Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007

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Review Pyrethroid pesticide residues in the global environment: An overview

Wangxin Tang, Di Wang, Jiaqi Wang, Zhengwen Wu, Lingyu Li, Mingli Huang, Shaohui Xu, * Dongyun Yan

College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University, Qingdao, 266071, highlights

 Pyrethroid pesticides have been widely detected at the global scale.  Sediment samples from developed regions revealed high levels of pyrethroids.  Pesticide residues in residential environments and the human body should be given more attention. article info abstract

Article history: Pyrethroids are synthetic organic insecticides with low mammalian toxicity that are widely used in both Received 12 July 2017 rural and urban areas worldwide. After entering the natural environment, pyrethroids circulate among Received in revised form the three phases of solid, liquid, and gas and enter organisms through food chains, resulting in sub- 17 October 2017 stantial health risks. This review summarized the available studies on pyrethroid residues since 1986 in Accepted 20 October 2017 different media at the global scale and indicated that pyrethroids have been widely detected in a range of Available online 23 October 2017 environments (including soils, water, sediments, and indoors) and in organisms. The concentrations and Handling Editor: Frederic Leusch detection rates of agricultural pyrethroids, which always contain a-cyanogroup (a-CN), such as cyper- methrin and fenvalerate, decline in the order of crops > sediments > soils > water. Urban pyrethroids Keywords: (not contain a-CN), such as permethrin, have been detected at high levels in the indoor environment, and Pyrethroids 3-phenoxybenzoic acid, a common pyrethroid metabolite in human urine, is frequently detected in the Residue distributions human body. Pyrethroid pesticides accumulate in sediments, which are a source of pyrethroid residues in Transport pathways aquatic products. Ecological risks © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction ...... 991 2. Spatiotemporal variation in pyrethroids in species and their frequency of detection ...... 991 3. Pyrethroid residues in environmental media ...... 992 3.1. Pyrethroid residues in soils ...... 992 3.2. Pyrethroid residues in surface water ...... 993 3.3. Pyrethroid residues in sediments ...... 995 3.4. Indoor pyrethroid residues ...... 996 3.5. Pyrethroid residues in crops ...... 998 3.6. Pyrethroid residues in aquatic organisms ...... 998 3.7. Pyrethroid residues in land organisms and their secretions ...... 999 3.8. Pyrethroids and their metabolite residues in the human body ...... 999 4. Pathways of pyrethroid transportation ...... 1001 5. Conclusions ...... 1002 Acknowledgments ...... 1002

* Corresponding author. No. 308 Ningxia Road, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Qingdao University, Qingdao, China. E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Yan). 0045-6535/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007 991

Supplementary data ...... 1002 References...... 1002

1. Introduction provide a technical basis for future ecological risk assessments and pollution management. Pyrethroids are a class of synthetic organic insecticides derived from pyrethrins. They have been used worldwide since the 1980s 2. Spatiotemporal variation in pyrethroids in species and because of their high level of effectiveness and low toxicity their frequency of detection compared to other insecticides, such as organophosphorus and carbamic ester compounds (Yoo et al., 2016). Pyrethroid pesticides We reviewed the reported levels of pyrethroids and their me- had become one of the three major kinds of pesticides (Xiao et al., tabolites in various environmental media (soils, water, and sedi- 2012), and the global synthetic pyrethroids market is valued at ments) and organisms (plants, animals, and humans). In total, 31 $1633.03 million in 2016 (QYResearch Group, 2017). Based on their pyrethroids and 8 metabolites were reported in these media. molecular structure, they can be divided into agricultural pyre- Cypermethrin was the most frequently detected pyrethroid (102 throids (alpha-, with medium toxicity) and urban pyrethroids (not times: see Table $1), followed by permethrin (73 times), delta- containing alpha-, with low toxicity), which are primarily used for methrin (66 times), fenvalerate (59 times), and bifenthrin (57 agriculture and nonagricultural pest control, respectively. Pyre- times), all of which are commonly used. Cyphenothrin, kadethrin, throids also play a vital role in personal care products such as tefluthrin, and bioallethrin were reported only once in water shampoo and mosquito-repellent perfume. Cypermethrin, delta- samples. b-cyfluthrin was reported only once in sediments. Fur- methrin, fenpropathrin, fenvalerate, bifenthrin, permethrin, l- amethrin, transfluthrin, and metofluthrin were reported only once cyhalothrin, and cyfluthrin have been widely used in recent years in and around homes, while 3-PBA was the main pyrethroid (Gong, 2013). Compared to traditional pesticides, pyrethroid pes- metabolite reported in the human body. ticides have less potential to pollute the environment, but can enter Annual variation: Based on 176 published papers, we produced organisms through food chains. They are very toxic to aquatic or- graphs of the number of studies of pyrethroid residues and the ganisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic envi- highest concentrations reported in various media over the past ronments (Zhao, 2014). Due to the lipophilicity of pyrethroids, it is three decades (Fig. 1). Concentrations of water, indoor environment difficult to remove them once they enter an organism. Long-term, and human body were not included because of differences in the low-dose exposure to pyrethroids can cause chronic diseases and units. It should be noted that most of the studies included in this have toxic effects on the nervous, immune, cardiovascular, and review were published in the last 10 years (from 2007 to the pre- genetic systems of organisms, inducing teratogenicity, carcinoge- sent); therefore, the situation before 2007 may not have been nicity, and mutagenicity (Ma, 2009). Koureas et al. (2012) provided accurately represented. The number of studies of pyrethroid resi- evidence that pyrethroid exposure is associated with adverse ef- dues in the environment has increased over time. The two earliest fects on the male reproductive system. Radwan et al. (2015) found datasets were from indoor investigations in China (low concen- that urinary pyrethroid metabolite levels are significantly related to trations). Highest concentrations (trans-permethrin, sperm aneuploidy. In case-control studies in Shanghai and Shanxi À 375700.00 ng g 1) were detected in bed sediments in Osun, Nigeria, provinces in China, the geometric mean concentrations of urinary in 2016. pyrethroid metabolites of patients were higher than those of Fig. 2 shows the overall increasing trend in the detection of healthy children, indicating that exposure to pyrethroid pesticides pyrethroid residues over the past three decades. Between 2006 and may be associated with an increased risk of childhood brain tu- 2016, not including 2007 and 2010, more than or equal to 10 py- mors, childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia, and coronary heart rethroids were detected every year, and 2014 had the largest fre- disease (Ding et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2016; Han et al., 2017). In quencies of detection of 16 pyrethroids, as shown in Fig. 2. The addition, children with urinary 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA) frequency of detection of agricultural pyrethroids was greater than levels above the limit of detection (LOD) are twice as likely to have that of urban pyrethroids, but the frequency of detection of both attention deficit hyperactivity disorder compared to those with groups increased during the past three decades. Annual variation urinary 3-PBA levels below the LOD. Moreover, hyperactive- over the past decade is not obvious, probably because the degra- impulsive symptoms increased by 50% for every 10-fold increase dation rate of pyrethroid pesticides changes with different envi- in 3-PBA levels (Wagner-Schuman et al., 2015). In 2015, pesticides ronmental conditions and environmental regulations. The were measured in carpet dust from the houses of 277 children with difference in pyrethroid residence time in different environments leukemia and 306 controls in northern and central California, might be another important reason for the lack of obvious annual United States, where pyrethroid residues were derived from home variation. and garden pest treatments. Cyfluthrin and cypermethrin were Regional differences: Pyrethroids have been widely detected at detected in 25.0% and 49.0% of the homes, respectively, and À the global scale, with most reports being from China (41.8%) and the permethrin had the highest median concentration of 1062 ng g 1 United States (21.2%). These two countries have the first and second (Deziel et al., 2015). largest production and use of pesticides in the world, respectively. Many studies have investigated pyrethroid insecticides at the However, the fact that the available research reports are written in global scale. Li et al. (2017) reported the global occurrence of py- English and Chinese may be another reason for the dominance of rethroid insecticides in sediments and the associated toxicological reported detection in these two countries. In China, there are more effects on benthic invertebrates. However, reports are lacking on research data for pyrethroid residues in economically developed pyrethroid pollution in a range of media at the global scale. The areas than in those undeveloped regions. In the United States, py- objectives of this review were to summarize the available studies rethroid residues in water and sediments have been reported most on pyrethroid residues in different media at the global scale, and to frequently in California. Because there are more available data for 992 W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007

Fig. 1. Numbers of studies in which pyrethroids were detected and the highest concentrations of pyrethroids over time (Not including concentrations of water, indoor environment and human body because of different units).

