
Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 | The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. | https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 | This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. E1 ocdeprtr ouei s 1 in volume expiratory forced FEV1: Endothelin-1 ET-1: cells Endothelial ECs: mellitus Diabetes DM: protein C-reactive CRP: disease pulmonary obstructive Chronic COPD: mono-phosphate guanosine Cyclic cGMP: triphosphate adenosine Cellular c-ATP: monophosphate adenosine Cyclic cAMP: II Angiotensin II: Ang dermatitis Atopic AD: 2 enzyme Angiotensin-converting ACE2: enzyme Angiotensin-converting ACE: cyclase Adenylate AC: preventive in-vivo Abbreviations its evaluate to and strategy in this importance confirm great COVID-19. to of ailments; against required be inflammatory efficacy may are airway therapeutic which studies several roflumilast, and clinical of via mitigate further properties action However, to therapeutic a anti-inflammatory COVID-19. NEP-based reported Being its curing proposed previously potentiates the approaches was discusses Roflumilast. probably NEP deeply therapeutic was that review activating effective level, this effects Because the cAMP adverse activity. more enhancing of less by NEP One be with acts increasing to diseases roflumilast COVID-19. agent PDE4i, lung of selective therapeutic inflammatory component highly any neutrophils-associated neutrophilic COVID-19-associated for reduce the for proposed to Thus, mediator block many key investigated greatly the of complications. should be Despite fibrotic to it appear and appropriate, worldwide. Neutrophils thromboembolic yet. disease approved immunopathologic, respiratory been inflammatory has inflammatory serious effective most no therapies, the represents COVID-19 Nowadays, Abstract 2020 2, July 2 1 Tabaa COVID-19 El Manar treating in Roflumilast of role (NEP)-dependent pharmacotherapeutic Neprilysin into insights putative New at University Tanta City Sadat of University 1 n aa lTabaa El Maram and 2 1 Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 | The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. | https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 | This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. ettos uha og,trdes uceahs edce oetra ihsmtmsfvradchills and fever sometimes with throat sore pre- headache, respiratory aches, symptomatic typical muscle show tiredness, usually cough, patients COVID-19 as diseases, such airway sentations, severe of one Being 5.28 have COVID-19 than cases more of million and 10.3 manifestations until deaths than Clinical 507,000 more China 2.1 than 2020, 2020). Wuhan, more June (CSSE, in in 30 recovered resulting 2019 respiratory of have territories, of As acute people and end severe million countries 2020). 188 al., the called across et virus at reported (Huang novel recognized been pandemic a first ongoing by an was now caused It being disease (SARS-CoV-2). respiratory coronavirus-2 fatal syndrome contagious a is COVID-19 the challenges review COVID-19 to 2. aim we cascades. COVID-19-associated Thus, fibrotic Tabaa, block El can and significance. al., and roflumilast Tabaa coagulopathy prominent et which (El inflammatory, by therapy a (Graf (Rabe, COVID-19 mechanisms have (NEP) for pharmacological cAMP target may NEP-dependent Neprilysin potential of proposed activity activating new level a by NEP be 2020b). the effect to roflumilast-enhanced supposed anti-inflammatory al., enhancing 2020), lately its via is et NEP the prolong inflammation (Li As exhibits may airway roflumilast 1995). turn therapy. blunting PDE4i, in effective Among and which most 2020). for targeting 2011), al., the (PDE4i) for et inhibitor evok deaths. potency (Bridgewood -4 of to beneficial highest anti-inflammatory number need be the huge may urgent using a COVID-19 an that in modulating hypothesizes results is study that there illness a Recently, spread, infectious global its a restricting is For (COVID-19) 2019 disease Coronavirus Introduction 1. protease like chymotrypsin 3 3CLpro: Organization Health World transcription-3 WHO: of activator and transducer Signal STAT-3: 3-kinase phosphoinositide kinases family Src 2 SFK–PI3K: coronavirus syndrome respiratory acute Severe SARS-CoV-2: Roflumilast-N-oxide RNO: arthritis Rheumatic RA: Coagulopathy Intravascular Pulmonary PIC: inhibitor Phosphodiesterase-4 PDE4i, factor activating Patelet PAF: traps extracellular Neutrophils NETs: Neprilysin endopeptidase, Neutral NEP: kinase Janus JAK: Interleukin-6 IL-6: diseases bowel Inflammatory IBD: Hydroxychloroquine HCQ: peptide-1 like Glucagon GLP-1: tract Gastrointestinal GIT: L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine N-formyl-L-methionyl- fMLP: 2 Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 | The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. | https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 | This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. C- a on ob ihyepesdi lelradbocilmmrns ntp Ipemctsand pneumocytes utilizing II of type in evidence membranes, the bronchial and from alveolar ensured in expressed is highly SARS- which be for finding to way entry, viral found main The for was the receptors body. ACE-2 as as enzyme human considered (ACE-2) 2 is the enzyme angiotensin-converting pneumocytes within penetrating replication that showed commonly CoV-2 studies more (3CL several protease 2005). are like present, (Ziebuhr, chymotrypsin which At 3 helicase enzymes, (RdRp), and be polymerase proteolytic protease should RNA of conti- like dependent polyproteins variety papain RNA it replication, as protease), a viral such so For by viruses membranes, survival. RNA proteins its to cytoplasmic known functional ensuring the into for outside cells hydrolyzed living replicated firstly penetrate be to by cannot seeks induced nuously genome the pathogenicity there coronavirus recognizing disease world, at the the Obviously, aim the which will around through that explained. burden mechanisms researches be clear global pathophysiological can the precious major SARS-CoV-2 and the a markers perform become biological to nowadays involved necessity has a of COVID-19 been risk of has high prevalence a the show Since not did COVID-19 problems, of medical 2020). Pathophysiology underlying overweight al., 3. with for et those risk (Lyu 2020). COVID-19 even increased al., from children, an developing et illness all also of severe Zyl-Smit hand, is van potential other there 2020; Tahapary, the the well, and On with As (Tamara 2020a). COVID-19 smokers 2020). al., cigarettes to Levy, heavy et and susceptible and and (Liu lung (Vishnevetsky more people complications heart, infection be fetal chronic COVID-19 old) to and diabetes, years to maternal appear 18 pressure, succumbed (over women to blood adults pregnant vulnerable high Moreover, Similarly, more as one. either are such non-functioning response diseases having conditions immune or kidney medical weakened spleen organ have chronic an a who underlying undergoing losing those disease, with transplant, autoimmune and an cell