The Gathering

Greeting and Welcome Bishop Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and also with you.

The Bishop introduces the service with these or other suitable


Bishop We have come together (virtually and physically) The Institution and Induction in the presence of God to of welcome Joe, Nikki and Kenzie to this benefice, The Revd Dr Joe Lannon to institute Joe to the ministry he will share, as to pray for him and for those who minister with him, Rector of the Benefice of the Callington Cluster to dedicate ourselves afresh to the service of God by and to the call of God for each one of us. The Rt Revd Hugh Nelson The Collect Bishop God our Father, Stoke Climsland Parish Church, 19 January 2021 Lord of all the world, through your Son you have called us into the fellowship of your universal Church: hear our prayer for all your faithful people that in their vocation and ministry each may be an instrument of your love, and give to your servant Joe now to be instituted the needful gifts of grace; through our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. All Amen 1 2

Presentation of the New Minister The Inauguration The Archdeacon, with the authority of the Bishop, calls upon the The new Minister stands before the Bishop. new Minister to affirm his loyalty to the Anglican inheritance of On behalf of the patron, the Archdeacon presents him to the faith and to swear allegiance to the Queen and canonical Bishop and says obedience to the Bishop.

Reverend Father in God, after due consultation and The Declaration of Assent prayerful consideration, Joe Lannon has been appointed to be Rector of this benefice. Archdeacon The is part of the One, Holy, Catholic I now present him to you to be instituted and inducted. and Apostolic Church worshipping the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Bishop I thank you and all those who, with prayer, have It professes the faith uniquely revealed in the Holy been involved in the appointment of Joe to this Scriptures and set forth in the catholic creeds, which benefice. faith the Church is called upon to proclaim afresh in Joe, do you believe, so far as you know your own each generation. Led by the Holy Spirit it has borne heart, witness to Christian truth in its historic formularies, the that God has called you to serve here? Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, the Book of Common Prayer and the Ordering of Bishops, Priests and Minister I believe that God has called me. Deacons. In the declaration you are about to make, will you Will you commit yourself to share in the mission and affirm your loyalty to this inheritance of faith as your ministry of the people in this place and with inspiration and guidance under God in bringing the them to further the Kingdom of God? grace and truth of Christ to this generation and making him known to those in your care? Minister With the help of God I will. Minister I, Joe, do so affirm, and accordingly declare my belief in the faith which is revealed in the Holy Scriptures and Bishop In due course, the people of God will welcome you, set forth in the catholic creeds and to which the Joe and Nikki to these communities. We expect historic formularies of the Church of England bear them to work creatively and faithfully with you, so witness; and in public prayer and administration of the that together you may work towards extending sacraments I will use only the forms of service which Christ’s Kingdom in this benefice and making him are authorised or allowed by Canon. known in the world.

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The Oath Of Allegiance The Induction and Installation

I, Joe swear that I will be faithful and bear true The new Minister says to the Archdeacon allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors, according to law: so help me Archdeacon, I ask you to induct me into the real, actual, God. and corporal possession of this benefice and these parish churches, in the sight of the churchwardens and people of The Oath of Canonical Obedience these parishes.

I, Joe, do swear by Almighty God that I will pay true and The Archdeacon replies canonical obedience to the , and his

successors, in all things lawful and honest: so help me This I will gladly do. God.

The Archdeacon and the new Minister move to the main door of The Bishop reads aloud the legal document, and then gives it the church. The Minister’s hand is laid on the key or handle of to the priest with these words the door. The Archdeacon says

Receive the cure of souls which is both yours and mine; in I, Audrey, , do induct you, Joe, the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy into the real, actual and corporal possession Spirit. of the Churches of the Callington Cluster.

The Lord guard and guide you in his service: All Amen. the Lord preserve your going out and your coming in,

from this time forth for evermore. The Bishop blesses the new parish priest using these or other appropriate words All Amen.

The God of peace, who brought again from the dead our The Archdeacon and new Minister move near to the bell, which Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, give you the Minister asks to be tolled as sign of the start of his ministry vision, courage and love to do his will; and the blessing of and of his taking possession of incumbency. God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be Then the Archdeacon leads the new Minister and places him in his upon you and remain with you always. stall. The new Minister sits down and the Archdeacon says

All Amen. Joe, I place you in your stall.

May God's blessing rest upon you,

and upon all your ministry in these parishes. All Amen. 5 6

The Liturgy of the Word Prayers of Intercession The lesson is read by the Minister: Romans 15.5-13 The Minister leads those present, and those watching the live- stream, in prayer and concludes Address: The Rt Revd Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Gathering all our prayers together, Germans as our Saviour taught us, so we pray

Bishop God calls his people to follow Christ, All Our Father in heaven, and forms us into a royal priesthood, a holy nation, hallowed be your name, to declare the wonderful deeds of him your kingdom come, who has called us out of darkness into his marvellous your will be done, light. on earth as in heaven. The Church is the Body of Christ, Give us today our daily bread. the people of God and the dwelling-place of the Forgive us our sins Holy Spirit. as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation Joe and Nikki, I encourage you whenever possible, but deliver us from evil. to meet in worship with the churches of this For the kingdom, the power, benefice to pledge your commitment to serve God and the glory are yours and his people as those who are baptised in his now and for ever. name. I encourage you to commit to your churches Amen. being places of community and service, of learning and witness, of worship and prayer. The new Minister may speak briefly to those watching the live- stream, including giving details of the next Sunday’s worship.

May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith, that you may be rooted and grounded in love and bring forth the fruit of the Spirit.

All Amen.

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The Dismissal

Bishop Christ the Son of God perfect in you the image of his glory and gladden your hearts with the good news of his kingdom; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.

All Amen.

Minister Filled with the Spirit’s power let us go in the light and peace of Christ.

All Thanks be to God.

Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England and New Patterns for Worship material from which is included in this service are Copyright © the Archbishops’ Council 2000 and 2002

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