WWW.VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News›› ›› PREMIUM VOL. 89 FEBRUARY 2007 Benicassim McGowan’s Musings: – Fib Heineken So here we are on the second Newsletter Announce Acts of the year, which is about the time we all Allan McGowan
[email protected] get, or have just got over the flu, or heavy colds, or just plain northern winter blues! The first round of artists have been Anyone else out there with the same com- confirmed for the thirteenth annual plaints? I suppose all of you in the South year of Spain’s Benicassim Festival. are thinking ‘well, if you want to avoid the sun for a couple of months that’s up to you, From the US, old hands Iggy & the we’re OK!’. Well you may be right, thoughts Stooges will join UK acts Arctic Mon- of relocation do go through my mind, but keys, The Human League and The Berlin in the snow last weekend had its Magic Numbers. From Sweden The charms, and a Film Festival, and Brighton’s Allan McGowan Hives, and funk band !!!, will line up OK I suppose – you see, optimism already, with Brazil’s Cansei de Ser Sexy These spring must be on the way! eight names form part of a line-up that For a long time I wondered what happened is just now beginning to take shape We may be looking forward to a new sea- to Al Gore, after being denied what many – watch this space! son, but the touring schedules for 2007 re- would claim to be his rightful democratic mind me of those scenes in old black and appointment to the US presidency after white films that use flickering newspaper some questionable Miami shenanigans, he headlines to indicate that the storyline is appeared to retreat from public life, only going back in time.