without old for recover stem years medication or will or 70 radiation infection to them chemotherapy, COVID-19 administering 60 of contracting to over for most due risk usually where high people, with people, People older illness. of include sever develop groups will different others infect but hospitalization, can COVID-19 documented, abnormalities As ocular COVID-19 COVID-19 Lately, of in 2020). groups reported al., High-risk additionally 2.2 et are risk 2020). Yang increased secretions al., 2020; an et increased complications (Wu as al., and COVID-19-related patients well chemosis, et infected common as hyperemia, (Cox (AKI) some conjunctival infections injury well, as kidney bacterial such As acute fatal 2020). enzymes, developing al., liver elevated of et involving altered (Mao detected ataxia, seizures been dizziness, including have even symptoms or neurological some state exhibit mental also may et COVID-19 in- with (Driggin cardiovascular cases state Other for with hypercoagulable risk associate COVID-19-induced increased of with may failure 2020). because patients heart al., embolus COVID-19 and pulmonary arrhythmias ill as cardiac olfactory critically thromboembolism myocarditis, injury, or that myocardial taste including report to sults studies addition Song 2020; in clinical al., (Lu¨ers as infection, Early et SARS-CoV-2 such COVID-19 with of manifestations infected people sign 2020). non-respiratory young initial al., unusual in et identified an other especially be display are to which may disorders recognized people is some disease which carrier of that diarrhea risk asymptomatic declare the are thereby reports oxygen there increasing Case contrary, symptoms; for mild the 2020). need very al., On emergency only et even the (Lai or 2020). increasing symptoms profound transmission al., no as pain, et experience such chest (Yang who symptoms, persistent states, worsened ventilation other with mechanical from combined and suffer breath therapy may patients of some shortness cohort, acute such In 2020). (Singhal, 3 iue1 Figure Zage l,2020a). al., et (Zhang Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. -ie D)lvl,wihi eotdt eascae ihtesvrt fCVD1 neto n may and infection COVID-19 of severity elevated in the reflected with plasminogen deposits associated of fibrin be increase these to compensatory down a reported break in is to result which fails clots levels, it These (DD) pulmonary progression, 2020). developing D-dimer al., disease for risk in et with the clot) Klok but, increases (fibrin 2020; (fibrinolysin) that thrombus al., thrombosis blood vein et deep of (Cui to formation embolism addition the in demonstrate vessels, victims pulmonary COVID-19 their McGonagle of 2017; vasculopathy studies Poll, anatomical specific der Most pulmonary van a and Levi in 2020). 2003; resulting al., (Aird, activate aggregation; et (PIC) could and IL-6 Coagulopathy Intravascular or adhesion itself Pulmonary their SARS-CoV-2 termed stimulate by responses either and endothelial function platelets cells in (ECs) endothelial the impairment the cells disrupting to endothelial consequence, leading a of produc- As state NO function stress decrease normal oxidative 2010). could dysfunction an al., the turn in et of endothelial interrupt which (Hung induction the to (eNOS) subsequent synthase inducing reported with oxide in also nitric tion interaction was endothelial SARS-CoV-2/ACE-2 the IL-6 inactivating of 2020b), through role al., direct et the (Ghasemi, (Zhang to inflammation; infection COVID-19 addition COVID-19 ocular in In coagulopathy with the and linked promoting dysfunction be in endothelial IL-6-induced involved to 3.2 extremely reported be recently neuro- et to is a (Marinosci found have that dysfunction 2018). olfactory also may conjunctivitis an was SARS-CoV-2 with 2013; causing IL-6 that matching al., pathway Jointly, et olfactory supporting (Henkin 2020). central elements mucosa the al., detected nasal additional invade the anosmia to other of that propensity Besides, inflammation proposing invasive 2007). IL-6-mediated pathway; 2020). Neurath, to signal al., and due olfactory (Mudter be Lu¨ers process, et the ACE-2 may a inflammatory prohibit patients via may COVID-19 There could cells intestinal in factor epithelial IL-6 uncontrolled causing gut 2020b). reported, the another of previously al., invasion However, specifically in As viral et diarrhea. is direct part (Liu COVID-19-asociated the IL-6 crucial of progression to severity, pathogenesis a attributed disease the COVID-19 be play monitoring in and can role for level its used IL-6 proving IL-6 marker that master high 2020). evidence Livi, the between growing in and be detected correlation Moro obviously to (Dal positive is response suggested triggered, the This immune be their levels. of would weaken IL-6 further reaction Because higher may inflammatory by and of patients characterized form COVID-19 is a ill that cytokines, seriously syndrome, released storm of cytokine amounts namely massive to TNF- response In especially cytokines COVID-19 activating in through inflammatory storm II, multiple Cytokine Ang 2009). of 3.1 level. Khalil, release II and the Ang (Sprague the dive MCP-1 in may promote which and increase axis could GM-CSF significant The of side. receptor, vasopressor other result AT1 the the activate a on the axis will as (AT1) axis cascades, receptor 1 (1–7)/MasR inflammatory type ACE-2/Ang airway II the /Ang off II (Ang) cutting ACE/Angiotensin several RAS, ACE-2- perform pulmonary the the (MasR), Concerning inhibit MAS-receptor and 2005). subsequently, anti-fibrosis via al., anti-proliferative, can, and anti-hypertrophy, et anti-inflammatory, which (Kuba ACE-2 antioxidant vasodilator, peptide downregulate as (1–7) activities may angiotensin beneficial ACE-2 of generation with infection. regulated COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 with elucidating of associated 2004); al., manifestations Binding et extra-pulmonary lungs (Hamming other brain than and developing other kidney, organs liver, for human heart, reason various skin, the in GIT, and mucosa, distributed signs nasal be and common to disease. oral the detected involving COVID-19 also why with was explaining coinciding protein 2016); in ACE-2 Simultaneously, develop (Jia, will lungs infection within respiratory (EC) of cells symptoms endothelial vascular on possibly 4 α, IL-6, Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. . T1rdcdcM nCOVID-19 in 2016). cAMP al., ET-1-reduced the et 3.6 (Wermuth stimulate development could could which factor- fibrosis 2013), dysfunction growth pulmonary al., endothelial the transforming et driving vascular (Elshazly of (ET-1) The release proliferation endothelin-1 myofibroblastic namely the as peptide, 2020). induce a features al., secreting in fibrotic via et findings extensive consequences post-mortem (George fibrotic of pulmonary prompted pneumonia presence that also the organizing extent revealed be the or may COVID-19 to fibrosis of infection, pulmonary cases COVID-19 during dysfunction, fatal problem endothelial substantial induced a of as evidence