China, the discussion of pyrethroid residues in different media in pesticides reported has been in Guangdong in southern China, this study first considers the situation in China and then other including the Pearl River Basin, which is an extremely active eco- countries and regions. nomic area. In addition, a mature agricultural economy has devel- There are 33 countries that reported pyrethroid residues in oped in Sichuan and Jiangsu. The development of advanced the environment in this review, with 10 from Asian and Europe agriculture and cities has resulted in high levels of pesticide con- each. This is obviously related to the large number of countries in sumption. Pesticide companies are usually located in well- these two continents. In Africa, pyrethroids are usually used to developed cities and their suburbs. More monitoring and decon- treat mosquito nets to control malaria. In 2001, when a major tamination programs have been undertaken in well-developed dengue epidemic occurred in Brazil, the National Health Foun- regions with serious pesticide pollution issues by government dation used pyrethroid insecticides to control it instead of and institutes, resulting in more available data. organophosphorus (OP) insecticides because mosquitoes had developed resistance to OP (Corcellas et al., 2012). There are too 3. Pyrethroid residues in environmental media many such studies to list; however, there are few statistics or experimental data regarding pyrethroid residues. Data for South 3.1. Pyrethroid residues in soils America are limited, but are widespread in terms of their regional coverage. In North America (except the United States), Pyrethroid concentrations in soils worldwide are shown in there is one published dataset in each of Canada and Mexico, Table 1; eight pyrethroids were detected in soils worldwide, with respectively. Only one dataset has been reported in Oceania all eight reported in China, of which six were found in other (Australia). countries and regions. Cypermethrin was the pyrethroid most China: China has the largest production and consumption of frequently detected in China (11 times), but it was detected only pesticides in the world, which has resulted in serious pesticide twice in other countries and regions. Fenpropathrin and cyfluthrin pollution. The highest frequency of detection of pyrethroid were detected only in China.

Fig. 2. Numbers of agricultural and urban pyrethroid detections reported over time. W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007 993

Table 1 Pyrethroid residue concentrations in soils worldwide.

À Samples type Region Concentration (ng g 1)

China tea garden soils (Li, 2007) Chongqing 9.00e52.00 tea garden soils (Tan et al., 2008b) Sichuan 17.00e312.00 lei bamboo forest soils (Guo et al., 2008) Zhejiang 1.75e92.96 litchi orchard soils (Yao et al., 2010) Guangdong 7.83a litchi orchard soils (Yao et al., 2011) Guangxi NDe60.30 Fujian NDe0.89 framland soils (Yin et al., 2011) Yunnan NDe44.90 vegetable soils (Dai et al., 2012) Yunnan NDe63.60 grapes soils (Qiang et al., 2013) Jiangsu 5.00e36.00 framland soils (Gong, 2013) Chongqing NDe906.05 tea garden soils (Liu et al., 2015b) Jiangsu 7.50e38.00 orchard soils (Zhu et al., 2015) Chongqing NDe2.50 persimmons, jujubes soils (Liu et al., 2016) e NDe400.10 Other countries and regions soils (Fernandez-Alvarez et al., 2008) Spain 4.00e60.00 framland soils (Kumari et al., 2008) India (Haryana) NDe35.00 soils (Riederer et al., 2010) The United States (Atlanta) 1.97e724.19 soils (Murugan et al., 2013) India (Andaman Islands) NDe19.17 framland soils (Mawussi et al., 2014) Togo NDe3.73 farmland soils (Rafique et al., 2016) Pakistan (Punjab) 0.07e1184.00

Note: a: average; ND: not detected or below the detection limit.

Through analysis of the maximum concentrations of pyrethroids was the most frequently detected pyrethroid (22 times), but was (Table 1: average concentrations are not listed because of their detected only five times in China. Allethrin, prallethrin, cypheno- absence from most reports), it was apparent that Chongqing was thrin, tetramethrin, tefluthrin, and bioallethrin were detected only the most polluted location in China, with the highest pyrethroid once in China. Kadethrin, tralomethrin, and two pyrethroid me- À residue concentration (906.05 ng g 1) being detected in cropland tabolites (3-PBA and 3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylycycl soils in the Liang Tan River Basin (Gong, 2013). The Liang Tan River opropanecarboxylic acid [DCCA]) were ND in China. Basin is a major producer of grains, vegetables, oilseeds, and silk- Levels of pyrethroid residues were lower in surface water than worm cocoons in Chongqing, with well-developed agriculture, in other media. Compared to soils, more studies have been con- forestry, livestock, and tertiary industries (Gong, 2013). The same ducted on water bodies, involving a wider range of geographical À study also detected high concentrations (503.70 ng g 1) of pyre- regions, with most studies focusing on the economically developed throids in sediments. Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, and Zhejiang had areas of southern, eastern, and central China. More data are avail- relatively high levels of contamination, while Jiangsu, Guangdong, able regarding pyrethroid residues in water bodies than for other À and Fujian had lower levels; there were few data for other regions. environmental media. The highest concentration (29.72 mgL 1) Both Sichuan and Jiangsu are agricultural regions, but the levels of reported was in the Pearl River in the south of China (Wang et al., pollution in each region were very different. Yunnan and Guangxi 2013b). In another study (Zhao, 2014) of the same river, seven py- had lower levels of agricultural modernization than Guangdong rethroid compounds were detected, but at lower concentrations. and Fujian, which may explain why pesticide pollution is reportedly Permethrin was the dominant pyrethroid in this study, while higher in the former than the latter region. Compared to China, bifenthrin was detected in the two studies referred to above. there are few reports of pyrethroid residues in soils in other Guangdong Province, particularly the Pearl River Delta in southern countries and regions. The highest concentration reported was in China, is one of the most economically advanced regions of China, the farmland soils of Okara, in the Punjab in Pakistan (Rafique et al., where high exposure to residues of urban pyrethroids, such as 2016), which is well known for its fertile land. The second-highest bifenthrin and permethrin, may result from their common use in concentration reported was in residential soils from 11 homes in urban areas for the management of structural and landscape pests. Atlanta, Georgia, United States, with pyrethroid insecticides (cis- By contrast, agricultural pyrethroids such as fenpropathrin and and trans-permethrin, bioallethrin) being the most commonly cypermethrin had a high frequency of detection in Hu'nan and detected analytes (Riederer et al., 2010). Zhejiang, which may be due to their wide agricultural distribution In general, concentrations of pesticide residues were higher in and high grain output, and the ease of transportation of pesticides regions with developed agriculture than in other areas. It was also from soils or plants to water bodies through groundwater, rain, or found that the spatiotemporal variation of pyrethroid residues in surface runoff. Pollution levels in Anhui, Jiangsu, and Heilongjiang soils varied greatly; residues were detected in some regions at very were reported to be lower. Wu (2015), who studied pyrethroid high concentrations, which should be given more attention. The residues in water samples from four rivers running into Chao Lake trends in spatiotemporal distribution and annual changes in pyre- in Anhui, reported that permethrin was the dominant pyrethroid, throid residues were not obvious, which may have resulted from a with the highest frequency of detection (100%), followed by bio- lack of relevant data. allethrin. Pyrethroid pollution in the Nanfei River, which is the main river in Anhui, was much higher than in the other three rivers. 3.2. Pyrethroid residues in surface water Moreover, pyrethroid residues were also detected in rural drinking water sources in , Province (Xu et al., 2015). Un- Pyrethroid concentrations in surface water worldwide ranged fortunately, no detailed concentration data were reported in that À from not detected (ND) to 13000.00 mgL 1 (Table 2). In total, 23 study. pyrethroids were reported in global surface water, with 16 reported Pyrethroid residues have also been frequently reported in water from China and 11 from other countries and regions. Cypermethrin bodies in California. The pyrethroid residue detected at the highest 994 W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007

Table 2 Pyrethroid residue concentrations in water worldwide.

