Bibliographical Index
Bibliographical Index BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCESS TO THIS VOLUME geographies imaginaires de l'Eldorado." L'Homme 122-24 Two modes of access to bibliographical information are used in this (1992): 271-308. 324 volume: the footnotes and the Bibliographical Index. Alkire, William H. "Systems of Measurement on Woleai Atoll, Caro The footnotes provide the full form of a reference the first time it line Islands." Anthropos 65 (1970): 1-73. 462, 463, 464, 465, is cited in each chapter, with author's last name and short title in sub 466,467,470 sequent citations. In most of the short-title references, the note num Allen, Catherine J. "The Nasca Creatures: Some Problems of Icono ber where the fully cited work can be found is given in parentheses. graphy." Anthropology 5, no. 1 (1981): 43-70. 268 The Bibliographical Index constitutes a complete list of works Allen, Elphine. "Australian Aboriginal Dance." In The Australian cited in the footnotes, tables, appendixes, and figure and plate legends. Aboriginal Heritage: An Introduction through the Arts, ed. Numbers in bold type indicate the pages on which the references are Ronald Murray Berndt and E. S. Phillips, 275-90. Sydney: Aus cited. tralian Society for Education through the Arts in association with Ure Smith, 1973. 359 Abbadie, Antoine Thomas d'. Catalogue raisonne de manuscrits Allen, Gary L., et al. "Developmental Issues in Cognitive Mapping: ethiopiens appartenant aAntoine d'Abbadie. Paris: Imprimerie The Selection and Utilization of Environmental Landmarks." Imperiale, 1859. 29 Child Development 50 (1979): 1062-70. 443 Aberley, Doug, ed. Boundaries ofHome: Mapping for Local Allen, James de Vere, and Thomas H.
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