SPEAKER: The question is: lay in laying these papers. "That this House do further extend THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE upto the last day of the Monsoon MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (SHRI Session, 1988, the time for presenta· P. NAMGYAL): I beg to lay on the Table-- tion of the report of the Joint Com- mittee on the Bill to consolidate and (1) A copy each of the follOWing pa- amend the law relating to Railways." pers (Hindi and English versions) under 5ub~section (2) of section 103 of the Major Port Trusts Act, The Alotion was adopted. 1963:- (i) Annual -Accounts ot the [English} Visakhapatnam Port Trust for the year 1986-87 together with Audit (InterruptIons) Report thereon. MR. SPEAKER: Prof. Narain Chand (ii) Review by the GovernOlent on Parashar. the Audited Accounts of the Visakhapatnam Port Trust for the (Interruptions) year 1986·87. (2) A statement (Hindi and English MR. SPEAKER: Matters under Rule 337, , versions) showing reasons for have called Prof. Narain Chand Parashar. delay in laying the papers nlen- Only he will go on record. tioned at (1) above .

• I [Placed in library. See No. lT6069/88] (Interruptions)·· •• Not recorded. 339 Matters Under Rule 377 MAYS, 1988 Matters Under Rule 377 340

12.14 hrs bay, Calcutta, Madras and Delhi, the Na .. MAnERS UNDER RULE 377 tional Institute of Environmental Engineer.. ing Research, Nagpur has revealed that the [English) atmosphere in these metropolitan cities is being polluted by factories and motor vehi- cles. According to the World Health Or- (;) Opening of LPC Agency at Una ganisation Report in Delhi the air is injuri- in Himachal Pradesh ous to health. As per survey report of the I.T.I, 30 per cent population of Delhi is MR. SP_EAKER: The House now will take suffering from asthma, cough and certain up matters under rule 377. Prof. Narain other sorts of respiratory disorders due to Chand Parashar. air pollution. There are only two major causes of this air pollution one of them is PROF. NARAIN CHAND PARASHAR the large number of motor vehicles and the (Hamirpur): The inordinate delay in -the excessive sraoke emitted by them. I n Delhi, opening of a Cas Agency at Una, has 80,000 new vehicles are registered every caused extreme inconvenience to the peo- year and approximately 70,000 vehicles ple of this district. While most of the other come in Delhi from the neighbouring Districts of the State are enjoying this facil- States. In addition to this, nearly 4,500 ity, Una is the only district to be deprived buses of Delhi Transport Corporation also of this facility. The prolonged litigation in a cover a distance of 12 lakh kilometers a court of law, after the initial sanction by the day. This situation is indicative of the fact Government has caused deep frustration that a motorcycle while covering a distance among the people. The people are be- of 960 kilometers consumes as much coming restive and may launch an agita- quantity of oxygen as will be required by a tion. I, therefore, request the Minister for person in a year. The other reason of this Petroleum ot find an immediate solution to pollution ;s the rapid increase of industries. this problem and ensure the opening of a The number of factories in Delhi has Gas Agency at Una, even if it has to be re- reached the mark of 68,000 in 1986-87 allotted. from 8,000 in 1951-52. Almost the same situation is prevailing in all other MR. SPEAKER: Shri Madan Pandey. metropolitan cities of the country. In the pink city of Jaipur, the number of asthma (Interruptions)'" patients is increasing due to dust from the mines and every day one thousand tonnes MR. SPEAKER: Nobody else will go on of poisonous gases are being added to the record. Only Mr. Madan Pandey will go on atmosphere of Bombay. record. I, therefore, urge upon the Minister of [Translation) Environment apd the Minister of labour to take some stringent measures so as to (ii) - Need to take steps to check check the pollution being caused by the .Air Pollution in cities motor vehicles .and to ensure that factories are set up quite far away from the residen- {Translation J tial colonies so that the health of the public , may be safeguarded. SHRI MADAN PANDEY (Gorakhpurf: Mr. Speaker, Sir, though the Government is (iii) Need to take steps for the making its all out efforts to control the en- protection of Consumer vironmental pollution, even then it is not Rights. an easy job because pollution is increasing 'very rapidly in the big cities of the countty. SJ:iRI SHANTJ DHARIWAl (Kota): Mr. Mer conducting ecological tests in Born· Speaker, Sir, for the protection of Can- • Not recorded. - 341 Matters Under Rule 377 VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) Matters Onder Rule 377 342 sumers, there are Essential Commodities fort which has so far registered a total Act, food Adulteration Act, Standards of change in to the course of the river. It is Weights and Measur~ Act and M.R.T.P. Act easy to gauge the enormity of the problem in this country and only recently a new law by the fact that a large number of villages has also been enacted for the protection of downstream have already been wiped out consumers: But, inspite of all these laws in and hundreds of acres of diara land ren- the country, the rights of the consumers dered into sand dunes or vast stretches of are not being protected. There should be water. Lakhs of people living and cultivat- the price printed at every meter of the ing their fertile lands on the banks of the cloth and all the commodities should be river now face the sure prospect of turning made available in such packets on which into paupers and nomads without land or the price of the commodity should be got even dwelling places. printed so that the consumers do not pay a higher price therefor to the traders and if My repeated requests to Govemment the traders demand a higher price, the for taking immediate steps in this regard consumers may get an action initiated have borne no fruits so far. against them. The rights of the consumers, instead of publishing them in the pam- J may once again remind the Union phlets or booklets, should be propagated Government that this problem cannot be through Radio and T.V. Consumer Councils tackled by the State Government witt. their should be set up in every locality and vil- me.agre resources. and linlited technical lage so that these £ouncils may go to courts base. And if there is further delay in taking in case a trader weighs less, asks for a effective anti-erosion measures, the river higher price or sells adulterated commodi- which now forms Bihar's boundary with UP ties. A text on the rights of consumers will flow right through the middle of Bho .. should be included in the textbooks of 5th jpur district. to 10th standard. I n order to strengthen the public distributit>n system, the officers This unprecedented calamity can b~ and the owners of fair price shops should faced only if the Union Government comes be made Individually responsible. The out with massive financial help to the State Govemment should also take immediate Government and ensures that speedy mea- steps to check the prices of vegetables. Re- sures are taken to tackle the problem. cently there has been a spurt in the prices of milk and ghee. The Government should I urge upon the Minister of Water Re- take necessary steps in this regar.d.· A com- sources DeveJopment to allocate necessary paign should be launched to help the con- funds and impress upon the State Govern- sumers to have the awareness of their ment to prepare a comprehensive rights. anti-erosion and flood protection project for districtBhojpur in Bihar. [English} (v) Need to extend the railway (iv) Need to allocate funds to the line from Berhampur to ,government of Bihar for Dasapala anti-erosion and flood protection projects for SHRI SOMNATH RATH (Aska): The re- _Bhojpur district of Bihar cent announcement of Hon'ble Railway Minister at Bhubaneswar that he will re- PROF. KK. TEWAR_Y (Buxar): I draw the consider the establishment of a railway line attention of the Government to the immi· from Khurda to Bolangir in Orissa has nent threat posed to the fanlou5 city of raised high hopes in the minds of general Buxar by massive erosion caused by the public. Since the British tinle, as it is evi· Canges. ~ dent from the B.N. Railway map, survey had been conducted for a railway-line from The relentless fury of the river has al- Berhampur in Ganjam District to the then ready eroded a big chunk of the ancient Russelkunda now Bhanjanagar, but that has 343 Matters Under Rule- 377 MAY 5,1988 Matters Under Rule 377 344

IShri Somnath Rath] (vii) Need tf take over all the textile ~ilis in the country not been implemented as yet. A port has been established at Gopalpur-on-Sea near Berhampur, Ganjam District, Phoolbani DR. DATTA SAf\.1ANT (Bombay South District, Bolangir District and Kalahandi Central): National Textile Corporation is District are the hinterlands of this port. running 121 textile mills and making huge There is no railway line at all in Phodlbani losses. 63 textile mills have been closed in District. To develop these areas providing the last two years after the new textile pol. transport facilities and to connect with icy came into force. In Bombay, Modem Gopalpur Port, it is necessary that the Mills, New Great Mills, Swan Mills, L.O. railway line from Berhampur through the Velvet Mill have been dosed down. About interior of Ganjam District is extended upto one lakh fifty thousand workers have lost Oasapala or Boudh to connect the their jobs. Managements are not interested proposed railway line from Khurda to in running these mills. They are divert.ing Bolangir. Under these changed funds and are investing in electrontcs, circumstances, the RITES may be entrusted chemical industries, etc. which are more wit1;l the survey of railway line from profitable. Closure of mills is causing seri· Berhampur through the interior of Ganjam ous problems in cities like Bombay, District without any further delay. Ahmedabad and Kanpur. In this Budget for 1988·89 maximum concessions like reduction in excise and import duties on polyester filaments, cot- (vi) Need to take steps to ton filaments, nylon, viscose, etc. have overcome power crisis in been given to mill owners. But this will not Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka stop the closure of mills. Government has and Kerala sanctioned loan of Rs. 750 crores in the Seventh Plan at concessional rates of inter- SHRI E. AYVAPU REDDY (Kumool): On est out of which Rs. 122 crores have been account of acute power shortage, most of taken by mill owners. Still many mills have M the industries in Andhra Pradesh, Kar been dosed either because of dispute be· nataka and Tamil Nadu are facing closure tween owners or mismanagement and lack and production tosses. There is also no of interest on the part of owners. possil)ility of these States getting over power shortage in the near future. The loss NTC is looking after 25 per cent of mills on account of this power shortage on the and Government is giving lot of conces· and agricultural fronts 'in the industrial sions. Remaining 50% textile mills can earn States of Andhra Pradesh, Kamataka and good profits, if budgetary concessions of Tamil Nadu ;s assessed to be of the order about Rs. 500 crores can be used for these of Rs. 1,000 crores for this year. The in~ mills. Cotton yarp, cotton cloth and gar· stalled industrial capacity in all these highly ments are having very good export market. industrialised States, is grossly under to It is time for Government to take over all utilised. There is, therefore, imperative the textile mills in the country and run need to immediately sustain the industries them with competent, honest high rank which are facing sickness on account of officers and workers' elected power shortage. Either National Electric representatives. grid or regional planning for the southern States to face the crisis of power shortage, [Translation) must immediately be devised. Credit on soft tenns must be provided for installing (viii) Need to take steps for the generators by these industries. The "~me­ development of Mathura and diate steps to get over the power ensls .o~ Vrindavan long term and short tenn basis must be InI- tiated by the Union Government. SHR( MANV.fNDRA SINGH (Mathura): 345 Matters Under Rule 377 VAISAKHA lS, 1910 (SAIV\) Disc. Under Rule 193 346 Rep_ ofJ.e Bo(orsrContract Mr, Speaker, Sir, Mathura and Vrindavan river Yamuna, cleaning ot Yamuna and being the birth place and the centre of ac- planting of trees along its banks. This beau- tivities of lord Krishna are the greatest pil .. tification plan may be taken up immedi- grimage centres of India. Not only from In .. ately. dia but from every comer of the world, ev· ery year lakhs of devotees come to visit these places to pay their reverence and the tourists converge for having a glimpse of 12.30 hrs. the most ancient heritage preserved there. DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193 The attention of the Government has been repeatedly drawn to the development [fnglish] of this place but this great centre of pil- grimage has always been neglected by the Report of the joint Committee to enquire Government and till today, the Govern· into Bofors Contract-.. Contd. ment have neither prepared any detailed plan in this regard nor have done any de- MR. SPEAKER: Now we take up discus- velopment work. sion under rule 193. We had decided yes- terday to finish it off, but I think some three Mathura, Vrindaban, Barsana, Members were left. Should we allow the Nandgaon, Cokul, Dauji and several other Minister to reply or what should we do? ancient places even today remind us of the 'Ras Leela' of the divine couple, Radha and PROF. K.K. TEWARY (Buxar): Anow the Krishna and the divine playful activities of Minister to reply, Sir. child Krishna. A large number of devotees visit these places with their heads bowed DR. DAnA ~NT: You promised me in reverence. But it is a matter of regret that twice, Sir. Allow me to speak, Sir. because of sheer neglect of Government, these ancient religious places are loosing PROF. K.K. TEWARY: Sir, it was decided their original identity. ~Consequen-tially not yesterday. Mr. Deputy Speaker gave his only religious sentiments of lakhs of ruling that after the House adjourns, next devotees are hurt there by but it also day only the Defence Minister will reply. causes a great agony in the hearts of these devatoes. [Translation]

The uneven condition of the 'Brij MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Tewary, we aJways Chaurasi Kosi parikrama route, Mathura keep our promise; and Vrindaban parikrama route and Co- ~ vardhan parikrama route, the shattered [English] condition of ancient temples, lakes and ponds, the highly polluted water of the sa- Mr. Haroobhai Mehta! He was on his cred river Yamuna and the sight of the legs yesterday .... damaged Ghats of the Yamuna are the re- ally heart touching features. (Interruptions)

I request that a .detailed plan for this MR. SPEAKER: We called his name. I great centre of pilgrimage be prepared in had specially asked for it. consultation with the Ministries of tourism, Environment and forests and Human Re- SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA source Development and the Archaeologi- (Ahmedabad): Sir, after a lot of debate in cal Survey of I ndia. The plan should aim at the House and outside, at last we have the beautification of these religious places come to a stage where we are in a position with the construction of parikrama routes, to lay the g"ost of Bofors at rest once for rennovation of ancient temples, lakes and all. The Opposition Members, for whom' ponds, reconstruction of Ghats along the have always great regards, at one stage 347 Disc. Under Rule 793 on Rep. MAY 5, 1988 ofJ. C on Bofors Contract 348 lShri HarOobhai Mehta] wanted Parliamentary enquiry, at a differ- The Attorney-General for I ndia ad- ent stage, the house decided to give en- dressed the Committee on lithe legal as- quiry ... (Interruptions) pects of the deal.

The total duration of the sittings of the [Translation} Committee was 140.25 hours approxi-, mately. A verbatim record of the proceed- SH RI RAJ KUMAR RAI (Ghosi): I should ings was kept. This run into 2190 pages. also be given a chance to speak. The minutes of the sittings of the Commit- tee form Part-II of this Report." Mit SPEAKE~: Chance could ge given only to one man and that has been given. Then, the witnesses were exam- 1English] ined--official as well as non-official wit- nesses. The hon. Speaker will recall that I have finished it now... the Opposition had raised a point that the Committee will not be able to examine the (Interruptions) foreign witnesses. We had pOinted out to this House, relying on the rules of Depart- SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: Ultimately, ment of Parliament Affairs and others, and Sir, as a result of pains taken by the our own rules, that it will be competent for Committee, we have been able to arrive at the Committee to examine foreign wit- certain firm condusions--certain nesses also, and it has come true. Foreign conclusions which might disapppint my witnesses, including the President of Bo- friends on the opposite side, certain other fors, have been examined. conclusions which now shows that the extent of imagination created by some Sir, I have gone through the report Opposition friends, unwittingly becoming carefully. Undoubtedly the record of eVI- tools in the hands of destabilising forces, dence is with the hon. Speaker and with- both within our country and Dutside, was out the authority the hon. Speaker, ~ of it is established without any substance not permissible for me to go into it. But ... (Interruptions) reading the report; it reveals that searching questions must have been put by the We are greatly obliged to the Commit- Committee to the witnesses who were ex- tee for the pains taken by them i~ order to amined by the Committee. The Committee arrive at the truth. I shall not take much of of course will bear testimony to this, but the time of this august House, but I shall the Report certainly gives an impresSion only refer to page 2 and page 3 of the Re- that all witnesses including the Defence port, in otder to show what pains were Secretary and the Finance Secretary, Mr. taken by the Committee. This is apropos Ganapati, must have been kept on tenter- something which is supposed to be stated hooks looking at the way the questions in a Minute of Dissent--not found in our were asked. That is very clear from the Re- rules--that the Committee was not serious. port. That is why one important truth has let us see page 2, para 1.7: liThe Commit- come out and that somebody claiming to tee held 50 sittings in all." Frankly speak- be Super Clean in this country had ap· ing, when the Committee was set up, I did proved the Bofors Deal. Even at the cost of not anticipate the Committee to go into repetition, I will point this out from page such details of the matter. But it has done 83-84 of the Report. It is not as if every~ that it is very welcome. "Of these, 30 thing is bad here and everything is good on sittings were devoted to recording the evi- the other side. Sir, some metamorphosis dence of various official and unofficial wit- takes place. When somebody crosses the nesses. 7 sittings were exclusively devoted bank he becomes very clean and super to study of the classified doruments fur- clean. So, it is necessary to read pages 83 nished by the Ministry of Defence. The and 84 of the Report. Mr, Ganapati for Committee held in-h~ deliberations at whose integrity I don't think any Member 13 Sittings. of the Opposition has any question .... 349 Disc. Under Rule VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) ofJ.e on Bofors 350 193 on Rep. Contract SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY (Mahbubnagar): whether any reservanon naa ueen We don't know him. expressed. Sir, a pointed specific question was put to the witness-the witness was the most c;ompetent witness to . SH&I HAROOBH,,' ~EH1A! Thent kindly see the Report, you wIll know him. speak-whether any reservation had been expressed by the then Finance Minister, SH RI S. JAI PAL REDO'!': I know him only Shri V. P. Singh liThe possible star from the Report. How can I know him candidate in the Allahabad election." The (Interruptions). then Secretary, Expenditure, replied, So, the Committee asked whether Mr. V.P. SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: Please see Singh had any reservations. The reply was: page 83. Mr. Ganapati, the (hen Finance Secretary says-I am referring to parag~ph IIAbsolutely no. I can say this 6.20. Sir, I will not take the time of the categorically because .... The moment House reading paragraph after paragraph, I saw the file, I immediately sent it to but only some salient features have got to the Finance Secretary saying that the be pointed out in order to Jay the last nail matter was very urgent. It went to on the coffin of the allegations of the Op~ the Finance Minister. If he had the position Parties. Mr. Ganapati says: slightest doubt, he would have asked the Finance Secretary or me. I was "So far as these contracts are con- the senior officer in the Finance cemed, where the powers of the Department. I was the proper Secretary were very restricted, person to have been asked this approval of the Minister in the question. Till the moment of my Administrative Ministry and the retirement, no question was raised." Finance Minister was taken,1I This is about Mr. Super Clean. Therefore, Hist

And till today nobody has ever enter.. And thereafter, the leamed Member tained any doubt about this. from AIADMK, Mr. Aladi Aruna, came on the scene. The Chairman of the Committee

lastly, paragraph 6.23 says, IIAbsolutely may kindly inform the House--even if there flO". Sir, a question was asked to him is a tradition that the Committee Members 351 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAYS, 1988 ofJ.C on Bofors COntract 352

do not partidpate in the de6ate, at least be aJlowed to peruse these the Committee Chaiqnan and Members documents at home was to my shock owe it to the House in order to infonTe the and surprise outrightly rejected ... " enlightened public of India, as to what' was the stance of Mr. AJadi Aruna at every stage "Shock and surprise" took several months even including the stage when the final re- to develop, so that they came to be port was written. Was any question of dis- expressed at the time of Note of Dissent. Is sent raised by him or has it not happened there any written. request or oral request that even when the final report was being made to the Chainnan of the Committee discussed, when it was not even fonnu- that these dOOJments should be allowed to lated, at that stage, the minute of dissent be taken home. Classified information with was ready or was it not ready? All these military intelligence cannot be allowed to questions arise in the minds of public and be circulated like this. Therefore, the the hone Chairman of the Committee owes Committee Chainnan wisely asked them to it to the House to infonn what was the read only at the Committee meetings and stance of Mr. Aladi Arona, before, through- in the Committee room. What is wrong in out the proceedings of the Committee and that? what made him to try to give a note of dis- sent. Therefore, it reminds me of what And then, Mr. Aladi Aruna further says: Julius Caesar told: You Brutus too. Mr. Aladi Aruna's note of dissent reminds just of that. "What is more painful to state is that~ You too, on account of the split, did it. He even the draft report was no~ joined the chorus of the Opposition. circulated to the members for perusal. The Chairman as usual asked the Members to study the report for a few hours in the room it; SHRI S. JAJPAL REDDy: This proves the self." point that other Congress Members gave the assent because of their loyalty to the This is highly uncharitable to the Chairman Congress Party and not because of faimess and to the Members of the Committee and truthfulness of the proceedings·of the 'including Mr. Aladi. It was already decided, Committee. what should be the procedure. Everything was conducted according to the procedure decided by consensus among the commit- tee members-not even consensus but total SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: ~OW, Sir, unanimity. Therefore, he wants to say that cOming to the content of the Note of Dis- something had not taken place, as he de- sent, what is described is this. I only want sired. He says at page 218 that on February to raise one or-two points. So much some- 20, 1988, he addressed a letter to the thing has been said in the report. What Chainnan that certain witnesses be exam- . more or less can be said now will be su .. ined including Mr. Bhoopatrai Oza, His Ex- perfluous and redundant But look at the cellency, our Ambassador at Sweden at the dissent, look at the claims made by the relevant time. He also made the grievance hone Member, Mr. Aladi Arona. One claims that the Prime Minister was not examined. is regarding questions being not allowed, What could the Prime.. Minister say? The one does not understand what is the rea- Prime Minister has already made a solemn son of this notation? The Committee has statement before the House. He was not a pointed out in its report on the Note of part of Bofors administration so that he can Dissent that Mr. Aladi has never asked for give certain information which Bofors re- permission for any question which was dis- fused to diwlge. He says, "myself and my allowed by the Chairman. No such thing members of family have not received any .. was ever put to the Chainnan or the thing. We are not paid." Minus "denial" Committee. let us see the examination what could all these witnesses have said? part SHRI S. JAiPAl REDDY: What is the "My ~ request that we should definitiOn of his family? 353 Disc. Under Rule VAlSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) ofJ.C. on Bofors 354 193 on Rep. Contract [Transla tion/ prised my friend Shri Somnath Chatterjee should have been here to listen to this. SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: "Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam" . MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER: I will have to allow two more persons and then we have [English] to adjourn for lunch and then the hon. Minister will have to reply afterwards. For a man like Prime Minister, you should understand "family" means, SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: Therefore, f Vasudhaiv, the whole world. \vas only going to give an Illustration that""*

SHR) s. JAIPAL REDDY: Then, the Bofors (lnterruptlons)..- is also included.

SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA; My re- MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER: Don't bring all spectful submission is, at least for the Op- these things. I cannot allow it to go on position, this is not the correct way. Char- record. ity must begin at home. Something has been said ab6ut ••. SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: Therefore, the C~mmittee has brought out the truth (Interruptions) that no payment has been nlade by way aT commission to any middleman. I n any case, MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No, I do not al- there is nothing to prove the allegations. If low it to go on record. the Bofors have not cooperated, the Com- mittee or the Parliament cannot be blamed. SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA~ The thing is Ultimately, if the foreign parties dedICated that If such offences are overlooked by that to greed or avance, are not \vllling to co- Party in their own State, with what audac- operate with the Inquny and they do not ity, they could make an allegation against give the infomlatlon, \\ hat can the Corn- the Prime Minister, here. nlittee do? The COl1l1THttee \\35 not a star-chamber and It cannot resollrt to thu d Secondly, let us take corruption itself. As degree methods. we understand, corruption is inherent in a capitalist society. Where extra money can buy extra comfort, you cannot totally ban- ~1R. DEPUn' SPEAKER: lOU are gomg ish corruption. Therefore, in such societies on speaking. You have to cooperate and corruption takes place. At the same time, wind up. one is prone to easily believe allegations about corruption. Was it not resorted to by SHRt HAROOBHAI t\1EH LA: l\.'ethods Hitler in order to dislodge the Liberal bour- available under the rules \vere only open to geOis Governments of Germany by the Comolittee for tlndlllg out the truth spreading false rumours about corruption 7 that is, by exammation, cross-examination and inspectIOn of aJi dOCUJllents etc. As I MR. -DEPUTY SPEAKER: That is all. pointed out, \Vltnesses could not be sub- jected to third degree methods. On the SHRI HAROOBHAI MEHTA: Destabilis- contrary, there is a demand before Shri ers and disintegrators fabricate such allega- Suta Singh to prevent third degree nleth- tions of corruption in order to spoil the inl~ ods of police agall1st citizens. age of the leaders. Hitherto I thought that among the Communist ranks, corrupt peo- MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Eveaybody IS ple will not enter easily. But the Tin1es of going on dernanchng more tllne. India reports that even in CPM in Calcutta cracks are becoming evident. I was sur- SHRI HAROOBHA! "'EHTA: Even as·

•• Not recorded. 355 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5, 1988 ofJ.e on Bofors Contract 356

[Shri Haroobhai Mehta) Benches. Ultimately, the middleman will again be going to share the Cotnmission. The only thing that can be done is to talk sunling The Hindu docunlent to be correct with the party straight. It can be done. and authentic, it proves that the so called contracts had to be cancellad by Bofors. One of the documents pertains to cancella- tion of the earlier agreements. It shows l'here are a number of banks. Their cre- that at the intervention of the Prime Minis- dentials are very bad. The H indujas or ter who insisted that there should be no somebody deposited that money with the middlelnan, such agreements had to be banks. They are already having their ac- cancelled by Bofors. counts pending. Their relations with the Bofors are known for the last 15 years. I appeal to the Opposition to gracefully Their Iran dealings and Rangoon dealings accept the report of the Conlmittee. This IS are also well-known. They are having a the first investigation committee of this number of bogus bank accounts. But we do type. not want to disclose that we are taking this money for a particular thing. What is the Therefore, I again appeal to the con- evidence before this Committee? I do not science and wjsdom of the Opposition to know. Shall we have the tape-recorded accept the report of the Committee and versIOn of the evidence? I think that IS not help the House in setting a good prece- acceptable as per law. Can we call the wit~ dent. nesses? J do not know whether the Gov- ernment or the JPC meant that a stamped MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: After we adjourn receipt by the Prime Minister will be ac- for lunch, we assemble at 2 O'Clock. At cepted as evidence. That IS the only thing that time, the han. Minister will reply. that we are going to accept.

Now, Dr. Datta Samant. Sir, the prima facie facts of these deal- ings show that it is the high rankang people DR. DATTA SAt.MNT (Bombay South who have accepted the money. Coming to Central): After going through this volumi- the Bofors, , would like to say about the nous report, I recollected one saying of officials of the Bofors i.e. the President Mr. Shakespeare which I would like to quote:-- Morberg etc. While taking the evidence of the Bofors people, the Chaannan of JPC "Oh! What a tangled web we weave Shn Shankaranand told the Members of the when first we practice to deceive. /I Committee that while taking the ETvldence, the Conlmlttee should not ask questions If you go through the Report page after whach would offend the country's han page, the question which comes up is to guests. and the method should be gentle, whom the final payment will go. This is the persuasion and the cross-examination common thinking on the buyers' side. The should not insult them. This is what he has middleman is always taJked about. Even said. What IS tillS? Are you treating Bofors the Prime Minister had made the statement people as your son-in-law? Is this the way that there is no middleman, etc. But, in of getting the facts from the Bofors people? such a type of deaf, will any high-ranking They have said that unfortunately in Swe- politician, whoever he may be at the deci- den, there is no bank Code Number avai1- sion-lnaking level, say that he is going to able regarding the payments for Winding I

lOr. Datta Samant} to take over Haidia unit. They are such a big boss that they are having links with Iran. They have established themselves for the Committee was appointed and within a ten years. He is a right man to tackle. You month, the Committee had given better can accept this money, which is lying in report for the Bofors gun. The only positive this account, any time. But it cannot be point which you have in this report and proved. There won't be any stamped re- which has been said by the Members from ceipt for that. Nobody is going to give evi- the Treasury Benches is that Pakistan has dence against them. I will just take one brought some Radar Machine Computers minute. by which they can see the guns going from India. That is the only point. We know that Regarding Shri , who fifteeen seconds are required for the French was the Hon. Member of this House-MI am gun and Bofors gun requires 13lseconds. prepared even for breach of privilege--he is So, it blows one second early and Pakistan paying Rs. 19 lakhs out of Rs. 21 lakhs of it. will not be able to see I think prima his earnings, per year, In that he has paid facie, not prime facie, it cannot be believed. Rs. 19 lakhs to Hindu;as. : don't know why But ultimately, in the name of security of is he so generous and what is his links with the country, this Government has done a Hindujas. very bad thing. SHRltvtATI BASAVARAJESWARI (Sellary): Coming to other point about the Bofors How can the Han. Member make ~ccusa­ deal, after the meeting of Shri Rajiv GandhI tions against Shri Amitabh Bachchan with- with Mr. Palme in November 1985, we fmd out proper notice? germs of favouritism gradually developing DR. DATTA SAtv\ANT: To the Hindujas towards Bofors. Afterwards, nobody is prew pared to argue regarding this. hospital in Bombay he is paying Ks. 19 lakhs as donation every year out of~. 21 We have talked about three companies,_, lakhs income which he has shown for three a lot. In one of the companies your CBI years. His money is getting adjusted there. officer had gone. There was one lady. She was having an office. Her fees were not MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: How can you paid. But still, she is the President of that make accusations? I cannot allow. Svenska company where you have paid Rs. (Interruptions) 40 crores. I do not know about it. This is the report of your CID. CID has done a DR. DATTA SAtv\ANT: Out of Rs. 21 good work. I do not know about your lakhs, he has paid Rs. 19 lakhs to the H in- Committee. You should have given thts dujas Hospital in Bombay. That is there for work to the intelligent CBI. They would two years. This money is getting white have found out everything. Only thing is, money which is adjusted towards his bank they should be kept away from all your accounts in Switzerland and other places. talks. Therefore all these links are shown in the Press. Therefore, J am afraid all these cQmpa- nies are having links with PITCD. If you go One question that I am going to ask the through all the links that Hindujas have treasury benches is that when Indian Ex- with PIICO, you will find that the Hindujas press, The Hindu have given such a pUblic- are the big boss. They are from Bombay. In ity may be adverse... why not the June, they were allowed to purchase a Committee had taken note of it. If they bungalow, I don't think even the Prime have published something against you, Minister is having a bungalow like that. I why are you not having the courage to have seen that bungalow. Their asset is Rs. prosecute them? Why Hindujas is sleeping, 14,000 crores which is four times more why Amitabh· Bachchan is sleeping and than that of Tatas and Birlas. They have why are you sleeping here? It is because taken over Ashok Leyland. They are trying you people are exposed on the front pales 361 Disc. Under Rule VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) ofJ.C on Bofors 362 193 on Rep. Contract by all the media. That is why the findings' of made and immediateJy In tne course 01 U IC> the media are neglected by the Committee. Session itself Covernment will bring forth It is just a white-washing Committee as an amendment to Section 105 of the one Hon. Membtyr has said. It is a Criminal Procedure Code which "is neces- conspiracy to hide everything. If sary for the purpose of this exchange of corruptions is done in defence deals it is information.,But let me give further details. highly discreditable for this country. You may give any Report, or hold further In September 1987, that was after the inquiries, but even a child of this country of finance Minister made a statement, which 7,00 million people will definitely say that was quoted by Mr. Somnath this Govemment is involved in corruption. Chatterjee--the statement was of August 1987-a delegation of the Government of MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER: The Minister will India visited Switzerland. After this visit, an reply at 2. p.m. Therefore we adjourn for understanding was reached with the lunch to re .. assemble at 2 p. m. Government of Switzerland that letters would be exchanged for mutual 13.03 hrs. cooperation in criminal matters. Such agreement will be reached by means of The Lok Sabha adjourned for Lunch till exchange of letters. It will cover Fourteen of the clock. cooperation between judi(:ial authorities and the investigating agencies. Such 14.03 hrs. cooperation will also be extended to each other by both the countries. That means The Lok Sabha re-assembled after Lunch at that there will be a reciprocal cooperation. three minutes past fourteen of the c/Qck. The cooperation will also extend to production of documents and service of [MR. DEPUTY SEPAKER in the Chair] documents. I have mentioned that during the course of this session itself, Govern- {English} ment will intt oduce in Parliament a legisla- tion to afnt!uJ section 105 of the Criminal DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193 Procedure Code. This amendment is nec- essary. Report of the Joint Committee to enquire into Bofors Contract (Contd.) SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: "'ill it have ret- rospective effect? MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Eduardo falejro will make a brief intervention. SHRI EDUARDO FAlEIRO: This amendment is necessary. \¥hat the hon. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DE· Member and my friend means? .. PARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI ED .. SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: Will it have ret- UAROO FAlEIRQ): Mr. Deputy Speaker, I rospective effect or will it only have am making a brief intervention in this de- prospective effect? bate just to clarify the mis-conception that has arisen in the mind of Mr. Somnath SHRI EDUARDO fAtflRO: The position Chatterjee and might have gone into other will be as follows. After this amendnlent is minds as well because it is on the record. brought in, we will be in a position to ob- Mr. Somnath Chatterjee gave the impres.. tain--in the manner that it will describe im- sion yesterday while concluding his speech mediately-infonnation from the Swiss Gov- that no progress has been made in the ne.. ernment on all matters of criminal nature lotiations between Government of India whiCh obviously will be matters which oc- and the Covernment of Switzerland as far a.arred at any time in the past.

• exthan,e of information on criminal t matters is COI)Cemed. This impression is in .... As I was submitting, as far as production conect. It is not true. Progress has ~ of documents and service of documents is 363 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5,1988 ofJ. C on Bofors Contract 364

[Shri Eduardo Faleiro] of the House who" have participated in the debate, particularly Members on this side concerned, section· 105 of the Criminal of the House who have met the points Procedure Code provide that a court situ- raised by friends opposite very effectively. ated in India can issue summons for pro- duction and service of documents. This It is now over one year since the allega- section will require an amemdment to in- tion was first made that Bofors had made dude that summons received not only from illegal payments for winning the Indian a court located in India but alsQ from any contract for the supply of 155 n1m howitzer court situClted outside India be served. Fur- guns. This had created a lot of debate in- ther, a provision will also have to be added side the House, in the country. It had also in the Bill stating that when summons are created some misunderstandings, miscon- received for production of any document, ceptions, confusions.. I hope my friends the court shall receive documents--objects opposite won't mind if I say that inspite of or valuaDles-ano snail transter them to the the clarifications issued from time to time, court where the summons or warrants their interest was in seeing that the confu- have been received. sions persist and so, instead of assisting us in removing the confusions and getting us As r have submitted, let me say formally, the truth, they were more interested in the Government intends to introduce a seeing that they get political capital out of amendment, on the lines I have said, in the this matter. Now, we have lhe Report of rurrent session of Parliament. After the the Joint Parliamentary Committee which amendments to the Criminal Procedure was entrusted with the task of conducting Code have been made, and necessary noti- a comprehensive inquiry into the whole fication issued, letters will be exchanged matter. The events of the last year are well with the Government of Switzerland for known to the House and I will not take the mutual cooperation in criminal matters. time of the House in repeating all that they Therefore, all the matters that Mr. Jaipal know and all that has been said earlier but Reddy has in mind and other matters will in order to put the whole matter in per- thereby be covered by this cooperation. spective, I hope the House will show me the indulgence to allow me to refresh their SHRI C. MADHAV REDDY (Adilabad): memory about the facts of the case. On Are you also amending the FERA? In con- 20th April, I had informed this House that nection with the same matter, Ghosh while negotiating for the Bofors gun, the Committee's recommendations are before weapons system, the Government of India you. Are you going to take any action on had stipulated that the negotiations will be that? directly with the foreign suppHer. Now, I would like to quote from the statement IS- SHRI EDUARDO FAlE1RO: Sir, I will sued by Mr. Carl Johan Aberg, which I have definitely look at the Ghosh Committee's done earlier also, on 17th April. He is the recommendations. I don/t have in mind. I permanent Under Secretary of State in the must agree with that. (Interruptions) J don't Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of remember what are the Ghosh Commit- Sweden and this is what he says. I quote- tee's recommendations. (Interruptions) I am surely prepared to give all the informa- "Indian Pnme Minaster Rajiv Gandhi tion. But J should think that the infonnation himself during his talks in 1985 with which I have given now, will be welcomed Olof Palme said that one of the pre- by all sides of the House. conditions that the Bofors, should satisfy in connection with the How- MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Now, Mr. K..C. itzer contract was that the company Pant should have no middlemen. The deal should be drawn directry between. THE MINISTER Of DEfENCE (SHRI Bofors and the Indian Defence Min· K.C. PANT): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I istry. The cOmpany informed the would like to thank MembelS on both sides Sw~ish Covernment representative 365 Disc. Under Rule VAJSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) ofJ.e on Bofors 366 193 on Rep_ . I Contract in autumn 1985 that there would be the matterJ but once this matter was raised, no middlemen involved and that the Government of India took it up. They they would deal directly with the In- made enquiries with the various concerned dian Defence Ministry. This was con- quarters and I have at great length ex- veyed by Olof Palme in his personal plained in my last intervention in the conversation to Rajiv Gandhi in House on this subject as to how systematic 1986." enquiries were made \'Vith the Swedish There can be nothing more clear, un- Government, with Bofors and even with ambiguous and categorical than this. One the Swedish Radio. I do not want to repeat hon. Member referred to the fact that Olof that, but I would remind the House to re- Palme had discussed this matter with our fresh its memory only with regard to what Prime Minister and he expressed some the various parties told us at that time. The surprise at this. I am surprised that he is Swedish Government re-confirmed their surprised. Th;s was the large order and the understanding with the Govemment of In- Swedish Government and the Swedish dia regarding the non-invofvement of Prime Minister were interested in the sale agents. In their letter of April 24, 1987, of this gun to India. I don't think that there Bofors reported that the Swedish media is anything abnormal or unnatural in this had made a mistake and that the payments and our Prime Minister took the opportu- made by them were legitimatet and had nity of explaining our pomt of view in the nothing to do whatsoever with the Indian matter. Now, should one object to t!).~ or contract. This letter along with the entire should one appreciate this fact that the correspondence which the Govemment Prime Minister explained this particular had with the Swedish Government as well point dearly to no one else than the Prime as the Bofors Company has already been Minister of Sweden? And J take it that all of placed on the table of the House. us respect him on both sides of the House. So, this IS, in fact, a conf.nl1ation of the position which the Govemnlent has been taking on an important aspect ot this \vhole urterruptions)** matter and I think there can be nobody in the House ,,'no ,,'ould doubt 1\1r. Palnle's SHRI KC. PANT: I am not yield- work in this matter. It is quite custonlary ing... .(lnterruptions)"" for Prime Ministers to take up such issues when they meet. I hope nly hon. friend; MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No interrup. before long, will have an opportunity to tions please. Any clarifications you require work in the Governnlent, if not here, then you can ask at the end. I am not allowing in the States and see the inner \\'orkings of anybody. Nothing will go on record. the Government, then he will not ask such questions. You may please continue. Sir, the background and the quotation which I placed before the House became necessary in order to explain why the Gov- What I \vas ernment did nto readily accept what /he SHRI K C. PANT: saying. if Swedish Radio said way back in the middle he had the patience to listen, ""as that this of April last year because of the facts whic.h entire correspondence of the Government I ndia with the Swedish Government and I just mentioned. I do not think, the Go.v· of emment can be blamed in the light of the Bofors Company has. already been placed on the table of the House. there- those factsJ in the light of that background if they did not consider the allegations of fore, whatever I am saying can be checked the Swedish Radio as being credjble be~ by you; you can look up the letter, ) 'aU can cause there had been discussions at the seeI the record. There is nothin, else; I Covernment level. The company con- have only stated what is stated cerned had assured their Covernment in there.. ..(Interruptions).

·*Not recorded. 367 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAYS, 1988 ofJ.. C on Bofors Contract 368

f\.1R. DEPUTY-SPE~KER: I request the SH RI S. JAI PAL. RE OOY: Because of our MetnberS not to interrupt when the Minis- unremitting pressure that you acted. ter is speaking. You can ask clarifications at the end, if required. SHRI K.C. PANT: If you had so much confidence in your pressure you would have joined the Committee.

SHRI K.C. PANT: In the Iniddle of April Sir, now again, I would like to recall that this matter came up. S\\'edish Radio made the day we received the report of the sOlne charges, some aUegations and we Swedish National Audit Bureau which indi- pursued the matter vigorously with the cated payments of large sums, we did three Swedish Government with the result that things. (1) We called the Opposition lead- the House will recall that within flften days, ers and we had an immediate discussion by the end of April, they had instituted the with them on that very day. (2) We gave Svvedish National Audit Bureau enquiry. the Press note in which the facts, the sub- That was set up \vithin 15 days. Thereafter, stance, the gist whatever you like, was the report came. When the report of the given to the country and (3) We took a de- National Audit Bureau \vas received, then cision that we will go in for a Joint Parlia- \'\. e found that it mentioned that Bofors had me.ntary Committee and this decision was i113de large payrnents. large sums have taken in the light of the earlier insistence been paid, described as \l\rinding up pay- by friends opposite that we should ~et up nlents. And when \\'e asked the Swedish such a Committee to enquire into this mat- Covernnlent; "\Vhy have you not given us ter. Are these the steps of the Covernment those names? Why you expunged certain which is afraid of the truth1 Are these the portions?", we were told by the Swedish steps of the Government which is shying Covernment that because of their laws In away from the truth? It is we who did this. regard to secracy, they could not provide Initiative is aU along with us. We have tiS the details of the recipients as contained taken the initiative. m the Swedish/National Audit Bureau Re- port. I t is not, as the H Duse will recall, as SHRI THM1PAN THOMAS (Mavelikara): though we did not try to get the na.nes What is the result, Sir? from them or that we were not interested. \Ve were equally interested on both sides SHRI K.C. PANT: And today you have of the House that \ve should get the gumption to stand up and say that we are namt:S, and, therefore, we took it up ,",11th indulging in white washing. .t is we who them. This is the reply we got and this re~ have taken steps each time before you ply I placed before the House. I placed it or could raise your voice. the Government placed it. I do not know ho\v it came up. But It did come up in the SHRI THMtPAN THOMAS~ Has any House also. And today, f would like once thought been ,given to it? again to repeat 'Nhat I have said on that occasion, namely that the S\I\'edish Na- SHRI K.C. PANT: These are facts; no t.onal Audit Bureau enquiry was set up be- one can get round these facts. cause of the insistence of the Government (Interruptions) of India , because of the persistence of the Government of India, because the Gov- I will come to everything. When it is in- ernment of India was interested in arriving convenient, do not shout, but listen. Now, at the tr.;th and because we felt that the Sir, simultaneously, on the one hand the best way of deaUng with this matter was to JPC was set up or rather we took a deci- ask the Swedish Government, let us have sion to set it up, it was set up by the Par- the facts. They can use their agency but we liament subsequently, and on the other would like to know the facts. It is not our hand we repeated our request to the friends .posite; it is we who did it on our Swedish Government to supply us the full own. I would like to make this perfectly particulars of the recipients after such in- dear. vestigation as they consider necessary. 369 Disc. Under Rule VAfSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) ofJ.e on Bofors 370 193 on Rep. Contract And, Sir, ultimately, as again, my friends SHRI K.C. PANT: It does not lie in the know that our cont;nued pressure resulted mouth of those who did not join the in an investigation being undertaken by the Committee to question the terms of refer- Swedish Public Prosecutor. ence of that Committee today. 1,

SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: Oh, PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE (Rajapur): IS it so? If he utters only that argument, that is suffi- cient for the reply. SHRI K.C. PANT: iYes, certainly. And, therefore, this was oite more step which SHRI K.C. PANT: Prof., Madhu Danda- was taken by the Swedish Government at vate is feeling unnecessarily uncomfortable. our insistence. These are the backgrounds The plea of the Bofors had all along been that we have to see how we moved for- that they were bound to their counterparts ward in uncovering all the facts about this by legally impossible secrecy agreements, matter. violation of which would be detrimental to their business interests. This has been Shri Indrajit Gupta quoted yesterday stated in the report also and this is the from a letter of the Defence Ministry. He stand that they had taken all along. read out some of the questions from that letter. last time also, I think son)e mem- SHRt SAlfUODIN CHOWDHARY: But bers read it out. In that, we had asked very how could you get the IJames? searching questions. There was not a single member in this House who could improve SHRI K.C. PANT: As the House knows upon the fonnulation of those question. we persisted in our pressure over them. They were frank and forthright questions. Then the motion came before the House. I We wanted the truth and we said that we again remind the House about the motion wanted prompt replies from the Bofors ( which was discussed ;n this august House am glad that the House even on that occa- and in the . We found that sion appreciated the fact that we had cov- those who were vociferous in demanding a ered the necessary ground. The Govern· Parfiamentaty Committee in the Budget ment on this matter had done its worJ,;. Session of '987 turned a somersault and in the Autumn Session of '987 they said that SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA (Bas,mat): The) they would not participate. (Interruptions) were very conlmendable POUltS. But you refused to do it. (lntelfuptions) SH RI SURESH KURUP (Kottayam); We had valid reasons. SHRJ KC. PANT: They were not part of the terms of reference. That was the point that SH RI KC. PANT: It \\las a somersault. It you made. I do not think, you \\-'ere saying was a volte-.face! Is there anyone of you, that they were not good just because the) who can deny that? It IS ;n the records. were not included in the tenns of refer- ence. They are still valid as part of n1Y let- SH RI THAI\t\PAN THO~iAS~ $0 far as our ter. stand is concemed, \-vhat \\'e did proved to be correct. The dissenters were not pennit- SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: But the Con1- ted to give .. .(Interruptjons) "'hat sort of a mittee had not btten asked to go into it. comnlittee was that?

SHRI K.C. PANT: But that does not SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: It make thenl invalid so far as communication was a meaningless committee ... to Sweden is concerned and communica- tion to Bofors is concemed. SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: We were consis~ tent in our denland and out stand has been SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY vindicated ... (lnterruptions) (Katwa): But what is the result of that con1- munication? SHRI K.C. PANT: In the Spring of 1987 371 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5, 1985 ofJ.e on Bofors Contract 372 iShri K. C. Pant) country. The Parliamentary Committee reflects the Parliament we were asked, UWhy don't you have a and that is what we would like it to Committee?" (Interruptions) be." You think that we like this Com- nlittee without yoOr participation. SHRI KC. PANT: My young friend must But I would very much have you in it. learn to listen also. In all honesty, there is no doubt about this matter. The Government SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: is unhappy that you are not in it. II have been listening ... (Interruptions) This is what I had said. This is what I SHRI K.C. PANT: Yes, Yes. You have to had honestly meant. And I still mean it and listen in this House. I conle to listen to you r still feel it that would have been far bet- and you come to 'isten to me. Whatever ter. After all both sides-the Opposition and you may say, t may not agree with you, but the Treasury Benches- had agreed on one J listen to you. , sit right through and listen basic fact and that was to try to find out to you ... (lnterruptions) who received these payments and the other questions related to that. Both sides You will not go an)'Where like this. If of the House were one on that. Therefore, you discipline yourself, you will go fur- I had thought and I still think that it would ther.... (lnterruptions) have been a good thing. I stilt think that it would have been a good thing, if my hon. MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER: Do not interrupt friends had jOined this Committee. him please. let him finish his reply. , SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: How SHRI K.C. PANT: The point that I am would that have helped? making is that on very flimsy excuses, they did not join the Committee. I tried to per- SHRI K.C. PANT: He Sdys, how would suade them as much as possible. I person- have that helped? One thing is that you ally tried. I tried to accommodate them~ have quoted from Mr. Aladi Arona. You One of my hone friends opposite was gen- have said that there are certain things erous enough yesterday to refer to the fact which he had mentioned and you agreed that I did my best to persuade them. And on that. You have quoted from him. Sup. he is a person who seldom pays compli- pose, there were more of you, you could ment. He is a member of his party and have brought out your facts more clearly. even he paid me this unexpected compli- Your point of view would have been in- ment yesterday. But today he is standing cluded here. That is number one. up and interrupting me. The second thing is that you PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He has might-although the chances are slim-have not withdrawn his compliment! been converted; you might have been con- vinced, although that would have menat a SHRI K.C. PANT: So, Sir, at that stage, bigger objectivity which is difficult to dis- without going into many details, f did cern. But nevertheless, one does not lose promise to modify the Government's posi- hope in human nature. Maybe you would tion on a number of issues and in fact have been convinced bYCle truth, by what when , came up with the motion, we had you saw there inside; maybe you would already modified many of the terms of ref.. have had a chance to cross-examine; erence.. If you remember, even after the maybe you would have increased the num- Parijament had approved of this motion, ber of witnesses; maybe you would have again , urged my friends in the Opposition said, "No, this is not enough, we would to Join the Committee. let me quote what I like so and so to come." Maybe you would said at that time: have said....