reported the Giving sepsis important of TGF- one and 3.5 be dysfunction to 2008). endothelial caused al., documented inflammation, not 2017). was et increased are al., (Schouten dysfunction between et which microvascular hallmarks Mantzarlis crosslink the death, 2001; extensive which (Crowther, even an inflammation in and hyper-coagulopathy, of is result shock, of there a dysfunction, sepsis, as release but During organ subsequent pathogens; multiple invading the the to by in directly lead share could may sepsis itself Developing Sepsis bacterial severe 2019). by about 2005). al., caused of that al., et TNF- rate Franco response mortality and et inflammatory high (IL-6 systemic (Annane its factors of injuries of kind inflammatory a tissue because as of worldwide and recognized attention existence widely infections the the is 2020). attracted emphasized It al., has diagnosis et %. that final 50–80 (Dallan syndrome the lymphopenia a with profound worsening is consistence with further Sepsis in patients is with COVID-19 that neutrophils among 2020a), by shock al., be induced septic may et inflammation a sepsis (Li uncontrolled viral injury systemic COVID-19, tissue in of of established result lymphopenia a progressive as with promoted neutrophilia high to 2010). response In al., et COVID-19 cathepsin (Gernez in tissue and sepsis host proteinase-3 Di- Inflammatory the 3.4 (elastase, 2017; damage as Hong, can such also and (TNF- proteases but (Hyun as only, of degranulation such pathogens arsenal by mediators an followed inflammatory possess recruitment, G), could Neutrophils and which cell-mediated chemotaxis 2020). response adaptive their dangelos, neutrophils of with inflammatory-mediated stimulation the started the facilitate (Dallan be inhibit consequently, virus effectively and the inactivating will response for immune lymphopenia targeted severe antibodies developing specific 2020). the Therefore, al., form killer et to effector natural Remy lymphocyte able and 2020; all which lymphocytes of al., cells, cytotoxic loss B et or to as CD8+ due well including occurs activity, as This antiviral prone cells, essential rate. more the mortality become high possess they of that patients, risk cells COVID-19 the of with count infections lymphocytes abundant secondary in innate for detected most the reduction continual the in the defense of With of One COVID-19 line in first inflammation 2018). the Neutrophils-mediated represent 3.3 al., tissue that extensive et neutrophils to (Chen lead are also disorders COVID-19 an system. may immune play in inflammatory it to assured injury, numerous known or been in infection equilibrium was leukocytes any vascular shown trafficking against the leukocyte as responses shift Although protective damage may the turn, 2003). in structural in (Aird, part several which essential inflammation trafficking, induce more leukocyte could triggering in dysfunction towards resulting endothelial changes Sarıalio˘glu, COVID-19-associated functional and that and (Belen-Apak suggest cascade data cytokine Emerging pro-inflammatory 2020). the al., of et activation Leonard-Lorant with 2020; correlated also be β -nue umnr boi nCOVID-19 in fibrosis pulmonary 1-induced α htcudeetal grvt h xsigiflmain(Molano inflammation existing the aggravate eventually could that ) α n L6,adtxcoiat htd o ilphagocytosed kill not do that oxidants toxic and IL-6), and β (TGF- 1 5 β ) boei yoiemil mlctdin implicated mainly cytokine fibrogenic a 1), Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. C,ahmnzdmncoa nioyatdb lcigI- eetr,hsbe ugse o COVID- for suggested been has receptors, IL-6 blocking by to acted clinicians antibody pushed monoclonal That humanized complications. a 2020). neutrophilic related TCZ, al., the steroid control et from efficiently (Varga apart can COVID-19 COVID-19 that treatments of with anti-inflammatory representcomponent infected alternative which or be diseases, additional choice to cardiovascular for of search or group inappropriate diabetes, susceptible be hypertension, In may most steroids pre-existing the 2005). effects, with adverse al., patients harmful systemic vulnerable et and (Fukakusa for local neutrophilia their COVID-19-associated steroids, to anti-inflammatory due is exaggerate oral addition, CQ paradoxically of use or may 2013). the HCQ they recommends al., however also either have et protocol to Additionally, (Joyce treatment recorded COVID-19 COVID-19 arrhythmias. lately current treat Moreover, is cardiac corti- to HCQ serious FDA systemic of of by use including, authorized risk the However, longer increased other no 2020). to al., with due et anticoagulant combination restrictions Rosenberg and in many 2020; Lopinavir/Ritonavir al., or guidelines, antiviral et international alone Aazithromycin, (Mehra the either Enoxaparin macrolide on utilized (TCZ), Based be Tocilizumab its of 2017). to costeroids, because al., reported therapy et first-line is the (Hu as HCQ effects (HCQ) hydroxychloroquine immunomodulatory of and use anti-inflammatory the involves one commonly inducing most by The been severity have strategies the therapies therapeutic 2020). increasing Current several al., in 4.1 context, et role (Cascella that COVID-19 In airway major control trigger the to al.). can proposed COVID-19 play et that (Zuo neutrophils doubt coagulopathy which no COVID-19-associated towards is in researchers crisis. There the health by reactions, mechanisms. directed a disease efforts inflammatory than great the more the identifing of much and despite becomes understanding elusive, now remains COVID-19 COVID-19 curing that present, from reported Till people (WHO) many Organization secure Health World as well as therapies repurposing money COVID-19 be In may and 4. progression. choice time disease best with save the the infected greatly prevent Therefore, already may to go. been which order to death. have drugs in way everywhere available treatment long currently people a rapid needs the of for drugs millions need anti-viral urgent since developing in nowadays, addition, production chance are least vaccine time towards they at no efforts and avail most unfortunately COVID-19, no directing is together, of there Taken be globally, agent. may cases therapeutic infected newly an a SARS-CoV-2- showed discovering 2020). of for who al., number conditions, et the medical (Zhou increasing ATP-depletion seriously the With of with Additionally, result The patients 2010). a for 2020). Moutsatsou, as relevant induce al., and dysregulation potentially particularly et immune (Kassi to be (Jin recorded androgens could females was than estrogen strategy than inflammation since COVID-19 same differences, the by infection hormone during die sex COVID-19 production to to for ATP prone attributed susceptible be more can generally more which are be finding subsequent males to a and age, found ATP of from cellular also Regardless suffer the are who in cells, smokers, decline immune 2019). gradual tobacco in al., elderly-population a (Mali´nska Furthermore, ATP et the is of in there content 2017). fatal age, (Srivastava, decreased more the accumulation