.......,_ XXXIX No• .,. .......... ...,'5,- V....... 1I, 1110 (Saka) LOK SABRA DEBATES (English Version) Tenth Se.ion (Eighth Lok Sabha) (VoL XXXIX contains Nos. 41 to 53) LOIt SABRA SECRETARIAT HI"DELIO I'r'i« : lis. 6.00 (()rIfInaI English proceedtngI included In EngIiIh Version and OrIgInal Hndf proceedIngIlncIuded In .HlndI YeI8IonI will be tr..... _ auIhorIt8tIve ... not the tr8nIIatJon."'reof.] CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Volume XXXl)(, Tenth Session, 1988/1909-10 (Saka) ] No. 47, Thursday, May 5, 1988/Vaisakha 15, 1910 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 961, 967 970, 971 and 973 to 977 ... 1--29 Notice No.2 Short Questions ... 29--32 Written Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 959, 960, 962 to 966, 968, 969, 972 and 978 ... 33-60 Unstarred Questions Nos. 9667 to 9813 and 9815 to 9897 ... 61--333 Papers Laid on the Table ... 336-337 Committee of Privileges-- First Report--/aid ... 338 Joint Committee on the Bill to Consolidate and Amend the law relating to Railways-- Extension of Time for Presentation of Report-- ... 338 Matters Under Rule 377-- ... 339--346 (i) Opening of an LPG Agency at Una (Himachal Pradesh) Prof. Narain Chand Parashar ... 339 The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (0, (ii) COLUMNS (ii) Need to take steps to check air pollution in cities Shri Madin Pandey ... 3]9 (iii) Need to take steps for the protection of consumer rights Shri Shanti Dhariwal ... 340 (iv) Need to allocate funds to the Government of Bihar for anti-erosion and flood protection project for Bhojpur district of Bihar Prof. K K Tewary ... 341 (v) Need to extend the railway line from Berhanpur to Dasapala Shn Somnath Rath ... 342 (vi) Need to take steps to overcome power crisis In Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala Shri E. Awapu Reddy .0.343 (vii) Need to take over all the textile mills in the country Dr. Datta Samant ... 344 (viii) Need to take steps for the development of Mathura and Vrindavan Shri Manvender Singh ... 344 Discussion Under Rule 193-- Report of the Joint Committee to Enquire into ... 346--421 Bofors Contract Shri Haroobhai Mehta ... 346 Dr. Datta Samant ... 355 Shri Eduardo Faleiro ... 361 Shri K.C. Pant ... 363 Motion under rule 184 for reference to Committee of Privileges for making detailed investigations into allegations by Shri K.P. Unnikrishnan, MP-- ... 421--458 SI}ri Shantaram Naik ... 441 (HI' COLUMNS Prof. K. K. Tewary ... 449 Shri Haroobhai Mehta ... 451 I'Prof. P.J. Kurien ... 452 Shri C.M. Banatwalla ... 454 Statutory Resolutions Re: approval of continuance in force of proclamation in respect of Punjab-- ... 458--470 Shrimati Sukhbuns Kaur ... 459 Shri Manoj Pandey ... 461 Shri Balwant Singh Ramoowalia ... 466 LOK SABRA DEBATES 1 SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: LOKSABHA Will the Ministpr of RAilWAYS be Thursday, May 5, 1988/Vaisakha 15/ pleased to state: 15, 1910 (Saka) (a) the target set for the construction of The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of new railway lines in each railway zone the Oock during the Seventh Five Year Plan along- with the gauge-wise break-up; and [MR. SPEAKER In the Chair] .. (b) the progress nlade so far in this re- II' ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS gard? [EnglIsh] [Translation] Construction of new railway lines during THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE lv11N- Seventh Plan ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI i\1AHABIR .... PRASAD): (a) and (b) A stateln~nt IS given * 961. SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA: below. STATEMENT Lengths of new (ai/lmes already commissioned from 1985-86 to 1987-88 and planned to be commissioned in 7988-89 are as under: length of new hne length of rail hne already commissioned planned for COnllTIISSlomng Zone in 1985-86 to 87-88 111 1988-89 (Ill Kllonletre) (in kilometre) B.G. M.G. "B.G. M.G. 1 2 3 5 Central 15 Northern 6 2 Northeast FrQntter 52 14 Southern 57 73 South Central 71 3 Oral Answers May 5.1988 Oral Answers 4 1 2 3 4 5 South Eastern 53 Western 107 166 Total 202 159 241 14 The commissioning ot new lines in the final year of the Plan, i.e. 1989-90, will depend on the resources that will be allocated by the Planning Commission in the Railways' Annual Plan. /Translation! Chota Udaipur region ~nd I have made re- peated requests to the department to ex- SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA: Mr. tend this line from Chota Udaipur to Raipur Speaker, Sir, the scheme fonnulated for fur- ;n Madhya Pradesh but in vain. May I know ther extension of the broad gauge and nle- by what time the work to extend this nar- tre gauge lines by 1987-~8 and 1988-89 in row gauge line, which falls between the the Seventh Five Year Plan is quite proper. two junctions and to run the train with a But, I would like to know from the Hon. diesel engine is likely to be