IIParliament reflects the whole SHRI INDRAJlr CUPTA; That is true. 373 Disc. 'Under Rule VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) ofj.C on Bofors 374 19~ on Rep. Contract SHRI K.C. PANT: You asked me a ques- people who ran away from the responsi- tion, I am answering you. You asked me a bility. (Interruptions) question, what would be the advantage? I am trying to tell you, what would be the ad- If you have joined the Committee and vantage, from your angle. exposed it .... Onterruptions)

Then, suppose, if the Government had SHRI KC. PANT: You should have said given you certain assurances and the Gov- that the Committee did not function prop- ernment went back on those assurances, erly. Who was stopping you? That is what' you could have exposed the Government Parliament is for. (Interruptions) to the people of this country. You could have said, the Government has not struck SHRI KC. PANT: I think my hon. friends to its words and thereby "'Ie would have do not seem to reaJi$e that this is a Joint had to face the people. But you did not do Committee of the Parliament. If they con .. 'Jny of this. You could have walked out of demn it, they condemn themselves. Don't the Committee if the Committee had not let them forget this. This Committee repre- been working well. You did not do that. sents this House. If you condemn your Today you stand exposed. Today before the own Committee, you are condemning cou~.... yourself.... (Interruptions)

SHRI SAIFUDDJN CHOWDHARY: SHRr SAIFUoblN CHOWDHARY: How Whether our joming the j PC would have can they allow a Committee like this to be enabled you to get the names from Bofors humiliated by Bofors? (!nterruptions) ... (Interruptions) SHRJ K.C. PANT: Today you sit with SHRI KC. PANT, Sir, if we had not been colleagues from this side on various Com- serious about the J.P.C., I would not have mittees and to you cast doubts on their appealed to my friends even after the Mo- objectivity? You should seriously examine tion was carried. I would not have said this point. This is one. Secondly, Sir, if they #I please join this Committee." I would not do not cast doubts on their objectivity, have. Why would t have done that? Why then they are accepting ttus Report, and would I have unnecessarily purchased they are accepting the objectivity of this trouble tor th~ Government, it we are not Committee. You cannot have it both ways. serious about indudiflg you to the Commit- (Interruptions) tee and accepting the fact that we may still have faced more probleols, if you were in DR. DATTA s.MMNT: This Committee the Committee. But we thought that be- was there to tlnd out corruption. It is dif- cause you had said that like th€ Public Ac- ferent from PAC. (Interruptions) counts Committee and the Estimates Committee--you gave examples-we work You want to hide It. by consensus. We work together for the public good. Therefore. in that spirit, I have SHRJ K.C. PANT: I would like to ask the thought, if both sides we.·~ in it we would leaders of the Opposition; Dr Datta work together for the public good. That is $amant's level of the debate is beyond me. why, people have sent us. But instead of I cannot argue at that levelt but I would like that, you ran away from your responsibility. to invite the attention of some of the lead- ers of the Opposition. Here is the Execu- SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: No. tive, for the first time in independent India No. (Interruptions) will;ng to give up some of its powers to Parfiament. They say: All right, let us ap. SHRI K.C. PANT: Yes, you ran away point a Parliamentary Committee which fnsm your responsibility. Then, why were will investigate this matter. It will hold an you not in? Today, you have the gumption inquiry into this matter, which is ordinarily !o criticise that Committee. Today, before a function of the Executive. for the first the bar of the people, you are exposed as time, the Exerutive does this, at their In.. 375 DiSc. Undel Rule 193 on Rep. MAY S, 1988 QfJ.C on Bofors Contract 376

(Shri K. C. Pant] Anatronic Ceneral Corporation. My friends know it. They have been repeating these stance; and they do not join it. I have been nameS like a mantra. So, I am sure they a Member of Parliament; I have not always know this. been a Minister. And for them to deliber- ately give up this chance, or to miss this DR. DAITA SAMANT: Mr Win Chadha chance, of enhandng the powers of Par- has not told you the names. Bofors have liament vis-a-vis the Executive is something not given them to the Committee. which they will regret to the end of their (Interruptions) political days, because I think they are in- terested in seeing that there is a proper MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Already I gave a baIa~ce between the Executive and the chance for 15 minutes... Mr. D~tta Samant, Parliament. But when a concrete instance you give a priVilege motion. If the Minister came up, slipped up, and this is some- they is misleading, you give a privilege motion thing for which history will judge them. against the Minister. Do not waste time. (Interruptions) (IntflfUptions) Or. Datta Samant, I am not expecting you to understand this. That is why I said .... SHRI K.C. PANT: Sir., you should see that giving Dr. Datta Samant a chance to DR. DATTA SAMANT: Did you want me speak does not Improve it. Therefore, the to join that? . lesson is obvious . SHRI K.C. PANT: I do not want you to DR. DAIT A SAMANT: Sir, he is mis- join anything that is enduring. leading.

(Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Dr. Datta Samant, listen to me. Do you feel that he is I made a commitment in this House, misleading the House 7 and that commitment was that the Gov- ernment would furnish aU the documents (Interruptions) to the Convnittee, and that the Govern- ment would aJlow its investigatjng agencies SHRI K.C. PANT: Even a cursory exami- to be at the behest of thIS Committee, and nation of this Report Will show that it has even depart from a long;established policy, gone into this whole matter in an exhasu· to let the Committee have a look at sensi- tive manner. The Chairman is sitting here. tive documents. I would like to assure the The witnesses from the Defence Ministry has been mentioned in House-it the Re· and the Army have answered all the ques- "port we stuck our assurance aIso-that by tions which were put to them. I think, a and that we gave all the documents re- verbatim record runs into over 2000 pages. quired by the Committee. Secondly, the I forgot to mention it. The number of pages CQmmittee wanted to examine various is given here. The number of pages is 2500 persons. I wiD not go into aJi the de- or so. tails-whether it was the Defence Secretary or the Army personnel, the Chief of the SHRJ DINESH COSWJ\M, (Cuwahati); Army Staff, retired functionaries, present Did Bofors answer the questions? functionaries of the Ministry of Defence and the Army, aU of them were examined, SHRI K.C. PANT: Have you seen the as the Jpc wanted, in relation to the ~ Report? cedures which had been followed, .~nt­ cal evaluations commerdaJ negotlabOnS, SHRI DINESH COSWAM~; Yes. Le. aU the three' 3spects. (Interruptions) SHRI K.C. PANT: I am deali", with the They also examined Bofors on two oc· Report. The examination of the Ieport casions, as well as Mr. Win Chadha of the would show that certain issues have been 377 Disc. Under Rule VAISAKHA 15,1910 (SAKA) oij.C. on Bofors 3711 193 on Rep. Contract cleared beyond doubt. For all those my ~,Iiol)tries were associated with this Corn- friends who have no time to study this Re- rnittee. In August 1984, the Army recorn- port. If they like, I can attempt to go into mended a further short listing of those ob- some of these aspects. It has been estab- taining four offers to two offers and the real lished that the selection of a major weapon contenders were, namely, French and the system by the Army is an exacting and time Swedish. The Army reiterated this view in consuming process as was explained in the early 1985, Although the Negotiating House on an earlier occasion; it is gov- Committee continued to exploit the com- erned by rigorous procedure in which a petitive advantage and formalised the short large number of functionaties at various listing to two sources only at the end 01 levels are involved; and many of the friends October 1985; they could have done it who spoke on this side of the House yes- much earlier-at the end of 1984 or in early terday explained that there was a need for 1985. They had not been interested in ere- the gun; they explained the threat percep- ating a competitive atmosphere, but, be tion which led to a need they felt and they cause of that, they delayed it in October explained that this was an institutional 1985. Certain developments took place method for selection, not dependent on an across the border and the Army re-ordered individual. All this has been explained. So, I its inter-se preference between the French will not go into that. But there is a process and the Swedish system. This is a point laid down and my friend, Shri Indrajit which I think Shri Jaipal Reddy and some Cupta, was particular that in terms of ref- other friends also raised, erence this should be included; this was in- cluded. We have gone into the whole pro- cess, how the philosophy, how the papers were prepared with regard to the gun; how SHRI INDRAJIT CUPTA: When was the field trials were held; how the Report that? was prepared. Ultimately, the short listing took place. I will not go into all those as- SHRI KC. PANT: I do not know the ex- pects. But the fact is that, after going act month, but the Chief of the Army gives through this process in 1982, a clear short this. listing of four systems was ultimately done; and these were: French, Swediesh, and the SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: The Committee system offered by the British and the Aus- was not given. trin system in the same order. By Decem- ber 1983, the Army was in favour of alto- SHRI K,C. PANT: But he has given de- gether ruling out the Austrine Firm and tails. Nobody is disputing the fact that confining the .acquisition to a short list of there was a re-ordering of the priority, I do three, namely, French, Swedish and the not have the date with me now, British system in that order, The Ministry of Defence decided to retain the Austrine sys- SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY (Mahboobnagar): tem and short list for gaining the maximum I asked for the date. competitive advantage. It was in this back- ground that the Cabinet approval was SHRI K.C. PANT: May be. There are sought for the purchase of 155 mm gun many people who asked for many things. system from apy of the four sources that I The main point is, the point you raised was have mentioned. The responsibility of ne- about the gun, whether it is the French gun gotiation was entrusted to a Committee and the Swedish gun. That is the point. headed by the Defence Secretary. The names of the members of that Committee Now, as brought out 111 the report itself, have been given in this House. So, J will the fire finding radar has appeared on the not repeat those names. But I would like to horizon, The radar has the capability of emphasise that they covered the Secretary tracking projectiles in flight and pin point of Defence Production; they covered the the location from which these had been Finance Ministry; they covered R&D on the fired within a matter of seconds. This Defence side. All these important func- meant that the retaliatory fire could be ef- 379 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5,1988 ofJ.C. on Bofors Contract 380

[Shri K. C. Pant] before the JPC that the final preference of the Army was based on the reasons, which fectively unleased within a matter of tnin- I have just mentioned. utes. This development necessitated the acquisition of a system which could un- I think, to put the matter to rest, I leash an effective salvo with great speed would like to read from the testimony of and then be capable of immediately leaving the Chief of Arn1y Staff, just a small para- from its location. In military jargon these graph. I quote:-- two pr~requisites are known as 'first salvo effectiveness' and Ishoot and scoot'. Be- IIfn the light of some of these cause of its greater automation, the Bofors changed circumstances, I system scored on both these counts over re-evaluated the inter-se placement the french. Again, because of its greater au- and decided that. .. " tomation, the operational potential of Bo-

fors system could be sustained more effi- mark the words I decided' ciently than the French system despite crow-fitting or casualty. lithe Bofors gun in these conditions had a edge over the French gun This is a point which cannot be brushed though fundamentally both guns aside. This is the point of view of an expert were acceptable for the Anny. This of the eminence of the Chief of Army Staff, was the sequence and I would lake to and if I w€re to try to put it to you, in lay repeat under oath, \vhat I told the man's language, as I understand it, it meant han. Members when I briefed them this, that if our gun fires, the shell could be In the Army Headquarters some picked up in flight by the gun on the other months back. II side, they could fire back, unless our gun moves out of the way before their shell He says, "I want to repeat under oath". reaches us, this gun would be destroyed. This is a common sense reading of the Now, after this, are there any lingering thing, and, therefore, it became necessary doub,ts in this matter? to ensure two things: One, that the finning here would be rapid, right in the beginning Then the question whether he was in- not over a period of minutes, but over a fluenced in this matter, whether anybody period of a few seconds, rapid fire and the influenced him in taking th,s deCision moment the tire tool place, it would shift comes. Now, again, , quote the Chlef ot from there so it would escape the in- Army Staff, --what he says--from page 75 at evitable retaliation that would come. That the report:-- is the meaning of it, and once the experts felt that this became an important consid- "At no stage of thiS assess.llent o. eration, we attach proper weight to it. That mine for the final short IIstmg and is what the Chief has said and that is what I indicating of the Amly'S inter-st' have understood. It is relevant to observe preference between the Bofors and that by this point of time the Import of the the French gun, in no way, was any self-propelled gun had been abandoned suggestion or influence applied on and consequently the commonality factor me or any of my staff from the which had weighed in favour of the french Ministry of Defence or Minister at was no longer valid. This again has been Defence or anybody in any posltton explained in the report. of authonty. It "-'as our own free exercise of judge.nent that \\ e Keeping these considerations in view, changed the Inter-se placenlcnt the Army advised the Ministry in february because of objective analysis ot what 1986 that it would prefer the Bofors gun we thought was a very exceedingl)' which had a clear edge over th~ French vital factor which had undergonc system. The former Chief of Anny Staff, changes between De<.ember, 1982 General Sundarji had unambiguousty stated and february, 1986." 381 Disc. Under Rule VAISAKHA lS, 1910 (SA/Q\) ofJ. C. on Bofors 382 193 on Rep. Contract I do hope that after this, this particular SHRI KC. PANT: Therefore, I told him aspect will at least rec~ive a decent burial. that this was not fair. This is what I told him. I am not going to say anything more. I The question of who should make the am not going to rub it. But, I did feel hurt choice of weapon~ also came up. I would because I have worked' with the Chief of like to clarify that' the choice of weapons Anny Staff and I think it is highly unfair par- and systems is the prerogative of the users, ticularfy, after the kind of sentiments which and in this case, it would be the Army. In he expressed and which I have just read other cases, it might be the Airforce or the out, which are included in the report as a Navy. Government takes the final decision, part of the report. Therefore, I would like but it attaches great weight to the opinion to fully endorse the JPC's conclusions. I of the experts ;n this matter because they quote: stake their lives, they use these weapon systems, their men use these weapon sys- "The committee is fully convinced tems; and who else can turn to for advice, with the decision taken in February who are better than them. That is the point 1986 to place the Bofors gun over you have to bear in mind. If the Chief of the french gun, in what might the Army does not give an honest opinion othef"Nise appear as a sudden on the gun, then on whom are we to rely reversal oi priorities was intrinsically for an honest opinton on the gun. sound. The Army Chief would have failed in his duty to the country had Therefore, Sir, I felt rather hurt that un- he ignored the change in the security charitable remarks were made even about environment during the preceding the Chief of Army Staff; and certain doubts months ... '1 were raised or implied or innuendoes were expressed in this House with regard to his In the final round of negotiations, in integrity, intellectual integrity if you like but February and early ,\1arch, the Negotiating the fact that he changed his opinion was Committee skilfully maintained and fully sought to be made out, as though he did exploited the intense competition between this for extraneous consideration, just the competing suppliers so that they both because he became the Chief of Anny Staff, reduce their price for the entire package. he changed his opinion, etc. etc. This is Seve raJ members have mentioned the fig- very unfortunate. He retired after a ure by around Rs. 200 crores. Prof. Ranga distinguished service of forty years or so. yesterday came to me and asked me, 'ho\\' He has done the country proud in many did they eo lU'. Reducing the price by Rs. capacities. (Interruptions) 200 crores, just think of it; and also im- proved other commercial tenns. No\\, it SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY (Mahboobnagar): the Government is interested in anything J h4d already, nlade my positaon very dear but the interest of the ('ountl)'1 \\'Quld it go on this point. to the ex1ent to reduce the price by Rs. 200 crores. Can you cite one instance, \\here any Government--this "vas a large order flO SHRt KC. PANT: , am not blaming any doubt--succeeded in getting the price re- single person. I am not talking about Mr. duced through conlpetitive bidding by as Jaipal Reddy as such. But, he did say this much as Rs. 200 crores. (Interruptions) and in fact f told him persona"}", As the House kno\-\'s, I have a certain affection for SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY (f\1ahboobnagar): him, for thert' i$ no e"pi.1n,1tloll whICh It does even' time. (Interruptions) (Interruptions)

PROF. K.K. TfWARY (Buxar)~ Very mIs- SHRI K.C. PANT: If you just pause to placed affection l .nust S,ly. lhmk what Rs . .200 crore is ...

PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE (Rajapur): SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S.OEO: You can explain under Rulf;) 193. Rs. 200 crores minus kickbacks. 383 /)isc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5,1988 ofJ.e. on Bofors Contract 384

SHRI K.C. PANT: That is where you Naturally, it you think that all Ministers just have to be a little objective. Even at your make a routine inspection, Prime Minister young age, you .have to be objective; no also made a routing inspection. He was the use of becoming objective.. later on. Defence Minister and he saw it and ap· proved and he endorsed the decision of the finance Minister. If Jaipal had told him Finally on March 12, 1986 the Negoti- at that time that he did not look at the file ating Committee recommended placement properly, he might have looked at it prop· of a letter of intent in favour of Bofors. They erly. Consequently, the letter of intent was were over Rs. 97 crores cheaper than the issued to Bofors. French. Now, the evidence of Shri Canapathi has been quoted by some hon. friends be· cause Shri Canapathi was the Expenditure SHRIINDRAJIT CUPTA: Rs. 9.7 crores? Secretary, was a member of this Negotiat. ing Committee. Although that is a personal SHRI KC. PANT: No, it is Rs. 97 crores. matter, the officer had worked with me You are talking about the later phase. I am when I was in the Finance Ministry years talking about the letter of intent. I am not ago. He is really a first-rate officer. He ;s talking about the contract. now retired. I n his evidence before the JPC he stated: SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: The computa- tion is incorrect. IIFinancialty it (Bofors) was the cheaper offer. Commercially the SHRI KC. PANT:.No, it is not correct. tenns were more to our advantage than Sofma offer. The third deciding SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: It was never factor was the credit terms i.e. done by the C&AG. Swedish Kroner vs. the French credit terms. Credit terms were evaluated SHRI K.C. PANT: How can accounts be as practically the same. Whichever audited at the time when the letter of in- angle you look at it--from the point tent is placed? At reast that you should un- of view of technical factors or derstand. financial factors or commercial factors-Bofors offer had a distinct ad· It is significant to observe that this rec- vantage over the Sofn&a offer." ommendation of the Negotiating Commit- tee-many Members have said this--was This is what the Expenditure Secretary, seen and approved by the Finance Secre- Shri Ganapathi, said. Then somebody in tary/.the two Ministers of State in Defence the PC asked him: IICan you recollect if Ministry, viz. Shri Arun Singh and Shri Sukh J Ram, and the Finance Minister. any reservations have been expressed by the then Finance Minister, ~hri V.P. SHRI V. KlSHORE CHANDRA S. DEO~ Singh?" This is what he said: Shri Sukh Ram? . II Absolutely no." This is quoted by some other friend also this morning. SHRI K.C. PANT: Sukh Ramji was not the Finance Minister. "Shri V.P. Singh was "J can say this categorically be.. the Finance Minister. cause... the moment I saw the file, , irnmediately sent it to the Finance SHRI S. JAIPAl REDDY: The file re- Secretary.... It went to Finance mained with him only for a few hours. Minister. If he had the slightest doubt, he would have asked the SHRI K.C. PANT: That shows how much Finance Secretary or me. I was the attention he had to fales. Thereforel all of senior officer in the Finance them saw it. Thereafter, the Prime Minister Department. t was the proper also saw it, also for routjne inspection. person to have been asked this 385 Disc. Under Rule VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) ofJ. C. on Bofors 386 193 on Rep. Contrad question. Till the moment of my PROf. ~DHU DANDAVATE: It is there retirement, no question was raised." ,in the Report. You must have read the Re- port. You are not the Chairman of the So, this matter now should be abso- Committee. lutely dear to aH the Members either on this side or that side. But the story does SHRI V. SOBHANADRfASWARA RAO: not end with the placement of the letter of Not only Bofors, but Sofma also offered. intent. As I said, at that stage, the Bofor's offer was cheaper by about Rs. 100 crores SHRI KC. PANT: Sofma and Bofors we than the French offer at that time. had gone into at some length. Now, the other question that was raised was with 15.. 00 hrs. regard to the quality. I know that some hon. friends from the Opposition ex- The Government decided that although pressed their views strongly about the the letter of Intent was issued, we will con- quality of the gun being good. This criticism tinue the competition which we had gen- which was raised after the Swedish Radio erated, and the severe competition was announcement or the first news report, continued. Realising that they would be and again after the Swedish National Audit othetWise eliminated, the French made yet Bureau's Report, qUltened down consid- another offer. On March 21, their final offer erably. But there is no doubt that a canard came, reducing their bid by Rs. 101 crores was circulated at an earlier stage, and the over their previous quotation. The Negoti- canard that was floated included doubts ating Committees did not stop here. They being raised about the quality of the gun. asked Bofors again to reduce their price Do I have to tell my hon. friends--I am not further and consequently Bofors agreed to blaming any of you but you also y:ould supply guns worth about Rs. ten crores fre~ know probably that in one State election at of charge. That is how, as my friend Mr. least at that time f this issue was raised and Indrajit rightly remembers, at the final it was said that this gun is a nakl; gun nakli reckoning, the Bofors offer stood at Rs. gun hai, nak/i top haL What do you mean 1,427 (rores against that of the French, by nakli gun hai? I am not blaming you. But which was Rs. 1,436 (rores. if you are going to take the responsibility for everybody, God help you. This SHRt V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAD happened and it is very unfortunate that (Vijayawada): Sofma also offered. such things are exploited for political purposes and for petty political SHRI K.C. PANT: Yes, certainly. Sofma advantages. also offered. That is how I said they re- duced their bid by about Rs. 101 crores. [Trans/ation}

SHRI V. SOBHANADRE£SWARA RAO: PROF. ftAAOH U DAN OVATE: I have said They offered to give sante guns free of cost. about the contradiction that it is nak/i.

SHRI KC. PANT: I, of course, did not [English} have the advantage of discussing with Sofma or theIr agents. I do not know any- SHRI K.C. PA~T: If you are going to thing else beyond what I get from the joke about a serious matter like this, then I Ministry. If my hon. friend ... (lnterruptions). must say humour is misplaced in this case.

SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAO: PROF. I'MDHU DANDAVATE: I am telling you that actualfy this vvord was used That is there in the Report. in that context, and you can check the record also. SHRI K.C: PANT: Even if you tell me something frof!l outside the Report, I do SHRI K.C. PANT: No, it is not a question not mind. of record. It is in a public meeting, in a 387 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5,1988 ofJ. C on Bofors Contract 388

[Shri K. C. Pant] points on the basis of which such charges are made may get weakened. This is why I public speech that these things were said. think the quality aspect is important even Therefore, all I am saying is--and I have from this point of view. Apart from the fact, said it earlier also in this House--that you as I said earlier, once the charges are can criticise us, but if you plant such doubts made, they should be dispelled; they in the minds of the soldiers, whose life de- should be buried so that the security of the pends on the functioning of these guns, on country is not affected. So, I thought the the quality of these guns, then you are do- JPC was not only within its right but duty ing immense disservice to this country. This bound to go into this question of quality. is what I said, and I repeat this today be- cause their survival depends on the quality Sir, my friends, have quoted from Shri of the weapon~. If you and I were also us- Aruna's note, from what he has chosen to ing these weapons at the front, guarding append to the report and the facts on the borders of this country, we would also which he goes are basically the same facts have felt equally let down if somebody said on which the JPC goes. He has not fur- this gun is a wrong gun, the quality is bad, nished new facts and I would say that on and so on and so forth. Therefore, I was gOing through the report, nobody in this greatly encouraged by the fact that some House can say that the JPC has not con- responsible Members of the Opposition ducted this exercise with great thorough- did come out openly and said these were ness, with meticulous care and from the good guns. Their names have been quoted very outset it has been very very careful, in here. They are respected people. They are the way it has collected these facts of not with us. They are opposed to us which I spoke and on the basis of which it politically. But they have said so. Also, , has reached certain condusions. think, Gen. Manekshaw's name was mentioned. I do not want to mention Now, for instance, I will give one exam- names. I do not want to score a debating ple of where Mr.Aruna has not been able to point on this. This is far too serious to make assertions which are in conformity score a debating point on thj.s. with the facts. One of the points he has But I would suggest to you with all sen- made is that the Freneh gun is capable of ousness that raising such doubts is against being named by JPC at an enormous speed the interest of the country against the in- of 30 to 35 Kms. per hour against 7 or 8 terest of --the security and it ,s not some- Kms per hour achieved by other three gun thing which should be done by' anybody in systems. Now, the basis of 5hr; Aruna's this House. claim is not borne out of the records of the facts of the evidence before the j PC and I Then, Sir, somebody finally mentioned would like my friends on the Opposite to as to \\lly the JPC has gone into this ques- verify this fact and go into this and then tion of quality at all. Now, I was really not they will see the fact. But however s~ch a able to understand the logic behind this claim was made only in respect of the Aus- question, the relevance of this question. trian gun. Perhaps in his hurry, Shri .Arttna, The JPC was called upon to go into the al- has confused the case of Austrian gun with legations of kickbacks, that certain ~ck­ that of the Fren:h gun and in his wisdom backs were paid. This was the allegation. Shri Datta Samant chose to do the same They were asked to go into it. Now, I think today. if the gun is shoddy, bad in quality and you p ly a high price for it and kickbacks are in- volved or you pay too high a price for the DR. DATfA S~NT: But your logic is gun, kickbacks are involved, I can not correct. understand this kind of reasoning and this kind of thinking and then try to pin down the facts. But here the quality is good. We SH~I K C. PANT: I am sony you said have shown that it is purchased after keen Australia, not even Austria. I stand cor- competition at a low price. But then these rected. 389 Disc. Under Rule VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) ofJ. C on Bofors 390 193 on Rep. Contract PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: It is only all of us know it, and the JPC was ~t up for geographically wrong. that purpose.,

SHRI V. KISHO~E CHANDRA S.DEO: It SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: We did not is only a slip of the tongue. make that charge.

SH RI K C. PANT: Sir, a slip of the SHRI K. C. PANT: No, no. I am not tongue is a very big slip if he takes you to saying why is every cap fitting you. I didn't Australia instead of Austria. Sir, he said "the say that Jaipal Reddy said this. documents provided to the Committee and the examination of the witnesses disproved SHRI DINESH GOSWM1I: Just for a all these claims beyond reasonable doubt". minute. When it is admitted that Bofors What are these claims? These claims relate made payment of Rs.64 crores, was it not to the Prime Minister's statement in Par- incumbent upon you to prove that it was liament on April 20, 1987. What did the not 'commission', but 'winding up Prime Minister say? He said, "I have in- charges'? formed the Prime Minister of Sweden that 0) the guns must be technically accepted SHRJ K. C. PANT:. I will come to it. and superior to all the others; (2) the cost (Interruptions) must be less than the other competitors and (3) there must be a guarantee that SHRI DINESH COSWM1I: Please an~ there is no middleman or agency. These swer that question. are the paints and Shri ANna says that he cannot agree with this. The exact words he SHRI K C. PANT: I will clarify. uses are: "disporve all these claims beyond (Interruptions) reasonable doubt." Please mark the words, "disprove all these claims beyond aU rea· I will not be deflected and therefore, sonabJe qoubt." please have some patience. What J am saying is, Bofors did make substantial pay- Now, let us go into the Attorney Gen~ ments and they did not disdose the partic- eral's opinion. The Attorney General has ulars of recipients. given his opinion on various aspects of this matter to the JPC and one important point SHRI DINESH GOSWMAI: They did not he nlade, \\lhich was referred to by the disclose. other Menlbers was that the negative can· not be proved and that the onus of proving SH RI K. C. PANT: That is why the Com- the charge must be in those making it and mittee, because they did not disclose. If not the other way rouod. This is quite ob- they had disclosed it, why this Committee? vious. AU lawyers understand it. Even I You don't even understand this. And there have begun to understand it, although , am is now no doubt that the Govemleot had not a lawyer. conveyed it to them that there will be no middlemen because this is a matter C?f record, I have just read out the statement SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: What is the of a senior representative of the Swedish charge which he is making? (Interruptions) Government and so there is no doubt about this. Even the media now acknowl- SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. DEO: edged this fact. This ;s the National Audit Bureau's Report. Their Report shoud have been pursued at I hope that I have managed to establish the Committee. at feast one thing that the Negotiating Conlmittee in the manner in which it went (Interruptions) about negotiating the price succeeded in generating the competitive atmosphere be- SH Rf K. C. PANT: The fact which aU of cause of which the price was reduced c0n- us know is that Bofors made the payments, siderably and the country gained some- .. 391 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5,1988 ofJ. C on Bofors Contract 392

[Shri K C. Pant] be proved. Where is the nega~ive? It is a positive case which can be proved. thing like Rs.200 crores, maybe more, (Interruptions) maybe a little less, I do not know, I am not g0ing by those exact figures, but there is MR. DEPUTY·SP~KER: Please, Order. substantial reduction in price and this is again something which establishes that no SHRI K. C. PANT: Some hon. friends qllarter was given to Bofors on the q~es­ said, what has this Committee done. This tion of price. This is a very important basic Committee was set up after the Swedish point that no favour was shown to them in National Audit Bureau report. At that time, respect of the technical choice and no we knew certain payments had been made. quarter was given to them in resp~ct of We did not know to whom they were price. \Nhere is your case? (Interruptions) made. (Interruptions)

Now, in spite of this, Shri ANna I am saying the same thing. We are on , chooses to say that paynlents were made the same side. Why are you getting ex- to middlemen is a charge which has been cited? proved beyond reasonable doubt. After this he says it. And he seems to argue that even SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: There if no evidence is available, the JPC could is a difference. Before the National Audit conjure up evidence in support of his worst Bureau, you never accepted that money suspicions. That is his only charge against has been paid. You never accepted that the JPC -- ,\Vhy have you not produced any money has been paid. (Interruptions) evidence because I have reached certain condusions?'ls this the \\'ay to go about it? 1\1R. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: P'ease, Order. You read the conclusions and then you set Mr.Cho'w\'dnary, why can't you go to the up a Committee to manufacture the evi- Minister's Chamber and discuss lake this. If dence -- I do not knO\V which of nly han. you want the Minister'S reply and jf you go Members would like to take this path. We on interfering, how \vill he reply? don't do it and we will never do it. SHRI SAtFUDDIN CHO\VDHARY: He is SHRJ V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. DEO: misleading the House. The charge was made. You formed the Committee. Have you been able to prove ~1R. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: In the end, If to the contrary? you want any clanficatlons, you can ask.

SHRt K. C. PANT: You should see the SHRl K.. C. PANT: Do you "",ant me to Attorney Ceneral's opinion. A negative can- suffer the same fate In the ct Idmber also, not be proved, that is what he has said. Sir! (Interruptions) SHRJ INDRAJfT GUPTA: Excuse me. The I charge you that you have done some· National Audit Bureau report says that that thing.... amount was paid in connection with this deal, in connection with selling the guns to SHRJ DINESH COSWM1I: But you have India. What is your reaction to that not answered my question. (Interruptions)

SH Rt K. C. PANT: t will not answer any SHRI K C PANT: Unless you hear me, question now. you cannot understand. You will know my reaction on'y after , speak. Please let me SHRI OINESH GOS\-VAM1: That is the speak. problem. It is not the negative. (Interruptions) Now, Sir, I was saying, SNAB report says, ceftain payments have been made. Rs.64 crores of winding up charges can This is what all my friends have said. We 393 Disc. Under Rule VAISAKH.A 15, 1910 (SAIV\) ofJ. C on Bofors 394 193 on Rep. Contract wanted to kn,ow who the recipients are. SHRf K. C. PANT: I do not plead tor any· We did not know. The Committee was set body. (Interruptions) up. They say, what has the Committee done. lihe Committee has come out with By making noise, you are not going to some names, of s6me three names. They alter the facts. The facts cannot be altered saidl three foreign companies, without dis- by nlaking a noise. I am trying to place be- closing the complete details of the recipI- fore you the facts as they exist. I am placing ents. This is the position. This is the posi- the facts before you. If you do not agree, I tion on which all sides of the House agree. cannot make you agree. But I can place the Yes, this is the position. There can be no facts. I have the Ilberty to place the facts. two opinions on this. The point is .. You have not put us here. \Ve have been elected by the people. \tVe have a farge majority. We do not shout you down. But SHRt SAJFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: Was the point is, there must be a certain limit' that legal payment? and you must listen to us also as we lis- tened to you.

SHRI K C. PANT: The point is, in spite It is significant to observe that even of what I wilt later explam, in spite of the though the Swedi~h Government withheld resistance, because Bofors had an explana- from us the details of the recipients- tion, you may not accept It; you may accept SVJedish Covem01ent did vvithhold the de~ it. But what was their explanation. They tails contained in the SNAB report, y.,'hich I said, they had various types ot CO!lSl!!tanc), said again and again, that the SNAB, on the arrangenlents, some dating back to late basiS of whatever matenals available to it '7 Os, 'Nhich they were compelled to tenni~ indicated, that the payments \vere 'winding nate because of Governnlent of India's in- up costs made to Bofors representative. sistence that there Olust be no agency or This is what the S\"edish National Audit middleman. This IS 'what the) s..lid. In this Bureau said. This is \vhat 1 am saying. You context, it is to be obserw:,~d that despite do not listen to me. (Interruptions) the investig .. ltlOn made by SNAB, and the Swedish Public Prosecutor, the JPC as- Pie ~e listen to me. Then the S\vedish sisted by the Central Investigative agenC) Public Prosecutor loo"-ed for .naterial to es- and the private enquiries carried out by the tablish a prinla facie case of Illegality on the energetic personalities of the rlledla dnd basis of which the court proceedmgs could some of my energetic fnends in the Oppo- be J1)ltiated. At that :.. tage, t remember, sition, no eVidence has so tar etnerged to nldll~ hon. "'1embers pinned their faith on contradict the Bofors explanatIOn. It they the S\vedish Public Prosecutor. have the evidence, let then1 give the evi- (Interruptions) dence. This is the position.

YOLI pinned a lot of faIth on the Public It is sign,fteant to observe that even Prosecutor. (Interruptions) though... (InterruptIons) lam not yielding. (interruptions) I cannot, I would not rnanufacture eVI- dence. J can only give you what IS there in i\1R. DEPUn' SPEAKER: No. No. Not al- the report. (Interruptions) lo\ved. I am not allowing.

I am not Bofors. t aln not in the dock. SHRI K. C. PANT: The S\.\~dish Public (Interruptions) Prosecutor failed to find any ... (Interruptions) Therefore, you are asking sonlebody to prove the negative. , all) not here to ans\ver for you. , anl only telling you that he did not find ~ny· SHRI OINESH GOSWAMI: The positive thing and he dosed his inquiry. You asked fact is Bofors have made the payments .. him. But he dosed his inquiry. It is seen 395 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5, 1988 ofJ.e. on Bofors Contract 396

[Shri K. C. Pant] Therefore, they told you this. That is how you know. If you have other sources of in- from the JPC report that on being ap- fomlation, please let us know. If you have proached by the Central Investigative any contacts, please let us know. Agencies Maj. Wilson of AE Services of UK has explained that the payments received SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: The nanles of by this company were for the cancellation the three companies were given by Bofors of these prior agree.nents with Bofors. It knowing full well that they are all fraudu- would thus be seen that so far no evidence lent companies. We have been pursuing has become available ... (lnterruptions) only thos~ three companis.

You see J am giving you the facts. Please SHRJ K.C.PANT: You fotlow sonlebody have patience. Listen to the facts. else also. The CBI is there, the other agen- cies are there, we write to the Swedish

If you don't agreet you dond't agree. Government and we write to Bofors. We (Interruptions) follow all leads. I f you have any other posi- tive suggestions, by all means tell us. JPC MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will not allow examined Bofors representatives at great you. Nothing will go on record. • length nlaking all possible efforts to extract the reqUired infonllation. There were sev- SHRI K. C. PANT: It "'Quid thus be seen eral Members there. It is not as though this that so far, no evidence has become avail- is a secret. There are several Members. able fron1 any quarter to contradict Bofors' They all know what happened inside. explanation. Ascertaining the identities of the recipients is one of the specific terms of However, Bofors still declined to dis~ reference of JPC. All of us agreed on that. dose the na.nes of beneficiaries or furnish In the discharge of this responsibility, what copies of agreements which they had with has the iPC done? The JPC was provided their consultants .... (lnterruptions) full assistance by the Central Investigative Agency. A team of senior investigators rep- resenting various agencies pursued in- Yesterday, Shri Banatwalla referred to .... quiries overseas following all available leads. However, they failed to penetrate SHRI OINESH COS\JVM11 (Guwahati): the veil of secrecy and anonymity pernlit- Have you got any comments to make on ted by the law of concerned countries. We the Bofors' refusal to give the details? Why do not control those countries. We do not are you not answenng that make their laws. We must apreciate this question ... (lnterruptions). fact. Even Shri Jaipal Reddy has stated that CBI has tried to do a good job. Whatever You are not answering that question. the work, he said, they have done some- You have no comments to make on that. thing. He could never be fully satisfied. Even half compliment from him, I take it as SHRI K. C. PANT: J am not answering full compliment. But the fact is that in spite because I will complete my speech. I still of the CBI's efforts, they could not pene- have a lot of material. I do not want to be trate the veil of secrecy. This also is a fact. interrupted. (Interruptions) The investigative agencies consequently reported that they have been unable to SHRI INORAJIT GUPTA (Basirhat): identify the real owners of the three com- There is not a word to condemn Bo- panies which had been registered in tax fors .. .(In terruptions) heavens "for the purpose of tax avoidance in secrecy." Where did you get the fact? SHRJ K C. PANT: Shri Banatwalla From our agencies. Today you are standing yesterday said: "Why didn't the JPC say that and" talking about these companies because no Indian had been paid anything*'o He our agencies got these facts. JPC was made that point. I looked up the JPC's meticulous in following up the lead. report to see what have they said. On page 397 Disc. Under Rule VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAM) ofJ.C. on Bofors 398 193 on Rep. Contract 142, the JPC says: "Mr. Hirdman stated ... " Indian associates in the large He is the Inspector-General of Military payments amounting to 319 mil- Equipment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, lion Swedish Kroners··. Stockholm. You are more inclined 'to beJieve in officers abroad than here. So, I (In terruptions) mention this. I quote: "Mr.Hirdman stated that he had gone through the Swedish SHRI DINESH COSWAtv\I: Sir, he has National Audit Bureau's report ... .1 would not clarified whether the amount. .. presume that he had gone through the unexpurgated report, that is containing the (Interruptions) names which we did not get, which the House knows that we did not get. But he MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Mr. Coswami, I presumably did get that through the have not allowed you. Swedish National Audit Bureau's report. He has further stated and I quote: "There is (Interruptions) nothing in that report to indicate that bribes have been paid to J ndians, resident or non-resident in India to win the SHRI KC.PANT; Either you aJJovv him to - contract" .This is what he says. .nake a second speech or.... (lnterruptions) ""1r. Deputy-Speaker, Slf, \\'hy are you al- SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: We are very Jo\ving Jiim to do this? happy. (Interruptions) MR. DEPUn'-SPEAKER: I have not al- SHRI K. C. PANT: \~/e are not happy ... lowed hinl. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) We are factual. I have more to quote. SHRI. K. C. PANT: \\'hat is this? J never SHRI DINESH GOSWAN\I: Please go to tnternlpteti Ium Just because of inconve~ the next paragraph. (Interruptions) I1lence, he G\' !10t shut rne out. ThiS IS to- tally unf~lC. I am not gOing to ans\ver hiS SHRI K C. PANT: \\'hen you get yoU! questIon. next chance to speak, then you quote all you like, all these cases. This is vet) unfaIr. I\1R. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: 1\1r. Gos,,\'ami, you say? I never interrupted hinl, even once. He IS \\ hy are cOlllpellmg him to getting up. every one mmute (InterruptIons) ... (Interruptlons)

You please turn to page 1..J4. SH RI K. C. PANT: ThIS IS not fair. You (Interruptions) cannot make me say things that you \vant me to sa). You \\ III ha\ e to listen. f\ tis A. [.~er\'lCes Illl1ited .... (/nterruptions) PROF. K. K. TE\VARI (Buxar): Mr. Deputy-Speaker/ Sir, \vl1en he nlade his J have seen} our fairness also. speech, he should have quoted this. He has already nlade his point. .. (lnterruptions) SHRI DINESH GOS\VMH: You have to quote aU the paragraphs. You can't quote SHRI K. C. PANT: The findings of the In- one paragraph only. YOll are afraid of vestigating Agencies are on Page 144 and I quoting paragraph (iii) of the report.

quote: (Interruptions) r

"The infonllation available at this SHRI K. C. PANT: J ,viii not quote what stages does not show the in- you \vant me to quote. Why should 17 I will volvenlent of any Indian, residing say what I like. I will nlake Illy case as I in I ndia or outside I ndia or any like! not as you like it. I an) not your lawyer. 399 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5,1988 ofJ.C on BofolS Contract '400

[Shri K.. C. Pant] port. I shall not repeat the same except briefly stating that the Commlttee were ad- . That is obvious. What is so strange about vised that no processes could be available it? I will make out the case as t want to. to them which would compel Bofors to Surely, I will not make it out as you want disclose the required inforrl1ation. This is me. Of course, I can and'l will. When you given on page 186. If my friends had the make out your case, I will not dictate it to patience, , can read it. If my friends do not you. There is a dictatorial speech in you, have the patience, they will have to take unfortunately. Mis A.E.Services .... my words for it. (Interruptions) . (Interruptions) You accept then what he has said. Then SHRf VIJAY N. PATll (Erandol): Mr. I donlt go further. I don't need to quote. Deputy.Speaker, Sir, I am ,on a pojnt of or- But this I!; what he has said. (Interruptions) der. Rule 195 of the Rules of Procedure & Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha says: SH RI S. JAI PAL REDDY: There is no op- tion. "There shall be no formal motion before the House nor voting - It is SHRI K. C. PANT: Yes, You have no op- about 193. -The Member who has tion. And !his is what he has said: "no pro- given notice may make a short cesses could be available to them which statement and the Minister shalf would compel Bofors to disclose the re- reply shortly." quired infonnation." This is very important because you are blaming the JPC for not Now the hon. Minister is making an forcing the Bofors to give the names. The elaborate reply. Attorney GeneraJ...(lnterruptions)

Again and again they are interrupting SHRI SURESH KURUP (Kottayam): Have the Minister. The matter is being raised. you ever thought '()f the cancellation of the contract? (Interruptions) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Please take your seat. SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: Bofors and the Govemment are co-accused. That is the SHRI K. C. PANT: Then, Sir, Shri Banat- main point. (Interruptions) walla made a point and I was extending to him the courtesy of replying to his point. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER:No. His point was what is there in the JPC? Why did they make this statement? , was (Interruptions) reading out certain portions. There are other portions at page 191, page 192 SH RI K. C. PANT: The Attorney General where the basis for making the statement has said in page 186. But I will not read the has been given. But Since, it disturbs my whole quotation. I will only read out this Hon.friends so much, I will not say any- part: thing. But the point is sufficiently made and it is welt-founded and I have read out "Indian courts or Indian authori- where the foundation is. You may say: "It is ties will not be able to resort to wrong". That does, not make it wrong. these provisions to compel either Bofors or any other persons ;n Sweden to provide any evidence So, Sir, now JPC held detailed consulta- or material which may be re- tions wi~h the Attorney General of India to quired." ascertain the powers available to the Committee und~r law. Mer alii they cannot This is one aspect of the matter. Now go beyond the powers available to them this is not my opioion. This is the opinion under law. And the advice tendered by the of the Attorney General. So, how can you Attorney General is contained in the Re- blame the JPC for not being able to compel 401 Disc. Under Rule VAfSAKHA 15,1910 (SAK4) ofJ. C. on Bofors. 402 193 on Rep. Contract Bofors? Your only objection to JPC is that from it. You may shout and shout. But the they were courteous. That seems to be the Attorney~General has said certain things. I main charge against the JPC - Why didn't will quote from them. You will squirm in you extend the normal human courtesy to your seats but 1 will still quote something. people who were coming from outside? If On page 182( this is what the Attorney- discourteous will serve your purpose, when General has said. I don't think it lies in your you set Lip a Conlmittee, be discourteous moth to criticise somebody who is not in. to people \vhom you calf. That is your this House and who is a luminary of this business. country.

Sir, as regards Bofors claiming Then (/nterruptions) * * confidentiality the Attorney General ad- vised that they were within their right to do fv1R. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I can't allow. so. This ;s Attonley General's opinion. \Vhy No, no. I an) not aUowing. ~othing is going are you saying: "Ho, ho." (Interruptions) on record.

SHRI K C. PANT: Are you questioning (/?terruptions)** the Attorney Generalis legal acumen? Are you challenging his legal acumen? You think your legal acumen is superior. Please SHRI K. C. PANT: I am quoting from allow me to disagree \'\'Ith you. page 182 of the report. This is what he has (Interruptions) said:

SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: No\\', I am on a "So , the claim 'of Bofors of commer- Point of Order. cial confidentiality \\'Ith regard to the transactions v.'htch they have entered MR. DEPUn'-SPEAf(ER: Under what into IS right." rule? (Interruptions) (/11 terruptions) SHRJ S. J-\IPAL REDDY: This is a shanle- SH RI S. JAI PAL REDDY. I"Y Pomt of Or- iulopinion. der is th<1t brilliant Attorney General could be sumnloned to the House. VVe \\'ould SHRI K. C. PANT: \\'hat is shameful? like to hear him in the House dnd eXJtl1ine This is his legal opinion. \ Vhat is shameful hinl. about It? (Interruptions)

~~R. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: No Point at f\\R. DEPUn' SPEAKER: I am not allow- order. ing. Ple~se take) our seats. Don't obstruct the proceedings. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. OEPU1l' -SPEAKER: \\'hat is your Point of Order? J\ 1R. DE rUl,'-SPEAKE f\: I \\ on'~ .)JJO\\'.

PROF. K.K. TEWARY (Buxar): They have a blind faith in the public prosecutor of SH RI K. C. PANT: I shalf repeat once Sweden and Mr. Hersh.nan of Arnerica but ag:lin so that there is no doubt. This is not in the Attorney General of India. \\'hat the Attorney-General has said and t (In terruptions). repeat:

SHRI K. C. PANT: This ;s the vie\v of At- "So, the claim of Bofors of conl- torney-General. There is no ~etting a\\'ay nlerciaf confidentiality with regard

.* 'Not recorded.. 403 Disc.. Under Rule 193 on Rep .. MAY 5,1988 ofJ.C on Bofors Contract 404

[Shri K. C. Pant} No amount of shouting can change the Attorney.. General's opinion. 1 don't under- to the transactions which they stand this. ('n_terruptions) have entered into is right. They can dainl conlnlercial confiden- Will you give me a nlinute? How can tiality. So, they will be entitled to your shouting change the opinion of the a privilege of documents. This will Attorney-General which is in writing? How be the position." can I change this? This is there. You may disagree with it. But you can't change it. (Interruptions) (Interruptions)

MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER: Why are you PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I am on a shouting? point of order.

