New for 2020: First-Ever Rolling SweatFest YFE Pg 5 1 See page 3 Calendar Special Discussion: SLTOA Christmas Party COVID 19 is still in full swing and will be with us till an effective vaccine is rolled out to the world. This is not going to happen until 2021. So until then our only defense is social distancing. Our Christmas Party is not a “social distance” event. Please bring your thoughts and ideas regarding cancellation or alternative events to our monthly meeting. If you have some thoughts but aren’t able to attend our meeting send me an email at
[email protected]. —Creig Houghtaling, Events Chairman 18 Aug 20—SLTOA monthly meet- 11-13 Sept 20—Goodwood Revival, Goodwood House, ing, Faust Park, 15185 Olive Blvd in West Sussex, England. Info at https:// Chesterfield. See back page. motorsport/goodwood-revival/. 29 Aug 20—Tentative SLTOA drive, to 11-13 Sept 20—The Octane Tour: three-day drive starting be discussed at the 18 August meeting. at Gateway Classic Cars in O’Fallon, IL, then proceeding to Cape Girardeau for the night, Saturday drive to Ste 31 Aug-4 Sept 20—VTR National Genevieve with a return to Cape, home on Sunday. Reg- Convention POSTPONED. istration open through 21 August at, proceeds go to the Treehouse Animal Sanctuary in Dow, 10-12 Sept 20—Triumphest 2020, POSTPONED. Illinois, and the ASPCA. 15 Sept 20—SLTOA Monthly Meeting, location TBA. 12 Sept 20—Rescheduled Missouri Endurance 19 Sept 20—39th Annual All British Car & Cycle Rally/”The Triumphant Tour,” sponsored by the MG Show, at Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park.