be increasing may cAMP 2020). adaptive with COVID-19 ATP-induced Akbari, and as that and children, innate reported Taghizadeh-Hesary was in of 2016; it than efficiency al., concluded findings, et the was these Rasmo improve cAMP with (De potentially of Consistent Meanwhile, COVID-19 to production off 2016). described the fighting is enhance reported, al., for As systems that as et immune well 1988). (Raker production ATP al., as cells et promote mediators immune (Gentile to various pro-inflammatory effects in of anti-inflammatory the factors production synthesized regulate anti-inflammatory is the to cAMP decrease AC system, could immune of ac- the cAMP action (AC) 2012).Within the cyclase al., by adenylate et ATP inhibiting (Insel from via accumulation inflammation cAMP the thereby, exaggerate and to tivity suggested also is ET-1 Surprisingly, 6 Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. E lohsahg laigant oad oeptn namtr n aocieppie other peptides vasoactive and inflammatory potent atrial some and et (fMLP) towards (Kletsas L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine affinity N-formyl-L-methionyl- fibroblasts (BKs), cleaving and in bradykinins 1998), high including expressed al., ET-1 a be than et to has Maria found inflammatory also (Di been many cells NEP has in muscle NEP as smooth airways, well the 1997), as 1998). In al., 1995) al., et 1985). al., (Sont like al., et tissues epithelium et (Li various the (Connelly in endothelium detected neutrophils vascular 2020). clearly including Tabaa, enhancing and was by cells El which intestine, that and degraded metallopeptidase, brain, predict Tabaa transmembrane potentially kidney, integral to (El lung, be II ghost us type COVID-19 could pushed a defeat that is that to NEP substrates 1992), prerequisite the a al., become of et fibrotic may one (Abassi activity the be endopeptidase) NEP interrupt to (neutral may an reported NEP level as previously endogenous ET-1 blockers was decreasing receptor ET-1 ET-1 addition, Because of In application the TGF- 2015). by suggested al., regulated that pathway et observation trials (Kowalczyk The clinical receptors. strategy TNF- to of ET-1 anti- effective opposite level by like sepsis, plasma mediated drugs the treating reactions anti-inflammatory with in unwanted why correlated all explain be minimize may to will that reported level was its patients induced reducing septic therapeutic ET-1, in the different rate blocking morbidity/mortality a towards the investigating Since, mainly for directed now 2020). now. argues are al., till et sepsis COVID-19 clinically (Remy COVID-19-related ensured treating approach not this for is however it used preventing storm, however drugs receptors cytokine 2020), al., ACE-2 repurposed et occupy of (Kell possibly Most cells host to the stated to nutri- been immunomodulatory attaching orally unique has from an its SARS-CoV-2 Lactoferrin, Lactoferrin to that addition effects, In proposed COVID-19. anti-inflammatory been against has and useful study potentially new be may a supplement, the receptors, tional viral within only the rate ACE-2 mortality Considering adding the in therapies after reduction COVID-19 con- 2020). Potential significant survey Owa, especially 4.2 contradictory no and a shows (Owa is patients risk, lopinavir/ritonavir there COVID-19 However, of ill booster. cardiac and use severely a replication as the viral added the that the be cluded disrupting can mitigate ritonavir thus which 3CLpro, acts with of to Lopinavir SARS-CoV-2, action Recent 2020). cells. the al., host taken inhibiting (G´erard from et via release COVID-19 inhibitor also for protease protocol anti-HIV treatment be as current the should risk into highly lopinavir/ritonavir in provision especially threat, that arrhythmogenic Moreover, demonstrated 2020). potential have its al., studies to et preliminary due (Pani the caution patients However, TNF- in COVID-19 and functions. ability be T-helper IL-6 should its improve azithromycin particularly of to using cytokines because as pro-inflammatory well properties of as antiviral possess radicals production to to prompted detected the addition was that Azithromycin minimize in (MERS), COVID-19. to actions for Syndrome treatment immunomodulating Respiratory potential post- and a Acute East as anti-inflammatory the both it Middle against suggest worse role and strongly great to to a (SARS) scientists exert expected could Syndrome it Distress is that 2020). revealed Respiratory therapy evidences al., clinical levels, et anti-interleukin various Silva lipid azithromycin, Furthermore, regards 2020; and As cardiovascular al., pressure of et 2015). patients blood (George COVID-19 al., both fibrosis 2020; in raise pulmonary severity et al., COVID-19 the also no et (Rao exaggerating may However, with factors (Campochiaro diseases medication risk but patients this (CV) main 2020). markers, COVID-19 the documented, al., inflammatory considered ill As are et and critically which 2020). (Fu fever the al., mortality both for et the reduce inferred Dastan effectively minimize outcomes may and clinical TCZ storm satisfactory that inflammatory showed the studies suppress some to patients 19 β in-vitro ;ihbtn h nuto fploayfibrosis. pulmonary of induction the inhibiting 1; td niae htlpnvrcnas xii niia ciiyagainst activity antiviral exhibit also can lopinavir that indicates study 7 α n L1bsdteaishv enfailed been have therapies IL-1-based and α, oiu oxidative noxious Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. el,lk etohl,Tlmhcts oiohl,mnctsadbspis(a caky ta. 2005; al., et Schalkwyk (van and basophils inflammatory cells various and muscle in monocytes smooth distributed airway eosinophils, widely cells, be lymphocytes, 2008). epithelial to T Halpin, airway noticed neutrophils, including also like 2014). was lung al., cells, PDE4 cAMP the et regulating (Azevedo within endothelium. for 11) vascular types responsible and pulmonary isoenzyme cell 10, predominant 3, many the 2, represent in (PDE1, to levels cGMP accounted was and it cAMP PDE4, both Regarding for hydrolases hydrolases and cGMP-selective to 9) 8), according and categories and 7 three 6, classified into their (PDE4, (PDE5, grouped hydrolases be cAMP-selective also of could including, be PDEs can specificities duration PDEs substrate properties, Similarly, their pharmacological and 5’ PDE1-PDE11. and namely amplitude inactive distribution families, tissue 11 the their into sequences, acid as into amino well (cGMP) on Based as mono-phosphate sec- 2009). level guanosine of al., intracellular hydrolysis et cyclic the (Hertz their and catalyze signaling regulating that cAMP thus enzymes as of monophosphate; such superfamily large messengers a use ondary are 2011). its (PDEs) (Rabe, which enzymes cAMP to intracellular Phosphodiesterase isoenzyme, of PDE4 level (PDEs) the of enzymes in inhibitor Phosphodiesterase increase long-acting 5.1 an selective with highly accompanied a surely be be will to recorded is Roflumilast this until NEP However, overview on COVID-19. roflumilast Roflumilast be treating relying may in 5. to role roflumilast