(In terruptions) SHRI K C. PANT: If you want to be heard in this House .... (lnterruptions) .. No, ~\R. DEPUlY SPEAKER: I cannot under- no... .(lnterruptions) stand why you are shoutmg. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I cannot hear (Interruptions) what you are saying. All of you are shout- ing. How can I hear? Mit DEPUlY SPEAKER: Why you are so agitated? You quoted as you like. He is (Interruptions) quoting as he likes.

(Interruptions) SHRI K. C. PANT= Let us come to an MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, No. agreement. I will listen to Prof. Dandavate, if Prof. Dandavate and also hiS fnends op- (Interruptions) posite I.sten to me. There has to be an agreement between us that we must listen MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: By way of mak- to each other and that is what the Parlia- ing shouts, you cannot stop the proceed- ment for. Prof. Dandavate has also to play ings. the ball. On both sides, we have to hear. Otherwise, what ;s the use? He must ',sten (Interruptions) to me.

PROF. K. K. TEWARY: I would like to PROf. NtADHU DANDAVATE: I did not know whether the atrocious remarks about obstruct you. - the Attorney-General made by the hon.Member.... (lnterruptions) ... That must SHRI K. C. PANT: You must tell your be expunged. (riends also as to how in this House both of us must ',sten to each other. MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER: I won't allow. I have already told, that observation won't PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: t never go on record. obstructed you, Mr. Pant.

(Inlerruptions) SHRJ K. C. PANT: But you are obstructing now. You must tell aU those on YOlilr side of the House. I have great SHRI. K. C. PANT: In vIew of the respect for you. But the Opposition must avaiable material and in regard to the play their ball. circumstances in which the payments have been made, the Attorney-General said PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: have semething else. (Interruptions) not obstructed your speech. 405 Disc. Under Rule VAlSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) of}.C on Bofors 406 193 on Rep. Contract stiRI K C. PANT: You are not listening him first. Please take your seats. You are to me. Give me a second. Prof. Dandav.ate, not the presiding officer. Allow me to con- all of you are senior Members. duct the proceedings of the House. If all of you shout, how can I conduct the House? PROF. MADHU bANDAVATE: J am not This is too much. obstructing you (Interruptions)·· SHRI K. C. PANT: I know that. You never do it. I am not charging you on that. I MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER: I have not al- know that you are not doing it. Therefore, lowed yoc. why are you shouting? Prof. my appeal to you is that if we are to Kurien. conduct an orderly debate, then you must listen. I am quoting no less a person than PROF. P. J. KURIEN: I am on a point of the Attorney-General from the order. Report.... .(lnterruptions) As a Member of this House, I have a will sit down in a minute. right to hear what the Minister is saying. (Interruptions) My only complaint ;s that if they can ob- struct the Minister, we can also obstruct MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Ayyappu them. That ;s what I am say- Reddy, you just listen. This is not the or~ ing... (lnterruptions) derlyway. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: If anybody (Interruptions) wants to speak, he has to raise his hand and get my permission and o~1y then he SHRI K C. PANT: Can anything be more can speak. But what is happening now is germane or pertinent? It is put in the Re- that everybody stands as he likes and goes port and I am quoting it. You may not agree on shouting. How can I conduct the with it but surely I have the right to express House? this. I have the right to tell you what the Report contains and then if you go on like (Interruptions). this, can a debate be conducted? I ask you this and I leave it to you. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I am rais· ing a point of order very seriously because PROF. ,,"OHU DANDAVATE: Firstly, he we cannot take the question of Attorney- has misunderstood. I am quiet throughout. General very lighty. I n a very serious way Now, I am raising a point of order. quoting the precedent, t am seeking your (Interruptions) ruling. There are occasions when the At- tomey-General's opinion is quoted and PROf. P. J. KURIEN (Idukki): Why don't Members have the right to demand that he you keep quiet? We want to hear the Min- may be called here. I may tell you that I ister. (Interruptions) have with me the proceedings of Parlia- ment. On April 29, 1963 the Attorney-Gen- SH RI A CHARLES: ~ ."' won't allow him eral occupied seat No.4 in this very lok to speak. Why is he obstruLLing the Minis- Sabha fronl the first row on the Treasury ter? (Interruptions) Benches and he expressed the opinion on the issues on which the Members of Par- MR. OEPUTY SPEAKER: Sit down. Why liament wanted him to express his point of are you agitated? view.

(In terruptions) SHRI K. C. PANT: Where is the point of Mit DEPUlY .. SPEAKER: Please listen to order?

•• Not recorded. 407 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAYS, 1988 ofJ.e on Bofors Contract 408

PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: There- When he came for the last time in this fore, since he has quoted the Attorney- House, he was asked questions and he General's point of view, quoting the prece- replied .... (lnterruptions) .•• dent, we are at liberty to demand -- you can reject that -- that the Attorney-General MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am not allow should be invited here to express his ing. opinion regarding the matter. (Interruptions) PROf. K K. TEWARY: Prof. Madhu Dand,lvate has just now MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: There is no quoted .....(lnterruptions). point of order in this. It is not necessary for the Attorney Genera! to come over here. MR. DE PUlY-SPEAKER: I am not having This is the Report of the Committee, that is too many ears to listen to what all of you all. We cannot call him now. say. I am only listening to what Mr. Tewary is saying. (Interruptions)

PROF. K. K. TEWARY: Prof. Madhu Dan- SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: Why, davate has quoted and opined that the Sir? He should coine here (Interruptions). Members are entitled to request the Chair to call the Attorney-General to come and (In terruptions) give his views 011 a particular issue. Here the matter is entirely different. H ere the SHRI DINESH COSWN.v1f: am on a opinion of the Attorney-General has al- point of order, Sir (Interruptions). ready come. Now, the Attorney General cannot be called to give opinion on the MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please take your opinion that he ha? already tendered be- seat, I \vill call you next time. Yes, what is fore the Joint Parlramentary Committee. your point of order? Therefore, the point raised by Prof Danda- vate is irrelevant. There is, thereofore, no (Interruptions) question of any point of order... (Interruptions). SHRI DINESH COSVV,WI: WiI) you kindly permit me to raise n'ly point of PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE: Since he order? has raised the question, J would clarify tt. It is very dearly stated here that the Attor- (Interruptions) ney-Ceneral is not a Member of Parliament or the Council of Minister. He has, how- MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER; Please take your ever, the right to speak in, and otherwise seat, I will call you next time. to take part in the proceedings of either House, any joint sitting of the Houses and SHRI DINESH GOSWM1I: Sir, I am any Committee of Pariiament, of which he raising a point of order. may be named a Member, but he cannot vote. He can come here and express his MR. DEPUl)' SPEAKER: What can I do? I opinion. cannot shout.

SHRI OfNESH GOSWM1I: I am raising MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Why has he to a pOint of order. You have given me come now? There is no point of order. permission to raise the point of order and I hope... . PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE: We can (lnterruptions) seek clarifications from the Attorney-Cen- eraI in the H~. There is a convention. SHRI K.C. PANT: May I continue, Sir1

•• Not recorded. 409 Disc. Under Rule VArSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) ofJ.C on Bofors 410 193 on Rep. Contract MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have already there is any point of order. There is no given my ruling on this point of order. If point order. you want to raise the same point of order, , cannot allow you. " SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: Why there IS no point of order? Sir, the Attorney General PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You have has given an opiniol'} ... not given the ruling. I have told that the Attorney General has a right according to Mit DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, J will not the rule to participate even in the allow you. proceedings of the Parliament. And since he has read the Attorney General's (Interruptions)·· decision, we woukJ like to discuss with the Attorney GeneraL .. SH RI A. CHARLES: Sir, if it is not a point of order, it should not go on record. , want MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You give in a ruling on this. writing. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have not called (Interruptions) you. I have called Dr. Bhoi.

DR. KRUPASINDHU SHOI (Sambalpur): SHRJ KC. PANT: Sir, you have given When the proceedings of the House is your ruling, n1ay I continue? In view of the interrupted any Member and the Hon. available material in regard to the by Speaker is not able to contain them, to circumstances in. which the payments have tackle this we had requested the Hon. been made .... (lnterruptions). Speaker and he has very honestly on our request posted a Psychiatrist, Dr. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I have already Rajlakshmi. Since our friends are very given my rulang. disturbed mind, so, I would request you to go and see hereso that she can examine SHRJ DINESH GOSWAMI: You listen to them and advlse them accordingly. my point of order and then reject it (Interruptions), MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: There is no point of order. SHRI DINESH GOS\VM11: \Nhat IS this happenin~ Sir? \Vho is obstructing whon)? (Interruptions) (Interruptions)

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will calf you next time. SHRI E. AYVAPU REDDY (Kumool): The Joint Pariianlentary Committee thought it SHRI D1NESH GOSWAMI: My Point of necessary to obtam the opinion of the order is this - 1 can finish it within a minute Attorney General. Now, the Attorney if I atn given the time, I do not 'believe in General has got a special status under the obstructing the proceedings of the House~ Constitution. He can come and address the The Hon. Minister has referred to an House and the House also has got a right opinion of the Attorney General. I would to hear him. The nlost important point like to know \\'hether the Attorney General here is whether Bofors can clainl has opined that if a particular document confidentiality and if so under what ultimately deternlines whether an grounds ... (Jnrerruptions). It has not been agreement between the Government of told whether the Suprenle Court has given India .... (In terruptions) a decision in this regard or whether it is under international law or whether it is Mit DEPU1Y SPEAKER: I do not think constitutional la\v.

··Not recorded. ~11 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5,1988 ofJ. c. on Bofors Contract 412

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: There is no [Translation J point of order. What are you doing? You are disturbiflg. (Interruptions) It is not good.

[MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] [English}

15.56hrs SHRI K.C. PANT: r must protest. I have heard all those members very patiently. SHRI E. AVYAPU REDDY: The Attorney The Attomey General is a constitutional General is not summoned to this House. authority. He has the right to adivse the Let the Attorney General come and explain Government and he has the right to advise to us ...(lnterruptions) the President even. (Interruptions)

MR SPEAKER: -Please listen. Members /Translation) may give notice of a motion asking the Attorney General to be present in the MR. SPEAKER: It does not look nice. It House in connection with certain Bill or has been fully debated. So, now, why are Business before the House. Such motions you doing like this? are admitted.·It is for the House to take a decision thereon. So, there is no problem. [English} PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Very good Sir. You have come here at a correct (Interruptions) moment. SHRI K.C. PANT: What is ho ho about SHRI KC. PANT: In view of the it? This is a constitutional matter. As has available material in regard to the been said, the Attorney General has a right circumstances in which the payments had to come and advise the Parliament also. He been made, the Attorney General had this has all these rights and he should be to say: treated on par with a Supreme Court Judge and we cannot just bandy about -his name "There is no proof whether the like this. This is not the way to talk about middlemen were engaged or the the Attorney General. We have some payments were made to the mid- institutions in this country and we are dlemen. That is the end of the committed to uphold those institutions and matter. It may be that they have we will not tolerate any insult to those said a lie. So far as this contro- institutions. let this be clear. versy is concerned, there is no proof." (Interruptions)

The Attomey General also advised that it would be difficuk to sustain the (Translation) cancellation of the contract as no inference could be drawn that the recipients were SHRI NARAYAN CHOU BEY (Midna- middlemen. The Attorney General also pore): It is only because of you that all opined that Befors were within their rights these institutions have been debased. not to disclose anything. Under the Indian Evidence Act.~ .(Interruptions) M R. SPEAKE R: Mr. <;houbey, it is not the way. It does not behave you. The entire SHRI SATYACOPAL MISRA: All of them discussion has gone very smoothly, so now Joined hands ... (Interruptions) you should not behave like this. It doe$ not look nice. They have expressed their MR. SPEAKER: Order please. What are viewpoint and you have also expressed you doing? yours. Therefore, do not interruprt now. 413 Disc. Under Rule VAiSAKHA 15, 1910. (SAIV\) ofJ.C. on Bofors 414 ·,93 on Rep. Contract IEnglishJ I would ask my good friends on the opposite side to ten me what more could SHRI K.C. PANT: Enough is enough have been done by the JPC? This is the when your party comes to power, they will legal position and this is what make you the Attorney General and then the ....(Interruptions) you will be answerable. I wish you had been in the JPC. You did AN HON. MEMBER: That will never not join the JPC. Otherwise, you would happen. have seen all these from within.

SHRI KC. PANT: You think, it will never SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura): happen. AU right, I withdraw my statement. , That is why we did not join.

Under the Indian Evidence Act, no one SHRI K.C. PANT: Ail right, you be satis- can be asked to prove the negative. fied with that. What can J do? (Interruptions) '·Only a positive assertion can be established and the burden of [Translation} doing so lies on the party which makes such an assertion. In my MR. SPEAKER: What are you doing? You view the advice of the Attorney are a leader. General as tended to the JPC strikes at the core of the entire (In terruptions) problem. The fact is that Bofors could not be persuaded to volun- SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: It has taken tarily disclose the required infor- more than wo hours (Interruptions). mation." [English] 16.00 hrs. SHRI K.C. PANT: The trouble ;s that Shri I ndrajlt Gupta had been very unfair to me. (Interruptions) You have seen what is happening in the SHRI K.C. PANT: It is because our House and you talk about time. My time is Government does not use the method you bejng taken up by the people on the other will use when you come to power side. (Interruptions) tomorrow.

"Further they were within their le- gal right to deny it. The cancella- [Translation} tion of the contract without MR. SPEAKER: Kindly, sit down. penalty on account of breach by Bofors has not been found to be a [English] legalJy feasible cause.'" SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHO\VDHARY: Mr. As I have had an occasion to explain Minister, you said that nobody could be earlier, such a case would also attract time asked to prove the negative. What is nega- and cost penalties detrianental to our tive in it? (Interruptions) , preparedness. This point was explained by some other friends also. {Translation]

"It has been further established MR. SPEAKER: You are always doing that the laws of the foreign coun- such things. Don't you have any other tries involved in the matter pre- world vented our investigating iBencies from piercing the vail of secrecy. 11 (Interruptions) 415 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAY 5, 1988 ofJ. C on Bofors Contract 416 MR. SPEAKER: You are a Parliamentarian payments were made to middlemen are in does it behave you to do like this. violation of the Contract. On this issue, any PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Mr. remaining reservations cannot be de- Speaker, as required by you, I have given a scribed, that is, anything other than ~ mere Motion requiring that Attorney General. .. suspicion. Suspicions cannot be facts. The (Interruptions.>. root cause of the suspicion is Bofors' re- fusal to disclose the identities of the recipi. SHRI K.C. PANT: J am not yielding. ents of the payments. That is what I am Please don't get up. No, you can't interrupt saying. We are agreed. (Interruptions). me like this. I would like to briefly recall the facts SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Then which have been irrefutably established. I how did the Committee come to the elu- shall spell them out one by one. sion that that no Indian or Non-Resident Indian received the money? (Interruptions). Firstly, that the Government of India. headed by Shri Rajiv Gandhi demanded SHRJ KC. PANT: What is the use? A that there should be no middleman or number of issue were raised, yesterday: agent in the conlmercial negotiations. (Interruptions). ~ Secondly, the Army preferred that the Bofors' system was sound for dearly un- derstood reasons. Many of them had been answered by Thirdly, the selection of the gun syste'll Shri Shiv Shanker and other speakers. I do was arrived at after the prescribed proce- not require to make any further comments. Certain things do reamin. Then, I would dure had been duly followed. just briefly refer to them. The trouble with my hon. friends is that when they lack ar- Fourthly, that the negotiations were guments, they nlake personal attacks. They skillfully eamed out and intense competi- attack the Attorney-General, they attack tion generated on the system purchased at JPC, they attack the Defence Secretary, they a most competitive price (Interruptions). attack the Chief of the Army Staff; and no\v finally, they are attacking Parlianlent, be- {Translation J cause JPC is from Parhanlent. MR. SPEAKER: You have said everything PROF. tv\ADHU DANDAVATE: 1 have al- you had to say. . ready given a Motion for calling the Attor- ney General to the House (InterruptIons). [English] SH RI KC. PANT: PC is a part of Parlia- . Then I wiU have to do something about J ment, and they attack JPC also. Therefore, It. attack and 'Vilification is no substitute for a debate. And now, when sonlething un- [Translation] comfortable is said, when Attorney-Gen- eral's opinion is read out which does not elease sit down. meet their wishes, which does not support their case --which IS an objective legal /Englishl opinion--they may not agree with it. t cannot force them to agree With it. But they SHRI K.C. PANT: Fifthly and finally, that will not listen to it. The intolerance IS such an amount of 319 n11IJion Kroners was paid It is actually dictatorial. (/ntefl uptions). by Bofors in 1986 to three foreign compa- nies, the identity of the actual ovvners have not been estaplished. (/nt£:rruptjons). , can understand. But with a large ma~ jority on this side, ,t IS absolutely dictato- If onty my hon. friends listen, I am rial. (Interruptions) stating the tacts all the titne. On the other band what has not been established is thai MR. SPEAKER: Wh,lt are you doing? 411 Disc. Under Ru/ct VAiSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAAA) ofJ.e on Bofors 418 193 OJ) Rep. Contract SHRI K.C. PANT: Therefore, Mr. Som- MR. SPEAKER: What has happened to nath Chatterjee is taldng a leaf out of Mr. you? K.K. Tewary's book, if that is what I am to understand, and th~refore he is doing it. It is all reight; you are welcome to it. (Inte"uptions) It does not behave you to talk like this. It seems that you have decided to behave W~n a Director General recommends like this. Both of you have decided that an equipment, yesterday one hone friend way ... (Interruptions) said this is a U. General's post. It sounds that he is inclined towards innuendo, and (English] his insinuation was that a Maj. General would be likely to favour him. They say that SHRI K. C. PANT: I would like to repeat he will favour this particular deal. The fact w.hat I have said all along, that unnecessar- is that it is a Major General's post. So, ily my friends are trying to divide the please be careful about facts. When, about House. We are not divided. We have aJi individual officers, such statements are been trying to get at the truth. I have said made, I would request my hone friends to what are the limitations; I explained to you be extremely careful. These are Govern.. what exactly are the efforts made by the ment officel"9 who have given years of their JPC. Earlier, I had explained to you what life to this country; and you should express the Government has done. r have ex- some appreciation for them. This kind of a plained to you the extent to which we remark is demoralizing, and my request to wanted to associate you. At one stage, you is not to do it. If you do it, then it does when we asked the Opposition to be ass0- harm to the security of the country.. You ciated with the Committee, they objected should not make loose remarks and irre- to the Speaker getting involved. Now, sponsible remarks. (Interruptions) when Mr. Aladi Aruna has difficulty in get- ting his comments incorporated in the re- port, he comes to the Speaker; and you, I hope for the future at least, you will Sir, have allowed him to incorporate it. bear it in mind. Now mv friends say that the ma;ority will not allow the minority's opinion to· be Now I .would lik~ to conclude. heard. I made a statement in this House (Interruptions) that the best safeguard of the minority is to have the Speaker in this. At that time, they I had some other points, which myllon. did not listen to me. But today they proba- friends had raised and I would have replied bly feel that the Speaker being in the to them; but in view of the fact that they Committee would have been a safeguard are not in a mood to listen. '" for then.

Therefore, instead of making so much SI::IRIINDRAJIT CUPTA: Two hours. noise, instead of gettang lost in the noise, if you only listen to what I say, then, perhaps SHRI K.C. PANT: The structure of suspi- many of your doubts would get cleared. cion that they have sought to build over Once in a while, they may make a right de- one year, has been destroyed today. All the cision. This government, all along, had smoke is gone. (Interruptions) nothing to hide at all and we have gone out of the way to establish the truth. The only Thererfore, the point to be understood trouble is that we have not got the cooper· is that criticism of JPC is not going to ation of friends opposite; and they have to change the facts; and , would like to place search their lhearts as to why they made a on record my appreciation of the work that petty political expediency:.. .(Inte"uptions) the JPC has done. , would like to congrat- ulate the Chairman .. of the JPC and its MR.SPEAKER: Mr. Misra, why are you members. (Interruptions) not listening and feeling that you are Sitting 419 Disc. Under Rule 193 on Rep. MAYS, 1988 ofJ.C on Bofors Contract 420

[Mr. Speak~r} pie wanted us to have a brute majority; and the people have rejected you. We cannot help it. We have to run the govemment in th~ House! Have you thrown all the nonns of the House to the wind? What is and we are responsible for the security of this country. Therefore, whether it is the this? Why are you doing like that? What are Ministry of Defence, whether it is the you getting out of it? Does it not hurt you Army, so much that you are a member of this we have more serious things tQ look at. For all these years, dust and din have been House and you are shouting like this? raised. People's attention has been sought to be focussed on issues, as I said, for a (Interruptions) petty political expediency. (Interruptions) t MR.SPEAKER: Whether they remember I heard you. People who are intolerant you or you remember them, it does not in listening to the opinions of a dignitary matter. Don't shout. like the Attorney-General, what do I say of them? I would only request that it is time (Interruptions) this House and the country turned it atten- tion to far more serious matters in the de- SH RI KC. PANT: Those who speak of the people should know that we are a ma- fence sector, in the security sector. We jority in the House and the people have have to see to our defence preparedness. This kind of demoralisation this kind of sent us. Don~t talk of the people to me. raising of suspicion, this accentuation of (Interruptions) murky atmosphere, in which every day, day in and day out, raised issues, only be- SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You got less you cause you do not want these things to be than 50% votes. cleared up. Whatever we may do, however sincere our efforts may be, you always SHRI K.C. PANT: How many did you seem to be interested in creating a lot of n~t get? So, let us not go into that. I will smoke and dust. The people of this country ask how many got in Tripura eI- you you will see through this and I am sure that ther. I know it is a sensitive point. There- they will reject you next time also. When fore, I will not ask you about it. you go to them. You wiU be rejected next time also. But, in the meantime, my request SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: We got 51 to you is to see .that out attention is percent. focussed on more serious matters. Thank you. SHRI K.C. PANT: We are not here on your charity. We are here because we are PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Mr. sent by the people. (Interruptions) Speaker, Sir, as required by you, I have MR.SPEAKER: What are you doing? given a motion requesting that the Attor- ney-General should be invited to this (Interruptions) House to clarify his opinion. I hope my mo· tion is perfectly in order and it may be [Trans/ation} taken up whenever you feel.

Neither I nor you have a remedy for it. SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: I have Jt is the people who have its remedy. also given a motion. IEnglish} MR. SPEAKER: You always have the right f cannot help it; we cannot help it;, they to give my motion. cannot help it.

I SHRI K.C. PANT: If we have a brute PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I have full majority as they say, it is because the peo- confidence in you. That is why I have given. I 421 Motion re: Ref. to VAiSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAJV\) for investigation by 422 Pt. Committee Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. SHRI SOMNATH CHATIERJEE: I have came in the form of a' privilege notice and, also given. Sir, when you gave your ruling, you men- tioned, I will read the last paragraph of 16.15 hrs. your ruljng.


[English] "After careful consideration of the facts in the present case, rules, MR.SPEAKER: Now we go to the next precedents and well-established item. Motion by Shri Shantaram Naik. Parliamentary conventions, I am satisfied that no prima facie case PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE (Rajapur): I of breach of privilege has been am on a point of order. made out. I, therefore, withhold my consent to the raising of the SHRI V. KISHORE CHi\NDRA S.DEO matter in the House as a question (Parvathipuram): I have given a written of privilege." notice. And, Sir, you have rejected that privilege MR. SPEAKER: One by one. nlotion.

PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I had a(· MR. SPEAKER: I still do stand by it. ready written to you that I want to raise certain procedural objections. I may tell PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Very nice. you, at the very outset, that in this House I know very weJl that you stand where you on a number of occasions very important are, or sit where you are. I am only procedural debates had taken place which strengthening your hands because the fu- are as important as the merits of the reso- ture generations will quote your ruling. You lution and therefore, permit us to point out and I nlight not be in the House. But gen- to you some of the objections which were erations to come will say that Dr. Jakhar raised here ;n the context of the ruling that had given a very valuable ruling and it you had given. would beconle a precedent for aU tinles to corne. At the outset, let me teU you that the resolution which Shrt Shantaram Naik is MR. SPEAKER: It is the rules \,\,hich give seeking to move, the subject matter of that it. particular motion is exactty the same as the subject matter of the privilege notice that ·PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Now, in was given on the 15th December, 1987 the context of your ruling, (Interruptions) and you have already given, your ruling. On 15th December, 1987, already a notice was SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Panaji): J5 it given by Shri P.R. Kumaramangalam. The your motion or my motion? subject matter of his privilege notice was that Shri Unnikrishnan has nlade certain PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I am on a allegations, regarding the licences cornered point of order. He has allowed nle. by Bachchan brothers and then he had re .. futed those allegations. Then sOlne dash Now, as far as procedural objections are took place in which the Prime Minister had concerned, in your ruling a number of is- taken a leading part. SOlne sort of condi- sues con1e.AUegation by a nlember on the tion was sought to be imposed that either floor does not, according to you, become a 'X' resigns or'V' resigns. The' whole matter priVilege. 423 Motion re: Ref. to MAYS, 1988 TOIlnvesllBatlon by 424 Pt. Committee Shri Unnikrlshnan, M.P. ~ [Prof. Madhu Dandavate] [Translation}

Secondly, inaccuracy in a statement can MR. SPEAKER: You, please, wait a be corrected under Speaker'S Di~ction minute. What are you doing? Please, sit 11 S. On page 3383 of you ruling, you have down. said: -Actually there is no privilege". Suc- cessiVe Speakers have ruled that before (Interruptions) giving consent to rais&a privilege issue, the Speaker must be satisfied that there is MR. SPEAKER: You are again interrupt- prima fade case and he must be satisfied ing. Kindly take your seat. not is that that there any incorrect state- (Interruptions) ment or allegation, but actually it has been made deliberately to misguide the House, [English) motivation has to be established, and if a prima fade case on all that is established, MR. SPEAKER: Let me conduct the busi- then only it becomes a privilege and ness. therefore you have come to the conclusion that no breach of privilege has taken place; (Interruptions) there is no privilege at all. SHRI OINESH GOS~.M11 (Cuwahati): I have given a notice to you that I want to I want to warn this House and I want to raise certain points regarding the admissi- request you that on such a matter when bihty of this motion; (Interruptions) you yourself in you wisdom felt that there is no privilege involved at all, but through [Translation) back door, some Member brings an issue and want the entire issue to be reffered to MR. SPEAKER: Please tell if you want to the Privileges Committee. Probably on say anything else. some technical grounds, it might not be called as a privilege notice, but for all prac· [English] tical purposes, it becomes a notice of pov. elege and only by back door, it is sought to SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: I am not be given permission. Sir, if through brute casting any aspersions or I do not doubt majority, the House is going to nullify the the bonafide of Mr.Shantaram Naik. But, a ruling that you had already given, all right, very important question comes, as to through human majority if they are going to whether such a nlotion is admissible under nullify the ruling that you had already given, the facts and circumstances of the case. then it is misusing the majority to nUllify (Interruptions) the Speaker'S ruling. .. THE MINISTER OF HOME AfFAIRS (SHRI S.BUTA SINCH): It has been admit- Sir, it will mean destroying and dissolv- ted. ing the traditions of the Parliament. Sir, on 20th of April 1653, in the House of Com- SHRI DlNESH GOSWAMI: Under Rule mons, Cromwell came with an anny to de- 105 of the Constitution, we have the .right stroy and dissolve the Parliament. Today, of freedom of speech in this House and Mr. Shantaram Naik is coming by a back only limitation of the right of freedom of cieor motion to destroy the dignity and all speech is the restrictions that the rules the traditions, and even your ruling. , only provide. The rules 31s9 pro.. request you to stand firm by your ruling vide ... (lnterruptions) that you had .already liven and try to see that by back door method, they do not MR, SPEAKER: That has come in the sabotaae your ruting. $land by your ruling. freedom of speech. Stand by your ruUng and do not allow this motion to go through. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) 42S Motion Ie: Ref. to VAJSAKHA 15, 1910~) for investigation by 426 Pt. Committee Sh,j Unnikrishnan, M.P. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You have MR.SPEAKER: You tied down my hands quoted 105 in your ruling Sir. at that time also. (lnt~rruptions) (Interruptions) SHRt DINESH COSWAMI (Guwahati): Ultimately, the decision will be yours. But, SHtu OINESH GOSWM1I: I submit that you kindly bear with me. challenges .and counter chalten,.ges by indi- vidual Members could never be taken con- The right of freedom of speech is clr·· gnisance of by the House. (Interruptions) cumscribed by the limitations, which the House has put up on itself by the fonnation MR. SPEAKER: No point of order. I do of the rules, and the rule itself says that if a not agree with you. Member violates his right or acts not in ac· cordance with the Rules of Procedure, then (/nterruptjons) the remedy availabl~ to the House itself is to act in accordance with the privilege be- cause of a breach of privilege. I have a full SHRI DINESH GOSWMt\(: This cannot right of freedom of speech. If I misuse that be a personna' matter. Two Member5 by right, then t.. will be subject to the condition themselves cannot decide that certain mat- that I will be hauld up in the privileges. ters will go to the Privileges. (Interruptions) Now, let us look at the facts of this case. (Interruptions) PROF. NtADHU DANDAVATE (Rajapur): It !s not a private matter. (lnterrupoons) SHRI DlNESH GOSWNv\I: Please bear with me ....(lnterruptJons) SHRI DJNESH GOSWMU: It is not a private matter. In fact, in your ruling also, SHRI DINESH COSWAMI: There is no you have referred that thiS is not a personal guilty conscience. (Interruptions) matter. What is the motion of Mr. Shan- taram NJ.k? It is, the matter should go to thp Pnvile&es Committee. (Interruptions) SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: What hap- pe.Ped was, there were certain allegations MR. SPEAKER: I work With you all. I had and counter allegations 10 this House and to decide on Its merits. I am bound down personal challenges were thrown. 'Nhile by your hands, by your voice and by this the proceedings were going on, you were House. very pleased to observe - (Interruption) f quote page no.775 of the proceedings:

fiN ow, the question is that I have first to satisfy myself whether the MR. SPEAKER: You are part and parcel of matter is going to be referred; my decision. So was Mr. Gupta. So was Mr. when the challenges and the Goswanlt. counter challenges \vere made, the matter should go to the Privi· SHRI DINESH GOS\VAMf: Whether the leges Committee. You were kind matter will go to the PriVileges Committee enough to commend that you or not, that is not dependent on the shari have to first decide before House. Before a matter goes to the Privi- sending the matter to the Privi .. leges Comnlittee the condition precedent leges Committee, whether the is that the Speaker must give consent. matter can go to the Privileges Committee." MR. SPEAKER: This is not going to the Privileges Committee as a motion of privi- (Interruptions) lege. Not at all. 427 Motion re: Ref. to MAYS, 1988 for investigation by 428 Pr. Committee Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. SHRI DINESH COSWNvU: If it does not SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: You have go to the Privileges Committee as a matter done according to the rules. Our complaint •of privilege, then it cannot go in any other is not against you .... (lnterruptions) way.. .(Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: This House decided that MR. SPEAKER: Prof. Sahib, you never re- day and I have said it again to the House. alised what you said. You just forget. That is So simple it is .. .(lnterruptions) the problem. You tied down my hands. You tied me to this post. I have no other op- . PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Even if tion. Mr. Gupta was part and parcel; you we say that it should go to the privileges were part and parcel. ... committee, it need not go because your ruling is correct. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I stand by my ruling. I am SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: My submis· still correct. I will always stand by what I sion will be, if it does not constitute a say. I said it on the floor of the House and I breach of privilege, in no other matter it have put it before you ... (lnterruptions) can go to the Privileges Committee. SHRI .DINESH GOSWAMI: Let there be MR. SPEAKER: I ruled against it because no misunderstanding. We are supporting I knew that it \vas not a question of breach your ruling. After your ruling this matter of privilege at all. They agreed to it. I do cannot go to the Privileges Committee. We not mind about any other thing. stand by your ruling.

PROF. ftvtADHU DANDAVATE: Who are MR. SPEAKER: I stand by ruling. There is they? no question of breach of privilege. He did not commit any- breach of privilege. I do stand by my ruling. MR. SPEAKER: You agreed. The whole House asked me to do it. I was not pre- (Interruptions) pared to do it. PROf. MADHU DANDAVATE: By ma- SHRI OINESH COSWAMI: Even then it jority vote your ruling should not be neu- cannot go. There was no motion before the tralised. House ...(lnterruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Majority and minority will always be there in this House. As long as PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: It does parliamentary democracy is there, there not matter. Even in spite of whatever we will always be a majority. Who will comw say rather than individual decid- mand majority, that is for the people to de- ing ....(/nterruptions) cide .... (Interruptions) Now, you should not go back on your MR. SPEAKER: It is a very straight for- words. , never go back on my words. ward matter... Please sit down. Do not waste my time. I simply say just look into SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: We are not yourselves retrospectively. I should be held going back, Sir. guilty if I did something wrong. And , am always apologetic to this House. I never MR. SPEAKER:·You are going back. say that I am the paragon of virtue. It is so simple Read the proceedings of this House SHRI DINESH GOSWNvtJ: No, Sir. and do what I could do and what would you have done in my place. I have to go MR. SPEAKER: I will show you, you are according to what you have said going back. (Interruptions) here... . (Interruptions) 429 ~ Motion Ie: Ref. to VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) for investigation by 430 Pr. Committee . Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. MR. SPEAKE R: I have given the floor to Member to speak freely in this Mr.Oeo. House ...(lnterruptions).

PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You are MR. SPEAKER: Why do you shut eyes quoting the remar\s of some of us. At that when we do something? .. time you said that it cannot be enquired by the Prime Minister, let ~t be enquired by (Interruptions) the Privileges Committee. After that you have given your ruling. After that individual comments are ended and your ruling only MIt SPEAKE R: I have also admitted will survive. that....

MR. SPEAKER: It was something else. (Interuptions)

[Trans/ation] SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: What have you admitted, Sir? You want to involve me and get yourself out of it. MR. SPEAKER: Amendment to this mo- tion ... SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: We do not want to involve you, Sir .. .(lnterruptions) (Interruptions)

(English] SHRI V.KISHORE CHANDRA S. DEO: Please listen to me, Sir. This House cannot We are supporting you. be converted into a gambling den .. .(lnterruptions) MR. SPEAKER: You are not supporting me; you are pulling my leg. You have put MR. SPEAKER: The amendment is that me in this dispute and now you want to get "This House, therefore/ request the out of it. Speaker to constitute a Committee of the HOllse on d (.onsensus between the Trea- SHRI DINESH GOSWM1I: How? What sury Benches and the Opposition to make IS this dispute? a detailed investtgataon into the allegation made by Shri Unnlknshanan and report to MR. SPEAKER: I have asked Mr. Deo to the House ... " That is \0\ hat I have admitted. have the floor? SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. DEO: SHRI V.KISHORE CHANDRA S. OED: What I am trying to say is that charges and The substance of the motion that is there counter-charges, if they are traded in per- before us was already presented before in a sonal. .. (Interruptions). different manner. Very rightly you, in your wisdom, ruled out that there was no [Translation] breach of privilege and it does not go as a breach of privilege and it does not go as a MR. SPEAKER: You deny it. Now you breach of privilege. I concede that. want to go back on your words which is not good. Why did you do like this?

But, Sir, what I would like to submit is that we have certain rights which have been Constitutionally guaranteed to us by (Interruptions) article 105 of the Constitution, as for as free democratic expression in this House is concerned. Bringing in this kind of a mo- SHRI V. KISHORE CHANDRA S. OEO: tion surreptiously in this mann~r will ulti- This House cannot be tonverted into a mately resuk in abridging th! rights of a gambling den... (Interruptions) .01 Motion Ie: Ret to MAY 5, 1988 for inVe$.tigfltion by 432 Pr. Committee Shrj Unnikrishnan, M.P. ITrans/anon] [Translation]

MR. SPEAKER: If it is a gambling den to- MR. SPEAKER; That is a motion for day, then, "what about that day? How was amendment. the same. You want to involve me in it and you yourself want to get out of it. [English1

[English} SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA (Basirhat): You kindly hear me, Sir. My submission is that I cannot barter my soul .... under rule 186, this motion of Mr. Shan- taram Naik is not admissible at all for two (Interruptions) reasons. Kindly see rule 186.

(Translation J [Translation J

MR. SPEAKER: Snri Unnikrishanan is as MR. SPEAKER: I have seen it. good a Member as others. look, I thought the Privilege motion as appropiate. The {Englishl Rules Book is before me. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Rule 186 says: [English) "The motion, in order to be admissible, must satisfy the follwing conditions. Sub- H ow can I shut my eyes to this? I can- clause (ii) of rule 186 is: "It shall not contain not do anything with this. It is is yours, it is arguments, inferences, etc." You just read not mine. the text of Mr. Naik's motion. It is full of arguments. The ""hole thmg is argued that SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura): 'during the discussion It came out', 'if on But after that, you gave your ruling, Sir. reference to the Privilege Committee', etc. These are all arguments. This is not in the MR. SPEAKER: I gave my ruling on per- form of a motion at all ...(lnterruptions) fect lines and my ruling stands... MR. SPEAKER: No, it does not contain (Interruptions) any arguments or inferences ...

MR. SPEAKER: It still stands.... (Interruptions)

(Interruptions) SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: You consider it, Sir, objectively ~almely, dispassionateley. Then you see rule 186, sub-caluse (VI) ..... MR. SPEAKER: Proceedings ~lso stand .... (Interruptions) (Interruptions) , [Translation)

SH RI BASUOEB ACHAR'A: That wilt go MR. SPEAKER: You are a great Parlia- against your ruling, Sir. mentarian. If you had given a thought to its pros and cons, then I would not have been MR. SPEAKER: No... involved in it. Now you are displeased with me and blaming me. That time I had done (Interruptions) what you wanted me to do. [English! SHit S. JAIPAl REDDY: You read out some amendment, Sir. I have not heard SH R' BASUDEB ACHARIA: We objected/ that. Sir •..(Interruptions). 433 Motion re: Rel to VAI~KHA 15, 1910 (SA-"4) for investigation by 434 Pt. Committee Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. Mit SPEAKER: You did not. .. 'SHRI INDRAJIT CUPTA: The discussion could not be concluded till you gave your (Interruptions) ruling. You gave your ruling on the 1st of

I, March, which was during the present ses- MR. SPEAKER: No, I cannot.... sion, and I submit that under rule 186, you cannot allow the same matter to be revived again in the same session. That is (Interruptions) what. .. (lnterruptions).

MR. SPEAKER: Now we start with the MR. SPEAKER: Overruled ... business .... (Interruptions) (Interruptions)

SH RI IN DRAJ IT CU PTA: You are simply SHRI SAtFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: I am saying no. You please convince me, Sir. on a point of order, Sir .. .(lnterruptjons) Convince me what is wrong in my argument. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: let hiol complete, S'r.... (Interruptions). Apart from the fact that it ;s containing so many arguments and inferences, he is [Translation J reviving the matter which was conduded only when you gave your ruling in the 1 st MR. SPEAKER: I respect Shri Indrajit of March 1988. (lnterruptjons) Gupta very much. I have been following the path shown by him. It is he who in- [Translation) volved me. MR. SPEAKER: $hri Saifuddin, what do IEnglish} you want to say?

SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Sir, You have [English] given your ruling on the 1st of March,

19881 that is, during this session, the early SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Sir, when he stage of this session. Now, is it adn1issibfe speaks for five hours, it shall not contain a for a motion which, according to rule 186 matter of privilege ... ? If you refer it to the (vi); "shall not revive discussion of ~ mat- Privileges Committee, it can't go into the ter... " (interruptions) matter except the matter of privilege. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: There was no discussion at ali .... MR. SPEAKER: It is }'OU \vho are sending it to the Committee. (Interruptions) (Interruptions)

SHRI fNDRAJIT L'-"PTA: There was. Of course. The discussion pid not culminate PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: If the tUl you gave your ruling... .(Interruptions). Privilege Comollttee does not discuss the priviteges, can it discuss the Bofors affairs 7 MR. SPEAKER: It was just my ruling ... (Interruptions)

(Interruptions) [Trans/ation}

MR. SPEAKE R: Nothing doing .... MR. SPEAKER: Professor Sahib, may I ask you why you did not nlention it that (Interruptions) day? AllIS Motioft re: Rei. to MAYS,1988 .. for invesOgatioh by ~36 Pr. Committee Shri Un~;lcrishnan, M.P. PROf. MADt-:U DANDAVATE: We had SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You have to said that day also that if you want, you may change the rules. You can't discuss it now. refer it to the Committee. Only after that, you took a decision ...(lnterruptions) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I know that the Prime Minister is keen on getting MR. SPEAKER:" I want to request you Mr. Unnikrishnan thrown out of this with folded hands that on that day, you in- (Interruptions) volved me in this matter and how is it that today you want to retreat. SHRI S. JAJPAl REDDY: The Prime Min- . ister is keen getting Mr. Unnikrishnan ex- PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: There is pelled. (Interruptions) no question of involving you. I had sug- gested the other day also but you wanted SHRI H.KL BHAGAT: That IS why we the matter to be referred to the Committee are doing it. (Interruptions) of Privileges. Hence the question of re- treating does not arise here. [Translation]

MR. SPEAKER: What are you do- MR. SPEAKER: It is just due to your ing .. .. (lnterruptions) grace that r have been involved in it. MR. SPEAKER: Only you have got It PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: There is done lake this. You have made me to do it, no question of grace in it. now you are going back.

(Interruptions) (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER; In this case I have been MR. SPEAKER: You have got me involved involved just due to your grace. in it.

(Interruptions) [English]

Mit SPEAKER: Just because of you, SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You gav~ have been involved in it. your ruling. How can you admit thiS mo· tion? (Interruptions) (Interruptions) THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY lEng/ish} AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF INFORMA- TION AND BROADCASTING (SHRI H.KL Mit SPEAKER: It can't be tenned as dis- BHAGAn: Mr. Speaker has given me the russion. floor. He has given me permission to speak. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You try to £HRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: If the discus- fight Mr. Unnikrishnan by straight method, sion of this matter was to be concluded, not by back-door method. Don't try to you shoud have given your ruling in the last throw away Members of Parliament like session itself. You did not give it. You have this. not given your ruling in this House. (Interruptions) SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: That is your courage, you are not even letting me MR. SPEAKER: No, does not matter.. This speak, not wanting to listen to me. Why matter was not discussed and now it can't are you afraid of me? Why are you afraid of ~ termed as a discussion, no problem. my speaking? Sir, you have already admit- ted my motion. That is perfectly all right. It (Interruptions) is distressing to see that those who threw 437 Motion re: Ref. to VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (~) tor investigation bJ: 438 Pr. Committee t Shri Un~ M.P. challenges repeatedly are now runnjng SH RI IN DRAJ IT CU PTA: Sir, will he go away from it That shows lack of political by your ruling or will he go by what I said? courage, that shows Jack of moral courage. That is what I want to know (Interruptions). You are not bravelellows. It is amazing that they are not prepared even for ascertain- PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Mr. Bha- ment of facts which the motion proposes gat, you have no aUergy for Bachchans and to go into. Sir, your ruling is final. It was H indujas, but you have allergy for Mr. Un..

Mr. Unnikrishnan1 Shri Indraj;t Cupta and nikrishnan because he is an alert and vigi- Prof. Madhu Dandavate who had sug- lant Member of Partiament and you want to gested at that time that the matter be re- to throw him out. That is the conspiracy ferred to the Privileges Committee. We are that you are planning. not presuming anything. The motion only asks for ascertainment of facts. This again SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: I do not want to shows what responsibthty and regard for listen to any sermon from you, Mr. Madhu truth they have. They made the allegations Dandavate. In this House we are not pre- and then wish to run away from ,t. It is a suming anything. We are asking for ascer- very serious matter. The House accepted tainment of facts. Prof. Madhu Dandavate, the challenges. Take these challenges and we are ascertaining facts, we are not pre- don't run away from these challenges. suming anything. (Interruptions). You are (Interruptions) Mr. Unnikrishnan said 15 giving sermons. Sitting in this House you times that the matter be referred to the expelled Mrs. Gandhi who was a duly Privileges Committee. elected Member, from the House. You are talking of morality, political morality..... (Interruptions). The Speaker has admitted the motion already. And certainly the House is PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: The supreme, even in regard to privilege mat- Prime Minister should have got the ters also the House is supreme. You cannot courage. (Interruptions). run away from it. Don't act like vague peo- ple; act like straightforward people. Face He has selected a back-bencher to give the challenges, don't run away from the this motion. The Prime Minister should challenges that you have given. I am sorry, have shown the courage to bring the mo- a man of the calibre of I ndrajit Gupta, says, tion. He asked the back-bencher to move ultimately it will have to go to the Privileges the motion. (Interruptions). Committee. let us ascertain the facts, let us see whether Mr. Unnikrishnan is right or SHRI H.KL BHAGAT: Mr. Unnikrishnan wrong. And you said, the House should not is afraid of facing ... (Interruptions). decide it. It should go to the Privileges Committee. Ascertaining the facts, the MR.SPEAKER: No point of order. Speaker can send it to the Privileges Com- mittee or the House can decide it and the (Interruptions) motion which he has already placed is in order. You are running away from it. That is what I said, you make allegation, you do SH RI THAMPAN THO~iAS: ... .If it goes not want to prove it, you \. 1nt to run away to the Privileges Committee, what will you from it. That is the attitude. (Interruptions). do, Sir? It will result in no-confidence in That is the attitude of people who politi- you, because you have given a Ruling ear- catly lack fore sight. (Interruptions). No po- lier and it will go against your Ruling and it litical foresight. is challenging the original authority of the Speaker. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKE R: I cannot go against rules, I stand still by whatever Ruling I have SHRI THAMPAN THOMAS (Mavelikara): given. I am under the rules given me. I Sir, I have a point of order. ,Interruptions). have given you ... (Interruptions) 439 Motion re: Ref. to MAYS, 1988 for investigation by 440 . Pt.. Committee Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. [Translation) ~ 1987. You see atso there was a demand from all sections of tit, House to ~fer the MR. SPEAKER: Professor Sahib, one matter to the Co~ee of ;Privileges in ... minute... eluding yourse1f.

