The Blue Store
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2 BELLOWS FALLS TBEES, JULY ,5 1894. Arthur W. Porter, holder of the BLUE WINS. ENGLAND le NEW NEWS. world's record of 2.06 for class A, one-mi- AYER'S EATON & NORWOOD cycle riding and the acknowledged MAINE. champion of his class, was notified last Yale Flayed Hone with Harvard weeK tnai ne naa oeen in crass Hair i 'GROWTHS CENTRAL VT. RAILROAD oldest piacea in the Race. Vigor Albert G. Tenney, the editor B, no reason being given. Porter will M the state of died He as claims Under the conditions declared in Maine, Friday. make a vigorous protest, he rowing Prevents 18M. 58 yvot-fwv.-y Time Table corrected to May 6, Train had years in editorial work. he can prove that he bought and paid by the Harvard coachers most favorable 111 leave Bellows FallM diiilv ex cent Sua William It. Walker, clerk at the for his own wheel and never received a for the success of their Yale left BALDNESS days unless otherwise uuted, as follows: cent for Similar notice of trans- crew, HARDWARE, Moosehead Inu, aged 19, was drowned riding. 17 GOING KOKTU RUTLAND DIV.: ' Bai- class B been served on the crimson oarsmen more than in Moonehead while canoe fer to has Wil. fi.15 Lake, four-mil- e REMOVES DANDRUFF a. m. MIXED for Butlaml and intermed He belonged in liams, Bobinson, Haggerty and Seavry, lengths behind on the course iate stations. ling Friday evening. foremost COAL, liucksport. all in the ranks of class A. down the Thames Thursday night. A AND 12.20 p. m. BOSTON MAIL, for Rutland, Bur- - S. ia under arrest at This includes all the riders of the gentle breeze, a calm sea and a flood miKUm, sc. A Dana, Montreal ; ulso, Ogueus-bur- g George Leighton Waltham cycle club's racing team, tide were what the Harvard asked and the West. Portland on complaint of the postoitice navy LIME, 2.05 GREEN MOUNTAIN FLYER for for a let- which had claimed the championship for and their prayer was answered, Restores Color p.m. authorities stealing registered of America. ciittsler, J.udlow, Kutlnnd, ilurungtoa, tit. ter in Vermont. He says he belongs in yielding their representative eight the T0 Albans, and Montreal. Connects for all New but has relatives in Port- most signal and indefensible defeat points West via Montreal. Through i'arlor Haven, since Stevenson's in blue Faded and Cray CEMENT, Curs. Pullman l'alace Sleeping Car, Essex land. CONNECTICUT. Capt. boys Junction to Chicago without change. established the American intercolle- 7.30 LOCAL EXPRESS for Holding a picnic in a cemetery may Small-po- x is in record LIgrowthV HABR p.m. Rutland, spreading Litchfield giate over the same water in H AND JQ-- . and intermediate Btatlons. Beera a rather grewsome festivity, but 1888. J PAINTS, worked in the town of Tem- county. 11.15 p. m. Night Express for Montreal, Og- - it happily ofCollins-vill- e, A of a mile lead is THE (lensDurgand the west. took The Collins ax company quarter margin 7$OLo9cy Montreal. Through Sleeper ple, the other day. All hands 700 which makes boat race unlets for employing men, has shut any dull, Best NORTH GOING hold and beautified the grounds, and a record goes down in the and Dressing OILS, via SULLIVAN RAILROAD so successful down indefinitely. struggle, 8.O0 a. m. the cemetery picnic was Yale feels doubtful as to whether con- MIXED, for White River Junction. that it will be repeated uextyear. The new New Haven city directory are in or not 12.10 p. m. EXPRESS MAIL, for White River JNew Haven gratulations order after .i unction, Montpeller, St. Albans, Prof. George Colby Chase, who has published yesterday gives such a contest. VARNISHES, M itarre, a of 103,000. alone, Ogdensburg, Montreal, and all fceen chosen president of Bates college, population The Yale coachers are nearly as sour points West. comes of an old New The supreme court of errors of Con HUMPHREYS' 2.Mp. m. FAST EXPRESS, for White River England family after the exhibition of oarsmanship Nothing has ever been produced to GLASS, Etc. which sprang from one of the signers of necticut finds that Yale students under given as if the blue had lost, and assert, Junction, Aiontpelier, Itarre, Burlington, St. 21 or with Albans, Montreal, Chicago and all Western the Declaration of independence, we the age of cannot be held responsible almost to a man, that another similar equal compare Humphreys' points. has for more than 20 years been con for bills contracted during tneir minor performance will kill rowing in Eastern Witch Eazel Oil as a curative and MILL 0.10 p. in. PASSENGER, for WhlU River nected with the of which he has v SUPPLIES. college ity. colleges. healing application. It has been junction. now been chosen president, and