The publications of Forfás and the advisory groups to which it provides administrative and secretariat support are available at To sign up for our email alerts contact us at
[email protected] or through the website. December 2009 REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS AGENDA Volume II - Realising Potential Mid-West Forfás Wilton Park House Wilton Place Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 607 3000 Fax: +353 1 607 3030 FORFÁS REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS AGENDA : REALISING POTENTIAL : MID-WEST Table of Contents 1. Background & Context 1 Methodology 2 Report Structure 2 2. Regional Competitiveness 3 Global Drivers of Change 3 Competitiveness Factors 4 3. The Mid-West Region Today: A Summary 5 Overview – Population and Growth 5 Enterprise Dynamic 5 Skills, Education & Innovation 6 Economic Infrastructures: Access and Connectivity 7 Quality of Life 7 Leadership and Strategic Capacity 7 Conclusion 7 4. Realising Future Potential: Sectoral Opportunities 8 Medical Technologies and Convergence with ICT 8 The Food Sector 10 Internationally Traded Services 12 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 13 Energy and Environmental Potential 14 Tourism 17 5. Realising Future Potential: Enhancing the Business Environment 19 Innovation and R&D 19 Entrepreneurship 20 Skills and Education 22 Accelerated Gateway Development 22 Connectivity Infrastructures 23 6. Priority Actions 24 Enhanced Development Agency Collaboration 24 Stimulating Entrepreneurship 25 Enhancing Skills and Innovative Capacity 25 Accelerated Development of the Limerick/Shannon Gateway 26 Physical Infrastructures 27 Appendices 28 i FORFÁS REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS AGENDA : REALISING POTENTIAL : MID-WEST ii FORFÁS REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS AGENDA : REALISING POTENTIAL : MID-WEST 1. Background & Context Ireland is facing unprecedented challenges against the backdrop of a world recession, and is now operating within tough budgetary conditions and fiscal constraints.