contributing great that pathways a fundamental predict play potential we to Accordingly, the expected activity. declares is activity. study that NEP drugs no as useful moment, well anti-inflammatory most efficient as the its of level exert can one and cAMP PDE4i, selective enhancing Ayoub highly via a 1995; effect roflumilast, that and al., declare prolong may et outcome may That turn (Graf in mechanism which anti-inflammatory activity, levels NEP 2008). short-term the enhanced Melzig, increasing cAMP-mediated with that suggesting correlated the 2015). examined; directly Bayan, potentiate been was and also cAMP El-Sayed has intracellular 2015; (-)-Epigallocatechin- PDE4i, of investigative al., Curcumin, an et and , Chang , with, 2008; its Along (Apigenin, and Melzig, enhancing 2008) products and al., natural (Ayoub expression; et Resveratrol) or (Yao gene and developed 2009)) (androgens pre-clinically 3-gallate al., NEP hormones are et 1991), enhancers up-regulate Gruenert, selective (Xiao may of and estrogen variety (Borson that a () 1991), agents drugs (Borson, involving for action its searching promoting and studies activity the to target COVID-19 good Referring with a inflam- neuropeptides associated exhibit associated fibrosis inflammatory may pulmonary their it local and for 2011), coagulopathy regulating al., explanation infection. inflammation, et in airway clear (Wick the a NEP cells counteracting vascular be of for nearby will and activities 1989), microenvironment multiple alveolar Mycoplasma al., within Considering and et corona-virus, and Borson rat (Carpenter cascades. 1988; 1, hypoxia matory type al., 1989), virus al., et parainfluenza et (Jacoby like (Dusser pulmonis pathogens smoking respiratory cigarette or and by 2001) worsening either Stenmark, to activity leading NEP tissues, reducing airway inflammatory Therefore, 1991). on enzymes of effects (Borson, elastase destructive disease activation pathophysiological neutrophil further the of and further exert of release recruitment may to the progression which to permeability, lead G), lead vascular may will Cathepsin chemotaxis in (e.g., NEP Neutrophils processes increase regulating neutrophils. inflammatory an particularly down airway involves cells, or This the destroying alleviating that changes. in ensured 1994). role studies al., Several its et Shimamoto on 1985; emphasize al., et that (Connelly (ANP); peptide natriuretic 8 Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. ciaepoenkns PA nnurpis edn oadciei hi hgctcatvt Dneet (Dunne activity phagocytic their in decline Epac1, also a Some of could to cAMP protein leading Furthermore, roflumilast neutrophils, activate level, burst. in oxidative directly 2019) cAMP as (PKA) al., elevating could well A of suppressing as cAMP kinase migration direct result protein neutrophil its a activate suppress degranulation. to As could addition and turn in in production. chemotaxis which 2018), ROS counts neutrophil al., their cell inhibit et eosinophil and reducing (Rabe could function in sputum neutrophils role and on significant samples effect a biopsy exert bronchial to their represented and within was lymphocytes roflumilast 2006). neutrophils, patients, al., of COPD et For numbers (Fitzgerald the fluid reduce lavage effectively IL-6 bronchoalveolar could as in roflumilast cytokines eosinophils that pro-inflammatory showed of pigs The expression guinea the cells. in suppress inflammatory to and airway roflumilast epithelial TNF- enable the and leading will within activity; turn signaling inhibiting in forced and PDE4 which concentration its the action cAMP to increase in contributed increase significantly be an can also to roflumilast could of mechanisms roflumilast COPD anti-inflammatory patients, severe The (FEV or asthmatic s moderate regards 1 with frequency patients the As in in reducing volume therapy in 2018). expiratory effective inhaled im- be al., to and to add-on et documented inflammation as is (Shen airway given it when suppress addition, exacerbations could In disease roflumilast patients. of COPD of of administration exert function oral lung to prove that reported reported been trials Clinical has inflammation for roflumilast lung designed time, and specifically By Roflumilast drug 6.1 anti-inflammatory . an and as activities, COPD FDA pharmacological mainly different by disorders approved respiratory been has many roflumilast 2011, 2013). Since al., Roflumilast et of Kumar which, effects 2006; among Pharmacotherapeutic al., inhibitors, PDE4 et 6. ther- selective (Boswell-Smith 2018), available most A., currently the Bracy develop are (Fertig, degradation to Roflumilast cAMP directed and for been available pathway have cellular studies only of apeutic limited. the because been is but, PDE4 had that use , Given their and effects, adverse 2018). including significant al., discovered associated et were their (Li inhibitors neuroinflammation PDE and nonselective inflammatory lupus Early, different (RA), inflammatory for arthritis (AD), strategy rheumatic dermatitis has atopic therapeutic (IBD), asthma, it effective diseases (COPD), diseases, bowel an disease inflammatory pulmonary resemble many obstructive will chronic of as PDE4 pathophysiology conditions, the targeting in that signaling proved cAMP been of involvement the of Because PDE4i cAMP activity non-selective that PDE4 in and notice inhibiting elevation Selective The of high 5.2. importance 2008). in therapeutic (Halpin, result potential kinase 1977). the can protein Hait, investigate dependent activity and to its (Weiss maximum PDEs 1970 of the in than since activity greater scientists the reduction is pushed in hydrolysis minute changes cAMP Therefore, significant for PDEs with of synthesis. level capacity the its 2018). that of and found al., signaling was vascular rate JAK-STAT et it tissue, the (Li hand, pulmonary other action in the the anti-inflammatory regulator On within efficient principle level an cAMP a provide elevating as can Therefore, identified cells acted was 2011). inflammatory which and al., IL-10 factor”, et as inhibitory such (Redford pathway mediators synthesis anti-inflammatory “cytokine of a production as the promote generation ROS also inhibiting could via TNF- cAMP pathways mainly inflammatory production, different cytokines in pro-inflammatory role and significant direct a has cAMP Notably, in-vivo . α Fn ta. 07.Mroe,aohrsuyo iaet mk-nue umnr inflammation pulmonary smoke-induced cigarette of study another Moreover, 2017). al., et (Feng and in-vitro tde eeldta ouiatcnptnl eueteedteilpermeability endothelial the reduce potently can roflumilast that revealed studies 1 n mrvdara namto Btmne l,2006). al., et (Bateman inflammation airway improved and ) iue2adTbe1 Table and 2 Figure 9 α n L6 Sae ta. 01 sn ta. 2009). al., et Isoni 2001; al., et (Shames IL-6; and L ta. 2018). al., et (Li Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. uiatmgthv nifirtcrl u oiswl-nw niiflmaoyato Htemn tal., et (Hatzelmann action rof- anti-inflammatory remodeling, well-known fibrotic its airway to mitigate due to role treatment 2010). anti-fibrotic the