(Interruptions) SHRI THAMPAN THOMAS: That was before your ruling by which you rejected it. MR. SPEAKER: Don't make llle lose my t ~ never. I do not care for it. Just because of MR. SPEAKER: It does not bar it. these gentlenlen, t have been involved in it. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Are you (lnterruptiohs) withdrawing your earlier ruling? I (Interruptions.) [English] MR. SPEAKER: The next objection is, it MR. SPEAKER: You are all hon. Mem- raises substantially the same question of bers, you are saying like this. Can you say privilege which has been disposed of by like this? Overruled? the hon. Speaker as without any prima fa- cie case. Regarding that, the bar under Rule (Interruptions)" 186(vi) is in respect of reviving a matter which has been discussed in the saine ses· MR. SPEAKER: As the objections have sion. been raised, the motion hits Rule 186(ii) as it contains argunlents, inferences etc. The question of pritvilege on the subject About that, I have to say: was raised by Shri Kumaramangalam in the last session. Hence the rule does not ap- 1. The motion as admitted, does not ply. contain any arguments or inferences...... (Interruptions) AN HON. MEMBER: How can you ad- mit this motion? (Interruptions). MR. SPEAKER: Moreover, the matter sought to be raised in the present motion MR, SPEAKER: It only sets out the con- is not a question of privilege. So simple it text in which a demand was made for ref- is. All objections have been over·ruled. Shri erence of the matter to the Committee of Snantaram Naik now. Privileges. The operative para IS the last para. It wiU not be'dear unless the earlier (Interruptions) .paras are gone through. MR. SPEAKER: I am not allowing any- (Interruptions) body. There is no point of order now. I disposed all of them. MR. SPEAKER. II. The motion hits RUle 186(v) which says that a motion under Rule 184 "shall not raise a question of privilege." SHRI THAMPAN THOMAS: Are you withdrawing your earlier ruUng? There is a In this instant case the matter is sought conflict. (Interruptions.) to be remitted to the Committee of Privi .. leges for a detailed investisation into the M'rt SPEAKER: There is no conflict be- allegations made by Shri P.. Unnikrishnan. tween my ruling on privilege and on this The House is competent to refer any mat- motion today. There is no conflict. not at ter to a Committee of the House for in .. all. This conflict is only between what you quiry/investigation. _.Shri Unnikrishnan had are saying now and what you were saying accepted the chaHenge. Shri Unnikrishnan then. himself had accepted the chaJlenge on the floor of the House on 10th December, (Interruptions) 441 Motion re: Ref. to VAiSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIY\) for investigation by 442 PT. Committee Shri Unnikrjshnan, M.P. # MR. SPEAKER: Professor, Sir, I do not go cepted by all concerned, which is back on my words. I never go back. What... dear from the day's proceedings of ever you said, I stand by it. And what you the House. made me to stand ~y, I stood. This H()USe, therefore, directs the Committee of Privileges to make a (Interruptions) detailed investigation into the allega- tion made by Shri Unnikrishnan and MR. SPEAKER: I have listened to all the report to the House by the first day points. N ow you listen to him. I have given of the last week of the current Ses- the floor to him. sion." This is the motion which I moved be- (Interruptions) fore this House.

MR. SPEAKER: The boot IS on the other PROF. MADHU DAN oAVATE: We are leg. protesting against it and we are walking out...... (Interruptions.) (Tranlsation] 16.49 hrs. Why do not you qlame yourself Instead of blaming me. You are going back. I am Shri Basudeb Acharia and Some other not. hon. Members then left the House.

Shn Shantaram Naik. (Interruptions)

[English] SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: What morality have you got? You lack politacal courage. SHRI SHANTARAM NA1K (Panaji): Mr. You lack political morality. You lack political Speaker, Sir, I will start with my motion. I trad,tion. You are only running away. We beg to move: are not asking for anything. Vve are asking for ascertaining the facts. (InteTfuptions) "That during the discussion on 'No confidence Motion' on 10th SHRI SHAN,TARAM NAt K: I have already December, 1987, Shri K.P. Un- read out my motion and also moved the nikrishnan, a Member of this motion before the House. House, made an allegation against Shn P. R. Das Munshi, [Translation] Minister of State in the Ministry of Commerce, of having made an MR. SPEAKER: The fact is that I have to untrue statement on the floor of go by rules. the House regarding 'cornering of licences by Bachchan Brothers In [fnglish] Kandla Free Trade Zone' which was rebutted by the Minister. J have to work according to rules. I am a servant of this House. The whole House, That during the discussion, it including all the Opposition leaders and came out that if on reference to the whole House demanded that this mat· the Privileges Committee, an alle- ter be referred to the Privileges Committee. gation was proved correct, the After that I have no other way out, but to Prime Minister would make his admit the motion. Pnwlege motion and Minister resign and, if the same these two things are dIfferent. There was was found false, the Member Shri no case for PriVilege. Unnikrishnan, would resign his seat in lok Sal)ha. [English)

proposi~ was ac- SHRI H. K. L BHACAT: I might add that 443 Motion re: Ref.. to MAY 5,1988 for investigation by Pr. Committee Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. r (Shri H. K. L Bhagat) ness Advisory Committee. The motion , which has been brought before this House this was d~d in the Business Advisory is purposely under the rules. Committee in which the Opposition Mem- bers were also present and was also agreed to. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Anf Mohammad Khan had asked me as a matter of privilege MR. SPEAKER: At the request of Shri that day about security arrangements. Then Uooikrishnan we postponed it four to five I asked him to give me a motion under 184 times. and I will put it before the House.

PROf. N. C. RANGA: That does not S. BUrA SINGH: It is most unfair to the mean that we have got to allow OUf friends Chair. here and specially from that side to make irresponsible charges, one against the MR. SPEAKER: I will admit the same be- other, and that too, against their own han. cause this is the same as that. It has to be Members. Therefore, you are not the only ascertained whether"you are right or he is one who feels unhappy. We also feel un- right. That is what I said. I am ready to ac- happy. But please do understand our feel- cept it. According to all canons of justice ings also. We are made to witness here day and rules, I could not do otherwise. The after day and to hear the irresponsible whole House said this. I also put it to the charges, scandal after scandal. In what way House now whether to admit it or not. can we ca!"Y on Parliament? You have been here for more than eight years. I have been S. BUTA SINGH: You have rightly done here for more than 500 years. I have never it. This house is seized of the matter. come across this kind of the most scan- ~Ious behaviour before. N ever before MR. SPEAKER: One must be prepared there was this scandalous behaviour. for what he is saying. After having said and Therefore, I would like you also to under- accepted his challenge, it is now up to him stand our anguish and be with us and not to face his challenge. That is all. give us the impression that we are carrying on our work here in spite of your feelings. S. BUlA SINGH: They have not only flouted the Chair but they have questioned Mit SPEAKER: If you go through the the very sovereignty of this House because proceedings, that day, only Shri U.nnikrish- this House is sovereign now. It is for this nanji told me Jet the matter be referred to House to decide, as pronounced. They the Committee of Privileges. Again Shri have run out because they do not have the Unnikrishnanji told me "Jet the matter be facts to face this House. That ;s why they referred to the Committee of Privileges. have run out. This is how the Opposition Tl}ere is an institutional set up. I accept this wants to keep the Parliamentary Democ- challenge. I will prove it within 2 minutes." racy in our country. We are not afraid of That is what he told me. That is what Shri any situation or any issue to be discussed. Cuptaji told me. That is what Shri Danda- We are prepared. Let them also come and vate told me. That is what Shri Goswami join us. This is how they want to scuttle the told me. What can I do about this? Parliamentary democracy in our country.

s. BUTA SINGH: As a matter of fact, to MR. SPEAKER: Shri Shantaram Naik. be fair to the Chair, on that particular day, every one of us was here. It is they who SH RI SHANTARMi NAI K: Sir, I would took the matter out of your hands. It is the like to acquaint myself with the amend.. Opposition who was barred the Speaker ment which I have to give notice of which and this matter had become a property of was resulted on account of the circum- this House. You rightly gave your ruling. As stances because as the motion stood ini. the bon. Minister for Parliamentary Affairs tially, the report had to come by the last said this matter was discussed in the Busi- week of this current Session. But, from the 44S Motion re: Ref. to VAiSAKHA 1S, 1910 (SAIV\) for investigation by 446 Pr. Committee S~ri Unnikrishnan, M.P. beginning itself Shri Unnikrishnan ex- may be on the Budget and various .de- pressed his difficulties to attend this House mands which have been placed and dis- and as a result of which, the matter went cussed in this House and their role have on being postponed. Therefore, the cir- been totally negative. No concrete sugges- cumstances have made me to give this no- tion has ever come from them. Even with tice of amendment which says and I move: respect to the Budget, when they have criticised, they have not made any concrete for "first day of the last week of suggestion with respect to any financial the current Session" implications before this House. As a young Member of this House, I am pained to note substitute "last day of the first because I have not only to 'earn from the week of the next Session." ruling party, but I am also expected to learn from the hon. Members of the Opposition. Sir, at the outset, I would thank you very much not only because you have MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Shantaram Naik, over-ruled the objections raised by the please make it relevant. Members of the OppOSition Parties but 1 am glad that you have answered each and every question raised by them specifically 16.59 hrs. within a short time of 1 0 minutes. There- fore, they should have no grudge on any of [MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER in the Chair] their points not having been answered by the han. Speaker. Therefore, I am specifi- cally very grateful to you. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Secondly, I would like to say that in the last several . SiT, sometimes back our Prime Minister months, no ruling of the hone Speaker has has said that if something has to be been obeyed by the Members of the Op- stopped, someone has to stop talking. The position parties. Not only that. But on ev- hon. Speaker has also expunged that word. ery ruling of the hon. Speaker, walk-outs But what the Prime Minister stated hap- have been staged. Not only that they have pened to. be quite true because it appears expressed, in words, against the- ~ling of that truth is not their strength of the Op. the hone Speaker but they have expresseCJ position. It is untrue statement that they in terms of their action by walking.out. derive strength from. Otherwise, if truth Even on a well-explained ruling of today, had been their strength, they would have they have staged a walk-out. brought out, at every inquiry, the facts which are absolutely true and told the na· 17.00 hI'S. tio{,\, told the people what is the matter, what is what. MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER~ You speak on the Motion. Sir, for the last three years, atleast as a Member of this House, I am seeing that SHRI SHANTARAM NAIl<.: Do you think they have not derived any strength from I am speaking out of the point? truth. But untrue statement, incorrect statement have been taken by them as MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You restrict it. strength. In the current term of this lok Sabha, several discussions have come be- SH RI SHANTARAM NAt K: I am speaking fore this House under Rule 193, under on the background. Why do you think I am various rules of tbis House. But in each of speaking against the Motion 1 these discussions, no concrete suggestions before the Government have been made by MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER: It is better to re- them, as a responsible Opposition. Their strict. approach in all the discussions--may be discussions under Rule 193, may be on the SH RI SHANTARAM NAIK: This is differ- Bills which have come before this House, ent thing. But do not insinuate that I am 447 Motion re: Ref.. to ftMy 5, 1988 for investigation by 448 Pt. Committee ' Shrj Unniktishnan, M.P.. ~he House regarding 'cornering of ISbri Shantaram Naik] licences by Bachchan Brothers in speaking out of the point. I have made my Kandla Free Trade 'Zone' which points very meticulously. was rebutted by the Minister.

Secondty, under Rule 353, whatever That during the discussion, it rules and there, the Chair has to be came out that if on reference to obeyed. They were never resorted to. They the Privileges Committee, the al- have never observed any of the rules" What legation was proved correct, the has happened in the last two days? What Prime Minister would make his respect has been given to the Parliatnen- Minist~r resign and, if the same tary Committee? What has been done? was found false, the Member, Shri They have ~criticised a high-powered Par- Unnikrishnan, would resign his liamentary Committee. What do you ex- seat in Lok Sabha. pect? Are they interested in any sort of Committees? When Parliamentary Conlnlit- That the above proposition was tees have been constituted, they have accepted by all concerned, which asked for inquiry (.ommissions, when in- is dear from the day's proceed- quiry commissions were sought to be insti- ings of the House. tuted, they have asked for Parliamentary Committee. Therefore, they have shown, This H ouse, therefor~, directs the time and again, that they dQ not believe in Committee of Privileges to make a any sort of institutions. Since I have lot of detailed investigation into the al- material to substantiate the points made by legation made by Shri Unnikrish- two of my learned colleagues here in the nan and report to the House by opposition, the entire text of the debate if the first day of the last week of you see, Mr. Oandavate and Mr. Indrajit the current Session." Cupta have, time and again, addressed the Prime Minister saying that you shall not MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Some Members judge the matter. The Privilege Committee have gaven notice for amendnlents. shalt judge whether Mr. P. R. Das Muns; told correctly in this House with Shri DlOesh Goswami - Not present has re- ..... spect to this question or Mr. Unnikrishnan is correct. They were insisting time' and Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy - Not present again that the Prime Minister should not be the judge and the judge should be the Priv- Shri V. Kishore Chandra S. Deo - Not ilege Committee. Mr. Dandavate said it re- present peatedlyand Mr: Indrajit Gupta said it re- peatedly. Therefore, in my all humbleness, Shri S. Jaipal Reddy - Not present I say this is a matter for the purpose of as- certainment of the facts, and should be re- Shri Shantaram Naik ferred to the Privileges Committee.

Mit DEPUTY SPEAKER: Motion moved: SH RI SHANTARNvt NAI K: I beg to move: "That during the discussion on 'No Confidence Motion' on 10th That in the motion-- December, 1987, Shri K.P. Un- nikrishnan, a Member of this in paragraph 4, - House, made an allegation against Shri P.R. Das Munshi, for "first day of the last week of Minister of State in the Ministry of the current Session" substitute Commerce" ,of, having made an "last day of the first week of the untrue statemetJt on the floor of next Session" (6) ; 449 Motion re: Ref. to VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) for investigation by 450 PT. Committee Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: Amendment 'these Hon. Members of the opposition moved; benches would face this country. Time and again, the Chair reminded Mr. Unnikrish- That in the motion, -- nan of the consequences of his ascertain and he went on making commitments in paragraph 4, -- which were supported by all the top Op- position leaders present in the House. for "first day of the last week of the current Session" substitute Another point which is important and "last day of the first week of the that should be.. noted. The fear that Mr. next Session" (6) Unnikrishnan would be expelled or he will have to resign is unfounded. Because the THE MINISTER OF PARUAN\ENTARY Privileges Committee will go into the au- AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF INFORMA- thenticity of this charge--\\-hether what he TION AND BROADCASTING (SHRI H.K.L. said on the floor of the House was correct BHAGAT): This again shows that the deci- or incorrect. He said 'I stand by every word sion to do this was taken as 'Operation that I have said; if it IS proved otherwise, Rescue' at the eleventh hour. Otherwise, then I am prepared to resign'. This is the they would not have given their name. precise point on which the Privileges Committee will deliberate. Therefore, if he MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Only amend- is surf' of hiS facts, if he is aware of the re· ment No.6 is moved. sponsibility of an Hon. Member-because we are exempted from any action outside SHRI H.K.L BHAGAT: We are not pre- for what we say here; it is a great privilege suming anything. Facts have to be ascer- that we derive from the Constitution-if the tained. I cannot say one way or the other, Member is responsible, if the Member dis- what will happen. charges hiS duties in the House with re- sponsibility, with some awareness of the MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Shri K.K. position that he holds, then I think this will Tewar),. contribute in the long run in the strength- ening the position of Members as also in PROF. KK. TEWARY (Buxar): I will not strengthenmg the POSition of this House. take much of your time. It is a historic day in the history of this sovereign House. I feel The last pOint that I want to make is it historic because for quite some time, we that thiS exercise by the Pnvileges Commit- have been watching and watching help- tee will also untold the tactics adopted by lessly wanton talk on the privilege of this the Opposition in the country. For the last House. Attempts have been made not only one year we have been witnessing most to denigrate this H Quse but also to deni- "careless dereliction of their duties and re- grate the Chair, the institutions in the sponsibilities. All kinds of cooked up country. This has been done with a sense charges have been levelled. You must have of impunity. Members, of course, have the seen that not only in the House; but out- privilege and privilege must be safe- side also these attempts have been made. guarded. But the privileges of Members All kinds of write-ups have been appearing cannot remain intact or cannot remain in newspapers nlaklng insinuations against unassailable if the privilege of the House is the Chair, against the Speaker and against undermined. That is, if the privilege of the institutions like the institution of the Ponle Hoose is undermined, the authority of this Minister. House, the Constitution and the Republic is undermined. Therefore, what has corne The Prime Minister is not an individual. before the House, I don't think it is too late The Prime Minister is the nationally man- in the day to take up this matter. It was dated leader of the House and he is the na- very kind of the Chair to have pennitted tionally mandated leader of the nation. The this because this particular incident that way the consulted, organised, orchestrated took place that day, I wonder as to how attempts have been made for the last one 451 Motion re: Ref. to MAYS, 1988 for investigation I by 452 Pr. Committee Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. [Prof. K.1<. Tiwari] it to Mr. Unnikrishnan on lOtt. December, 1987 that 'you have accepted the challenge that you will also resign'. Mr. KP. Unnikr- year against the Prime Minister, to deni- ish nan said 'I have accepted it fifteen grate him or to bring him down in the eyes times, t have said it'. Mr. Speaker said 'You of the people, would ultimately result in have accepted the challenge that if you are \ the subversion of the very system of which proved false, then you will resign'. Fo{ that this sovereign House is the final and ulti- Mr. Unnikrishnan said 'Yes, yes, that is the mate custodian. point.'

Therefore, I say that this day is going to Our stakes are larger in this Motion. 'f be recorded as a historic day because it will the facts are proved otherwise" then we re·affinn the sanctity of this House as :also might have to lose a Minister. Mr. Unnikr- the responsibility of the Members who are ishnan has nothing to lose except his seat elected to this soverein House through a in the Opposition. Therefore, in fact, what constitutionaf process that we have given we are doing is to ventilate the right of the to ourselves after a long struggle. This must House to know the facts. I am afraid the at- not be frittered away; this must not be de- titude on the part of the other side does stroyed in order to satisfy the vanity and ill not manifest something which can be de- conceived designs of some Hon. Members scribed as bravado or bold. Something else sitting on the other wise. is manifested. This House and the Rules also protect even private citizens against Therefore, I very strongly and firmly false allegations. If sonle allegation is made hold the view that this Motion must be ac- avainst the Minister and the challenge is cepted by this House and it must go to its given that I will prove it then they must logical conclusion so that the cou ntry abide by it. Why should they get away from would know. Because people at large are it? looking to the Parliament. They must know what their representatives under the con- Therefore, this Motion if accepted will stitutional set up of which they are the last prove to be of great historic iOlportance repository--because people are the because Members on both sides will be sovereign authority'--are doing here. Lf-o shown the parameters of freedom of them know how they discharge their dutie~ speech, and that you cannot abuse the and the authority that they have delegated freedom of speech. I, therefore, support to their representatives to represent them the motion of Shri Shantaram Naik whole- in the House; whether they are working heartedlyand I hope the House wilt accept within the four walls of the Constitution or it. The Defence Minister only half an hour whether they are trying and attempting ago was saying that you will have to eat up under different influences to subvert the your words. The motion will be carried same Constitution which gives us this au- Jogically and time may come when some- thority, this House and the entire political body may have to eat up his words utter~d process that we have therished and we fifteen tinles. I, therefore, wholeheartedly cherish in this House and outside also. support the motion.