À Samples type Region Concentration (ng L 1)

China surface water, fish pond water (Hu and Liu, 2001) Jiangsu 2.50e30.00 sewage (Chen et al., 2005) Beijing 13.00e1246.00 river water (Zang et al., 2008) Hebei 160.00e210.00 river water (Zhao, 2009) Zhejiang NDe16400.00 river water (Zong et al., 2009) Guangdong 70.00e110.00 seawater (Zhao, 2009) Zhejiang NDe16200.00 seawater (Chen et al., 2009) Fujian present seawater (Wang et al., 2010) Fujian NDe6360.00 seawater (Song et al., 2012) Fujian 4.68e29.72 river water (Li and Chen, 2013) Heilongjiang 52.00 river water (Gong, 2013) Chongqing NDe409.11 river water (Wang et al., 2013b) The Yangtze River 2700.00 The Pearl River 4680.00e29720.00 river water (Zhao, 2014) The Pearl River NDe730.00 river water (Liu and Zhang, 2014) Anhui ND-13.90 river water (Wu, 2015) Anhui 0.05e13.86 water source (Xu et al., 2015) Shandong present polluted pond water (Chen et al., 2015) Hu'nan 12470.00; 19080.00 Other countries and regions ground water (Kumari et al., 2008) India (Haryana) 17.00e90.00 river water (Nigam et al., 2008) India (Ganga) present river water (Feo et al., 2010a) Spain (Tarragona) 4.94e30.50 river water (Feo et al., 2010b) Spain (Ebro River) 0.73e58.78 river water (Elfman et al., 2011) Philippines (Leyte) 0.50e1400.00 river water (Moreno-Villai et al., 2012) Mexico (Sonora) 29400.00max lake water (Yurtkuran and Saygi, 2013) Turkey (Kızılırmak Delta) 1.00e8.00 river water (Toan et al., 2013) Vietnam (Mekong delta) 3550.00 river water (Fernandez-Ramos et al., 2014) East of the Czech Republic (Hradec Kralov e) 26110.00 lake water 34530.00 seawater (Langford et al., 2014) Norway <10.00 D river water (Chau et al., 2015) Vietnam (Mekong delta) 770.00 river water (Mahboob et al., 2015) Pakistan (River Ravi), 2015 4.20e2680.00 lake water (Hossain et al., 2015) Bangladesh (Savar), 2015 ND-80500.00a lake water (Papadakis et al., 2015) Greece (Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly), 2015 present raw wastewater from WWTPs (Rousis et al., 2016) Italy (Cremona, Milan, Merano, Florence, Terni, Bari, Palermo), 2016 3-PBA(180.00max) trans-DCCA/cis-DCCA(7.00e220.00) river water (Nesser et al., 2016) Sudan (White Nile water), 2016 ND-926.50 wetland near the farm (Mimbs et al., 2016) The United States (Nebraska), 2016 260.00max river water (Hapke et al., 2016) The United States (Oregon), 2016 0.14max; Present The United States (California) river water (Woudneh and Oros, 2006b) ND-0.26 runoff of Nursery (Lao et al., 2008) present urban runoff (Weston et al., 2009) <3.00u-252.00 river water (Hladik and Kuivila, 2009) ND-15.00 constructed wetlands; Tailwaters (Budd et al., 2009) ND-470000.00 urban runoff (Weston and Lydy, 2010) 3.50max-45.80max POTWs 1.70max-17.20max agricultural drains 3.90max-17.50max river water (Ensminger et al., 2011) 5.00e21.00 river water (Delgado-Moreno et al., 2011) 500.00e13000000.00max river water (Xu et al., 2016) 2011act 11.00max urban runoff (Ensminger et al., 2013) 20.00 a municipal wastewater (Weston et al., 2013) 200.00e500.00

Note: u: usually; o: occasionally; max: maximum; D: dry weight; W: wet weight.

À concentration (13000.00 mgL1)wastrans-permethrin in the Bangladesh, where agriculture is the main economic activity coastal watersheds of southern California. This was also the highest (Hossain et al., 2015). High concentrations of pyrethroid residues concentration of this residue reported at the global scale (not were also reported in the east of the Czech Republic (fenvalerate, À including China). The unusually high concentration was primarily 34.53 mgL1)(Fernandez-Ramos et al., 2014) and at Sonora in À due to an accident, but may have also been enhanced by spray drift Mexico (cypermethrin, 29.40 mgL 1)(Moreno-Villai et al., 2012). during application, cleaning of spray equipment, or improper Other than the countries or regions listed above, reported pyre- À disposal of spray waste (Delgado-Moreno et al., 2011). From 2006 to throid concentrations were all below 5.00 mgL 1. 2013, there was continuous monitoring of pyrethroid pesticides in Pyrethroids are primarily transported downstream from agri- California. However, the data collected indicated no significant cultural or urban areas to surface water through surface runoff or trend in pyrethroid residues. The most ubiquitous pyrethroid drainage channels. In the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, cypermethrin detected was Bifenthrin, which could have originated from use by has been infrequently detected in water samples, whereas after private consumers or professional pest controllers (Weston et al., heavy rainfall, cypermethrin concentrations have occasionally À À 2009). The highest concentration (80.50 mgL 1) of cypermethrin reached 3.55 mgL 1 (Toan et al., 2013). Most pyrethroids will be other than in China and the United States was reported in Savar, transported into sediments after entering water bodies, while some W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007 995 will evaporate into the atmosphere or enter the ocean. Zhao (2009) 3.3. Pyrethroid residues in sediments analyzed pyrethroid residues in seawater and fresh water in the Ao river basin in Zhejiang, China. The study found that pyrethroid Pyrethroid concentrations in sediments worldwide are shown À levels were always lower in the river mouth than in the fresh water in Table 3, and were found to range from ND to 375700.00 ng g 1.In of the river due to dilution by seawater. Pyrethroid residues in general, levels of pyrethroids were higher in sediments than in surface water can also enter organisms through food chains, which surface water. Most sediment samples were collected from surface should not be ignored. sediments, with only a few samples being suspended solids

Table 3 Pyrethroid residue concentrations in sediments worldwide.

À Samples type Region Concentration (ng g 1)

China costal sediments (Yang et al., 2010) Fujian 5.60e9.50 river sediments (Li et al., 2011a) Pearl River Delta D 0.65e384.00 river sediments (Fang et al., 2012) Liaohe River Basin NDe19.60 lake sediments (Fang et al., 2012) Taihu Lake Basin D NDe2.91 estuarine sediments (Zhao et al., 2013) The Pearl River D NDe94.00 river sediments (Gong, 2013) Chongqing NDe503.70 lake sediments (Qi et al., 2015) Taihu Lake Basin D 0.11e0.21 river sediments (Wu, 2015) Chaohu Lake Basin 0.06e66.01 sediments core 1.09ae10.60a urban waterways (Sun et al., 2015) Guangdong 50.00e4960.00 lake and river sediments (Zhao et al., 2016) Taihu Lake Basin NDe562.00 Chaohu Lake Basin NDe991.00 lake and river sediments (Ding et al., 2016) Chaohu Lake Basin 0.08e2.95 sediments cores of a rural river (Sun et al., 2016) Fujian 1.70e1631.00 sediments cores of suburban river (Sun et al., 2016) Guangdong NDe29.80 Other countries and regions river sediments (Yasin et al., 1996) British (Meltham) NDe309.50 river sediments (Feo et al., 2010b) Spain (Ebro River) 8.27e71.90 lake sediments (Yurtkuran and Saygi, 2013) Turkey (Kızılırmak Delta) 9.50e385.00 river sediments (Toan et al., 2013) Vietnam (Mekong delta) 34.80a riverine suspended solids (Sangchan et al., 2014) Thailand (Chiang Mai) 0.20e52.90 river sediments (Duong et al., 2014) Vietnam (Hanoi, ho chi minh city) D NDe59741.00 marine sediments (Langford et al., 2014) Norway D <15 wetland sediments (Allinson et al., 2015) Australia (Melbourne) D 59.00max river sediments (Mahboob et al., 2015) Pakistan (River Ravi) 660.00e5580.00 river sediments (Jabeen et al., 2015) Pakistan (Indus River) W 183.00e318.00 stream sediments (Hunt et al., 2016) Argentina (Buenos Aires) D <0.25e8.32max Paraguay <0.25e16.57max Brazil <0.25e4.94max bed sediments (Olutona et al., 2016) Nigeria (Osun) 770.00maxe375700.00max bed sediments (Kuivila et al., 2012) The United States (Atlanta, Boston, Milwaukee-Green Bay, 11.20max Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, Salt Lake City, Seattle-Tacoma) (Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Milwaukee-Green Bay, 3.00max Seattle-Tacoma, Salt Lake City) Dallas-Fort Worth 8.90max Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver 9.30max Boston, Denver, Seattle-Tacoma 38.30max wetland sediments (Belden et al., 2012) The United States (Nebraska) 17.00 (Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado) 1.10 (Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas) 6.10 The United States (California) river sediments (Xu et al., 2016) 2004act D 183.00max 2005act 21.80maxe993.00max 2009act 8.59maxe512.00max 2010act 8.48max 2011act 112.00max lake sediments 2009act 2.47max irrigation canal and river sediments (Weston et al., 2004) 16.80e459.00 river sediments (Weston et al., 2005) D NDe736.00 river sediments (Woudneh and Oros, 2006a) 17.60 river sediments (Amweg et al., 2006) 2.00maxe430.00max commercial nursery (Lao et al., 2008) 1.40e486.60 urban waterways (Holmes et al., 2008) D NDe219.00 river sediments (Weston et al., 2009) D NDe1211.00 À riverine suspended solids (Hladik and Kuivila, 2009) (NDe870.00) ng L 1 river sediments (Ensminger et al., 2011) D NDe74.40 river sediments (Delgado-Moreno et al., 2011) 0.50e1100.00 riverine suspended solids (Ng et al., 2012) 21.60maxe83.00max estuarine sediments 19.70; 35.60 marine sediments 10.60max river sediments (Ensminger et al., 2013) present suspended solids (Chinen et al., 2016) 27.15maxe1407.63max 996 W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007

