Framus & Warwick Stings US Retail Pricing May 2018*
Framus & Warwick Stings US Retail Pricing May 2018* Product ID Description Retail Electric Guitar Strings 45200 L 009/042" Blue Label Light 009"- 042 5.90 45210 CL 009/046" Blue Label Custom Light 009"- 046 5.90 45220 REG 010/046" Blue Label Regular 010"- 046 5.90 45230 HEAVY 011/050" Blue Label Heavy 011"- 050 5.90 Electric Guitar Strings, 7,8 and Drop Down Tunings 45200 L 7 009/059 Blue Label 7-string Light 009"/059"009",011",016",024",032",042",059" 9.90 45220 REG 7 010/064 Blue Label 7-str Regular 010"/064"010",013",017",026",036",046",064" 9.90 45200 L 8 009/074 Blue Label 8-string Light 009"/074"009,011,016,024,032,042,056,074 12.90 45240 LTHB 8 009/080 Blue Label 8-string LTHB 009"/080"009,012,016,024,032,044,060,080 12.90 45250 DROP D 010/052 Blue Label Drop D and Dd 010"/052"010", 013", 017", 028", 042", 052" 8.90 45260 DROP C 011/056 Blue Label Drop C and B 011"/056"011", 014", 019", 030", 044", 056" 8.90 45270 DROP B 012/060 Blue Label Drop Bb and A 012"/060"012", 016", 022p", 032", 046", 060" 8.90 Framus Acoustic Guitar Strings Bronze Acoustic Strings 48200 L 011/047" Bronze Light 011"/047 6.90 48210 EL 010/046" Bronze Extra Light 010"/046 6.90 48220 M 012/053" Bronze Medium 012"/053 6.90 48240 12S 010/047" Bronze 12 String Set 010"/047 10.90 Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Strings 47200 L 011/047" Phosphor Bronze Light 011"/047 7.90 47210 EL 010/046" Phosphor Bronze Extra L.
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