has Hermann Denabaugh, a New Britain Thirty thousand people saw the race, 11.10p. m. NIGHT EXPRESS, for White done a splendid work for the institu and is at used 40 years and always affords relief Jtivev junction, Montpelier, Burlington, baker, was assaulted by two unknown that figure least the average, St. Albans, Ogdensburg, Montreal, Chicago, tion, lie has devoted himself chiefly men Friday morning and beaten so if not the maximum; for a Yale-Harva- rd and always gives satisfaction. and points West. Wagner Sleeping Car, to the English and has al- he cannot recover. The on the Thames. It Cures or Hemorrhoids, External Bellows Falls to Montreal. (Runs daily, department, seriously w 'varsity struggle Sundays to Montreal. so taught Ureek and Latin. He is a sailants escaped. The crowd was thoroughly cosmopoli or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and included) diligent student, and has given much tan m cnaracter. JNeitner college Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Eaton Norwood TRAINS ARRIVE AT BELLOWS FALLS: The commencement exercises at Yale & 1T2.20 a. m. Etudy to educational methods. week. seemed interested enougn to send a Relief immediate cure certain. Night Express from Montreal, college took place last Four It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Ogdensburg and the West via Rutland. hundred and ninety-seve- n re- good delegation. 4.48 a. NIGHT studenty Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. - in. EXPRESS, from Montreal NEW HAMPSHIRE. ceived diplomas. This number is near It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Bellows Falls, Vermont. via White River Junction, 86 members of ly 100 larger than any previous gradua Sold "Perfume Plants." Wounds and Bruises. 8.25.a. m. LOCAL EXPRESS from Rutland. Wednesday morning 22 LOCAL class at Yale. , a.m. EXPRESS, from White the senior class of Dartmouth college ting From Chicago Tribune. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old River Junction. received from of William Walter Sores, or Scald their diplomas the hand Under the will of street said the Itching Eruptions, Scurfy 1.17 p. m. EXPRESS MAIL, from St. Albans of President Tucker. The is to be added to a "Speaking fakirs," Head. It is Infallible. 16-- 2. graduating Phelps $50,000 like tall man of the party, "I used to know Telephone Call aud all points ou Central Division. exercises, which were the 125th of the sum left by Mr. Phelps' father to Yale a fellow in who was It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts 1.25 p.m. EXPRESS MAIL, from St. Albans were whole to be Lawrence, Kan., and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. ana all on Rutland Division. institution, held in the college university, and the used the king of the crowd. He could make WHIST PROBLEM. points cnurcn. JN ever before has so an for the erection of a building on the It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy 3.52 p.m. LIMITED EXPRESS, from Mon. large money out of anything. A block of Fever treal and via White River audience witnessed a Dartmouth com campus. The estate is valued at7,000,- - common was worth dollars Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Blisters, N Junction. ogdensburg, soap many Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, 7 mencement. 000. as a some- Hearts 8, 3.55 m. GREEN MOUNTAIN h to mm grease eradicator or Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. p. LYER, from All the workmen in the department Presiding Elder Tirrell of the Nor- thing of the kind, and for an of Clubs A, 2 Montreal, via Kutland. steam outlay Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Diamonds S 7.15 m. MIXED, from White River Junc- of at the Kitterv of the New a few he could post-pa- id J, p. engineering wich District England cents turn pockets full Sold by Druggists, or sent on receiptor price. - tion. navy yard, Portsmouth, were suspend Southern Conference has issued an or- of cash. HUMPHREYS UKD. CO., WllUira New York. Ill lit St., Hearts trumps 7.00 p. m. MIXED, from Rutland. ed afternoon and a number of der to the Bev. E. L. of Hart- "One this fellow came to o jn Saturday Thrope day young to ieaa F. Wr. Gen. men in the department of yards and ford him to discontinue hold- me and asked me in a man- HAZEL OIL Spades Q, 7 and S to win all Spades J, 6 BALDWIN, Supt. directing mysterious WITCH tricks. S. W. CUMMINGS, Gen. Pass. Agent. docks were discharged. No discharge services in the East Hartford Mem- ner to go into a loft with him. Clubs 8 A Clubs 8 ing I went, J, Daily. ITDaily except Monday. or clerks and skilled laborers took place orial chapel after next The and there found one of the most S.