(marked in Table 3). In total, 13 pyrethroid compounds were Among other countries and regions, Osun of Nigeria had the detected in sediments worldwide, of which 8 were reported from highest reported concentration of pyrethroid residues, with a trans- À China and all 13 reported from other countries and regions. b- permethrin concentration of 375.70 mgg 1 (Olutona et al., 2016); cyfluthrin, ethofenprox, cyhalothrin, resmethrin, and tralomethrin lower cis-permethrin concentrations were reported in the same were ND in China. Permethrin was the most frequently detected study. This was the only report from Nigeria, and such high pyre- pyrethroid (28 times), followed by cypermethrin (26 times), throid residue concentrations were probably related to the high bifenthrin (25 times), and fenvalerate (20 times). Generally, pyre- population. In California, the reports of pyrethroid residues in throids were detected less frequently in China than in other sediments are as plentiful as the reports in water samples. A study countries. However, fenpropathrin was detected six times more in Los Angeles showed that the likely emissions of total pyrethroids frequently in China than in other countries. from the Upper Ballona Creek watershed were within the range of À The regions where pyrethroids were detected in sediments were 4000 to 10,000 g y 1 (Chinen et al., 2016). Another study in Salton similar to those where they were detected in water. For example, Sea and its primary tributaries from 2002 to 2012 found that py- Gong found that fenpropathrin and permethrin were the dominant rethroid concentrations in sediments increased consistently after pyrethroids in both water and sediment samples in the Liang Tan 2009 (Xu et al., 2016). From the available data for California, it was River, Chongqing (Gong, 2013). Pesticides from other environ- apparent that bifenthrin was the most commonly detected pyre- mental media can become concentrated in sediments, as demon- throid in sediments, followed by cypermethrin, cyfluthrin, strated by studies conducted in Guangdong. The highest reported permethrin, and fenvalerate. It is likely that pyrethroid residue À concentration (4960.00 ng g 1) of pyrethroids in any environ- concentrations are higher in developed regions. For example, the À mental media in China was in sediments from Guangzhou College highest concentration reported in California (1407.63 ng g 1)was City and the adjacent area in Guangdong (Sun et al., 2015). The use close to that reported in Fujian, China, while the highest reported of pesticides is reduced when farmland is converted to suburban concentration in China was in Guangdong. From Table 3, it can be land (Sun et al., 2016). However, traces of pesticides remain in seen that some pyrethroid concentrations reported in underde- suburban sediments. In general, the mildly toxic agricultural py- veloped regions (e.g., Nigeria, Vietnam, and Pakistan) were higher rethroids, which always contain a-CN, were the dominant pyre- than in Guangdong, while low levels of residues were reported in throids in Guangdong. Permethrin is not an agricultural pyrethroid, Norway and some areas of America. Attention should be given to but has been frequently reported in such locations. This phenom- these areas, but more evidence is needed to draw a firm conclusion. enon is worthy of attention because it indicates that the application The impact of population and level of development on pesticide of pesticides changes with urbanization. In addition, permethrin degradation are important factors influencing pesticide residue was detected with the highest frequency in Chaohu Lake Basin, concentrations in environmental media. Compared to China, the Taihu Lake Basin and Liaohe River Basin. Studies conducted in Taihu pyrethroid concentrations in sediments in other countries and re- Lake Basin and Liaohe River Basin (Fang et al., 2012; Qi et al., 2015) gions displayed no obvious trend over time. The earliest published showed that permethrin was the dominant pyrethroid, followed by report of pyrethroid pollution in sediments was of cis-permethrin cypermethrin and fenvalerate. Risk assessment studies in Chaohu in Meltham, United Kingdom, in 1996, at a high concentration of À Lake Basin and Taihu Lake Basin showed that permethrin strongly 309.50 ng g 1. affected the aquatic environment of Chaohu Lake Basin, while esfenvalerate strongly impacted both lakes (Zhao et al., 2016). 3.4. Indoor pyrethroid residues Studies in China have indicated that pyrethroid residues in sedi- ments have increased over time. Pyrethroid pesticides are widely used indoors, accounting for

Table 4 Pyrethroid residue concentrations indoor worldwide.

Samples Type Region Pesticide Type and Concentration

China À air (He et al., 1986) Hebei (0.01e0.06) mg m 3 air (China preventive medicine academy of sciences institute Beijing (0.01e0.08) mg mÀ3 of labor hygiene and occupational disease, 1990) À air (Huang et al., 2000) Guangdong (0.01e2.69) mg m 3 À air (Tan et al., 2008a) Guangdong (0.01e0.04) mg m 3 air (Zhang et al., 2009) Shandong present Other countries and regions À air (Berger-preieß et al., 1997) Germany (Berlin) (0.10e2000.00) mgm 3 À air (Rudel et al., 2003) The United States (<3.70) ng m 3 À air (Leng et al., 2005) Germany (Berlin) (4.90e45.70) ng m 3 À air (Morgan et al., 2007) The United States (North Carolina and Ohio) (<11.90) ng m 3 À air (Yoshida, 2009) Japan (0.15e148.00) mgm 3 À dust (Berger-preieß et al., 1997) Germany (Berlin) (50.00e800.00) mgg 1 À dust (Rudel et al., 2003) The United States (7.04e16.50) mgg 1 À dust (Leng et al., 2005) Germany (Berlin) (1.00e70.00) mgg 1 À dust (Obendorf et al., 2006) The United States (New York states) (0.03e9.40) mgm 3 À dust (Morgan et al., 2007) The United States (North Carolina and Ohio) (0.14e84.23) mgg 1 À dust (Regueiro et al., 2007) Italy (Bergamo) (0.02e5.13) mgg 1 À dust (Harnly et al., 2009) The United States (California) (>5.00) mgg 1 À dust (Stout et al., 2009) The United States (Washington, D.C.) (2.22e2.90) ng cm 2 À dust (Quiros-Alcala et al., 2011) The United States (California) (0.05e13.50) mgg 1 À dust (Deziel et al., 2015) The United States (California) (<1.06) mgg 1 W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007 997 more than 80% of the total market of public health insecticides. The courtyard. Because pest infestations are rare, few insecticides are degradation rates of pyrethroid pesticides are much lower in indoor used inside residences. Moreover, it is difficult to gather accurate than outdoor environments. In total, 19 pyrethroids have been re- information from national censuses for such large populations. By ported in the indoor environment worldwide (Table 4), among contrast, there have been many reports of indoor pyrethroid resi- which permethrin was the most frequently detected (18 times), dues in other countries and regions. Pyrethroids were detected in followed by deltamethrin and cypermethrin (six times each). the indoor environment in Germany at a maximum concentration À Compared to levels in soils, water, and sediments, pyrethroid res- of 800.00 mgg 1, with levels of residues being much larger in dust idue concentrations were higher indoors, which can result in samples than in air samples. This may be a consequence of their adverse health effects on human beings. For example, in a health chemical properties, which increase their binding affinity towards examination of 199 workshop workers packing pesticides in particles and their tendency to adsorb onto household surfaces Xingtai, China (He et al., 1986), after being exposed to contaminated such as carpet or dust. The density of dust samples is also greater air for 0.5e4.5 months, two-thirds who already had a certain de- than that of air samples. In both 2011 (Quiros-Alcala et al., 2011) gree of skin infection suffered facial discomfort, while one-third of and 2015 (Deziel et al., 2015), pyrethroid residues were detected in them suffered from sneezing and runny noses. The number of residential environments in California. Only permethrin and workers who had adverse reactions was greater in summer than in cypermethrin were detected in each study, and the concentrations winter. Similar symptoms were also reported in air-monitoring of cypermethrin were very different (the maximum in 2011 was studies at other workshops in China (China preventive medicine 168-fold larger than that in 2015). As the second biggest agricul- academy of sciences institute of labor hygiene and occupational tural producer and user at the global scale, the United States makes disease, 1990). considerable use of insecticides. Furthermore, California is one of Studies of indoor air pollution in Beijing and Guangdong, China, the most agriculturally developed states in the United States, have shown that fenvalerate and deltamethrin were relatively resulting in a close connection between pesticides and human frequently detected, but in low concentrations. This is probably livelihoods, which could potentially lead to high indoor pesticide because the vapor pressure of pyrethroids is low, and it is therefore residue concentrations. In addition, pyrethroid residues have also unlikely that they will become concentrated in air. The scarcity of been detected in residential environments in New York (Obendorf reports of indoor pyrethroid residues in China may be related to the et al., 2006), Washington (Stout et al., 2009), North Carolina, and structure of Chinese housing and the living habits of the popula- Ohio (Morgan et al., 2007) of the United States, whereas they have tion. Most of the huge urban population of China resides in apart- rarely been reported in Africa. ments that are typically small, and only a few people have a

Table 5 Pyrethroid residue concentrations in cash crops worldwide.

