Fairfax Station ❖ Clifton ❖ Lorton Parade Healthplex Inches Along Ready News, Page 3 News, Page 2 Classified, Page 17 Classified, ❖ Mason Hencken, ‘Captain Calendar, Page 11 America’ is ❖ ready to ride in the parade. Sports, Page 12 Tea Party Throws Party News, Page 4 Requested in home 7-9-10 home in Requested Time sensitive material. sensitive Time Attention Postmaster: Attention PERMIT #322 PERMIT Easton, MD Easton, PAID U.S. Postage U.S. PRSRT STD PRSRT Photo by Deb Cobb/The Connection Photo online at www.connectionnewspapers.com www.ConnectionNewspapers.comJuly 8-14, 2010 ❖ Volume XXIV, Number 27 Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ July 8-14, 2010 ❖ 1 Lorton/Fairfax Station/Clifton Connection Editor Michael O’Connell News 703-778-9416 or
[email protected] /The Connection Deb Cobb Photos by Photos From left: Jenny Della Santina, Sydney Bryant, Lily Howell, William Bryant and Brylan Noonan dressed up and decorated their bikes (and scooter) for the parade. Smalltown Fourth Carter Wyant’s shirt says it all: Clifton: A way of life. Town of Clifton honors holiday with parade, patriotic ceremony. ecorated wagons, scooters, bicycles, motorcycles, cars, campaign signs, floats — and even a home Dmade M1 Abrams tank made their way through the streets during the Annual Town of Clifton Independence Day Parade on Sunday. After the parade, town members gathered to sing the na- tional anthem, say the Pledge of Allegiance and hear some words from several of their elected officials. Then, everyone headed over to the children’s park for a pot-luck-picnic, mu- sic and fun and games.