115 That Millburn Needed a Mu Awarded Him by the Company Ing with Other Women to Pro Entrants
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Founded 1888 ...Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN, NJ. Etn ses 34 per cent of the world's MILLBURN firemen, assisted Ryan Lauds railroads, 70 per cent of the by a heavy shower extinguished automobiles and 45 per cent of Register Now a stubborn blaze in a truck load Greene First all the radio sets in existence. of paper on Morris turnpike Industry "As I see it,” Mr. Ryan said, For Eternity near Hobart avenue Monday Candidate “the important thing about all afternoon. The blaze of unde Frederick B. Ryan of High this is not only that we have Commissioner of Registration, termined origin was confined Robert Mulcahy Jr., Thursday land avenue, president of these immense resources, but Anthony P..Mlele, today an to the load. The truck .was be announced he would not seek Ruthrauff and Ryan, one of the _that we have been able to de nounced that all persons resid ing driven by David B. Wood country’s largest advertising velop them, to harness them, ing in Essex County desirous ruff and owned by Louis F. nomination for the Township agencies, in a recent interview and put them to work. They of registering permanently or Goldere, both of Morristown. Committee. He said, "I was re commended the nation’s busi show how we have conquered transferring their voting ad elected to the Board of Educa •». ★ ness men and industries for difficulties in the past, and I dress, must do so not later tion last February and I have their strides in defense produc thing they are the best evi than August 7, 1941, in order to a job to do there. I appreciate tion. dence of the way we shall be be eligible to vote on Primary Nez; Building the encouragement of friends “The manner in which busi able to conquer difficulties in Day, September 16, 1941. and offers of support and will ness men are co-operating in the future.” Mr. Miele directed special at Nears Million the nation’s drive to make its ★ tention to the fact that as of try to merit these in my school defenses strong is ‘most inspir January 1, 1941, Millburn was New building in the Town board’activities.” ing,’ ” he said. Mr. Ryan, who placed under permanent regis ship is rapidly approaching the for thirty years has been ac Boys Play For tration and that many of the million dollar mark for 1941 The first hat goes into the tively concerned with some of residents have failed to regis with June’s total of $186,598 1941 Towiuhip committeq race America’s biggest enterprises, The First Lady ter permanently and such resi bringing the grand total of the this week as Wm. Sherman expressed confidence in the dent will not be permitted to year to date to $868,183. June’s Greene Jr. announces his can ability and its industrialists to A group of Millburn boys, all vote until they have registered figures were composed of build didacy. Others are expected to carry through in the present members of the Millburn High permanently. He also pointed ing permits for twenty-three follow now that the ice is brok crisis. School band, who are currently out that a number of persons new dwellings and nine altera en with the probability no less “We have laid down a course playing as a dance orchestra at who voted in the 1940 primary tions. * than four names will be on the September primary ballot for opposed to the totalitarian way Point Inn, Norris State Park, or general election failed to Last year’s total figures for voter selection. of life. Moreover," he added, “we Staatsburgh, New York this take advantage of the oppor the first six months were $541,- Civic association representa have taken up arms, to all in summer received a great thrill tunity given them to register 4f8. tents and purposes to support July 3, when Mrs. Franklin D. permanently at these elections tives met this week and they ★ that belief. Roosevelt requested Eugene Mr. Miele suggests that all it is said are making slow head “Our big manufacturers are Consales, one of the group, to persons who have any doubt as way in picking a ticket as sec tional demands impose barriers not only building ships, tanks, play a solo for her. to their voting status, should ITEM of Nineties not yet possible to hurdle. As planes and other war supplies Mrs. Roosevelt whose home immediately make inquiry for the government, but they either at the Hall of Records For "Pure" Reading one delegate said, "I'm open at Hyde Park is only a few minded. I’ll support any can are throwing into this effort, miles