À Samples Type Region Concentration (ng g 1)

China vegetables (Li et al., 2006) Jilin 5.00e641.60 vegetables (Li et al., 2006) Jiangxi 570.00max tea products (Li, 2007) Chongqing 67.00e95.00 oolong tea (Yang et al., 2007) Yunnan 0.91e15.70 medicinal leeches (Wang et al., 2007) Anhui, Shaanxi, Beijing, Jiangxi, Shandong 4.00e352.00 tobacco (Mou et al., 2008) Yunnan 10.00e230.00 vegetables (Yan and Jin, 2008) Beijing 11.00e1980.00 vegetables (Zou et al., 2009) Guangdong 16.50e1540.00 agrocybe cylindracea (Zhang et al., 2011b) Guangdong 23.00, 31.00 mushroom 16.00 vegetables (Ding et al., 2011) Zhejiang 330.00max vegetables (Li et al., 2011b) Shanghai 1.70e450.00 fruits (Li et al., 2011b) Shanghai 1.60e52.80 vegetables (Hu and Yan, 2012) Hubei 12.00e501.00 vegetables (Qin and He, 2013) Guangxi Present vegetables (He et al., 2013) Zhejiang Present tobacco leaf (Wang et al., 2013a) Hu'nan 147.00e930.00 herbal medicine decoction pieces (Cheng et al., 2013) Guizhou 0.40ae3.20a herbal medicines (Tong et al., 2014) Major markets in China 0.80e102.40 vegetables (Li et al., 2014) Hebei 8.00e260.00 vegetables (Zheng et al., 2015) Tianjin Present tea fresh leaves (Liu et al., 2015a) Jiangsu 23.50e51.10 honeysuckle (Tian et al., 2015) 9 provinces of China 20.00e400.00 dried dates (Yun et al., 2015) Hubei 3.30e1100.00 persimmons Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong 15.40e222.40 jujubes (Liu et al., 2016) 59.40e2945.00 fruits (Li et al., 2016) Shandong, Shaanxi, Hebei, Henan, Liaoning, Xinjiang 5.00e1208.00 Other countries and regions eggplant (Lu, 2011) Philippines 20.00e30.00 vegetables (Aldana-Madrid et al., 2011) Mexico 4.00e573.00 fruits, vegetables (Wongsa and Burakham, 2012) Thailand 10.00e770.00 okra (Essumang et al., 2013) Ghana (West African) 100.00e4100.00 eggplant, tomato, okra (Akoto et al., 2015) Ghana (Kumasi) 3.00ae133.00a apple, blackcurrant, peking cabbage (Szpyrka, 2015) The region of southeastern Poland 20.00e300.00 sweet pepper (Kemmerich et al., 2015) Brazil 53.60 vegetables (Yu and Yang, 2017) Singapore 4.17 998 W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007

3.5. Pyrethroid residues in crops medicines produced in Guizhou, with cypermethrin having the highest rate of detection (13.22%, 13 batches), while deltamethrin Pyrethroid concentrations in crops worldwide from 2006 to had the lowest (0.83%, one batch). 2015 are shown in Table 5. In general, pyrethroid residues were In total, 10 pyrethroids (cypermethrin, pemethrin, bifenthrin, detected much less in China than in other countries and regions, deltamethrin, fenvalerate, l-cyhalothrin, fenpropathrin, cyfluthrin, and cypermethrin was extensively used in vegetable cultivation. allethrin, and tetramethrin) were detected in studies of crops in Cypermethrin was the most frequently detected pyrethroid in crops countries other than China, with concentrations ranging from 3.00 À (22 times, including 18 times from China and 4 times from other to 573.00 ng g 1. Cypermethrin and deltamethrin were frequently regions), followed by deltamethrin (13 times: 9 times from China detected, and cypermethrin concentrations were much higher than and 4 times from other regions), while the other pyrethroids were those of other pyrethroids. The pyrethroid with the highest con- À detected less than 10 times. centration (573.00 ng g 1) in vegetables was cyfluthrin, which was Pyrethroid residues have been widely detected in vegetables reported in Mexico in 2011, followed by cypermethrin, which was À and fruits in China. In total, eight pyrethroids (cypermethrin, detected in vegetables and fruits at a concentration of 570.00 ng g 1 pemethrin, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, fenvalerate, l-cyhalothrin, in Thailand in 2012. Excessive amounts of allethrin, deltamethrin, fenpropathrin, and cyfluthrin) were detected in China, with con- and cypermethrin in crops have been reported. Levels of allethrin À centrations ranging from 1.60 to 1980.00 ng g 1. Cypermethrin was and deltamethrin residues have been reported to exceed the Eu- the most frequently detected pyrethroid, followed by fenvalerate ropean Union MRLs in eggplant samples from Kumasi, Ghana. In and l-cyhalothrin. There were at least two pyrethroids detected in southeastern Poland, cypermethrin was detected in high concen- À every vegetable sample, and the highest total pyrethroid concen- trations of 120.00 and 300.00 ng g 1 in blackcurrants, and bifen- À tration (1540.00 ng g 1) was detected in Guangdong in 2009, fol- thrin, which has been banned since 2011, was detected in apple and À lowed by Beijing and Hubei. Pyrethroid levels were highest in leaf Peking cabbage at concentrations of 20.00 and 80.00 ng g 1, vegetables (Feng and Jin, 2007), followed by melons, beans, and respectively. root vegetables. This phenomenon may be related to the different spraying methods used for pesticides. Although most of the resi- dues were below the maximum residue limits (MRLs) (GB 2763- 3.6. Pyrethroid residues in aquatic organisms 2012) set by China, some excessive concentrations of almost all of the pyrethroids were apparent. Pyrethroids were also detected in There have been few reports of pyrethroid residues in aquatic edible fungus (Zhang et al., 2011b; Qin and He, 2013), tobacco (Mou organisms at the global scale, but the available data are shown in À et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2013a), tea (Li, 2007; Yang et al., 2007; Liu Table 6, with ranges from ND to 9901.40 ng g 1. In total, 10 pyre- et al., 2015a), honeysuckle (Tian et al., 2015), and traditional Chi- throid compounds have been detected in aquatic organisms, with 9 nese medicine (Wang et al., 2007; Cheng et al., 2013; Tong et al., compounds reported from China and 5 compounds reported from À 2014), with respective maximum concentrations of 31.00 ng g 1 other countries and regions. Cypermethrin was the most frequently À À for cepermethrin, 930.00 ng g 1 for fenvalerate, 73.00 ng g 1 for detected pyrethroid, being reported four times both in China and À À fenpropathrin, 400.00 ng g 1 for deltamethrin, and 352.00 ng g 1 other regions, followed by deltamethrin, which was reported seven for cepermethrin. Cepermethrin was the pyrethroid most times globally. Cypermethrin, deltamethrin, and bifenthrin were frequently detected in traditional Chinese medicine. Tong et al. detected in both China and other countries. Fenpropathrin, fen- (2014) collected a total of 132 samples of Chinese herbal medi- valerate, cyfluthrin, tetramethrin, and a-phenothrin were detected cines from major markets in China and found pesticide residues in only in China, while permethrin and cyhalothrin were ND in China. 74 of them, with a frequency of detection of 4.6% for cyhalothrin, The highest concentrations of pyrethroid residues in China and À 2.3% for bifenthrin, 1.5% for cepermethrin and permethrin, and 0.8% other countries were 9901.40 ng g 1 (aquatic products from Ningbo À for fenpropathrin and cyfluthrin. Cheng et al. (2013) found pesti- of Zhejiang, China) (Jiang et al., 2007) and 4938.00 ng g 1 (fish in cide residues in 23 of 121 batches of 30 different Chinese herbal the Iberian River Basin, Spain) (Corcellas et al., 2015), respectively. These were also the highest concentrations among all

Table 6 Pyrethroid residue concentrations in aquatic organisms worldwide.

