Welcome to the ninth edition of Lumière, Sydney’s contemporary On behalf of Cape Breton Regional arts festival, held on the traditional Mi’kmaw lands of Unama’ki, Municipality Council, I welcome all guests . Each year, the festival grows as a signature to Lumière 2019. cultural event, bringing our community together to celebrate and experience the arts. Artists from Cape Breton and around This annual festival transforms Downtown the country will transform everyday spaces into something Sydney; expanding our appreciation of art. extraordinary. Experience the magic during Lumière 2019. Many thanks to the local business Wla maqamikew anquna’toq wla ta’n teluisik “Ankuo’mkewey community for embracing this outdoor Wantaqoti aq Witaptultimkewey” ta’n Mi’kmaq aq Wulustukewaq show, to the artists who share their talent (Maliseet) mimajuinu’k amkwesewey ewi’kmi’tip wla ta’n and to the organizers and volunteers, qame’kewaq aklasie’wk pekisitu’tip 1726-ek. Ankuo’mkewe’l without whom, this would not be possible. kisna teplu’taqn mu eteknupn iknmuetasik maqamikew aq wla ta’n apoqnmask mimajuaqn nasik mikwaptasikɨp Mi’kmawewey Enjoy the beauty, spectacle and flair of aq Wulustukewey wisunkewey aq kisa’tu’tɨpn ptlutaqn wjɨt Lumière 2019. wela’matultimkewey.

This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) people first signed with the British Crown in 1726. The treaties did not deal with surrender of lands and resources but in fact recognized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) title and established the rules for what was to be an ongoing relationship between nations.

In 2018, Lumière presented the first of its annual festivals with a curatorial theme: Erosion. That theme was inspired by the physical and cultural character of Unama’ki / Cape Breton, an island shaped by the forces of nature and the peoples of many nations who have, over centuries, occupied this land. The 2019 curatorial theme, Transitions, builds upon this idea by inviting artists and the community at large to reflect upon the changes that have shaped this place and those that are leading us into the future.

2 3 SPONSORS AND PARTNERS The Lumière Arts Festival gratefully acknowledges community, business and MOONLIGHT SPONSORS government partners for their generous contributions to the Festival.







4 5 CAPE BRETON BETTER BITE THE LUMIÈRE EXPERIENCE ISLAND CENTRE COMMUNITY HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE The Lumière Arts Festival is three full days of art, culture, and community FOR IMMIGRATION KITCHEN spirit. Use this guide to plan your festival experience. Explore Lumière’s free public programming including short screenings on Thursday crafted around our theme, Transitions, hosted by Nelson MacDonald at The NEW DAWN NEW DAWN Highland Arts . On Friday night join us at the Old Sydney Society for Artist Talks featuring Skye Goodden, Megan Stewart, and David Peters. Finally, map your route through the Saturday’s art-at-night event, and study HOMECARE PROPERTIES up on featured artists. Some of the events at Lumière are time sensitive performances. For a listing of the events that take place at scheduled times NEW DAWN NEW DAWN throughout the evening, please see the Performance Schedule on page 29. COMMUNITY MEALS ON PROJECT TYPES ENGAGEMENT WHEELS SPOTLIGHT ARTIST COMMUNITY NEW DAWN PROUD SUPPORTER Spotlight projects Artist projects Community projects are hand picked and are presented are presented by local organised by the by emerging and organizations, youth ENTERPRISES OF LUMIÈRE Lumière team to professional artists groups, and clubs. offer new aesthetic whose projects have experiences for been assessed by an Lumière’s audience. independent jury.


FIND YOUR WAY ACCESSIBLE Volunteers sporting bright Lumière is committed to giving Lumière toques and t-shirts all persons the same opportunity are available to answer questions to experience our art-at-night festival. and give directions at the art-at- This year, all of our artist projects are night event. accessible, along with all the other programming such as our workshops BATHROOMS and artist talks. Public toilets are listed on the art-at-night map (pg See you at the Convent 26-27). during Lumière 2020 7 NEVER UNDERESTIMATE FESTIVAL AT-A-GLANCE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26

CAPE BRETON. Short Film Screenings with Nelson MacDonald 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm See Page 11 The Highland Arts Theatre, 40 Bentinck Street Nelson MacDonald is a Cape Breton born filmmaker best known for producing the internationally acclaimed feature film Werewolf. In 2017, he THE WORLD’S MOST released an experimental short documentary about company houses that premiered at the 71st Edinburgh International Film Festival and is still on the festival circuit. Come see the program of short from across North EXCITING FESTIVALS America Nelson has curated around our theme, Transitions. Like all of our Lumière events, this is free of charge. ARE POWERED BY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27

MARCATO Velo Cape Breton Artist Talks international online Bike Parade 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm art publication that 6:30 pm start Old Sydney Society promotes art writing Open Hearth Park, Museum, 173 Charlotte and journalism, and via Ferry Street Street stresses a return to art criticism. We Light up the night with Hear Lumière artists will also hear from the Velo Cape Breton Bike speak about their work Megan Stewart of Parade. Start and end at and artistic process the The River Clyde Open Hearth Park. during the Lumière Pageant and David Artist Talks. This year’s Peters, originally from special guest speaker is Dunvegan but residing Sky Goodden, founding in Manitoba. editor of Momus, an


Lantern Workshops Art-At-Night Official After Party See page 22 7:00 pm - Midnight 11:00 pm - 2:00 am

Make Lumière magic. Visit Downtown Sydney Keep the magic going one of the CBRL branches Lumière’s signature at the official Lumière below or the Membertou art-at-night event lights after party. 19+ event. Heritage Park and create up Downtown Sydney’s Location to be + 250 OTHER WORLD CLASS EVENTS a lantern to carry in the civic spaces with art, announced. Lumière Lantern Parade. culture and community All materials will be spirit. LEARN MORE ABOUT MARCATO AT: provided. Workshops are free. Visit lumierecb.com MARCATOFESTIVAL.COM to register. 9 SHORT FILM SCREENINGS

Nelson MacDonald Thursday, September 26 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm The Highland Arts Theatre, 40 Bentinck St.

Lumière 2019 opens with a screening of short films selected on the festival theme of Transitions. The program is bookended by a pair of films examining familiar movements in the natural world – avian and lunar. In between, we examine societal flux via an animation drawn with the filmmaker’s own blood, a documentary that draws on 100 years of archival footage, and a work assembled entirely of satellite images. The transformations are more personal in three realist dramas that round out the evening; We view aging through the lens of a young transgender woman caring for her grandmother, immigration via a group of Arab teens searching for a pool in their new city, and the generational gap between a young Cree man and his traditional father.

Lunar Almanac 4 mins. Malena Szlam Wapawekka 16 mins. Danis Goulet Best of Luck With The Wall 7 mins. Josh Begley For Nonna Ana 13 mins. Luis De Filippis Blood Manifesto 2 mins. Theodore Ushev Graven Image 10 mins. Sierra Pettengill Rupture 18 mins. Yassmina Karajah The Art of Flying 7 mins. Jan van IJken


Cynthia Martin and Anke Fox Anke and Martin Cynthia Millbrook from is a Mi’kmaq artist Cynthia Martin of Nova the indigenous beauty by Reserve. Inspired Mi’kmaq it in her work as a reflect Scotia, she hopes to Anke Fox, is a landed textile and ceramic artist. of her exploration Through Germany. immigrant from of techniques, range a broad cloth, she has acquired Tensile Treaty Tensile on Co-operators Centre, The Civic of Cape and the YMCA Street Charlotte Breton from felting to screen printing large scale photographic imagery, from dyeing with dyeing with from scale photographic imagery, printing large to screen felting from back-strap weaving to digital transfer dye sublimation, from lichens and rust to heat weaving. loom. Anke Fox weave together on a backstrap weavers, Cynthia Martin and Watch the around formBackstrap weaving is an ancient used in many cultures of weaving the of weaving requires innovative collaborative process world. This unusual and and trust, and tune work together in unison with respect willingness to stand strong, with each other's subtle body movement. into one another to work collaboratively route the festival locations throughout different Marten and Fox will weave at three drink and the Earth; the elements we walk under, Water Sky, on warps that represent and hand-dyed to prepared will be carefully of and wander on. The tightly spun wool the colours of the elements. reflect questions: by considering the project The public is invited to participate in the love about Mi’kma’ki?" The audience what do you ancestors from, your are “Where and thoughts on strips of fabric that will then be encouraged to write their feelings it is the artists’ hope that the project will be woven into the cloth. By doing so, about colonialism, our land and will engage the public in honest conversations This weaving between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. the relationships two things that are and mutual respect, stands as a metaphor for recognition process necessary for reconciliation. workshop on campus at Cape Cynthia Martin will also be guiding a participatory September 27th. This experience is on Friday, and faculty University for staff Breton part of a new learning experience initiated by Unama’ki College called, “Learning this from Come see the final piece of work that emerges Way.” About the L’nu Civic festival at Cynthia and Anke’s participatory workshop during the art-at-night location. Centre welcomes Cynthia and Anke as part of our annual artist exchange program Lumière with Nocturne, Halifax, NS.