anti-inflammatory have through of might sepsis effect lumilast potential against the effect of protecting Because its fibrosis of lung proof and a Roflumilast TNF- is 6.4. and there IL-6 activities. pathway 2019), anti-thrombotic signaling al., and JAK/STAT-3 (e.g. et anti-inflammatory of release (Chang above-referred expression cytokine model mRNA inflammatory mice the of septic suppressing inhibition in associated subsequent roflumilast for with of treating cause for role key major the the the be Regarding could and that inflammation sepsis reducing the indicating Therefore, of of 2008). systems, reaction result al., sepsis. pathological fibrinolytic et a (Schouten main as and failure the organ coagulation anticoagulant multiple be of will function, activation inflammation inflammation-induced endothelial systemic an of signal also feed-back impairment is positive concomitant there al., a et sepsis, resembles (Chang during pathway inflammation Moreover, inflammatory systemic That many uncontrolled of in 2015). expression resulting al., the response, 2019). mediate inflammatory et to the (Cai proved exacerbating sepsis pathway for (STAT- transduction during transcription-3 signal produced of cellular activator cytokines and key transducer a (JAK)/Signal was kinase 3) Janus that stated key findings the diseases. Previous block inflammatory sepsis could inflammatory other family RNO and Src in Roflumilast addition, inhibiting as 6.3 In via well adhesion NETs PMNs. PMN–platelets as affect in regulating to COPD pathway mechanisms formation, recorded in biochemical (SFK–PI3K) was NETs 3-kinase roflumilast) thrombosis with of phosphoinositide of interfering metabolite kinases risk active and (an the neutrophils RNO reduce Moreover, of could function al., roflumilast, prothrombotic et by Kimball the 2010; inhibiting al., aggregation the et Accordingly, and (Fuchs from activation thrombosis released adhesion, trigger platelets be to stimulate cascades to and could coagulation 2016). platelets detected NETs of both were activation of Then, recruitment subsequent NETs by wall. with mediated endothelial be thrombosis. progression. the can (NETs) of which and into NETosis, traps pathogenesis PMN called initiation extracellular process the thrombus neutrophils a in in that for neutrophils evidence role activated factors the significant increased crucial a diseases as human possess identified and models been animal have Both platelets and Neutrophils alpha states receptor hypercoagulable and Roflumilast sensitivity of 6.2 glucocorticoid downregulation the al., restoring the in et blocking roflumilast (Milara of through (GR value patients patients great COPD the glucocorticoid-resistant revealed in study in neutrophils other dexamethasone towards well, of As insensitivity effect 2015b). corticosteroid-associated anti-inflammatory the the cells reverse enhance muscle to could smooth roflumilast, airway long-acting of or in metabolite corticosteroids active as such the agents (RNO), anti-inflammatory other with roflumilast inhibiting β of myeloperoxidase, effect and or synergistic cells metalloproteinase A fMLP 2005) endothelial matrix al., by to elastase, et either neutrophil (Jones adhesion stimulated function of neutrophils neutrophil release be from inhibit the may results prevent could Additionally, that could that 2007). CD11b, al., action surface et The (Sanz PMNL (PAF). of molecules factor adhesion upregulation of platelet-activating expression the the altering attenuating through interactions and cell leukocyte–endothelial the suppress and -gnsshv endmntae Kwmtwn,21) twscnlddta roflumilast-N-oxide that concluded was It 2017). (Kawamatawong, demonstrated been have 2-agonists α ,wihwskont ersosbefrguootci eitne(ed ta. 2020). al., et (Reddy resistance glucocorticoid for responsible be to known was which ), in-vitro Ptle l,21) ttesm ie ouiatwsreported was roflumilast time, same the At 2017). al., et (Patel in-vitro 10 tde fhmnnurpissoe htroflumilast that showed neutrophils human of studies Ttn ta. 2016). al., et (Totani α nteln iseof tissue lung the in ) Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. 09.Ihbtn D4wl pcfial rvn APdgaain hc ntr ildces airway decrease will turn as in neutrophils Banner, specifically which and cells, degradation, (Press inflammatory of responses cAMP recruitment pro-inflammatory prevent and that activation of specifically demonstrating the myriad preventing findings will a via previous PDE4 inflammation suppress the Inhibiting on will based PDE4 be 2009). of may activity COVID-19 for the PDE4i inhibiting selecting for rationale obesity The infection and/or COVID-19 prediabetes and of with role Roflumilast adults the in 9. to sensitivity high-fat referring attenuate 2012), insulin 2019). could al., improving al., PDE4B et et and in (Vollert (Muo weight deficiency mice reducing a in a that inflammation the in is documented tissue from roflumilast which was adipose secretion it (GLP-1), inhibition, and insulin addition, adiposity peptide-1 PDE4 stimulating glycemic In diet-induced like the for through 2012). glucagon improving agent al., roflumilast, intestinal via insulinotropic et of patients (Wouters potent metabolism, 2 secretion and fat type the incretin (DM) and encourage main mellitus could glucose diabetes Roflumilast in in progression index. PDE4 disease can of the anti-inflammatory roflumilast, prevent role its could using potentiate essential 2019). youngers, consequence, al., the a their et Given as (Muo than effect. and people greater level anti-inflammatory age cAMP is old an in in individuals increase exerting action cAMP elderly more increasing (AMPK), relatively in by a Kinase inflammaging C-reactive activity experience against Protein of enzyme role AMP-activated levels PDE4 major as stimulates a high Since cytokines play turn anti-inflammatory are enzymes of in PDE4 there level low which 2018). which to al., addition in et in (Franceschi homeostasis, IL-6, IL-10 as immunological cytokines of proinflammatory (CRP), develops maintenance protein inflammaging, called the inflammation, impairs systemic chronic is low-grade and a it process, comorbidities however aging forms, diabetic physiological During oral and its aging than in effects 2020). Roflumilast adverse function Kim, less 8. lung and and by (Rhee the efficacious inflammatory trial or improving more against clinical intratracheally on PDE4i then under inhaled effect either be using still powerful given may of a importance which roflumilast therapeutic showed diseases, inhaled the Norway form lung supporting Brown of inhaled 2007), allergen-challenged efficacy benefit al., the the et better the concluded, in (Chapman a evaluate As study provide to a to inhalation. tolerability, performed and patient nasal reactions improving been adverse for has gastrointestinal Thus, 2005). rats, the al., 2018). limit et al., Schalkwyk to et (van made (Li discontinuation been dependent treatment have dose need nausea, efforts be not were to Great did appeared roflumilast were turn for effects in reported These which limitations 2012). transient (Baye, use headache and only