À Samples type Region Concentration (ng g 1)

China leech (Wang et al., 2007) e NDe243.00 aquatic products (fish,shrimp,crab) (Jiang et al., 2007) Zhejiang W NDe9901.40 vivipara (Huang et al., 2008) Shanghai 15.57e56.18 wild crucian (Cai et al., 2011) Zhejiang 0.30e416.23 aquatic products (fish,mussels) (Wang et al., 2012) Jiangsu NDe4.68 tilapia mossambica (Wang, 2013) Hu'nan 8.57e13.41 shrimp (Zhao, 2014) the Pearl River 0.05e1.13 cowry 0.69e1.20 fish NDe3.05 rass carp (Chen et al., 2015) Hunan 3.27e74.29 Other countries and regions fish and shellfish (Rawn et al., 2010) Canada 0.30e6.50 franciscana dolphins (Alonso et al., 2012) Brazil (Sao~ Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul) L 4.48e68.40 Catla (Mahboob et al., 2015) Pakistan (River Ravi) L 350.00ae3470.00a channa marulius (Jabeen et al., 2015) Pakistan (Indus River) W 52.00e283.00 cyprinus carpio 490.00e839.00 pooled edible fish (Corcellas et al., 2015) Spain (Iberian river) 12.00e4938.00 fish (Dallegrave et al., 2016) Brazil (rio grande do sul) L NDe26.10

Note: L: lipid weight. W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007 999 environmental media in the two regions. Pyrethroid residues were adjacent to malignant mammary tumors in nine female dogs, with À also frequently detected in the Ravi River, Pakistan (3470.00 ng g 1 no predilection for breed or age, and with a contamination level of in Cutler fish) (Mahboob et al., 2015), at levels slightly lower than in 33.3% (Andrade et al., 2010). In addition, pyrethroid pesticides are sediments at the same location. The levels detected in other regions widely used for pest control in agricultural fields, homes, restau- were much lower. Pyrethroids are lipophilic and it is therefore easy rants, hospitals, schools, and farm buildings in India (Bedi et al., for them to enter the gills and blood of fish directly. In an investi- 2015). Pyrethroid residues, such as cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, gation of a massive die-off of fish following an accidental release of fenvalerate, and deltamethrin, were detected in bovine milk in the pyrethroid pesticides in Hu'nan Province, China (Chen et al., 2015), Punjab, India. The presence of pyrethroid residues was also re- fenpropathrin was detected in both the internal organs and gills of ported in a recent study of human breast milk samples (Sereda the grass carp that died from poisoning. The residue concentrations et al., 2009; Corcellas et al., 2012; Feo et al., 2012; Bedi et al., 2013). were 22.7 times higher in the internal organs than in gills. Aquatic From Table 7, the highest reported concentrations of pyrethroids organisms are impacted by pesticide residues in sediments that in land organisms and their secretions were in female dogs in have accumulated from other environmental media. These results Brazil, followed by bees in the United States, while the lowest were are in agreement with those of previous studies in the Pearl River in partridge eggs in France. Permethrin was detected in honey from Delta in China, in which pyrethroid residues were detected. The both the United States and Egypt, but the frequency of detection concentrations were much higher in shrimp and shellfish than in was much higher in the United States than in Egypt. Pyrethroid the water and sediments, suggesting that pyrethroid levels were residues were also detected in Katyna in Brazil and Xiamen in enriched in aquatic organisms (Zhao, 2014). Wang et al. (2007) China, with fenpropathrin having the highest concentration of all investigated pyrethroid residues in leech and seahorse in tradi- pyrethroids detected. Pyrethroid levels were particularly high in tional Chinese medicine, obtained from markets in China, and Egypt. There are few data for land-based organisms in Table 7, but detected cypermethrin in leech samples but not in seahorse sam- there are data regarding the secretions of specific land-based or- ples. Leeches inhabit rivers, lakes, paddy fields, and swamps, and ganisms, such as honey and milk, probably because they are easier hibernate in soils during the winter, which suggests that the high to collect and analyze. The levels of pesticide residues differ in residue concentrations found in aquatic organisms may originate different organs, which makes measurements difficult. Pesticides from sediments. are used widely and frequently in developed countries, which have resulted in a large number of residues entering the environment.

3.7. Pyrethroid residues in land organisms and their secretions 3.8. Pyrethroids and their metabolite residues in the human body Studies have shown that pyrethroid residues in livestock and their products mainly originate from residues in the feed (Cai and Because food, the residential environment, and various envi- Dai, 1994; Cai et al., 2003; Salas et al., 2003; Aulakh et al., 2006). ronmental media contain pyrethroid pesticides, these pesticides Wang et al. (2016b) found that four pyrethroid compounds in can enter the human body in various ways. The most frequently Boehmeria nivea, which is used as livestock feed, and soils, were (67%) detected pyrethroid biomarker was 3-PBA (Morgan, 2012), positively associated with their spray dosage, but were negatively which is a urinary metabolite of several pyrethroids. The other associated with the interval between harvests. Pyrethroid residues metabolites were 4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzoic acid (from cyflu- in land organisms and their secretions are shown in Table 7, with thrin), cis-DCCA (from permethrin, cypermethrin, and cyfluthrin), little data available from outside China. In a study in Guizhou, trans-DCCA (from permethrin, cypermethrin, and cyfluthrin), and China, Gao et al. (2012) reported that tetramethrin and cyhalothrin cis-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylic residues differed in different mutton tissues, with residues being acid (from deltamethrin). Table 8 shows the reported concentra- much lower in muscles than in internal organs (liver and kidney) tions of pyrethroid metabolites in human urine or other secretions. due to the lipophilic characteristics of pyrethroids. Among the In China, the frequency of detection of urinary 3-PBA was between other countries and regions, the highest reported concentrations 36.0% and 98.8%, and the geometric mean concentrations ranged À were from Brazil, where allethrin, cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, del- from 0.08 to 0.97 mgL 1. During the monitoring of children in China, tamethrin, and tetramethrin were detected in adipose tissue urinary 3-PBA had both the highest frequency of detection and

Table 7 Pyrethroid residue concentrations in land organisms and their secretions worldwide.

À Samples Type Religion Pesticide Type and Concentration (ng g 1)

China loquat honey, date honey, acacia honey, honey Fujian 1.00e15.40 of various flowers (Jin et al., 2006) lime tree honey (Zhang et al., 2011a) Heilongjiang NDe2.40 vitex honey (Zhang et al., 2011a) Beijing NDe3.90 acacia honey (Zhang et al., 2011a) Hebei NDe2.60 mutton tissue (Gao et al., 2012) Guizhou 2.10e114.50 Other countries and regions honey bee (Johnson et al., 2010) The United States 19600.00 female dogs (Andrade et al., 2010) Brazil 2000.00e55000.00 frog (Kittusamy et al., 2014) India (Kerala) 26.91e42.15 honey (Paradis et al., 2014) France (Vendee) 0.20e70.00 honey (Malhat et al., 2015) Egypt 1.30e19.00 honey (Pacifico de Silva et al., 2015) Brazil (Caatinga) 5.00 honey bee (Malhat et al., 2015) Egypt 1.30e2.70 bovine milk (Bedi et al., 2015) India (Punjab) 0.50e0.90 À partridge eggs (Bro et al., 2016) France 0.34 Â 10 6 1000 W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007

Table 8 Concentrations of pyrethroids and their metabolite residues in the human body worldwide.