Megan Stewart is a theatre artist from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Prince Edward Charlottetown, artist from Megan Stewart is a theatre collaborative, producing and Island. Her practice focuses on directing in conversation with that are community-engaged performance projects festivals several outdoor theatre the natural world. She has established Parade and performance PEI, including the inaugural Crow events on She is a for Art in the Open, with Jamie Shannon and Harmony Wagner. co-founder of the Island Fringe Festival in Charlottetown, as well as the of The River Clyde Pageant. co-founder and artistic director Undercurrents marks the first time the Pageant has traveled beyond traveled beyond marks the first time the Pageant has Undercurrents performance a satellite with a new its home in New Glasgow to share stiltwalkers, and short performance features audience. This procession Pageant community. the larger puppets, and musicians from large The River Clyde Pageant is an outdoor, community-created theatre theatre community-created is an outdoor, The River Clyde Pageant in Island. Founded Prince Edward based in New Glasgow, production historic Pageant explores the 2016 by Megan Stewart and Ker Wells, and our environment. between humans and contemporary relationships The River Clyde song and spectacle on land and water, Using story, live sustainably on this planet, what Pageant poses questions of how to we might work together to relationship to place, and how defines our for generations to come. our ecosystems and communities protect The River Clyde Pageant The River Clyde Undercurrents Street New Dawn, 37 Nepean

SPOTLIGHT ARTIST PROJECT 12 SPOTLIGHT ARTIST PROJECT David Peters Pyrite Intersection of Prince and Charlotte Street

Pyrite is an illusion. Pyrite the sculpture looks like a rock, something cold and distant but upon interaction with the sculpture you will find a warm home for a rest. My intention is to create a space for respite during the celebrations. The rock I will carve will be a place to gather and warm up, rest and regale each other during a night of festivities. Pyrite is named so is a proud sponsor of after fool’s gold common in the Cape Breton Highlands. This mineral found in quartz is also found near other minerals that drove Industry on the island: coal, iron ore, and its fancier cousin gold. Fool’s gold is beautiful, nonetheless. Pyrite the sculpture speaks to the fools who turn out to be augers and truth tellers. Pyrite is visual alchemy: it is the amalgam of incongruity hard surfaces and warm respite.

David Peters is an artist, writer, educator and collaborator. He was born on the east coast of Canada on Cape Breton Island. He studied English Literature in New Brunswick before moving to Vancouver to clean houses and pour concrete. He graduated from Emily Carr University and began building piranha tanks before completing an MFA at the University of Victoria. He currently teaches art at the University of Manitoba in the centre of the continent.

Weltekk amalitaqn 15 9 SPOTLIGHT ARTIST PROJECT 201 AG YOUR LUMIÉR CB Kent Senecal T E E # IERE The Hat Trick XPER LUM IENC E ONLINE Front of No Quarter Deli, 209 Charlotte Street

A live performance piece commenting on our favorite national pastime and the untamed hairstyle of its biggest players and teenagers across the country. An exploration of the Canadian coming of age hair style, and of the hazing events that commonly take place in the locker room. 1966- Born to Lise and Jean-Guy Senecal June 9th in Montreal. 1969- Stomach pumped for a potentially fatal aspirin overdose. 1971- Featured eating french fries in a television commercial for the Montreal Expos baseball franchise. 1976- Family owned business is burnt to the ground, the loss is not covered by insurance. The family is forced to move into a cramped rented cottage. 1977- The cottage is flooded, and the family is homeless for over 10 weeks. He spends that summer with his cousins in a Montreal “suburban” development called the West Island. 1980- Family moves to the Montreal suburb, West Island. 1981- Senecal gets drunk at school dance and vomits on principal's desk. He is prohibited from high school events for that year as well as the next. 1982- Starts smoking. 1983- Gets his first job; a mascot for a suburban shopping mall. Senecal entertains patrons for 8 months dressed as a bumblebee. 1984- Grandfather, Fernand Senecal, whom studied at l’Ėcole Des Beaux Art de Montreal in the late 1920’s suddenly dies on Christmas morning. 1988- Studied fine art for 4 years in Montréal at Dawson college and Concordia University. 1993- Senecal moves to and formally studies fine art for the next 4 years. 1994 to present- see curriculum vitae.


Colleen MacIssac Simon White The effects were cumulative Bootable Recollections and I almost didn’t notice Civic Centre, 320, Esplanade Rita’s Tea Room, 300 Charlotte Street Simon White is a sound artist from Prince Edward Island now based in In the year 2100 the sea level Montréal, QC. His work explores in port cities will be 250cm echoic memory. higher than it is today. This feels inevitable yet should be For his latest work “Bootable preventable. Recollections”, White has created an Where do our habits – as humans, as workers, as individuals, as 8 channel sound installation that uses a society – lead us? For 250 minutes, performer/creator Colleen sounds recorded as long as a decade MacIsaac constructs an examination of how easily we can get in ago and as recent as this summer. over our heads. Drop in, stop by, or sit back and watch the full piece The recorded sound waves have accumulate over time. been manipulated using analog and digital mechanisms to form the cumulative piece presented this year at Lumière. Colleen MacIsaac is a multidisciplinary artist based in K’jipuktuk/ Halifax who works in theatre, illustration, comics, graphic design, The installation explores how the artists mind recognizes these iconic and performance art. The managing director of 2b theatre company, personal sounds in the present, and how these audio snapshots can artistic producer of The Villains Theatre, and development head at the be rearranged to synthesize a new remembrance and subjective Bus Stop Theatre Co-op, Colleen was the 2016 recipient of the Halifax experience. Mayor’s Award for Emerging Theatre Artist. As a performer, Colleen has recently appeared in ‘Fox’ (The Villains Theatre), ‘The Little Years’ Lumière welcomes Simon as part of our annual artist exchange (Matchstick Theatre), ‘This is Nowhere’ (Zuppa Theatre), and ‘Orlando’ program with Art in the Open, Charlottetown, PEI (Workshirt Opera). Colleen has written several plays including ‘The Blazing World’, ‘dark matter’, and ‘Cartography’, is a member of the Bus Stop Playwright’s Unit, and is a touring performer with Xara Choral Theatre.

Lumière welcomes Colleen as part of our annual artist exchange program with Antigonight, Antigonish, NS.

18 19 SPOTLIGHT ARTIST PROJECT Steve Wadden Selene Old Sydney Society, 173 Charlotte Street With the full moon as its main protagonist, this photo story reimagines myths of creation, fertility, transformation and consciousness. Surrendering to a primitive sense of self, he delves into his own wonder, joy and fear of becoming a father. Selene was inspired by the birth of his son on a full moon in the summer of 2016. See selected projections accompanied by audio soundtrack from Devon Morrison.

Steve Wadden, an award-winning photojournalist and commercial photographer with 20-years of experience and founder of The Cape Breton Photo Workshop. In recent years Wadden’s work has expanded into film, television, documentary, and fine-art photography.

Lumière welcomes Steve as Lumière’s local artist incubator for 2019.


| CBRL Branch, 143 Commercial Street, Glace Bay Glace Bay Street, 1 pm - 3 pm | CBRL Glace Bay Branch, 143 Commercial | McConnell Library, 50 Falmouth Street, Sydney Sydney 50 Falmouth Street, 1 pm - 3 pm | McConnell Library, | Wilfred Oram Centennial Library, 309 Commercial Street, Street, 309 Commercial 1pm - 3 pm | Wilfred Oram Centennial Library, North Sydney Bring a lantern to carry in the parade, or create one of your own in one one of your own in one Bring a lanternthe parade, or create to carry in 28, 2019. September held on Saturday, of the four community workshops free are Workshops will be provided. Everyone is welcome. All materials to register. but space is limited. Visit www.lumierecb.com Workshops: Membertou Awti, 4 pm - 6 pm | Membertou Heritage Park, 35 Su’n Follow The River Clyde Pageant and light up the night through the the light up the night through Follow The River Clyde Pageant and and help make magic during the down, up, dress Dress of Sydney. streets September 28, in Lantern pm, Saturday Lumière Parade. Meet at 6:45 of the YMCA. front OPENING STREETOPENING PARADE AND HEADING NORTH! YMCA AT STARTING | PARADE ART-AT-NIGHT LUMIÈRE LANTERN PARADE LANTERN LUMIÈRE


www.oldsydneysociety.org @OldSydney

24 25 ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight

Spotlight Project Artist Project Community Project

ART-AT-NIGHT Information Sydney Waterfront District First Aid Station Sept 28, 2019 | 7PM-Midnight Public Toilet 35 11


13 14 10 7 4 34 1 2 18 3 8 15 16 19 9 10 17 24 27 32 5 28 29 30 6 20 10 31 33 25 26 21 22 23

1. Ukuleles Unlimited 12. Simon White 23. Undercurrent Sydney 34. The River Clyde Pagaent 2. Joe Fowler 13. Whitney Pier Youth Club 24. David Peters 35. ACAP Cape Breton 3. Parks Canada 14. Josephine Clarke 25. Archive Cape Breton 36. Kelly Maureen MacDonald** 4. Bradley Murphy 15. CollectifHAT 26. Membertou Heritage Park 5. Robert MacNeil 16. Laurel Terlesky 27. Colleen MacIssac 6. Guillozine 17. Onni Nordman 28. Clara Reynolds-White 7. Étoile de l’Acadie 18. Ten645 29. Kate Ward, John Kennedy * This project has three locations. 8. Alison Uhma 19. Angie Arsenault 30. The Hub Downtown ** This is a roaming projects moving 9. Unicorp Industries 20. Leah Noble 31. Kent Senecal throughout downtown and not shown on 10. Cynthia Martin, Anke Fox* 21. Relays 32. Potlotek Dancers the map. See the project description for 11. Scott Sharplin 22. Sydney Odditorium 33. Steve Wadden more info.