and 2008). the loss O’Mahony, effects weight that and diarrhea, adverse demonstrated severalvomiting, (Gupta of trials by smoking clinical induction altered tobacco significantly from parlous and not Results the food is with by elimination even associated its or addition, not classes in is drug arrhythmias; it cardiac as and administered seizures involving safely be Roflumilast et can development, of (Milara Roflumilast safety fibrosis fibrosis pulmonary and lung of effects for model Adverse factor bleomycin 7. in risk score. roflumilast a by fibrotic as alterations corrected the proposed be like in 2015a). to been changes al., decline reported in has metabolic also resulting pH increased was synthesis; which tissue of its protein lung most by and reduced normalize collagen explained Simultaneously, increased also also was 2010). equilibrium, could which be al., oxidative 2015c), roflumilast et in could al., (Amara regard, et roflumilast remodeling this (Milara of fibrotic (NOX4) Within pulmonary 4 profile for oxidase Anti-fibrotic critical NADPH antago- upregulated be of of to 2009). result expression indicated a al., the as reduce et fibrosis, to (Togo airways TGF- ability by progressive fibrosis mediated the to prevent be related could to which ability activity, the fibroblasts have nizing to found was Roflumilast 11 β ,a seta euao fimn responses immune of regulator essential an 1, β- el fpancreas of cells Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. nln,i a losonta OI-9ptet a hwploayfirss rmwihNPmay NEP which from fibrosis, pulmonary show may patients 2020). COVID-19 al., that et shown (Avula also patients COVID-19 was of in development it stroke the evolving line, restrain of for to In role step anti-coagulant it initial empowering NEP-dependent the COVID-19; potential is in the (Tenor which events PDE4i reflect PIC 1982; of thromboembolic may action White, the the observation and by against (Rao this suppressed the PAF Accordingly, roflumilast also of preventing be synthesis 1996). to the demonstrated ET-1; al., previously prohibiting the et was endothelium-derived of which inhibiting result 1995), the a al., in breakdown et as Mustafa platelets roflumilast effectively of 2020a). of to aggregation attributable al., and role recorded activation et be potential was Li may 2007; NEP the sepsis al., may inflammatory Additionally, particular, et subsequent NEP (Sanz In their activity Hence, and into NEP 2013). circulation increased neutrophils the to blood of al., chemotaxis. degrade the transmigration et neutrophils can from and (Sato barrier NEP in adhesion damage, endothelial such, tissues involved across tissue As infected neutrophils be with of the 2020). to associated recruitment al., the known be prevent et to was specifically (Tay reported which repair are fMLP, tissue pathogenesis accumulation chemoattractant disordered the in and and implicated activation inflammation been also their exaggerated has trafficking since neutrophils COVID-19, inflammatory dysfunction, con- endothelial of and the and of activation result diarrhea intestinal, endothelial a decreasing As anosmia, IL-6-mediated the 2020b), stop of release. suppress IL-6 al., can induction may by roflumilast et the prompted roflumilast Firstly, inhibit (Liu thrombocytosis Secondly, consequently, pathogenesis importance. and respectively. COVID-19 great inflammation junctivitis, of of ocular be regulator II and will key Ang olfactory roflumilast roflumilast a associated by following be reducing level detected may progression with its expression IL-6 the NEP IL-6 by that in suppressed G Postulating role the cathepsin vital for 2017). cleaving al., a commentary (Funakoshi Therefore, et activation play logical (Feng platelets 2020c). a will treatment cytokine and al., be IL-6 systemic dysfunction et may cytokines, the endothelial Liu formation motivates released as 1999; probably well the al., as and Among et reactions generated inflammatory continuously 2020). the numerous Ang be al., cleave of into to et I to reported (Xiong Ang is is and storm inflammation II Angiotensinogen airway both Ang convert the infection, to blocking documented for is II, mechanisms that G, NEP-dependent cathepsin proposed neutrophil-released the of One by COVID-19 studied. Roflumilast treating extensively yet for been strategy not NEP-based have mechanisms 10. pharmacological its proteins and functional COVID-19 into against via polyprotein (Hu roflumilast the lopinavir/ritonavir activity hydrolyzing of its of from with virus replication, that interfering the its thereby, to deprive for and can similar required 3CLpro roflumilast effect SARS-CoV-2 Then, anti-viral of 2020). pocket exert al., middle et to the predicted to close is very roflumilast roflu- binding ago, poorly for while pathway would little azithromycin metabolic Thus, A main the 3A4. resembles CYP member 3A4 2000). cytochrome (Westphal, (CYP) this milast documented P-450A because was cytochrome treatment, roflumilast for COVID-19 with affinity for interact lower suggested antibiotic a macrolide exhibit a to azithromycin, 2015b; time, al., same by et the infection, (Milara At COVID-19 effect against resistance 2016). effectively their safely al., used and used et properties be be Wang anti-inflammatory to could compromised recommended roflumilast their corticosteroids, roles, improving anti-diabetic with ant combination target anti-coagulant a anti-inflammatory, attractively in its to to scientists drives addition In that observation The COVID-19. treating 1999). for (Barnette, PDE4 production cytokines as well iue4 Figure Wnru ta. 94 hm 06 ee-oet 09.I epnet eeeCOVID-19 severe to response In 2009). Meyer-Hoffert, 2006; Pham, 1984; al., et (Wintroub iue3 Figure H ta. 00.Hwvr h rvnieadteaetceffectiveness therapeutic and preventive the However, 2020). al., et (He 12 Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. ot h uhr r hnflt r mdAdlasu lagr pcaito adooy Mahala view. Cardiology, of of point Specialist clinical his Elnaggar, from Abdelmaksoud suggestions interest Emad and of comments Conflict Dr. helpful sup- his to providing for thankful for Egypt are Egypt Center, University, in Cardiac authors Medicine-Tanta University, The of Pharmacy-Tanta Faculty entries of Institute-University Physiology, Faculty Toxicology, Research port. Medical and & of corresponding Studies Pharmacology Environmental Department of of Egypt; Department members to Egypt; staff City, all Sadat thank hyperlinked of to like would authors are The article PHARMACOL- to Guide this Concise Acknowledgments 2019). the al., in in archived et permanently (Alexander are 2019/2020 PHAR- and ligands to OGY 2018), Guide al., IUPHAR/BPS et the and (Harding from MACOLOGY data for targets portal common the http://www.guidetopharmacology.org, protein Key about ligands confirmation and further physicians targets provide for COVID-19. of may stimulus against consequently, Nomenclature a option and as treatment management serve repurposed cascades ther- COVID-19 novel fibrotic will in NEP-mediated a and roflumilast the hypothesis with coagulopathy of discuss our