from the inn was a din in Newark, or at the office of without stint, the time and the their local municipal clerk. didate so long as he’s a neigh ner guest at the time and .Con- "It is stated that the effec bor.” abilities of some of the most He adds that since all of sales, well known Millburn ac tive way to disinfect books is Kimball Prince this week ad important and able business Essex County is now under per cordionist, at her request played to open them and treat them vises The Item he is not a can leaders that the United States manent registration, persons “Tea for Two.” for several hours to an appli didate for the Town Commit lias ever produced. permanently registered ^ could Other boys in the orchestra cation of “dry steam” at a tem tee. It is stated Short Hills As Advertising men,” Mr. Ryan transfer to any new address are Noel Stevens, Art Fracken- perature of 100 degrees centi sociation has taken no action continued, “feel the same way. anywhere in Essex County, pro pohl, Jim Pickering Roy Levett grade. But books that have been on possible candidates as yet, There isn’t one of us who won’t and Bob Gahagan. The boys viding .-sucih transfer was made in actual contact with an in give all of his time to any job beyond sending representatives who are under contract with either by mailing a card or let valid should be destroyed at he might be called upon to do,. to sit with thfise from other the inn play for dancing night ter with the signature of the once.” So says an article on This country,” he maintained, civic bodies'seeking to pick a ly and Consales entertains on voter or "calling personally at “Infection in Books” in the “is far stronger than the man slate for the fall primary. his accordion during the cock the office of the Commissioner Short Hills News Item dated In the street will ever know. The name of J. A. DeCamp of tail hour as soloist. of Registration or their local August 1889, and found among Frankly, we don’t know our own West road is said to be under municipal clerk. the local history records of the discussion among Short Hills strength. The combination of ______ *_______ it____ ’ Millburn Elbrary. Apparently residents who get together in -great industrial leadership, hard ★ _ medical journals were only then cool spots to talk politics and work and unequalled natural Drake Bank Director realizing the possibility of defense. For home defense these resources has brought us a JEcdnesday Night transmitting disease through feel Mr. DeCamp a qualified standard of living beyond any The National State Bank, books. leader. thing experienced the world Newark, has elected Albert The present method at the over. Baseball For Blues Mr. Greene, residing at Cross Drake, of Lake road, Short Hills, Library is to expose books to "As a result, our people are Gates Short Hills, for the last director. Mr. Drake widely The Millburn Blues earned a the sun for forty-eight hours, stronger, healthier than the four years, was born in East known business man is “presi close 5-4 decision over an Irv or, in the case of Scarlet Fever, world’s average, and possessed Orange in 1901, and has al dent of Lehigh Warehouse & ington Recreation League team the borrower is asked to destroy ways lived in Essex County. Ad- ol reserves, both physical and T r a n s p o r t a tion of Newark, the book. moral, which are going to be* at Taylor Park Wednesday., eve mitt«L to the New York Bar president of Lackawanna Ware ning in one of its regular mid The article fiontinues: "As to of vital importance to the world after graduation from Colum- house, Jersey City, and trustee week twilight contests arranged the immoral infection spread in the difficult days to come.” BTa Callage in 1922 and Colum of Franklin Savings Institution by the Millburn Baseball Club 4)y.r -8Muir AOWls-. Of. the day, Further elaborating upon the bia Law School in 1924, he has of Newark. instead of practice sessions. which are enjoying a wide cir since practiced faw in New York ■t length of America, Mr. Ryan culation, ho one win dewy that referred to a recent film put Games for the remainder of City, being a partner-of-Messrs. the season have been sched such books need a perpetual Hervey, Barber & McKee, at 34 out by Dodge Brothers called DIVISION winners in the Re- - steaming.” ~ "Land of the Free.” This film creation Depaftment pie eat uled and will be .played every Nassau street. He is a member - prepared- for dealers, pointed- ing contest held Saturday after Wednesday night at Taylor IIZIIZIIH _;_................. t of the Bar Association of the out.