26 @lumierecb #lumierecb2019 27 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight


1 Ukuleles Unlimited | Musical Performance 11 Scott Sharplin | Bear Witness | Performance

7:15 pm 32 Potlotek Dancers | The Red Dress | Performance 28 Clara Reynolds-White | Proteus | Dance Performance Selene 33 Steve Wadden | | Installation 7:45 pm 33 Steve Wadden | Selene | Installation 8:00 pm 1 Ukuleles Unlimited | Musical Performance 11 Scott Sharplin | Bear Witness | Performance 28 Clara Reynolds-White | Proteus | Dance Performance

8:15 pm 34 The River Clyde Pageant | Undercurrents | Theatrical 32 Potlotek Dancers | The Red Dress | Performance 33 Steve Wadden | Selene | Installation

8:30 pm 28 Clara Reynolds-White | Proteus | Dance Performance

8:45 pm 33 Steve Wadden | Selene | Installation 28 Clara Reynolds-White | Proteus | Dance Performance

9:00 pm 1 Ukuleles Unlimited | Musical Performance 11 Scott Sharplin | Bear Witness | Performance

9:15 pm 32 Potlotek Dancers | The Red Dress | Performance 33 Steve Wadden | Selene | Installation

9:30 pm 34 The River Clyde Pageant | Undercurrents | Theatrical 28 Clara Reynolds-White | Proteus | Dance Performance

9:45 pm 33 Steve Wadden | Selene | Installation

10:00 pm 1 Ukuleles Unlimited | Musical Performance 11 Scott Sharplin | Bear Witness | Performance 10:15 pm 32 Potlotek Dancers | The Red Dress | Performance 33 Steve Wadden | Selene | Installation 28 Clara Reynolds-White | Proteus | Dance Performance 10:45 pm 33 Steve Wadden | Selene | Installation 11:00 pm 1 Ukuleles Unlimited | Musical Performance 33 Steve Wadden | Selene | Installation 28 Clara Reynolds-White | Proteus | Dance Performance 11:15 pm 33 Steve Wadden | Selene | Installation #lumierecb2019 29 ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight

2 0 1 9 1 Ukuleles Unlimited | Sydney, N.S. # E C B L U M I È R The United Heritage Church, 500 Charlotte Street

Ukuleles Unlimited is a wonderful group of approximately 60 students in grades 5-12 who are learning the ukulele through the CB-VRCE school’s program. We play a wide variety of music, from jazz to classical, rock to folk, and also are writing our own songs which we scatter throughout our presentation. Come hear some old favorites as well as new music this year at Lumière! See Performance Schedule on page 29. 2 Joe Fowler | Corner Brook, N.L. Emergence Front of Ed’s Books and More, Welcoming 446 Charlotte Street Emergence is the phenomenon of when new properties appear when smaller objects are joined together into a new one. This coastal themed light up who you are. installation combines everyday objects and materials reconfigured into iconic fishing industry equipment. Lobster traps and fishing buoys perform a cultural Embracing who you display in this animated light show. want to become. 3 Parks Canada | Sydney, N.S. Rubbing Shoulders With History / Se frotter à With more than 60 areas of study, l’histoire including arts, social sciences McConnell Library Parking, 50 Falmouth Street and applied theatre, earn a degree Parks Canada places on Cape Breton Island are national treasures for everyone that ignites your passion. to discover. Interpreters of the 18th century Fortress of will be on hand to help visitors discover the treasures of the past of the Fortress and its Learn more by visiting: peoples. CBU.ca/programs Les lieux de Parcs Canada au Cap-Breton sont des trésors nationaux à découvrir. Des interprètes de la Forteresse de Louisbourg du 18e siècle seront sur les lieux pour fournir aux visiteurs une occasion de découvrir les trésors du passé de la forteresse et de ses gens qui y habitaient.

4 Bradley Murphy | Sydney, N.S. Heart-Beat - /’härt,bēt/ an animating or vital unifying force Green field across from the Farmers Market, Corner of Charlotte and Falmouth Street

HEART-BEAT is a drum circle and visual installation. It symbolizes overcoming property and social boundaries through rhythm and song. There will also be a Proud to support Lumière and photographic exhibition exploring the relationship between people and land. All are welcome to participate by bringing or borrowing a drum, dancing, or CBU.ca the arts in our community singing songs of their homeland. #lumierecb2019 31 ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight

5 Robert MacNeil | Sydney, N.S. NO QUARTER DELI & MARKET Altered Iron 209 CHARLOTTE ST. McConnell Library, 50 Falmouth Street A mixing of sound, noise and music inspired by the tapes I experimented with in childhood.

6 Guillozine | Sydney, N.S. Guillozine @ Lumière 2019 McConnell Library, corner of Bentinck and Falmouth Street

Come visit Guillozine’s exhibit and grab a free copy of our “Transitions” issue! Read all about different artist’s experiences with transition and their work based on that, then make your own zine at our returning zine-making table!

7 Étoile de l’Acadie | Sydney, N.S. "Acadian Roots & Rhythm” / “Racines et rythmes acadiens" Sydney Farmers Market, 15 Falmouth Street

An evening of learning the roots of the Acadian culture through music and As a proud supporter of dance. Lumière Cape Breton, we look forward to a night 8 Alison Uhma | Sydney, N.S. of creativity and vibrancy in Downtown Sydney! Consent Between Royal Bank of Canada and Downtown Nutrition, 390 Charlotte Street

CONSENT is a series of industrial signs that depict words and actions against aggressors and oppressors. The body should belong to the individual, but patriarchal structures in our society seek to claim ownership, and declare ownership over bodies othered by acts that violate the autonomy of the individual. CONSENT responds to toxic constructs, and imagines an equitable society.

capebretoncraft.com | 902 270 7491 | 322 Charlotte Street, Sydney #lumierecb2019 33 ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight

9 Unicorp Industries | Guelph, O.N. TrinkeTron TURBO 2000 Front of the YMCA CB, 399 Charlotte Street

The latest iteration of Unicorp Industries’ line of futuristic innovations is The TrinkeTron TURBO 2000; a giant, 8-foot-tall artificially-intelligent vending machine producing unique souvenir trinkets on demand to the delight of customers worldwide.

10 Cynthia Martin, Anke Fox | Halifax, N.S. November, November Flag Pole, Wentworth Street Extension, CBRM Civic Centre, Co-operators on Charlotte Street and the YMCA of Cape Breton Watch weavers, Cynthia Martin and Anke Fox weave together on a backstrap loom. Backstrap weaving is an ancient form of weaving used in many cultures around the world. The loom which simply consists of a combination of sticks, is portable and serves a nomadic lifestyle.Marten and Fox will weave at three different locations throughout the festival route on warps that represent Sky, Water and the Earth; the elements we walk under, drink of and wander on. The natural, tightly spun wool warps will be carefully prepared and hand-dyed to reflect the colours of the elements.

11 Scott Sharplin | Sydney, N.S. Bear Witness Wentworth Street Extension, CBRM Civic Centre, 320 Esplanade

From the dwindling ice Up North comes a white bear in search of her cub. From the depths of yesterday comes a cluster of fish-apes, keen to blaze trails. Things are heating up! Take a walk with Grace. Rise up or dive down. Anything can happen when you make a choice. See Performance Schedule on page 29.