Metabolities Study Country n (samples size) Percent (%) Geometric mean

À 3-PBA Jiangsu, 2009e2010 (Qi et al., 2012) China 1149 98.8 0.97 mgL 1 À Jiangsu, 2010e2011 (Wu et al., 2013) 481 83.8 0.44 mgL 1 À Nanjing, 2014 (Wang et al., 2016a) 406 36.0 0.08 mgg 1 À Shanghai, 2010e2011 (Ding et al., 2012) cases:176 88.1 0.54 mgL 1 À controls:180 81.7 0.39 mgL 1 À 5 provinces of east China, 2012e2015 (Chen et al., 2016) cases:161 91.3 0.88 mgL 1 À controls:170 82.9 0.44 mgL 1 Shanxi, 2013e2014 (Han et al., 2017) cases:72 94.4 e controls:136 89.0 À Mexico, 1997e2001 (Watkins et al., 2016) USA 21 46.0 0.26 mgL 1 À NHANES, 2001e2002 (Wagner-Schuman et al., 2015) 687 78.9 1.14 mgL 1A À NHANES, 2001e2002; 3032 e 0.32 mgg 1 À 2009e2010 (Jain, 2016) 2810 0.44 mgg 1 À Mendota, 2009 (Trunnelle et al., 2014a) 208 79.8 1.14 mgL 1 À California, 2007e2009 (Trunnelle et al., 2014b) 173 62.4 0.79 mgL 1A À Gdansk, 2010e2011 (Wielgomas et al., 2013) Poland 132 79.7 0.26 mgL 1 À northern Poland, 2012 (Wielgomas and Piskunowicz, 2013) 374 82.4 0.26 mgL 1 À Lodz, 2008e2011 (Radwan et al., 2015) 195 e 0.17 mgL 1 À Tokyo, 2002e2003 (Imai et al., 2014) Japan 322 91.3 0.68 mgL 1 À Tokyo, 2009e2011 (Zhang et al., 2013) 213 e 0.33 mgL 1 À Aichi, 2012e2013 (Osaka et al., 2016) 223 100.0 1.16 mgL 1 À GerES IV, 2006 (Becker et al., 2006) Germany 395 90.0 0.31 mgL 1 À CHMS, 2007e2009 (Ye et al., 2015) Canada 5604 99.4 1.17 nmol L 1 À Featured Caribbean countries, 2008e2011 (Dewailly et al., 2014) e 295 100.0 0.54 mgL 1 À KNEHS, 2009e2010 (Yoo et al., 2016) Korea 3671 e 1.83 mgg 1 À Pichincha, 2010e2012 (Handal et al., 2016) Ecuador 26 27.0 0.12 mgL 1 À Bangkok, 2014 (Fiedler et al., 2015) Thailand 53 e 1.74e2.26 mgg 1 Brittany, 2002e2006; France Prenatal:205 30.2 e 2008e2014 (Viel et al., 2015) Childhood:284 63.7 DCCA Pichincha, 2010e2012 (Handal et al., 2016) Ecuador 26 4.0 0.09 mgLÀ1 À Aichi, 2012e2013 (Osaka et al., 2016) Japan 223 99.6 0.76 mgL 1 À Bangkok, 2014 (Fiedler et al., 2015) Thailand 53 e 1.11e1.73 mgg 1 À cis-DCCA Jiangsu, 2009e2010 (Qi et al., 2012) China 1149 95.3 0.47 mgL 1 À Shanghai, 2010e2011 (Ding et al., 2012) cases:176 80.1 0.39 mgL 1 À controls:180 69.4 0.27 mgL 1 À Jiangsu, 2010e2011 (Wu et al., 2013) 481 68.8 0.20 mgL 1 À 5 provinces of east China, 2012e2015 (Chen et al., 2016) cases:161 73.9 0.22 mgL 1 À controls:170 68.2 0.21 mgL 1 À GerES IV, 2006 (Becker et al., 2006) Germany 395 56.0 0.12 mgL 1 À CHMS, 2007e2009 (Ye et al., 2015) Canada 5604 98.5 0.38 nmol L 1 À Lodz, 2008e2011 (Radwan et al., 2015) Poland 195 e 0.12 mgL 1 À Featured Caribbean countries, 2008e2011 (Dewailly et al., 2014) e 295 99.0 0.17 mgL 1 Brittany, 2002e2006; France Prenatal:205 64.9 e 2008e2014 (Viel et al., 2015) Childhood:283 64.7 À trans-DCCA Jiangsu, 2009e2010 (Qi et al., 2012) China 1149 98.3 1.22 mgL 1 À Shanghai, 2010e2011 (Ding et al., 2012) cases:176 83.5 0.47 mgL 1 À controls:180 74.4 0.32 mgL 1 À Jiangsu, 2010e2011 (Wu et al., 2013) 481 97.1 1.00 mgL 1 À 5 provinces of east China, 2012e2015 (Chen et al., 2016) cases:161 85.7 0.56 mgL 1 À controls:170 75.9 0.29 mgL 1 À GerES IV, 2006 (Becker et al., 2006) Germany 395 74.0 0.20 mgL 1 À CHMS, 2007e2009 (Ye et al., 2015) Canada 5604 99.6 0.96 nmol L 1 Lodz, 2008e2011 (Radwan et al., 2015) Poland 195 e 0.16 mgLÀ1 À Featured Caribbean countries, 2008e2011 (Dewailly et al., 2014) e 295 99.0 0.40 mgL 1 Brittany, 2002e2006; France Prenatal:205 98.0 e 2008e2014 (Viel et al., 2015) Childhood:283 96.5 4-F-3-PBA California, 2007e2009 (Trunnelle et al., 2014b) USA 173 6.3 e CHMS, 2007e2009 (Ye et al., 2015) Canada 5604 42.4 e À Featured Caribbean countries, 2008e2011 (Dewailly et al., 2014) e 295 71.0 0.02 mgL 1 Brittany, 2002e2006; France Prenatal:205 8.8 e 2008e2014 (Viel et al., 2015) Childhood:284 15.8 À Nanjing, 2014 (Wang et al., 2016a) China 406 17.7 0.04 mgg 1 cis-DBCA California, 2007e2009 (Trunnelle et al., 2014b) USA 173 1.7 e CHMS, 2007e2009 (Ye et al., 2015) Canada 5604 47.5 e À Lodz, 2008e2011 (Radwan et al., 2015) Poland 195 e 0.05 mgL 1 À Featured Caribbean countries, 2008e2011 (Dewailly et al., 2014) e 295 77.0 0.03 mgL 1 Brittany, 2002e2006; France Prenatal:205 68.3 e 2008e2014 (Viel et al., 2015) Childhood:283 85.2 Nanjing, 2014 (Wang et al., 2016a) China 406 0.7 NC À tCDCA Aichi, 2012e2013 (Osaka et al., 2016) Japan 223 91.9 0.15 mgL 1 cis-CDDA Shanxi, 2013e2014 (Han et al., 2017) China cases:72 98.6 e controls:136 98.5 tCDDA cases:72 90.3 controls:136 79.4 W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007 1001

Table 8 (continued )

Metabolities Study Country n (samples size) Percent (%) Geometric mean

cis-Cl2CA Gdansk, 2010e2011 (Wielgomas et al., 2013) Poland 132 8.3 e tCl2CA 6.8 Br2CA 11.3 cis–Cl2CA northern Poland, 2012 (Wielgomas and Piskunowicz, 2013) Poland 374 46.0 e tCl2CA 46.8 Br2CA 17.1 pyrethroids in human breast milk Brazil, Colombia, Spain, 2009e2010 (Corcellas et al., 2012) e 50 8.0e100.0 1.45e24.20 ng gÀ1 lw

Note: NC: not calculated; A: arithmetic mean; NHANES: national health and nutrition examination surveys; CHMS, Canadian Health Measures Survey; KNEHS, Korean National Environmental Health Survey.

