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Ravi Zacharias Interview.Indd KNOWING & DOING A Teaching Quarterly for Discipleship of Heart and Mind This article originally appeared in the Summer 2002 issue of Knowing & Doing. C.S. LEWIS INSTITUTE A Conversation with: RAVI ZACHARIAS Reprinted by permission from Decision magazine, March 2002 RECENT EVENTS HAVE FOCUSED A GREAT DEAL OF to raise the dead, a power they do not attribute to ATTENTION ON WORLD RELIGIONS. HOW DO ADHERENTS Mohammed, so that’s a conflicting response. OF OTHER RELIGIONS VIEW CHRISTIANITY? As a Christian apologist, I present a defense of the Christian faith in various settings around the Every culture is basically an expression of its world- globe. I have found that if you build a proper foun- view and its religion. Theologian Paul Tillich said, dation for what the Christian faith is all about, as “Religion is the substance of culture, culture is the you lead up to the cross, the listeners sit in stunned form of religion.”1 In most countries religion has silence. They immediately recognize that Christian- worked itself into the fabric of the culture. There- ity stands in stark contrast to everything that other fore, when people view Christianity, it is inescap- worldviews affirm and assert. They know that true able that they will view it within the framework of power is being expressed in the cross—restraint, their historical experience. mercy, forgiveness—all when the very One who is In India, for example, many people find it impos- offering those things had the capacity to counter sible to separate Christianity from the days of the instead with force and with domination. British rule. That was a national exposure to what In contrast, consider the radicals in the Islamic they thought was the Christian faith. If you go to movement, for whom power is always present, al- certain parts of the world where imperialism had ways political, always military and always violent. its bad days, then Christianity is associated with The cross will always be a stumbling block to them imperialistic tendencies. because it challenges the very core of their think- However, I think much change has occurred ing. Jesus’ way is completely different from theirs. in recent times. Some of my good friends in India In Jesus’ way, winning comes through love and a made a surprising comment to me on the heels of change of heart. September 11. They said that they were watching So the way of the cross is in counter-perspective America’s reaction, and they recognized that they to every other belief system. The cross seems the were witnessing a “nation with a Christian ethos” way of defeat, but it is the means to victory. It respond to a criminal act. I was impressed to hear shows meekness, yet it is the ultimate expression how many of these friends asserted that they were of strength. It brings everything that is of eternal touched by America’s patience and its measured value into current perspective. response, as well as the number of Americans who attended church services. A prominent Islamic IN HEBREWS, JESUS “ENDURED THE CROSS, DESPISING scholar in the United States commented that had THE SHAME.”2 THE CROSS WAS AN OBJECT OF DERISION such an attack happened in some Muslim coun- AND RIDICULE, YET WASN’T THIS WHERE CHRIST tries, there would have been a violent reaction. ACCOMPLISHED HIS MOST POWERFUL WORK? When people of other faiths make comments such as these, I think it is a credit to the Christian faith. The cross embodied a supreme moment of isolation and public humiliation. The ultimate isolation was HOW IS THE CROSS OF CHRIST PERCEIVED BY ADHERENTS the cross of Christ, when He was separated from OF OTHER RELIGIONS? His Father. But when He cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”3 at the very moment It varies. Muslims believe that Jesus did not actually that was probably the loneliest in His earthly so- die on the cross. They make that comment based journ here, He was at the center of His Father’s will. on the Koran. It is strange because, also based on In the eyes of humanity, the cross symbolized isola- the Koran, they recognize that Jesus had the power tion, separation, expulsion and shame, and yet, in 2 An Interview with Ravi Zacharias that moment, Jesus was paying the price for our sin, sin, receive Him and trust Him, the Bible says that an act that was in the center of His Father’s will. He comes and dwells with me. We hear so little of this indwelling today, so little OTHER RELIGIONS EMPHASIZE MAN’S ATTEMPT TO REACH of “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”14 We have talk- GOD. HOW DOES THE CROSS SPEAK OF GOD’S DIVINE ed so much of accepting and receiving that we have INITIATIVE TOWARD MAN? forgotten the intimacy with which He comes and dwells within us. There is no other world religion The Bible says that we are separated from God,4 and or worldview that talks in those terms. salvation does not depend only on my efforts to get In Islam, Allah is seen as distant and totally back to Him. This is the classic difference between transcendent. In Buddhism, there is no god. In the the Christian faith and others. In Buddhism, you core of Hindu thinking, you are, in effect, made to work and work your way into Nirvana, an ultimate become god. But in the Christian faith, there is the enlightenment. In the Islamic faith, it’s always “In nearness of God. We do not go to the Temple any- Sha’ Allah,” the will of Allah, if one reaches God. more to worship; we take the temple with us. This These systems of thought have no assured way of body is the temple of the living God.15 There is com- knowing where you stand with God. munion, there is intimacy. We understand that this The cross is where God’s work of justification oc- body is where God wishes to make His residence, curred. We are made just, not of our own selves, but and we see the sacredness of the human body. by the work of Jesus Christ. Christ, being made sin You cannot take planes and ram them into build- for us,5 has redeemed us from the curse of the law.6 ings to kill people. People are individual temples in He who knew no sin would be made sin for us5 that which God wishes to dwell. Osama bin Laden talks we might be reconciled to God.7 We now have ac- about bombs dropping into mosques, attempting cess to the Father because of the Son.8 In Ephesians to evoke the anger of the radicals. The teaching of we are reminded that those of us who were far off Christ is very different from the philosophy of Mr. have now been brought near.9 bin Laden. It is not the building that is sacred; it is The cross is all about the Person and work of Je- the individual who is sacred. In every life he has sus Christ. He says to the onlookers, “Which of you killed, he has killed a temple of God. convicts Me of sin?”10 Pilate says, “I find no fault in this man.”11 The thief on the cross says, “This man HOW DID YOU COME TO KNOW CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR? hath done nothing amiss.”12 This is the pure, impec- cable Son of God, without sin, without blemish. He I came to know Christ at the age of 17 while living carries the work of the cross in His life and in His in New Delhi, India, where I was reared. My father death. No one except Jesus Christ could have died worked for the Indian government. Growing up in on the cross to pay the penalty of sin. It would not India, I faced many struggles, not the least of which have worked. And if Jesus had just come and lived was academic competition in a highly stratified cul- a pure life without facing the penalty, there would ture. One day I realized that I really didn’t have any not be the sufficient sacrifice for sin. meaning in life. So, at the age of 17, I attempted to take my own life by poisoning myself. WHAT IS THE PRINCIPLE OF SPIRITUAL UNION AND Then, when I was recovering in a hospital, a IDENTIFICATION WITH CHRIST ON THE CROSS? HOW friend brought me a New Testament. Because my SHOULD IT AFFECT OUR HABITS AND THOUGHTS? body was dehydrated and I was receiving fluids, I could not hold the New Testament in my hands. The Apostle Paul talks in Galatians about the role The Scripture read to me was John 14, where Jesus of the Law and faith. It is only faith in the crucified said to his apostles, “Because I live, ye shall live Christ that saves us, not obedience to the Law. Paul also.”16 goes on to say, “I have been crucified with Christ I knew that whatever else that Scripture meant, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life it meant more than physical life. I said, “This is the I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, life that I have yearned for.” I made my commit- who loved me and gave himself for me.”13 ment to Jesus Christ and have never looked back, It is through the empowering of the Holy Spirit except to remember how He rescued me and put a that we are able to see this change.
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