12 Simon White | Montréal, Q.C. Bootable Recollections CBRM Civic Centre, 320 Esplanade

For his latest work “Bootable Recollections”, White has created an 8 channel sound installation that uses sounds recorded as long as a decade ago and as recent as this summer. The recorded sound waves have been manipulated using analog and digital mechanisms to form the cumulative piece presented this year at Lumiére. #lumierecb2019 35 ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight

13 Whitney Pier Youth Club | Sydney, N.S. Choices CBRM Civic Centre, 320 Esplanade

This installation is meant to explore art as a mechanism for engaging the community in environmental sustainability. The kids have designed a sculptural installation made of recycling and found material. The creative action space provided by the sculpture brings attention to the prevalence of single use plastics, while also inviting the audience to think differently about their own A proud sponsor of local artists individual impacts. 14 Josephine Clarke | Port Hawkesbury, N.S. An Unlikely Illumination Connors Basics Alley, 350 Charlotte Street

Overlooked for many years, Cape Breton has become a 325 Welton Street 725 Grand Lake Road topic of interest in the community of international scholars Sydney, NS Sydney, NS who specialize in deindustrialization. In the meantime, Cape Bretoners have moved through continued deindustrialization 902-539-2280 902-539-0771 with hope and quiet dignity, exhibiting resilience and the capacity to “make www.colbournechrysler.ca www.colbourneford.ca do.” These characteristics put one in mind of the flower garden, built deep underground by a Cape Breton coal miner. 11-19 October 2019 CollectifHAT | Moncton, N.B. Cape Breton Island Celtic-Colours.com 15 Botanic Variations Connors Basics parking lot, Tickets 350 Charlotte Street on Sale Botanic Variations is an audio visual experience inspired by dynamic concepts Now of urban agriculture such as rooftop farming, hydroponics, green walls and other new technologies. The giant canvas progressively growing on an urban wall seeks to eliminate barriers between the built environment and its ecosystem.

16 Laurel Terlesky | Garibaldi Highlands, B.C. Tenacity of Hope Connors Basics alleyway, 350 Charlotte Street #houseplants, a revived trend from the 1970s and in a move towards domesticating office, retail and social spaces, we’ve greened our interior spaces. And yet they mask their supreme commodification and dislocation from their native habitat – offering a sense of a less complicated relationship with the global economy and colonial histories. What systems are layered with our plants and why do they continue to inspire hope? #lumierecb2019 37 ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight

17 Onni Nordman | Sydney, N.S. Angelus Recentior Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design, 322 Charlotte Street The Angels of History as a doorman and a bouncer made of burdocks, lichen, & disco balls entertain you with VHS guide- to-enlightenment movies.

181 Ten645 | Sydney, N.S.

The Centre for Craft and Design, 322 Charlotte Street

Ten645 is a collaboration between ten artists from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada and ten artists from the BrushTu Collective, Nairobi, Kenya. It is 10,645 kms from Sydney, Cape Breton to Nairobi, Kenya.

19 Angie Arsenault | Montreal, Q.C. The secret lives of weeds Radio Building, 318 Charlotte Street The secret lives of weeds pays special attention to the vegetal lives that emerge in spaces of neglect and ruination. Plants exhibit a powerful resilience in the face of ruination, pollution and contamination. SUPPORTS LUMIÈRE They can break through the human built world, cracking concrete in a show of might that reminds us: plants were here before us and they will remain long after we are gone. The secret lives of weeds also offers up local fauna most often viewed as “weeds” to be considered in a new light, an act that is especially poignant as we transition through this ongoing period of deindustrialization and look toward a hopeful and more sustainable post-industrial future. As Jamaica Kincaid keenly observes Visit our website for in Among Flowers, “every weed can be made a treasure under the right show times & more info! circumstances.” 201 Leah Noble | Sydney, N.S. #Icewall2019 HIGHLANDARTSTHEATRE.COM Crowells Building, 319 Charlotte Street

#Icewall2019 is a mosaic collage of photos, stories and poems representing the mythical and other-wordly Icewall of Irish Vale that appeared in March 2019, and the people who flocked to witness it. #lumierecb2019 39 ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight

21 RELAYS | Sydney, N.S.

Earth Loom Nature’s Tapestry The Bobbin Tree, 48 Prince Street

Weaving is the ancient practice of interlacing threads to form fabric on a loom. Using the Earth Loom we are weaving natural and recycled materials from the earth. Instead of thread we use plants, grasses, driftwood, shells and recycled clothing to represent the fabric that makes up our Planet. RELAY,S a CBRM Youth Organization has brought together youth from six different communities to create this Earth Loom thereby creating resilient communities by weaving our youth together.

221 Sydney Odditorium | Sydney, N.S. Sydney’s Lost Art Project The Prince Street Market, 54 Prince Street

Art can hide in unlikely spaces; it can be present in anyone. Sydney’s Lost Art Project locates and saves art created by the people around you. Come and see an art display created by the folks around you.

23 PellyUndercurrent Mcgeoghegan Sydney | Charlottetown,| Sydney, N.S. PEI Pop Up Skate Spot Across from The HAT, North Bentinck Street The Pop Up Skate Spot is your new downtown skatepark ... for the night. There will also be screenings of the iconic Scenery skateboard video series, music, and a spot to hang out and watch the session. This is a ride at your own risk park, safety equipment is encouraged, and all we ask is that you skate with respect.

241 David Peters | Winnipeg, M.B. Pyrite Intersection of Prince and Charlotte Street Pyrite is an illusion. Pyrite the sculpture looks like a rock, something cold and distant but upon interaction with the sculpture you will find a warm home for a rest. My intention is to create a space for respite during the celebrations. The rock I will carve will be a place to gather and warm up, rest and regale each other during a night of festivities. Pyrite is named so after fool’s gold common in the Cape Breton Highlands. This mineral found in quartz is also found near other minerals that drove Industry on the island: coal, iron ore, and its fancier cousin gold. Fool’s gold is beautiful, nonetheless. Pyrite the sculpture speaks to the stage fools who turn out to be augers and truth tellers. Pyrite is visual alchemy: it is the amalgam of incongruity hard surfaces and warm respite.

#lumierecb2019 41 ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight

251 Archive Cape Breton | Sydney, N.S. Recycled Stories Starting at The Local NPC, 315 Charlotte Street Recycled Stories takes two very current and popular ideas, superheroes and recycling, and binds them in collage and storytelling to create something new. Using collage and storytelling techniques, Recycled Stories takes characters and dialogue from old comic books to create entirely new stories. The recycled pieces of the books might create exciting new crossovers or tell stories that never before graced the page. The new story will be displayed in sections in different locations in the downtown, taking the audience on a literal and CAPE BRETON’S HUB figurative journey to reassemble the story similarly to how we have. FOR PRINTING AND 26 Membertou Heritage Park, Membertou, N.S. LHC lot, PROMOTIONAL ITEMS. 295 Charlotte Street Come and celebrate the heritage and culture of Membertou. Learn about our unique history through educational and interactive experiences.

C O T I A A S O V N South Ingonish The Gaels, who are reputed to having invented ‘Uisge Beatha’, ‘The Water of Life’, claim the Gaelic improvesThe the fl avour Distillery of the whisky. 1 Colleen MacIssac | Antigonish, N.S. Harbour 27 Tour North America’s First Single Malt Distillery