inflammatory, impact to that the anti- therapeutic one facing hope the first in its we role the COVID-19, prolong its is by and review can driven roflumilast this of roflumilast that properties consideration that apeutic our proposed suppose into is COVID-19. taken which managing we activity, Therefore, for NEP level, target enhancing important via cAMP an properties therapeutic be increasing As other to of display now. and result effect till anti-inflammatory a up compromised effect. and effects as resistance the azithromycin adverse their enhance Additionally, improve corticosteroids, can dangerous and either roflumilast any corticosteroids with inflammation, showing of combination neutrophilic properties without airway in inflammatory the Zinc) safely attenuating and used via E be well, (C, to protocol, for vitamins reported concurrent required the been recommended enzyme to advantages had proteolytic additive it have a also since is may roflumilast which treatment, 3CLpro, COVID-19 Considering of cells. inhibitor been host submitted potential drug the has potent within a roflumilast and replication Furthermore, as selective viral behave most disorders. to the inflammatory be reported airway Among to treatment,recently neutrophils-mediated activities. reported COVID-19 many anti-platelets been of and treating has class anti-inflammatory roflumilast new for effective intriguing PDE4i, exhibit an used to offer clinically thought to the is suggested PDE4 been now. inhibiting has until since PDE4i effectiveness continues, ther- and search neutrophils anti-inflammatory satisfaction the recommended modulating treatment As guidelines, provide on underlying not focus do the should COVID-19 to for COVID-19 According suppression apies of response. with associated management linked their coagulopathy and biologically Therefore, and function inflammation be systemic infection. to increased assumed COVID-19 to is with predisposes progression that component COVID-19 neutrophilic of of risk patient’s the Reducing infection. COVID-19 NEP-mediated Conclusion the counteracting 11. ensuring for towards risk proposed 2016). driven roflumilast be al., highly contribute should of et may of efforts mechanisms Raker which clinical system pharmacotherapeutic 1995; cAMP future immune al., of that level et recommend the we high (Graf improving Accordingly, the roflumilast in maintain of also role effect will anti-inflammatory important NEP long-term an by for ET-1 play via breaking to agent groups, anti-fibrotic underscored COVID-19 as is function cAMP to Because ability TGF- the by thereby, driven and fibrosis activities the fibroblast blocking TGF- the ET-1-induced attenuate the to potential stopping by lungs protect β Dnene l,20;Tg ta. 2009). al., et Togo 2007; al., et (Dunkern 1 β ;esrn h ocp htrflmls a aethe have may roflumilast that concept the ensuring 1; 13 Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. owl-mt,V,Czoa . n ae ..(06.Aepopoiseae4ihbtr utmore just inhibitors 4 phosphodiesterase Are (2006). C.P. Immunol. Page, transformed Physiol. Clin. and in Allergy Mol. J. M., endopeptidase Cell. theophylline? Lung neutral Cazzola, - induce V., Physiol. Glucocorticoids J. Boswell-Smith, Am. (1991). cells. D.C. epithelial Physiol. tracheal Gruenert, Appl. human endopeptidase J. and Neutral infections. D.B., (1989). respiratory J.A. Borson, with Nadel, Physiol. rats and in D.M., Mol. inflammation McDonald, Cell. neurogenic K., Lung Sekizawa, and - J.J., Physiol. Brokaw, J. D.B., Borson, Am. airways. in endopeptidase neutral of 260 Roles (1991). D.B. Borson, Thrombolysis possible Thromb. 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Data may be preliminary. 10 solution methylcellulose 4% glycol polyethylene 2.5% in suspended mg/kg/d, 5 DMSO in dissolved μολ/Λ 1 μ ανδ μολ/Λ 100 ν ανδ 10, 1, body mg/kg 1.0 – 0.3 Anti- ug/d 500 Effect Anti- ug/d 500 Dose -9 10 – -6 Anti- M effects proliferative remodeling airway of Inhibition remodeling airway of Inhibition sepsis polymicrobial of Prevention effects inflammatory effects inflammatory MMP-9) and (MMP-2 of production and proliferation cell Attenuated epithelium airway of thickening and cells, inflammatory chronic of accumulation the Reduced remodeling airway thereby, and deposition protein ECM Inhibited ΣΤΑΤ3 ανδ ΜΑΠΚ π38 ΝΦ-κΒ, συππρεσσεδ ανδ ΤΝΦ-αλπηα ανδ ΙΛ-6 μαινλψ ςψτοκινες ινφλαμματορψ προ- οφ εξπρεσσιον ινηιβιτεδ λοαδ, βαςτεριαλ Reduced ECP and neutrophils eosinophils, sputum allergen-induced Inhibited References mediators inflammatory decreased and COPD with associated inflammation Model systemic the targets that enzyme 4 phosphodiesterase- Inhibited action of mechanisms molecular Main 24 sepsis puncture-induced and ligation cecal with Mice patients COPD PASMCs human Distal asthma model mice BALB/c cells ASM Human patients asthmatic Allergic of chronic Fn ta. 2017) al., et (Feng 2015) al., et (Martinez 2006) al., et (Growcott 2003) al., et (Kumar 2006) al., et (Burgess 2016) al., et Bateman 2011; al., et (Gauvreau Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. cytes, OVA; oxidase, kinase, protein Mitogen-activated protein, mellitus, Diabetes ASM; Anti- ug/d 500 10 Effect fibrotic Anti- mg/kg/day 5 Dose -6 10 – PLTs; iwysot muscle smooth Airway Ovalbumin NE; GLP-1; -7 Anti-fibrotic M etohlelastase, Neutrophil Platelets lcgnlk peptide-1, like glucagon PASMCs; , DMSO; STAT3; , effects hyperglycemic effects effects iehlsulfoxide, Dimethyl COPD; , umnr reysot ucecells muscle smooth artery Pulmonary inltasue n ciao ftasrpin3 transcription of activator and transducer Signal MMP-9 NETs; hoi btutv umnr disease pulmonary obstructive Chronic etohletaellrtraps, extracellular Neutrophil arxmetalloproteinase-9, Matrix ; HUVECs; GLP-1, intestinal of secretion Enhanced TGF-beta1 by stimulated fibroblasts of activity profibrotic the Antagonized activation) synthesis collagen and References response inflammatory strong a equilibrium, oxidative the in alterations Model (like fibrosis pulmonary to related effects metabolic Antagonized action of mechanisms molecular Main effect insulinotropic potent with incretin ECM; 25 a ua miia enedteilcells, endothelial vein umbilical Human main xrclua matrix Extracellular nmice in Fibrosis Induced Bleomycin- ellines cell fibroblast lung human Adult yeII type DM diagnosed newly with patients yr. 35–70 PMNs; , MN; ΝΦ-κΒ· Monocytes CS; , ECP; , oyopoula leuko- Polymorphonuclear ula atrkpaB factor-kappa Nuclear iaet smoke Cigarette oiohlcationic Eosinophil MPO; , 2015a) al., et (Milara Tg ta. 2009) al., et (Togo 2012) al., et (Wouters Myeloper- MAPK; DM; , , Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. 26 Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. 27 Posted on Authorea 2 Jul 2020 — The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. — https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159373163.39100261 — This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. treating-covid-19 insights-into-neprilysin-nep-dependent-pharmacotherapeutic-role-of--in- Table.docx file Hosted vial at available https://authorea.com/users/339038/articles/465335-new-putative- 28