completed. Minister whether there is any plan for fur- ther extension of. broad gauge, metre gauge SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: There is and narrow gauge lines in Gujarat and if so, no proposal to extend it at present. The the time by which the work is likely to be question regarding providing a diesel en- completed? gine does not fall under the purvie\v of this Question. I English1 SHRI KEYUR BHUSHAN: Dulli, Rajhara and Bailadila are related to steel plants. It is THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- very essential to connect these places with tSTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MADHAVRAO railway lines as soon as possible. May I SCINDjA): Sir, the lin"es that we are work- " know about the Plans formulated by the ing and attelnpting ~o try and complete Ministry in this regard? within the . Seventh Plan are Kota-Chittaurgarh, Karur -Dindigal, Bal i- SHRI MADHAVRAO SC1NDIA: The rail- para-Gamani and Bhatinda Byepass Phase ""ay line is the under consideration of the n. We are aJso trying to cornplete with the Planning commission, the Steel Authority of Seventh Plan further extension of these I ndia and the Ministry of Railways. lines Bhadarwas-Kolaras, Rai Mehtapur- [English} Una, Dhar~anagar-Kumarghat, Gamani- SHRI A. J. V. B.' ~.1AHESWARJ\ RAO: I Bhalukpong, Silchar-Jiribam, Jamira- want to know from the hon. Minister Bharabi, Emakulam-Alleppey. And also whether there is any proposal to reconnect Cuna-Badarwas, Tafcher-Angul, Chittaur- railway line between Kakinada and Koti- garh-Neemuch lines. palli in Andhra Pradesh to link with Amala- puranl area? I do not think any of these lines come SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: There within the State of Cujarat. does not see.n to be any such proposal. [Translation J SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: There are a nU}llber of ongOing projects, and even SHRI AN\ARSINH RATHA\tVA: Sir, J some projects which have been sanctioned wanted to know about GUJarat but he has long back in the year 1971-72 for which not said an}'1hing about that. There is"a first construction has started long back, which number narrow gauge lane in Indi'a lil are yet to be completed. May I know fronl 5 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 15, 1910 (SAIV\) Oral Answers 6 the hon. Minister whether there is any ular question does not come within the proposal to complete those ongoin&- pro- purview of this question. I will require a jects before taking up new projects. If so, separate question for this. bywhell? Religious education in private schools SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Sir, the run by minorities work is continuing on ongoing project5. As the hon. Member knows well, there is the * 967. SHRI BRAjAMOHAN MOHANlY: constraint of resources that we are facing. Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE Amongst our priorities so far have been re- DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: habilitation and modernisation system. However, it is my opinion that the time has (a) whether Union Government are now come when we should bring the ex- aware that in certain private schools run by pansion of the system and also it should be different communities religious education is given due consideration because rehabilita- being imparted and through such religious tion and modernisation steps have already education communal poison is being been initiated and they are going ahead at spread; a fairly good pace. And the situation is such that we are extracting everY l(bt drop out of (b) whether such schools are receiving the system. Government grants; and . I think, the time has come when more (c) whether any steps are being taken to attention should be given to the expansion counteract such trends? of the system, specially In certain prionty areas or in project linked lines and that is THE MIN1STER OF STATE IN THE DE- going to be our recommendation to the PARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND CUL- Planning Commission. However, we are TURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN facing a constraint of resources and the on- RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SHRI LP. going projects are pro.cessed according to SHAH I): (a) to (c). A statement is given the priority and keeping in view the funds below. that are available. No distinct policy deci- sion can be taken that no new projects will STATEMENT be sanctioned, until the on-going projects are completed. This sort of policy decision The scope 'of the question is very wide. we will be unable to take. It would cover information about teaching matters and financiat assistance relating to a variety of schools and school systems SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: May I know spread all over the country. Thus it is not from the hon.
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