FOLLOWOUR SIGNS Halfway point around the Cabot Trail the effects were cumulative and I almost didn’t notice Tours of the distillery are available hourly between 9 am - 5pm for a small fee. We have ample parking facilities The distillery started production ARTS & CULTURAL CENTRES and scenic grounds for all to enjoy! in June 1990 and has become well Tour buses and large groups are wel- DISTANCES known for its Glen Breton Rare Cana- Chéticamp ...... come by appointment. Ingonish dian Single Malt Whisky. Baddeck ...... Inverness County’s cultural history is rich and diverse. A place Sydney ...... Port Hawkesbury ...... of great creative energy, it is home to writers, visual artists, Halifax ...... “Glenora Distillery has created a clean, musicians and artisans who are inspired by the natural beauty USEFULINFORMATION expressive single malt whisky with a Reservations• recommended and traditions of western Cape Breton. These six Arts & Cultural Trips• are weather permitting Rita’s Tea Room, 300 Charlotte Street well defi ned edge of sophistication and Bring• water or beverages with you Some• GPS devices may be inaccurate in our area Centres in Inverness County, each with its own focus, all well Peterundeniable, Rockwell, one-of-a kind fl avour.” Product worth a visit. Many events take place throughout the year, ...... Analyst, Nova The thrill of especially in summer and fall. Check the contact numbers Scotia Liquor watching whales is breathtaking... We practice responsible whale watching Sydney Harbour and websites for up-to-date information. Commisson so is the ride! Outer Marker Father John Angus Rankin Cultural Centre Air do dheagh Shlainte! 4248 Highway 105, Glendale To your excellent health! D The Cultural Centre houses the Glendale Gaelic and Historical In the year 2100 the sea level in port cities will be 250cm N L A Society archives. Gift shop features local traditional crafts, with I S SQUARE DANCES Explore the beauty of Aspy Bay Bras d'Or E R I tartans on display and weaving workshops offered. Kitchen Ceilidhs, Yacht Club E Northern Marina MacIntyre (902) 625-1723 R D Gaelic workshops and Glendale Ceilidh Days are hosted here The Cape Breton square dance and stepdance traditions were Kayak where only bald eagles fl y L A Yacht Club U brought over from Scotland by the early Scots settlers and are O during the summer months and concerts during B intrinsic to Cape Breton culture. An evening spent at any of 2 hrs. 45 min. 1 hr. 10 min. week. Internet access is available. Find them on Facebook. 2 hrs. 30 min. 1 hr. 45 min. higher than it is today. This feels inevitable yet should Inverness County’s regular square dances is sure to be an 5hrs. 30 min. unforgettable experience. Visitors are made welcome, and they will hear the music of some of Cape Breton’s best known musicians. Swim along the shores of 45 min. 5471 Route 19, Judique Dobson The Celtic Music Interpretive Centre Relax your mind, body and soul Yacht Club The Celtic Music Centre is home to extensive music archives West Mabou Square Dance a spectacular beach dating back to the 1940’s. You will find a gift shop specializing West Mabou Sports Club Hall, 2399 West Mabou Road, Mabou be preventable. Where do our habits – as humans, as in music and tune books (902)as well 787-2708 as an interactive exhibit room SATURDAY: year-round - 9 pm–12 am where you can have an 8-minute fiddle lesson. Workshops and Family Dance (all ages), Admission $8, Canteen ceilidhs are a regular event at the Centre. Escape...towith the ocean Markland air • The West Mabou Dance is famous for its indoor and outdoor www.celticmusiccentre.com dance floors and the ever-growing collection of framed CEILIDHS Ben Eoin photographs donated by musicians over the years. Yacht Club A ceilidh (Scots Gaelic word pronounced kay-lee) is a gathering workers, as individuals, as a society – lead us? For 250 Allan J. MacEachen International Academic & Cultural Centre BRAS D'OR LAKE Strathspey Performing Arts Centre Contact: Margie MacInnis (902) 945-2814 or visit that usually includes traditional music, dance, stories, 11156 Route 19, Mabou and songs. Strathspey Place is a state-of-the-art performance centre with Brook Village Square Dance Glen Breton Rare is North America’s fi rst single malt whisky. It is comfortable seating and excellent acoustics. The stage, dedicated Brook Village Parish Hall, 6432 Route 252, Brook Village The Celtic Music Interpretive Centre produced by the traditional copper pot stills method using only OINJ THE CREW Captain Mark Timmons, MED 11, is a Certifi ed three ingredients: barley, yeast and water. It can not be called Small Craft Master, with more than 26 years to John Morris Rankin, is (902) where 945-5300 you will see performances from See Arts & Cultural Centres for directions and contact info. on the sea. Capt. Mark is Pleasant Bay's most MONDAY: end of June to Labour Day weekend - 9:30 pm–1 am experienced whale watching captain operating ‘Scotch’ unless it is produced in Scotland, hence, Canadian since 1994. When Capt. Mark is unavailable, ballet to jazz, to the best in Cape Breton traditional music. Single Malt Whisky. he has 2 very experienced and knowledgeable Adult Dance (age 19+), Admission $8, Bar and Canteen captains: Capt. Gilles Chiasson and Capt. Ron minutes, performer/creator Colleen MacIsaac constructs an examination of how SUNDAY: year-round - 2 pm–5 pm Fraser. They will take you on a 2 hour cruise along Cape Breton Highlands National Park's wild The Brook Village dance has been running since Buddy MacMaster Family Ceilidh (all ages) Admission $8 Children Under 12 Free and pristine coastline and Nova Scotia's great • www.strathspeyplace.com The aromas are medium-bodied, but pleasantly fi ery, offering a Northern wilderness. The Inverness County Centre For The Arts tight combination of butterscotch, heather, honey and ground Since 1994, Mark, Tina and their family of 3 first started playing at dances. Bar and Restaurant children have owned and operated Capt Mark's ginger with elongated, wood-infused undertones. This aromatic Whale & Seal Cruise. Contact: Cathy Campbell (902) 945-2735 We search for: Pilot Whales • Finback Whales whisky presents a pleasing golden-yellow colour highlighted • Humpback Whales • Minke Whales • Atlantic Boating CB and Race the Cape Brochure (original).indd 1 MONDAY–SATURDAY: mid-June, July to mid-October White - Sided Dolphins • Atlantic White-Beaked (902) 258-2533 Dolphins • Porpoises • Basking Sharks. with hints of amber and orange. Harbour and Grey Seals are often hauled out on 16080 Route 19, Central Avenue, Inverness 11:30 am –3:00 pm our secluded rocky outcrops, and moose, bears, bald eagles, cormorants, guillemots, gannets and Inverness County Centre for the Arts offers something for The Barn at the Normaway Inn loons are frequently seen. The scenery on its own The fl avour is light to medium bodied with a noticeable alco- is breathtaking, with our spectacular rock and easily we can get in over our heads. Drop in, stop by, or sit back and watch the Lunch Ceilidh - No Admission cliff formations, mysterious sea caves, waterfalls, everyone. Here you can see beautiful art on exhibit in the gallery, The Barn, 691 Egypt Road, Margaree Valley hol expression. It’s creamy with a good fl ow of toasty wood, abandoned St. Peter's • cove www.invernessarts.ca Family Ceilidh (all ages) almond, caramel and just a subtle suggestion of charcoal and settlements, browse in the Third Meadow Gallery Gift Shop, enjoy an evening2016 Artisan Trail Map a Tibetan Marina WEDNESDAY: July and August FRIDAY: late-June, September to mid-October earthy peat. The fi nish lingers, ending with a quick bite of light, Buddhist Bar and Restaurant monastery, of music in an intimate setting, learn art and craft techniques in raw wood. colourful 8 pm Concert / Ceilidh, 10pm Dance fi shermen, and the studio, or relax with a cocktail on the patio while watching much more!!! N Family Concert/Ceilidh/Dance (all ages) Mabou CommunitySingle malt fanciers Hall will prize the all-around balance of this rich A the sun go down over the ocean. yet smooth and subtle dram. E Admission Concert/Dance/Combo $10/$15/$20, 11538 Route 19 Main Street Mabou full piece accumulate over time. Admission Dance Adults $6, Student $4 C TUESDAY:For July a distinctive to August sample - 7:30 of this pm rare essence, bottle your own O Contact: (902) 248-2987 or www.thenormawayinn.com whisky from a single cask, where every bottle is unique. Family Ceilidh (all ages), Admission $7 I C 15118 Cabot Trail, Chéticamp Bay St.Meat Lawrence Cove T La Place Des Arts Père Anselme-Chiasson A N A T L La Place Des Arts Père Anselme-Chiasson is in the heart of the The Glencoe Mills Square Dance Father John Angus Rankin Cultural Centre Acadian region offering music and dance performances with Glencoe Mills Hall, 628 Upper Glencoe Road, Glencoe Mills See Arts & Cultural Centres for directions and contact info. a kitchen partyMETAL atmosphere GLASS in a well MEDIA equipped 357-seat theatre. THURSDAY: End of June to Labour Day weekend - 9 pm–12 am DANCING AROUND (902) 224-1876 Cape North Every 2nd WEDNESDAY: June to October - 7 pm–9 pm Family Dance (all ages), Admission $8, Canteen Brent Harding Family Ceilidh (all ages), Admission by donation 701 Main-à-Dieu Road, Catalone The Glencoe Mills dance has been running for decades and Cape Breton Highlands 51 Harbour Road (Old902 Cabot 733 Trail 2174 Road), Grand Etang • for many years was Buddy MacMaster’s regular Thursday gig. DINGWALL Le Centre de la Mi-Carême www.cheticamp.ca National Park Inverness Fire Hall (902) 224-1016 Open May to October, 9-5 daily Contact: Irene Gillis (902) 945-2448 Cheticamp 34 15797 Route 19, Central Avenue, Inverness

Celebrate the masks, musicOr year and round dance by chance of Acadian or appointment Mi-Carême.

metalglassmedia.com Wadden Mike Tech: Sound

THURSDAY: July to August - 8 pm Island. beautiful our from scenes picturesque

The Interpretive Centre, located in the picturesque Grand-Étang of backdrop a with performed All two. or step a even and

• Creignish Square Dance fiddlers, known well from tunes fiddle traditional singers, songs from our greatest songwriters, tributes to our biggest biggest our to tributes songwriters, greatest our from songs

[email protected] Neil’s hear You’ll community. musical vast a such in up brought giving it’s audience a glimpse at what it’s like to have been been have to like it’s what at glimpse a audience it’s giving

New Brunswick Family Ceilidh (all ages) This is a place where the Gaelic culture and language lives journey visual and musical a on you take will Drive Keltic

Harbour, features stunning displays, gift shop with local artisan’s Creignish Recreation Centre, 2123 Route 19, Creignish Harbour artists. other for projects recording 15 over produced also has The Markland He vocalist. background a and musician a both as projects and thrives. To fi nd us, just follow the Ceilidh Trail through CD 150 over to talents musical his contributed has Aaron

product and offers a variety of monthly events. Coastal Beach Cottages Scotia. 2 FRIDAYS: 2016Inverness County to a corner of the world blessed with ancient Nova in player bass after sought most the Emily made has Ingonish W Clara Reynolds-White | Sydney, N.S. Scottish heritage, where musical tradition has created a wealth Chestico Museum ease. with rock to country from everything play 28

of talent that has become well known and loved throughout of the busiest musicians and teachers on the island. the on teachers and musicians busiest the of

8095 Route 19, Port Hood elcome to the top of the Island! one remains Kimberley Year, the of Album Roots/Traditional

creations September 2 - 8:30 pm -11:30 pm North America.

