Miss Teresa Davis Parish Clerk Offton & Willisham Parish Council 30 Broadfields Road Gislingham EYE IP23 8HX TEL: 07719208444 Email:
[email protected] Mr Philip Isbell Acting Chief Planning Officer Growth & Sustainable Planning BMSDC Endeavour House 8 Russell Road IPSWICH IP1 2BX 8th January 2018 Dear Philip Isbell RE: Application for Outline Planning Permission – DC/18/05313 I write on behalf of the Offton & Willisham Parish Council and it’s residents to provide you with an up-to-date overview of the parish and to also set out below the objections to this Application for Outline Planning Permission. We have attached a Summary, which outlines the main objections raised by the residents of Offton in a public meeting on 20th December 2018. Following the Parish Council meeting on 3rd January, below are the objections of the Council:- History of the Site This site has been rejected in 1989, under planning reference OL/16/89 and also at the ‘call for sites’ in 2017. The site is outside of the former settlement boundary and is classified as open countryside. Offton is due to be designated as a hamlet, as the area is incapable of withstanding development. The Parish previously undertook a Parish Plan in 2008 (published in 2009), which has seen the building of it’s own Village Hall to fulfil the community’s amenities for the village. There are no outstanding needs for a ‘reading room’ or ‘play area’. The Village Hall (with playground) is a community led enterprise which is a long term plan to meet the needs of it’s residents.