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(PubUshed by the Authority of the City Council of the City of Chicago) COPY JOURNAL of the PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY of CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Regular Meeting ~ Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 10:00 A.M. (Council Chambers ~ City Hall — Chicago, Illinois) OFFICIAL RECORD. VOLUME II RICHARD M. DALET JAMES J. LASKI Mayor City Clerk Continued from Volume I on page 77498 1/16/2002 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 77499 COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC CONTROL AND SAFETY. ESTABLISHMENT AND AMENDMENT OF LOADING ZONES ON PORTIONS OF SPECIFIED STREETS. The Committee on Traffic Control and Safety submitted the following report: CHICAGO, January 16, 2002. To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, to which was referred (November 10, 2000, May 2, June 27, July 25, September 5, October 3 and 31, 2001) proposed ordinances to establish and amend loading zones on portions of sundry streets, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body do Pass the proposed substitute ordinances submitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by all members ofthe Committee present, with no dissenting votes. RespectfuUy submitted, (Signed) BURTON F. NATARUS, Chairman. On motion of Aldennan Doherty, the said proposed substitute ordinances transmitted with the foregoing committee report were Passed by yeas and nays as foUows: Yeas — /Vldermen Granato, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Stroger, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Frias, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, DeViUe, Munoz, Zaiewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Wojcik, Suarez, Matlak, MeU, Austin, Colom, Banks, Mitts, /VUen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Levar, ShiUer, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. 77500 JOURNAL-CITYCOUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/16/2002 Nays — None. /Vlderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. Said ordinances, as passed, read as follows (the italic heading in each case not being a part of the ordinance): Establishment Of Loading Zones. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 160 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the foUowing locations are hereby designated as loading zones for the distances specified, during the hours indicated: Ward Location 1 West North Avenue (south side) from a point 290 feet east of North Damen Avenue, to a point 40 feet east thereof — 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. to 3:00 A.M. (01-0713); 5 East 58'*' Street (north side) from a point 50 feet east of South Woodlawn Avenue, to a point 50 feet east thereof — 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. - Monday through Sunday; 9 East 103"* Street (south side) from a point 100 feet east of South Prairie Avenue, to a point 30 feet east thereof ~ 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. ~ Monday through Friday; 28 West Gladys Avenue (south side) from a point 100 feet east of South P*ulaski Road, to a point 20 feet east thereof ~ loading zone/tow-away zone — 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. — Monday through Saturday (01-1093); 1/16/2002 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 77501 Ward Location 39 North Kedzie Avenue (west side) from a point 160 feet south of West Lawrence Avenue, to a point 70 feet south thereof ~ 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. - Monday through Saturday; 42 West Kinzie Street (north side) from a point 30 feet east of North Dearbom Street, to a point 70 feet east thereof — 30 minute loading zone — 9:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. - Monday through Friday — all day Saturday and Sunday — tow-away zone (01-1146); 42 South Wabash Avenue, from a point 55 feet north of East Monroe Street, to a point 20 feet north thereof — loading zone, handicapped (pubUc benefit) (01- 1255); 43 North Sedgwick Street (west side) from a point 60 feet north of West North Avenue, to a point 33 feet north thereof - 6:00 P.M. to 12:00 Midnight - Thursday through Sunday (01-0852); and 48 West Thomdale Avenue (south side) from a point 20 feet east of North Sheridan Road, to a point 50 feet east thereof — disabled loading zone — 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. SECTION 2. This ordinance shaU take effect and be in force hereinafter its passage and pubUcation. 77502 JOURNAL-CITYCOUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/16/2002 Amendment Of Loading Zones. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Removal of 1921 South Blue Island Avenue - disabled loading zone (01-1204). SECTION 2. Repeal ordinance passed August 30, 2000 (Joumal of the Proceedings of the City Council, page 39805) which reads: "North WeUs Street (east side) from a point 65 feet south ofWest North Avenue, to a point 68 feet south thereof — loading zone/tow-away zone — 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M." by striking the above and adding: "North WeUs Street (east side) from a point 95 feet south ofWest North Avenue, to a point 60 feet south thereof — loading zone/tow-away zone — 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M." (01-0496) (27'*' Ward). SECTION 3. This ordingmce shaU take effect and be in force hereinafter its passage and pubUcation. ESTABLISHMENT AND AMENDMENT OF VEHICULAR TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ON PORTIONS OF SUNDRY STREETS. The Committee on Traffic Control and Safety submitted the foUowing report: CHICAGO, January 16, 2002. To the President and Members of the City Council: 1/16/2002 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 77503 Your Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, to which was referred (October 3, 31, 2001 and January 14, 2002) proposed ordinances to establish and amend vehicular traffic movement on portions of sundry streets, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body do Pass the proposed substitute ordinances transmitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by aU members ofthe Committee present, with no dissenting votes. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) BURTON F. NATARUS, Chairman. On motion of Alderman Doherty, the said proposed substitute ordinances transmitted with the foregoing committee report were Passed by yeas and nays as foUows: Yeas — Aldermen Granato, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Stroger, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Frias, OUvo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, DeViUe, Munoz, Zaiewski, Chandler, SoUs, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Wojcik, Suarez, Matlak, MeU, Austin, Colom, Banks, Mitts, AUen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Levar, ShiUer, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. /Vlderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. Said ordinances, as passed, read as foUows (the itaUc heading in each case not being a part of the ordinance): Restriction Of Vehicular Traffic Movement To Single Direction. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: 77504 JOURNAL-CITYCOUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/16/2002 SECTION 1. PursuanttoTitle9, Chapter 64, Section 010 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago, the operator of a vehicle shall operate such vehicle only in the direction specified below on the public ways between the limits indicated: Ward Location And Direction 12 West 48'*' Street, from South CampbeU Avenue to South Westem Avenue — easterly; 15 South Sacramento Avenue, from West 72"" Street to West iV Street - northerly; 28 West Ogden Avenue (service drive) stopping West Ogden Avenue at South Washtenaw Avenue — easterly (01-1222); 36 North Rutherford Avenue, from West Belmont Avenue to the first aUey north thereof — southerly. SECTION 2. This ordinance shaU take effect and be in force hereineifter its passage and pubUcation. Amendment Of Vehicular Traffic Movement. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1. Repeal ordinance passed May 17, 1995 (Joumal of the Proceedings ofthe City Council, page 1261) which reads: "West 48'*' Street, from South CampbeU Avenue to South Westem Avenue" by striking the above (12"' Ward). 1/16/2002 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 77505 SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force hereinafter its passage and pubUcation. ESTABLISHMENT AND AMENDMENT OF PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON PORTIONS OF SUNDRY STREETS. The Committee on Traffic Control and Safety submitted the following report: CHICAGO, January 16, 2002. To the President and Members of the City Councnl: Your Committee on Traffic Control and Safety, to which was referred (August 3, 2000, May 2, June 6, October 31, November 28, December 5, 12, 2001 and January 14, 2002) proposed ordinances to estabUsh and amend parking restrictions on portions of sundry streets, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body do Pass the proposed substitute ordinances submitted herewith. This recommendation was concurred in by aU members ofthe Committee present, with no dissenting votes. RespectfuUy submitted, (Signed) BURTON F. NATARUS, Chairman. On motion of /Vlderman Doherty, the said proposed substitute ordinances transmitted with the foregoing committee report were Passed by yeas and nays as foUows: 77506 JOURNAL-CITYCOUNCIL-CHICAGO 1/16/2002 Yeas — /Vldermen Granato, Haithcock, Tillman, Preckwinkle, Hairston, Lyle, Beavers, Stroger, Beale, Pope, Balcer, Frias, Olivo, Burke, T. Thomas, Coleman, L. Thomas, Murphy, Rugai, Troutman, DeVille, Munoz, Zaiewski, Chandler, Solis, Ocasio, Bumett, E. Smith, Carothers, Wojcik, Suarez, Matlak, Mell, Austin, Colom, Banks, Mitts, /Vllen, Laurino, O'Connor, Doherty, Natarus, Daley, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, M. Smith, Moore, Stone - 49. Nays — None. /Vlderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. Said ordinances, as passed, read as foUows (the italic heading in each case not being a part of the ordinance): Establishment Of Parking Prohibition At All Times. (Except For Disabled) Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: SECTION 1.