Family Dance (all ages) talented musicians that Cape Breton has to offer. offer. to has Breton Cape that musicians talented October 7 - 10 pm – 1 am THURSDAY: July to August - 7 pm - 8 pm most and busiest the of some of up made is Drive Keltic

MABOU VILLAGE GALLERY Admission $8 Adult, $4 Youth, Free (12 & Under) Glenora Inn and Distillery is located in Glenville, Cape Breton,

Prince Edward studio the Radio.In Country on singles national

Brent’s inspiration for his one-of-a-kind art glass pieces comes from looking out of 6 spawned has which career country solo own Back for a group The Carlton Show Band. He also has his his has also He Band. Show Carlton The group

11-5 most days Family Ceilidh (all ages), Admission $5 just 45 minutes from the Canso Causeway on Route 19, Irish Canadian the of member a is Lewis Aaron Contact: Ian Cameron (902) 625-0128

glass 2 ability to blend into any musical situation. This This situation. musical any into blend to ability


his studio windows on Mira Bay. His unique creations combine metal and glass, chameleon-like her and additions bass soulful between Inverness and Mabou. harmonies, smooth her for out sought often is who

Suzanne Chrysler MacDonald Tea/Refreshments Na bithibh fada gun tighinn a-rithist. musician Breton-based Cape a is Dingwall Emily

Island can yet them of best the with tune Celtic a out pick season can He understatement. an is versatile is guy this

capturing Cape Breton’s beautiful land and sea scapes. His work is a must-see and say To players. traditional known well of line long

Lyndon MacKenzie is an artist who comes from a a from comes who artist an is MacKenzie Lyndon

11511 Main Street, Mabou (Route 19) art

winner of the East Coast Music Award for best best for Award Music Coast East the of winner FROM HWY 105, TAKE HWY 22 FOR 20 MINUTES AND TURN LEFT

players of the Cape Breton fi ddle tradition. A A tradition. fiddle Breton Cape the of players the view from the studio is worth the drive. Also available at Metal Glass Gallery in South West Margaree Square Dance stellar the of one as regarded is Music, of College 902 945 2060 Creignish Recreation Centre Berklee The of graduate a Fraser, Kimberley Open June 20 to October 20, the Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion and KENNYCape Breton Centre BOONE for Craft & Design. St. Joseph’s Parish Hall, 19678 Route 19, South West Margaree Don’t be long without returning!

30 GETTING THERE: 2123 Route 19, Creignish [email protected] fused GALLERY & STUDIO ONTO MAIN-À-DIEU ROAD. LOOK FOR THE SIGNS! FRIDAY: end of June to Labour Day weekend - 10 pm–1 am Adult (age 19+), Admission $8, Bar Nova Scotia EVERY 2ND THURSDAY: Start date June 9 - 7:30 pm - 8 pm Proteus Suzanne’s “in-house” art gallery includes oil and Kenny Boone Some of the legendary Cape Breton fiddlers such as Family CeilidhCape (all ages) mixed media paintings, archival reproductions and 230 Neville Street, Dominion Breton Admission by donation 35 902 849 5820 | 902 563 6617 Angus Chisholm have played at this long running dance. Island Open year round, please call ahead Contact: Lawrence MacLellan (902) 248-2180 For more information and reservations contact: kennyboone.ca | [email protected] Sydney 126 Harbour Rd., Pleasant Bay, NS B0E 2P0


media Kenny has been a full-time artist for 25 years. prints. She paints in a style recognized for her controlled use of colour and poetic, Major credit cards accepted! Front of Canada Post, Fraser impressionist manner. She is inspired by her scenic surroundings, the Cape Breton “Adventure is not on the map; DESIGNED AND PRINTED BY CITY PRINTERS LTD., SYDNEY, NS

WHITE HOUSE ON THE HILL BEHIND THE GAELIC AND HISTORICAL Tel: (902) 258-2662PO. Box 181, 1-800-839-0491 Mabou, Cape Breton [email protected]

664 East Big Intervale Road, Margaree Valley mixed music her husband loved profoundly and the caring people who inhabit, work and

902 235 2467 love this land. Also available at Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Rental Society in Halifax. Beauty is not in the guidebook. Glenora Inn & Distillery www.whaleandsealcruise.com GPS Coordinates N46 09.163 W61 19.425 Toll free: 1-888-754-5112

www.glenoradistillery.com Local phone: 224-1316 and Open June to end of Celtic Colours, 10-5 daily GETTING THERE: GALLOPING COWS

26 capebretonclay.com MUSEUM WITH A DRIVEWAY ON LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE OF THE MUSEUM. His use of colour and design have become his visual voice, one that reflects a Nova Scotia, B0E 1X0 oil [email protected] Joanne & Ron Schmidt watercolour love for nature and an island he proudly calls home. Kenny’s constant creative Single Malt Whisky Distillery

59 Justin Road, Port Hood + exploration has resulted JUST inSECONDS works of OFF art thatTHE are COLLIERY distinctive ROUTE, and stunning,HWY 28 OR fulfilling SEVEN Fax: (902) 258-3572 269 Charlotte Street “This work,is byunique. Margaree And quite Valley wonderful. native Bell Crab, Fraser, for the artist and viewer. Also available at Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design. Seek and ye shall fi nd.” North America’s First 902 787 3484 [email protected]

actually Monday to Saturday 10-5, Sunday 12-5 GETTING THERE: Listing coordinated by Inverness County Recreation/Tourism Department. 31 gallopingcows.com acrylic KILOMETRES FROM THE SYDNEY AIRPORT, HWY 4.

[email protected] Please note: all events are subject to change without notice. sets

LARCH WOOD Terry & Renny Russell clay

Featured at the Oscars and Golden Globes, our Society Board of Directors of Board Society

lobster, fish (and more) are worked into her platters and bowls in ways that are gift 36

Don Beamish, Larch Wood Factory Outlet MacDonald Lloydette

All photos by Steve Rankin Photography Treasurer Wadden, Cathy Louisbourg Playhouse Playhouse Louisbourg TAKE MARGAREE VALLEY EXIT FROM CABOT TRAIL AND TRAVEL +

117 East Margaree Crossing Road, East Margaree both whimsical and elegant. It’s worth a stop.” - Frommer’s. You’ll love our EXPERIENCE THE Karen Skinner Karen

TRADITIONAL DANCE Gartland Paul Valerie Hanham Valerie breton transfer-ware and hand-painted pieces!

902 235 2949 | 1 866 735 2949 Chair Cross, Ellen Cindy Hynes Cindy

GETTING THERE: DOUG FRASER ART & jams Carter Louise An informal flash mob, reflecting the movement of water by the Greek god Open year round, Monday to Friday, 8-4:30 ,

22 3.9 KILOMETRES. LOOK FOR A BLACK BARN WITH RED DOORS. pepper jellies and jams have travelled far! Joanne’s lifelong passion for creative Ltd. Printers City by Printed larchwoodcanada.com cape SCULPTURAL GARDEN OF WESTERN& CELTIC CAPE BRETONCULTURE ISLAND [email protected] recipes and great food has been transformed into a thriving family business.