Therefore' support this Motion. PROF. P.). KURIEN (Jdukki): Sir, this is another instance of the Opposition running SHRf HAROOBHAI MEHTA away from truth. When the Bofors issue (Ahmedabad): My good friend, Mr. Shan- came up they demanded parliamentary taram Naik deserves congratulations to probe and when Government agreed they have brought about this Motion. ran away from it. At:, far as this issue is con- cerned Mr. Unnikrishnan levelled an allega .. The greater the freedom of speech the tion against the Minister, of course, with- greater the responsibility to ensure that out observing the rul~ of giying advance one does not abuse it. It is precisely notice. After making allegation even though therefore that on that day Mr. Speaker put the hon. Minister refuted it Mr. Unnikrish· 453 Motion re: Ref. to VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (~) for investigation by 454 Pt. Committee Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. nan persisted with it and repeateaty sala one after another. let this motion, which that he is sticking to his words. He himself seeks to refer the whole matter to the Priv- wanted that it should be referred to the ileges Committee, prove, once and for all, Privileges Committee. On a question by that this is the attitude of the Opposition our Prime Minister not only Mr. Unnikrish· and these are the types of allegations nan but other hon. Members of the Oppo· which they are making. sition such as Sarvashri Indrajit Gupta, Madhu Dandavate and others demanded With these words, I support the motion that it should be referred to the Privileges moved by Mr. Shantaram Naik. Committee. When the Prime Minister said that-the matter be investigated and if what SHRI C.M. BANATWAlLA (Ponnani): Mr. the . Minister has said proves to be a lie Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is a fact that teade~ then he would drop the Minister then Mr. of sev.eral Opposition parties and groups Indrajit Gupta stood up .and said it should on that particular day had asked the only be referred to the Privileges Commit- Speaker to refer the matter to the Privileges tee for investigation. Committee. That cannot be denied. It is a matter of record. It is also a fact that there The Opposition point that the ruling~has is a growing tendency these days to take already been given for referring the matter the sanctity of this House rather than in an to a Privilege Committee does not stand easy manner and to hurt irresponsible ac- because the hon. Speaker had clearly said cusations, charges and to make irresponsi- that the motion before u~ was not a privi- ble sta!ements; that also cannot be denied lege motion but it was a question of inves- that there is a growing tendency with re- tigation. What is the po~ition? Mr. Unnikr- spect of these matters. ishnan has levelled a charge. This is the sovereign House of the people. Whatever N ow today, when this motion is before is said in this House should be true. Every the House, almost all the Opposition have Member i~ bound to speak to truth and walked out excepting ourselves. We remain nothing but the truth. If an untruth is said here for a specific purpose to draw the at- that is a breach of privil~e of this House. tention of the House to certain matters and Mr. Unnikrishnan allegation that Mr. P.R. also to make a fervent plea to the House. Das Munshi, Minister of the Central cabinet has said a lie; I should say, is a very The motion, that we have, seeks to refer serious one. The House is in the dark the allegations to the Privileges Committee. ." about the whole issue. The House has a What are the matters that can be referred right to know the truth. The House cannot to the Privileges Committee? Can the Priv- be kept in the dark. We should know the ileges Committee be burdened with all truth and we have the right to know the sorts of matters and all sorts of investiga- truth. That is' why this has to be referred to tlo.ns? I respectfully differ in this particular the Privileges Committee for matter and submit that the function of the invnestigation. Privileges Committee is to investigate mat- ters which are with respect to the breach Sir, you know why the Opposition is of priVilege. Every matter of investigation making all these allegations. This is an apt cannot be referred to this Comnlittee of example. After Mr. Rajiv Candhi's govern- Privileges. Of course, there was an ment came into power with a massive amendment for one of the Members of the mandate the Opposition is making on~ al- Opposition to have some other committee, legation after another. I can understand but that amendment has not been moved. their frustration. They want to come back to power but by making these allegations I would like to draw your attention to and trying to de·stabilising the Government rule 314, sub-rule (1). It .. deals with the they are'in fact de-stabilising the country. functions of the Conlmittee of Privileges. I The Opposition should kn~w that. You quote: know how they are trying to de-stabilise "The Conlnlittee shall examine the country... by making false allegations every question referred to it and 455 Motion re: Ref. to MA Y5, 1988 for investigation by 456 ~ Committee Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. (Shri C.M. Banatwalla] anti-defection laws are referred to Privi- leges Committee. determine with reference to the facts of each case whether a SHRI C.M. BANATWAlLA: That is taken breach of privilege is involved care of in a different manner, in the other and, if so, the nature of the manner. You have to change the rules first. breach, the circumstances leading You change the rule that from now on- to it and .nlake surh reconlQ'lenda- waras our breach of Privileges Committee is a miscellaneous Committee. It is a tions as it nlay deem fit. II sundry, miscellaneous Committee which The ruJes say that the Committee shall will decide all matters that will be referred examine every question referred to it.. (And to, not the matter which the House wants. then, do what?) ... and determine with ref- That is a different thing, if you change the erence to the facts of each question rules. I will also not object to the motion, if whether a breach of privilege is involved. it is so amended, if it is referred to some Therefore, the function of the Committee is other .appropriate Committee of thiS very dearly the determination of breach of House. Again, I will not come with any par· privilege and not to submit report on an ticular objection to it. My objection is that sorts of sundry investigations. the matter cannot be referred to Commit- tee of privileges. it will put our Speaker in a very embarrasSing position. On that day, I would not have spoken in this man- everybody, even from the Opposition--I am ner. A particular Member gave the notice of not taking their brief-several leaders who amendment to have a different Committee. were speaking on that day were saying in But that has not been moved, and the only an air of bravado that the matter be re- motion before the House is to send this ferred to Committee of privileges. What matter to the Committee. What would the does that mean? When I say a matter Committee do? TIle function of the Com- should be referred to the Committee of mittee is to determine whether there is a Privileges, it means that I am alleging a breach -of privilege or not. There is no other breach of privilege. It does not mean that j. function of the Committee. Supposing the am wanting a mere fact-finding commis- Committee with reference to this gives a sion. When I ask the House to refer the decision that there has been a breach of matter to Privileges Committee, what I am privilege.... where does that lead us to? The asking for is a determination of the ques- hon. Speaker has already given.. the ruling tion of privilege. That is very dear and that that prima facie there is no breach of privi- particular matter has been given the ruling lege and if the Committee comes with a already from the Speaker that there is no recommendation that there has been a breach of privilege whatsoever. I therefore, breach of privilege, then there will be un- feel that it would not be appropriate for the necessary, uncomfortable and inconvenient House to re(er tf-}e matter to a Committee positions which could come up because it of PriVileges. There, the House may decide is not for the Privileges Committee merely to refer to some other Committee. That is a to find the fact and then wash its hands off. different matter all together. If is mandatory on the part of the Privileges Committee to find out and determine Another particular plea which I want to whether there has been or there has not make to this House is that almost all Op- been breach of priVilege. Therefore, in the position leaders who had asked the matter first place, I,... submit that the matter cannot to be referred to the Committee of Privi- be referred to a Committee of privilege. leges have walked out. They have referred That does not mean that I oppose the ref· their words or whatever they were they erence of a matter to some other appropri· stand exposed to the nation. They had ate forum of this House. No. But that mat- thrown certain challenges. When the time ter is not for this forum. came, they are lakinS shelter under some technical excuses, raised certain points of SHRJ SHANTAAAM NAIK: Even order and have walkedout. Much of what 457 Motion re: Ref. t~ PT. VAlSAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) St Resl. re: Approval of 458 Comm, for investigation by Shri Unnikrishnan, M.P. Proclamation above Punjab the -Ruling Benches wanted has already Mr. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: I shall now put been achieved. If the Treasury Benches the amended. motion to the vote of .the wanted to see that the Opposition is ex- House: posed, they have already succeeded in their mission. The Opposition stands ex- "That during the discussion on posed already by running out and avoiding 'No Confidence Motion' on 10th and shirking their responsibility. December, 1987, Shri K.P. Un- nikrishnan, a Member of this let the matter rest over there. That is Hous~, made an allegation the plea that I want to make to this House. against Shri P. R. Das Munshi, let us not further precipitate the matter. Minister of State in the Ministry of The Treasury Benches have-got what they Commerce, of having made an wanted. It would not now be proper, fair untrue statement on the floor of and just further to push the matter. I the House regarding 'cornering of wputd, therefore, request the hon. Mem- licences by Bachchan Brothers in ber, Shri Shantaram Naik, who has moved Kandla Free Trade Zone' which the motion that in view of the situation that was rebutted by the Minister. . has been created today by the opposition, in view of the fact that they have with- That during the discussion, it drawn and walked out and in view of the came out that if on reference to fact that they have exposed themselves to the Privileges Committee, the al- the entire nation, to withdraw his motion legation, was proved correct, the and not to precipitate the matter further. Prime Minister would make his Minister resign and, if the same SH RJ SHANT ARIVvi NAl K: My only con· was found false, the Member, Shri tention. is this. The Committee of Privileges Unnikrishnan, would resign his is also a fact finding Committee. Any matter seat in lok Sabha. where the House wants to find out the truth can be referred to the Privileges ~hat the above proposition was Committee and in the past, as far as my accepted by all concerned, which information goes, even matters under the is clear from the day's proceed- Anti-Defection law have been referred to ings of the House. the Privileges Committee. Therefore, his contention is not correct.... "This House, therefore, directs _ the Committee of Privileges to SHRI C.M. BANATWAllA: The rules may make a detailed investigation into provide that, but what about my plea? the allegation made by Shri Un- What ;s the use of trying to precipitate mat- nikrishnan and report to the ters? Ho~e by the last day of the first week of the next session." MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER; I shall first put amendment No. 6 moved by Shri Shan- The motion was adopted. taram Naik to the motion to the vote of the House: The question is: 17.25 hrs. "That in the motion,-- STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE: APPROVAL in paragraph 4, _.. OF CONTINUANCE IN FORCE Of PROCLMiATION IN RESPECT OF for "first day of the last week of PUNJAB--Contd the current session." substi/ute "last day of the first [English] week of the next session" MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The House will The thotion was adopted. now take up further discussio,\ on the ~ 459 St. Resl. ~e: MAYS, 1988 Proclamation 460 Approval of above Punjab [Mr. Deputy Speaker) well of, the terrorists are going to their houses. They are going there and de- manding money and these people have to Statutory Resolution moved by Shri Buta give that money or they lose their lives. 'rou Singh on the 2nd May, 1988 in respect of have read in the papers that people have continuance in force of the Proclamation in been 'killed, Complete familities have been Punjab. wiped out ONY because they did not do Shrimati Sukhbuns Kaur. what the terrorists wanted them to do; did not concede to the wishes of the terrorists. SHRIMATI SUKHBUNS KAUR (Curdaspur): Sir, I rise to support the Res- The people there are caught between olution for the extension of President's rule two very difficult situations and 1 would like in Punjab. As all the colleagues are aware, to give an example to the Home Minister. the situation in Punjab is such that none of A terrorist goes to a Sikh family and says "I us.are vel)' happy. What has been hap- want to leave my weapons here". He is pening in Punjab? Punjab has been dis- forced to accept those weapons and the cussed before; suggestions have been terrorist leaves those weapons and goes made; assurances have been given, but in away. Then the man is caught by the police spite of everything, the conditions have not and the police wants to know where those improved, as we wished and hoped they weapons are. He naturally leads the police would have improved. Punjab is not a to the house of the man who was forcibly problem of Punjab any more. It is a na- made to accept those weapons and hide tional problem. As I said, the conditions in thenl. The police takes him away and say Punjab are not what we had hoped they that you harboured the terrorist. So, he is would be. beaten up by the police or whatever his The President's rule was promulgaged fate ;S, the Home Minister knows. The after with the hope that conditions would im- that the terrorist finds him out and he is ei- prove, but still the normal man, the peace ther killed by the terrorist and if he is not loving man is being harassed and the con- he !s taken by the police and kept in jail. I ditions are such that the people are moving do not know what happens to him tater out of the villages into the cities. My con· on. So, the problem is that if he goes to the stituenc.y is Gurdaspur and I think, every- police he is In trouble and if he does not go body reads about this place in the news- to the police he is in trouble. I would like papers daily. It is one of the most affected the Home Minister to take this into con- areas. Everyday you hear of killings in Pun- sideration and also you have noticed and jab and two three people out of them are read about it that a lot of peoplt. who ate from Curdaspur. killed they were the informers of the police. We have requested the Governor and I re- Sir, the Home Minister is here and he quest the H orne Minister again that please has had several meetings with the officers when anybody gives you infonnation, this of Punjab, with the Governor of Punjab and information should not be leaked to the also with the newly appointed Advisor of Press or to anybody else because in this Punjab and I am sure he is aware of things way you are not going to get the coopera- that are happening there. But since I bep tion of the people. I would go on all long to an area which is worst affected, , evening giving examples of what is hap- would like to bring out some of the things pening in Punjab but I am only bringing that are happening in Punjab. May be he is this out so that my colleagues here realise aware of them and may be he is not. and appreciate that a part of their coun- trymen; a part of their brethem are living in It is not only the members of the mi- such conditions in this country and it is the nority community who are being harassed duty of each one of us in our own little way and who have to leave the villages and go to do what we can to help the Government into the cities .but it is also the peace loving and to help the Prime Minister to solve this Sikh who is being harassed. Anybody who problem and bring peace in Punjab. We earns a certain amount of money, who is thank the Prime Minister for all the initia- 461 Motion re: Ref. to VAISAKtiA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Proclamation 462 ,; Approval of above Punjab tives he has taken and I on behalf of the leaders of the opposition start finding some people of Punjab request him that he or the other fault on which the Govern- should do somethin2 to remove any such ment may be criticised. For example, irritants that are bOthering the people of whenever the Punjab Accord is discussed, Punjab; the common man of Punjab. efforts are made by the opposition to take political advantage of it. Before signing the Sir, I am here today appealing to all my Punjab Accord and even later, the opposi- colleagues to realise the conditions in tion leaders were always .invited by the Punjab and to help us. Tomorrow, day after hon. Prime Minister for talks, they were tomorrow or may be the next week you an apprised of the latest developments and in might be standing in two minutes silence consultation with them attempts were for me. But let that fear not deter us in our made for a solution. T oelay the Members of determination to fight terrorism. I would the opposition are not present here, oth- not take much time of the House. I would efWise I wCJllted to tell them that whenever like to convey to the Prime Minister difficult situations arose in Punjab, the op- through the Home Minister that the position parties started indulging in IJwitch Congress in particuJar and the people of hunting".Punjab problem is not a political Punjab in general are solemn(y behind the problem. Various hon. Members men- Prime Minister in whatever steps he takes tioned it as a taw and order problem but to solve the situation in Punjab and seeing the Punjab problem was never treated as the situation and the conditions, since that of Jaw and order by our party. Hon. there is no assembly, there is absolutely no Member Shri Ramoowalia will also agree other option for the Government but to ex- with me on this point but it is unfortunate tend the Governor's rule for another 6 that whenever the question of finding a months and I support this Resolution. solution to the Punjab problem comes to fore, those living outside the Punjab and {Translation I the Members of the opposition start talking about the law and order situation. We have SHRI f-vtANOJ PANDEY (Bettiah): Mr. never seen the Punjab problem from this Deputy Speaker, Sir, I rise to support the angle. Sir, the difficult situations as are Resolution moved by the hon. Home f.v1in- prevalent in Punjab, can never be viewed ister for the extension of President's rule in as law and order problem. It is a national Punjab. As regards the situation in Punjab, problem. That is why every citiZen of India discussions have already taken place in has a concern for the incidents of Punjab side and out-side this House and as the and he does think why all this is taking hon. lady Member has also said just now, place there. As I have already said, all the the situation in Punjab is really very seri- time only Punjab problem occupies our ous. The living conditions of the people in mine and we are aU sad due to this. The Punjab cannot be described in words. I feeling of this sadness is also just, because have sympathy for them. Every day Punjab Punjab is our prestige and honour and its' . incidents make the headlines of the news- per-capita income is the highest in the papers. Even the late might news bulettins country. I have myself been to Punjab and on T.V. have the predominance of Punjab have seen everything with my own eyes. events. All the time, Punjab situation is oc- Words fall short in praise of the Punjab cupying the minds of the 'people of this fanners because their contribution to the country. advancement of this country has been sub- stantial. It is a great thing that 'there is no There are no two opinions regarding caste and creed consideration of Hindu the fact that our hon. Prime Minister has and Sikh among the farmers. A farmer is left no stone untumed to solve the prob- simply a fanner. lem ol Punjab which is being appreciated by all. The sincerity shown by him in im- Sir, the solution to this problem is to be plementing the Punjab Accord is extremely sought through a collective effort. The hon. appreciable. But it is unfortunate that Prime Minister himself has said the same whenever we discuss that Accord, the thing Out it is quite sad that even on the 463 Sf. Resl. re: MAY 5,1988 Proclamation 464 Approval of above Punjab I IShri Manoi Pandey} due to our own weakness. We read in the daily reports that while crossing the border \ five extremists were killed. Sir, what do you Punjab issue, the opposition Members do mean when you say 'that they were killed not want to sit together or to have a con- while crossing the border. Only those five sensus on the issue. It is an ordinary thing people do not cross the border but some that minor errors are made in any Opera- more persons cross the border and the ac- tion, but the opposition has not expressed tual number reported is only of those per- its opinion which may prove that they have sonS who get killed. The use of rocket not shown a sense of responsibility in this launcher is very seri~s thing and every- regard. After aU the Punjab problem is that a I time there is a possibility of such activities. of the entire nation. We all understand J do not think that the number of troops where is the origin of the Punjab probl~m. we have deployed there is, insufficient, but We did not create this problem, foreign there are some drawbacks with them. At powers are also involved in it. Everybody the same time we should also appreciate knows it. But it is regretting when the the conditions in which our forces are ftsne- Members of the opposition say that we tioning on the borders. They all are work- have never talked to them responsibly, ing hard from down to dusk fOf. the nati?n though we have repeatedly said that we and if we sit here and talk against the In- are always ready to solve this problem. terest of these forces, it does not behave us. Sir, you are aware that Pakistan has a hand in the Punjab problem and you also I feel that those forces have been de· know the name of the country. Which is ployed for maintaining the unity and in· supporting Pakistan. It is not an easy job to tegrity of*the country but the way we talk solve such a grave probJem instantly or about them is not just, though there are within minutes. Every body knows that the certain drawbacks in their working which Punjab is the epitome of ~r countrr's need to be brought to the fore, and I do honour. Whatever we can say In apprecia- not maintain that everyone in the force is tion . of the Punjab farmers and our Sikh doing very well, yet we must appreciate brothers, still falls short. They have done a them for the conditions in which they are lot for our country. Besides this I maintain working. On one hand you talk of the AK47 that if there are 2-3 brothers in a family, rifles and on the other, you are also aware each one of them may have a different as- of the anns provided to the B.S. F. and the piration. This country to~ ~ like. a !amily sort of the training they are given. Sugges- and our hon. Prime MinISter IS like a tions for improvement are now being made guardian of this family. May be one brother and some improvement has also been in the family has a feeling, which may be done in it. I would like to mention that perhaps right, but if he stands apart and both the sides are equally responsible and 5a)'S that he would like to live in a sepa~te in order to solve this, various steps have houses, the famity would never grve Its been -taken. Our Hon. Prime Minis~er h~ pennission. for such things. It will not be repeatedly said that we want to have ~ks accountable for this. If that person wants with the opposition and find out a solutIon to quit the family, then 'ndia as a family will to the Punjab problem on the basis of gen- never pardon him for that eral consensus. But it is regrettable that our Sir, everyone knows as to wh~ is fi- opposition members behave ;n such an ir- nancins these extremeists. Boys, minor as responsible manner. MoreoverJ they start well as adults go and get training there. criticising and say that we did not say this Even today about 1 ()"'12 thousand boys are or that. All this is very painful. being imparted training there. Even today, training in A.I<. 47 chinese assault rifles and The most important thing is that we are rocket launchers is being imparted to them to find out a solution to the Punjab prob- across the border. But one thing is beyond lem and it is the duty not only of our Hon. my comprehension viz. how does this infil- Prime Minister" but of all the people. Re- tration take place on our borders? Sir, it is garding ~he reports of killings in Punjab 465 MotIon ret Ref. to VAiSAICHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) Proclamation ~ofJ above PunJ- that this morning 16 persons were killed, boycott the sikhs. There exist (suc:h eJe- yesterday 17 were Idfted, day before yes:.. ments in the $Oclety who creates such terday 20 persons were killed I would like feelings in the country. They also know the to say that, such a possibility is always ConsequeACeS they could have faced for there when some fre~ed people•.. # that in some ~er country. It is our hard luck tJlat some people are taking undue SHRI RAMASHRAY P~ SINGH: .advantage of the negative values of our Give your suggestions. democracy, which should be avoided.. Had .they been the citizens of sOfne other court- SHRI MANOJ PANDEY: That is what I tryr they would have faced the results of am doing only. It is you people who talk of their misdeeds, yet, the fad remains that other thing. What I mean to say is, that we there are so~ good people also among people, including the MembelS of the Op- them. But when they loose their sense of position organised a number of meetings. reasoning, they find no difference between Our Congress MemberS also attended good and evil" The democratic proces initi- these meetings at Certain places and the ated by you, should be .restarted and the opposition also participated in them at cer- president rule in Punjab should be further tain other places. This had a good impres- extended. sion, but even in this matter, the misfor- tune was, that some parties did not coop- . SHRI BAlWANT SINGH RM400WAUA erate. The Hon. Prime Minister is being (Sangrur): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I was blamed for t~is too, but how long will this just listening to my dear friend Shri Manoj continue? It is not apt to blame Shri Rajiv Pandey. We have had discussions on Pun- Gandhi for everything. . jab many a time for hours together in thiS House, but till today, nobody knows about When they say here in this House that the stand of the Govemment of India on the problem of Punjab is the problem of Punjabl Has the Government laid down the country then why should they try to any policy to sort out the Punjab problem find fault with and criticise Rajiv Gahdhi on till now? Nobody knows about it so far. On all matters? The Opposition will have to 2nd December; 1987, Hon. Minister of think over this afresh. In my view, efforts Home Affairs, Shri Buta Sin&h had himself~ for bri"ging about a general consensus said in this House that terrorism has been among all the parties should be accelerated increasing very fast. He had also stated that &0 that the misguided youth may be the main reason of this increase in terror- brought back in the mainstream. There tan isms is a the existence of Pakistan behind it. be no two views regardins the fact, as Shri Mention of Pakistan In this context is not a RamoowaIia also agreed to it that. When- new thing; Abli Covemment had also em- ever all the parties held a joint meeting, it phaticaHy stressed the need of initiating certainly had an impact on the terrorists. discussion with Pakistan on the diplomatic level. You had dismissed ~ BamaJa GoYa- ernment on the plea that 87 people had In my view the priMe need of the pre- been killed. However, I want to tell you sent democratic process is to start our that after 31st Dec. 1987, 1216 persons collective collective eBorts afresh. We have been killed there. When 8amaIa Gov- shovld visit the villages and make the ernment was disnaissed, I had advised the villasers familiar with our feelinp for them Covernment not to mention the numl)er of because we think alike reprding the killings as the ground of dismissal.. ~ of this country. We must apprise the people of the plans beins fonnulated Four reports have been submitted by for this welfare and of the feelings we the hon. GdVemor"Of Punjab. Each one has cherish for them. a different recommendation. In the fitst .. port, dismissal.of the Bamala Government It is quite unfortunate that one of our has been recommended. In two other re- opposition friends from Maharalhtra has ports, President NIe had been feCOII\- acne to the ~ent of sa)'ina that we win mended for Punja~ while the b.wth one 467 St. ResI. Ie: ~Y~1988 ~amaUon 468 ~vaJof above Punjab [Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia] some of. them have a nexus with smug- glers. contains the recommendation for the ex- tension of President rule by another 6 1 want to say one thing more. Even in months. J stress that the hon. Governor is the report presented by the Governor it misguiding" the hon. Prime Minister and 'has' been mentioned that Pakistan has a these reports are absolutely bogus. This hand in the Punjab problem, as had been report also mentions that M.LA.s used to stated earlier. by Shri Suta Singh also on interfere in the administration. Till today no 2nd December, 1987. I have also said ea'r· case has been filed against any M.LA. for lier that Pakistan has a hand. his interferepce in the police administration and no warrant has been issued against We have .repeatedly asked for certain them in this connection. I have the courage things viz people responsible for ~ts in to say that all the four reports are quite Delhi should be punished. SomebodS' has bogus. obtained stay on the report of Jain-"8aner- jee Committee. Since then 5 months have passed. Please tell me, whether Delhi Ad- Besides this, the number of innocent ministration has submitted any application, killings has been increasing constantly. Not or any effort has been made by them to get only t~is, but five Congress members from this stay vacated. Such things give rise to Punjab, well known to Mr. Ohillion, have distrust. This stay has been granted know- also said something, which is well known ingly. These feelings are gaining ground in to you also. dur hon. Home Minister is the minds of the people that discussions leaving. I wanted to tell him something are held in the Parliament but Government very necessary. I request him to remain in of India does not take any political step. I his seat for a minute. These five Congress- want to ask the Minister of State in the men have stated that communication gap is Ministry of Home Affairs Shri Chintamani increasing in Punjab. I demand the dis- Pan igrah i about the political steps they missal of the present Covernors of Punjab have taken to solve the Punjab problem who is quite unrealistic and speaks irrele- sirtce 11 th May, 1987 when President rule vant all the time every where. He should was imposed in the State. I would like to be replaced by somebody else who is intel- know Whether any all party meeting has ligent, sensible and Hindi speaking and been held? Shri Manoj Pandey has said a may not. misguide the parliament, the very good thing just now. I support it. We Prime Minister and the Government of this should take it very seriously. The Governor country. It is my immediate demand. With- of Punjab, the present administration in- out the dismissal of thetGovemor. The pre- Punjab has cut off itself from the people. sent Covernor, it won't do. Shri Siddharth sardar Curudayal Singh Dhillon is sitting Shanker Rai considers himself next to' the here. Sardarji, we had gone to Khattar Prime Minister. I mention the names of Kalan 6n 23rd March, 1987, you had C:llso those five Congressmen-vice-president gone there. Shri Vasant Sathe, the Chief Sardar . Dilbagh Siflgh, General Secretary Minister of Bihar Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad, Chodhary Kewal Krishan and three other Surjeetji and Bamalaji all had gone there. leaders of the Congress Party-who have Two lakh people had assembled there. said in a Press Conference at Jalandhar yes- 'India today' published their report stating . terday that the Governor has failed. What is therein that on 23rd March, 1987 two lakh the position in regard to the corruption in people assembled at the birth place of Sar.. ·the State? As regards the corruption in the dar Bhagat Singh. But today only 750 peo- police stations jn Punjab at present, it has ple have assembled at the same place and reached such a level that the present earn- at the memorial of the same martyr. It ing of an S.H .. O. is upto Rs. 50,000 per proves that you have cut off yourselves month and that of the S.S. P.. reaches upto from the people. This time Governor had the mark of Rs. 5 Iakh in certain districts of gone there whereas eariier, we all had the State. Conupt people can never fight gone there, This time the Govemor Ray apinst the terrorists effectively because addressed the meeting, he has completely 469 Motion re: Ref. to VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAKA) Proclamation 470 Approval of above Punjab cut off from the people. He is a 'mourning' tOday. There are 12,861 villages in Punjab Covernor who goes only to express his re- and it is the blessing of the Wahe Guru that grets at some body's death. He has no there has not beeh any Hindu-Sikh riot other work. Some misunderstanding is be- anywhere in Punjab. They never quarelled ing created that we' are with you. We have with each other. Its credit goes neither to po objection, flo complaint about it. You the Congress party nor to the Akalis. It smashed our stable Government like a goes to Curu Covind Singh of India or to glass tumbler. It was unconstitutional and the lord Krishna and to the 500-700 or wrong but we have no bitterness in our thousand years old traditions of this coun- minds. I say that we are being wrongly in· try. We fear that we may not be accused of formed. Just now, it has been said that participation in the breaking of friendship some launchers, some bullets have been which has been lasting for the last 500 brought in from Kabul and Afganistan years. We should take some steps in this through Indian Air lines. Why such news direction like calling the all party meetings are being published in the Press? If Dhiren and obtaining the general consensus. The Bhagat is saying something wrong, he Prime Minister himself should spare some should be prosecuted. Why is he publish- time for it, even if the discussions are to be ing such news? But he states in his paper held for one week. Suggestions to solve the that there exists a freight delivery register, Punjab problem should be invited from a~1 In which it has been mentioned that some sections of the society and-these should be goods dispatched from Kabul were re- honestly implemented. ceived at the second cargo comp'ex of the Indira Gandhi International Air port. As per With these words, t oppose this resolu- the register's entry, Air-way Bill No. 058- tion, which has been brought here for ex- 3035-4273 has been quoted therpin. 22 tension of the President rule in Punjab. crates of rocket launchers have been men- tioned to have been received in the name [English] of D. C. Communication. I want to ask only this much whether it is true 7 If it is not MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER : The House true, accept it here. So I say that we should stands adjourned to meet at 11 AM. to- check this thing also. morrow.

18.01 hrs. 18.00 hrs. The Lok Sabha then adjourned till Eleven In the end, t want to say that we have of the Oock on Friday, May 6, 1988 to strengthen our unity. This IS a matter of Vaisakha 16, 1910 (Saka) great pleasure that there is unity in Punjab

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