concentration in Shanxi Province, followed by eastern China. In positively correlated with those in soils. Liu et al. (2016) found that America, the detection rates of urinary 3-PBA were between 46.0% as pyrethroid concentrations in soils increased, the concentrations and 79.8%, and the geometric mean concentrations ranged from in fruits also increased, but there was no linear correlation. Re- À 0.26 to 1.14 mgL 1. Concentrations of urinary 3-PBA were higher ported cypermethrin concentrations were generally higher in crops among participants from 2007 to 2010 than among those from than in soils. In the main tea-producing areas of Chongqing, China, 2001 to 2002, perhaps because of the well-documented increase in Li (2007) found that alpha-cypermethrin concentrations followed the use of pyrethroids for indoor and outdoor residential applica- the order: soil samples > fresh leaf samples > finished tea samples. tions since the 2001 federally mandated phase-out of residential The infrequent detection in finished tea samples may be due to the use of the OP insecticides, chlorpyrifos, and diazinon (Williams decomposition of insecticides during high-temperature et al., 2008; Horton et al., 2011; US EPA, 2012; US EPA, 2013). In treatments. northern Poland, exposure to pyrethroids was highest among rural Pesticides enter streams and rivers by rain scouring and trans- populations and children. Furthermore, diet was the main source of port through soils, and can finally reach the groundwater or marine exposure to pyrethroids in urban areas, with the use of pet-care environment. Given the hydrophobicity of pyrethroids, their sorp- products increasing exposure (Wielgomas and Piskunowicz, tion to soils, suspended particles, and sediments is an important 2013). In Japan, the frequency of detection of urinary 3-PBA was process in the aquatic environment. Gong (2013) modeled between 91.3% and 100.0%, and the geometric mean concentrations permethrin behavior in the environment, and found that concen- À ranged from 0.33 to 1.16 mgL 1. Corcellas et al. (2012) analyzed 13 trations in soil samples were almost the same as the high levels in pyrethroids in human breast milk samples from areas where py- sediment samples, while concentrations in air and water samples rethroids were not used for malaria control, such as Brazil, were lower. When discharged into a water body, a high percentage Colombia, and Spain, and found that cypermethrin, l-cyhalothrin, (96.0%) of permethrin is transported to sediments. It has also been permethrin, and fenvalerate were present in all samples. reported that pyrethroid levels were two orders of magnitude When comparing all of the data, it was apparent that the levels lower in water than in both soils and sediments, and that cyper- of 3-PBA were higher in Korea than in all other studies conducted methrin and deltamethrin concentrations were higher in sedi- on the general population from the United States or European ments than in both soils and water. Union countries, probably because most Koreans are widely There is an underlying trend for pesticide residues to transfer exposed to various forms of pyrethroid insecticides such as sprays from water bodies to sediments. However, this trend may be and fumigants (Yoo et al., 2016). The highest frequency of detection reversible when the use of pesticides is reduced and no pesticides of urinary 3-PBA reported was in Canada, followed by Poland, with are discharged into water bodies. This behavior can be used to the United States having the fewest reports among the countries determine whether the presence of a pesticide residue has resulted where it was detected. The geometric mean concentration rankings from recent use. In the Chaohu Lake Basin, Anhui, China (Wu, 2015), of urinary 3-PBA among pregnant women from different countries Wu found that urban and agricultural pyrethroids were predomi- were China, followed by Caribbean countries, Japan, America, nant in water and sediment samples, respectively. The urban py- Ecuador, and France. Among children, the concentrations were rethroid concentration increased from the bottom to the surface of ranked as Thailand, followed by Japan, America, China, and Ger- the sediment profile, while the agricultural pyrethroid concentra- many. Because 3-PBA, cis-DCCA, and trans-DCCA are the main tion decreased. Furthermore, the fugacity model evaluation of py- metabolites of permethrin and cypermethrin, it is apparent that rethroids indicated that urban pyrethroids were mainly transferred permethrin and cypermethrin have been used extensively both in from water to sediments, whereas transfer of agricultural pyre- China and other countries. Cyfluthrin was widely used in China, throids was the opposite. This indicates that usage is changing from America, Canada, France, and the Caribbean. The data revealed a agricultural to urban pyrethroids. Delgado-Moreno et al. (2011) greater use of deltamethrin in Antigua and Barbuda in the Carib- suggested that pesticides applied during the dry season may bean than in America, Canada, Poland, and France. accumulate on the surface of soils and then be mobilized by the overland flow caused by winter rain events. 4. Pathways of pyrethroid transportation Pyrethroids can enter the human body in different ways. Exposure to pyrethroids is influenced by age, sampling location The transport of pyrethroid pesticides in soil-plant systems can (i.e., agricultural or non-agricultural areas), consumption of vege- occur in both directions, and depends on several factors. For tables, beans, and nuts (Ye et al., 2015), and the application of py- example, the degradation rate of pyrethroids in soils is related to rethroid pesticides to textiles and in residential environments the pH, phosphorus content, and microbial activity of the soils. (Ding et al., 2012). High levels of pyrethroid exposure are largely Some reports have indicated that plants can absorb pesticides from due to the widespread use of household pesticides. Pyrethroid soils (Fantke et al., 2013), and pesticide residues in crops are always residues in the human body are generally higher in locations where 1002 W. Tang et al. / Chemosphere 191 (2018) 990e1007 they are used as a mosquito repellent. For example, pyrethroid Permethrin was the second-most frequently detected pyre- concentrations and their frequency of detection were higher in throid. It is not only used as an insecticide and acaricide in home pregnant women living in rural areas of Jiangsu in China than in products but is also present in skin lotions and shampoos for the children, and their median levels of urinary metabolites were about medical treatment of lice and scabies. A study in Nigeria revealed 4e10 times higher than those reported in the general population the presence of permethrin not only in agrochemical products but from developing countries. Moreover, about half (45.5%) of the also in personal care products arising from the disposal of domestic women reported that they or their family members had used wastes into a stream (Olutona et al., 2016). Permethrin in envi- commercially available indoor insecticides during pregnancy (Qi ronmental media was reported 73 times, with the highest con- À et al., 2012). In addition to the use of indoor pesticides, some centration (800.00 mg kg 1) and frequency of detection (65.0%) agricultural pesticides can enter homes following adherence to reported in residential environments, followed by sediments, with À clothes or shoes, which may explain the high pyrethroid residues a concentration of 6410.00 ng g 1 and frequency of detection of reported in farmworker households. Permethrin is used in skin 46.3%. Permethrin levels were much lower in other media. lotions and shampoos and can therefore enter the human body by As with permethrin, bifenthrin does not have a-cyano within its direct exposure. Moreover, pesticide residues are also enriched in structure, and its toxicity is lower than that of cypermethrin and food chains, through which they can finally reach the human body. deltamethrin. However, unlike permethrin, it was reported only In general, the transport of pyrethroid pesticides in environ- once in a residential environment, which may indicate that it is mental media can be two-directional or multi-directional and de- rarely used as a household insecticide. The highest frequency of pends on several factors. One-way movement usually does not exist detection (44.5%) for bifenthrin was in sediments, and it was the among two or more media. For example, water and sediments are most commonly detected pyrethroid in California. Bifenthrin was not only sites where pollutants are accumulated but are also also frequently detected in the water of the Pearl River Basin and sources from which they can be released again. Due to global the seawater of Fujian in southern China. Permethrin had fre- transport, pyrethroid residues have also been detected in some quencies of detection of 22.0% and 17.5% in water and crops, regions where they have never been used. We are unable to respectively, while concentrations were higher in crops than in determine the trends in pyrethroid residue movement over these water. transport pathways. This may be because, although they produced The main metabolites of permethrin and cypermethrin, 3-PBA, considerable amounts of data, all of the experiments reviewed here cis-DCCA, and trans-DCCA were commonly detected in the human were conducted separately; thus, the background parameters were body. It is apparent that permethrin and cypermethrin have been not consistent. In addition, the sampling methods and testing extensively used both in China and other countries. procedures differed, which also made it difficult to draw accurate There were more reports of pyrethroids in sediments, water, and conclusions. crops than in residential environments and the human body. This may be because it is easier to collect and analyze sediment, water, 5. Conclusions and crop samples. It may also be due to the different frequencies and scope of pesticide use. Despite the difficulties in monitoring, Cypermethrin was the most frequently reported pyrethroid (102 pesticide residues in residential environments and the human body times) and was detected in both environmental media and organ- should be given more attention. isms, with the exception of human bodies. Fenvalerate (including fenvalerate and cis-fenvalerate) was reported 59 times. Both Acknowledgments cypermethrin and fenvalerate are agricultural pyrethroids. Cyper- methrin and fenvalerate concentrations decreased in the order: This project is supported by National Natural Science Founda- crops > sediments > soils > water, and the frequency of detection of tion of China (No. 31400371, 41571214, 41705098, 51279075), and cypermethrin was 52.5%, 44.4%, 57.9%, and 44.0% in these media, Major Research Projuct of Shandong Province (Public Welfare respectively, while the frequency of detection of fenvalerate in the Special) (No. 2017GNC11116). same media was 27.5%, 33.3%, 33.3%, and 26.0%, respectively. Agricultural pesticides are usually sprayed directly onto the surface Appendix A. Supplementary data of crops and then accumulate in soils or enter rivers and sediments by rain scouring or other transport mechanisms. Cypermethrin and Supplementary data related to this article can be found at fenvalerate concentrations generally decreased along their trans- port pathways; however, concentrations were sometimes higher in sediments than in soils and water, perhaps because of their hy- References drophobic properties. Pyrethroids move rapidly in streams and rivers, but in the long-term they are likely to accumulate once they Akoto, O., Gavor, S., Appah, M.K., Apau, J., 2015. Estimation of human health risk reach sediments. Cypermethrin and fenvalerate were also detected associated with the consumption of pesticide-contaminated vegetables from in residential environments, aquatic organisms, and land organ- Kumasi, Ghana. Environ. Monit. Assess. 187 (1e9), 244. s10661-015-4471-0. isms; however, the available data in these areas were limited. Aldana-Madrid, M.L., Valenzuela-Quintanar, A.I., Silveira-Gramont, M.I., Rodríguez- Like cypermethrin, deltamethrin is also an agricultural pyre- Olibarría, G., Grajeda-Cota, P., Zuno-Floriano, F.G., Miller, M.G., 2011. Residual throid, and was reported 66 times in environmental media and pyrethroids in fresh horticultural products in Sonora, Mexico. B. Environ. e organisms. However, unlike cypermethrin and fenvalerate, delta- Contam. Toxicol. 87, 436 439. Allinson, G., Zhang, P., Bui, A., Allinson, M., Rose, G., Marshall, S., Pettigrove, V., 2015. methrin had a more balanced distribution between environmental Pesticide and trace metal occurrence and aquatic benchmark exceedances in media and organisms (between 21.4% and 42.9%). The maximum surface waters and sediments of urban wetlands and retention ponds in Mel- À e concentrations (59.74 mgg 1) were detected in river sediments in bourne, Australia. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R. 22 (13), 10214 10226. 10.1007/s11356-015-4206-3. 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