Doug Fraser jellies Three generations of family come together to produce in the Galloping Cows

HALFWAY BETWEEN PORT HOOD AND MABOU ON ROUTE 19. Larch Wood has a strong, core group of skilled 178 Loch Ban Road, Inverness kitchen located in the seaside community of Port Hood. Also available at Cape 902 258 2455 Breton Centre for Craft & Design andMACLEOD Cape Breton Fudge OF Company. CAPE BRETON

27 GETTING THERE: Proteus, the god of oceans and rivers, using protean motion (changeable in May to December 31, 8-6 daily or by chance pepper

boards EXPLORE CANADA’S LARGEST IN-LAND SEA dougfraserart.com Darryl MacLeod [email protected] 82 East Street, Port Hood GROOVY GOAT FARM 902 787 2617 THE BRAS D’OR LAKE ingour at ebCel r

& SOAP COMPANY craftspeople. Our combined experience and creativity has brought Larch Wood a eary h 20t

cutting ACCESSIBLE FROM THE CABOT TRAIL OR EAST MARGAREE ROAD Open year round, daily 10-5, or by appointment www.InvernessCounty.ca RESEARCHBOAT

long way since its inception in 2003. Visit our shop and experience first hand the Nova Scotia B1C 1A2 B1C Scotia Nova

32 cbrings.ca | [email protected] Louisbourg, Street, Aberdeen 11

process in creating our unique cutting boards and other custom projects. www.louisbourgplayhouse.ca ion! at oper in

Shannon & Ryan Costelo [email protected]

Visit us [email protected]

2016-03-31 2:44 PM 1-855-872-6048 902-733-3838 Ticket Line call: Line Ticket shape and form). The performance will show the transition of pedestrian to


Fax: 902-733-2501 Fax:

36028 Cabot Trail, Ingonish grain 902-733-2996 Darryl is an established, versatile jeweller. His

IN EAST MARGAREE. LARCH WOOD OUTLET:TWO LOCATED MACS AT MARGAREE HARBOUR www.themarkland.comPRINTED BY CITY PRINTERS LTD., SYDNEY, NS call: information For 902 285 2265 [email protected] accessible. wheelchair

(902)-383-2246 es hal w is Playhouse of floor Main

18 light creations in gold, silver and gems feature unique WHERE THE SHORE ROAD MEETS THE CABOT TRAIL BY THE BRIDGE. OPEN 9-6 oatcakes! and tea

mezzanine level for complimentary complimentary for level mezzanine

end Enjoy a visit at Doug’s working gallery and have a conversation through art! Free Daily Live Entertainment

Mid May to October 31, 10-6 or by appointment GIFTS & GALLERY Distillery Tours the visit intermission, During Be Our Guest Our Be

DAILY FROM THE END OF MAY THROUGH OCTOBER 25. jewellery 2015-08-26 3:32 PM


“By painting thin layers of oil on linen my goal is to paint luminous skies, misty groovygoat.ca | [email protected] e.cuis om r c eands eal .whal w w w atmospheres and to create an evocative feeling in each piece.” Doug is a self capebretoncraft.com Jennifer MacPherson Toll free: FOLLOW THE DOUG FRASER ART SIGNS. 3 KILOMETRES NORTH Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada

We take pride in handcrafting natural and 6288 Cabot Trail, North East Margaree educated, full-time visual artist, born and raised in Inverness. Also available at

soaps performer through the platform of contemporary dance. See Performance

TEARS OF GLASS breton 902 248 2182 Inverness County Centre for the Arts. Cabot Trail, Dingwall

23 GETTING THERE: jewellery with wide-ranging appeal. Celtic-inspired designs are inherent in his Open 9-6 daily from mid May through October paintings

Or by appointment OF THE VILLAGE OF INVERNESS OVERLOOKINGBrenda Reichel THE NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT. work as well as recurring textural themes found in leaves, shells and fossils cape OFF ROUTE 19, 1/2 KILOMETRE NORTH OF PORT HOOD EXIT.

[email protected] Beach Road #1, Inverness that reflect the natural beauty of Cape Breton. Also available at Arts North and eed ant guar

natural 902 258 2928 | 902 258 7601 Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design. luxurious soaps and lotions. Our secret ingredient? Fresh goat milk from the Open year round, most days 10-7 GETTING THERE: ENCORE JEWELLERY

well-loved goats on our farm. Visit our shop to feel the goodness of goat • Restaurant and Pub 1-888-754-5112 cloths 28 tearsofglass.ca LOOK FOR 82 EAST STREET, FIRST MAILBOX ON THE RIGHT SIDE. Schedule on page 29. firsthand. Our friendly goats love visitors, so be sure to stop by for a farm original @cityprintplus | | www.cityprintplus.ca ON THE CABOT TRAIL IN INGONISH. (WATCH FOR GOATS!) [email protected] Dawn Silver 902-564-8245 Zodiac experience the whole family will enjoy! Also available at Lynn’s Craft Shop, 10101 Grenville Street, St. Peter’s

Cape Breton Centre for Craft & DesignARTS and Joan NORTH Harriss Cruise Pavilion. floor

Visit my studio overlooking the new Cabot Links 902 631 0223 écor pieces featuring handcrafted GETTING THERE: Jennifer creates beautiful canvas floor coverings in vivid colours and all sizes.

Joanne Fitzgerald & Linda Doyon By appointment

Bold designs from fish to flowers will make a statement in any room. One-of-a-kind jewellery 33

28571 Cabot Trail, Cape North commissions are welcome. New this year, paper-cut collage illustrations in regional encorejewel.com | [email protected] 902 383 2911 painted ON THE CABOT TRAIL IN NE MARGAREE. TAKE EXIT 7 FROM

ENJOY THE themes, matted and ready to frame. Also available at Two Macs Gift & Gallery in the

Handcrafted jewellery and d

June, September & October, 9-6 daily SHEEP’S CLOTHING or order online glass

Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion, by appointment or any cruise ship day. • Inn and Chalets

19 July & August, 9-7 daily on the majestic Inverness Beach. As a young girl, I was enamoured with sea strings repurposed musical instrument strings. Dawn


sea 43 Lynne Pascoe & Lester Wood arts-north.com | [email protected] HIGHWAY 105. glass and today I create unique jewellery by adorning it in crystals, pearls, Czech HYDROPHONE 373 East Big Intervale Road, North East Margaree glass beads and gemstones.OFF ROUTE Check 19 IN outINVERNESS, my designs TAKE or letBEACH me create ROAD #1.a personal LOOK FOR to Hear the 43

902 248 2059

WHALES! BEAUTY... artisans Joanne and Linda produce high-fired stoneware treasure with your sea glass finds! Also available at Two Macs Gifts & Gallery.

2016 #lumierecb2019 10-6 most days during the summer GETTING THERE: ANN SCHROEDER STUDIO


24 SIGN AND WHITE BUNGALOW. instrument • Gift Shop

combines the strings with sterling silver wire, findings and clasps in exotic TAKE HOME THE EXPERIENCE handmade [email protected]

Ann Schroeder combinations with buttons and beads, beach glass, crystals, natural pearls, Season breton –made by hand in the cultural.

1422 Mabou Harbour Road, Mabou gemstones and leather. HEAD Pendants, EAST ON GRENVILLEearrings, bracelets, STREET TOWARDSornaments: THE your CANAL strings BRIDGE; Wrap yourself in history–quality knitwear with an

pottery in themes inspired by northern Cape Breton’s pristine environment: 902 945 2744 or ours. Also available at Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design. What better way to learn about Cape Breton than cape

moose, whales, shorebirds and flowers. Joanne and Linda’s work and that of By appointment or chance 10-5, year round GETTING THERE:

of 29 JUST BEFORE THE BRIDGE TURN LEFT DOWN THE GRAVEL LANE TOWARD THE CANAL. annschroederstudio.com through the lives and work of its artisans. more than 20 other juried Cape Breton artists are retailed at Arts North, the repurposed Cape Breton only gallery ON THE in CABOTCape North, TRAIL, designed 4 KILOMETRES by Joanne SOUTH and WEST Linda. OF 100% THE [email protected] SHARE Artful surprises can beéticamp found andtucked jewellers in the everywherenooks and crannies in between. around Cape Breton arts and crafts. PROUD TO BE HOOKERS

GETTING THERE: emphasis on classical design and quality materials Enjoy the spectacular ocean view from Ann’s the Island. Potters on the North Shore, galleries in the Highlands, gallery

VILLAGE OF CAPE NORTH, ON THE SHARP TURN. traditions of Cape Breton craftsmanship. Products include Aran sweaters, kilt hose, scarves

rug hookers in Ch Hooked Rugs by Lola and Friends TAKE MARGAREE VALLEY EXIT FROM THE CABOT TRAIL AND TRAVEL knitwear boiled wool hats, mitts, slippers and thrummed items in adult and child sizes. We

You will find fascinating blendsMAKE of traditional SURE and cutting TO edge, 10 Old La Prairie Road, Petit Etang

902 224 2758 produce items for re-enactors, living history museums and the film industry silk

functional and aesthetic, simple and sophisticated craft. GETTING THERE: May, June, September & October Mon-Sat 9-5 KINGROSS QUILTS +

YOUR ARTISAN 20 FOR 2 KILOMETRES. IT’S THE THIRD ON THE LEFT PAST MARGAREE CENTRE ROAD. home studio. Winds blow, the sea changes from dark to bright, hillsides sprout July & August Mon-Sat 9-6 quality & FIBRE ART hay bales and fiddlers play under starry skies. This rich brew infuses Ann’s painterly


[email protected] Anne Morrell Robinson wall quilts. You’ll also find colourful hand-dyed silk, rayon and cotton scarves. Also

4259 West Big Intervale Road, Margaree Valley available at Inverness County Centre for the Arts and Arts North. art EXPERIENCES on Twitter GETTING THERE: 902 248 2466 25 ROAD (AT SIGN FOR ST. MARY’S PARISH). GO STRAIGHT AHEAD FOR 7.2 KILOMETRES.

ALONG THE WAY! Chéticamp. Wool, burlap, hooking Open year round by appointment or chance fine kingrossquilts.com [email protected]

Lola has been rug hooking since the age of 11 and remains passionate about shop

the art after 40 years. Drop in to see Lola and staff working on the hooking more

frame while demonstrating the traditional process. She also has a wide +



s selection of rugs hooked by local ladies of Take a picture of yourself with Cape Breton craft and share it with us! ’

frames and a wide variety of hooking kitsSUNSET for all ages areART available. GALLERY

Use the hashtag #ilovecbcraft and tag us @CapeBretonCraft dolls GETTING THERE: , or Instagram, or share it on our Facebook CAPEBRETONCRAFT.COM page, Cape Breton Centre for jean This delightful, off-the-beaten-path studio offers a big selection of quality quilts, ENTRANCE TO THE CAPE BRETON HIGHLANDSWilliam NATIONALRoach PARK. unique hooked rugs, FROM art dolls THE that CABOT make TRAIL you FOLLOW smile, felting, SIGNS wearable TO MARGAREE art and VALLEY,

Craft & Design. 15856 Cabot Trail, Chéticamp home décor items. All are made on-site in this working studio.

quilts 902 224 2119 , GETTING THERE: VISIT OUR WEBSITE: Open May 15 to October, 9-5:30 daily EAST BIG INTERVALE ROAD AND THE QUILT SIGNS.

21 Or year round by appointment TO DISCOVER AND SHARE STORIES ALONG THE WAY! rugs sunsetartgallery.ca

[email protected] :

Chéticamp, The Frog Pond Café.


Through his one-of-a kind carvings and paintings, William has established folk himself as one of the most recognized Acadian folk artists. Come for the art

and enjoy the whimsy ON and THE wonder CABOT ofTRAIL his work1.6 KILOMETRES and of many NORTH other artistsOF CHÉTICAMP. with a backyard beverage at the only espresso hut in GETTING THERE:



Artisan Trail Map 2016 - Final Version.indd 1 You can be a daughter Call for a free, no-obligation appointment again. Let us help. ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight 902.270.4663 29 Kate Ward, John Kennedy | Halifax, N.S.

Whether you are looking for someone Chrysopoeia to help an aging parent a few hours a week or need more comprehensive Timeless Moments alleyway, 222 Charlotte Street assistance, Home Instead can help. Nyx is a compilation of sights and sounds of Sydney’s industrial history that • Companionship Care • Transportation have been manipulated to reflect entropy of digital memory and of the human • Personal Care • House hold Duties capacity to retain and store our historic past. Familiar sounds and mechanized HomeInstead.com/3034 • Meals & Nutrition • Respite Care industrial sounds transformed through repeated electronic degradation Each Home Instead Senior Care® franchise office is independently owned and operated. © 2016 Home Instead, Inc. transitioning from the known to the undefinable to create an atmospheric soundscape, paired with imagery of the iconic buildings that are in stages of decay, transitioning towards oblivion.

NINTH ANNUAL 30 The Hub Downtown | Sydney, N.S. Breath Of Peace The Hub Downtown, 208 Charlotte Street A visual meditation and community participation project to showcase a commitment of inclusion and peace. Enjoy a silent path of illumination and leave your own personal message of peace. CONTEMPORARY ARTS FESTIVAL 311 ACAPKent Senecal Cape Breton | Sydney, | Sydney, N.S. NS The Hat Trick No Quarter Deli and Market, 209 Charlotte Street A live performance piece commenting on our favorite national pastime and the untamed hairstyle of its biggest players and teenagers across the country. An exploration of the Canadian coming of age hair style, and of the hazing events that commonly take place in the locker room.

32 Potlotek Dancers | Potlotek, N.S.

The Red Dress David Butts parking lot, 208 Charlotte Street Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls is an ongoing problem in First Nation Communities. It is a sensitive subject and we will address it as such. Potlotek Education is committed to the lifelong learning of its community members, but we recognize the importance of sharing our history and stories with the greater public. Through performances of song, dance and video, we will share our stories with you. See Performance Schedule on page 29.

#lumierecb2019 45 47 47

ACAP Cape Breton | Sydney, N.S. | Sydney, ACAP Cape Breton Steve Wadden | Sydney, N.S. | Sydney, Wadden Steve Kelly Maureen MacDonald | Sydney, N.S. MacDonald | Sydney, Kelly Maureen @lumierecb 36 35 33 Time Travel Museum Time Travel ACAP, 90 Esplanade Right Whale Performance Festival Roaming Selene Society Museum, Old Sydney Street 173 Charlotte The River Clyde Pageant | Charlottetown, P.E. The River Clyde Pageant Undercurrents Dawn, lot of New Charlotte Street 37 Nepean Street 34 The River Clyde Pageant is an outdoor, community-created theatre production production theatre community-created The River Clyde Pageant is an outdoor, Island. Founded in 2016 by Megan Prince Edward based in New Glasgow, contemporary historic and the Pageant explores Stewart and Ker Wells, song and story, Using between humans and our environment. relationships The River Clyde Pageant poses questions of how spectacle on land and water, relationship to place, and defines our to live sustainably on this planet, what our ecosystems and communities for how we might work together to protect generations to come. With the full moon as its main protagonist, this photo story reimagines myths of of myths With photo story reimagines this as its main protagonist, the full moon to a primitive transformation consciousness. Surrendering and fertility, creation, a father. joy and fear of becoming into his own wonder, sense of self, he delves summer of birth of his son on a full moon in the by the Selene was inspired Devon from accompanied by audio soundtrack projections 2016.See selected Morrison. See Performance Schedule on page 29. Watch for a giant right whale swimming downtown Sydney as three fishermen/ downtown Sydney as three for a giant right whale swimming Watch festival. of the Lumiére crowds women help her safely navigate the large Join ACAP in a little time travel! Pass through a wormhole and teleport into the Join ACAP in a little time travel! Pass through will gain perspective on cultural Museum. You Travel year 3030 to visit our Time the turn epoch. values and the way our species lived at of the Anthropocene

ART-AT-NIGHT | Sat. Sept. 28 7PM-midnight 46 THANK YOU

Lumière is only possible because of the generosity VENUES of hundreds of people including festival partners, Connors Basics | CBRM Civic Centre | Ed’s Books and More sponsors, host venues, volunteers, artists, and | McConnell Library | Membertou Heritage Park | New Dawn contributors who provide assistance year-round in Centre for Social Innovation | Timeless Moments | Old Sydney planning the festival. Huge, heartfelt thanks to those Society | YMCA | United Heritage Church | Radio Building | who have supported the growth of the festival over the David Butts Realty | CBRL Sydney, Glace Bay and North Sydney branches | Downtown Sydney | The Cooperators | Downtown past nine years and continue to make it such a success. Nutrition | Rita’s Tea Room | Local NPC | CBRM Civic Centre | We are proud that Lumière is truly a community The Bobbin Tree | Sydney Farmers Market | Doktor Luke’s collaboration.


Our incredible festival volunteers and billet hosts | Emma Festival Coordinator | Melissa Mae Kearney MacDonald and Antigonight | Pan Wendt and Art in the Open Marketing Coordinator | Jill Ellsworth | Lindsay Ann Cory and Nocturne | Carri MacKay and Visual Arts Nova Scotia | Briony Carros, Lauren Williams, and Mireille Bourgeois, at Arts Nova Scotia | Joe Costello, Krista Dove, Mitch VOLUNTEER BOARD OF DIRECTORS and Sean at CBRM Rec. | Tracey Wilson of CBRL | Wendy Bergfeldt at CBC | CBRM Traffic Safety Unit | Steve van Nostrand, Keltic Greg Davies, Chair Kubota | Val and James at Doktor Luke’s | Joan Kanary | Mike Savannah Anderson, Vice Chair MacSween | Nelson MacDonald | Douglas MacLennan | Kara and James F.W. Thompson, Secretary Corey of The Mermaid | Joey Matheson | Chuck Morrison | Leigh William Rutledge, Treasurer Potvin | Joyce Rankin | Erika Shea | St. John Ambulance | Michelle Nicole MacDougall, Director Wilson at Downtown Sydney | Merrideth MacDonald | Tara Helen Stephanie McCormick, Volunteer Coordinator Lewis | Katherine Scott | Donnie Calabrese | Marty Chernin | David Douglas | Jeff Ward | Valerie Chiasson | Keith Nicholson Lumière 2019 visuals by Sarah Burwash | Erin, Seamus and Frances Thompson | Paul Bickerton | Sheila Festival guide layout by Design by Jacquie Cassidy and Maddie and Gillian Davies | Jon Cormier | Jacqueline Blanchard | Sarah Burwash

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